Uat tor th In 1M1. Notice la hereby g1vn that by virtu of a vwtrant Issued out of th County Court at tha Stat a? Araatan f..r- U . .K ington CouMy, attested by tho Clerk of m court, a ui aay or rbrury, lMM. and to m directed, commanding m to collect th delinquent tun (or th yew 1891, fot tho County of Washington, State of Oregon, and for want of Mlttoient person! property, I have levied upon and mill aell at puttie auction to th highest bidder, far oaata, at the aouth door ot the Courthouse, la th City of Hlilboro, In miu Bsniiigion county, uregon, on Moll day. the 161 h dav Aiw.l lit th r.o,. Ing dmcrlbed real property situate in aaid -ouniy or n aanington, state of Oregon, or o much thereof aa may be iwcesaau-y to satisfy the taxe due. tozviher nh oosu and chanres thereon, aaid sale to iwamoa at IV ctoca A. M. of aaid day i-iNiMiiue irum aay t day tsunday excepted until aaid land Is sold: buteman, & 8, and Amanda-8K. H of NW sw, 4 of NIC V. NE. H of 8W. and part of SK. 4. section 2. T. 1 N.. R. & W.. 130 acres I M It Eariow Mary E.-Lot 1. block 4, Hyd Park . 19 Bowman, M Trustee Lots 2L S2. block 14, Hyde Park I o vnrwiensen, a. 11. n. 4 r se. 4. section a, T. J N.. R. i W.. m acres j a lunnrnoaum. Mosea Lot 1L block a. Hyde Hark M Deakum, Olio Let 8, block 14. Hydo , 134) ur-LHuinniuir, an li. Mis Interest In Patrick Kelly D. L. C, section 1. T. IN., R.4 W.. lis acres Farrell, W. U-Lots 1. t section a, T, 1 4., H. 1 w., 18 acres . Francis W. W.-N. 4 of section 14. T. J N, a 4 W., 321 acres Gove, C . A.-Lt 14. 15. is, IT, is, IS, block 10; lata A. a to a In clusive. Mock West Portland Heights Orpssen Bacher Lot 5, block 'li, Hyd Park Green. Nellie-Jier Interest In M. V renn D. L. C. T. 1 N.. R. I W.. 2lr acres Hilderbrand. Win. Part of T. Sim mons I. U C, In section 3S, T. 1 N., R, 1 W., 36 acres lioech. Peter Part of Zachary D. 1 C. section t T. 1 N., R. I W., 4tl acres . Kf r', u-rLots block 13, Hyde Park Kaser. H. H.-NW. V of NW. 4, section I, T. 1 a. ft. 4 W.. J7.14 acres Ki Herman, J. H 4 acres in T. & Simmons Homestead, section 35, T. i N., R. 1 W. Iarsen. Martha Lot 18, block 10, Hyde Park ,. I-arues. Peter His Interest in J. Schulthles Homestead, section 17, T. 1 N.. R. 1 W., 10 acres Mapper, itlss L.-Lot 15, block 15. Hyde Park Menke, Edward Lots 13, 24, 15, 36, block IS, West Portland Height... Mcquillan, Wm. Part of A. Sulger I. L. C section It T I M w 11 45 I 75 S 1 n 1 45 5 50 11 4 10 00 145 S45 IK S IK 145 20 35 W., M acres . Morrison. John Lots St 33. 34. 35, 38, , ei rortiana tieignts S M tlon S, T. 3 N., K. 4 W.; KB. H o'-NE. . secUon 38. T. 1 N., R. 4 W., HO acres McOee, J. R. Lot 3. oart of NX of SW. 14. section 36, T. I N.. R. 4 W., part of M. M. Watt D. L. C, 11 acres Parker. Mrs. M. R.-Part of E. Con stable D. U C T. 1 N.. R. 1 W., 33 acres PcnninKs, Ann Part of SE. V of : N W. i secUon 33, T. 1 N., R. 3 VS 11 acres Pool. Geo. W.-8B. of 8E. 1, section 5. T. 1 N.. R. 4 W.; pa't of NE. of NE. U. section S. T. t 45 11 Its 1 N.. R. 4 W.. 55 acres nnienrain, joscpn Brook Home stead, section 2S. T. 1 8.. R. 1 W.. Ill acres ( jj James u. oe section ZZ. T. 3 N., R. i W., m acres 14 U . nu o. AL. lOtS , 1U, 11, block 3, Morcbaide Addition to MiilsDoro 1 hi mcu&rusuo, r. uraway, Julius: Weidler, G. W., and Powers, J. bE. S. u, of SW. 4. section 2s. 1. z N., R. 3 W., 156.84 acres 15 M ouuua, 4. at. u.-rn or a. Landess V. L$. C, section 2S, T. 1 8 . K. 1 w., X acres 09 Dinun, ha. m., airs. Hay Home stead, section 24. T. 1 8., R. I W.. so acres 4 45 oquires, jars. J. LtGl I, DIOC , Bteel's Add.tion to Beavenon 1 10 Blotters, H. Lot U, block U. Hyde Park ..: 1 to Smock & Alexander Lot K, block , Smockville f jo Steeel, James NW. i of NE. L N5, of NW. . W. V, of NW. S. section 33, T. 2 N., R. 4 W 18 SO Skateberg. A. A. O. Tnelr inter est In SW. of NE. 14. section 3, T. 1 S.. R. 1 W., U.Bicre 15 40 Sapplngton, W. D. NE. ?4 of NW. and lot 3. section 5, T. 2 N., R. 3 W., 44.30 acres u 40 81pp. W. J. SE. hi of NE. 14, sec tion , T. 2 N., R. 3 W.. 40 acres.. J 45 Sutherland. D. SE. Vi. section 2, T. 1 N.. R. i W.. 160 acres 14 80 Treber, Lewis NE. hk of SW. "i sec-Uon 1,1,1 N., R. 2 W.; 40 acres 66 Thompson, Frank Part ot NW. hk , , of NW. 14. secUon 26, T. 1 S., R. 2, W-L11 otN- i' N'E. . ac tion 27, T. 1 S., R. 2 W.; 60 acres. 26 TS Trullinger, J. C Hi intern In M. Wren D. U C. No. 54, T. 1 N., R. 3 W. ; 8.75 acres 145 Unknown Owners Lot 2S, b ock 14, West Portland Heights 2 35 Unknown OwnersLots B, It to 22 Inclusive, block 11, West Portland Heights iz tS Unknown Owners Lot 3, block 11, West Portland Hete-hts k univuuwn uwners JjOl I, DIOCK U, Wem Portland Heights 1 15 Unknown Owners Lou 3, 4, 5, , 7, 8, block , West Portland Heights.... I 5 van uomiin, nenry tint interest In R. Walker D. L. C. No. 80. T. 1 N., K. 3 W.; 75 acres 18 CO Vedder, Mrs. M. 79 acres In Dustin D. L. C, T. 1 N., R. I W 18 06 van Dcnuyver, vv. j. iota , 13, 14, 18. 19, 24, Millard A Van Schuy- ver Tract 24 40 Vognell. Cary Lot 13, block 13, West Portland Height 1 Jo vvaiaer, mm. tl. K. . 0r NE. 14, section 10, T. 1 N., R. 2 W.: 70 acres 17 40 . Way, F. T. Lot 22, block IL Hyde ,.P"-lc - 190 nnn, r eier iai -a, DIOCK 12, West Portland Height 2 15 wunycomoe, John Part of N. C. Ricbardaon D. L. C, section 18, 1, T. 1 8., R. 3 W.; 107 acres 49 36 nuiaer, Minnie j. fart of block 6, Walker's Addition to Forest Grove I 45 vvuiimein, nen t let ta N E. 14 of NE, 14 of 8W. 14, section 34, T?l 8.. R. 1 W. ; 10 acres 11 35 maimer, i-eier rart or NE. 14 of NE. 14, section 27, T. 1 S., R. 2 W.; NW. M of NE. 14, part of NW. 14 of NW. 14, NE. 14 of NW. 14, sec tion 26. T. 1 8., R. 2 W.; 190 acres ,48 Walclman, B. and A. M. 15.77 acres in part of McLinn l. L. C T. 1 N.. R. 3 W 12 65 Weaver, David 8E. 14, section 28, T. 3 N., R. 8 W.; 160 acres 14 8 vvagtier, Caroline u. nw, 14, N. 14 of SW. 14, SE. 14 of SW, . lot I. section 2o, T. 2 N R. 3 W.: 307.93 acres 27 62 washerman, fmiiip it 1, Bis. 14 of NE. 14, section 16, T. 1 N., R. 4 W.i 63 acres Zimmerman, N. His interest in sec tion 26. T. 1 S.. R. 2 W.: 5 acres.... 12 40 110 Said property will tie sold, subject to reuemption, tut per statute of Oregon. Dated this 15th day of March. 1900. W. D. BRADFORD, Sheriff 'of Washington County, Oregon and ex-Offlclo Tax Collector. Oellwat Tax Uat 18X for the Year vDUaBMt -aa SUE'S IE. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a v arrant Issued out of the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Wash ington County, attested by the Clerk of said court, on the 17th day of February, 1900, and to me directed, commanding ma to collect the delinquent taxes for the year 1892, for the County of Washington, State of Oregon, and for want of sufficient personal property,' I have levied upon and will sell at public auction to the highest bidder, for oaah, at the aouth door of the Courthouse, In the City of Hillsboro, In saM Washington Coun-ty, Oregon,, on Mon : day, the 16th day of April, 1900, the follow Ing dwaorlbed real property situate In said County of Washington, State of Oregon, ' or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy the taxes due, together with coita ana charges thereon, aaid sale to commence at. 10 o'clock A. M. of said day, and continue from day to day (Sundays .KcaoierW until said land Is gold:. li.,.n Hnhl. and Mlnta N4 Of KV14 ctlon 1, 8 8.. I W aores. 26 90 rrt. taMC Hhr interect In section I l,T.U,R.IW,Il- acres..... ii v 4 T T. I 8. V; U t tO Hudson, H. 8,-Lota 1 and 3, block 1 Gaston Lamfcin, Mary A. Lots 3 and 4, block I Hllbfcoro: lots 1 and 2, block 3, Falrview Addition to Hills boro , Maytod, Joseph C.-SKV of 6WV w of SKV. Stu of SEV section i, T. S N.. R. 6 W., ISO acre Mnk. Kdward Lots S3. 24. 26, 26, block 25, West Portland Heights... Norton, Mary I. Her interest in A. W. Hart D. U C. No. 60, T. 1 S.. R. I W 20 65 acres Nolan. M. M. Her tnlereat in K. Walker D. U C, T. 1 N., R. 3 W.. acre 5 30 Pearson. Henry C. WW of SWU section S5, T. I S . R. 3 V., 80 acres 17 Powell. Henry-NKS of NE aection 17, T. 3 N.. R 3 W.. 40 acres 8chrl.ber. 1-oranla K. WW of NEa SE of- NKia lot 1. aection SS, T. 1 S R. 3 W., 1MV, ,cre Shaw, l M -Nfi, section 7. T. 3 N., R. 5 W.. I0 acre. Usher, Wm. J. His Interest In K. Constable D. U C. No, 71, T. I N.. R. 2 W.. 23 acres Vorhees. C. 8. Lot 10. block 4, Thome's Addition to HilUboro Zimmerman. N. His intenwt in sec tion St, T. 1 S., R. 1. W., & acrv. as described in book SCI, page 161, Record of Peels for Washington County. treiron (50 3 50 IT M0 20 00 1 to Said ivroneriv will ,il.t uhwt t.i r. aempuon a per statute or nign. iated tnis lain day of March, 1SM. W. IV KHAllPiiRn Sheriff of Washington County, Oregon, mi ex-imoo ix collector. if. Tax l.l.t for the Tear Notice Is hereby riven that bv virtue ' warrant utsueu out or tiie count) Court of the State of Oregon, lor Wash ington County, attested by tne Clerk 01 said Court, on the Kth day ul Keoruaiy. liW, and to ne directed, conunanuitig uu to collect the uehnuunt lnv.-st for th year l.vsi, for the County of asiiingion. aiaie ot .rvgoii, ami tir want ot aunicieflt iK-nsunat pruiveny, 1 nave levied upon and will sell at public auction to the hialin bidder, for oaah. at the goum m tu vwun nouse. 111 tne t'lty of Hilksboro. it, s&m nasiitirKiiiH I'ountv. lfriicali. l.n. aay. the 16th dav of Alm-iI. lsti th r.o,.,w. ing oescrioeo real property situate in aaid , w 1 Miiiiittwii. oiHte iw cireaon, or eo nwK' h thereot aa may be ieces.-ar iu aauaiy me taxes due, together with cost and charges thereon. aid au!e 1.1 cmaiiience at i o cloca A. M. Ktt said day wninu- Hum uay to oay tsunviay excepted) until said ln,i u u..i,i- Bailey, J. W. His interest In section i. 1. 1 .. K. 1 t., as recorded In volume 3S, page 2i7, except tra-t sold In volume 34. pages 136. 2M, Record of Deed for Washington countv. oreaon iku m. m. ana ina l'ract in section 3. T. 1 N., R. 4 W.. as recorded in volume Z, page 5J0. Record of Deeds for Washington umv. Oregon 1 vunimins. o., tittute of BiOck 2. isortn IMaiatui i 55 numpnreya, s. M, Tract In M. Moore U. L. C. No. 41, T. 7 S., R. 3 W aa described in volume a. page 456. Record of Deeos for Washtnaton Countv iireir.m nw., n. u. BiocK 1, Hocken s Addition to Ueaverton Titi juuuauii, junn L.OXS , 1U, 12, 14, bliK'a . nyue runt g 20 borate, u. u., and ueLaslunuti, an B. lot. acres In scct.ons 3. 4. T. 1 S-. R.- 2 W is ca -uewe, j. n. iraci In H. Clarlt D. U C. No. 37. T. 1 8.. R. 3 W.. as re-orded In voiume i, page SSi, Record of Deeds lor Washington County. Oreicon nir, ajrra, mary j., estate of Lot 4, DiocK os, lots 1, 4. and W. W ot lot 3. block 39. Forvttt Gmve . WW jibhu. j. r.uoi 12. Bonarta sub division. 10 acres 7 neai. iiiuru. estate or SK. . section 6, T. 2 N.. K 2 W.; 1 acres . Powell, S. D. Tract In M. Moore D. c. lo. 41, i. b., k. 2 v ., as recorded In volume 26, p.tge 19, Record of Deeds for Waanliig.ou Count v. Oreirnn St-ott. Anna F. Lot , block'ii' Hyd Park ........ loi ocuii, rtutn uos I. 4. and Dart of lot 2. block 4. Forear flrnv. 9R or ngne. j. r.uoi Z4, block 5. West Portland Heights 3 ot t-sner, . j. iract in E. Consta ble D. L. C, as described In vol ume Y. page 6i, Recoid of Deeds for ashinaton ( oimtv itn.vnn a niiains, m. u. x. ii of E. W of W. 1, of Caleb Wilklns D. L. C. NO. 49. T. 1 N.. R. 8 W Ml a. r Also tract in C. Wilkiiw D. L. C. No. 49. T. 1 N.. R J w scribed as lot 4 In decree of circuit Court, aa recorded in Final Rec ords No. 5, Records of Circuit Court In Washington County. Ore gon; Sb.20 acre T..... .7.... 5S 23 said property will be n!d nliWi m icwruipuun, as per statute or Oregon. uaieu mm urn aay or March, ISkjm. W. n HHAlikiinn Sheriff of Washinaton Countv rire-nn iax collector. Dellaqaeat Tax Uat for the Year 1MM. Notice is herehv elven that t.v vipi,ia of a warrant IssumI mn r,t iha rv,n,u Court of the State of Oregon, for Wash ington Countv. attestor! 1v th rllr said court, on Uie 17th day of February, uu to me oirected, commanding me to collect the dellraiiieni ixu fnr thu year 1894. for the Countv of U'anhinvmii State of Oregon, and for want of sufficient personal property, I have levied upon and will sell at public auction to the highest bidder, for oah, at the south door of the Courthouse, in. the City of Hiilboro, in said Washington County, Oregon, on Mon day, the lth day of April, 19i, the follow ing described real property situate In said County of Washington, State of Oregon, or eo much thereof as may be necesnary to aatiafy the taxes due, together with costa and charge thereon, aaid sale to commence at 10 o'clock A. M. of said day and continue from day to day (Sundays eicepted) until said land is sold: Adkins, J. W. H.-75 feet by 100 feet in lot 4, block 8, Walker s Addition to forest Grove... o it. Albright, Alice Lots 4, 6, block 8 West Portland Place ' i 75 Atherton, J. F. Lot 2, block 6, Hyde Park 1 75 Barnes, Isaac Tract In Sa'V'of NE. 14, aection 1, T. 1 8., R. 1 W described as follows: Commencing 20.47 chains S. of the NE. corner of section 1, T. 1 8., R. 1 W. of Wil ameite meridian; thence W. 3.65 chains; thence 8. 