The Jnl!LLSBR VOL. VI. IIILLSHOUO, OREGON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMJJKU 14, 1899. NO. 26. r X r . V EVENTS OF THE DAI Epitome of the Telegraphic Newt of the World. ticks from thk wiers Aa fataraatlag Oolleetloa of llama rreaf, tha T. Meanlapbera Praeeatedl In Coadea.ed ran. TniM Is suffering from drought. Admiral Dewey haa Mil ml Iioiii Gib raltar lot New York. Indignation over th reconviction at Dieyfu niulfnld itself In New York by Hi burning In effigy ol (lenaral Merolnr. .. It U tali) by prominent railroad man that th llarrlruan eyndloat U quietly working lor ea-lu-e railroad ar rangement . -Peary am) hli arctic expedition have jean beard from. They aie coming Iioiii attar getting much gwugiaphlcel I ii form a I Ion. The government will anon havo Ita plant ff the manufacture ol smokeless powder In operation. The locution Is VI) the Potomac near Imlian Head. An east bound Houlliorn cl!ln train held ii ami lobbed near Wilcoa, Aria., Iy lout men who hired out aa hay cutter near titer (01 several day. Two hiimlrml font of lrtl over limed river, near Columbus, H. U., gave way tinier tralnloail of grand and (our of tli train ciaw wer killed. Tli Dreyfus verdict liaa aroused widespread Indignation outaid of Franc and tliere I much talk thiongli. out Kurop of boyooitliig the I'ari at position. None of the pritonera in the Ward, ner bull pen at to bo tried at the proa nt term of court In that oouuty. Tbelr eaae will go OTr until the Jan irr term. Although tli aapect of affair I more peaceable, the apodal dispatches (torn Johannesburg report the greatest snxiety there, and people ar itill lea lug the town by hundred. Jealotti of tli fulled Slat, Ktno- pean Influence ar vorking in Houtli America In opoiiiig a pan American unity. Thoy y tli great tepublio unit to dotninat all America. A fore of 460 rebels, with on can noil, attacked Santa Kit and annul- taneonsly . CJaagua and Kan Autouio war attacked by Imdle of rebel numbering about QUO roan. All th Inauigent wer repulaed without lua to th Americana. According to th atatement just mad publio by th war department oar colonial trad fur th (I rati seven month of lSflU heat all lerord. Trad movement affecting th United Slates wr never o unifurui anu natural a this year. ' A Seattle dispatch aays: After pending aeveral hundred dollar In aiaisling destitute Kloudikers to their JCaataru home, th county commission era bar called bait. Th chamber of commerce haa taken a aimilar ao Hon. , Chicago haa jnat paaaed through tin longnat dry iell tlr.ou th time of th great fir In I87l. The Porto Rlcan relief committee will appeal for aid to all the church and bank In thla country, Th Tennessee Coal A lion Company la believed to hav a corner on th ooal product of Teiineseee. Walker Hill, of Bt. Lonla, haa been elioaen aa the next prualdent of lit American Uanker' Association, Railway surveyors ar at work In Eastern Oregon and It la rumored th they ar In th employ of th Burling ton. At th Empire City Trotting park, N'W York city, Jo Patchen defeated Star i Pointer, John 15. Gentry ami Searchlight. Samuel U. Biahop and Henry Hawk ware blown to pici by an accidental explosion of giant powdet In th May flownr mln at Nevada, Cat. An open iwltch on tho Erie road bear Meadvlllu, Pa., caused a colllaion lie t ween a freight and passeugur train. Thro wei klltod tin J this injured. Texas, Chicago and New York cnpl taliat havo bought 8,000,000 aciaa of timber and runge land In Mexico, and will build tip an Industrial mid coin merclal center. . A freight train near Williamson, W. Va., broke In two and the two aeotiont cam together in a tun mil, resulting In the killing ol three of th train crew and four tramp. American applet are In inch great demand tn Uunnany thia year that ahipmenta have commenced on month earlier than usual. Last your 93,861 barrel were lent abroad, Thia yoar it I expected the shipments will reaoh 100,000 barrel. Asa reward for the 8antlngo cam paign Mnjor-Genoriil Shatter will con tlnue In oommaml ol the department of the Pacific with It la present volun teer rank after the time readied tor hi retirement, which wai to have taken place th 14th ol September, William H. nodwell, a wall-known printer, ex president of th Interna tional Typogiaphloal Union, died at Whitehall, N. Y., aged 67 year. An Imperial