HILLSBORO ARGUS, OCT. 10, 1901. A 1'AfKH lie TMK I'Huei K : :.tt.t.tcj jrT.ff.Tr.r.fr., H.ibW, KoUrad at the PiMt-othe at Orafow, a Saouiid class rusil mutter LUCIUS A. L05Q, EDITOR. Couaty Official Paper. IS3UED EVERY THURSDAY BY Tfcs Argus Publishing Co. lx MoaUu, 60 eta; Threo Uirnths, Si eta., Otsma1 U Gold Mone-nictalllsni. Be lieves ia the Bimetallic Standard, Dear Uaaey Means Debased Property, aa4 Profitless American Product Our Csaseqacat lass is ear Creditors', Gain. Has aa ase for Marcus A. Banna SOUS LITTLK PAPKUS. The senseless chatter of some of our little nondescript papers in howl ing because papers abused the late President McKinley is amusing as weu aa instructive, i-very person who for any number of years "as been interested in current history has noted how Cleveland was charged by these same little sheets with having stood by the money power and Wall street, and how he robbed the country of millions, and every man endowed with sufficient brains to read a school primer, knows that later on these little squirts called the reorganized dem ocrat "anarchists" and traitors, "dishonest" and everything else within the category of names hate ful. Democratic journals have been guilty of the same abuse, but never have they been so virulent as the republican press. In the last two campaigns cry an men were held by the bank organs as nieu who were both ignorantly and in telligently dishonest. The most that the democrats charged againBt the republican candidate and his party was that they were the ser vant of the rich and did the bid ding of the banking institutions. If Hub not true it will, take much history to erase the opinion from the mind of the public. If the re publican party is not today stand ing in with the trusts then many of our men who are supposed to lie intelligent are fools. The Argus believes in calling tbinp by. their right names, but it does not believe in violent abuse of men without some decent ground upon which to predicate that abuse. President McKinley and Mr. Bryan each took the campaign abuse aimed at them in the proper spirit. And for little narrow minded papers like some of our Oregon country journal! to show their ignorance by getting hysterical about things .which were said prior to election is a farce that amuses even the sober minded. Real EiUte Transfer.. ChriatUa Maaaetnan to John Schaeid 35 acre tec a t I n r 2 w fnoo kooi a uounarat to u masaeman, 30 acres tame aa above 1 100 Geo Schulmencb etux to A L Rutt, ia acrea wm Adams donation .... 350 i n. jaroot to 1 a miner, Ui so corneous nnvirons 200 C C Wtaitmore to Calviu Whittnore, Tret see lot a r 3 w 12 J Haaler to Mrs M J Gay, Two aad one-half a Elk B Fairview addition to Hillsboro lloo I J Baughman to Victor E Lanbott, 80 a sec 10 ta n r a w.... 1300 Joseph B Scbull to Henry Webrnng, , Tract in Michael Moore donation 25 Joseph Caaton to Geo Vanhorn. Fart of lots 4 and 5 Blk 4 Gaston Same to Tbomaa Blum, same.... John W Gates to Frank Baker, 5 acres B Walker donation Joaeph D Bates to Ellen A Hatch, 40 acnes aec26tisrjw Snaaa McGowan to C W Hodson, 7o 7o ..475 .300 40 acres sac zo t z n r 3 w and other land , 500 Bra M Smith to Elizabeth Smith, 30 acrea David T Lenox donation. Peter Pederaoa to Hannah L Height, Lots I and a Blk ao Forest Grove, 200 Bdward Dalton, wf to Peter H Peterson, 29.6 acrea aecltiarl w 2500 For Sale or Rent A well paying meat market for sale or for rent. Inquire of C. H. Koch, Hillsboro, Oregon. PROBATE. Estate Charlotte Hornhuckle; W B Thomas confirmed as executor: Tbos Hylaud, August Rossi and M D Cadv appraisers. Claims or dered paid. Iva Hartrampf appointed admin istratrix estate Gustavus Har trampf; A and John W Hartrampf ana w m iangiey appraisers. Anders Dahlberg estate closed of joord Estate S C Ritchey, deo'd. Or dered that administrator giye good deed to J A Imbrie, property on Main and Seventh streets, pur chase price $840. Order made that guardi in of Neep heirs sell realty of guardianship. . Estate John M Lyon, deceased. Eztd