7 V HILLSBORO ARGUS, MARCH 29, 1900. . A I'MIM Of TIIH I Ki'1'I.K I :rr.T.TT.T.TT.T.TT.ViJiS.l a V 3 I I I It n tared at the Post-office at Hillxboro, Oregon. a Second class mail matter.' LUCIUS A. LOJiU, EDITOR. tCounty Official Paper. ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY t by : Tb Arpi hblisking Coipuj. Subscr" jtiou: One Hollar per Annum. Sic Months, 60 eta; Throe Month, S5 i t. Opposed to Gold Mono-metallism. Be lieves la the Bimetallic Standard Dear Money means Debased Property. 4 Profitless American Product. Onr Consequent toss is oar Creditors', Gain Ha no nse for Marcus A. Hanna UNION COCNTYCONVKSTION. Notice t hereby given that, by authority anu direction ot me ruion rreemct vom mltteemen or Washington Comity, a County Conyention will he held in the Court House, in H dishorn. Ore on Sat urday, April 7, 1900, for the purpose of transacting the following business. Nomination of a legislative ticket, to wiU Stata Senator for fonr vears; three Represents! ves. Countv ticket as fol lows' County Clerk, Sheriff. Recorder, Aaoaaior. Treasurer, Surveyor.. Coroner. on Commissioner for fonr years, IViunty ticbool Superintendent. All precinct nominations for Justices of Uie reaoe, con.stai.ies and lioan supervis ora will also he rati tied. Primaries will be held in the several precincts on Saturday, March 31. The various precinct will send delegations to uw uounty convention, as follows: Beaverton ....10 Buxton 8 Columbia. 13 Dilley . C Cedar Creek.... 5 West Butte.., 4 Mountain 6 8. Hillshoro.... 14 8. Forest Grove....ll Wapatn .'. Keedville 7 Reaverdam . .: i Cornelius 21 Dairy H W. Cedar Creek... t Kast Kutte Gales Creek , N. Hillsboro..... N. Forest Grove...!! South Tualatin II ashiugtoii 10 M'MNIiBY AND BKYAN One most not suppose that the gnat papers which are now telling of McKinley's littleness will not rapport him when he receives the nomination for the presidency this ummer. They too well know that a little complaint now, editorially, will only cause, a swelling of the campaign fund, and that they will get a slice of money which will be bled from the great corporate in terests. They will come out anjl tall WOO that Hamiaiain loan ine pnncipl . people, anU loty . -i jf , control the (1ablican party. -VAJBFJ" r"Ju win imvc uu uiii.iun V- fdollar campaign fond, with a mil- ... :n l. : it : lion left over. He will have only the aid of those who are opposed to corporation-run government. The people who make the wealth of the nation will support his cause. He is not the candidate of the trusts; not the candidate of the banks; not the candidate of the money mon t gers; not the candidate of those who have always regretted that we : whipped Great Britain; not the candidate of those who would like to see England and the United States under one flag; not the can ; didate of those who think British ' laws better than American institu tions; and, better still, he is not the candidate of those who want , -.. taxation without representation of those who would rob helpless Puerto Rico. These two men will Y the next presidential candidates. Vk1 hich one of these men would vou for if party were out of the Which one of them is the Umerican. WHAT IT ALL MEANS. ' The attitude of the administration with regard to the British-Boe: ' conflict should be enough to pui every American on his guard. . America has been the world word for freedom. Its name has been . revered by the child of oppression and tyranny, everywhere. But this characteristic is