HILLSBORO ARGUS, DECEMBER 7, 1899. Ml . telKK WITH TIIK I'Mofl.K i : Au. Ahixjt this Fsopi.k : : r lxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxs il liiiiu Ml jjfnry Halt.r-Ilroek 1 Jhn Weiss. vs ITIFP ETS A VERDICT. jfy Peculiar Case I no Hope Plaintiff Had fif the immt peculiar defenses tut n promissory note ynt heard Hii m-ctitnt was Motility en- in th circuit court cn of gin (niter Brwk versus John ,w. Mr. Brock, who in h widow, Split suit to recover on a iiot of fJtOO and interest, She alleged her husband gave her tin note to his desertion, telling her il ho had. Mr. W-i-, ll..' jgdant, well-to-dn German Mr, my that ha and Brock i to Oregon together and work- chums. In 1805 the defeu I look a I rip o Europe, mot lttUght a great deal of IlriH'k, Uriel to him to about t (MX) to tot on improvements on the ,p ranch Before leaving, Wei filial ho wroiti and signed this ) note, sealed it in n tiiiveloiie, Save it to Brm-k, saying: 'in should tliu on my trip, open Html it will l' my gift In you. tivu, give il to me upon my r t." Ini-in went abroad mid while eM Brock married Several 0e were hiought into court Wtify that Brook had repeatedly ( Ihmn, during the nbeiieeof the ptl.iot liml hi ftiend hud lift t'i present in a scale I envelope lmt lie ilnln't know rthnt ii Itatid dared not ojieii it. Ju' If" Weiss returned Brock h-fi try, leaving hi wK nlui'', nie unit in h delicate emuli Upon leaving he gav tit in uttnution to yr Brock, g h t it would g y Inwar I ng the child, an I mvpn 1 Ii Bg't h' broii-jiit xnii t'i i.i on the cl tint Wei-. ha ul borne an excellent reputation Hr ek i nllt'jj ' 1 In h ivt h id , not t.orci"l. when he. I d I linlil'f to tit altar. mr lh nvid'O'tHi wa nil lo lh thn plaintiffs (I'l'irnov drii I of rl vmdictiii.il ihft ili'lVod ttiiil hi Mttoriify wen -nr.' th u if It iid won iheiMK, W'liii w;i yirprisf, tlmn, whmi tin ju-v f ttsjlit in it verdict fir pl iiniiff in iun of U:t8H hihI a fo in i v'- fen. )Jto jurnr ixpliiiiod tin verdict n r i i ir : "If Mr Vin wnnted in i Bri ck t preci-nt In could ijy hitvc in oh llii nolc fpicify mid, niter Bnick wkh gm e oonld iimk no defnni' Mr k, kn itting thn nolo wuh out whcr, hotild Imvi taken ttcpn cow it. icRr Tliyir, nit old tim ih-wk. fr mnn, wn in th city from i Hill, 'IVadiiy. Tlmyr once Indied a ppr Ht Benvcrton. urntocknfdry good is ready ,our inupcction. r nil lino of ng fliinnnlii and wrnppcr goodn, hct, a full linfl of all kindx of gonds. Conm and net More hiiHing tiUenhon1. H. Woh Ig A Sons. Farm For Salt. y acre far in for wile; olightly ng; good barn, oOx'h, built two k cint MOO; fair limine, 18x28; :t buildiiigH; good brick rvnll; ning water year rourd; good aru: 2o acres clnaren; ropteHny lear, lOypitranlaahcd; fiveaoreH i ling live fir limbor; eight tnilcB in Purl land. Will neil choiip. uir of L, A. Long. Anai's oflice. PROBATE. I report of eMuto of Clmrles Percy r licanl and allowed: adtnlnititrator H. i. I.iiiklater aiiltiorir.ivl to turn till remiiiniriK f 144. MS to tlie rullier A. Oliver, the ivirvivlnc heir, re in g at Lakelnud, Minn. nle of real rUte In the Kennedy el ! confirmed, sdmltilntrutor ordered to Icule a aufliclenl deed. etteri of uiianlinnahlp Issued to Mhtv il'atton. over minor heir Dot and Kd- 1, bond having heeu filed; appraisers,' riCK levy, a, joitnatou ana Anarew Uie, Strayed Reward. m near Cedar Mill Oregon, on he 23, 180'.), a small red cow with ndla marking, and with rtl I white apolted bull calf by her b. I will give a rewnrd of $5.00 any information leading to the overy of same. Iwari) L, Nayi,or, Lock box G, Forest Grove, Ore. litovs at Oreer'a. AH kinds of worn, Deo. 2, at Farmington, to and Mrs, Henry Kamna, a uirhter. Main sewlig. Mrs. 0. 