ukase ha been litued eitalilialiliig a systom of education for the children of the nobility In Russia, largely at government expense. Salvation Army folk are forbiden to use trumpet, drum or tamborine In the itreeta of Philadelphia, and ipeeoh only I left o hem in their publl worinlp, LATER NEWS. Recant luecndlaiy flr In Pari ar attributed to narehlit. Th revolution In Vnnl under Caalro I gaining atrnngth. Director Merrlarn, of th cenaua, ad viae numeratoi) to do otn itudying. Cornel I u Vindnrbllt died iiiddnnly at bi bom In New York ol paralyai. Uuah negroe of Jamaica hav re lapaed Into aavagery and gun opon th warpath. Th great eoonell ol Improved Ordor of Ked Menopauwlln Waihliiglon with 1,000 delegate pi men t. Horn of Agulnaldo' officer are tired of fighting for th Vlllplnoa' cauie and will ek eaptur by th Auieiican foicet, Th yaoht Narno haa arrived at Honolulu on trip around th world. Mb lft New York four year ago and ha mad nearly 40,000 mile. A Chicago preacher, who claim to know whereof h ipeaka, aaya a war with England would wlp th Boer of South Africa off th fac of th earth. Oakland, Cel., ha accepted the olTn. of Andrew Carnegl to glv f&o.oou lor a publio library boildinit, and will durante th noceaaary 4,000 a year for it aopport. Jti 1'ortlanu chamber ol commerce will tend Senator Simon to Wanning ton to puah recognition In the matter of embarkation ol troop (or th Phil Ippine from that port. At Tuckahoe, N. Y Terry McOov ru, n Aniarican pugilist wbipptid Pdlr Palmer, an Eugliah batam, in th Wrat round, and win th title of champion in Una clan. Hertary Hay, of the lntrtat com mero oommiaaion, who hai been in Hawaii Investigating th labor situa tion, say he I of th opinion that the solution of th labor problem thei is th employment ol Irea whit tabor. Eitenslv circulation ha been giveu to a lumur In Naw York that th Chi oago A Alton, th Illinois Cential and th Union PaoiOo hav entered Into a combination and would form a trunk lln from Chicago to th PaciBo coast. Chairman Van Horn, of th Canadian Paolflo, say th Canadian 1'aoiflo la anxious to establish a great steamship lln between Liverpool and Halifax lo tak buslues away from New York line, and expect to reoelv a subsidy fioru the Canadian government. An unwn sored dispatch from Manila via Hong Kong sars that Otis triel to shelve Joe Wheeler, th veteran fight er, by aendlng him to an obscure post In the southern Island. General Wheeler now declare that h will ap ply lor permission to return to this country on loss there I som change In th management ol affair in th Phil ippine. Noithern railroad ar Involved in a rate war. The transport Senator, with 10 offl ecu and 600 reorulls bas arrived safely in Manila. Th steamer Homer ha arrived In Ban Francisco from Cape Nome with 1200,000 In gold dost Lieutenant Peary had hla feet froaen duiing hi northern trip, but now walk without limping. Th banka ol (Juaternata City will eat the exohequar by a loan to the gov ernment of 13,600,000, Th French mlaalon at Tripoli, head, ed by Father Foureaii and Major Lamv, baa been annihilated by th native. Th town of Dyea, Alaska, la to be moved across Lynn canal on scow to Bkagway, to augment that growing town. Two firemen and a ohild wer killed by gaa in a vault in Cincinnati. The firemen lost their lire lu an effort to recover the child. Captain Thomas Phelan, a orack fcroadawordiman and pistol shot of Kansas City, haa chkllenged Esterbaay to fight him a duel. Recent testa practically assure the adoption of the Mauser revolver by the United State government. It is being i d by the Ueinian cavalry. Captain Robert Kohl and Captain Arthur O. Ducath, aide on th itafl nf Uanetal Shatter, have been promoted for bravery at San Juan hill. The people of Cape Nome are to have a wall-equipped reluge, which will he formally oieiied on Thanksgiving day. It will be the largest and finest struc ture north ol Sitka. The navy department ha assigned Rear-Admiral Faiauhar to command the North Atlantic squadorn in place ol Rear Admiral Sampson, who will asinine ooinmaud ol the Uoaton navy yard. Th New York World pulbishea a purported Interview with Admiral Dewey in which the admiral la credited with aaylng that he still believe that the Filipino ar mora oapable ol self government than are the Cuban. Immediately upon the beginning of the