The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, October 19, 1899, Image 4

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He Unenviable.
in. UMaoout mat Mrs. iiaM-
d next door doesn't teem to have
Stany friends.
Hostes (wearily) No-o; I wonder
tow ah manages it? Judy.
A Wee Indian Barrleaa
Recently traveled up the coast at will, and
acted in an entirely different manner from
tny other storm. Sometime dysprpsia
let the same way. It refute to yield to
treatment which has cured similar raw.
Then Hosteller' Stomach Bitters rlmiild
betaken. It has cured stomach trouble
fur half century.
A. train running from New York to
Boh ton mad over 80 mile an hour re
cently. In France advertsing posters must
hear revnnue Btamna varvin in value
according to sis of the poster.
Alter Cases.
h cms of tcrofoU. salt rheum, dys
pepsia, nervousness, catarrh, rheumatism,
eruptions, etc the drctmstances may be
altered by purifying ind enriching the
blood ivith Hood's SarsaparSla. i is the
ortt remedy for all ages and both sexes.
0 sure to get tiooas, because
v, Aa Oddity la Railroading.
"The craw for fast time on railway
is taking a new feature," observed a
prominent railroad official to Star
writer recently. "It is the shortening
of lines and reconstruction of surveys
In order to make a given line as
. straight as possible between two points.
It is, in fact, a scheme to make time
by saving distance. A railway with
out a curve or a cutting is, of course, a
Splendid thing from an engineering
standpoint, but it is a very tedious
affair to the passenger. To thoroughly
realise how extremely monotonous a
long journey on a railway without a
curve or cutting is, one must travel on
the road from Buenos Ay re to the
Andes. That railroad beats all known
records for having 200 miles of tracks
almost on a- line, such as mathemati
cians describe as the shortest distance
between any two points. No one who
has not seen this remarkable stretch of
road, straight in front and behind as
far as the eye can reach, even when
aided by a field glass, can grasp what it
means or what an amount of wearisome
monotony it involves and entails."
Washington Star.
l.-epreved Train Kqalpmeat,
The O. ft. & IS. and Oregon Short
Lin have added a buffet, smoking and
library car to their Portland-Cliioago
through ttain, and a dining car service
ha been inauguarated. The train is
equipped with the latest chair cars,
day coache and luzurion Bret-class
and ordinary sleepms. Diiect connec
tion made at Granger with Union Pa
ciflo, and at Ogden with Bio Grande
line, from all points in Oregon, Wash
ington and Idaho to all Eastern cities.
For information, rates, etc., call on
any O. R. & N. agent, or address W.
H. Hurlburt, General Passenger Agent,
. Th Betrothal Kiss.
' First Boarder Did you hear the re
port of the engagement of our land
lady's daughter?
Second Boarder I should say I did.
I was sitting in the next room at the
time, and it was a pretty loud report,
let me tell yon. Richmond Dispatch.
Bostonlans' Manners Abroad.
Fnddy The Hnlcums are very dis
creet. Duddy In what way. Fuddy
They never smile when they are in
public together. They are afraid peo
ple will think they are not married.
They both of them hafa scandal above
ail things. Boston Tanscript.
The largest mass of pore salt in the
world lies- under the Province of Ga
llon, Hungary. It is known to be 5S0
miles long, 20 broad and 250 feet in
London annually consumes 40,000
tons of imported meat.
Germany manufactures 70 per cent of
the world's production of coal-tar
The New York Yarnishers' Union
reports that all its members are busily
employed, and its business agents have
applications from employers for more
men. All union varnishers receive not
leas than $3 a day, and some are get
ting $3.85 and (3.60 for eight hours'
. XT' it i or:
An Excellent Combination.
