The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, August 24, 1899, Image 1

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NO. 23.
Epitome of the Telegraphic
Newt of the World.
An lulara.llng Oollartlun mt I tans Fr
tho Twa llan,Uiher I'raaaaUd
In Condensed Worm
Tint Iron miners til Michigan are he
mming lost I ens mill lliiiiitlmi to strike.'
Tim Itnaiioka has reached Heuttle
with laao.lluO III gold tluitt from Cape
' Five people wore drowned by tin
capslslng n tli nhoonur bavldga uenr
- Detiolt, Midi.
It li said Ilia 1 1 t ronferanoa atCJil
ago will I u representative, null-poll,
tit Hi gathering.
Nebraska hits raised 1.111,000 (or linr
. brave regiment and wilt brUg thorn
'borne In special train.
Tlia (oat of tna Yatiil Indian war baa
been removed to giouud advantageous
tit tlia I ml lam. . .
K i ir 1 1 1 hundred tons of supplies, lefu
Philadelphia on a transport for Jim
Porto Rifcu anffersrs. 't
I ! cattle won llist place at tba annual
Jneelliig ol ilia Peulfio Northwest alb
lullo Association at Astoria. x
1 Tba secretary of tlia interior haa ia
'uihI unlets to restore to public iluiualn
th land once reserved lor tlia Columbia
rinr tut railway.
Tan Indian and one wlilta man wer
hanged for murder at Dawson Ittat
liiuiitli. They were tlia fiit legal ro
oiitlon In tliat country.
i Uanaial Man III, alter talk wltli
President McKiuley, atatail to a corre
apondeut of tna pitwt that there wouUI
I no change lu tlia commanders ol the
- Two Psiicli lieutenant were assas
sinate.! In tlia Soudan, where they had
been will to Uke command of a column
fit troop. Itevrnge ia thought to have
prompted the act.
' In a head-end collision between trol
ley ear noui Philadelphia thlity peo
ple wara injured, aoma latally. Care
waaueaa ol ilia niolormaii la given aa
tha causa nl tho accident.
' Tna Twonly-alxth reuiment at Plaits
lung. N. Y., haa received order In (ire.
paia to leave for Manila within a week, outer have beeu received by tha
Thirty-Hint Infaiirty at Fort Thuuin.
Prince Henry, of Piusal, who com
mands tha German aipiadtou In tha Pa
i lllo, will vlait Han Fiamdaco, on htiartl
lil llagahip altur ba leave China.
President MuKlnley ha extended him
an invitation to visit Washington.
: General Davla aaya tha tlnutha from
tho atuiin in I'urto Itico will reach
1 The partner of Alex McDonald, tha
Khimlika king, duniu tha latlai'a
' The lunat combine lum forced Now
Yoik bntchei to lalsu tha price three
cent a inmnd.
According to new recelvfJ ol tha
limit now in liming aa tha wlml'iig
aunton waa not a great tiooeaa.
Tha ('alifornia Paaaangar Aaatiointinn
tin agiiHitl una rntn ol ll?.50 to tlia
Mlaaouri fiver lor latnrnlng lohliora.
An emblem of a barignr four fit
long, runt from a Hianlali cannon, will
Mtloin the new battlnahlp W'iauuiiain,
.At Cwibiiiitlalii, III., atriklng minora
mart arrfHlutl for violating tha court's
injunction agninit Interfimmct) with
in I net.
Illinoia wimta a tlenp waterway to
tha Unit and a river convention will
be heUI In Chluugo In Oatorber to or
gHiiiao, Tho antl-eipnnatonliti talk of pnt
ting n iiHtlonul tiokat In thu lluhl
ngulnat MuKinluy ui "Continental Kie
puhlioHiia. "
Eightoon thmiamirl unatampod clftan
wore cwptiirut at Tuinpit, FIh, The
fnctory hat been oariying on a piollt
able tiafllc for tome tlino.
The antomohlla li to ba glvmi a teat
loi war aervlue. An axperiinent will
lie mnile In carrying ineNNngna anil mail
from Chicago to New York.
In brnali with the Inanrgonta who
agitln attempted to retake Angulei, the
Amorioani lost two killed and 13
wounded; the inanrgenta' lout ia eati
mated at 800 num.
' Admiral Satnpaon will have charge
ol the iiiivmI reception to Admiral
Dewey. The North Athintia aqtiHtlron
will ptobahly meet the admiral n day 'a
ail Irotn New Yoik.
Preaident ltatuhford, ol the United
Mine Woikera, lilumca Ihe date tiuthor
Itlea for the trouble at Wardner, Iduho,
lie aaya the mlnera' organisation ia not
Oiiuilnul nor delender of criminals.
