The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, October 05, 1899, Image 2

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; i : : A ran for tmk I'koplk :
! ! : ! A VaI'kn tmk I'nui'l K : i : i
i I
Ktlril ( the Poat-ofhce at Hillsboro,
Orafron. as ammo claa mail matter.
Grunt? Official Paper.
, . BY
' :TU Argss PabliilBg Cospuj.
8uher,.i(lon: On Dollar ner Annum.
til Mordha, 60 rts; Ihiee Vontlir,.Vct.s.j
OoDMdl to Gold Mono mctallism. Be
lief' in the Bimetallic Standard
Dea Money means Debased Property,
and Profitless American Product. Our
Consequent loss is oar Creditors' Gain,
Has no ose fur Marcos A. Hanna
The Philippine question will b
brought before congress at the earl
test opportunity and there will be
thorough analysis o f the mat'.pr.
from all phases and standpoints.
There will be nianv eastern con
gressmen who will hotd to Mr. Mc
Kinley'a original idea-that of gir
irig the Philippines independence
with American guardianship as to
tlie interference of powers foreign
This idea will no doubt be heartily
endorsed" by the rast majority of
democratic representatives at
Washington, and the dividing line
between tte opposing forces will
mark a close balance. There will
be pernicious activity upon the part
of militarists and congressmen who
wanj to see a long list of military
offices. - These w i 1 1 i n t u r n be
supported by the administration
pa pern, which are dominated by the
Same influence which caused the
president to recede from his origin
al position on the matter of Philip
pine government. The action of
congress in this regard will be
watehed with n deep i n teres t. It is
to be hoped that justice, instead of
par ieanchip, will prevail.
A oust astonishing achievement in mis
representation is that of the Hillsboro
ARCCS iff accusing The Oregonian of baa
faith in its attitude toward republican
politicians With silver proclivities. A
recent utterance in these columns ceosur
ing the course of certain Oregon repuhli
eans who were notoriously unsound on the
money question in past years excites the
ire of.he Hillsboro' paper, which holds
out the idea that the course of tbose men
was perfectly satisfactory at that former
time, and that disapproval ol their silver
sentiments is a n afterthought, which
would not have been indulged when they
were running for office. The Oregon
ian's displeasure with past coquetry with
silver the Aaccs styles ''Satan rebuking
in." The candidates in question were
"the decoys to eaten the body pontic
The 'international plank fake" was by
l ne Ofegoman ' allowed to go practic
ally unquestioned," etc., etc.
Whether this remarkable perversion of
the truth is due to ignorance or studied
malice we do not know; but in either case
it is discreditable to the newspaper press
ot Oregon. Who does not know that
The Oregonian has never ceased to up
braid the delinquencies on the mon.tarv
question of Hirscb, Tongue, Fulton, Her
man, Mitchell, Mc Bride, Ellis and oth
ers? Of every freesilver utterance in re
publican national or state platforms for
twenty years it has spoken in terms of
Unqualified contempt and disapproval.
It even offered to waive the notorious un
fitness of J, H Mitchell for the senate, if
only be would come out unequivocally for
the gold standard. So far from accept
ing the ''international fake" of the St.
Louis platform, characterized it as dis
honest in purpose and futile for results.
By republicau papers The Oregonian is
accused of being for free trade. By dem
ocratic papers it ischarged with advocacy
ot men protection. Republican politi
ctans complain of its opposition to the
government, and democrats ol its servtlt
indorsement of the administration, io
misrepresentations of this nature it has
grown accustomed, and derives some
satisfaction from reflecting that where
criticism must first create a perversion of
its utterauce in order to have a base of
operations, one or two exhibitions of de
pravity, more or less do not greatly
matter. But to be misrepresented upon
' the one contention that The Oregonian
has stood for steadfastly these twenty
years this is indeed the most unkindest
cut of all. What kind of people does the
ARGUS have for readers that it expects
to fool them with such preposterous per
Version of a matter of commo.i know
ledge? The Oregonian.
