The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, September 21, 1899, Image 3

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: : : : All About tmiT P for , .
.M -
Opening Prices are not very
Difficult to Give the 1'uMlc Accurate
tirades for the coming wason have
not y t Im-wi rti bliHlivil, a n I the
wheat murkf t continue t o drift
aimlfaaly, with rin goveriiptl en
tirely hy the individual neeeaaitie
i( the buyers. Thera in melt a wiile
variation of aniile that price
cover a wider raini than hn exit
ed for many years. Thi condition
of olFrtiri make accurate quotation
very difficult to nwure. Walla
Walla wheat of pretty fair quality
ha o)d within the paal few d a y h
a t 5H mil. Other lota Imve hro't
M) and CO cent per buahel, and for
valVv a high nn fit cent hint lieen
paid." Thwrn llnurei, of oourae,
would place a n exporter a t a d is
a d v a n t a g e, if he waa obliged t o
me t theiu, but fortunately for
them, the near-by tonnage ha lieen
mostly provided for, and some he
ro I o "awilching" ia diverting; more
of it to Kan Franchco, where ahipa
are very much in demand a n d
wheat ia plentiful. What the final
outcome of thik u n u i u a I aitualion
will be i uncertain, hut from pre,
enl nperaticei it ia i n a fair way
to reeull in very high fr inhla Inter
on, a very lit'le tonnage ia b e I n g
nddetl to lint enroute lint, which in
already about 20,000 to n a uialler
than on a correHponding period hint
year. Aa it ia impoaaible to buy
wheal on the haaia of iireaent
freight ralea and the price abroad,
it will be eeii that tnere imirt tie
a vaal improvement in t h e foreign
market to enable m u c h biiaine
at any advance over ralea now aak
edfor tonnage. The situation
throughout the curt ehowa but litlle
change lince laat week.-Oregon'iBn,
IliUaboro quotes fill cenla, top,
today, with but little No. 1 coming
I n. The moat received grades a t
about fifty cent.
Notice ia hereby given lhat the tin
deraigned executor of the laal will
and Teatainent of Henry Huxton,
tlrceaaed, will aell at public eale ut
the li nu of the la:e Henry Buxton.
(Icccamxl, 1 niilea Weal of Korect
(Jrove, on llie 7th day of October,
IHtl'J, beginning at the hour of 10
o'cliwk of aaid day, the personal
property la-longing toatditate, aa
follow, to-wit:
7 haad of IturMMt yearling hif-r : 7U
linad ofahwii-. I fun mill: i lariu watfoim;
uu miriy and hariiMw. t milUvutor i har
rttwa, 1 bay ra, 10 h'l of milk cowa.
ijw, atitl liliri. lift hiul of young I
i.liirnrm i'W 1 hack, olio Onborue Villi-
dnr. I Onttornn iimwrr. 4 nlowa, 3 l f
liariip, houwliolil furnlliiro In iretieral.
limluiliiia iliim. IU and bedding, ete.
Almi, small furm looln too iiumrtu to
montloii. Tim cuwaahov ineiiuomoi are
railiHl UMik.liK-lililnitf Jcrwy ami Miuri
Term of Sale: All salei under
tlO. cash in hand, and on nil um
over 110 a credit of 'u inontha on
nolea with approved aecurity, bear
ing intcrealal 8 percent per annum
Where the amount ii over 1 10 a dis
count of 2 per cent will Ik given for
call. II T. Buxton
A T. Bi'XTosJ
lCxecutora of the laat will and teU
incut of Henry Buxton, deceased
Ahatract of county wairanti
drawn at the Bcplember lerm.lM!),
of the county court, and puhlinhed
IiihI wi-ek:
Aafraairig and Col., Itevenue, Hl (K)
Itridgea and Uoada, 220 20
County Court 15 K0
County Clerk and De uty, .'JfXt (K)
County Treaaurer'a Kalu'ry,. .TiO (X)
County Judgea Hillary, fH 30
County Hchool Hupt. and Aa , 7(1 .10
Court Houae and Jail Ill .",5
County liiHlituto, 2 M)
Fuel,-Light and Janitor,. .. 128 20
l'aiiMTM and Triaoner '21 ."t 75
Itecorder ofCon.. and Dep.,. .125 (X)
Stationery. M Hb
Sheriff anil Deputy, 2(H) 00
State Caaea and Willi' anea, . . 421 !!"