' A Peril apodal to the Maw York
Journal ayi that it lyntlioate haa plot'
ted to kill Dreyfui If the trial reaulta
in aoquittal. The plan included the
klllng of Labor!, Aaanrunue ii given
that apeedy acquittal may now be
looked (or.
Scniolty ol food la now worrying the
Filipino rebela. Otia has granted
thorn permlailon to purchase mppliel
from the ah I pa in the harbor.
Tha proposed public warehouse to
be operated by the Toledo hanks aeenii
to be a go, ua n wajoilty ol the banks
favor tna projeot. '
Among other Industries, the Uulton,
B. U., Mllli Company, recently lornil
with capital of $H50,00Q, will eatabliali
a cotton mill of 16,000 aplndlea 01
Admiral Dewey liea arrivml In
(laneral Joph Whnuler haa arrived
t Manila.
Tha Pennsylvania regiment haa lull
Hun ViuiiuUco for home.
All the new regiment! til vnlimtmira
will ba afloat fot Manila by October.
Thirty-alt voluntecu front the Ki:
ond Urvgnn buV applied lor pnnaiona
lor Ulaiilillity,
A Houtli African mining engineer
made the trip Irom Loiidut. to Duwaon
City in 17 daye.
At Appleton, Wis., a mill boiler
eiphxletl, klllng two men and wound
ing eight others,
Droylo' eneiuiea are atill alter La
tori. Two iiifnrual muchine loin I ml
with gun col loll wuie aeut him.
Thomas Druckett lined has tendered
hla resignation a congressman from
Mulnu. The governor hua aoovpted It.
Tjphua fevai ia following in the
wake ol the storm In Porto illco. The
ateiich arising Irom tha putrefying bod
ies ia giveu aa the cause.
Majcr-Ounaral (tie ia blmself acting
.i'ciiaur of dispatche. lie diotatea
oAtreioiiiliita' rvporia ul engugmuenta
I wmii luuuui nmc I ul pnraaas, wag-
iflllea American anccets.
It'ia alleged In England tbut the
Ttaiytvaul la republic onlv in name and
that abusea are manifold, Kven thu
rourls must agree with Com Paul
Kruger, or oO go official heatla.
Near Marshalltown, Iowa, three
tramps, stealing a ride on a (treat
Western freight train shol, and killed
lliakemau WIImiii and Conductor
Matbewa and threw their bodica under
the traiu.
The preaent run of aockaye salmon
on lower Pugvt sound ia eo pheiiomeuul
ua to make it almost oertain' that the
Puget sou ml salmon tmck will be large
enough to roniieuaale fur tbashoilage
In the pack oil the rrasei and Colom
bia river.
WhIl endeavoring to rescue one ol
their ootuiadea, arrested for diiinkeii
nesa, the aulideia Irom th Indiana had
a light with Ihe police ol Honolulu
which resulted In uniny heads being
broken, but the police dually landed
theli man.
A Washington special aaya: Hoi-
ful sign ol an approaching end ol tlia
Philippine insurrection have been ap
parent since the oigtinitutitm of 3 ad
ditional regiments and Secretary Knot'
action calling out 10 more (or the Phil-1
Ippine aervioe. This action bat dein-
onaliated to the Filipino leaders that
resistance will be futile, and it ia be
lieved negotiation are now on foot
looking to a termination ol the war.
The Chilean ministry ba resignod.'
(joint ha been restored In the liluo-
flohls district, Nicaragua.
Lieutenant (ieorge F, Teller has been
nppoinled census supervisor for the
Heoond diatiict of Oiegon.
Duwaoii City aiilooil keepers have
lorineil a trust and will make whisky a
dollar a drink this wiuter.
Mold I reported to be (gain flowing
Into the bank ol Knglund and Uritmli
lluanciurs ate feeling better.
Two 17 year-old hoys were killed
while stealing watermelon in Uurav,
Colo. The murderer say he only ehot
to sea 1 8 the boys.
The hunt lor gold on Kotielmo sound
brought fearful lesult. Heveu per
cent ol thoNe who went Into that in
hospitable country lost theii live.
From the rnports on the world'
wheat crop there la little to i miles to
failure in either Onrmany or Kuaaia,
while Knglund' eiop I largo.
AngertHl by the action ol a gambler
who anna u I ted one of their number, the
Indian ol a grading vamp at Window,
Ada., threaten to exterminate the
Japan bit Issued her new law regu
lating all faith and belief. Both
pugan and Christian religion are to
be placed uudei absolute control ol lo
cal governor.