0. Wilkos, f r bicycle nhop, Second Htreet, I Uboro, Ore. I lev. W, H. Dierdorf and wife I up from Klamath Falls iIuh I V. . aueHtg at the Ross place I f of the city. ' A lllinaiug ''Notii'D of Appeal" in th i'iii!) of Hiiitsc vn ('ndwtill, brnUKht by appeal from Juxtict? Unmphreya' court, U cauniiig aonin commotion in legal circle. vir. liregory, thn attorney who appealed the (line, wuh thrown out of court, lilMirulivflv epeiiliing, liecaiiHii thin paper w ih lint in thu tranacript. (Iregory Ima been trying to get into court ver idiicti the iliMnitaal, und baa filed h'vchI a Hi d a v i t c. Amongxt t lift ullidaviU filed arn thofe (if (iregory, Nlatiog the paper waa in tin niaaa when tiled; ami II. T. IhiKlev, that it waa there when he examined it; of Imbrie, that the fiifteniTH bad Inmiii tamper "! with aitice tiliii)f, and of Justice llumphreya htatiug th.it all whk cunplrte when ho made up ihc tranacript. 'I'h matter will be heurcl aoon. Tong'iH,t Totigtii. were linhling the appeal for llaioea Mr. IhiHtou dii not c ini' into the cane unlit after the paper in ipjeHt ion waa nt and h aaya hail he known of it liiappeiiratiee he would not havi taken up the cam, Th" motion to re open the cace waa heard lod.y, ami tlm court will al low CatlweH'a attorney to lile a copy of the Notice of Appeal. Mr llutin, who npieand for Hainea, rfijiiected Ihe court, if be could aee any way to j;rant the molion, be would lie pleaned In have the order made, Mr. Iluatou atated that conaiderintf ill the nifid.ivit in the matter, he wua convinced that aome one had tampered with thn paja'ra and that had be known of it earlier he would not have touched the lawituit, "One Minute Cough Cure i the heit remedy I ever uai'd for couyha and eolda. It ia ui.e(Ualled fin who iing couch. Children nil like it," writea II. N William, dimtry villi, led. It never faila. Il ia the only harmleaa remedy that given immediate result Ourea cougba, eolila, hiarinea,, croup, pneu uioiiia, bronehiiia nod all throat and lung troiiblt-a. Ila early ue prevent ColiMliuptiotl. The l)rlta Hrug Stor . Word come by private letter thai L. L. Wliiti'oiuh neverely in j'iri'd hiiiiielf the other day while hulling tie liet.veen Orient and Tnnitd ile Mr, Whifomh w it a placed under the dnctnr'a care and i prnttreaaiug favorablv, enrndder ing Ida age All hi old frirnda here hope he will not he invalided very long Kinect orange of the w asnn now in, at little'. Lew lliilfut ti, of ("o!iielin, write 'hat heiirtived at .1 me alow 11, North l tkot t, in if, I-11I xhipe, and 1 eoiovniu I ie iiraiitw Mtmoiltire of liml laud of frnida and freeze Before von have vonr C'.tiito- ruplii. takrtt for the Holiday, the work id (lie New (uulerv, live . l..L a t I 1.. c I 1. ........ ) I'otry Klli, I'ltolourapln r, Oycter cocktail at Hates', tin in F, J, Barber, Second Street, for 11 neat alt.ive or hair cut. Sati faciioo tuarantied. Kino h;Uh room in contiection. Mr. Bert II. Bowl by and Mi' Harriet Monte were niuried in this city, W eilmday, 1), e mber (i, 1 Key. Harold Oh,.rg olhe;aliiig. Mr Boivlby ioipHif Koret-l OioVe'e reliable dru'git and 1 now in (lit employ of Mr. 0. K. Miller. The bride itv daughter of Mr, and Mr K. W. Moore, of I'oriland. Leave order for your Oregoniau annual at Cave' Hardware elote The ue.v money order i in check form, and when you get one you are lso given a slip with ils numb er in duplicate. You can take this slip back to the pot cilice ut any time und a ertnin where your or der wan cashed, if it goes astray from it original intention. Take your butter and eggs to Greer's, Ho always pays the most. Three hundred acres in Belle imp donation for sale; 200 acre under cultivation. Sec J, V. Morgan, ut