Total warrnnta druw.i,. , . 1 31X1 00
Kodi.l Dyapepaiu Cure ia a acieu
tillo conipound having the endorae
nienl of cuiiiient phyaician and the
medical preaa. It "digeala what you
eal'' and pooilively cure ilyapepHiii.
M. A. Ketron, Bto'imingdale, Tmiu ,
auy il cured him of indigeaiion of
ten yearn atunding. The Delta
Drug Store.
I He value ut aiivertiHing goea
wilhmit aaying. Mra. W. A. fin-lu-y'
little hoy. Willie, recently
found a 4'i gold piece and an "ad"
a placed in Iiik Ahui h. It had
been lent by Mia, Deichtnnu, and
il waa euaily ideulilied us it waa of
date, 18J8, and highly valued by
the owner aa a keepaake, an I for iu
atiliiiuity. Maater Willie waa re
warded hy a coin, the A urn a "ad"
waa paid for, and the old adage of
honcnty ia the beat policy" atlll
One th'iuaand bargniiiH, all for
you at K. K. Bryan St Son' cloa
ing out aalel
Had Dorria and Stepheneon hit
Norlhrop with the club thev had
eaved up for him, ihey would u.ore
than likely have made their ercuim
Il ia about 1H iuchea long, and waa
whittled out of a 2x4, with a good
hand hold. John Tom McMnmara
found the club in one of the la-dn
and took it out aide a day or ao Ik1
fore the attempted jail break. The
miaile ia aulliciently heavy to break
bone, and a crack on the head
would make a man aee alars for
1 1'. !
For a Giinmhiion Aliened To
He Due. :
Jury In Humphrey' Court found for
the Defendant 1
Homo time aince, Den nil Dullea,
for Home month a reaident of If ilia
horo, aold Ida Heedville farm to
Philip llurnh for a conaiihiration of
:i,7M). Mr. Dullea paid F. M
Hi-idle for prwiuring the purchaaer,
and HUpHiKfd the deal wa over,
F. 1. Morgan, who alao had the
land for aide, afked for a rommia
hion, but Mr. Dullea told him he
had taken it out of the agent'
hand hy dropping him a note to
that effect. Morgan claimed be
hud received no notice, and that he
had a buyer.aud brought auit for
'.'.)(( Clllll 111 IhHHIII.
Attorney tiregory proaecuted and
T. H. and K. B. Tongue defended.
The jury brought in a verdict for
Mr. Dullea, finding that no com-
niiHsiou waa due.
One of the incidents of the argu
iiient was a punning of the word
"liar," both Morgan and Tongue
exchanging the compliment. Mr
Morgan cloned tie plenenntrieg by
hurling Hill' Annotated Code, or
aouie other law hook, ut Tongue'
head, elightly hrunii g big forehead
and knocking off hi gluaaea. II
T. Bagley interposed and the mat
ter went no further, no arrest M
H. WVhrung Si Bona' stock of
hoots and hhoes cunnot lie duplicat
ed in tiny etore in WaHhington
county. Call in and get price. W
have a few more odd and end that
we ire (telling at the first com.
