The Argus-.- JnlILLSBR NO. 20. vol. VI. UILLHJtOItO, OKKUON. THURSDAY, AUGUST .'i. 181. EVENTS " OF THE-DAK LATER NEWS. Epitome of the Telegraphic News of the World. TKK.SK TICKS FROM TIIK WIRES Ah Intonating Colltln of ltn Pro). th T ILmli.bre Pre.ealed la Condeneed Parte. Tim California volunteer have lallet' (nr hum.. llieyfu In tu bostuloualv HI with M IfVKI. American slooka now command con lldeneo liranthiMil kutope, Caroline Ulnmlert want to be so iituml It) Ilia United Bute. 1'iei.iitntit lltitinot, nl Santo Do- H-lUlll'l, llMK t'H K.lK!tlllll. 'The body of tlm lata Kobe-it O. lit' goiaoll Ma croiimlud al Fieall Pond, N. Y. Til" flllllt tntVll lllH IlllUfwl Oil rmnliiniilloiis haa been amicably ad Juatnd, Tim moaat'iigor hoy' strika In Pitta burg hail tm n nettled. Tim boy claim victory Al 1 furt fur.l Clty.lml.. Ralph Shelby, 0 yoitr ol.l Uif, wu thtaaliod to death by lit pluyiiiHUa. Oil report another engagement with bandit In (Vbti, tit which Ameri can force were vlettitioti. A Chicago in-great la allt'KHl to hav allniiliHl llm stealing of four eliildrau wiiliin an hour, hli ia now In Jail. Four Hfo-timers In the Coin in but, (,, penitentiary were an unruly tlial HtM'lal I nil colli wore Li 11 ) 1 1 lur theil incarceration. Oil lina been cabled to amid volon tccia Iiiiiiiu Iihhi aa pna.ililn, It liii tlimUnIri) ol the provident to hav no delay In tlio iiiallnr. William II. 1'nK'tnr, who went tc California in 1HIU, remained theta ID wara ami accnmiilale.1 a fortune, li dead in Hiooklyn, aged 81 year. It liaa Imhim ileohled tu dlacoiilliru llm un eil ixml a fuel un llm Nan Yuik, New Haven ami Hurl fin J rail road ami to aulmiilu to cuke lur It on alt locomotive, United Slate manufacturer will b litniiiltlml lv uur nnw treaty with Fiance. Farmers, however, will re- oelve no It ! it, ai maximum dutie will itay on airtiHiltiiriil prl u.:t. The lllinuia Central liaa a nnw twin llil(ir tin limine friini Clilnngo to tha gulf, Tim HU Umia A Hnnthwoat it ii la building a connecting link to Chicago nml Eastern llhuola. ltiiv. J nh n Minrimiu, hailur of Cal vuiy I'ri'hliy tuiiuii ilnnch, ul I'uitlMiul, il !(! at Caini H'lliiy, imur tlm UianJ t'uiiyiiii lintel, In the Ycllnwalun 1'urk, wliaio lia lnul itmio on a iliMur trtk . Martial law liiitK"tl lna n niBtlioJ (if ni'Ulinu Uio IJIuvolund slriut cat Irlko. Kiro lit Tiinr luko, In the Ail I- r(tuliii-ka, dualmyvil a bntnl aiul It liuilillii;a. Yellow Natlnnul ton, Va. Twenty iinviiiiioia will attoml tli trnnt Donforttnue tu bo Iitilil lu Chicago III 8l'itl'UllitT. Cnlmna are flntllng fult with th jKiiatia wnn tu Itaiomira a.pnliittl by tlia United Ktntu. 1'rRiiiiliiiit MuKlnloy will tondnr Ail mi nil Dowcy a twtiiitiun whun lio ar livtm at WuHliiiitlun. 1'rlTiita Jninoa A. Dnyln, of oomimny I), KhooiiiI Dri'Kcm, auccumbud to dji' Biiltirj at tlit) I'rnaidlo. Uccanne a vulnuteer would not re Biilmt, Htniurnl IHH ilunlml him a pr- iii it to go Into buainuaa lu Manila The tritmrtilo onuimlttoe haa aliol IhIkkI tlia kiiiKidiip of Sitinoa adjmliii fitvnr aa brnknii nut in the boKlit'ii' Homo, miar ilauip Th IWllan cablmtt liaa raaivnad. Tim Olyinpla w ill atop at Naplua on aeok. Ulitiln Ham l aalil In ba iii'ifntlatinj for a ooalinK itatinn rmat C'bilu. I)ialliilliiilid Itnaaiiina aro In Cbl- uiigo to atudy Auioriian ruilway auir- Ice. Tlia returned folantt-ura are lanortad lo be having a good lime In Hun Fraa- ulaco. lngnraoll Ivft no will. He oonali. ral II uniirmury, having cuulldunoe ia the lawa, Tba Nurtliern I'aidflt! and Oient Northern are bol loved to be lriendl ome uioru. The gunboat Dolphin wa Injaied in New Yoik harbor by colliding with fnriyboat, Tlit. liua been a genetal advanre in th pi Ice of luuibor from IS to ilO tir otint I nee July 1. Nina liti in! i ad ctnplbyp of Mome'i ihlpyard, Urotiklyn, waul auoia pay and have tuit work. 1 I.. Wilwm killotl Waller Cava nauifh. a biotlier of hi aweetheart. in a auloon at Han Franciauo. A Filipino ha aned an Engliah mein lior of the Filipino junta at Hong Kong for f 60,000 damage for libel. Mr. K. B. (JriKker ha pioaented Sacramento lodge of Klk with her apa loua realduiicu lu that city valued al 1 1(0,000. A ('hrliitian Kcirntlat haa linlituted prtK-eedingi agitimt Mr. Kdtly and lies follow! (oi l'JS.000. alleging orlialual libel. Four wine killed ami ii othei bad ly injured near Doolie. 