At Wetuinpkn, Aln.., Peter Lou In
nud hia 1 o-year-old son were taken
from jail nud lynched by a mob. They
wera accused of shooting Hall Jordan,
a rfHpectublo oilituu.
M. Laboil appeared In court Tuesday
morning, and if hia condition will per
mit, he will mind not the case fur Drey
lu until a verdict 1 reached. He wu
warmly greeted by the prisoner.
A loainan ol the Britieh ship Ainphi
trite win caught by a tow line, diawn
overboard and drowned ai the vokhbI
win eiiteilng the Coltimbla river. An
other nieinbet of the crew waa loat lu a
similar wanner lu Honolulu harbor.
' A plot to escape. Irom tho guardhouse
was unearthed at Fort Sheridan. Tlia
priionoM had the ban of the guard
house all sawed through and had ob
tained possession of thu key to the
magasslno. Knives, powder and oait
lidgoi wore found lu their poHsemion.
The government iiconlldent that the
situation In Samoa ii under con
trol. Tho Iladger wai saluted and
cheered by the native! ai ahe Railed.
The tampoiaiy government Bet up by
the commission Ii fully capable to hold
natives In check though they do at
tempt to cause tiouble
Venice has cata which claim that
it baa been open duy and night (or 150
At Foxcroft, Me., Mayo A Son are
running their woolen mill from 4 A.
M. to 10 P. M.
Electricity hn supplanted iteim on
the railroad from Milan to Monia, the
oldest railroad In Italy,
A clock is beiug constructed (or Llv
eipool Streei slation In London. Tha
Interior of its'oase would allow fire
person to dine comfortably.
:d a
Violent Anarchist Demon
ktration in Paris.
( rurllli anl OmaiuMla Tknes lata
lll mail flrd Saorl.laa al.4
ky Ik. Hub.
Paris, Aug. 22, Parli waa today
the scene of must serious disturbance,
recalling some aspect ul the commune,
lu rt-si4iu to an appeal ol tne Journal
tin Peuple, groiii of aniircliist and au
cialists gathered about 8 o'clock in the
afternoon in the Place de la ftepub
lique. The Kiliee had taken precao
lions, and there emd to b no dan
gei of disorilers, Hebustian Faur aud
Fuberol, well-known revolutionary an
archists, weie the ring-leader. Fame,
stiiiiding on the pedestal ol the statu
which uses lu (lie center the Palate
tie hi Itepnliliipie, adressed the tiowd.
Among oilier things he said that lb
Hiiarchista eiiuul I be master of the
alreeia. The police then intetleied
and ilishalged l aure and Fabeiot, uiuk
ing three arrets. The crowd at thi
point tlispei sell, but a column of dern
unstiiilora, headed by Fa lire and
Henri tl'IIori, made for the Place de
la Nation. The police look tlnough
the column and a struggle for lb mas
tery followed, hliots were fired, and
M. (loullier, romuiiaary of olice, wa
twice aliiblMid with a knife.
Tne rioiera pioceetletl toward the
Fauborg du Temple, at the coiner vf
line Durlieri and the Hue St. Mauri-
I'npincourt, they luruied up into a com
puct body. Ilatcliel were aaddeuly
pro. I uce. I, with long knives stolen Iiouj
tha coiinler of shops, and a couoeu
trjiad rush wa made Uou the Church
of St. Joseph.
The aged sacristan, seeing the mob,
hastily cloned the outer gates, but these
weie soon fuiced with hatchet! aud
bais of lion. Th massive oaken doon
were then attacked. According to tba
first account, the wild hurtle buret Into
the church, which Instantly became a
s;ene of wild pillage and aacrillue. A
Uis and statues were hurled to tha
(loo i ami smashed; pictuiea were reut,
candlesticks, ornaments and hosts from
high altars were thrown dowyi and
trampled under foot. The crucifix
above was muila the target lor niissllei
ami lb tignia of the favior wa frao-
turrd ill several places. Then, While
rancorous voice lung the "Carman-
nole," the chalra f r curr il outside,
piled up and eel on Hie in the center ol
th square (routing the church. When
this atugtt waa reuched, tlia crucifix
waa pulled down and thrown into th
flames. Suddenly tha cry waa raised
that the statue of tha Virgin bad been
forgotten, and the crowd leturned aud
tore this (limn also.
An attempt waa made to Are the
choir of St. Joseph' with petroleum,
ami the firemen were called In to
quench the flume. Several parishion
en were Severely mauled in their ef
fort to defend the church liom lacri-
leite. The church is situated In the
pooreat auarter of the city. No dlaord
era ol any kind ocouired in the fashion'
able district.
