HILLSBORO ARGUS, MARCH 1, 1900. ;: I : A Taiib vou. th I'koplk ; : : rare gYyirk-Krvk if joc . : A t'f k of rim lni-L' i ZXXXXXX.XXXXXItLMJmZS THE ARGUS Kntered at the Post-otttce t Hillsboro, Oregon, as Second class mail matter. LUCIUS A. LONG, EDITOR. - County Official Paper. ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY BY Tie Argus Publishing foW Bubseitlon: One lVUar per Annum. Six Months, 60 cts; Three N onths, Sft cts. Opposed to Gold Mono metallism. Be lieves In the Bimetallic Standard. ' Dear Money means Debased Property, and Profitless American Product. Our Consequent loss is our Creditors' Gain. Has oo use fur Marcus A. Hanna WHOBRISG8IlSUKPVTK. It is a patent fact that the produc ing element of a political party never brought the organization in ' to disrepute, button I he contrary, , the deteriorating influence has come from the commercial centres. This ' is easily explained, and it needs no wisehead to give a reasonable an ' lysis. When the big commercial ventres want a tiling, they go for ' ward to get it; they expend money; if it takes crooked work to get it crooked work is inaugurated. When the great credit combinations want ed an administration which would give them a financial system which would prevent a return of the old and profitable level for farm prices, did they openly ask for it? Not much? They first found their man for president, and then found the ' politicians to engage in their scheme. The next thing was to get a platform which would not frighten "" their qu ury the voters. This they found in t h e international . plank the most stupenduous fraud ever perpetrated on unsuspecting voters. This' fraudulent plank held them sufficient votes in doubtful territory to elect the executive. As soon as this was "accomplished, the mask was thrown off, and the large news papers controlled by the money power commenced to openly ad vocate the gold policy. This dis reputable and deceitful work was not the result of the rank and file of republicanism but it was the work of the pigeons employed by those who were bettered by that which limits the production of money. Thus by the work of there ingenious and unscrupulous wire pullers, the republican party was made to bring about that which its producing wing did not want. The manufacturing interests, which had contributed money for corporate success, immediately perfected trusts for their greater profit, and , "the public is being bled by pirates coder the guise of "patriots" and sticklers f o r "national h o n o r." Yet these very chaps voted thous anus of producers for a system . which means debased product pure and simple could anything be more ridiculous? But, though the betrayal is here it is some satisfaction to know that the farmers in the party did not stoop to perpetrate the fraud which - was hoisted to power tinder false pretence. To the commercial ele- went, backed by the dishonesty ot chief politicians, is due the dis repute. WiLL. TUB PEOPLE ENDORSE? The Orego.iian has published let ters from a number of republican - state committeemen, all of whom .. claim party Buccess at the polls at the coming election. Is it possible ., that these gentlemen are correct? Is it possible that Oregon w;ll again entrust her public affairs to men like Joe Simon, the Portland He brew, Joe Simon, whose name is synonymous with jobbery of the i. worst type? Is it possible that a great state like Oregon must longer ; remain a mere plaything for this oorruptlonist and his servile hench men? If so, why bo? Oregon is a state of which we , should be proud; is the common wealth to longer endure men a the official helm who use power for , basest purposes men like Geer, who sells office for monev, and men like Mr. Simon, who is known . in the Pacific northwest