The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, November 30, 1899, Image 2

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"4: : A 1'sraa roa thk 1'koh.k ; : :
ill! A TASKS tlf THK TROfl.K ; "V f
ihttitd at the Pott-olhca t Hillsboro,
Oregon, as erond daw mail mallet.
t County Official Paper.
Til krpa MMiii
DnW jtiont One TVillar ner Annum.
31s Months, 00 cts; Throe Months, .Vets.
Opposed to Gold Mono atetaltisn. Be
liever la the Bimetallic Standard
Dear Money rneaas Debased Property,
tad Profitless Americas Product. Our
Conseqneat loss is oar Creditors' Gaia.
Has ao use for Marcas A. Hanoa
There is nothing to dense in the
wheat r-itulation as not to be readily
;nnlyie4. The production is not
enough greater than lut yewr to
'warrant the present losr prices.
But the great 1897 shortage fright
ened Europeans and when 189$
'came, buying was freer, and the
iprico was some what held up.
With the scare out of the way, and
normal production obtaining, the
price level is such as to be absolute
ly profitless to the grower. Here
"is wlml hurU: When the level of
the wheat market is this low, farm
ers can not buy products of the
mill and manufactures and busi
ness at once becomes stagnated.
Price is but a matter of the ievl
of the averages between money and
.that which money purchase de
mand and supply always a mater
ial factor, of course; but it must 1
remembered thai this same law op
erate as strongly on money as it
does on product What we need is
the rid coinage law again in force.
With this, we shall have the old
. and profitable price level. As it is
nciw, are have no profit for the pro
ducers of America's rhiefest agri
cultural crops and they are the
majority, both from point of num
bers and business view. With farm
prices low, the exceptional case rec
ognised, where is jour prosperity?
Ask the farmer.
Let us open our mints to silver;
Give it its old uses and its legal
" and commercial values will stand
" 'as they did prior the restriction.
' We will then have money enough
transact our business. Then let
a man like Mr Scott, of the Orego-
aian, sell his kilvtr bullion at half
it debt-paying value (and hence,
purchasing value) if he to desire.
We have plenty of asylums for the
detention of those who become in
sane in the desire for base product
The auspicious man lives in a little
world all to himself. He doubts
everything even, to himself. He
finds it very hard to say a good
word of his fellow. He thinks his
friends have secret designs against
him, and they, knowing him, never
thiuk of him more than twice a
year; lie thinks everybody is trying
to rob him; he has a sneaking c pin
ion that all are dishonest except
himself, socially, financially, and
politically. Trot out this kind of a
man and we will show the rnuu
who was brought up on a bottle
filled from the product ui a "sour
milk" cow. Watch this kind of
it man. He is omnipresent. His
only redeeming feature is that he
it mortal and must some time fade
. tway.
The Boers appear to be giving Eng
a a t i
ianti mucn more trouble than was
at first anticipated. It will be re-
liiemliered that they are now ag
gressive, instead of defensive, and
should they be forced hack into the
Transvaal territory, such a thing
would not necessarily mean Boer
defeat. Tbe Boers are tire, n.oet
rtubborir defensive fighters in the
World and they will ' hold out for
aiauy months on a mere attitude of
resistance. The next few days will
t II if the Boers can ke--p Butler's
advance cut off, without which ad
vance Whitv's situation at Lady-
smith it practically hopeless, or
whether the sturdy Dutch must
prepare for and assume the defen
sive on their own soil.
Tub Hillsboro Independent last
wtek intimated thai the prioa of
wheat would hat no bearing on
future election. When wheat was
not a cheap as at present. Brother
ftault bad thee lines on Senator
Dolph and the prevent financial
He represent Wa J Street and London,
ot the producing clan of the Mate Ore
gon He (a a representative of the East
and of Europe, not of the great went.
Oregon, at well at the entire veet
era part ot the United States, it built
largely on borrowed capital, and
owe large turn to the East and Europe.
