il '1' nk BR "f nrn rxjL vvi w THE ARGUS 1 Kntered at th r.-t-mc-a Hillboro,Jjatl.legUlatirtn in .American fin Oregon, aa second clasa mail matter. LUCIUS A. LONG, EDITOR. County Official Paper. ISSUED, EVERY THURSDAY BY Runner1 ,itlon: On Dollar per Annum. Six Months, 60 els; Three Months, 35 eta. Opposed to Gold Mono metallism. Be lieves In .the Bimetallic Standard. Dear. Money means Debased" Property, and Profitless American Product. Our Consequent loss is our Creditors Gain. Has no u se for Marcus A. Hanna WHOOAVB lS OVR 1770 PAT KIOTs! . i ... The Oregonian cries out t,hat Eng land has given us Cromwell, Mil Ion, Chatham and Burke, Peel and Cobden, Bright and Gladstone, etc. This is true. It also gave us By ron, who fought for Grecian liber ty. Cromwell was the embodiment of that which protested against the meanness of monarchy, while Glad stone was the" living "defi"' of tyr anny.'' These- men lived, 'and preached, despite the fact that they were nurtured in a kingdom ruled by kings and lords to the "manor born." England's greatest great ness is their greatness not E n g- gland's p.retensious to empire; not the fact that her royal parasites taxed America, firstly, arid bled her, secondly. t The recognized grandest of England's statesmen was Glad stone, and between him and Mr. Joseph Chamberlain there is an im passable chasm, to be crossed only by bloodshed and carnage. Eng land as administrated and England, as her great common people would rule, are as much opposites as life and death. The tiuft has passed when white men caii "rule" white men without regard to rights of man, and the sooner that the ad ministrative power of Great Britain recognizes this the sooner it will be in touch' with Britons. It ia pos sible that the curtain has rolled down on the opportunity for anoth er British Cromwell; it is possible that England is so sorely laden with iU empiricism that no soul dare breath its hope" of liberty; but if the sturdy Dutch of the Trans vaal and. the. Orange, Free State de ," feat the lordly policy of that coun try which ne.ver profited except 'by. being bruised, England will have? a nearjr touch with a civilization which means more than "dominion over palm and pine.' ;l It might be well lno, Ity. call the " tttention of the Oregonian, that so far asEngland is cfncerntl, nation ally, it was that country which gave us tbe intrepid spirits wta whipped Mr. Bull a matter If 'some 125 or 130 years ago. jsokrs an d Of course the Boers are a brave people. They can fight. So could and so did the Modocs; and in proportion to numbers they inflicted greater losses than the Boers have yet inflated on the British. Back and forth across 'the Tugela river the battle sways, ait stayed for three years back and forth across the Potomac and Rappahannock, in our Civil war. We shall see, perhaps; whether tbe Brit ish get tired soone than e did.-Ore-eotnan. J , ' , Yes, and so coull the revolution ary fathers fight', and so they did fight, notwithstanding the anoint ed King Georg sent over his leg ions commanded by "Duke's sen and Lord's son." They fought British legions because they desir ed not, t,o pay tax that a parasitic royalty miglittlirjye thereon. And bo it is with the Boers the Dutch farmers of the Transvaal. So these Dutchmen earn fight, eh? Well, weill ' Was it not the modest and virtuous uregonun wwen some time ago tohj us that "when Butler got there" but liuller intent got there yet. THERE ARE NO"CIiASEg. Some of our wiseheadi have said there are no classes, and that to seek to divide the social and indu ' trial world into seereuata Darts is the height of folly. Let