The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, February 22, 1900, Image 2

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A J'fK OS VMM rlWl ! :
' - : a
1 1
I (ft
- V'lUrad at the Poet-ofhce at Hillsboro,
Oregon, as second class mail matt.
County Official Paper.
issued . every thursday
by . '
i.Su '. ' T? lfn PiMidii faanir
M . "'J, - Q 1 i
".i ttNei .rtlon: One TVdlar per Annum.
$i Months, 00 rti; Three Months, 33 eta.
tipbsed" to Cold Mono metallism. Be
i liew k the Bimetallic Standard.
Dear Money means Debased Property,
and Profitless American Product Oar
Consequent loss is oar Creditors' Gain.
Has no use for Marcos A. Ranna
- The power of the great commercial
press is not at all over estimated
. by the powers which are today con-
ducting our national government.
-,; Right or wrong, that which receive
t", the endowment of the great com
- '- urerclalist press ol the land goes
... tlirough, whether or not it outrages
s : decency. It is well known that a
r. :oncert of these big journals can
overcome great obstacles, in
V concert they always work. If there
is a national scandal to cover or
"condone, this concert can do it; this
they do in a business and matter of
faci way, as they control the as
sociated press, the news agency of
... thecpunlry. This results in a prac
tical censorship which is boundless
4 -in iu operation. Public express-
- ion in these big papers is indicative
of a one man influence. Such a
power is much to be deplored, and
and free institutions are by it
threatened. To prove the truth of
these assertions, read what tha Ore
' goniun of July 4th has to oay on
this subject:
' "Asthe larger newspapers have
V grown in one sense tbey have clear
.' : ly lost in anotner. ine reason is
"plain. To publish a general news
" p:iper today costs a vast volume of
money, calling for commercial above
all other kinds of energy and skill
Tha making of the newspaper is less
abutter of concience and ability
in the discussion of pub'ic interest
u than in adequate organization of
business farces. Again, being as it
must necessarily, be, a large busi
n ess, the modern news
paper finds its head and its spirit
'jo the commercial rather than in
' Ihe professional idea. The editor
...Jhg jiian xf light and leading in the
discussion of public interests ha
"beenToet in the administrator the
orgauizor of newspaper forces to the
end of commercial profit. Almost
it may be said, the editor, as he
was known a, generation ago, no
longer exists. Here and there,
be sure, may be found isolated sur
. ' v'vals of the old system; but they
- f-awe few and fewer, and as they pass
nobody rises to succeed them
- - Commercialism, that force which
now -subordinates ail other forces in
the world is making -indeed it has
already, made the larger news
paper press, generally speaking, its
, 0W". .. ..
- " This statement goes to show that
The Pregonion ia candid at least
once a year when off its guard
and it tells tales out of school once
in a great while. The statement
merely corroborates what has fre
quenlly been said of the metropoli
- tan press.. Can these forces much
longer deceive the great common
people of our country? Do you
consider them safe guides on great
economic questions? Knowing
them as we do, are we not certain
that they. might plead virtue where
virtue is not? Do they not support
that which is remunerative to cer
tiin agencies, and take pout there
for?" But did you ever hear of
farmers raising money to hire the
commercial press? But how about
manufacturers and the credit com
binatibns? And what agencies are
tOTjr beingupported by the com-
romnitl press? t And what party
the parly-no longer controlled bv
jVg. ra.ok id file does it support?
tit m.
ii ax yonBUi iuacTuiu s story is
true about the British opening his
ocjamall, and he says he can
pryy4. itatements, this govern
meti)l)ould ,at once demand re
paration and tttifaction from the
; Srgjish. : If we bad an American
admipistrationf this matter would
at once be taken vp with determina-
. tion, and sifted to the bottom, but
r' tA'flui government is now conduct
ed, DQthiflg but ' mere semblance
. " or aciiou way . be . expected. The"
S2t I',
a unit Tor British uccei, and their I
sympathy i of no uncertain tenor.