We are willing to pay thoee debt fairly
tn the Money ot the value in which thev
were contracted. But the policy urged
by Mr. Dolph of the contraction of the
currency, making it acarce and high,
would double and treble the indebtedness
of every ruau within the state. 1 he west
sells fowl product and baa uo other way
of paving u imlebtedneis, either princi
pal or interest. THK fOLICY OK SEN
HAS TO SELL. Whv should it openly
and voluntarily increase its own debts
and deminish the rvnees of everv thimr it
has to sell? It will do this it Dolph is
re-eiectec to the senate. Then why
should not the opposing candidates, or
the people at large, be willing to take any
capable man who will represent the pro
duct;ve interests of this state rather than
take Senator Dolph? There is justice in
the cry of "any thing to beat Dolph."'
He is an emeny of the people of Oregon,
and an enemy to every industrial inter
est, as well as to the great West.
This cuckoo journalist now finds
plenty of words to advocate just
what Mr. Dolph advocated. But
as ha does it under the lash, he is
more to be pitied than blamed.
The East Oregonian. of Pendleton,
one of the brightest papers in the
realm of Oregon journalism, has an
alworbing curiosity, and asks the
public's judgment on the following:
It it estimated that the government's
action in baying its own bond to relieve
the stringency in the New York money
market caused a rise ia the price of
stocks on Wall street of $50,000,000. In
referring to this matter the New York
World say that "as advance upon ad
vance was recorded by the ticker, lipa
long unused to prayer breathed a bene
diction upon the only government in the
world charged with the benevolent func
tion of booming the stock market at rea
sonable intervals." Where i the busi
ness that receives more favor from the
present administration than stock gam
bling? The price of wheat ia very low,
and those who hold wheat are suffering
from a ntonev "stringency." It is sur
prising that the government does not
loan the wheat holders money at a low
rate of interest, or do some other pater
nal act, so that they way be able to re
main ia a position to benefit from a rise
in prices? If the Hock gamblers are to
be "saved" by the government at Wash
ington, why not the wheat men?
Thia it very easily answered.
The people now in power propose
that the wheat men and their broth
er producers shall pay tribute to
and pay the Wall street men.
Gage need the producer's money to
help Wall street The producer is
the man who pays your govern
mental expense and puts mouey in
the national treasury. He does
this indirectly, or directly, as ti e
cat may be. Mr. Gage argues that
the producer must care not only
for himself for the-brokers and
Oregon has reason to be, and is, in
deed, a proud state. With an He
brew who has a coast reputation as
an unscrupulous buyer of power; a
governor wh) is openly accused of
bartering a high office for money
and no criminal prosecution follow
ing the terrible indictment, true or
untrue; with a great, and only,
leading newspaper rilent upon this
betrayal of a grand state or scan
dalout and criminal libel aj the
case may be silent on this matter
of public importance when its duty
is so markedly clear; with all the
country republican papers silent on
same question, yet vociferously yel
ling "duty" and "honor" as their
every pulse best; calling upon bon
est men to help them keep the op
position "traitors" from getting in
power; with all these citations of a
virtuous pwer dragging a state to
a disreputable level, hasn't Oregon
a rfcht to be proud I What a fine
political panorama to unfold to the
easterner who would build his fut
ure with us; what an excellent ex
ample for our youth ready to cast
the first vote; isn't it a pleasing
perspective? But what are you go
ing to do about it, people of Oregon
state? Endure it, of course. With
a regime of cheap wheat, and cheap
farm product generally, it is strict
ly in order to have the cheap rule
of demagogues and venal press
and social and political oetracism
is for the poor "traitor" who will
"not aland by the administration."
Ir Governor Geer look a cool one
thousand for an office ho did not
deliver, how much do you suppose
that this modern Cincinnalus fig
ured it worth to veto that Multno
mah tax hill, where thousands of
dollars in publishing are involved?
Wins Bro. Kddy, of the Times,
quotes local Bryan men as discour
aged over eastern elections, which
resulted in a minority vote for Mr.
