The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, March 14, 1901, Image 1

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NO. 52.
ns or i is
From All Parts of the New WorW
and the Old.
Campfthuuiv. RtvUw l tha hfsrtaat Hag
ptntagiof It PattWeskmg
Ex President Harrison Is tying.
Th Idaho legislature bn.i ad
journed. The Thirtieth voltinteertt arrived at
San Kramisco.
There I friction betwe-m British
kmt Russian In Pekln.
Hon. C. T. Gotham, ex-minister to
the Netherlands. U doit.
Carnegie dent that he U going to
Europe with J. I. Morgan.
China appeals to the United Btstes
for protection from Huaala.
Tha mliilater have prepared an
other Hat of guilty Chtuoae.
Tha great Manila It plant will be
controlled by civil authority..
Provincial government waa estab
lished at I. metis, Tagabaa province.
Malone, N. Y . oltli iala raptured it
Chinese on the bonier north of
Two men were killed and tuvera)
Injured In a railroad collision In a
Chicago aulmrb.
tchtms for th United State to Ao
quln tha Panama Canal.
NEW YORK. March 12. According
to a apeclal to tha liarald, Benor Bllva,
tha Colombian minister to tha United
Slates, haa already informally sub
mltted propoaala to Secretary Hay
for tha acquisition of tha Panama
caual by thla government, and haa
been Invited to dlacuaa them further.
Preliminary protocol, were entered
into aoma time ago with Coata Rica
and Nicaragua, ao that these two
countrlea during tha aummer will
probably be merely Intereated spec
tatora of the move, which the United
States, Great Britain and Colombia
will make.
It la understood that theae are tha
eaaentlal polnta which the Colombian
government will urge: A tease for a
term of year, ao long as the United
Bute may dealre, not exceeding 200
yeara, of the territory across which
the Panama canal la being construct
ed; In return for auch leaae Colombia
la to receive either a percentage of
the lai on tonnage paaaaga through
the canal, or a lump compensation;
recognition of the rlgbta ot tha
French company, which will aell Ita
conceaalon with Colombia's cousent
to tha United States.
Items of Interest From All Parts
of the State.
LI Hung Chang' Lift Hanga by a
: PEKIN, March 12,-1.1 Hung Chang
: la again seriously III, and bis physic
; Ian aaya his life hanga by thread.
Prince Chtng and Karl 1.1 seem to
i think that by spreading rumors of the
i c utrt's unwillingness to return to Pe-
(Isylord, Blessing 4 Co., Hi l-oiiln km. unless this or that thing ta done.
brokers, filed a deed of assignment, j they can Influence tha deliberations of
the ministers of the powers. As a
matter of fuel, according to reliable
A Brief Revkw of the Growth and Improve.
SMnte of ths Many Indtntrlci Through
eut Our Thriving CeRHneawullh.
Eugtna A new opera houae la to be
built at Eugene:
Athena Athena haa elected T. B.
pttKe school director and J. W. Smith
Baker City The Baker City post
office will have a stamp-cancelling
Sheridan B. Radger, a Chicago mln
Ing engineer, filed a petltlln In bank
ruptcy with 158.000 Hub! II tic
l.lalillltlrs are admitted to exceed tha
asset by $.',
John Hare, the English srtnr nuw
pl-iylng in Chicago, announced that
ut the conclusion of his present tour,
five weeks hence, he will permanently
retire fiom the stsge,
reports from Hlnan Fu, the Imperial
personagea are eitremely uncotuforta
ble at Blnan Fu, where they llvt In
tha house of the governor, which la
only a small structure. Trench mis
sionaries who have just returned from
The ilrooklyn bridge authorities
are rontentiilttttiie rmntelinf the
bridge to allow of the multiplying of Stnan Fu believe that tha empress
elevated bridge trains. The cost will , dowager would bring tha court back
be In the neighborhood of fl .ooo.OOu. ! to Pekln on the urst offer ot the al
Jessie Morrison, whoa first trial j . having aa a baata tha removal of
for the murder of Mis. Ollu Castle ' the troops, etcept the legation guards,
resulted In no verdict, wna committed ! .
to Jail at Kldorsdo, Kail., In default i
Conger left Pekln for
of 15,000 ball, to await a second trial.