1., in a wirrk. Th train juniped the track and all th car went over tlia bank. Jarui' Knlwiitle, IKiwey' flet m glneer, ha Iwen raiawl to the gtade ol rear-admiral (or cicellt'tit tuivlue lu the battle of Manila. Tlia remaliiaof John flrown' raider will be tukeu from lluipur' Furry and bulred betide thoaci of the their luadet at North Klba, N. Y. Kenator lieveiidge, of Indiana, who It waa fnaied had bn hut, ha been lieartl l oin at Nagaaakl, Japan, wheie ba had been quarantined. F.llhti lioot ha taken the oath of of- fine. H wa congratulated by Hecre taiy Algur, who prayed that 1ih1 would give him atrength and biota him. Chicago will try to get Dewey, Sohley, KHinpann and Ceivera for k to bin 9, dining tlio new fixlcral building rorner-atiine laying. I'reaitlent Dole and 1'roaideiit Diaa will alto be Invited. The inttMtinver boy of tioeton have gone on a ttrike for an iucteate of pay. Ta oup-oballetiger shamrock ii aliout ready to atart for New York. Henry Vlllard i viaiting i'oitland for th tint time tinea Kitfl. Muitln Dola, nid to have married ii wouiiiu, all but two of whoua art now living, wa ai reeled lu Chicago. Admiial Kant liaa tailed hi flag nn the battleahip Iowa, wblt-h ia now the Oagnhlp of the 1'aciliu itiuadron. Tlie long-ovetdua Macduff, with a tiargo of grain aack from California ha been lighted off the Columbia. The garriaon at Fort Monroe haa been ordered to move north aa a pie oautlon agaluit yellow fever. New York and San Franoitoo capU tnliat will atart a nntiouul bank in Hawaii about Heptomber 1. Ki-Amhnaaadtii Euati haa written the fact in the Dieyfua caae and they ire toon to be publiihed. The North Dakota, Wyoming and Idaho have left Manila on tlio tiaua port Urn nt. Fred L. Dalian, of company II, First Waahlngton, waa wounded in the honlder timing tba captuto of Ca in in ba. Horn bin rowora ara making life inlaw- ablo (or the pnpiilittinn of Seoul. Hevonteen perton huve been arrested by the police. The Al-Ki haa ai rived in Seattle YELLOW FEVER HERE AMERICANS VICTIMS OF YAQUIS Thirty Cases In the National Soldiers' Home. THREE DEATHS ARK RK PORT ED lvriunnt Hat Haa aail Will fr..a Ik Bpra4 r the Matadjr. Newport New. V.. Aug. I. There aia 80 caw of what ia behoved to he genuine yollow (ovor at the National Holdmrt' Hoiiih, ni-al Hampton, and tbrra death fioui the diaeaae wera re tiurted todav. Tlmre wire aeverat oOier death al tlie luatitiltion voatorday, but it cannot Im) atuled tonight that all o! them wer cuuaod by yellow lever, NewHiit New and Hiimpton will quar antiiie agaiimt the noldii'ra' home to morrow uioiiiIuk. The government an tlioiltli-a at Uld Point have aln-ady adoitd thiaatop, and no atrangor ai allowed to enter the ri'aaivatlnn. OimiantiiiH Ulllcor llobum, of thi ixirt, went to the aohlier' hoina to nluhtatid vviiflttd the atateiunt that theie ara now 30 canea ol the diaoa at the Iiiiiiiu, and that there were tine tlwatha fm.ii the malady today. While no one oiitaide of the otdirr' hum knew anything- about the eiiatence of yellow fuver until today, it la laid that the diatmatt nude ita nppearauce three day uiii). The nioet rigid qiiaranliu regulation will be enforced to prevent the apread of the malady. The new ha creutwd great exfit ment in Newport New. Old Point and ilaiuplon, and the moat vigorou mem lire will he adopted to prevent It ipiead. There are 4,000 old veteian at the home, and aeveral large eicur ion partitta went there l.iat week. Noilolk. V Aug. I. Th board of health ha quarantined agaluat Ol Point. Hampton nn I Newport New, Police offlcei have been aeut out alon the water limit to watch for tut!, iteainbont and othei craft. There i much eicitenient. Uoveinoi WotKllin ol the aoldien' home, conllrtn the te pott of the eiiatence of fever there. Hampton ha been quatantiiied from Old Point, and the trolley oar atoppeJ tunning to the former place tonight. RAN INTO A WRECK. The KIIU4 Ara Alra1r K.tlmatad at 0 Karh Kid. St. Ixmia, Aug. 8. A iei;ial to the Ololie-Domiicrat from Oitis, Mel., aaya: Any doubt that the Yaquia ate on the warpath in eaineit wa dispelled tixlav when now reatrbed here that mireral Amerioana and Meiiranl had lieen killed in paebln. oi town, in the Yaqui river valley, eaat and aonth eatt of