ill HILLSBORO ARGUS, MAY 9, 1901. A WKMt I MI 1 II K l'Hi'1'1 . : s : : : All Anour th PihUI r.T.T.Tir."r.T.T.r.TJc.T.T5i; I'll ! (I I i HI Thinks lliat the Indic-ilmns arc (iimkI. ukxcoi; ami ltd i o itiiriiis Can not l'tita.i-l lliliiiilt'ly, lliiMivcr. I'uinliiliiiiN U.ithii l';niitiiliK', Tim report nf lint nil expert Inn been received by I In- prnimili in nf llf tlllt oil Ill-Ill ill-Vl'luplHI'Ilt iti this county iih it result of ii trip wmlo two week iik" through tin I ! t -ciitt mill Itiutuii vii-inilii'H. The greitter purl of tin1 r'- oil, of cniire, 1h not fur iiilliiiii ion, ImiI our in fiiriiiiuit Iium li'iirni'd from tin pur lieu ililrri'BlisI llml tin' (Ji'iiluRii'ill t'uiiditioii of tin ciiiintrici invi'i-li pitied n ro iiiilc fitvnriililn for oil HloragH tinil ilixlillulion. Tin' ex pert further wiya llml before foully liliti'hinery iH prnt-iired for lint de velopment of thin Hi-clicin Noinn in rxpciiHivi' Hurk tihoiihl bo liml dune in tin' wiiy of iliHCovrriiin what in known iim tint "tntii'limil comlili'iii of tint ruck." 'lli illtiHlriiti'H the lu-i-fMhily of thin by referring to tin1 development of tin- California oil liel.k Hi- f :i y h tlmt over iniit huiiiln-il thounmul dollar were Hiiiitnilore. lifforx nil wnit liimlly uni'ovi-ri'il, it being discovered finally in n 4x1 nhnl't sunk about eitfhlv feet in ili'plli. lit therefore. oniclinleH llml tin' uncertainly of finding oil in paying iunntitii'H, together Willi tli hiUJirilitim ixpfiiKi' incurred in iii.ikiut! lint discovery tdmuM in i.u owih'ik of html to coiini'iiL in every pnHHihht way toitny compniiy ho in illiiiK In take I lit 1'lmnren of vli in oil field. The ex rl any llint he htm no doubt but what there in oil in the viciniUm mention -il, Iml whether it in in pitying quantit'ic, mid whether it run In Inriiti'il wiilnuil ton much outlay, nri' qiirntion to lie hereaf ter determined. MAY DAY AT CEDAR MILL. M.ty Ihty revelling and the May hiI iIhih'h Iihvb long "ince leen t'onxiih-ri il too Initio itiiiiiHctnent fur lli itverm-e "young America, " Iml tin1 ili'ur ohl ru"loni wim re vived ut tin1 Convent in-hool near Cedar Mill, thin year. hihI thee, trriwn will lull)! he remembered for their ehitrin. Mitt Clara Viiitih'Iiey wan rhoxeil lueen ami Mauler Jnv SaniinonM the King. The MaidH of Honor ami I'ne were Kniil Hur ley mnl Kale O'Meura ami l''rank O'Mmra .ni Harry Ijtiinn The sillily hall wart land-fully ih-cornleil Hint nt 2 in the Hlli'l iiihui tlie t in ilor itMHeiiihlnl to wil nt'HH the ex eri'iHen, The MiKHeit were roheil in whitit anil rnrrieil Unworn, ami at tint rear of the priK'i'Ktion came the kinn nml omen in C(mtume, After lhn rrowniii!, r dluirl hut excellent program wan rendered. Then fol lowed iHiii'H and nliiitxeiiieiitii in which young ami ohl participated The Mage watt decorated in true May hay fanhion, mnl when ten anted hv the I mi n of ynung people looked like it gliinp-i' from Kitiry land. Th tveathi r wan too in ulemeut to permit of n Maypole tliincp, ho that fen nire wan nur rendered, hut wild regret. After refiCKhmenlH were nerved the party dinperned ahout li p m ANOTHER TUftN OVUR. Sherill' Sewrll, on tint 7th, tninle unother turn-over to the county Ireantirer, taxen collected. The ainouni, lahiilaled, in: Stale iiinl ooimty . , f5.Q74 ,Vj Sclinnl, griifial i.jSii f.( Imligcnt inlilii'iH' . . . , . ,, Jl 6l City of llillnlioro i in i I'ily o( I'oient (Srnvr j . . . (o ofi llcavrrtiin , l"i Si Sjiecial nclinol mnl to. its 3,1(1" 5 Total turn over ft) 479 84 l.Httt turn over $.),(iK 3J Tntul liirnuil over lyoo tax . . . .f. 19,59-S 1 9 Titxen are (Miming in wlowly nml nlreiuly ihcro aro several thounitml diillarn mi hand ami another turn will he niadt! in 11 few ilayn. Troan tin r Crandall today inado another rmnillalice. to Hnlcin, to npplv on the Htatti tax, in the hiiiii oi tfo.OTS.OO. FRANCHISE EXTENDED, Thn nity omtnoil met Tucwlay with full aUmulunce. It was voted Ui extend the frauohiHn to the Witter ifc Light Compiiny for u period of live years, the ooinpany to give a Bttrvioo of two more hydrnnts and two more nro liglitB tor tnuu per month. The plant i not to fitrninh lialitH for 5 daj'8 iiunng the moon light period, three days before, on, mwiit all U' ii'i m;iii a 1 and one day after the moon ful Is. Monsrn. TamiuHie, Milne and liennon wnre appointed aa a speoiul ooinniittee to inventigalo the matter of prohahle need of purohano of hone, Mchhtr. 