The pleasant method and beneficial'
fleets of the well known remedy,
STSUr-OV Flos, manufactured by the
CAuromriA Fie Sybup Co., illustrate
the value of obtaining the liquid laxa
tive principles of plants known to be
medicinally laxative and presenting
them in the form most refreshing to the
taate and acceptable to the system. It
i the one perfect strengthening laxa
tive, cleansing the system effectually,
dispelling colds, headaches and fever
ftly yet promptly and enabling one
to everoome habitual constipation per
aoaneutly. Its perfect freedom from
vary objectionable quality and sub
atoaoe, and its acting on the kidneys,
liver and bowel, without weakening
or irritating them, make it the ideal
fithe process of manufacturing 0g
sjro Mod. aa they are pleasant to the
Wat tlia medicinal finalities of the
ttmtiy are obtained from senna and
Other aromatic plants, by a method
foowa to the California Fio Syrup
only. In order to get its beneficial
t aart and to ovoid imitations, please
remember the fall name of the Company
r-t;ii oa the front of every package.
, W !"AV9IS00. OAT
11 '. WWW TOBaf. V. T.
H.-fric 59c per bottl
f General laser Oloaa4
Fro a tate Thriving root.
Tao Stag Itoaberr.
It transpired that Van C. Alexander,
the man who gave up f 170 of the money
stolen from the United State mail on
the stage near Westfall, Or., on Sep-'
tember 22, is admittedly the main pets
son responsible for the hold-up. Thej
indication during the examination in
United State Commissioner Hailey'a
court hrae on Saturday, pointing to
Alexander as the one planning the rob
bery, with the two boys as his accom
plices, are confirmed by the develop
ments. It is announced here that thi
phase of the case will be called to the
attention of Judge Bellinger, of the
federal court at Portland, before whoa
the two boy are to be tried.
Big Steam Heating riant.
Upwards of $(100,000 is to be spent
by the Boston capitalists who have pur
chased the plant of the Seattle Steam
Heat & Power Company, and six of
the street railway line of Seattle, in
the erection of a new and modern power
plant and in the rebuilding and the
distributing system. This part of the
plant will be almost wholly recon
structed, new mains being laid in con
formity with the latest ideas of steam
engineering. This is but the beginning
of large improvements which will be
made. Plans are now being drawn for
the new building and plant, which will
be finished by January 1, and for the
rebuilding of several of the street car
lines recently purchased.
Motioned Sustained.
Judge Burnett, of Salem, has sus
tained a motion for non-suit against
the plaintiff in the case of L. H. Mc-
Mahon vs. The Canadian Pacific Rail
way Company. The action was begun
to recover about $550, alleged to be due
the plaintiff on account of advertising
in the Woodburn Independent and the
Salem Independent. The defense
claimed that the agent who made a
contract for the advertising had no au
thority to do so, and that the newspa
per company was to take pay in trans
portation. Labor Scarce at Fairhaven.
Labor is so scarce in Fairhaven,
Wash., that railroad contractors and
others are delaying work on various
enterprises until more plentiful supply
of workmen are to be had change
from three years ago, when laboring
men were sitting around on the curb
stones, waiting for something to turn
np. Fairhaven' pay roll is almost IS
time larger than it was two years ago,
with a certainty of an increase next
Billtboro Young Man Hart.
Charles V. Doughty, a young man
and resident of Hillsboro, Or., while
riding a bicycle at a rapid rate over a
crosswalk, was thrown from his wheel
and seriously injured. He was render
ed unconscious for about two hours,
and received a deep cut across the left
eye and his upper lip was badly lacer
ated. The wheel was completely de
molished. Young Doughty was a mem
ber of company H, Second Oregon vol
unteers, and enlisted from Hillsboro.
Landlords Smiling.
Portland hotels are generally doing
a good business these exposition times,
and would soon be filled to overflowing
were it not that guests keep going away
as well as coming in. About two day
is the average length of the out-of-town
visitor's stay in the city, and his place
is taken just about as quickly as he has
vacated. The principal hotels have
good long list of names on the daily
A Ninety-Pound Fnmpkln.
A clothing house at New Whatcom,
Wash., gave farmers pumpkin seeds
last spring, and offered five prizes for
largest results. The first prize went to
B. D. Perry, of Clearbrook, who
pumpkin weighed 90 pounds; second,
Cal Watkinson, of Edison, 88 pounds;
third, Cyrus Bradley, of Lynden, 61
pounds. The fourth and fifth weighed
42 and 87 pounds respectively.