count clerk'n nllice. Will sell tit a bargain. When you are looking for a Xmas present go to Greer's. He has the nicest lino ever brought to the city, Eighty acres of unimproved hind within a few miles of Greenville. Easily cleared and will make splendid dairy lanch, Running' water on place. Will sell cheap. Enquire at AKiuiHolliee. Ilillshoro will soon boast of three butcher shops. J. D. Hotisley hits sold to two parties and Ed. Berst will start a market next week in the Finney building. The more the merrier. II, Wehrung & Son's lines of groceries are complete. Prices al ways the lowest Highest market price paid for produce, Dr. Brown will he in Hillsboro all next week. Those who desire to see turn can do so at the resi dence of Mrs. J. W, Morgan. Try .a box of our bonbons. Gates J. W, Goodin, of Glencoo, was yesterday granted a contract to build a bridge at the B. Wilson place between Glenooe and Green ville. The contract price is $-16,50. Dr, C, B. Brcwn will be in Hills boro noxt Monday, Dec. 11, pre pared to do nil kinds of dental work. -Will remain one week at the residence of Mrs. J. W. Morgan. Just received at Greer's a full line of ChristmaB Goods. Replaced Tlic Old One Tues day Kvc.inK. III. T 0X1; TILKET IX THE Flf.l.l). Only Ninety Four Vine Cat at day's r.iictiiHi. Moo- City flection occurred Monday, with hut one ticket in the field, and ninety-four vote citHt. The newly elected were, Mayor, Geo. H. Wil cox; recorder, Benton Bowman; treasurer, H. Everilt; couticilmen, John Milne, John Dennis and W. J, Benson, Tin: 11 w mayor and council were sworn in Tuesday evening, nfier the old council had adjourned for the last lime. Be fore adjourning the outgoing body cloM-d contract both for digging the iliiclo and for the tile drain for Second and Third Streets They also allowed the following bill: HilMmro Light it Water, Nov . ..$105 Jj S II itumon, nervier n city ally 50 no lU-ntuit Dnwmmi mm- a city recorder 31 00 S Ivveriti tvrvtcrt an city trea J5 o Tlin Gliern, Nov tnl a marshal 30 00 C,i St I'mol.uiiiiue lien docket 950 V J William, ulret-t putting , . . , 4 50 Imlrpri dent. I'litli notice 400 Ahocs, liitili notice 4 00 S Wilson, election marshal 1 jo R Crniid.ill, Jmlije election . , , . . , I 50 I', C llfown, " " I 50 f ItlMK'OlV, ' " 1 jo H I. .McCiirmiek Clerk election ... I 50 John W lliiiley " " , . , I 50 Afirr l!i new council wa aivorn in M tyor Wilcox made the follow iuK e luinilti-eappoitdineuts: l-'txysCK; John Milne, Joint 1'rnms and Tlum. rucker. STki-.tiT: tlio. Tutker, R, Wnygrtiir and Ji lie Milne. Water & !.ii;ut:J. M. Creer, R. Wncuem-r and Wtn, llciisott. aitav: Win. 1!iii tt, John Dttiui an t J M. (.n-ear. Mayor Wilcox made a f w re mark relative to the city's e nnii lion ami staled t hut n the um meol wa 2" per cent lower this year thto lat and a the levy was now at ita limit, it would be almost impnMhh to cut down the city's drill, ' He udvi-ed econ miy ateverv point an. I predict! d a harmonious yeai'is work. Real t slate Transfers, Jaiae Warren to Mn-gie J Kosher lUIIKCJtllrlW J 1 Henry Latham cl ul to Mary Treti- K.'ve e 4 ol e ,!j o( n vv sec 17 t I s r I w joo Andrew litiiwiu to l'red SchuWu- l)vr; 40 .11 hix 33 I 1 ir 3 w mid other l.uida , a;,oo ohn DaUns lo Mary M Hart t ut It in wc a t l 11 r 4 w 37 Udgnr Riihnioud to Clatance Riclpnond 1 1 a in ec 7 t I 11 r 4 w 1 25 Hiua J Canor to K L Tarson 40 a of KUsha Tanner donation Joo O & C R R Co to Juhn K id a w V 11 e W e 1 1 1 n r 3 w 3oo John Heisler to KSua Nicholson 7 H ec 26 t 1 a r 5 w 350 Samuel and Oliver Chowning to Brady and Julia Chnw iiinn tract 1'iirdy'K nd IHIU y 500 A T Tapper el nl li l'ideHa Tnp per tract in Washington Biid Yamhill counties 7.17 a and