Benefit to farmer
year Schulmerich &
Far over a
Son have
The undersigned will aell at public
auction at the Robert Imbrie ranch,
iKiuizht tih.wa. harrow and wbboiis five mile Northeast of Hillsboro,
direct from the faelorv. and have t 10:00 o'clock a. m.. on
been able to ell a Utter article for SATURDAY, SKPTF.MREK SO. t89.
leaa mouev than has been sold '' horae. cows and farm
Uri.i..frB- Thi.if U ih.,1.1 r..ti. implements:
able Itnford Clii.ia-r. Kock Inland y umre, 10 yeara. ICIX); gray
i.tnar. o,l lim- ,.,. f mare. 10 year, NIK): wo yearling
!'lini.,o t,u- two sucking colts, all Clvdeadnle
t)ne bay horse, (i years, I'mOjoiip
It ia reported that Forest drove ,ftv home, 10 year, 1350; one gruv
buyer turned away onie four thou i,0"rK0. in . nro- , OTv
sand bushel of grain which had home, 2 years ( Clyde) 1.000; one
Iwen threnhed before it had titer- sorrel, sired by Wallace Drew. 2
ougniy uneu. ahiiis piace, i u e years; one bay driving mre
w irsl quality yei taken to the ware- t. powi,. 3 ..,.1 s v.r ..1,1
house grades only three cent pe r one yearling heifer, Jersey and
bushel below the market price for Durham: one 3 vear. one yearling
No-and two calve, full Jersey; two 3
The Grange Store, Main Street, ycarsandone 2years, (tlusonesjon
will noil vou Oliver steel and chilled ffh) "even-eighths Jersey.
plowi at Ihe same old figures. No New Osborne hinder; Studehaker
ntmd to nay trust nrices for tdowg. 1 inch, wide tire wagon; Pish 31
Call and examine them. Competi- inch wagon; buggy; iron harrow;
Hillsboro Photographer.
lion defied.
Rev. II. A. Atkins and R. II
Greer left Tuesday for the M. E
conference whicli ts now m session
at Salem, This conference will
provide the usual designation of
pastors and there ia a strong effort
being iniidu to have l antor Atkins
retained at Hillsboro another year.
For stoves, ranges and heaters,
airtight, go to the Grange Store, on
Main street, l'ull line of groceries
and hardware.
I,eander Nordyke, aged about 18,
has been arrested on a charge of (j
Remember the new studio,
Seventh and Baseline, for superb
and artistic photos, Best light in
the city, Call and examine my
Perry Ellis,
Artistic Photographer.
Ladies' and children's wraps, in
eluding jackets, capes and c o 1-
larettes, just arrived at i-cnuimer
toll A Sou'.
The Wood's hop yard finished
picking yesterday morning and the
Bagley yard will wind up tonight
or in the morning.
. K. D. Thome and Miles E. Ever
lilt were unto Mountaindale. yester
.day and caught 210 trout minus
the last ligure to the rigiu.
John R. Bailey was down from
Buxton yesterday evening, and
aayg that improvement soes stead
Iv forward up bis wuy. This is his
first trip to Hillsboro since last
Joseph Kilneman, senior a n 0
junior, returned yesterday from n
two months' trip to the mining
districts east of the mountains
They look well, and will remain
with ub awhile.
Wilfred Hanlev, John Milne
Frank Gordon and B, G. Wills, of
the Plain, and Clnu 1 Greeur and
Forest Bridges, of Hillsboro, started
for Corvallie Monday morning, to
start the fall term at the Agricult
Ural College.
Prof. Case states that he is pre
paring to start school Monday
altho' the attendance will he re
duoed at first, on account of hop
picking. Mr. Case feels very prom:
nl ilm school, as nine of his mini 1 1
have received teachers certificates
and reached a splendid standing of
averages. There will bomii
months of school this year.
stealing acavuse from Elmer lien
shaw, I he larceny occurring up at
Gohb'mtalc, ash. 1 he Nordyken
once lived at Hillsboro, a 11 d lieu-
shaw is a restive to the Sewells,
Messrs. William Siegrist ami
Dorr Waggener departed Friday
evening for Vancouver, Washing
ton, where the former will take a
position in a bank and the Infer
will work 111 a dry goods store no,
they just stayed over Sunday.
