Image provided by: Hillsboro Public Library; Hillsboro, OR
About The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current | View Entire Issue (July 27, 1899)
iXSX.XXXXJtXXXSXA : : : : A l'ea for rm Fkopli : : ; HILLSBORO ARGUS, JULY 27, 1899. : aTaI-kb nr run T'Kopt.rt Trr? i i i ! 1 i ill 4! i r ': i" .ft ; Jill .!!:?- -II ii . ill Ifl f 1 ' THE ARGUS Kntrre.1 al th Pout -o Dice at Hill.hora, Oregon. a .-wciiiil rla mail mallet. LllU S A. LOXU, KDITOK. County Official Paper. '-1SURI KVERY THPRSDAY BY Tie Argu Pibfishiif CMpiij. "3rtiiSTlp(lrn: One Dollar per Anniiin. Ojj-cI Is Gold Mono metallism. Be lieve in the Bimetallic Standaid Dear Money mtans Debased Prapertt, ad Prebtlcss America Product. Our Consequent loss is oar Creditors' fain. Has no ose for Marcus A. Ranaa V WHY IT Kl'CCESOS. The euccfss nf The Astlvs. a it j,a- per which has grown constantly in demand, is due solely lo the reason that its publisher gives readers good telegraphic service of the orld's movements, besides, endeav oring to make the hnrne columns an epitome, a mirror, of local transac tions and movements, in the furn- ishing, regardless of the politics or religion of the actors, all that tran spires of a personal or news inter est, worthy of mention or placing be'ore a bright public. From a 'midpoint of circulation, the paper lias had a phenomenal success, and one in which the public is a partner. Each and every progressive county home has Tiik Arqus on its centre- ' table, and it his Iwcome axiomatic that the paper publishes the news, , regardless of whose corns it hurts, or rd" politicians who would muitle its voice. PORTLAND CHARACTKR. Portland seems to abound in mys terious crimes and the latest is not below the average. The young man charged with the murder of Miss ricn is oi good character, and the "elective force are having no eav tune to supply a motive. Portland it i . win nave lo rj::?e a hanging bee aouoe of these days, before there will be a quietus put to such crime. It wkg only a few mouths ago that joung mau was murdered and llMtiallu ..j ..voi. niLumm no one as . yet bas been called upon to answer the crime Any number of such vacations ot law with the perpetra- tdrs unpunished, marks Portland's criminal history. Let some moral ;tjte!l us where the trouble lays. SIMON IN THEsTdDLK. Oregon will soon be wking up to another political fight and the same . old bushwhacking within the re publican lines is to he expected. The out-of-town republicans will be expected to support Multnomah's behest on al! candidacies of any political .importance, and take the short end. pf all things, as in the past ;MV; Simon, the junior sena tor, has the lines well in hand, and he will make an effort to elect to trcteed McEride, a man who will be witL him in all things. Order hae gone out, it is said, t hat George McBride must be beaten-nf hot one ?. by another. , Little Joe has Multnomah well undet his" hand, and his few lieutenants over the state can do the rest. The state has been adroitly gerrymandered, and if Simon can't be successful in bia desires at the next election, he never can afterward. one-lunged veterans. Of siKh i the kingdom of expansion. NO IMPROTKMKN'T. No one who ha studied public affairs can expect any great im provement from the Alger-Root chanire in the administration. Ii is n eless