The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, April 03, 1902, Image 3

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    Q 1
4 Of
. : ; A i.i. lUiuur tiik I'KDfi.K ; : ;
: A WHCK WITH IHK I'Kol-I.K '. '
Diaiiiom! Wi ami Ramblers
will Contest.
ti.istl.all lianU will In In Hih r'tiitu-i-r.
(iiidit liowil I'lomiwil.
Tim baseball H-ason will ln ommh(1
in llillsboro with a game between
tint Humbler, of Portland, and the
Diamond WV, Sunday, April 0
Tim linn-unof the RiunhlorB could
iii.l bo obtained in full, hut Hurry
All their playing manager, fay
that helm a .lroiipor loam limn
lnMt year, and he certainly brought
..Ml a lino team hint season. Kvcry
hit m crank will long rruii'inU'r
ill,. i-Iihii innintt i'lmu with the
ec.ire of :j to '.J Unit tlnV played in
this city luxt August. Mr. AlW'ii
j rt not i nly i good judge f players,
tint lin ih a very clever man beiiinii
the hat. and lh l!uiuhhrN, under
hi miituii!i'iiiiMit, will nmko ,i big
I ii It fr the iiiiiulcur championship
llf lllfl BCilSnfl,
Tin Diamond Wit will h hamli
capped hy lin k of learn practice and
lb fai l tlu'V urn nut fmuiliitr with h other's style f playing, hul
they expect to give n good account
. . , . -ii . . i .1 l..
n( tlieiii.eles. Ilieywui pronnniy
liin mi n follow: .mmum. ealclier
Ilnkin", nileher, alternating will
Mvluiiin t lii'hl; Vninh'tjcinih'ii ttt
tut Imi"'. lime l '2nd; llurl, short
i,n.: outfield. Somer. Mclniii
and Mills. Preidciiieier "b, niter
mile with Sworn behind the hul
This mem to bo a very ktroug nine
individually, and with practice- mi
iMuiii work, will make lhf tast of
them hiislln to win. Tim Ramble
line Ui will probably Ik: Allien, c
Miu? i. mti! ht: Puvey, in;
ev.V'h; Oliver, oh; Reed,; Wall
in)?, Scluuecr nml Sharkey, the out
lie hi The I'linie iU bo called a
2 (M nhitni.
At 12:15 the Hillsboro Uvular
mi. I Ihn Scholl nine will erobat
in a preliminary gmitt. Those are
wvioilv mulched n the below score
will show, and tin Raino will not
I n k ill intrrrft. l.ll loVfr Of lia
.luviii riv th hoy rimmI mpimrt
an.l thftt wali-h thi'in prtnfter tin
Tim liiMt cntiio of ball of the wamin
wiih nhivi'il t Soholln hint Siimlay,
Mwt-mi a nine Iroin tlnu piiiw nu
a .i. l.c.l nine. The game
w ih well I'htvi'il, ('(inMih'ring tht
lin k ol prm tu'e, nml il in the fore
runner of Home poml w in k thin Hen
h .ii, The line up wan:
niii:i!.iio i'iioii8
.'.Mppiiu'ton tlroisiiiil
MHm'Mi McKe
r'olnen luyder
Ciiuwh I'row.ler
Milehell Jaeknon
Wiiiii Clmpnian
Win Jaek Wvl U
Wilki'M Hulhi'ilainl
Nirk WilliitniH llinton
The Blur phiv nf the ilay was
linnle liy ynlilitf Wilken, who, while
yrl a hoy, five proiiiit'e of making
,,.. ,,f IliB liedt iiliiverH in thin eo-
ii.ui S ii.oiiii'lon nileheii for the
IlilUhoron, un.l MoKee for BeholU.
ThoKixlh ftiinual inPotintr of the
Vii. VVillnnii'tle AnHociation of
('otinri'Riitiomil Chnrchen ami Mill-i-l-rn
will iin et in Hilldlioro, Tu"H
,,iv un.l Weil nemhiv, April Sand II the (!nni;repnliunnl church
Tim program ih hh follows:
p. in. Ori',iinlntioii.
7:4ft p. Ill - Kevolli.iiiil MretiiiK.