Gold Hill Water Ditch.
Engineer J. 8. Howard, of Medford,
Or., has completed the survey of the
Gold Hill water ditch. He employed
a party of 12 men, who completed the
permanent survey in 98 day. Much
interest is shown in the ditch, not only
by local enterprise, but by many East
ern capitalists, who are ready to invest
money In it.
To Propagate Steelhead.
The Will ape hatchery will be com'
pleted this week. As steelheads are
more numerous in Willapa river than
in any other stream in this section, s
special effort will be made to propagate
them here, and to tock other streami
form this hatchery. The propagation
of steelheads has not as yet been at
tempted In any Washington hatchery,
Catches All the Fish.
Lew and Sanford Mayhew have one
of their floating traps located near the
Point Francis portage, near Whatcom,
Wash. It has 800-foot leads and
catches all the fish that come its way,
The boys say the trap's success is as
sured, and they will have it towed
farther np the Sound, where the fall
run of fish Is better.
A potato phenomenon is being dis
played in Colfax, Wash. The growth
consists of several large vines, on which
there are scores of potatoes ranging in
size from a bird's egg to a man's fist,
The potatoes grow entirely above, in
stead of under the ground.
The exports from Tacoma last week
included 2, 100 tons of coal to Honolu
lu, 5,000 tons of wheat and barley to
Antwerp, and 4,000,000 feet of lumber
to Honolulu. The imports were 8,000
tons of tea, silk and curios.
The Sunday Law.
The cases at Fairhaven, Wash.,
against Loux and Beck for violating
the Sunday law have been stricken
from the docket, the evidence being
deemed insufficient to conviot. Bor
gensoa Bros., who run a bar in connec
tion with a hotel, were tried and ac
quitted. Dynamiters at Work.
It is retported that dynamiters are
at work again on the Wallowa river,
below the bridge, and that salmon are
being slaughtered in a very reckless
Tainan and Talae Testify a Prevailing
Prosnereas Condition.
Bradstreet' (ays: Trade activity 1
widespread, all volume and valu testi
fying to prevailing prosperous condi
tion. Only good report are received
from distributive trade centers, and
some markets report fall demand aa
holding out longer than expected.
Kailway earnings, bank clearing, re
turns and quotations of staple prices
are all encouraging, pointing a they
do to a maximum volume of business
for this period of the year. Crop re
turns tor October bear our earlier im
pressions of shortened yields of most
loading agricultural products. Expec
tation of more moderate yields of lead
ing cereals is not confined to this coun
try; the world' wheat crop will admit
tedly be smaller, and rye, barley and
oats yield are not expected to be so
large as a year ago. The higher range
of price of all staple, and particularly
of agricultural product, will furnish
a profitable balance of producers.
The liberality of foreign demand Is,
perhaps, beet known In the September
report of exports of leading product.
Shipment of breadstuff are as large as
those of August, and there was natur
ally a heavy gain in cotton exports,
which are doubled those of the same
month a year ago. Total of leading
exports show an increase of 23 per cent
over September, 1890, but a decrease
of 8.5 per cent from September 1897,
which witnessed very heavy shipments
of breadstuff.
Wheat, including flour, -shipments
for the week aggregate 5,265,634 bush
els, against 6,183,398 bushel last
week, 4,729,996 bushel in the corre
sponding week of 1898, 5,549,720 bush
els in 1897, 4,156,817 bushels in 1896,
and 2,409,446 bushels in 1895.
Business failures in the United State
number 164, a compared with 146 last
Portland Market.
Wheat Walla Walla, 5758o; Val
ley, 68o; Blueetem, 60o per bushel.
Flour Best grades, $3.25; graham,
$2.65; superfine, $2.15 per barrel.
Oats Choice white, 35 (j 36c; choice
gray, 83 (g 3 to per bushel.
Barley Feed barley, $150 16.00;
brewing, $18.50319.00 per ton.
Millstuffs Bran, $17 per ton; mid
dlings, $22; shorts, $18;-chop, $16 pat
Hay Timothy, $9U; clover, $7
8; Oregon wild hay, $6 per ton.