as a pro duct of the worst possible political type? Is there no redress for the people of ao great a state? With men like theae representing Oregon ia it any wonder that the state suf fers, both at horns and abroad? When eastern statesmen see our Oregon representatives in Congrebs, what must they think of the peo- Die in Oregon who are not sen back tothe national capita' With McBride heading the list a man who has neither ability nor cunning; then Joe Simon, a little noti lescript Jew, whom the people of Oregon abhor, not because of his race, but because of his character istic ye Gods, what repreKiita- lion in the senate, eh? Then we have Moody and Tongue n the house Moody, a mere pol itical creature who has neither and Tongue, who i continual y n y t h i n g to anybody, a n d at all times. All of t h i s u u a r UUe have in the past supported any oi l thing their parties have platformed and they keep shuffling from one year to another in order to keep both feet on the platform the platform being as shifty a either of the noble statesman men tioned. But a few years back, and they and their party were strenu ously against the debasement o f American product, but all are now in the cheap list supporting that w h i c h cheapens all the farmer must sell, yet standing for swindl ing the farmer on all things the producer must buy. Will Oregon endorse this condition, or will she do away with thesJ political para sites, and put in power that which will stand for the dignity of what Oregon produces? Let us hope the honorable committeemen are in error, and that their reasoning is painted with political coloring. Many of these gentlemen the An ors knows personally, and it knows they are at heart ashamed of Ore gon's misrule. "THRICE I 9 H E ARMED THAT HATH HIS QCARREL. JCST." me treatment ot uen. Uroi j-, in tliu British generals forcing htm to appear at the doors of their tents before a surrender would be accept ed, is unprecedented, and is a stain which will be long in washing to reasonable satisfaction bv the world at large. The surrender of thrit thousand B')ers, however, is n it a severe blow to the Transvaal c in".-. by any means. It may bo tint this temporary set back wili mor than be redeemed before J on hen gets through with Buller. Even lover of the maxim, "Thrice i h armed who hath his qH.irrrl j'Kt,' yet hopes to see the Boers victor! ous. They are right in all p-speci, with regard to the causes which 1 d to warfare, and their coping with such terrible odds should win f. them the admiration of the ctviliz ed world. This puking, puling praise of "British valor" which consists of 50,000 men against Cronje's 3,000, is enough to dis gust a Munchausen. The tvhol world of unprejudiced intelligence will feel highly gratified to see Jouberl wipe out the defeat o f Cronje and repay the insufferable insolence, of a man like Roberts, who staid sixteen miles in the rear, poured upon the head of a veteran like Cronje. who was with his gal lant little band of Dutchmen in all their hardships of war. Millions of American hearts are today hop ing that British arrogance will in the near future be humbled, and were our administration of such fibre, the libertine, John Bull, would soon be trekking homeward to sing praises to the queen. When corporate greed so controls our congress that it must vote a tax upon pecple in Puerto Rico, aside from that general taxation that is placed upon our home people, then see we where we are at. The poor devils who have been the children oftryannyfor ages past are now become the objects of graft. In this benign tariff bill, we see how the constitution does follow the flag but follows in disgrace if it shall ever catch up. But moral fibre does not go far these Jays with our exploiting friends who merely want 'expansion for purposes of robbery.' Still, are we not more than fair with the "dagoes?" 