A receiver hns been appointed for
the Ohio Debenture Company, of Co
lumbus, on the application of a stock
holder, who siiys the outstanding In
debtedness la 2G,voo, and the assets
not more than $75,000.
England rejects the Hay Pounce
fote treaty.
A Filipino band waa defeated near
Banta Crus.
Sixteen Uvea were lost by the storm
In Arkansna.
President McKlnley will start for
the Paclltc coast April 30.
Victims of the plague are dying In
the streets of Cape Town.
A secret society burled alive na
tives friendly to Americans.
The French ei consul at Manila it
accused of dealing with Insurgents.
Eight persona were killed ami many
Injured by an explosion in a Chicago
Carnegie haa offered 175.000 for a
library to Davenport, la., and also tu
Bprlugfluld, III.
Klrby Graves, Hill Johnson anil
Henry llrooka, negroes, weie hanged
at Richmond, Ark., for niurdur.
The Pennsylvania house of repre
suututives adopted a resolution favor
ing the eloctlun of aenator by the
Relatives of Oregon school direct
ora cannot be employed aa teachers
without unanimous consent of the
A cloudburst In Maricopa county,
Arizona, carried away five miles of
track ot the Maricopa & 1'hoenlx
Oregon Inw which abolishes office
of fish commissioner, and creates a
similar onn. Involves question of
whether latter repeals former by Im
plication. Two highwaymen entered the vil
lage ot Upe, near Emporia, Kan., and
held up a doxen people, the occu
pants of two stores. ,
Antonio Leonardodl, Antro Dlmet
and Abram Burturl, miners at the
Nellie mine, In Bear Creek, Cola,
were caught by a snowalide.
Two men were killed outright nnd
three Injured by a dynamite explosion
at a quarry near Kl Puho. All were
Mexicans except the foreman, Chas.
Navajo Indians, In New Mexico, are
becoming restless becatiBe of the ab
sence of two or uirea of their num
ber, who are attending a Chicago
County Judge Gregory, at Louis
ville, held that the Pullman Palace
Car Company la not a railroad and
that Its rolling stock cannot be taxed
aa railroad property.
The Colorado Htockgrowors' Asso
ciation adopted a resolution request
ing the department of the Interior to
send an Inspector West to Inquire
Into local conditions and give settle 's,
cuttle-owners and others a hearing
relative to forest reserve regulations.
Ex-Preeldsnt's Condition New
gsrded aa Sertou.
INDIANAPOLIS, Ind.. March 12.
The condition of ex President Harri
son Is serious. Dr. Jameson stated
today that the upper part ot General
Harrison's left lung waa Inflamed.
There la some danger ot the conges
tion extending to the rest of the lung
and to the right lung. Until 3 o'clock
thla afternoon, General Harrison waa
resting easy, but at that time he be
came slightly worse and Dr. Jameson
waa called. He said that he waa cer
tain nouilng waa to be apprehended
for tha next 48 hours, but the age of
the patient render all calculation
uncertain. At o'clock this evening
General flarrleon waa Buffering some
pain, but waa reatlng comparatively
Lav for
MANILA, March 12. Judge Taft
and bia associate of the United
States Philippine commission, accom-
paalod by their wive and a number
ot prominent Filipinos, embarked to
day on the United States transport
Sumner and sailed for Lucena, Prov
ince ot Tayabaa, Luton, where they
will organise the provincial govern'
tnent. At the time of their departure
the pier waa thronged with natives.
The insurgents have surrendered
500 rifles In the Province of Pam
panga, llulacan and Bataan during the
last tour week.
The Methodist report 120 convert
In Manila last week, and the Philip
pine Evangelical church claim to
have secured many new member.
The Dallas The Dalle treasurer
hsd an available cash balance March
1 of fl.65G.64. A large electric trans
former has arrived st Eugene for the
lighting company.
Baker City Improvements to
120.000 will be made In the Warshuer
hotel at liaker City
Eagle Point It la reported from
I.ttgle Point that early frosts have not
Injured growing wheat.
Pendleton Water meter for the
Pendleton water system have arrived
and are being aold for 1 10, $15 and
120 each.
Gold Hill It la reported that a rich
three-foot vein of gold-bearing quarts
haa been struck on the old Clock place
near Gold Hill.