Butter Fancy creamery, 45(50o;
seconds, 40(8 43 So; dairy, 80S5o;
store, 23)27)vO.
Ere 20 (i 2 2 ti o per dozen.
Cheese Oregon full cream, 13c;
Young America, 14c; new cheese lOo
per pound.
Foultry Chickens, mixed, $3.00
4.00 per dozen; hens, $4.50; springs,
$2.00(33.60; goose, $6.00 7 for old;
$4.50(38.50 for young; ducks, $4,509
5.00 per dozen; turkeys, live, 1JXQ
14c per pound.
Potatoes 6060o per sack; tweets,
2(32)40 per pound.
Vegetables Beets, $1; turnips, 90c;
per sack; garlic, 7o per pound; cauli
flower, 75o per dozen; parsnips, $1;
beans, 66o per pound; celery, 70S
75o per dozen; cucumbers, 60o per
box; peas, 84o per pound; tomatoes,
25o per box; green corn, 12)
15o per dozen.
Hops 70 10c; 1897 crop, 56o.
Wool Valley, 1213o per pound;
Eastern Oregon, 8 (3 14c; mohair, 273
80c per pound.
Mutton Gross, best sheep, wethen
and ewes, 8ic; dressed mutton, &X
7c per pound; lambs, 7)o per pound.
Hogs Gross, choice heavy, $5.00;
light and feeders, $4.60; dressed,
$6.0037.00 par 100 pounds.
Beef Gross, top steers, $3.50(14.00;
cows, $333.50; dressed beef, 637o
per pound.
Veal Large, 641q; small, 83
8)0 per pound.
Seattle Market.
Onions, new, $1.2531.50 per sack.
Potatoes, new, 75c3$l.
Beets, per sack, $1.10.
Turnip, per sack, 75c
Carrot, per sack, 90o.
Parsnips, per sack, 90c.
Cauliflower, 7 So per dozen.
Cabbage, native and California, $1
31.25 per 100 pounds.
Peaches, 65 80c.
Apples, $1.2531.50 per box.
Pears, $1.00 1.25 per box.
Prunes, 60c per box.
Watermelons, $1.60.
Cantaloupes, 60 3 75o.
Butter Creamery, 28o per pound;
dairy, 17 3 22c; ranch, 13J17o per
Eggs 27 3 28c
Cheese Native, 13314c.
Poultry 14c; dressed, 160.
Hay Puget Sound timothy, $8311;
choice Eastern Washington timothy,
Corn Whole, $23.00; cracked, $23;
feed meal, $23.
Barley Rolled or ground, per ton,
$21; whole, $22.
Flour Patent, per barrel, $3.50;
blended straights, $3.25; California,
$3.25; buckwheat flour, $3.60; gra
ham, per barrel, $2.90; whole wheat
flour, $3.00; rye flour, $3.75.
Millstuffs Bran,- per ton, $15.00;
shorts, per ton, $16.00.
Feed Chopped feed, $20.60 per ton;
middlings, per ton, $22; oil cake meal,
per ton, $35.00.
San Franeiseo Market.
Wool Spring Nevada, 12314opei
pound; Eastern Oregon, 12316c; Val
ley, 17319c; Northern, 8310c.
Hops 1899 crop, 9312o per
pound. .
Onions Yellow, 763 850 per sack.
Butter Fancy creamery 29330c;
do seconds, 25328c; fancy dairy, 24
325c; do seconds, 20 3 22c per pound.
Eggs Store,2227c; fancyranch,
Millstuffs Middlings, $18.60 3
20.00; nran, $16.50317.50.
Hay Wheat $6 3 9.50; wheat and
oat $8.003 8.60; best barley $5,003
7.00; alfalfa, $5.00 3 7.00 per ton;
straw, 26335c per bale.
Potatoes Early Rose, 40 3 60o; Ore
gon Burbanks, $1.26 31.60; river Bur
banks, 60 3 76c; Salinas Burbanks,
90c3$1.10 per sack.