oth er lands I S II Humphrey and Araminla Humphrey, ex to Mary Vinson et al 130.44 a in Fairview ad to Hilhlioro 3457 Colonel Thomas J llramel lo Geo J PtdmaUcr 100 a Chaa Stewart donation 300 O & C R R Co to Chaa W Laurens It 6 sec 9 t 1 n r a w 84 Same parlies n j n w M ami s w ,, n w l4 and lis 3 and 3 sec 5 t asraw , 841 J T Oerrish and wf to Mrs M J Mack tract in Andrew Harper donation , , noo Stanley Roberts. Professor J. II. Stanley and Miss Florence Huberts were united in marriage at the widenee of Mrs. M. Williams, 235 Fifth street, Sat urday afternoon, Mr Ghormlcy, of the the First Christian church, olliciatcd, and the ceremony per formed in the presence of a few friends of the high contracting parties. Professor Stanley is principal of the Peninsular public school, and also of the Williams-avenue night school. He is well known in Port hind, and also in the Willamette valley and in Eastern Oregon, where he has taught school and served several terms as county sup erintendeut. The bride, Miss Rob erts, is a daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Amos Roberts, pioneer residents of St. Johns. Shu Was a pupil of Mr, Stanley while he was principal of the St. Johns school and the no qutiintance formed then has since ripened into an till' ctiou which waa crowned Saturday by an exchange of golem vows "till death doth part." The newly wetlded pair will occupy apartments at University Park for the present, until a permanent cottage can he secured in the vici nity. Oregoniiin. Mr, Stanley was for a number of years in charge of the Hillsboro schools. His friends here extend congratulations. Call at Gates' for fiesh chocolates and bon bons. Mayor Thos. Talbot, of Cornelius, was in the city Tuesday; he has sold the Muster's place, south of town, Phoenix Lodge Knight of Py thin Monday evening elected the following to serve a officer for the term conini.Micing January I, P)00: 11. T. ilaU-y, chancellor cumniHiider; J. I'. Cart-tens, vice chancellor; J. T, Moreluiid, prelate; H. T. Latham, mas ter at arms; Geo. W. Schnlmeri h, mas ter of finance; Dr. W. I), Wood, master of excliecpier; H. H. Tongue, master vf wiak nd trustee; II. A. Ilarlirr, inside KUaid; J, VV. Cave, outside guard. New style (f CholnKMplm at the new Gallery. Call and examine them. Gallery corner 7th and Ban-line, Ilillshoro, Oregon, At a tie tting of J. B Mattlr-w Pout Inst night the following officers were elecied: Post Commander, J. L. Handle; Sr Vice ('on iuand-r, R. W. McNutt; Jr Vic Cimi.,Ja Roach; Officer of the day. John Baldwin; (junrlet master, John J. Reynold; Chaplain, J, M. Ed wards, Post Surgeon, J. S, Clark; Officer of the Guard, E Cheney, Time, Remember, our motto is: "10 oz to the lb,.",(i i lichen to the yard, and one hundred cents to the $1.00 to each man, woman and child who deal with IL Wehrung & Sons. All good guaranteed or your money refunded. Mr, and Mrs. J. A. Brishine set tled their property by mutual agreement and that part of the soil did not come up for the considera tion of the court. The lands of the settlement is, we understand, that Mr. Rrinbine gets one-third of ;t!l Die projn rty Time. Benefit to farmers: Fur over a yc.r Sehulmerieh & Sou have bought plows, harrows and wagons direct from the factory, and have been able to cell a latter article for lens money than has been sold heretofore, '''hey keep the old reli able I'.uford Clipper, Rock l-innd plows und Fish Bros, waitot.a of Clinton, Juwo. The Grange Store is selling more stove this season than any other house in llilWoro. This is due to buying in quantities sufficient to make a low price to the purchasers. Go and examine their stoves and heaters and get price. Main st., llilUhoro, Ore. J E Tansch, ho formerly wi:s in the mercantile buinesat Farm iiigtoti, but now slopping at St John, was in the city Tuesday. Mr. Tansch ha suffered the lo of his riht leg since he left here. While mining in Jacks -m county lasl cprmg, til pirlu'r ai'di-ntu i-hol lit fit by wihnvitij.'it pick to d op on the snii hamiiu 1. , Our .i.i- n lioi-ts and s luipf, rubber g..d 1 and m.