The Oregonian of Monday grows
quite excitable over mi article in
last week's ARGUB which character
ized that amiable journal's criticism
of republican silve.riteB as "S.itan
rebuking sin." The Oregonian
liegs the question, and beg it sen
otisly, when it says that The Ar
gus editor is ignorant of conditions,
or is malicious in charging ita sup
port of thes9 republicans who were
gainst tbe gold standard. He who
hu two grains of sense untinetured
with an alloy of insanity, knows
that the Oregonian has ever sup
ported republican candidates, and
knows, as the Ahous stated, that
the Oregonian felt safe on such men
M Tongue and McBride, as to how
tieir votes would be cast on the
noney question. Moreover, the
C:r;ohin supported Mr. McKinley
t-jffcis international plank pro-
lioa, and after the election,
! ::5tk.!ci the success as a"sound"
-j Ulorr. That the Oregon
3 -J t-2Jl gainst free
coinage,- no one denies. That it
supported republicanism when its
state platform was 16 to 1, all who
have read that journal for years,
know. The international plank in
the 189t republican platform was
occasionally sneered at by the Ore
gonian, it is true hut that bit of
rot gained the party many voles
in Oregon. The Oregonian simply
held the "gold" men by explaining
the fake, while the trimmers caught
the oth-r wing with this internat
ional fraud. So far as the Oregon
ian is concerned, it snppmted Mc-
Kir ley, silver plank and all, and
thought the dii-hoiifsty of the inter
national "whangdoodle" insufficient
to drive its aid to Palmer, the only
candidate standing for a straight
out gold system of finance. As to
Tongue and McBride, the Oregon
ian, if it knew anything, knew they
would support any thing asked
thm by t .e powers that be. Ton
gue has been ilected through
quart support of the Oregonian.
To sum the whole thing up in n
nutshell, the Oregonia.i has sup
ported the republican ticket in Ore
gon, silver or no silver. If it has
supported it in protest, so much the
worse for it. At the polls the Ore
gonian has not endeavored to defeat
a tinctured" republican, save one,
and that was when Northrop ran
against Ellis, in the second district.
The Oregonian virtually stands, in
this regard, like the character in
Don Juan, which, whispering no
consent, consented. Oregonian
readers know this as well as one
can know anything. Piratical
abuse and copious Billinesate will
not change facts. But what can
you expect from a journal which
acknowledges "dishonesty" a a
chief plank in a platform, and then
crows the success as a moral victory,
as it did in the case of McKinleyV
canvass and election? The after
rage and protestations of high moral
plane can not alter the truth in the
case. Calling of names, and char
acterization as falsehood of t h 1 1
which is true, can not gain the
Oregonian respect, nor bolster it
There are in these days, two id
to politics, one standing ford Un
product, the other, for its uM lino
level, asking for reasonable
It is really useless for the Mf f) .-
gonian to deny its position. I i ,
occasional criticism of thu-e r--iil
licans, so-called, who at one tirn
were very, condemnatory of the old
standard, simply advertises them a..
candidates f.r the public favor id
those who want product not deba
ed, but are held to the "old party
candidates," b cause, "the Oregon
ian says they are not gold standard
men." This is one way of catching
voters coming and going. The Ore
gonian knows llese sam people are
trimmers; Uknos that Tongue and
McBride will vote as the gold mei
ictate; and moreover it knows that
its criticisms will bring them morn
votes than a straight out acknoal-
Igement that they are gold men
which they are, in reality. It i
senseless in the Oregonian to chat
ter about "falsehood"' and "malice."
The article about which the Ore
gonian grows violent simply classes
me uregonian and the McBride
?!.T,ihn fmUb "m" onf of lhe rI "orthwwt pioneers. He was born at
h."1!!00: e"0l..' S7. in l!W was fitted out. at Litchfield. Connecticut.