Perry The Grand Ronde Lumber
Company will start up Ita mill at Per
ry this week. About 4.000.000 feet
of log are on hand.
Coqulll Farmers on the north fork
of the Coquille report hay scarce In
that part of the country; but stock
la In fine condition.
Henderson The wagon bridge at
Henderson etatlon, which went out
with the last freshet la replaced and
opened for travel.
Foota Creek Several tona of ore
from the Dixie Queen nine, in the
Knot Creek district, are aaid to have
Icldnd over 1100 a ton,
Lakeview The old electric system
i for lighting the town ot Ijtkevlew has
been discontinued, and will be re
placed by the town plant.
Eagle Point There la considerable
nnxlety over the proposed ditch from
Fish l.ake to the valley, fears being
entertained that the company will
tuk so much water out of the streams
that there will not be enough left
for Irrigating purposes and to run
the grist mill.
Pilot Rock A painful accident oc
curred at the Warner sawmill, twelve
miles south of Pilot Rock. Will War
ner, while riding on a log carriage,
vas struck on the bead, and while
tunned leaned over In such a man
ner that a large piece of flesh was
cut out ol his thigh by the saw
Unity It Is reported from Unity
on upper Burnt river, that there was
a disastrous fire In that burg. James
Payton'a general merchandise store
was totally destroyed, Including quite
stock roods The building was
practically new, two stories high,
(he upper story being usea a a dance
Ashland A petition has been for
warded to Washington for the pro
posed free rural delivery route south
ot Ashland. The route reaches from
Ashland eight miles to W. H. Shep
herd's place, and returns via Emi
grant creek. The number of families
which would be served on this route
Is 125, and the number of people
498, and one postqflice, Baron, would
be discontinued.
Fort Klamath Melhaae Bros., of
Fort Klamath weighed 184 head ot
beef cuttle last week at the Mitchell
ranch and delivered them to George
Kohlhagen of Roseburg. The average
weight was 1252 pounds, from which
was deducted four per cent, making
the selling weight 1201 pounds. The
price paid waa 7 cents, an average
of 145.03. The total price paid for
all was ?8,286.90.
Ultlmsts Object I to Operate Boat
and Car From Spokans to Portland.
NORTH YAKIMA. Wash.. March 13.
The Upper River Transportation
Company ha been Incorporated for
the purpose of controlling a line of
steamers on the Columbia liver. The
boat will make regular daily trips
from Priest Rapid to The Dalles atid
carry the great wheat crop of Eastern
Washington to market. The Incor
porators of the company are J. M.
hu.ell, Occrge C. Blakely and T. A.
Hudson. In addition to operating on
the Columbia, they will run a line of
steamer to Lewlston, Idaho, on the
In connection with the navigation
of the livers a plan I under consid
eration to construct an electric rail
way through the counties of Dougla
and Lincoln, in Eastern Washington,
and connect with Spokane. The road
will reach all ot the wheat center
and be used for hauling wheat to
Prleat Raoida. There It will be loaded
on steel barges and hauled down the
river to The Dalle. A portage rail
way will be used to haul the barge
around the fall and Into the Colum
bia below, when the boat win be
towed to Portland and the Pacific
coaat point for shipment to the Ori
ental market.
The teamer Billings, which tia
been lying on a rocky bar 20 feet
above water a few mile below Paaco,
Is now being overhauled preparatory
to launching for the upper river traf-
flc. A line of steamer win De run
from the upper Columbia to Priest
Raplda and open up the trade from
the great mining districts in the Re
public and surrounding country.
Provincial Government Established In
LUCENA, Tayaba province, South
ern Luton, March 14. The United
Stafaa rmw tnntnnrt with th Amr-
Declines to Accept the Amended lean Philippine commission and their
last evening. Thla morning the com
missioners' party, consisting ot 50 per
sons, crossed the shallow bar in the
ship's boat and wer driven one mile
to this town. The commission then
proceeded with the 11 nit organization
Canal Treaty.
N Ceuattr Propyl Msds-lf H Provincial government in South
Art KtuuaM R Mast a o this die
Three Parson Killed by Tornado,
Forest City, Ark., March 12. Three
persons were killed and many injured
in this vicinity last night by a tor
nado, and 16 houses, and mile ot
fence and many tree were leveled
to the ground. Ten mile northeast
the tornado shattered the house ot J.
