HILLSBORO ARGUS, DECEMBER 21, 1899. I ;: : : A 1'apkk kor run I'l-.oei k : : : ! r THE ARGUS Viteretl at t:.f Post-ofric at llillaboro. Orciron. a -tinit !.-! mail ntattrr. urns a. i.onh, kmtor. Cotnty Ouicial Paper. 'ISlTKi EVERY T!!l' USDAY BY He Argus Fabllfhisg Cmpssy. ."tiiHsor .it inn: One IVi'lar ptr niim. MX .Mvitlta, no r;s: 1 h:pp ontlif, 3 n-t. 0, ;tscJ tu Gold Mono mot .t',1;s.ii. lte !icvc in the Bimetallic Standard Kc.ir Money means Debased Property, and Profitless American Product. Our ("onsequent loss is our Creditors' Gain, lias no use for Marcus A. Hanna HKW TO THE LISK, It will please the Si a-i:iites tj h ive three or four tickets in the field next June of this there is no pos sible doubt. The sensible thing for reformers to do is to get up a good ticket and platform and votn to effect something. If all reformers earnestly aui sincerely will pull together on a common ticket reg.ird less of a simple partisan name, something can be accomplished in Oregon. It is this division of forces which has long given Oregon over to the Israelites of state politic . Every time a mau opsu his in uth to iell the people that he wants "straight party" tickets the gild advocates yell with glee about "principle,' because th-y knov it means "principal" for the sop suckers aiid the ear suckers repre senting the wily Portland Hebrew and his cohorts. The thing for iho opposers of de based product to do is to get to GETHKR AND VOTE TOGETHER and allow do foxy politician, who for years has laughe I at Bryanites as "fools," to use the n as putty for political profit. The united forces 'an vote tha parasites fastened to Oregon clear out of existence, but this can not be done by" tying one hand to a hitching post. There are "many broad-guage citizens in thit state ready for a new deal in state aud national politics and they k no it men who 'lave hith erto voted for the"Simonites. PKODCCEtt VS BANKER. The bankers and money holders are getting what they want from th present congress. Is this a f ict, or is it a lie? The Ab3Cs asserts th i it is a fact. Who is them so fo il ish as to dispute it? Wii it i3 it then, that bankers and rmn-iy hold era want? Is not this eisiiy an swered a3 a business pnp i-uii 1.1? Do they, not want that whijh gives them more of all v.har tiling for each one of their dollars? M n assuredly 1 How long will it b before proJucjrs will lei-n t!i it th party of Lincoln is m.y in th hands of those who are bjinSteJ b. product debased and unprofitable? How long will it be before m-it wh are otherwise intelligent will lciru that the syndicates an I great low agencies are miking a bmimsi or of politics? Andhi.ybir will it Da before our proluoers will Ann I together, as solid in r ink m do th great collateral interests, tin btnk' and credit combin itions? Will any intelligent fanmr real thes-j questions, onsider then fir five minutes, an J than not realizi thai their interest are su.rjrh,j..iii I ih.r they are not at all prop?rly rep-e sented in the national holy of law makers? We think not. WHAT HIS ELECTION MEANT. When the 1896 campaign closed and with its election of MeKinley, came, concurrently, a better price for bread grain. The Anocs pointed nut how wheat had been advancing in price since August, 1806', and how that advance was caused by a world's shortage. It also predicted that upon a return to normal pro duction, the price would again re cede, because,, production of all - things being normal, the level of " price must necessarily be low, be yond any hope of profit for the pro-(facers.