Meanwhile tha aucristan, who had
been captured by tha anarohiata,
raped, and called tha police and repub
Ilea n goei. Is, who promptly arrived,
with maiiy constables. 'ritey were
compelled to (all hack in order to form
up into line ol defense, a the anaioh
isl attacked them fearfully with
Hid ? Ba Thl.T
Loudon, Aug. 32. -The Naples corre
spondent of the Daily New telegraph
the substance of an inteiview h had
witii Admiral Dewey there during the
admiral's recent visit. Admiral Dewey
said be believed the Philippine que
t ion won I, I ehoitly bo solved, la hia
Judgment, the Inhabitant ate capable
ol sell-government, and tha only way
to settle tha insurrection and to luauie
proapetity i to concede it to them,
He declared that ba wa never in favor
of violence toward the Filipiuoa, and
remarked that after autonomy bad been
conceded, annexation might be talked
ol. When asked whether a coufllct be
tween Oormnny and the United State
over the Philippine were possible,
Admiral Dewey replied, according to
thu correspondent:
"It ia Impossible to foresee tha un
foreseeable. " -
right With Kabels.
Manila. Aug. 23. One lieutenant ol
the Twelfth infantry wai killed and
another -waa seriously wounded while
recniinoitering last evening north of
Angeles, The Aineiicane encountered
a large force of insurgent! and drova
them troiu ther position."
Lieutenant Cole, of the Sixth infan
tiy, with 80 men, encountered 100 in
anrgenta In trenched In the mountain!
of the island of Negroi and routed
them, after an hour and a half ol ae
vere lighting. The Ameiicani bad
throe men ilightly hint. Nineteen
dead liiiurgonti were oounted In the
tienohei. Hix rifle and a quantity ol
reserve ammunition were oaptured.
Tho insurgent! recently out the oable
in Laguna de Bay, leading to Calamba,
on the south shore ol the lake, but tha
break hai been repaired.
Rpanlsh War Veteran isillcd.
Chicago, Aug. 82. JameiP. Young,
a private in company D.Thid infantry
volunteers, wa killed bj a freight
train at Kvansto today, wV lie on hli
wav to Fort Sheridan to re pot' t, alter a
day'! absence. The body wak strewn
along the track lor a block, li tha
only remaining vestige of tha unl.'vm
which Young wora wa a bran butt a
found on the roadbed. He wai a man
ber ol th Fifteenth Indiana regluiei t
dmlng tha Suanish war.
Idler Are After Oaarln, th Uga4
fin.lon. Aiicr. 3A. Tlia Tluilv f!tirnn.
Inle publishes tha following from it
ran oorieaponaent:
4 detachment of llifintiv haa Inst
completed an attack npon M. Ueorin'
house, wbioh 1 likely to lead to blood
shed befoie pornlng.
Vobody I allowed to approach the
ene, and the cavalry charge are need-
leuly brutal.
Praeeaaiag 4 fain. I aaarchl.U.
Pari, Aug. 23. In consequence of
yniterday'l event, judicial proceeding
have been instituted against Sebastian
Faur and fonr others, lor rebellion,
act of violence and attempt to mur
der, and ana I list diver persons for rob
bing a buihUng and burning it furni
ture; also for biaaking window and
Inciting to riotoua aasembluge.
A uiemlierof tha Anti-f-euiite League
eayl M. Unerin hui threa day wor
provisions. From today on all
ohurche will be guarded by picket of
republican guard, and detachment ol
infantry ami cavalry will be held in
readlnesi (or eventualities. The dam
age done by th riotr to tba Church
of 8t Joseph i estimated at 8,000
Iranoa. Tha church ii surrounded by a
cordon of police, and no one il allowed
to approach the building. It Is point
ed out that the rioting persons ara
fiom 16 to 30 years of age.
Aaalvaraarjr of Hla Hartal Will Ob
arrad by Virginia Ma.oa..
Washington, Aug. 31. Piepaiationl
(or tha observance of the 100th anni
venaiy ol Ueorga Washington' death
are bting actively conducted by the
committee ol the grand lodge of Me
ier. lor the itata of Virginia and bv
the local lodge. The Masonic observ
ance which will take place in Alexan
ilria and at Mount V ernon, December
IS and U next, are beiug thoroughly
discussed and planned.
The programme a virtually settled
npon open with the assembling of the
grand lodge of the state of Virginia in
Alexandria on December 13. Early
th following morning the state grand
lodge, accompanied by lodge No. 4, of
Fiedericksburg, Va., ol which General
Washington waa a metnbei; the two
local lodge. Federal lodge, of W ash
ington, and representative Mason
from all over the world will proceed to
Mount Vernon, where the luneial serv
ice of December 18, 1799, will be du
plicated a nearly a possible.
