The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, January 30, 1902, Image 1

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NO. 46.
W the OnporUat
lUppwtegi of the Post Weak PrMMUd
h Cindid form Which Ii Mom
Ukety to Prove of Interest to Our Many
Eight live were lt lu a Boston Are.
Th Boer have made Miin proposals
through Holland.'
There were 10,000 people present at
ii hanging irt Pennsylvania.
Tint house cnnimlttoe voted in favor
of a government owned Pacific cable.
A titwtitutfl for t)i Nlcrgn canal
bill linn been introduced in the senate.
The general outlook In BnUng prov
ince, Philippine Island, 1 favorable.
A train wreck on New York rail
road resulted In I ho dath (it the
Four vemwU am now on tho Pacific
arhlng for ttit miming English war
hip Condor.
A discharged soldier In Pan Francisco
planned tii go to Now York in a box,
hut waa discovered ami turned over to
the police.
Two prospector in Montana hve
(imiik! a mi no of almost pure silver.
The avoniK away la 18,000 ounces,
which giv.n it vlue of nearly $H,000
to tho tun.
Emperor William. hM celebrated bla
4.1.1 birthday.
River navigation ha been (impended
above the Canrado Lock.
Two Nosrroc in Louisiana, who had
murdered white man, wore lynched.
A train In Bouth Carolina waa hold
np and the expros ear rifled ol Ita con
tent. Governor Shaw, of Iowa, will anroe
th dutle of aecretary of the treasury
February 1.
I.lWaU defeated the Conservative
torcea of Colombia in three tuocensive
United Mlneworker will levy an
assessment to help atrlker fight battle
with operator to the end .
The dolny of the committee In report
ingjho canal hilt to the aonale mean a
saving of much time later.
The treaty for the nale of the Danish
Wwt liidioa to the United State call
for the itaymeut of 5 ,000,000.
Intense cold continue to prevail
throughout the mhldle went. Many
tralna are delayed on account of now.
An extra aoaitlon ha lxen called of
the Colorado leulnlature to make corpo-
ratlomi pay taxo on full valuation, the
m inn aa private cltuoun.
There la a movement to hold an ox
position at Manila in December next.
Tlie Manila chamber of commerce
V that Chinese be ad in it tod to the
An unknown hypnotist put a Spokane
man to sleep and doctor can do notn
lug to rouM him. -
Trlnre Honrv will I ftiven a military
fa re we II when he leave Germany for
the United State.
Tho Trince of Wale received a very
xhllllnor mention on the Occasion of
hi visit in Germany.
Investigation of the Iowa mine din
inter disclosed the fact that the explo
sion waa caused by too heavy a charge of
Ivniniite being placed by one of the
men, who were killed.
Fire at Ooldfleld, Colo., caused diiin
ago etlmaUd at !0,000.
Manila lmnki refuae to accept de-
powiu of Mexican allvor.
Colorado nnlon miner have demand
ed tho discharge of nonunion mon
A man and his wife have been arret
ed In 8an Franciaco tor countertoiting
Rlirht of the collerlo In the Hnxel
ton diHtrlct. fa., were clonwl becaiiHe of
high water.
it t o.tlmntml that the loH by the
Columbu. Ohio, will
reach ffiOO.OOO.
The wheat crop of the Tuclnc North
went for 1001 waa, approximately,
000,000 buahol.
Governor Taft any 15,000 aoldier
will be enough in the Philippines be
fore the cloBe ot the year.
Five hundred miner at the Went End
colliery, at Mocanaqua, .Ta,. wont on
itrlke becaune nonunion workmen were
All formalltle for the purchaae of
the tianUh Wert Indie have been com
pleted and the treaty will be signal in
a tow day.
A Cincinnati bookkeeper 1 almost a
quarter of a million hort In hi ac
count. He contend that it I the re
mit of error and ha made mot of it
Tho cotton crop ol tho United
Btate now almost equal In value it
wheat crop.
The gold mine of Mysore, India, are
worked by American electrical devicen,
the power being from the melting Hi
malayan mow.
SwIh papora record a docline In the
export of wood carvings, and attribute
It to the lack of variety in the carving,
the Bubjocts being monotonouHly re
" pea ted.
I Being Mad y Chlut
CmI TuruUm.