A. Woody, killing vVoody and seriously
Injuring his wife and his stepson, Bob
Allen, The other victim were ne
' German plantation experts claim
that the Samonn Island have a great
future In coffee, tea, tobacco, cotton,
The Bell Telephone Company has
bought for $500,000 a system of self-
induction coils which make conver
sation between New York and Lon
don aa easy a between . near-by
Holland gave Wllhelmlna a new
crown costing 20,000.
A Chicago catlie company bought
443,000 acre of grating and mineral
land In New Mexico.
An animal heretofore unknown, re
sembling both the horse and the xe
hra, haa been discovered In the Congo
New York commission merchant are
ending representative to Cuba to
purchase product (or. shipment to
tali country.
Rich Strike In Republic Mln.
Spokane, March 12. A well-founded
report from Republic. Is to the effect
that $1,400 ore ha been struck In
the Morning Glory raise. A streak
ot eight Inches assayed that amount
Assessments will cease, according to
the directors. The BuUe & Boston
mine at Republic has 18 Inches ot ore
worth over $200 per ton, according to
a statement ot Superintendent nice
enon. Th strike 1 at a depth ot
1(0 ftt
Tlx Text Withheld.
Washington, March 13. The long
expected anawer from the British
government to the state department'
communication reciting the action of
the senate upon the Hay-Pauncefote
treaty waa returned at noon today.
Lord Pauncefote, the British am baa
sador, had already acquainted Sec
retary Hay with the fact that be bad
The Province of Tayaba ha long
been noted for the pacific condltlona
existing there. In contrast to the
neighboring provinces, which still pur
sue a rebellious course. Colonel Gard
ner, late of the Thirtieth volunteer In
fantry, waa today appointed civil gov
ernor of this province. Colonel Gard
ner favor the maintenance ot friend
ly relation with the natives, and is
opposed to pillage, seizures, destruc
tion of property and Imprisonment,
except nnder necessity. Coionel
Gardner, when in command of the
Friction Between the British and
Russians at Tien Tsin.
.n T. D. ,m JTS JL'J Thirtieth infantry, was In control of
KI . lh" bJeCt, Di " h1 thl. district ,and a a reult of hi
,LT':!f2r T'h Po", Population of active insur-
f I!;.ii 7HaX,d ;CqUlr.ed genu ha been transformed Into
Sf S r&iuh J2f jhp'"!1" friendly native, whose patriotism to
of the British response. Lord Paunce- h ud state was considered to
tote came to the state department at mor flrm, established than that
.neJ f hT'-.nT nattrei of any other province
tne answer with him and read it to . Lnxon
S.'i' yi! in The first organisation of the federal
instruction from Lord Lansdowne, ,,,, . ii .ir
.""l."'.' ' ,0r'P ?2n: i TayVbi vto and M tlVnl
Sailors on American Cruiser Rebelled
at Hong Kong.
TACOMA. Wash.. March 13. Ad
vices brought by the steamship Good
win state that 75 sailors mutinied on
board the cruiser Albany at Hong
Kona last month. The cause waa lac It
of money and liberty. The refractory
sailors were placed in iron ana
taken to Cavlte for trial.
The Mohammedan rebellion in Kan
8u has assumed such alarming pro
portions that the empreas dowager
haa commanded General Feng Tte
Sal to proceed northward from Can
ton with baate and undertake tbelr
. The gunboat Ball and sugno,
built at Hong Kong, for Slam, have
been turned over to that government,
with the object of striking terror to
the rebels at Canton. Fourteen bri-
ganda were executetd February 14.
Four other men are being starved to
death in cages exposed to public view.
Fought a Pitched Battle With Two
Highway mtn.
MILTON, Cat., March 13. New
has Just been received here that
Deputy Sheriff Holman, of Calavesaa
county, waa ahot and killed at Wal
lace, a email town near here, in a
pitched battle wiu two highwaymen.