McKinley In his own state, and an
overwhelming majority 'for . Bryan
H, TREE fltlD
M.f m- -i x . ... tf jt -c
oar - fi s a-. jesiJ" -w-' ' .
The Best Machine Ever Introducedin Washington County, at a Frieo
Within the Reach of ah who Have Land to Clear. Is Eas ly Handbd,
as it Weiglis Only a75 lbs.
This is the only machine that can be anchored to the ground, any place, without the uee of an anchor
stump. Buy no other. Each machine i supplied with a G-t't. Anchor Loop, and a .r0 ft pull rope of J inch
let H'ell, with patent rope honk attached; a I'ruiii l.-k to luild what is pulled; a St p on the Swirp to
hold it from levobing back; Throwi.ff to ungear the Sweep from Drum, to let off rope, it to wllw thu team
to cross the pull rpe with Ivmsh tups, or to allow the swe.p to swimi Mrt way hack, to make the pull with
out crossing the rope.- Is onetated cheaply and gives eminent satisfaction wherever it as tn-en used.
Local testimonials and catalogue upon application. For a tho:t time only, umcliine cost von but 440
t all ou or Address,' II. f. l'KAKSON, Karmliigto 1, Ore.
in Nebraska, he should at least tell
us who the cent email is that w-
,. t .. mil not issue tlu-ir notes, uistrail of ap-
may examine hint for insanity if: , ... - . ,
iptslmg to Mr. tugetoraid. Waslmig
the indictment tie well founded; or ,011 nKy f,rme ,re couipeied l0 ,0
at least, Mr. Eddy should name his 1 this after they have purchased 1 Mw
informant .hat analysis of the pe-' pino and subcriled to the xr fund
culiar j.olitical teat that mmancer-b;,, -,ryti"it 4$ ecu
is now sucking may be mado.
II will take our dear ftirniert)jtheliiiuf vice ru:m.nx ooUriouly
many years tj back thnt 20
millions paid for the rhillipine.
j -. i, . . i
And it will take them longer to pay
the additional millions it is costing
US to keep them. Hut the banks
must needs have us exnand and
John Hull says we must.
Secretary Ua?e went to the rl i-f
of the Slock jitbliers of New York
last Week bv ofTerinu to mirehase'
twei.ty.Hve million dollars worth of!
tT . , . . . .a.m.a anrr ,., ,
paid the Kind holders their interest
a month ueloreit wa? due. Similar
aciion has ls-n taken by the Treas-
nry olliciala ou form r occasions.
Hut no one has ever heard of the
Treastirv l)eirlment enmimr to the
t- t r'.t i- n- t .1
rehef of the toiling millions of the
country when their wages were re -
i j i . t i
duced ami they were out of employ
ment, or coming to the relief of ,he
farmers of the country when the!
... . .i . .
price or their prislucts fell b.-low
ih f ..-l.w.ii.. Tl,
.... .... ...
is the stock jobbers have made
. .
themselves felt III politics mote
.i ,i i I r .
thanthelalKirersor farmers have,
... ilt,i,...,i: i-i i
"""'" -
vestigsle the Geer-Plumnier matter?
Mr.Corbettia said to still have thei
... . . . 8 . . ...
uic nran. ii mi iiBicnc mil mis
visitor it proved to be a yellow jacket
But they aver that "Joe" is to deal
square with him this time.
It is understood that Cincinnains Geer
avers that he did sign that I'luinmcr re
ceipt, bnt suppose it wns a "promissory"
note! So it was, a double-headed pro
mise. Cincinnaatus bad better keep
away from Portland or he will get flim
flammed. When Pennoyer was Portland's mayor
the hcld-ops were attributed to his ad
ministration. They are now enjoying an
' honest money" administration and the
robberies are due to the terrible prosper
ity a sure advertisement for burglars
and highwayman.