-., It predicted ju-it wh.it has occurred. 'It needed no wizard in telligence to foresee this result. The most modest pplication of horse sense to 'the question could easily have Analyzed the whole , matte", While the properties- and 'oroduct measured by nnney had -Vttaued wonderfully; while debt increased many times; while fhwa. demand for money had 4 time and again in the 20 Nr, the money volumo had Mowed to jcrow in propor. tion. Here itt where silvrita had! tenable ami br.iad ground support ed by every reoogniied authority on the law of tnonvy. Their theory aiu! deduction "; at (hat time op posed only by modern banker And the money rich, who were interest ed in dear money. Wh it Thk Alt ers predicted has come to paw, and here we are agnin, with pro duet debased licit men with money capital, Rhine, iiny le the riclur! How much lunger are our producers a p:irt of tlini gin-r to vote for debased product? THK KOW-TOW UIUl. There is nothing in this world cheerful as the cuckoo journal Vhen its party is out it yells calam ity; when its party is in and times are hard for producers it parrot -like, screams "Prosperity." It ad vocates its party, whether the party says "yes" or savs "no." It will Iell you that 50 cent wheat is crime under a democratic adminis tration, but a grand thing under a, Hanna rule. The Argus simply asks liberal republicans, if tluy hive in any manner watched their party journals, if this is not so! Truly, the cuckoo journal is a great cockatoo. BOER VS BRITON. The sytnpuhy of eyery lover of jus lice and fair play who understands the Boer-British situation goes out to the valiant Dutchmen who con nitute the smallest republic in the world, and who ari fighting the bruising bully of the worl I's pugi lists. Every tuan who has an in telligent appreciation of the situa tion is gratified beyond measure at the manner in which the Transvaal people are meeting the hired scrap pers of a calloused empire. Tht six-dollar-per-month pickups from the purlieus of English cities are meeting sturdy fellows who are fighting for principle, and the story is told by the dispatches givinu Boer success at every turn. The nation which has not in a century whipped a white people wijinnt more or less outside, help is again repeating history, and Tite, ...Amies is constrained lo believe that Eng land will never whip her 'valorous foe. ' THE "ORGAN- SyiKM.S. The poor old Independent says it never at any time advocated frv coinaga of silver. Wh i evr sai." it did? It n-iver bl sense emugh to "advocate" anything. But 'it did condemn ths present syttera of finance, and that condouinati i was positive and raercile-xj. The Arocs has repeatedly quoted th it "bird" of an, organ and it tako pleasure in again quoting whit it said of U)!ph and his idas of finance and this only a year prior the last presidential election. Here is what Br'er Gault said: ; He represents Wall Street and London, not the producing class of the stal. Ore gon , . lit is a representative of the East and of Europe, not of the great west. Oregon, as well as the entire vest em pirt oi the United States, is buili largely on borrowed capital, and owes large suras to the East and Europe, W are willing to pay those debts fairly in the mon-y