fast fading away, and today we see our nation al administration silently sympa thizing with a giant power in an endeavor to stifle a liberty-loving people in Africa. If our govern ment is to become auxiliary to the Pr'tish Empire; if we are to have ah ' administration which is to stand shoulder to shoulder with Great. Britain in her schemes of ' conquest, let us at least have an open expression of public opinion before our surrender is complete. If our national action is to be dic tated by London counting houses, let ns as quickly as possible get away from our ideas of freedom; oar ideas of rights; our ideas of pepnUr government, and proceed i&b the boax no longer. If there it nation in the. world which owes sympathy and action in behalf of tt TraMvaalers, that nation cer ' tainly is our own. But how is s situation? We see Mr. Hay, car representative in England,, act' Jrj under instructions from his superiors, extending material as surances to that country which all self thinking Americans have learn ed to distrust. A word from Amer ica and Britain would at once check her sorry scheuie of empire in the land of the Dutch republics. Will our administration give that word? The answer is: for what purpose did Britain's money find expenditure in the last presidential election. We are no longer Araeri cans, but are mere supernumaries to British opinion. They have, by the aid f their money, placed in power a class which toadies to British action in all things. They are as completely in control of our legislation as tho' Parliament made our laws. The . Rothschilds rule England, and, as a well known Washington county ex-senator once said, 'They have their country 1y the throat." But close corporation rule must be done away with in America if our free institutions are to stand, a witness to the struggles of our forefathers. Monarchical power shall not be ctrengthened by a false assumption of a sympa thy which does not exist in the American heart. It is only the tuft-hunting politician who sup ports England in her most recent outrageous demands upon the two Dutch republics in South Africa. Let men of brain and lovers of justice remember this. THE T1MKS- ANANIAS. The Forest Grove editor, Col. Eddy put in two bids on the delinquent list; one stating that he would publish the work for "v2 per inch the first 10() inches, and $1.50 ier inch for all thereover," or words to that effect. Enclosed with this bid he had a second one which stated in effect that he "wanted the work at that figure, but in case The Ar ovs rate was lower, would not Sheriff Bradford give him the list at five cents an inch lower than The Argcs asked." Sheriff Brad ford did not see fit to open the bids but turneAm over to the coun - . ... ty" Yi dishonest pre liminarily fliHrr.icftavA -riiy . vine notorious Dtr iosai puoiic, ana me i itne scoiu-4 eu oraaiora ior disclosing ine con tents of "a private letter." When it found that Bradford had noth ing to do with the publicity of the indecent bid, the Times apologized " The Times excuses its action on the ground of republicanism. And last week it says. - How Tub Argus doessqual because the Times tried to tret ahead o it. We did not set up any howl a short time ago when THE ASGl'S oy a scurvy trick gut a too away trotn us. The Times will deal honorably with those who deal hon orably with it. As a matter of fact, the Times man is a very pitiful falsifier. If The Argus had played a "scurvy trick" on the Timer? editor, why has not the Time told