HILLSBORO ARGUS, MAY 25, 1899. WKKK WITH THH a' rRESENT CORPS OF TEACHERS RETAINED. Hlllahoro feel justly proud of Its itchool. A NINE MONTHS' TERM NEXT YEAR. Everything working la harmony, School bultalng lo be repainted. The Hoard of Directors mot the other day and hired the present corw of teachers for the next term of the Hillsboro public Khool, to commence sometime in September The teachers are: Prof. M. C. Case, Superintendent; Mrs. D. J. Elliott, aeventh grade; Mini Orace Iioscow, nixlh; Mia Minnie Osmund, fifth; Miss Lulu Mann, fourth; Mis Lucy Humphrey!, third; Mis Rune Wil cox, second and Mn. I'itteuger, the primary. Prof. Case ban been twen ty yean in the teachora' tield and hat averaged ten inon'hs to the year. He ia a graduate of the Michigan Normal at YpsiUnti, and afterward took a piat graduate course. ' The balance of the corps are all well known Washington p-ounty leachen. Oraduating ex "eroises will lake place Friday eve ning, June 2, lH'Jt), at the court house, where an interesting pro KtN in will It given the patrons of the school. The next year's school term will U nine month and it ia question able whether or nut the dim rid w ill return to n shorter term. The school building nill he repainted during vacation and the ground umde ait homelike as possible. The district in rapidly forging out of debt and everything Is moving along smoothly. COUNTY INSTITUTE. Sunt. Hall will hold a county tench er ifslitule at Pillev, But . May 27. The program will be: VoaKNOON, Percentage. . .' M. C. Case. Uwof blackboard Uui Sllllwell. Trucking aa a frofruion O. A. Peterann. MrthixU in Reading.... Mias M. DcWitl Recitation ArruKsooN. ('paring Haerelaea J. k. Willi. Drawing1 Mia Kom Wilcox CUm KierrUe R. I'. WirU Mutic and Literary Kserclses . . Mist H, B. Anderson aatKM. Addreaa tW. J. H. Stauley Recitation ;;. r, ...... ,,. . JOHN MICHALEC DEAD. John Michalec, a well known young matt of thin place, died at the home of his sister, Mm. Thomaa Gheen, Saturday evening. May 20, 1899, of consumption, lie was born in Kamenlce, ltohemia, Austria, May 21, 1802, ami lacked but a few hour of seeing hit 37th year. He huves four sisters, Mra. Anna Hon mik, Mra. Francia (J been, Mrs. Lu dema Anderson, of Hill-boro, Mra. Auloine Stephena, I'ortlund, and one brother, Rudolph Michalec, of Sheridan, n mourn hie loss. The renin i im were interred in the Odd Fellow' cemetery, Monday. Mich alec was a steady industrious young man. and waa universally esteemed. COMB ON, VOUNG MAN. HillsWu'e young men whould has ten to connect themselves with the volunteer Are depurtmeut. It will jua'te" them feel a responsibility fur the city and it property; it will af ford theui a Held for organised din cipline; it will give them a clearer idea a to how parliamentary bod iea should be conducted; besides it iaan institution which cultivates true patriotisma patriotism that ia nursed by home environment is all the time the purest and most replete with the germ of a higher citizenship. Aside from all this, organised protection is always the best protection. SATURDAY NICHT HOLD UP. ttso highwaymen held up W, 0, Glenn, of Forest Groye, a s'u dent in Paciflo university, as he was going to his room at 11 o'clock Saturday night, and relieved him of his watch and chain and $34 in coin. They stepped from a dark alley-way ss Glenn was passing Water's feed store, on Pacific ave., and presented a revolver at his head with the command, "hold up your dukes!" Then they went through his pockets, though one had exclaimed when ho first got right of the victim's face that he was the wrong man. The robbers were strangers, and made no furth er attempt at concealment than hav ing their hats pulled low on their foreheads. They had but one re volver between them, and one was evidently a novice for he showed great agitation. They were both of medium neignt, une was neavy set with black mustache and hair, and the other of slender build, with a smooth face. Both wore overalls. The sheriff's deputies are busy in vestigating. Oregonian. All steel 5 tooth cultivator .horso hoe sweeps, lever expander; and lever guage wheel, for $5, at Schul .merlon A Son's. ( X The case of 8 tale vs Thomas Haines was yesterday tried by a jury for the second time. About midnight the jury brought In a ver diet of acquittal. This was Haines' second trial, the first jury having disagreed. Ihe trial waa held in the circuit court room, Judge W 1). Smith presiding. Hon. T. H. Tongue waa for the defense, and Frank Klinem. n assisted deputy If. T. liagley in the prosecution. During the examination of witness Kev. C. Crow, an Kvangelical min isler, Congressman Tongue made a remark to 11. T. Itagley