-.t-kintii-I.e tor1 men, women and children i i-.ur:-pletc and ill price that can not l" beaten in Win-hiiigtini cf.nii v. All tve a?k is that you cull in m il ex amine our slock and get prices. No trouble to chow giMids. H Weh rung vfc Sous. The Bethany Hall Cub will uive a nmMp.e hull, Saturdty evening, Dec Hi, IS'.l'J. Priz-to best drc-s-ed holy und etitlenian charac'.er and to most comical character. Music, three pieces, Bethany or chest m ; t wo Hour m a n a g e r s. Tickets, 50 cents, includint; supper. For Sate: .S3 acres; 55 chared; good soil. Pair house and barn Enquire f L. A. Long, Ama's, Hillsboro, Ore. At the last meeting of the Gen. Ransom Post, G A. R , the follow ing officers were elected for the en suing term: G. N Hale, commander; H. I.. Lock, senior vice; 1-ra ik Doughty, junior vice; H. K. Haines, chaplain; Louis Cornell, servant; RufusWaKgener, quarter mus ter; John Herri, oliieer of the day; A. V. ltathcr, officer of the guatd. Cigars at F. J. Barber's, 2nd St. A fresh supply of this smson's nuts, just received Gates'. Fred 0 roner, a prominent farmer of Scholls, was in town yesterday and reports thu roads worse than he has ever seen them ul Ibis par ticular season of the year. Deputy Sheriff Deicbmau depart ed for Salem to-night and took to the penitentiary R. L. Dorris and W, F. Stevenson, convicted of for gery. They will serve two ami one-half years. Mr. Deichman was r-ssisted by A. A, Morrill. This leaves Join: Tom McNannira all by himself in the county jail. - Ralph Johnson, of Glencoe, was in the city yesterday, and states that there will bo a merry time at May's Hall Christinas night, the time of the big masquerade ball. Mrs. 11. Curchill, Berlin, Vt , says, "Our baby was covered with running sores. DeWiti's Witch Hazel Salvo cum! her." A specific for piles and skin diseases. Beware of worthless counterfeits. The Delta Drug Store. Dr. C. L. Largo and his protege, Austin Craig, were in town yester-i day from -the college city. '1 he doctor thinks there may yet he some doubt as to the death of the McNtimer brother, reported drown ed in the Yukon. A Glencoe farmer of t he name of Keffer was Friday night held up by ttvo men while at his barn. As the rancher had left his money at the house, there were two disap pointed highwaymen. D, T, Phillips, who was down from Cornelius today attending a lawsuit, slipped and fell, in front of Northrop s. hotel, badly wrench- ing his side. It is to be hoped that will be placed with Mr. W, N. Bar "Uncle Dan" will come out without vett for collection, a serious lay-up. 1 J. P. TAMIESIE, M. I). l)(I!imi)ML mm H i n Operated at Forest (J rove Last Spring. SOLD Knbhed MACHINES FOK LEChLF.R. Nim of Over Three Hundred And Fifty Dollars, It. L. Dorris and W, F. Steven son were last Friday :-.ighl sen tenced to two and one-half years each in the penitentiary. Dorrie having been found guilty by a jury, and Sievmson pleading guilty. Both were charged with forgery, and larceny by bailee. Dorris and Stevenson (qsrated at Forest Grove last spring, selling sewing machines for F, II. Itchier, of Portland Tin y pocketed the proceeds of sales arid sent in forged notes to cover the amounts. Leohler states that he suffered a loa of $357 by the swindlers. OTHKll CI Hi TIT :oi;bt news. Judge McBride Saturday granted two divorces Julia II. from 0. M. Gardner, for