. i a Fame ioa tub 1'koplb : t fc . ." A & ' k A" Jfc . : Vacm nt' run I'i'.iri.K . HILLSBORO ARGUS, MAY 9, 1901. tansl at tb Post-omcc at Uitlsboro, OifOB,M Second elasa mail matter. LUCIUS A. L0K6, EDITOR. County Official Paper. ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY BY The Argus Publishing Co. SaWerfjtlon: One Dollar rr annum. Is MoaUta, M eta; Threo Mouth, Si eta. QyfMtd to Gold Mouo-metallism. Re lieves la the Bimetallic Standard. Dear Meter sseaas Debased Property, aad Profitless American Product Oar Ceoseqaeat loss is oar Creditors' Gain. His a ase for Marcos A. Hanna AN IOBAXi CASD1DATR On the first page, last column, of yesterday morning's Oregonian, appears the following dispatch: "Washington, May 7. In a cabled interview from London, Per ry 8., Heath, secretary of the Re- pablicau National Committee takes occasion to boom Hanna for the presidency, saying 'he would be the easiest man to nominate and the easiest man to elect in 1904.' Hanna himself says it is all stuff tad nonsense, and that he pun ctured a boom started for him by Senator Scott, of West Virginia. At the same time it is no doubt pleaaing to Hanna to he thus men tioned for the presidency, but he is shrewd enough politician to under aUod that he would not be an ideal candidate." Perhaps some of our good Anier leans will wince at this; but there is no occasion for feeling squeainieh about it. Mr. Hanna is the logical candidate for the next campaign, People are getting familiar with him in our national affairs. He is a commercialist,. pure and simple bat what of that? Ts he n it the real cogent force behind the throne of the American executive? Is he not the man who formulates the legislation of our country? Is he not the man who has brought us prosperity and fifty cent wheat and trust prices for all that the far mer must buy? If the American people are determined to have the trails govern the nation, then Mr Hanna is the ideal candidate, and run he should and he should re ceive hearty support. He has at his finger tips all of the intricaeies of government; be is a genial free booter and one who can smilingly rob you and tell you that it is all for your own glory; he is a past master in protective legislation so long aa he and his fellows are the recipient of the graft that goes with it. Why not have a candidate who is self-profesaed a truBt man ager and a believer in special priv " ilege. Why damn him with faint praise and eulogize Mr. McKinley? He is the master. And, let us give the devil his due, whether in person or by his representative. And, be sides, Mr. Hanna comes from Ohio Again, he is at this time caring for the government while Mr. McKin ley is making us a visit. A FLOPPING NEWSPAPER. The Oregonian still attacks the peopU who are opposed to empire. The Oregonian is very silly about this but as it was once "anti" and waa shown the error of its way, it should be in a good position to know just how foolish the 'Wis" are. A paper than can turn eco nomic somersaults with such mark ad ability aa that demonstrated by the Oregonian should not be so rabid in its criticisms. It certain ly must know ,hat its readers are not unfamiliar with the "flopping" of the Portland journal, and it should eat its crow with humility auch as is generally expected from a paper that