The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, June 21, 1900, Image 2

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: A I'nciO" TilK IfO-IK ;
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i i
Kntored it the roit-odn ' HilUhoru.
Oregon, Second cli mail matter,
Oiunty Official Paper.
The Argai Publishing Company.
Siibnor-ptloit: One Hollar per Annum.
tlx Months, 0 rut; Three Mimthm"U.
Opposed to Gold Mouo-iuetallism. lie
lieves In the Bimetallic Standard.
Dear Money means Debased Property,
sad Profitless American Product. Our
Consequent loss is our Creditors' Gain.
Has no nse for Marcus A. Hamia
The organs of Hannaisiu tell us
about the wonderful prosperity.
Of course there is prosperity. But
for whom and how much? There
ia certainly prosperity for the trust."
and the combines; there is prosper
ity for the army contractor; then-
is prosperity for the federal office
holders; there is prosjierity for the
fellows in Oregon who had their
clutches on the Corbett sack; and
there ia prosperity for the publish
ers of the Multnomah delinquent
tax roll.
The farmer, who pays the tax
and the debt of the countrv, how
about him? Where and how
howling is his prosperity? Is he
singing hymnals for his great pros
perity? Is he getting rich from his
toil that he is about to start a
bank? Let us see.
He is getting the same old Cleve
land price for his wheat; he is get
ting the old Cleveland price for hi
hops; hie hay; his oats and for
everything except pork and beef
He has no overplus of these latter
because the Cleveland prices of a
few years ago rendered breeding
profitless; so he has no herds to
meet the demand. When he goes
to buy, on the other hand, what
does he meet? Trust prices for
his hardware; for his manufactur
ed article; for his grain sacks; for
his twine, and for many other
things too tedious to mention. Let
each and every farmer read this
and he will recognize the truth of
this statement. The mines of
Alaska have helped the entire
northwest; no one denies this. And
they would have helped us more
had Portland been possessed with
business men like those of Seattle.
But business houses conducted by
'Makies" who tell their employees
that they must vote for Hanna or
go to work elsewhere- are not the
beat rustlers in the world. This
is no mis-statement.
Ask the farmer about the wond
erful prosperity which has struck
him. He will tell you that these
are true statements. Only for the
business the mines of Alaska is
bringing the northwest, the times
would be worse than they were
when the Hanna press, a few years
ago, saw nothing but "blue ruin.'-'
It is surprising how many times aud in
how many ways this country is xoiuv to
be rained, if the advice of who
"view with alarm" be not followed
Yet though the advice lie rejected, the
country always pulls out and gets along
- all ngnt anu all tne better, jxow, how
' ever, we encounter again the gloom of
the Hillsboro Argus. It tells us that
"the gravest menace of National history
i now hovering over our institutions,
and this Fall's elections will tell us
whether we are to be committed to 1
policy that will mean Might to our Na
tion, or whether we shall continue to
grow in a National greatness that will
distinguish us from all other powers."
Ibis, it explains, is tne snauow ol "mil
itarism" and "imperialism."
Tbia "gravest menace" comes np in
one tortn or another year alter year
But recently, in the opinion of the es
teemadf A-t'is; it was the accursed gold
standard. Yet now, as the result of es
tablishing the gold standard beyond
fear or dispute, the country is more
prosperous than at any other period of
lis nisiory, me precious metai, wnicn
was going to be boarded by the pltito
crats, is freely offered by banks to bus
' iness men in exchange for paper, by the
" employers in exchange tor labor, and by
investors in every Kinn ot property
The bnsiness transactions of the count
ry exceed those of any other era of its
history ana labor is more miiy employ
ed, at good wages, than ever before.
1 But croaking prophecy now takes an
other direction. It predicts the most
direful results from "militarism" and
"imperialism". It must be trouble
tome to be forced to invent new reasons
every year for despairing of the country.
The mystery is how the esteemed Hills
boro Argus can enjoy that cave of gloom
year after year, through a lifetime. Or-
. egonian. -
It is quite evident that the eru
dite editor of the Oregonian is
troubled over the crumbling hopes
of Mr. Corbett. So, then, he must
needs aasault the meekest paper
in Oregon journalism. This really
surprises one, for it would appear
that the Oregonian should at least
criticize its journalistic equal
i The Independent,
for instance
VII tliis, aside.