15. J. Lvoiib and W. V. VVriley were granted liquor HoenHes for a period of nix months. The following bills were audited: Light, Water. $105 80 Marshal, April 22 25 M. M. Uridges, st. crossings 11 02 8imnn Bnehman, " 1 1 02 J. W. Shuts, " 11 02 Adjourned to meet May 20, 1001. I'eoplit nloug tin- Went iide are again rlniiionng lor a Sunday nt-r i vire of tin SmiUii rii I'ncilic ilnil- . l "Hi Mien a hi rvu-e woiil'l he II grout Clinvi mi nce gui'H Without i-iiying. The population along tliit Mile of l ) W iil.uni tte in glowing rapid. y. and M. onlay inorniiig'n toail i al it ayn a hmg time h-ing ilinlnhiileil at hi ii ' 1 1 poiutn an llilln horo, Korent (!rove, Mc.M ionvilh ('oivallin. That Suiohty traion W' ulil pay fully an well, if not Ix-t-ler, than any day in the week, in the helii f of nil who have, looked into the matter. Of cour-e then- in the llnllal ohjeelion hy it few who are nt rit-t SahhatiiriauH, hut the Suiiilay train in many plaren in a necennity. It would n win liecoiur an much of the regnl'tr order of thingn, if rMlahi-lic.!, n the milk ing of the cow on I lie S h, or the preparation of inn! he tvniiieii I'v thn way, inn'l it funny that no many are eternully kicking admit deneeration of Sunday while thi ne name kickern are willing to nit around and noil while their enii imihle wiven are rooking the chick en for tht Snmlay ilinncr, the hard- enl meal in ihe week to prepare, its it rule. If you are looking for bargains call at McCormick store in ()ritmlall building on Main M n-et. Hecarrien the entire nlock of goodn recently purchaned from Mr. K. I.. Ablmtl iu connection iih his sda'k of tnirling giHtdn, llm 1'Jlll Imperial bicycles are the lien! on the market for the money. Ilepaii shop in con mi'tiou w ith ntore. I. I I In.!', of Itrown county. South n.tkola, wan in the city tin first of the Week, looking over farm lauds with w view of locating. Ik nays Ihut he has been in tint la kolas twenty yearn and during that time he liiirv'enleil twelve goud crops and yet he itay that Coiiii try in all right for 11 man who ihut not want it In-Uer one. (!ood logic that and here in where he will find n In-'.ter one, by long mhln. Hakoiii is all right for health and grain, hut when it cum s to fruit, slut id not iu it llete is where yon ran raine your fruit and flow er and all thop thingn that are pleasing to the lan'e ami eve. For twenty yearn Mr. Hull' did not i-ec a fruit tree in bloom, lie is gel ling a surffil of blooms while here in Oregon. After looking over t'eiitral Washington, he Mates that no where ban he found such line farms as iu Washington county. Where would you lie without your led? Have you ever thought of that? Ures ihem with pur chases at II. Wehrung it Sons. They handle shoes direct from the factory nml have the most com plete slock iu Washington county. Von are bound 1.0 buy if quality and prices go for anything. Mennrs. Laurel Hoyt, II. T. Hag ley and 1. M. 0. thtiilt have filed articles of incorporstion with the secretary of stale. The new com liany w ill protect against sickness ami disability. They have incur isirated with rules that cover the exsriencen of companies of the pant nml avoid the errors of those thai have gone to the wall. There is no reason hut what the insur ance will issue under the safest of auspices, as their rates preclude the possibility of