. 1 sjlEHiFps sniiE v 1 1? sr TAX UST FOR THE YEAR 1898. Nolle Is hereby given that by virtu of warrant lasued out of th county court f in hmo of Oregon for Wesnlngton uuunty, at'eaieo oy ID clerk ot said ' oourt, on th lath day or July, 1.MW, una to n directed, commanding ai to col- ,lct tho delinquent lu lor tb year lev, fur th county of Washington. tte of Oregon, and tor want of (undent per sonal property, I hav levied upon and will Mil at public auction to th highest bidder (or cuh, at th couth door oi tli court noun In th city of HUlsboro. In aaid rtasnington county, Oregon, on Monday, th 11th da of Seotember. lxsei tha. r.u. lowing described ral proiwrty, aituat la ma county oi Moaning ton, atat of Ore ton, or ao much thereof aa may be noceaaary to satisfy th taxea duo, to gether with coata and charge thereon, aaid aal to commence at 1 o'clock A. M. of aaid day, and continue from day to day itJunday wcwteO until said laud Ackerman, Henry 3ft acre In BE. , 14 of tilt, ft, aectloB K. T. I 8., K. 1 W.. aa described in book 48, . pas 442. Record of Deed for Washington Count, Oregon ( U jaraerman, tienrr-44 acre In W. ft . ot KW. H ot section X T. 1 8.. H. 1 W., aa deacribed In book 48, a 43. Kecord of Deed tor Washington County, Oregon .... 17(0 Acaerman, Amelia m acres In NW. ot aw. ft. auction 1, T. 1 8. 1 w aa deacribed In book si . pag tit, . Kecord of Deeda for Washington County, Oregon UN A onerman, Amelia N. ft of NK. V. BK. Hot NK. 14 and part of 8W. . ft of NK. la,-section 1 T. I 8.. K. 1 W.. 146 acres S 00 Aaama, A. r. 43 acres m B. ft of NW. 14. NW. 14 of SW. 14. section 22, I.Tn. R. W.. a described In hook 48, pair 1W, Record ot Deed for Washington County. Oregon IB) An is tram, o. u SW. ft ot NR. 14, , IS. ft ot NW. i4.NB.X40t SW. C seoUon I T. IN. . I W . i3 acres 11 M juexanaer, K. and M. N. 14 or NW, 14. section L T. I 8.. B. i W.. H 30 on Anderson, C. a Lou 7. 10, block 11. Hyd Park Anderson, Oscar W. ft of SW. ft. section 27, T. 1 N.. rt. 4 W.; K ft or 8E. . section la, X. 1 N.. R. 5 W., It4 acres Archie, Wm.-U acres In BK. V ot SW. it, section a. T. 1 8.. ft, 4 W aa deacribed in book 34, pag 444, Kecord of Deeds tor Washing ton County, Oregon Armstrong, Wm. Lot, 8, block 1. rlya i'a.rk Armstrong, A. P. 1 acres In NW. 14 of BW. ft ot section i, T. 1 B-, 14- 1 W., as described in book it, pag U; boos. a, pages lai and 414, Record of Deeds lor W'aau uigtou County, Oregon Appienagen, Kate NW. 14 of 8K. V of NV. 1, seoUoa It, 'l. 1 Bv, K. 4 W 1 acres Anninan. Anna Jt fart ot lou t, 4, block , lUley, as deacribed lu book 17, pag I7& and book U, pag lii, Mocom ot Deeds for Wasniug ton County, Oregon Barrett, joun i 1 acre lu u. sicLod aonatioa land cJalm num ber . 1'. 1&, K I W aa de scribed in book te, pag As, Kec ord ot Deeds tor Mashing ion county. Oregon Barnes. Isaac 1 acres in b. of Mi . section 1. t. I B., K. 1 W., as described in book l, pag 4 w MM 100 IS i 4 u SOS l 444, of Kecorg of uaeds lor W inicton County. OratQQ 1100 Baroer, A. Lots li. 14, IS. 14, block U, Heat Portland Uelghu Barnette, J. I.-et !, secuon s, T. S N., K i W., IK acrea Bay City Co-operative Company 4 acres in C. McKay donation land claim No. ft, T. 1 N.. K, 1 W., and No. 73. T. 1 N.. K. i W., aa described In book 44, page 1 Rec ord of Deeds for Washington County, Oregon Beard. 11 M. lot J, ssctioa , X. I N., K W K acres .............. Beauchamp. T. and M., Heirs ot tiot 14, block 1, North 8id Addi tion to HUisboro Becker, Henry NK. It of NK. W. secUon lit T, 1 &, R. I K M acrea Bechtold, A. L.-SW. 14 ot NW. fc. section 21. T. 2 N., K. 1 W.. acres . Bennett, Chas. E. Lot S, block . West Portland Place Botkki. W. P. N. of NK. 14. N. SOS urn a so 100 ISO 1100 4 00 ISO ot NW. 14. secuon, 11, X. 1 N : R. 1 W.i IS seres ..j. .10 m Bernstein. A. 8. Lots 11, 14, IS, 14, block , Hyde Park Bieloh, K. A. acres In 8. V of HH. 14, section K. T. 1 8., K. 1 W., aa descrltted in book S), page 2H, Record of Deeds tor Washington county, Oregon Bier, J., and Oreenburg, 8. H. NE. 400 1 00 section Jt, T. 1 K. 4 W., lwl seres - 10 B0 Bllilngher, T., Heirs of H acres in , bw. 14 01 secuon 1, 1. 1 n.. n. W., aa deacribed in book P, pag ton County, Oregon ..... IT oO Blockberger, M. Lots 14, - Ut block U, West Portland HelghU Boggs, J. W.-8W. 14, secUon U, T. 1 N R. 1 W, m nxwes ............ Buhart, i. and A.-Lots IS. IS, 17. 11, 19, and W. V, of lots U, 14, Bo hart s Subdivision, u acres Bowman, M-. Truntee LoU H,U,XS, block 14, Hyde Park Bradley. P. H.-8W. 14 of NB. 14. A. Vs of 8K. 14 of section Si, X. N., R. 4 W.. Ud acres Breyman. & A. Lots 10, 1L, 11, block 12, West Portland Heights! lot . block A West Portland HelghU B roots, J. J. and . sere in l McLeod D. L. C. No. . T. I 8., K. 4 W., as described in book 44, page 428, Reoor of Deeds for uL'uuhlnfrtnn I 'mint v. Oregon in 1100 IS 00 150 n 00 1 00 IS 60 Bruce. M. L.-NW. 14 of NW. 14 of section 34. T. 8M R, 1 W.,;40 acres too Brune. MT.-An indlvide iM in terest In m geres in Chas. Stew art D. L. C. NO. S, T. I &. R. 1 W. as described 4n book , pag 1 of the Record, oi Deeds tor Washington County,. Oregon, and aa undivided M Interest in III acres In Thomas Stewart p. L. C. No. it T. I a, H, I W., as ie scrtbsd in book 4, pag US, Rec n..ii tar WaahinA-ton t;ountr. Oreson. M heres VS 00 Buchanan, E. Lots 16, 17, 18, 1, block 11, West Portland Heights... Buckley, D. J.-8. Vt of 8K. 14, sec tion 11, T. I N., H. I W.. JO acres.. Buckley, D. J-8. 14 ol SB. 4 of NB. 14. section B. I, J I Boiler. D!l-W. H"ot'NW:'' 'of x SB, 4. section 11, T. 1 N., R. i 5 00 1100 400 400 w. m' acres Burns, D. 3 00 Burns, D. C, andOgden, H. It Lot , block 14. Hyde Park........ Burk. Loes Lt a.-MUiafd and . Van Schuyver Tract, U acres..... 3 00 t 60 Bush, D. E. and M. E.-91 acres in , , W. Pointer Bv L. a No. tt, IV 1 1 8., R. 1 W., as described bi book - J L, page 417, ana dook i, page , Record of Deeds for .Washington County, Oregon ' Burke, John-Lots , 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, IS. 18, 17. Ill, It. 20, 2L ffi, a, 24, A fc. . . n,2, blook U. West Portland HelghU.... Bush, J. A.-A a undivided 3-U in. terest in NW. 14. section 21, T. 3 N., R. 1 W., 44 acres Bush, J. A. An nndivlded 1-U In terest In the N. of BW. 14, and 8E. section 8, T. I N., R. 4 W m acres 67 00 10 00 too 8 00 Bush, J. A. An undivided 3-11 In terest in W. hi of SW. 14. section . T. 8 N.. R. 4 W., 22 acres.... 6 00 Bush, J, A. An undivided 3-11 in terest IB NE, 14 of ME. BE. 14. N. 14 of NE. 17, T. . 3 N., R. 4 W.. eTaores ISO Bush, J. A. An undivided 3-11 In tereit in W. of NE. 14, section 16, T. 3 N., R. i W., 22 acres S 00 Batchelder, W. L. 23 acres In E. Constable D. U -C. No. TV T. 1 N., R. 2 W., as described In book 37, page 108, Record of Deeds for Washington County, Oregon 7 SO Campbell, A. O. Lots 23, 24, block . West Portland Heights 4 SO Campbell, B. E. Lots 6, 6. block L Wenrung's Addition to HUlsboro.. 