There i no ciu erless
I'fT.V l ...illllilKH
, '
gloom 111.
The 0:e- j
I gonian docs not properly Tiik.
AkmI'k' tditorials, which, of course.)
is not nirinM!!
Thk A noes
stands where it l; is a'. ways Mood.
011 th money ipte-dion. The bank
standard and militarism go hand
in hand When the poison of mil
itarism entered the the administra
tion of MoKinley, evu against his
will, Thk Akoi s forsaw just what
has since occurred in the Porto
Rico matter which the Oregonian
has so strenuously opposed. The
Oregonian stood with Thk Akucs
two years ago on this question of
militagy expansion. It cannot
deny it. It flopped when its boss
said "Bop". Since that time it has
again flopped. This was on the
Porto Rico matter. The Oregon
ian has cvoluted to a worse tlopper.
than the Independent. Thk Aiuh s
is annoyed by these petty attacks
i.V such tloppers as the Oregonian.
Thk AkiUs does not object to a
journal of convictions criticizing its
course, hut it does dislike ertti
cizism from a paper which is on
all sides of these great public ques
tionsnot because it is ignorant
but tx-eause its Ikws so directs
and trusts that it will desist from
assaulting papers which have ideas
consistent with common sense.
A paper that opposes Asiatic ex
pansion one month and howls for
it the next month; a paper that
howls against Porto Kican taxa
tion one issue and then asks peo-
pie to swallow it the next issue is
too ridiculous to gain support as a
public mentor. The Oregonian
staff is evidently sore because poor
old Corbett is left to hold the sack.
Thk Amirs' "cave of gloom" is an
arc light as compared to the black
ness of the Oregonian s post
election memories but then,
the Oregonian has Hopped so much
that it has flopped out its tbtme.
JThk Times says "Thk A noire
crows.' hv snouiu not me
Argus crow? It appears that any-
paper which has seen decency get
in the saddle; which has seen peo
pie irrespective of politics vote a
clean triumph over the crooked
work done in Washington county
has a right to crow! The Argus
will always crow when it sees ''job
Iters" like Col. Eddy get it in the
neck. The Argus has a right to
crow when the people of this conn
ty irrespective of party, help it to
purer politics. The Argus has
right to crow when it sees that
there are sturdy republicans here
who stand with it to rebuke rotten
Vkhy likely Senator Simon has
discovered that Oregon'iis not so
proud, after all, that the legislature
sent an Ikey back to the I nited
States' Senate. And Thk Aunts
is satisfied that Joe Simon will be
the last "Ikey"' we will ever hav
back there. That is the trouble
today, with our institutions too
much "Ikey." As a matter of fact
our financial legislation for years
has bten the result of Jew die
tation coming from the Jew banking
houses of the old world, backed up
by the "Ikey" lovers in this count
Harrison Kincaid,- the veteran
journalist from l.ane county was
elected county judge by one vote.
This proves that Lane county is
yet for the grand old man who has
stood for his convictions through
thick and thin. Eddy, of the
Times, hail him defeated in the last
issue of that paper. When you see
it in the Times, just remember
"that it isn't so."
Employer, to Pat: "If Bryan is
elected, your wages will lie cut
down one half."
Pat: ' If you railly thought thot
you'd bo afther votin' fer him yer
self." Huxton Machete.
The Oregonian and its brother con
temporaries over the Union, when the
Spanish war was on, gave their readers
a little Spanish with American analysis.
Will it now be kind enough to just give
11s a little "oo-la a-a! se-e-e-e ijua a-ah-h!"
for a change?
A Temperance Table.
The great "commercial value" of the
Philippines is illustrated by the official
figures of the ixports to those islands for
the ten months ending with April. The
total value was $2,132,944. This is about
what one big ship takes from New York
to Europe every week. Of this little
total $441,550 wss in horses and mules
for our own army, $230,000 in fodder for
them, $370,000 in beer and $97,000 in
whiskey all for our soldiers. Is not
this a wonderful trade, when the cost of
maintaining the army there nlone is
I $50,000,000 a year? N. Y. World.