has no ideas worth calling its own until the bull re publican politician comes along, tweaks its editorial Done and tells it to come out of the wet. It is very amusing to see the Oregonian one month against expansion, so called, and the next month en dorsing it. But papers which are of the flopping order oftimes make themselves ridiculous. It coats no more to teed a cow that will produce a good return than it does to keep a poor one. The increase is the same from both. It does, however, cost a trifle more to buy a good producer than it does to buy a poor one. It behooves dairy men and those who depend upon oowi for an income, to better their strains of stock. The street - MV" 'Vpa.t.. A. VJL ,1 ....i I. i 1 usm - ward showing up the inconsistency of keeping and breeding poor d -lin stock. Iet everv farmer who mav keep two or three cows come in and he will see some good stock; he will lie able to meet with and talk to successful dairymen. This meet ing will be productive of much good, not only to those who exhibit, but to those who may visit the ex hibit. Let as many come as possi ble. If a farmer is raising cattle, horses, poultry, sheep, etc., it is certainly economy to have the best. It costs a trifle more at the start. but the returns are more satisfac tory. The street fair will have done a world of good if it only demonstrates this one matter of im portance to Washington county farmer and prospective dairymen. Notwithstanding that wool is worth but 7 cents, in Eastern O.v gon, the wool organs of the Hanna ites continue to tell their readers i what a beneficent thing isprolec-j tinn Thara ia nnthino emit o I eraivasa locoed Eastern Orecon rl,HKl 1 . ,esl 01 yT' lvlnR crazy as a loeoea tasiern uregoni , ,. , . editor when he gets bad dose of "protection What a pity it is that John Par- rett. lateof Siam, cannot be given a ' town ,, vi1ge jn , ,.ivjli?al position as special embassador to; world. Three doses will relieve any the Sultan of Sulu. He has cer-jordinary cough. Price 7" ots. tainly earned some such recogni-! h,(,r sa.le h' 1)ella 1rg Store, (let ljon ; Green s Prize Almanac ANSWERS TO INQUIRIES. B. A. Chelor, Buxton, Ore. No, there is do law aEaint a bachelor of forty mar- , . . . ryiug. woman under 3o. All tt require. it her consent. - Anxious Maiden, Middleton. No, there will be no pnblic wedding at the street fair in Hilliboro, May 18. Y. F. Beater, Laurel Ridge. Yes, there is a law against wife beating, but the whipping post has been abolished. After yon have beaten yonr wife if your neighbors tie you and whip you, yon can have them arrested. We are too poor to go on your bond. B. Ase Ball, Cornelius. No. tbe Hills boro nine never could play ball on Sun day, anyway. D . ,. ,, R. E. Publican, Reedville. No. Mr. McKinley will not visit Hillsboro. As he was obliged to cut Tigardville out of hU trip he thought it better to not visit ... , . this city, seeing that he could not l present at tbe street fair and see you all. I PROBATE. Estate S H. Humphreys, deceased, j Final settlement of estate set for Jnne 3. Guardianship of Minnie, Tracy and: Georgia Neen minora. ReceinK , . 