of the value in which they were contracted. But the policy urged by Mr. Dolph of the contraction of the currency, making it scarce and high, would double and treble the indebtedness of every mau withi n the state. The west sells food products and has no other wav' of paying us indebtedness, either princi pal or interest. THE POLICY OF SEN ATOR DOLPH WOULD DECREASE" AND IS DECREASING FROM OnV HALF TO TWO-THIRDS THE PRICE OF EVERY THING THAT OREGON HAS TO SELL. - Why should it openly and voluntarily increase its own debt's and deminish the prices of everv thing it has to sell? It will do this if Dolph is re-elected to the senate. Then why should not the opposing candidates, or the people at large, be Willi ng to take any capable man who will represent the pro duct ve interests of this state rather than take Senator Dolph? There is justice .in the cry of "any thing to beat Dolph." He is an emeny of the people of Oregon, and an enemy to every industrial inter est, as well as to the great West. The Independent squeals in it last issue and charges The Annus with having supported ' Cleveland and the gold standard." The In dependent should produce in evi-! dence by q joting The Annus For five years and over The Aroub h is been edited by its present editor. he Akoub was the one democratic paper in the county that fought for tree coinage. Its voice has ever been against debased product; it worked hand in' h-in ! with the sil ver p-jopUi an I it was, we hope, SOiiie.vh.it of a factor in sending an Ore,'o:i ditlosnti.m luck to Chicago pie lged to wipe out Clevclandism. T:is Aitous still works for a system which will not d -base product, while the Endup indent is now work in for that which "ii so heartily condemned U-ad tin Independ ent quotation again. i GRUB, THEE ffl STUMP PULLER & Afpte' Zero f I AN 137.50 MSSfoSK; $37.50 ... Machines Kept in Stock for Sale or Trade and Sold on Trial ... Thi i- llie only m K-bine llmi can lx am honxt 1i the pround, atA plniv, witlmit the line cf an anchor stump. Buy iioothfr. K icb machii'f is supplied with a C-t t Anchor Loop, and a "0 ft pull nq(i.f J inch best s ed, with patent ropehixik attmhed; a Prtim Lock to hold what it pu'led; a Sup on the t5w-p t hold it from iev.bing back; Tbrowi.ff'o ungear the Sweep from IVum, to let off rope, nr to ullnw the team to crss ih pull Me rtith f,is, or tu all vhe nw-p U snimi put way lumk, to nrnko tin' juill tlh out cros-siug the npe. Is opeiated uheaply and givis eminent cntibfaciion wherever it Us been used Loesl testimonials and Catalogue upon application. Csll oner Address. II, f. PK.VRSOS.l'annliiirto'i. Ore. Banks bursting here and there consti tute proof for those servile journals jel ling "Prosperity. Th Orei'rm'arl K.ivt that Mi-Tlaui.,! i win. why shouldn't he be? He will be-shore-.boundfor.t least 15 year,, n. lm .,.1 v.. .:!..., ...:ti i.. dead when there is sufficient money to 1 restore the price level to decent decree of profit ami not until. The Boers-th South African Dutch. ! SSSr.:!5tl gets iuto the Transvaal henhouse there will be many good 'Tommy Atkins.", Wbtu the 0rx;:trzirliglit Tiling for but a lui: u..0 tl.. .t.01 .1.1. la re . I wao 11 his uuiioi ,ici,,ic,ir .1 11 WCI?, then let us have debased dollars, mstend of debased product! 