The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, October 25, 1900, Image 1

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NO. 32.
Delinquent Tax List for the
Year 1899.
Notice In hereby given that by virtu
of warrant IsMied out of the Oovinty
Court or th Hist of Oregon for Wash
tnitton County, attested by the Clerk of
mlil court on the 11th day of October,
1W0, ami to m directed, commanding
m to collect ill delinquent tax..- for
, the year ISM, for the County of Wash
ington. Htale of Orvgon. unit fir went of
, sultH-leiit personal property I have
Iwled uiMin and will 'll at public auc.
Hon to the highest bidder fur cah at
lh south door f the Courthouse In the
City or ttillslioro In said Washington
County. Oregon, on MONDAY, TI1K
WTIt 1AY of November. WW. the tut
lowing described real property, situate
In said County of Washington, Slate of
Oregon, or to much thereof u may be
titwenmiry to satiety the tnxea due. to
gvthrr wl h cost and chimr thereon
said sale to commence at 10 o'clock A,
M. of said doy and continue from day
lu day. HutuUy excepted, until said land
In sold;
Sabln. R. I.., Aaelgnee-Psrt of
lot S. block 1, for! drove,
a described In Hook 44, page
Ml, Record of llecda for Wh-
wgtnn county, Oregon
X SK. ctlun 1, T. I N n.
) 4 . 41) iwi
fisbln. It. L.-HW. H of NK. l,
section IS, T. I N.. R 8 W., 40
Sabln. a I. Trustee NK. of
Piling. I. K.-.UV acna In A. Har-p'r-'Ui'iilion
land claim, tec
tum it. T, I 8.. R. 4 W., de
scribed In Rook 0, pace 7, R'
ordw uf Deed for Washington
County, Oregon , ,
RappinKton, J. W. ton, lot 13.
1 Do
t so
:4 s:
loCK 1 -
Sargent. K. C.-NW. l section
. T. t B.. R. 4 V 160 crs..
awyer. P.-8W. 1 of HE. u'of
NW . section IS. T. 1 .S., a
4 W., 10 arrva ':',
Saber. A. L-Bherwooa, lot 7,
block J
Hrhalrer. R K -Ut tt. 8pen.
-r il(jtnrtad, a rc ........
Bchafer. Louie Weal I'ortland
HclKhta, loll 31. S3, binck 17 ....
BhtriM-hl, V. M.3 atrra In
, aecttor. S, 4. T. 1 It. I W -aa
deacrllird In Itxk 45. ia i.
Kecorda of Deeds for Waahinc
ton County, Orgon
Brheracnel, V. A M 40 ama In
t. Hall donation land claim,
tectum a, T. N.. a t W a
described In Book ... pax t,
Keords of !)) for Wanhlii
lon County, OrcRon; avctlon Ml,
T 1 s a 1 w
fth'erache!, V.ndat-iiiBhUrtd Ad
dltlon. Illlliiboro, Iota 1 4 .
block I Iota I. I. . block .Si ta
1. f. S. 4, block I
fchmaar, K. A Tennla Y.'-A9 ara
In N. H of NR. W.-iilon . T.
18.. at W.. aa'dvucrlbMi In
Hook K, page 12. ftrmrda of
leta (ur WaahlnalDn County.
! 3
4 U
1 3
70 M
Schmidt, Mnurlce Ilia Intercut In
aectton , T, 1 N., a 1 10
Kchmldt. raul-Utaverton, lota J.
7, block I
School. J. P.- South Coaat Atldl.
tloi,. Hlllnlmro. tot 1, b ock M,
Scott. Mr. Huth rort drove.
7 W
1 S4
2 U
10 w
. lot I. block 4 Mra. Rull
HK. corner of
12 20
4 00
i su
RuthlOOxlOO fret In
lot Z, block 4....
Bctt. Mra. Ruth, lot 4. block 4....
.. BK""J. M.-NW. of SW.
ectlon U. T. 2 8.. a 1 W., 40
Rerrmruta, Wm. t'i acrwi In !.
Hall donation land claim, sec
tion 41, T. 1 8., it 1 W aa de
scribed In Book 3a. pag I, Rec
ords of Dteda for Waahlncton
County, Oregon
Br ward. W. H.-8K. of 8W. .
8W. of 8K. H. aecllon 14, T.
I 8 a 1 W.. M acres
Sewell. Thoa. O. M. 8 -2 acres
In K. H of BK. 4. section 17. T.
1 R. W., as diicrlbtd In
llook SI, pane 117. Kecorda of
lietda for WaahlnRton County,
Shaw, Ur: M. E. lUfdville, lota
'''"iihaw. C. M.-NB. section 7.
T. 3 K R. t W.. 140 seres....
Khcppard, Ellia A. 11yd Park,
lota 18. IB. block 11
4 M
10 K
I i
9 4(i
2 04
( 7
1 if
8hut.John, and Foot, J. A.
Hlllnboro, part of lot 7, block 1,
aa described In Book 60, PK
274. Hecorda of Deeds for
Wsahlnirton County. Oregon... 632 M
Bhute, J. w., and Ton sue, T. M.
Oak Orove Addition, Hllia
boro, loU 1, 2. 3, 4, 6, (, 7, ,
block 2
Shute, J. W., and Tongue, T. H.