to dispute that McKinh-v knew just what Alger was doing throughout tlm war, and it is Ixth servile and sne-aki ig to charge the administration with not knowing just what Otis was .loin? ii I.nt n Mr. Corbin ha been 1 1 ben I and tail of the field operation of U.tli the Spanish war and the Philipine invasion. Men's lives were counted as nothing, and Otis, backed by Washington, seems to have (Un counted the administration in its desire to sacrifice men upon the al tar nf glory and imperialism. The change will affect uothii g whatever, except to satisfy a few political malcontents who would have supported McKinley, Alger and all, if no change had been made. Anything will go with these gold worshipers, who care nothing alwut human lives, so long as they can have product base and undig nified. Alger wis tired and wanted a rest and consented to act aa the scrapegoat in return for admiois t ration support to make him sena tor 'rum Michigan. a -. .-. : a.vVAJAAa Tx.T.vjTrj tj xxxxx: x x x x x x y it x ,c xxxxxmcxm r, f. K K ! k v. (y. k Closing Out Sale ! I R. E. Bryan k Son Retiring from Business! Our Entire Stock of General Merch andise Regardless of Cost Commencing, Monday, June 12th e will place our Pt.H-k of General Merchandise, conning nf Dry Gmuls, (Jr-n-eri.-s, Hals, taps. Moots and Hioes,, uri Mm. (I.hmIs. eic, on the market at Closing Out Price as we are Ket.ring from Humi.ess We .fair u realiie vh on our Goods at the earliest p,- , r . " " i-o-irp m inese immense linrgains lH-ire the stock broken. I ixturee for Sale. is j R. E. BKYAN & SON. -K"W"k.--V--K v--t--.- v- V- - . -""JUkaiJkA. If IL3 rl ' 'A ' 'A J tmt Geer'i prveniona are too ahallow,! o..11,i : u . o r i -alioKUhfr N.'hulmerich A Sm for bargains; ' in gloves. Gun-shot wounds nnd powder- L. L. Whiic nib is now. I'M-ntcd SUMMONS. t thr ( Innilt (VurtortlwStitiittir Oniron ir w liiiim County, bums, cuts, bruits, sprains, v.n,d ' u " e Ihl' i, t "n ' iT" ' v"' from rusty nail, inWl inR8 and ! " a,i i' Snea" K " ' ivy miso,,ing-qnickly heale,! by j .i lmm r. Ke, L.11 ...... if . . i b ii urn naze: aive. rug' itively prevents blood ptiisoning. j Brvtareif counterfeits. "DeWiitV'j is safe and sound. Delta Drug! Store. Real Esute Transfers, EVIDENTLY A PAINITLMKMORY OC8 BRAVE "DEFENDERS." Grieved is one to admit that to find our real leatber-luiieed expansion- . search must be made amongst tne out Journalistic fogies too old to fight, pr the young laddybucks who are too cowardly to enlist, and who desire to stay ut home and "jaw"al the -'copperheads." It is notorious that in these classes are found men , who are bubbling over with patriot ism which calls for some one else's blood and these patriots are always "gurgling" about "patriotism" and "traitors." They stand ready to uu'niwiun iranor ui a mom ent's notice, and only their extreme and abject cowardice keps them from insulting some one on the Utreet and getting their j ants kicked for their pains. They are loo pol- itrc ftr thin, however, and confine their warlike powers to shedding rater, t-r Arnold's by the quart, in villainoiiM copy, breaMiing cube . fpota of valor and dash and gallons nf gore t he gore to be spilt thous- : anus in miiea away, auu ny some '',i,MIrVlh ouly 113 per month. Tht'O sltM-vthe war these little par- Portland has lost over $100,000. ftirurine