its readers what that trick was? Mr. Eddy, to cover his attempt to make a public official a party to a dishon est deal in order to beat a man be cause he was a "political enemy" has,re8orted to disreputable and scrubby methods. This is to be expected, however, from a thorough going "Simonite" like the Colonel. The Times simply lies, and Tub Akgcs stands ready to prove Mr. Eddy dishonorable and a liar. This is the man imported to Washing ton county to "save" the county trom political sin I is he not a peach and a frosted one at that? Here is the man who wanted a public officer to stand in to rob another who put in a straight bid to do printing. Here is the man who will tell you that honor is found only in the party which has honored him. Forest Grove, The Argcb truly sorrows that you have such undeserved fortune in "job bing and job-lot editors." And the people of Forest Grove are just as sorry as we are. Mr. Bradford's course, being straight ahead, threw Eddy in a hole. Eddy is now "up to the legislature" as the champion grafter. To bIiow the public what that "scurvy trick" was The Anous pre sen Is the following statement from Shenn israaioru, touching upon the only piece of work in which the Times was interested a sheriff sale for the law firm of Snow A McCamanl: "I received a request from the firm of bnow & McCamant that I place a cer tain sale in the Forest Grove Times. The request also asked that publication he made on the Thursday on which the execution reached me from the clerk's office. The firm was very anxious that the sale should be pushed through, and knowing this, I telephoned them that if the limes made the publication the sale must be deterred one week, Upon gtv ing them this notice, they directed me to give the sale to Thb Argus, which had done considerable printing for then." Here, then is the "trick" which HAVE YOU LAND TO CLEAR? 'f so, you need a tree and slump machine that will enable you to clear it the eusii'st and t-licapfxt :iv ixm- sible. These machine are built bv investigate. Will furnish testimonials on applieatson. " Nof2 READ TOE FOLLOWING TESTIMONIALS "I can recommend the No.' a Machine to nil who wmit a u machine. It is the best in the market for the money. J. A, ZlmmermaufhoiiKht a No l nucliitie Initu Mr lVartun nnd finds it ensily handled, durable and light, easy to set and move around, and strong rncitkih for two liors, n, y Wm Schuhnrrirh. tArtioitivt.,t Clrann. "Hlllsboro, Ore., March 2, 1SHH). I have been using one of these in ae hint's lor three months on tit v liirni, (wo miles southwest of this eitv, and It has iriveit nerfect saiisrurtion. It will do all ilisi Mr. Yurnn hns Vlitinieil for It, and were I to live on a farm where I had any considerable trriiubhur to do, and rould not g t another umt htm, I would not sell the one I have for f 100. It is a irreat labor saver ami Is well worth w hut I paid lor it in lad ii is an almost iudispensibie adjunct to a farm where there is auv irrtibhiiitr or siuiiip imllliitr. l course, I MiM the larrer stumps first, and then nse the puller to take out the large roots. It is a very powerful muehiuc, and I will be pleased to recommend it to those who have this nature of work to perform. . K Klil 1 1 . Call ou or Address. II. ( PKAItSON, Kariniiigtoii, tire. WHY PAY MORE ? Shilling's Best Baking Powder - Soda 7J " " M. & J. Coffee, sealel pek 30e " . Soai Clariette, SanU Claus, Tar, Gol den Star 4c cake Pie Fruit, assorted 10c can Celluloid Starch Do pek Tea, Rose of