insolvency. This is a Hillshoro institution, and as ong as you are paying out money for thin kind of protection, remem ber the old adage of patronizing home industry and help a good thing along. You can't reap unless you sow, liny your farm implements from II. Wehrung & Sons. Complete line of wagons, plows, harrows, seedern, buggies, carls and nil im plements used on a farm. Come and see them ami get their pro es )r. .las. Wilhycombe, Vire-li-rcctor of the Corvallis Agricultural College, Kxperinient Station, was here last Friday, and went out to the farm in South Tualatin. He will imilii a targe naru mis sum mer, and otherwise improve his place. He will take as his barn model the ntrncture recently erect ed on the famous Schulmerich ranch in South Tualatin. He stall's that ho is unavoidably pre vented from attending the street fair on the 18th inst., hut knows it. will be u great success, They give it nway. Commenc ing Saturday, March 0, H. Weh rung it Sons will give each cash pur chaser of a dollar's worth of mer chandise a chance on the follow ing: First prize, lady'; or gent's Hartford bicycle; second prize, lady's or gent'B Vuletto bicycle. Sitmuel P, Soldo, who early in the lifties settled on what is now known us the laao Allen farm, near lloedville, recently died at Wilhipit, 1'iicil'ic county, Wash, M r. 8011I0 wits 7(5 years of nge. and hits raised a largo htmily of sons. One of his sons, 8. A. Soule, is one of the most extensive loggers in that section of tho slate. Many of the old pumecrs here will remem ber Mr. Soulo when he was a resi dent of tho co.uity. "Wubfoot" is a perfect hard wheat Hour. Mrs. Sarah Tvson Itorer's famous book, "Bread 'and Ilroud Making," free to users of this Hour, Ask your grocer. John Tape, one of Middleton's prominent farmers, was in town, Tuesday, doing business with tho court house olliclnls. Mr. Pnpn bus fine farm, and is always on the improvement. I,LI mmw fair Promises to Ik a Splendid llxhihitioii. SYIT'KDAY, MAY mill, THE HAY. Uanaijirs Mil in This Liiy Ycitrnlay for Final Ariaiigi'iiicnls. The managers of the Washington County Street Fair met in this rity yesterday for final arrangements. Those present were: President, Kff SchielTelin; Hiley Cave, sci re lary, and superintendents, Samuel Moon, W. McQuillan, Louie Man ning, N. P. Oakerimtn, U. II. Creer and James II. Sewrll., After 1! is cussing the means of iiccoinminla lion offered by the town the follow ing program was adopted: Hotter, cheese and dairy product" will be exhibited in the Finney building', chickens, tmulliy, rab bits, etc , will be exhibited in coops along the curb; sheep and goals will occupy pens fronting Main nl reel; cattle ami dairy stork will ! exhibited on the streets from Northrop's hotel to the Odd Fel lows' building, at II a. w ; the horse pa'ade will take place at 2 o'clock if the afternoon. Th-re is prominent n tine exposition of our county resources along the lioen mentioned. There- will lie a big crowd here on Saturday, May IS, and every citizen should turn out ami help make the day a success. DEATH OF JONATHAN SHUCK. Jonathan Shuck, a pioneer of 1852, died at the home of a grandson, at Scholls, Monday, May 0, and was buried Fuenday, Undertaker Lam kin having charge of the funeral. Mr. Shuck was born at White River, Indiana, in 1S21, and came to Oregon by wagon train in '52. lie leaven one brother, Win. Shuck, aged !H, residing at Scholls, and a sinter, Mrs. Mary Stewart, widow of t ie late Allvert Stewart, residing at Hillnlsiro, as the im nedinle survivors of his family in this county. Ueceaned had a daugblei in California. PUBLIC SALE OF HORSES. At the UilUboro fair grounds, Saturday, May II, 1101 . com mencing at 10 o'clock in the fore noon, I will sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, and without reserve, ahout twenty-two ('22) head of geldings, marcs and fillies, mostly standard