Ji .mii. in. Assoi liitiomil Scnuoil . . . ,
Kev. Kit want Cim au
i):oo n. in. l'evntloiml MertiiiK.
9:15 a. in. Hrief Kop"tU from
fl.i.f (-Ilea.
0-4011. ill. Tlio nillinilt 1'roliletn of
the Small Church, . . . Mm, M. H.
to on n. in. The J'rohlem of the Siuuliiy
School Jam"
lo:i.o a. tii. The Chna-h nml the H11
ilriivor Soi-ietv. . .Mm. W. T. l'lctcher
li:no a. 111. The Respoimihility of Hie
I. nnil Clniri-h for Country nvannt'liva
lion It. A Hull
- DIkciikhIoii opened hy Rev, H. Rissicr.
11:45 a. ui, IhwliieM.
ia:oo hi. Atljntirniiittilt.
l:io p. m. l'Vllowahlp MeetiiiK
, ,, ,, Rev. Daniel rUaver
1:45 "p." iii. The Work of the V. H. M.
II. in Ore(?ou M. 0. 1'. Clupp
2.05 p. 111. Report of MlBsior.nry Com-
mitlre Minn Mary 1'. l'nrnhnni
a:l5 p. 111. What the Local Church owes
to its Community in worm ami imei-
lectiial Thin Mm. Waller Hoge
, ail? 11, 111. A New Cry from Macedonia
,,, R. I,. V, I.ynian
yon p. m.llow the C. II. S. Helps
" Chnrrhei to Help TheiiiKelves
II. II. Wikofl
,'3:15 p, mi How to Increase the Spirit-
iinl T.ile of the Church ,.
Mrs. II. A. R laser
3 4'-, p, 111. The Sacrament nf the Lord's
Ovci 20 DclcuatcH were In
7:,i p in. Devotional Mecllnu-
7 k p.' ui. l'acilic University
. Demi Wi N. l'crrin
:iiop.'li'i.' The Local Church ami
If mie Missions Sunt. C, 1'. Clapp
8-10 p. in I'ueilii! Coast I'lohlcins and
" Ihe Comliu' Cont;reKalioiiHl Congress
aSeiit-W . Rev. 8. M, Vieelttnd
A Mi: iahey, who I'liiue to Hills- from (i;int..n, last year, anil
ho whs thrown from a carl In Hi
II ami KiiHtrtiiieil a hri.Ken hip,
Iiuh hee 11 1'liiniiiitle.l to the roiinty
jail for ten ilaya, the rcHiilt of a lit-
tin mi x -up with John liurleycorii.a
.iiwerhil ami eontenlioUH ctfiiiiuur
ho oecaKii.nally oueupii-ii the leiiue
town with the ol.l eiilleinan. Mi!-
inhey is Komu the rounds on
riiU-lies vet, nml, while up town
SaturiUy, fi ll in with hi ohl time
nml h.H.n conn. union ami reln
hraleii II" went hoine, so his wife
stales, ami proceeded to make
tliini! lively for tho family, hnr
this he wiim nrri'sti'd, and lineil TJD
hv the city recorder. MoUaliey
wnl rent In jail in default of the
lummy to pay his fine. It is stated
that he will he tent to tin) poor
farm us noon as ho servm his lime.
The case was tried hy a jury con
... ... . All....
ilfllllB 0 PI. I',. IIOl.'IIKIHS, Alll'll
lluworth, II. K. Haines. W. II.
Ilanley, It. K. Duiley and W. II
We huy ami nell eromieii that
aro not excel e anywhere, Kresh
ami Htiinlti linen always 011 Rlielveg.
liny from us once nml you nuy
from us nlwnv". llii'lient lutirkei
nric8 uuhl for iiroduce. H. Well-
ruii! ,t Sons.
Trout fishermen wera tut in full
foreo Tuenlav. anil many nm1
. .. . . .
stniiiiH were ptilleil out 01 on
Durv h waters. (;. lilaser wmit nut
ami hrouuht ill 'J.'! pounds of the
linnv Irihe. all T his catch l.eing
Hi.i-i-iii v iiree. '.. Schiller. 01
l'orlland, canm out and went nut
into the haunts with h. J. I.yona
and W. K, Mi (!ourl, ami they hud
eeded in hrinninn 111 three, line
Htrinua from the hiiui .ioihihoii
neiuhhorliood. Sam knows a Uiiiik
or two ahout whete the Hpeckled
fellows rant'e, and he acted an guide
nid chief envoy, an well an landing
Ida share.