k. . fP; 1 me interests of missionary work. The trip was made, and
E2rf i r w'irf 10 ,.81 he C0Uie 10 Willamette Vallev and .elected
ms we, irom tins on, was spent on his homestead
with the exception of two or three years residence in Htllsboro. He die.l i'chru-
rv 5. IS99. t his home in Hillsboro. He leaves but two lineal descendants. Miss
Aniv L. Patterson, of Hillsboro and Mrs Ad lte Jenkins, ol t'ortl, n l. li s 1 rst
wife, IVsire Griffin, who aciompsnied him in bis itionrerni'F m-,1 in isx, n
married Mrs. Lina Harvev Kenvon, at Three Oaks, Mich., in 187. This csliiiia
ble lady sui vives him, is a resident of Hillsboro.
at a reduced figure, but Mr. Weliriniu, I
very umnerlv rrfnsril 10 hv .nvii...... '
to do with the gas exvanioniit, and the
Utter prohshly regrets that he tried his
(tame ol Mull on the level headed Wash
mgion county merchant. tregon In
Mak JiiurnnlUtu.
This is the way the Skagnav Northwest
dishes un a railroad item to' its readers:
"t'.eneral Managt-r Coldstteam went over
the new line MimUv in his siwial car
v.,, .-mr. 1 ue roan was inspected t.s
lar as icn-ie t.orite. 1 lie patty i-onsistcd
of CinciiH'!r Zero, tii;iiieer Snow l'n
man llileand llrakesmnu Winter. Din
ner was served at I'.iatier. The line will
he completed t t''roeti Dok in a very few
Real Fstite Transfers.
The Affairs
of Europe
are faithfully portrayed in the original and
exclusive cable dispatches which The CHI
CAGO RECORD prints daily from the leading
capitals of the old world. This magnificent
special service is in process of being greatly
extended so as to include every important
city in Europe; and it is supplemented by
the full regular cable service of The Asso
ciated Press.
The Chicago Record, alone ot all American
newspapers outside New York city,
now prints original and exclusive
cable dispatches daily from
tbe leading capitals of Europe,
J l Krllitiv; a id f to Theodore
llrrnnnl 17087 seres in John
Hutt Donation &.I-U
Theodore ormard and wf to Pet
er ardemirveriitg, 60 acres
sec 30, t I II r ,t w
II Wehrunt; and wf to I, W
House, lots 12 an I j lilk IS
Simmons ail mid lots 1 j Mlt
IK, Wehruni; ad ', , .
Ch.isSohmiu to C I. and John
iH'hmitt Jr s 4 n e set 17 t
Nancy Yaikiha to Mamie Yark-
sha aoj a hkauah Walker don
ation ,
Anna I. Watrous ;ind hd to C A
Mnpl-y, b for d, s w , s w
'f 19 1 1 n r 3
Tmlatin Mill Co to II C Thori.
H acre near TraUnin
Win Keidt and wf to M.iv Cooke
Miarp lots 14 15 16 l? , ,s
I lk 20 West Portland UviKht 100
K St John to Martha A Clia.e n
t I t '( KOIjtl 1 t J I
They hiivea new imui,. iP
shot gtin sIi.IIh. Yon woitldn'l
giies it in 11 lurid"-.! eir, dm it
only took Judte An-hhnld n shorl
tinre to tu,.lf rhtsml what w:i
wni.t.d , n, It,,,,,,,, n,HI WM11,
town. 1 o f OMR H CP(.i f
ti lnit .h.'i.:ii. l.iiniiiitf (in M-iiMnn
of c. lirse) !.! int.. il. tr, !,,
Other .I:iy ,i.,. n-kxl for Jt- (K
wonh of 'Iwii.-volent iix-ii,,,!.,)!,,!,."
"What's thut?'' n-ked lh- .! i.. ..
'"Oh, give me sun e Hix-,"' t I ih
(11,11. .tiier. Mr Archhold promptly
hm.ded him nut the ioc.H,,rV
ttiiiiiltr of Im.x. m of load, .f rU,l
Bun tt-1 Is.
('trr.'N f.r Mile in uny quantity.
V. M Heid-I,,.,
., - -
are pursuing me proper course. It t Burj;oyne toiy this tool from Vancouver
is well they have done this, woul have made a century ago
wlietliei ilicreet or indiscreet, for , In case of war. the Boers, indtviduallv,
110 one would believe eiliier nf them ! are fighting for their homes, and the right
were thev to eond-liii. thse (jiL'.in- t0 run !helr own J-'overnment; the maj
" . tv of tin Hnti' h hi
i:c corporal ions. 1 lw iiu-ih, on- , ... , c , " .