Citrus Fruit Oranges, Valencia,
$2.7533.25; Mexican limes, $4,003
5.00; California lemons 75c3$1.60;
do choice $1.7532.00 per box.
Tropical Fruits Bananas, $1,603
2.60 per bunch; pineapples, nom
inal; Persian dates, V . O06)o .per
ponnd. ..
Mrs. O. W. Palmer, of Jonesvllle,
VI. soldi "Two rears ao 1 was
aotloted With stomach and bowel
Uouki. Mr ease puasled the duo
tors, lenoslatedoalreathellsbtest
sinaoiaisb sssioinaco would not
retain solid food. The pal a la my
stomach and bowels was so Intones
loellcanoot describe Ik leobllnued
lo grow wore. I lost at pounds,
my asrve war completely shatter
ed, sad I was very wsah. Vr. C W.
J scabs, of Itlebaionil. advised n to
take Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for mi
reepie. eegwa to us the nil is. and
the Br si afreet was the restoration
or my aspetlle, and lbs quletloj of
my MatUred nervous system. I ne
sao lo receia any lost strength, and
In oa month anereommenelog to
take the Bills I eras ahle to do ml
housework. I have gained M pound
ana sMHf am la gooa Benito. -
frtm tkt J Pr-s.s, eTwNnftm, ft
Not Always.
Bertha "If a curious expression,
'She went in bathing.' Why Is it not
enough to say, 'She went bathing?' "
Bobby "Sure enough. When a girl
goe bathing she doesn't usually go In."
Boston Transcript.
Mother will find Mrs. Winsluw's Sooth
ing Hyrup the best remedy to use for their
children during the teething period.
At Tacoma tinsmiths and men skilled
In regular tin an sheet Iron work are
hard to get and are getting $2.60 a day.
At Dawson City egg cost 60 cent a
The number of mining firms using
coal-cutting machine in 1898 in the
United States was 86 per cent greater
than in 1897, and the gain in Pennsyl
vania was about 60 per cent.
Men buried In an avalanche of snow
hear distinctly every word uttered by
those who are seeking for them, while
their most strenuous shouts fail to pen'
etrate even a few feet of snow.
The distance from the farthest point
of polar discovery to the pole itself is
460 miles.
The animal that lays the greatest
number of eggs at a time is the white
ant of tropical countries, which, ac
cording to a high authority, produces
86,400 each day during the season.
Analyses made recently by the agri
cultural department In Germany
showed that of 657 samples of fcrtili
ers, 198 were adulterated, and of the
samples of bran 74.1 per cent were
Or. WW' Prnt PHts tsr Psl Pseste 1 1
r senr seM ei Ik Sets er hoadred, II
set sresn la sect as. ( III snssMs. II
st tin Vest tk tV Nulls MsdUla II
is., teksstetadi, . V., 10 teats ser set. M
iksimttta. H
will be promptly paid to any one furnishing us evidence on which we can secure conviction of any substitutor
or dealer who attempts to palm off inferior imitations when Cascarets Candy Cathartic are called for. Be on the
lookout for imitations and counterfeits of Cascarets, and don't you ever buy preparations that are made and
sometimes pushed by unscrupulous dealers whose intention is to mislead the buyer and infringe on our trade
mark and trade-name. As soon as some one tries to sell you something else when you ask forCascarets, look
out for him 1 Get all the details and confidentially write us on the subject at once. 7.
J??l I " . lrtT vegetable oompend. Bsmrlsl sr
EITLTEIflL 2? . I "1! tatMtlMi- T MUptia,
nsasaat, salatsM., soUst. Tasts food, do good, never tickes, weaken or gTiss- Writ
Fsiiee and Wire Works.
nd lros (slicing j ofllo rslllng, sto. 8M Alder.
Machinery and Supplies.
thlaery, suppll. di-M KirstHt.. furllaitd, Or.