Oak Grove Addition, Hllle
boro, lot I, blot!k 8
Bhut. J. W and Tongue, T. H.
Oak Grove Addition, Hllla
boro, loll , 10, 11, 12. U, 14, 15,
IS, block 2; lots 1 to 14 Inclusive,
I acres, block 1
Smith. A, A and Helta of-Ile-ginnlng
st a point 11.(3 chains
W. of 8E. corner aectlon 31, T. 2
N.. K. ! W Willamette Merid
ian; running thence 8. 2 dcg.
E. along E. line of the Ander
son Bmlih donation land claim
to the NK. corner of R. H.
Walker farm; thence W. along
N. line of said Walker place
, 24UO chains; thence N. alone;
i K. Una of land owned by Cleo.
ISanty to the center of McKay
Creek; thence In a northtast-
, erly direction with the meander
ina thereof to the mouth of
Heaverdam Creek; thence up
said creek with the meandxrltiRH
thereof to the NW. corner of do
nation land claim of Mr, Bur
ria; thence 8. 2 detf. E. 24.35
chains to place of beginning,
containing 90 acres, section 3H,
T. 2 N., It, 2 W.; section 4, T,
I R 2 W. ..,.... '
Bmlth,"w.-E Jr. North Bide Ad
dition, lot , block 2 , .....
Rmltb, W. W, Five acres In P. D.
Haokleford donation land claim,
auction 11, T. 1 N.. R. 1 W.( aa
deacrlbed In Book I, page 113,
Hecorda of Deeds for Washing
ton County, Oregon ;
Bmlthv Geo. L.-NW, 14 of BW.
14, section 7, T. 1 N., K i W 40
acres "1
Bmlth, U M.-39 acres In N. H of
NW, 14, section IS, T. 1 N., R. 4
W., as described In Book FT,
pas; 231, Records of Deeda for
Washington County, Oregon ....
Bmlth. John-W. Vi of 14,
section M, T. 8 N., R, I W M
acres "":";"."
Boderland, N. Section 2, T. 1 8;.
H. 4 W., M acres, lot 1; W
acres In N. H of NW. ajc
tlon 26, T, 1 N., H, IW, "
scribed In Book 2, page 7S,
Records of Deeds for Waehlng-
' ton County, Or-ron ...
Sochren, C, C BE, 14 of NK.
4, NE, 14 of BE. 14, section 19,
T. 2 N R. S W 80 acres;.,...
pltwinbrger, John-West Port
land Heights, lot 24, block 11...
2 7t
1 SI
11 M
2 sr
2 SO
2 44
t 12
t V
I 12
Stare. E. A -TO acre In W. It.
WUilama' donation land claim,
section M, T. I A, a 1 W.. aa
doaciibed In Hook t, page 6M,
lter.rda of Deeds tor Washing
ton County, Oregnn ,
Stanley. J, !l.-Hoeoow't Addition,
2 84
MlllKtMirO, lot I, blOCR i
HtitnwotHl. Catherine 4 acres In
J. M. Howell's donation land
claim 44, aertluna IV II T. 3 K.
IC I W., as dearlbe4 In Nook
4, tag W lUM.k 44, page 21.
KvHrd of IH-edei for Waahlng
Ion t unty, Oregon
Stack .le. llto, !. Wt IMrtland
Hetahl, lots Is, 20, block I .....
8trirer. (l.ll acres In set'llona
S3. 34. T. I N.. II I W as de.
acrtbed In Hook 31. page 47a,
Itiecorda of Deeds for Washing
ton County, Oregon
(Mr vena. L. I). NK. 4 section Is,
T. X N R. I W.. 10 ai res
"(evens, l.llllan Mouth Park Ad
dtttun. rorest (3 rove. N. V, lot
1. block 1; N. lot I. blw k 1...
Bte-a, C. J.. H 'f HW. 14 ft
NK. 4, tevtlon Si. T. 1 .. a 3
W.. seres
Hteinhvlaer, Ike Hyde Park, lot
24. block t
Bterne. K. C.-llyde Park, lota 1&.
IS. 17. bNk
Stilt. Adella-IIer Interest In W.
Pointer donation land claim,
eevtlon , T. 1 8.. R 1 W S7
acrra .........
PUme. Thoa, and Uoule, 4 K.
S 'f 8W. V4. aectlon JJ, T. 3
N.. H.WNn acrea
8tna, p. A West Portland
Heights, lot 32. block 11
Burr iv is. Morris 8..uthet Pri
lantt. loti VI, W. 6, SO. II, 14, S3,
4. 4 acres
Stout, taming All of 00. 8.
Flewart a donation land claim
M. swtlona 3, . T. 2 8.. R 3
W.. SOacns
Btreter, W. U. Millard Van
8chuvr Tract. 10 acres, lot 21.
Br--r, t. I. West Portland
-.""Place. I arres. lo.
1 fc
1 H
4 41
8 II
3 70
1 21
1 14
I 10
8 38
I 13
11 40
10 81
I 3
1 II
t 24
t 13
1 34
Buffen. M. K.-Hyd l"rk, lot
IS. block IS
Btuart. J. C West Portland
Heights, lot I. block 32
Swett. Mra Jennie Hyde Park,
lot 23. bock 7
Bwrek, John Ills Interest In N.