us see if there are, or are not, cl tsses Have not the railroad classes fought as ainst an;Amejican canal? Have not the banking classes always sought to rule financial legislation? Did not these latter deal in-the the American greenback, and make million out of their miserable traffic? Have not the lousy pur Mitio royalty of England, backed only by a huge army, and against common instinct, bent the back of England for years? Are not the "great banking houses of the world gatisfied that the present contemp- ance is exactly what they want? And in is, me inw iiuu two-thirds, if not more, 'of onr pro ducers voted'against this intended policy in 1S96? Are there no "classes," when railroad corpora tions go free from taxation while the farmer must dig tip? Are there no "classes," or "class legislation,"! when the millions invested in dobt (which producers must pay) go Scott free from taxation while the wealth of the farm must be taxed? Are there no cla?ses, when all must see that the money wealthy are striv ing to have legislation decree that a unit of money shall buy more of farm product and property, which in turn, becomes more and more debased? Why, of course, there are "no classes!" A CHK.4P DEMAGOGVK. Barb-wire is new sold to Americans at $4.13 a hundred pounds; to Canadians at $3 35, and to Kuropeans at fJ.JO. The same proportions hold true as to wire nails. Our exports of these products are so great that foreigners are being driven out of the business. It is the protective tariff that enables manufacturers to "work" the market in this way. A trust controls the output, makes the American consumer pay an excessive price, and at 1 1 e i r expense gives cheap products to foreigners This whole business would be smashed quicklv, if the demo-populist party would abondon its fatuous course on money and other question. Oregonian. The Oregonian belongs to the class of papers known as the "cheap smagogues." When the country elected G rover the Great, its ed itorials teemed with denunciations about the country having selected a course of ruin on the tariff quest ion. Month in and month out it ran its famous blatant article en titled "You voted for a chango and you got it." If tho "demo-popu list" party would go back on every principle which stood for equal chances for the farmer, and support the bankocracy and money gods, who want debased product, debased labor and debased everything out side of the pale of the "commercial 400," the Oregonian would hId in sides in complacency for it would then have things as it would 1 ik them. What kind of fools dues the Oregonian think its readers are? WILL IT COME NEXT YEAK? If the farmers of America realized how many people 'depended upon &he producing classes for BtiPten auce, they certainly would stand together for legislation which would hot mean farm product debased, cheap, or unprofitable. It is a sad commentary on the privilege of in- dependent thought to witness s6 many men of intellegence follow in the procession with apolitical party which apes monarchical institu tions, demands debased fruits nt farming, and stands for the o 1 d world militarism, and transplant ing to American soil those menaces to natiotial progress. On the other hand, it is cheering for bankercraU to know that they are gradually getting more value packed into each of their units of money; cheering for politicians who expect to serve a no time limit in behalf of those who wax fat ar.d pronper on the misfortune of the producers. Should you ask a fanner to cul tivate a poor quality of Heat as compared to a good quality, he would laugh at you. Still, many are