eonaerratively, on the decision of the vol unteen to b maaieml out at 'Frisco, rbile tne state at larvcis that much ahrn.l While all Oregon is Jiaanuriiiied. it looks a tboiiKh a Portland public demonstra tion is always of the pocket patriotism sort. Hillsboro Arg-ua. Not only is this) pitiful and disgraceful. bat it could emanate only from a most narrow and sordid nature. Oregonbn. But why get so saucy at fact T There is no use losing one's temper for a paltry $100,OX)f Grief and rage, so poignant as this, over a mere matter of figure?, and truthful, at that, is an evidence that the charge of "pocket patriotism'" is not overdrawn. Advisedly, is this writ ten, for the Oregonian is really the biggest part of the city. A sordid city, and a pitiful people, necessar ily provoke 'sordid'' and e.ilculat-: ing comment. Tub Abgi s sugts that "Pickerel-snout" Clark, of the G ?rvais Star, shall po t Portland and cool the rage of our mammoth friend, by telling it that the city i.-palriotic Wm Eisen hy Sherifl to German savings aud Loan Society real ty in OranKe S Hall d 1 c $1899 73 John M Kuoua and wf to R A Lancefield 55x100 feet adjoin -ing blk 1 and an undivided M interest in parcel 100 feet by six inches in blk t 200000 Cecelia C Thompson and hus to Wm J Carrol 1 1 ut 17 t 1 1 r w oo 00 B K Miller to Wm 1, Johnson I3 a in Wm Graham d 1 c ut claim deed u Theodore Thiel and wf to Peter Wikander 30 at Hi) w 1700 00 Gai ret D Coates et at lo Frank X Mover and wf 20 t 2 s r 1 w 1500 00 Edward Hughes to Mvrtle Lillv 80 a tin r 5 w....' ". 237 00 E H Dnnbar to Francrs M Tup per t a in town of Dilley 200 00 Christian W F Kellonn and wf to Jos Turk 80 sve 19 t 2 n r 4 w Edna Porter et nl to' Riclard Kuchne 106 a W Grahini d tc Henry H Miller to Martin L Johnson int in W Graham d I c A H Roberts and wf ta Delia A Dond 3S in t 3 n r 2 w Bridget Ginty to John and Matil da Gaarde latlart w n IAIOJIQ Dyspepsia Cure. ;1 Digests what you at. IVIVihIkmi To Rrnjaiiiin Kein Huiiiinoiia. ili'lViulanl above 1 In the name of the Mute oft)rKn. vou i are hurwliy rwmiin-d to aear and amwer ! lotliecimilainl HI.hI nii,t Von In the 1 aliove entitled unit on r iH-rore the esnir ! aonifi)t w wkalnuii tho dale of th ii tmnin'mniit ,, lm, aMi,llnil hid, late of lint publication la Jul v ;L No md if vuu fail to ao aniuor aii.l for wnnt thervor, the plaint itr will anplv to the t'ourt for the rviiol .It 1,. !i, rtitiinlitiiii tlll UmIh .u. , Itartlflclallydlgeststhefoodandalda ami dmrre (r the cmn ,iiv,fvn the Nature in strengthening and recon- lmdfof matrimnny exinina iwtwmn iiw itructlngthe exhausted dloastlve or- l,'"l""(f"',ftteiilaiii.onihKr,.unii gana. It Is tbe latest discovered digest- "XT'1 ,'.' ln "","a'' '' "U d ant and tonic. Ho other nrerjaratlon i i I 7 uneuiiani ! 7.2 ,Zk u t V. - 1 """nmn la he. mire a w e, k can approach tt tn efflclency. lt in- for i e,.k by ,,M,.r of Arthur I , suntly rslieTea and permanently cure rar, a Jn.tpo r the 4th Jn.iiH., i ; Dyspepila, Inditrestlon, Heartburn, trU, made on th 12th day of jiv Ini Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, ttn.i. hi.I.ksi h: ' ! SlckHeadache,Gastra)g1a,Cramps,ana Att)rm.y r.iriite Puintnr. Biiomer results or lmnerrertdhrestioa. "". "-". iiggni o r v. uwm to toieoo 100 00 t 00 125 00 t 00 125 00 Thebx is no danger of war witli Canada