40; exdenditarea, 1117.31; report allowed, ! than sevntv-five er cent of the peo and guardian allowed J2I0.00 for care, pie in the United States are aillicted Tracy for 14 monthT i Estate Louis Nierman, deceased, Final settlement aet for tune m Guardianship Mercy and Sophia Nier-! man. minors. Report allowed. Guard ansh n Frederick. Marv Ann and Wilhelmina Iuiramnn. minnr. B. port and account filed and approved. rr I Mrs. Walter Reed, of Portland, has been visiting with the Tongues this week. The Argus and Weekly Oregon ian one year for $2 (Subscribe now Mrs. J. T. Gibson and daughter, Mrs. Merwiri, of Portland, have been the guests of relatives here for the week. Thoroughbred Shorthorn bull for 1 sale- 2 years old J H JhPArpr I sale, l years Old. J. U. Shearer, I jiccuviue;, Oregon. 1 . Sheriff Frazier, of Portland, was in town tbe hrst ot the week, look ing over the field for the purchase of cavalry horses for the U. 8. rmy. ' Now is the time to subscribe for Thi Arods. Except on the extreme lowlands the crops will soon be sowed in Washington county. The farmers are now busily engaged in finish ing up, and the town is conse quently very dull. Grand Clearance Sale ! We are having a Grand ...Days. Great Bargains in every department... Shoes ! Shoes ! Three Hundred pairs sold in one week. We are selling bhoes regardless of cost. When you m:e them and get our prices, you will buy. Call and get the greatest shoe bargain ever made anywhere. Everybody says o and it is SO. We have laid in a Splendid Line of Hardware which will be sold at Liv ing price. If you want Farm Machinery, see us before buying. SCHULMERICH BROS., ;ar4V. I ThetVl.tr Mill ' HOW sel up read v rm-k crusher is lor running and the citut'iis of that place may be expected to (jive a good account of themselves. "I always did detest a squeak in my shoes," "aid a IliUsboro worn : an, as she found a mouso in her Ihiov thi( other intimitis;. Pasturage, $i Per Month. Good pasture for horses a, ml cattle, all summer. Plenty ol living water. A. II. Johnson farm, R'ed ville. Ore. Inquire of or w ri'e, .1. J. Weisenheck, Ueedville, Ore A GOOD THING. German syrup is the secial pre scription of lr. A. Hosohee, a ivl ehrated German Physician, and is acknowledged to be one of the most fortunate discoveries in med icine. It quickly cures coughs, colds and all lung troubles of the severest nature, removing, as it does the cause of the affection and leav ing the parts in a strong and healthy condition. It is not an experimental medicine, but has i rapidly increasing sale every season confirms. Two million bottles sold annually Boschee's German syrup was introduced in the United States in 1lti tin.) id it tut e.tt.l i., Notice ot Sale. , i, , police is nereiiy given that I will mihlinltr cull Mat. in 10111 ..i 1 , J , V. . ' 7 111 lilt IIIIIM.ViniT Ullllt illri IwMt 1 ,iu, tne loiiotving anintius M lh. . . r -v. i;. . " . .. "-("(BhaiiiiiitiCTIIra IIU"! irsuance m iti tit iiitnv.T-; Sorrel stallion, white in fore head, about 2 years old. Mouse colored filly, about 2 years old. Dated at Hillsboro, Ore., this Hih day of May, 1001. W. T. Atkinson, Marshal Real Estate Transtera. W A Scott, admr to H Miller tract in A Sulger die f Soo; C B Reynolds to S W Ilk kling i 4 It l blk 7 Hillsboro jui B lloAtiian, referee tc A Rueter ' I 147 c 2j t i n r 4 w 7j5( : A S Watt to II T Buxton 3 a K i Walker die jjo ;T Counell to V H llaugliman lo a i I sec 36 t I n r 3 w . . . 