The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, April 12, 1900, Image 1

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NO. 4.
vol. vir.
Epitome of the TelegraphU
News of the World.
Aa iMleroallnaj t'HllmlliM nf llama fear'
Ik Twa lUuilapusrsa I'm.lc4
m CiuiUnsed Farm
1'iiiilv Cililiin, the ctraaa, (Hod it
(Stamford, Cuini., u! itll years.
Hull vlllageof I'rortnrvillH, Ohio,
Ml destroyed by lira. Ua i'JOO.OOO.
A German scientist has Invented a
romitiud which melt Imu la (Ho
liners In Sutul ro becoming active,
mill mi engagement with lluller U lin
IUimillt. The German (lug ha been raised over
the raimMtu Islands of Upolu, Mauouo,
. Apolima mid Kara,
' ( 'niilallt Jiihil CijiIiiihii, the famous
advocate of free ships mill free trade, li
dead at lloslon, aged Hil.
Tliu piiHtun of Maud Adams will mil
Im admitted to the 1'nrli ltou be
cause It I a hm'IiuI exhibit.
At f'ilttliurg, I',. big elght-ttory
department atorti aa ihttrovud by tint,
causing ft Iom til over ft f t.OUO.OuO.
Another brother u( ('resident H try n
o( Ormitfn Free State, wa cuiituml at
Ktim Hiding, mid U now lit llloem
The mjimrtnm of the Uultl Ktate
navy, recently formed In rhinesa
wntnra, la to have it headiitiarter at
limit) Kong.
Kurty MMtlu Imt lliuir llveaat Austin,
Texas, dun U mi overilow hi the t ol
orado river. 1'mperty destroyed esv
coed $3,0410,000.
Tim sltutlou In Ashsntca U unchang
ed. A Coomassle runner reiairta that
nil tlm Ashaute trllie rn In rin, tlx
king of Hckwal alone rwiimliiliiK loyftl
It i twlleved that tlit) Aahantee golden
stool haa 1uU (uiinil mill llmttha rising
la dun to Inn endeavor ! the governor
( the colony, hir Frederic: Mitchell
Hodgson, tu take possession n( it.
The American l'late Mirror Compauy
' wa chartered at llarrishurg, l'a., with
capital ul f50.0tHJ.0O0. ThU com
twiiy la composed ol well-known plate
llUaa men, ami la haikud upou aa the
I nig tn ul nit ul determined move on the
part of the A merlcan plate-glass men
til wrest tliu trade In thia comilry (or
plate mlrrura from loroigu mauu
Senator Tillman, (rum the committee
n mini' and mining, reported the
lilll iinivlilinj (or the nttllaitiuu of ft
part of 1 tin jiriKwils of the aalea of pub'
lid lamia ill aiiiKirt ol achiHua lor lulu
tut! Ill tliu pulilio hum at a tea. It v1
vidia (or the apiroiriatlon of f 10,000
miuiiallr (or tlm uniM'tit lu eai-li raaa
ami the vradual iucreaae ol the amouut
t I'JO.IMH).
Hie ltfl!tiMI'fttit olectotl 19 out of 85
aldermen lu CIiIohko.
Admiral Dtiwey haa aiinmitioed him
tl( aa a caiidldute for incident.
(ienruat Fmnoh him itlven up hit
clmae alter the rulrnatiiiK Ikmra.
lloaton i aititutinu the quantlnn of
prohiliition of riiiKinii churuli UdU
Th United Ktutim bulldiiiK at the
J'aria exptmitiou will he oloaud ou Kuu
Uiuwii Vlotorla landud at Dublin,
Iri'laml, h'T llrat vlnit to the lalautl lu
SU ycura.
A liimptirauca movement haa been
iiiHiiituratoil In Muxiiti, owing to the
iiH'reaau of druukenneai.
Admiral Dnwuy'a colluction of I'tirioa
and trotihiea, at his mmieat, will be
placed in the Smithaonlau Institute
Turklah tower at the FariHexpnaition
oliHlrurts the view of the Uuited Statu
building mid CommlHaionur l'ei'k haa
protuNted aKalnat it.
The Vanderbilta and MorHna now
have tUtm aliiiost iiurfuuted which
will givf thorn aliaoluto uoiitml of the
coal mipply of Amurlua.
Forty-four yonng men of Thnraton,
Or, have petitioned the military hoard
for the organization of a company ol
the Natiomil (luard at that place,
The mammoth auditorium lu which
i the Democratlo Natioual couventiou
' wan to have been hold on J uly 4, waa
burned to the ground, entailing u loss
of 91150,000.
' At IxwmHport, liul., ISO mnnked
men blew up two lirtiltftiH and Immeil
two toll limiHi'H ou the LoKiuiHMirt aud
Jluilluuton pike at uiidniKht. The
road la the only pike in the county,
and prototH have been directed Hiiinnt
high toll aud the alleged bad condition
of the pike.
The newly oruanlzed American
Match Machine Company, a New Jer
aT ooriMiration, la aliout to cuter Into
competition with the Diamond Match
Company, known aa the match truHt
The new company does not Intend to
couliue Its attention to the trade ol the
United Htntos, but will make a vigor
our light (or Furopuau trado, through
tho aale of rights.
The navy cannot get enough tailor.
I'arla eipoaltloD wilt be open ou
The Hague peace treatle weie rati-
lied by I'reaiduut McKluley.
(,'omiiioilora William K. Mayo, died
at lila home lu Waahtugtou, aged 70
lienural Lee hat Ixnin aiiailuUttl
command the new deiiartmeut
Havana aud I'lnurd do Hio.
Nicaragua haa lauded troiai
Columbinu tenltury. The nature
the movement It not uuderatovd.