19.53 chalne.; thence E. 3.65 chain' ih.n,.s kt 19.63 chains, to the place of begin ning, containing 7.10 acres Bauer, Geo. H. W. y, of NW. 14 section 30, T. 3 N., R. 2 W. ; 80 acres Bernateln, A. 8. Lots 13, 14, 15, 16, block 8, Hyde Park ...............i Bier, J. E., and Greenburg, 8. H. NE. 14, section 34, T. 2 N., R. 5 10 20 4 05 2 CO . j -r-i a. 1 cn Bitely Bella A.-Lot 3, block 4, Hyde 7 55 Bullock' "Annie' gV-LoV ' 3,"b'lock ' '4. West Portland l-folirht 1 75 Bowman, M., Trustee Lots 21, "22, Z, uio-k it, nyae rarg Buchanan, Eugene L,tj, 16, 17, 18, 19. block 11, Wet Portland Heights... Burns, D. C.-Lot 11, block 1, Hyde Park Bu". D- C and Ogderi,"H."M.-Lr;t 9. bOl'k 14. HVU Purk 2 35 2 ht 1 75 1 75 Cardwell, Mary NW. 14 of ' Sw' ' ii" .. . ... M . , XV. i VY , . hmj acres 2 80 1 75 C?.IT,.iH- AtW ffi' ulotk "V'Weit Portland Heights Carlson, Abble Lots 9, 10. 11 '12' block 29, Hyde Park .......I.. . Clarke Annie M.-Lots 20, 21, block 11, West Portland Heights Carlson, Edwin Lota 8. 4. block 2 50 2 05 U .r,1 .. T" I. ' ' ----- Cottle. David iJote 13,' 14,' 15,' ' W. ' 'ii, b Ot'k 1. Wt Pi-tUint ii.,,. 3 C143 rill R 2 10 2 20 Cohen, Loul-Lot 22, block 11, West Portland Place 1 75 DeLashmutt, Van B. Undivided 'ii DeLa'hmutt, Van ' B'.-frac't' "lii "A". 20 65 ouiger u. l. c P.O. 81, T. 1 B., R. 2 W.; 98 acres, as described in vol ume 34, page 296, of Records of Deeds for Washington County, Or egon 28 10 DeLaahmutt. Van B. N E. ii nf bk! 14. section 33, T. 2 N., R. 4 W. ; 39 DeLaahmutt." Van) B.,' and Oatnian', 4 25 ".is. 72 ul necuon V, r, 2 IN., R. 4 W SStl cro 18 10 DaLashmutt, Van B., and Oatman! S'.Hr8' H of.BB. V4, section M, T. 2 N.. R. 4 W Ml ' 7 55 DeLahmutt, Van B., and Oatman! Dannenbaum, Rosa Lot 11," biock' 8, Hyde Park 1 75 Bltchburni C Tract in section 1, T. f o iv. w.; 2 aoree, a described in volume 37, page 208, Record of Deed for Washington County, Or- 2 80 Bmmon., E.-Lots 1, 2, iVVbloc'ki; SHERIFFS SALE. I West lVrtland Tlac I 04 Flniv Klwan Lots 30, 21, 22, 23. S4, I block 3. Weal Portlaial Place........ Ktvss. J antes 8. Lot 11, block , Hydo Park Frame. Abner-N. of NK. u or E. H .KW, v section L T, 2 JTS Oiltner," R. R.-Traet in ieciion'si! T. 1 a H I W r J .r. M 4 10 scribed In volume 37. naa t! R-. ord of Deeds. In Washington Coun tv lltvniin 24 W Ol.'tner. R. R. Trac4 In aetlaii i' T I a. R. 1 W.: 10 acre, aa de scribed: In volum ST. page 131, of Record of Deed for Washington t otinty, ttVKon , Graham, R. J. -Lot IS, block L Wst i unmiiu i ince... , Oray. lander-lot. a 23. Gray Oak Tract; 10 acre , Grleson. A. T.. and Crockett, R. M. Lot .16. block 22, West l'ortland Height HarthoriK C. W.-8W. V section j T. I N.. R, i W.; I60a?res . Hawgvr, Iver &-Lot T, block IS, Hyde Park . Henrv. J. U-Lot 24. block 13. Hyde l"ark , HA'iiliiir. P. Tract In sect Urn S2. T. 3 8.. K. I W.; 1 acre, as described in volume 33. page 36. Record of leeds lor Washington County, Or egon , House. Kroeot Tract in Lawrence Hall D. L. C. No. 43, T. I 8,, K. 1 W aa dtcriled in volum S. iwge 319, Rtwrxl of Dewis for va.shlitgtou County, Oregon; 648 acrejt , Howard. C. A. 8. 1ai 7. V block , West Portland Heights Hughes, hi C Undivided S Interest in lots 9 to 21 inclusive, Morton dale; 40 acres Hughe. K. C. and Patterson, tl! W. 4 of SK. stvtioi IS, T. 3 N.. K. 3 W.; Ml a ra Hughes. E. C, and l'atterson, G. W. Lots 5, S, 9. IS. 20. 21, 24, block 1; lots 1. 3, 4. 5, 7. block 3; lots 2, 5. 8. . 10, 11, 12. IS. block 4; lots 5, 6. 7. 8. . 10, block 5; lots 1. 4. 16, 24. bio, k 6; lots 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6, ;. 0, bioik 7; lots 1. 21. block n; lot lo, block 9; lot I. S. 3. 4, 6, lo, II. la. 14, li, 16. 1.. 19. 2. 21. block 10; lots I. 2, 3. 4. 5, 6. 9, 12. K I I, A 21. bliH-k 11; lots . . 10. 11, biock 12: lota 5, 6, 8. 9. 12. 14, X. l. biock 13; lots 4. II, 12, 14. U l. 1. 20. 24. bloik 14; lots 1 3. a. 6, 7. S. 9, 11. 12. IS, a). 21. 12. u. block 15; all in Hyde park Hughes. K, C, and Putterson, ll. W. Ixiis 1. 20, block 27; lots Si. 2a, biock ; lot 30, b.a. k 9, West pori- lanti Hclgiits Isaac E. A. Lot 8, block 2, Hydo Park ...i Johnson, Chas, Iais ;5, ja, block ii West Portland Heiglits JoniUHin. John Lots , 10. 12. It, block 6. Hyde Park Keutner, F. D. Lot 24, block 8, Hyde Park 11 00 1 1 16 80 25 60 Kimball, W. M Lou) 19. 30. bloca I: lots LIS, block 2, Weal Portland x wee , Kurr. George Lota 1, 2. 3, 4, block H Hyue Park Kirkwood. J. 1. Lot 4, block 14, West Portland Heithta Lassen. Martha Imi 18, biock 10, Hyde Park Lee, James IxHs a), n, ti, ii, j Block i. West Port, and he.ghta.... Lestoe. H. J. Lous 5, 6, block 2. West PortiarHl Heights Lousignout, w. B. iract in section 10. V. 3 N.. R. 5 W.; 5 acres Lowenberg. J. N. 1 of NW. V 8 VV. V of A . secUon 33, T. 2 N., R. 4 .: 120 acre Lowonberg. H. K.-Lot 15, block 1, Hyde park Lowenbeig, E. P. Lot 14, block 1. Li . .1.. L L. Manning. H. ri'-SW.''"''-!!'!' 1 75 i. o n. d .; iwi acrea Mappen. Lilxie Lot U, b.ock 15, ilue Park Markle. Clara, and Hesaenbruch. Ida jj. i acre in A. Stewart D. 1 C 20 53 Mcpherson, D. Tract in C. McKay D. L. C. No. 73, T. 1 N., R. 3 VV. ; .87 acre Meicaif, H. F.-Lot 1, b.ock 4. Hydo Park Miller, A. L., and Coovert, E. E. 1 75 lots 9, 10, block 7, Went Portland Heights Idol Miner. Maria W. Lot 16, biock 15, Hyde Park Morgan, J. J., Trusti-e Tract in D. 1,5 ti. uualln D. L. -C. No. 60, T. 1 N.. R. 1 W., as described In vol ume 29. page 4t. Kecurd of Deeds for Washington Countv. iirmmn... Hi :.s jaornson, joun Lots j2, M. 34, , 36, block 9. West Portland Hclgnts Maiotte, C. T. Lot 18. block 13, Hyde Park Norton, Mary 1. Tract In A. W. 2 SO 1 75 nan u. c. No. 60. T. 1 8., R. 1 W.; i0' acre, as described in vol ume 28. page 49, Record of Deeds for Wasi.iiigton t'ojntv fiivitun 11 55 2 25 O neefe. Vv . Lota 1. 3, 3. biock 6, West Portland Heights O. C. R. R. Co.-S. It of SW. i. sec tion 15. T. 3 N. R. 3 VV. mi ,., r 400 Palmer, Alice Lots 9 to 21, block 7; ana tl, u., CA, LA, DIOCK 1, West Portland Puu-i. 4 00 Patrone, Loreniu Tract In section at, l. 2 8.. R. l w containing 3 acres, as described In vo.ume 31, page 159, Record of Deeds for W anhington Countv. nrnunn 16 10 Pairone. Ixreni 'liact In section 21, T. 2 8.. R. 1 W containing 8 acres, as deia-rioed In voiume J6, page 421, of Record of Deeds for Washington Countv. Oreirnn 19 Patrick, rannie E. Lot IL block 11, Hyde Park Pelley, S. J. Lots 7, 8, block 13, West Portland Heights Petley, 8. J.