7,,, 1 J T Uunton to A T Buxtnu 46 a It I 1 tSo ' a'1'' "K ' c B W S,,i,t.,, ,,J W G She phar.l no a sec 8 t 3 n r 3 w (jB Huston to W J Williams i62a sec 19 t 1 n r 4 w 300 GOOD ADVICE. The most iniaeralile beings in the 01 1.1 are those suffering from dvs- 1 , , . .,- PW "' "Ver Complaint. More 2 U,tsVWP (ll8,awH nl their . , " "i""icn, mca . neaiiactie harntifa COHtlvenen. 11ft - nitation of the heart, heart-bnrn : .,i-,.t.,Bl, ..!.. .l ! . . e.;----B - m B , Pa'" P" ' "e Stomach Vel- low mm, coaieu tongue anil ilisa- 1 ...... : iri-OA. 1 a tnnlam 1 1. ,. t I . . - voc u,u,, colli I llg Iln rif forui llflsr Ofllintv l..iu ot,, I. '.t.'6, tut, fiu nit,, ei uo to your uruggitu anil eel a bottle of Anirimt. Flnn-or f,,r 1 ... (j Two dnspa .ill r,.lu.u T,., ;.' 1 1 ry 11. f.. t. .. Tl It r u. f 1 j-im io n; jjKiii irug niore. uciimy pecuniary needs and this kind ol Green's Prize Almanac. 1 work will allow me more time with my j Notice to the Public. ; - ' v .. . ... ., . , , V.t ..M,lir',!br lve'.' Umt 'he. under-! 'ed will in no way be reapomdble for "t contracted by (iuatav Hii-kelhicr, neither myself ,)rniy p ropert ywil) I .e ottuie. JUiS. IdlHAL K 1 1 U K K i ll I It 1! fated at Laurel, Orea-on, April ai. i;jfjf Two Farm Homes For Sale. For Bale aiflacremjf laml near the town of Cornelius, Ore. 8atd hind is all in imp body; has two fair dwelling Iioiimhs, wllh uanm, oiii-mniKUM ai it orchard, nU: About onetliird In cultivation ami a Unit ! (.lacreB 111 pasture lamia. Kmnanider. or j ; w hi, o,, i ,n .:"''ti''Mal:.reoHe,.iloi., and that money,) I (lour mill. TeriiiB or wilo, $;W iiit jw:r; 1 ichimnr. Object of selline-. old aire. Ai nlv ! I on premiNi p, W. II. UJMi (.orimliuH, Oro. j Clearance Sale of our stock for the Next Thirty CONTEST NOTICE. lit'Hailuit in tif Hiy Inlrrior, I'liinnl Smti'a I u. I Ullitv, Oit'ijtiii ( uv, Uit-on, April . VMl. A milli.'ii-iit tvnu-i aili ilavu Intvii, Invii lilitl in tlii" ntln-e bv Sainsttn ti, l.anit, iMiiii-sianl. in;aiii-. ltnii M'Ktl t'i,irv Nti li'v.ii, iiiailo IVtirii aty l , isu. fur N W '. ol vintn -.-J, tttwiixlup t N. raiiKi, U . t .Imnli Koiio Ct-r, iMiiiivsiiv, in liifli il allt'jjf.l i!.:tl CortU'Mam i,iutw8tln pi'tttt-iit t-ttiitltihui of Hi Mam; aim that naitl enirymmi liaa wholly altan.loiiiHl aitl ilalin Haiti lliat I nvvor rv.titlitl upon his ku.I rlaini minp inakuiir entry or at all nor liaa lie in any wuyinatlr anv itantvitiitnlH nor lue he t-iUtivAtiHl liis Haiti li.iitn in any manner MBt-o inakiiiK unity or hi till nor lint any oni- iifiini; for Imit, Hint that aniil iiII'k l alen-e lit""' llif aul laml was not tine to lua tniploy uit'iit in tho Army. Navy or Mai iut l oi ps of tint l , S. as a irivatuil tliar. otliivr neatiian, or inaiiiio, tlm ini; the ; ith Stin, or iliirlna any othor ir in V hioti tin' l". S. may la' eiiKaiinl, aanl Ititrlies iv lii'irhy iioiilU'tl to iiir, if. iHintl anil ollir evitliiimt tom liniK aanl alli-fiatiou at lOo'i-lm k a. In. on Jim 1 1. UVI, lfon lo'uistt'r ami tin- liiveivrr al the I'nitotl Siatta liitl Oilifo, liuir'n.in Cllv. Oi't'iton Tte sanl tttntostaiil liavini!. til a protfr alli.lavit, tihtl April i3, l!'l. el loiih liils whitii show that alior dint an, I viilii-iiiHt pt-rn tnal Ht-r ne of thtNiiVtiia1 ivin iHtt ho ina.lo. it is In-ivhy orilori-tl ami ilirft-ltHl that stirh