bred, and suita ble for driving, riding or light work. These animals are now being ore na ml for sale at the Hillshoro fair grounds, and tht public is invited to inspect them, and see them handled. This will be a good opportun ity to select a good saddle horse, a go'sl team, a good single driver or a good standard bred brood mare. MS OK SALK. Notes with approved security, due in six months from the day of sale, and drawing interest at G per cent per annum, will lie accepted iu payment. Catalogues can Iw had upon application to the undersigned. THOS. U. TUNC UK, Hillshoro, Oregon. NICHOLAS LONG DEAD. Nicholas Long, of this citv, died at his home in tho eastern part of town, Saturday, April 4. Deceased was born in Audrain county, Mis souri, 47 years ago, and came to Washington stale in 1SSS. For ten years ho resided near ancou- ver, and in came 10 mis place. For two years he has been troubled with cancer and consump tion. The' remains were interred in West Union cemetery, Sunday. He leaves a widow and two chil dren. No other relatives are on the coast except a cousin, John J. Long, ami the lllianis boys (sons of W. A. Williams) to whom he was an uncle. BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENT. Having purchased the entire stock of furniture and undertaking goods of P. 0. lSrown, I can offer the pub lic anything in that line at bar gains," Wall paper, various designs, 5 cents, tip, per roll, Matting, carpets, plushes, tapes tries, full line of rugs, lace curtains, window shades, all colors. Four teen styles of beds from which to choose. Fine stock of rockers, din iug chairs, lounges, couches, and bed room sets. If I have not what you want, I will send for it. When in town, give me a call, This store carries a full line of undertaker's goods, and will take charge of funerals. Woman at tendant furnished. Remember the place, I. 0. O. F. Block, Main street, Hillshoro. , W. 0. Donki.son, Prop. Bishop Dubbs, of Chicago, and who is at tho hoad of the United Evangelical church, preached a sermon in the church in this city Tuesday evening to an appreciative nawa. ,:tvmm pi;' The Nehalem railroad company's directors have hied their statement embracing tln-ir contemplated work, and they intend going through this county seemn to U an established fact. Whether or not they will go through this city remains to Im seen, but tln-y will at leant go through the northern portion o( the county. The Cor nelius Pass serum to I. the favored route through the mountains to gel away from Portland, and if they go that way, it is more than likely that they will get to pass (ilencoe, and from there they may pans on to this city, and thence to (ialea Creek, via Forest Orove. Let her come. If I'orthnid wants the road, and that city should have it, it must put up ihe money at home, for if Kastern capital gets in, gond-hye tp Portland control of the Tillamook and Nehalem trade. !!ob (!reer will sell you American Wonder pean at 15 cents per lb, or 2 lbs. fur a quarter; yellow Dan vers onion need for 11.00 jr lb. All other needs iu proportion. All lirst class seeds. Cornelius is making prepara tions to have a great Fourth of July celebration, and the little city u-emn to he having pretty much her own way. Forest firove will have a big encampment, both state and county, of the Veterans, and no provision has been made either at that place or in Hills- Iniro fir an Independence Day cel ebration. It is not very likely that Cornelius will have opposition in this regard, and as there are good grounds that will please all. and as the town generally puts up a lively celebration, let well enough alone. Then next year Hi.lsboro can come to the front with a time that will make Home howl. Keep on good terms with your "inner man" by buying groceries fiom II. Wehrung it Sons. Prices the lowest and quality the liest All their patrons will tell you this An Altai's representative visited several of the b'trj yards in thin vicinity and find.