ordered made to 8 P Reeder, purchaser of re-vlty. JufUta liiuer v Itewluii, Uuc'd ; Monday, Nov. II. set for find rttienieit. For Cads ell itition see lccal. THE SUNDAY GAME. Scholia and the Hillsboro Regulars will cross bats at the local ground! next Minday, at 2:00 p. m., with the tallowing Imp Uf Hillsboro H.T. Bagley.... p Chas. Watin c , Scholls . Fred Olson :...McFee ...Crowder " 111 Cumuungs. I b i fcd. v ami G. R. Bagley., so. vt ai ian 3 b Hinton .8 8 .....Vaughn .r f ... Sutherland is, 1 ( . t Long. CramUU T, Wann Louie Mueller. C f Schneider If Croisant Admission, entrance and grand stand, 10 cents Scholia will get 60 per cent if vic'onous, and 40 per cent if losers. BASEBALL SEASON CLOSED. The baseball season has closed for this year and the Diamond-W nine will rest until next year. Takin j it ail in all there is not another nine, amateur, in the state having no good a record to its credit. The local trroumla last rsk r mm.li , .,. Ipi t, .IV. r.. ... mer's work The league teams ol Portland a.d Spokane were out Friday and played an exhibition game. At the end of nine innings the score was a tie, four to four, and two more innings did not change the "pegging." It was a great ex hibition of ball. On Saturday morning the DianiondW nine de feated a picked team from Portland amateurs. On Sunday they played Fidelity The boys were ''gin gered up" in good shape and put up a great game, defeating the visitors by a score of to 6. The game was decidedly snappy from start to finish. The line up was: Diumond-W Reed....;. Suees Purtlin Hatch McFee..... Hare. Briggs Fidelity Hoyt . . .Brown ...Geil .Cal Geil ... Oliver . . . Newell ...".Funk . . .Allen .Gardner P c . . . lb... 2b... 3b..: ..... 88 ..... rf... of... Cook, H Miller.. 1 f Out of twelve games played this year, the Diamond-W won 8 games, a splendid percentage for the boys. Imperial Cider Mill. The Imperial Cider Mill at Cor nelius is now running and is ready for apples. Our capacity is enough for all comers. Bring in your apples at once. We make first class cider. Lawerence Bailey, Prop. Cornelius, Ore, Oct. 3, 1901. notice The Hillsboro Electric Light and Water Company has gone out of business, and all accounts due to it must be paid at once, or the same will be placed in the hands of an attorney for collection. Dated this October 8, 1901. The Hillsboro Electric Light & Water Co, by H. V. Gates, Pres. Fall is coming yes, it is here. H. Wehrung & Sons will sell you your suits. Largest stock and low est prices in the county. Ths Multnomah county circuit court tried the ease of State vs. Dr. VoiiGrunineen this week. ant alter the evidence was all in, Ed Mendenhall, attornev for the de fendant, asked the court to instruct the jury to bring in a verdict of ac quittal. Ihis was granted and V onGruningen is now a free man T. l 1 .... it wm oe rememDerea that some months ago the doctor killed one Birstaecher, who lived near him in the vicinity of Bethany, and just across ine Multnomah county line The evidence tended to prove that Berstaecher had been threatenine and aside from this, there was no one who saw the blow struck. It was therefore a matter of VonGrun- ingen's testimony against conjec ture. Judge Frazer, in charging the jury to acquit, said there was no evidence to show that the de fendant had committed wrongful assault. Go to F. J. Barber, Second Street fro a neat shave or haircut. Satis action guaranteed. One of the most interesting ex hibits at the late street fair was 50 ligars from tobacco raised by 8. Paisley, Buxton. The weed wag of laht year's growth and cure, and the manufacturing wai done by E. Schiller, Portland's leading cigar manufacturer. The cigars weiein two boxes, neatly designed, and on the inside of the lid in large type were the words, "From tobacco grown in Wafhineton countv." Not a sprig of other tobacco used, and the wrappers looked n ereiit deal better than many of the five esnt brands sold throughout the United States. The weeds are not yet thoroughly