fHANKSOlVlNQ PUMPKIN PIES. B B nay not b tmmiI In hlntory, theology aud that, i Bhc but never paid attention to a K bn or A flat: I know If m er taln that th lao ru In tb skte Bar not tth-rnt with her akill la makioc lusclou putupkla pica. Bh baa new wor r I t r over que-tloB callaJ obme. mrtllM Of CV- rtlnf b hai bad atrerifia to rnta; h would cat a sorry aur 1 th social Siradl , e loom a perfect parao coacoctlof pumpkin plea. Ber (glad has aeror waded taroufh tb lit erature of gush. Her cheek bare never rrlmtoaed other than with watare' blirb.' . Eh laa't versed la subtle ways sal faahloa abk lies . Bat she oeeb of a'l creatloa when she ; bulids pcDipkla plea. She baa not applied (or Membership to any eooktnt fad. Sb ha arret murmured politics to atak all nature aad But rhe's mighty Intellectual la wrestling with the ties arrenndlnr the arranging of Thanksgiving pumpkin pica. AtfS Pooo'J Towcy- cio ES, I come ant better with 'em W thai I" expected," said Phoebe Podd across the barnyard fence to her neighbor, Mrs. Tripp, who said: They's as fine a lot o' tarkeys as I ever see, Miss Podd, and you'd great luck to do so well with em. Turkeys are dread ful hard things to raise. Don't you think tor "Tea, racy be; an I oVno as I shall ever try It again. They need so much eoddlin' when they're little things an' they eat so much I doubt If It pays to bother with 'em. .But I thought I'd try It once jott to tee how 1 come out, an' I didn't lose a single one. - One of 'em bad the pips, too; but I coddled it through all right"? , . - ;' '.'Tou'U sell some of 'em at Thanksgiv ing time. I sposef "" " "Qb, yet.I callate on selling all but that young gobbler; snVPm goin' to eat hjni. I'm short of grain and it won't pay me -to buy feed -for a lot bf -turkeys. They'd eat their heads off In six weeks." "Yet, I s'pote so. Who yon goin' to have for comp'ny Thanktgvln,?" "I ain't quite sure yet; bnt I guess It won't be hard to git someone to come In au' help eijt a plump, juicy young gob bler like that.'' Wo Indeed. We're all goin'. over to Hebron to eat dinner with my husband's liter. " They're goin' to have a big fanV ly reunion there, an' titter counts on bav in' over forty to dinner1." ,. "It must be nice to have that many own folks," snid Miss Phoebe, with a sigh. "Here I alri't got any kin at all." "There's your cousin Thyrza," said Tripp. , "j tfbn't count her as kin," said Phoe be podd coldly, BU she manifested her resentment of Mrs. Tripp's suggestion by V turning; about abruptly and walking Into the house, while Mrs. Tripp walked down the.Tjoujitry road toward her own home, saying to herself: "If ever there was a set, piece Phoebe Podd is one. There's nobody on; earth. she'd ought to have and he'd like to have help her to eat that yeang firtbler-t Thyrza Deane and her jy--nwy"s, but she'd die, Phoebe. Podd would, V before the'd own up to it" Miss 1 ouu uvea on a pronianie lime (arm left to her by .her parents,' who had Iso left her cash and stock enough to make her one of the "best off" women In the neighborhood In which the lived. She lrvrd -alone, with the exception of a hired Miss Podd and ber cousin Thyrza had been mardHike' listers than cousins in their Intimacy until trifling dlsagree-meirV-hio'n'ted In their complete es triBffnienC.'and It had been five yean Incr thVhao ipoken to each other. Mr.' Hesne had become a widow dur ing these Br years, and she bad been re duced from state of eaie and plenty to