thia atation. The oourier who came in with the new of tlie (laughter tieclaie that ba aaw a deaperate fight at a point 40 mile toutheaat of Ortin, and that be ha positive evidence that V. Keiuly, a merchant of llermoail- lo, and K. Miller, a photographer in hi employ, ware among the killed. Iteinly wa una of the beat known Americana in Honor. The inhabitant! of tba town in ami near the Yaqui valley are in a Mate of terror. Oenet al Toriea, commander of the Or at mili tary une, which include Honora and Lower California, who wa lu the Oe.d with the Twelfth regiment, i reported among the alain. No information it obtainable aa yet of the number ol Indian under arm, but if th out break ia of the proportion of the wat ended in 1 HU7, the number may U placed at between 3,000 and 4,000. Tin outbreak ia a tuipiit to the (title and army official. It it irnpo- ible to secure accurate figure a to th( total number killed to date, but tin Ultimate of 60 on each aide i uot con- ideied eiceiaive. ARE ALIVE AND WELL A SOLDIER'S TALE. Dlvcr.loa. aa th Battlc-flata th Fight Wa BUlnf. During the llrat engagement while U ... . - fl.i.H A. Ill Ul. Ik. Message From Oregon Boys wool, ,,,eil(1 , HargeantKing in the (FLAG AT HALF; MAST Supposed to Be Dead. Pennsylvanias Brought Dead Colonel Into Port WERE TAKES BY THE FILIPINOS DIED 05 THE TRANSPORT AT SEA Private MCor, Lawraae and Mill Caipir M, Wt. H.i. Ka Mlatlag aiac rrll. ..of Minneapoli (Kan.) Memenger, a for lorn water buffalo, the Philippine beaat of burden, meander! into the rice field directly in front of the line. The writer immediately directed bi fire towaid tba buffalo, with no appar ent retult. Afterward, duiing a lull in tba firing, we (hamefully confeaaad to having waeted our itrength in thi ignoble manner and were larpriiad toj lufirn that vf man tiait Ann ltkf' riaa At all Tnt. tba ht mad! 8an Franciaoo. Aug. 8. Tha United good It ecape. for it patiently plod-i Btate tianport Senator arrived tonight ded ahead until tha Umber wallowe.lj om juaoua wun ner nag at nan It no. During tha cbarare at Calocan, niaat, on acount of tba death of Colonel f,mi,t r.i. nf diminntiva aitt.t Alel Ilawkini, commander of daahed from beneath a bamboo lind Tenth Fennylvanla regiment, unuett Clal 11.1 Bawhla. B.It.1 ht All HU R(laat. Ih..kM a Dadl? Caaear. Ran Franciaco, Aug. I. There wa rejoining in tha Oregon camp thi morning when Captain Pooiman. of ootupany M, pouted a oahlegiam from Oaneral Oti aaylng that Ralph McCoy, Jamea K. Lawrence and Clarenca Milla aie atill alive and well in the Philip- and, apparently, Judging that all the, 1 8tate voluuteer. t'aat uf th am.hiip at th Ohlcag Kir al t.aekawaaua. Poit Jorvi. N. Y.. Aug. 1. Tl.a aa ident on the Erie reihoad, growin out of the landslide a mile eaat of Lackawaiou laat night, waa not o er lou a at Oral repotted. Only tti Are mini and engineei of the detailed en gine of the westbound Chicago eipreaa which tinned over on the track wei killed, thiMigh a number of passenger on the expreaa, tha vestibule passenger train for Buffalo and Cleveland, which left New York at 1 o'clock Saturday, were tnjmed. The wreck, which "oocuired hortly before inidiilglit, wa preceded by a cltmdbiirat and atorm which lasted two hour. A Beet ion of the batik fell on the eustbound hack diiectly iu front of the freight tiftin. Several tiee went dowu with the rock and earth, the Ireight cur and engine turning over directly aeriwa the westbound tracks ol Jhe Ki ie road. Sixty freight can oon Ititule the train, but only 22 were da railed, nid the debris was piled tip on he westtmwvHl 1rack Just a the Chi I'ugn expreaa put in an appearance, tan ning 60 mile an hour. The engine of the express train crashed into tha wreck, and the baggage oar, oombina- .! ... .... I !...!.. 