Henry V 11 uderaamlen, of Center- George Carlton has been under
,-ille, was severely injured one day the weather for several days, but
11 week, by a bull, ihe animal
had no horns and Henry came out
Oliver chilled plow; Buckeye drill;
two steel drills; five set work harn
ess; one set hack harness.
Ten dollars and under, cash; over
ten dollars, 12 months' time, ap
proved note, I? per cent. Over ten
dollars, where cash is paid, live per
cent discount will he given.
Frank Imbhik.
B. P. Cornelius, Auctioneer.
Kverette Crocker, of Hillslioro,
went to Portland Tuesday, on his
wheel, and in going down the Can
yon hill, undertook to beat E. L.
Mctormick a record on the same
track. Everelte succeeded in beat
ing Mc'a time over like ground,
about two seconds on each mile,
but not lieing a good ioc'ey, he
didn't hang to his steed as well as
Mc.,(who is a bicycle dealer and
Understand the nature of the
brutes) and he fell by the wayside.
Ket result: wheel suffering from
aervoua prostration; four dollars
damage; a walk home; severe
(nunc and a face that looks like
die color work on an Italian sun-
et. Everetle says he is uoing to
ify it over again.
I Pacific University mid Tualatin
Academy commenced its fall term
yesterday with a large rfgiatry, and
the number of students, when all
are entered, will exceed that of any
p.rey 10 us year. I hone attending
from Hillsboro are: The Misses
Stella Boscow, IxHtie Pelerr, Eva
Catching and Alice Merry 111 a n;
Messrs vtm. ( 1. Hare, J. K. Vroo-
iimn, W. G. Hale, Fret I Everson,
Frank Peter. Thos. II. Tongue Jr..
Clius. W. Purdin (Co. H, Second
Oregon,) Thomas Rood, Francis
Hanley, Jauiea A. hewell.
Delia, the twelve year old daught
er of E. K. Hcovell, of the Nehaleiu,
in Tillamook county, wag niNeed
from her homj about two weeks
ago. Search was made and the
body w as found Tuesday, in t h e
North Fork. A large stone had
been tied around her neck. The
coronor bus gone to the scene of the
tragedy. It is thought the child
was murdered after a foul crime
had been perpetrated.
Talk aliout rushing things the
way threshing engines are cavort
ing around the country at all bourn
of the night is a caution. They are
are taken through Hillnboro at all
hours and their 'shufiling" is only
exbelled by the profanity esc. ping
when they break in a crosing. It
would be a good idea to have
threshers engage religious engineern
or else the crosswalks must be
built a trifle strot ger.
Hop buyers are said lo have of
fe red growers in this section, 8
cents, and the glories that the pro
duct was starting off at 15 cents is
not true. The Amity man who
said he was offered 15 cents prob
ably had been drinking something
stronger. No one apiears to want
to let the product go at 8 cents, and
it is more than likely that a raie
wi J soon be quoted,
For the neatest shave or hair cut
to lie had in Wat-hinjiton county,
go Jo E. E. Colestock's Shaving Par
lors, Main stieet, Hillnboro. Or.
Finely equipped b:ih room con
nected. Popul-ir prices.
The M. E. Conference at Salem
ha.-f preferred charges against Rev.
C. E. Cline, fornicly of Hillsboro,
and he will be tiid accordingly
That is nothing! Thk Akgis pre
ferred a charge of subscription
agaiiisl him several vears ago, but
'tha is all the good it did.
Fpr the finest photos of the vol
untfer reception in the court vard
go tp the Few Studio, Seventh and
Baseline Streets.
G. Wills today received intel
ligence lhat an uncle of his, in La
Clede, M issonri, had died last fall,
at tbe advanced age of 88 years, 8
mouths and 20 days. His n a in e
was John F. Litle and he had lieen
a Mason since 1834.
Still Continue, And Good
Weather Prevails.
Thrrshtn Running Day and Night.
Rushing Things.