- that the stand of hops in many rirds is not so good as last year. In some yards there is a third short, while in others the percentage is not so big. The Zina Woo,! yard, however, seems to lie a good stand. The Win. Hagley yar I at tt-eisy ille was not vim led !t is said that the (!reenville grow er" are suffering from a short age of stand. The trouble is caus ed by a small borer- which works in the root. New yards do not neem to U affected to any extent, the w inn appearing to work iu old yards only. If yon want to look dressy and neat, go to Aug. Tews, the Second street llillnlmro tailor, and give him your measure for a spring ,md summer suit. His work givea eminent satinfaction. Ask any of his pa'rons. Win. Allters, of the well known Portland linn of Aiders A- Schneid er, was in town Tuesday on his return from Cornelius, where he had lieen engaged in loading hay. His company has recently filled a l'J.'il) ton contract of baled bay for government shipment to Manila, They have four large compressors at work and can do work very speedily. """""""xi. Picnic parlies will soon lie the rune, (let vour lunch meats of liennia, w ho is the leader in choice croceries of all kinds. Fresh fruits always on hand. Tho cvpsii'8 who have been dunned in South Hillshoro for some days, have at last pulled stakes and struck for better fields, going eastward toward Portland. They have the most complete camping and travelling equipment ever seen 111 sn outfit of that kind and seem thoroughly to enjoy their notuiulic life. "Webfoot Flour," a great bread maker. Store this flour in a clean, dry place. Warm thoroughly be fore using. Charles Langhlin, who has been a Hillsboroke for many years, and whose health has been rapidly failing for some time, is now being cared for by the lodges of which he is a member. He is now in the- care of Mr. and Mrs. C. Bradley, who are making things comfortable "iJ for him 111 his last days. All infants born in the year 1901 are entitled to their first pair of shoes at Hennis . If you are in the list, call in at Dennis' on street fair day and make your selection Dr. J. E. Adkitis writes m-n private letter that he last Saturday saw W. H. II. McGee at Ib'ppner Junction, and that the old veteran wondered why people were so anx ions about his departure. The old gentleman must think we are a pe culiar nconle not to bs alarmed over his continued abseuce. The fields will soon be dressed in their best. Why not you? Buy vour gent's clothing and furnish- iug goods at II. Wehrung & Sons Largest stock and finest selections in the county. D. M. C, (5 a ul 1, i d ! ir of the Independent, has been very much indisposed for several diU'S, and has hardly been able to attend to his editorial duties. He is now on the mend and will soon be able to take hold of his work. "Webfoot Flour," always even in quality, pure white in color and unexcelled in tho line light bread ARM URGE The Qurt has Two Sessions This Month. METYESTtKHAY ON K0AD MATTERS The Two New Kock Cruibera are Re ceived. Now Fur Good Ruads. The commissioners, last week, trannacted the following business: ApHintuient of Max Crandall as deputy sheriff, confirmed. The following claims were al lowed at the recent term of coin inissionern court: ; II MiKirm, Reflur OC land office lihinf IiiihI priNifs $ 200 J VaniliTH ill, ijep asMwwnir fA (HI M It duly, " flOUa II H Tiifiinl. " ' 86 00 (' H Northrop, coyote tcalp 200 A I. hUipheim. " " 2 1.0 ii Orniliill n aln, work on Pannm'a till. U.V U he charged to dint No 8 30 00 II K Coleinaii, teai-hrrn' exHiii 25 00 HUM Ball. " " 15 On II A Hull al nil pOBUu;e....' 76 V) liliuw V I'rinlliniiiiiie. blmik books.. Him (' H Hrmllny, paupera at nnjr farm 1S6 00 I' U llrow li, ilimler court Iioum 1 00 Irwin-HihIhoii Co, sup rw-unler 98 00 Juim DbmnIh, nap Joe Yell 6 00 (' t; Hancoek, nun Mm MurilofT 3 00 lteliiiiiiid A Kappini'Um. temiu. ...