S of HE, H. section 21, T. 3
H. t W a acres
28 U
1 13
Tamm. Carl Weat Portland
Hslghta, lot 13. block 23
Tarinr, A. H. 4 acres In section
3, T. I N , R. 2 W., aa descrtned
In Hook 11. peg 314. Records of
Ikeeds for Washington County.
13 SO
4 80
14 80
15 71
1 40
2 84
88 80
I 78
Taylor, M. M.-8outh Park Addi
tion. Forest tirove. Kit M,
biork 10
Thayer. Kmlly ii 1M acrea In
section 4. T. 3 8.. a 1 W . as
dearrlhed In Honk U, pg 310,
Itecorrti of Deeds for Washing
ton County, Oregon
Th tlrrgon Mortgage Co Ltd.
K. 14 (r HW, H section 14, T.
1 H.. R. 1 W.. 40 acres..
The Oregon Mortgage Co,, Lid.
NK. H or NW. I, section 33,
T. I B.. U. 3 W.. 40 acrea.
Thing. Paul 34 acrea In M.
Mix ire dunatlon land claim, aec
llon 37. T. I 8.. R t, W.. aa de
scribed In Book 44. page 1ST,
Heword of Ieeda for Wash
ington County. Oregon
Thompson. C. C Two arra In
section 37. T. 3 8.. R 1 W., as
described In Book 34, page 27.
Record of Deeda for Washing
ton County. Oregon
Tlmm, H. M SS't acres In se.
tmnt II and 31. T. I H , R. 1
V.. as described In atok 41. a
493. Kecfnts of Deeds fur Wash-
In art on County. Oregon ,
Tlmm. Peter NK. 14 section IJ.
T. 3 N R. W ISO acres
Tonsr, J. H, and N. C.-l acrea In
W. Pointer a donation land
claim No. . T. 1 8.. R. 1 W..
as described In Book 34, page
341. Records of feda for Ween-
Inarton County. Oregon
3 71
Tualatin City Ileal Kstste Com-
pany M seres In section 24. T.
2 8.. R. 1 W aa described In
Hook Y, psge 662, Records of
I Meeds for Washington County,
21 II
Turney, W. I.. W. It of section
. T. 1 N a a W , jjo acres,.;
13 13
t 84
t'lenwke. Louis S acres In section
tt, T. I B., R. 2 W.. as dewrlhed
In Book 42, psge 301, Records of
Deeds for Washington County
I'nlted Bistes National Bank Lot
10. dray OakTract, t acres....
Upton, Anna A. Two acres In
se-ctlon 12, T. 2 8., R 1 W.. aa
described In Book 43, page IBS,
Records of Deeds for Washing
ton County, Oregon
Ppton, C. H. five acres In see
tlon 32. T. 2 8.. R 1 W., as de
scribed In Book 45, page 1M,
Records of Deeds for Washing
ton' County, Oregon
Venan, M. K. A A. B.-All of lot
2. except SO feet oft west side 'of
lot. block 30, Forest Grove
Vino, J. K.r.ols 1 and 2, block
. Wt Portland Plao
Wa'ker, J, M. Ixrt I, block 4..
Walker's Addition to For
Walker. R, H The W. E. Walker
donation land claim, T, 1 N.,
It. I W and T. 1 8.. R. 1 W
1 28
1 84
2 78
15 80
1 3
1 20
399 M
2 28
1 88
8 7S
2 44
14 84
818 acre
Wallace, Mary O.-Lots 6, S,
block I, Gaston
Warner, Alex Lota 27. 31, block
22, Went Portland Heights
Watrous, Jane W. NE. 14 section
20, T. I N., R 5 W., 160 acres...
Watrous, I, A. NE. 14 of BW.
14, section 15, T. 2 N R W
SO acres
Wehrung, W. H.. Assignee of N.
A. Barrett, Insolvent All of P.
Dobbins' donation land claim
No, 43, T, 2 N., a f W 320
acres .,,
Welser, John 20 acres In W. H.
Bennett donation land claim No.
40, T, 1 8., R. 2 W and No. 47.
T. 1 N., R, 2 W as described In
book 33, page 117, Records of
Deeds for Washington County,
Oregon ,
Welch, Wllllam-irLot (, 7, , block
22, Beaverton ,
Wheeler, D. R.Lot 1, J, 3, 4, 6,
7. 3, and W. V, of lots , 10, It,
12, Wheeler's Subdivision, St 14
acres ;,, ,,.
Wheeler, Julia M. 214 acres In W.
Btokes' donation land claim No,
61, T, 1 N., R. 3 W as de
scrlbtd In Book 62, page 72, Rec
ords of Deeds for Washington
County, Oregon
White, Samuel Five seres In Oeo,
Rlchardrnn donation land claim
No. 31, T. I 8., R. 1 W and No.
65, T. 1 8., R. 1 W., aa described
In Book 80, page 301, Records
of Deeds for Washington Coun
ty, Oregon .,,.,..,
White, J. J,-Lotg 1, 2, 8, 4, 5, S,
block , Hyde Park
Whitlow, C, M. at IX M.-214 acrea
In R. Wilcox donation land
claim No, (t, T. 1 N., R. IW as
described In Book 30, psge 28,
Records of Deeds for Washing
ton County, Oregon
Wilson, Rebecca V. 28 acrea, sec
tion t, T. 2 N., R. 4 W as de
scrlbtd In Book W, page 820,
Continued on Secioid Pegs )
4 SO
3 18
13 70
8 58
1 (4
8 11
Epitome of the Telegraphic
Newt of th World.