over the boundary question. Canada does not nam to fight and we do not want to tight Canada, for it would mean a trynut with Graat Britain. Now, here is a grand chance to expand a gr. nd opportunity! Let the Hatchet and Independent get in and roar while they can ably be seconded by the Oregonian. R. G. IngertoII now knows all about it! air. una, 01 Manila; is not the only man in authority who would like to tun lie the press. Mr. Piatt bas said, "Root, bog, or die, and Root jreta the appointment as Alger's successor. A state that sends an Ikey to the na tional senate should be content with having second place, anyway. The Oregon boys will not bring their arms up to Portland upon their return, but they will be just as welcome. Now that Paul Kruger, of the Trans vaal, bas shown that he is ready to fight John Bull, be should rest contented. His pluck may be all weU enough, but his judgment is sadly wanting. If Oregon had a United States Senator who thought more of bis state than of the desires of the Jakeys and Ikeys of New York City, the S.cond Oregon might have been mustered out at Van couver. The disadvantage of a mau departing irotn, and attacking, traditional religion is forcibly brought home by the decree of the Almighty in His cutting off in the prime of life, the being of Robert G. Ing ersou, aged 66 years. Even the newspaper correspondents a Manila have turned copperhead by daring to state that Otis is keeping th truth of the situation from the American people. The fiist thing we know the correspondents will be turning into Bry anites. in 1 .I'm rvirir s lien- e!i! rtmireiitiy i-mii 10 n.niir". I'lllrh,. nr. paisH ..r wHtii , writ,-nen'lr curing e-.ii-iii,!i,,ii ull,i 1;..,.. ;i. menu. The De'.U DruS.o.-e. Cornel'tn : Ji.s 7. uuta C- Jer, of North Yamhill, irtnrne l home S itur lav after matin three wrvks' vis.l with her frirtiils in tins city. Smlra icr Bn. are cortlinx a lot of rai'r.Md wool near the trick in Cornelius I) T. Pliil'ips w.U finish loo cords of wood mi the trark it.;. v. .... ....r. .cr. jonn .eep is visittin; in Portiai d for a f;w days Waller Miller u improving rapMIj .-Quite t, number on. ornelius people went no to Sods Springs Sun'lay.--Gror;e Binders and wife, of Yamhill, visited relatives last week. James S'.icss is bsck from Stella. MTii-l... m nu.l.i.t c 1. . . ..uiu(iun. Kuuoipu nenner ana sis ter, ot l'ortland. nsited their parents here over Sunday, Miss Allie Noland. of Portland, is visiting her parents this wci-K. miss Meua mer will return to Baker uty, shortly, where she is en gaged in teaching school. A. A. Phil lips wants to rent a good larm, say about 150 acres in cul.ivation. Ifvm hare farm to rent call on him ot Cornelius. sir. pollock's family and Miss Vickers left for the mountains Tuesday in search of blackberries. A. IS, Lewis is able to lie about again Mr. Josse expects his new threshing outfit from Portland on Wednesday's train The Misses Anna nd Gertrude Smith and Amelia Pre cechtil, of Canby, are visiting relatives here for a lew days Harvesting has commenced in good shape in this vi cinity. "What might have beetr'-if that litte cough hadn't been reelected is the snd reflection of thousands of consumptives. One Mimfe Cough Lure enrs coughs and colds. The Itelta JMig Store Delta Drug Store, Hillsboro, Oregon Dead Letters. The following