Forto Kleo'a Graat Btorm.
Ponce, Poito Rico. Ang. 21 It is
now estimated that the ootlie ol 3,500
victim of the recent hurricane have
been buried, that 1,000 person weia
injured timing the storm, and that
3,000 people are still missing.
Theie are opportuuitie here now for
investors. There is the greatest lack
of money for repairing damage, re
planting and replenishing itock.
The alcadei appointed committee
for the distribution of relief, itoie.
etc., but the military authorities ob
jected to it.
Ponce is healtbv, though bodiea can
tinue to ba found iu tha field. The
authorities have decided to bum the
ruins ol Yabuco.
8lilf Live War Last.
Nebern, N. C, Aug. 23. Reports
toil ay fiom the coast ol Noitb Carolina.
whoie the West Indian huiricane
touched last week, show that there
were a laige number ol livei loat and
much damage done to property. Four
teen lishemien, in trying to cross P.m
lico sound iu. skiffs, weie lost. Four
bodies have ' been recovered. ; . The
chooneri Good in and Aurora were
wrecked. Tha L. K. Hill il aihoie
The Ueiwlok and all hands are ieiort
ed loat. These losses all ocuried in
PiualicQ sound. It i believed that ns
many as 60 person lost their live in
the torn). I
lafaatrjttiaa Drawned.
Manila, Ang. 33. While a tecon
noltering party ol the Twenty-fourth
infantry, under Captain Crane, wai
ciossing the Muriqnlna river on a raft
today, the hawsers broke. ' The our
rent, very iwift at that point, caused
the raft to caps no, diowning nine eu
listed men.
The Uuitod Statei transport Tartar
from San Fianoisco July 84, with Ueu
ral Joseph Wheeler and bis daughter,
troops ol the Nineteenth infantry and
more than 11,300,000 in coiu hai ar
Crnlaer Kaseuad Shlnwraekad Craw.
Rio Janeiro, Aug. 83. The United
States ciuiser Montgomery arrived liere
last night I'otu Montevideo, (ihe re
ports having rue nod the ciew of the
Uritish steamer Nettloton, which wen
agtouud atMarica, 80 tuileieait of this
poit. All the member of the Nettle-
ton'i crew were laved. Tugi have
been tent to lesoue the vessel.
OljrninU'e Sailors AUaeked.
London, Ang. 33. A special d
patch from Leghorn, Italy, lays five
yien have been arrested there ou a
chaige of attacking and wounding soma
tailors who had oome ashore from tha
cruiser Olympia.
Famine on East Ctm.t of Africa. '
London, Aug. 83. The Church M
alonarv Soolctv bus lust received a r
port stating that 40,000 persons have
died of famine on the eait coast of
Chinese Hrlgands Massacre Rusilans
Marseilles, Aug. 88. Newi has ar
rived here that a minion of RuBiian
engineer! and their escort! were recent'
ly attaoked by Chinese brigand at
i Kirin, on the China-Ruuian frontier
on the main Manchuria railway. All
weia maiiacrau.
Tha Panmylvanla railway Company
will purobis tha connecting link! for
eleotrio railways and will have a con
tiuuotii hue Iioui New lork to Wash
iCruger Refuses to Submit to
England's Demand.
Ro.tllltlat Mar 8 -"ad fur Aay Day
Anslety In Cap olany sad
Oraaga Fr.a Stat a.
London, Aug. 38. There ii no long
er any doubt that President Kruger
has icf used to inbrnit to the demand
of Mr. Chamberlain (or the appoint
ment of a court of inquiry. He may
have done so diplomatically or hedg
ingly. But that hi answer ii regard
ed by tba British government ai tanta
mount to positive refusal, ii now an
established (set. The colonial office ii
noncommittal, but there are other evi
dence! which amply justify the ilate-
merit. The repolt that Prendent
Kruger has proposed new terma ii
somewhst verified by the guarded com
ment of the colonial office officials and
the irritability displayed there. Theie
i not tha sl.ghtest doubt that they
now believe wai is the only way to set
tle the controversy.
Tiiey would (ar rather have had a
enrt, defiant aniwer, than the tempor
ising answer which the Boer president
hai lent. With tba former Great
Biitain would bare plain ground for
a quick commencement of hostilities.
Under the oicrumitancea, which it ia
believed now exitti, aggressive action
needs considerable explanation to justi
fy it in the eye of the world and the
English minority who still declare war
would b an outrage. However, if Mr.