dry seaton Otis Intend to begin an offensive movement. The army will be split in two. Field operations will be nnder General MaoArthur and Lawlon. Eaoh division will operate in two military provinces, but will be able to 00' operate promptly and effec tively when desirable. Glasgow number among It popula tlon a man who is making a manuscript oopy of the Bible. He expect to On lah it in two year. ; Wilbur F. and John Stile are twin living in Wichita, Kan. They look so much alike that only Intimate friend tan tall them apait. Near a certain quarry In Italy ii a town the Inhabitant of which pay no rent or taxe. They are quarry em ployei, who bar dug dwelling in the face of a ateep rock. FEAR ilTED STATES Distrust of Latin-Americans Is Unfounded. TUB PROPOSED COMBINATION Km American .rr U Are Opart lln la Mallola-Tha Maw la Wa.hlngtwa. Washington, Sept. 13. Th rumor f poesibl combination among the states of Central and Hootli America Jirec-M against the United Statee are received with some concern by the offi cial here. Nearly a year ago this spirit of diatrunt on the part of Latin American people wn first exhibited in th auini-oflioial publication by the United Slate of Colombia of a proposi tion to combine the nations of Sooth and Central America. In that oaa th ostansihl purpose wa to resist unjust demands for indemnities by foreign slates. But Incidentally during the discussion it appered that the (uoie of th combination would b broader than this, and there wa mor than one in timation of a doep-aeated distrust ol the United States. Two or throe events have occurred ino that discussion to strengthen this feeling. Fiist, there was a decision adverse to Colombia in the Cerruti case, and aa President Cleveland waa th aibitrator, that unpopular decision was oharged against the United State. Than laat spilug oama the orulse of the United Stale gunboat Wilmington up the Amaaon and the Orinoco. The voyage were undertaken from the most innocent scientific and oomuieroial mo tives. Commander Todd, of the Wil mington, found that thet wer no chart ol these vast liveis, and conse quently wa obliged to take sounding h proceeded. Incidentally he waa enabled to make rough running cbarta of th river that may be of value to oorameroe hereafter. Hi action were, however, mlsluterpretd by some of lh natives, though in th end Captain Todd I believed to have perfectly ut- afled the Braiillan official a to the rectitude of his purposo. It is said at the dnpaitment that ther it not th slightest foundation for the story that secret agents ol either the stale 01 th navy department have been sent into South America, and it 1 quite certain that there have never been any negutiationa with Bolivia re specting the acquisition by the United States of land iu the interior of South America. A to the visit to that continent of William E. Cutli. Chief Cieik Mich ael, ol the (tat department, is author ity lor th statement that Mr. Curtis visit 1 absolutely without ofiloial aa Ibority ot direction. THE JUDGES RELENT. fatlllaa Pre.tilrnt Laub.l That Drarfu. flTar aa Iaradallaa. Itonne, Sept. IS. The judges of the Dreyfu court martial today, by a mu- tnal agreement, expreaeed to the pre! dent of the republic, through General Luoaa, the oommander of the army corp at Reunes, their sincer desire that Dreyfus would not b submitted to a fresh degradation. A date ol calm prevail here. All the troop and gendarmes who were quartered in the town and it environ bava left, and journalist and otheia interested in the trial have departed ince Monday. Cafe which for the last lew week have been thronged with eioited crowd are deserted. Thi afternoon a solitary gendarme paced up and down before the military prison, and there wa not a policeman or sol dier near the Lycee, whioh laat week reaembled a barracks. Workmen were buay dismantling the courtroom and paoking chair, table and benches on trolley-car outside. Madame Dreyfus Tinted her husband in the prison thi afternoon, but not the slightest interest wa shown in th meeting by the populace. She fonnd him a calm as yesterday. Th prisoner smoked hi pipe today tot the flrtt time in many days, which Indicated that he was in better pii it than could be ex pea ted. STEAMERS TO HAUL OFF. Tea Hani 'or Frnflt Now aa th Yukon KIor. St. Miobael, Alaaka, Ang. 88, via Seattle, Sept. 