When farmer are in need of au
ricultural iuipleineiit they should
see Schuliiierich llros. sUk k. Iliey
are factory aijenls for OxtHirno am
Peering lutrvcstiiiK naclinies, Kock
Island idowH ami harrown, am
Tiger Jrills. Also carry full hue
of huggies, wagotu and gener-il
Tho house of Win, Weir, of eigl
miles north of (ileucoe, hurned last
Sunday, ahout 10 o'clock in the
morniiitt. crv little was navcd as
the flaiiH'B were uncontrulhihle
from the start. There was no in
stirance, and tho los will he heavy
011 Air. Weir. Ihe huilding was
Btihslanlial hewn tinilicr structure
with a frame addition. Hut a few
dollars' worth of , hedclothes wire
oaved, nothing mure.
W'ttdh ilk, in endlef varieties
and pattern, for ladies' shirt
waist, at .Vi cents per yard, at II.
Wehruui? Bon', Full line of
peri-ahs, 10, 12 ami crnta per
yard; Toile du Nord ginghams, at
J ceoN, ami A. I. v, gingnani,
at 10 cents.
Aui'.ust VI Tamieaie, tormerly of
Ihi cil v, now tif Salem, praduated
this week out of the medical de
partment of the I'niverHity at that
. 1. .1-1.: ,i. ....-....i it, it.,.
piltCP. lllioin M.n p-i"ii. it. .
rainiesio laituiy 10 gruuuuie 10
inedicino within a week, i.eorge
havinc taken Ii!h dcaree lust week
in Portland. This make three of
the niidical fraternity in thnTunv
ieio family. AugiiKt i a lirnt
:iH8 phiumaciHt, as well.
Full slock of gents' furnishing
good, neckwear, etc., underwear
for spring and u. wen-,
rung & Son', llillshoro.
TtiviiHinau T. II. Tongue ha
attain heen noniinated for congress
on the republican ticket, and with
out opposition iu his uwu party.
The convention nt iiosenuig, lues-
lav. nccuuied hut forty minutes 111
transuding the hiiHinehS leading up
to and unking the iioinilialion.
Hon W. N. Harrett, of thin city,
in a five minute address, named
Mr. Tongue.
do to F. J. Harbor, Second Street,
for u neat shave or hair cut. Satis
action guaranteed.
Tho potatoes are getting pretty
well cleaned up over tho county,
and the prices stay well up in the
high places. Washington county
lias shipped hundreds and thous
ands of bushels this vear to the
California market. The acreage
ihi year will no doubt exceed that
of Inst vear hy one-third. There is
good money in potatoes at ono-liaii
the price received from buyers this
Tho best is tho cheapest. Oreer
has tho host and cheapest garden
seeds in llillsboro.
Read II. Wehrung & Sous' now
display ad. ooauoUier pago. It
will save yo;( money. v
Father 1 Wilier, of Cedar Mill
parish unci missions ol Cooper
Mountain and Tigar.lvillo, was 111
Ihn city" Tuesday, calling on, his
friends, He will soon bring the
Cedar Mill dramatic club to this
city fur a mm night's engagement
bore, and bo is promised a crowded
Splendid spring line of drcBB
good, at II. Wehrung & Sons'.
ert linger has full swing of the
Commorcial Club rooms these days,
having succeeded tho recent conductor,
tinker are Ke-nuiiiiaated fur
neconil tnout.
(1. Hare was lelected for tem
porary chairman. V. u. l.eeuy,
Master of the State Orange, of Ti
gardville, was chosen permanent
hairmau, John M. Wall, of Hill
horo, Bccrotary, and John Heal, of
onst drove, assistant. There
were very lew corneal over me
nomination, and the 1 out of the
2(H delegate, were as quiet a
urge convention generally are
noisy, 1 lie representative uitkhi.
was the longest in being nonii
nated. The choice of the conven
tiou was:
Uepiesenlative Ticket-
Solomon Weckert, of Sherwood;
Win. Hchiilnierieh, of Farnilivton,
and Huheil r.ernardx, of Verlmnrt.