1 1A U..II i on ..... .unit, r ..... w ru..u... , b , lhrolIghout the country sloenera were piled up on the track " imtnediiitely In front of the wrecked Ireight car. The first sleeper wits split in two parts as a retult of the aocldont, and the passeugeis were thrown 80 feet down a bauk. Fira at once broke out, and four cais of the express ttain and nine ol the freight cat were burned. Honndarf tlatllnsd Hr Munumcat. Kan Francisco, Aug. 8. John Zav bait, a mining expert of this city, claim to posaea information which b believe will have an I in pot taut bear ing on the Alaska boundary dispute. Zacbart declare that the old Kusaiau boundary ia defined by inouuments placed at ahoit Intervals, and that in closed in eaclt is a chart of the Kusaian possessions. He i of the belief that the duplicate of theharu are on fi.e at St. Pelerabuig. Zacbart say that an epxeditior would have little trouble in finding anil following up thi boundary line o: monument, and that the charti would prove of inestimable value in settling the dispute between tliif country ami Canada. Rout It Now arrtarf. Waahington, Aug. 8. Mr. Elihu Hoot took the oath of ofllce at set re taiy of war at 10:45 this morning. The ceremony occurred in the largt ofliceol the aecietary of war. in the pres ence of Secretary Alger, Uuge, Hitch cock, Assistant Secretary Meiklejobn, a large number of army offlcei in tini for in and other employes, and the offi cial oath waa admiiiktered by Judge Cole, of the district supreme court, af ter which Alger advanced and shook hands with the new aecietary, ami en ill. with evident feeling: "With all my heart, 1 congratulate you and the administration. You will find around yon here men who will help in tlie arduous duties nf your po sition. May Uod bleaa you and give you strength." Advane In I.unibr. New Yotk, Aug 8. There ha been a general advanoe of 15 to 25 per cent in the price of lumber since July 1. The demand for hickory, oak and other ' hardwooda 1 partiuitaily sharp. Quur i tered oak cost $15 mora per thousand than it did six month ago, and it is haul to obtain. Spruce and pine hav alao advanced, though not ao mateiially a hardwooda. Local dealers do not attribute these advancea to any icaroity of timber , but they say that the saw milla are unable to fill their orders, whioh are heavy, on aocount of tha demand for cars, ves sels and trucks to handle the increased pine, though prisoners of the rebela, Since Apiil 28, these men bava been given op a dead. On that date, at 8 In the motoing, they were aent to te connoiter territory adjacent toMariloa, near tha company camp. All were heavily armed, and were to return M or before noon. That wa the last heard of the tlio until yeiletday, when Oaneral Oti learned that they bad been (pared by the insurgent, who had taken them aa prisoneia. No details were received. Company M i Jubilant tonight, and everybody feel like celebrating, for th men long mourned a dead will, it is thought, soon be on their way to tbe ft lend ly shores of Oregon. All are member of company M, and many a day wa apent by their anxiou com rades in scouring th iwitnpi and bam boo jungle to find some trace of them. The leraain of Private James Dolye, who died from dysentery Saturday night, were buried with military hon or thi afternoon at tha Preaidio. Chaplain Gilbert performed tba last rite at 'the hero' giave. A measaga wa received trnm the brother of th deceased, in Prince Ueoige island, Canada, asking that the hotly ba in terred in tbe military cemetery. The Oiegon camp look deserted, and everything belonging to the gov ernment has been removed, except beds in the tent. The boy of the Second regiment in vited tba Nebraska men to lunch with then, today, and two hour of good cheer and fellowship were apent hap pily. Tha Oregoniana hava done their aliare in welcoming the returning vol unteers, and met them iu a body at tha tranaport dock. Himmniinn fnr hia benefit, thonffha Ina benator sailed irom .wanna on best to retire. A tha pig dashed past; Jul 1 'th 38 officer and 721 enliated tha writer, we gently assisted with shove from th butt of oar gun and thought no more of it for some time Afterward, upon glanoing to the rear, wa law four or five aohlier In hot pur nit of the same poor little swine. It i laughable, even in time of peace, to watch another man chase a hog, but when men forsake their places, forget tha tear of couflict. the horn of bullet, tha shouts of the victor, and tha wail of tbe wounded, to grapple with an eight-pound ahoat, tha scene become ludlcrou in the extreme. Wa took the trouble to learn that tha pig got away. At Calocan tbe rebel had mounted men. Tha transport was at Nagasaki on July 25, whesi Colonel Hawkina wat taken ill with cancer of tha bowel, from which ba bad been a suffeier dur ing the greater