Already the fellows a ho represent
American officialdom am trying to
throw odium on the ei -consul, and
they are being aided by the cuckoo
press, everywhere. The nttT in
difference with which our administ
ration views this serious charge is
proof enough that Britain ha them,
bag and baggage. The apathy of
the American officials in thin mat
ter is proof enough that the nation
is, so far as our officials are con
cerned, in an alliance ttmhas no
sympathy with our Americans who
venerate free institutions. But are
the American people not to blame,
after all? When the wealth and
"culchaw, and lord if s of England"'
gave Mark Ifanna's campaign such
a hearty endorsement in !S96, was
it not enough to have shown where
the real power was that it was an
English proposition, from begin-
Will we ever get back to the good
old American policy, again? 0 r
must we con tir ue to play the
'swipe for the queen V Is there a
dropof American blood which does
not run shame ior our country in
its present vassalage to the world's
great rapist? For God's sake, let
us get American" once more, be
fore we evolute to a nation of scull
ions. 4
When our governor wrote east that
money was not used in Oregon poli
tics, pei haps he was meauring his
opinion by his own brilliant suc
cess in the Plummer case. The
governor should not think that all
connnbiatore bungle their work like
he did in the Plutiimer cas. Mr.
Geer's denial to eastern inquiry.
that money is ever used in Oregon
politics, is characteristic of bald
chicanery. To see this man Geer,
who has been charged with the
worst kind of political crime tha1
of selling a public office write of
honesty ia enough to provoke a
penitentiary bird to tears, or a
humorist to laughter. Where i d
senseof the proprieties? Did Ii3 rll
it when he sold the office to Hi
Plummer? How relieved Oregon
will feel when this man Geer will
step down from the high office he
haa already too long polluted, and
he retires to keep the company of,
and drag down the respectability
of bis swine. Geer has been chare
ed of taking $1,000 for the sale of
an office; the man making the
charge has not been prosecuted, nor
has it been denied by Geer in th
state's leading paer. Perhaps th
reason why the Oregonian neve
mentioned the matter at all is be,
explained by stating that Geer vet
oed a tax bill which would have
taken from that paper thousands of
dollars worth of printing. Bu
Oregon will have to liear her die
grace for two years yet, and will
have the humility of reading t h e
epilepsy of a mountebank from
time to time in the public press
This idea that our political life
is too corrupt for woman's entrance
as a voter is a sad admission that
something needs reforming. If our
influences leading to, and adminis
tration, itself, are so ahoininably
corrupt, let us lPiect a littU
purity into the ballot by giving all
our citizens of proper age a chance
to vote. Let us not make out
landeis of our women. Let us give
tnem an opportunity to vote, any
way. If there are those who do not
wish to vote, let them rtfrain but
this is no argument against woman
suffrage. Make it possible for our
women to vote, and you may de
pend that these very sisters who
are now so oppoi-ed to suffrage will
be the first to be at the polls to ex
ercise their privilege. And if you
will notice right carefully, you will
discover that the woman so oppos
ed to equal suffrage is ttenerallv
close lo seme "ideal politician,"
who will tell you that "p woman
ort ter be at home, and is only good
te raise children, anyway."
The farmers of the country are
supporting a great city population.
Out of the traffic of production,
great fortunes are made: city taxes
are paid; governmental taxes are
paid. Will farmers of the north
continue to support that system
which cheapens all they produce.
and yet makes them pay advanced
trust prices for the manufactures
they must buy?
f UT4 ia tri.t I - t tL
niW ,7 : a "."P ge Rood:
, V ""u'u
how sleek old John Bull has cap-1
- - Save Time, Muscle And Mo-ey.
By Buying a Grub Tree and Stump 1'ulW. Se-eral n in use in thec.nm'v. (..... nl h. nlv mid give
SiaifMCtion. Fifty feel of t able goes with each luachinr Mske your ImrK do our work
t all on or Addreiw, II. (". PKAKSON, Kartiiliiirtoi, Ore.
lured our American Hdniinistra
tioidsts. he would conclude that
Kfferson was right when he feared
Hamilton's viAS. It has taken
the cockney over one hundred years
to g-t even with George, hut, the
victory i swiping enough. It's
much letter, John Bull thinks, to
rule 70 millions, than 3 millions.
G ro v k r Cleveland is probably
more cordially despised than any
of the latter day apostles of the
debased product howlers but, ah,
for just one day of drunken Grover
in the presidential chair, just to
see him call the British down on
that opening o f Macrum's mail.
A drunken president is sometimes
tetter than a president nho has no
backbone when solier.
The Oregonian says that the
president is pleased at the recent
rt-porls of British victories. What
a terrible nightm re the preident
has been enduring, then, for several
mouths Boer suecefs?