'I hey are vacs a's,' and if they complain, we will whip them. We have a right to tax these "varmints" if we want. This is not the first time Hannaites have advocated a government half slave and half-frje. Their mone tary "boon" is Porto It i c a n, iib well. The Oregonian calls Ex-Consul Macrum a hairbrained youth, or something of that kind, following out the rule of abuse or ridicule it adopts toward all who dare to ex-'frequently, so as to teach them to press a sentiment not in harmony 'stand for milking purposes, like an with its political views. On thelo!Jco,v' In conclusion, let me ad- other band it refers to John Bar-1 rett, ex-minister to Si a. 11, as a pro- found statesman a n d diplomat, Save Time, Muscle And Money. NoT'2 By Buying a Grub Tree and Slump SHtitaction. may feet of cable goes when in fact it knows him to !e one of the shallowest, vainest of dudes that ever got intoocr foreign service, through a family pull with Grover. Roseburg Review. Mr. Senator McBride evidently labors under the delusion that one good term deserves another. Our Oregon congressmen will now commence to push the Indian War Vet eran Pension bill. The country trusted Mr. McKiuley, ud just to show that he realized that one good turn deserved another, Mr McKinley and hi administration pro ceeded to "trust" the country. And the dispatches tell u s that the English feel very happy that fifty thous and of their men have captured three thousand Boers! Well, cold consolation i s better than no consolation. The British have over 200,000 men in the field, and the Boers have about 60,000. The British loses are now about 12,000 with more to hear from. Cronje sue ceeded in getting the biggest part of his forcv; out of the way. DAIRYING FOR PROFIT. Wm.Sihulmerich, the South Tual.t tin dairyman, rend the toiling paper before the recent Farmers' Int-ii-ttite. tit Forest U.nve: Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: Some in the South Tu.laiiu district Law learned enough about lite dairy ln inrss to have -the prom 011 the right s.de 01 the ltilger. I will explain our methods j ml t'.iose wli.i lolluw, wdl surely meet with profit, l ir-t. we must have ccvis with specml da.ry conformation. To! know this stu.l) ih"e I orm 01 ail the lint- i ed Cowl that liuve large Uli.U anil liu'.Ur ' records, ml try v ruisj or Inly fOs uear like theui ns p-.nsible. Ii'yuu buy"! arst try an I h ive tacir milk t.iie.l i.-. U.e B.ihcock tester, for 110 man can 1. 1, how rich if u cow's milk, by simply iouk- j ing at Hie ani.nal. Next, ltavc pure' waier, ccmfoitaMc buildings, ami in" " elude siloes. . I will say right here, that j 110 prson sliuu'd run a dairy without . a-j nlo, as there is no other way thai food lor cows can te j cheaply produced as by ensilage Ens.lage can be uiade irom any green crop, com, clover, etc. Your material should be (.ut in lengths of one half or three-fouith inches, fur if it is not cut very fit e, it will not pioptily settle and exclude the air, which is i 11 dispensible for good ensilage. As to ensilage product, 1 have had the success with the Pride of the North, which matures early, produces fine ears, and will ripen in our climate. In the Willamette valley, clover and aUike are the best grasses toraise for hsy, sow six pounds ol red clover and 4 of alsike, mix ed, per icre. For grain feed I would use: 8 lbs. bran and two of oilmeal; or, 8 lbs. of ground barley and 2 lbs. oil meal; or 30 lbs. of ensilage, 4 lbs. of bran ami 4 lbs ot snorts. -uuac . ua.ry cow; sne w hi ge - , ,he v.irioim Ueb .rl llieilln U even with you by giving less milk and . - r i in i- n poorer quality, anrf sometimes dance a "!""' . A ' '!r" cor(lmll.v ,"' jig in the milk pail. In cold, stormy VtWd to thft-e Hemce. j weather, keep your cowg in doors both day and night, let them out only to drink, j 1 1' ' jiimI wheat, our county's or while the barn is being c'l ea n ed. j great products, Hill hover around Never fasten them with a 2x4 scantling ; ,JIB unprnrtlabte utlolations. an each side of their necki, like many j ' . . . 