12. Thi season, which ia rapidly drawing to a close, will see the exit of several companies engaged In the transforation business on the Lower Yukon river, leaving th field to fonr companies the North Ameri can Trading & Transportation Com pany, the Alaska Commercial Com pany, the Alaska Exploration Company and the Empire Transportation Com pany. It ia thought by transportation people that the lattei company will devote the greater part of Ita attention to the ocean end and Cape Nome. The experiment by the Empire company ot trying to navigate the Lower Yukon with the three-etaok, lix-orew tug Em pire, towing three or more bargee, has proved a failure. vlt is said th expert ment cost a large sura ol money. The falling off in the passenger bus! nesa has been very marked thi sea aon, hundreds coming down the river where thousands came Inst year. Parle Bxpoaltlon May B Washington, Sept. 18. It is be lleved that when congress assembles there will be considerable agitation ol a proposition lor thi goveinment to abandon its participation In the Pari exposition. It ia known that expres Ions hostile to the exposition, quoted from Senator Stewart are veiy widely sympathized in, and it I thought that II the conviction of Ureytu is per Imtted to stand there will be very lit tie friendly feeling for Franoe among member of either the house or senate. NEW ARMY REVOLVER. Value Itata. Will Vera Afaa Ika Mauaar. Kanaa City, Sept. 18. Dr. K. D. Griffith, of this city, ha just com pleted for th government an official teat of th Mauser pistol iu naa by Ger man cavalry and under consideration lor adoption by the United Rules. The teat wa made not only with targets, bat with human cadaver also, and Dr. Griffith ay it proved at range of from 60 to 600 vard the Mauser pistol il th most effective and deadly weapon ol Its kind aver invented, and that op to th maximum range tried, it is prac tically a good in the hand ol marks men a Krag-Joigenson, a Lee or Mas ter rifle. The pistol Area 10 shot withont re loading, and can be emptied with ac curacy ol aim in leas than three second. The cartridge ar 80 caliber, and are propelled by smokeleea nitro powder.' Th bullet weigh 86 grain each, and ave lead cor surrounded by a nickel- plated ooprier jacket. It I said to be robabl that a a result ol Dr. Grif fith's test th government will adopt th Mauser pistol. Caplala Ca aa Bltaatloa. Chicago, Sept. 13. Captain J. E. Case, formerly of the Second Oregon volunteer, and a member of the staff of Generals Merrltt, Otis and Lawton, who I visiting Chicago, say that be think a vigorous fall campaign will put aa nd to tli war in the Philip pine. 'It takes a good deal to demoralize a Filipino army and it would be a rnah statement to declare that the insur gents ar now demoralized, but it is oeitain that they run earlier in the bat tle than wa formerly the caee. It is the general opinion of th officers that it General Otis were to eon tine himself to one department the war would pro gress more satisfactorily. General Otis make a first-class civil governor. In the field, there were several instances in which he held troop back before they had accom plished their work and thus necessi tated it being done over. "1 tbink all the caaua'tie ar faith fully reported by General Otis." Orac.fnl Act. Gibraltar, Sept. 13. Before sailing from her yesterday for New York, Admiral Dewey and the officer of the cruiser Olympia presented 80 to Pep- piatt, the gunner ot the British battle' ship Devastation, who met with an acci dent while the warship waa firing a aa lute in Lonor ol the arrival of the American admiral, tfeptembor 4, by which bi hand was shattered by the sxplosion ot the charge which be was ramming borne. Peppiatt' arm lias been ampntated. Fall rt.kln aa.aa. Astoria, Or., Sept 13. The tall fishing season opened yesterday, but laat night's drifts did not result in any big catches. The retnrna, however, nstify confidence in a good fall pack, as the fishermen, who have been out a few nights in (dvanoe of the opening nf the season, returned this morning with lull boats. The prioe (or all good fish was 3 cents per pound, with steel bead in brisk demand at 6 cent. Fight On lh llorrt.r. Denver, Col., Sept. 13. A spec! to the New from Bisbef, Aril., says: Late Saturday alternoon there occurred at Naco. a small town on th