- 3 00 k 1 K 11 rati i, deputy tMHeMor..M Vi 00 (i A Mnrumi. clerk dep Ma . 215 HO lUlpn vtann, rwonler dep nta.. . . la so J 1) llibU, nail dint 4 4 50 TiL'anlville Lumber Co. Imbr Wmnl. aiinervuior . 34 65 Ix-lia Drug Siture, lup and ined - 605 A A Morrill, deputy ansesaur ........ 65 00 K I randall. trean sal etc 53 00 i H Wilwi, annetwor for April ... 7800 Y I Wood, attenduia; O Sy..... 7 00 I Johnson, care ' Beel y . 12 00 W Sea ell. aheriff den etc. 209 K W Johnson, atate caen. 3 50 H Welirunu 4 8011a, aup poor and i-ouri nouiie 9 W Baver Creek Mills, Ibr J J Wl rner niijK-nfinor... ...... 20 85 M Collina, janitor Itoard pria . . Ml SO itlui Northrop, board jurtira 15 00 riialHtin Mill Co. Ibr Caateel tup . 67 80 Kock Creek Lhr Co, lbr Wiaiuer Miniervwiir.. 1730 J Winmer, Ibr roada . 12 15 Tualatin Hotel. niealalurT- 6 00 I) C Ktewart, Block innpecUir. 25 00 J I. l.aiiRhliu, freight ruck crualier.. 18 U6 Arifiui. printlnsieu .. 7 50 K W MeNutt, funeral P HukIiw S 00 H twiro llicvcle Club, bicycle fund... 6 00 liillilKiri) I'ub Co, su etc, 34 00 11 cany iX to, aup snutb and BoiiBber 895 Keevra Kna, sup A Morgan 3 00 lloifo Hroa. owder dint "... '. 14 38 a! fowiler Uorks, jKjwder dutt 11, 110 24; (list 9, m 03... 33 07 A Meaniiigt-r. hole diififer dint 1... 2 50 K Cave, road aup 5 10 S lleall. leMhiopinBCrunlitnt 4 50 II L W Co, April service 12 25 bcluilnitrich Hroa, powder and tools dit3 43 65 Schultnerieli Hron, powder, dint 20. 10 00 Cat Powder Works, powder dint U 9 45 J K McUill, repair crusher. I 2 75 w oil ,v .wicker, car wheels 24 00 AKooil.nal pontage etc 63 25 Himevman, liellurl Co, aledKes and handle!! V miner, sup . . 2 00 L S Barnes resigned as supervis or road district 10, And Win Butler appointed to fill vacancy. hesignation of Cal Jack, sr. as justice of the peace, Iieedville dis trict, accepted. h L Brown, L B Brown Dale Brown and Mary Driskell granted refund of bicvele tax, 1900. Recorder aim reports $152 as fees collected for April; clerk re ported (.). Approved. Sam iMpp, Sam Kaftety and J W Cornelius appointed viewers to renurvey and view rod petition T (5 Meacham, et als, crossing above Meacham 8 on Dairy Creek, May lo, to meet with surveyor and es talilish monuments. Al'JOVRN'KD SESSION, MAY 8. Win, Butner declined to serve as supervisor of Road Dist. 10, and H. (1. lucent was appointed. County clerk authorized to as sign certificate of tax sale to S. B. Huston upon payment of taxes 18!6, 1899 and 1900, on 160 acres in Sec. 33, T 1 S R 1 W J. A. Imbrie granted $5.80 rebate on land bought by Mark Cox, J. a. McNew granted warrant on supervisor s account, $0. Koad Dist. li. Also 1. u. Meacham, Dist. 22, $10 County Road 278, petition Lee AnderBon, et al; A. B. Todd, Frank Maury and W. A. Wilkes appoint ed viewers to meet and view, with surveyor, May 17. Ordered that warrant for $45 be drawn favor Benton Bowman et al, refund bicycle tax, from bicycle fund. Orders against district road funds will be published next week. . County road, petition Joe Hart- wiger; J. Sohler, Victor Crop and Hubert Bernards and Surveyor w likes to meet and view same May 22; to meet at Golden Crown Creamery. Petition for change in Forest Grove LaFayette road, Willis Vail et als; Levi Walker, H. H. Clark, C. S. G. Morgan and surveyor to meet May 21 and view same. Petition re-survey Cornell road. Order issued for clerk to open road. Hoad, H. Bremer, petitioner; or dered established. Ordered that sheriff remit $77 50 on taxes Mrs. Verene Siegrist. Claims allowed: . J, Q. A. Young, commissioner ... .