One ot the latter ta reported seriously
Two prominent resident of Wal
lace were held up and robbed by the
bandits. The men who were robbed
Immediately reporteu the affair to the
county omelaia, and Deputy Sheriff
Holman. with a small posse, went to
Wallace to arrest the robber with
the result above noted.
to Lord Pauncefote, and be left a
copy of these Instruction with Sec
retary Hay. At the conclusion ot the
conference, It waa stated that the in
struction to Lord Pauncefote were to
notify the government of the United
States that the British government
did not see Ita way clear to accept
the senate tuiendmenta.
The amendments were treated In
detail at some length In argumenta
tive fashion, the purpose of the Brit
ish government being to show that
it had sound reason for declining to
accept them. After disposing of the
details, the note concludes with an
expression ot regret that such a
course was forced upon the British
government. There was nothing - In
live joined. The arrival ot the com
mission with Colonel Gardner, wnoee
regiment was recently given a pub
lic farewell here, returning as ctvtl
governor, was enthusiastically cele
The people of Sorosgan. a seaport
on the extreme southern end ot Lu
ton, have petitioned for a provincial
government. The commission will
top there later.
Wheat Walla Walla. 56 56c; Val
ley, nominal; bluostone, 57 He per
Flour Best grades, $2.8043.40 J?re
barrel; graham, $2.60.
Mlllstuirs Bran, $16 per ton; mid
dlings, $21.50; shorts, $17.60; chop,
Oats White, 44T45c per bushel;
gray, 4243o.
Hay Timothy, $!2(gl2.50: clover,
$79.50; Oregon wild hay, $6)7 per
Butter Fancy creamery, 22HSc;
dairy, 18fr20c.
Eggs Oregon ranch, 1212c;
per doxen.
Poultry Chickens, mixed, $3.50
4; hens, $4.605; dressed, U12c
Der Dound: snrlnics. S4ft4.50 ner dox
en; ducks, $!6; geese, $56 per
Potatoes 4560c per sack.
Dried fruits Apples, evaporated,
6 6c per pound; sun dried, sacks or
boxes, 34c; pears, 89c; prunes
Italian, Big 7c; stiver, extra choice,
Mutton Gross, best sheep,- wethers,
$4.75; ewes, $44.50; dressed, 6
7c per pound.
Hogs Gross, choice heavy, $55.25;
light, $4.755; dressed, 67c per
Veal Large, 77V4o per pound;
small, 8 9c per pound.
Beef Gross, top steers. $4.50
4.75; cowb, $44.60; dressed beef, 7
8c per pound.
After careful and patient Investi
gation the historical committee of the
Society ot California Pioneer has
learned that January 24, 1848, was
the exact date of the discovery of gold
In California by James W. Marshall.
Black walnut canes tram a tree on
the farm formerly owned by Abraham
Lincoln in Harristown township, Ma
con county, III., were given to th
member of the cabinet by the presl
dent to whom they had been sent from
General Young Returning.
Washington. March 13. The quar
termaster general is informed that
the transport Logan left Nagasaki
Thursday tor 8an Francisco with.
Major General Young and the Thirty
third and Thirty-fourth Volunteer reg
iments. Oeneral Young, on his ar
rival at San Francisco, will relieve
General Shatter of the command ot
the department of California, and the
latter will be retired a a major
Forty-Two Persona Were Injured
and several Are missing.
CHICAGO. Marcn 13. By the ex
plosion of a boiier In the Doremus
laundrv. 458 West Madison street.
this morning, eight person were in
stantly killed, 42 were injured, ana
several are missing.
Th cause ot tne explosion has not
been determined with accuracy as
yet, and it will probably require an
official Investigation to settle the
Renorts of the number of dead in
the ruins run all the way from six to
20. It Is known that 36 employes ot
the laundry had entered the place
hefnre the exDlosion occurrea, oe-
cause the automatic timekeeper found
In the ruins snowed tnat numoer oi
registered arrivals. Twj or three
were entering at tne moment oi me
explosion, making the approximate to
tal of 40 employes in and around the
It Is reported that an officer of the
boiler Inspection department warned
Mr. Doremus that the boiler was un
safe to use In Its present condition.
ljnmrlrv eniDlove8. however, ueciare
that the boiler had not been Inspect
ed, and therefore not condemned.
The wreckage near the boiler and
in tha east nart of the building at
once took fire, and through the blind
ing clouds of dust and smone ana
escaping steam could be seen strug
gling men and women, some of them
half burled in wreckage, others feebly
nnrfnavnrlna' to climb to some place of
safety. hile from various part ot
the ruins came cries tor neip.