When Governor Geer wormed Lord out
of the gubernatorial nomination the
gentlemen of the first part never thought
that the gentleman of the second part
would be the attorney to collect back a
rascally donation taken under a signed
promise to give office therefore. It is
said that Lord was H. R. Plummer'a
The Affairs
of Europe
are faithfully portrayed in the original and
exclusive cable dispatches which THE Cm
CAGO RECORD prints daily from the leading
capitals of the old world. This magnificent
special service is in process of being greatly
extended so as to include every important
city in Europe; and it is supplemented by
the full regular cable service of The Asso
ciated Press.
The Chicago Record, alone ot all American
newspapers outside New York city,
now prints original and exclusive
cable dispatches dally from
the leading capitals of Europe,
j No one seenu inclined toexplstn why
e an street miows, wno were snort,
wucAi am a ccuu Hops,
PortUtitl ia luviiit her lioMut mul
.-:.. 1.1. t ...
urr uuruiunri mini uirai iicuuuvt.i
. v. u
I - .1 . I . I. t al. s I.
coaaucu-u as coutparea wmi
the worst of the past. But. as "Pcunoy-
rumiillj the 0rfgou Ualiylo
i there isn't n.iLr in the ciiv but ht
I winks it eye at outrage. It is all accord-
inK t0 whoi-eU ,he "wke-oH-"
The ofHical vote of Ohio shows fie vote
ci 'ifoi- candidates oppowd the Presi-
!det.t SDoIicvtobeam.iorilvofM.77ioli
: thc total vote of the atate, and that the
i : combined vote of McLenn and Jones is
5769J Ker than the Republican vote.
In ie of ,he PU,tlic o( H.nn.
and McKinley for an indorsement, such
, f , President's own stale
-.pcaka in thuader toues the unpopularity
of the President's policy. Watchman.
j ul
! You never know what form of
I lo "i p!ii will follow const I pa-
"""'. TP."1" "r c,e ,v u-
!"K UeW it's Little Ear y U sers
-,, lr.,nlO. "I h. v
' If. (..., linU i.ili f.. m,..M,,u.l
. ii- ii i . i I
turn, and liver and bowel troubles.
1 in Mi Drug Store.
Senator Hainea was down fnim
v.. . n- I... i .
roresi urnve, oeuiieuay, an ai - at Circuit court.
Dr. II. II. Iladen, Summit, Al.,
t .. . i ' i i .
, B"j'i 1 l,",IK IVuUOI wyspttpsia
, Cure IS a SiileliUld medicine. I Ore-
. .(J P
i grows with continued use." It di- Hmiih 40rhin to the Homhwt e..m.r
;iil u-lmL villi fat sml nnii'klv ' "f ul'' el"l'"i ttiene Kiwt 'ill elutlii to llii.
" , y" tf,U,.lU,C.,JrKatlln.or snl.l .Sm-llnu; thenr. North 40
,euree uyspepsia ana tnuigeetioil.
! The Delta Drua Store.
T. TnaUiio Imtinm moil,
i,ie. UHlatUI UOtlOin SOUlll
.town is transformed into a lake,
n .... I . .:.
.. ' 00 -
For Bale or trade: 75 acres farm
with Hillsboro or l'orlland for a
market. GO acres under plow.
(Join! house, ham and outbuildings.
Will sell for cash or trade for
another farm more suifithle for
running slock. I quire at Aunts
J. I). Uridges, editor, "Democrat,"
Lancaster, N. H , says, "One Min
ute Co.igh Cure is the best remedy
for croup I ever u-ed." Immediate
ly relieves and cures coughs, colds,
p'rnnn nut limn imi.iiiiiiiiiii I,,..,..
croup, asiuma, pneumonia, i.ron-
uhltlS. em le and all throat and
lung troubles. 11 prevents cur
sumption. The Delta Drug Store.
County Treasurer's Notice.
All count
ity warrants ennoniecl prior to
February tl, 1hi, ro now ealled for and
payable at my ofllee In the city of llillie
boro. Intenwt will cease after thia date,
aov. ;, twin. A. u. tALY,
County Treaaurer.