Real Fstate Translcra.
S.tmuo'. Sw.tttson to V K and R Cf
M.,vtrui Chas McKay don
r.utu R-.k; to lU-tuarit Lcis 10 acres
llt;t 1 .i ci U j7J
Alon.-a Adams to hlhe Adam 77 j
in sec
t j 11 r j w ami other
K A K'My ami wt to United Artisans
,i( Tualatin a in Tualatin Gai
ilcns jijo
S.u .ill Dav to Geo Audcison 20 s
neat Tualatin 300
S A Bums to C T Crow I 087 scrvs
iu North llillshoro 150
C A tl.ittrainpt to Clarence Reed tr
in V Grove .too
Martin Hhvs to Cornelius Mermen
1; a near CenterviUe 950
G I. Anderson to J II GueWusaehcr
10 a 550
Win Loach to S U Haycock 3 Si a
neat 1- Vl 500
G W Misel to Isabella Raker 1 s
near V G 500
1-" A Kvetest to Kmest and Kvs Kv
crest It S, o, slid 10 blk 1 Gaston. . 1
Jennie and A K Cook to Catherine
Cook iho a sec 31 tt s r w 900
G I. Anderson to Herman Schmidt
10 a ec 30 ta s rt w 350
llicvcle repairing, turning, brat
ing, vulcanizing and bicycle sund
ries of all kinds, at O. O. Wilkes,
S.vond SirtH't, next dtwr to Hotel
Scholia is to have a Fourth of
July celebration and it is to lie
strictly up to date. Hurrah tor
Wa-hinston County will eele
irate at Hillsboro this vear!
rho.e "who want to buy Washing:
ton County tarms will do well to
call and investigate the folloaiog
Hers. Inquire at Thk Aunts omce
l."ni Meres to acres under cultivation, M
ncres in nasi ure. Hi aeres in brush ami
timber; imm) bouse and Isirti; gmd or-
hard: well watered: l4 mile from Itts-il-
viile mid railroad; mile from seliool,
Price-. i-'i p r ai re.
:il acre. I mile from Greenville i
acres 111 cultivation; III acres slie-liisl. II
acres in brush: food live-room house,
ham and out buildiiiKs: S mile to I' II,
snd school; i miles to K. It. Price, !J0.
:i m-ros-100 acres in cultivation: 7
acres of tine lieavenlam that w ill produce
km sacks of onions per acre; good S -room
house, ist $1.); good burn 4uxTI; oilier
buildings; orchard and lierrv hushes.
This Iiirm is in 2 miles ol 1' illslstro suit
tinelv sitimiisl, can lie divided, if ihtcs-
surv. Owner 111 tailtiiK henltti anil eel-
ting old. is cause of selliliu. Price, $10
wr acre, on easy terms.
'suit acres 'JOO acres 111 cultivation; hm
icres of ijood timber Suitable for cord
wood; house and barn; ijood orehaul; 'I
miles from Hillsboro and 011 iiuiiii road
to Portland. This farm has running
lirancti ami several springs that furnish
abundance of water the year round. This
tarni demit situated so near town is well
suited for dairvliu; and uardeiiinit, axKc
11s grain ami hay raising, and is one of the
irn-atest rmrvains m tne tsnintv. I rice
$.10 per acre on easy payments.
Jki aereo in hiirh slate of cultivation.
mostly IVuverdaiii land; 4 tnite from
raiiroml -uui'.n ami town: 1H miles west
of 1'orliaml. There is a fortune in this
farm for some gardener. This land I
bean at i per acre; it ran tte bail for S.IH
er acre, It sold soon.
44 acres all prarie land, except a acres ot
ink; well located. Isiug only Pi miles
rroin t'ortland, rriee, fiuo.
20 acres near Ri'tslville 5 acrt-s in eiilli
vation. I'rii-e, sum.
vihhI sawmill, with or without ilwell-
ws and homestead, ami U0 ai res of kikhI
timliei lanil. A fortune for the right man
ii acres of nice simsith land- 4ti acres in
cultivalion. U-st ol soil. I'nce, $linm.
so acre unimproved land; well localed
being only I miles from creamery, P. (),.
etc; easy to clear. This is a snap at f"i(jO.