noiii't lie ivt-ii hv iln ami proptr piitilit atioii. M. tIAt.l.UWAV. Ki-ft'ivei Administtator's Sate of Real Estate Notiiv ik hirttty given tliiil the undersign en, ty viritut nml in piiiuancc m mi dor of the I'nuntv I'nurl "I the State Oregon lor ,'ivlinu:i.ni t'nitntv. mailcaiu entered tin lint -.ih ,uy April. PM, in me matter ol the estate ol Maine C.uuphell, tlcceatetl, mi1 huri.liii; mill ieotiiiKii.einMclttlien-.il properly here inancr tioHcruteti al private aie, :iuv theietto'e, pursuant to said onler. I w III, tu ana uili r .Moii.Ijiv, tint 7ili Irt nf Muv lilt, tU-r inr Milt ami inttwil In ii'll. privati" sale fr etisli In liaiiil, all f I lie lillo iiij; ilrvriliitl itn'IM'ilv, lo l Lots tivi-(,i ami si.v il nf uuu In iih't mm tier uni- ill .( an.l In V. liniii'-i n.l.li linn i.i HilKlNirti. un.pm. tti nvlit liin.li III w li ifli In t.iv tint flaiius ;li;.un-. "alt 't;ilf ainl Ilit- ,'iim-h n nittuiniHt ration HltN will Iw rtn'i.iivl hi lint law ttllni' itt-o. li. itaKivy ill iiiUMutrtt, iireitiin, mi' , Mll.l irtlK'l'I V H ill IH' l. MlllljlTt In cm ; Ininalinii by Hut I'.mnlr l unrt ttl th Male of Oreeoii lor tlm (.'tmiitv ol Wash I fuctoii. s I ... i .. 1 i 11:11 I . . . l : . .v- . t . i i'iattniill 1 H HI X ..llll tl Altl'l ' vvx; j. a. t i rnKi i ivt" inisiiaior ti ine esiaie ol Maine n I amplatll. . i . t oxM'tl Nolice of Final Settlement. : Notiee is lierel'v i;lveii that the 111 ili'i MV.IHH1 has hli-.i Ins liual iioeoiint In tin1 in.ill. r i.l Hie i'm. no id Amh rs liuhlhcru :(nseati, 111 t;,e i nnniv t'oint of tl j Mate of tin-gun. for W athlnytoii t'ountv : anil Mini court tins set Monday. Mav '.Tl al 1 a in., u Hi,' tine nml the liniuiv 1 "Hit r 1 111 HilM.or . Ori'tfoii. us if pUee o! lu'.inni; nlij.s l ions in said linal at-i-oiiiil ami lor the limil setllenient ot simt est. lie. tinted at llillsl oio, lii'.t;on, Ihi' April ; m 1. w . A. M ill r , Ailiiiiinslraior id the estniii f Anders i liahMiorir, .o'l'outsl. Uieo. li. llii'il' y, Attv for Kstiite. Administrator's Notice. Notice 1 licrchy e;ien that the nnilcr- sil'iihiI has this tiny hy the l onntv Court id Ihi' Male ol 1 iri f"" for the County ' Washinirtoii lieen appoiiitctl nil mi Hint rat ' id Ihc estate ol Anna C (tore, ihs ensct nml has duly iinalinid as sm h. N therefore all iiersnns hiiviiit'i lain afaiiisl aanl esutc are herehv rtniiired ami r- ipii-Hlitl to present the nme to llm at the i niiiee ol tlm I utility I lurk in Hill-hor. lreinii, iiosuly veriliixl within nix I uiiii'llis from date, ! tiBtl. A. liollK, AiliiitnlKtriitor ofllie estalu ol Anna I Gore. deceasiHl, IliUnlHiro, t)re., April II, HWI. Slott A Stout, I'ortlaiid, Atlya fur A.lmr, 'THE COMMONER." Mr. Bryan gave out the followi.,K inter jv. 1 ,1,,ve ,or "everni years nan in con "'P1'1'0" "'e estahlishinent of : TF' .uue nine or ummruiKi.iK 11. " nten.nng to devote uiy life to the , ""' huiib uucMions, I havi. rioMi,.ti lln. mt.ilt.,.1 it - - ...... ti, ovt,tiit.tc it be8t ccoll,plsh le .m whjrh r t :.. .... .