Chicago, Jan.' 30. Coal toamatera
runtiwed their war on big down town
building May. The Coat Tuamxtor'
Union decided that it member ahould
cart no coal to buihllng where ga i
ul during the aummer month. At
8 o'clock 100 driver were ordered to
atop by oltlclal ot the union, and
promptly olMiyed the order. I'reiddent
Albert Young, ot the Coal TeaniNter'
Union, aaid:
"We have already topd hauling
dl to the Old Colony building, the
Monadiurk, the Palmer houw and the
Auditorium, and before night not a
union teunmU-r will be hauling coal to
a building that umm gaa for fuel during
the aummer. Paring the lat cold
map our men were worked to death.
lUiildiiiga that had formerly uhx fuel
gaa finiit.l out that owl waa neceiwiry
and our men had to work day and
night, anil at that time were unable to
meet the demand. Many of the regular
coal burner were compelled to wait
or coal, and mifferwt greatly on ac
count of our inability to aupply the de
Milton liooth, mvreUry of the Coal
TeamHlera' Union, aaid:
"We are not in the fight alone, but
have the miport ot the coal men. We
would have conducted the campaign
alone had It been neceiwary, but w ith
the aid of our employer we are in a
much belter condition to conduct the
fight and it will 1 a lively one."
After the teamfter' boycott agalnt
the aky acrapera had been in effect for
four hour, firemen, engineer and
elevator conductor threatened to co
operate with the toanifter. Thin af
ternoon a meeting of the prominent
coal dealer and property oa ner war
held, and a truce wan declared until
Friday. In the meantime union men
hope to Influence theoonmimerato burn
coal tho year round.
Subititut lor Nicaragua Caul Bill U Intra-
diKtd In lh SintU.
WaHhingtiin, Jan. 30. Jurt liefore
the adjournment of the senate Pvuator
$toomr txlay intriHluced a substitute
for the Niiraragua canal bill. The new
bill in a practicul authorisation to the
prwiiltmt of the Uniteil Htutes to chooi
between the Panama and Nicaragua
route. The flrnt prvlnion look to
the aciiulnition ot the franchises, right
of way and other proimrty of the new
Panama canal company of Franco, In
eluding that company control of the
Panama railroad. The president i
authorlml tiy 40,000,000 tor these
"uroviilixl a satisfactory title can be
Ho 1 then autborlml to secure the
necessary concesnloni from the republic
of Colombia, those to includo the
ierpluul vcontrol of a 10 mile strip of
territory from the Caribliean tea to the
Pacific oi eiin. A cunul sulliclent to at'
comnxxtiito the largest vessel is then
to be wnstructeil, under the super'
vision ot tho secretary ot war.
The hill also carries an alternative
urovisiou authorising the president to
proceed with the constmction of the
Nicaragua canal in case ho fail to se
cure the necessary concession irom
Colombia or a satisfactory title from the
Panama canal company.
An Immediate appropriation of $10,-
000,000 I made in either event. The
limit of cost i fixed at t ISS.000,000
in case the Panama route i chosen,
while (100,000,000 is allowed In case
the choice fall on the Nicaragua route.
Fir ht Adjoining. Building Drove Oueiti
from th Undell.
fit. LouIh, Jan. 0. Two hundred
and thirty guest ot tho Lindell hotel
wore driven from their apartmont Into
the sleety street tonight by flames
which wrecked the adjoining building
at the corner of Sevonth street and
Washington avenue, and tor 30 mtn
ute threatened to awoep away the ho
telry. Women were carried from the
upper floor by elevator, and-down the
stairs in a fainting condition. Mothers
with infant in tholr arm groped
their way through suffocating smoke.
Men druggod tholr trunks after thorn
down the broad stairway of the hotel,
and clerk in the ofllce hastily pro
cured tho valuables of the guests Irom
safe and vault and carried thorn to
nlnco ol eroater safety. The structure
in which the fire originated wa the
old O'Neill building. . A doien or
more firm occupiod It, and the losses
suffered by these firms will approxl
mate $300,000. The Lindell hotel was
damnum! by smoke to the extent of
Japinci Soldiers Frozen to Death.
London, Jnn. 80. The Tokio corre
spondent of the Daily Expre cables
that over 200 soldiers have boon frozen
to donth In Nothern Japan. N
Drouth In India.
'London, Jan. 30. The
India telegraphs that the
Irving the crops In Bengal, the North
western province and In Punjab. The
autumn crops are fuir In the province
of Scind and in the Bombay deocan.