ne of hardship and poverty. But those feet bad apparently made bo difference with Phoeb Podd, tor sb continued to utterly ignore the existence, of her cousin. "I'd like to se myself asking Thyrsa Dean and her young ones to come and helo me eat that turkey!" said Miss Podd spitefully as she went Into her tootles kitchen and baaged trie door oenina nor. I've a frood mind never to speak to Sarah Tripp again for mentioning the name of Thyrsa Deane- to tner Three data before Thanksgiving Miss Podd engaged th services of Jane Gray, a woman who "worked out" tn the neigh borhood, and the two women dressed the entire Book of turkeys for market after Job. the hired man. had done duty as a butcher. The plump young gobbler alone was spared, but his end was to com on Thanksgiving day. "Although It'd be a mercy to Kill uim now," said .Mist roua 10 jane uray, 'he'll feel so lonely without his mates. I'll have Job kill 'im early Thanksgiving morning and put Mm in the Ice house to cool off 'fore I roast 'Ira. an I don't think I'll have any on here this Thanksgivtn . I ain't feelin' right well an' I don't feel able to .fuss 'round gcttin' up a big din ner. I don't seem to have any Interest In Thanksgiving thla year." But her Interest was aroused when Job came In on Thanksgiving morning, and informed Miss Podd that the young gob bler was not to be found. "I've looked high and low for Im, ma'am; an' he ain't to be found nowhere. I've my s'piciont where he went. "Too have? Well, why don't yoo comt out in' say what you think?" asked Mist Podd Irritably. "I think he wat stolen, ma'am.' "It looks tike It," said Misa Podd. An' I've my t'picions who stole 'im." "Whor "Well, I met that oldest boy of the Widow Deane's In the woods near your barn last evening just at dusk an' be had a white an' black turkey gobbler slung over his shoulders. lie made off mighty fast when he taw me. I never thought anything about it until I come to look up your turkey this morning, and couldn't find him. "And yon ain't seen my turkey since yon saw Joe Deane with a gobbler like mine on his back; "No, ma'am. The last I taw of yonr turkey was about 4 o'clock yesterday af' ternoon when I see Mm goin' out toward A THANKSG1VINQ HUNT IN YE OLDEN the timber back o' the barn. It's my opinion that the Deane boy swiped that gobbler." Miss Podd was In just the right mood to be easily led to this same conclusion, and her wrath knew no bounds when the had finally decided that Job was correct in his surmise. "Yes," she said finally, "that boy nab bed my turkey, an' he probably did It out of pure spite. But then be had a great uncle on the Deane side who was once arretted for ttealln' an' the failin' hai proh'ly cropped out In Thyrza's children. But ibe'll with the'd raised 'em better 'fore night. I ain't crossed ber doorstep for most tlx yean, but I'll cross it to day an' tell her to her face what I think of thit performance. I'll tell her some thing that'll make that turkey tante mighty bitter in her mouth, now see if I don't!" It was a raw, cold and tunlets day. Miti Podd's anger bad made her forget that she was not feeling well and soon after noon she let forth from her own snug and pretty home to visit the fur from attractive and comfortable home in which her cousin lived. There had no money for repairs of any kind on the Deane place and Mint Podd relented a very little bit as fthe noted the forlorn aspect of the place. But the was determined to carry through