Japan 30c lb Tea, Pride of Japan f)0c lb St. Charles Evaporated Cream 15c can Roart Coffee, 25c Blend 17$ lb Brooms, No. 3 Special 250 Mica Axle Grease tins 7c American Sugar, 19 lbs for 1.00 Liverpool Salt, 50 lbs. 4"c Yours i US'? ' pie to believe is -r3table. What kind of a fool is this man, Eddy, who has made this county his home ii) order to save it from the grasp of democrats and populists? Is the "grand old parly" strengthened by this impor tation in the interest of Hon. Jos. Simon? Will a man so utterly devoid of even intelligent dishon esty lie a power, of strength for that which he advocates? Tins end of the congressional district has two men who would make excellent repaaentatives at Washington. One is Capt. Heath, late of Co. A. Second Oregon, and the other is President Campbell, of the Monmoth Slate Normal, Either is a deserving . crtiien and would, if nominated and elected, worthily look after the interests at the national capital. Recent advices from South Africa lead one to believe mat iora Kooeris nas captured tbe cable, at least. How strange it is that cheap wheat was a curse under tbe Cleveland admin istrntioc and a blessing under Hanna's. It is now Mr. Otii, while, some time back, it was "Grandma." Ii it possible that our cuckoo sheets have but recent ly learned that Otis is acting upon or ders from headquarters? The Independent, last week, had a straight "Tongue edition." Thb Argus will wager a cent with the Independent, against one of that organ's choicest "enckoo eggs" that the eulogies on Brother Tongue were written on a type writer back in D. C. Mr. Scott should not be made senator. His head would swell so that he conld never get it through a Pullman door. And Mr, Corbett, who has a. mania for making Christmas presents, might be come baakrupt and be unable to pay his fare back to Washington. What will poor Oregon do in her hour of travail? THINKS JOHN BULL RULES. Hillsboro, Ore., March 27. (Editor Ar cus.) I was in town yesterday and got a copy of the Uregonian. I see that pa per prints a letter about the way the Americans are treated in Dawson and Atlin, and notice the editor's remarks of 'Why don't they kick to the govern ment." Now, what is tbe use of' 'kick ing to the government" when they are all Britishers and do as Johnny Bull says. The president and congress know how tbe Americans are treated in Dawson, but they have no sympathy with America or American subjects, it is reserved for the "Johnny Bulls." They want to, and will, overthrow American government, so they can all be duke and lords. The whole republi can party must answer to this see how they are acting about our territory which cost us blood and money and that, too, before we are through burying the dead soldier. ONK WHO FOUGHT. Buy a 20th century, or Solar lamp; for sale at McCormick's bi cycle store. a firm of 40 years' experience and can V O v . ...a. Or I 1 M.a-W,,.i,-wi Special on Hats. Broken Ijnc of 40c lb & SON. Heal Estate Transfers. Frank Nachbauer to Hans Peterson too ft square sec 4 r a n r 4 w... .f E V Hummer to Alice Ballard 5 a stc 3J t I w 2$l Geo II Temple granted power of at torney ; Rebecca Murdock n e- of a w of 'sec 31 1 1 rl w joo C B St mm 9 to Jos N Gaston Us 5 and town ol l.HStOII John and Archie Campliell to Ferd inatKl upttz It 12 in Hrugger tr . A bra m Standleeo Fredrick Sehoen U 7 blk 15, Cornelius 80 W U Thome to S J Galloway, It 4 blk 5 Thome's add to Hillsboro.. 