. ., , . ... . fighting for a few dollars a month, the
lew they are ov-rruUI. be most of which wiil w gpfnt 8t lbe a(.
exioiied ns a iieieMiry v 1 1 , one 'teens! Which will put up the mrsl
Hiat is replfte with public Item-fit. righteous fiht?
1 neir re-ent ullenmces .-ire iiihc-i-j The Oreconian cries out Bgaint port-
liveor what tin' next rn uhlican rayal of facts which show up political
platform may declare .011 tliiH ii.i- '"''t'011 i" Or:-eon. lK
the question. Of course, as the "regon
ian says, it has rritVi'd tV.e Tongues.
portant qius'ini. next yeur.
anl TonRties in the
ame category
of politics where they lwlong
The story of the Transvaal i- one
of national and individual greed
In the territory of this lit tlo Boer
republic are situated some rich
mines. The British officials in
boutb Africa want control of them
I Ins control they can not have un
less they can control the Iegislati
01 ine country. To this end. En
land has sought to open hostilities
by forcing a breach between the
two nations, and the home govern
ment is doing all in its power to
mruier the desires of the South
African British subjects. WW hi
not formally been declared, but tl
Transvaal has sent her h-gious to
me norder, to anticipate anv emer
gency. 1 lie Orange Free State, an
adjoining republic, has joined is
sues with the Boers, and in case of
war, vili be of material aid to the
struggle ot the home holders. If
war comes, it will bt but a repeti
lion of English greed and rapacity,
a mere question of brute force with
mil a moral iafUR upon their side
the blhses nti'l the Mcflri les. Inn this
Some of our theoretical friends should 1 crulcis!tl !la ''" taken i-s (i sort of cer
now advance the proposition of arbitra
tion for the settlement of the Philippine
"Our country must put down this !ind
of rebels, right or wrong 'The tory of
1776 and the imperialist of 1899, in concert.
Mr. Hun mi and Mr. Furaker,
the Ohio senators, are both defend
ing trusts in the political arena.
Both of these gentlemen are shrewd
enough to observe that the public
will dot believe that their party, as
lumiHged, is in opposition to these
commercial organizations and they
Colonel Roosevelt would now like to
charge up the hill at Washington, D. C,
How inconceivably small this little pol
itically ambitious place hunter appears,
as compared with George Dt.wrv!
o j
'11 Harvev Scott should be elected to '
the U. S. Senate from Oregon " remark
ed by a Hillsboro man the other day re
minded a bystander of that book, entitled,
"If Christ Came to Congresa."
II the country can't handle the trusts
by law it had better kiirrender its consti
tution to Mr. Hanna and quit holding
tificate of characttr that lliese men were
not the real genuine Kold bugs, but only
in the formative state. Of course, the
criticism nn-'.t them strength.
Sad, indeed, is the lot of Oregon's,
cineiest newspaper and opinion maker,
when it must hold to public scorn men
like Mcliride i'nd Tongue, who enjoy
gilts irom a party that paper has iisshIu
ously supported- and there is Binder,
too, another recipient of its criticism
and te enjoying the honor of appointing
rorest reserve wardens. The Oreifonian
should move ita plant to Hillsboro, where
like the Independent, it could swallow
its mortification without making a wry
Nolle l hereby ftlveii that, by virion of
an timer m the ntrt-t Court of tltr
I 111t.1l Winter tortlic itr. t r
nimle and Piiti.ivil on .s,-,i,,,,K.r ,1 V.
In lhe tnulleri.f W. II. Uin-ker, bankrupt'
authorizing and ilirw-tlng thrmi.lriitil
tril'ti-K of .un) Ptttnte to sell,
auc ion tho real prrtv Iwloneiiig l.t
Kihl i Htal... I will, un Hiiiunlnv. Nut em.
ner it. m(i, nl lliemili (Imrr ,.r the ti.iirt
honaeln, Wuiliiiu.-t.rn 4'i.uiitv,
Orepiii. t th hour of . ,',f
w.Mi .iav, sen to in hiuhesi lil.lder f..r
.n,ii in nan.i me pillowing ilrn-rllN'il renl
pri.perly.i,timi,. j ,Vtm,im. f.nmlv.