dry, but when they are they will smoke like the genuine Havana. Four leading tailor houses of America to choose from. Give II. Wehrting & Sons your measure for a tailor made suit. John E. Bailey, through his at torney, 8. B. Huston, has filed an appeal to the fine imposed on him by the Forest Grove city recorder for violating ordinance relative to erecting frame building on a cer tain business block. Get good groceries at Greer's. J W,TVT TO Trp A i - '- "f'fliA- At a. J ,M .'maw - 1 H. Wehrung & Sons, Hillsboro, WOMEN AND JEWELS. Jewels, candy, flowers, man that is the order ot' woman's preferanees Jewels form a magnet of mighty power to the average woman. Even that greatest of all jewel.-i, health, is often ruined in the strenu ous effort to make or save th money to get them. If a woman will risk her health to get a coveted gem, then let tier forfeit herself against the itifidtious constq'iences of coughs, colde and bronchial affec tion by the regular use of Dr. Boschee's Gerrpsa Syrup. It will promptly arrert consumption in its earliest st.igee and heal the affected lungs n I bronchial tubes and drive tke dread disease from the system; It is not a cure-all, but it is a certain cure for coughs, colds and bronchial troubles. You can get Dr. G. G. Green's reliable remedies at the Delta Drug store. Get Green's Special Almanac The best loaded shotgun shells are at McUorraick e. Mrs. E. M. Smith, who has re sided at Lenox for many years, has removed to Portland to reside. Loaded shotgun shells; sporting goods, at bcbulmerich Bros. Ev erything at very lowest prices. Will Adkins, son of Dr. J. E, Adkins, has returned from a sur veying trip up in Idaho. Complete line of flannelettes and outing flannels, at Hchulinerich Bros. Mrs. T. A. Rhea, of Heppner, is in the city for an extended visit with her daughter, Mrs. H, T. Bagley. N. II. Jones, of Glencoe, who has been working with Benson, the Columbia river logger, has return ed home for a short stay. Married At Gaston, October 2, 1001, Rev. Brickley officiating, Mr. Raleigh D. Walker and Miss Emma Hoffman, both of Washing ton county. Married At Verboort Catholic church, October 1, 1901, Father verhaae officiatine, Mr. W. W. Smith and Miss Pauline Vandohey, ootn 01 uenterville, Or. The Y. P. 8. C. E. of the Congre gational church will cive a dime social at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Hughes Friday evening, Oc tober to. Jiveryone invited to attend. Fak8n up: A bay horse, wsicht about 1050. Owner can have same by paying charges and expense of ini8 advertisement. Tbos. Emer- ick, on the Imbrie firm, West Un ion, r. v. address, Hillsboro. Dr. D. W. Ward, of Forest. Grove, has sued a Portland woman, Mrs. A. J. Knott, for the recovery of a bronze statue of a gladiator, valued at $1,200. The doctor alleges that when Mr. Knott was alive he paid that gentleman $300 for the statue. Knott died before the statuary was delivered and the widow contested the claim, contending that it Wns her property, personally. The matter will now be tried out in the Multnomah courts. Roe & Buxton, the Forest Grove undertakers, have asked the pro bate court to either remove E. P. Cadwell, admini-Hrator of the es tate of Laura Cadwell, deceased, or require him to give n new bond, a! leging that the bond now filed is insuflicient. ' They also allege th.it he has packed the personal proper ty, and that they bl ieve that he intends shipping it from the juris diction of the court. They ask, in Ihe meantime, that he be restrained from shipping;. Thev have a claim of over $100 and sav that ha ha made no enort to sell oronertv of the estato and liquidate game. CAREFUL MAN EXPECTS When he buys a of Clothes? Suit First of all, Quality; then Fit; then Finish. If he is a young until he is sure to want the latest style. Style is not confined taihe young man either, take it all in all. As a matter of fact, every man should expect all of these things in a ready-to-wear suit, and get them too, providing he is r tdy to pay a fiiir price for them, Everv clothing dealer can have .1.:.. 1 11 st 1... :. .1 . .. .1 . hub mill vt eeu 11 w ,b nit ngiii kind of dealer. We are the rig kiiiq. t nave suui) suits au such overcoats at surprisingly lo prices If you ask for a K. N. F. suit or overcoat, you are sure be pleased, and you will have tl best. Oregon Rev. Evan P. Hughes, who has occupied the study and pulpit me uintirektatianai church, an nounced Inst Sunday that he d sired, on account of personal bust ness matters, to resign irom bis duties. Mr. Hughes has been M8iuve lorcn in cnurcn circles in tnis ccuntv an 1 is regarded as one of the ablest men in this section ministry. It is untlerstnod that he desires to retti'n to England, where he ha business interests whic need attention. Ifis many friend her, and . those of his estimable wife, will regret their departure, Mr. Hughss has had very pleasant relations with his church and hi resignation is a matter upon whic ho decided a-year ago. If he shull go to England, however, it will not tie until spi trig L. C. Hoffman started Enst last Thursday to take in the Pau Amer ican Exposition and look after bus mess matters Mr Hoffman own i interest In a patent harness son which was invented by P. B South worth, of Mayville, and he will look alter the sale of the right wmie itnsi. the snap is pro nounced by judges to lie the best article of the kind ever produced being made in one piece and non ireexanio. i win nil a long tell want among teamsters all over tl country. Condon Globe. M South worth is well known in this county, having spent his boyhood days here, and is a son of Mrs Catherine Reynolds, of this city. There is now some talk of H lower Carnival in this city next June and the fair sex is given pleu ty 01 lime to get ready. Orego can give flora and fauna am for first money with but little cu tivation, and now is the time to commence to get your nlans laid Just try once to see what vou ca do in the way of flower culture and we shall have the prettiest carnival ever seen in the northwest. The dedication of the Luthera church, at Gales, will be held next Sunday, October 13, 1901. Services will be held in German, by Rev Arthur flpleinB, Middlnton, Or , st iu a. in , and by Hev. L. S'uebe. of Ulooming, at 1 30 p. rn., in English uveryoody invited to attend, E. B. James, of Nebraska, and an old schoolmate of ex-President McClelland, Isteof Pacific Univer sity, was in the city this week, the guest of A E. Rice. Mr. James ia thinking of locating in the North A 1 1't ,1-S . worn, ann uses yregon. He may evemuauy seme in mis county. Marriage licenses were issued to E A. Brelje and Regina Muhly Sirwell Fuller and Mrs. Viola Pat terson; Fred L. Gault and Ada Williams; S. A. Wheelock and Phoebe E. Reynolds; W, II OWIeara and Catherine Sullivan. Mr. Huehes will continue next Pnuday morning the discussion of the theme begun last Sunday namely, "The Modern Porches of Uethesda." The theme for the evoning service will be announced later. Ben E. Jones, an aged and high ly respected citizen of Kinton, fell from a ladder the other day and re cived some severe bruisos. Dr. W D. Wood attended and he is getting aiong nieeiy. - I hose knowing themselves in debted to Dr. J. E. Adkins will kindly call and settle at once as he is closing up his book accounts. The Native Sons and Daughters will give their annual banquet on Satuday eve, Oct. 19, The Bices! line of hats, paps and clothing In this city, arrived at Schulmerich Bros, this week, W, H. McEldownev is in the city from Amity. NoU'0 of Kicoucor suit Kociitrli i NoUcp l hnrotiy Rvn that th ini.lfr ku.i imv ovan lulyiHlnlUn,. tin anil fKiitor of tin. iwiHta or A. Nut ton. tin-aMHl ly th lt,mrtl t'liunly t mirt of the Htt of Ouhtoii rur Wiwh'-ia. ton I'tiuniy. and hnvo only ualulwl such xK'iilrUnlseciitof. All iwrmnis hHvoitt cUlnm anliit said twlnta r horvby uulilliHl and nsUtwtHl toiiriiil iha mmakMiH. with imir voiu'lwn ! ",-,if, V ,I,B 'w 0,t "f w- N. rrlt, In Ill Ubtini. Omron, wltblii six 11H.11UU irm lints lixrmif, lalt at MlJUbum, Oragim, tliU tl.y of Aoir'tst, not. ' wtl'HKONA St'TTON. Kteontrl 1 iiuB. p. cm; ruin, kxih ' 1, , N. Karrett, Attonmy for Kstate, Nolict of Final Settlement. Notice U !rrlv irlvrn llt tl, .i. kIkiuhI hn lild her Anal at-runnt u tl uatM-r in hid miMinnt lonn w. K sndetnr, 2, ? ' t-"t f lbs -mm mm muri niu set .Mn.l, not. Curt rn,.m. In HUM,, s Urppm, M n, -I. w m. Ml,, m II1K UIL klul tlm I mini. ,.,,,, K uiijMiimiia to m,i iltinl ..,.,.u, m ,or , , wmi,,,,,,,,,. snlil e?!nt, lAtl lit lllllNlmm. IIi,mh ,1.1. u.... . . . iR a a luiTKTKK. 