Mr. Weckert is a prominent farmer
of his locality; Win. Schuliiierich
is the well known dairyman, and
Hubert Kcrnards is a repeater, a
m was in the legislature hist win
ter. havinc iwcn elected on the
Union ticket two yeai ago.
County .liulirc
I.nui A. Umd was nominated
fur the olflce of County Judge
That he has made record in that
office goes without saying, and he
will nrove a strong man on the
Colli lilisMollcr
II, fi. Ieedy, the Master of the
State Grange, of Tigardville, was
nominated for Commissioner. lie
is a first class man and will make
a good commissioner, if elected
He has many individual friend
over the county, and should moke
a good race,
John Sewell, who has more per
sonal friend than almost any
other man in tho county, wa re
nominated for Sheriff.
(ieo. A. Morgan, the present in
cumbent, was re-noniinuted for
Clerk. Ho has the records of the
office in fine shape, and he U the
right man in the right place.
It. I.. Wbiiii was rcgiominatcd
for the office of Hecnrder, and a
he has given satisfaction, he will
come before the people with a good
(!. A. Peterson, the Buxton store
keeper, was nominated for the of
fice of assessor. Mr. Peterson ia in
every way qualified to fill the posi
tioni and his nomination is a bap
py one.
K. H. Parker, a (i. A. K. man
from Gustoii.
W. P. Via, ol Forest Grove, pros
ent incumbent.
Surveyor, to be supplied.
The only cloud 011 the horizon
was the contest over representa
tives. Mr. Kelson was nominated
and. in responso to a query, nt-
tenipteiMo make cloar his position
in votine for Senator Mitchell.
After a few remarks tho chair
ruled to a point of order that the
ballot should proceed.
liologatos to State Convention
A S Hriggs, Cornelius
K J Ward, Oaston
John M Wall, llillshoro
Clias F Miller, Forest Drove
James II Sewell, llillsboro
W H Welinniy, llillsboro
J L Smith, Tualatin
It heeily.Tiganlvillo
T S Weatlicrml, Hillsboro
J J Wlrtz, Forest Grove
Garden seeds, in bulk, at. Pennia'.
Subscribe f r The Argus now.
Pure blood Black Minorca egjr,
50 cents per setting of 15, at It. II.
Jrcer .
Wanted The rentol of an organ
lor a few weeks. Inquire at line
Claude Greoar visited at Seattle,
lost Sunday. He say that the
Hound city is a "peachc rine."
Cha. W'onn ha accented a posi
tion with a Portland grocery house,
and ha commenced hi duties.
Mis Jennie Greer is home for
the Bummer, after a winter s stay
in Portland, taking voice culture.
Mis Kdna Imbrie has been visit-
..1 1 j
ine the ween wun ner grunu par
ents. Mr. and Mr. John Goodin,
Kx-Countv Clerk Imbrie and
P. Cornelius were Portland visi
tor Wednesday, taking in the big
Plowing has started in earnest
all over tho county, and some lew
have done some seeding. We are
experiencing the first real ipriug
weallier. ami time rain come
,, I . ! ..!
snriiur work will soon e in iuii
r r
It i reported that an immigrant
family brought smallpox to Forest
Grove, and that the place where
the malady apjieared is nnder
nuarantiiie. The disease is in its
. .... t r ,!-.!
usual mih! lorm, ami no laiaime
are expected.
James Butler hag gone to Call
fornia, where be has a position with
Board orders payment i
lax to state trt.'iMiru ,
F J Williams allotted b'& f'f r-r
vices as road supervinor.
Ordered that W 0 Hocken.
Stittand US Thonms rtppoii.t.
as viewers, on road an i ' r
A Benz, to meet April 10.
Bids on Pilley brkU' !''-!
Grove-LaFayette road: M M Me.-.d,
tC72; I) B Ileasoner, 17s. 20; J W
Goodin, 417; V U Stephen 1, T"T;
L Crocker. 4fKi; M S Pniley,
518. J W Goodin
contract for Ml 7.