Ilro.vnt. I......;. I .. n , ... H.
. 1 1. ' ; """ "I'"' , III I OOI ill. H
niiiiuioii 1,1 MillsNiro, Dregim. Also lot
.. 1. . r' ' ' Hir A.I1II1I1111 1,1 i-regon, as hiiIhIi. I.Ii.I ,v
Oeorgii l .uglily.
Witni-aa my liiind fhi f b-tnbo'r A S!i
m. , , . M. WAI.I.,
Tnixti.0 of the Fatafe f ,, t, Ki.r.
if lr5
1 m
Under all your
other clothes,
and our Under
wear Prices
under all the
s .a other orlccs vou
.Mi) have ever paid
Y for ual worth.
Heavy Weight
Garments at
Light Weight
Cost, and a sea
of styles to
choose from. m
ak for thi rawoua
II. WKIIKl'Xti and SO.NS.
lir.l.M'.uUtl. OUF.CiO.N,
The Hillsboro Pharmacyrr
v l'rirlplii.
The Leading: Drug Houso.
' Vben. lriitj, Ml(:i, in. .. palntH. t UU, S...imt-, IIiiiI.f hii.I all iiiitgl.l' Siiudrlt
1.. .v be .ri.ciiiiil ut .rli- llml inplv ilininiu e eoiiivlltluii.
I nti'v in . fii i lii.eii i f ,lnij nml ch it. J.
viV luit brings tin. 11. imt toilbftirinrv re
Milla; mi.. I 1.11 ui! 11 1 un ti. tind ihiln nt
U e illa.i c.iirv lbe IhM ii..iIi .I -I.m k ot ToiU t
iiHh-Vs 11 ml dni(! ii..iri-s i-, i. eoimn.
Fnet tluit mi. buy f mi!i iimI,!,, n ,1,.
ilb tir t i h s b.-iio-. p,. iiH ,.hf r'ni,.
mc m-ip.-n tee iv- r fid i,li, til
pliv-u'iHtV preciipit-ui.
Si n i t i (In- l.i-n'iMii,
Dyspepsia Cure.
Digests what you eat.
It artificially d Ijresta the food and aids
llnv.- f.iriiu an. I city J roja rty f r n.ile ill a pi
A leu Huw milli', iTeiiiiicni'. hii.I citmirv torf.
if.r.,i:i o cxcliniij;.'. .1 1 1 or writ.' f,.r li-t
. and descriptions.
Vlu it farms in Cnl-
Imvtihip One Mouili :;inge (In Wiwl u
l .e U ill, in. .iii- Mi-iHiiiiii, ,, M rnonlov
.hem e Kii a.70elnilii, tin,,,. .. Nmih iV!
ehulim I mini .Neelh.n II. 1.. U iw,,,,,, ,.,..
i II II tout l; tliei.,- Went (., tin. .;ni(
'ine i.f t'te l.uul im iiimi ,y - ,in,m Slirv-'
I : Hu. -.iwsniiiii to ii!n ii ..r i.iHiiiiiiuu
ll nl l...i.g - ; shliml.iii " -a. I'letf.
M . . , nT, -w - w W.B I-, ,r. , H .,'ltl.l l ut t
nature In streugtheninjf aud rccon-l ' n". Ad.iilniMimori.i ni, r-tut,., niwi
HructlnR the eihausted diawtive or-1 r,,i ' i
fans. It Is the latest discovered diimst.1 " """" fh" Hon. r A. l.wi. .fndire ..r
DdBDrj ionic.
caa KDDroach
ll.lf. MlU.A. mwujt -1
ovuuiij iciieTrBouu ucruiaueniiy cures .,t ,).,, ,
jspepsm, inaigesuon, aeartoum, aii,.-i
Flatulence, Sour SUiroach, Nausea ! ,!.,, 1,
J. V011 loop, I'roprleior.
Newly Furnished
' and Renovated.