Chamberlain haa is way. It is believed
President Kruger'i counter-proposal
will meet with leant attentit a and an
less the Boers completely back down.
which ii not likely, the crisii will
quickly develop into war.
It has developed that the war office
haa been aware of the nature of the
Transvaal government's answer (or sev
eral dayi and that It was communi
cated to the war office, hence it ii prob
able that Great Britain will delay de
nouncement ai little as possible.
A high official expressed to a repre
sentative of tbe press his disicust at
hat he termed "Kruger'i enpiditv
and hvpooriay." He said:
"Tbe kind of game whioh Krnger is
playing must be o!ear to Americans.
The protestations of tie Boers that
they wish to live a quiet agricultural
life, may ba tba tune of some of the
Veldet, but the gang ir, Pretoria is
simply aftei money. Though Presi
dent Kruger says many harsh things of
the Uitlanders, he never hesitated to
make money out of them, either by
fair or foul means.
"Thii Transvaal question cannot be
judged by recent occurrences. You
must go back SO year. It hna been
hanging fire all that time, and the
sooner it is settled now tbe better."
Though the official did not actually
lay so, it waa clear that na believed
war was the only method of settle
It i learned that the government
ii somewhat annoved at the pubilo'i
alight interest in the Transvaal.
A ipeical dispatch from Cape Town
lays theie is great danger of in out
break of violence on the frontier, and
that the scum of booth Africa is en
listing throughout the colony, and is
being lent to Pitennia and Jameson,
on the border.
Buslnaaa TorUim of tha Cwloratlo Town
Swept A way.
Cripple Creek, Colo., Ang. 33. Fire
has utterly destroyed tbe business por
tion of the city of Victor, causing a
loss estimated at $3,000,000.
Begnuing shortly alter. noon, the
fire raged until evening, consuming
everything in ita way. It bad its origin,
it is thought, in the Merchants' Cafe,
adjoining the Bnuk of Victor, on the
ooi tier o( Third, street and Victor
avenue. A strong wind from the south
funned the flames, and in a few min
utes all the surrounding houses were
Help was summoned Irom Cripple
Creek, but the town had been built in
the early days of the camp, and was ot
pine timber tor' the most part, and
burned like paper. Efforts were made
to stop the progiess ot the flames by
blowing up buildings by mean! of dyn
amite, and all afternoon the stieets
have roared with the explosions, but
the effort was in' vain!"
The residence portion of the ohy ha
tuffered Comparatively little, but the
business portion is paralysed, and suf
fering is bound to follow. ..The burned
area may be roughly designated as the
pace between the head of Fourth itreet
and Victor avenue, extending irom the
Gold Coin mine buildings, on the west,
to a point near Second street, and tlowa
Third itreet almost to Diamond avenu.
Fishing Boat Sunk.
Seattle, Aug. 81. A fishing boat
containing two men waa run into
Thursday night by the steamer North
Pacfiio near the mouth ot thyFraier
river. One of the occupants," David
Gordon, wai drowned. He is said to
bava formerly lived in Shasta county,
Cal. Hia companion, , Louis Smart,
was picked up by the North Pacific
Two Men Hanged In Maryland,
Rockvills, Md., Aug. 21. Arinistaad
Taylor and Allied Brown were hanged
here this morning for tha murder ol
Louie Rosenitein and wife. Th crime
was committed May 18 last, the pur
pose being lobbery. . While being ar
rested. Taylor shot and killed one ol
the offloen. '-s a ' ; -
Neatly 400 were injured in the Parli
riots. It is claimed the disturbance will
operate to cause a veidiot of conviction
against the prisoner.
Indiana Wara Dafaatad In fterarsl Saara
Potam, Mexico. Ang. 34 Thursday
General Torres gave the order to ad
vance on Vicam. Three sharp engage
ment were (ought before the troops
succeeded in entering tbe stronghold.
The Indiana met th government force
first about half a mile from Vicara, and
fell back. They rallied again on the
outskirts of the Pueblo, antl were
driven in. Tbe soldier! were advanc
ing in the form of a half-moon, and
when they reached Vicam it required a
desperate struggle before the Indians
were driven from their position.
In the three engagements two Mexi
can were killed and 33 wounded,
among the latter being two captains
Keynahlo Aportel and Aorslio both
of the Eleventh legiment. Forty Ya-i
qui were killed, and the number of
wounded i known to have been heavy.
The Yaqni retreated in the jungle,
to tha soutbwestwsrd, and were fol-j
lowed by General Torres, who overtook
them again at a point two mile below
Potam. The Indiana numbered about
700, while the general's command was
about 1,000 strong. The battle was
fought August 13, and tbe Mexican had
two killed and 19 wounded. Twenty
dead Yaqni wer fouud in tha bole
from which they fought,
i Loretta Villa, one of the chief who!
led the Yaqni in their 10 year' war
against the government, and who
know every inch of tbe river jungle,
is now fighting with Mexican aimy..