ComimftUi and flnantlal Happcalagi ef Inv
portMc A Brief Ktvkw of trx Crewm
and ImprovtawnU of th Many Industrie
Throughout Our Thriving CoaMwoawialth
Latut Narlwt Report
Kugene school district voted a 6 mill
tar at tho annual mevting taut week.
Many hog are dying around Pendle
ton from what may prove to be cholera.
Tho company owning the hot artesian
well at ale, na uccmixi to erect a
fine hotel for the accommodation of
Work I progressing smoothly at the
oil well being snuk at Vale, Malheur
Fire damaged the Ashland Iron
Work to the extent of $1,000 a tew
day ago.
The merchant of IWker City have
agreed to close their store at 6:30
every evening except Saturday.
A preliminary survey ot the route of
the rrosmt electric road from La
Ciramle to Cove ha lieen completed.
Oil ha Wn struck in one of the
well being bored near Kampa, in Fast-
ren Oregon, hainpic analyze 78 per
cent parafflne.
Hie (iopher Mining Oimpany, whose
property I In (Hjuthern Oregon, i in
stalling a five stamp mill, and w ill have
ore to keep it going steady.
The Woodbum school Ux will be 10
mill this year. This, with the
county and state tax, will make a total
of 43, the highest ever known.
The telephone line from Union to Is
Grande ha changed hamls.
The net valuation of taxable property
In Baker county is f 3,523,346.
Hop buyer at Palem are offering
12-4 to 12H cent r pound.
The postoffice at Independence has
been moved into new quarter.
Rxtensive test are being made with
silage at the agricultural college.
The mavor of Pendleton ha ordered
slot machines ot all desreiption out.
A franchise has been granted for the
erection of an electric light plant at
Ashestoahaaliecn discovered in paving
quantities in Josephine county, near
the state lieu.
The Salem school district levied an 8
mill tax for running expense and 1
mill for a sinking fund.
Preparation have begun for the
building of a large saw mill on Foots
creek near Grant Puss.
KxU'iisivB preparation are being
mode for a thorough test ot the exist
ence of oil near Monmoth.
The expenditure of the agricultural
college for 1901 were $41,507.93.
Total receipts, $(13,285.93.
About 400 were in attendance at the
annual convention of the Knight of
Pythia in Pendleton this week.
Farmer around Ontario are making
arrangement to import ferret to clean
out the gopher, which are very numer
Portland Market.
Wheat Quiet Walla Walla,
63 He; bluestem,
Barley Feed,
$19020; brewing,
$2021 per ton.
Oat No. 1 white, $1.1001.25; gray
1 1.05 Iff 1.1 5.
Flour Beat grades, $2.803.40 per
barrel; graham, 2. 50(112. 80.
Mlllstuffs Bran, $18 per ton; mid
dltng. 21; short, $20.50; chop, $17
Hay Timothy, $1112; clover, $7
7.50; Oregon wild hay, $56 per ton
Potatoes Best Burbanks, 90c)1.25
per cental; ordinary, 7085c per cea
tal, grower' prices; aweeta, $1.75
I per cental. -
Butter Creamery, 2527c; dairy,
1820c; store, 11 iff 13c.
Eggs 2021Hc for fresh Oregon.
Cheese Full cream, twin, 13
13Hc; Young America, 1415c; fac
tory prices, ll4c loss.
Poultry Chicken, mixed, $33.50
hens, 44.25 per dozen, 910o per
pound; springs, 10c per pound, $3
3.50 per dozen; ducks, $6.607.50 per
doxen; turkey, live, ll12V&c
dressed, Mic per pound
Mutton Gross, 4o per pound
dressed, 77V4c per pound,
Hogs Gross, 6c; dreBsod, 67c
per pound.
Veal 8H9c per pound, dressed,
Beef Gross, cow, 3 94 4c; steers
44V; dressed, 6H7Vic per pound
Hops ll12V4o per pound
Wool Nominal. Valley, 1315c
eastern Oregon, 812Hc;
21H0 per pound.
A million dollars a week is the cost
of the United State army.
American manufacturers of silver are
preparing to entor the market in Eng
land. The Italian government has declined
an invitation to take part in the St.
Loui exposition.
The Baltimore &
Ohio road will
spend $50,000,000
mostly on the line
and Chicago.
on improvements,
between Pittsburg
A, Bennett at Lut Arretted for Exteaihf
Cattle Stealing,
Mimoula, Mont., Jan. 29. O. A.