JOHN POOLB," Postiasd, Oreoob,
can giv yon ths best bargains in general
machinery, anginas, boilers, tanks, pumps,
plows belts snd windmills. Th new
iteel I X It windmill, sold by him, 1 un
equalled. 'lili form, as sell en Blind, Slaadlnsor Protruding
Ilea sn owed be 6r. foBlj(o'slle Nemedy
tape IbihlasssdilaaillDf. AUorbi ttiisura.tilo t
ml) pout fwm mm.
t or piati. i rwactia rre. nrtte
UH.BUSAnKU,rBiiatia.,i,a i ,sM7si'ia"siaata
Snt . ..- " LIVER
1 111 lllf l-IIIIHIU
S .;:MftMrT'- ON FOR A DOSE. Cur.
Mn W" Ms "r n 11 ""' "rPsli, lUTiuoveTlmplM
mS ' T """" l"jBjai Q'"peeroicien. Teeonvlneeyou
I I l?.llL 111 1 "ample Ir.a.orullho.lorJSo. DR.
A War-Time Ml. take.
la a Missouri court recently a rather
novel caa cam np for decision. Dur
ing the civil war a certain Northern
soldier went Into the service, leaving a
young wife at home. In due time th
new reached him that hi bride had
died and when the war ended h did
not return to hi old home, but settled
out West. He married again, and with
hi tecond wife accumulated a large
amount of property In Iratt county.
Not long ago he learned that hi first
wife had not died, but, tuppoalng him
to have been killed, had married an
other man. This man died, leaving
her a widow. Wheu the Pratt county
man learned theae facta ho brought suit
for divorce, and the woman In the East
heard of It and went out and fought
the case, asserting a claim to part of
the Pratt comity man's prorty.
However, after the lawyer hud made
a great fight In-fore him, the Judge
granted the divorce and left the Pratt
county man free to marry the woman
who has been living with htm for many
year a hi wile. N. Y. Tribune.
Conscript in Cologne produced
ymptouis of heart dlsearie by taking
pill recommended (or that ure by
local doctor. Several of the physi
cian have been arrested.
There U more Catarrh ta this section of th
sountiy thsn sll other disease put loeelher,
sml until the I.SI ( years BUoard lo be
incurable. rr a treat aieuy year. i,Ktr,a pro
Bounced It s local dlamus, anil irrerrlbd local
lmslles. and ly eoa.tsntlji tailing to ear
with loeel treatment, pronounced It Incurable.
rVtenre has proven catarrh lo be acou.lUu.
ttnnaliUwBue, end Ihsr-lore requires omit na
tional Ircsnntfiit. Hail's Cstarrh t'nre, man
ufactured by P. J. Cheney A Co., Toledo, Ohio,
Is llieonly con.lltulloual cure on the market,
It la takan Internally lu dowe Irum 10 drops lo
a teaspoon fill. II acts directly a the blood
and mucous aurlacea ol th ayaiem. Tbev offer
one hundred dollsrs lor sny eeae it fails to
eura. Send lor circular and testimonial. Ad
dress, r. 1 .1 IIKSSY ALOTueSdo.O.
Sold h nniisl.ta. 7o.
llsll'a Kauitly I'llls are th
A small boy wa one day asked by a
cloiyyman if he knew what was meant
by energy and enterprise,
"No, sir, 1 don't tliluk 1 do."
The olerygman said:
"Well, 1 will tell you, my boy. One
of the richest men In the world came
here without a shirt on hi buck, and
now he has millions."
"Millions!" replied the boy. 'How
many doe he put on at a time?"
Spare Moments.
While In Washington women are In
disfavor as government employes, they
are in creasing in number in the Brit
ish civil service.
Jonas W. Thompson, of Pin Tlalng,
N. Y., found a black snake milking
one of his heifers, lie struck the rep
tile with a stick, and it attacked him,
sinking Its fangs In his leg. Thompson
finally killed the snake, bnt It Is
thought that hi leg will have to be
The city council of Akron, 0., re
cently msaed an ordinance rwmirlnu
-- --- - - , -n
. - 1 i. t ,.i 1 - mn , I
uiu uuiuu piumiwr lauei w ue aruxea
on all city work.
Telegraphic communication will be
established between the Kcottish is
lands of Muck, Kt;g, Canna and Rum.
They are all to be connected with the
mainland and with the Isle of Bkye.