Aa laterasllag rlleettea f lleasa
'Sia Twe Hemisphere Fees Ma 1
la a Ceriensed Teva. V
Roosevelt limits In Ualttmnrs.
Titers ars 02 case ol yellow Isvsr la
Tbs total registration In (i raster
Now York lor I WOO Is 6&S.U4.
Bryan cloeenl bis eampaixn In New
York with s speech In lluttalo,
Tbs spread of yellow lever In Ha
tana Is said to bs dus to Bpanisn lw
General Weyler, -cetto ueral
of Cubs, has been appoluwJ caplalu
general ol Madrid,
Mr. Stevenson's forecast ol tbs sleo
tlon is 138 for McKluluy, 109 for Ui?
n aud 120 douttlul.
Many American aud Kuropesn nils
itouarles in hlisn Hi province bavs
Umu killed by Boxers.
Tbs Dutch cruiser Oelderland, with
Prssldaut K rotter on boanl, has sallsd
trout Lountuco .Marquee fur Kuropa,
Oos man was killed In a Iraln wrack
on ths Northern 4'aciflo near Missoula,
Mout,, and s ton ol mall wsnt into s
Cbarlei Dudley Wsronr, ths author,
snd ons ol ths owners of Uts llartford
Courant, died suddeuly at llartlurd,
C'ouo,, sgnd 71.
Ths New York Herald's forecast of
Iho presidsntlar stectlon is lint Mo
Klulsy will havs 2 HI and Uryso let
votes In tbs slevtural eollegs.
Firs la tit. Paul destroyed packing
hones, a locomotive sod 80 bus ears,
caused tbs death of flv Uieti by falling
vslls sod ratalled i to of 9100,000.
A special dispatch from Comttotfc
oopl says nsw and frightful uiassaeres
of Armanians bavs just ooeorrsd In tbs
district of Dlarhekir. Tbs Wussul
nans, It Is assailed, pillsged out
ragsd and killed during five day with
out lbs intervention ol Tuikieh troop.
Klght villages, It Is sdded, warssulirs
ly destroyed and bnrued.
Accor llng o a comepondent of ths
Kbanghsl . Mercuiy, lUsrtoii I'ontueatl, ;
In Houth 1 1 utis n, was tortured four j
boors by Cblnce. Differrut inembers
of his body were reniored singly. Two
priests wsrs covered with coal oil ami
placed on a pits of sticks which wsrs
then seel Ars to. liinhop Foguts was
disemboweled, snd others were fright
fully tortured. Three Ihoueaod con
vert, led by French priests, In defend
lug their church, were uis.eanrnd.
Chlosas reformers ssptursJ llul
Francs wsnt pesos negotiations to
begin stones,
Alrsres, s Tsgal leader, wss captured
In Mindanao.
Ths mlneowners agreed to the ittlk
sr' deninds.
HiHteevelt was glveo great recep
tion in Cleveland.
Kugtiiih horseman ars ' Agisting
American jockeys,
A French expedition wa tosuacred
st Lake Assai, AftlcA.
Captain 0. M. t'artnr I seeking hi
liberty on s babes corpus.
Lloton'i challenge was auuet)tl by
ths Nsw York Yalcht Uhb.
Ilohenliola hm resliinsd. Von Ilulow
msy bs ths nsw Ucrtnsn chmicoltor.
Tbs United Ctstes until Hist Marietta
has gons to Cauton, alikU U threut
susd. Rebels Wers defeated In sn sngngo
sent with Atuoricuui at Tubuguau,
A dispatch received from Lord Itbb
arts, under dati ol Pretoria, October
1, reports s number of minor sffa Irs,
but wyi that tbs only, luoldunt of 1m-
iortncs wss the snrreudering of Tonls
Iloths, a brother of Commaudanl (leu.
oral Botha, at Yolksrust, October 13.
Two haudrsd Uintsn Indians from
Utah hsvs Invaded Northwwttsrn Ool
orado on their auunst booting exitodl
tlon, and si usual on such occasion!
tbs settlers ars greatly slsnnsd. Uov
em or Thomas has spialed to ths fed
srsl suthorltiss to drtvs tlis Indisns
back to tbsir reservation.
-The family of the late John Clark, of
Nsw York, has eugxired eouuoel to try
to obtain tlnrmtate ol his brother, I in
lay Clark, who disd few ysarsago
to Australia, leaving a fortuns eti
mated st 920,000,000, Ths dead man
was an owner of gold mine. Recent
ly, Governor Yoorhees, of New Jsriwy,
was iuformsd that the multimillton
airs s heirs wore in that state. J IS left
nons In Australia and his wb'ds for
tuns is said to bs lying untouched
waiting to lis divided among ' four
nephews snd ueiae In Nsw Jersey,
Among these ars Jitine N. Clark snd
Jams W. Clark, whoss prsssut whers
shouts srs unknown.
TberS ars abont 80,000 lejwri lu ths
Ths gold yield ol Cripple Creek for
tbs present ysar Is sxpsctsd to amount
to 937,000,000.