that he might auk any question that he liked as the court had ruled that he might ask that (referring toa ques tion over which objection had been made) or any other question. The court reminded Mr. Tongue that he had made no such ruling, and that if he were not careful he would fine him (or contempt. Mi. Tongue re plied, "this court can start in with an action of that kind whenever he sees fit." Judge Smith thereupon lined him $10, and in default to he imprisoned b days. The fine was not paid and a commitment was issued. It uptwart that Constable Redmond would not serve the com mitment and he was lined $25. As the commitment was in clerical er ror this latter fine was remitted. Deputy Sheriff Deichman was then sent for and given the commitment. Mr. Tongue immediately procured from Judge Roud a stay of commit ment until a review of proceedings could be heard. It seems that the word ' court" appeared in the com mitment papers, where "jail" khculd have leen written. Court then ad journed until after dinner, when the case again went to tria.. Pneumonia, la grippe, coughs, co!drt, croup and whooping-cough readily yield to One Minute tough Cure. Use this remedy in time and save a doctor's bill or the un dertaker's. The Delta Drug Store. Horsemen qre reporting a new disease going the rounds amongst horses, called gangrenous dermati tis. It is reported that one horse on the North Plains was infected, but p'otupt treatment effected a cure. It seems the disease first at tacks the horse where the hair and hoof unite and from that "oint it continues to spread. If mt treated at the very first, the case can not be cured. The disease is in the nature of an inflammation, gan grenous mortification setting in -hence its name. Virtually, it re solves itself into blood poisoning. It is hold by many veteriuaiians to be not contagious, but Dr. F. A. Itailey, of this city, thinks It highly infectious, as he is of the opinion i hut it is microbic in its origin. Upon attack, the animal should at once be isolated. Before you buy, see my sample book, showing over 500 new styles of Alfred Peats' prize, wall paper. Glad to take your order fcr your smallest room or wtxlo house. Prices range from 5o to 50o per roll and every pattern guaranteed 1899 make. You cannot buy these pa pers of local dealers. E. L. Mc Cormick, Resident Agent. Tim Thompson, of Gaston, is in the newsnatier business. His name is at the head of a paper published at Portland, and which has a small circulation in Washington county the Hatchet. Mr. Thompson made his investment several years ago. His managing editor is Mr. Austin Craig, late of Forust Grove. Go to F. J. Barber, Second Street, for a neat shave or hair cut. Satis faction guaranteed. Fine bath room in connection. The Grand Army of the Repub lic and the Woman's Relief Corps will meet at Wehrung'a Hall, Sun day, IOiCO sharp, to march to the M. K, church in a body to attend a memorial sermon delivered bv H. K. Hines. Schulmcrich &. Son's for gloves. See their job lots, 60 and 75 csnls per pair. There is now but one prisoner in the county jail Herman Browner, who is held ns a witness in the case of Stale vs Frank Smith, charge of larceny. The charge of larceny against Browner was dismissed Sat urday last, Alonxo Sigler, of this city, has been granted a pension of $6.00 per month. He enlisted on this coast and whs up in Idaho in the sixties. Hubert Bernard, North Forest Grove's official road supervisor, was in the city yesterday, The stock of groceries at We- hrungs' is complete. Highest market price paid for produce. Frank Weisenback, formerly of Reedville, and who was last year elected constable of his precinct, has filed his resignation, written from Central Point, Oregon. Charles Meserve has severed his connection with the Independent and returned to Oregon City. Marriage license has been errant ed to Charles A. Harwood and Miss Nellie K. Mosier and John E. Lilly and Delphi A. Pitman. Plaid and check ribbons and dress trimming, all of the latest de signs, at H. Wehrung & Sons'. The Second Oregon has been ordered back to Manila and will no more be Bent to the field. The boys are expected to embark with in a few days, and at the most, witmn a lew weeks. Thomas Talbott, Cornelius' new mayor, was in the oity Tuesday, FIRE ALARM LAST A Six Hundred Dollar Blaze A r retried. PROMPT ACTION SAVED H0LC0MB BUILDING. Started by leaving blankets too ctesc to the fireplace. A Fire alarm was turned in about 8:30 Friday evening last and the department called out to extinguish a blaze in the Holcomb residence on the corner of Baseline and First streets. A young man who carries the mail between this place and Cedar Mill