$17 00 E.J.Ward, " .... l&6 If Hillsboro gets the railroad, well and good. But whether it comes or not, H. Wehrung Sons will do husiness with you. Their new line of wash goods, ladies' nmslin underwear, wrapper and spring dress goods, has arrived. O. G. Wilkes has the finest line of sundries and bicycles in the city Also a neat repair shop iu connec tion. All work guaranteed. Autoine Lttbard, of Kinlon, was in the city Monday, paying taxes 1 1 BmSwB Messri. Tongue and Huston were over to Oregon City Saturday, ar-a-niiig against the gracing of an injunction estopping K. W. Haines from furnishing Forest (iioe water and light in pursuance of a con tract recently entered into with that city. Mr. Hi n man and o'Iktf ltitione Urn i. -junction, and Messrs Langley and Williams are the attorneys for the petitioners Judge Mc Bride has th matter under advisement. The new lights have arrived and Haines is eointf ahead with the work and will take chances ss to ihe action of the court E. L McCormick is agent for the Imperial bicycles. He says if you purchase one from him and the frame or forks break, from any cause, within two years from date of sale, he will furnish you with a new one free. Call and see them at his store on Second street. About all that is left of the glory of the old fair grounds is the start er's bell in the judge's stand. It bangs there in toe tower, a mute and silent witness of the glory of the days that are gone to return no more. Many a time it has pealed to bring out the horses, but it now disconsolately hangs with its tongue rusting silently. Could it but talk, it could tell some ancient in teresting history ol the days, for instance, when "Old Jim Merritt" was a crack a-jack, and when race meets here were the best in the Northwest. Note the card of M. Peterson & Son in another column. This firm has painted the Schulmerich store, will piint the residence of S. B. Huston, has renovated the M. E. church and executed other fine pieces of work in the city. "Damon and Pythias," the well known drama, will be presented by the Pythians, tinder the direc tion of Wm. Rasmuss, at Forest Grove, June 26, Pythian Day. This will be a great attraction, and will be appreciated by all. The play will be put on in the grounds, on an improvised stage, in the af ternoon. If you think a guarantee on a bicycle amountB to nothing, call at McCormick s Bicycle Store and in vestigate. John H. Dobbins, one of Hills- boro's popular old-lime boys, is iu the- city this week, a guest at the Boscow residence. He will remain several days visiting with acquaint ances, after which be will return to the Southern Pacific train ser vice, running out of Roseburg. He states that his brother Warren is still at Eugene. Warm weather will soon be beie, Do not punish your feet by buying Heavy lootwear. Just go to Den nis' and get something up-to-date and easy on your feet The Cornelius baseball nine was down Sunday afternoon and "didn't do a thing" to the Hillshoro boys. 1 be Liorneliusites cleany outclass ed the home team, and to make matters worse our team became discouraged and careless. . The score was one of those unmention able things. You are not in it without a Mor row coaster and brake. McCor mick will put one on your wheel for $5.50. Rev. A. Robinson, pastor of the Tutlatin Plains Presbyterian church, is expected to occupy the pulpit of the Congregational church next Sunday morning and evening. The evening service, let it be no ticed, begins at 8 o'clock. A cor dial invitation is extended to all to attend. Fifteen head of Angora goats for sale or trade for cattle, at Butler ranch, four tnilep east of Hillsboro, Taylor & Foote. James Suese, of Cornelius, but who for a year has been working at logging at Kufala, Wash., was here the last of the week, enroute to his homestead above Eugene, He will soon return to his work over on the Cowliti river, and re main there all summer. For sale three Shorthorn bulls, aged 6, 7 and 8 years. Address jsuien a.. oivenun, Aioumain dale, Oregon. Isaac Ennis started for Seattle last evening. From there he ex pects to leave for Nome about the 20th of the month. He is the first to