J - ?yuii
j Freph tj of sweet and sour
phkl at u enrung Also a lew
isxes of ni -e apples h-Tl
Dyspepsia Cure.
Di(J6StS Whit yOU &t
Stture ,n Blrengthenlng and recon-
. Uructtne the exhausted dlROstlvs o
nni. m the latest discovered dlirest-
Jtnd tonic No other preparation
sUntl v relieves and permanently cures
DvsDeMla. Indlitestlon. Heartburn.
Tlatnlanra Rrviir Ktnmu-h. Kllivl.
ail other results ot Imperfect digestion.
"wr fey r c o4wn co. toweaw
Delta Drua: Store, Hillsboro, Oregon
' . . -
first to arrive with the telegraphic
nw Wwk,jr
w'a' -t oregoii. f..r th County tf
, , .,. ,)) nl'ut"'.'
John w. Ml.lmliT, disewd.i
u .1 .v. .... t . ' . ! i 'i1 .' ' " ' ' ' s 1
r,h viV v
1 "1 "l" Utthr"' A""" X '
In 'he nmn ir th Stst r nnimh
yu am hvreliv.i'llrd to apix-nr In the
! tminty ("art ..f tin. siaio .if t rtt. nr
j BV;Cr!,.V, lffi:V:h
"r whliipt.ii. mi Momlav. the 4h ilnv
of IS'eoiiilwr. H. t IU o'el'i'k in llir
1 fnrBn0,, r ,( ,rty, , M,, ,rn ,
'" if B"v "" .,,,,v.r- .'y " wler
,0 voiirt Sir irlvlf wile r rnl elln nil -
"'u 'V '-l.inKt.M. i-.iuiity. ttr,..!!, mul
ilnaenhru an follow. rt-wt :
I iiniinem-lna at the Northwmt comer nf
I lnatlnii lnil I'lalia nf rhnnni Hint
jo u Xyrth linaof : .onH.T. . U.
. h. to the Xorthoait eorner of Mid Sw-
""" Hi ami thence Vel ao eh, to the
j place of hrolnitinff. coiilaiiilna SO ncrrn;
fl"lm"1'1 "1 ma.le a praywl for in Dm
Of . )lf ,h,lmnii.triitor herein IIIhI.
wihu-m, the Hon. I.. . UihmI, JudKcof
1'ie t ontitv t 'ourt or if hlnln of llnvim
. ,1 . t .. . ,l u! . l.t .1
1 fr tin, t ni 11 r t of H nxhinirtoii w th I n
wnl ol miiil Court nfflxiil, tliia l7lh day of
1 rriootir i ttemt
Ait-t. J. A. IMITIK
Notice of Final Settlement
Notice In hereby g von Hint tho tinilnr
lK"el, ailmioii'tiator of th joMntetlno. II.
l'nMMilHTf, ilniMMl, ha ftlml in llm
romi'v roiirt of lh tal of Orean fiir
W 'MhliiKlor. county, his lliml aceouiltt! aa
ueh ailiiiinlilrator and that hiiI'I i ar-'-coiirt
nan lixel M'in,i,y tho 1SiUi,'
I)eeeiiila-r, piB. at tun court room
iHiurt at hour of M of) n. in. of mii4
jHillHborci, WuliiiiKiun omit v, -,
I a the time and plai for himrlnjrni
I"i" to said aecoiintH s..l the tliiul I
ml(t of ,,, tl, ..,,, ,(i,a
Una 14th tlav of Xovnmher. Im!si.
j. r,. KKt'
Ailiiiinintnitiir of the catate of (ifA IX
i nieiuier, (ieeeaeii.
I Sa-i
IlltheClreiilt Court of llie State ofdKS)
...i.i .
i'ii , uniiioicioii ramiiiy.