Harvest this year has lieen badly
bunched and we have had harvest
ing, threnhing and hop-picking all
in one season. Threshing crews
r working almotl day and night,
and many machines run until ten
o'clock in the evening. Very little
of the grain is now in the shock, as
stacking wag indulged in by those
who have not threshed. Grain has
generally been a good crop, and the
rains did no material damage.
Within a few days the hop crops
will be h irvested and then fall
plowing will Ih gin.
John C. Buchanan and W m.
ilennet, of Cornelius, were taken
before Justice Dahlstrom the first
of the week, charged with having
killed game bird out of season.
The Forest Grove Justice bound
them over in the sum of $100, the
trial to occur Monday next. Mr.
Buchauan had already been I fore
a Hillsboro Justice in answer to a
complaint on the same charge, in
formed of by himself, and paid his
fine, so when this comes to light,
tii3 case at the Grove will y en
likely tie dismissed.
The County Clerk has entered of
record a confession of judgment
signed bv Austin Craig and in fav
or of A. Hinman, the mayor of
rorest Grove, and against whom
toe Hatchet ha been charging
dereliction of duty as a public of
ficial. The debt was for rent and
money borrowed and suit would
have lieen commenced had collis
ion not been made.
Sitii Mmi Tiiw QVeil I Tim I rMHat
I 1 1
IJ IS I I " l
U J2.LllLu!J5.
I S 10 20 21 22
2 25J 20 27 ( 2 2J
I I I 1
IMij ! ln, Mai-Kwii ami Aocoac-he
Oflficr in Phsrniar ImL.
lence ontti-wet corner Baseline ahA
Second. All call promptly attended.
okv ?r nigni.
II Wehrung Si Song have just
received a new line of Percales, lin
en, crash and corded Pique for lad
ies' skirts and waists, an I a full
line of laces and ribbon. Their
slock of dress trimmings is com
There will be a public sale at my
farm two miles Northeast of Forest
Grove on Friday, September 29,
18'Jit, At 10:00 a. m ,of the following
pen oual property:
Thoroughbred Percheron stallion
4 years old, grey; thoroughbred
Percheron mare, 4 years old, black;
thoroughbred horse, 3 years old.
sired by Guy Wilkes' stock; five
head good work horses; three fine
half-Percheron coltg; one yearling
trotting colt; four Jersey milch
cow; 2 extra good (soon fresh) Jer
sey two-year-old heifers; ,4 Jersey
yearling heifers; 1 thoroughbred
Jersey bull, 18monthg; 8 hogs and
15 pigs; 5 stand beeg; farm wagon,
buggy, hack, binder, rake, mower,
cultivator, plowg, rolling harrowg,
harness, household furniture and
other articles.
Terms: Under $10. cash; above
f 10. thirteen months time, approved
note, 8 per cent. J. F.
"Bent in the market for coughs
and colds and all bronchial troub
les ; for croup it has no equal,''
writes llenrv R. Whit ford, South
anaiin, Conn., of One Minute
Cough Cure The Delta Drugstore
Mnrvied: At the M. E. Parsonage
in MUlsbcro, tire., Sept. lt 15W, Mr.
Julius Sorennon and J,eiiaG. limer
ick, both of Reedville. The bride
is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Thoniiis Emerick, and the groom is
a well known young farmer of
The cutest little enamel, gold,
and silver chatelaine ladies' watch
es you ever laid your eves upon, at
HovlV. at price which will make
you buy 1 Come and see them.
Hot t, the Jeweler.
Married: At the M. E. Parsonage
in Hillsboro, Ore., September 20,
IS09. Mr. William A. Rowen, of
Multnomah county and Miss Mary
Ellen McLin, of this place, Rev R.
A. Atkins officiating. Mr. Rosren
is a successful Columbia river farm-
er, and the bride is a daughter of
ne of our earliest pioneers. The
appv couple left last evening for
heir home at the farm of the groom
at Rock wood.
Real Estate Transfers.
i i j
rRoKKssroNji i .
is now able to attend to business.