County treasurer direc t 1 t
scalp bounty, 2,, m
Ai al!
i.. .,'-! Wheels! Wheels! ! Wll rf Wl A rf
1 .luo t you forget it! I).,nehon j llWiC If V UW
Hlci W PI Sell VOU a bran Hew j ...-.i.rr-r-i-;ii.--s
v' i.icycle for 4 '20; gent's wheel
. 1 1. anil one at -f -.z.yU. tie
)illey liride Contract
J. tV. fioudin.
;t to
. h'.lditi
v.i;i you furniture cheaper tluu
ih'in vc-u can buy it elsewhere in
'.Vit.-iiiiii.lon county. lie can and
v. iii suvii you money on an) thing
I'. !,i. liiie. If you are going to
. iv wall paper just call on him ffe his magnificent line and
get hi price. It will mean a sav
ii;r to yon. Ho will not lie under
"old. t "nil and he convinced. W.
t) (ioitflsou, Odd Fellows' Build
iiig, Main street, Hillsljoro.
: If you have any properly to sell
j or rent, call on us. We are in
; t !i h with eastern prosjiective
divers. e itniiK we can reacn
w'no wish to buy as well as any-
! body can, and we guarantee yon
tin hotipft deal. Hoyt & Barnes,
iovr The Pelta drug store, next
jdixir to The Argus.
! On Morddy, Vinson Vielh, a
! voting man who works in Kyle A
j J' snwmill, near Cedar Mill,
j had bis right hand caught in the
t-avy and badly lacerated. Dr. Bai-
lpy attended the wounded man and
found it necessary to remove the
mi Idle finger and the lione of the
hand leading to it. Though the
Ordered that resignation of il G 1 aw other fingers were con-
Vincent, supervisor district 30, hi- Uidernbly torn up, the remaining
ccepleu, ana u ijock'ti a
nointed. with bonds til ir7(A
Has removed hn Hardware Slate IB)
becuiul bttcct, litUsbora, oppooia that
Cuuit Uoum Uud bUml, iie carrta
Tiawuc, Gntaiuwarc, liatdwaf WooJ
eume, TiopUite and bheetiroD, WalW
i'i( ua iiuuibera' Fixlurca, CaiuB)
b loves, Air-tight Stovca, fBuip, Hollow
Ware, aud Kitchen t Br uuIiihk tkioda.
We huy to tell. Call and be tonviuced.
Mutt couipietc block in the City
Hillsboro, - Oregon.
i th
Resideuca I'aiuter.. Kalaoniiiing audi
rapctiug. biB Woik. All
work GuaraattJ.
T. B. Perkins loft yesterday
morning for a business trip to
Southern Oregon and California.
Seeds of all kinds, in bulk, at
Greot's. V
Marriune license has been grant
ed John C, Morton and Martha
Lenz. of eastern Washington
Tho republican stato ticket, nom
niited at Portland yesterday, is:
For eovoruor, W. J. Furnish, ft
Pond It ton hanker, ana tormer
"gold democrat;" supreme judgo,
U. S, Bean, of Lano county; secre
tary of Blalo, F I. Dunbar, of As
turia; stato treasurer, C. S. Moore,
of Klamath; attorney general, A
M, Crawford, of Douglas; state
printer, J. R. Whitney, of Albany;
buperintendont of publio inptruo
lion, J. II. Ackernian, of Portland.
Furnish had 248 votes in the con
vention, aa against 92. His oppo
nent very likely will bo Geo
Chamberlin. of Multnomah county.
The Multnomah county delegation
went to Furnish. This was what
was expeetod, as it was known that
Mr. Corbett and Mr. Furnish wero
groat friends and hud worked to
gether for 80111H timu since the
campaign opened. . '
i.hoto house. "Jim" has been
"central" at tho telephone office for
some month, and ha given gener
al satisfaction. He is succeeded hy
Miss Maude llenibree, of McMinn
Supt. B. W. P.arnes, of the Hills
horo nublio schools, sends the iol
lowing report for month ending
March 28: Number enrolled, o09
absent. 42:?: tardy. 40. The Sixth
ordn renort no tardiness this
month, the first perfect report in
this regard tin school year.
The prohibition convention will
convene in this city next Wednes
dav. and those of that party faith
av thev will put up a good ticket
and give the others a light for their
'nionev." The prnhi's have some
pretty good talent, and should put
up a warm campaign, inry
get on tho ticket by petition.