-Lots 1, A, block U, West Portland; HtlKhi Pohmeyer, Henry Lota 15, 18, block 13, Hyde Park Powell, 8. D. Tract In M. Moore D. 205 2 10 U c. No. 41, T, 1 8.. R. 2 VV ., con taining .45 acre, as diwcrlbed In volum26, puge 69, Rewrd ot Deeda for Washington Countv. tireuon... Reed, VV. H. 8. SW. It of NK. 14. N. hi ot SW. 14. NW. 14 of HE. hi. section 20, T. 1 N., R. 5 W.; lbO acres Rice, VV. J. Lou 4 to 12, block 10, West Portland Place 280 Reldt. Wm. Lot 11. block 1; lots 14, 15, 19, 20, 21, block 5; lots 15, 16, 31, 32, biock 7; lots 15, 16, 21, 22, 33, 34, block 8; lota 3, 4, block 9; lots 1, 7, block 10; lots 34, 35, 36, block 11; lots 36. block 12; lot 18, block 13; lot 26, block 16; lots 17, 18, block 19; lots 6, 7, 8, , 10, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34. 35. M. block 22: lots 6. 6. block 28: West Portland Heiirhtx 18 85 Rogers, Terence N W. , section 32, T. 1 N., R. 5 W. ; 160 acres Rommel I, Wm. Lots 27. 28. 29. 30. 7 56 block 7, West Portland Heights... Seoifin, Hannah E., Truatee Tract In Geo. Richardson D. L. C. No. 38, T. 2 8.. R. 1 VV., containing 30 acres, as described in volume 3S, page 426, Record of Deeds for Washington County, Oregon Serpas. Inahelie J. I.t 11 M, l in 2 511 I 85 Went Portland Heights 1 75 onaw, cnas. w. NK. section 7, T. 3 N., R. 5 VV.; 1W acres Slater, M.-Lot 12, block 13, Went Portland Heights Smith, Mllton-N. 14 SE. 14 of block 1, North Tualatin Smith, 8. E. Tract in E. Walker's D. L. C. No. 60, T. 1 N R. 3 W.; .4 acre, as described In volume 32, page 391, Record of Deeds for Washington County, Oregon Spltzeriberger, John Ijt 24, block 11 West Portland Helghls Stevens, W. 8.. Heirs of-SE. 14. sec tion 28, T. 1 8., R. 5 W; 160 acre. . Stephens, L. A.-N. 14 of lots 1. 2, block 1, Bouth Park Addition, For est Grove Stelnhelser, Ike Lot 22, block 6. Hyde Park Stone H. H.-Lot 17, block 15, Hyde Park 7 55 1 75 8 50 i 10 9 10 1 75 175 Btratton, If. C Tract In section 1, 1.1 8., R. 1 W containing 10 a:res, as described In volume 38, page 289 Record of Deeds for Washington County, Oregon Strayer, F. J. Lot , block 9, West Portland Place 8' John C-Lot 9, block 32, West Portland Heights , 14, T. 2 S R. 1 W.: NE. 8. mt-AU.n, 12 60 1 (6 1 761 a, T. 2 8., R. 1 W.; 240 acre 115 36 Tlgne J. p.Lot 24, block 5, Went , viuanu neignill 1751 Tamm Carl-I)t 12, block 23, West Portland Height .....V.. VanwIrwHe, 8f)phla-Ixt 1, block 10, West Portlaruli Place , Vnelil.Cary-It 13, blo..k 13, West Portland Height , Way. Frank T ri w ki..b n 1 75 1 6j j 75 Hyde Park ".."......."l 1 75 Wentberg, O. L. Ivit 20, block 12! nyae park 175 Wledewlusch, L. G.-Lot 5, block 29, Cornelius Itltt ti itt Williams & Sewell - ft' 'interest' Iri tract In lots 3, 6, block 8, Hills boro, as described In volume 34, Pge,5, Record of Deeds for Wash ington County, Ortgon 9 26 30 60 Wllleby, Sumuel K.K. hi of NVV. 14, """"i, io, r. 1 o R. 4 W.; 80 acres, less 20 acres paid on by T Turner ., 4 40 I Bald property will be sold, subject to retk-mptlon, as per statute of Oregon. iieo. tnis loth day of March, 1600. W. D. BRADFORD, Sheriff of Washlrurtnn end ex-qmcio Tag Collector, ' t 05 1 24 1 75 Dlla,a Tax Uat far Ik TS0 lst,V Nolle I hrby given that by virtue of a warrant IssusJ uut of th. Oonntv . t. Court ot the State of Orvgon, for Wash Ington County. atltd by th Clerk of court, on tnw day or f roruary. l9tM. and to n directed, commanding m io couei-i in ueiinu.uent taxes ror tne year issiii. for 4h iiunty of Washington. Slate ( Oregon, ami for want of umclent persuual property, I hav levied Uhii and will sell at public auction to th highest bidder, for cash, at the south door of th Courthouse., In tha City of Hlllaboro, III IS (0 1 (5 4 U 1 75 10 85 1 75 I 75 "aid Washington County, Oregon, on Mon day. the Will dnv of Aiull li tha follow, lug deecrtbrd real prterty situate III i mimy or nasnitiatoiu State of Oregon, or o tiiiH-h thereof may ne-eary to mktlaty the taxe. due. toaether with cost and charges thereon, aaid sale to coiiunence at 10 o'clock A. M. t aaid day. and continue from day to dav iSuiulays rceeji until an hi land is sold: AHulglit. All.-e K.-Ula 1 6, block . West ISvrtlnnd Plao f Armairong. Wm. Lot 3, Wock 10, liyde Park Atherton, J. F.-Lot X. block a, Hyde I'ark Bannell. i II,. Mm. I ah k X 26, blo-k 7. Weat Portland Heights.... Rarnea, Isaac Hu interval in SEv if N K. V,. aection 1, T. 1 8., R. 1 W.. 7 acres Barrett, Geo. Uit 26, block 16. Went Portland Height Hayer. KIlla-NW. c. of NK. v.. sec tion 19, T.IN..K.J W., 40 cr.- ... He. kl.-y. J. H. U.t 22. block a, Weat Portland Heights Rehlow, K. R.Uta S. 4, bl.Kk , West Portland llelghtr BeriMtcln. A. a-Ula 13, 14. 15, 16, bl.vk 8. HvoV Park i Sv. 6 00 Ilernsteln, M., and Harln. l--I.ot It, bhvk 7. Hyde Park Illelow. Emma A. - Her Interest III 8. or thi V,. mvtl.m 24. T. I 8., R. 2 VV.. 30 acivs Bier. J. E.. ami Otvenhura. 8. II. NK. t, aection 34. T. 2 N., It. i W, liii acre Uolle. August U( 7, block 10, West Portland Heights Bollock. Anna G.-l.ot J, bkak 4. West IVrtlaml Helghls Bowman, Michael. Trustee Lota a. 22. 21 h ock 11. Ilv.le lurk Breyman. K. A. Lots 10, 11. 11, block k: lot j. block. 33. West I'ortland Heights 1 55 1 75 Bryant. H.-Iits 19. 20. 21. block 5. West Port and llclahls BiK'hanan, Eugene I Hits 16 In 1 2 15 1 15 hl.H-k II. and M B. block 11. Wel Portland Helahts Burns, D. C.-Lot 11. blok 1. II vd Park " 1 75 Camptwll, D. F W. H of NE. V,, mvllon 36 T S V It K w m ...Pu- varter. lienj.. tlelrs or K. 'arter. HenJ.. Heirs of E. W -r NE. V section ! T. 18. R. 1 W.; and S'.t.?' NW- wllon 1. T, 2 8.. R. S W,: 160 acre 2 40 2 to Carlson, Abble Lots to 12, block 29 West Portlan.l lleurhtr 1 75 I arisen. Edwln-It 3. 4. block 8. 175 Hyde Park , Carr, H. B.-IJt S3, block 11, West Portland lleiirhr 2 80 1 til Cardwell. Mary-NW. 14 of RW. 14 section 16. T. 2 N R.U .: 40 acr. ( larke. Annie M.- Lots S), 21. block II. West Portlaml Heights Cohen. lAiuU-Ixit a. bl.K-k 11. West i'ortland Heights CnHop II G.-Its &. 8. bl.x-k i II Vila Purk 3 85 (80 I 1 75 "',k' J'w"'h'-ii'ts 'hi'bk-k'ioi . 1 ,t ,mnv rit-ignt Coovert. E. B.. and Miller. A L. Lots . 10. block 7. West Portland Heights Cornelius, T. It.. Insolvent-lxj'ta'V's! 1. 8. block 16. CVrnellus CotUe Ihtvld-Uit 13, 14, 15. 16. 17, blm-k 1, West Purl land Place .. Crone, Charles NE. 1, of NE u s.vtlon 17, T. 3 N R. 3 W.; 40 a'crei CC1I7 ,John M.-NW. y of 8W. Vi, Nh. V, of NW. 8B. of 8VV. V, T 55 I "I "r,. Hection is. T. 9 N ft. ,1 . ; r. S VV 17V, iiv. uanneiinum, Koa-Lot 1. blok 8. Hyde I'atk ,. DeLuhmutt, Van B. NE. 4 of 8 E 4. s.vilon 33 T. 2 N H. III'.: an.i undivided 4 Interest In 8. 4 of 8E 4. section 34, T. 2 N.. R. 4 w 7S acres Dcljishmutt A )atman-E!''v.''of SW. 4, section 31. T. 1 8.. K. 1 W.; fir V L t , , m . ,1 . . . -. . 2 acres Emmons. M.-Iioto 1. 2. 