I) decree and onler, of wile, issued out
of Ihe Circuit t'ouct of tin-State of Ore-
tron, for Washington t'oiinly, in favor uf
Marv h. I A -drop and against K. I.. .leu
dins. rank Jenkins ami Addie Jenkins,
for the sum of il2..'to. eiwts, and for the
further sunt of $A(I V. H. gold coin, with
interest thensnt at the rate of 1(1 er
cent per annum Iroui the rtn dav ol
March. lm ami the lurthor mini of lift
attorney's fees, w ith inteiest thereon since
May x, turn, at the rate off) per cent pur
annum, ami for the costs and exHuses
ol sale and ot said writ.
iow. therefore, bv virtue and in itursii
ance of said judgment. 1 will, 011 Mou
dav, the ltilh day of Jcne 1!J0, at the
south door of the Court House, in Hills
boro, Washinifton County. Oregon, at the
hour of IU o'clock a. in., of said day sell al
public auction to the highest biddnr, for
casii, tne lollowmg iiescniied real proper
ty, to-wil:
being known and designated as the
south halt ol lots o, I aud 1 ol block .No
10, in the town of llillslioro, Waxhingtoii
County, Oregon, U sallsly the hernm-
before named sums, ami for the eosls and
expenses nl auid sale.
said irorty will be sold subject to rc
'li'iuption as per statute or Oregon.
Witness my build thin Hth day of
June. HUM.
W. 11. B RAIiKflKI),
Sherill of Washington Cotiutv, Oregon,
John M. Wall, Attorney for 1111'.
pppiirtuient of the Interior, I'nitcd States
. and union,
Oreg 111 City, Ore., May UK Y.m,
A sufficient contest affidavit having been
hied 111 this oltue hy John t . Westing
House, contestant, against Homestead en
trv No. Kl.M.l. made March II. 1HH3. for I
W ', of N W Vt ami W i of H W 14, see
2i; and N W W of N W 'A. see. 8S, town
ship 3 IS, Kange fi W, by Joseph Miller,
conlcMtoc, 111 which it Is alleged that con
testant "knows the present condition o
the sal no; also that said Joseph Miller hat
been absent from saul claim all the time
during the past live years and has w holly
abandoned the same, and that said al
leged absence from Hie said hind was not
due tit his employment in the Army,
Navy or Marine Corpsof the United States
as a private soldier, ollicer, seaman or ma
rine during the war with Spain, or during
any other w ar 1 11 wnlcli the t inted mates
may bit engaged," said parties are hereby
notined to appear, respond and oiler evi
deuce touching said allegation at II
o'clock a. 111. 011 July 1,'!, IWsi, before the
Itegister anil Receiver at the United
States Land Ollleo in Oregon City, Oregon.
The said contestant having, in a proper
aflidavit, filed May WOO, set forth facts
w hich show that lifter due diligence per
sonal service of this notice can not be
made, it is hereby ordered aud directed
that such notice bo given by due ami
proper imiiiieaiion.
The Weekly Oregonian and this paper
give you all the news of home, state, the
Northwest and th nation.
Stands 11KAP AND SHOULDERS above another,
as t heart w ill testify
l-'atmiugtou, Oici;on, M;n 30. igiHi.
Mitchell, Lewis oi Slaver Co.. IVitland.
Gentlemen Y. nits icoeivid in due
lime and would say tlntt the Champion
Hinder I Umhl l you List has
Kiven perfect satisfaction.
Kcqiocllully Signed) C. A, Keith.
Gaston, tiei;oti, M.iv Jo, tyoo.
.Mitel ell, Lewis & Sluvi r Co , l'oitland.
Gentlemen 111 teplv to voni- letter of
the 4,th, I will s.ij tint the Uiunilou
Hinder I tniicli ised ol von l ist season
has tuoven liiiililt satisfactory. It
nts, elevates and hinds in all kinds of
ram. inakiue compact bundles, -ud
ti vor mis-siiiK except through sotm .uilt
ol the twine. Anv one tieetliue a liiml-
r, will make no iiiislake in sellings
Champion. Yours Truly,
iSisned) II. J. Cason.