cruel treatment; C. W. T from Nora Johnson, upon the same charge and the additional grounda of adultery. Alec Gordon, a Glencie farmer, was given a judgement of $600 against Henrietta and N.A. Barrett, now insolvent debtors. Gordon signed a secjrity note with the Barretts, which he was obliged to pay. By a decision at the last term of court enough real property ha been ordered exempt from the as signment to cover Gordon judg ment. The jury in the case of E. W. II. lines, the Forest Grove banker, against E. P. Cudwell, that morning brought in a verdict for plaintiff in the sum of .tl5!MH.I, and $35 at torney's fees. II.UNKS CAinVEl.t, CASK. Thi ca-e i one wherein is found a tine point of law. The substance oft e whole cas i this: Haines received f om E. P. Cadwell his note for $2 XM, note to cover an ad vance of $775 by Hair.es to Cad well, a 'id further advance-, in case II tine sh iUt 1 agree to litem. If j no', lad 111, upon payimr. thelfiio land ii.!i-re.-t. wa to receive back j hi i'2 UKI i;,.',-. Through clerical error t. . ,u veil h.mk b.uanee was (advanced 5:l'-"0, :itiist which he drew, in part, K tore discovery cl i" tore discovery cl 2 ,, , - , i L.ia.vL-il claims he i 1 - j (lie m i.t tike .-I'tth-d the imp 11 .lines aiivii.ii! ami it lie owed i' wa an over h aft, and such sho Id have been the b'ii well has of his complaint. Cad ret:iiud E. II. Gregory .tliu U i Ictfi'iey to carry the cas lo the Supreme court Mr. Cadwell allege tha he should also have a eiedit of interest on a matter of a draft of $4 000 sent Haines by Cad weil, yviiile the latter was in the Sandwich I-Lin l. Cadwell alleged that he wrote Haines to loan the money for six or nine months, or return a certificate of deposit to him. Haines did not return a cer tificate of deposit, and alloived Cadwell no interest, alleging that he did not pay interest on deposits. E. H. Warren vs Climax Mill 1 Co, dismissed; upon motion of plaintiffs altoinney; A. W.Sydney granted divorce from Eilene Syd ney; Emma S. Parker vs Luther Beard, foreclosure granted; Kerron v. Thayer, suit to recover live stock, verdict for plaintiff; Wall vs Phillips, suit to recover commission on sale of really assigned by W. II. Rucker, verdict for plaintiff; American Type Founder's Co., vs Lung, motion of deiendant for con tinuance denied; A. A. Morril ap pointed to assist in conveying Dor ris and Stevenson to penitentiary. WERE FOREST GROVE MEN. The McNamers, Who Were Drowned in the Yukon River. Forest Grove, Ore, Dec. 2 Miss Alice MeNanier, of this pi .ce, re ceived word this morning confirm ing the former report that here two brothers, Theodore 0 and Converce W, were drowned in the Yukon river on November 11. about 200 miles from Dawson, by the ice up setting their scow which was load ed with stock. No further doubt exists. Con McNainer was 25 years of age, and will be remeinbed by most of the football players, as he was one of the best players in Ore gon, and was formerly a member of Pacific University's first team. Theodore C. McNamer was 44 years old, and had been a farmer and an experienced stockman in this coun ty for the past 20 years, Both were horn five miles north of Forest Grove, and had been residents of this county continually until their trip to the Klondike the past two years, Oregoniun, NOTICE. All overdue notes and accounts must be settled during the month of December, 1899, This notice is final, as after Jan. 1, 1900, such notes and accounts Col. T. J. Bramel, veteran of the Mexican war, will in about three weeks leave for the Soldier' Home near Ios Angeles, where he expects to end his days. Mr. Bramel was firt enlisted in the Second Illinois Volunteers and a yer later was with thn Arkansas