what the had undertaken. It wat unlike the Podds to twerve from any fixed res olution, and Miss Poild't face wore a bard, grim, resolute look at the knocked at the Deane's back door.' "I'll face 'em when they're In the very act of eatin' my turkey," she bud said to Job. "I'll make that turkey change from tweet to bitter in their mouths!" Someone called out" "Come In," and Mitt Podd entered the -Deane kitchen just at Mrs. Deane and her five children had tested themselves at a table on which there was no tign of a turkey or of a Thankxgivlng feast of any kind. A plate of corned beef and a dish of boiled potatoes were the chief dishet on the ta ble. Mrs, Deane s surprise wben She saw who her caller was was manifest in her face. "Why Cousin Phoebe!" the tnid. Miss Podd'i sharp eyet took In at a glance the poorly spread table and the air of poverty the interior of the bouse presented, and her first words wvre: "Well, Thyrsa IHn, la una tne ow Thanksgiving dinner you're able to have?" "Yea. It Is. Phoebe." said Mrs, Dean with a blush. "It's so poor, Ihoebe, that Put ashamed to ask you to share It." Where t the turkey Joe brought home last night T" asked Phoebe, We sold It. It wat one be earned huskiu' corn all day for Andy Telluw. and w were too poor to keep it for our selves, so I dressed It and Joe took It to town after dark last night aud exchanged IY'D BC MIKCI TO KILL HIM.' it for things we needed more than we needed the turkey. There was silence in the room tor a mo ment and then Misa Podd burst but tin petuously: "I ain't fit to live! No. I ain't! Pm too miserably mean an' narrow contract ed to be respectable even! Pm " "tt'kr Cousin Phoebe. I " "You jest keep still. Thyrsa. an' hear me out! lou know what 1 come here for? Hevf No. you don't, an' you ain't mean-minded enough to guest! I com here to accuse your boy Joe of ttealln' a turkey from me I I "Why, Phoebe " "Ton keep still, Tbyris, an' hear m out, an' then order uie out It you feel TIME. like It A young gobbler I had wat mlts- in this mornln an Job, my hired ninn, taw your Joe goin' home las' night with a turkey on his back, an' I was mean enough to make myself think it wat my turkey, an' here you are entio' a Thanks- givin dinner of corned beef an potatoes, an' more thankful for it, I'll be bound, than I am for all the good things I re g in my cellar an' pantry! I'm so aihamcd of myself! "Why, Phoebe!" "But this Is what you've got to do Thyrza; you an' the children must go right home with me an keep Thanksglv. in . 1 11 kill a pair o' chickens an' we make a big potpie like we bad the last time you et your Thanksgivin dinner with me. I've piles of pie an cookies an' doughnuts an' a big pound cake all baked up! You ve got to go, Thyrza, for the take of old timest Come on an' welcome to you all!" There was no opposing Miss Podd an in fifteen minutes they were all on the! way to her house, the two cousins walk ing arm in arm. When they reached Miss Podd'i house Job met them with a grin on his face. That young gobbler'! a good one," said Job. "I reckon be thought he'd bo tinnrt enough to save bis neck. I found him Just now in the shed room. The winder was up an' I reckon he flew In there la night an' he found it so comfortable he concluded to itay right there, 'tpethly us there was a bag of corn there. ."Well, you gt bis head right off an' put him In the ice house to cool off," tald Mist Podd. "Our dinner'II be late, Thyr sa, but I'll let out a