1 hut is all we want, and al! we need in the w.iy of pice. The Times m m thinks that the Sultan of Sulu, a a vice-prest-U-mi.il c in bd.ile, wuultl get ilmwciiM vole. N,M so. Brother E bly. J jt because Ro'ierts went fwu Utah matters nntliing so far as de:niicracy i conct-r'ied. tut it do s laik a -, though a nmn can a piy Kaiuist. an. I jji t p:id fur it, if he )e ouiv in accjrd with the admin-tr timn wi.ness the pj!ilic.d Salu brother of Brutlii-r K ulv. H-he-i the farmer boo 1 r-rirc fot goo-. hhr product,.,,,. i,.,t r.-M,its The nniiHim-lures) et koo.1 prices for their ,t,cls ana th.y 11 them, for when the farntor can, he buys; the lalmr - er of the ... .,.,. work , I,:..,- self and family and everyb"ly include If'l in the cftsses of producer and laborer has his wants supplied. But, when the pro ducer operates nt a loss; when he must sell an articl; debased by monetary law which is dictated by our money rich, bust ness nalur:t!!y stagnates and trouble is everywhere. Debased product is both the father and offspring of loss to producers and laborers. "I as nearly dead with dyppe pnia, trbd doctor, viniled mineral fnring, and grew worse. I need Kodo' Dyspepsia Cure. That cured me." It digests whnt you et. Cures indigestion, pour utomnch, heartburn and all forms of dyBps psia The Delta Drug Store. Farms for sale and rent. G. A. Morgan, Morgan-B rnard building, Ilillebnfb, Ore. Farm For Sale, Fifty acre farm for "file: eliehtlv rolling; good barn, 50x51, built two yeara, cost 1400; fair house. 18x28: other buildingn; good brick well; running water year round; good orchard; 25 acres cleared; resteney to clear, lUyeargBlaolied; hve acres stan ling live fir timber; eight miles Irom, Portland. U ill Hell cheap. Inquire of L. A. Long, Annus odice. The Affairs of Europe are faithfully portrayed in the original and exclusive cable dispatches which The CHI CAGO RECORD prints daily from the .leading capitals of the old world. This magnificent special service is in process of being greatly extended so as to include every important city in Europe; and it is supplemented . by the lull regular cable service of The Asso ciated Press. The Chicago Record, atone of all American newspapers outside New York city, now prints original and exclusive cable dispatches dally from the leading capitals of Europe, Christmas ' And everybody wlzo has seen our Beautilui Dis j ...play of Holiday AtlraCtiOllS IS glad Of It .. ' Popular Presents Our Holiday Stock i3 of d'lality. Variety, Beauty and Good Taste. It is easy to select from. Re- ...member this Splendid Assortment contains... Delta Drug S tor County Treasurer' Notice. Ul rntiuty warrant indi.r.wd prl.r ln "inon, c:cin i.'ir liver, inviu- Fetirimry M. nri iikv eiU,-l f-'r ;id imyable ,il my .itMee Pi llif city ir II0I- it ..tit. lutenl m etiw alter in.- 'tsiie, ..:. N " A. H. t.t)Y, t'uuiity Fiwiirvr j . . Notice to Stnti jrfcrs. Se.il.-il hi U will 1..- iv.-. iv,.,1 .it the ni.ctv en.-t r..in in lttllp.if.rt. ui..t,iri..n ...'U. Or..., .... .I n..i..rv .. Pl, t iX ',m...; 'v, l T-H r w y.-ar hi -pmtlttie tun.r i. f- ,.3' .obiai.if.Uulrtje nitty eletk'..niee. Tl - . e.i....i.-...ner. n.rv the riirllt to rel, , l ""lat.vau.tjill t.i,lL ' . " Ay order oi r,m..1.iM,.rV r,rt ti.i. ,. i.i,.i..i ,,.i ,i....i ,., it, it. !.... Ore., this I Ith .i,.y of Hu.riUl.r. . ' I.. A It t'omily Jud(?e. FOUND! At New Photograph Gallery. A Ctreat Reduction in the tirice of I'ho .uS,.. mini in., ins. ut . jiiiiiimv, IL.. .!...... f . 