New, licht hack for sale W. A,
Finney, Hillsboro, Oregon
Dr. C. L. Large, of Forest Grove,
was down yesterday, attending to
business, legal and professional.
M. J. Summon, of Cedar Mill,
and W. K. Moore, of the same place,
of the fray with a broken shoulder,
some broken libs a n d other severe
Roy Latham, late of Company II,
Second Oregon, and who campaign
ed at Cuviie and Manila, has gone
to work for run A hour, after hav
ing remained awny from the case were in the city the first of the week.
ror a period ot two years. n, Standlee. of Cornelius.
Dr. Large, of Forest Grove, re- w i" l'e ''y Tuesday and made
ports that scores of men are pass- HiK Arqus a pienssnt can.
ing through that city, enroute for License to wed has been eranted
Tillamook, to file on timber lands. Harold J. Hansen and Miss Georgia
ItiB thought that Claud Thayer, McPherson. They will reside at or
of 1 illamook, is making contracts near Dilley
n i,.l,r u.t il, l.,.,.l c. .1...
I I flint, i-lnnlr fiF MI 111 llrr 1 B Itmin II I i I l
I v'Ui ovwv.i . ........ .0 v... j..w
Mrs, T. A, Rhea, of Heppner, ib and they IH both in price and cuts
in the city, the guest of her dauch- No trouble "to show goods, II
ter, Mrs. II. T. Bagley. She will Wehrung & Sons
eave nere n a lew uays ior an ex- p j Dunbar the Diney orator
tended visit to Humboldt county, Rn(, tMmnm ami n round
ttilioruia. , ,.,1 i0i
IOUU imiun , 10 juot tun vctiuoi'iiiffj
from a severe illness. So says Dr.
Thk Akous, and Sam Gates, with Wurd.
ine ueiia urug oiore, siariea tne - ,, n Mitohnll. now at Atlin
fall and winter terrti of the Port-
writes that he will start for Hills
,,.,,,... , miiuo binvif 110 win e
.aim scnooi monaay morning. boro t 0ct()ber t He w i H
.Mrs. George Harrow, of Portland, come out of the mines, wind up his
was'in the oily last week, the guest affairs at Skaguay and then oome
of her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Adolph on the firBt boat. Frank has a
Honzaik, who reside jubt west of host of friends here who will give
the long bridge. I him n royal welcome.
Apply to H. T. Bagley, Agent for
the Great Northern Railway, for in
formation and rates to all minis
east. Hillsboro, Oregon.
w. jv rruvn, wno is with the
Heppner Water and Light plant.
arried in the city last evening and
will remain several days. W. E
Brock and wife came down from
Heppner, hut yet are in Portland.
John Goodin, of Glencoe, will to
morrow go to Salem, where he will
visit with his son, H. Is., and mci-
lenlally take care of Brothers Greer
and Atkins, at the conference.
H. Wehrung A Sons' slock of
g-oceries is complete and ut prices
that defy competition. Call in and
see for yourself.
President McClelland, of Paci
fic University, will lecture at the
Leisyville chapel next Sunday eve
ning, at 7:30.
A great deal of wheat ia being re
ceived at the Washington county
. .i "
warehouses mis weea.
W. It. Gault and wife, of the In
dependent, are at Salem this week;
guests ot win. rointer, urs. uauit s
father. Ihey are enjoying state
Miss Ida Froome, of Pendleton,
is visiting wilh Miss Jennie Con
nell. of Glencoe. She will attend
the Monmouth Normal this winter
Dr. E. DoWitt Connell, of Port
land, was out Sunday, the guest of
Dr. and Mrs. W. D. Wood and Mrs,
Grace Connell, his mother.
Geo. Morgan, w ho injured his
knee last spring, still experiences
trouble with the joint, which slill
continues to rebel against treat
ment, and remains stiffened.
Miss Lena Abbott, of Portland,
was out this week, the guest of her
sister, Miss Matie.
If you want a wagon vou can
save from $10 tojfl5 by buying
from Scbulmench & Son.