1 tr'r Imlgiinefih rT w?uld eel wU1i K. L. JnrnM, well known here, is your neck in five inches of sp ice for 16 ; 1 , 1 . r , 1 ,,' , hours at a time. I use what is known as loe.ited a t McUu.l, Cal , the model cowstall, and since changing I H here h will log for the heaniit. to this, Irom the old stanchion, mv cows ' : , gave 1-5 more milk. See that yoiir barn j Henry C 1 luilinier, now refilling is well ventilated and has plenty of light i at .herwno.. was in the cit V toiliiy Vf u. - j: . :,, . Otlfh in Inrnw a rat THrmm i Kut dows, and plenty of them. Never have a solid wall close in front of cows, as this is injurious to their health. Keep, asi near as possible, regular hours for feed-; ing and milking. If not, the cow will j fret and the fat contents of the milk will ' be less. Test every cow individually bv : weigning ner mil and then te with the Babcock ttster. To be accurate, multi - ply the pounds of milk by the test and add I 6 The result will lie the amount of butter the milk contains. If the cow is not profitable, sell her to the butcher as soon as possible. Always remember jn breeding a dairy cow, that the bull is half of the herd. Get a registered aui- mal whose ancestors have milk and but-' this Hninmona, to wit: on or before the - 'fdt Kxecutor of the lat wIH and tont ter records as many generations back as expiration of six weeks next from and ! I1,"?!' .- " oaeaawMl, has tvihi in, nr. tr, t,,, , ..i...r,!. i.,.,.n;. 1. 1 ft Id his hnal necounta as fcxecuotr of Had mistakes. The heifer calves tn I,, r.l ed.bo.d beolacedinapen by them - selves, away from the mother The flrft T nd" ShT"d b,Vfcd' I"- tirely, the second week, adding skim milk, oraduallv. while the nm milk iB being reduced. The third week, skim milk can be fed entireiv, bv adiliui; a little oilmeal, which should first be scald- ed. Three quarts ol skim miik, and 8 tablespoon o. oilmeal, all warmed before feeding, twice a day ' ' enough for a small calf. Do not feed too much, as more calves die from overfeeding on skim milk, than die from too little feeding. Have vnur cows dehorned, huf An il,7. when they aie calves but a week old. Take a pair of shears and clip the hair around the button, then wet button with soapy water; wipe thoroughly dry; lake stick of caustic potash and rub the but ton thoroughly, add in an hour, the horn ia a "goner." Calves should always be kept in growing condition and not too fat. 'Photf al-iMill ra Vta1 wrian iinn m . lim. and their udders handed ,e ?u "ot 10 or i,1? ant nnmriLririi fnr aailtr fall FuoHi net There is nothing a cow will eat with more relish. 1 A SVV 1 I'uller. Several now in use in the with n ch machine. Make vmir tall on or Address, PIANOS & For Cash, or on The home of Chickering Pianos Kimball Pianos Weber Pianos Kimball, Crown, Needham, and ATTENTION, - 1 1 ,. H. "A Character Sketch nf Dw'mht L .Mun'ly, a man of (ii,d.'' will ln tlm theme of Mr, lluglie.V dicuurie at Uie Congregiitiiiiiiil church n-xt Sunday night, at 7:30. At the same place, the mine speaker, at 11:00 A. M., will have fur hi nub i.-Ct : '''Hie I'art Phi veil bv tiin 1'iiHt 1 I ie " 1,1 "' ,t"' l,,te 1Ie"rJ' I5e,,vl- criMiurriMC SUMMONS. - . In Hie Circuit Court or the MUito of On eon li,r Washington County. V. K. 1 runumaii, Plaintiff ! . vs 1 'da May liranumaii Defendant i To Ida May Hi anamuii. the uuove nam d ilt't'i iiilanl; In the name of the atate of i rekon: you are hereby required to appear : and iiimwer the complaint lilud amiiimt ' "I ll't" V'V'T'1 ??Hrt.1H'"1 ; 1 ' iT;:h.:ir. u". 