A 2la-yi'ar-old child waa aealded
death by (ailing Into a tub o( hot water
and lye, near Anhland, Or.
1 milium attempted to reacue the
miirdmer o( Mr, and Mra. licit lltirtuu,
but were driven oil by Hkagway troopa.
The ITtiitud htntea uoveriimeiit "leiilea
the report tlmt it ha Joined with other
uiwera In thieateutiig to laud troop lu
A vote on the reaolutiou relative to
the aeiituiif o( M. 8. Quay a aenator
(miii 1'eiiiiavlvaiila. will be taken ou
April L'4.
Thoiuaa II, Tiiiiituu waa nominated
(or coiiri'Miuaii horn the Kecoiid dia
trl.toulliu lirat ballot at Mc.Miuu
vllle, Or.
Texa and Umaiaua, to guard agaiiut
buUiliic pliiKuii, may eetabliah ft tuar
antiue aifaiimt L'hiuaiiieu coming Inun
An Inventor of thorite haa announced
hla williiiKiieaa to aull the government
the rltfht to manufacture the exploaiv
The Itritiah bark Iranian, which
aallml from New York, November 2ft,
for l okohama. ha la wrecked on
the Japalicwi coaat.
The Ilulldiiig 1 rade Aaaembly, of
llountou, Texaa, ha ordertMl a geueral
atrike in ymiathy with the carpeuu.-re,
oautiug l.noo men to walk out.
Two neitro murderer were executed
at Hummurtille, lexaa. When aen
tell 'e.l IaiOi ak nil for a deck o( carda,
ami dttclined the olTer of a litble
A mlniater of llallard, 1 ail., near
Hanta ltarlwra, committed tulcide by
lilowiug the top ol lit heatt otT with a
ahotguu. Temirary iuauuity waa the
Former CotiKreaamau ('baric A
Tow no, of Ihiluth, Mum, ha au
liouineil biiiiaelf aa candidate (or the
vice-lircxbleuttal Uomiualtou ou the
UeiiKM'nttio ticket.
The contract (or carrying tho Au
tmlliiii and KngltKii cloaed mailt acroaa
the racillc haa been awarded by tho
I'liilod htatee govrriimeut to the
OcchiiIo Kteamahip Comtiany for It)
year at ft rate of $'i per mile.
Wetmter Davit addreraed autmmenaa
pni ltuer audivuee lu Waahtugtou,
The Oppcr 8talu mine, In Joaephiue
county, Oreun, wat wild (or ft), 000.
Cuban have conll lonce iu lieucral
(iiimtit aud entreat him nut to leave the
The Kdward T. Hinlth Ux factory
at New York, waa doatroyed by lire;
loaa, f JftO.UUO.
F.x-Ciovernor rattiaou, of I'enutyl
vania, it wanted for vice-preaideut on
the Democratic ticket.
lloert claim to have captureil 1 1 gunt
at Itloenifonteln waterworkt, lnttvftd
ol teveu, at Hint reported.
It ii 1 It 1 1 ii k tradenmen in Indianapolit
have returned to work, their employer
conceding to their demand.
(imicral in the Philippine are call
lug for moro tnauw. They cauuot hold
the relielt dowu with the prvaeut force
Tliu llovrt have tucceeded iu cuttiug
oft (ieneral llratwut't two or three
thoutaud tnmpa (rum all other Itritiah
The (inth anniversary of the birth of
King Leopold, of ltelgiiim, waa appro
urlately celebrated throughout the
The liritiith North American and
Went ludiea tipiadrou it to be Increased
liy one battleHhip, two cruimira aud
acveriil torpedo Unit.
The bodv of au unknown young man
wa found iu the Willamette) river near
Oregon City, with hit head entangled
iu a Hull net. It la ft case of deliberate
II. II. I'itchor, hanker of Oakland,
ChI,, committed auicide by lilowiug
hi bruins tint. Pitcher waa trustee of
au eafato valued at $1100,000. Ilia
trust was liuiug iuveatigated iu court.
The Uuited Status auprome court de
cided the en ae of Oruudliug vs. the city
of Chicago, involving the validity of
the auti-ciguretto ordiuunco of that
city. The ordinance waa attacked aa
uuiioiiHtitutioual. The opinion of Jut
tlce l'eckhain held the ordinance not
to lie tincoiiNtltutional.
Iu hit addiexn at the memorial ser
vices held iu memory of the lute Dr.
Isaac M. Wine, at Isaiuh temple, Dr.
F.mll 0. llivaoh made an appeal to the
Jewish people of Chicago to raise If 500,-
000, which is tho amount yet required
to lift the dubt on the Jewish Union
College, in Cincinnati. Hy so doing,
Dr. llirsch said, the great work whlcn
was begun by Dr. Wise, and carried
forward by him under tumoumes,
could be fully accomplished.
British Defeated at the Hands
of General Dewet.
Hlllad and Wounded Nuiubar Boil; M
turail too llir l.o.a Wa
London. April 12. A dispatch to
the Daily Mail from Iirandfort dated
riuuday, ay:
'Yesterday (ieneral Dewet Inllicted
the third defeat on the llrltiah within
week at Merkattfoiitein, killiug and
wonudng 600. lie captured U00 with
12 wagoua, losing five Doer killed and
nine wounded."
Tho Daily Mail publishes the follow-
imt. dated Atril 10 from Loureuco
The Nethorland Kailway Comiiany
profitaaet to have received ft telegram
reporting lloer victory near Kroon
ttad, the llrt capturing 900 Nritlah."