good lunch to kind o' stay our ttummflkt an' then you an' I will pitch in an' git up one o' the reg'lar TbankKgivln' dinners like wc used to git up 'fore we was geete enough to fall out. But we've fell In again, as it were, an' it won't be my fault if we don't ttay friends the rest of our days." Detroit Free Prest. Why School 1 Closed. Teacher And now, Johnny, tell me why school will be closed on Thanksgiv ing day? Johnny So that we may have something- to be thankful for. School Board Journal, '.I ! V ' ' a; I Tn 58 Java not & scran of food or nouriahmr-ut o( any kind rad the Uta of Milton Kathtmu, or Mount r nou. N. Y. When ho beiian hi volun tary fast ha welghod 210 pound; hit alutintmo cauwxl tit Iota ol 4'J poutm nd it ha ctmd him uo apparent iu Jury. rilt Mar Contrr.ltln. Tl 8rt ftarvlee turt uiuarthstl nuttier band of vmilrtitr ami uml qttantttrof rtoiriis l 11. which arecle vrly nniilnl. Thiiiir of -reat valtts art) li ny .elected for Imitation, notably IIim ltor' rUoiiiai-h. Hitlers, which has many tmitntt.ra hut no ninli for diaonler tike Imlifc'Mtkm, ilyrMi ami cotiliMtllun. Street car drivers in Skagway, A lacks, are paid $4 a day. I twtlev I'lso' Cure t tit mil mull- cine that will rur oiniintilu.m. Anna Koss, WillieiiiRport, !., Hov. U, to. rinniliing is taught iu the London trades school. Mothera will find Mrs. Winslow'a Sooth. big Svrup the best remedy to use for their children during the teething period. Evolution f an Ocean. THE KKW PACIFIC Hy Hubert Howe lUmcroft. The eveuta of the past year, in the war with Spain and the acquisition of now domain, renultinn in a revival of tntile and phcuontoual industrialism, invent with frtwh intermit the Pncitlo ocean, round which cluster so many crowning incidvittx. The author beylm his work with sketch of the war with Spain, the causes which lel to it and the rwultwiit isuos, as preliminary to tho glimpse of history aud (loavriptkm of tho conn trio in aud around the Pacitlo, their rooources, coiiiiuerco, climate, mines and manufactures, with a glance, at the old-time tr.tftlo iu trinkets and furs, ou account of tho importnut voyages of circumnavigation, science and tliavov ery, the great gold gathering, and kindred topics. The Itaucrolt Com pany, publuthera, 156 Fifth Aveuup, Jew Yt rk City. n. . - ti . ..1 l.i " .u K T 7 , V i ' 11 UUII (PIU WIK'IH HB'UIU UUI ll" tiflcial teeth He aay. Ihey enab'.e .fI r.n. toet inoat and natnro in-, tended them to eat only soft fiMHl, I heathettethdtp ou It is a " - 'K uiuniuiy veguuiuie iuwj euuuiu . WklUI, A recent government census of India, contains a remarkable statement in ref erence to youthful marriages. There are in that country 0,016,751) girls be tween 5 and 0 years of age who have been or are wives. Over 170,000 of them are widows. 1 ' You are costive, and nature is under a conslant strain to relieve the condition. This causes a rush of blood to the rectum, and before long congested lumps appear, itching, painful, bleeding. Then you have piles. There are many kinds and many cures, but piles are not curable unless you assist nature in removing the cause. CASCARETS nuke effort easy, regulate and soften the stools, relieving the tension, and giving nature a chance to use her healing power. Piles, hemorrhoids, (istul.i. and other rectal troubles yield to the treatment, and Cascarets quickly and surely remove them forever. Cc.Vt b persuaded to experiment with anything ebel 1-'" "I nBrr4 the sorters ef fke "J. x X "T of atamnaxi eita pnitrurtlng 111 ira brought oa not f f ,f w itn 1 oooatluetloe 0h nt-h I ea slltlotod for - y r ' twati'v tain I raa airoa four CAfK'A. P X ff 'v 111 'h KKTJ In the tnwn o Nfll. U. nd doe I -if J I I sf"fouart snvUiliig to eouaj Ibam. Te-eaf . II If I I j m nllrlJ Irao I rum pi in and faat Uhe . SsVa ANNUAL SALES, 6.000.000 BOXES. o nns is THE TABLET li.. 