part of hi campaign in tha Philippine, and for which ha had nndergona treatment in the military hoapital at Manila. His illness con lined duiing tba following day (July 16,) when the Senator wa at Yoko hama, and two day latei ba pained away at sea. Colonel Hawkina' illness data. from tba battle of Malolos, when ha exposed himself almoat recklessly in tha disease-breeding climate. Ha wa re- two montrou muzzle-loading gun speciea ami lovau oy vr7 un i .... ..ntm-Ml in former timet from die command, and bi detath ia deeply Kn.niah. Ther attemnted to fire one mourned by tha troop. Hi body waa nf mm .ith rfimfnl rnlt. The I placed in a hermetically sealed casket, American collected the remain of 20 "d on tha Sunday following hia death ,ii. k.M.i ti th. .mloainn of tlie impressive funeral service were con aun. The insumenta had not the conr- Hnctod by tha chaplain of the regiment. am to fira tba remainimr canuon.wbicb " of tba officer and men being in at was loaded and primed when Calocan waa captured. The native bad loaded the gun with a complete curiosity shop. The cannon waa filled with scissors. knives, coal, piece of brick, naila. bolt, a tbeimometer, a liorsesnoe, a car link, a piece of rubber hose, and, to crown it all, a large quantity of hoop Iron had been driven into the muzzle so tightly that it waa necessary to file it before tbe charge could be drawn. A double dose of powder was found, and also a quantity of dvna-nite. No won der tbe other cannon exploded. THE ALUM BAKING POWDERS. it to be without authority and useless. , Thnao-knot toroodo boat destroyer with 1300.000 in Alaska gold. One ntililshornugli, wit successfully third of the amount ia from the famous launched from the way nt the Wolff & Treadwell mliio. Zwltkor iron works at roitiantl, Ur. Governor Jones, of Arkansas says 10 Th. Itunh.ian Aluaba aimidltlnn ha long a negro outrage tipoii white wo unturned. The exnoditioii. both from " oontinue In tha South there ia no a scientific- and pleaauie of view, remedy for lynching as an entire success. A journey of I Admiial Sampson has eutered luit over 0,000 inilei wua iniulo. I libelinfl the HphiiInIi Teasel Maria The Nebiaska regiment and two hat terlea of tlia Utah artillery, have ar rived In Han Francisco. The Nohnia Teresa ami claims largo (ur the buttle uf Santiago. Brakeman Constable prize money was killed, kiinahave 10 wounded men. Their Pieman Goldswortuy fatally ami con. losse Including sick, amount to 804. dior Ftitnia seriously injuied in a They say they have had enough of wreck near Wlualow, Aria Philippine lighting. The rumors regarding the formation nf n Cliliio-Jiipuiieae alliance are semi officially iltni Iwl at Pekln, and It I as smted that the envoy recently lent to Toklo were, appointed simply to prove the friendly relation between the pow ers. A Pari ftlspntnlt says two automo biles beat the Paris-Ht. Mole exptee Governor Poyntor was on hand to welcome the Nebrnakan. They were given a groat ovation by ths citizens of San Francisco and ara now In camp at the Presidio. The monthly stntemont of the gov ernment recolpt and expenditures, how a deficit for July of about I8.518, 900, The total leueipts for tho month Were $8,064,269. An officer of one of the volunteer ....!.. 1.. ... l,.,t,.,a,,., nlllua a ... n ..i " - : , "'" regiment now in the Philippine has .1 stance of 996 milaa, u'l'ki"K 1 i written a letter to tl.a Ahoo .tad Press t i tit a ever recorded for an automobile, I .. ... . ,.., Tl. .11- . u...,l In V l.m.r. '' "iiro.utl ui juu.wou U1 biitj uininiivn nno vvr r v. v.i "" and 48 minutes. diers in the islands. War It Looked For. Puerto Plata. Santo Domingo, Aug. I. The situation ia critical. An out break la momentarily expected. The frionds of tlie government ara under aims and ready for action to protect property and peace. A feeble attempt was made to seize the body of Presi dent Henieaux by the assassin. Ra mon Caoeres, Manuel Caueres, Hornclo Vasquei and Domingo Pichardo, who are in the country about Moca, with tlieit followors. Tha burial of Presi dent Heureaux wa conducted with fitting honor. Governor Pepin ha atsemhled troop In Moon, and the governor of La Vega- real lint 1,000 men. The minister of tha treasury has ar il veil at Moca in hot haste. The gov ernment is taking steps for