An English Inventor proposes to
build a boat that will cross ths Allan.
Ho in two days.
Big imports of gold from Kurope ars
intiolpatsd in Nsw York as a rent) It of
Ihj resumption of mining lu South
A Nsw fork batik teller itols f?00.
000 snl escaped.
Boer guerrilla attacks glvs ths Brit'
ish much trouble.
A revolting crhns was nnssrthsd by
Paterson, N. J., doisctlves. .
Presidsnt Mitchell thloki this U tbs
last week of ths miners' sir Ik.
Twsntr'Bvs carloads of Oregon (roll
trees will bs shipped to other states.
Ths British steamship Royalist will
ruler ths transiiort eervtcs of ths Uuit
sd Htatei.
Ths Pacific Cos el Company In Hire
yean ha risen from bankruptcy to
91,000,000 surplus.
Thlrteen-yesr-old school girl, Lulu
Jons, was ths victim of umderoui
assault st Jeffsrsnn, Or.
Barun von Richtliofon 1 Count von
Bulow's successor as roiuUtvr of for
sign affair for (iermauy. .
Tbs Kstilucky miners' striks hat
been declared off. Klght hundred
men wilt return to work st ones.
Ths Russian minister of nuance, M.
D Witt, authorise denial of tbs story
that Russia began negotiations In Nsw
York In the ralddls of October f s
900,000,000 loan.
(leuersl Charles M. Bern, of ths Co
lonildsn rvpttbliu's army, suuouuoei
that his government bad purchased
Usorgs Uoold's yacht, Atlanu, and
would us bar In supprsssiog ths rsbsl
Near Yhksburg, Miss., Gleets
lUrue. colored, wa lynched by s mot
of his own people. In a dtunken fury
Herues mnrdsreJ bis wile, stabbed ami
badly wounded a negro who Interfered,
and engaged in a rife dnsl with s
whits man wbo attempted to arrest
htm. Ths murderer wss shot to death.
The cttisens of Oklahoma and In
dian Territory want slngts statehood
for ths two territories. Ths formation
of league to promote this end ha cow
insnced. Ths 0rt leagus was organ
tsed at Wagoner, I, T. Determined
effort lu thi direction ars Mag madi
by th leading people of those, territor
ies. Th Ruwlan l.attlelilp Rsisivan bsi
been launched at (lamps' shipyard.
No wins wss ossd k ths christening,
th Rssslsa cerstnouy being observed.
Ths new hattleehip t the largest eve
built In thi country. Her Mai coal
will be 9,1,000,000. Ths ship laS?
feet iu length, bas n breadth of 72 feel
IS inches, a dliplscement of 12,700
ton, aud a draught of 28 feet, bht
will bav s ipesd of 18 knots.
lleun Islksd to wdoted vol u a teen
In Chicago.
Natural gas ha been disoovsrsd besi
ftpoksns, Wsah.
America sprovsa of ths Anglo-Cur
man agretwsut.
Tbs miners' striks will I called 00
when sll ths companies post notice.
Imparl! troop bavs auffered r
venie in southern province of Chins
Rohbsis attempt to blow open a safi
of th First Nstional bsuk at Union,
Tbs snll-lmpcrlaltst ia sn ad
Jrsw to tbs judspsudeut voters to sup
port Bryan.
Four flrsmsn wsrs killsd snd prop
erty valued at 9400,000 destroyed in s
88. Psul Or.
KuroiMwtn pspsrs. Indulgs In much
critical discussion of th Anglo-tier
man agreement.
Agnimtldo la said to havs wrllton s
lutter directing cessation of political
stteinpt for paulftoatiou.
A score of oritnlual Irian patlenti
overpower their keepers and escaps
from Nsw York ssylum.
Tbs Ppantsh' cabinet resigned as a
protest sgalust appoiutmeut of Weylei
to bs captain-general of Msdrld,
Cholera is increasing to suoh an ex
tent In Jspsn that atsamers tbsnc
bavs been qnsranttnsd. There are
uuin ber ol deaths aboard teaman
coming from Nagasaki.
lion. John Kherman, representative
in th bouse, for loug term a mem
ber of the Must aud twios holding
cabinet positions, died st bis residence
In Wsihlngton, D. C In ths 78th yoai
of bis sgs.
John Alexander Dowis,. th Zionist,
of Chicago, was mobbed at a meeting
In London. Hvn hundred student
attempted to prevent tbs faith healer
lioni entering ths hall, but a strong
(ores of polios pulled Mr. Dowis
through th mob of itndant and ar
.ettl the ringleader.
Th transport Belgian King, which
broke down soon after leaving Ma
nila in consequence of sn accident to
her machinery, ha put iuto Hong
Kong for repair. Ths Argyls wss at
Nagasaki on her way from Manila to
Taku with animals, The Arao bas left
Kolis for Msnila with animal. Tbs
Thorns left Nagasaki ths HOth Inst,
for Manila. Thn Breconihirs left
Kobs ths 22d Inst, lor Msnila, with s
largs cargo of lumber aud forage. Ths
Sumner, Athenian snd Pik Ling war
st Nagasaki ths 20th. The Athenian
was bound (or Taku with animals, and
ths Pak Ling was taking animals to
Manila. Tbs Port Albert 1 at Nag
uki, A German Arm hai built a locomo
tlv on ths Amsrioan pattern,
Ths international peace congrei In
Psrls condstousd Ursst Britain's coursi
in th Transvaal.