interna tional line, nine mile from here, i shooting affair, which has already caused the death of one American cow boy and a Mexican guard, and the wounding of several others, and ulti mately the delivering over to Mexican authorities of four American citizen who will be tried for murder. Oils' Prlenria Hoparnl. Chicago, Sept. 13. A special to the Record from Washington says: The friends of (leneral Otia are becoming bopeful that they will incceed in hav ing him retained In hi present com mand. This week they were deeply enoonaged, and one, a high official of the, war department, openly admitted that he believed "popular clamor" would result in his friend' recall, and the assignment of General Mile or General Merrltt to Manila. No Traea of Aortraa. Gothenburg, 8wden, Sept. 13. The steamer Antartic, which left Helsing boro, Sweden, May 35 last, with an ex pedltion under Professor A. G. Na thorat, wa cpoken off the Skaw, the northern extremity ot Jutland, Den mark, today, on her return from her search along the northwest coast ot Greenland tor Professor Andre. She reported that she had found no trace ot the missing aeronaut. rising Train Johannesburg. Cape Town, Sunt. 13. Four trains containing refugees from Johannesburg have arrived here. Four hundred refugee have also arrived at Durban During the past week, the relief coin mitieeof Johannesburg assisted 9,000 cases of distress reported throughout tbe Transvaal. Revolution tn Venaanela. Bavana, Sept. 13. The captains of the British ships arriving here from Venezuela confirm the new that there has been a revolution there during the last three weeks. They say there are two parties agalnBt the government and that the latter i extremely sua picloua. Trial ol Kearaarsre. Naw York, Sept. 18. A special to the Herald from Washington says Acting Secretary Allen ha approved the request of the Newport News Com pany that the battleship Kearsarge un dergo her official trip on September 25. If accepted, the work on the ship will be rapidly completed in order that she may be placed In commission next month. Battleship Alabama will probably not be plaoed in commiaion before tb new year. TIMBER LAND GRAB he Government Openly De spoiled by Speculators. SECRETARY OF ISTERI0R FOOLED nder Corar of Hla Faraat Raaarra R.f alaiioa.. Stamp Waataa Ara Tra4atf for Vlrgla fara.U. Hoqoiam, Wah., Sept 14. A party 9f government (urveyor ha gone Into the Olympic mountain from thi city to triangulate and approve th line of th Olympie foreat reserve. They ave been working their way op the coast, and their labor will not end un it they reach tbe Strait ol Foca. Tbe presence of these delineator re new discussion of the policy of forest reserves in this quarter. The senti ment on Gray' barber I against the reseive. It limits development and brow restraint about th common people. Whatever advantagea accrue to nv from it in immediate commercial transaction go to the rich, wbo specu late on the transfer which tbe law allows. The law creating the forest reserve provide that settlers and holder of land within these reserve may relin quish their claims and in teturn receive or ip, which shall be available in secur ing other public lands ol the United States. Under thla clause, the North ern Pacific Ka:!oad Company and the milling companies are lelinquiahing to the government tract denuded of tree by loggers and forest fire, and select' ing in their stead the beet timber land of this region. The Pennsylvania ivndicate own one of the n.c?t valuable timber land n Western Washington. It bas logged 8,000 aci through the Simpson Log ging Company in township 21, range and 7 west. Mason county. This logged land I worthies. It is a mat ter of common report that tb owner have been willing to give away a large part of it to aettlera who would accep deed and pay the taxe. Not so now since the manipulation of forest reserve crip, Tbe Pennsylvania svndioate may suirender it back lo the govern mentand i doing so and take ia lieu ot it surveyed and unsurveyed gov ernment lands covered with virgin for est Already it has deeded to tbe gov ernment 1.400 acres of denuded land. and its cruisers and attorney are at work selecting choice timber tract in stead. " Gat. Rot a Dollar. The United State government and the people who live in thi county get nothing from these transfers. No