the protec tion of business and tbe finance ol tha country, and expects to carry out the contemplated cancellation of the atnte bank notes. In Puerto Plata there is an urgent demand that tha govern ment send a sufficient force to Mooa to hunt down the assassin of the presi dent. Protests have beon made to member ef the administration against the propo rtion to give Canada a port of entry, even temporarily, on Lynn oanal, as audi action would ba conceding her right to such a port. Admiral Dewey ia paying the penal ty of greatness. Curious crowd follow him wherever he goes and kodak fiends , Two syndicates, one inclining tlit rWhtixt ami most poweiful inon lu Eng land, tho otlmi lepresentlng the largest maka .i(B a burden to him. iinnnoiiil iniereata mum wiuien swum, have ooiiibinud to build more tluin 9,000 miles of ruilroiul in China. Jerome Hull Knymond, the new president of the university of West virulnlu. waa a nuwu hov In his earlv .ilia report on tlie proamnion oi cop- jju Tho now goysor whioh recently broke nut before the Fountain irotel In xei- lowstone Nntiouul park, has been named "Dewey," In honor of the hero ol Wa nlln buy. per in 1H08 has Just been submitted to the United States, geological survey by Snoulal Agent Kliohhoff. : Tlio piodiia Hon . iii the United States In that your w68u,ll76,'fiul pounds, which 1 by the largoat pioduot ever reported. atorint In Mlnntota. Ctookston, Minn., Aug. 8. -Fifty square miles of crops were detstoyed in Polk county by last night's hail storm. The storm followed the Red Lake river from Mallor to Ciookston. At Garry, S. D., a strip of grain land 12 miles long and four miles wide was devastated. At Stephens, Minn., the tot in destroyed 1,000 acre of grain. By Hall. Desmet, S. D., Aug. 8. A terrific hail storm passed over this section last night, totally destroying the crops on 2,000 acres of land, and severely dam aging those on several thousand acre more. But little grain iu the path ol the storm had been cut. The full ax tent of the damage ia not yet ascertained. Army Hoiltal. . Port Towneend, Aug. 8. The Hotel Eisenbei. situated about 1 mile south of thi city, and built during boom days at a coat of 8100,000, haa been leased by tha United Statea gov ernment. The hotel is a laige fiaine building, and contains moie than 200 rooms. It is thought that the build ing will be used as a hospital for the siok and wounded soldiers who will be returued from the Philippines. Warm Sunday Fight. Manila, Aug. 2. Sunday's fight at Calamba wa a warm one. The insur gent were unwilling to abandon the place, which is the key to the lake road. General Hull, bearing that Gen eral Malbar waa preparing to make an attack, sent Major Weieenberger, with three companies of the Twenty-first in fantry, three troop of t-avalty and one of Hamilton' gun, to attack the insur gents. Thi detachment found a (oroe at 1,000 rebel behind hastily made in trenchmenta. Tbe rebel held their fir until the contingent of the Twenty flrtt waa within 300 varda, when they fired a volley. The Americana dropped in ths high graaa out of light and le turned the fire. Lieutenant Love, who waa walking arect along the front of the men, was shot in tha arm. An insurgent officer equally brave, stood it the top of the trendies directing the fire of the insur gents until he was killed, when the Filipinos fled. During the fighting on the north side of the town, a small body of insurgent attempted to enter on the south side, but a troop of cavalry repulsed them. The total American loss at Calamba was seven killed and 20 wounded. Sixteen dead insurgent have been found. Tbe American garrison at Mo rong ia going to Calamba. A body of insurgents hai visited Tay tav, where they killed natives who weie friendly to tba Americana. Flllpln Manila. AtrT mtrat- of Sotn of th Principal Brand. Sold In this Vicinity. The recent dieenseion in tha paper of the effect upon the human tystem of food made with alum baking powders and the opinion! that have been pub liahed from noted scientists to tba effect that uch powder lender the foot! unwholesome, have caused numer ous inquiries for tbe names of the vari ous alum powders. The following list of baking powders containing alum is made up Irom tlie reports of State Chemist Nicholson, of Nebraska, the City