During th last year 2,400 duli
havs bsen fought In Italy and BOdsatbi
hsvs tsiulied.
Cabbsg crop in Europe ar gener
ally poor thi yer and thi country Is
being called upon to mag up the d
Anglo-German Compact Sat
isfactory to United States.
Aaserlesa Reply Will Asespt Ike Prle
el pi ef Ike Agreesieet-M AH
braee te the Alliasee.
Wsihlngton, Oct. 24. It wsi an
thorltUvly itated tonight that the
Unltsti btatei government view with
distinct favor tbs principle of Ilia
Anglo tjermso agreement relating to
China and that a forms I rtions to
that effect will bs mads at an sarly
day to tbs Invitation tended this
government to sooept ths principlss of
tbs sgrmot. Th uerman chsrgs
d'stTslres, Count do Quadt, bad oou
lereuoe with HeoreUry Hay tbl after
noon, presenting ofnolally . ths text of
ths Anglo-German sgresment. Includ
ing tits Invitation to ths United HUtes
to sooept th principle therein record
ed. Mr. Hay sxpresaed hi satisfaction
at what bad bsen doue, osylug h felt
It to bs In complets harmony with tbs
pot toy this government had pursued,
both as to lbs maintenance of uuob
struoted commerce in China snd lbs
territorial sntlty of ths smplrs, snd
atldiug that formal reply would b
given in day or two. Count d
Quadt was gratified at thets assurance
snd left with th bellsf that thr was
snob a harmonious understanding on
th general principles involved thsl tbs
concurrenos of th power was near at
band. "'
Mr. Hey lui been fully advised of
ths agreement ami bad gone over It
with great cats with ths presideut
yesierdsv snd today. This was th
mors necessary owing to thsprssbleoi'i
departure for Canton tonight, Ths re
mit of the deliberation! is summed
up in ths statement that th govern
men! view the Anglo-Garinat. agree
ment with favor. It la also probable
that some attention b btwu given to
ths draft of ths American reply. It 1)
likely to bs mors lu tbs lorm of s not
f approval rather than any formal !
berencs lo ths alliance, but this i said
to be merely a matter of detail.
About tbs only lerlou qoestlon
which bai sriecu a to the American
reply wsi in clause three of tbs Anglo-
German agreement. Thi state that
In case of another power making use of
ths eompllcttlon in China In order to
obtain territorial sdvautages, Germany
snd Great ltiitein reservs tbs right to
reach a preliminary understanding ol
the eventual step lo bs taken for ths
pMtsction of their interests. Tbl i
open to ths construction of being a
threat. It I prohabl that tbs Ameri
ca 11 reply will not go beyond accepting
the principle tbst Germany and Ureal
Britain havs s right to agree between
themeetve si to thslr evsntoal course.
But titer i not likely to be anything
which will commit thi government to
accept till eventual agrssment. In
short, tits third clause Is Interpreted to
apply only to Germany and Ureal Brit
ain, that being no Invitation extended
to other powers to join them lu a pre
liminary understanding regarding th
svsutual itep to bs taksn.
Passed Away at HH Wmhlnglen Ham ,.
Waehington, Oct. 24.Hoo. John
htiermnu. repreneuUtlvs in t'.s house;
lor a long term a member of ths sen
at and twice holding cabins! posi
tions, died st bis reeldsno In this city
al 0:48 o'clock this morutug in the
78th year of his sgs. His death had
been expected for torn day and lov
ing friend gave him their unremitting
oars and attention to ths end. The
immediate mm of death was described
as brain exhaustion, incideut to ex
tretne weakness, dus to old sgs and
several attacks of icknes from which
hs bad suffered for the pait year and a
half..... .
Nines Saturday afternoon, Mr, She
man bad been most of th time nncou
clous, rallying partially at lutsrvsls
when slight nourishment was given
him. Ytsterday afternoon, evidence
of th spproashin'g sod wsrs mauifest
and hs failed to regain oonsoiouenes
after 8 o'clock, passing sway peace
fully Just after dawn broke. , About 1
o'clock this morning hs rallied some
what from ths stopor and turned htm
self ovsr in bed, but sfter that hs grad
ually sank until ths end earn.
Secretary Sherman's death occurred
in ths handsome boms on K itrest
which he bad erected eight years sgo.
80ms weeks ago the teoretary deeded
this valuable property to Mr. MoCsl
lum. Ths secretary wa a largs holds!
of real sitats In this city. Conserva
tive estimate of hi walth place It at
around 91.000,000.
Resisting Indians Armed. ,
Denlson, Tsxas, Oct. 28, Tbs Creel
full-blood council bas beoo joined by
Cbootaws, Chlokasaw, Chatoksu and
Seminole, all armed , with Wluabe -tsf.
They declare they will itund by
ths treaty of I860 and will not taki
allottinent of land, Colonol Sheen
fele, ageut of ths five oivilised tribes,
Is oontldeut that hs can bandls ths sit
uation. - , - ...