pay ment, large or (mail, is required at th land office. It ia a snap for the owner of worthies lands; also for capitalists. who have timber lands, which they oan immediately log off and exchange for othet traota. Tbe eagerness with which capitalist are laying hold of tbe foiest reserve scrip is illustrated by the following ad vertisement, taken from a Puget son mi paper. It ia a sample of many otheis which may be found in the columns of tbe country press: I want to buv cheap lands within th limits of anr United States forest reserva tion. 1 don't, care how worthless they may be, only titles must he perfect. Write at once, (riving full particulars, to , Duluth, Minn. The Northern Pacifio railroad ia now bending every energy to find the beat timber and farm landa along its line, to which it can apply thia scrip, which it can aecure in great amount The land department ot that corporation oan now gobble up the most desirable ur.aurveyed land in the West, which squatteia may have lived upon for 20 years, with the intention of filing homesteads when the proper time ar rives. Indefensible Method, of Operator. Officials in some ot the land office in the states where such selection are being made ate receiving annual passes for their service to the railroad in it endeavor in this line. Officers of the United State are becoming the special agents ol the railroad to bluff and bull aoze intending settler and save for the corporation the choicest locations. At on land office in the Noithwest an official ia the agent tor a forest re serve scrip syndicate. He advertiser to give perfect title to both surveyed and unsurveyed public lands, the choicest in hi district, and to locate settlers thereon, tor $5.25 per acre. Instead of tbe old way of dealing -vith the government at that United States land office, the iutending settler does business with the agent of a syndicate, whioh has gobbled up tbe best land. Of the entire Olympio peninsula of 4,000,000 acreB, nearly 2,500,000 aie taken up In the Olympio reserve. The land grant of the Northern Paoifio lap over this, so that the immense advan tage of the take or trade privilege re sulting from the recent ruling ot the seoretary ot the Interior may be seen. W. E. Knapp, of New York, ha just oompleted the purchase ol 40,000 acre of timber land in Southwestern Wash inaton. Today he leave tor Puget sound to make further investments in the same line. It is learned from him that large amounts of New York capi tal aie coining to the Northwest for in vestment in timber landa. Strengthening E. quintal!. Washington, Sept. 14. Senator Fos ter says that in (ending additional troops to Eequimalt, the British gov ernment does not seem to remember that upon ita request, orders sending United States troops to Pyramid harbor were countermanded. By constantly strengthening the British force in that vicinity, he says, England doe not encourage cordial relations, which ara necessary to a plain diacuasion ot th boundary Question, GOVERNMENT OF PORTO RICO. Faa Matter Cadar IMeeaastaa tho Cablaot Maatlaar. Washington, Sept. 14. The cabinet meeting today wa occupied in th dia onaiion of tha form of government for Porto Rico. Thi matter baa been un der serious consideration ever since Sec retary Root took bi place a aecretary of war. and tba indication now ara that ome form of local government will be decided upon and put into opera tion within the next few week. Tbe detail of tha proposed plan have not yet been made publio, but it I under stood that it involve th appointment of a civil governor by tbe president. nd aIo the appointment of a chief of th financial department, a director ol post, and probably two or three oth er. In addition, th president will appoint from th leading citizena of th island a certain number to aot in a legislative capacity with tha civil gov ernor and tbe member ol bi council. It is not intended that this form ot government shall continue beyond tbe time eongrea may aee fit to legislate on tb (object. OVERCROWDED TRANSPORTS Coaanlalnta Made or Discharged Sol- dlara of tha Tartar. Naw York. 8ept. 14. A dispatch to th Herald from Bong Kong says: Many serious complaint have been made by tbe discharged soldiers on the. transport Tartar, which ia now being repaired here. These men declare that the vessel is overcrowded, that she is in a