Bennett, formerly a prominent merch
ant ol this city, who (or the past 13
year ha been hiding from an indict
ment ot a grand jury issued Ortolx.-r 12,
1890, on a charge of stealing cattle, wa
brought last night to Missoula by the
The story of bia downfall, so far as
can I learned, i that a took men, in
the cummer ot 1800, had been missing
cattle, and suspicion tell on Bennett
and hi range rider. A close watch
wa kept oa them with the result that
evidence against Bennett, which was
laid before the district judge wa con
sidered sufficient by that omVial to war
rant his calling a grand jury to investi
gate the matter. After a session last
ing several day, the grand jury re
turned a verdict against Bennett and
four others, charging them with steal
ing cattle.
Bennett drove from his home direct
ly through this city to some unknown
point on the Northern Pacific, where
dreered in woman' garb, he made his
escape. The various sheriff of this
county since the emiie have constant
ly been on the lookout for him. home
weeks ago the sheriff located hi man
at Albuquerque, N. M., and quietly
left the city for the south with all the
necessary piper for hi arrest and re
turn here.
At the time the affair became public
Bennett wasoperuting a slaughter houi-e
and in searching the place, the grand
jury found upward of 100 cattle hides
learing the brand ot several Bitter
Root stockmen bid in the river and
buried in the ground in that vicinity,
Two Companies of the Eighth Infantry Re-
ceive Orders.
Helena, Mont., Jan. 29. Orders
were rei-eived at Fort Harrison today
from General Miles, at Washington,
for two companies of the Eighth in
fantry to prepare for transfer to the
Philippines. No time was set for the
departure of the troops and the date ot
their leaving will probably not be
nown until the arrival at San Fran
cisco of the infantry which is to take
the place of the various commands now
the department of the Dakotae.
Two companies of the Eighth are at
Fort Harrison, one at Fort Missoula,
and one at Fort Yates, S. D. All are
ordered to the Presidio, whence they
will eratiark for the Philippine.
Sailing Datci for Returning Troopt.
Washington, Jan. 29. The war de
partment ha been informed that the
troops which are to come home from
the Philippines will sail from Manila
as follows:
Twenty-second infantry, February 1 ;
Twentieth infantry, February 16; head'
quarters and First and Second Imttul
ions Seventeenth infantry, rebruary 28
The Third battalion of the Seventeenth
infantry will sail from Manila after
the arrival there of the Second battal
ion of the Twenty-seventh infantry,
between March 1 and 10.
PaaiAmerktn Conference
City of Mexico, Jan. 29. The pro
ect for an International court of claims
was presented at today's session of the
ran-American conference. Though it
has not attracted the same amount of
attention as the arbitration treaty, it is
of even greater practical importance,
It is in reality itself a compulsory arbl
tration plan, applied, however, only
to controversies involving nothing but
pecuniary claims.
Two rrtight Sections Collide.
Houston, Tex., Jan. 29. In a rear
end collision between two sections of a
stock train, at 3 o'clock this morning
near Keller, 15 mile north of Fort
Worth, one man wa killed and another
fatally injured. The men were in the
caboose of the first section. The wreck
wa caused by a dense fog which pre
vented the danger signal from being
seen by the second section.
Surprised a Boer Uager.
Pretoria, Jan. 29. General Bruce
Hamilton, by a clever night march
surprised a laager between Ermelo and
Bethel, in the Transvaal colony, and
charged the Boers, who fled in all di
rections and were pursued many miles,
As a result of this expedition 82 Boers
and a quantity of store were captured,
The casualties were small.
Fir In a Well-Know Book Mouse.
Cincinnati, Jan. 29. A fire today
burned the book house of W. E. Pavie
& Co., 224 East Fourth street, causing
a loss estimated at $60,000. The es
tablishment is widely known among
book lovers as a repository for old and
rare volumes, many of which were de
: ?
Explosion on a Spanish Gunboat
Vigo, Spain, Jan. 28. The obsolete
Spanish gunboat Condor has been towed
into this port in a damaged condition
due to the explosion of her boiler
which killed four men and dangerous
ly injured seven others, including the
commander of the vessel. The boat is
practically a wro k.
Brltlsh.Cnadln Trade.
London, Jan. 29. Lord Strathcona
and Mount Royal, Canadian high com
mission in London, had addressed let
ters to tho press in which he calls at
tention to the expanding trade botween
Great Britain and Canada, expresses
his belief that this trade is capable of
much greater development, and invites
correspondence a to the best means of
assisting this development by the dis -
I semination of commercial information.