apparently conscientiously sup porting that system of finance which cheapens, as measured in debt and taxpaying power, each bushel they raise. ? v. When shall we get back again to democratic and republican princi ples? When shall we have a pol itical party in pnw'er which shall not be aomi lifted by men who suck the blood of 'commerce, and, when prices" are low fur farm out put, cry 'overproduction,' but light any more production of money that producers may have conditions equalized? Letus hope,-nextytac. Buller crossed the Tugela and then crossed back again. But not until he had tasted Boer ghting qualities. Mister Craig ' always did have an aversion to facts. And it's about time for the bi-monthly lie, the Hatchet, to put in an appearance.- ' The Kayyam Copper mining company, recently incorporated to do business in Alaska are evidently inclined to not start after the Rubaiyat, The banks have had years and years of rule in our country the banks which are merely agents of wealth, Let us have rale made by the real erectors of all wealth, the farmers. 1 . 1 If Mr. Bryan were silent, then "silver would be dead" and the cause of the democracy recognized to be hopeless; if he talks on live questions he is cursed for a toot by the "virtuous" gold-bug sheets. , So it would appear that Mr, Bryan must I die if he desires to please our syndicates and "the only smart set ot men on earth." Mr'. McKinley has reversed Mr. tic-. Kfinley on almost every important pro position. He has changed front oa the money question; on the imperial quest ion; and now flirts with low tariff, that "ghost" which at one time was so "dis honest" and "disreputable." But you my depend that he is not at alt sincere in any he aierely does as he is, told. Mr. McKinley and his director, Mr. Hanna, are too c'ose to manufacturing trusts to hinder them from "robbery" under the law. W. C. T. U. The regjlar meeting of the Hills W. C. T. U. will he held at the residence of Mrs. W. E. Thome, Saturday afternoon, Feb. 8, liXX), at 2:00 sharp. All members re quested to be present. Keal Estate Transfers. Henry H Kibliey to C W Marsh Lots i, 6 and 7 sec 1 1 3 n r 5 w. .. 500 Eugenia Henry to Oregon State w , V of 1 w V sec to to 1 s r I w 1 B J O'Dea to J H Shearer s w sec 34 to-n r 4 w 700 J C Woods and wf to J W Caples part lot t blk f orest throve . . . .3000 Morris Blond to Morris Palley, to a 1 sec26tisraw 400 Cora A Robinson to M H Treston n j n w X o' n w ,V sec a t a w r 4 w to Jas D Wirth to John Nyberg tract sec 24 t a sr 1 w 750 John Nyberg to Jas 1) Wirth I a sec 34tasrlw. 500 O C R R Co to H P Ford n w 4' n e sec I3tanr3 w aoo Mary K Hoopestojas I H 00 pes loo a J H Walker donation 1 Caleb C Hoope to John T Hoops 74 a J H Walker Donation I P Watson to J M Lyon s e V w sec3Stadraw 500 S Blank to R W Lancefield 7 a near . Forest Grove joo S A Redden to E Campbell 37 a , ' Master place Hillsboro. . . . : '4500 H Peterson to N Larsen part It 8 ' sec 17 1 1 s r a w 150 U' V Ttmun nil wf In C A Cave'.l tract blk 1 Humphreys ad Hills' 300 A H Gates to Barbara Gates 21 a R H Catching dou 1000 G Hart to C C Hancock Its 4 nml 5 and part It 3 blk ax Cornelius 500 PROBATE. The report of the guardian of the Jensen heirs has Wen approved. Receipt, f 3, 61 C 14; disbursements, 5i58 2 bal ance 011 hand, $3,253.31. Final account of Rolx-rt Walker et:ite eaminedappruved and closed of reeoid. Thos Talbot apptd guardian r.