Mounted Rifle men. Mr Bramel carries a badge which wa manufactured from bras out of a cannon the American force captured at Montezuma. The Aunts spends little time preaching about its merit or it circulation. Its columns speak for the paper and there i absolutely tin question but what its county circulation ig greater than any other county paper. It gives the news and reaches the penple. Ad vertisers should not forget this. IL Wehrung & Son' stock of clothing wa purchased before the advance in prices, and they are enabled to S'jlt clothing at the old prices. They guaranteetheirclotb ing the bet, and prices the lowest They also take orders for tailor made suits, fit guaranteed, or money refunded. We like to show goods "I v(as nerly d'-ad with dyepe psia, trbd doctors. visited mineral spring, arid grew worse. I used Kodo' Dyspepsia Cure. That cured me." It digests what you eat. Cures indigestion, sour stomach, heartburn and all forms of dyspe psia. The Delta Drug Store. County Commissioner's court re presented by Judge L. A. Rood, of Hillsboro. Ihos. G. Todd, of Forest Grove and J. Q. A. Young, of Cedar Mill, met yesterday morning, tran sacted business and adjourned court tin evening. lhe chums allowed will lie published next week. For sale or trade: 75 acres farm witn niiisooro or roruanu lor a market. 60 acres under plow. Good house, barn and outbuildings w ill sea lor casn or trade tor another farm more suitable for running stock. Inquire at Ak;ls olhce. About twenty five members at tend the meeting of the fire De partment last evening, and it wa one of the most enthusiastic and irrepressible meetings of the year. the boys are doiug good work. For the neatest shave or hair cut to be had in Washington county, go to h. h, Colestock s Shaving Par lots, Main stieet, Hillsboro. Or. Finely equipped bath room con nected. Popular prices. DeWitt's Little Early Risers pur ify the blood, clean the liver, invig orate the system. Famous little pills for constipation and liver troubles. The Delta Dru.; Store. Hovt. thp Jpweler. h.i inst re- j ., e . . ,-1 ,-' ceived the finest holiday line ever , ... ,., , . brought to Washington county. Come early and make your select ions. Delightful novelties, jewelry, silverware, etc. Come and see us. You can find anything vou may need for a good Christmas dinner at Greer's. Geo. A. Hall, now a practicing attorney of St. Helens, was in the last wee':, attending circuit court. Regular services at Christian church Sunday morning and even ing; at Faruiiiigtou, 3 p. m. R. Cave is still in business and is selling goods as cheap as any one can sell good goods. Mrs. C. B Frissell writes from Newberg that C. B. has gone to Glendale, below Riddle, where he will remain for some lime as S. P. agent. Mrs. Frissell will remain at Newberg for the winter. Farms for sale and rent. G. A. Morgan, Morgan-Bsruard building, Hillsboro, Ore. Mr. Henry Everitt has purchased one of Pearson's stump pulling machines and will try it on his ranch southwest of the city. The hop market has seen its shadow and gone back into its hole. The wheat market has been rather too thin this season to make a shadow. Ptiguo at last admits that we have plenty of rain. He has been telling us that the rain crop waa short ever since this time last year. Pagne is rather an expensive nuis ance. Frank G, Mitchell, formerly the genial treasurer of the city of Hills boro, an all around good fellow, and late of Slcaguay, Dyea and Atlin, returned home this evening on the Independence Flyer. Dr. J. E. Adkins, will leave on the 13th inst , to be absent 20days Miss Mabel will leave the same date for Salem to enter the musical conservatory for the winter term Joseph Blanchard has returned