It. W. Crane.. Plaintiff,
Jaoob Penning, fleo. (irn
hani, ilenlainin llinlnrllanil
Mary K. Ilinlnell, exemitors
of thu laat will ami ti-ata-mentuf
Irvln Klnlanll, ilo
eearad, Jercininh lleitter,
It. II. Walker, l.iaain .Smith
ami the Slate of Ireiion,
To Jeremiah Reiller, one of th
nanitKl (lefeiKtanta: r1
In the name of the Htatn of OnV'
are hereby required lo appear ainfi
the coinelHiiit of lh plaintiff lili-d
within Mx ai-cks from thu date off
in blirat ion ol (hi amninoni, anif
fail so to apjiear and annner the eat
me pliiliilill will take tin Kinent
yon for the auin of SfiuO with hiloreat
thereon at (he rate of 10 per cent, per an-
nn ii: ainee p itemner vi. lxci. nnd nirtli.
er sum of $iSU atloriiev feea. nnd fur the
eosta ami dlnhiirxeineiitH of thia suit; and
further, that a certain mortfniK executed
hv tho defendant. Jacob I'cnnlnirw nnd
one Annie Penuiiifrs, datrnl Hepteiiilier 12,
W, and riKiirdcd on paKea.TiKk-Wi? of idxilt
"Y" of reeorda of mortaaites for Wiialiliiii
ton Ciounty, Oregon, be form-losed and
the real eatate conveyed hy nald morliragn
sold acconllnit to law and the practice of
this court, and the proceed applied to the
aatiafaetion of plalntlfl i ItidKinent, said
real estate being particularly described as
follows, to-wit: Iit No. IS In Kirwond
Farm as shown bv thn rmnrilnd nlut nl
said farm in the recorded plat thereof
In the Kecorder'a oftlce of Washinglon
County, Oregon. And that the I'laintlli
have such oilier and further relief as to
the court mav annear eouitalile. Tha
data of the nrat publication of this inn
mnns is October 2ft. IMMt, and the order au
thorising the service of this summons by
pu miration renulres you to annear and
answer on or before the expiration of six
weeks from said date. Thia stimimins la
served upon von hy publication by order
of the Hon, t A. Rood, Judge of tho
County Court of Washington County, Or
egon, by order made and dated at C'liatn-
tiers at Hillsboro. Oretron. on Oetnlwr
Attorney for Flalnllrr.
It x r-
Attractions in attire in
clude the tony, dressy,
Fall Top Coat. Our
"style, service, satisfac
tion" line is so reason
able in price that buying;
the uncertain "just as
as good" is real extrav
agence. This label
explains It. j j j
JU.. u.. ut, ,. u.. ul
The Hillsboro
The Lsading Drug House.
Where Prutf, Mml tel iirn. Paint. t)U.H)iies, llriinhes and all Irua(Ut's Sundries
liny ! procurm! at ptUra that imply illniamu eoiiiHlllloit,
) F- I?. Morgan &
Have farms and city property for
Also saw mills, creameries nnd c-unlry stores. Wheat farms in Cal
ifornia to exchange. Call or writs for list.
Shute d Foote, Ba kers
Traimaet a Hinienil Itankhig lliuhi
A. t;. HIIUTK ,
, Managm
.. Cannier
Null aiirht Kxehanun anil Tiilivranliln
rrainifers anil lwnu letters of t'reilll
avallalilnthnuiKlioitt llniL'nllml Hlalin.
tin I nmliil
Liverpool, Dnlilln, I'arla, llerlln. Krattl
fort (.ii-thiv niii Mock Imltii and nil prh
elpal fllleanf Kurope. , , ,, TO
r .... .. - ..'.-jmwwt.
t Mil 4i k ,
oiuiu ui urctfun ior inu Liinniy of
11 Hnilllllllll,
Iii thu matter of (lie ealale ofi
Ml..!,,,!.. I I
To Anna llonsalk, Itmloliili Sllotinlixt 1
A ntonia Stevens, Frances Oheen, Liiilunif)
AndiirHon, Catharina Veltluwr ami Anna,,
Veltheor, Kreeting:
In the name of the Stuto of Oreinm. von
are hareliy eltod and required toapieur In
the County Court of tlieNiaicof Oreaon.