1. "tTbiiK lt' V. West Portland Place r.iicason. Amelia txit 5, b ock 28 VM Pnrllan.l ll.irtu Farleman. Stevens, Heirs' of-RE. i.' swtlon 28. T. 1 8.. R. 1 W.: 160 ncr?. Finn. K.lmon.l-Ixits 20, 21. i block 2. West Il. ' ' Fordyce, Silas HE. W of NE u " kv' f. 2 section jo. 1 . N. tt r, w im , '"oss. James S.Lot 11, liioik (. Hyde ) Frame. Abner V. 4 of NE, "14 "b ii I S xl fiS- T. 1 N., R. 1 t W If ah Off urn m . 95 Ooerlng. H. P.-Lo't 'ii.' 'ii' 'block' ii". ' , """ Portland Heights jfi - . uwr, iiusiiih bv. 4 or KK 14, sec tion -i, r. 1 8,. R. 1 w.: 40 acres.... 4 20 . Mil .vi. niocK 17: lots 9. 10. 29, 30, 31. 32, S3, 34, 35, block 22 Went Pnrtlarul Hl.,t. ' 3 ii Green Anna-Lot 18, block' 1,' West Portland Place Grlrrson. A. F. and Crocket 1'' r"m' 1 64 -Lot .36. block 22, Wesl Portland 1(' irh t u fJmnl.n,;r' ",-i"n'in-Nii "14', 'iivi.Ym 16, 5 T. 3 N.. R. 3 W'.; 160 acre, 7 70 Harr. Ailolph ImI 18. 1 1 Ial, blwk 14, Harth.irn, C. 'M.'f 8W.''iX''sec't''n'23', 1 00 7 70 Hawger." Iver S.-LfU''7,"''bl0('k''i2,' Ileg. Elmer E. N fi' 14 ' of' NE.' ' U" 1 U I.,.. . l ' " " ' also VV 14 of NW. 14, section 35, T. 2 13 75 1 75 Ilonry, J. L.-It 24. blwk 13, Hyde Park ., Hlblwts, Mry. L Its 17, 18. is")' nio K 31, block , West Port land He ahts 150 !,.".,u!?v, Krrwst His Interest l'n"u Hn Don IS 1 w ii 7 35 Howard C. A. 8.-Lo't's 7. 8, block 28, Howland, William W. 14'of SVV.'ii' section 27. T. 2 N.. U. 1 W 1 8 80 Hughe. E. C, and Patterson, Vl.'w iots a, , , is, a), zi, 24, block 1; lota 1, 3, 4, 5. 7, block 2; lota 2, 6. 8. 9, 10, 11, 12. 13; lots 6, 7. 8 9, 10. block 5: lots 1. 4. 16, 23, 24, block 6; lots 1. 2, 3. 4, 5, , 7, 20, block 7; lots I, 21, block 8; hit 10, block 8: ots i l, 2, 3, 4 6. 10, 11. 12. 14, 15, 16, J.. 19, 20. 21, blwk 10; lot 1, 2, 3, 4, B, 6. 9, 12. 16, 17, 20, 21, block 11; lots 8, , 10, II, block 12: lots 6, 6, 8, 9, 12, 14, 22. 23, block 13; lots 5, 11, 12 14. 15, 18. 19, 20. 24, block 14: lota 2 3, 5. 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 20. 21, 22, 23 34. 25. bock 15. Hvd. Park 34 35 Hughes. E. C. and Patterson, O. W. un 91, Diocg h; lots i, 20, block 27; lots 25, 26, block 28, Wat Porl- iiiriu iteigma .,, 7 76 lion 20. T. 2 N.. R. 8 w. Investment Co.-Thelr lmeret In J n. nicglin uon., NO. 32, T. 2 B., R. 1 W 60 ST. 1 75 1 99 2 25 2 85 1 75 Isaflcs, H. A.-Lot 8, block 2, Hyde Johnson, 'harlws Ixits 35, 36, block 8. West Portland Heights Johnston, John Iota 9, 10, 12, 14, block 6, Hydo Park Kelly, F. M. NE. of NR. hi, sec tion 8. T. 3 N.. R2W- 4(1 iru Keutner, F. D.-Lot 24, block 8, Hyde Pm fir Kimble, W.' M .-i'toi )i' h)lk' i iota 1, 2, a, wock z, west Portland Place 220 Klrkwood, J. D Lot 4, block 14, West Portland Heights Kurr, George Lola 1, 2, 3, 4, block 13, Hyde Ps-k , Killen ft. Starr Half Intereat In W, 1 76 2 40 ' or w. M. Williams' D. L, C. No. 50. T. 1 8.. R 1 W Ml flrrea 24 40 1 M 2 BO 1 95 1 7B 1 75 1 7S 1 7S 1 95 7 70 1 75 4 15 4 15 216 Lassen, MartbaLot 18, block 10, Irf-e, James Lots 20 to 24, block 3, . West Portland Heights Lestoe H. J.-I,ol 5, 6, block 2, West i-oriiarm rteigntft Llthurn, John-Iit 15, block 12, West roruano neignts I-offteat, W. L.-Lot 21, block 8, West lyowenlierg, H, E.-Lot 'ir,' ' bl'ock ' 1, Hyde park , i-onmnu neignts) i.we,,Terg n, p. yn 14, block 1, 1-4 irH a Tin l ' Mahan, Iai lira R. Her 'lrite'r'et 'in 'lot 54, Cornelius Environs "S'C',' R.-8W. 14, section 36, T. 3 N R. 5 W.; 160 acres Mjippan. LIzzle-Lot 16, bloc IB. Hyde Park . Murquam. P. A.-N. A of W. . section 82, T, 1 8., R. 5 W.; 80 acre Marquam, Lull M.-8. 14 of BW. 14 section 32, T. 1 8., R. 5 W.; 80 acres Mn P.-Lot 34, 3B, 36, block 11, w,etJPortlan! Height McCandless, Isaac N.B: hi of NB. Ot VV. i. kits 1 1 section 18. T. S N R. 5 W.j 8E. u swtlon 17. T. 3 N., R. 6 W.: BW. W s-tlon . T. 3 N.. R. 6 W; W. 4 ii? ' ."iU,n T N It. lit'.; I W. 1 Of RK 1 .m.(Iio7 T I V 1 1 175 Hnhenlletner. Louis N. Vi of NR. 14, BW. y4 of SB. hi, NW. 5 of SB. ht, 7 55 , -'''lon 9, T. 1K..R.5 W.j io acres Ingraham, E. H. His Interest In sec- i Srw' ""on 21. T. 2 N W. niiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiii.i. ...... too McCornil.k, JanM'-8VV. U. section 10. T. i N R. 3 W',; Hi.r.' M. Eailiind. F. C.-l.oi 36, bliK-k 1!. Wot Ponliind Hclgiits M.'FarlaiHl. II. C l.t 33, bkK'k Ii Weal Poillun.l Heights Mead. Jay P. IaH 13, Uohart Sub- dtvuion: 10 acre M-nk. Edwaid-Lots 23, 16, bloi k , West Portland Heights Melcalf, II. F.-tot 1, bl.Kk 4, HM Park Meyer, Jennie lil 13. block 14, Hyd Park , Monson. J. C Lois u, j; block 13, Hyde Park Morgan. J. J,. TrtMte fur K. Mn- roe-ller Interest in i, H Dustiii l. I. i No, 60, T. 1 N., R. I VV.; tear ,x acres Moigau. J. W'. Undivided V Interest in 4 of NK. 4. section 24, T. 2 N.. It. 5 W. a v..: ami uu.tlvi.led 4 In of 4 Interest In N. 4 of N. tBlest said W of aection 25. T. IN. H. 1 W NO acres Nalotte, C. F.-Lol 19, I.I.k k 13, Hyde 1'aik Nichols, Charles-I ait 33, 34, bl.a-k 8, West Portland Helghls , , Norton. Mnry I. Her Inteivst In A W. Hart U I.. C. No, 60, T. 1 a. II. 1 W; 304 acr Oatltmn, U K - I' 4 interest In 8. 4 of SK. V. section 34, T. 1 N.. It. 4 VV Ogdcn, II. M , and Hunts, 1), l Ut . blink 14. Hyde Park O'kcefe, U in.-Ui I. 1, 3, block 6. West IVrtland Heights Palmer, Alio Lots St to 24, block 1: lots 9 to 24, block ", Weal Port land Place Pajk. r. Mary H.-llcr Interest In K. t'uustiilile l. U C. No. il, T. I N It. 2 VV,; S.1 acres Patrons. Uirenso - Ills intcreat In eectlons 21 and S T. 1 It, 1 WM It acn Patrick. Kiiiiiilo E -lit II. bliK'k II, llyle Park rayne. VV. It.-Lot 4, blin k 5, Hyde Park 1 80 ! 76 1 75 1 M 61 1 1 IV) 1 75 240 IVnVy. a J.- Ut I. A. I'lo. k II. Hnd 1 75 lota 7. 6, block II. West I'uriland Heights Plato, Arthur M -1 ait I. block 10, WeNt I'ortland Heights Pohniyer. Henry l.ou Ii, 18, blmk 13. Hyde Park Portland Pimsed Itrlck Co.-Thelr littered In E. 4 of NW. V sn-tlon 32. T. 2 It I W: 33 acres Powell. T. C- NW. V, of NE. 4. sec tion 36, T. 3 N.. II. 4 VV,; 4t ucrvs ... Puffer. W. C.-l'ndlMcd 4 Interest In 8VV, 4 of 8E. 4. lots 6. 7. sec tion so. T.IH, II. 4 VV, ; lota 16. stM-lloii Jt. T. 1 8 . It. 4 W,; and undivided 4 lui'rvst in NK. 4 of NK. 4. section 29, T. 1 8.. It, 4 W.; 1S5 acres Kunimissen. J, P., Mis - l...s 1, 4, bliw k 15. Hyde piirk X 1 116 1 1 1 25 1 so J 1 so 1 75 4 20 Heed. W. II 8 - SW. 4 "f NK, 4. N. 4 of SW. 4. N. 4 or 8K. 4. "c Hon 91, T. I N.. It. 5 VV Reldt, Wm.-Uils I. 1. i:, 1H. bl.s k 7; lot m, lil.Hk : lots l. ?. 21. 22, blcs k 12: lots 1, 1. 3. 4. 7, , 16, block 19: lot 13, block 32. West Portland Helghls ,, Rice. W. J.- l,ots 4 to 12, block 10. 