No newspaper of fair management will
allow abciive articles of any liml to
creep into its columns over the signature
winch has no character the anonymous I
acribhler, wlio wants to uy W'tncthinp !
and ia fearful of coming out into the op
en. This kind ol writer execu a good ;
drubbing, knows he will net it, is afraid
to come cut in the open, and is generally
a first class character sketch of the jack- !
a-s, in ihr rw miterinl. One emu ot
understand why repuiahle mwpnj,rs
allow such things the free use ol their
columns, unless it be for the purpose of
community. Men of sense generally
disclose ihe.r identity and not endeavor
to enlighten in huthwhacking o itrihu
tions. Re.uh rs have a right to know af
ter whom tht are reading.
Imperialism r n d republicanism g o
hand in hand thrse days, all of which
goes to show where stands the present
administrative power of the United
States. If you are inclined to dispute
this, just read the greatest papers of the
republican press when the British score
a small victory in the South African con
test. Straws show which way the wind
is cowing, in. signauy dear that aj
...... um u .cHla,e,o
Hann,Ira- , I
As this paper predicted a few months!
ago, T. A. Wood has commenced h i s
Indian war graft rieht in the lace of the
election. Mr. Wood never fails to getJ"hn A. Thoniburgh, Secretary.
"his work in" ust about campaign time.
But he is nut fooling any of the Indian
war veterans-no, no, he is only taking
in those who are foolish enough to give'
him a tnfle for h s worse than worthip..
The republican editors are demanding
that they shall be treated like the citv '
papers, and hold that they aw entitled
to "dough" for their efforts, as well. To'
hear these little out of town p.per.shout j
"Prosoeritv" vou wnnlHn't ihinlr ih. :
were in need of money and to support
a worthy cause. think of ii?
Heal Estate Transfers.
M M Down et al to W Kraenicr 20 a
v u uraham don S 450
J V Ixjudoii to J F McOill part blk 1
walker's ad Forest Grove 850
Jeremiah Hemp ted to H Swansoir s
1 s w yt sec 1 1 s r 4 w gUO
J W Gravea to M 8 Brown 88.5 a sec
st 1 h r 1 w , ljjoo
M Burh'holzer to J Biirirliolzer 11 e u
seoWtnrSw ' j
W f Buxton to A Huxlon 46 a 8 Hhep
um. uuii onu Uilirr IttllUH......
C Clapp to N P Nye Part Harvey
Clark don...
W A Burchell to 11 Burchell 0 a nee
:uuri w
James P. Magruder appointed admr
de bonis nou est of Hiram Burt,
dee'd, bonds at $700.
Est of Geo. H. Panenburi? dsoM
closed of reeord. "
8alo of realty in re M. M. Noland
est set for conlirmation on March
H. 8. Sturdevent, as nuardiar. of
K E Sturdevent, minor, has filed
his bond in sum of 11,500, UrTam-
iwi,fOWft7w ' '
H 0 Christiansen est: since last
report, receipts, $199 80; disburse
ments, $86 73; balance on hand.
$103 07; accepted and approved.
The following have been admit-
nuuoii ruDais;-reter lioscow and
Albert Schmidlin.
bk. -BBrwBfBBa TI . . ja
For Cash, or. on
The home of
Chickering Pianos
Kimball Pianos
Weber Pianos
Kimball, Crown; Needham, and
Oi eat Western Organs,
A lllt,8,inK , ,1,Im.m
ViTtt I)M)lir,ll8t ,H ,,r,.lV called!
fur Wednesday evet.i. g, hVI,. 28,'
1900. Business nf siifuiai iinpurt-
L. A. Long, President,
Mips Emma Wiley, of N'ti.vlu,
' ia in tko .!. ',. .mi ..( V V
" ftu '
' ur. hand ord bus been conhned
. . i. .. i - e
1,,,.,, ,. ..pptal
bout lo ww"!
i in win iiuup ior a
Iri'in t-ii'kiiers
Fm rin for rent; enijuire nf O. G.
l'"'- I'lUUln Motel, UlllsDoro.
.1 A Ciiliil.heil. of ' Xotth
Ynnihil., was in the city UuUy, and
....... 1 .... i ..I il. r, I . .. ,.r
. "ii'iiu u ,i riir iii'iriiti n I , ivrr 11
ili. lu e Mis .Marjiir-t Svhulmerich
E H. loiigtie this niuriiiiiw re-'
cieveu It niei'Siiec Until .nicKSmi vine
Hliiiiiliiii iiig ( ileal Ii uf lion . T.
l lU'iunei. fnth-r id A K ltiiines.
.Mr. Tongue left i 11 this nfli ri, null's
ir.iin to ii I li nd the fuheinl
(Jeo. Ititcoti, the Frst (irovi
liveryman, whs in. the idly this
nfli -riinou, and stnlfs 1 lint 2G uf the
liiirses stolen finrti Malheur county
have been found in this county,
and that Sheriff Locey will iniike
Hiiother trip here next week, to see
if m can't round up a few more.