32 NOTICE TO DEMOCRATS. Notice is hereby given that a demo cratic mass convention for Wash ington county will be held at Hills boro Oregon, at 1:00 P. M., at the Opera House, Saturday, April 7, 1900, for the purpose of electing 10 delegates to the Democratic HI ale Convention which convenes at Portland on April 12. L. A. Long, Co. Chairman. John M. Wall,. Sec. Teams wanted for wood hauling. Apply nt once to Hare A Schtnellz er, Hillsboro,. Will hire by cord or contract. You can Bave money seeds at Greer's. by buying I SHERIFF SALE. (Continued from First Page.) West Portland Height 1 95 White. J. J.-U.tx 1, 2, ft, 4, S, , block 9, Hyde i'nrk 2 95 WllllnmH, Klla, unit Htuomnil Their latere In N. y, ot section XI. T. 2 N., R. S W. ; 8 acres, ns described In book X, nunc .197, XHH, Record of Dela for V11shlnston County, Or- esron 2 If. Wllllnms, Ella, nnd lluwlmnil I'nrt of lots it, A. block R, IllllKlMirn, 11s dcwrllicil In bwik 4I, paKe H2, and hook 30, pwre 3TI, Hccnrd of Deeds for Washlnirtoa County, Orei?on,.. lit 40 Williams, Tlum.-Iots 8, 9, 12, block , Hyde Park 2 2T. Wlsart, Peter-Ixt 23, block 12, West Portland Helnhts 1 75 Woodmiinsce, Klla !ts 22, 23, block 14, West Portland Heights 1 9G Zimmerman, K.-NB, 14, section 25, T, 3 N., H, 4 W. ; m acrr 6 TO Hold property will be (wild, mihjcnt to re demption, as per statute of OreKon. Dated this 15th dny of March, I!K. w. n. iiitADi'-oni). flherllt of Wnnhlni?lon County, OrcKnn, and ex-OfltcIo Tax Collector. SUMMONS. IN THK CIRCUIT COURT OP THK Htateof Oregon, for Washington County. B. R, Henry, Plamtiir vs V Jennie Henry, Defendant j To Jennie Henry, tlio above named ile lendanti In tbe Name of the (State of Oregon: You are hereby required to appear uml answer the complaint tiled agaltiHt you in the above entitled Court and suit on or lieforethe last day of the limn prescribed in the ordei for the publication or thin munitions, to-wit: On or before the ex til ration of six weeks next from nnd after the (lute of the first publication of tliix summons, the first publication thereof being on March 15, 1WKI. and If von fail to so appear anil answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in his complaint., to wit! That the marriage, contract now ex isting between plaintiff and defendant be dissolved and lor such other and further decree as may appear equitable. This aiiinmnns Is served upon yott hy Publication, by order of Hon. I, "A." Kontl, County Judge ot Washington County, Oregon, willed order wan made nnd dated 011 March 14, HlOu, JOHN M. WALL, Attorney for Piainlill'. nut he beaten. If ill in v vou to .Ala.. tin to I J. Barber, Scvond Street, for ii neat shave nr Imireut. Sin--fuel ion gun- mtm-d. Fine Imlh room in eon;, ,'iion. AOM1NISTRA TOR S SALE REAL ESTATE. 0 F VlliTl'KOI' AN" OKIU'.lt OK TI1K County urt of VailiiiiLtoii Coun iv. iirt'Kon, univ inaiie ninl cntcrril on the ,"lli lnv Ijr Mr, (,, (,ir theaule ol mil estate iRilohKiiig to the eMiii,. ol Thoiims J. l(Soll, iloruvil, I Will, on Satunlay, tlu Till day of April, lutiti. ; at the hotirof u oVIo. k, In tli,. forviiiMin : of mill day, :it t h mint It door ol Un Court ; 'oitw, at llillilx.ro. Oregon, sell at pub- lie auction, for wish in lutml. n one-nintli Intrrcnt In anil (otto' I 'Monni!! ili-wrilail ! rvnl eMnle sitimtc in Waslip't'ton Coun. 1 ty. Oregon, tihH It: All ol tlie iutrri"' or S,ruli Wil-um, ; eiisixl, in tin- Ihiii.oiou l.an.l I Imiih ot j William NVUmiii ninl w ic in T. 1 X, l. .1 V., eoiilniiiini! ,Mt acres . mmv ir Ic-m ;-rc ' 1 John M. Wall, Altv f r AtHiiiil rntnr. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE OF REAL LSTATE. I)Y VIMTKOF x oiiukh ok rilK 1j County Court of WaxlutiKlti.i i. titittlc ninl enl. rod oil ch, "m. for tiio ,ii. r Ml. IV, orofc'nn, ,nl till! fttli liny of XI:. 1 real elntn beloiiirl'ii: lo llw opinio of Krnott K. Kni-h, diwiutcd, I will, on Saturday, the Tth day id April, l'.too, at the hour of 111 o'clock. In the foriumii of kuIiI ilny. hi Utr Hon! Ii door ol the Court llouw.nt Uillxlioro, ilrcifon, wl nl pnlo lie miction, for enli in tiund, the follow, iui; ilfxerihed roil entnin, kuuiiIc In Viih iniftott County, drcyou, to-sit; Coluciii'lii one KihI ct ol Ihn S V Corner of the l I, C of U'lmicl A. Siuii ku in HerdT I H It I WoNlie Will. M-r.. 1111.I riiunini! thence north iirullol w Hit I he Wml line ol iii(l h,urki cliiliu 'JI.H75 ilia, thence went lli'li to I tic went line of the' Malciun .UiiHtln claim, theme xoiitl. 2l.s,'i ch to tin" Mnithi-l corner i.r wild UiinMii ctniin. thence f.ut 'UO cii, to the IHiice 01 m-giummr, cnntiinmie v neres, DhIihI lit HlllsU.ro. OrciMII. Mil. .'.It, iluy of Mnrcli, I'KKI. JO N M. WA I.I AilnilniMtratni- of the iwtnln of K.rmut K. r I ecu, itcceiiseil SUMMONS. IX THK CIltl'l IT COI IIT OK Till' Hlate of Orepm, for the Comity ol Washington, Horn Unlit, I'laintitl v Loa V Unlit, Dormidiint To I,oil V, llulit, the iidovB IiiiiiiihI 1 lo Inndanl: In the Niiiiio of the Htnte of Oiokoii You are herudy reipdred to appear mi niiHwer the complaint lilcil ngaiiiM yon in till! above enlilleil Conil mill suit on or before the lust-day of the time ptmtcribeil 111 mo orocr ior ine pn Dlli-iitlitii of this Hiiniiuoiis, t i wil; nil or before flu, ...,!. piratioti ol mix weeks next froin ami utter tho date of lirnt ptililictttlou of tdis Hun.nioiiM, inn liiHt piililicaliou thereof iiioiiKon iMan n , unit If you fail u no iioiir anu aiiBwer, lor want tdereof the pliiintill will apply to the Court fur Ihn relierilfiimmli'd in her i-oiuplninl to wit: That the inarriiiire ninl inair'iiiKe contrnct now and licri'tofore cxixlinir ,c- nix. ii IM.IMIMO 1010 IICII'IKIIllll, ho (iH Molvetl ninl aunulli-il; tlmt plalntllV In Hwardeil the cure, nwloily anil control ol iiiiuih iinvu limit, tun minor child of piiunuii nun 1 mount; tlmt plaintiff re cover judgment against ilel'eiidant for her comx 1100 iiixi.iiiHenieiil.H Herein, such otlier and furllinr decree an may lie euuil. This NiitnnioiiM IhwtvciI upon vou hy publication, dy order of Hon. A." Itoo.f Countv Judge ol Wimliinglon Countv' Orcifon, willed unler Was made and .lutml on Mure 1 8. 1IKIJ. Ii t in.iti.-vf ' Attorney for 1'liiiiil.ill The absence of action in probate in me emulous ol in k Annus is due to tho fiir ih;il no work of that nature hits been transacted since the departure. of Jmlgo Rood for tho IfillHt. Cigars s K. J. Harbor's, 2nd St, Notice to Wheelmen. in linn-" y lllVril Mllll I.1IB IIIX fill bicycles is now 1 ollec.tible at tho olllce of vr. .i.... iu i.u....i ..1 .1 ... .. . . the undersigned, commencing with ilnle unrein. w, 1), ISKAPKim ). Khcrtll and fax collector for Washington .ooot.y. wri-uon, , Dated at Jlillnltoio, Ibis March H, Won, Executor' and Executrix' Notice OTICK 1H 1IICUHIIY OIVION THAT 1 the iimlmsigncd have been appoint ed Kxec.utnr ami Kxeeuirix of tU last will and Ti'Hlaii t of Henry Heaverl deeeHHetl, and havediily (mililled hs niicIi by filing and having tliuir hnuils duly approved by the. County Court of Wash ington ( (iiinty. Now, Ihiuel'oie, all per sons