for the County of Waxliinirton. at thn
Court room thereof, at jrillalairo. In
tho County of Waahlnjrton on Mon-
day, the 4th day of December, IHUI, at 0
o VliM'k, in the forenoon of that day, then
aim inorr 10 mimv cause, II any you have,
why an order of Court for private sale of
the following described real estate, to wlu
Lying, being and situate In Waslilnirtou
County, Oregon, and more particularly
boi'tlded and deacriltnl aa follows, lo- It:
Cominenelnn at the southwest corner uf
the land elaiui of Thomas Hart, in (taction
11 T IHIUW Will. Mor., and running
thence south to the Tualatin river; thence
eastward along the ceutor of said river to
the east lino or said Suction Uj tlmuee
north on Section i.lne to tha
South l.ino of tho Donation lamd
l lann of 'lhoinaa Hart and thence
wext to place of lieginning, containing 10
aerea, more or leav ahould not lie mails as
prayed rr in tlie petition heruiu HUnl.
W Itneas, the Hen. I.. A. Kood, Judne of
tho County Court of the State of Oregon,
lor the County of Washington, with the
seal ol said Court affixed, this 17th day of
October, A. I). .
Atlesti J. A.I M Hill E.
wean TMt raneua)
V I'rupr
am Hi.
That purity and freshness of drugs and rliri::i- t
rals is u lint brings the most satisfactory re- j
stills ; and rou will alsravs find ihriii at
W alsn rurrv the best assorted stiKk ol Toilet
articles nnd drug sundries in the county,
Fsrt that w buy fur cash enables us In ds "j
nilh lir-t rln-a lintines and get the lest. Fain- i"
ily reeijies rrive as careful allenlimi a
pliyiciaiis' prescriptions.
Street is the location. !
sale sll sites prices and descriptions.
; IIHIsboro House,0' 2'
Northrop, Proprietor.
Newly Furnished
and Renovated.
A first-class talile and
all accommodations
for the convenience
of quests. ...
w )e Schedule ..
' .. From Portland
I Inall leavan at S p m for Halt l.sks,
r, hi. Worth. Omaha, Kansas City.
iula, Chicago and East, arrives
leant. Flyer leaves 2:10 p m for Walla
I, MiiuimHiii, Ml. Paul, Do I ii I It,
ankeo, Chieago and Kaat, arrives
in .
rn RtMinshlps leave at ; X
$ imroiiivv , piuiii every
Vinhia River leave a p m siespt j
my, nainrusj ni p m ror Astorls sua
landinss, arrive 4pm exeet Sunday
tllametta river leave Dam eieepi
ay for Oron City, Newlwrg, Kaleni
way landings, arrive : p in aicept
lllamntte and Yamhill river leave 7
meway, I hurwlay and Baturday for
un it ity, uavton and way landlmrs.
a 1:30 p m Monday. Wediiesdsv and
I WlUaniettn tlvnr a PnuU.
j Thursday and Saturday for Corvallis and
way landlnira. arrive Iran n m Tum.Isv.
1 Thursdav ami Hinr.l.
Snako river leave Riparia dally
"r liewlaloni retumlns; leave Iwlston
uauy eieepi Bundsy.
Gen. Pass. Agent
Adniaiatrator'a Notice.
Notice la hereby given that the under
signed haa been, by the Comity Court or
the State of Oregon, for Washington Coun
ty, duly appointed administrator of the
estate of Krnest K. Freeh, defeated
and haa duly qualified as such adminis
trator. Now, therefore, all persona hsvla
""" agalnsl nald estate are hereDy rr
quired to prenent same to ma at ln i
violin ui o, j.,, jiuauin. w jinn)""--'
Washington County, ()regon Mf1??!
with proper vouchers within ail monies
from this data.
Dated thia HMh day of Oetoher, A.'B
W. JtiHNM. WAtli
Administrator of said estate.