18 00 Campbell, D. J.-W. liof NW, 14. section 30, T. 3 N R. 6 W., 5) acres 1 8 60 Canles, Lafayette-S. 14 ot NW. NE, V4 of BW. NW. J4 of BE. 14. section 10, T. 1 8., R. 4 W.. 160 acres 30 00 3 60 too Carlson, Edwin Lou 3, 4, block 8, Hyd Park Canllle, 0. B,-Lot 4, block 7, Sher wood ..... .' -...; Carr, Amelia 46 acres in section 14, T. 1 N R. 4 W., as described In book W, page 298, Record of Deeds for Washington County, Oregon.. Cmrr, H. B.-Lot 33, block 11, West 20 00 4 00 fonianu ni", C4trr, I. 1, taction 1, T.;t B, I L 0 acriSI 22 00 of R ft Of NB. 14. IB. Aw 14 of NE. 14. section t, T. 1 N., R. W.: gal W. eecllon H. T. N.. R. 4 W., 2W acres 14 OS Catlin, John E. H of NE. I4. sec tion X T. 1 N.. ft. 1 W.. 80 seres.. 00 Cheney, D. R. and W. J. 10 acrea In Shi Wol NW. 14. section K T. 3 8.. R. 1 W.. a described In book K page &, Record ot Deeds for Washington County, Oregon 10 00 Cheney. Ella R. S acres In NE. 14 of NW. V section a. T. 1 8.. R 1 W.. ss described In book 34. pag 3M, Record ot Deeds for Washing ton County. Oregon; also N. 4 acres of the 8. tk of lots H..1S. 14, Tualatin Gardens; al 14 acres in sectioa 24, T. 3 R. 1 W as d scrtbed In book 40, pages 34 and U; book ft, pag 244; book S7. pag 114, Record of Deed for Washing ton County, Oregon U 00 Chrtstensen, V. Lots IX 11, block 10. West Portland Heighta 4 60 nauneniua, tt. lt u, Brugger Tract, 10 acrea 3 00 viame, a. m. uots si, u, block 1L West Portland Heighta 4 W Cleveland, 14. U Part of lot J, block &, Forest Grove, as described In book 41 page 114, Record ot Deeds tor Washington County, Or egon 400 Clement, P. C, Heirs of M seres in sections 14, 24. T. 1 8., R. 3 V., as deacribed in book 64, pages k) and to, Record of Deeds for V. ash ing ton County, Oregon 3 60 Ciuue, Percy U. Lot 3, block 4; kit a, bkK-k 4; lot 20. block 4; lot I, block ; lot C block 12; lot lu, block 16, Hyd Park I 00 Cogswell, W. P. 8W. It, section 21 T. 3 N., R. W- lt acrea .7. U 00 Collins, A. and li J.-U acres In 8W. It ot N K. V section 3, T. 1 8., R. 1 W., as described in book So, page 166. Record of Deeds for Washlngtoa County, Oregon 10 00 Coldren, Mary 10 acres In U. Rich- R. 1 W snd No. 34, T. 2 8., R. I W as described la book 34, pag ISO, Record ot Deeds for Vtaahing- Cotton, H. 6. NK. 14, sectioa 14. T. 1 S.. R. 4 W.. m acrea 14 00 Commercial National Rauk of Port land, uregon ISt acrea In W. P. HaU D. L. C. No. 44, 1. 1 S.. K I W., as described In book 60, pag 241, Kecord of Deeds for Wash inston County. Orvson It SO Commercial National Rank of Port land, uregon Lots 7. 4, Hamilton s Addition to Beaverton I au Cook. Joseph Lou Ju, U, block 10, West Portland Heights 4 $0 Cooper. A SK, !, section 10. T. 1 8., R 1 W lut acres IS 00 Connell, Samuel SK W section 24. T. 1 N.. R. 6 W.. 100 acrea 14 00 Connolly, li. A. I seres in NK. I4 oi n. secuon n. 1. 1 a., K. 1 W., aa described In book 42, pag 411, Record ot Deeds tor Wash- litutrts 4 ''.lit rS tfaai 9 iwt ssa4Bvaa v. uuu j , vVU iimi.kimi., W Cornutt, F.-. Vs of NB. 4 ot lot i, block 11, Forest Urove U 00 Cottle, David Lots 13, 14, IS, 14, u. eioca 1. n esc foruand Place., t 00 Cos. Ambrose, Heirs of 8. 1 of NIC I4. and lou L 2, section 4. X. IN.. R. 3 W.. 164 acrea II Ol Cox. C R. NW. 14, section K T. 1 n. w ., iw acres 14 60 Craig. T. J., and Rice. D. E.-L0I 4. block 14. Hyde Park 3 00 Crosley. J. J.-NW. la, secUon tt, T. 1 N.. H. & W.. 140 seres .. . 11 On Crone, Charles NK. I4 of NK. Vi, secuon 11, 1. it. 1 acrea tui Croissant, F. and Q. Lot 4, block L Sherwood I 00 Dakyns, C A. and C. 8. 363 acres in tv. tt. Chatneid D. L. C. No. 63, T. 18., Ri W.. and No. 4J, T. 1 8., R. 4 W.; and W. a Gib son D. L. C No. 61, T. 1 8.. R 3 W., and No. 44, T. 1 8., R. 4 W., as described In book 44, page 4ul; book 40, page 476; book 44 page lul; book te, page 11, Record of Deeds for Washington County, Or egon in sn Dammasch, L Lot 8, Spencer Homestead, S acrea 6 Ou Daviea, H. u. Lot C, Beaverton, 31s seres W50 Davles. H. G. Lots 13, 14. 18, and n. ; 01 101s is, lb, and b. 14 of lot lit Millard and Van Schuyver Tract. 4 acres IS 00 Davles. H. U. N. hi ot lot 8, Kereg Subdivision, 10 acres (00 Dsvies, W. K. Lois 10, U, 12, Mil- lara ana van benuyver Tract, JO acres 1 So Davles, 8. K. h acre in W. F. Hall V. 1 C. NO. 44, T. 18., H. 1 V. .. as described in book 44. page a7. Record ot Deeds for Waswngton county, Oregon; also 1 acre in S. Biott D. L. C. No. 48. T. 1 8., R. 1 W., aa described In book , page 87, Record of Deeds tor YVssh inKton County. Oreaon 00 Dsvu, Eleanor lu acres In section s, 1. 1 B. R. 1 W.. as descrlhed in book page 3u6, Record ot Deeds lor Washington County, Or egon 7 00 Davis, J. C, Heirs of Lots i 6, Dioca 1, rtorin Bide Addition to Hiitsboro 4 00 DeLasomutt, Van B. An undivided 14 interest in H. 14 of 8E. 14, sec uon tt, 1. i u. t n w acres; also NE. 14 ot BE. 14. Section 2X T. IN. R.I W .. ai acrea 11 00 DeLAShmutt, Ivan An undivided 1-3 interest in xa acrea In Charles Hie wart D. L. C. No. 64, T. 1 B., K. 1 W., aa described in book a, page 87, of the Record ot Deed for Washington County, Oregon, and an undivided 1-3 interest in 217 acres in Thomas Stewart D. L, C. No. 43, T. 1 8., R. 3 W.. as de scribed in book 34, page 87, Record of Deeds for Washington County. Oregon 2 so ueuuomuu and Oatman BE. 14 of BW. it, secUon tL T. 1 S.. R. 1 W.. 40 acres ,, 8 ou venni, uniis w. ft or NK. 14, sec tion 36, T. 3 N., R. 6 W., 80 acres., t 00 Deve, Peter Lot 14. block 12. West Portland Heigh ti 4 go uiicnDurn, c i acres in NE. 14 of NE. 14. section L T. 1 8.. R. 1 W., as described In book 37, page 2U, Record of Deeds tor Washington County, Oregon (00 uoaa, a. n,piHd, 14 and BE. 14, sec tion 18, T. 1 N., R 6 W., m acres.. 17 Dolph, J. N., Receiver N. hk ot BW. It, section 32, T. 1 8., R. S W.. 80 acrea 10 00 uoiun, 4. eceiver VP acres In W. Vk of KK 14, section 1, T. 1 8., R. 1 W., as deacribed In book 4s, nage GS. Record of Deeds tor Washington County, Oregon 18 60 umvcj, o. n. b. ft 01 f,K. it. N. Ji of BE. 14, section 34, T. 1 8., R. 6 W., 140 acres Duffy, C. B.-SE. 14, section 20, T. 3 N., R. 2 W., 160 acres Dunsmoor, R. E. 87 acres In E. 14 of NE. 14. section 8, T. 1 N., R. 4 W., as described In book 33, page 426, Record of Deeds tor Wash- 13 00 12 00 ... .v.. vuu.ll. VlCfVU ........... Duren, George H.-43 acres In sec t 00 tion a, i. 1 8., R. 4 W., as de scribed In book 26, page 692, and . 1 1 vuiu j. weue for Washington County, Oregon.... 12 00 cutter, tfunu ixii a ana w. ft Of lot 2, block 4, South Park Addition to Forest Grove Egglman, A. IS acres In SW. 14 ot BE. 14, section IS, T. 1 N., R. 1 W., as described in book 38, pages 20 and 18, Record of Deeda for Wash- inartiin 1 'i , 460 ...B,w.. WW. If , j, cgvil ..,,...,,,, Ellly John Lot 3, block 7, Sher wood Emmons, If. Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, block too 6 60 i, nan rorriana riace 400 Engestrom, Uust E. ft ot NW. It, aiiu iois i, s, section au, i. i n., K. 6 W.. ISt acres ... .1 13 00 27 00 Engel, H. C NW. 14, section 80, T. 8 N.. R. 4 W.. IK ui Ernnt, August N, ft of NW. 14 of BK1. Hl. section 3. T. 2 8.. R. 1 W.. ott ......... ' ' WW DM OB .......((......(............. J MJ f Btiniu, i. n. iXllS 1, J, J, , f, 7. 8. block 2. Hoeken'a Addition to Beaverton at rems, c. D. Tract 6, Amended riat. rairvtew a mi it win t hiiis- boro, 6 acres 4 En rin, saitnason & acres in NE. ft oi nw. li, section is. T. 3 B., R 1 W., as described in book 42, page 161. Record of Deeds for Washinir- v"". wuuij, vtsavu , p w Finn, Edward LoU 28, 21, 22, 23, 24, block 2, West Portland Place 4 26 singer, jonn r. Lot 1, block 39, Boutn coast Addition to HUls boro Km Flagg, Ella M.-Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, block 3, Tongue's Addition to Hlllaboro. 8 SO Flagg, H. H.-Lot 12, block 6, Thoma s Addition to Hllltihorn 1 sn Fleck, J. K. Lots 28, 30, block 10, Went Portland Heights 4 60 f orester, i-atnck its acres in A. C. Lansen D. L. C. No. 67, T. IS., R. 1 W., as described In book Q, page 328, Record of Deeds for Washington County, Oregon , (6 00 Fowler, Luclnda 1 acre in M. Wren D. L. C. No. 54, T. 1 N., R. 1 W as described in book Z, page 449, and book 31, page 420, Record of Deeds for Washington Countv. Oregon , Freeman, W. P. 110 acres In H. N. Colder D. L. C. No. 68, T. 1 N., R. 3 W., and No. 45, T. 2 N R. 3 W., as described In book Y, page 39, Record of Deeds for Washing ton County, Oregon Freeman, W, P. 61 acres In NE. 14, section , T. 2 N., R. 3 W., as de scribed In book 44, page 74, Record of Deeds tor Washington County, Oregon Frledrlch, K.-W. of SW. 14, sec tion 20. T. 3 N., R. 8 W., 80 acres Frledpnlhftl, B. I. 6 arre In NH. 14 of BE. 14, section X, T. 1 S., 460 23 00 ( 60 760 I a 1 W.. as, described In book 1.1, page -7. Record of Deeds for (10 Fr-. Sir Kdward-a ft of 8W. !. section 26; SE. V of BE. V sec tion 86; NE. 14 of NE. . section . all In T. 1 N . K. 6 W., 140 Fu U. P. ' ' '.'.' ' frosteeN it." it" E. of NW. 14. N. ft of SE. V. K. V Of BE. ft and lot I. section 21. T. 3 N.. R. W. Also. NW. ft of NE. y N. 14 of NW. ft. 8W. ft of N W. ft. W. ft of 8V. ft, sec tion 32. T. 3 N.. ft. V.. (41 seres Ftrrey. Robert Lots 1 T. 18. 20, block 4. West Portland Heights Gannong. O. W.-Lot 4. block 1 Hyde Park Gariisus, J. H.. Heirs of-30 aer. a In 8. ft of BW. ft, section it T. 2 N.. R. 4 W.. as deMrlbed In tKHik So. peg 341, Record t IMi for Washington Countv, Oregtm. Gents. A., Heirs of-10 acres In W. W. Graham D. U O. No. 38, T. 1 8 , R. I V.. as described In book Y. iwge M& and book Z. vige XA Kecont ot IVeds tor Washing ton County. Oregon Gerhard, J. P.. Heirs of-W. ft of NW. ti. section 12, T. 1 N.. K. 6 W.. 40 acres Gilbert. W. 8.-1H6H acrea In section 34, T. 1 8.. R. 3 W., a described In book 48, page XSit, Recort of IVeds for Washington County, Oregon Gore, John Sft acrea In NW. V ot Bfci ft, sect Km It. T. IS, R 1V as describtl In book W. age XU. Record of ltoeda for asliiiuttou 13 00 ? SO 100 3 00 i 00 I 60 14 60 County. Oregon ( 00 Got. Drusll a SW. Is ot 8E. W,. sec tion 27, T. 3 3.. R. 1W 40 acrea... t SO uortner, A. r bw. 44 01 a& ft, NW. U of NE. 1. section L i. I N.. K. S W.. 80 acrea 8 00 Gould. J. W.-Lots 6, , blink 3. M.,iilh Purk A,l,lltl,Mi la Koreat Grove 8 SO Gove, C. A. Lots 8. 10, 29. 10, 31. .1' .Vt U K 1,1. M-k T' WMI I'nrt- Undlleuthts T SO Graham. L. P. An undivided ft In- tereat In SW. ft of SK. ft. iois 4, 7, section 20: lot 1 section 21: N H V of NK. V. section 18. T. 1 S R. 4 W.. 44ft acres t 00 Graham. R. E. ill acres In section 24, T. 1 N.. R 3 W described as follows: Commencing 18.40 chains N. of ft section corner on 8. aid section 20. T. I N.. H. 1 W.: thenc W. 0.40 chains; thence N. 0.60 chains; thenc W. 6.M chains; thence 8. 10 chains: thence E. 10.26 chains; thence N. 8.40 chains: hn.w W IX t.httlll tit nlttM nf bealnnlna 1 00 Grauwh, li., and Bteln. P. 4 acre in B. ft 01 bS. ft. secuon , 1 N.. R. 3 W- aa described in l-w.k, s.t iu.tf 17. Kecurd of Deeds (ur Waahiuaton County. Oregon... (00 flndm An l.tit 1a. block L Wvbt forttand t-iace ..k.n A I'ruL-katt LMl M. DIOCk XL Weal Portland nctguia s w iliiiiihui. HMMnnn-KlL ft. section lk. T. 1 K.. K. J Vt .. ISO acrea u u r. u,nrun,t-.J)t XL Uorlie- liu Knvlrons. Uftacrea vy Guild. J. J. and U W.-33714 acre In sections 4, 6, 8, 8, and A. Burrls D. L. C. No. 43, T. 3 8. R 3 W.. as described In book It, page 4J8, ntwiw w " - ca I'nuniv. tireuon w w Hanson. Cbriatian-4 acrea In 8L. i of NW. ft. section 1. T. 2 8.. R. j S aa described In book 34, page 128, Record of Deeds for Washington County, Oregon ..... Hart. Frank E.- acrea lu section 6, T. 1 8.. R. 1 W'., aa described In book 36. page S4U. and book 24, page 6W, Record ot Deeds for Washington County, Oregon .... 800 10 00 Hare, J. C.-10 acrea in A. Buiger U L C No. 61. T. 1 8.. R. 3 W. as described In book 44 . page 6. and book Z. Ptte u Record of Deed for Washing ton County, Oregon Harr, Adolph-Lots 18. ,18. block 14. Hyde Park t 00 t 60 Hanhorn. C. M.-bw. ft. secnou S. T 1 N . R. 6 W.. 10 acres Hfw7er. L 8.-Lot 7. "block 12. Hyde purit Hay. Willlm-li acrea In H. No land. Jr., D. L. C. No. 08, T. 1 B.. R. 3 W.. as described in book I, 10 00 (00 page ilK. necoru 01 Washington County, Oregon 60 Held, A. t.. Mils m. H otov West Portland HelghU ............. Henry, J. L.-Lot 24. block 13, Hyde Park Hentschel, E.-1 acre In H. B. Bones D. L. C. No. 62. T. I N.. R 1 W'.. as described In book 44. pag i Record of Deeds for Washing ton County, Oregon ................ Hlbbets. L.-L0U 17. 18. . 20, block 7; lot 31. block 8, West Portland HUI?K.lM!."and''Brtiibine, j. A. 106 acres In A. Hill D. L. C. No. 42. T. 3 8., R. 3 W snd No. 6., T. t 8 R. 4 W.. as drscrlbed In book 46. page 186". book 36, page 161. Record of Deeds for Washington County. Oregon Hill. H. T.-W4 cres In W. Btokes D. L. C. No. 61 T. 1 N., R. 3 W., as described In book 4. page 244. Record of Deeds for Wasnlngton 4 60 3 00 4 00 t 00 44 00 County, Oregon Hlnman. A., Assignee of A. Pfan ner. Insolvent Debtor Lots 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, block 13, South park Addi tion, Forest Grove Hinman, A., Awignee of A. Plan ner. Insolvent Debtor Lots 7, 8, 8, 10. block 14, South Park Addition, Forest Grove Hinmiin. A.. Assignee of A. Pfun- t 00 10 60 ( SO ner, Insolvent Debtor Lots 1, 3, 3, 4. 6. 6, 7. 8, 9. 10, 11, 12, block 15, South Park Addition, Forest Grove 13 00 Hinman, A Assignee of A. Plan ner, Insolvent ueoior tots 1. J, J, 4, S, 6, block 16. South Park Addi tion, Forest Grove Hinman, A., Assignee of A. Pfun ner, Insolvent Debtor Lot 1, block 33, Cornelius Hinman, A., Assignee of A. Pfan ner, insolvent Debtor 47 acres In section 1, T. 1 N., R. 4 W., as de scribed In book 48, page 376, Rec ord of Deeds for Washington Coun ty, Oregon Hinman, A., Assignee of A. Plan ner, Insolvent Debtor 34 acres in section 4, T. 2 N.. R.IW,i de scribed in book 48, page 376, Rec ord of Deeds for Washington County, Oregon Hobklrk, Peter-Lots 36, 36, 37, 88. 