( j iiavt in ncvr, 1 niouii sucti a paper sunn ie a,)le ' eep tn touch with social, economic and political rirolilems The paper will at the same time if suc- .r,,i ,,,:,i. i .., . ..d.'ui, (jiutiocau uiLullll! VUIIICirilL lor lamiiy mail 1 nave ucen aide to enjoy ior several years past. I expect to lecture occasionally, esnec tally in college towns where I can speak to students, but my principal work will be done with the pen. or perhni 1 ,i,ni,: ... '., 1,1 1 say, with the pencil. The paper will he called The Com moner and will deleiitl the principles set forth in the Kansas City platform. The hrst issue will appear in January, shall be editor and publisher. The Commoner is I per year, and Commoner, JI.75. Annus Notice to Taxpayers. Notice 1m hereby iHven tied the i.n roll I W it ...i. . ' I lector for ),atl aUIisl,ro; Ore, 1I,U 1111, of April, liml. day Do you want Clothing Cheap ? Then come and see uh. Suits going at a great sacrifice. We must make room for our new Htock. Wo mean biiKineHS. We want to make shelf room fur our new Htock now on the road. Call anil gut bargains on Dry Gondii, Drees Goods, Lace, Ribbons, and, in fact, Everything. SHERIFF'S SALE. IN rtliSDANtKOK AN KXIXtTltiN tluly Issiu-il out of tint t'lroiut I'oin t t,l 'lie Maitt ,ii (livKon for llm Coiuilv of Vamliill, tin tho mIi ,uy f April, bt'l. upon a jiiilKiuvnt raiitlcretl In nal.l I'oiin on thn 1,1th tlay of April. I.sxi, in the suit ot O. t. I low art!, plaiiitill', , !i, ,. 1'iaiiie, K. S, Kianie. A. V, Stowoll ami K. II. .Stow ell, tli'icnthinta, 1 III 1'HpttNO lor Hula ami mll aa the law ilireeix at tho ciiiirt hotisii tltHtr nf Vaiilnirini t'niinty. In the t'lty of llillahorn, in-euon, on ,l,in. lav, Hit' l.iih ,lay of May, Imn, at the Imni ol lOoVlta-k a, in., tlieii'al proHnv aim ate in tlieeoiinly t f W aslilnitlon. Male of tlrt'Kiin, ami ilcat'i iIhhI iin follown, to-it: lait three (It) in bruit Pale, conlaiiilny live aerea, iieeonllng to the riKstitl plat of tahl I'rint Pale. J. W. SKW;, Sheriff of Vuhiii!ltiii I'oiuiiv. lifi;ou, Hrt lHlilh-atio:i April II, I'KII. Ust pultlioailon May it, pml. I- K. I.aiouri'ite, Ally., I'ltrllaml, dr. for. I'd 1 Wash'' a J. Nondrop, I'ropi-lelor. Newly Furnished and Renovated A !".-:.: t-Uas table and u! accommodations for tbe convenience of Ktients. , , , Noilcp i INmliry Owiiei-M. Nittieni herehy given that the 1 lnrt.-ii "rtllnaiiee Ih now 111 elhs l, ainl all v lm Mile , lilrkeiiK ait' li 'lllilril l.tkn'i' Ihein "P- W. I1. A I'KINsnS. I ll V Mai-hal, Ihiled al HilUUii". April tl. Itml. PULLMAN ORDINARY SLEtl'KRS The tourist travel between tbe KaM anil the I'aeilic Coast hm reae! etl euoriiioii lroportioiis ill the lt lew veal nml ealls (or a apeeial clssi of eiiiipmeiit l'o meet this demand the Pullman Com pany litta iKMied from ill sbops what it tecbnU-Hlly called the ' 1 'it M 111 .1 ti Ordin ary Sleeper." Tbene cats appear simi lar to the regular sleeper, heme, built on the same plan, but unt luriitticd ilh tbe same elee,ntice They are eipiipped witb matt reuses, blaii't eVi. nherlt, pil lows, ptllow-csae, PmeU, ciuiih, hrushes, etc., rri'.iirinti luilluni; ol the kind to lie lurillthetl hy the paiseuijer Kach car has a stove lor outline, lea ami collee and duini; "llet hoifM-ki epnn-," ami each Section can lie tiltetl with nu adjustable table. A iiniloriiied pi.itet accompauies each car, hm tnisiueM inu lo make up liertlm, keep the cat clean ami look alter the ,uiu ami rnu lorts of the pasai-iiueis. In each ol the trains wbicli are dispatched dnilv Ir.tm I'ortlaiid by tbe O R . N, Co. i lo be found one of these "Cullman Onliuniy SleeKTS " The car att icbcd in the Chicago 1'orllaml Sh.