having claims against the estate, of the said Henry llcavett, tlecniwed, are hereby retiired to present the same to meat the law olllce of H. II. Jl union, wild proper vouchers, within tlx mouths from the date hereof, Dated at Hillshuru, Ore., this 1ilh ilnv of March, I!KJ0. ANDItKW HNYDKI1 ANNA HNYDKIt. lixeetitor and Kxiicnlrix of the last, will and tCMtntntuit of Henry Heavei t, ilei-d H. II. lltiHton, Atty fur Administration. tmmm JSncrnoon Functions call for the aristocratic "Prince Al bert." We are Inordi nately proud of these goods. They possess every element to make us so. See that label? ll.WK.il lit Mi and StS. The Hillsboro Pharmacy Tho LoadinR: Drug: Wln rn !rtit. Miallrinrs. I'alnta, I Ills, .s(on;. , ltnili' and all tiiH;Ul' Hiilnlilf. liny lin prm iiKsl nl itUi' lliiit. liuplv illliiie i-oii.i-tlli..ii, JleiTtESIUlEIt FARMS FOR SALE; Thnse who want t buy Washing' tun County (arms will do will to call and iuvpHlijjitlti the following oilers, littjtiirt) ntTiiK Amit s olllce. I.'l aer-' Ul rterex iinilnr eulllvslion, r.tl acres i- pa-lore, U acn (. In liruxh jind tluider; ..;hhI Iioiih- ninl lisrut gixxl or clianl; wel wulentl: Inlle Irnui lbd Vlllit nod railmtl, nidi- from xcdmil, rrtce. s.10 i.er acre. .11 acres, 1 til il from Ureenvllle- In iteren In onlliviiuon; u nerei sliutbedi II m'rex In bnifilij Ihn tooin leoi'e, barn and out lmihlo; i; mile to 1' O. and hcIiimiI; fl tulles lo It. U Price. !iu. !l itcre-10o iicr.-x In cultivation: teres of lino lieaverilam tlml w ill iirodiiis lUHHiu-k' of onion our here; unod N room lioiine, ,-oxt H im; g.Hi.1 Iihiii linTI; older miHliliLrH; ore hard anil Imrre l.iiHlon. I'dlH do 10 Is In 2 iiilU-i of ,iM, M.ro noil liliely NittlilliKl. cm Im. dlt bled, if iicich. xary. Owner In I'allltijf deullli itud k"'I llng old, is enuxo of xelllng. Price, till per acre, 011 eay terms. :kki iiin'x- iwre tuti I'tiHivalioni Inn Here of good tilulcr unliable for ninl wood; house mid l.nn.i; ((.Hid orcluud; 2 utiles from llillnlH.ro anil on iniiiii toad to Portland. This farm h.m runiilnu linini li and several siringH that rurnUli aliunilance of water tin. vtmr roiiiul, 'l'dl X1III...I r..r.l,.i,..i ..!....... .1 ... tariii iieing k t initi . I so mm Inwu Is well , , ' '" '"" K""""."4. "co 1 as grain mill bay rntsloi. and is one of the) greatest Pargainn 111 Uu- comity I'llee, lxi per acre oil iwy payiiii-nl. tUm aeres In high nlale ol culllvatinii imwfly Iteaverdam land; u mile lioni null. ail station ninl town; is miles Hot rorttiinil. 'flier,, u 11. ho to lie In thin farm for some uaiid-ner. TI.Im t.o.,1 u elieap at J ul per ai'ie; il can In- bad for tut a-r acre, 11 nohi hooii, I I acrex all pmrie laud, exii-nt H acres or oak; well loculiil, Ik-Iiiut onfv III mil... I'riioi Poilland, Price, fi lm, yiaiiex near Reed villi fi acres In culli vatioii Price, XiMNI. -'A good sawmill, wild or without dwell ing and liniufNtend. mid HIHI a.-rcn . .1' tf,.,i,l ,.IM .III IHIM I A '"n '" the right man. nlee ho tl. laud: III ner.s. in M) iii-res ol' cultivation, IiohI. ol soil Price, Slmai, Hll acres tiniinproved land; well loente-l, being only 1 inibm from creamery P o nli-; easy to clear. This Is a snap' at ,i" Notice of Final Settlitment. Notice Is heiel.y MV(1II nmt ,U(, ,,,,,1,,,-hU,,. ed. ailliilulMtr.ioi- nf the (.state of C. T. Neen, ilecsaMed, bus liled his iiccnuntH lor nal jcllleineiil In l, C1)nnty (:,,llrt f the Ktaln ol Orogon for Waxlilngfon Conn, ty, and ibatHiiid County Court ms xed Monday ilm 2nd