. NO Other DreDCratlun 1 i1'" ,,'"'"".v ''"llrl "' the 8-u,u " Oregon, A first clusa table and
It In efficiency: It in- j ;,',r, ' Vm ZZ Zu,T 1 "' r 1,11 ''"""lodati.,
IK .
J. A,
ii oiner resu us or 1 mperrect aigcstloa.
PrtoaredbyF C DeWitt A Co., Cblcag
Delta Uniir Ktor, llillsborn, Uri'trmi
The trusts mean that there is but one
ajrent tn the field to buy larmer's raw
material hence no competition: second
ly, the trust mean the killim? off of aell-
ji the courts of the country imr competitors and there i hut th on.
say a goon uw is unconstitutional let us agency to name the price of which the
ni.inea new constitution a 11 d do il
The life of un American soldier, lost
in the Philippine proposition, doesn't
amount to much as considered by our
administration flunk ics. The sold'tr is
held cheaply, paid little, is considered a
mere machine is a machine and only
one of a thousand gels his desert for a
valorous iked.
Twenty millions of dollars is a goodly
sum to pay for the privilege of taxing a
lot of semi-savages-that is the definition
of our expansion friends when referring
to the FillipinoM-snd then, to think that
our tax collectors havetocatch the devils
before they can get the taxi
A regular army private at Vancouver
suggests that anti-imperialists go over
and enlist with Aguinaldo, that the
American soldiers might shoot them.
Anti imperialists have no time to shoot
at skunks who enlist for 13 or $14 per
month, rather than enter the lists of le-
fanner must buy. The money trust and
credit combinations seek to have as much
of nil product and property, possible, for
their dollar, and control legislation to
that effect. Thus the industrial tmst
and t;:e money trust bleed the producer
and yet invoke his aid at the polls. If
anv farmer can prove is not the
truth, he (jets this paper one year.
President Wehrung is doing all that can
be done to make the Oregon State Fair a
success. He is an honest man, and will
not s and anv foolishness. Sntur. uint,
before the Pair convened, be made a bar
gain with an aeronaut 10 m ike daily as
censinns from the Fair Grounds, Just
befoie the day. the aeronaut aent
a man to the President and demnnded
J.50 additional salary befoie he would go
up. Mr. Wehruni? oromnllv nM il.-
haloonist's emissary to tell the baloonist
that he would not submit to extortion,
and that the bargain was off. altogether
The aeronaut, finding that the President
County Tit-irurer's Notice.
All rouiitv wionifila r.iul..rp.l ,,rl.. 1..
January llth lm, nr now called and
payable ut my olllca in Hi city or llilla
born. Interest will wiiKo ulter thin diUn,
ne 11. n, mini. . 1 .v.
County Treasurer.
Iiy J. W.
Hepiity t'lerk.
I. Mil II IK
I lerk.
for the convenience
of guets, , . ,
oote, MmjOR&N
ill llanktinr HunIuc. A.
TruiiHaet 11 fimmriil Ilanklii Uiilini,s
Htatoof On-ifoii fur 1I10 (.'oiinty of
U n-iiiii;tiili.
Iii the mutter ol t!:c ntale oft
Michael Kennedy, Jlweiiwd.f
To Kllen Kdiinedy, MuiKiirot Hhnvlln
Maty K. ItiiiK, Anna K. Jonea, 'l luiiuaa
KeniiPd, .Vitrtlu Kwiuedy, (Jraco l.uw
sou, Win. Hall, .li.lni Hull, Mnrtln Hall
iMaWBrnt Hull .Michael Hull, Andrew
Hall, Kato Hull, lliinii Hull uml Ncllln
Hull, Heirs at law of Michael Kennedy,
decciwd, (rfcct'iin-
In tho inline of the Klnlo of Oregon, you
arn licroliy cited mid reipilrnd to uiipimr
In the (Joiinty Court of tlm Statu of Oi-n.