bad sanitary condition, and that the supplies of food are insufficient. The officer In charge admit the gen ainenes of tome of these complaints, but they declare that tha discharge.! soldier crowded tbe (hip of their own accord, although they had the option if remaining in Manila nntil the next troopship (hould tail. Tha condition 9l tbe vessel will seriously affect the health of the returning soldier. There are 1,200 of them on board, being carried baok to San Francisco. The soldier on the T,rtar are fra ternizing with the British toldiei on duty here, and are being entertained at the various mesae of the garrison. At these gathering tha Anglo-American alliance I alway enthusiastically toasted. CAPTAIN -OYER HONORED. Baltinora Prasenta tha Commander ol tha With a Sword. Baltimore, Sept. 14. Captain N. Mayor Dyer, oommander of the crniaer Baltimore, in the memorable conflict ot . Manila bay, waa honored by thi city today. Residence and business house were gaily decorated, and atreeta were jammed with people wearing "Dyer' button and badge. All ships in the harbor, regardless ol nationality, were decorated in bis honor. ' Early in tbe forenoon Dyer waa taken in charge by a special committee and entertained in various way until 1 p. m., when he waa escorted to the city ball and welcomed by a committee of about 200 of Baltimore's most prom inent people. Later be was presented with a magnificent sword, the gift nf the city council and people of Balti more. A banquet tonight rounded or tbe day'a celebration. READ JN THE VOLKSRAAD. Chamberlain' Dlllmatura In th Hand. ot tha Boora. Pretoria, Sept 14. Tbe reading in the volksraad today of tbe reply of the British secretary of state for the colon ies, Joseph Chamberlain, to tbe latest Transvaal note, wa greeted with si lence, except for some interruptions from ulti a conservative members. Its terms, however, have produced consid erable exoitement here. There is no in dication as yet ot the views beld re garding it in official circlea. The volksraad has instructed the gov ernment to dismiss Mr. De Jonge, sec retary of education, for writing a let ter to the newspaper accusing the ministers of the United Dutch church ot jingoism, because they wanted more English education in the state schools. Waehlngtoa Condeinae tha Terdlet- Washington, Sept. 14. About 1,000 persons attended a mass meeting at Masonic temple tonight - to protest against the verdict of the Rennea court martial in the Dreyfus oase. The speakers inoluded all classes, Hebrew, Protestant and Catholic. After a nnra ber ot addesse. the meeting adopted resolutions affirming belief in the in' nocenoe ot Dreyfus and condemning the proceeding ol the court-martial. The resolution, after expressing sym pathy with Dreyfus and hia family, continue: "We invoke all American citizens to co-operate to the end that justice may finally be done and the sentiments of tbe American people brougbt home to the government aud tba citizens ot France." Th Pardon Etpeeted. London, Sept 14. The Paris oorre' spondent of the Daily Chronicle olaims to have good authority tor the state ment that Dieytus will be pardoned, although President Loubet will not ex ercise his prerogative until after the meeting of the council ot revision. Dreyfu. Bear. Up Wall. Rennes, Sept. 14 Mathieu Dreyfus has returned here and visited hia brother this morning in prison. He found him still bearing up well. The prisoner had received an enormous number of letters of sympathy since Saturday. He spends the greater part of th day reading them. Tha Transvaal Bltaalion. London, Sept. 18. Activity in the admiralty and the war office continues today, though there ia nothing new re garding the Transvaal sitution. It is said orders have been sent to America lor light iron girders and bridging eec tlon for probable use in South Africa Transports are moving to docks pre paratory to emoarking troops, THE GREAT EXPOSITION Portland's Fair Will Be Best to Date. the WILL ECLIPSS FOEMIR FAIRS Slag In September IS and Claaa Oat bar . aad Will Ma Op. a Day and ag. A very excellent feature of the Ore gon Industrial Exposition, wbicb ia held at Portland, ia that it represent tb entire Pacific Northwest, and tha product ot thi whole region are freely given spec there and attractively ex hibited. It is truly a great fair, and it is ade