The fire department soon extin
guished the flames and the work of
rescue began at once. One by one
h wnnnrifid and bleeding girls were
carried to near-by stores, where they
were given hasty medical aueniion
and then taken to hospital in am
bulances. Northwest Postal Order.
Washington, March 13. The post
offlce at Jett, Baker county, Or., will
be discontinued after March 15, when
mall for that point will be delivered
at Lime.
The name of the office at Victor,
Mason county. Wash- haa been
changed to Allyn
Power From Niagara.
About 12,000 horse power I trans
mitted In the form ot electricity from
Niagara to Buffalo.
Freight and Stock Train Crashed
With Fatal Results.
CHICAGO, March 14. Two men
were killed and eight other , Injured
the nature of a counter proposition. In a rear-end collision early today be
nor was any ooenlnx left for further tween a time freight and siock train,
action by the British government It I on the Chicago c Northwestern rail-
was stated that if there is to be a road, at Arlington Heights, a suburb
further attempt to amend the Clayton- of thl city.
Bulwer treaty, so a to authorise the The caboose of the stock train con
United State to construct a water- tained 14 stockmen, and most of them
way across he Isthmns, then It Is for were asleep when the train stopped at
the United States to make the over- Arlington HelgcU to take on two car
tures. The British government simp- of stock. Suddenly the time freight
ly droos the matter at this noint. from 8L Paul crashed into tne toct
The Hay-Pauncefote negotiation train caboose and plowed tnrougn
have been in progress for something Into the next car ahead. Instantly
over two years, and owing to the the wreck took Are. The crash
great interests Involved, they have aroused the village, and the voiun-
constltuted the leading international teer lire department responded to the
question at issue before the state de- rescue and extinguished the name
oartment. The treaty was signed and asalsted in taking out tne aeao
prior to the opening of the 56th con- and injured. The caoooee and three
gress, and wa submitted to the en- car were burned, and a number of
ate in December, 1899. It at once head of stock killed. The doors to
encounutered opposition in that body, the other cars containing stock were
but after some delay was finally rat- in the meantime opened and the
ifled after several amendments had- frlshtened animals allowed to run at
been adopted. The chief issue was large. A relief was started irom cni
made on what was known as the cago as soon as the wreck was
Davis amendment While in terms reported.
this did notrgive the United State
a right to fortify the canal, yet In GREATEST STAMPEDE SINCE 1898.
eeneral language it expressed the
right of this country to adopt auch Effect of Throwing Open crown Mln-
measures in regard to the canal . a Ing Claim in Alaska.
were deemed necessary ror the proper VANCOUVER, B. C March 14. A
maintenance of American authority. Bpeclaj dispatch from Dawson, dated
jinor zxicuueu ucuun iu xuu,u March 1. say the stampede conse-
ession two other amendment were .. ,lnnn th ihmwini onen of the
adopted, and the treaty was ratified g0Vernment claim February 25 was
a amended. The other two amend- the greatest since the palmy days
menu abrogated the Clayton Bulwer ot lg98 The order mlii9 available
treaty anu airuca oui mo proiiuu hundred ot lapsed claims, unsold
ot the treaty which Invited other for- oneg fraction, etc. Under the new
eisu Kuvemuicuu iu vuc" regulations tne Brst man to arrive
approval of It make anrjllcation for the ground
eeta It until fraud has been shown
BOERS HELP BRITISH. I He may really be the tenth man who
staked the claim by actual time, Dut
Two Thousand of Them Art Ready he must swear that he saw no other
to Enlist stakes on the ground when he
DlipotttkMi Troops Uastr Vea Wi
During ht Santaw Heaths Sn
in i GtU ia tht Great WaL
London. March 14. Friction haa
arisen at Tien Tsin between the Brit
ish and Russian over a piece ot land
alleged to belong to the railway com
pany and to have been la possession
of the company for some year. Ac
cording to dispatches from Tie Tsla,
the Russians assert that thla land Is
part of their new concession, and
therefore, Russian property. Mr. Kin
der, manager of the railway, began
to make a siding, but was stopped by
the Russian authorities. He appealed
to Colonel Mac Donald, who referred
the matter to General Barrow, Brifc
ish chief ot staff, in Pekin. who re
plied: "Carry on the siding, with
armed force, if necessary."