Scholls, Oirgon, May , I')""
itchell, Lewis ; Slaver Co., Portland.
MGcnllemcii Y'our letter of iuuuii y of
May Mill is received In reply will sav
that the Champion Hinder we purchased
ol von last year cave us eiKxl snlislac-I
lion. On our lull Isnd rstK-ctally It did j
us good service. I cut over lull sides
that heretolore had not Ix-en cut except
with a cradle. On the level ground it
lid as good worn as any one could ask
for. Respectfully, j
tSigned) W. W. Jacquith. I
We have a whole book of such loiters.
arties we have sold to and show what
not in Kansas or Xebr iska
Champion Force Feed Flcvattu'
than anv other This Elevator has
yS JfllKK )()
plained in catalog-lie. emt tor one.
Eccentric Sprocket Wheel
(Jain of lt'tif jier cent in nwer at time
ther machines choke
Have you seen our PILAW cut
.strongest cutter 011 earth, tint ran
cut where nil others tail. Iu heavy
the Champion Praw Cut stays at
others have choked and (mil Our
stumpy ground has no competition,
First and Taylor Sts.,
Sample machines with Wehrung A
horeiU drove. . H. Mchldownev,
ity. . A. liarrelt, canvasser for
Automatic Stackers, Wind Stack
era, Horse Powers, Threshermen's
Supplies of All Kinds.
Eilers Piano House now located at 351
Washington St., near Eighth, Portland.
A constantly increasing business made it necessary for us to secure
larger quarters, and we have built for us the beautiful new "Music
Building" at the Comer of Turk alid Washington Htreets, whore we
have every facility for conveniently handling our wholesale and retail
business. On the first lloor yon wilf
nearly a dozen umcrent makes of Pianos and Organs, among them the
most valuablo and costly instruments made in America the Checker
ing, of Boston; the Weber, of New York, and the Kimball, of Chicago.
Before you decide on the purchase of a Piano elsewhere, it will pay
you to investigate our instruments and our methods. Full particulars
and catalogue for the asking. Write today.
EILERS PIANO HOUSE, office 351 Washington
Portland's Leading
Ktateof Orcjfon, for Washington County.
I ytiian T. Wilcox, I'laiiitilfl
VH l
8. '. Tenfold, JuhHi'
U I'enfold.
d Catherine
lieleiNliints. j
Henry I'enfold and
To H. V. I'onfold, Jessie I,. I'enfold, Henry
I'enfold and Catherine I'enfold, the
hIxivc! muiiud tlefeiiilunU:
III the Name of the .State of Oregon, you,
and each of you, are hereby required to
aipcar unil answer thu oouil;iint Hied
iii-ainst you in the ahovo cull tied Courl
and suit on or Itufore thu last iluy of
the time pi-cscrilicd In the ordei for
pit hi ii-.Ht ion of this summons, to-v. It:
On or before the cxpiralion of six weeks
next from and after the date of the lirst
liiililieation of this niiiiiiiiohs, tlie lirsl
publication thereof be!ii(f on the 7th day
of Juno, I'.KHl. and If yon fail to mo appear
and answer, for want thereof, the
plaintilf will apply to the Court for the
relief demanded in said complaint, to
wit: ' or a Judgment iiKiiiimt tlio dofiind
anlH, S. P. I'enfold and Jessie L. i'enfold,
ami each of them, tor thesum of IfViO,
with InUireHt thereon since January 1,
INIM, at the rate of 10 per cent per annum,
for the aggregate sum of fiJXt taxes paid,
for the sum of $"r allorneys' fnea, and for
the cosIh and disliurHeiiienlK of thin suit,
aud lor a decree loreclosiug a certain
I Logan, Oregon, May , P)oo.
Mitchell, Lewis Slaver Co., I'oilh nd.
Hear Sirs I will answer your kind
h-ticr. The Champion Hunter t bought
from your firm last year is a very good
one. It runs easy and does its wik to
perfection. Yours Kcspfvlliillv,
(.Signed) Jacob HuU-r.