'BsasaFr I 11 V A JH aVal atV 1bT1H' asf I CA8CABITS art abtslatsly aarmlMi, a sorely viUtl tamtosad. mmrUI 6r otkat ttlaertl tm-eouwa la CateanU. Ditcarstt anmi.tlr, .nKtlr.ty nil ptnuMtlr ear rrary dltoroar ol tk Stomach, Uvtr nJ Iatcttlnea. Tkr not ssly car eaniupattoa, but eomet aay aa4 rrtry lona el lrrf uUrity t ttow.l . IscMlac 4UrthoMn4 4yanUry. Plutaat, salaUhl, potoat. Tattt food, do good. H.tar ilckeB, wtks r Jrlp. B tar yo t th gsasla I BawarttflmlUtiaaisialMb.tlut.it Bay bot ol CASCARKTI t-4y, as If at plMStd la every tt.pMt, fat your monty back I Writ ua l booklst tad Itae uoala I Addt.i STKRLIRO RBMHOT COMPART, CUICAOO J HIW I0RK. TftAOK MARK. I CURES RHEUMATISM. By th Introduction In tb medlcsl field, nl our mmt wonderful "ft I1ROPH," a la(ty nl lneatlmahle value baa lwen liequeathi d tu mankind. Huffarliiv liuinsnlty la no louirur at tin mT.7 of dlaesse which have alwaya dcfteil th aklil of the uie.ll.-al iriilaliin, for now "r liltof'H" ilcflca tlii ae dlHesaea, and haa rnlitie.l thoin of their terror, Tula I. truly a (l.nl-alrcii n-medy, y.-t liiv.-nU:d by mnn for the ben.-lltof anfforlnK rnortiih, and will ho Iihh.IM down t.i com I UK Ktli.-ratl.ma aa tha, ...oat wonderful production In rm-illral led-nendurlnK the Nlm-tci-ntli Century. Thla ri-tnt-dy la poalllvely curlt.it mors people dally than all other renu-dlea e. un billed. We ehiillense the womt c.aaa of Kheuiiintlani In all it. form., ('Hturrh, Nurals;la, AaEinna, i.a iiri nuo sinareu niaea(ta poaltlvely cured In abort tlsie mny who were walk br the uau ol criiu he. slid aitll niliera who die. TI1I1 It 110 uxsgiierttlon. We hay the more too. S UltOI'S" noaltlvelv cure the following dl.eaaes: TtllEUM ATISM, NKIIK A I,fl f A , HCtATMA, DVSI'ICI'HIA, HACK ACIIK, HAY-FKVKIt, V. ATA Itltlf , NI.KKI'I.KHN N KHH, NKItVIIDHNKMH, HKAKT WKAKNKHH, TOOTH ACIIK, KAItACHK, CKKKP IN(i NlfUHNEf4H, I1HONCIIITIH, I.I V Kit arid KIIINKY ItlNKANKH, ami wliera one la cured by thla rDMly, they atay cured of thane dlanea, for It fortifli-a the ayatem BKivluat any future attack, "A UKOI'H" la the name and live drops the doao. I.ari).. bottle (WK) do.-a) pre puld by Mall or Kxproas, ft .OU, or tlx IkiUIi'I for f.K). Ha in pie hottlea, rcHlnr price, Aid., but fur the next thirty day from the date of thla paper, we will aud .ample boitlea upon receipt ol Inc. each. No oue cau appreciate thlt wonderful remedy until thev try It. Write today. Agent wanted, BWANSON KlltCIf M Al'IV ( l ltK COMl'ANV, 160-1U4 K. Lake Street, Chle.igo, III. PORTLAND DIRECTORY. Kenee and Wlr Hi.rlil, POKTMNI) IV I UK A IKON WOKKH: WIKK and Iron lencliiK! orlice railing-, etc. it U A l.ler, Machinery and Sii,lla. CAWRTON A CO.i K NO INKS, IIOII.KKH, MA clnnery.aiippllea. 