stops in the house over night, and had left his blankets hanging ovet a chair close lo the fire place. The fabric soon ignited and the smoke gave the first notice of the blaze. Station agent Fris sell was the first on the scene and had the thing well under way when the fire apparatus arrived. Water was soon turned on and the fire ex tinguished. The loss was not to exceed $5.00. The building is worth five or six hundred dollars. The department mide excellent time in answer to the alarm and water connection was never quicker made. NOTICE OF ELECTION. The annual meeting and election of officers of the Hillsboro Emerg ency Corps and Red Cruse Societies will Iw held at the residence of Mrs. It. E. Bryan, Thursday June 1, 1899. A full attendance is re queued. Miib. It. h. Mhya.v, I' resident. DECORATION DAY. Decoration Day exercises will be held in this city undtr the auspic es of the G. A. R. and V. R. C. The cemetery will be visited in the forenoon and the exercises will take place at the court house in the af ternoon. The band exercises, ad dresses and songs will be arranged in a day or bo. The ptibitc school will participate, and has this pro gram to nit: Umtion Decoration Day M. liazen Recitations:- Marguerite Grace Reeves Pride of Battery B Jeanelte George The Men who never die. .Klzora Hainet The Whistling Regiment Icnnie Weatheneil The Independence Bell .Maud BKgerly The Wounded Soldier Ruth Luce Memorial Day, l&M Ruby I'lowumn The Nation's dead Minnie Heidel Strew flowers o'er the Nation's dead. . . , . . Kobhie Weather red, Harvey Miller A Nameless Grave . .Marguerite Redmond Lonely Grave Kfhe L. House Other exercises and drills by the school children. WILL MEET JUNE 3, 1899. Mayor W. N. Barrett hands the following for publication: To the Committee on Monument Fund: You are hereby requested to meet at my office in Hillsboro, Or., Saturday, June 3, 1899, to dis cuss wave and means and formulate plans for unanimity of action in collecting the funds for the purpose of erecting a county monument in honor of our volunteer dead of the Spanish American war. I advise that a ohairma.t, secretary and treasure be selected at that date. W. N. Barrktt, Mayor of Hillsboro, Oregon. New pianos have her n purchased by Messrs. J. W. Shute and Wm. Council. Several sheep killing dogs mixed with a band or about 30 of P. M. Jackson's sheep in Jacob Ander son's pasture east of this city, last night, killing three and mangling many others. Mr. Jackson suc ceeded in killing two dogs. Sheriff E. L. Matlock, who cap tured the late Guss Waohline, and who was hers at Wachline's trial, has left Heppner to go to India apnlis for treatment. Mr. Mat lork is troubled with tumors which have almost covered his body. It was reported here this morning that Melki Johnson, Forest Grove's popular real estate man, suffered a inpralytio stroke mid was not ex pected to live. Several unsuccess ful attempts at telephone commun ication were made, but no corrobo ration of the rumor was received. Dr. S. T. Linklater last night at tended the banquet given at the Hotel Portland by British born residents and invited guests in hon or of the 80th birth anniversary of Queen Victoria. The Dr. reports a snlendid time and some fine toasts and addresses. Sheriff Bradford's condition, ac cording to the report of his physic ian, is mucn improved, ine ail ment 1b serous effusion of the base of the brain, superinduced by ex haustion. He is now much freer from nain and is lakins nourish ment right along. He spends nearly three-quarters 01 nis time in sleep and is the best natured Eatient imaginable. There never as been any necessity for more than one nurse and he needs but lillla mora than simnle care from his attendant. His many friends will be pleased that nis cnances for reooverty aje enoouraging. Hon. 8. B. Huston returned from Heppner last Thursday evening, where be won a $2700 case for a client by the name of J. M. O. Spen cer. Spencer was an heir to an es lale which went to probate 21 years sgo. Itappears that the first bonds men of the administrator were sub sequently released and a new set procured. The county Judge who released the first sureties, was one of the bondsmen. The administra tor subsequently defaulted and left the stale and after several attempts to collect from the bondsmen, Mr. Huston was employed and com menced suit against both set of bondsmen, winning his case upon the illegality of a county judge, re leasing the bond upon which he was a surety. The core was settled at once and the $2,700 paid over. Mr. Huston, it is said,rece.ved $1000 for his retainder. Ground bone for chickens, 2 cts per pound, at Greer's. Tuesday, May 23, was the 76th