Be led the troops through a heath,
and they were euabled to make a rear
attack, badly worsting the Indians in
the fight.
Baaeh Is Strewn With ahlpwracka
Thirty Lives Lost.
Norfolk. Va., Aug. 34. Thirty-fiva
shipwrecked seamen, who bad nothing
in the world but a (ew tattered and
tom clothe on their backs, some in
jured and all miserable, arrived here
today from Hatteras, N. C. From them
it ia learned that tbe recent hurri
cane, which sent so many people to
death and destroyed vast estates in
Porto Iiito, added another chapter to
its horror iu a little stretch of beach
from Kinnacoot to Hatteras, N. C.
Thirty people are known to have lost
their lives in that district, which i
only 18 miles long, and the beach is
strewn with ipars. mast and otbei
wreckage. The sailors lay 11 vessels
are ashore on th coast between Hat
tera and Sew Kiver inlet. Ko fyich
damaging results have attended a
norm on the coast in the past quarter
of a century. Wave! ran mountain
high, and th wind howled unceasingly
for leverat days and nights at a 15-mile
velocity. That not more live! were
lost in the vicinity ot Hatteras is con
idred by tbe lurvivon nothing less
than a miraole.
Five Thon.and Dollar In Gold
Taken From a rnasanger. ,
Dillon, Mont., Aug. 34. The stage
between Salmon City and Red Rock
was held tip at noon yesterday, half a
mile inside the Idaho line, 80 miles
from here, by four men. H. T. Keil
ney, manager of the dredge company
working on tbe old McKutt property,
near Salmon City, Idaho, was a passen
ger. He had more than t5,000 in
gold dust, which he was bringing to
Dillon. The tobbeii took it. The rob
bers then mounted horses, whioh were
concealed in the timber, and escaped.
Sheriff Pile and Deputy Stoler have
left for Fannock in puisuit.
Tbe road makes a sharp turn where!
the robbery occurred. A deep gulch
crossing the- road made a good biding
tlsce. There is heavy timber on tha
upper side. It is reported here tha)
Reilney offers $500 reward. The,
chance for capture are very slim. The
region is mountainous and uninhabited
iewey at Vtllefranche.
vuieirancbe, Aug. 24. ltie cruiser
Olympia arrived here this morning.
The usual salutes were exchanged.
Admiral Dewey received- visits from
Vice-Admiral Bieuaeme, Henry Vig-
nand, the United State oharge 'affaires
at Paris, and the United Statei vice
consul at Nice. Admiral Dewey is ap
patently in excellent health. He will
stay at Nice for .some time, and will
take part in as few (unctions ai poeai
The Fienoh cruiseri Admiral Char-
nler de Vout and De Fraut, under com
maud of-Vice-Admiral Bieuaeme, fired
a laluie in honor of Admiral Dewey.
It ii expected the Olympia will remain
here a week.
Quick Trip to Dawson.
Chicago, Aug. 34. A special to the
Tribune from Victoria, B. C, says:
Fiom London, England, . to Dawson
City, Klondike, In 1? days is the new
record made by a milling engineer
from South Africa. He left London
for Southampton by train, caught an
Atlantic liner, in which he crossed the
ocean in a little over six days. The
trip from New York to Vancouver was
made in (our days. From Seattle the
trip to Ekagway was made iu loss than
three iiaya.
Close connections were made with
the White Pass & Yukon railroad and
the lake and river steamers, and he
was landed In Dawson 17 days from
Fusion In Nebraska.
Omaha, Neb., Aug. 34. Nebraska
Democrat, Populists and Silver Repub
licans met in this oity today and fused
on nominations for judge ot the su
preme court and two members ot the
board of regents ot the state university.
Tha Vletor Fl-s.
Viator, Colo.. Aug. 34. Tha total
number of buildings destroyed by yes
terday's fire is estimated at 800. Nine
tenths ol these were wooden, and the
fire spread with great rapidity. ,
Rebels Chief Source of Sup
ply Is American Ships.
Ha Permits Thsna tm Obtain Food rrtrn
Vassals In Barbara Collecting
Tbalr Foreaa.