4H-MI First Ml., Fortland.Or. JOHN POOLIC, Portlard, OnEnnit. can L-iveyou the bent bitritalni In general iiiaclilnery, englnei, boilers, tank, pumps, plows, belta and windmill. Th new tteel IXL windmill, sold by blm, ll tin equalled. L LSI I AILS, faatea Good. Couiih HrniD. Taatea Good. Lao In time. Hold by drumflata. Climate, Smacrf Bad Nature's Baal tarlum. Scenery, altitude, sunshine and air, constitute the factor which are rapid ly making Colorado the health aul pleasure grounds of the world. Here the sun shine 857 days of the average year, aud it Mends with the crisp, electric mountain air to prtxIfeHt a climate matehles in the known world. No pen r.ta portray, no hruah can picture the iaJetio grandeur of the scenery along the line of the lVnver A Klo (irande Itallroad tit Colorado. Parties going Fast should travel vitt tills line which is known all over tho world as the Hcetilo Line of the world. For any information regarding rut on, time table, etc., call ou or adilrota It. C. Ntehol, general agent, 851 Wash ington street, Portlaud, Or., or any agent of the O. K. A N. Co., or rkiutli era l'acltlo Company. Improved Train ttqiitiment. The O. It. A N. and Oregon Short Lin have added a buffet, smoking and library car to their PorilHiid-Clilongo tliiongh tiain, and a dining car lervicM h been Insiiifiinraled. Tlia train ia equipped with the latest' olutlr car, day coaches and luxurious fiist-vlase ' and ordinary tleepms. Dheol connec- !... .1.... i.i. t,..i lion matt i viranger witu union i citlo, and at Ogden with Klo Urande line, from all points in Otegon, Wash ington and Idaho to all Euiiein cilice. For information, rates, etc., rail on any O. K. A N. agent, oi add rest W. II. Iltirlburt, General Pattvliger Agent, I I'iiiiUii.I The oyster crop of Chtwapeake bay diminishes eaoh year. j TO Cl'KK A COt.n IN ONK PAY- I Take Laxative Hromo Quinine TaldetM. I All druggists refund the uiuuey if it ! fails to cure. K. W. Urove'a slguature is on each ikx. 25c. The bicycle worker and kludred crafts of Munice, lud., have formed a local organisation of the trade. Phot-pa horn i used for horseshoe. In . , , , ,, ,.., ,1... I',. J "0 Z , h , , , , ..J ,f . ... &mlM the Unrl, V0M tooU mUtlo of cwml'g ekiUt A novel advertising acheme bag lxon devised by a linn in Ceylon to popular ise a certain brand of whiskey. An aeronaut ascends in a balloon, and from a great height drop sample bottle of whiskey attached to miniature parachutes. File aaaSaiaa,aaaw J a 1 I Atchison irflaWBoLk, a. se J, I 35c SAMPLE BOTTLE 10c. FOR NEXT 30 DAYS. A MARVELOUS DISCOVERY In Medical 8cler.ee, Wonderful, Astonishing, Yet True. NEURALGIA AND SCIATICA. aa a m;hi oi witaiinia remedy wiiiuo, it ti hid - rl.l.len for yew, ntlier who could onlv had been itfVen lib by eointieti nt iilivalt-laua tii evliloiiue Iu our pot.i atlon to prove all wo any and and Mania Lantern Ilnrnaln Mat No. 16 now reridy for iiihIUiik, T. P, ANIiltKWB, 109 Montgomery Bt.; Ban Kruiicisco, 25c. MT. ANGEL 25c Benedictine Salve. Experience of Many Year Clearly Doni Oliatmte. the Urent Kfflcleney of 1'hla Molinent. I'ltatpnld, 5o alios. Ad.lreaa Benedictine Priory. Mt. Angel, Or. NEW OHI.IANB, I,ft., Nov. 8, 1HIIH. Rov. Father Kneloai d And money order for another box oi your naive, t nnu n very good Indeed, and try not to be without It. 1' A'l KICK (iAKKV, Itii Bolivar fit. )ot:iaviM.K, Ky Jan. 19, Ihwi. Rev. Father I Hnd your Halve to be the beat Balve that 1 ever tiaed, PH. BUUUUVERI, 742 B, Walnut Bt SALT LAKE CITY. Aa Impertaal retr la Traateeall neulal Trl. No oue erowiiiig the continent cau afford to cut Halt Uke City from h route. The attraeliona ol the place, Including the Mormon Temple, Talr nacle and Church Institutions, the tireatr'alt Ik deader and denser tbau the lVad Kea in