Jos. Rector, who has been the
superintendent ol the water and
c ht nlant since the purchase ny
the city, leaves luesday 10 take
harceof the McMinnville plant
and S. C Morcan is talked of a
the new superintendent. It is said
that Mr. Morgan will be given
Uoliert Wit t. fur two years the
lemilv recorder under Recorder
Watni. bus been promoted to depu
ly sheriff, and has assumed the du
ties of the office, commencing yes
terdav morning. Robert is
general favorite, and will capabl
handle his new assignment. iir,
Wall, who has held the position for
nonio moiitns, nas gone inui nusi
ness on his own account, with II
real estate firm of Hoidel & Wall
Grant Holcomh, of below Both
.. -, 1-1... 1
am', wa 111 1)10 cuv u my aim
ui nm that Benson and Farroll. of
Portland, and prominent Columbia
river loggers, have purchased the
Kvlo Brooks' sawmill, in that
neighWhood. The new company
has incorporated for $15,000, and
will cut from a large body of splen
did timber, Tho haul is not very
long from nnd to Portland, and the
new venture will cut for the de
mand occasioned hy tho Lewis it
Clark exposition.
Two young men of this city were
charged with disturbing the ser
vices at the Evangelical church
last Snndsv. They wero taken be
fore Judge Randall and lined o
for their misbehavior. The boys
were not malicious in their disturb
ance. but wero rather immoderate
in their conduct. It won't do, boys.
When you go to church you must
respect tho place and the hour,
and not let your levity get away
with you.
There will bo a baseball dance at
the llillsboro Opera House on the
evening of Saturday, April 5, and
the orchestra will lie a double body
the Uowell orchestra of Scholls
and Henrici's. of Portland, furnish
ins tho music. This will be the
finest music ever furnished a ball
in this city, and the music itself
will be a rare treat, anil worm me
nriee o f admission. The Sunday
following, the Ramblers and the
Diamond W's will play the initial
game of baseball in the opening
of the season, at the liuisuoro nan
grounds. Tho diuico will close at
12 o'clock, sharp.
Tho county court, Monday, com
mitted James Hammock, of Patton
Vallev. to the insane asylum, II.
W. Scott and G. Hammock, the
complaining witness, hoing the
chief witnesses. Several of the
family have been sent to Salem
within the laBt few years. The
committed is only 8, or 10 years
old, and is more likely defective
in mind than insano. It is a
shame that children of this kind
can not be sent to a school for de
fective minded youth, but ns there
is no such institution, tho asylum
is tho only resource. The boy has
boon idiotic from birth. Dr. F. A.
Bailey was the examining physician,
Inquest Harlow Sievimi, d-
ceased; ordered warrant fivor II O
Stevenson, in sum of 0.
Bonds of following read Huxr-
visor are approved: (, i-
J A Chapman, Neal Brown. M Ii
Henderson, r M keJuy. L
Keith, Kdward Wood, C S T'mnrd.
J Winmer, F J A i.Ii'i :i J L
Laughlin, H II Clark, A I; T l i,
McCIaran, i 1- .Me-.New, 1 I.
ri ion of the hand will be saved
ui right.
Krtch dollar cash purchase al II.
Wehrung A- Sons' entitles purchaser
to ticket on following premiums: 1st
prize, lady's or gf.nt' l'.K)2 Ram
t ;. r bicycle; 2nd prize, girl's or
hoy's 1U02 bicycle.
Herman Schtilmerich, who is the
ut,crinterident and manager of the
Oregon Power it Placer company,
it bumpier, departed to commence
John McCIaran. J 1- .M .New
Meacbain, Jas dimming ar.d Sam I the summers work, Monday eve-
Orndiifif. tiiira. Ins sister, Mis Mta, went
Ordered that guiervi.-er (4 IHft iwitii 1 1111 to remain the summer.