1 "uiihiidiin. the flrat i.nl.lii-jilion thnrenf ' Jjg - w teo Je 1100 V to tTe court for 1 SZnluM'Mi win pUlnlto WH: I hat the marriage cniitrm:t now ex- . iii,,,. i...,...,. ..ii..,,,v ,i..,i... ' dissolved, tlmt plalnlilf lie awarded the cure and iiUidy ol';Lulii s,ay liraiiamau. ' tllB minor child of plaiiitlll"iiiid del'ondant, 'ha' plainli'l rwover from defendant the "XifiLiT d- 'i'liis nnim -iih is nerved iiraHi you by : publication by order of lioi County Judge of Wanhln A. Uu IOU, inictoii countv a. uregon, which orner was inane ami naiea Oregon, whieh o on Feb. i8. V.W. ; ... . ... Smith & Howman, Attorneys for Plaintiff. Notice of Final Settlement. Notice Is hereby 1 Ivan that the oiidfralri ed, adininlxtrator of the estate of (.'. T. Ni-ep. ileu-aKH'i, has filed Ins uccoiiiiIm for 11 iitil BeUleiiiciH in the Coiinly Court of the State of Oregon for Washington Coun ty, and that said County Court has fixed Monday the '2nd day of April, ll'OO, at the hour of 10:0 ) a. rr.. of said day at the court room of mid court In Hillsboro, Washing ton County, Oregon, as the time and place for hearing objections to said accounts and the li mil aottlement of said estate. Hated at lllllfboro. this 15th day of Feb ruury, 1900. Thomas Talbot. Adniiiiistnitorof theeatuteofO T. Neon. deceased. S ( count v. Operated cheaply and gives hnrn.. An vmi ....rL II. C. PKARSOS, Farming-ton, Ore. ORGANS! Easy Payments. It iseasv toolitain a good one. Where no local duller sells thrui, we will send a piano or wn organ lor a niiull cash pay ment, balance in monthly payuiriits. Twc yea's' time to finish purchase if de sired. We wnuM like to enpUtn oin nu-tlol vVf send an iomruuiriit V.nai.iiit.rtng tatttlWtiirti, or the piatic may be" irturoed to us at our expense. Catalogues Ore lor the askliiy, tell l about hrm Special price ami lull in formation If you wiite. io7 First Street, PORTLAND --OREGON Great Western Organs. LADIES! ! We have laken t h e agency of (lie f.imuus Drew, Selhy & Co.. Ladies' allots au I can fit any font, Price, f J.jo, f4 ot".", $,! 50 and $4 00! Come in and ee them. WEHRUNG & 8 0NS, niu.snouo. niiKcos. Q)I0 Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. Itartlflclallydlgests the food and aids Nature lo strengthening and recon itructlng the eihausted digestive o gans. It Is the latestdlscovered dlgeit ant and tonic. No other preparation caa approach It la efficiency. It in stantly relieves and permanently cures Drspepsla, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea. BlckHeadache,Oastralg1a,Cratnps,and 11 oiner results or 1 mperrect aigestioa, weparta tyr c oswiti ce., trjicog Delta Drag Store, Hillsboro, Oregon ORECONIAN AND ARGUS, $3.00. The Weekly Oregonian and this papei give you all the news of home, state, the Northwest and the nation. First to arrive with the telegraphic 1 newt The Weekly Orefonlan. Notice of Final Settlement. ' Notice I. hereby given that the under I eatute, in the county court ol the aUte of HSSlilk. ISA "'April, 1IW0; at the hour of 10:00 A. V l ro...,, ,1, Hill l")ro' Washington county, Ore , as the tune and place for licariiiK oblcctlons u 4 ""tSjl ud the Hnid Hottleiiient of aald eatnte. Duted at Hillahoro. thix Nth day ol febrnary. IttH). 