1900. Call and examine my work and vet prices , K.UKl Illll.llCIt II,fllllll Remember the place. The New Photo- graph Gallery, corner Seventh and Base line streets, Hillsboro, Oregon. n Miaiis Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. Itartlflclallydlgeststhefoodandolds Nature In strengthening and recoo- itructlnu the exhausted digestive or- pins. It Is the latest discovered digest- ant and tonic No other preperatlon can approach It In efficiency. It In- stantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, SlckHeadache,GaRtral(rla,Cratnps,ana all other result s of Imperfect dlgcstioa, Pr9artdby C DtWitt 4Co , CbUag 1 Delia Drug Store, Hillsboro, Oregon .... ,r. r V" ' u is Coming ! nt. Popular Prices the Right Person IMViltV I.it'lf Karl .iM-ra pur- r 1 . 1 11 1 1 , . . 1 . 1 ur it the 'tm. Knmotl little pill f ir i-i'ili.iitinti hikI liver rnii'iU. Tin U tin lrut; Slir'. Notice of Final Settlement NiMif 1- hi't-ehy K veil thai, ttio lu;,li.r -"""ii'T '. iii'tIM.., It. 1 T'-" ,"Vn''1- ,m ''' ,'"T ," . V'U i . 'i f'" ,',;;,-"r,;'r-"' rM Vt'i . . i Z .'!' y "f '.,..rl .. ,. rM ,y. . 1 ,, .'''' " ."lniiu'l..n uiiiiiy. Or.-u ' f.?.",.,.t ''' n.M.''" " "''I'''.'1- i Ion', tu mil. n. n.to.t.a.,.1 the tltml tule- ! .V .'"''i '1" l ite. U.liil at ll.ll.lii.r.. i"" " i .tovriiiiier, iwni. , ,,,.,,..,,. ,-. rttpenlierg, ili-ei.it.ml ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE SALE. .. NOTIl i'. l.s IIKHKDY filVKN TtAT 111 pursuance of nn oiiler uf the (.'..tii.ty 'unit nf the Slate ofOn-piu Inr Wniliiiin. : ton County, inii.li. In tin. muiti r of the late ot Joint W Mirlialee, tleiwn.iHl, i.i.il iilaleil Dei.-inU-rt), n.r., th 1 1 1 . I -r. 1 , ) I Ailuilnistmtor of wilit estate will lroiiiHii.1 ' after Hiitnnlay. the fith day of January, 1 It'll), proceed to e at private nl n'.r ensh In I111111I on day of .ale, the follotv. I line iltni ribed reul estate, to wit; J ( iinimciu-liiK at tin. Niirtliit Corner of j the Donation ,mn l laim f 1 'hnmns Hint on the North line of Sik-Ik.ii ll.T. t H, It. a.W. Will, .li-r, and nimiliiK lh..i'e South 4i) clmlns to tin. Htnilliwesl rorii. r of said claim; thi-ncu Wtrhaln. to the KuMt linn of suiil Seetlnn; tlii'iicn N,.fih 411 elm. to the Northeast corner of hiiI.I Hi.c tion 11; and thence VVtwl '& elm, to the place of lifiglrninK, containliiK HO aerea. ! Kaid sale will be mibjot-t to tha eoiiln-m. Htiimof the (jiiutitv Court. Kiel, u .it l. ,J' "in 'y ri-Ki.i,n(.,. m.r Yitim. "J.n l1'8 J',w miue r,r w- N- U;J"'!( . - ? "'W"' . Unle,i, lhis "f . 1 ' Admini-tiator or the .mato - of j?.iV. '"w m i. hiiiee, .i...-.-,iHed. w. N. iturrett, Atunu y for Admiu'r. . SHERIFF'S SALE. BY VIRTDKbV AN'feXKCllTlON 1K erne mid order of sale, Ihsiiu.1 out of Iho Circuit Courlofthe State 'ol (Ih'kou, for WaKhiiit!ton County, In favor of iiro Iton MoitKau Company Limited, Plain till, ,ni(l ajaiiit Oronicl Jnhtmoii, K, Y. .lohiiHon, (). o. .Jiihtidon,- Aitilo Akiich MonlKoiiiei-y, Karl Montgomery, Karuh (llll.tt. Maty K. IHrdMtill 11ml P.Murray. UefeiidimtM, for the sum of $ HMMI eoHt, and for the further hum (,f (lli;i4.,').' II, H. gold coin, with IntttruHt theritoti at the rate of Miinrfient ptiranniiin from Ilin27tli tlay of Novonilier, lmw, and the further sum of filty pollaiH, iiltornev foea. 11ml liitoiwt thereon at the rain of 8 ner cent per Minium from tho 27th day of Novtim hr. iww, and tho fui tlmr Jinn or IllllO.lff, with