Born. Wednesday, Sept. 20, 1899,
to Mr. and Mrs. K. C. Brown, of
Hillsboro, a daughter,
E H Northrop to Harvey Northrop,
one-sixteenth acre Eli Davis do
nation $75
John Milne to W'ni. Adams, track
in Ellis donation 37
John E Bailey lo E J Haines tract
in bit 3, Forest Grove 1,000
J E Dugau to J P McPherson 6 a
Win Catching danation,. . ...... 1,000
Gus Hartranipt to J E Dugan same
above, 800
Alebie Leifihow to Alice Hendricks
s e V n e V sec 3 , t j n r 2 w 1
E C schulmerich to Daniel Bailey,
s w li s e V and s e V w and
lot 4, sec lo, t 1 s r 3 w 5,000
J F Colev to Gardner Bros. 30 acres
Barn urn donation,
Minnie Hiddink to Leaa Hiddink
s a w H sec 30 t 3 n r 4 w, . . . .
Lena to Minnie, n n w sec 30
turiw, I
Heirs, by Executors T D Hum
phreys estate to'C f Bower, $i
acres donation M Moore, I, 500
Schulmerich A Son for bargains
in gloves.
Go to Hoyt's for your colored
glasses and goggles.
Rev. M J. Ballantyne, of Hills
boro, preach at Cornelius on Sab
bath, Sept 24, at 3:00 p. m.
Dr. C. B. Brown, Dentist, will be
in Hillsboro, September 25111."
The Misses Edith Ransom and
Ella Gibson, of Portland, were Sun--
day the uest of Miss Rose Cave.
Judge and Mrs. L. A. Rood were
Salem fair visitors the first of the
week. Dr. Tamiesie and wife were
up Tuesday.
School commences next Monday
iu Hillsboro. It is thought the at
tendance will be an increuse over
that last year.
Loaded shotgun shells at Schul
merich A Son. Black and smoke
less powder; all Bhells guaranteed.
Sold at prices below all competitors.
John J. Morgan has again re
turned to the Klondike, and will
perhaps remain inside a year be
fore returning.
Chas. Shattuck has gone to
Prineville to work for H. V. Gates
on the proposed water and light
system. Mark UuUer has aiiso ae
narted for the same place. Hills
boro boys are well scattered over
tho northwest in this kind of business.
Mr. and Mr. Joseph Kemp, who
were married at Portland lae t Sun
day, are in the city this wtek guests
of J. W. Morgan. Mr. Kemp was
in Company L. Second Oregon.
Mra. Kemp is a distant relative of
Admiral Dewey. Mr. Kemp is
looking over the hop situation 111
Washington cunty.
N. C. J. Chnstenson, a young
man of Laurel, while riding
"bunchgrass" horse Sunday last,
wag unfortunate enough to have his
collar bone broken by being thrown
from the animal. The rein broke
and the cayuse became unmanage
able. Dr. Linlkater is attending
the patient.
Lynn and Manning, Portland
teaming contractor, sent a seven
team outfit through this place the
other day, bound for rorth Yam
hill, where they will be engaged all
winter hauli: g telephone and tele
graph poles out of the hills. Henry
McAllister and Fred watenphaugh
were with the outfit.
Lina Griffin, administratrix of
the estate of J. S. Griffin, decease
has brought suit against Amv L
Patterson, asking to recover the
value of 200 bushels of wheat, which
she claims belongs to the estate,
but is in the bands of the defend
ant. .
Special Agent Burnfield, who
supplied the S. P. Station here
while agent tnssell was at New
port, is now at Forest Grove. He
was down from the College City
last evening, accom pained by his
Aunt and Sister.
Mrs. James Aiken, a daughter of
James Burgees, of Mountaindale,
has been convicted of larceny in
Multnomah county court and gen
t e n c e d to 90 days imprisonment.
Mrs. Aiken purloined some wear
ing apparel.