Klwrnwl, Oregon,
Mitchell, Lewis & Slaver Co., l'oitland.
Gentlemen Whoever this inav con
rem, the Champion Hinder has given
lllst-cluss satisfaction, and also ihe
Company has lvu very accomodating.
Yiairs Truly, (Si(ttod) Jesse Cov.
Mimutalndale, Oregon, May j.S, 1000,
lear Sirs The Champion Hinder thai
I knight of yon last year has given good
saltslaction. 1 think it is ihebehlisl
running Hinder 1 have seen. I had
heavy crop of down gram last year ami
cut it Willi. one spau ol horses.
kespectlully, tSigned) M V Halm.
rotrsi l.rovr, nrrgnn, aiav X), tit.
Gcittlemrn I he Champion Himlerl
bought of you last year gave mr prrlecl
satisfaction. It pet formed its work
like t'lllU'lll. It hus my decided piel-
erenee over any machine of which 1
have any knowledge. Your truly,
(Signed) A. Illinium.
Send for it. Lttera are from
tlie machines will do IIKKK
- iinaranteet lo w.isie less cram
a vvorldjof t!od points- nil ex
teed to
it when
Hay Maker Champion Mower fm
liet LhampLHi Catalogue.
- Portland, Oregon
Sons, Hillsboro. and J. T. Ituxton,
canvasser for llillslioro and vicin
Potest (.rove and North lamhill.
Traction or Portable, Simple t Com
pound, Wood or Straw Burner.
always find the finest selection of
Piano and Organ Dealers
mortgage mentioned In said complaint,
and whicli mortgage was executed hy the
defendanta, 8. K. I'enfold and Jessie L,
I' plaintilf on August 211. Wll,
and which Is recorded on pagu ib'i of book
"at" Records of Mortgaged in said Wash
ington County, Oregon, upon the follow
ing dfHcrihfld real estate situaled in
Washington County, Oregon, to-wil:
Being the southeast of the northwest M
anil the Koiithweht of the northeiiHt Vt
of Neothm 10 in town 2 north, range ft west
of Ihe Willamette Meridian, containing
80 aeroM, more or less.
Also thn N K !4 of 8 W section ten
(10) township two (HI, North of Range live
(5) West of the Willamette. Meridian and
containing 40 of laud, and ordering
I hat said real est ale he sold In the manner
provided by law and Ilia proceeds applied
to the satisfaction of nlali tiirs said
Judgment and that the lien of his sah I
mortgage ho decreed to lie prior ami su
perior to all claim, Interest or equity of
each of the defendants herein,
and for such other and further relic! us to
the court may appear eipiilahle.
This summons Is nerved upon you hy
publication, by order of Hon. , A. Itooil,
County Judge ol Washington County,
Oregon, whlrli order was made and dated
on June 7, A, I). IINlO,
AttorneyH for i'lalulllf,
Money to loan C and 7 per cent ;
Ilooms 12 Hhute Bid., Hillsboro.
Vij -.-sBl rrr
Functions call for the
aristocratic "Prince Al
bert." We are Inordi
nately proud of these
goods. They possess
every element to make
us so. See that label?
li.WKIIUt .Mi ami SONS.
The Hillsboro Pharmacy
The Leading Drug
W hei e I 'rues. Moll, lie . I' Ouls I tils, Si-m, , III nhe and nil I't ugKll NiUidrl..
Ill IV !' plocuiisl at ptli i-M thai "imply dlsluiu-e is,o.itioit.
lJLI-Jlllli I'lial putilv
caU is liui
Time Schcdulo . .
. . From Portland
I' asl mail Inn e-i al 7 p III for Still Lake,
Denier, I't. Woilh. I hiiaha, l.oias I ilv
Wt. Utuls, I hlcaioi and La!, arille.