Only 22 of the horses were found
in Multnomah county. This is
certainly stealing yj the wholesale.
Dead Letters.
The (ollowintr is the list of letters re.
maining in the ilills'joro post office un
claimed: Mrs Al media Oglethy
H B Truitt
Ali letters not called for bv March i.
1900 will be sent to the dead letter office.
One cent will be charird on each letr
called for.
Notice of Final Settlement.
Notice's hertihyiivniithuttlieiiiiderHiuii
ed, administrator of the" estate, of C. T.
Neep, deciwt, has tile.) his imxiwiiIn for
nnal BMtlemeni In tl,e County Court of
the Htate of OreKon for Washington cun-
","" liihi saiu uoiintv I'ourl has tlxod
Monday the 2nd duy of April, IH00, lit the
hour of 10:00 a. m. of said day at the court
room of finid court in Htllstsiro, Washing,
ton County, Oregon, as the time and place
for hearing objections to said accounts
and theniml scitlement of said estate
Dated at Hillsboro. this 15th duv ul ifah.
riiuf u lu.t " '
' . , ... Thomas Talbot.
Admlnistrutorof theeatateofC T. Neon,
deceased. 1
Easy Payments.
It lenv toolitxin a K-il mie. Wliere
no local tlculrr srlln them, we will aeiut a
iUnorKii triii for a small cli mv
meiil, tiitUm-r in monthly mniriil.
Twc ye ' time U finish mil-dune if !
strut. We wonl'l I ke lo rxiloii cur
meil ul W il.-m-ihI an iw rumml
I'linr inl.tflnit nli( etion, or ihe ium
may lie Irlmnril to in at our rxpritM-.
Citl.iliKiir frre lor the kiiii', tril i li
lKHt ihrm fifoil r c mm lull in
I'oruuiiu.i if yon rtte.
io7 First Stra;V
We have mkiii the
agency of the f iu. us
Drv. Sclhy & O..
I.H lit' nhms rill I CHil
fit B"V flMlt. 1'nct s,
$i..V. f J k, fj 50 and
f4 on! Cumc in and
see thnn, . . .,
u.s hoik), oiu:r,ns.
Dyspepsia Cure.
Digests what you eat.
Tt.Art.lflllal1vri ! ha tnnA .nrl i,M
Nature In strengthening and rticoa
HruCtlDBthe eihaustl rllirHt,lr
gans. Itisthelatestdlscovereddlf a
, ant and tonic. No other prepare )
pprucn it in emciency. 11
ft"tly relieves and permanently
Dyspepsia, ladwiita.,
Flatulence, Sot
Sick Headache. &
.11 .ii i
,,Dor,dbyr C bIwiuaCo7cMfcr
1 r,,,!,,. . .,. . i
Dflfft Uruf st, Hillsboro.
Tl.a Weekly Oregonian and thl paptf1
give you all the news of home, stale, -tali
Norlhwest and the notion.
, , I .
First to arrlvr with tha taltanie "J
nawa-The Weekly Oregonian.
Notice of Final Settlemeat,- '
. t tit
Notice Is hereby glvon that Mi uir&r
signed, hxecutor of the hint will and tsat
anient of John H. H,mler, det-eaMd. kux
hid his llnul uccoimtaa lijtccuotr o'-vil
BHtnle, in the coiinly rotlft of ., f 1
wrenun mr wasniinw sous
Unit milil court has llxurtMoiidn ,
hiy of April, IIKJ0, ut the Itottr nr hnwr'A
M. of mid duy ut the conrt riiiiirftu Hills
noro, wiwtiniKton county, Ore, as the
time and nhvce for heurlinr i.,
snid sccoiintH, and tiro II mil sctslsmont of
moo uhuiiu. ii.neii hi uiilHOorii, this Hth
niiy 01 renruary. nsm, r. J. HAHI.gK,
lixeenior or me lust will unit ttatuiimnt
"i ii . i iiiioiir, iii.'reim.'0, y , .
In the circuit court of I ho Htnto of Oreiron
fits. Wiiuliliinli.n ...i....
ii ii iiiiiitiii i,t; iiilj.
II. 1)., Phil nt I H'l : '
vs J.
Ifnllio Hchiiicltzcr, Kcfondiint.)
To Hat tie Hclnnelizer. Dcfcndiint.