interesting to alL Everything connected with it I on a properly large teal such as befit the great region represented. Portland haa the capital necessary to carry on such a great fair, and her en terprising business men freely furnish . the money to pay the beavy expense Incurred. Tbey know that in doing to tbey ar aiding in the general devel opment of tb entire Northwest. People who visit the exposition at Portland thi autumn will mak no mistake, for tbey will find ther many' splendid attractiona to interest them. A full military band, one of th best in America, will give concert every afternoon and evening, and there will be amusement feature such a will please all, and such as can only be found In tbe very best theaters. Tbe great exposition building will be a blaze of glory and a bower ot beauty, and it will be well worth going many mile to tee th splendid exhibit of the product of field, farm, orchard, forest, fishery, factory and dairy. Mar Mara ta Spokane. Another new Industry will probably be established soon at Spokane. Tbe latest move in thia direction I one that may result In bringing the large plant of tbe Ealge Woolen Mill Com pany to Spoksne, from Brownsville, Or. Tba chamber of commerce ia mak ing a movement in that direction and it effort bid fair to be successful. Hugh Field, president ol the Eagle Woolen Mills Company, ha written that if aufftcient encouragement I given bim be will move hi plant to Spokane. Should the plant be moved Spokane. Mr. Field say b will enlarge hi mill and hav a four-set woolen mill. Thi will giv employ ment to 150 hand tfnnlclpal Lighting riant. The report of Engineer Byrne, ol Pomeroy, Wash., bas been received. He estimates the cost ot eonstructing a flume aud erecting a power-house and plant at faa, 000. This does not in clude the electrical machinery or the poles snd wire, which it is estimated will eoet about as much more. It is not likely that tbe city will feel justi fied in attempting so large an under taking at present. Tracklarlng la Idaho. Work on the Kootenai Valley rail way has commenced in earnest The necessary machinery . for the work ar rived last week and is sow In readiness for operations. Superintendent Rob erts expects to lay two miles per day. If no accident occurs the rsils will reach Poit Hill by the middle of tbe montb. Tbe head of the lake will be reached by October 1. i TTall Walla Bonds Sold. ' The city ot Walla Walla, Wash., has sold 1350,000 bonds, of which $133,- 000 were sewer and water bonds. Morris Si Whitehead, ot Portland, were tbe successful bidders. They bid tor general municipal bonds 1 per cent interest and S per cent for sewer and water bonds. . The total bonds sold at a premium ot 2.100. Lewl.toa Bonda Sold. The board ot trustees ot Lewlston, Idaho, state noimal school, has nego tiated the sale of bonda amounting to $7,500 at a premium ot 10 per cent, thus providing an aggregate sum of $8,200 to construct two dormitories and purchase physical and chemical ap paratus for the scientific department Woolen Mill. Ruahed. The big woolen mills ol Tbomas Kay, in Salem, ia now kept running night and day in response to orders from all parts of the country. Blankets and flannels are now being turned out almost exclusively to fill these order. One buudred persons ar employed. Flour for Dawson. The steamer Alpha left Vancouver. B. C., last week with a cargo ot 100 tons of flour for Dawson, from the Mill of the Woods Milling Company. At Dawson flour is selling t 6 per bag and at thia rate the agents ol the firm in the North will be able to realise something like 128,000 out of tba whole shipment. ' ' Helena Bank Won. The result ot the sale ol tha city bonds ot Helena, Mont, was that the Union Bank St Trust Company, of that city, led all the Eastern banks in their premium offer and finally seoured tba bonds, amounting to $65,000, giving premium ol $730. This brings tba In terest down to 8.9 per cent A Hundred-Ton Mill. . '' The Mountain Lion Gold Mining Company, ot Republic, Wash., has ' placed an order lor 800,000 leet ol lnm bei for their new 100-ton mill. Tba plant is to be in operation by January 1 next. It will be a combination mill 1 with SO stamps. : . ' ' Brewery Burned. ' ' Henry Rinlger's city brewery, at Rathdrum, Idaho, was totally destroyed bv lira last week. The leal il 33. POO, .... T -