Guard were put on the Una by tne
British, and the work continued. Gen
eral Wagasak, the Russian command
er, protested, and said the thing;
would not have been done If the Rus
sians had had aa many troops aa th
British, adding that such matters
should be left to diplomacy. Colonel
MacDonald again communicated wlttt
General Barrow, who replied: "Con
tinue the siding." General Wagasak
appealed to the Russian minister at
Pekin. M. De Glers.
Count von Waiuersee haa Informed
General Chaffee that the troop under
hi command will be disposed of as
follows during the summer month:
England will have 1,000 men at the
summer palace, a small detachment
in Hunting Park, and 2,000 men In
other places. Germany will send the
troops now in Pekln to a village north
west ot the summer palace in the
mountains, while the German troop
at Pao Ting Fu will be located in
the mountain west of the city. Italy
will draw the troops from that part
of the summer palace which some
of her force now occupy. Japan
and Austria will leave their troop In
Pekin. Count von Walderaee any
that as by such location ot troop
any and all trouble can be avoided.
he see no cause tor interference.
BLOEM FONTEIN, March 13.-Gen-
staked. Some of the unfortunate fel
eral Dewet is reported to be moving lows w o t . mUr d ft. o
northward steadily, at the rate or 25 , ' ,r"
n. . j -.Hi . I were reserved by notice In the proc-
"railway" to the' eastward He JamaUon Their four dayr" vlgi! i ta
should now be west of KroonstadL temperature 40 egrees be iero
Several small commandoes are In frightful experience for many
possession of the southeastern por- ' 100 "v"-
l 1a MtMiM DIiiab Anlntif) ffftn. I "
T17AnnA. CmlrhAnlrl tinrl RmiwiliA
have been wlftdrawn. 9-tle Canner.; Truat Being Formed
It Is lmoosslble not to be struck wPr. ...
with the fact that a great portion of SEATTLE, March 14. From Ju
the former enemies of Great Britain neau comes the report that there is
In South Africa now frankly throw in a gigantic trust being formed with
their lot with the British. Brandfort. many mllltons of capital, which wlli
Kroonatadt and Bloemfonteln com- aosolutely control every nsh cannerj
panles of ex-burghers are now bearing and the fish Industry of the entire
arms against the Boers. Tney state Alaska territory.
their obiect is not to operate against The report la to the effect tnat Mr.
their former comrades, but to defend Onflroy, once president of the Pacific
their homes and Drooerty against American Fisheries Company, a cor-
maraudinsr bands. Every town In the ooratlon which practically controls
Free State occupied by the British the fish Industry of the Northwest
will soon become a center or Britian coast, is now in New ora wiy man
influence, extending a long distance inr final arrangements for the incor-
it) their vicinity. Over nooo reru- poratlon or tne company, wnicn wm
gees are now within the British lines, hold in Its grasp the immense fish
and many of them demand arms and industry ot Alaska. The fish iudus-
permlsston to take the field. If their try ranks next to mining in Alaska,
requests are granted it will be easy Seven canneries were In operation
to get 2.000 ex-burghers enrolled on last year. The output was 11,029,968
the British side. pounds, the market value of whlct
was $11,000,000. In addition to the
JAPS WITH B0GU8 PAPERS. above, which was canned, 13,000 bar
relB were salted, th emarket value or
aa-iAA AAA
VANCOUVER, B. C. March 13. It wnicn iow.w""
A Vine niirnhn nf Tana. I
nese Immigrants attempting to cross Washington Sugar Beet Contracta,
the boundary line from British Colum- Spokane, March 14. The Washing
bla to Washington recently had In ton state sugar factory, owner of tht
their possession fraudulent British nat- beet sugar establishment at Fairfield
uralltatlon papers, the date or tnir wash., has made contracts tor d.uoi
passports showing they had resided acres ot beets, and expects to con
In this province only a fraction of tract tor 1,000 acres to be grown thl:
the statutory period It was supposed season. The company contracts t.