39, Millard and Van Schuyver Tract, 34 acres Hoffman, M. A-Lou 10, 11, 12, block 7 60 t 00 20 00 (76 1160 1; lou 4, 4, 0, 1, a, , 111, u, 12, block 2, West Portland Place (SO Hoffman, J. E. 33 acres In E. 14 of NW. 14. section 32, T. 2 B., R. 1 W., as described In book 47, page 324, Record of Deeds for Washing ton County, Oregon (6 00 Hogue, H. A.-8. of BE. ft. sec tion 20, T. 1 8., R. 1 W.; 8. ft. NE. 14, 8. ft. of NW. ft. section 28, T. IS., R. 1 W 640 acrea 178 60 Holcomb, Frank 65 acres in 8. A. Holcomb D. L. C. No. 67, T. 1 N., R. 2 W., as described In book 37, page Jt, Record of Deeds for Washington County. Oregon 26 00 Hollenbeck, H. U.-E. ft of 8W W. 14 of BE. 14, section 22, T. 3 n., k. t vv iu acres Holland, Nat.-lOft acres In NE. ft of NW. section 31, T. 2 8., R. 1 W., as described In book 34, page 450, Record of Deeds for Wash ington County, Oregon Horn, Oscar Lot 6, block 14, Hyde Park House, Marie-Lots 12, 13, 14, 16, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, Steel s Addition to Bea verton, 36 acres House, Ernest-ft acre In L. HaU D. L. C. No. 43, T. 1 8., R. 1 W., as described In book 38 page 319, Record ot Deeds for Washington County, Oregon Howard, C, A. 8. Lots 7, 8, block 28, West Portland HelghU Howard, R. U. 1014 acri In sec tion 34, T. 1 N., ft. 3 W., ai de scribed in book 38, page 449, Rec- ; ord of Deeds for Washington County. Oregon 12 60 too too 62 60 11 60 4 60 10 60 Hughes, E. C, and Patterson. O. W. iois t, i, v, in, ao, a, 24, block 1. Hyde Park ....7... tlO Hughes, E. C, and Patterson, G. W. l .lliia l A aj n nit-u-4r v uuna Park : tui nugnes, is. t., ana Patterson, O. W. lAtlK t, o. s, , 10, u, li, a, block 4. Hyde Park K En Hughes, E. C, and Patterson, G. W, Lot 10, block 8, Hyde Park.,., 3 00 Hughes, E. C, and Patterson, O. W. -i"i i, , a, l, 4, l, 11, li, It, 16, 16. 17. 19. 20. 21. block in ilv.io Park ' (60 Hughes, E, C., and Patterson, G. W. uuim i, i, a i, d, B, , it. id, 17, 20. 21. block 11. Hvde PiLrlr 1 60 Hughes, E. C, and Patterson. O. W. lvots s, , iv, li, Dlock 13, Hyde Pa plr Hughes, E. C.j and PaVterson'oVw'. 4 00 - t.. . 12. l, 32, 33, block 1!t Hvila t3art S SO Hughes, E. C, and Patterson,' G.' W. uuia e, ii, is, h, id, is u aj 24 Hughes, it, C and Patterson,' o'.'w! 6 76 ioib 6, o, , o, I, 5, 4, 11. 13. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 26. block k Hv,l Pu-l I 60 Hughes, E, C and Patterson, O. W. . , , 10, block Hughes, E, C andPatVerann."o.' wl T At. 1 A 16 OO II, 1 , 1 . . . 1 4 60 r.. i. ' 1 ' oioca o, nyae Hughes,' K, 'c.!'a'iid' 'Patterson' 'g'."w. 4 00 ouu i, j, a, , o, o, (, 3U, block 7, Hughes, E. C.'and'paVterso'n.' o.'w'. xr u " U Hi bl00k g- Hyao Park--Hughes, 7?. Ci and Patterson, O. W. 6 60 t 60 tjvi, mi, viuca , wen Portland Height! (SO Hushes. K. C. and Patterson. G. W. -Lots 18. fU, block 27. W est Port land Heights 4 (0 Humphreys. T. D.. Heir of-Tret S3. Amended Plat of Falrvlew Addition to HUlsboro. 4 acre t 00 Humphreys T. D , Heir of-Traet 31. Amended Plat ot Falrvlew Addition to HUlsboro. 7ft acres.... I 00 Humphreys. T. D Heirs of-Trael 24. Amended Plat of Falrvlew Addition to Hillaboro, 7ft acres .... 100 Muiupnreys, t. tv. Helm or-Trsct 26. Amended Plat of Falrvlew Addition to HUlsboro. 7ft acres.... too Humphrey. T. D.. Heirs of-Tcact 26, Amended Plat of Falrvlew Addition to Hillaboro. 7ft acrea.... 3 00 Humphreys, T. D.. Heirs of-Tract r, Amended Plat of Falrvlew Addition 10 Hllaibnro, 4ft acres.... ITS Humphreys. T. D., Heirs of-Trael IS, Amendeit Plat of Falrvlew Addition to Hillaboro. loft aorra.... (70 lliimphreya, T. IV. Heirs of-Tract 36, Amended Plat of Falrvlew Addition to Hillaboro, 10 acres 3 70 Humphrey. T. D Heirs of-Tract . AmemKsl Plat of Falrvlew Addition to Hillaboro. 32ft aens..., 8 TJ Humphreys, T. D Heir of -Tract 37, Amended Plat ot Falrvlew Addition to Hllk. bom, 31 acres..., (50 Humphreys, T. D.. Helra of-Tract IS, Amended Plat of Falrvlew Addition to HUlsboro, 13 acre.,,. 4 IS Humphreys. T. D.. Heirs of-Tract 38, Amended Plat of Falrvlew Addition to HUlsboro, 14 acres.... 6 60 Humphreys, T. D., Heirs of-l.ol 1, 2. 3. Uohart'a Bubtllvislon. 30 acres 10 00 Humphreys. T. D Heirs of-l'art ot lot t block 7. HlllslHiro, aa de scribed In book tS, page 346. Record of Deed for Washington County, Oregon ..,.., ( TS Humphrey. T. IX, Helra of- Lots 1. ?,.,.b'JK'11 '""irvlew Addition to HUlsboro 7 40 Humphreys, T. D., Heirs of-W. f,'ot .,'"lrvUw Addition to Hillaboro. 3 acrea ( TJ nuuiiMireTs, r. u, Helra ot Lots i, t i. i block 3, Humphrey' Addi tion to HUlsboro, and lots L 2, bwk 18, Simmons' AddlUon to HUlsboro ,,, jj (1) ouiiipiireys. t. u,, tt,4rs of-131 acrea In seel Ion is. T. 1 8., H. 3 W.. ss described In book 4ft page SOii, and book 44. page 3& Kecord of leia for Washington Countv. Oreetin Humphreys. tT d.. Heirs o(-Lol section 26, T, 1 8., R. I W 14 acres ,, ,, Humphreys, T. 1)., Heirs of-Tract lu M. Moor D. L. C. No. 41, T. 1 8.. R. 3 W corner Fir and Sixth itreets, Hillaboro, .8 acre Humphreys, T. D.. Heirs of-Tract in M. Moore D. L. 0. No. 41. T. 1 8., R 3 W corner of Railroad and Sixth streets, HUlsboro, .8 acre Ingraham, E. H.-40 acres In sec tion it T. I N R I W.. as de scribed In book 38. page 1H Record of Deeds for Washington County. Oregon Ingles. W. 8. An undivided ft Inter eat In 68 feet off 8. side oi lot 4, block 7, Forest Grove Irvln. YV. G.-N. ft ot 8E. 14. sec- . lion 36. T. 1 8. R. 3 W.. 80 acres. Irvln. W. 0.-37V sere In Tho. Stewart D. L. C. No. 43. T. 1 8., R 3 W.. aa described In book Y. page XJ9. Record ot Deeda for Washington County, Oregon Isaacs, E. A. -Lot 8, block 2, Hyd Park , Jackson, John 8. 78 acrea In section 24, T. 2 N.. R. 3 W. as described In book 36, page V, Rword of Deeds for Washington County, Oregon James, Jessie M.-Lots I, 3, i. S, 4, i. , 10, 11, 11, 13. Geo. V. James1 ISO (76 ISO (60 t 60 14 00 13 60 too (SO Farm. 608 acrea lUu 00 games, u. v . Lots 4, a. u. V. James' rarm, Ul acrea , 4100 Johnston, John Lola 8. 10, 12. 14. block 6, Hyd Park i 00 Johnston. Martha-Lots 14, 17, block 12. Hyde Park I SO Johnson. Geo. B 8. W of Nsl V. section 6. T. 2 N.. R. 8 W . su acres 7 00 jonnson, u. . ft, secuon lu, T. 1 N.. H. 3 W.: NW. ft. section IS. T. 1 N.. R 3 W . X31 acrea 11 U Johnson, E. W. i9ft acres In section u, T. 1 B., K. I w.. aa described In book 48, page tt). Record ot Deeds for Washington County. Oregon 24 00 Jordon. John BE. ft ot BW. ft, N. 14 of 8E. ft. BW. W of BE. 14. sec tion 10, T. 3 N., R 6 W 160 acre 13 00 Karr, A. B. eft acres In E. Walker D. L. C. No. 60. T. 1 N., R. 3 W.. and No. 42, T. 1 N., R 4 W., aa described In book 48, page 117, Rec ord of Deeds for Washington County. Oregon 1100 Keen. Geo. li.-I.ota 3. 