Commenting upon tlila. the Daily
Mail remark: "There It ft Merkata-
futitcin alamt five aud one-half mile
aoutheaat u( Kroouatad, but if the re
tairt be true, tin can hardly be the
The Daily New has the following
from Fretoiia, dated Monday, by way
of Ihilagoa bay:
'It it olliciallv aunounced that I
Iwttln hat Imm-ii fought atiuth of Hraud
ford, In which 600 Itritiah troop were
killed aud wounded and 800 taken
'lxird Koliert 1 declared to be Unit-
lug great difficulty, owing to the tear'
city of water."
ii Vlllulno Frl.on.r. Hiniwl Wllki-
ttut a Trial,
Manila. April 12. An interesting
topio of conversation in army circlet tt
the iuveatiKatiiin of llrigadier-'ieneral
redertck Funaton't execution of two
ill pi not, aud the possibility of a court-
martial resulting; therefrom. The atory
that the Filipinos captured three
Macahebe scout, who were crossing
the country near San Isidro, and were
preparing to kill them, when one of the
Macabebe escaped and found ieneral
Funaton with scouting party near.
Thi man guided the Americans to the
rescue of hi companions, and when
the troops appeared the Filipino (led,
leaving the Marabebes. h'everal ol the
Filipinos were shot, aud (ieneral Fuiitou
captured two of them, took them to the
village square and hanged them with'
out trial, a a warning to the t ilipinot.
The present method ol warfare and in
stance of the mutilation of prisoners
have incensed the American soldiers to
such a degree that they bl justified in
niakinu reprisals, which bat been done
on several occasion recently.
There Is a strong (kuIuihT among the
residents aud friendly Filipinos that
the CMueae (ieneral I'ana, who, as an
noouced March 13, surrendered to
llriuadici-tieneral Kobbe alter tcrioriZ'
ing the province of l'anay, should be
severe! r punished. It is pointed out
that bis career ha been mure that of a
brigaud than of a soldier, at he looted
and extorted money by tortue from
worthy natives aud burned alive some
of hit followers who intended to desert
him. It is believed I'ana surrendered
because he feared his own men, aud he
expected to be paroled, like other ofll
cers. and enjoy the (ruits ol bit brP
Katlflsd by Inn I'rr-alrtf-iit-HclnetloB of
H.ic sMlrcotlng Carried by a IHalrlct
Messenger to Transvaal I'reslilent,
Philadelphia, April 12. Oue of the
greatest demonstration of sympathy
both in the number of participant and
iu enthusiasm displayed, ever showu
lu this city for any foreign nation took
place tonight, when the Academy of
Music was jammed with people for the
purpose of taking part iu the rhiladel
phia school boys' pro-l!oer rally. The
primary object of the gathering was to
send ft messHKfl of greeting to President
Krufc-er, aigued by 22,000 pupil of the
schools of this city. So great was th
crush, mostly ol the younger genera
tiou, that iiihuv thousands were unable
to get near the door, and the mass o
struggling jienple wa entertained by
music w hile the meeting inside wat iu
After the speech making was over
James F. Smith, ft 14-year-old mes
aenger boy, was called to the tage by
means ol the regulation call box, aud
was given the massaue signed by the
school Isiys, with instructions to pio
cee.1 to I'retoria and to hand it person
ally to President Kruger. Tuesday the
messenger will sail on the steamship
ISt. iAiuis, aud before the vessel reaches
Southampton he will be taken oft by ft
French tender aud landed at Havre,
Frauce, lu order to avoid Knsllsh terri
tory. The message to President Kruger
is as follows:
"We, the undersigned students of j
the public tchoola of Philadelphia, the
city where our own forefathers enlisted
iu their splendid aud successful strug
gle agaiust F.uiilish oppression, desire
tn express to you and to the lighting
men of the South African repnblio
their great admiration for the geinus
and counti!" that has checked F.uglish
invasion of the Transvaal, and the un
doraigued extend their most earnest
wishes that iu the end the South Afri
can republic will triumph over Kugland
iu n war in which the Boer cause it
noble, the llritish cause unjust."
Delegations of school boys from New
York aud Boston attended the meeting.
Htruek Down With a Club,
Chicago, April 13. A nonunion plas
terer, working iu the basomeut of the
Marshal Field building, Clark aud
Adams streets, was assaulted and ser
iously injured by a union picket to
day. Nearly 200 union men wore dis
charged by the contractors on this
building yesterday and their places
tilled by nonunion men. Today, a
union picket gained entrance to the
building by eluding the police, and af
ter knocking the nonunion plasterer
lowu with a club, escaped. The lu
lured man was unconscious when
found, and his skull may be fractured.
Tht 42 union meu employed in the
building struck this afternoon.
Arlanna Mlllliiimlr Arrested.
New York, April 12. tieorge W.
Hull, of Arizona, who is said to be a
millionaire and ex-speaker of the Ari
zona legislature, waa arrested iu this
city today at the request of the attorney-general
of lihotle Island. Accord
ing to statements made in the police
oourt when he was arraigned, he is
wanted in Rhode Island to auswer to a
charge of perjury, alleged to have been
committed by him iu a suit brought be
fore the appellate division of the su
preme court of that state for divorce
from his wife. Hull wat remanded
without bail.
The Creek ludiaus are leaving Indian
territory and moving to Iowa, Minne
sota and tho Dakotas.
Washington, April 12. Tho presl
dent has ratified The Hague conven
tioua providing for universal arbitration
of international dirputes and for the
regulation of the use of warlike instru
ments. The Hague will Is? notified of
the ratifications through United States
Miuister Newell. Notwithstanding the
distance of the Washington government
from the scene of negotiations and the
place where the ratifications are to be
deposited, it is believed that the Uuited
Elates it second to only one of the
whole congress of nationt represented
at The Hague peace conference in per
fecting the formalities to give fnll effect
to the actiou of the conference. So far
as it is known the United States senate
was the first legislative body to approve
of tho two conventions agreed ujon at
the conference. The Dutch parliament
itself did not ratify the treaties until a
few days ago.