The weather the past week has
been simply delightful, although a
trifle warm. Indications are that
we will have ample good weather
to get the crop all housed. Regul
ar August weather is prevailing
Lester Smith, Co. I, Second Ore
eoiifa "prominent attorney of Ore
gou City, was in town Monday, and
went out to visit with W. A. Hay
nor, on the Hillsboro Cornelius
Mr. and' Mrs. John P. Randall
have moved in from Laurel and
are r?siding on the corner of Fourth
and Washington streets, recently
acquired from Leo Bulluck.
Collections on the 1893 d e 1 i n
quent tax list sales amount to over
2,000, to date. The county will
in a few days bid in all lands not
bought in at regular sale.
Dr. D. W; Ward and L.S. Porter,
of Forest Grove, were down to the
county seal today. Dr. Ward is
contemplating a trip to Mexico
City in the near future.
It is reported todav lhat mold
is seriously attacking h-ips in all
parts of the count;. 1 here will be
no serious loss as picking will be
over 111 a day or so.
The sheriff's office reports the
sale of 921 bicycle tags, up to date.
It is not probable that many more
voluntary payments will be made.
Go to F. J. Barber, Second Street,
for a neat shave or haircut. Satis
faction guaranteed. Fine bath
room in connection.
Frank Stewart isteachingat
Frankfort, ash , and writes that
he will lie unable lo attend P. U
Miss Mildred Hale, of McMinn
ville, is iu the city, the guest ot her
cousin, Miss Mabel Adkins.
Pasture is better at present than
for years at this particular time,
owing to the early August and
September rains.
Jasper E. Reeves, of the Corne
lius warehouse, says that he is get
ting his space well occupied.
Bird season will soon be here
and the Ni in rod 8 will be out in
force after the China pheasant
For some reason or other they are
not very numerous this year.
E. M. Purdin, Austin Purdin and
Will Walker, of Greenville, were in
the city Tuesday.
Ira Wheeler, of Reedville, well
known in the east end of the county,
and now residing at Portland, spent
Tuesday in the city.
Mrs. W. N. Barrett went to Salem
Tuesday morning to be present at
the district conference.
Unless the barometer lies, we
shall havs good weather.
S. T. L1NKLATER, M. B. C. II.,
Office at Ibilnce Rait of ourl Houw
Surgeon Southern Pacific Railroad Co.
Consultation in French or English. Of.
"o Residence soutn tide of Main 4
near Odd Fellow Building, HilUboroi
Room 3. 4 & s, Morgan Blk, HillaUwo.
Ihpiity District Attorney lor Washing
ton tkjunty,
Office apauir over DelU Drug Store.
Office with 8 B. Hustou, Union Block
Corwin & Wootter
Block, Upstair.
Notarial Work and Conveytacing.-
Rooma 6 4 7 Morgan BU., Hillsboro, Or
Fifteen year Experience in Hillaborei
Firstclasa services; Charge reasonable
Office, Union Blk, over Pharmacy.
516 Deknm Building. Portland, Oregon;
Will be in Hillsboro every fourth Mon
day in each month.
Dealer in Bicycles
Monarchs, $25 to f 75,
Imperials, $30 to $75,
Sterlings, $50 to $75.
Morgan-Bailey Block, Main St,
Hillsboro, .... Oregoa
Carstens Bros,
Rough Dnl Lumber
Sash, Doers, Mouldings, Etc.
The Weekly Oregonian and thla paper
give you all the newi ot home, itata, the
Northwest and the nation.
Dead Letters.
The following ia the list of letter re
maining In the Hillihoro noat office un
Mrs. M. E. Heath,
Mr. V. Mez'zie,
F. Mueller,
Mr. E. Railey,
Mr. G. U. Spencer.
All letter not called for by Sept.
1899 will be aent to the dead letter office.
One cent will be char-i on each tetter
called for.
H. ScHumanicH, p. M.
Found: Sum of money.. Call
at this office, prove property ah4
I pay for ad.