gnu, for tho County of Washington the
i nun 1100111 iimruoi, 111 i.iiiHimro, in the
County of Washington, on .Mnnduv tin.
l-th ijuy of Oetobor, IHfX), ut 10 o'clock in
uir i. ri. ...... 11 .11 null uny, (nun nnii tliern
in hiiiiw, 11 uny vou liuvn. w iv un
order of wiid Court mIkiiiIiI not l.e I
iiuthorininir and dl recti ng the iidiiilulHtm-
n.r 01 sum cmuiih 10 ami ut iiiifiiie or ,r.
vutc side, tlio I'lillowiiiu diiMcriheil rm,i
property belonsinir to suid CHtutn. de..rll..
oil us 101 lows, io-wii; 1 oniiiimieliiKHttlie
quartor soctlon corner between miction 1
und 14 in TowiiHhip Ono Smith, I niiuii
One Went of the Willamette Meridian, and
ru rinlncr thenco North ulouir lhe W'el 1.....
ofthnA. V Hurt mid wlf'o Doiurfinii
Lund Claim in suid Towimhin aud llnnif,,
VIM ehuliiH to a point on the Went lino of
suid Chum, tinmen M011II1 30 ilcurciw !i
miniitoN, joust m clnilns to tlie center of
ine iunyoii noun; inenee jsortli nu degr
eifS.'K) .Minutes ICiiMt to u point in tho eon.
tor of said roudjwhlcli jmint Is north flu
(legrneHliO Minutes Hunt 111.2 clnilns fniin
inn inicrHcciion or hiiki ciiuvon lioud with
J. V. rl'UITK
. . . Miiuugi'i
... faslilnr
Soil sight Kxehiuigo and Telegruphlc
1'rniiHforn and Ihmiics Loiter of Credit
milliildf! throughout tho t.'nltnd Htntm.
Iliii'V 11 Ih of Kxehuogii on I.0111I111
I.lve111.ini, Dublin. Purl,,. lirltti. I" ru Itl .
rort-ou-th-i Hiii.Stockliolin mid all prli
rlpiil citlna of Knrnpe.
Collection made on nl' iiccohmIIiIo point
lliuiklug li'iuiK from II a 111 to 3 p m
1 1 1 IIhI nil.), Oii.i;ou
In the Cniinl.v Coiirl of thaHliilnorOrcmiii
lor Washington County,
U.Q. Moiiehum, Plaliilill'
r .,. .... C Hutiiino ns
Imwo MeCnudllsH. diilendai t.
1 o iHiuiii MuUimdiiKH, lhe nlmvcnuiiicd dn-
Time Schedule ..
.. From Portland
h Tl ,:1 ",M",t,Hi 't'
il'lV.p ii, ' "'"K" 1111,1 r,ve
l'T, !''ly"r l!",v,"2:"1 P m Tor Walla
MllwiuiUei! ri'i' ' ,s"' '''"'I. Duluth,
M HiiuUeii, (,.Ul, .., I,; . .,.,'
Ocean Hl.,imsl,h,N V0llt
Nun rniiii.sco,w,iiK evory
Ciiltiiiil.l.i Iii...... 1 u
... , o-iivn n n tn nv, ......
'!)( 111 fur Astoria anil
Hiiiuhiy. Hinurdiiy lu
' " 'vtnp in nxcopt Hinul,,.
W",'II"M!"1'" rlvnr leuve 11 , ..,.,.
tlltfl U it.r i'.!".! !uv,:"n r"y Nuwlwrif, Hiilem
In tho imnieofllKiHtntcof Oicnon vou Hundny H vu l exunpi
are noreiiy reiiilrnd In appear mid unswiir I
the Romphilut llled herein ultliln six! Williiiiini
weeks from the ilulo of lhe flrnt
neftn iimI V,... .1.111
1.1, . i ' 11 111 1 nei ,i ' 1.,....,. ........ 1
n,... i,i. 1 1 u ... -- ,." "' "nil nn un av r
u, Miinniiin 1 in . 11 1 1 v . 111 in u,. "ii-u.iu 1 IV 1. -ii...... ... .