is the list of letters re maining in the Hillsboro pout office nn claimed: Arthur J. Jackson, John Bleem, E. i'. Piaster. . SHERIFF'S SALE. BY VllITt ;: OK V KXKtTTI N. I?i rve ami Order nf ml- lur,t ut i.l Ih Clroult Court nl I lie Slut.. i. On-.,i, fur Ua.liinitloit foiint, in fivor .f J. Joliiiaou nnd ag i!n,t l', n..,-r.r l..r U nn. of -ou nmt an-l for th (.irther ' f O I'. S K.1I1I Coin, ii!, niter- UIioiimii ut tln rl ul 10 iM-r i-eiil iwr j unniihi rrom the Ih day of J imitirv, Mil i''. (H, furtbar alini ut Vit v l . !!,.,. Ali Utters not calltd for bv Amnist I "" Inwivt-l there m ut 0i r.itr 1S99. will be sent to the dead letter oi Ur,H,'r l?',1,J"'r ", j1'"" ', d.v letter called for, H. SCIIULMKtCH Notice cf Final Settlement. or. llw.rtY.irM l.w Mi... u .. 1 1.. ,, . . ; ........... , n.i 111 iiun..i r I. . a-n '.f ..,1,1 ulitioi!i..!ri!.v iin.l . r t... r 1 no... 1 will. 0,1 .MuimIhv the Wi ,Hy of , ..ian-i. ixv, ni ui" .ii:n ii.,r nl il ,. f n Iioimu HlllHlmrti, WllM.'l l.fl.,1 I I iitlolv. tlriMr..,, i.l 11.- I...... ..r 1.. .. Tivnri'!,i I... ...... "'.. ,.". r -I I" UMH Flii-v Ifinl ui-nllc i "'."'"-""". n uie un- u. .. on .my eu at i,il.,,- , i ,., t . 1 "i-iciin,, n un r 01 me mile or '"' iiiii irsi mil ler lor ru. 1. t in r.ll j U.vine arroo, tlecmel. hua llleil 111 t!iB U'-x'" liiwl n-al uroiuirtv i...ui. I utility t'niiri t( VV.(.iHi! I'liiiniy. ItVultinltia- i.t 1111 iron' bur 1 :ai rli. H, -"y "rroii, Ui ntmi inyouui ax hiii'Ii n4..e IV. ,s, r, ,,,.r ,,f jaitn. r or ail estntf. and timt M I11V, No. 2 In tlic H. W, j' nrtvlloti 1 1 T. t ; ir i.-l IK, . ,l ,.l ... ,... f It. I .l.llllH W it. IIiiC I.O.I I... 1 i-ttHik a 111. hu hieu ti;.,i hv mild . (t 'nils- r. Cii .Survnvur l .... iiuxihiv oi .OMf'.'lIOlIS ". Il'r .rO,-(l III IHMIU "I ' ..f ..M.,r. Ii - - V'' 5 I for mkil-aulwrt Ma a U 5 I rnf (Mt-t rXMisvr wa II Jl W tv T7 nMsrbrltattoaaaUeal Ik fWlp f l Tlx karUMii t'Mirla tmt Jff T gkrtMM vataa tm yyA-m clothes 1 Ml aefcas r K Ca. l tad eaalHy will SBKMbWA traaai aaassMBaaaaI. aJat allBi VBsssssssr jtv swwsbswbsbswww se aaaai s)mtlsaaMi Martaga. )sw AakSwtlilsasak, H'SSwaraaUa 4. H. WKMKI'Nti and SONS. IML!.KlMK0. OftlCUOM. The Hillsboro Pkrmcy:"!:: W I'roprintoi , The Leading Drug House - - Where Druga, Mnlielnea. 1'alnu. ()ll. MniKni, llrn.liet slid all IlrnUt' MHiidilr ni iy he priH'iirml at prken llmt lniplv dluneeruliiiKlllori. The it Ci t-.ow,.- .....I ... - ..r.,. e ,. , ,i.n.,.i,'i,!ii, iiii'n.n, "i r ... H.nini.'ion 1 limit v i'r .... t'H A itl.lX KoK, K"ii. Iht-ni-e ,"iO it.v. V lluu f,',. , AitiiiiniMlMtorol tli estitie of Uoiiio iink. ; Un ii' X. .Ci diw K W 4 : iw-t 1, Varrnii, .l:e.e I. t.iki'i llifmn X. :o thu. ft? K. In leul I. ,(.,.. n, s, mi th't 8 K r,',(r Notice of Final Settlement. 1 1" tiicpLueoi b.Kinniiitf. Alwi. 11 tr.n-t iwttlnnlnK ul nn roil lm i.-w nn. m. . ii t. ts w fr.. i, n.r h. 1: .-Notice ui lierebr given that the 1111. Icr iikiii'o. niiiuiniMtriitor of the elln w)rii,.r ol lot 1 t, Hui , xv. quarter of him " lion I I, T. I S. It. I W. ..f tlm Wil. M.