birthday for Captain Cady, county treasurer, and his two daughters, Mesdames R. S. McLaren and L. R. Spalding, ef Portland, and son F. W. Cady, of Beaverton, came out and spent the day with him. Mr. Cady is an old veteran, and was adjutant of the 48th Wisconsin. He was in the Western Division, campaigning against Price, and in 18C5 his regiment went out to New Mexico to garrison the forts. In 1882 he came to Oregon. In 1896 he was elected treasurer of Washing county and in 1898 war re-elected. W. D. Cady, of Beaverton, was also a guest at the family meeting. The Washington Co. Sunday School Association will meet at Dilley, June 1, 1899. All schools are two cordially invited to send delegates a. large, and one for every 25 scholars; also to send with dele gates report of school and a collec tion of 1 cent per member to defray expenses. While 8. B. Huston was in the upper country last week he saw many Hillsboroitee once that were Wilson E. Brock has launched out in the sheep business at Heppner; W. E. Pruyn still manages the Wat er & Light plant at that place; Jes se Stewart is salesman for C A Rhea; Rev. R. L. Shelley is sales man for the Fair; and Jesse Shel ley is salesman for Minor & Co. C E Hii ks is keeping books for tin Arlington bnr.k. Frank Smith was Saturday last hound over by Justice Smith in the sum of $2(X) to appear before the next grand jury to answer n charge of larceny from a dwelling, the of fense he is charged with having oc curred a vear ago in March. Smith deposited cash bail and went on his way rejoicing Herman Brown er is held bv the stale ns a witness. Smith is a Tualatin party. Dr. C. B. Brown will be in Hills boro Monday May 29, to remain one week, at the residence of Mm. J. W. Morgan. Lost: Large black cow, rather long horns, white on flank, small white Bear on throat, white on breast. Any one knowii g of whereabouts of such a cow, will kindly leave word at thin office, or inform L. M. Gosney, Hillsboro. Schulmerich A Son will sell yon a 3 i three inch tire wagon com plete for $8000. All parts fully warranted. They purchase from thn factory and sell from 5 to 15 dollars cheaper than oilier dealers. A. J. Rogers, the genial represen tative of Blake, McFail Co., Port land, droped off the train Tues day, visited his father at Forest Grove, and came on down to Hills boro. H. Wehrung & Sons are now buying wool. Farmers having wool to sell will do well to get to gether and let the firm handle their clips. Highest market price. The Eudeavorers of the Congre gational church of this city has el ected tin following to attend the state convention held in Portland this week: Mrs. J. C. Hare, Rose Wilcox, Grace Poe, Mrs. E. P. Hughes, Samuel Gates and Rev. E. P. Hughes. The Eudeavorers of the Christian church selected: Anna Rood, Bessie . Sigler, Minta Humphreys, Esther Brown, Rev. Sickafooee and Sam Ennis. The floor of the county clerk's office has recently been given a coat of paint, an improvement that is pleasing to the eye. Cornelius is to have a grand Fourth of Jul v celebration to follow the veterans' reunion. Preparation aie being made to make it a great suocess. Neither Hillsboro nor Forest Grove will celebrate this year, as many will go to Cornelius. Comeliumtts expect they will have the largest crowd ever assembled in the cnuntv. Representative Tongue ia billed for the Independ ence day address. Just received, Lowney's fine con fections, for which I am agent, Gates' t Edwin Philbrooke, of St. Helens, who has been attending Pacif ic University, was in the oity Mon day, the guest bf Prof. M. 0. Case and M.S. mien. Swetland's Chocolate peanuts, at Gates. 1 See advertisement for bids in an other column, pertaining to school wood for this district. The ladles of the Eastern Star entertained the Masonic fraternity Tuesday evening, to ice oreain. MONUMENT FOND To be held at Grange Hall Tuesday evening. RED CK0SS AND EMERGENCY CORPS Address by Mr. E. P. Hugbea. Spleo did Program arranged. The Red Cross and Emergency Corps entertainment at the Grange Hall next Tuerday evening, May 30th, promises to be a great treut. The occasion of the meeting is to raise money for the monument fund. Rev. E. P. Hughes, the Con gregational pastor will deliver an adddress which will be full of in terest. The musical part of the entertainment will be very pleasing. The program arranged is: Orchestra Recitation jeanette George Solo. Address "The Red Croaa" Rev. E. P. Hughes Orchestra Reading Miss Bryan Violin Solo Con Hare Solo Dr. C. B. Brown Address Hon. W. N. Barrett Solo . Miss Johnson Rcciution Inez Lace Orcheatra Admission will be: Adults, 25 cents; children, 15 cents. The pro ceeds will go to the county