13 (0 1 3d West Portland Plm-e Rice. Dnvlil, ami Craig. T. J - tail 4. block U. Ilvde I'ark Rixerx, Teriunoe N W. 4, section 12. T. I N . It. I W m nmi Kommel. VV IIII11111-I.0I It, . , So, bock 7. West IVrtlnnil I elulihs 8argnt. Eluaheth C.-NVV 4. sec 135 1 K tion O. T. I 8.. IL I W bill acre.. 8chlewe, OiMllloh- 8E. 4 of NW. 4. NE. 4 of NVV. 4, lots 3, 3. m-tiiui 19. T. 3 N.. It. 3 W 1 75 Set 1 96 Sv'ortlti, Hnnnuh K.. Trustee. , er In- ter.-st in tleo, Ruhnrdson l. I. C. No. 38. T, 2 8 . R. 1 W 30 acres ... Sear. J. M.-NW. 4 of 8VV. 4. lion 33. T. 1 8. R. I W 40 acre... Sespns. Isals'lla J .I tat II. block 10. West Porllnnd llelirhla 1 M Shaw. Ctms. N NE. 4, sect kin 7. T. 3 N.. It. 5 W 1 .11 .i re. Shuronion, Otto - Ijd II. bio. k 1. West Portland Height 120 1 Slat.-r. Murlt-Uit 12. bl.n-k 13. West Port and Heights 1 Smith. 8. K Her Interest In E. VV'alkrr D. I, C. No. ttl, T. 1 N.. It. 10 .V) Smith. N. W.- His Interest In P H nriacKi.Torn 11, I,, c. No. 61, T I N. It. 1 W 5 acres Smith. A. J . and on.t Their lntrr 5 ... .. . 1 .. . . . . . .... f 1 Scott, I i 1 11 cuti-1 9. block 22. West Pol tliin.l II. lulus I nnannanan, vt . 1. Ixil a, block 6. West I'ortland Height 1 lunim. . ari-iit 12, im.h'K 73, West Portland Helgntj 1 Tlghe J. l'.-lA,t 24, blink 5, West Portland Heights 1 Tucker. ( Sen.- W. 4 of 8W. 4. sec tion 15, T. I 8 II. 4 W.: Ml ai res.... 6 4.' I we.l.., ... ll,IJIt . hl.X'k 28. West Purlin ml Height 1 vornein. 1 -ry la-it 13, hlcs.k 13. West Portland Helghls 1 nay. rrntiK T, Ixit 22. block 11. Hyde Patk 1 nemocrg. tr. l,.-lait so, block 12. Hyde Park j isnrt. i-ei.T l,nt 3 mock 12, W est Porllnnd Heights j n iiiuuns. w. w. pari or lot 8, 6. tilocg 8, HlllslKiro 73 wiuiams, inomiis Mil B. 12. mock 18, Hyde llirk 2 85 niiiiiims. iioinen-riE. 4, swtlon 7. T. 2 N., It, 2 W,: m acre 8 If, minam, Allien A. His Interest In NE. 4 of NE. 4. section 13. T. 1 N ft, 5 W.: 19 acres 1 00 ruini property will 1m sold subject to re dnmptlon, ati per staiiite or firegon , . W. I). BRADFORD. Datml this 15th ilny of March, 1900. Sh'-rlfT of Wiishlngton County, Oregon nnd ex-oIDcio Tux Collector. Delinquent Tai 1. 1st for the Year 1MUU. Notice Is hereby given that by virtue of a warrant Issued out of the County Court of the Suite of Oregon for Wash ington County, attested by the Clerk of said court, on the 17th day of February, MOO, and to me directed, commanding me to collect the delinquent tuxes for the year irao. ror tne enmity or Washington, State of Oregon, and for want of atifll clent perHotuil oruiiertv. t hnv levied upon and will sell at public auction to in nignen punier, for cush, ut the south door of the Courthouse, In the City of riiiinnuro. in sum vvusn riirtnn cm v Oregon, on Monday, the 16th ility of April, 1111, the following-described real property situate in said County of Wiishlngton, State of Oregon, or so much thereof aa limy oh necessary to satisfy the taxes due, ....KniH.u- w1.11 costs anu cniirges tncreon, Sllld Hill tO CnmtneneM ul 111 o'eloeU a M of said day, and continue from dny to'dnji .nu.M.aya eA. eineui Ulllll SU1II lllll.l IS Sold: Armstrong, Wm.-Lot 8. block 10. Hyde park , f 1.75 nucruury, a. w. his interest In n. or BW. 14, as recorded in vol ume 31, page III, volume 36, puge 206, Record of Deeds for Washing ton Countv. Oreirnn 7 acres r. rji miines, 1 mine ins interest n MK. 4 of NK. 14, section 1, T. 1 8., R, 1 W is rescrllied in volume I), page 5l, Record of Deeds for Waahlna. ton t'OUntV. OrCUV.n 71i. ueruu 1 fin lillioer, . I .IMS 13, 11, in, io, block 33, West Porllnnd Heigh Is 2 3a uaver, r,nia I,. NVV. 14 of NI5. 14, section 19, T. 1 N It, 4 W 40 acres 9 Beauchamp, T. and M, J. Lot 14, iiiocK i, worth Side Addition to HI Ishoro r.r. ijeuuenump, i. ann M. J, Pnrt of lot a, niocg 7, Hlllanoro, us de scribed In volume 32, page 364, Rec ord of Deeds for Washington Countv. Oregon at da Bfti'gnr, Wm. P.-N. of NE. 14, N. 14 or N w. 14, section 12, T. 2 N., H, a W.. IdO.ncrcs im Bernsli-ln, A. H,-Ils 13, 14, 15, 16, block 8, Hyde Purk 2 60 Buyer, J. II. His Interest In A. W, Hart D. L. C as described. In volume 39, page 216, volume 46, nagu 838, Record of Deeds for Washington County, Oregon, con taining 4 acres 6 21 Bleloh, Emma A. Her Interest 1n b. 'A or kk. 14, section 28, T. 1 B,,'R. 2 W., 30 acres, as described In volume 39. page 292, Record of Deeds for Washington County, Oregon ,., ,,,, tm SHERIFFS SALE. Bier, J,, and Oreenburgh, B, H,- i NK. 4. section 34. T. 1 N., R. W' list acres ,i"i'V ItoMllian. M , Trustee- Luis il, V. l.l.ak II. Ilvde l'.k ... -HieMiuin. K A - l ots W. II. hlo. k 31 ami I'd . block 33. VV et I Ut 3 : 1 34 IK I 7( Portland lUnghls k- I ola 14 li. U, 19, block It. Portland I iMh . Muni. L. C-I.l II. lo- k ll. llyd iork Callahan, John C - Ills I'lleiM', NW 4 of NW. 4 ecl Ion U, 1. 8.. K. 1 VV',, ii acres, .leenbrd In volum 36, im 3. Ilrcoid of Deeds for Washington lounly. Oregon ............. Clillipbell, Annie tl.- Lots S3. 2. block 6. Wssl Portlaml llelsht .. Campbell, 1 1, F. -VV. 4 of NW. 4. section 36, T, I N , R 6 VV .... ... Csrr, II, II,-Lot .13. block 11, West P.H-lland Height Carlisle, 8. Il.- lait 4, blea k 1, Sher wood Carlson, K.lwlii-I.ols 3. 4, blink 8, Hyde Park Clark". Anns M - Una SO, SI. block II. West Portlaml Heights Chine, Percy U.-Lol 3, block 4; lot 20. block 8; lot 7. hl.u k 9. hit 6. Muck l. lid 10, bUsk li. Hyde Park tSiunolly, Mnry A -Her Interest In NK. 4 of NK. 4. section St, T, t 8., It. 1 W , acrra. s r.oi.led In volume 43, mge 413, llm'd of Deeds for VVushlngloii County, Oregon , Cook, Jo.-'h- l.ol. 20, 31, block 10, West I '.M I In Mil Heights Collie. iMVId l.uls It. 14. 15. 14. I', bio. k I. West Portland Heights .. Craig. T. J . hii.I Rice. D. K. -Lot 4. rd.H-k H. Mi. I Puik Cress. John M HK. 4. section 17. T. 3 N . II, 3 VV .; NK. 4. K 4 of 8VV. 4. 8K. 4. lots J. 4, section 13. T. 3 N , It. 5 VV'.: 8 4 of 8K. 4. lots I. 3, 3. 4, section 19, Y 3 N . It, 6 VV,; K. 4 of NVV. 4. K. 4 of 8V, 4. 8K. V,. lots I, 1. 3, 4. section ?. T. 3 N , It 6 VV.; VV. 4 of NVV. 4. W. 4 of 8VV. 4. .r. lion 8, T, 3 N , It. 6 W.; 8VV 4. smtlou . T. 1 N It. 6 W,. KIP, seres Cliristnisen chrls.- Ills interest In 8K. 4 of 8VV. 4. and pnrt of 8VV, 4 of 8K. sc lion 7. T. I N . It. 4 VV,, as .leHirlhed 111 volume .15, INIgv 410. It.sord of llerds for VVushingt.Mi CiMiuty, Ori-gon tWkctt ft llrleson -Loi 36. block 33, West Portland Heights Dtikyus, Coustnii.-e A llrr Intsre III VV. T Cllillllrl.l D I.' C. No. 52. T. I 8 . R, J W'.. 