-r., "' t hem-e S. f, I drg, af XV. to a holm wlier. t'lau I'etrraoii. iln uunty limit oi .VnHhiMifloii ('ntinlv V .i .,""' """' ,wt" mm uite State iff Oregon. I.ia ll,?a Z u nt m u ?h i r ' ," WUt "( WMy " 1 administrator nf iid estate, and t "m "r -.I'v'" ? "'""K,"" "''' -M ril,l Monday, the Unl day f aZ' at lm, 7t I tl .'rl v to tho lailey ll.m.. the hour of 10 o'clock a, in hT l'in 1 , r )VrU.' ''iV'''" f beKinnlng. to Hxed bv i,l ro,,,r o.i " l.n hereinbefore name.r.ii.ns'ainl iintofohictioo. to m.1,1 . ir ..i'"rinewMiaii.leiipenie.irBaisale. there be, and the ftl ,ette,,,,.nt df sa 3 ' ....."!' , l,.r"lwrt " '' "old suhjei-t to re. estate. KRKU PKTKUSON i 'Tr ,,",",c "' uregon. Ad,iniHtrator of the eitiu 1 ot Clans ' laS,",0n, h" lth day nf July I . , W.I). BRADFORD, nnrin nr wrwrilniftiin Co., Orniron. , . x,"?..r:.K- t'KIC' IM AN, Doputy, Notu is hereb. eiveo ih.f ,u .... -"""",' ", Attorney for Pllnlllf. Administrator's Notice. 1 hereby iriven. lhK th. signet! hax been, bv the Countv 010 nii 01 irei;oii jor asnington c. ty. duly appointed administrator of estate of Wiimlow H. ilrownaon.decni will 'kick aooilt pensioning Hat, i. full of the From Mr. Root as secretary of war not much is to be expected. He will be a mere figurehead, and the department will be "run," as heretofore, in the interest of the politicians, whose "figurehead" the pres mentis. Root is "Piatt's man." Old Bur ton, in his "Anatomy of Melancholy" bas a discourse upon parasites, and then on pr8sites of paraites. It is a safe predic tion that Mr. Root will be a parasite of a parasite. Sunday Oregonian. . If Governor (leer isn't a firstclass dem agogue, what Is be? A man who charac terizes all who would not uphold the ad ministration's hands in Luzon as trait- 0.8, snd then gon with a sycophantic siiiile to meet the volunteers who pre ferred to come home rather than re en- quality ofdeniagogism; Birth. Born, at Hillsboro. Tuesdav. Jnlr 25. 1899, a son, to Dr. and Mrs. 8 T. Linklater. Born. July 20. at Cornelius, to the wife of Lawrence Bailey, a daughter. Born July 2G, 1899, to the wife of Mrs. Vauderven of Center villp, a dii tighter. ' RESOLUTIONS OF CONDOLENCE, The following resolutions were adopt ed by the Hillsboro Lodge, No. 44, De gree of Honor, July ji 1H99. Whkkeas: It has pleased the All wis Creator of the Universe to take Irom our midst our beloved sister, Mrs Nellie Wehru ig, wife of our brother G. a. ueiKung: 1 berelore, be it kksolvkd, first: and has duly qualified as such iraior. Now, therefore, all persona having claims against said eotate are hereby re quired to present same to me af the luur offli oftieo. R. Haglej at Hillsboro. iiiiiKwii county, ortfron together with proper voucher within six month trom this date. Dated thia 27th day of July A. D 1MW , W. Ii. DAVIS. Ad in In intra tor ef said estate. Oeo. K. Bagley, Attorney. MM 4 Koote, Barkers Transact a Oeneral Banking Bualncmi W. 811 UTK Managei v 0" UTK Caahlor Executor's Notice. Notice hereby givon tliut the under siwied Robert Finilkw., has been, by the Gounty Court of Washington County, Oregon, duly appointed Knecutor of the last will and textainent nf Hugh Owen Lewla, deceased. Therefore nil pvraons having claims against kaIiI eatate uro Iiitm by notillcd to prtwent them with in-oner vouchers, to said executor, at the olllcn of the County Clerk of aiiid county, within sm mouths from this 27th d.,y of .fulv 181 t ! ROBKRT POl'LKES, As Kxecotor aforoald. ' renton, Broiiangh A Mulr. Attorneys for estate. . -4 Hell sight Kxclmnge and Telegraph VV" m I"" Lettern of Credll ovaiiamo inroiignout the United