1'. J. llAHl.Elt, Kxenutor uf tho lioit will and toHtiimont of John h, lliutlor, dueeiiN.'d, SUMMONS. In the circuit court of the Btute of Oregon for Wa' lilngtoii county. II. J), Sclinieltzor, P la nt I fl'l vs Hattlc Hchrnollitpr, Defuiidant.) To Ilattin Hchmelliter, Del'oiidiint. In llieiiaiiiooftheStuteofOi-uKiiii: You are berebv rixiulred tommear and aimwor the complHiiit riled ugalnat you in the abovo entitled suit on or before, the Ifith day of Maiiih 1 .AM), and If you full lo so aiiMwer for want thereof the I'laintlfl will apply tothe court for the relief demanded in the complaint to wit! For a decree dlu olviiigatio forever setting aside the lunula of iiiHlriinony nowund heretofore oxisting between plalntllf and defendant, and for such other and further relief as to tho court may seem Just. TIiIh publication is made by order of Hon. Thomas A. McHrlde, Judge of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Washington County, duly made and erj- S11Al4AMMAM44SMAasa 2x2ateSSs22aaia Mr" 44 Coppp tf Top Coat Devotees have learned to look to us for all that's ultra-fashionable ex clusive, distinctly new yet many notches lower in price than the custom tailor. Have a look at our "top notch" variety. ll.WKIIKrMlaud Sl)S. The Hillsboro Pharmacy The Loading; Drug Where llrugs. Medleiura. I'mIiiI., (l. Smife., Ilrushet ami all lniirlt's Kiilulrls, 111-iy Ih priM iiriil at prices thai simplv dinianre wimik)HiTiii. eri'd the dnv uf lnniiary, '4). and ll.l lllt pIlldil-Mliull if I III" MllllllllllU U .11 le eli. IhI !im, A K. I-i.kik . I'urtUiid, lire , Alt' riicy fr I'lttlntltr. SUMMONS. In tliitl'irriiii ('iirtofllinHtateor Oregon lor W iwhinKl'iii 1 oiinty, I. I). Aaher, I'lallltitr.i vs ;. K. Alur, lli'fi'iiilant.) fuC. K. A'her di foiiilMiit In the above entitled null. In the iihiiiv of the Suiln of OrrKnn, ymi ro hen-by niuir'l to appear and answer he complaint liU-d auiiiiiDl you In the ilMiie oiitllled suit hy .Vlnndav, Muiell i. wl. ' aid "nil l iiiumi-need by plaintiff iiialiit you f.irdlv ri. ii.m ihtjiiiiinil I iloMiriion. and If V"ii fall to anamiir ln- ' ween now and said time fur want thereof, he plainlltf will lake JniliiHieiu uaiimt yo.i fitr divorce and the illiiliitloli ol the mirriHifn now vxlailiiK between you and .aid plaintllf. I his summon la Miivod by publleatimi In piiriiauee lo an order mude by the lion. Thim, A. Miilrlile, Jmlf or the ( Ir eiiil Court ut thn Mlule of Oregon, for WaidiiiiKtoii I 1111 illy. Iltileil Jim 91. IlkMI mhIiI ,,r,liv t-iw Ididtf that the flmt piiblieiitlon nf thia suminons ' tlmiild bo muile on .Ian. if, imKl. H. C. HriNi.'Kit, t Altorney for I'luliitiff, , j Notice First of Meet Ina' uf Creditors In the Pinrli l Court of the United Wales ' or the lil-tru't of Ore(iin. j In the Matter of ltmik ) niptcy of V In Kankruptey Htepiien lllauk, Inaolvuiit) To the Crwlltoraof Mtephou Illank. of I orest Urove. in the Ciiiinty of WaahiiiK ton, and IMalrlct ulornaiiid, a bankrupt. Notice Ik hereby kI vin that, 011 the 121 Hay of Feb., A I' I WW. the said Mephen It I u 11k was adjudged a bankrupt, and1 too llrat mwtiiiK of his creditor, will ho held at tbeolllitv of the underslKned refe-t reo, in liilliiboro, Waliini,ton Count, 011 the With day r t ebruary, A 1'. HMO, at IU o'clock in the forenoon, ut which tltii, the creditors tuny attend, provo their claium, appoint a trustee, examine the bankrupt, and trananct such other huidties us may troperly come before said meotlug. atcd ut Hillsboro, Or., this Fob. 3, 1100. W. 1). HMlTH, Hnforee. Notice of Final Settlement. Notico Is hereby irivon that the uiidnrslgii ed, administratrix of the entnte of Patrick Foreater, d weaned, has llloil hor Accounts for final settlement In the County Court of the Htuto of Oregon for Washington County, and that said County Court has fixed Monday the nth duy of March, 1IKK), at the hour of 10:00 a. in. of mild duv at the court room of said court ' 11 Hillsboro, Washington County. Oregon, as the time and uluce lor hearing obleutlons to said accounts and the II mil Holtluineiit of aald exUite. Dated at lllllelioro, this mil duy of January. 