-ciiiI i;ocs thrniie.lt to Chicago w thout change, and the our in the Atlantic Hxpress runs to kmi-uin City without change. Pawngers in tint car for Chicago change to a similar car at Granger. Much of the hrst-claiut travel is beitie carried on in tbeae cars, the rates K-in lower, and the service uearly eipial lo that in tbe palace sleepers, l-'or rates and full inloiiuali n. in cluding folders, rile to A I,. Ci ui:. Ceueral Passenger Agent, O. K. N, Co.. Cortland, Orevou. Children arc Important fUiHtomera in our (.(itininlioii. When they nre Hent to w on a trading errmid, wo nlwayH retnemher tlmt tlmy are lint (li.-ri'iiiiiiiHlitiK ImyiTH, mi, I we take upeciiil paitiH to tn-n thiit they gut what both yon anil they want. Then we alwayn try to l prompt in Waiting on them there is alwayii n little worry 11 bunt them Ht hoint! when they are unnt on an errand and Htay too lung, nfiini through no fault of tlmir own. Delta Drug Store Main St., Hillsboro .1 i Oregon Shopt line a Union Pacific To the EAST The 0. K. & N. Co. (lives the Choice of hree DAILY Trains The 0. It. A N. Co.. in connection with the Oregon Short Line and Union Pacific, oflura the finent Her- vice and l'aHteHt time to Halt Lake, Denver, KanmiB City: Omaha, Ht. ilkliom lloiKi! Paul, 8t. Louis,, Chicago, and ell points. iiaHt. Three train daily from Portland, with choice of many different routes Palace and tour it deeper", library, dining and chair car on all IraiiiH. Write A L. Craig, 0. P, A., 0 -'.--AY1" "nellnnd Orfliron for i When You Boffin Von vm'I Ih- nine lo need Miiiicthiii) It. e vli iiinnate rt'iii'lien, ilr.K ami idhet llrne ta. We air ill pimilloit til iipil lh urn! ill a maimer that U aliliicloty. Our Instantaneous I3iiR-Klller It an ahpilnlcl) eel lam rlc iiiinalur of lom lu-n, betl lui): ami all otlu-i lunecta. It kilU in.Unlly the iutrct, their yimn ami rKK- Noil pioouous In hiiiunn kind, line, not slain or Soil and it -an lie lined 1111 raiiel and i-hlliiii(! to prevent moth. Clirap, Clean ami I-lln lual. I ii :. .Tho i ATTENTION, LADIES! ! in H. rincsi S( rains of Poultry in (lie Comity A. (i. Anderson, THE PERCHERON STALLION OREGON Will uiukt' lhi. -I'.'iHnn of l!Ml in WftidiinKtuii Ciiiinty hm fJliiWB, tu Ait: Weilnrvl vs, at oliimen Nun's tt.ir 11. ard'a. l.ri.y mlr, 1-n.loy ., Peter Nelson's, lay ami M011.I nMnr si tmiiti, 1 uTTinnton. ()r. );on i a litm Clack IVn-heron MHb.n. Hi r.-initiHiun is (irmly . . Terms of Service SiiiUle Her v in-, fS; Seamin, U'i; ItiHtiraitco, tl"), lion, mil ,m -or mlilri-HK the uwin-r and niimnger SPEED! SIZE! Tho Electioneer-Qeo. Wilkes Stallion LOVELACE! 3-year old record, 2:Vo. 3-year-old trial, t'n'J'V. Will make the aea..i ol 111 at the 1'nir r.roinids, IIiIMmuu. Wa.hliiplon Comity Orccon, 1111011 Ihc followinif terms: Season, with privilege Insurance Lovelace is a datk buy, with one white weigh upwards ol 1300 pounds. .Sire-liKoliat, and sire ol ICgoen, 2.11V; the Cotl.iuerer. -rl '.. ...!, others in tbe 2:30. Cull brother 10 Sphinx, j. ,';. .ire of 7? in , 1,-1-.' trite, 2:'JS;-i, sire of 4H in 2:30. l'irstdiiin-Crepiin.damof Lovelace, J:3oX, Coldlac, 2:IS.V; Duchess, 3:i7U r.:,?f.;.K1"1 ,lik,'' Cr""'1 ,,'"M "' Seroml riue. 