'I p in J
Hpokiim I'hn lead". II it in I'm Walla
Walla, Minneapolis, SI. I'.nil lioluili,
Milwankt'e, I hicaifo and hast, iirrmi
H: in a in
Ocean Hte-iiii-ddiis hnie al I p. lu f.u
San f raud to, m.ii Ii mc '-m-i v lixedav.
t oliiiulila Unci have a p in
Muiiday, salurday III p m for Aloiia and
way laiidiiit's, an ise I p m except I y
Willainelle river Icaie II a ni e,cpl
Sunday for Oicgioi City, e ls r;, .saliati
ami way landings, arrive 1:10 p lo evu pi
Willainelle ami Yamhill rlu r loae 7
a in Too-day, Thursday and ."ialitrdav lot
Oregon City, liavloii ami wav laudim-a,
arrive ;i: ii p ni Slonday. Wi-d'ncsilay mnl
Willainelle Over h ave (I a in Tuesilay.
TlinrMilay and Salurday for CoimiIIIs ami
w ay landings, arrive hill! p in Tuosilay,
Thursday and Matm-tlay
Snake river leave lilparia daily
at;i:;i,ia. in, lor LcwImIoii; lei uriiiitg leave
Lew islon daily at II a. in,
Address W. II. III!ld!!;T,
(len, Pane, Agent
Notice of Final Settlement,
Nollce Is hciehy given Unit the under
signed, administrator dn bouls-uoti of the
esliile ol I ernartl McKenna. deceased,
Iiiin llletl his ncotiulH lor luial sclllc
inenl in the County Court of llu slale of
Oregon, for Washinglon Couitlv.aiul that
said County Court has llxed Monday,
Ihi! I Ml J, iluy of Juno, !M. ai Ihe hour id
10 a. in., of said day. at the Court room of
said Courl, In Hillsboro, Washington
County, Oregon, as the tune and place for
hearing ohjeclloim to said hccoiiiiIh ami
Ihe final seftli'iuciit of Maid eslale.
Hated this Oil li dav of May, I'MI.
JOS! A. Id'lVKSiH'K,
Atlmlnislralor tle lioiils-uon of Ihe estate
(if lleriianl McKoiinu, dcecasud.
oCor. 2d Wasb'tw
J. Noillieoii, I'iotilcioe.
Z. Newly Furnished
and Renovated
A fixst-chiHS lahle anil
all accommodations
for the convenience
of KtiestH. ...
Notice of Final Settlement.
Notice Is herehy given Ihal. Ihe under
Nignetl in I ml 1 1 iHt color of the esfule of I'lru
est K. Kreeh, ileeeused, has liled in lb,,
Counly Court of WiiHhinglon Connly,
Oregon, his llnal ileeoutil in said csliit'o,
and Ihal the Counly Court of said con ill v
has set Monday, Ihe II day of June, IIHNI,
al the hour of len o'clock' A M. of mi, lit
day, at the court ro if said Court In
llillshoro, Oregon, us the lime und place
for heiuing objections, to said liual
Dated at llillshoro, Oregon, IhisVhid dav
of May, IlKKl. '
' John M. Wall,
Adniliilstralor of the estate of IfiruiiHl
V, Kreeh, tleecased.
Go to Qreer'a for seeds.
llilklmi'ii Unite
thi taait or tmi u
I II 1M I M.I I It. S.
I'ltiltll ItltK'k
Main Ml,
Ur. K. A. Hallij
ntnl freshness of .hugs and cher.ib
brings the most sntirfnetory re
sults - and yon iilnnvs find lliem l
'i nlso carry the best aoili-, slts k ol Til
111 tides mid drug Humlries in Ilie county
I'ai t that wn buy for cash enable lis In dual
nith first clna looises nnd gel ihe best, Kant
ily recipes receive as cartful iitlcntion ai
pbyiciaiis' prescriptions.
St rct-t is the locution.
County fit-asiuc! i Notice.
(All roonlv Harranl eielotwd prior In
j h-c. I Hit, an, i,H coi.-d tor ami
o n ul. I.. ,0 in v "Hi. . in Hi., city of Hill.
horo, n.-r June Islli I t.--l o,
nllcr llos il.ilu, J,oo.'.:i, put,
I A. H. CAIiY.