( Min nie, Giotgie and Trsry Nvej , minors itli bonds fixed it f 3 000 , Final arct ol estate of Patr'rk For' er, dec'il. set for March 5. l-'iual acct o( estate of Miclia, 1 Wren will Ut heard on same day. Residue of estate of C V Olivtr having been receipted by heir. Geo A O'.ivei the admr, Dr S T Linklater, is discharged from' farther duties. , Money due having been paid, Robert Pollock, guardian is discharged from further liability as to Marion Smith. Dead Letters. Tbe following is the list of letter re maining in tbe Hillsboro post QtScc un claimed: Tom McGlir.scbey Esq Mr H J Ludwig Alt letters not called for by Feb. 3, 900 will be tent to the dead letter office. One cent will be charged on eacn letter called for. H. SCHULMKRICH, P. M. 1 John Chong (a Chinaman) v s Jas. McNulty, Sherwood, was heard hyajury yesterday in Justice Smith's court. Chong claimed McNulty owed him $85 on a wood deal. The jury found a verdict for McNulty. " The little two-year-old daughter of Moses Hirschey, who resides on the Tom Hoover place, walked through a pile of ashes under which were a lot of brands, and badly bnrnt-d her feet. The shoes and clockings were burned1 cUar off the child and her feet were very severe ly blistered. ' County Clerk Imbrie has granted marriage licenses to John Parsons 30, and Elsie Cornelius, 25; Her man Glaske, 27, and Ida Zurcher. 21. ' - JLillie Meyer, of Cornelius, has again filed suit against Louis Mey er, asking for a devorce. SUMMONS. Ill the circuit court of the "fctitte of Oregon for Washington county. rl, D. Benineltaer, F la I n t i ffi ' vs ..... 1 Hattie Hchuieltr, Defendant. vs , ... y . To Hattie bclmiellzer. Defendant. In thenaiiicoftheStutoof'Oregon: Yon are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint Hied ugaliiHt you in the above entitled suit on or before the 10th day of March 1DU0, and if you fail to no answer for want tliereofthe Plaintiff' will apply to the court for tho relief demanded in the complaint to wit; For a decree dis solving ane forever nettiiiK aside the IkiikIm of matrimony now unci heretofore existing between plaintiff' and defendant, and for fuioh other and further relief as to tho court mav sectn lust. This publication ih made by orilor of won. I nomas A. lucrtruin, ..Hinge or the Circuit Cuurt of ths StaU) of Oregon, for Washington County, duly made aiuL en tered the s!7th duy ot, January, 1IW0, and the first publication of till summons is made Keb. ldt 1WW. A. V. imit: Portland, Ore., Attorney for Plaintiff. Notice of Final Settlement. Notice is hereby given that tho undersign ed, administratrix of the estate of Patrick Forester) deeeaned, has filed hor accounts for final HottJeinent in the County Court of the State-of Oregon for Washington County, apd that said County Court has fixed Sloirflay theSthday of March, 1IW. at the Jtyiy. of 10:00 a. In. of auid duy ut the PIANOS & ForJash, or on The home of Chickering Pianos : Kimball Pianos, Weber Pianos Kimball, Crown, Needham, and ATTENTION, H. f-ofirt riMiin of said eotirt !n H i 1 1 b ri, WasliiiiKioiil'osmtyv llliKn, an tho time , and plane lor heariiitf objections to aid I aiMiint-H and Ibe llnul sell lenient of Kaiil . estate. I'atcd ut Uillslxito, lllis 2!H1 day or January lmw. MlKOAKEr FoRMrKN. i Admiiiilmtri)t of tlw CMlute of Patrick ' Forester, ditea-ed. CITATION. IX TIIK ( Ot'.NTY CUfllT Til K Stut of Oregon, for the County of . Wasliiui'tiMi. In tho 'atlPr of the rtale ofi , ' hruevt .trerh, (leceuNtxI. ' 1 t l'obnda FriM-Ii; 1 reeh 'a half; brotherol deioned and - Frovh it half sister ol" deceased,'. .., . I In tlio naiiie of the State of Oregon, you nre hereby "iU- U nppear in Kiel t utility Court of Ufe Stntii of Oregon, for the Omnty of, Waslilnttiiii, ut the t'oiirt riMiiii thereof, at . lillHlmro, to tlitv County of Wasliingtoii. tin .Mondur. tlm Mil dav of March Vty, t i'i o'eloek iu the foraniMjii of that day, then and there to show eanse, if any you have, n hy an order of public sal of real property deeril'd as follows, lo-wit: . . Coincrieinif one liod wMt of the H W in HeettT 1 H 1 Wof tho Will. Mer.. ami ! rininiiijj rlieuee north parallel with the' ttenl line ol sniii wparK" claim 'JiK,.i i ns, thence west B elm to this went line of the Malconi I)utin claim, thence ko u t It 2I.H7A ch to the HoitthvveMt corner of wiiil Uiixtlii ebiiiii, thence Knxt ens, to the place of iK'L'innlnn, eontniniiiK 'ti acres, should not lie niudeait prayeil for in the jtetition of theadminiiitrutorhcnMii liled Wltnewi, tho Hon. L. A. UihmI, JiiiIjic of t'lo County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of 'V'aidiinifton with the seal ol wiiil Court affixed, this li'ith dav of Janunrv. . U. Vm. Att.-t. J. A. IIP PIE, iSenlJ Clerk. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of Ihehtaloof Oregon : lor WiuiliiiiKton County, I J. I. Anhrr, I'lulntitr,) VS f ' C. K, Asher, Defendant.! ' ToC. E. A "her defendant in the above entitled suit. r In the name of the'HIute of OroKon, yon are hereby reiptlred to atipeur and answer the complaint filed against you in the alnive enmlwl suit by Monday, March III, r.ioo, riaid suit is eomiiieiu-ed by plaintiff agiiiti"t you fordiv .ree, iiiaru ihoirruumU" of denortion, and if you fail to annwer lie t ween now and Haiiltiine for want thereof, 1 the plaintiff will take judgment atmiiwt: you for divori ami tho diwuiliition of the i marriage now existing' between you and! said plaintiff. I TIiIh HUiiiuions isaetvod by publication In pursuunee to an order made by tho Hon. Thos. A. Meliride, Judge of the Cir cuit Court ol the (State of Oregon, for Washington County.' Dated Jan. 22, 1!jo, said order providing that the first publication of this suimiiona should l" made on .: a 1 1 . !, HKKI. H. O. Hl'KNf'KB, Attorney for l'laliitiir." - SIJERIFF'S SALE Hy virtue of an .Execution, Decree and Order of Hale. iNSile'd irt'ij oPthe L'ln-.ui( Court of the Mlftte of Oregon, for Wnsh ingtou County, in hivor oli JOnima.M Par ker, a. d Hgann-t Ltlthor M Jieanl,' Cecelia Heard and 8 T Linklater, defotidanfi", for the sum ol $13.00 nostsr and for tho fin tli er sum ormi) U K (fold coin, with int erest thereon at the rate of iO per cent par aiiuuni from the filli lay of December, IH!K), and the further sum of $25.( with iu terest tlieiaoii at. tiierate of (1 iwr wnt nr annum from the 5th duy of Denember, ' (as attorney fmiHiand for the cont and exiienieauf sale and of said writ. ' , Now, therefore, ill purMiinnee of said Judgment, decree and order of sale, I will', on Monday, the 5th day of l-ebriiary, I1IK', at tho south door of ;tbe C'otf rt House in Hillsboro,! 'Washington county, Oregon,! at the hour of II o'clock A- M of said day, ' sell at public unction, to' tlie, highest bid dor for each, the following described roil proiierty, to-wit; ' :r 1 Helngull of tlieHotith West quarter of tho Booth West quarter of Mention Hlx (()) Township Two i'i) North, Range Three ( ) West of the Willamette Meridian, contain ing fonv acres more or loss and all Hitu- ate in Washington C'Otinfy, Oregon to satisfy the hereinbefore named sums, and for the eostsiiuti ej pens 'g of said sale. Sajd property will be sold aubject to re demption an per statnte of Oregon , ; Witness my liand this rd day of Jau tiary, 1!KM. W,"D. HHADfOUI), Kherilfof Waslilugtoii.t.'ouiity, Oregon, H. T, ltAdi.c.v, Attoj'ueyj lie''l'laiutilf. ORGANS! Easy Payments. It Is easy to obtain a good one. Where no local dealer sell