In thnniimnoi'thnHtiiteoI'di.eiiiii v....
are hcrebv Nqulra to appear inn inmH nr
i iki coiiiphiiiit tiled iirihumI you In ihe
nuovn enmiun Minion or hirfuro the lllili
liiy olMuich 1 00, mul If you fall lo co
winner ior want iiiereol lho riitlntiir will
"I'ply tothecoiirl for I he relief
in I he complaint to wits h'ur adecine ills
solvliiK and forever setliiiK aside the ImiikIn
ot iialriiuony nnwund herotoforoexlBlliiK
lietween philntlffand defondant, and for
such other and further relief as to the
court may seem Just. .
I'hls publication is made by order of
Hon. 1 hoiuus A. Mcllridn, Jinlire of the
Circuit Court of the Slate of Oreiron, for
WttMhiniiUm Coimey, suly niade and en-
Top Coat Devotees
have learned to look
to us for all that's
ultra-fashionable, ex
clusive, distinctly new
yet many notches
lower in price than
the custom tailor.
Have a look at our
"top notch 99 variety.
The Hillsboro
The Loading; Drug House.
Wlnr lruif. ,Mr..lli uira. I'uii ta. !il.SinKr, llrimlie and all Irual'a Nundrla
m i)' Ih priii'iiri'd Hi prli i. iniilv ilialaneO tiiniwtltTn.
IffiliflBLIl ml j,,,,;, y , fri,,,.,, 0f druga and chen:l
cmIs is hut hrinKs the most satisfactory re
stills; i'd tii will slwas tiiul ihrm at
Wf rirrv the li M...r,d slm k id TiUt
Hi !U i, Und drill! Mlii'lrirs hi l-nuiltv.
r',i" I'll1
villi tlr.l
y i .hi
t!r"t i
Iftid thii ;'7lli ihiv ol .1 .iiinir. . I'M) hi
hrt iniMirnii.iit .,r i. ii' ,n ii, mi,, l. i
IIIHIK I I'll. l !ll.
.1, r'. l-i ijuK, . I'nrtiiiiMi, no-,
Atti rni'y for I'lumilil,
lulliet-lrriilii , url.if Owumi
l.-r 'Wiliim-lnn C.Hiniy. -.
I. 1 1. Anhrr,
. I'.. Aslmr, llffi'iiilunt.
To ('. K. A'hrr drMidaiit In tha nbove
riilitlnd mill.
In the imiin) nf the .sinici nforinn, vim
ro In-rrliv rfiuin-,1 i m, mr mul imnwi r 1
Urn cuiiiiliiinl 1,1. , I iiijiim1 Jim In Ihn'
iiImus iiiiIIIIimI i( ,v M,m,i,iv. Miin h In. I
Usui. - I
Hiild suit U comnii-Dn-d hv plmntllt :
ui(iilnt . Vuil furillv .m', ii on ii,KriuiHll
I ilinerliim. nml If vhii Kilt to ai:nr In.
twiwn mi nmi iiiii mint r. riittiir.'nr.
ih.luintlll will t,.ki. Jndnifni ih-uium
vnii lor divnrw nmi lln ilhonliittnn ol t lie
inurriBun now ox Ming unworn ymi and
f ii nl ilninlill.
1f fills NIIIIIIIIOIIH III XIII VfHl llV IHlhliliillMI. :
Sll lll,.lll.l,IW 1.1 -.I..- ...... I I ..
" ' i 'tiiit inilili I ly 1 1 If!
llHli'll Jim. '..'. IIMI. mi I.I oritur lirnl lillii
'"in hi" "'-I I'Mii ir n il
IUlJlUhAU.1. lali
?T .VT ""."f 1
um? for n'Of rt"-
-iiJfci?..-, -f v"i
nmiim i iwrmiy rirnn mm inn iiiiiieiHliu
ed. administratrix of the eHtnle ol' liii rl,.
Foi-CMter, iliicciiseil, has llltxl luir iieeoiinls
for final Miiltleinent in the Coiinly Court
of tha Htnln of Oreifon for Wus'liliiulon
C'ounlv, and that said County Court has
nxeu mommy tneotliuay of March, 1IKKI.
at the hour ot 10.00 a. in. of wild day al the
court room oi sain court in .Hills horn,
WnhlnKtnn County, Oregon, aa tho time
and place lor liearinir olijectloiis to said
accounts and Ilia II mil Nctilnineiit of mild
cntutn. Dated al Hillilioro, this mil day
of Januiiry lnou.