So great has lieen the improvement
of the utorsKO batteries of late that, ac
cording to an F.Utfllfh engineer, a car
now requires 600 pounds of cells that
two years ago needed 1,000 pounds.
l001,"" oniLLino I
tssU UOaUl KTaUir, 117715, OHIO, iaass
treated sclsn
tlfloslly tnd
C, H. W00DARD CO., 101 ten ..fsrllsns.
Its good enough for Uncle Sam
and its good enough for you.
Sink Headaoka
snd Furllr Ids
BlIloBSBees. De
will sanll
w ANNUAL 8ALE8. 6.000.000 BOXES.
Wfiras -inn wm
" "IIIH WlsV-
I '0' "". remam. Sold by
Iud Every Week.
Il.f) a Yer.
riAMOUS loUkri aiui
IsJ sailor, sUttimtn,
cholart, travslUrt, hunUra,
and th matt gifted writer
ol stork will snrkh tin
peg ol Th Companion
during 1900. Send your
sddrtss on a postal Cirri,
and ws will null you our
Illustrated Aonounctmtnt
Number, giving full Pros
pectus ol articles and au
thor already tngigtd lo
th 1900 Volume.
I Dunlah lighthouse are supplied with
oil to pump on tli wave during a
Allen's Pool-Kate, powdsr fr til feel.
It cures painful, swollen, smarting, nerv
ous feet, anil Instantly lakes the sting out
of corns and bunions. It' Sites greatest
coin fori discovery of Hie e. Allen's r'oot.
Kaaa iitskes Itglit or new slioes feel easy,
Ills certain cure for Iiife-rowlng Nslls.
sweating, callous snd hot, tlml, selling
feet. We have over SV leallinoiiluls.
Try It I.! y. Mold by all druggists anil
slio stores. Ity malt for VAe In stamps.
Trial package f'KKK. Address, Allen 0.
Olmsted, L Hoy, N. Y.
Coffee tohlold or losenge are coin
ing into use in Itrasll. One of them
dropped Into a cup of boiling water
produce excellent coffee In three min
ute. The Ooinpanla Genets! ol Manila,
the largest cigar making concern In the
world, employ 10,000 hauds, and turns
oat every year 80,000,000 cigar, 40,.
000,000 cigarette and nearly 8,000 ton
of cut toliaceo.
Hereafter bell that can be heard a
distance of 600 feet must be attached to
all private scavenger wagon in Chi
cago, and these bell must be rung con
tinuously white the wagons are in serv
ice, which may be between sunset and
The authoritle In Algeria gave t(),
000 toward fighting the grasshopper.
In one owtlon 8,200 camel were em
ployed to carry the material for burn
ing over the place where egg had bevu
In the ship bidding and engineering
trade of ltelfast, Ireland, 270 out of
8,000 menilier of the union are em
ployed; in the linen trade, 00 out of
1,012; building trades, 48 out of 2,188;
furnishing and wool-working trades,
20 out of 880; printing trades, 48 out
of 0.')8; miscellaneous, 80 out of 1,804.
etksr lUseral illl-poltos Is Cssetrtts. CatesnU BroaptlT, eBtetlvsly asd permanently
t rrMt r d sveryform of lrreguUrltyof th, IscMisglUrrbcMSsddyssi.tsry.
fee eooklrt sad bs stasia. Addrsss ITKRI4X0 BBIUDT CO., CBICAOO or RUW TOOK.
Thsl tired, languid feeling, ths pslni In ths
? snd th chronlo besdsobs will disappear
quickly II you taks
rioore's Revealed Remedy
It lean Ideal medicine tor womsn, easy snd
p esesnt lo taks. 11.00 per bottle at your drug.
French Fenili Plilt.
Frsiaad br Ikonianile ol aaNrilad IsSlaas
safe, aiwan rallabla and wltkoul aaKHiaT
sara.alwan rallabla
llua, Wblta andltMl,
and wltkoul i
Sag on lup la Sl
In m.ul bfis, m
us. rreaoa
11., Ssnivrk Oils
rirM ftrMt POITLAND, Off.
"J bs. iutms soot.