them, we will send a piano or an organ for a small rash pay ment, balance in monthly payments. Two yeaia' time to finish purchase if de sirvd. We would like to explain our UH'thoJ. We tll send an instrument guaranteeing satisfaction, or the piano may be returned to us at our expense. Catalogue free tor the nskiiiK, tell all alKHit them Special prices and lull in formation if you write. US I) io7 First Street, PORTLAND -OREGON Great Western Organs. LADIES! ! We have taken the agency of the famous lrew, Selby & Co., Ladies' shoes ami can fit auy foot. Prices, fa.5o,$3to, 13.30 and 4 oo! Come in and see them. WEHRUNO & SONS, IllLLSliOnO, OtlEOOX. SHERIFF'S SALE. IIY VUITCK OF AN KX KtTTlOX. Deere and Order of Sale. sued out of Ihe t iri-itlt eotirt of the Htato of Oregon for uniiliigion eouniv.lii lavororr. A Ihtilev and agitinsl John J, Morgan, Km mn K. Morgan, ami S. It, Huiiipbivv and Aramlnla K. liuoiphrtn', Kxceuto'nt ol the IjisI Will and lcliiliieit ol I tioa. 1. litin:p.reyH. ileeeiiwd, r. II, Humph. n-ya, Mary t iiuinpino-y, ins wile, John ll. lloinHireV". t toni lli inwtrev. hi wife. Tb iiimw J. il itnplir e, ljx,r llumphrvys. his wife, 'amuel T, lliiniph. r, .niiinioa i-,. nnino r , Maiv t Volviton, Itrint Woliirton, her himh. and, A i-i li tir K. I!iriiphre. W. D. Wood AitinltliMtralor orthe extate of nthcrliar iltier, deceased, J. I'. Merryiuaii, Admin istrator do iMinis lion of ihu estate of Sain tlel C. liitchey, deit-asc John Dennis, ,M n v Inson and Jeuui I I1 n inun. I'.x". etitora of the Uixt will and Teslainem of Minerva .Newton. d'-iraed. Ileo. II Itaif ley. Administrator of the entate of huiih .1. Mull, deeeam-d, W. K Siidth and Alex Swrs k, Ket'en-o in It.uikr iiti-v, for the sum of fcM.7'fntM, and fir the furthr sum ofi,al7.Ui) l', .".Hold isiiti. with int erest tiiron at the hito oflU fs'r cnt per annum from tho UTth day ofXnvemhrr, isuti, ami Ihe further sum of f i.Uln.uo i'. H, (fold Coin, with inteieil thermm fioin the .Tth day of Noveiuher, Ktl. at tho rule of S per cent. mt iiuiiiiiii, and for the further iniii of $ .ijuu.uu tf. M. .iold iHiln with int erest llienon from the Will day of Nov ember, Mid, at the rate of ID per emit. r annum, and for the cost and expense of sale and of said writ. . . Now, therefore, by virtue and in pur suance of wild judgiueiit, drereee and or dernf kiiIii, I will, on Monday, the 5th day of Feliruuiy, liW, at the south door of the court house, m lldlslmro, Washington eoutUy, Oregon, at the hour of 10 o'clock A si ol said day. sell at public aiietl hi lo the highest bidder for cush, the following lleHcrihodeul ptnpertr, to-wit- All tlm undivided one half of the went half of the West half of ljt Five (A) and Kight(H) in block Numbered One (1) in tho Town of llillslsiro, iih shown by the. plat of siiiil Town on record in the office of the Kecorifer of said county. Also; the undivided one half of the ful lowing (leseriliisl tract of land, to-wit: Ileing pnrtof Ijils Five (M ami Kight (S) in said Itlock No. One (I) of said Town of Hillsboro, and more particularly describ ed as follows: commencing at a point lis feet Norlh and Ht'A feet Kast of the Houth west corner of said Hl a k No. I, thence Fast 10 feet, thence North parallel with west sidfl of said Itlock, 74 lent, thence west 10 foet, thence South pantile! with west line of said lock to the place of Ikj -giniung, excepting from the aforesaid west half ol tlie West half of Lot Five(5) and Fight M s tract of laud ?l feet North and Hotttli by -IIIJ foet Knst and west off tlie North aide ol said Iit Five (ft) hereto fore solil by F. A. Hallny and wife and J, J. organ and wife to Margaret A. ifow ell. Also al), of the. .following described i trncts. lying, jImjIii) and situate within Washington Colnllv Oregon, and known and designated as follows, to-wU: Ileing all of Lots Numbered One (1) and Two U) and Three (.1) of and In. llohart's Hub- Division to eo. W. Kbbert's Donat ion Land Claim, Township 1 North Range 2 West Will. Mor. containing thirty (,'101 acres, to mitisfv the hereinbefore limned sums, and for the costs ami excuses of said aide. Wind property will bo sold subject to re demption as per Htattito of Oregon. Witness rny hand this 2nd day of Janu ary, woo. W. D, ItRAlJFOItl), Hherifl' of Washington County, Oregon. Thoh. ii.ajj, ), Tonoiik, Attorneys for I'lalntlff. Dyspepsia Cure. Digests ivhat you at. . ha fnnA anil nlAa Mature in .strengthening and recon-i itruoting the exhausted digestive or gans. ItUthelatestdlscovereddigest ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach It In efficiency. It In 1 stantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea. SlckHeadache,Oastralgla,Cramps.ana til other results or imperfect digestion, . Prepared by F C DsWItt A Co., Cblcag Delta Drug Store, Hillsboro, jprey on ; Pirat to arrlvr with tho 'telegra'tirjle'l news Thu Weekly Oregonian, ' ' ' Mm i f mm H.WKHKVX0 ami SONS. The, Hillsboro Pharmacy The Leading; Drug Houso Where Drugs, MedlcimtR. 1'nlnls, ils,.s.ioigr, triiahe ami all DniRglsl's Hiuulrla ni-iy Iwi prm urin) at prices that sltilplv dlsliiuce wuiitlliotl. but tdtritv euls is ulntl Have farms and iity fopit) fir sale Also saw inills, rrenineries and ts.imtr slnn-s, ifuriiiii tiM-xelmnge. full or tvrit" ifuriiiii to'Xelmnge, HILLSBORO, SHERIFF'S SAL I, HY VIUTl'K Or" AN KXKCI TloV, decree ami order of side, Issued out of the Circuit Court of the Mtiilu of O.egnn, for Washington t'otintv, lu favor nt It, W, Crane and against Jacob I'ennlngs, elal., Ileo. Ilriiliani, lleiijaiiiln Dirde nud Mar K. Itmlscll, ejeeutorsof tlie )ni will and testament of In In lilnisetl. iln ceed, Jereml.di lteittr, II. II, W til ti er, Hmiih ami the Stiilnof Oregon, for the sum of fr.J.K) cwi and for the further sum of HH.'),IMI It H Hold coin, with interest thi rmiii nt Ibe rate of III per cent tier annum from llieMli ia of l-imiii tier, Inihi, amt for the owl and exwnws of sale and ol said writ. , Now, theroforu, by virtue and In pursu ance of said judgment, decree and order of sala, I will, on Monday, the ,'ith dav of February, the oiithdoor of the Court lions in i illsboni, Vaahiugloit county. Oregon, at the hour of III o'clock A M, of said dav, sell at public ittietioti to the highest bidder for cash, the following dcsorii ed real property, to-wlt: bot No. I.'l ill Klrwood 1'arii , sllnaleil ill Washington County, Oregon, to sntlsty the hereinbefore named sums and for the costs and expenses of said sale. fald property will lie sold subject to rw dc mpl inn us per statute of Oregon, Witness my hand I his ftiu dav of Janu ary, HM). W. D. H It A IU-- It J. Hliorlff of Washington ('utility, Oiegon, by V, K, Dbm'IIm!,' Deputy, S,,) UesToN, Attorney for riiUntllV, SHERIFF'S SALE, BY VIltTUE 01-' AN EXKCtlT Ion, doerno and order of sale tanned out of the, Circuit Court of the Hlatn of OregnaloiiAViialilngton County, in favor of JaniuM it. Walker and lomiust TIioh, , I, and blz.le lltimphrevH, for tho sum of costs, nud for the ftirthur sum of ?!.). DO (I H gold coin, with interest thereon at the mto of 10 per emit er annum from the 1st day of December ltfl, and for the cost and expnnaesdf milend said v rit', Now, therofore, by virtu" anil in purMti aneeof said JlMlgiueiit, decree