Mea Wert without Food for Several Days
Relief Party Found Several of the Com
pany Delirious laturgent Officers Sur-
rendered Fight Between Police and Re
bels Ltd by Two Americans.
Manila, Jan. 30. General Chaffee
curtailed hi trip and returned here
this' morning. He say he found the
conditions satisfactory everywhere ex
cept in Samar, where continuous rain
uring the past two. month ha re
tarded the campaign, especially againtt
such an elusive enemy.
The condition of Captain David B.
Porter's marines,. w ho took part in the
expedition into the interior of Samar,
worse than previously described.
They suffered fearful hardship, and
were w ithout food for several days.
They had been provided with rations
for only five days. The natives who
accompanied the marine declared they
were unable to distinguish the edible
roots, which the nyirine did not be
lieve. The anger of the marine
against the native is intense. None
of the latter returned with the marines.
The marines suffered so acutely from
starvation that they ate raw the flesh
of two dogs.
When Captain Porter and 26 of his
men staggered into camp January 2
they were delirious, and difficulty was
experienced in ascertaining the wherea
bout of their companion. Williams,
of the First infantry, beaded the relief
expedition in the face of a terrible
storm which flooded the rivers. He
succeeded iu reaching the remaining
10 men, who would otherwise have cer
tainly perished. He found them all
delirious. Two of the men were dis
covered in the branches of trees, bark
ing like dogs. Some of the marines are
so ill that they are not likely to
General Chaffee has endeavored to
obtain full details of the trip of the
marines, but Captain Porter is not yet
able lucidly to explain matters.
Major Lot and three Iilipuio lieuten
ants, with 10 rides, three revolvers and
24 bolos, surrendered to Major Ander
son, of the Sixth cavalry, yesterday at
Llpa, province of Batangaa. Lot
was brought in sick on a litter. lie l
cordially hated at Lipa, where he looted
$55,000 worth of jewelry from promin
ent families. Nickerson's scouts have
captured Colonel Lot, a brother of Ma-
or Lot, near Batangas.
Lieutenant Larned, of the Sixth cav
airy, had a slight engagement with
some Filipinos, during which he killed
two insurgents and captured a captain
and two soldiers. The general out
look in Batangas province is decidedly
A party of insurgents, led by two
renegade Americans, recently entered
Alangulang, in Lerte province, claim
ing theywere constabulary, but not yet
uniformed. The importers were taken
to police headquarters and were royally
entertained by the native sergeant in
charge. At a given signal the rene
gades and insurgents fell on the police,
who, though outnumbered two to one,
fought desperately and drove off their
assailants after a hand-to-hand fight,
in which bolos were the chief weapons.
The victory was notable, as the police
were completely surprised and outnum
bered. They lost two men killed and
bad one man woumlou. ltie insur
gents left one man dead.
Eight Lives Lost in Boston Blaze Several
N More Seriously lnurcd.
Boston, Jan. 80. Eight persons
were kiced, three probably fatally
burned, three seriously hurt in jump
ing from windows, and others more or
less hurt as a result of a fire just be
fore 2 o'clock in an Italian tenement
house on Fleet street, North End.
Seven of the dead are adults, three
of them women, and the eighth is a
child. The building was six stories in
height. The fire was not seen until it
was nnder such headway that the sleep
ing inmates on the upper floor were cut
Before the firemen got on the scene
two women ana a man were seen to
throw themselves irom the windows
of the third floor to the street below.
After the firemen had succeeded in
suoauing me names tney Began a
search of the far rooms and found eight
bodies. The firemen and police offl
clals labored hard in giving the unfort
unates emergency treatment, but their
efforts were in vain, for all had in.
haled flame and smoke, and their bod
les, in most cases, were blistered by
the fierce heat which they had en
Admiral Kimberly Dead.
Washington Jan. 30. Secretary
Long has received a telegram annoudnc
ing the death of Admiral Lewis N.
Kimberly, U. S. N., retired, at West
Newton, Mass., this morning, of
heart disease, Admiral Kimberly was
selected for service on the Schlev court
of inouirv. but was comnellod to do-
clino on account of ill health. He had
a long and distinguished service in the
1 United States navy. He was horn in
New York, and appointed from Illinois.