the Holy Und the pIcUiremitie environment and the warm aulphur aud hot spring, are greater to the atiusre yard Uuiu any lo cality on the American conmiem. Tli Ulo lirande Western Hallway, connecting on the Kast with the Ih.n ver A Ulo Grande and Colorado Mid. land Hallways and on the West with the Southern Paetllt) (I'ontrai wmwi and Oregon. Slmrt Line, i the only trnnscoutinetnal line passing directly through Salt Uko t'lty. n "" tl.niiiifh Kalt tjikn Cltv via the Klo (inmde Western Hallway i fammi all the year round. Ou account oi mo etptable climate of Utah and Colorado it in just a popular in wittier as iu summer. Send Jo to J. D. Mansfield, 2-i3 Washington St., Portland, or lieo. W. lleinta, Acting lienoral I'sswiiger A,., .nt. Knit Lake Cltv. for a copy of "Salt Uko City the City of the Saluta." Are Vmi lining KtT If to, you should tee that Timr ticket remit via the dro.it liiiek laliiiul route. and vmi will get III best. Pullman palaoe sleeping cat, elegant teolltilng olialrcatt "ftee." and llbiary btilTtit cat on all through trains. Het dining ear service In lite world. Popu lar petonally conducted exouteltiie ones a week to all poltil Fat. "oi full particular call on or addreas any ticket agent, or A. K. COdl'KH. O. A. P. l., C U. A P. Hy., 10 Washington slreot. Portland, Or. American comint"toner for foreign niMon have expended. t!l. pat year. A funeral prooemlon a mllo In lein;th, comprised of IkmH and their occupant, wa lately witnessed in Shannon, Ireland. The deceased had Uhu a fartner iu Athloue, and bis body was convoyed by water to the cemetery at Claiitnacnolii, his frteud and rela tive following iu boat. A despicable wretch, employed as watchman in a Chicago livery stable, cut oft the tail ol forty horse iu one nhdil and mid the hair for I'J.OO. Hy till rascally deed the value ol tho home was decreased f 1,0(10. v.lotx. BUY THE GENUINE SYRUP OF FIGS ... at AU?A0TORD BT ... CALIFORNIA Fid SYRUP Cii. irHOTITHggAlli, ( Deep-Seated Diseases,' Ruoh aa Ithetimatlam, and dlaeaant nopiillaf to women, tciulru blood purifier that purlfl.f). floore's Revealed Remedy Will rlvslmmedlatc relief almoat In evr vase - Iteurea If tnkeii resnlarly oniUulllglent lime. Yon Can't Mate i Mistake bj Taking the JsSfe roI S ,? Tf. ,avorile ,hf0UILh Dining Car and Buffet-Library Car Litwlatt. , rii"(!Ar,ill-7 1'"'1,"'!"11 "A! 0,1 " i1ir.t ,,K'NAoKvVi4iiY,rK'ruN'o-A' 124 Third Street, Portland, Qb. f OI.U AGKNUV Worthlngton team Pump and Water Mete re. Pumplni I'luntt ot Any (Jtpaclty. 1 ....(. .. m. .......a. 80 t 8H Vint Mrmtt, V.r ,".d, "ii. " Maehlnery-All Kinds. LADE ES 1 "vMn,,tl11)' nwilalnrflANNOTFAir. u r.vn. oira. II, KOWUII, , Milwaukee. WTa: SURE CURE FOR PILES I'll., ara c.irai bj Dr. Bosankn'a Vila ! Jar at drur.u or aaut ,t mail. Traallaa fa W.fi B. team our aaH. mkiStSU! 44 The Best is Cheapest t0 B'f Urn this from ttfrltrkl M eit'i dtp'lmnt of lift. Good duthti tt nunt stnteitbtt W mxtr th hngttt, dJ foti ghvs th M nutrntnt. Com rntdkmt, Hood4 1 S4Hrrtl, it th fvif tnj (httptst, btctuit 0 curti, ibsrfuit!) CURES, xvhtn a7 othin fail. For au lmttr a balky horse In Ito.ton delayed trallto by Imlditlg up a linn of thirty trolley car. Mating pa-r wu held under the animal' nwi and vnrl. otts other mean adopted to stint tin refractory creature. At taut, when tlm iMtitetiU of a soda ilplmn were npiiitmi into hi ear, he darhed off at a lv . in I utile gait. loo ittttvAitit at oo. Th rler et this tlf will tx Hair,l to wn tli Hi" I t li-s.t one dl. d. . U-m ilmt seitnee lis l-n td to uib iu ai la tiu, V"l It'! lcirib. IUII'si sUnlii uia U llio.mlj I-Mltivniurii anuwu in llio Uir.li. a loipflilijr. I stank lU' wnmiluil,uii ,),,. m, riil"t a eiiti.tftitilin4 tritn..ui, llall'tirrlt fur Utak-n lulvrnallr, i ilti dirily iihh th tii.l u. ibii..hi. , ol Uie lnm, tlirmliji tinimriHt tin, .,C,. linn nl lh diu', and lrln iha .arni iritth by Lull. III. a tt lh e..n.tituii.iu auj dialing nature tn il.