from a month's trip to Dufur. Ore., and Goldendale, Wash., and will remain here throughout the winter. Rev. Harold Oberg will discuss the subject, "Shams," at the M. E Church on Sunday evening. All are cordially invited lo attend. The literary meeting of the Ep- worth League will he held at the residence ot Mr. and Mrs. Bar rett, Friday evening Subject, Ten nyson. George Temple, of Gaston, has resigned as supervisor of Road dis trict No. 24, and M. W. Patton has baen appointed to succeed. The county court will advertise in two papers in the county for bids to furnish stationery for 1900. Born, Dec. 1, at Laurel, to Mr, and Mrs. 1). McMaugh, a boy. THE ARGUS : DECEMBER, 1 899. : Sou 1 Mail I Turn Wed Tim j Frt Sn . 1 l ij l? 4 5 6 7 I 8) ft U 12 1 13 114 15 1 16 3 I 10 17 21 .31 18 1 O f 201 21 221 2& 25 1 26 27 28 f 29 j 30 PROKKSSIOX , F. A. BAILEY, II. D. I'lijrsleian. Surgeon and Aocom-kcr Office in Hillshr ro Pharmacy. Resi dence south-west corner Baseline and Second. All cats promptly attended, day or night. S. T. LINKLATER, M. B. C. M., PHYSICIA AND SURGEON' Office at Risideuca East of ourl Housa JAMES PIHLUI'ETAMIESIE, M. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Surgeon Southern Pacific Railroad Co. Consultation in French or English. Of fice and Residence south ide of Main, near Odd Fellows' Building, Hillgboro. THOS U TONCUK. U B TOMCDI, NOTtfiv- THOS. H. 4 E. B. TOKOS, Attorneyg-At-Lan. Riwnis 3, 4 & 5, Morgan Blk, HilUboro. H. T. BAGLEY, ATTORNEY AT LAW Dnmty District Attorney lor Washing ton County, Office upstairs over Delta Drujr stote- JOHN M. WALL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Ottice with S. B. Huston, Union Block HILLS BOKO, - ORKGOX. E. R. GREGORY, L. L. B. z TTORNEY-ATLAW NOTARY PUBL'C Hillsboro, - - Oregon. Corwin & Wooster Blck, Upatri'. SMITH & BOWMAN, ATTORNEYS-AT-LA W Notarial Work and Conveyunctng. Rooms 6 A 7 Morgan Blk., Hiltshoro. Or W. N. BARRETT, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Successor to Barrett & Adums.) Office, I'p Stairs, Central Block. HILLSBORO, - OREGON, D3. J. E. ADKINS, Fifteen years Experience in Hillsboro, DENTISTF Firstclass services; Charges reasonable. Office, Union Blk, over Pharmacy. HILLSBORO. OREGON. DR. C. B. BROWN, DENTIST 516 Dekuui Building, Portland, Oregon, Will be in Hillsboro every fourth Mon day in each month. MISCELLANEOUS. Execntoe's Final Notice, Notice 1., hereby given that Herman H- Boge, executor of the last will and testa ment of Anna W. Boge, deceased, has tiled in the County Court of the Htataof Oregon for Washington Countv, his final account as sum executor, aim ttiat said County Court has fixed Monday, the With day of December, 199, at the honr of 10 o'clock a. m. ot said day, at the Court room of said Court, in Hillsboro, W ash-- ' insrton County, Oreeon, as the time and pUice for heariiiii objections to said an. account, and the Dual settlement of said estate. Dated this 23d day of November, 1899. HERMAN H HOOK, Executor of the last will and testament of Anna W. Boge, deceased Carstens Bros., MANUFACTURERS OF Rough & Dressed Lomlier Sash, Doors, Mouldings, tic. HILLSBORO - OREGON, OREGONIAN AND ARGUS, ?2.oo. The Weekly Ore&onlan and this paper Klve you all the news of home, state, the Northwest and the nation. Dead Letters. The following is the list of letter re maining in the Hillsboro post office un. claimed: ........ G M Knight All Utters not called for by Dec. 16, 1899 will be seat to the dead letter office. One cent wi!l be charged on each letter called for. II. Schui.merich, T. M. Numerous holdups are reported out near Lenox, Some one will get into trouble out that way. It is thought that the guilty par tie, are from Portland. (