the traffic In fraudulent papers had pay $4 per ton for beets showing l:
been broken up when the eommis- per cent sugar, and zt cents ror eaci
slons of several notaries connected additional per cent un tne Dasis o
with the practice were canceled by last year, this would aggregate $5 2
Smallpox Epidemic Raging ' Near
Pryor,' Mont. -
BUTTE, Mont, March 14. A. JL
Campbell, ot Pryor, who 1 In charge
of the Pryor Creek subagency, on the
Crow reservation, state 'that there
are 600 cases ot smallpox in the -vicinity
of Pryor, and that strenuous
efforts are being made to stamp the
disease out He asserts that Billing
haa 40 cases of the disease, and that
with its own case and the reserva
tion cases, the detention hospital
there has become so overcrowded
that hundreds of cases - are being-
cared for privately. The epidemic
has reached a point where the county
commissioners have determined to .
erect a pesthouse near Pryor. A sin
gular fact in Una connection is that
up to date not a single Indian has
contracted the disease.
On Pryor Creek and the Crow res
ervatlon, about buo persons are quar
antined," said Mr. Campbell.; 'The
first case broke out in Timothy'
camp two months ago. Then the dis
ease extended to McShane'c camp,
and soon afterward to O'Connor'. A
yet every case has been of a mild
character. Everything possible is be
ing done to keep the men from leav
ing work and scattering smallpox
throughout the state. The Indians
were all taken up Pryor Creek when
the disease first broke out, but now
they will have to be moved, as small
pox ha made its appearance on the
upper part ot the reservation."
the government some months ago.
per ton.
Builders' Trial of Illinois.
Newport News, Va., March 14. O
her builders' trial trip today, the bat
Burglars Took $6,600 From Bank.
Areonla. Kan.. March 13. The Dri-
k.-i, . q,. tleshln Illinois more than measurei
t ,u jTiM u Up to expectations. The ship war
robbed by three men, and $2,600 in takenPont t0 aeep Beai wa!
casn and H.uuu in regisiereu govern- gven B down the coast, the malr
ment S per cent bonds secured, object being to test her boilers
About $140 in gold and $8,000 in bonds Steaming out of the Virginia capes
were left untouched. The robbers tne nauiesnip proceeuea bdoui a
secured their tools from the Santa
F lection house near-by. The vault
wa entered through the brick wall,
and th af blown open with nitroglycerin.
mile down the coast. On her retur
nnder a moderate forced draught, th
bin's indicator showed her speed fo
two hours' run to average 16.2 knoti
an hour, with 107 revolution
Nine Persons Carried Away by Flood;
On of Them Being Killed. ' -
PROVIDENCE, R. I., March 14.
Two dams at Wanskuck, just north
ot this city, burst, carrying away two
wooden buildings containing nine per
sons, one of whom was drowned. The
upper dam burst first, and the water
with a rush swept away the lower dam
a few minutes later. Over tht lower
dam were two wooden building of
the Allen print work. These build
ings were crushed by the flood. Fire
men with rope tied around their
bodies crawled over the ladder
spliced together to those who were
clinging to debris, which had become
lodged. .
The whole country below the ruined
dam present a scene of devastation.
Boy Robbed His Father.
Chicago, March 14. Thrrteen-year-
old Frederick Wlndbiel, the on of a
saloon keeper, has been charged with
robbing his father of over $4,000.
The boy's aunt, Annie Sprout, is
under arrest, and has confessed that
Bhe and her husband Induced the boy
to take the money from hi father.
They told the hoy that Mr. Wlndbiel
would defraud him of whatever in-
ercrt he might have in the family
savings, and that his only salvation
was to get possession of the money
at once. When the boy got hold ot
the money they induced him to turn
it over to them. Before be could be
arrested, Mrs. Sprout's husband fled
to Germany, and a cablegram ' ha
been lent to the German authorities
to apprehend Sproul when be arrive.
Plenty of Recruit.
Washington. March "14. An In
crease of over 100 pec cent , in the
enlistments for the regular army atnee.
the recruiting was begun, February?
8, has encouraged war department Of
ficials. They now feel confident thatr
there will be no trouble in finding'
all the men necessary to bring; thay'
army up to it Just proportion be-?
tore the date come tor th volunteer
regiment to he mustered out' fr4
the week ended March S, Til raenOCf :
were obtained.