10. improve Barnes' road niu. Mr. bchulmerich was postmaster
money collected from property irib j here for four years, and by hiaeour
utary to that thoroughfare. i tesits and attention, made many
The claims allowed will t,-;- puo- i menus wno wisn mm a mg season a
ished next week. rut.
j v r,ji in u j i u j j iiiv 1 .vuiiu jh'
! I'arber, riow has the "swellest" little
Frederick Florey, an Oregon
neer of 1S50, aged 77 ytari--,
Sunday at his farm at Wapato tit ,;r
where he had lived lir over a!
years, and where, in 15", In- kf
man led to Miss Mizaoetn i.;ny
The deceased left a wife au;l ti e
following children: lb. i.ri-'.i.i, Al
fred, Mrs. Jenette SteveiHun ami
Mrs. Llizaheth hrpli, apatr.-;
Frederick and Charles Fif.ny.
Portland. Interment was in the
Almoran Hill cemetery, Tuesday.
i shot, in the city. One of his lates t
i.'i.-1 ttxivations h compressed air and by
dii 11
I'tijaiciaa, and Burgeon)
OiEce iluran-Bailey block up ataixB,
Rooms Ii-liauJ 15. Reatdeuc aoutll-
west corner Ilaaeline and 2ud street.
lkitU 'I'lione.
S. T. L.NKLATER, M. B. C. M,,
Uif.ce at lUsidnico East of Court Houaa
Surgeon Southern Pacific Railroad Co.
Conaulutiou in French or Kugluh. Ol
nee and Keaidence aoutb aide of Uaio,
near Odd fccUowa liutlUuig, IIiIUUko.
McCormick's new Imperial wheels
have come. Guarantee on thee
wheels are lietter than e ver.
Mr. N. D. Westfnii, an ex;n r: re
pair man, formerly from 1'. r!:.. 1.:'.
has been employed to do yotir hii y
cle work. Do not forget to give
him a trial, for he i lirst-cbtss,
and comes highly rccotiniieiideil.
Three doors south of po-t otlici',
Hillslmro, Or,
of Si.i
hn I".
Married, at the residence
bride. March 23. l'H)2. J
Henry, Justice, of Tualatin, offici
ating, Mr. Charles M, Roberts and
Miss Mary Wirls, both of Washing
ton county.
Born, March 25, 1002, to Mr. and
Mrs. J. A. Messmger, ot Laurel, a
Born. Friday, March 2S, to Rev.
and Mrs. Greenlee, of llillsboro, a
Us use he can give oneB lace a un
l(h that is like a dresm. Call on
him once and you'll call again,
By next week, Superintendent of
Schools Ball will have made the
April school apportionment. Two
dollars to each pupil will be sent
out. milking a total of two times
5.551. or 1 11,102. This will fill the
school district treasuries with con
siderable money.
Pope, the photographer, Second
Street, at the Hoyt gallery, is turn
ing out, some fine work these days.
If you want photos with the pro
per expression, and on popular
mounts, give him a call. He will
guarantee his work and his prices
ti'e right.
There's nothing like making
friends. They'll always come and
sec vou. Dennis sells shoes to the
fame customers the year round
Latest styles, best quality and liv
ing prices.
Tax collections have been com
ing in fiiirly livoly since the date of
the rebate, and the most has been
paid on half amounts. Several
thousand dollars have been paid in
this. way, the balance to be paid
within six months, or, by October
You cat to live and live to eat
To live right you should buy Dia-mond-W
groceries at Dennis' store.
Freshest and best anywhere. Ask
those who deal with him.
The residence of Louis Brooke,
of Phillips, burned last Friday.
Everything was lost, the fire occur
ring about 7 a. m. The loss is,
perhaps, $500. No insurance. The
cause "is assigned to a defective
Uooius 1 ami i Saute Building
HILLsbOUO, . . OiittiOS.
Office in Corwia-WoaUr Block, Uaia St.
IlilUlwro, - Oiegon.
THUS. 11. & E. B. TONGUE,
Room 3, 4, & 5, Uorgan But, llillsboro.
Odice Upstair, Bailey Margan Block,
Room, i an a.
NoUrial Work and C'ouveyancing,
KuomatJ A 7 Morgan 111k.. Hilttborn, Or
Don't wear
out the bottom of
(Succtsaor to Barrolt A Adama.)