The next step in order will be the
selection of the persont who are to
serve the United States as members ol
the permanent board of arbitration, but
it is probable that this will not be
made until the state department has
received notice of the final adhesion to
the conventions of all the powers partiei
to their making.
tot Sultlclsol to Keep flllplno In. ar
gents liuwn.
Manila, April 11. Report of en
counter between the Americans and
the insurgent continue to anive from
many points. On Friday Captain
Storgis, while reconnoltering, struck
an insurgent outpost on the Navalicbe
Mad, five mile distant from Manila.
killing two and taptuiing 10. All
were iu full uniform. Unfortunately
Captain Sturgis force was not large
enough to pursue the main body.
A detachment of the Forty-second
infantry, while scouting in Legtma
province, wat pursued by the Iuser
gentt and obliged to take refuge ia
church at Paeto, whore the American
repelled the rclaal until reinforced. ;
Lieutenant (iurdou, with company
of the Sixteenth infantry, while coat
ing near Apart!, Cagayan province, en
gaged 250 insuriieuts. Lieutenant
(Jordan was wounded.
The insurgents; made a night attack
upon Calbayon, Island of Kama), They
killed the sentry, swarmed into the
town, and seal c bed the house of Major
Gilmore, of the Forty-third infantry,
who was absent. They killed bis cook.
Ultima ly the Americana drove them
out of 'he town, killing four and cap
turing 12.
(jeueral Young, commanding in
North Luzon, has made several requests
for reinforcements, representing that
hie force is inadequate; that the men
are exhausted by the necessity of con
stant vigilance; that he is unable to
garrison the towns in his jurisdiction;
that the insurgent are returning to the
district aud killing the aminos, and
that it is necessary for him to indict
punishment iu several sections betore
the rainy season shall begin. General
James Bell, who is commanding in
Southern Luzon, has made similar rep
resentations. He says his force are
inadequate, and he merely holds few
towns, without controlling the terri
tory. The president of Samal, province of
Baar, Luzon, and another prominent
native, bave been assassinated because
they were known to be friendly to
Americans. The president of another
town has joined the Insurgent because
they had threatened to kill him if he
did not.
Berturteln, A. R.-IW U, 14, 16, It,
bUx k . Hyde Park t
Beaut-hump. Tllden, Heir of Lot 14,
block 1, North Side Addition to
HlllBboro IN
Block berrcr, Harr-Lot 14. 16, block
IS, West Hon lurid Heights 1 n
I 45
a 40
l 75
1 X
4 X
1 75
J 15
2 AO
1 K
5 So
1 ss
1 ts
Situation at
Great Britnin's naval estiuuitoi
amouut to 30,000,000.
Buffalo Bill says 80,000 Mormon
from Salt Lake will found a city in
Steamer Prairie, with American ex
Wliits for the Paris exposition, hut
arrived at Huvre,
It costs $4,400,000 a year to mutii'
tain the 24 royal palace of Emperor
Wlllium throughout the German
At a meeting of the De Beers com
puny Cecil Rhodes said annual profits
of diamond mines lu kimuorloy are
Pulilio sentiment tn England insists
upon absolute supremacy ol Great Brit'
uiu in the Boer states after the war'
A private, citblourmn from Port of
Simin, Venezuela, sliys the British coil'
huI at Bolivia, mimed Lyons, mil been
Horses for Koberts' Army.
New York, April 12. A contract to
buy Irom 80,000 to 85,000 horses for
the British government wus about com
Dletod in this city vesterdav. The
horses are for cavalry regiments aud the
artillery service iu South Africa, aud
they will cost several million dollars
This Is the largest single order of the
kiud ever placed iu this country. The
horses must conform piaotically to the
United States army's strict require
menu in lite, breed aud soundness.
This limits the choice practically to
the breetlt reared iu the producing cen
ters of Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois,
Missouri and Iowa. Buffalo has been
selected as the point of inspection,
where the horses will be bought by the
contractors, who will act aa the Brit
ish government agents. When accept
ed at Buffalo, the horses, sufficiently
rested, will be shipped to this city nud
will be loaded ou transport vessels iu
lots of about 1,000 each.
Austin Is Slightly Im
Austin, Tet., April 11. The flood
situation is improved here somewhat
but the reports from points below in
dicate that the full effect ol the im
mense volume of water is being felt in
Wharton aud Fayette counties, every
thing being inundated and much loss
of property and livestock being re
In Bastrop county tbe flood has
caused much damage, and something
li'. e 50 washouts and losses of bridges
are reported by the railways. Advice
from the area lumuinding the county
seat of Bastrop county are to tbe effect
that there has been some loss of life
among the farming class, aa thiir
homes were inundated without warn
ing by the tidal wave, but ontaide of
an unconfirmed report that eight lives
were lost, nothing can be learned.
In the southern part of this county
several persons are missing, the num
ber representing a family of six Ital
ians, aud two negro families, whose
homes have been washed away. The
river is receding rapidly at thia point
and above, notwithstanding the fact
that another heavy rise was reported
earlv this morning on the Concho, 125
miles north of here.
Reports tonight from La Grande, in
Fayette county, are to the effect that
while much of the lower part of the
town is under water, the property loss
is small. No one is missing.
French Tress Attacks fortufal
Paris, April 9. The transport of Brit
ish troops by way of Bcirti calls forth
mild protests from most of the news'
The Ficaro says: "The neutrality of
Portugal, notwithstanding the declara
tion of the Portucpse minister of for
eign affairs, is a vain word."
The more advanced organs, such as
the Libre Parole, speak out plainly.