Statea. J)raw Hills of Kxchange on Ixindot Liverpool, Dublin, Paris, Berlin, rrn. fort-oii-thtt.Vain.Htoekholm and all prli . olpal cities of Europe. Collections made on all acceasibta point Banking hours from 9 a ni to 1 p an Hillsboro, Oregon SHERIFF'S SALE. V VIRTUE OK MJ inoiit execution AN ATTACH ImuiipiI iil.l the C ircuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Washington County, in fuvor of oeo. K, Hairlev and aiminst O. .I,hi.. and J. V, Coley for the sum of 10. costs, and for the further sum ol m 15, U. H. gold coln.wlth IntereMt thereon at the rate ot 10 ner cent ner annnm from Oo iu.k day of July, A(, and for the coat and expense, of sale and of said writ. Sow, therefore, by virtue and In piimu- ailCfi Of Hnid 1l.rtfrno.rif T will r... That while we 1 the 2th day of August 18B0,' at the south' O R & N Time Schedule .. .. From Portland Ixiw in submiision to the degree of the court house door inevitanie, we recognize the fact that bv the death of our sister, Hillsboro Lodge No. 44 Degree of Honor, has lost a wor thy member, and our brother G. A. Wehriiiig, a true and faithful wife. Second: That while we mourn hr los, and do not understand, whv one standing us she did. just at thethrp1inl.t of a happy useful life, should, in the full vigor of her young womanhood, be so suddenly taken from her husband, rela tions and friend:: vet. in this their hnn. of deepest sorrow we extend to them our heartfelt svmualhv for 1 heir irrennr- ebleloss. nd say to them, that we be' lievethe Allwise Father k nnu-eif Kt 1 and doeth all things well. Third: That a coov of these rni., tions be transcribed in the minutes of It, I-f illakf,rn Washington County, Oregon, at the hour of 10 o'clcek a. in., of said day, loll at pub- nu anciion 10 ine nigneat uiuder for cash, the following described personal property, to-wlt: Lying, being and situate !n Washington County, Oregon, and being a portion of the Kant half of the Donation land Claim of si oses R. Bariiiiinitnd wife in Sections 111 and 80 in Township 'i South, Range One West of the Willamette Meridian and more partiuiilnrly described as follows, to- Wit! ' Commencing at a point 4.2.' chains nouth of tho auartor section rumor h. tweeii Sections 10 and 80 In said Township and running thence Kast 20 ilian".": thence North 24.25 chains: thence West 82 83 chains to the division Hue be tween the ISastand West halves, of said Harnum claim; thence 8011th on said di- hi. r r.,1... ..i . v. : . '"'e;.,ocnains to tne .Northwest . . Pi i - , f " i wriier oi jiermun Bcninint's and: thence berW husband, also a copy pnbhsh-! Itaat 12 63 chains: Uienoa North to the V!-,. 5 Hlll,boro Independent and Pl of beginning, contain'Uig Bi acres, to the Hillsboro Argus. satisfy the hereinbefore named sums, and Respectfully submitted, ,. ne m 8,1(1 expenses of said sale. Ruth A. Tamiksie I Wi5nes" m' ha,,d H1'" 271,1 "f Julv, L. H. Barrktt lgHl W. I). BRADFORD, Ada Knc" .?hcrr,ff 'L BSn'ngton County, Oregon. ADA Koch. ,.. R. Ragley, Attorney for Piaintitt; KnAt mail leave at 8 p in for Halt Lake, Denver, Kt. Worth. Oniiilia, Kansaa Citv. Ht. IrfiulM, Chicago mid Kast, arrives 8:4ft p 111 Spokane Flyer leaves 2:10 p in for Walla WiiIIh, Viiiineiipolis, St. I'aul, Duliith, Milwaukee, Chicago nnd Knst, nrrlvos ";''! 