'iul, b.iii-tV.11 Lisa,., dan. of liraiil, 2:io.V: King Kene jr., a:i7 and llnla by t.eo. tikes. Third dam The dam of Turlton, 2: j I , trial, a:al. I ovelaee. as n i-yciir-old trotted in two races, obtaining a 2-yenr old record of iJyk. As h 3-year,, il he was campaigned in several states, trolled In , races obtained 1st, ..d or 3, nioney in l7 races, look a record of a:2o in a !l,ird be" it Dccemoer, worked publicly 11 full mile lit Cleveland in a:jtf, llis breeding; is uiisurpnssed. lie conihines the blond of l',leclioneer nml Ceo ilkes the greatest si..eil producing strains in the wor d. Ilisilatti bis orami .lam, the dan, ..ml Kr.l dam of bis siie, and tbe dan. of his S Mt the great biood mare list. Sprite, tbe dam of bis sire, bad , colts by ) fine 1 and all are u. the list. Three ol bein hvlnR nt er'ent p'erio'ls licHdeil tliHiBt of wm.iipg sires al their age. Walerwilch, gr.iud dan, of !,, aire, bus six in be 2:30 list; has over 3110 desccndanta in the 2:311 'it. Mures from a distance ill receive good cure and pasturage ut $.ro per mouth. A number of slaiulard bred inures and" .!, Iin,.. 1,1 r. 1 1 . cbeai), I'or furllier particular see or address, E. B. TONGUE, Manager, Hillsboro, Oregon. Executor'a Sale of Real Estate. Nulled Ih Iii'iIiv u-'ven 'llutl. Hie l..t. . slgiieil.liy virtue nf an order of hiiIii ni'iihi a id (inlun d by llm eniiiily court of the Stale of Oregon, for Wuald'nglon (Juiinty, 011 the Hlb day of April, Mmi, niitliiirlzliig mid illreeting tlm Halo of thn real khIiiIii hiiriiliial'lnr ib'serllied, I will on and nllnr the llth dny of May, luul, ollnr fur Hale, nml will it'll al lirlvalu Mllle. to llm hlirheNi If! Spring Houso Cloaning Hillsboro Pharmacy We have taken Hi agency of the famous I Hew, Selby S Co, l..l'lie.' alineti ami call lit n ii v lonl. Criers, ft y, fi on, f i jo ami f I nt' Come in nml re lliriu. WEHHUNO & SONS int.t.siUHto. t)i;i:u(),. .Setting ol l ro.-Single Comb llm n b-glniiii. llUck Minorca, Hurl l.rKlmrn, on, Harretl I'lvuiootli kitek, Yx lillr l at rtl k SiiUi, ,sil,-r Simngled II iiiiburgti, Hull pvm mull Kin kn, Unit Co. bill, ('.ohleil V yantlotie, ft no. Am hum teadv to bunk nrdeis lor t)lK. In my din k are fle stiuurr. Leave onlrii lor regit at John M. Hum 11' grocery, llilL'mtu, or mil at yartl '.' miles 'iuhwr,( ol 1 itv, M ill in. his ndiltrtned to HiII.Ihuo will receive linuu-ilmle illtelltuiu. llillslioro, (Ire. 1-. irrt t'.mve: Tliu,.,!.... ni...i. West t'liinn; Saturday, IIiIIsIhmo; Sun- Hlulli.in, K, mw n, K(H ,jHM. .Mnl.linl.., h, Wtir.,ii,g,, ('m,iy. Kor further infnrnni- S. H. DUNBAR, Farmingtoii. Ore. BREEDING . of return, f;.oo , , . , , f 15.00 bind fool, over lh hands b di, will .... j:ao; Horsey I3:Jo.; Petsey llritton, - Hrilliatiline. 2:uW: Che.,Hllu irl,.l ''"""V, 3:l.lV, and Ciscide, , u '4, by '"" or racing inr SHie tneiilH with ii,ornved s.iciirlly, all llm loMuwItigiliiNiulliHil ia p.,'. t.' M i. 'Vo''o!m,Hl. "lerofHiii.lloii 10 '2 1 1 V'i,m"1, M",r" "."""'lo'ng ItWiim-ni.. lilt 1 ti T'.1.!1."1 tl,n ll,w '"Do ot John M. Wall, nt Hillsboro, (lingon. Dated nt II UImIkii'o, Oregon, this 8th Hay l April, Ilkil, J , , I'ICTICU JANNKN, ICxoouloroftheliiKtwIII mM IfNlani'iit 01 .I1.I111 Oilhooliiy, ileeiiaHiiil, , Oiiara at V. J. llirlw'i, 2uU Bl. i t.4,rft.. 1. m mm inner mr nu. 1 1 in natiil 1 1 the llm oI'hiiIu, nitir. I