Veres Returning Prom China,
Manila, Oct. 24.-Mr. Wildman,
United States consul st lloug Kong,
who is now in Manila, lay th expec
tation ol a general nti-foreign out
break In Southern China, notably in
Canton, li growing daily, and that
cablegram! received by him last week
record sn Inoresiing nneaslneai In
Hong Kong. A troop of ths Sixth
United states cavalry aud a ooutiuysut
of marine from ths United Btatei bat
tleship Indiana havs arrived ber from
lh Islaad Is Presseroas trader Assee
leas Military Mel.
Washington, Oct. 25. Major-Gener-si
Leonard Wood todsy msds a Ute
men! s to ths contents of bis oivil re
port a governor-general of Cuba. Hs
"Kvery town of oonssqusncs in ths
island bs bsen provided with a hos
pital, wall equipped with alt necessary
tuppllei and appliance. Tbs largest
hospital, wblob 1 at Havana, I caps
bl of accomodating 2,000 patUnts,
and Is now serving s a general munici
pal boepltal for that city,
"Asylum for orphan children bsvs
been sstabllsbsd wherever nsoeary,
Tbs number of the Institution ha
been gratly reduced during tbs past
fow month, owing to tbs great Im
provement la th general condition
existing in Cuba, children being taken
back to their famllle or to tbelr
friend. It it tbs purpose of tbs gov
ornmsnt to establish four tats inatitu
lion, two for boy and two tor girls,
two to bs industrial snd agricultural,
and two to bs correctional and indus
trial. Thess Institutloui will b cap.
bis of accomodating about 800 cbildrau
each, aud will be thoroughly equipped
with all upplia and matstlals re
quired by such on institution under
UiOderats conditions," .
Gsnsrsl Wood describe tbs sweeping
re lorm of tbs prison system and of tbs
procedure of tbs courts, and note that
ths writ of habeas corpus will taks
effect December 1. Of ire cbool,
bs say: , .. .t t, -
"During tbs trnl ysar over 8,000
putilio school bav been established
8,600 teacher ar employed in tbtn,
and 160,000 children srs In ths schools.
This number 1 oonitsatly Increasing,
snd by the snd of tbs present school
year it U believed w shall bsvs 260,
OOOohlldrea la school. Tbs laryt
number st school under Spanish nil
was hetweau 26,000 snd 80,000. Ths
salaries paid ths teacher srs all nigh,
exceeding any paid In tbs United Stetel
in corresponding grsd, with exception
of three or four Urge cltiee. School
desk aud lopplie for 100,000 children
bsvs been purchased, tent (0 lb island
and put up. Tbs snthoslasm for pub
lie eduction Is great. Tbs trip of
1,800 tesi'hers to Cambridge ws bene
ficial, and attempt will bemads to re
pent It next ysar."
General Wood tell of ths improve
ment In sanitation, suppression of dis
ease, maintenance of order, repair of
bouses, building, mall and telegraph
service, construction of road, bridge
and llght-bouMM, founding of nw In
fhietrles snd reform of taxation. Hs
ays: , ....
"immigration, especially ' from
Hpain, I heavy. It I probable that
6tl,000 Will bavs sntered Cuba during
ths present year, and tbs peopls srs
all Industrious and good workmen.
Ths financial condition of ths country
Is excellent. Ths government I en
tirely lulf-tupporttng, snd th tieasiiry
ha an unincumbered balance of
"Th tot.seco nop of last year wa
an immenne on. , This year the sugar
Stop will b between 560,000 and 000,
000 tons. The value of tbl year' crop
of sugar and th coming tobacco crop
will be, conservatively, 9100,000,000.
Tbl doe not Include th very large
production of cocoa, of coffee and vari
ous vegetables aud fiuits, nor does it
Include any ol tb proceed from min
ing and mny other Industrie."
Two election hve been held, con
ducted entirely by Cuban, and with
out disturbance, Anefneieut custom,
ervice ha been establiehed, a well at
a revenue cotter service and a harboi
police aud quarantine system.
Bats Past la Ik Revert ef Qesersl
Wsihlngton, Oct. 25. In the report
of Major-Ueueral Otis, as governor
general ot the Philippine, the follow
ing concerning the government ot tbt
city of Msnila wss mads public today.
"Tbs money expended to police and
Improve th city of Manila, to make
the necessary repairs on roads snd
brldgoi, to replace government build
ingi which Were dilapidated, to stamp
out the infeotiotts dlscsee of smallpox
and bubonio plague, to maiutaiu a
largs native police battalion, number
ing 260 men, together with the money
required to defray ths ordinary inci
dental sxpenses, bsi been greater by
oue-bslf than the city's collected re
ceipt!. "The liquor traffic has been exten
sive, especially In ths matter of intoxi
cating native drinks. In reducing the
numburof license which Spain grant
ed freely, the native complained pre
viously that they were deprived of ths
privileges of which Span bestowed.
Noth withstanding thee complaints,
they were greatly ditnluihed, but could
not o entirely withheld, nor could
the trafflo be destroyed by any . mean
within our power.' Experience led to
the belief that it could be controlled
through careful manipulation nnter a
stringent license law."
Peace In Santo Domingo,
New York, Oct. 24. A diipatoh tc
the Herald from Santo Domingo iayi)
Ths whols country ii pacified. The
leading revolutioniits are prisoner.
Thsy hsvs snbmittsd and the govern
ment li being conducted without troa
ble. " ,.
Aiaerlesa Transvaall Prisoners.