2fd acres, na rt.cor.le.1 hi volume 4ti. ptge 4.1,1, Volume 42. :ige lot, Rvt-otd of llerds for VV aalllllgloll Cuilllty, Oregon , Ih l Ji-liniUll, Vail II - Ills Interest In NK. 4 of HK. 4, secUon 11, T. 2 N . It I VV . and an undivided 4 Interest In 8 4 of HK 4. section 34. T 3 N . II. I VV'., T acre .. . lielt.bniiltt A 4 of HW. 4. section 31, T. I 8 , It. I VV.. to acres I 1 110 IK. 1 on 7 V. Dlti hliiirn. C.-llls Inlerest In NK. 4 of NK. 4. section I, T I H. It. I W., na .1. b ritwd In volume II. p..g Six). Um-Ord uf m-eds tor Wnslnng. ton County, Oregon 4 40 3 70 Emtiiohs, M - l.ul I, I S. 4. bl.s k I, 1 7 7 71) 23u West Purtllill.l Pltlce 3 l Fiirleman. Hlevenn, Heirs of-HK. 4- stHlion r. T. I 8., II. VV,. luu seres Finn, K.lwiir.l W, SI 32. a, 31, block 2. Wrst I'urllnn.l I'lti.e lis Fleck. J K l.ol ;v 30. bl.Kk 10, West Porllnnd lid its Prime. Aimer-N 4 of NK 4. K 4 "f N VV. 4, sc. tlon I, T, S N , It. 4 VV'.. 10 acres 1 04 llei.ey, F - U.t 1, bl.nk i, Hyde 8 40 park I In. I.;. in. I. F-NK 4 of NK. 4. Ii section Ji, T. 3 N , It. i VV 40 . rea , I 31 tlMtmm, 1. F H, 4 of 8VV, 4, sec. tlon 2U. I 3 N . It. 6 VV , and HK. 4 "f 8K. 4, section 36. T. 3 N., II. 1 VV'.. 1.11 acres I tt a 6 I 63 I 04 tltey, Hertha Uils 23, 23, tlrry Oak irsci. iu acres ,, lire. 11. Annie- lad II. bl.a k I. West Pnri-liiii.l Ptu.-e , , Iliirthurne, C M - HW 4, section 23. T. 1 N . R. b VV . lo acres ll.irtman. J 8. am! F A - K. 4 "of N . ft. 6 Mi 4- section J4, T. 3 V ., and uihIivi.I..! 4 Interr.t In N. 4 of NK 4. and S. 4 of NVV. 4, section 21, T. I N , It 6 VV., ho acres Ilnwyer. Iver .-tta 1, blrnk 12, Ilvde Purk t 75 I W H.'l.l. August-lait 25. 26. block 20, V st portlniid 11. iHlits Henry, J. U-IaiI 31, blm k 11, lly.le f .ik Ilihls.tls. Llllmn-laiis 17. I. H, Jo. him k 7. and lot 31, blw k . VVV.t I'.irtlimd Helxhli Ihiftinun, ,l. A - Uls 10. II. 13. hhi. k I. lots 4, 5, , 7. I. . Ill, 11. 13, Wrst I'orUaiul PUn-e a m House, Knii.l III, Interest hi L Hull D. la C. No. 43. T. I 8 . II I VV., 64 acres, as described In vol ume tl, puge 319, Record of Deeds for VV tiNiiliiM-tlui Countv. tlresoti.. a 1 x Howard. C. A. H - l.ois ., , iilm k . West I'ortltitld llelabl Hughes A l'all.son - lads 6. 8, , 11, W. SI. SI. block I, lot I. 3, 4, 5, 7. I1I01 k 2. bus 2, 5, , , 10. II. II. It, lihi. k i: lots 5. . 7. 8, . 10. bl.s k .'.. lots I. 4, 16, II, 24. block 6; loi I. 1. 3. 4. 5, 6, 7, 211. bhs k 7. lots I. 21, ; lot 10. block V: bit I, J. 3, 4. 4, lu, 11. 12. It. I.'., 14, 17, l'i. 20 21. block 10; lot 1. 3. 3. 4. 6. 6. 8. 13. II. I!. 20. 21, Wo, k II; lots 8. 8. lu, 11. blin k li; lot 5, 6. 4, 8. 12. 1. 22, 23, 13: lola 3, II, 11, 14. II., 18, 19, !0, !4, block 14; bus 2. 3. 5. 6. 7, 8, 8. II. 13. 20. 31, Ti. El. 24. 25. hlock 15. Ilvde Park . (to 7f, 38 IS Hughes A piittsrsoii-lsil 3u. bluett , bus 19. 2U, bl.nk 27, lots 25, 36, blin k 28. W.--I I'orlhiii.l llelahls .. a 7i 1 .'4 Huinplirey, Thus. Ii, al 3, sec- toil ir I. 1 H . It 3 W . 14 aires ... Iliimiihreys. Thus. D,- llls Interest in .N vv. 4. section 36, T. I 8., It. 1 VV.. 25 iicn-s 7f, a Iluiniihreys. T. D.-Htullvldcd 4 In 75 terest in n, 4 nf lot 1, block 7, lllllshoru 7 11 7f, Humphrey. T, D.-Purl of lot 2, K I, lllllslioru, lis recorded III volume 28, page, 24.,, R.a.a.l of Deeds fur Wasliliigmti County, Oregon ;f, 75 Humphrey. T, l).l,tsl, 2, blm k I, 30 r 11 rv ew Ai lil II un Ilia Lire 1 it lluini.breys. T. D.-VV. 4 of block A. I'll rv ew Ailililloli It. lilllMltoro 6 44 Hiiinphrry. 8. II. - Tract In M. Moore 1). L. C. Nil. 41, T. 1 8,, It. 2 V 10 acres, as ilrcrllird In vol ume 26, imge 456, Record of Deed fur VVllsillliaton Ort.aon 18 51 Ilumtihreys, J. II - K, 4 of block A, Mill-view Add, Hull to lilllsburo, tiregon. 1 acre i 71 Ingriihiim. K. 11. Ilia Interest lu K. Vi 111 nw. 4, 11 n, I nurt or NW. 4 nf HK. 4, section 211, T. 2 N., R.T VV., 40 acre, as described In Volume 30. 111.10. 1H4 11 r.l ,,r ueeus ror WusliliiKlon Oregon County, 3 00 I 76 Isaac, K. A.Ut 8, blink 2. Ilvde Purk Johnsun, Cliiirle Luis 35, 26, blin k s, vvesi i-oriiunii 11,-IkIiIs Johnson, Jiibn-Lois B, 10, 12, 14, 1 00 8 05 Junes, Wusbltigliin- N VV,' 4. swlioti u '! 1 w 11 ur .v., .... . Olin-M .., iiyue I'lir 14, Kelly, Friink M. NK. 4 of NK. U. sect on 8. T. 3 N.. It 3 W ill y,.i... res 3 00 Keuter, F, D.-Lot 24, hlock 8, Hydit Park- 1 75 23 00 Klllen & Btiirr-Soutli 811 iVc'res in w! A or w. 11. wmium U. It, c, No, CO. T. 1 8.. H. 1 W Kimhle, W. M. Lois III, 211. blink ll lots 1, 2. 3, block 2, West Port land Place 2 25 Kohlmiin, Henry Lot 1, block 5, Hyde Park 1 75 Kurr. (li-orge Lots 1, 2, 8, 4, block 13, llyde Pork Lhsshii, Miirlba Lot 18, block 11) Ilvde Pork a 1 75 a no 1 to 1 70 Lee, Junies Lois 20 to 24, block 3 West Port and Helghls Lestoe, II. J. Lois li, 6. block 2 West Portlund Helghls .Ithurn, John Lot 15, block 12. West Portland Heights owenberg, ll, K, Lot 15, block 1. Hvile Pi. rll Lowenberg, K. P.-Lot ii," block" i' ilviln Park 1 75 Lownnberg, J. N. H mill BW. vi'nf 1 75 nk, 4, section 33, T. 2 N,, R. 4 W 120 acres 7 40 Manning, II. K. SW, section 30, T, 2 N R. 6 W.. 160 lien. 7 Mutlnum, Lulu M.-H. 4 of SW. u 7 50 5 10 suction 32, T. 1 8., II, 5 W 80 acres Miirinnim, I. A.-HI8 IntereHl'Vii ww, 14, suction 10, T. 2 S., R. 1 w 145 acre, us ris'iirded In vi.iu,,,.. V, puge 473, Record of Deeds fur Washington County, Oregon 50 35 7 DO 8 85 I 40 1 70 1 70 8 .15 7 45 2 50 4 40 Miirmnim, P. A. BW, Vi, suction "19 T. 2 N., R. 4 W 160 hitch , ,, .iici.urmicK, jiimcs, tieirg nf BW. Vi, suction 10, J , a 11, 9 w HW McCundleHS," ' I. ' N. K. ' U oif' NIC ' 'ii of NW. 14. aection 21, T. 2 N R McKarlfind, C IM 35, block I2'. west Portlund Height , McFiirlund, F. C Uit 36, block 12 West Portland Heluhls McLeod, Lung. -I,ol 2, block 4, Qaiil ton McLeod F. 8.-N. 14 of BW. 4. B if Sir". '"' ""cl,"n 8,, u . .1 w ni l ea 1 Melster, John IjoIs 13, 14, 15, 18, 17 block 23, West Porllnnd Height MerriiMn, fl,-NW, of Nli. 14, M. nun u, 1, x n., n, a w.,,. ,,,,,,,, , Aflllaf. W T T,.l 00 V.IA..t. tl. .... ... u, ltd, UIUUK II- IUI 10, block 8, Hyde Park 2 or. Miller, R. and W. H.-38 aorea In seotloni 21, 28, T. 1 B R, 2 W, and J, M. Rltcliey D, L, C, No. 00, T. I 8 , It I W..., Moigau. J J acre III M I, o. ti.ui ti, T. I N , II. I W M gn J J - VV of NK. 4 NW, 4 ..I 8K. 4 nd bus I. 2, 2 I 6. a. ;T . whom 6. T. 18. Ill W , 2 .'! Moiiati. J J -4 iter Moot 1 1 l. C No 41. T I 8 , R I W. rscoide.l in volum 2!. paa . He. old uf for VV nailing loll Cuiiiity, I'legon Morgan J J - l.t 3. 