4. block 1. South Park Addition. Forest Grove t 00 Keep. Geo. H. Lots 3, 4, block 10, South Park Addition to Forest Grove 1 60 Keep. Geo. H.-LoU 13, II, 15, 16, blwk U. South Park Addition to Forest Grove I 00 Keep, Geo. H. LoU 1. 2, block 19. Booth Park Addition to Forest Grove , t 00 Keep. Geo. H.-I.ots 3. 4. block 20. South Park Addition to Forest Grove too Kelly,F. M. NE. ft of NE. It, sec tion t T. 3 N., R. 3 W.. 41) acres.. Kelly, Clara L.-Lot ( and 10 feet oft 8. end or lot S. block 1. Osston.. ( 60 13 00 100 toe Kent, V. U-SE. ft or NW. 14, sec tion 29. T. 1 8 . R. 4 W.. 40 acres.. Kneutner. F. D.-Lot 24. block 28. Hvde Park Klbler, W. H.-1-6 acre In 8W. ft of BW. ft. section 32. T. 3 B.. H. 1 W aa described In book 28, page 474 Reeftrd at fWris fop Wuah. Ington County. Oregon I 00 Kimball, W. M.-Lots 18. 20, block 1- nla 1 1 1 hln. k 1 Wl Port. land Place ( (0 King, Wllllam-714 acres In W. ft ot NW. ft. section 18, T. I n., K. t W as described In book Y, png 29. Record or Dds ror Washing ton Countv. Oregon 11 00 Kocks. John-W. 14 or NE. 14. E. ft or NW. ft, BR ft. section 18, T. IN.. R. 4 W? 320 acre 22 00 Konlman. Henry Lot L block a. Hyde Park 3 00 Kodd. Chrlstopf-8. 14 of BW. ft. section -a, t. I N K. 4 w., m acres i w Krimbel, Annie 10 acres In sections 9, 16, T. 1 8., R. 1 W as di-scrlrx d In hnok 46 nnee 8. Record nf Deeds for Washington County. Oregon.. 12 00 Kuiler, Jane 10 acre In Jno. Har ris D. L. C. No. So, T. 1 N., R. 3 W., as described In book D. DDKH 605. Record of Deetls foe Washington County. Oregon 37 SO Kunst, Wm., Heirs of BE. ft of NE. 14, NE. 14 of BE. ft. section 7. T. 2 8. K. 1 w., tu acres 18 00 Kurr. George Lou 1. LU block 13. Hvde Park 4 00 Kyi, J. W. Iu8 acres In section 21, T. i Pi., H. 1 W., as described in book 45, page 66; book 30, pages lid, 121; book 40, page 396; book V, page 288, Record of Deeds for Washington County. Oregon 26 00 Lambert, H. M.-Lots 4, 6, (, 7, i-umoert Addition to Peachvale, 20 acrea (00 t 00 too 3 60 too Land ess, E. J. Lots 1, 2, block (, Falrvlew Addition to HUlsboro.... Lassen, Martha Lot 18, block 10, Hyde Park Leabo, R. H. Lot S. block 12; lot 18, block 16, Hyde Park Lee, James Lots 20, 21, 22. 23, 24, block 3, West Portland HelghU ... Lemon, J. W. 74 acres In N, ft of NW. 14, section 17, T. 1 N R. 1 W,, as described In book O, puga 363, Record of Deed for Wash ington County, Oregon Leonard, Jos.. Heirs of 68 acres In N. 14 of NW. 14. section 3, T. 1 N R. 2 W., as described In book 46, page 16, Record of Deeds for Washington County, Oregon Leonhardt. Wm. 19 acres In section 23, T. 1 8., R. 1 W., as described In book U, page S42, and book X, 12 00 12 00 page 419, Record of Deeds for Washington County, Oregon Lestoe, A. J. -Lots (, 6, block 2, West Portland HelghU Lle.be, Henry Lot 8, block 11, Hyd Park Llthurn. John Lot It. block 12. 12 00 4 CO too West Portland Heights 4 00 lowenberg, K. p. Dot 14, block 1, Hyde Park S 00 Lowenberg. H. E. Lot 16. block 1. Hyde Park I 00 irfiwenherg, i.n. ft or NW. ft, w. oi inw. ft, section m, t. a in., 4 W.. 120 acres It 00 Lowe, A. N., Guardian of Lowe, A. A.-BB. ft. Section 13, T. 8 N., R. 6 W.. 168 acres ...... 11 00 Lucas, J, T.-NW. ft of NE. ft. NK. ft or nw. ft, section I, T. 3 N.. R. 4 W.. 80 acres 12 00 Lues, H. B. and C. A, Lots t, 5, 4, 8, block 1; lots 1, 2, 3, block 2: lots 1. 2. 2. 4. block 2. Highland Addition to HUlsboro 11 00 Luce, H. B, and C. A. 61 acres in M. Moore D. L. C. NO, 41, TV 1 ., R. 1 W., as described In book T, page 437, Record of Deeds for Washington County. Oregon 83 60 Luelllng. M. M.-LoU 6 t. 1, S, t. 10. 11, 1Z, block 13, Mouth park Ad dition to Forest Grove 13 60 Luelllng, M. M, Lot t and part of lot 2. block 2, Gaston, as described . In book 42, page SO, Record of Deeds for Washington County, Oregon , BOO Lyon, M. C.-E, ft of NE. E, 14 of BE. 14, section 27, T. 2 N., R. 2 W M acres 10 60 Lyon, M. C.-NE, 14 of NE. , sec tion 94, t. i n it. z w., tv acres, s uu Lyon, M. C.-NW. 14 of NE. 14. N. ft or nvy. ft, section ao, T. IN., R. 2 W ISO acres 4 nn iLyon, SI. C Lot 87. Cornelius En virons ,,, 00 Ma Gee, J. H.- acres In BE. ft of BW. V section 80. T, 1 8.. H, 1 W.j aa described In book 41, pag 28. Record of leds for Washing- ton Coualy, Oregon I 60 Mnllland. F. W.-llft acres In NW. ft of NW. 1. section 14, T. I N , R. 4 W.. as daerlbvt In book 40, psg 18, R.rd ot L eeds tor W usn lns ton County. Oregon (60 iMuleolm, J. lv-An undivided W In terval In NE. ft. sm-IIoh 32, T. 1 . 8., it. 6 W., 30 er-s t 00 I Manning, n. .-. 1. win I TP. 3 N., It. 6 W.. WO acres . ...... Manning, J. K.-SK. ft of NK. t.. I section 10. T. 3 N.. R t W.; NW. ft, accltuu II. T. 1 N R. t W I !Sll iti.rwl 11 So 16 00 I Manning, Ellen-8 W. ft of see-tlon 11, I T. 1 N.. It S W.. 11 aer 11 Mttnaueiu. iiiet. w hi it. iii iw ,, .... 3. 3, T. I 8.. It. 1 W' a deacribed In book 48, uig Ml. Reeonl of lieMla tor Washington County. Oregon Mnrley. P, H.-RW. ftof NK. t. N. ft of SW, ft. NW. H of BE. ft, a.vllon 20, T, 1 N., R. S W Itll arnat 17 00 1160 Murley, P. II,-NK. ! of 8K. ft, sec- lion ft. I . "-V. . . Miii ley. P. H.-N. H NK. . K. ft of NW. ft. section I. T. I N., R. 4 W 166 acres M.irley. P 11-8, ft of NW. V Hon 30, T. 3 N., It. 6 W , 80 11 110 soo- aeres. 10 00 (00 Mel..v l K. U of W. ft. llon T, 8 N . if. 3 W., 80 acre M.irley. P. II NK. I. N. H ot JK. ft, swllon 36, T. 1 N., n. ( W 34(1 acrea : Marley. P. II. -NW. ft, s.Hllon 23, T. 2 N.. R. 3 W.. 1 acre Marley. P. If -8K. 1. section 3H, T. I 8.. R. ( W., IIW acre Marley, P, II, 30V acre In O. HMmrdaon D. l! C No. 38 T. 1 ft,, H 1 W aa dewrllietl in bik , pn 18. lHr.l of IHds for Washlntn County. Oregon. ,. Marley, P. II, BK. ft. aecllun 7. T. 3 N , It 1 W.. 160 acres .......... Marlev. P. H NE 4 f NVi ft. section 34. T. 2 8 . U. 1 W . 40 ; acrea Marley P. II -NW It" of.NW. k, e,tUn SR. T. 2 8, R. I W.. 40 acrea ',.'",'.',' Mnrley, P. Il.-3ft, scree In A. W, llrt 1. I No. T. I 8. l 1 U a a deacrllted 111 biv.k 48, 16 00 8 60 it so 1100 woo too twig 378, Reiird of lVe.1 for W'nahltigton Countv, Oregon ....... Martens, Jno. -4.1 seres In NW. 1. se. tlon , T. I N., U. 4 '. dewr!hed In book 46, ...twf" . Record of IVhmI for Washington County, Oregon Mnrtena. Jno.- K. H of BK. ft. sec Hon (I T. I N R. I W.. acre. MarsnsTl . 1. P.-N. ; JJW. S. Motion . T. 1 B. R. I W.: NW. ft, K. ft or E H of NW. ft. se.-tlon Stt. T. 18, R, l W . ISO acre ..... Marshall. 8. It -Uit t blin k 1; lot 18, blwk 7. II vd Park Marsh. lnlel- acre In W Stoke. I. U C. No. 1. T. 1 N.. It. 8 W., as deerlled In Nxk Q. 3S9 337. llm'onl of Deed for W ash Inston County. Oreeon 14 00 U 60 ISO (4 CO 4 W 33 60 SO M.fcll Clara R.-8K. ft or bw, ft, stHttlon 17. T. 1 N.. R. 1 W 40 Mnyto.1. J . and wife .ft aors .In 8W. ft of SW. 14. section 4. T, 3 N. R. 4 W.. as described In bk 84, pag 11. Record ofUH for Mayind. J., and wlf.-8E. ft of 8W w il r UK u HK. ft or SK. Wuaningion cramr. 