Thi paper characterizes the action of
Portugal as "felony" and consiaers
that the Boers would be justified in
attacking her.
The Matin publishes an interview
with De Leyds, iu the course of which
he said he preferred to be silent for the
Tornado In Flood District.
Austin, Tex., April 13. Reports
from the town of La Grunge, layette
Derided Agalnat Clark,
Washington, April 13. Tho senate
committee on privileges and election
today decelded by a unanimous vote to
recommend an option resolution de
claring that Hon. W. A. Clark, of Mon
tana, is not entitled to occupy his seat
as senator from Montana. The docls
ion was readied after a two hours' sit
ting, at which all members of the com
mittee were present except oue. The
absentee wa Senator Cuffery, and he
wired hit vote in onoosition to Clark,
Senate Kejeeted tho Amendment
tilling for Them.
Washington, April 11. After some
(urther discussion today, the senate
jected the sectarian school amendment
fb the ludian appropriation out, onereo
by Jones, of Arkansas, by a vote of 80
to 16 As has lieen the practice foi
two or three vears, the free homes
measure was offered as an amendment
to the bill, but it was ruled out on the
point of order that it was general legis
lation, ami, therefore, not germane to
an appropriation bill. W ithout diviS'
Ion. the bill was passed. The measure
carries about $3,414,000. An unsuo
cessful effort was made to agree upon a
date for a vote on the resolution rela
the to the seating of Quay as a senator
from Pennsylvania. The effort will be
renewed tomorrow. Duriug the last
two hours of the session, the Alaskan
civil code bill was under consideration,
An amendment offered by Hansbrough
concerning the title to mining claims
iu the Cape Nome district provoked a
warm debate.
This was a dull day in the house.
The agricultural appropriation bill was
county, today, show that the water in nuder consideration, and was made the
the Colorado river continues to rise, vehicle of cousiderbale desultory de-
The lower part of La Grange is inun- imte on irrelevant political topics,
dated. No loss of life is reported from r;00a rtrocress was made with the bill
these sections. , after the olose of the general debate, 25
It it rumored here that the town of ont 0l tne 37 pages being covered before
Lebanon, in Bee county, was twept by adiournment.
a tornado early today and is wrecked.
Owing to lack of communication noth
ing can be learned as to the effect of
the storm.
A great many Christians are dead
wires because some one small part ol
the life is switched off from God.
Bowman, M , Truatee Lot 21, 22, I
23, block 14, Hyde Park Z 25
lir.-mar., H. A -l,t 10. 11. 12. block I
VI. lot , block 1, Yi etl rortiana
Buchanan, Kugene Lot It, 17, IS, U,
block II, West Portland Height.
Hums, l. C lx 11, block 1, Hyde
'amibell. Annie J. I-ots 23. 24,
block . west fortiana lieigni....
Campbell. U. T.-W. Vi of JiW. (4.
nation 3S. T. 1 N.. R. 6 W
Carr, H. B. Lot 23. block 11, West
Portland Hia-ht
Carlisle, a U. Lot 4. block 7. Sher
Carlson, Kdwlrv-Lota J, 4. block 8.
Hyde Park
Clarke. Anna M.-ixHa 9), 21, block
II. Weal Portland Helxhta
C.lausisnilu, H. Lot 33. Brugger
Tract, 1" itw
Cleveland. M. l.-J"xl(Kl feet, part of
lot t. block . Forest Drove, a
described In book 42, page 114, Rec
ord of LJai for Washington
?ourty. Oregon 2 B
Clune. Percy O. Lot I. block 4: lot
23. block 5; lot 20, block s; lot 7.
block t. lot (, block 12; lot 10. block
16. Hyde Park
Connolly. M. A. Her Interest In NE.
of NB. . aectiori 24. T. 1 8., K.
1 W., 6 acres, aa described In book
42, page 412. Record of Deed for
Washington County, Oregon
Cook. Joseph Lou 20, 21. block 14,
West Portland Heights
Cottle. David Lots 13. 14. 15. ). 17.
block 1, eat Portland Place I 3W
Craig. T. J . and Rice. D. E. Lot 4,
block 14. Hyde Park 1 75
Cress. John H.-E. V, of NW. E.
4 of HW. 14. Brl & lota 1. 2. J. 4,
section 7, T. 2 N.. R. t; W. of
NW. 14. W. of 8W. 14, section
8. T. J N.. R. 5 W.; BW. 14. sec
tion . T. 3 N R. 6 W.; SE. sec
tlon 17. T. S N . R. 5 W.; NE. 14. ,
E. Ii of 8W. 14. lots 2. 4. section
IS. T. 2 N., R. 5 W.; NE. 14 of
NW. 14. BE. 14 of BW. 14. 8. Ii of
SH It. lota Ll 3. 4. section IS. T.
3 N., R. 5 W.. 1MK acres 75 00
Crone. Clara NE. k of NE. 14. sec
tion 17, T. 2 N., R. 2 W.; 40 acres 2
DeLanhmutt, Van B. His interest in
NE. of BE. V suction 33. T. 2
N., R. 4 W., and hit undivided li
Interest In 8. 1 of 8B. V. section
34, T. 2 N., R. 4 W.; 7 acres I 56
Dilchbum. C His Interest In NE. 14
of NE. 14. section 1, T. 1 8.. R. 1
W.; 2 acres, as described In book
TT iu,. 9f Rrfirft nf for
Washington County, Oregon t 00
Dolph. J. N., Receiver His Inter
est ui w. ii oi IMS. la, aection i. i.
1 8., R. 1 W.; L3V acres, aa de
scribed In book 4S, page 625, Record
of Deeds for Washington County.