Chemist of St. Louis, the Food Commission of Minne sota, or other reliable authority: Ing their foroe?.Ai plnos yesterday morning' lamua, inn lown un uagtiun -wa oaptuted by General Hall Wedensda'y.'f The engagement lasted an hour, and the Filipiou were driven off, carrying away their dead and wounded. Tbe American forces lost two men killed and six wounded. Pcnntylvanln Arrlvt In Manila. Washington, Aug. 8. Geneial Oti cables the war department that the transport Pennsylvania arrived this morning without a casualty. Two Electrocutions In Sing Sing. New York, Aug. 2. Louis Pullerson and Michael McDonald were put to death by electri Ity in Sing Sing prison today. Pullerson was taken to the electric ciiair at 8:21 and a current of 1,720 volts was turned on at 8:22. Af ter 65 aecond h was declaied to be dead by the attending physician. Mc Donald waa put to death at 8:42, a current of 1,710 volts being turned on at that time, and continuing for 65 eoonda. Mconald's body resisted tbe electrlo ourrent more than any other man put to death in Sing Sing. It took 10 seconds longer to kill him than it did Pullerson. Array Hoapital Offered Marine. Washington, Aug. 2. Secretary Al- The ger has directed that the Josiah Simp Pennsylvania left San Francisco July son hospital at Fort Momoe be turned 1, with headquarters and six oompanie over to the marine hospital aeivice if of infantry, under the command of Col- lit ia wanted, llie hospital oontain onel A. S. Burt. 1,000 beds. Baking Powder Alum: K. C Contvins Alum Jaquc Mfg. Co.. Chlcngo. CALUMET Contains Alum Calumet Baking Powder Co., Chlcngo, HOME Contains Alum Heme Baking Powder Co., San Franciaco WASHINGTON Contains Alum Pacific Chemical Works. Tacoma. CRESCENT Contains Alum Creacent Mfg. Co., Seattle, WHITE LILY . . . .Contains Alum D. Ferrer A Co.. Tacoma. BEE-HIVE . .Contains Alum Washington MIu. Co., San Franctico. BON BON Contains Alum Grant Chemical Co., Chicago. DEFIANCE.... Contain Alum Portland Coffee Sl Spice Co., Portland, PORTLAND Contains Alum Beno A BalUs, Portland. In addition to these, it ii learned that many grocer aie selling what they oall their own private or special brands. These powder are put up for the grocer and his name put upon the label by manufacturers of alum pow deta in St. Louis, Chicago, Kansas titr, Tacoma, San Franoisco and elie- The manufacturers, it is said market their good Hv -- PJ the ambi tion orMi,- . . with hia own namerhi. . ly when the grocer ema, normal profit upon it. Many doubtless, do not know that the pow dera that they are thus pushing ate alum powders which would be actually contraband iu many sections if sold without disguise. It Is quite impossible to give tha names of all the alum baking powder in the market. They aie constantly appearing in all soits of disguises, an tler all kinds of cognomens, and at all kindB of prices, even as low as five and ten oents a pound. They can be avoid ed, howevei, by the housekeeper who will bear in mi ml that all baking pow ders sold at twenty-five oents or leas per pound are liable to contain alum, aa pure cream of tartar baking powders cannot be produced at anything like this price. Bail Knough Now. Husband Don't bother me, my dear. I'm studying political economy. Wife Well, you needn't woik so hard at it. Goodness knows, yon 're sufficiently strong on the economy pai t of it now. Le Petit Journal. tendance. The remain wer placed in the item of tha vessel and lay in state, attended day and night by s guard of honor dur ing the remainder of the voyage. - The casket will be taken ashore tomorrow with military ceremonies befitting Colonel Hawkins' rank, after which the remains of tbe dead commander will be sent to Pennsylvania for interment. After tbe death of Colonel Hawkins, the command ef tha regiment waa vest ed in Lieutenant-Colonel Barnett, who like the dead colonel, i popular among the enliated men, and made a good teo ord in the war. Of tbe 769 officers and men whom Colonel Barnett brought to San Fran ciaco, tbiea aie ptivatea in the Sixth artillery. United States si my, and one ia a member of the Nebraska regiment, who waa Kft behind at Yokohama when hi companion sailed for this port on the Hancock. A dozen stow aways were also concealed in tba hold and were only brought to light aftei tba Senator