111 Ocean Stoamshins leave at or San f runclnco , sailing every Columbia Kiver leave p m except fiun.lay. Hatnrduy 10 n ni for Astoria and way landitiKs,arrij 4p m oxceptBiindny Willamette river leave A a 111 except Sunday for Orogon City, Newberg, Haleui tiunda hmUugH ttmve pm except Willamette and Yamhill river leave 7 am Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday for flrnrr,.i f.W., i . . uaiy" "ii" way tanning, KrWay P M""day Wediiesday anti Fact ii, that many tciii!do not know al.ere our nume ratiie fnun it's a good inline and ttu had good featou for aihit in it. lM us exuliiin: x.Htl j t, ,,r llf ,(,,, (jrw, Alplmhet and Is s,,i,,,..l like Trimigl". three sided. Now. asenm !:uii,eriiallv il.e Sin'n esialilif.)i.l in, ili tlire, forneiet) li ltir is figuifWa I'lcn.u r.fii.inln r i's nl o ir hhilc i. mil n I y ill he, Inn tin i;r rgo of liig'ier. ilnlilv mi low. "' l"i, "ill ! hIhhvs t'leiiwd Ui hnve . uVhII at our FOR.THK PliNEST DRUGGIST'S LlL IN WASHlfJGTON GOUNTY. Prince Almo Sired Ii IJligi J. A. Johnson, Manager t'&. iiS.J?htH-!I,.,,I,..-r!?l,!,,f Kcli"' y ;1,- . mare. Jas. H. Sewell, Owner d by I'ollock. Hint ; third dam, Pun, b ... The Per:heron Stallion ... ff&pViS l,liv;k jH"'.. ' r "" '''d ! Johnson., pbve. near Dilley. Ch lo' prevent, lHit,tC-?l7.b".U,"f,u TKItMH TI'oM DOLLAItH FOR INHUUNCK P. P Morgan & flo. Real Estate Agentd We buy, sell and exchange for We want a few mors g,M,a Improved farms to handle; we have Buyers. If you to sell your nrooertv. list It u,ln. ... others 011 commission. We hav some clioire H... 1, 1.... 1 farm, and pay the differed K? writ. deS!. ,"""d V '? tract, and investigate titles. Y rl" dre,,,' n,or8K-'. furnish ab- W lalso foreclose mortgages and do a general land business Satisfactton guaranteed. Call on orwrlfc. f. P.'STco.,,., On. Wllluiuetto liver lenva ft a n, T.,.J Thnrsday and Saturday for Corvalll and way landings, arrive f:30 p m Tuesdav. innrsaay ana Saturday p 1 .... .1 j . 1 . .. v.- i 1 . . " . 'HI1 UUIIV for Lewiston: returnlntr leave Lewlsfii Sunday. Snake river leave daily except Address W. II. HULBURT, Oen, Pass. Agent R. A. Kistler, who has a writeup of the Grove in this week's Times, was in the city this evening. Executor's Sale of Real Estate. Bv virtue of nn order of the County Court of iiltnnmnh County. Oregon, I w ill on Auirimt 14th. IMI). at fl h,.S. . .." ' wjiicK 1.1 uie aueriiuou nl that duv, sell at public auction for U. S. Oold Coin I, hand at the Court House dour In Wash. Ington County, Oregon, the undivided 8WU'M Attain land , H,nh half of Hectlon 13 T. 1, 8. It. 1 w nf Willamette Meridian In said Washington ...... .0, ui'm iinrii ln (lew, rr0) Matthew I'nlton to said John N. Pul ton which is recorded at page W4 of Book Y ol records of deeds of said Washington County contulnlng 12(1 acres more or less, the propnrtv of the CHtntn of John N. Pat- miii, ueceasen. m BKNJAMIN R. PATTON, Executor ofthetwlate of John N. Pnttoii, (lecoased. ' ro Cw.2d4Wish'M J. Northrop, Proprietor. Newly Furnished . 7s and Renovated. A first-class table and all accommodations for the convenience; of guests, . , , Hone meal oyHter shell. at Gecer's. Mrs. VV. V. Wiley has gone t Corvallis, where she will he the guest of Mrs. Virgil Waters, Mr. Wiley's sister. She will afterward extend her visit to Alsea. on the b round coast, where sho will remain sevi weeks. . 1 ' M