3' . T. 1 N.. R. t W 160 11 60 McAuTey ' ' Puiiiey-tS 'irrji In H W. ft or BE. 14. station 3. T. I N., II. 5 W.. as descrlbe.1 in book 49. page 28. Record or Deeit for Washington County, Oregon ....... McCormlck. J.. 7 160 seel Ion 10, T. t N., R. t W.. lifl 12 00 M?.mtila: ' I." N.-RV 'ii'of ' NK." ft or NW. 14. ectlon 21. ' I N.. H. (00 J W 20 acre ,"'".'" M.-Callen. I.ib.-ll- l-. A. Sparks D. I-. C. No. g. T. 1 N R. 1 W.. and No. 69, T. 1 B . R 1 VY.. as described In hook 44' page 44. Record of peed for Washington County. reirn .. ... McCurdy. Ruth-1 "'' Is (Jn D. U C. No. 64. T. 1 N-. R- ' ss desi-rlbeal In book O, Pe 248, Keconl of Peetls for Washington County. Oregon .;.',,',"'"' M-Crav. Jnhn-B. H NBJt iin T 9 N . R. W., on acre. l. West Portland Height ....... McDonald. M. K.-Lot 3, block 1. West Portland Height II 60 (SO ( SO (60 100 400 ( 22 00 M' Farland. P. '-1nL.'' t"M ' ' West Portland Height M. Farlsn.1, T. J.- acre- In t tins 3. in. 1. 1 b . n. " -r-scribed In book Z. pm , M R. nge 1 Record f TW.I for Washington County Onagnn. .. Mclntvr-. Ab'am-I.nis ) U. b,r" North Side Addition to Hills- (00 MHlee J. R -( "cr" In II. 'nrk P I C. No 7. T. 1 8 . R 8 W as rtescrllwd In book 78. Page 3! Record of Deeds for Washing Ion Countv. Oregon MWlee. J. R -ll sere. In " T I N R. 4 W.. snd M. M. Watt D t "c. No. . T. 1 N.. R. 4 W descrlhed In book 59. nnge 178, Record of feed for Washing ton Countv. Oregon 1 McGee J R. BK. t of lot Z sVctlon 30. -f I N R. t W.. Mroie',J, P. NW.' ft' UvT MY'ZX tlon . T. 1 N.. R I W W0 ncresu McGee J. R -8. '4 of BE. ft. sec lion 25. T. 3 N., R. 8 W., 80 seres.. Mrliwl F. 8.. H-Irs or 8. 14 of NW. ft. N. ft or BW, 14. section 22, T, I 8 R. I W.. 1B0 acres McLeo.1. O. Mala-l-IaiU 2. t, block 4. Naylor'S Addition to Forest Orovs horn 160 TS0 90 00 too 14 00 aoo M'-Leod. W. M. and M. A.-lit 11. block 14, Boutn rara Aoniuun i Forest Ctrove McLeod. W. M. and M. A srre In W. O. Olbson D. L. C. No 63, T. 1 B.. R. 8 W., snd No 44, T. 1 8., R. 4 W., as dest:rltwd In book 46, page 262, Record r Deeds for Washington County, Oregon ...... McLaughlin, M. E.-N. V4 or NE. ft, section 25, T. 1 B., R. I W 80 acre 4 00 34 00 16 W McRue, Banford Iits 36, 30, block 8, West peruana iirignui Mead, Juy P. Lot 12, Dohurl s Bub division. 10 acres 460 4 00 Meier, Carolln-B. 14 of N. 14 of BW, ft, B. ft or bw. ft, secuon rt, T. 2 ST. R. 2 W.. 100 acres IS 00 t 60 too 12 60 4 SO Meistvr, John-li 13, 14, 16. 16, 17, block 23, West Portland Heights.... Mensies, Wm.-NK. ft of NW. 14 of BW. 14, section 4, T. 1 8., it. 1 W lu acres Merkel. John BE. 14, section 18, T. 3 N R. 6 W., 160 aerea Mesarvey, W. D.-Lots 7, 8, block 3, Wist Portland Heights Milan, Anna M.-87 acres, section 24, T. 1 ., tt. 1 w., as aescrioeu in book 27, page 417. Record of Deeds 60 01' lor wasiungion CVUIUJ, oiqiuu ,., Miller, F. F., Heirs of-232 acres J. Welch u. L. u. NO, 41, 1. 1 B., n. a W.. ahd No. 68, T. 2 B., R. 4 W. and J. "Mitchell D. L. C, No. 48, T. 2 8 R. 3 W as described in book W, puge 44, Record of Deed for Washington County. Oregon S3 00 10 00 too 11 00 11 00 Miller, James M.-Lot 6, block 16, Cornellu Miller, James M.-Lots (, 7, block 17, Cornelius ...., Miller, Oscar-NW. 14, section (, T. 1 8., R. 6 W.. 160 acres Mlnogue, N. B.-SE. It. section 24, T. 3 N H. 3 W 160 acre Moody, B. F.IM 16, block C, Mnii.hiv'. a ni vi.iim nw euirvtew Auuttion to HUlsboro t 00 Morgan, J. J. Tract 2, Amended v mi or a-airview Addition to nuis- boro. 414 acre 1 60 Martian J. J. Lota 7. 8. block 9. Falrvlew Addition to HUlsboro 4 60 Morgan, E. N. BE. ft ot NE. 14, sect on zh. 'r. n a., it. 1 w .. j acres 11 60 Mustier, Mary E. 3 acrt In NE. ft of BW. ft of section u, 1. o., R. 1 W as described In book 36, page 176, and book 30, page 396, Rec ord of Deeds for Washington Coun ty. Oregon 1 00 u..nunM li ir vur u. Atln 'JA T. 3 N., R. 3 W 160 acres 13 60 Mull, Buran J., iieirs or ft sen in A. J. Masters D. L. C, No. 46, T. 1 B., R, 2 w as aescriuea in uooa W. nana 2Ti8. Record of Deeds for Washington county, Oregon., 7 50 Murdock, R. nk. ft of bw. ft 01 Hiti. Va. section az. r. z b.. it. 1 w .. 10 acrea 10 00 Morgan, J. W. An undivided 14 In terest in K. ft or Ntu. ft, section it, T. 2 N., R. 6 W., 40 acres; also an undivided 14 Interest In W. 14 of NB. 14 and N, 14 of NW. 14, aeetlnn SR T. 1 NT. R. S W.. 40 acres 9 00 Nalotte, C. T.-Lot 19, block 18, Hyda Park 100 Niirraway, A, R. BE. 14, section 18, T. 3 N R. 6 W.j 160 acres 14 00 Newell, R. J. and A. KW acres In J. B. Robinson D. L. c. no. w, t. 1 N., R. 8 W., a described In book L, pK 324, Record of Deeds for uiiBhinffifin fnnntv. Oregon 26 00 Nixon, Richard, Receiver NE. of NW. 14, 8. 14 of BE. 14, BE. 14 of BW. 14, and lots 1, 2, 8, 4 section 19, T. 8 IN., n. 0 VY., an w., NB. 14, E. 14 of 8W. 14, and lots 3, 4, section 18?T. 3 N fl! B W., 817ft acres; SE. ft, section 17, T. I N,, R. 6 W., 160 acres; BW. 14, aectlon 0, T. I N., R. 6 W.. 160 acres; W. 14 of NW. , W, 14 of BW. 14, section 8, T. 8 N., R. 6 W.. 160 acres; E. li of NW. 14, E. ft ot W. 14. IE. 14, and lot L t, t, 4. sect lou 7, T. I N., R. I W., 484 aviea Noble. Flora J. Part of lol 4. block iUi. Forest Grove, aa described lu book 6u, wa .1, Recoid of Ihreda fur Washington County, Ongon.... Norgard, Jorgin Lot 1, etlun 8. T. 1 .. H, IK., 6ft acre Norgatd, Jwiglit l acres In 8. la ut BE. ft, i.clTon U, T. 1 . K. 1 W .. as deacribed In book 40, peg 231, and book 34, pag li. Iteeotd ot Iwed for Wshlngton Cuuiiiy, Or egon tiaiman, 1.. K All undivided ft In ter.! In 8. ft of BK. ft, sectlou 14. T. 3 N., R. 4 W' 40 acre ,. tllilx, Charles -ItliH'ks I, 3, 3, 4, S. 8, 7, 4, 3. lu, II. 13, and a ft of liliaka 13, 14. U, 14. Ohles Addi tion lo Cornelius; also N. ft of lots) ti, 36, and all of blocks W, 31, 33, Cornelius Environs, 40 acre.... O Keefe, W.-lail 1. t 1, block , West I'oillttini Height Old. 1, G.-,ft acr.a In BK. ft. eel Ion 36, T. 3 B., R. 3 W a d erltard In laKik 48. wgr lid and M, and book 4i, tuigu 1M, Record ot Deeds for WashlugloM County. Oregon , , , Ortgou A California Railroad Co. N. ft or NK, ft. section 1, T, I N It. 3 W 84 seres Paelilo Slate Savings, Loan 44 Huiidliig Coiiiiany-Lot 4, block 4, Flnne) Addition to lllllsboru.... Pag. Mvlva-4U aerra In H. K. Wll so a D. U C. No. SI TP. 1 8., It. 4 W., aa described 111 book 4o, page 341. Record or Iieeds for Washington County, Oregon Pultncr, Alice-Lola , 111, 11, 13, 13, 14. 16. 14. 17. IN. 19, 3V, II, U, 13, 34. bliHk 7. West Portland Place. Pnrsuna, J. C -I:JI acre In section 13. T. I 8.. It, S W , as described In iMHik V, paga 6J4. Itecnl of Iteeda for Washington County, Gregol) , , Parker, R.Ui'cn-l.ota I, 3, 3, 4, (. bliH k D, Btcvl's Addition to Bea verton Parker, tl.o. L.-W. ft of NK, ft. svctlon , T. I N., It, I W Si acres ,, Pulton. Mury K. An undivided ft Inten.st In 107 acres In B. ft of aectl.ui 13, T. I B.. R. I W as dcecrllied In btHik 44, pnga li'Jt. ItiHord of Deeal for W'sslilugton County, ongon , Patlon, E il.