1 .""niiistrainx or tlit muta uf Juli 1 A', N lutrreU. Attv f.ir h.ti Traasnrar's Notice. All County Warrants of W.hni, utility, Ori'min, etiilurwKl "N14 iwv-iti fur want of fllliiln." urli.r t Vi Wit, will lw (In ami i)i(tto on .ml uf i-r win. , iWi, nneriwl will ( nfi Hint outs. IU101.1H ritASDAM.. t. 12. MM. Cuuulv Trk.irr ONLY ONE WAY TO DO IT. Get from Portland to Cl.ieauo in houra-jiiit 3 days. The "Chicago-Port nu opeciai, leaving I'ortlaml ilally a V a. in, via u k. n., arrives at Cliira go 1119:30 tbe third day. New York am Hostou are reached . the (uunli day This train, acknowledged to tie lti taut fat between the Northwest and tli Kat is eouuiy vrattbuleri anil its equipment usuiiiasscu. Human urawlllii rn.1111 sleeping cars, up-toiliite lourini sleep ing cart, lihrKry-anmkiiig cam, tree t- ciming cuair cars, ami unexcelled dining mis, me meaia on meii are rqusl t those served at the very best lioicla. Keineuiber Una train run aiilid Porilmi lo Chicago; there It no chat.ga of cars, ami me guou 01 It la. It coat uu mote lo ntte on it than on other route. ve have other triina. The "1'dcitic e. x press - leaves i'uruaml daily at 0 p m. via Huntington, and the Snulmne njri irsrs si a p. ni. ii .ally via Spo kane for St. Paul and Ihe Kaat. .For ratea, sleeping ear reservation etc., can nn or write to any U. K. & N agent, or write to A. L. Craig, Central t aaaenger Agent, I'ortiand, Oregon. PUBLIC SALE. The undersigned will sell at public auction ai the arm ol T II Tongue, 1J miles south of Ihll boro, at 10 a. m , FtvtUAY, OCTOBER II, 1K) ft milk cow, some freih. other toon lo ne; 5 neiier. 16 to 24 month old; well ureu jrrey Dull, is 111 on I hi; 4 calves, several urocm tow; lot (mall niK. pa gray marea. 11 vear: bav W. year; block horse, 11 year; torrel uisre, 9 yer; gray mare, 9 yeara; t fine colu, 16 tiiontha; aeveral doen l'lytunuth cuicaena. aiinneapoli hinder, 11 fine repair. Weber wagon. A llroad cast seeder. Springtootb aniUmoolhing i piowa, a cultivator Wood mower, hiyrake, apring wagon narncM anu small larni tooln, nml othr nrucie. TERMS OF SALE: Under $10. cash; $10 and over, 1 year, approved note, 6 per cent: per cent off for cash sums over $ 10 Gerbardt Goet.u. E. C. Schulmerich, Auctioneer. GUARDIAN SALE ESTATE. OP REAL NOTICE 18 HEREBY OIVBN THAT the iinileraiirniil iriir,lin ,,r 11.., wiiiaaiiaeauueaol Minnie Neep, (isorglo Norn and Trnov Nnnn. mlnnn h y. nl. sun uuvre in me (ollllty Court ot Waahlnghin County, Onjruii, "y "., "u niiuiriKi 1111 uiiliincr 7, llmi autlinrisiiiK me to will thn real (stale bo 1UHK111K hi niu iiiinnrs, 1 will, on Saturday, the nth of Noveinhcr, HMit, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day . OI v-iiri House, 1 1 1 1 iHhiiro. Ornmm. soil at mil, II,. .i the highest bidder for rash In hand, all of their Interent beiinr an uiulivlilml 1.1, ran. ftiiu niicivni, ssiu iiiiiiors ni&vs in mi,i u.iu fourlln mtnreat In the following ilocriliod f.iiti onuiiv, bu-wii; rinit irtict: lxit 10 in block I of Hmirv' Addition to the town of Cornelius. Wjil,, hwoiid tract: Kit 1.231 ft a t a aim w in uiocK 40 in the town of Corno litis, Washington County, Oregon. 1 mni tract: 1M tiiimlmn.,1 7n 1.1 tic 711 anil IT 1.. l,i 11..