Inturust thnrconiit lh rato 8 our cunt per annum from tlmifflh duv of Novum, li-r, Imiw, and t,(, furllinr hi'iui of OI ,n,(K) attorney It-iw and InteroHl tlinreou al tint rato of H per i.ont. per annum from tho 7tli day of Novdinhcr, lHi0, anil for the coats und.oxpetiHi'S ol mil.) and of mild writ. Now, therefore liy virtue and In purau ance of Mild Jntlgniont. decree and order ol aule, 1 will, on Monday, the nth day of January, ', nt tho aotith door of thu (ourt Uoiwo In lllllHlioro, WiiHliitiKton Comity, OreKoii, at tho hour of 10 o'clock a, 111, of wild ilay.Koll at public auct ion to tho hlK icMt hiddor for cimli, the follow-lng-deicril)cd real property, to-wlt: Iho Kouth-fiiHt qiiarlor of the North east miarti'r and tho orth.imnt quarter of the Hoitth-euHt quarter of Seclfon III, In lowimhip a Mouth of Hunge 1 Woit of Willamette Meridian, nontnliiinir eighty acres, exoepting thorefrom tho rluht til' way conveyed to the Orcimiau Itnilwav Company, and nlao exceptinh one-half of one aero conveyed to tho Oriynii nnd Cal lornia Hallway (;onimny, and all situate in Waalt niton County. Oregon, to aaliHfy the here nlieforo named niiiiin. and for tho cohIh and expetiNea of mild Balo, fiuld properly will ho olil mibjeet to ro (lemptloii a' per statute of OroKnn. WitnesH my hand thta 7lh (Fay of Dee ember, imu ui .... . W. I), BIIA DKOHI) Blioriff of WaalilnKton County, Oreirou, Hnow it McOainant, Allorneva for Pli,ti" Weather demands 'zero' garments. Heavy Friezes light prices high collars high qual ity storm neckbands, deep, warm pockets. The biggest and best showing In ulsterdom. The "style, service, sat isfaction," kfod. at kh v aWsriM fiVUflVWiVllW H. WKIIUI NU nttt SnS. The Hillsboro Pharmacy. The Leading Drug- IIouso - Wiiere lrtf, M.Hll.-nirii, I'ali.l. (illa.Kimiux, llni.lir. and all iriiKKt' rioHtin urty l proi-iiml ut pn.ealliat ttt.ply iliMai.eein.iiipeittioii. ItefflEOiBER,,., ,., r. , , rale i hut brniu thr moat iiiirfaetnty ik. atil; in.. I tmi will nUnvn Rttd lloin al THK DELTA DRUG STORE. We aU.. t'urrv th Ih kI HKotrtt'd ttH-k of Tnilil article 11 ml drug riuftrif d in lht conntv re ' K- I,'- Morgan & (o.. Have farm and city roptrty for ale-l l(rt prices ami tl-f iptlona. Alsn mi w inilla, frtsniwiiK nnd ct.unlry sUtrei. Wbent farms in ("al il'ortiiit to rxt'hftne, Tnll or rrilt for !i?t. HILLSBORO, . . . . ORKGON. Shite Fcflle, ISrta;lil)oro lloose,' Trtinaa.'t a tlotn.ral lUnklng llu.lno 3- W. HIll'TK Mnnagw "HUTK (.w,,,,, Sell tluht Kx.-haiiKn and Tulivraphln r.omiorH unit ihnihw Lfltlora of t'ri'dll itvalliihlii thmiinhout thi. I'nllml Slntm. Draw llllla of Kx.haiiKn nn Iindor I nnrpool, Inililln, Parla, lli.r'lln, pri,l, I r..it-oii-lh.)-l'iiiii.Htoi.kholin ami all prli I'lpal t'ltltmof Kuropo. ' I'olltx tloiiM inn. In on nil itiH'imMlhlo point. Hanking lioina from 9 a in to 8 p in 1 1 illMlM.ro, Orngon AilmliilHtrator'N Notice. Notice 1 la hcrnhy given that the under. m.kikhI hint i.ocii, hy the County Court of the htatn of Oregon, for WnahlnirUm otinlv duly appointed ailminHrator of the estato of II. U lleiulrli kH. deceaaed, tin. hint duly .pialUlcd an hucIi adtninla trator. Ni.w, lliDreforc, all piirsoiiM haliu lani.H iiKiniiHt kii id uatute aro hereby nl i'' hed loprtHeiit aaine to mv at the law oMIcn ol John M. Wall, at lllllabom, vyaHhltiKtoti Cmnity, Oregon, togi'ther with proper vonelivra within hIx inontha Iroiti thU date. Hated lliix Kith day of November. A. I) MM. ('. W. IIKNDIIICKh' ' Admliiintratorof said eatatn. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE OF RkjfcSATE AT PRIVATE SALE. Notleo Ik hernhy given that In pursuance o an order of the County Court of the Slate ol Oreg . n for Washington Coimiy mai e n the matter of the .;Kiiito of ,olui M lihalec, deceiiMed, ami dated I)e,.cnilier (Ith, IWl), thu tindorslKiicii iidmlnltrator tit said estate will from and after Katur day l ie (Ith day of January, IlKKI, proceed to -ell at linvikla sale for cijih In hand 1,11 day of sale, tho following dem;rihe, rurtJ Lying, being and sltimtc In Washington County, Oregon, and more particularly boi'iidcd nnd ileNcribed as follows, to-wlt! Commeneliig at tin, Houtliwoat corner of 'I'll' ;;lKlm,on'ho,lmH "'"'t, ni Hectlon IT1H It 8 W Will. Mm-., and running thence south to tho Tualatin rlveri thence eiiHtwnrd along tho centor of sitld river to tho east Hue of said Himtion II; thonce no.tr on Hectlon Um to the Hotith I.I110 ot tho Donation Land Claim of Thomas Hart and llienen weHtto plane of beginning, containing 10 acrea. more or Ichs, Hald sale will , Mtibjoct lo the conllr. ro . tlyed by , r, piy ,() ilisboro.or al.t.hu .aw (Mllce of W. N Iliirrett, In JllllHboro, Oregon. Dated tins 7th day of December, Ihih). 11 m num. (umc.iwnii : Mi Ad,,Wr. Flrat to arrive with : th i 7 I EVENTS 1 I I TKB8R V ! 1 irt OOOO UINtt TO WMR UAMANTKIOCIOTMINO imd-S!tt)Ut,(iUKtit)!l. I Mt, A. Hull,-) ' ri.l... 1 F. l tltiil w." boy f..t !( ettttbb-a m. .t P, ttitlt Ur -t ci- b, tte unit p, the .-t lin. ile r.i-i,. i..siy.. Ha enr-fnl micntton na il'vni-)nt.(,' pn mm .pti'ina. Si r. ei i ti e . i .ri . J. Noriliri.p, rri.prltior. Newly Furnished and Renovated. A fintt-claM tulilo and sll ttccoinnimlatlout for the convenience ofgucats. , . , OR&N Time Schedule .. . . . From Portland IH'tiver, H. Worth, Omaha, Kansaa City! tWApin WMl Hl irrlvi HnokniH, Flyer leaves 8; p m for Walla M i'!'. I 'ln,,,:!lJ!"l,M. H. l'niil, Dululh, Wa tit ',Um" ",Ml Kn"1' urrlvw win Iranelseo, aalllngevory llvudayn. nojumhiH Jllvor lt-nvo ft p ,,, OXooit w&h"tl,r,,"s!I0P AtorUa!!d way landliiKH, arrive 4pm exeeiitHuuday Hnrnl!!, m rlVrr .V,"ve ' ex..O).t a W.fv a... HUtm CMr' NWlriC, IW i Sunday KN' 'rr'v'' 'M P ' e0"!' .1 m tehiv ?!"' Y?',1,ll",rlv,'f """v 1 Or fio p it7'n ,"!rH,,1), "d Maturday for oregoi City, Dayton ami Wllv iHntlliin iirriyhiWpm Monday. Wi.lXy .nJ TlmlHdri,.w.,v.V.ur V'BVS6,""fueaday, 1 nurHilay and (Saturday for Corvallla ami wy landings. arrvo (tno p TSv .InirailayamlHaturday V lu)l,y. AddreBu W. II. I1ULBURT, un. Pan. Agent Admlniatrator'a Notice. Notlco la herobv given that the under signed has beon.l.y Uiodniinty Court of He Hlate of Oregon for Washbfgto, Ci t,y. duly appointe-f administrator of the . estiile of ICrnest K. U It'll. ...... mvn uiiiy quuiiiiuit as such admlnla- N'.w, thorefore. all permme having claims ami hist an . i..i ,. 1 '!?.:'" 1 1 : " 1 1 . .... , " Muiuiiy re m SVouXra.&i u;..,.i.i.. ' ""nMM,i ( Dated this lfllh day of Onfrd. ' Epitome nlrli Itullcr'i Chlosgo : jKlUl. Loudon 1 oenaorship Hoi tftflK UntttB aalaly ' Of W ll' A N"l Globe year and kilU lloth 1 ettvered Oregon. l'rli advauM formed lni galni punb i'urt ctarvd " rtuela end. Tli Ant w lnry. , Winn . . Th ituer leat Y. ban (Uai pro t I gel So - dei to 1 it I i-:;br i'.i Lil" ij. ,: -I"