left Yokohama. The Senator hail a good trip from Japan. With the exception of the aad illness and death of the regimenatl commander, there was no sickness on board barring a few cases of .seasiokness and halt a dozen case of dysentery. At sight of land all tbe invalid were able to leave theii bunks and line up on the main deck, except one poor chap, who baa developed symptom of appendicitis, and who will be operated npon in the hospital here. W hen the Tenth Pennsylvania aaileil from San Franoisco for tbe Philippines last year th master comprised 850 men. Twenty-four were killed in bat tle or died in tha Manila hoapital and the rest of the lick and wounded to the number ol seven are on the hospital ship Relief, which will probably anive here within the next few days. To Withdraw Troops from Yukon. Ottawa, Out., Aug. 8. In the house of commons tonight the minister of militia stated that it had been deoUled to withdraw one-halt of the troops, about 100 men, from the Yukon, a i toon as arrangements Reduction In Royalty Favored. Ottawa, Out., Aug. l.In the house of common yesterday, Sir Charles Tup per spoke strongly in favor of a reduc tion of tha loyalty on the gold output in the Yukon. Clifford Sifton, minis- ... l il,. !..!. In ranlv enl.! white Ih7 tv was not ' crm." j wit the United State, government to fixed, he could not vot consent to any '". them " reduction from the 10 per oent now col lected. Mrs, McKlnley's health has. greatly Improved at Lake Champlatn. Malone, N. Y., Aug. 3. The fire at Tu'pper Lake Sunday destroyed 169 buildings and neatly wiped out tba town. Tha loss ia 1 150, 000. Exterminated by Indiana. Kansas City, Mo., Aug. 8. A party of explorer, headed by two Kansas City mon, Weldon B. Williamson and Mar- cus B Kirk, in whioh was Alfred Greenfield, of Mapleton, Kan., whioh oould be made leIt this city in Marcn, man, ami nas not been nearu irom since june, - 808. is now believed to have been ex terimanted by a hostile tribe of In dians in the western part of Brazil, whither it went in Bearch of great rub bei forests, in the interests of Kausai City capitalists. Went O. K. N. Root. Portland, Or., Aug. 8. Tbe North ern Pacific Railroad Company has de termined to come into Portland down the Columbia river pass. If it cannot get trackage ovei the O. R. & N. main line, it will build down the north bank of the Columbia. During his visit in Portland last week President C. S. Mellen, of the Northern Pacific, thus expressed him self to mote than one bnainesa man in the course of private conversation. His statement waa so positive and un equivocal and involved so much to Poitland that it haa been lepeatad of ten privately, and may now be considered "Jic topic. Marred. "It was a good opportunity," said the aotor, "bat I had to give it up." "What kind of a charactei was it?" "Villain." "Wasn't the salaiy enough?" "Very liberal, and the manager a rentleman; but when I was a boy (nomiaoJ uiy mother that I would never Imoke a cigarette." Washington Star The Monndnock block, Chicago, is laid to have a daily population of 1,000. bBnr.dlng. uee new oases ot home at Hampton f'W. the offioial report receivecr Surgeon-General Wyuiau from Wasdin, the yellow fever expert duty at the institution. Norfolk, Va., Aog. 8. Yellow fever appeared today at Phoebus, a little town almost adjoining tbe soldiers' home at Hampton. Tbe sooxirge ap peared among tha negroes, and six sases and two deaths were reported. M.tionnl Finances. Washington, Aug. 8. Tbe monthly itatement ot the publio debt, issued at the treasury today, show that at tha oiose of buBines on July 81,' 1899, tha rjebt, less cath in tbe treasury, amount' sdto $1,161,887,871, an Increase foe the month of 15,267,436. This in crease is accounted for- by a conespond- ing decrease in toe amount of cash on hand. -, . ... ; "" ,, - .j ;'t Cut Downln a Peg. Greenock, Aug. 8. The mall steam er Dromedary collided in a fog . last night with the yacht. Vendetta oft tba Scotch coast. The Dromedary lowered boats and searched In tha,,fog froitleas- ' ly for tbe yaoht. which evidently ar rived at Millport aYdawu. She was cut down - to the ;water'i adga. Hef , crew manfully stuck to tha pumps, and ' the 14 persons oa board tha Vendetta were safely landed. Ths Vendetta was, towed to this port.