-An undivided ft In tereat In lu acre In H. ft of sec tion 13. T. I 8.. It. 1 W' as de acribed In book 44, Mlgs 168. Iteo ord of liceda for Washliigtitn County, Oregon , Patlon, J. N.. Heirs of-83 acre In section 13. T, I 8., It. I W' aa d.w sertlH'd In book It. page 41, Record ot lived for Washington County, Oregon , Patlon, J. N , lleli of-An undivid ed V interest In Uf acre in 8. ft f section 13. T. 1 H , U. I W.. aa 1leacrlU.1l In book 44, 'ae ItM, Record of Herds for W'sslllllglolt County, Oregon ,, , Pultun, Maria-NE. 14, 4-cllon 36. T. I N.. R. ( W' Ittrt seres Patterson. R A. NK. Wot NW. ta. section 16, T. I 8, II I W.. 40 acre , Pat rone, Lnrenso 11 acres In s tlons 2l, SI. T. 3 8., It. I W' ss described In bonk It. pas 167, and lunik M, page 431, Record of I Veils for Washington t'ounly, Oregon... Paulson, John C SO acre lu NR. ft of NW. 14, section I. T, I N . It. I W.. a described In Umk 43. page 146, Reeonl of Deed for Washington County, Oregon Payne. W. Il.-Lol 4. block . Hyd pefiey. a" j.-'i i' 'i,'' a' bimk' ' ii bus 7. 8, l.lmk 13, West Portland Height Pinfold, Hcnry-W. ft ot HK ft, sa ft or HK. ft, action 33. T. 1 N.. It 6 W ; NK, la of NK. ft, section 86. T. I N.. It. I W 5l acre , IVrrl, David NE, ft of NK ft seo Uon S. T. 1 N.. It. 3 W 41 acres.. Peterson. C. J.-NW. i ol NK. ft. NK, ft of NW. 14. 8. ft of NW, C, .vtlon 33, T. I N II. ( W 18 acres Phillips. Btanley H.-W, H of NE. (4 00 U 00 I 00 SO 36 00 (00 M0U 1(10 l(6o 1(00 13 00 too 18 00 II OO 61 W 11110 II (0 (00 ISO (60 to 00 7 80 too loo 12 60 100 (0u 11 so ft, stwllon 6. T. 1 N.. R 4 W 84 aerea Pierce. N. 8.-8 1100 11 so 14 of NW, ft and lot 1, 4. section T, 3 N It. 3 W' IbU acre piihmcyef, lletiry-Uita 15. IS, blwk 13, Hyde Park Potm-t. George 14 acre In BW, ft of BE. ft. aeellon 36, T. 1 H, R. 4 W aa described In biaik 44, ling 144. Ite.nnl of Devils for W'Hahliigtoii t'ounly, Ongon Powell. T. C.-NW. ft of NK, li, S.HII011 36. T. I N.. It. 4 W., 40 II u (so 4 00 ISO 23 Ou r' ITI lull.., M. F.-Uit 18, block 13. Weal Portland Heights Raaniliasen, J. I'.-1 Aits I, 4, bliM'k 15. Hyde Park Reed. Hun.l-rann-NK. t of HE ft. N. ft of HK. ft of HE V section 21. T. I N It. 1 W 60 ncre ... Reldt, Wm.-Weet Portland Height Iits 18, 20, 31, block 6; lots 11, 16, 16. 31. si. as. so, block 7; lots :i4. as. 36. block II; lots I, lu 7. 8, It 17. 18. block 19; lots 27. 38. block 26; lots 34. 36, blwk 3D; lots 6. 6. block 28 II 00 Reldt. Annie Uil 3, 4, block- 3: lot 7. block 10. West Portland PNIelghts Iti'ls. Pred- lait 13, llruggsr Tract, 10 acre ( 0 44t har.laon 8. F. N. 14 of lot 10. FlrwiMal Farm. I sen Rlilgewny, Ilenry-E. ft of NE ft. IN. ft ot HIS. ft. secuon t. T. I 8.. It. 1 W.. Um 10 acres paid on by J. W. Warren. 14 acres .... 1100 Kings, T., Heirs of 36 acres In 8. ft or BW. ft. aeellon 33, T. 3 H.. If. 1 W as deacrllied In lawk O. in, tUI lte.i.rH lit lleeda for Wuslilngton County, On'gon 21 00 lilts. section 38. T. 2 H , R. 1 W 411 acre ( SO Hilda, J, 1) , and Mnitlgnn, Tho 140 acre In section 13. T. 1 8., It. 6 W lis iWrllied In Imnk 42. 1111 lie 3tM. Record of Deeds ror Washington County. Oregon It 00 tngcrs. T -Lols 23, 23, 24. block 3, West Portland Heights 1 00 ItommeU Wm.-Ills 87. M. 30. blwk 7. west Portland iieignt ... in Itoonnv. Mnrv W. ft or HE. tlon 33, T. 3 N.. It, 3 W Bil acre 1 DO Ross, J. T.-N. ft or J. L. Illcklln H. L. P. No. 64 TIB. R. 1 W.. and 37. T. 2 H.. It. I W.. 320 acre.. 71 60 Rucker. W. H.-Lnt I. bliak E Ihiua htv Hiilallvialon falrvlew Ad. dttlon to HUlBtmro I SO Ilium Ira-Ijil 1 lilnck 8. West Port. land nam IW Bnkalsky, Frnnk-NW. 14 of BW, ft. smllon 13, T. 1 N., ft. ( W 40 m.eee 700 Baling. I. K.-7614 acre In A. liar- Jier D. it. No, 01, T. 1 n., 11. W., No. 41. T. 1 8., R. 4 W n described In book 40. nag 7. Record of Deeds for Washington County. Oregon 40 00 Bargenl, Elliubeth C.-NW. 14, sec tion 22, T. I 8., R. 4 W., 160 acres.. Savuge, France H.-8. U of NW. 14 nf BE. It. section 10, T. I 8 H. 1 W 20 acres Sawyer, Prescotl-8W. iot E. 14 14 00 400 or nw. ft, section 10, 1, 1 n., n. 4 W., 10 acri'S Bchlelch, E. J, and C 20 acre In L. A. Bpnrkea D. 1 0, No. 60. T. 1 N., R. 1 W.i No. 69, T. i 8,, R. 1 W as described In bonk 48, page 622, Record or Deed for Washington County, Oregon Bchafer, Louis Uils 31, 32, block 17, West Portland Heights 7 60 4 SO Bchnbsr. Wm.-NW. 14 nt NW. 14, and lot 4, section zr, t. 1 B., it. ... mil, 8 00 Schmidt, Chiirles H. ft or BK. . sjction n, i. 1 .. n. 3 w.. 80 acres 1 00 Bcott, Ruth 1,01s 1, 4, and part or lot 2, block 4, Forest Grove 26 10 Bcoggln, C. B, Ixit 1, section 16, T. 1 R, R, I W.. 214 acre 1 SO Bcoggln, c, H. 18ft acres In sec tion 'i, T. 1 H.. 11. 4 w., as de scribed In book 31, piute 212, Record or Deeds for Wasnfflglon County. Oregon 4 so Bears, J, M.-NW. 14 of BW. 14, section 33. T. 3 B., It. 1 W,, 40 acre I 00 Bcwaru, w. n.-ofi, ft or BW. ft. BW. (4 of BK. 14, section 14, T. 3 b.. ri. a vy .. w 1 111 res 11 00 13 60 Shuw, C. M.-NE. 14, section 7, T. 3 N., R. 6 W.. 160 acres Shaw, M. K. Lou 6, 7, block 1; lots 1. 2. block 2. Heedvllla 700 I 00 Bhanahnn, W. T. Uit 22, block (. West Portland Heights Shannon, L. It. Purt of lot I, block 11, eurrsi urove, us uemrilH'a In book 29, page 167, Record of Deed for Washington Countv. Ilr.n.n 12 00 Sherman, A. J. Ixit 1, section 16, T, 1 in., rt, 1 w., is acres; lot 3, Five Oak Suliillvlelon, 20 aitnw; lots 6, 7, Five Oak Subdivision, 32ft acres; N. 4 acre; In lot 8, Five Oak Bub division; N. 14 ot lots 4, 6, 6, 7, 8, 9, block 12, Simmons' Addition to Bhepiiard, E.' ' A.'-Loti' 'H', ' ii)" 'biock 11, Hyile Park Shryock, C. W.-Undlvlded 14 Inter (4 SO 160 too est in NB. ft, section 33, T. t R. 6 W 80 acre ?....' . 7". Bmlth, Nettle 67 acres In B. 14 of mi!,, ft. sect on 1. r. 1 N.. u w as deacrllied In hook 46, page 201 Record of Deeds for WaHliTngton t"uinji viL'iiun 10 00 62 60 10 00 'IIW Smltn'.-,U.-NWJ. BW. 14, sec tion 7. T. 1 N.. R. 4 W 4A ?,.e.. Bmlth, J. and Mnry-62 acres In sen. tlon 81, T. 2 N., R. 4 W., as de scribed In book 38 page 896, Rec ord of Deeds for Washington Coun- KJI "HUH , , , 8m.lth' Li"le-E!. 14 of lot II, Flrwood una, ,v, miti , mlth. A. U- H of NK, U, tt. U uf BK. ft. section K T. I N., H. I W., lwl er Inilth, BusNit N - NK. ft. section 30, T. I N, H. I W 10 ere .......... mlth. Thus. II - er In N. W of W. W. aeellon 14. T. I ., K. 4 V a deacribed In book 88. bag 478, Record ut 0d for W- Uigtou County. Oregon lot mith. W. F. and K. K NB. 1 or BW. ft. W. H uf HK ft. BaT C of 8K It. section 8, T. I N R. ( W., 100 acres II 08 duiltli. A and A.. Heir ut-M er. In A. Hinllh D, L. C. No. 84. T. I N., R. I W., ss described In book too iso 1 pag IU, lieeoru 01 i" Waslilnglon County. Oregon II Bmlth, Kil-NK. ft of 8(5. 14. 8 4 of BK. t,. and part of NW. ft of BK. ft. action li I. 8 N,, R. 1 W 148 w?eison"ti'ei'irg'- iait' 10, block 111 Waal Portland HelghU god. land. N.