- ... . laid out by James Nteol, administrator fo , n yuruviiun jviivirmis II itj rnintn ui nun nniiitiav ... iiimsrs upon vne pint moreor recordml in ., , . ' Jt uirnrMWji. nn i iBuinct ui me reooiiii r or Wiutliingtoii , VIU,UI, Fourth tract: (1 comer of lot 72 as shown un,l ,iUn..i.,i on reeordo.1 plat of tho Kiivlroiiiuents of .1 11 i norniiiiu, now on rneonl In for Washington Countv Orogon, and run nlnir thenne north sli,n i... .iiv uiuiw ui ins rni-oriior nr imn... u. jiHld lot, 10 chains, thence eait 8 chains tiiencfl south 10 nhuin. 1 .: chains to place of henlnnlnif, coutalni ig 8 Klfth tract: Tho oaxt half of ih. (mi i. Oil"t ouartnr of mwitl.n 11-1 1 souui, miiKe west nr tlm w via. a .. i . ..l . ...."v.... u", Mrniisiiip alsn: llnKiuulne at ihn H w ... mi . ii.." :. r-?'"' iiiiii uiwimnin ann rmmn uf'..AUBl.l ,. ,!"":"7 """11 w cnmiiH, chains, llini'-o south 77 ilso w. 10 ,.1 ' 'UMirc unni IO.IU ( IIHIIIH. r.litii.a I. ' hence oast U.Oi chain, thuiico smith i "). jv. oon cnHiim, thenco wont 81.07 ....,.. mo oincooi oegiiiiiing.and con- County, Oregon. ....... H . , nM lou.iuwireN, in was 1 iiirtiiii Dated at HIIM,r a r....L... ...:: '' Oregon, this 8tb oi ucwoer, ivui. THflM AS TIT nivp Guardian of Minnie, Ueorgleand Tracy C(ll, Minora. John M. Wall, Attorney for Guardian. P. 8. The other undivided mm. iotirtn interest In the above de scribed lands will also be sold on said date, thereby enabling the purchaser to secure a full and com plete title to the lands so sold. Ladies, buy your standard nat- terns of U. Wehrung & 80ns. Cigars at F. J. Barber's, 2nd St. Apple boxen at Greer's. See The Argus for your tressnass notices. r Drug Store Little Thinofs M J A tew thing gathered from aliout th (tore yua need f !hem every now 4siit yon to know Hi aiUch Tablet Camphor Ice Guaranteed Tooth llruihe Mountain Ueiba Welch' Crape Juice. , , Infallible Corn Cure hA.rtnji.iuwt auu iiuiouviu X JIUl Illtlfj m. a EQUALIZATION 1901 MENT. ASSESS To the Taxpayers of Washington County. Oregon : v Nolle Is hereby given thitt Ih Hoard of Kiimlsii(iu Tor Wsi.liini'li.ii I'nuniv tlregiin, w ill convene in Hn- I'ln k's olHi, at the t'ourt House In HlllNlHiro, nn lh tilat day of (K liiber, luOl, and cnnlimie In il'i 01m Hiiek, nr until the Vt.th iliiv of mm;r iniituHiyn, for the puriHwe of piibllt'lv etnniiiiiiig and unrrrvliug tho tax lisla ot' '.Vaslilugloii '"oiiiity, iiregoii, UliO. II. Wll.lKX, Assnsaorof Wuililugtoii t'miuty, ure. liltlKlMirii, Or., Sept. l, lnu NUTICK TO CHKIUTOIIH. IN THS tOt'NTY fOUltl OK lit K SfATH OK oitKUON, Kolt WAMillSUTu.N I'OUNTYa la the Matter of iht. Kstat tat I o'd. J if Charlotts lloriilun kle, Itru' The undersigned li.ivlna hreu apiiolnt t by the t'liunly mirt ol the oUtenfl Oregon, lor Wasliluisniii t ouiiiy, pjtru lor ul tliealateort'li.trltitt Hnrulniekle, ereilltiiranf.andall iKirsmm liavlnir clniins uut'itnsi'ii, iiiHiro is nfiuiir Kivuu Ml lliat agalUHt said it rvasod, to pmiiiut tlium vorititHl as iioiUrod by l.iw, w u'.ilu six nmiitiis after tlm Hrst piitdleittluii ot this iioliie In said William H. I hmiiaa, l his rasideuett tu lleawirtou, VVwhiugiou County, Oregim, UII.I.IAM II, TIIUMAH, tCtOKiilor of 1I111 kiUloof I liailoits Hum buckle, diH'easiHl. U-tt-st Sioplvuibei m, Km I. SUMMONS. is tub ciitctvr tot itr hk hie ST AT K OP OKK.iON. rlH.U.VSil. IXOTO.V COUNTY. Veuilel bcherchul ami Mary n liel. ) I'lulMUIN I Irn K. Walaon, Itosa A. Watson, 1 Itosa I -t ,, ' 1 a , . lo Hii A, A His. 111. Iiiow liu, A. l'ur Hill, mis of the auovo named diduiiilants: In the naiou ol tlis Huis of tlngou You sin hereby oomiiimul.il mid riiiinl lo apivar hi the limit uuin led tutu t and aimwer Ihe itiiiiiiiil.il i.in (itHittt lliH ugaiimt you liitlm above eiilliied isow on ur twloro tltn expirslioii ot Hie time pru- scrllwd in tlm nrilur nl uunli. uiii.n ol Hi lx uuiiuoim, ko-HIt, Ou.s u wk lor sis milium olive end suix-Hive tt. uks III tiie HilUlHiro Aru n, IxKliiiilhir witli the is- suu of Cctnlmr lu, lliol, and iui.il tin wutt I ha issue of NovemlM-r in, tlsil. a' d lust you H nr and tnn on ur tnfnr tin ash iluy of November, l si, and you mil plrnMl tukn llOlll-e Hint II )llll : rill lu llH It-ui and answer sun-i .iiin udiil i ..u. i.iua on or Is iore the 'ill 1. dnj uf Nnwuiner, !td, the .liiinlill. w ill Hiiply lu the uliw vlililinl inuii lur tlm tnl, id iruil 1. 