start for the Northern gold fields from this place and if there are others to go it is not known. Go to F. J. Barber, Second Street, or a neat shave or hair cut. Satis action guaranteed. Rev. D. A. Watters, Presiding Elder, will preside at the Third Quarterly Conference, held in the Methodist churon, Saturday eve ning at 8 o'olock. Rev. Watters will preaoh Sunday morning, and Uev. H. Uberg will preach in the evening. Yale & Snell bicycles at O. G. Wilkes bicycle store, two doors north of Hillsboro hotel. Ervine Burkhalter, of Farniing- ington, and who has been at Sump. ter for several weeks, working in the mines, returned Saturday last aud will remain here lor some time. Yon can save money by going to Ureer s for your garden seeds. Good, old-fashionfd, everyday regulation "Hoe-Down and dance ijat theHillBboroOgflra HousM MAY, 1901. Hun I Mon Tues Vi ml f Ttu Krt 8a I I IU a I 8 1 4 5 I 6 7 I I " I "10 I 11 12 J 13 I 14 I 15 I Iti J 17 I 18 19 I 20 21 I 22 j 23f 24 25 26 I 27 I 28 I 29 I 30 I 31 VrVtrVISrM'rVl Where We Are A. C. ARCHBOLD Has removed his Hardware Star to Second Street, liillaboro, opposite to Court-House lland Stand. U carries Tinware, C.raniteware, Hardware Wood enware, Tinplate and Sheetiron, Water I'ipe ami I'lumbers' Fixtures, Camp Stoves, Air-tight Stoves, i'umpa. Hollow Ware, ami Kitchen turniabtng Goods, tt e buy to sell. Call and be convinced. Most complete Stock in the city. A. C. ARCHBOLD, Hillsboro, - Oregon. PROFESSIONAL. M. PETERSON & SON Resilience Painters. Kalsotnining and Papering. Sign Work. All work Guarantee). HILLSBORO, - . 0REGOX. F. A. BAILEY. II. D Phjsician, sad Bargeoa Office Morgan-Bailey block op stairs. Rooms I1-I3 and 15. Resident oath west corner Baseline and 2nd street. Both 'Phones. atrvSrvVrVMr S. T. L.NKLATER, M. B. C M., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Oltica at Kistdence Kast of Court House MvVvVrVvWrreMrrrWr JAMES PiULLIFE TAV1ES1E, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Surgeon Southern Pacific Railroad Co. Consultation in French or English. Of fice and Residence south side of Uais. near Odd fellows' Building, Hillsboro. Nr'rr'rrrrrrrW GEO. R- BAGLEY ATTORN EY-AT-LAW Koonis 1 aud 2 Skate Building HILLSBORO, . . OREGON. WrVrrr'AAAArW H. T. BAGLEY, ATTORN EY-AT-LAW Office in Corwin-Woster Block, Main 8C 'Hillsboro, - Oregon. THOS B TONGOg. TOMCOm, t MoTAmv THOS. H. & E. B. TONGUE, Attorneys-At-Law. , Rooms 3, 4, & s, Morgan Bin, Hillsboro. VvVWWvWvrVWrVWrrVW JOHN M. WALL, ATTORN EY-AT-LAW Otlice Upatsirs, Bailey kUrgan Block Rooms, 1 sn ' . H1LLSBUKO. - OREGON. rvVrVTrWrvVA BENTON BOWMAN, ATTORNEY. AT. LAW Notarial Work and Conveyancing, Rooms 0 & 7 Morgau Blk., Hillsboro, Or VVVWVVVWNrWVSW W. N. BARRETT, ATTORN EY-AT-LAW (ijuuoesaor lo Barrett A Adams.) Office, Up Stairs, Central Block. HILLSBORO, OREGON. VrVlANrWlrVlrVVrVrV DR 1 e. ADKINS, fifteen years Experience in Hillsboro. Firstcla services; Charges reasonable! Ojfice, UuiJt 'i-i. irir Pit.- macy. UILLSliOKO, OBKOON. DR. C B. BROWN, , DENTIST 516 Dekuut Building, Portland, Oregon. Will be in Hillsboro every fourth Mon day in each month. VrVVVVVVVVVvVVVVvVyVVvVVVX Notioe of Final Hettleoieut. Notice is hereby (riven that the under signed, atlininistriUor of the estate ol (tu J am 1 iso 11, diiceuned, htu) tiled his HiihIhu count. 11s Haiti ailmiiiiMtrutor, with the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Washington County, ami that the sniii Court has fixed Monday, May 27, UK)l, at 10.(10 o'clock in the forenoon of moil day, in the L-ourt room at Hillsboro, Ore., as the time and (ilaee for hearing objections to iinul nuuountiiiK and final Mettlement of the ml ministration of (aid eitute, if any there be. W. A.SUorr, Administrator of tho estate of Otto Jacobson, (leceaHeil, Dated at Hillsboro, Ore., this 25th day of April. WW. "Webfoot Flour" will make mora S3 P li I'; I: ! r