Manila, Aug. 31, via Hong Kong,
Aug. 34. Filipino rebels appear to re
tain much more of tbe fighting spirit
than might be expected after their re
cent San Fernando experience and
General Lawton'i drubbings in the
sooth. After giving up San Fernando
with a feeble itruggte, they entrenched
themselves at Angeles, working for
several days and impressing non-com
batant! into work, thus laving armed
men for the fighting. They engajed
Lieutenant-Colonel Smith's regiment
and artillery warmly for (our boors,
masting one ol tbe most stubborn resist
ance! of the campaign, and th Ameri
cana arc indebted to tha usual poor
marksmanship of tha Filipinos as wail
si their own strategy foi their small
In Cavite province, where it was
supposed that the rebels bad been scat
tered and demoralised beyond recnpeia
tion, tbey bava assembled an army of
several thousand. Alter the San Fer
nando engagement, the rebels attempt
ed to deter th American from further
advance northward, menacing railroad
communications. Several hundred of
General Pillar's men crossed the Rio
Grande between the American outpost
towns and threatened Balinag, Quam-
gut and ohter places with small Ameri
can garrisons, while, during Sunday
and Monday nights smaller bands tried
to tear np tbe railroad tracks at several
points between Bigaa and Maloloa.
Reinforcements of American troops.
however, were sent along the railroad
from Manila to San Fernando, while
forces at Balinag and Quaingut sailed
out againit General Pillar'i men an t
the rebela wera easily driven away. In
the brush between the Filipino ami
the Americans during tines days, the
Americans lost several men while tbe
Filipinos' loss waa heavy. Of these
operationa a prese correspondent was
permitted to send only inadequate dis
patches, dictated verbatim by Major-
General Otis. The censor writes ster
eotyped official phrases and adjectives
into dispatchea intended to magnify
American operations and minimize
opposition. Otis says the newspapers
aie not public institutions, but private
snterpiisei, and correspondents aie
here only on sufferance.
All report! irom the rebel territory
agree that scarcity ot foot) is increasing
and rebel commanders at Aparty and
other points refused to obey Agninal
do's orders in regard to closing the
poits held by rebels against American
ships and say any ship bringing stores
will bo welcomed. Several ships from
Manila are now at these ports. Hun
dreds ol people come into Manila daily
and return to the rebel line with food
aud other commodities. The guards
stationed aiong the road reported that
6,000 persons passed through the lines
in three davys, and that 45 tons of rice
were carried out in small parcels on
the same road in 10 days. Much of
-this undoubtedly goes to aid the rebels,
but the authorities permit this trafflo
from motives of charity towards women
and children, who are undoubtedly
suffering. General MacArthur is es
tablishing municipal governments ia
the villages north of Manila.
Fata of Fonr Froapaetors on the
inoutoa Trail.
Seattle, Aug. 24. News has been re
ceived of the finding by Indians of the
remains ol lout prospectors at tha head
of Pocrupine liver, Alaska. The re
mains have been identified as those of
Holmes, from Fresno, Cal.; Moffett,
Bellevne and Dr. Allen. Together
with a man by the name of McPbee,
they started for Dawson over tbe Ed
monton route over one year ago. The
whole party was stricken with scurvy.
McPhee alone was able to reach Fort
McPberson. A relief party .was sent
out to bring in the others, but they
could not be found. When MuPhee
left the party they had but two small
dogs for food. The party probably
starved to death.
Flva Hundrail Pounds of Gold.
Seattle, Aug. 24. The Humboldt
arrived from Alaska this evening with
bout 200 Klondikers. J. O. Hest
Iwood, of this oity, brought down 600
pounds of gold dust, one-third of the
iclean-up of mines owned by an Eastern
syndicate, of whioh Mr. Heslwaod is
manager. Among the Humboldt's pas
sengers was Cy Warman, the well
known author, who has been In Alaska
gathering material for sketches.
Drowning at Fla Finger. .
Victoria, B. C, Aug. 24. News hai .
reached here of the drowning ol Fran a;
Rioaid at Five Finger rapids, on the
'Yukon. Ricard belonged to the tele-
giapn construction party. I'.arly re
ports had it that it was J. C. Tache,
an engineer ot tha department of pub
lic works, who was drowned, but the
leport provad incorrect.
"8kU tha Guns" Kalaaied.
Dublin, Aug. 24. Earl Cadogan,
lord lieutenant ol Ireland, today signed
the -expected order releasing from
Maryborough jail James Fitabarris,
lias "Skin the Goat," who, in May,'
1888, was sentenced to penal servitude
i an accomplice in tbe murder ol May
6, 1883, in Phoenix Park, Dublin, of
Lord Frederick Cavendiih, chief secre
tary of Ireland, and T. H. Burke, per
manent nnder-cretary, who were a
laiiinated by stabbing by (our men,
known aa the "lqvinoibles.'J