Oregon 11 W
Emmons. M. Lots 1. 2. 2, 4, block
1, West Portland Place.... J IS
Finn, Edward-Lota 20. 21. 22, 23, 24,
block 2, West Portland Place X 30
Fink, B.-His Interest In NE. 14 of
NW. 4, aection lu. T. 1 8, K. 1 W.i
5 acres, as described In book 42,
rmiie Record of Deeds for
Washington County, Oreon 2 30
Fleck. J. K. Lois 29. 20. block 10.
WeM Portland Heights 1 96
Foreat Grove Canning Co. Their In
terest in A. T. Smith D. L. C. No.
43. T. 1 8.. R. 3 W.; 6Ai acre, aa
described In book 43, phkb 16, and
book 29. page 3M. Record of Deeda
for Washington County, Oregon.... 22 14
Fry. Edward. 8r.-8. b of BW. 14.
section 2a. T. S N., R. SW.; 8E. 14
of Sri 1. aection 26, T. 3 N.. R. S
W NE. Vi of NE. 14. section 35.
T. 3 N.. R. a W.; list acres 7 20
f'...rhiir,4 2 nit P. SW. V. of NW. i.
section 12. T 1 N., R. 6 W. ; 40 acres IN
Glesev. K. Lot 3, block 5, Hyde
Park 1 75
Gove. C. A.-Lota 9. 10, 29, 20, 31. 32,
ti. 34. block zc west poruana
Heights J 55
Green. Anna-Lot 18, block 1, West
Portland Place 1
rSrlervin A Crockett Lot 36. block
22. West Portland Helgnt I n
Hull, KetusLot 11, block 6. Dllley. 1 96
Hartman. J. S. and F. A. E. 14 or
NE. 4. section 24. T. 2 K., K. a w.;
SO acrea 4 05
Hartman. F. A An undivided 14 In
terest in N. 14 or n w. i ana an
undivided H Interest in N. H of
NE. 4, section 25, T. 2 N., ft. 6
W. : m acres 4 05
Harthorn. C. M.-8W. 4, section 23.
T. 1 N., R. 5 W.; we acres I w
Hawger. lver 8. Lot 7, block 12,
Hyde Park t 75
Held. Aug. E. Lots 25. 26, block 20,
West Portland Heights 1 5
Henry. J. L. Lot 24. block 13. Hyd
Park 17
Hlbbets. Lillian Lots 17, 18. 19, 20,
block 7; lot 31, block . w ean Port
land Heights 2 85
Hoffman, M. A.-Lot 10. 11. 12, block
1- una 4 to 12. block i. weal Port
land Place 150
Hogue. H. A.-S. 14 of BE. . sec
tion 20, T. 1 ., ft. l . M. 14.
8. H of NW. 4. 8. 4. section 2,
T. 1 8., R. 1 W.: 640 acres 174 90
House, Ernest Hla Interest In L.
Hall D. u. c is o. 4J, x. i b., n. i
W.; 6H acres, as described In book
3S. page 319, Record of Deeda for
Washington County, Oregon 10 10
Howard C. A. 8. Lots 7. 8, block 28,
West Portland Heights 1 96
Hughes, E. C, and Patterson, G. W.
Lota 5. 8. 9, 18. 20, 21, 24. mock i;
lots 1, 3. 4, 5. 7. block 2: lots 2, 5.
8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13. block 4: lota 6. 6,
7, 8. 9. 10, block 5; lots 1, 4, 16, 23,
24. block 6; lots 1. 2. i. 4. 5. 6, 7. 20.
block 7; lots 1. SI, block 8: lot 10,
block 9; lots 1, 2, S, 4. 6, 10, 11. 12.
14. 15. 16, 17, 19, 20. 21, block 10; lots
1. 2. 3, 4, 5, 6. 9, 12. 16. 17, 20, 21, block
11; lots 8, 9, 10, 11, block 12; lots i.
6, 8, 9. 12. 14. 22. 23. block 13; lot
6. 11, 13, 14. 15. 18, 19, 20, 24. block
14; lots 2. 3, 5, , 7, 8, 9. 11. 13, 20,
21, 22, 23, 24. 25. block 15, Hyde
Park SI 25
Hughes & Patterson Lot 30, block
9; lots 19, zu, oiock i ; iois ss, a,
block 28, West Portland Heights..
Humphreys, T. D. His interest in S.
n of N W. 14. section , i . 1 ., rt.
3 W.; 25 acres
Henslee, A. E. and J. M. Their in
terest in N. H of BE. 1, section 21,
T. 1 N., R. 4 W.; 54 acres, aa de
scribed in book 46, page 150, Record
of Deeds for Washiivgton County,
Ingraham. E. H. HI Interent In sec
tion 20, T, 2 N.. R. 3 VV.; 40 acres,
ns described in book 39, page 184,
Record of Deeds for Washington
County. Oregon 4 10
Isaacs, E. A.-Lot 8. block 2. Hyde
Park 1 75
Johnson, Martha Lots 16, 17, block
12. Hyde Park 2 00
Johnson. John Lots 9. 10, 12, 14,
block 6, Hyde Park 2 45
Jolly, A. N Mrs. Lot S. block 14,
Went Portland Heights 1 75
Kelly, Frank M. NfcX 4 of NE. 14.
section 8, T. a in., tv. vv.; w
Keutner, F. D. - hot 24. block 8,
Hyde Park 1 '5
Kimball, W. M. Lots 19, 20, block 1,
ima i 3 :c inn's west roriianu
Place 8 50
Kohlmun, Henry Lot 1, block 5,
Hyde Park 1 75
Kurr, George Lota 1, 2, 3, 4, block
13, Hyde Park 2 45
T.uan Mnrthu. Tit IS. block 10.