Disaster m low Cost Many Live Several
Mea Serirnly Injured.
Okaloosa, la., Jan. 27. The Lost
Creek coal mine wa the scene today of
a terrible disaster, which cost the lives
of 21 miner. Eight other were seri
ously injured. The bodies of the dead
men were recovered from the mine, and
lie tonight in an improvised morgue
near the scene of their destruction.
The injured, all ot whom are frightfully
cut, brained and burned, are under the
care of surgeon in a temporary hospital
equipped near the mine.
The Lost Creek mine is 10 miles
south of Oskalooea, and three miles
north of Eddieville. The explosion
occurred at the noon hour, and wa
what is known a a dust explosion.
The miners had just fired their usual
noon shot, one of which proved to be
fizzle, the powder flame igniting the
gaa and causing the explosion. Snoke
and debris were blown out of the mine
in a column 200 feet high. A part of
the top work was torn away, and the
fan and cage were wrecked. Tbh
made the work of rescue very slow,
and it was 3 o'clock before volunteer
force dared to venture into the east
entry, where the explosion occurred.
The men of the rescue party foughl
their way into the mine, where
shocking sight met their gaze. Tlx
dead and injured were terribly burned
and mutilated, some of them almost
beyond recognition. Beyond where tb
bodies lay the fire waa burning fiercely,
and for a time it wa feared the work
ing would be wholly destroyed and tht
bodie incinerated. Finally, however
the flame were subdued. The bodie
were then collected and taken to thi
top ot the shaft.
At the time of the explosion mon
than 100 men were in the mine, but ali
except those in the east entry escape(
with only slight injury. The total
property loss will be about $10,000.
Nearly all of the men were married
and leave families in poor circum
stances, i
AustralaJ CompUiiM That Meat Contracts
Go to Argentina.
Sydney, K. S. W., Jan. 28. The
placing of contract in Argentina by
the British war office, to supply meats
and other produce for the troop in
South Africa, ha engendered extreme
rritation throughout Australasia.
This action of the imperial authorities
is regarded as evidence of reprehensible
indifference to the claims of the colon
ies, a ill accorded with the expressions
of imperial solidarity, as poor repay
ment for the sacrifice of the colonists,
and generally as grave injustice. Most
of the premier of Australasia and the
premier of New Zealand have cabled to
the imperial government strong pro
testa in practically identical terms, say
ing that the two colonies are able to
supply the war office requirements in
South Africa three times over. Both
colonies, it ia pointed out, have more
meat than consumers, and when thev
are doing all in their power to build
up and strengthen the empire, it is in
comprehensible that trade is given to
foreigners, especially Argentina, thus
bringing into the field a keen compe
titor with the people of Australasia.
The premiers further declare that they
feel such action is wrong and unfriend
ly, and that the blunder should be
promptly retrieved.
Demonstration at St Thomas,
West Indies.
St.Thomas, D. W. I., Jan. 28. The
announcement which reached here of
the signing of the treaty by which Den
mark sells the Danish West Indies to
the United States, was received quietly.
There was no open manifestation, but
much anxiety prevails regarding the
developments. Nothing official has
yet been received from Copenhagen.
The governor of St. Thomas ha de
clined to be interviewed.
The Danish cruiser Valkiren will re
main here Indefinitely, it is reported,
so as to guard against disturbances,
which it is believed, however, are not
likely to occur.
Plebiscite of Danish Antilles.
Washington, Jan. 28. The Danish
government will not take the plebescies
of the Danish West Indian Islands to
determine whether they shall be ceded
to the United States until the United
States senate has ratified the treaty of
cession. This circumspection is sup
posed to be the outcome of the senate's
action in rejecting a former treaty of
cession after Denmark had accustomed
the islanders to the idea of transfer.
tier Release Is Near.
Sofia, Jan. 28. The semi-official
Bulgaria announces that the American
delegates bearing the ransom for Miss
Stone, the captive American mission
ary, have arrived at Jumaya, and that
Miss Stone and her companion, Mme
Tsilka, will be released within 24 hours
after the money is paid.
Tired of Useless Struggle.
Pretoria, Jan. 28. Lord Kitchener
has authorized General Vilomel, a Bur-
rendered burgher, to raise an additional
Boer corps of 1,500 men. General VII
omel has written a letter to ex-Presi
dent Steyn, warning the latter of his
intention to form such a corps, and
adding that the Boers in the concentra
tion camps are tired of the useles
struggle and are determined to help the
British end it.