Is the time to subscribe lor the
volume lor 1000 to take advantage
ol the oiler below:
CEND $i.7S it once with
" this slip or mention this
paper, ind we will send you
the rcnululng wei'ks ol iRyg,
and thro lor the 51 weeks
ol the year 1900.
The Companion Calendar
lor 1900, given also lo all New
Subscrllwrs, lithographed In
twelve colors, Is the must
beautiful one In the long
series ol exquisite Companion
In tli UuiUwi Htatos 800,000 rtiliio
feet of plus U usud suuually lu mukliig
fir rermanenUf Cnft. tin Slaoe aer.n.t.s.ej
vile sft.rArat day's ee vf lr. niiue. or.
Sierve keurer. swml f. r tMstK avs.uu lr .l
buiileene meitae. III. H. II. si LINK, Lul.ssl
Art suest, Vlalladelubla. fa.
The National Aseoclutiuii of Muster
(taker has placed itwll on rooord In
tllo must inn pirn tics iniuiller In tutor of
pure fixxl legislation and the regnlutloii
of baker 111 the tlltcrvet of pel let I
vtcattlluc and sanitation.
I know tltsl my life a eavrd br I'Imi's
Cure (or t'oiistunptloii.-Joint A. Miller,
Au Hauls, Vllt iilgaii, April '.'I, lD
Areola, III., with population ol less
than 8,000, lead the world lu the
broom-corn Industry.
The machine shops of lite Northern
I'aclllo railroad are compelled to rim
half a ilsy overtime every other ti lu tit
In nin department In order to mt. h
up. All the engine of the railroad
company are in service.
There are 850,000 men In the world
who gain a livelihood cltlelljj.y Dsn
lug, making au annual catch of '.".'5
worth ol (lh for each titan. The II h
erle ol the United rUte supply HtMl,
000 pound annually, and those ol
Kurope 1,800,000 ptiouds.
At Tacoma while In some Hue the
upply ol skilled labor U equal to the
demand, there are others in which em
ployers complain of lack of help snd
could employ more men If the right
kiuil offered. Men employed on scrap
ers and grader on the streets are pnltl
11.75 a day, while men in )asliioiis
requiring somewhst linnler work get ti
I a day. Skilled artisans, such a rar
; pouter tor finishing work, get from
I '.'.'.'ft to $3 a day, Machinists' wuge
run from 12,25 to 3.60, de4iittiiig
largely upon the ability of the man snd
j the nature of the work.
25c 50c
Uen nig ee rr ttiiiiaiiiral
illai'liar.iw, hillam iiiiiilnna, or uUwalluus
sf in II is u u a n Iratme.
I'aluloH, snd iml sitila
sni or tioiatimiiie,
Id ei Urugglals,
ur iwnt In plain erappur,
!",, Pv". rrpalti, for
l.iei, or 1 lioltl.1, j.76.
lllrrnlar .-nt , roiinnet.
rot nnilnrrliiaua and fllsai.e mt IVtua). ! B eta.
- r r ,-' www mmm m m m
For Onnorrliusk anrl riltrnt irttt Patisstai i-iL.. Bu.ina tg.
I lit. OMI.V r.,.,11.1.. .I....T L.i.7 IT. " i. ' " "
S?!?;- CAH1L noW' '1 Jm w rullwl lu ouia, no
prDU MHrturtt. ami en Im UWmi i,i,t t..,.Z
f fin I M k 4rTJ
Has aM J. ntl.i.r..
"Jr,,,,!,, .aniaslna.
aestHltHKI UHlMimillo
Yiiniiti,o n
Sifnr tl ,"Mi- from btiNliuetui. l'ltiriC, hm. fonW' 1!iC1,1",UA,:OO''0,'ta'1
I C hIiZII pension
I r SICKrUHU. Wiehmslsn. U. 0., tlmy w ill re.
J. B ,5.eLv?. "losi.r)t.ll.n. II. Mil K. II. Vols.
Stall JUtn Corps, fmseoialng dial tin nltu-i. IS7H.
. P. N. V. mo. -'.
"i?..7.J'!tf "rtlr pleas