! Coituly T-viMuivr
olink it Fuote, Hn'.kers
I'liiiisai t alleiieral llaiiklug HiisluiM
I. W. SI I I'Tt: ,
A. C. siil Th: ,
Si ll s(!il I'.vcliaiigt. ami Teleumtthlo ami lilies Lellers of Credit
iivailal.le Ihioiudioiii (he l ulled Hlatm,
Uran I'.ilU of Kv, lllllt, ,jol
h"'l I. I'ulilln, I'iiiIn, lieilln, Kraut.
lotl Ihe Mitin.KI.M-kholiu and nil pill .
clpal cttios ol Kurope.
Colhsi ions mailt, on all a.-cesslbl,! tollrti.
Hanking hours from II h in to 3 p in
llillslmro, llregoli.
Notice of Final Srtllenient.
Sollct. Is hereby guei, . ( ,,,,,1,
signtsl, Kxe.aii r . ,t wm n.
aiiientol Lrnsl thHsed, h.t
o t "' "'"'' eniHUllrll
Willi Ihel oiinly (,, , im,nIhW f Or
egon h.r ishinglon Cotmiy, a, tlit tl
said courl has ll-ed Monday Ibe iilsl f
May. !ni, al the hour ol ten' o'clock . m.
'I ""Id day al the court house In III
aMlhetliue,ind,l,ieefor healing olileet-
ons tomilil lum iHsoimling und Ut the
""I"1'1'. 'ntwiihlliecotniH, xu,m
I ix 'if said eslale.
,,, , , , Malhllda Haitiel,
I'Aeculrlx last wi and Icsiuineut Kliiea
hclh .,rii, tleeeasetl.
Haled at llillshoro, April 111, !mo
Executrix' Notice.
Noliee Is hereby given (liHl the ut.drr
signed has, hy l- f, Cu,.t f
Wasliingt,,,, ( oumy, fr Hie riiin,, ,,- (lr,
goii, Is.cii nppoiiiled KMeiilHx ol Ihe last
H ill nnd testament of John 0. Utilizer.
i lH.!"'t I has duly tpmllil,,,! s Hiiuh
Ihoreloro, nil persons having elalina
against said eslale are hereby rouiilred l"
presenl. Hie sain,, t w , iim.UHrH
propttrljr verilleil, ul , ,,,,,,, ,
tlcnc.t, wo litllfN east of ll lllshoro, On -gun,
within six moiilliN rroiu ilale heroof.
,. , , , Lol'ISA IMIN.ICR.
o'i"i i'' ,,V,1'1"' ,UNt llll'l lestuinent
ol .loini t,, Huii.ur, deceased.
1laoA;ull,,hlMH,!'l,,,, ("'"K,,n' ,,,,U
W. ll. Hare, Attorney for thu Kxoeutrlx.
Notice of Final Settlement.
Noiler- In hereby given that tho nuder
r'K "'. 'l'lnitralr of lt, estate Tf
.a. .1. I sun ileeense.!, has filed his
moo at'count lu the County Court r the
a b' i , , : m"l 1 !r County
I 1 theM Courl IniNirxeil M,)nil
1 Ih . lay o ,llp,, , ,lt thBhiiiiro
I I coin-l1, !"'.' ''-'".V-at thu room of
wild in if In lllllHboro, Oregon, as tho
Mil. aii. place for u ing nClee n ti
the N il, Unil ne, ut In mild dskto.
I aled al. Hillsboro, Oregon, this ad ,Uv
ol May, IIK1II. V, II, W I'lll UtlNll
AdininiHtrali.r uf t, (, llf 'j
WIIhoii, deceased,
John M. Wall, Ally for Administrator.
Tax Notice.
On and Inner Munday, April 1t. 1(MM tha
ax roll for is!-. ',,;,,, ' 1
hues carried thereon will , ,mo B , " "
iihhv They will bs, lelln.m.nil Hller Ju.u,
1, 100U v, ( lOdAHKoitu,
ohuriU'ana Tax Uulleotor
nit; i1
'Hie lci
' bin
re id it
in W
in Wn
'"Na-r Ih
i Th.-y
i greut
: lo hei
1 "boll
! will)
lo pr
! Mite
) Ther
' oft
I the I
5 Wiw'
I lee I
! ever
I ever