appoiir mid aiiHWiir tho coiimhilnt n, , "irive ;i!.UJ ii'm ' ki. .1 .uW"v '""'HiiKS,
..I.. I., III.- ... I ... .. ..... . ' . I I,.. 1 1 "..'. ...y. I Hill KM. 11. it... I
i' riiiuy - ....-j I,...,
pluintiH wlll tukn jiidKiiieiil nguiiiHt vou
for the mini of $50.00 with lutciit theiimn
at tho rata of ton percent peraniiinn alnce
March 7, 1WI; tin) further niiiii of S.VMK)
with Iiitereat tliiiroon nt the rule of t'nn
per cent per aunuiii hIiico May 't, IWip .
further sum of jdlll.W) vi illi Interest tliere-'
on ut 1110 nuooi um iier cent par uiiniuii
since Heplcinher 1, 11, uml for the furtl -
Wllhunctle ilver leavufl,, , TllnNll(.v
I hursdny Hnd Niilurdiiy 1 "esduy,
nr hiiiii of s..n,()o, attorney foes, nml forthn
cokIh und iliMliurBenientH of thin act Ion
and also an order and decree unthoriii u
and directinif Unit c.ert.ul II rent iimIiii.. 1 ...
longing to you bo Hold in the nmuner p.
scribed by law, mid tho pror-eds liHrm,r
applied to the HiitiKfuetinn of niicIi ln.l.r.
inent. suid real estm n I w.l 111 tut ft iii.,'i...i(..
described us follows, lo-wll; y
,rl,,(,.iS i.S''itil,,fl,',K;."nl'"N. W. '4
the West lino of said Hart l,,,, I ... ...i ni ..1. i uf .7.! i. i ..'...! ... '. . .'. , .'. Wl.
Claim; thence Houth 1 ilegree W j ,llU., iuiningiucrr ,"'W,,I'?
"ni,ii i.iu.m, iiieiiue ortll HO UCgrCeS
20 Minutes West 0.40 chains to tli VV'ott
line of suid Clutm; thenco North 4 degree
Kaat ll.fil chains U) Hectlon Hue lietwuen
H.ictioiiall und M of wild Towimhlp and
Uungiii thence West f.7 chains to the
place of beglnniiiK, containing 70 acres of
land, nil Mltiiute in the A. W. Hurt Donut-
1011 ivlirid Ulllliri, 111 WttHhlligtoil County,
Oregon. Also the following; Commenc
ing ut a point 17.0O chains Ksat of tlio
gitima, occupation, What a class ' be buHdoSo JSSA
1 he (lulu of the llml publicuf Ion of thin
snimumm Ih Hept bllh and the r
authorizing the Hervlee of this sniuinoim
..j ,.m. ici lines you 0 111,1.,.,..
fur l.uw,., , , " ,m.iirla
"lly.;.;..tri,uuiuy:"" u"lVfl
dul I v
Clon, I'omh, Agent
Administrator's Notice,
si'iTl".,,''reliy",v''n tllllt Ih u.ider-
...n I y '"'I'Vhited lliliiiiii Mtl'lltor with thn
will annexed of tlUi chIiiIb ,,f h,Vi. i
Now. I lie.,., (,,.. ..11 . '
cIiiIiiin am i, : Z 2, .Imn "" '!vlng
and1 wiswr ; n or r. . "'"' .. ' against said Z , " . "L J "v
six weeks from stilildate." Tin s, , m I n of uZT "T f "Hh-lawoT.
Is served iinoii vm. 1 . , 1 "m ." oeoruo 11, l air ev. m iinui '
derof the tl,,X AT'llS f I L ''''"''tyMninto,,;, K
.... . n ' i'..'i.T v one 1 1 II I'M u II 1. 1 .. ui
Ids date. irom
uhi.VB iiunind cmrt by order made. uihI
orinz. nn,Ht",m' 0,n""
Dulod this loth day of August, A.D. IfifflJ
AdnilnlstralorufHiild Mk ' V '
'leo. It. Jliigley, Attornuv.
" 1 li.crJ" W -W'
.i.m iw n