Colombo, Ceylon, Oct, 24. The
statstusnl that ths United States bs
intervened with the view of the traw
ler of American Transvaal priionen tc
a more salubrious climate bas astound
ed Ceylon. Among ths prisoners are
an officer and six men described aa
Americans. , They, aro all well, and
havs been so sines thsir arrival. Ths
prisoners' oamp is iltuated in th
bsalthisit locality.
Defalcation of a New York
Bank's Note Teller.
Chart) t. Aleord, ef th first Utlol,
la the Dsrealter-Prebebly Ktv
eased to Bos h A series
New York, Oct. 25. Charles L. Al
ford, not teller of th First Natlouitl
Bank, of thi city, I a fugitive and a
defaulter to th extent of 970000.
The announcement of th defalcation,
which wi made thii afternoon, cre
ated the utmost excitement to financial
Slroles In this city, but th well-known
tability of the First National and a
ttemnt issued by the bank bad a
dieting effect. Tbe statement was a
follow! , ; ,r
. "Th note teller, wbo hid been In
the employ of tbe First National Bsuk
for many years, is a defaulter to a largs
smoant. Ills operations nave contin
ued for a considerable period, and bsvs
been skillfully concealed through a
manipulation ot bl balance books.
Tbe diioovery was roads by ons of tbs
bank's smployes a lew days sfter ths
completion of tbs sxsmination of th
bank by th United State examiners.
During the oontinuance of hi pecula
tion periodical examination have
been made by several distinct corps of
examiner, representing the controller'
department, . all expert sccountsnti,
and th bank ba also had frequent in
dependent examination, none of which
ba developed any Irregularities. 1
Th aggregate of th false entriei,
amounting to 9700,000, bas been
charged off on tbe book of th bank
out of th reserve fund without dimin
ishing the sorpln and profit of lb
bank, a reported in the lost published
statement. "
Alvord has been with the bank for
20 yean, and wa one of tbe most
trusted men In tbe Institution, Hi
stealing extend over a long period,
hot no upiclon of tbe truth wsi
known until 10 dayi ago, when be sent
word that h wa ill at bi borne. Af
ter he had been away for S day or two
the bank put expert at work and soms
Ineg olaritte were fouud. As the x
pert delved deeper and deeper iuto
Alvord' book, the extent of tbe rob
bery began to dawn on the officers uu
til they were overwhelmed to find that
it reached the enormous figure of f 700,
000, - ' . "
There was a rumor that Alvord took
I steamer for South America.
' ' '. ..- v,, i
Want Large Apprnprlallens for Oevers
icl Irrigation Survey.
Denver, Oct. 25. Colorado bnil
ncaa men recognixg the benefit that
attache to their state through th
work of the government along tbe line
of irrigation investigation and inrveyi
for reservoir site. The Denver cham
ber of com nieroo snd board of treds
last month adopted rlgoront resolution!
calling attention to the great develop
ment possible in Colorado, through ir
rigation, and to the generally accepted
opinion that only by the storag ol
flood water can th future problem
affecting tuoceaful (arming in the arid
region be solved, and pledging auppuft
to th United State geological survey
in securing large congreeionl appro
priatiou for carrying ou their work for
iitrveyiof reservoir sites, and other
preliminary Irrigation work. "
West of the ?orU. .
Many sections of the West srs be
ginning to reap the bitter fruits ol
foreit destruction. A few year (go
the anow would drift, and pile tip in
the mountain gulches, thickly studded .
with pins and other tree, forming an
ltnoit Impenetrable (lorest protection,
and these gradually melt away, supply
ing water for the streams until ' late In
the season. Thi, now,, ho too often
changed. The timber has gradually,
but lurely, been cut and burnt away,
until now some of the finest forest of
the mountain have diappeared, and
where the (now bank would remain
until late in the season, they now dis
appear mouth earlier, and instead of
meltiug gradually, the - flood-water
come with a rush, and then oease wheu
moit needed. There i tcaroely any
thing more important than foreit pro
tection and preservation, which means
a guarding of the water supply, sud
every state an 1 every section should
rouee te active local organisation snd
national co-operation.
The Philndolbpia Public Ledger, sn
old .and conservative Eastern journal,
speaking of the arid public luudi, ar
gues forcibly, that in order ' that they
may bs redeemed ths nation should
assume the task of irrigation. ; ,
SoulU Carolina Bxposltloa. -Charleston,
S. C, Oct. 26.--Ths di
rectors of the South . Carolina Inter
state and West Indian expoetion have
reooived the designs and drawings for
buildings and grounds. The plan in
oluds about 16 important buildings, the
largest to be the cotton palaoe, which
will have an . area of 60,000 square
feet. Forth government builtliug it
1 proposed to have a replica ot the
White House. '
Forestry In Philippines.
Ithaea, N. Y Oct. 25. President
Schurman.of Cornell University, today
announced that the New York College
of Forestry bad been asked to furnish
competent assltaut to the foreitry
bureau at Manila, P, I. Captain
A hern, in charge of that bureau, pur
poies to reorganise the bureau, whioh
coder Spanish rule employed over 1 Dp
officials, to supervise the exploraiiou
of 20,000,00$ aoras or more of public
foiet domain, furnihing now a revenue
o(9l0J,000 annually, -