4, bl.n k 6, I-ait view Addition lu 11111.1m, ro .... Muigati, J J - Lot I, S. block . Fall view Addition lu Hilaln.i . MutgUII. J. J - lad 7. . blm k , Kail Mew Addition lo lllll.l.oio, a ilescrllird til volume 3, pagf 441, Record of rur Washington County, tiregnn Muignil. J J - N, 4 of block I., K. 4 or block N. bl.nk. o, P, tj. It, It. T. F rl Addition to Hill, bnro . , , Morgan J J - l' H. 12. '4 I In, lil.e k I. Iliuwtl siiIhIIVISIiiii. Falrvlnw Addition to Hillsboro ... Morgan. J J Lots I, 1. J. 4. block 3, IUov.ll. BlltallVlsbUI, I' sit VI. -W Addition 10 IIIII.UulO J J. All of bbek 4. Hiowii .ulnlivisiuii, Falrview Ad dition to , Mutgait. J VV - U'ls 4, 8, 6. bl.a-k in, Hliiitiioiia A, billion lu Mu1l.11. II L -ll's Interest In VV. . nil. .011 D I. C. Nu 14. T, I 8., It, 3 VV ,, loo . !, decill.rd tn vol W 4 M 1 1 44 lot 3 II 1 JO ume 43, u.s 118, Rp.ol.l or Dea.l fur VV iiaiiiugtoti Cuiiuiy. tirrguii . Null. ill, C, F-- tall IV, bl.Hk 13. Ilytn I'alk Nohiii. Manila 81 - Hr Interest in K. Walker 1 1, I. C, No T I S . It a VV , S r. s recorded In Volume 33, pails lle-... .f In.ihIb for Washington County, I Ire oil , N.irilit.ip, John III,,, h I, Addition lo lllll.laiiu Noltell. Mmy I - tier Itllere.t in A, VV. Hurl 1 1 I.. C. No. '. T 18. It. 1 VV .. 204 acres, as recorded In volume 2fc, tiuge Is. R.H',d of Deeds (or VV 1.. hli, County, in.-gun , , Hake., Christy, Trustee , 4 of MVV. 4. aecttull U. T. 1 8, U. il VV-, l a.-les . illinium. h t'li'llvi.trd 4 liner- e.l 111 8 4 uf HK 4. socllull 31, T IN, It 4 VV',, to . le. Ilgdell A lliirn. U.t 8, bl.Hk It. Ily.l purk - tl KeeTe. W.-Uts I. J, J. bio. k . West Portland Height tl, A C. It. It Cu.--.MC. 4 uf HK. 4, section li, T, 3 N . It 1 W,, 40 a, re , Calmer. All.- lails lo 34 Inclusive, hl.H k 7. West porilund l'l. I'iittun. J N , Heirs of -Their Inter. e.l In VV. 4 uf NK, 4, utari ot K. 4 of NW. 4. a re.-ol.teil III Vol. limn It. page Vd, IL.utd of lienl for WMshingtun Cu.imy, liiegon,, 1'itir.iiie, Liirnit. His Intrre.i In HW ot 8VV. 4. section JI, T. 3 H , ll. 1 VV n re.-..r.Ud In volum , lag 4.'1. Record f lels for VV aaliiugtou Cuuitty. lirvgun, Im his luleie.t 111 NVV, 4 ut NK. 4, ll..ii ', T.H, It. 1 W a. rmordevl III Vullllus 31, page ai, uf 1n-h1s tor VVasliiugton loamy, (ireguti, 11 acres Payne. V. II lait i bio. k t H.le Park , , Ivney, 8. J - tails I and A, blu. k II. and lot 1, . bl.nk It. Hyde Park Perkins, It H --ki ai re. In VV. II William 1 1, l C, No. 4". T. I 8, It. I VV Pohilieyr, Henry- lads li, , II Hyde Puik a u I m I 73 P'. J. V. tails , 10, bl.H k , West Purl land Ple I'uriland I' rr.wd Htt.k Cuv-Tlirir llllrle.l i K 4 Of NW. 4. se.lloll 33. T I 8. It. I VV, 34 acre, as recorded in volum . page 4 and .Oi. and Volume 28 41 It.s or.l of iN r.i. VV nslitugtou Cuunty. t'reiioii I'rliulle M r - l oi iv I.I.. k . Pi.rlhind lln.hl. fl 1'ult.r. W, C.l'n.. tided 4 t In N K 4 of NK. 4, sect lull W, T I H , It 4 W . undivided W in. terest III HW, 4 of HW, 4, sn'tlon ... I, I I., II 1 1. ; Ull.VI.e b Interest III HK, 4. imhIIoIi 30, T, I H , It. 4 VV.. tu acre , Ra.lllil.sen. J P . Mr. 1.1 a j 4. bl.k 16. Hyd I'ark lie ill. Anna lad. . 4. bl.Hk t), ll 7, lo West Portland Heights Runim. l, Wm- tails i;, s, , m blin k ., West Portland Heights , Itll.le. II M - HK 4. inlliin J, T, 1 N-, It. 3 VV . in) a. rt-s , Rude. II M -8VV. 4 of NK 4 N 4 of 8 VV 4. NVV. 4 of HK, C c tlon so. T. I N R. W ,. hi) errs , , Rude, II M.-H. 4 of NW. 4 sec. lion su TIN, ll 6 W.. w a.' re. , Ru.le. II M - HK. 4 uf NK, 4 ,K, 4 uf HK 4. sectiun t, T. IN. R. 6 VV'., su acres , Rude. II, M NK 4 uf NK, 4. sec. lion 34. T. 18. II I VV and NW. 4 "f NVV. 4, ..llioi Si, T. I K. R. 1 VV, loi cres M. I m 1 hbu k , West port, hind place ,, .,, W in - lad It. blu. k 1, i.,u III. a). 21, blm k 6, bits 11. 14, 31, 12. 3f., 36, block 7, lot 34. St.. aa. l.liH-k 11. lot I, t 3, . 7, 8, 16, ), , block bit . blink SO, lots 6 6, blu. k 38. West I'orllan.l II. , 1, 1 n, 11 1 y ; lili.iu 1.1.0 1 B. hiifer. Lout.-la.ts at u l.i.a 6 n West 1',! Heliiltla Hi llli we, tlollielli- HK. I. of Nv'l" 4. NK. 4 of HW, 4, lots 2, I, ,ec. lion l'l T 3 N II iv Scull Itiith-laiis I,' 4. and'iwri'uf lot 3, him k 4. Forest tlrove. us r.- conliM In Volume ll, ,oe iait, n,M.. nrd uf Deeds (r Washington I niinly dreg. in Siotlin, l. .;., Tru.iee Her hiterest In tl. Itichiirdsuii D. L. C Nu m T. IH, ll. 1 VV ., acres, ns r- curded III V, ,111111,. iS, ige ix lleiurd of II.-...U for VVusliliiKinii . niiiii y, t ircgoii H.-iirs, J. M, - NW, 4 of 8w', i'."Vr" lluri 33, T, 2 8.. H I VV 40 Hir , 8. wur., VV. II - HK, 4 of 8VV. U 2 "hu 14. T. 2 H.. R. 3 W ' Ml .,.h. Hhiiw, Chtis. M.-NK u"'.'eV.ii.'.;."i' T. 3 N.. It. 6 w iui .?..,..- Hhniiuhiiii, VV. T-U,t R blm'k"' Wesl I'orll,.,,,! ll..,i.,. Hmlth, T. II. -NK. V Section 23 1' I 74 18 is) H.. It. 4 VV . lull i ..... Hmlth, N. W.-Hts liiier.'.i "i." i,' Hlm.kleford D. !,. C. N, e) f "", I W., i aen s, us reisiriied u Vuluine I. page 11,1, Record of Deed fr Washington County, Huchren, c, ( II Mil M F . Ml.' VV 10 r K..'tK S' '. Li1',' N s W ami VV, 4 uf HW. 4, section au, x. 1 N R 3 W'., M Here ' "' a 14 IM foremen tieorg..-Lot in block 33, VV et I'orll,,. i.l 11..1 u 1 70 I 70 1 7S H,vn.;';rrra,k''-u, ; Ht-ilien, l.llllan- N."4' L.i'-'i' ' i' Flre-lV,.1" '" A'''"..,,,,' hi H:r;inod-li'i"i;'"';''''i:'w.-ii a 83 I 63 s'."oV!!' V-,ll"'l'i;''r',;''ih'sK "' 1 VV- " recorded In volum., m a,. v . ""mil 'ii'Miin 10 60 I 76 1 75 B""r- f!1:,:.4! '''"k'u'iiydV. Sweeks. John. ' Vlo'iVy "..i ' 1.1.'.' V." '-' '.'. 8l lu 80 1 7(1 'mV.loIIIir'R'rVnierVisi D eal ' " WMshlnglnt. County. 1 33 ion 8 20 1 86 1 IW a is a s Viiuuhn (. .""..".'.' ?' aorea,, a, Portland 1.1.'.""" ""' West otsl, I, 3, 4,6,6. bloi k ' nyiiM I'urK ,,, ...... WUlJitiriH. ThoM. I..Vim 'ii "d ' V.j ' V.;; V "i ""'S' !Y:..W'-',l't of lola 3 8 ...... n n, iiiiisiioril, ll recorded In w'lshlngioho,,;''.. S". 18 un 1 10 W'lllimi..ttr. Ren I ,;Htte Co.L(ii7 , , i, s, ti, iu, Hlock 25, Cornelius ". ', 8, , KI, block 'M I 'ro e 3 79 34 211 'iwi!,', ,!.'i'',r.,!7..I.'f;t. n a w.t , "' 13lilIll , , ( l.'!,fe,,f!.",.U?-"l".l''',,''',8t l'l Jtm! 1 70 iimu 'iii "f'r'' , .f'orclotl In vol. ,1153 '"K" 20. Record of Iced6 or Wlisll naton t'onnlv (le,..... ri :: . " "-"". 17" a oo '., R, 4 w 1.60 Bcfes , fluid nrnperty will be sold subject tu r...l.. . ., 1 - 'I c sum Hllli ect n.ictniiiion, ns per ntiittite of Oregon, "'u tuts lhth tiny of Murch, 11881, VV li iiriAiu .ii n Hy!mf "' Wuflf'n County, and ICx- """ mx Collector. 11 U) a in 3 81 a xi 4 m 13 I W a v. a u 40 4A HI Itt Ul I 73 16 no lo ai II 0. I 10 a uo I '.i I 10 a 4 a mi a oi :t & I 3U 12 M a 6 I Wj IU 0a 70 I 6,'. 3 ui I I 30 lo Ut 4 to 4 la ll so i ca a ta l w i as 21 SI 11 So T i 10 6 00 a so j (f-ontliiuotl on mu 1,