Administratrix of tho estate of i'utrlek
Korestur, dcceiiHed,
Administrator's Notice.
Notice is lierobv ulvnn thai. tin. h...Ia.
slRiicd has hnoii, by the County Coipt of
the Htutoof Ore-ton, fof Washington Conn
ty, duly aonoiiited ndinlnlHl,rlnr nt ih.
estate of AiikiisIo U V. Woh-hhrodl, doq'd
and has duly fjiialiflea uli 'such admlnls
trator. . , , ... ; H i,;1.-c , .
Nnu. tiw.i'...... n , . i
.,..i. nu ioiijona IiavillH
claims analiiHt aald estate, are hrt-eby re
(liilrcd to prcMentsfimelotno at the lav.
olllce ot Hmlth fit. Howiiiun. at IIiIIhIk,,.,.
Wa-'hinifton Connt.v. Or, t...,ii..,.
with proper vouchers within six months
(rum this date.
Dated tills Hth duv of Pnhmriipv A II
11)00. OHO Art WKIOHBrfrtDT.
AdtnlniNtratoVof said estate,
wt an tmi mjiaL
uanaNTiie triM
vf buy f,.r rsh fimldfs lis tti i!s
rli lnl.f hiiI gt- I he Kb lu
r r -iw I'sn ful atl-lttio, ss
s" pii m'i iiiiin,K. ., ,
the lii'R'inn. '
siliri, lritrrir. '
Newly Furnished
and Renovated.
' A rirsi clau table and
all accoiinuo.liio...
for the coiteenicnrv
of Kesls. , , ,
O R & W
' - . j..
rr , , ,
1.H10 DCneaUlO
al Jk
' rOIIl aOrllADQ
Hall Uks.
ariiaa City.
tksftp in " . '
Jjttiit. Kl'r Umvm !:; p n, for rgla
m. raul, Dululh,
l' and Kmi, nrrlTa
V fn wmsMiw leave si ii, i,i for
. yiani.o, sitllliiKevnry live days
tl. 111. a
Iv. NuiiinUw Wt a-, m'..:!......""';
mlliiKs, arrive ip i siW,,t MuiMtay
iiiiimiii river leave . m m.lMi
Jy Uiidlnga, arrfvV pt
,y for Dreunn ciiv i ji,:r:
'lir T"P lammn rtvsr aatve 7
lis ti,.... lay Thursila, ,im1 Saturday ?,
If en City, Diiyton and way lainllnn
S,.IOp , Slonday. wZJSday Sft
'Mratainntfl tlver leave fl a m Tnsarla
tT Jilay .....I Saturday f, CorvalhTlmrl
r fci.dl.iKs arrive f:o p ni Tut
' w ,
s - ""y " nntuniay
' iifi 7? . r'H"1, . '",v" R,i,rl "y
1 1. J a. in. n.r ijiuiLi..,,. . .. '
, "-" ,, iv.iiriiiiiff leave
lstoii daily at Hao a. m,
Kt jess
Gen. Pass, Agent
wrfwirfr cotTitT oif thk
Wats of OreKon, for the County ol
a ti Wasliliiitton, '
W the Matter of the KsUte ofl '
Knieal V, Krenh, deceased. ( ,
-UiiilHa Freeh, Wllholin Krech a half
WsDroldee,ased and Karallne Laub. a nnu muter or deceased.
In the name of the Htate of Oregon,
are hereby cited to apjrir In the
ioillltv Court of HiHlalV'nrL V?T
the County or WaahlnSW
room thereof, ut HillHlHiro.'ln the Ww!i
of Washi.iKton, on Monday, the 6th tUy
of March IliOO, at 10 o'cUk In the
l.ktllns...l.... et . J . ...
Maleom DuNtln claim ti.;" "..VV?
iiillillAlm I!
-.... , hi, wot liemiini a. Mirke
llHecHT l rl It 1 Wnf the W' M.amf
mnnliiK thence north parallel wUh
Went Hue ol said Hrks claim W.874
thence went n eh t n... iT'r r. ?!
21.87ft clis o the HouthwortriVae,
Uiistln claim, thence Kast B.OO ens, to the
. ace of beKinnlng, wmtalnli.g '
petition of theadmiinsiralorhereln filed.
WlttiBMs, the Hon. I.. A. Rood, Judge of
t'ie County Court of the Htate of Oreaon. ,
for the County 0f Wwhington. wUh the
seal of said Court affixed, till 116th da of '
January, A. D. 1800.
A't ' J.A: IMBIIH.'''