Six Mea Loot Their Lives Number of In-
kutd Reach On flundred-Blast Got
OR Wrtfcoo Waning at Tmwd of New
Rapid Transit Railway Property Loot It
Estimated at $1,000,000.
New York, Jan. 29. The reserve
supply of high explosive stored at the
Park avenue shaft of the Rapid Transit
tunnel, now in course of construction,
blew np shortly after noon today. Tho
giant blast killed six person, Injured
100 other and damaged all the proper
ty reached by the flying debris and the
vibration of the shock.
The irregular square formed by the
Murray Hill hotel on the west, the
Manhattan Eye and Ear hospital and
the Grand Union hotel on the east,
and the Grand Central station on the
north, was the scene of the explosion.
The building named sustained the
greatest damage, but the area extended
for several blocks in the four direction
from the center.
General alarm brought firemen, po
lice reserve and every available ambo
.ance to the epot. A majority of the
vounded were treated on the spot, and
the white coated ambulance surgeon
-orked for an hour in the debris-strewn
streets. Police line were thrown at
either end of Park avenue and across
the intersei ting street.
The cause of the explosion and the
luantity of explosive that blew np are
oot definitely known.. Several cause
have been advanced. One waa that
fire started near the powder room. '
Another waa that it started from a
'park produced from a stray current ot
electricity. A third plaied the blame
upon a blast in the tunnel. Still
another gave a "gas explosion from elec
trical contact with the trolley conduit
in the electrical subway, 'it will take
an official examination to reveal the
true explanation.
The damage may exceed $1,000,000. .
The first estimate of the damage to the
Murray Hill hotel places the loss at
$100,000, but later the hotel wag
abandoned as unsafe. If the building
wnuemnea, me loss on it alone will
approximate $1,000,000.
DeUy la Reporting Bill Saving of Tim Lit-
er Nkarigui is Most Favored.
Washington, Jan. 29. An attempt ia
being made to make capital out of the
delay in reporting the canal bill, but
Senator Mitchell says that time will be
saved in having every possible feature
of opposition to Nicaragua developed
in the committee, so that there can be
no requests for further investigation.
or further delay after the bill n
before the senate. Then it will simply
be a question which ia the best ; route,
and while the matter may be discussed
at length, debate cannot be drawn out,
as it might be, should some senator
hold that the committee had not gath
ered all the facts obtainable. Senator
Hanna acknowledge that the commit
tee is turely in favor of the Nicaragua
bill, there being three majority against
Panama, whenever the committee i
ready to rote.
Dole Not Asked to Resign.
Sam Parker, who was once promi
nent in Hawaiian affairs, a member of
the Republican national committee
irom mas territory, is stirring up
more or lees gossip about the governor
ship, and already several stories have
been published that he is to succeed
Dole. It was ascertained at th Vhi
House today that Dole's resignation
had not yet been asked for, and the
president has not decided to select
Parker if he finds it necessary to make
a change. He is considering the case,
and it is possible after he obtains all
the facts that Dole mav be mmnvH
and that Parker mav be annnlnH
but some other man instead of Parker
stands just as good a v hance.
It is reported that General Miles inH
Admiral Dewey are to be sent to Eurone
as representatives of the St. Louis ex-
position, to arouse interest in the en
terprise and secure foreign exhibit.
Should this be done, both will first
have to obtain permission from their
respective department.
American Invitations to Kruger.
London, Jan. 29. Thecorresnondpnk
of the Daily Telegraph at Brussels ray
uispaicu mat Mr. Kruger hag re
ceived fresh invitation from Chi
New York and PhiladelDhia to vUlt.
those cities, and that he will probably
start upon an American tour next April.
Fir at Montclair, N. J.
New York, Jan. 29 Fira it Mnn.
clair, N. J., early today destroyed sev
eral buildings in the business section.
Other buildings were badly damaged.
LiOSB, f0,UUU.
ML Athos Monastery Burned.
London, Jan. 29. Telegraphing from
Vienna, the correspondent of the Daily
Chronicle says the newspar ers of Ath
ens report that the celebrated St. Paul
monastery on Mount Athos, was burned
two day ago. The prior and nine
monk perished and 20 other were
seriously injured. The occupant of
the monastery were Bleeping when the
fire broke out, according to the Athent
papers, and the monastery ItseVV wa
dumugod to the extent ol $400,diJ