day of April, limn, at the Iwmro 'llWMa. lo.ofMaitl day . if the court room of mid court in IHHsborn, Washing, loll l.oiinly, Oregon, as the titne and place for heating objections to said aceouniH mid I he lliial Hetllement of said estate Hated at IliliHboro, this Kith day of Knbl 1 1110 J, oxxf. . TltOMAM Tai.iiot. V' auininisirauirol tlineslnUiofU T. Neon decensed. Notice of Final Settlement ' NoticB Ik horeby (riven thai the under signed, kxec.utnr of the Inst will and test ainni.tol Joliti H. Ilasler. ileeensetl, has II Id Ills lliinl luwiuiits as Kxeimnlr of said estate, in the county court of ihn slitte of Oregon for Washington eotiuty, mid that said eourt bus lixetl Monday, 'the 2nd day of April, lltoo, at the hour o'f 10:1)0 A. M. nf said tlay at the court room In Hills boro, Washington enmity, Ore , as tho ttino and placo for hearing objectlnns to said iicooiinlM, ami the dual seUlcmeut of said estate. Ilnteil at HillHlioro, this Mlii day of February, vm. V, .1. lf.AHI.KIt Kxiwuitof of tlm last will and tesluiuoiil ol Jolin II, Jloslor, ileeeas'td. mmp Jf 1-4. T vhiS mi : TP? ' ouaaaNTdo cwotmino iiU!rni;o.o i hs. I'nlon.BUk . Main HI. Dr. V, A. Halle) I'rtiprietor. Houso 1 r;; Wo also carry the liest nrstirlt'd stm-k ol Toilet article and (Iron sundries in the countv Fact that we buy for fault ennbles u In ileal with llrrit t las Iioiim-s and get the lt. Fam ily rtrie ret'rive as iiinful attention as physicians' prescriptions. Slret't is the liieti'ion. P... .! I H'. L'l . 'I J. Noiil.ri.p, Proprietor. Newly Furnished and Renovated. A firm I'lnx table and nil at'fommoilatiniis for llie convenience of gucpt, , , , OR&N TimoSchcdulo .. .. From Portland l anl mall cM.al H p m fr Halt t.nke, Iiier, l. Worth. m, KiinxiwClty M. Ihiiiix, Chicago ,01, I.,u.t, arrives tl:tii III Hpokinii Klver lent ml in p m rr Walla Malln, MlunenH,iH, Ml. pH, lHu, Ml wmikee, I hiciigo ami Kiwi, arrlvw S;IKi 11 m Ili-eun HI .1.1... I ... - v.... v-"".. '"-" e,r. nil I, III lor o rrnneim-o, na I ugevery live ilnvs 1 ,,,11i.i,. p,,,.. , J y ' Mliinlay Haliirdav In 1, , fr A.lorlaand way bindings, nrrivn I p m exce,( Sunday Willamette river leave tl a 111 except Nuuilny lor Oregon City, Newls-rg, Mnlem Hu'..,di7 "rr,V" I' ". lc..,.l Willainetie i,d Yniuliill river leave 7 oil "y',T,""'",l',v falunlny Tor ar i' l. ' V' v.1"" bmilll.lt.. Krllhly '"" K,"",l,' 'e.lne,Uy ami VVlllmnetU, ,vr leave II a m TitewlilV. i;"rm' M"l.vn.rCorvalil.;r,l uny landings, nrrlvo l;;tu 11 in Tmnulav Thursday and Saturday ' 'day, "011111.111 niver eitve S 11 m ,.), 1 day Nnake river leave a. in, lor l.ewlnt.m, nilurnliig leavi 1"w,Ml,," ,lllly "!' a. III. 111 ... Add ret w. h. mii.imuT, (ion. I'as, Ajent SUMMONS. niUii.lM.etiltCen.tof H,e Slate or Ore gon lor WaMiliigion County. V. K. Ilraiiiimaii, i'lalnilir ) vs I Ida May llraiinmai, Ih-fuinlaut, J To Ida May llrnnainim, the above mini V! '"""dam, In the , of the ln u "t Oiegou; ynu are hereby re.itlre.l t,7n, , ,r ami itnswer the cnmnlnlnt III,-, . (Tst Vou In the above Heiul,,,, court mV suit 1 r la! In tin. order or tl.n 1...1 .1...' . , tmmitiili,n,,H, Wt. nn or her r 1 ,, h.H,I:i:inuiri,w.:.,,Hw; r"r H''h'irHdZfolm'it tn ?, S"1 've.'lr liem , thi nnhii. .1 ""!",,",1.M H"rv,,l "l'"n yon bv tl .1 . . ' I'HllllLlII II till flill'iui.Ii. . Oruiron V ,i,X ,.;.r..V. '""K"'" eouniy, on mu, 'jh. ........ - 1 rnp, 2H, 11NM1. oruer was made and dated AWyar;rpiii(5,7",,OW"A"' Flrt to arrive w'uh th. 1" tZuZZZZL nawa-Th. Weekly Or. gonla 7