-ing Ha ..i, 1i, ,, xllra l.ato ail lu.u'ii fault hi in r.ii.i,,, Ikiwis that lliry i.ft. r i lliiii-U.) iHihaia ot iir faa tl.al It itilakieuru. SvuJ let l. ol l,tlmulitaia. A.l ltma r. it iiKNisr a co., Tuini,., o. Muld h rtreeslata, JJt. lUU'a rml! I'llla a. lliJat. Street railway employe of t'lmtta. nixtga, Teun., n-eu'ly forme.1 a tuiL.ti, and all were discharged In ontiaeipu-ui-e, flTt riniaittlrt'Mrr.l. f. Siaot ifvnj Tile flr U aaa ( i.r. Kll.w a-aaaSa Narv li..i .if. M I K K es.uo i, .1 J b-.i.i. a-l imim H t. II It, k.LtJlu, U0.,a3 AtvS al , t'blUHWIvbl. I"a. TI10 pliinilHr of Chattantatga, Tmiu., have settled on a iilno-htmr tiny, with f 160 per day a a minimum Mr. J. Waaltbtirn, of Watertown, MaS., ptlt laollie lime lU a Nil l In tO lack tt, and after pouring hot water ujoti it, tightly cliMeit the taittln. Iu few minute) there a tliund.-Miig expliwlott, cutting Iter face with the Hying gla and burning her eye with th lime water. A fatal In I I pointed out to tailor tn an engine houae in Macon, lis. Four melt died aamtt after occupying It and one of tt latest occupant declare thst the ghoat of one of the dead lir.Mii.-n laid his Icy band upon him, and ho be lieve that he i toon to ju bint. Wc. 25c 50c DRUGGISTS aa. i Y I S mi PARTER'SlflK I'ai-il hv tn lltli.it Furc proof of lla .H;iliiy. fw JMfnt.ln i.lalB,aa.l.it.'l..i a.-.!; t..r ll... ii.M.a,r..iimii.a i lara ana Tuuu niala ul Int. hrLS r l r i- mil rrencn remam ri" I'ntlewl try ihtHlwtrttlf "l Mllrffv1 if f fl m ty i In til..., While ami Tint, Taknu.n K..I.I ll tiv II ilruuirleiBiln nit Utl Ihilswrn" ruou urus L Urus Co., Sal IM iwl uu, Maw V. DR.GUNH'S IMPROVED LIVER IblBV ONI FOR A DOSE, """'"'.i' tnd l..h,la, Itrn.i.ta Tlmiilea ai.. I'.irlff Blood, Aid lilK.lloiiainlPraviil lllllninnMa. W nut Mrlpa i.r Ml, . n. Toeouvlnr vmi, wa will null r.n n . r... nr r.. , it.i. miNAnahv fhllailn.. Hr.un. M.,1.1 hv I iruirirl.ia. Ruptur ...Ani,i ... an II Ileal IV fnf . con 11 U-ii tl a v lv. (initreM) 0, H. WOOUAnii a CO., 108 Hoond II., Ptrlli" YOUNG MEN! Vnr II.M.rrl,,,.. .,. I.Ia.,1 u, .l,t'. ( Iknr Mr-'''1"1' 2 la tha l.Nl.V m...ll..li. wl.l.-Tl will eur,ea.'h am' "J eaan. Nil (!AMK1 hmiwn It lia er felled to ''VriH limttar how a.-H.i.m or u? how lm h0o..1I..K. ,'" ; fn.m lla uaa lfl at.iiilli you. H la alwel'ih r tmm Jl-avrMa rtrl.-t.iro. anil nail Im Iskaa wlttin.it l Z, blenm- anil detention fr.ni. tuialnea. 1'KH '"-eJ "'IZ aala by all rellal.le dr..mlti., c.r awil rrmld U ow""" Itlaluly wraiioad, on ii.....iit nl nrlei., by , ut . l'aiiKolliaiOAl,0OCW., vutroutr bhumhi ob reiiuaat. All fAte uniinDfTlla tla. !!!,, f,r,...n;Hg I lo airlular.. terra's I .Hanl. II.rI.iIu Iru, Iu,.,. (luiui... A. ,tit ,ir I...I.UIU1II' i. ml In nlm wrai'P.'i 1 1." . law Ilroi'ilar ant " reuu'tl w ';:7'.i. . at, r, n. v, rt" ' m W7 11 If. w v...... . as 11 f r sTUinafBl. I inlioMrtTltM m m (luerenueil sW B sT-n 1fTiomaTl,0.rT TV mention th". uapsr. J -.naw, 1 1. W ' " V