1IKW. Maiiiiahrt Forkhtks. AdmlnUtrutrlx of tho estate of Patrick KoruNtor, deceased. Administrator', Notice. Notice Is hereby given that the undnr- slgiwd has lieen, by the County Ooiivt of the Hluteof OroKon. for Washington Coun ty, duly appointed admluintrutor of the estate of Auguste I, F. Wulchbrodl, dee'd and Iiuh duly qualified as such adminis trator. V ull A..,.M l.n.,l.,.. claims ugaiimt said estatr are hereby re quired to present same to lue at the lav olllee of Hinlth & Ilowiiiun, at Hillsboro, wii'inngton ununiy, uregun togelliui with tirooer vouchers within six months from this date. Dated this 8th day of rebrurary. A. U. 1900. OHCAlt WKIGUBKODT, Agmiulstratorof Skid estate,' In 5 rilO kOTMIB lllll.siiomi. OBKtiK. Union Block Main Hi. Dr. . A. HalU) rruprietwr. House. Tlitil puritr a nil frefliiifii 1 f .tiiign acd clienii cnla i wluil linn tin- iiiiist callKfmtnry re ftilts; mimI Vim will alaava liinl llirui at TH12 DELTA DRUG STORE. WV aU.M'nrrv thf lwl i.,iriii hIim-Ic ol ToiUt ailii'lfs anil ilnig rtiii'lrhs in (lie county. Fail tin Imiv for rali nalilf, us il,al with liM i lt linti-M siil g.t tdf l.-i. Fam ily rvid ' rT-iw n inf. ful attriiliou jiliyifiHi'e' 'ri'M'ri iiiiii. Htrwl t lit Im a'iun. ' J. Northrop, I'roprleior. Newly Furnished and Renovated. K first -class table and all accommodations for the convenience of guest. ,'.',' OR&I Time Schedule .." .. From Portland runt inail osvc, ,1 N p m for Halt Uh,, lenver, H. Worlh. Omaha. KanCllv. Ht. Umls, Chicago mid Kaat, arrive, IklAp til J,,.Tk v 8 1 la p m liar Walla , Walla, .lniiep.,lia, Ht. P.ul, Uulutll, Milwaukee, Chhitgu and Kant, arrivm Hiii a ui ! Ocean BUianmliliMi leav, at 4 n. m ftr nan ranclnco, sailing every Dvadays. ColuinliU Hiver leave 8pm ,towt , Huiiday, Naiurday lo m for Astoria and way landlnga, arrive ip ni ,xeeptHund,y j Willamette rlvor leav, lam tiiM Huiiday for Oregon (;(y, N,wlirt. 8,1am and way landings, arriv, 4:0 p w .IWp, Hunilay T r Wlllamotte and Vamhlll river leav, J in I uoday, Thursday and Waturdny frr Oregon City, Dayton and way landing,, arrive 8:o p 111 Monday, ednssday nd Willamette ilv..r leaves, m Tiiwiday, Thiirwlay and Haturday for Corvsllla and way landings. ,rrive(iH0p m Tuwday, . 1 hursduy and Haturday Snake river leave Itlpsria daily ,1 l:J0 a. in. for I.ewlsinni mtnriilng Wav 1-owUton dally at 8:!H)s, 111, Address W. II. flULBURT. Gen. Pawi. Agent CITATION. IN THIC COUNTV COURT Or Till Btate of Oregon, for the County ot Waalilnirton. ; In the MHtter of the Etate oft truest V, Frwrh, deceased. J ToIaiiiInu Freeh, Wllholm Krech naff I brother ol decoased and Karaltne Laub svur ret 11 a nun sisier or deoeaacd. In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby cited to appear In th County Court of the Htate of Oregon, for the County of Washington, at th, Vaurt room thereof, at Hlllnlx.ro, In th. County "'Washington, on Monday, the 8th day t)l March ltifO, at 10 o'clock in th, forenoon f that day, then and there to show caiiM If any you have, why an order of publlu sale of real property dewrlbsd as lollows, to-wlt: Comenclng one Kod west of the S W Corner of the I) L C of Uimuel A. Hnarkl. In Heo 6 T 1 H It J Wof the Will. MerTani niiiiilng thenc, north parallel with th. West line ol said Hparks claim 24,874 t be. thence west 9 ch, to tho west Una of th, Maleoin Dustln claim, thence south 2I.S7R chs to the South west corner of aald Dustln claim, thanue East 9.00 oh,, to th, place of beginning, containing Ac aera. shou ld not be made as prayed for In the petition of the administrator herein tiled. Wltnes,, the Hon. L, A. Rood, Judge of t ie County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Washington, with th, seal ol said Court affixed, this 26th day of January, A. D, llMW. .. Attest. J.A. 1MDRIR, (Seall 'Clerk, 1 i 1 1