Hyde Park 1 "5
Leubo, R. H. Lot 5. block 12; lot
18, block 15, Hyde Park 2 01
Lee, James-Lots 20, 21, 22, 23, 24,
block 3. West Portland Heights.... 2 C5
Lestoe, H. J. Lots 5, 6, block 2,
West Portland Heights 1 95
Llthurn, John Iot 15, block 12,
West Portland Heights 1 75
Lowenberg, E. P. Lot 14, block 1. -
Hyde Park 1 ft
Lowenberg, H. IXK ia, Dioca. i,
Hyde Park 1 75
Loweiinerg, J. n. oi rn. y., cn
1 acres 4 70
M.-farland. F. C.-Lot 36, block 12,
West Portland Heights 1 75
McFarland It. C.-Lot S6. block 12,
West Portland Heighia 1 i
McLeod. K. 8.-8. 14 of NW. 14. N. 14
of BW. 4. aection XI, T. 1 a., n.
W.i 160 acres 15 75
McKae. rtenford Ita 35. M. block 8,
West Portland Heights I 96
Melster. John l)ta 13. 14. 15. 1. 17,
hUn-kV, West Portland Hsighia... I Ct
Miller. Andrew-5irlii& feet, part of
lot 2, block 23. Forest Orove. aa de
scribed in book 44, puge 2H4, Hsvord
of Iteecla for Washington County,
Oregon 4 79
Mull, Barah J., Heirs of Their Inter
est In A. J. Mastors I). U I . No.
4S. T. 1 8.. R. 2 W.: 1W4 acres, aa
described In book V . page 25s, Rec
ord of Deeds for Washington Coun
ty. Or, gon 32 40
Nalotte, C. T.-Lot 19, block 13. Hyde
Park 1 75
Narrnway. A. R.-BB. 1. aection 18,
T 3 N.. R. 5 W.; 1W) acre 1 10
Northrop. John AU block 4, High
lands Addition to Hllialioro I 75
Oacman. L. K. t'milvlded 1 Inter-
n 8. 14 or bK, 14. seciion M,
T. 3 N., R. 4 W.; 40 a res 1 10
den, H. M.. and Burns, V. C Lot
biock 14. Hyde Park I 75
O'Keefe. W. Lota 1. 2. 3, block (,
W est Portland Heights 1 w
Palmer, Alice It 9 to 24. Inclusiv,
bio, k 7. West Portland piac s
Patton. E. G.. J. N., M. E.-Thelr
Interest In aection 13, i. I I., n. 1
W.: SO acres 37
Patrone, Lorenso Hla Interest In
W. 14 of SW. 14, aection a. I. I
8, R. 1 W and his Interest In
NW. 14 of NE. 14. section 28. T. 2
B.. R. 1 W., conuinintt 11 acres,
aa described in book 36, page 421,
and book 31. page 167, Recurd of
Deeda for Washington County, Or
egon 13 90
Payne, W. H.-Lot 4, block 6, Hyda
Park I is
Petley, 8 J Lota 1. A, block 11; lots
7, s, mock u, vv cast jronianu
Heights 140
Peterson. Charie J.-NW. 14 of NK.
14. NE. 14 of NW. 14. 8. 14 Of NW.
14. section 33, T. N., R. 5 W.; WO
acrea 10
Pohmeyer. Henry Lou li, IS, block
13. Hyde Park 1 iw
Portland Pressed Brttk Co. .
Interest In E. 14 of NW. 14. section
32. T. 2 8.. R. 1 VV.; 33 acres, as
described in book 29. page 328, 383,
Record of Deed for Washington
County. Oregon 61 50
Pnteet. tleoree His interest In 8W.
14 of BE. 14. section 36, T. 1 .. R.
4 W.. 14 acre, as described In book
44, page 144. Record of Deed for
Washington County, Oregon 7 46
Powell. T. C.-NW. 4 of NE. 14.
section 11. T i.i,, R. 4 w.; 40 acres J w
Prentice, E. B.-Lot 7, block 14, Hyde
Park 1 IS
Prlndle. M. F.-Lot 18, block 29, Wet
Portland Helgnt i ia
Pullen, George HI Interest In sec
tion 14. T. 1 .. K. w., as oe
acrlbed In book V. page 322, Record
of Deeds for Washington County,
Oreron : 10 acres 2 40
Raatnuasen. J. P.-Lota L 4, block 15,
Hyde Park s w
Reidt, Anna-Lot 2. 4, block ; lot
7. block 10. Weal Portland neignia. z a
Reidt. Wm. Lota 19. 20, 21. block 6;
Lots 13. 15. 16, 31, 32. . 36, block
7; lots 23, 24, 25, 28, block 9; lo a 34,
35. 36. block 11; lota 1, 2, 3. t. 7, 8. IS,
17, 18, block 19; lots 6. , block- 28.
w'est Portland Heights 1 5
Rom melt. Wm. Lots 27. 28. 29. 30,
block 7. West Portland Height... I to
Rude. H. M.-SW. of NE. "4. N.
14 of BW. 14. NW. 14 of SE. 14.
etion 20. T. 1 N., R. 1 W.; 160
acres - 5
Rude, H. M. 8. VJ of N W, 14, aection
30. T. 2 N., R. 5 W.i 80 aures 4 05
Rude. H. M.-SE. 4 of NE. 14. NE.
14 of BE. 14. section 25, T. 2 N R.
6 W.; 80 acres 4 C5
Rude. H. M.-8E. 14, section 7. T. 2
N R. 2 W.; 160 acres 7 90
Ruse., Ira Lot 2, block 9, West Port
land Place 146
Sawyer. Prescot SW. 4 of BE. 14 of
NW. 14. aection 16, T. 1 8., R. 4 W.