11 1 mm oim.nitiHi in mi'tr i:uiii. 1,11111. 1.1 wit P'.r a Jiuiuiiibiii uukIumI you mid the .ler. i.il .ii:, lr4 fa, U11u1.11. for tlm sum of SltSi vi II n iniKrnsk llierisiu Itoin Uu. I Jtli dy of teiiruaiy, IK7, at tliv mli' .11 urn cvnt. .i r .inuuiii, and tlie sum of S.iO at- loriiey's lnea aud lliu cin.ls and ilWniris ineuts of this suit: aud lor a iIvit.w rnro closing Hint curtain niorlgagu iiiiule, executed and ilflimrod by yur ami tliu dol'eudaut. Ira It. Watson, to Ihese pliiin II Us, dnted Hie lili dny of t ulinmrv. IMI7. given Uis.i on' a mum iromisory mile, uiion the N. W. l, of the N, K. M of hen iw, T. a N. K. . W . of the Will. Mir., con tabling III acren; tl at snld iimiwrty above dimcnlie.1 has , Id hy tlta Mlirrilt nl Wash ington County, Oregon, and lh priK-HMla thereof bumiiilli'd biwards 1I111 sutlsliu ttoii of the chum of the jIhHHiIh iiImivii si't i.irvn, sun nisi you and toe said lia 1,. Walsmi and all nentous clniiimiv liv. through or 11 odr you oreilher of you be orever uarreu and lurmdimoil ul all right, Utlii anil Inuirest of. in mid to tlm above ilow.riheil nrumisi'N, and overv mirt und parcel thereof aud lor such oilier and lur liter ndief a may lw imceuMtry in tho pii'iinncs. T Liu yiiiiiiit.m 1 . .i t oritur of tie Hon Louis A . hI Co niv Jtuhje o"w.;h, s niiiniiKinn a aiii viMI II LIIIMI Villi IIT e an,' dated nt., inn. ..V ,.r . ...l Attorney for 1'litintills, SUMMONS. is tiik cittcuiT count op Tiir STATE OP OttHOON FOU WA8II INfJTON COUNTY, , Minulo Peacock, Plain tiir, v. 1. O, Puaitock, Dufendmi nt.i To It. 0. i'nacock. th ..l..,. miiiied ouientiani: In the name of the Htatotif Oregon, you ure horehv reritilretl to npiienr and answer the eoiiinlutitt lllnd Hiuiiuit v.,., it, ii. above eniitlud catmiiaii(i court 011 or lie lore the expiration of the time presented lit the order for tho imhliciilion of this summons, to will six weeks, beginning with the issue of October 10, lisil, and enil Ing with the Issue of Nnimniliar 91 luil and If you tail tu appear and aimwer said complaint on or bcfiiro the expiration of said tlmn, for want thereof thn plaintiff Will aiinlv to the Court for a ilpnrna .h- solving and anmilling the marriage con- irn.il now aim uureuilorn ex Ml In lur lin- wocn nlaliiliir and dclo.wbu 1 C f, r 1 diHtreo-awardlng her the c ' and for judgment ft,, cohU ami dial UraeT ! ments, and lor such other relief as may 1 be just and eouitablo. inisBiiiiiiiioiiNiH snrvcu on you oy pub cation bv order of Hon. I,. A, Hood, ounty Judgo of Washl llfflon M.iiiiiIv Tki.. . Oregon made and tinted at JlillHhoro, in aid County ami Blate, October 10, IWI. 11. r. haiiijUI and W. U, Muri'H, Attornny (or plaintiff, New invoice of lamns. chinaware and crookiry just arrived at Greer's. Some people have trouble In buyiDg groceries. Those who deal with H. Wehruna fe Sons never ave. Thev carrv the moat mm. plcte and carefully selected stock n tne market. A trial will eon- vinoe you. Highest price paid for produoe. made am' dalml mi n.n 1111 1, ,i,.V ,.r 1 !. I "'""' si "im sum noswerii eiiiui , 1,5 . ' 'W, c orde U.C lta,,,t. hnrt. JMH1 on or be. ml lit at ,n 1 1 e " m l! i vi m 1 r Ju !"r0. tho '"idratlon tithe time prescrilwd r. huiiIv" 1 amr.;sw,rr ek. o, 11!, i tet; N vmiXr i s.1 "f boro Argus l.glniitng with the Isaue of JH oU tlVm Ociol t e 111 I! hi i 0.t..U.r in. IWI, a mil lug with the l-aun ' " U ULl"' ih 11 ' f November 1. IWI. an.r that vou an. ui'.ti. it. 11A111.11.Y. and then everybody due, anil w we sell them. Low priced and reliable t ct , , 10 ct t$ eta 1 ct ) ct I J eta mrtnnmr Oregon ioit LINE anoUnioi, Pacific To the EAST The 0. 