ami order of sale, I will, on Monday the ftth day of February 1H0O. tthe south door of the. Court House In i illsboro, Wiisldngtoii County, Oregon at the hour of It) o'clock A. M of aaid day. well ut public, auction to the highest bidder for cash, the follow Ing deseriliod roal ptoperty, to-wlt: ; ' Commencing at a point booth HU deg rees ;)0 minutes KilhI nod 4 ChitltiM from the North Kaat eonior ijf Hbick 'I Iu Hum phreys Addition to Hillsboro, tltenco H HU degrees 80 iiiiimtes .Kaat 8.00 C'huiim, thenco H .11) niiiiutcH V mid parallel with the Kast linn of Hlxih Htreet. In mild Ad dition -rt.tiii chains, Ihonc.e North HI) deg s itO nituotes W 3.00 ('hiiins, to the H K corner of laud aold by1 Thoa, j), iltiniph reya to (ieorgo H. Ctiiiipholl, thuncB North HO minutes K H.OO'cIiiiIU'n, to tho placu of begmrilngKontalnlng 00.100 acpes, all situ ated lji, WiiHliington County Oregon, to satisfy tlie boroinhefore naumd sums, and for the cost and expense of said sain, Haid property will lie sold subject to re demption us tier statute of Oregon, Witness my hand this 2m duv of Jan,. 1000. W. D. IlltA'DKOIti), . Hherlff of WaHlilngtou Countv, Oregon. John M- Wai.i., Attorney for i'laintill'. OREGONIAN AND ARGUS, $2,00. ' .c -. yTI Weekly Oregonian and this, paper glV(you all the news of home, state, the Northwest anfl the nation.. , ,, . ' ir t RcaliDp Robust, rompv Inj boyri whether Inter ested in sktu or skates, books or base ball, will also be surely Inter ested in out M wear -proof Clothing re atpurtej proof prices. Let us interest TMt rsmoui OMArlANTIKQ CtOTMINa MU.l.SliOllO. OHK.tioK. -J'- Union niock Main Nt. Dr. K. A. Itallej Proprietor, anil frecluiess nf .IrtiifN ami rlieml- brings Ihe iimst satisfsctnrV re you. j J J" . TMf tttor stills; iiinl vim mil nlunvs lino! llum at THE DELTA DRUG STORE. Wo nlso rurrv tlie Inst iiesnrleil rliak nl Tuilel aitiebs nml drtijr Mitplrtra h the inuntv. Fmd lliiil we Liiy for rnsh eimlili-s us to ilenl villi lir- rli s ln'ii.'e Mini get ibe ls. Fnili ily ri'l-ijus efiv as rnriful iilteiitjiiii as itVit:iiM e' i sflii linos. Slnel i I In- Jif-n' i.iii. all s t ptliei and drmriplloiii. Wheat laims in C'ltl- ORKGON. fur lij-t. Cor. 2 J. Noithrop, rroprlciue. Newly Furnished and Renovated. A first -class table ami all accommodations for the convenience of gut-m. . , . OR&N Time Schedule . . . . From Portland Denver T W fi" !" r,,r M"" Denver H Worth. Omaha, Kansa, titty H:4p m ' MHi l'ml "r,v' wll'i'n '"'; Vyvr 'f' '"1 '!' P m for Walla Mu l"', l """;!!'"'ltM' I'aul. Duluth. hw a m Krr,vW' Han hntuclsco, sailing every live days. (!iiliimhl III.,... i . .. Hiinday Hatunbiy 10 p ,n frr Astoria a"! way liindlngH, arrive 4p m except Sunday Willamette river leave ll a in except Nundny lor Oregon City, Newlainr, Ha,,m .S!!iiia7 ' nrnvu 4iaop oxu"''' Wllbimettn and Yamhill river leave 7 a tn 1 ueihiy, 'I hurmliiy ami Haturday for Oregon City, Dayton and way landing,. Krillay Kl,m,luy- Wedieailay anj ' Wllbiiuette ilver leave 6 a in Tuesday, Thursday and HHlurday for Corvallla mid bewistou dully at HM a, in. AAA roHs w. ii. Jiuijjuiny. Clou. TaHii. Agent Shite J tt, MB TraiiHnct a (bumral Hanking BuHlnoaa J, W, NI1UTH ,4. A. (J. HliUTK . Manage! ..Cashier Sell sight Kxehange and Telograiihln Ira iMleiH and Inmiioh Loiters of Cwd it ttviilhvldo throuuiroHt the Unite,! Rtatos. Draw Hills o? Kxehiitigri on. I.011 , 1 Ivorpool, Dnbiln, J.rlH, llerlln, vTa I toi t-on-l io-.Vain.Hti'x.khOlm. and l prli olfmleitlBaofKnropn. l,f" Colloetloiismadonnall acceaalblo toliitu linking honra frollf I) a m to 8 p ' ; ,-'' WlllaJiorOf Oregon' 1 It 1 t,' i 1