-NW. V of NW. ft. and lul I. secllun I, T. I 8., It. 4 W 64 Bcrv odcrland. N.-I0 acres in section 84, T. I N , II. 4 W.. and li II. Calehliig D. I.. C. No. 41. T. I N . It. 4 W . a deacrllaal In book 84, a 71 RiHuril of Iteeda fur Washing ton t'ounly. oregun tiilUenlNnger, John- tail 14. block II, West Portland Heights larr, K. A - f cr In W. II. Will iam D. U C. No. SO. T. I I., It. I W'.. aa deacilla-d In laHik Y. Mg AX It.H.ird of lieed for Washing Ion Cuumy. Oregon lackiiole, iW D.- laii 19, tu, block 6. West Portland Height Stephens, LUIIun-W. of lot I, block I, and W. W of lol 1 bim k I, Houth Park Addillon, lo Forest Utova Hteveiis. 1.. A. NK. ft. secllun 18, T. 3 N.. It. I W l acres Stevens. C. J.-M. It of IW. It t NE. ft. section 36, T. 1 8., Tt. I W.. lu acre , .... glewurl, D. C, and M.-IU I. 3. hlmk 11, South Park Addition U Forest tltuv Blewnrt, J. It. 76 ante In section 38. 14. T I H . It. I W . d. a. rilMd In book W. pas 171, Record uf Deed fur Waahlnglon County, tiregun ... Hlein, 8., ami lloeber, C, M.-OI acrs In ac tion JO, T. I H It. I W., as descrllKal In bonk 17, pag 33. Ilac- urd of Iieeds fur Washlngtwti Coun ty. Oregon ,. ,.. tern, R, C - Uis IS, 14, 7, blw k 8, Hyde Park trluheisan, Iko IaiI 33. block 4, Hyd Park tlrukemeier. A. M.-8 acres In sec. lion 84. T. I 8. II. 4 W . and R. 8, Tupper D. I. C. No. 43. T. I 8.. It. 4 W . as drserllxHl in book 44, page 341, Record of Deed fur Waahlnglon Cuumy, Oregun lonrhiM km, M - ME, ft. at llon (, T. I N .. R. I W , lul acre Thi.. ami Boula. I.- K, It at HW. ft, snlloti 31, T. 1 N.. H. I W., u seres ., Ilunlra. p. A.-U.I a blwk II, Weal I'urliaiid Helghl tulle, C. K -4 acres In A. J. Mas ter !. ! C. No 46, T. I 8 . It. t W., aa described In book Ss, bag 4 76 I 8 00 T 60 T60 l4. iieeoru 01 1 wu. 1 or v salt Ina Ion County. Oregon Iluut, Lanslng-lails I, t, 3, 4. e- lion I. T. 8 H, It. I W . 74 aur . lot lout, (.analng All of Geo. Stewart D. I. C, No. M, T. 3 ., It. 3 W lying In Washington County, Or egon. ",t sere , tioabridga. J. W Hairs of -Part of lol 3, block 3. W alk.r Addition 10 Forest Grov. aa ib acrllied In book t'. paga iH, He. ord of thnat fur Waahingtun Couiily, Oregon trsyer. r. J.-ImI i, blin k 8, Wast Portland Plnr mart, J. I'.-Uil 3, block 32, West I'orlland llalgltts Btuhr. Fred A -HW. ft. wwilun 38. T I N , It. I W,, 10 acre Buffeti. M. E.-Lot U, bank 13, Hyd Park Talmud Torsh, a Corporailon 4 sere In A. W'. Hart D. L. C. No. 0, T. I 8.. It. 1 W. a de. nbed In book 44. pag 437. Racotd of lived for Washington County, Or egon Tsmm, Crl-Ut tt block 13. Wast I'orlland Heights ,, Taylor, W. M.-Uils IX 14. blea k K Moulh Paik Addillon to Forest Orov Tlmnis, II M - 63ft aer In sveiloa It T, I 8, K I W and 80 acre In N. ft or NE. W smtlon II. T. 1 8.. R. I W a de- rllKl in book 46, (Mga 4D1, Record o IWvd fur Waahingtun County, Oregon Ton. J. II. snd V. crr In W. Pointer D. I C, No, 43. T, I 8. R. I W'., a de. rllivd In hawk 34, lis 311, Record uf Lands for Waahlnglon t'ounly, Oregon Trunk. 1 iiaa -Una 4, t, l.lm k I, Hen. ry e Addillon In Cornelius I 60 Tucker, Oeolgs W. ft of HW. ft. sec tion in. t. I H , rt. 4 w.. m ai'tv ., Tunlutln Cliy Real Estate Cumiaiiy - 9J acres in section 34. T. I . It. I W., aa deserltanl In book paga 66). Ilvrard ol lived tor Washing. ion County, Oregon 1'1,-iiake. IauIs- acre In HK. ft of K. ft, section 34. T. I 8.. R. ss d. seilln-d In biHik 42. wga 301, Record or iaeds fur Washington Coiinly, Oregon Vl'lon, C, H.-4 acre In NK. 14 of BW, ft, secllun 33, T. I 8, It. I W., as dnu rllad in book tk pag IU. Records f lHml lor W. Ingtun Cuuntv. Oreaiui Upton, Annie A.-8 acre In NK. It or HW. ft. sicllou 33, T. I 8 It. I W as ilea, rib. d In bonk 46, page Ittaord of Deeds for Wajthlng tun t'ounly, tltegiMi Vi. J. K.-U14 I, t, bl.a k I. Wsl l urllalid place VM, C. F, E.-UU 18, 37, ts, llrug ger Trscl, 30 acre ," Warner, Alcs.l.ota 17. 34, bloih It West Portland Height !7. Welagarter, J. and 8.-8W. ft of W. ft. secilon ft t I I, R. 1 W 40 acre ,,,, Wheeler, D. R,-Luta I, 3. 1 4. 6, 8. J, 3. 10. II. 13. and W, S?ot Jot 8. Wheeler's Blllallvlslon, 61 acre., While, J, J-Ut I. 3, 8. 4, 6. t , block 8. Hyd. Park While, Bamucl-4 acre In tl, Rich ardson D. I. C, No. 66. T. 1 8 It 1 W.j No 38 T,IlW deser ImmI In (jook 3U. lag 307. Reu ord uf D.e.la for Washington Coun iy. Oregon . W,, and wife-8. V uf BW. ft Of NE. ft. axill.... r o. a. . Wilson, Mr Ice-An uiulivi.l'.i"iil"i' liireet In N. ft of HW. ft N ft Wll.,n, llri.Hi;i''ft',''.tion''3i;''f. IN., R.6 W 160 acre T Tar ' '.W4,.'' uT; 1 N -..'V w- " . I"u."' .Url'-e I scr In II. Clark in ti so 17 60 u. 1.. c, no, J7, T. 1 8 II. ( W.. as descrllied In hook at. kslsaua 111 M.I ,0t Wn.i.l.ig.o.1 uini,...:J t."- 1. 1... ........ ....... .,, 1 uuiuas ioi s a. is block a. Ilvit t..eb Williams, Aan-8W. ti! ' 'sioVhm ' rl T. 3 N.. It. 4 w icii -J,,. 1100 Wllmul, J. p. ,! jj. F.-l"ac'res in siM llon 23. T. 1 B 11. 1 W . a dwcrlbed In book lJ, pag 613 ""k.. HI. Record of lee.la 0sM.4r-Ut ii " blocC it West Portland Height ,.., Wllhnm, A. A.-18 acres In NW. CI w Wa( """"""l ! book 37, page 32. Record of Deed for Wash iiirtnn I'm.ntu r.- WB,iBtl"' ,,'T.N,8'. of H. !fc section 84. T. 1 8) IL 16 acre vim Edwin K. NIC. U and IB, U i n 30, T. t N ft, ( w 3 f v; : if M Wood. Edwin K, t section acre . . noon, Mary t acrea in w u section 1.1, T. 1 B., R. 1 w,. as dnscrlbul In kmib 41 ' tan Record of Del for' Waahlnglon CllUlltV. Oraai.n "I'm.''. M,"-Inrt of 'it'iV'i'bii'ii'k' V, .... tai.ro, as iiearrilnd in hook M. IIMSM 87. tla..ne t.t T..-- ... Wnshllltftrin'Pnii., a uk Woodward, 8. j-H.'lt nf 8W."'u! Section .13 T 1 H II 7 tu in s an Wnodmiinsee, KllaI,nt tl, a, block J4' Wp"i lftlit Height 4 St if , Woodford, II A BR. .ectlon IS, T. 2 N.. R i w ISA u,, . 11 tn Woodford, If, AN. It or fiw'.' ti! iii u. ai an 1 K. ft W 1ft A inM8 M Wp,"tt,'.-.M.'-1'01 hini'k'V.'BniiVh Park Addition lo Forest Orov,.. 4 00 'i.'r.".' hu:y. k.-mv. u 0f m. u of i7wi i,V.Jvi,'8 '" HW' . part BW. i of NW. 14, part of W, 14 nf BW, Hot HK. 14, section in, T. 2 N H. 4 W III .. ' en Zimmerman, M.-NB.' ' ii.' ' aVntion ' So! I'. N R. 4 W MO acre 11 BO Hllld nronertV will ha anld anlilael In redemption, ss nnr atntnia nf nmnii Diiteil this 8th Any of August. 1898. XKf T 13T) 4 rM8Atl l mL''ri!t ' Whlnglon County, Oregon, c-iiiiiimo ag i.diiector, "Mr. Oliilej 8eroi to bt) a ten deep thinker," remarked the ItnprfwslotiBble young- womno. "Yea," replied Ml( Cayenue; "be can't Ulk Ut nilnutoa wltbont getting awav beyond bit depth."-jyAghlrutton Btar. Talk of a man railing betr to money Ii uaually ai unreliable aa Ulk of 1 farmer making money at gold mining. 1(08 U 00 13 68 (IN 110 108 M IW (81 low too 180 16 08 UK 171 II 08 (80 I hi 13 80 U to 488 II Ml ( 80 IS8 (01 BW 7 SB 168 VI 80 484 WW ISO too 4(0 II 1 011 1(8 1(0 100 171 400 (Ot (to Ti i