10 acres. 2 05
Schofer. LouisLots 31. 32. block 17,
West Portland Heights I 95
Schlewe, Jacob-SE. 14 of NW.
NE. 14 of BW. 14. and lots 2.-3,
section 19, T. 3 K, R. S W.; 14414
acrea 4 IS
Bchllland. 8. Lot 4. block 5, Middle-
ton 1 is
Seward, W. H.-SE. 14 of SW. 14.
SW. 14 of BE. 14. section 14, T. 2
8.. R. 3 W. ; m acres 65
Shaw. Charles M. NE. 14. section
7. T. 3 N., R. 5 W.; 160 acres I 66
Shannahan, W. T.-Lot 22, block ,
West Portland Heights 1 75
Smith, N. W. His interest In P. D.
8hackleford D. L. C.-No. 61. TV I
N., R. 1 W.. 5 acre, as described .
In book 1. page 113, Record of Deeds
for Washington County, Oregon.... 310
Sorenson. George Lot 10, block 33,
West Portland Heights 1 75
Spitsbergen J. IjOI 24, block 11. West
Vortland Heights 1 76
Starr. E. A.-His Interest In "W. H.
Williams D. L. C. No. 60. T. 1.
S., R. 1 W.; 70 acres, as described
in book Y. page 583, Record ot
Deeds for Washington County, Or
egon 19 90
Stephens. Lillian N. 14 of lots 1. 1
block 1. South Park Addition, For
est Grove 2 85
Stelnhatser, Ike Lot 22, block 6,
Hyde Park 1 75
Sterne E. C Lots 15. 16. 17. block
9, Hyde Park 2 25
Stone, Thos., and Boule, L. E. 14 ot
BW. 14, section 33, T. 3 N., R. 3
W.; 80 acrea 4 70
Strayer. F. J. -Lot 6. block 9, Went
Portland Place 1 70
Stuart. John C Lot 9. block 32, West
Portland Heights 1 75
Stiffen, M. B. Lot 13, block 13, Hyde
Park 1 75
Sweek. M. Her Interest In N. 14 of
SB. Vi. section 23, T. 2 8.. R. 1 W.;
524 acres 16 50
Tamm. Carl Lot 12, block 23, West
Portland Heights 1 75
Ton. J. H. and U. C Their inter
est In Wm. Pointer D. L. C. No.'
62. T. 1 8., R. 1 W.; 6 acres, aa
described in book 34. page 341, Rec
ord of Deeds for Washington Coun
ty, Oregon 5 75
Vpton, Anna A. Her Interest In N.
14 of NW. V4, section 32, T. 2 S.. R.
1 W.i 2 acres, as described tn book
45. pape 156, Record of Deeds for
Washington County. Oregon I 65
Van Horn, George Lot 2, block 4,
Gaston 3 85
Vaughn, Clara T Heirs of Lots 1,
2, 3. 4. block 9, Dllley 8 OS
Vlnce. J. E. Lots 1, 3, block 9, West
Portland Place 1 85
Warner, Alex-Lots 27, 28. block 22,
4 10
Continued on page 2.)
New York, April 13. A special to
the World from Galveston Bays:
Quietly and without even the judge
who tried the oase knowing the iden- and there are now nearly two feel on
tity of the defendant, a divorce has the level. The storm is the heaviest in
been o ranted in the Tenth district 12 months. Farming lands Heeded
7 26
itwelinera, j. n. oi . y. n .
'BMW Slot... In Montana. , "J . i',7.'rEr .
BoEetnan,' Mont., April , Snow Maieomb, J. D. An undivided yi
... . . v . i nt.rMti in kk. u. Hecnon SZ. X. 1
lias beeojainng lor tne past tu uoura, r j-y w.: acre.......... 46
Manning, H. ts. ow. ft, secuou ,
T. 3 IN,, K. a vv.; ii acrea..
court here to Charles Armstrong from
Nellie Armstrong, better known to the
world m Melba. From the paper in
the case It was shown that the defend
ant, without cause, left his bed and
board, declaring she would not live
with him any more.
suow or rain, and the benetit will be
great.1 ' ' " ' """" ' '
Ouna for 1'ortland Naval Reasrv.
. Vallejo, Cal April 11. Two three
inch field guuB Were tent to Portland,
Or. , from Mare island today, to bt
used by the naval militia,
of NE. 14, E.
T. 2 N R.
1 10
Marlev. J. K. N. 14
li nf M VV u .Art itn 1
fw.! 166 acres 8 85
Marley, J. K. Hi interest In A. W.
Hart D. L. C. No. 60, T. 1 8., R. 1
W. ; 2014 acres, as described In book
47. page 19,-Record of Deeds tor
Washington County, Oregon 10 HO
Marley, J, K.-SB. 14, section 28,
...T. 1 8 , R. 6 W.i 160 acre 7 80
Marnunm, Lula M.-S. 14 of SW. J4,
aection 32, T. 1 8., R, 6 W.;, 80
The Independent of New York It to
Charge its form so that it will resem
ble that of the monthly magazine.
A revised aud enlarged edition of
Justin McCarthy' "Life of Gladstone"
will be published Immediately by the
Macmlllan Company.
The Century Magazine haa arranged
for a series of article on the preaent
war, somewhat lu the manner of It
"Battle aud Louder of the Civil
David Williamson, tbe editor of the
Windsor Magazine (London), haa pre
pared a life of Gladstone, tho man, aa
distinguished from Gladstone, the poli
tician, which will bo published by M,
F. Maustteld. "
Mr. Kipling's next volume of abort
atorles will Include "The Ship that
Found Herself," "Bread Upon the
Water," "A Brushwood Boy," TIm
Tomb of Ilia Ancestor," ",007" aihl
aeveral other Itojlea, ,