Office, Up Stain, Central Block.
r. m. iiKiDKr,
your trousers' legs when yon can
Cigars at F. J. Barber's. 2nd St.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. H. Tongue
have announced the engagement of
.. . 1 1 . . TO 1. I .
tneir aaugnier, luwnoeu,, u. . . - , n,t(,e, ; Banenders at Den-
P.iinlr ICnrost H rooillftle fit I Or! lltUl. f-" l
the wedding to occur at tho family nnd see them.
residence in this city, April i 1 W2. n:Kfcet social and entertainment
iru na.iflBO rflninir Oimrt-Hit ! Siitsirdiiv. April 12, ftt M. W.A
ilipir .lAliclit- hall. Cedar Mill. "Jome, every
ful program in tho Kviuigeiu-nl pony, i Btu
church, Hillsboro, April 5)th, at S j prettiest basket.
p. m. Don t fail to hear theui. preaching at the Christian church
They are unequalled in their Unci ncxt Sunday morning and evening
See bills. ! l, v Eider Arthur Cane, of Sheridan.
W. T. Linn, residing on thu 1. jj0st frora near Glencoe, gray
1). Humphreys' place, in this city, i horse. 5 years old. Branded I. 8,
Monday, of this week, went to H. j ou 6houldcr. Address, F. Lepschat,
T. Bagloy, and asked that attorney (;jcllcllP) Or. Reward.
to prepare a petition making Mr Pivmontli Tlock and
recently from Multnomah county. r l
ItwasBtated that tho girl had no j Miss Pora Miller, of bliaciy
cuardian, and the court complied j Brook, was awarded the premium
with the request. H now appears tor me t nuiips oanst-i. wum mm
that the girl had been at-one time week.
an inmate of the Boys' it Girls' (jtt vour seats for the Kathryn
Aid Society, of Portland, inis so- , Wftym, Company's engagement at
ciety gave an e.usi. Wehrung s
adoution papers several yeais ago. . , , ...
The adopted father died snh-e- J.; 1, MtL.ortn.CK nas i no iivrgem.
ouently, and the adopted mother stuck of (ishtng tackle and baseball
married again. W. T. Gardner, of ; goods in town. Prices right. Also
the Society, has charged a man by j bicycles and sundries.,
the name of..!). M. LiUel with Km- Van paper and carpets, at Mc-
W. J. WAU.
II ei del & Wall
Largest list of farms tor sale in Wash
ington County. Mouey to loan. Con
veyancing, etc. We will sell your farm
for you.
Hillsboro - Oregon
napping the girl and bringing -her
to Hillsboro, and lays claim to the
custody of tho young la ly. The
case will 'be tried in Multnomah
Connick's furniture store,
doors south of post ollice.
Baker it Hamilton, Dav and Oc
jOKteiii wneeis, ni uonoison s,
Oil 1.V11 , DnMlInn t n ', cl mill
, . 1 T 1 Pit ,1,1 mump uuioiii.g, huiiii cui.,..,
1-1 1,1 i I. ' " h " " llillsboro.
ailmillmt thfi Iol oiviin? to citl'en-i
shin: Herman Thurner, Wm A. The cheapcBt insurance, and safe
Schmidt, John Meier, William llil-1 the salest. 0. F. K. Assccialion.
denbrand raid Hans Kliandcr. 1 - F. Ii. Waters, Forest Grove, Ore.
lifteeu years Kzperienc in Ulllaboro,
Firstclass Services. Charges Reasonable.
Office, Union Clock, over Sehulmerich
Eros.' Store.
DR. C. B. BROWN, . IV; ;5-
tT?viiTC"ii ": r rf'!H
I I P,l I In I ' " fv 'Wi ,
516 Dekuiu Building, PurllauJ, gf?
Makes frequent visits to IlilhhottC,.
nouncetueuts of time pubhahed. 1
..Hillslmro Found
And Machine Shops '
lioilecs ami engines, rupuirfiil anil rnlmilt
ami farm and sawmill nuiehinery rwpalr
ed.. Only fi.iiii.lry in Washington county,
Keep 011 hand a full of Valvo
lino Oils, for engiiii) anil null linuiliiiiDryi
Magnet, machinery nils: full Mtui-k of bab
bitt iiietnl, 1 j t" V) ci'iils l'r it.iiiid.
W. J. Benson, Hillsboro
Shop Hoiilh ot Depot,
You can eave money by buyin
1 I. .1 LJ..I. 1 1 ....