1. ft N. Cu. (lives the t'liolre of T Trains DAILY 1 I "',e () t it N. Co., in connection UregOll BIHirt I.IIIS SOU i ' . t .1 -V its B Union I'lteific, tillers the finest ser vice und ustest lime to Hull Lake, I'miver, Kansas City: Omaha, Ht. Paul, St. Louis, Chicago, ami all point east. Three trains daily from Portland, with choice of many dilfurent routes Pit I acts and tour 1st sleepers, library, dining ami chui r cars on all trams. Write A L. Crslg, U. . A., O. U. A X. Co., Portland, Oregon, for particulars. SUMMONS. j j S TH K. t!TICK COU KT POlt I1KA V- i KUIAM4tmTIUKOPTIIItl'KUK - i . ! aiil.l HIM lilt I, WA8HISUTOS CtlUNTY, 8TATK OK OltKOON. t'harlea II y, IMaliilHr.) vs. V Hiiiuuion. 1 eary Murphy, Defendant.) To I.eary Murphy, the ahovs iiame.1 ilefiuidant: In the niune of the Plato of Oregon you ar hereby r.iir,K loaitMar Uefiirti the uuilnislguisl, a Justice of the I'eurn fur the lilstrii t afortmitid In an aullon hrotiglit sKsinsi joii iiv iiiKsiHivo iiamni pmiiillll, sou answer inn cnnitiitiiit tiisreln llled 5 llle.1 nor Itrsl a of ' allliln live ilara alh r the eaiiirallon ine iiiiiii.nnnn of tins suniiitnus, I lie Imiui uf which anisiirw In His Imus Septum I, and the at issue lliermif iNiing on 1 uurwiay, tH'iontir 31, llul, The wild si'lioti I lining lit to recover from you the sunt uf Hi. aniuiiut ilun said I'liilotlil for lalsir iicrfiiriusil.as will mom fully show by complaint now 011 Die lu snld JtiHtu Court, in which refer nice la here nisds, and you ar herebv iintlllsil that If you lail In mi appear anil answer snld enmiilalnt an alsivo rviiilrel, Ih plidiiliir will apply to th tiurt for the reliol Ihnrein ilfiimudiwl, tiiveu under my hand at (Vdar Mill, Mtuti. or Oregon, (flinty of W'aahlugtou, Hi Is anil day of HsiilnuiUr, lldl. It. II. KKKVKN, Jeatloe of th I'eana. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the HUttt of Ore gon, for Waahhigloii County, William M. Watmus, rialiitllt.1 v. J. I.. V, 11 reliant and M. K. (Irahsin, (h rtat I To I,. V. Ornhamaml M. K.drslism, the alwve naineil dufendautit) ! IS THE NAMK OP TIIK STATIC OP i Him iv n ,i n ' 11 t m ! "r'K, yo ara hereby " I e r. .111,0.1 .n n ami answer uieiiim near and answer said ruimnlilut nn or l,a. fore the IBltli of Nnvnmtssr, 1IHJI, mid you and each of vou will ploase take iiollce) that ir you fall to appear and answer said Complaint on nr before the mh day of November, timl.lhii plnlnllir will applv In the alxive entllleil Court for the rellrif prayed for In his complaint, to-wtli That that certain deed maila, exeeulcd and do liveroil by you and each of you to II. T. Davis nn tho 20th day of April 11)00, iind reeordsil no iiago4Mior lltaik M, rmsinl of doeila for Wahliurtou Counlv. Ilnwnn. be reformed toe inform to th IntnutioiiM of the parties griilitora anil granleo In thH; that the ileaeriplion therein ho I1111.I0 to convey all of lots IS A III of and In Hlock I and all or Iota I, A 4 of ami lu ltlock 4 of Highland Park Addition to the Town of Hillsboro, Oregon instead of "High-" laud Addition" to the Town or HlllHlmro, Oregoni thai plalntilT be adjudged lo be thn owner In fee-simple of all of lot 1, 2, J I ft 4 of and In lllock 4 of Highland I'ark Atldl lion to the Town of Hiilslsiro, Ore gon; that the claim of Haiti defeiiiianta Is a cloud thnrooiij that aaid oloud bo remov ed and that the defendant and each of thuni tie required within ten day aftur a decree heroin to make, xociite and deliv er to lis lllaillLlir s mvul n.l u..lll,.lA ,U...I .1 . . . 1 .1" """ "V: ,"! :,, . ' ' '.V. "r ."l1"" VI Pi.." I, e Uaud pn,Z ' i"lor illmnZ conscience. ""OT m ,KM ThlH summons la served airalnal. vmi l, liulilication by order of tbelhmnrHblo U A. Hood, County Judgo of Washington County, Oregon, made and dated on the 10th tiay of October, 11)01, and whloh or der required the publication thereof once a week lor six caiiNouutlve anil snoooMslve weeks In the Hillsboro Argua and Hint you and each of you appear anil aimwer Tmn Uuy N"u,"lr, Dnted this October 10, 11101, OKO. R. HAdliKY, Attorney for Plwlnti IT. Notice. All those Indebted to the under signed, either by note due or un closed account, will please oall and seme. J. Y, Tamuojiiic, M. V, Hillsboro, Ore , Sept, 25, 1901, - 4 i