monu ment fund as the Ked Cross con tribution. Probate. E A Knotts ad in estate of Aug Gentz, deceased, has ree'd $923 90 from Ella C Dunhan, wife of late adtnr, and he has been authorized to erect tombstone over grave of Aug Gentz at expense not to exceed $100. L G Weidewitsch has been con firmed as admr estate of Hobt Walker, deceased. H Corum, C C Hancock and J W Clark apprais ers. W W Purdin estate has been clos ed of record. Finn! account of Jacob Trachsel estate set for June 19. Ordered that estate of Nathan niel Holland be left open, admr to report semi annually until legal distribution can be made. Ordend that admr of U G Jack son estate make sufficient deed of realty to Ellen Jackson the pur chase price to b? offset against a like ammount of her claim against said estate. II T Bitgley appointed guardian ad litem minor heirs, vz: John Witt, Emma Witt, Anna Witt and Maggie Will. His report examin ed and approved. Dr S T Liuklater, admr of estate of Percy Oliver deceased given an order to send $800 to Geo A Oliver at Lakeland, Minn. G N Hale appointed admr of es tate of John Michalec deceased. Bonds, $500; sureties, H Wehrung and P M Jackson. Hale also ap pointed admr of estate of John V Michalec; bonds $2,000; sureties fi Wehrung and P M Jackson. Appraisers of both estates; J T Young, Henry Ruble aud H W Taylor. Final settlement of estate of Unas Stewart deceased set for July 3. The Washington county bands will meet in Hillsboro this Satur day evening and as one band of at least 45 pieces, will give a concert at the public square. Refresh ments will be served on the grounds. The boys are getting along nicely with their practice and will be 111 prime condition for the Albany tournament. Im Hills- boys will appear in resplendent new uniforms. The county bands have decided to go as one organization and will leave Portland in a spec ial car, Sunday evening, June 4. Do not fail to come out and hear the boys, Saturday evening. Ellsworth Wilkes has returned from his surveying trip up in the allowa, where he was in the em ploy of the O. R. N. Co., w hich is building an extension. Mrs. Nancy Williams now in her 86th year, returned yesterday from a trip to Baker City and Powder River, and will remain in Hillsboro, until, ns the dear old lady said to the Argus reporter, "Until they carry me down yond er," meaning the cemetery. Mrs Williams came to Oregon in 1854 and underwent all the hardships peculiar to pioneer life. She crossed the plains with teams and walked 600 miles of the way, cook ing, at the same time for the fami ly. She knows she hasn't many more years to live and Wants to die amongst her iriends. Let all those who know thtsdeir old wom an, contribute all they can to her happiness. The late Lee Williams was her Bon, The Red Cross and Emergency Corps have already sent $15 to the state monument fund and the en tertainment mentioned in this is sue will be solely for the county monument. With the Red Cross ladies and the Relief Corps ladies working in earnest, the fund must soon be increased. The Greenville and Verboort nines crossed bats the other day, th9 score resulting in 12 to Sk fav or of the Verboorts. Cornelius. Col. Cornelius is still able to be up and around, though not gaining much strength. There was a wedding in this neighborhood last week, the contracting parties being Charlie Harwood and Miss Nellie Mosier Lawrence Bailey is having his residence repapered this week. There is only two more weeks of school. Miss DeWitte and Miss Mooberry have given en tire satisfaction. Bill Lousignonl of upper Nehalem, was in city Mon day, on his way ti Portland. C. Buchanan is building a fine res idence in the west part of town It looks suspicious, doesn't it? On Tuesday May 30, 1899, the Woodmen of the World will run a special car from this city to Port land, to accomodate thorn who wish to attend the Woodmen ex ercises at that city to raise funds for the state monument fund. Any person can go who wishe. as it is a public excursion. Tickets will tie good, down that morning, return good until the succeeding Saturday night. Round trip, 65 cents. There will be the biggest parade of the kind ever witnessed in Portland, the procession headed by the Grand Army. The Wood men will hold exercises for two or three days. Remember, only 65 cents, round trip. The monument fund for the county grows apace. Butte Grange, of Tigardville, is the first organized body to make a contribution and this before the committee has organized. The Grange Bends $5 to Mayor Barrett, and Hon. C F. Tigard sends $1 to the county fund and $1 to the state fund. There are others who have already contributed to the monument fund and the way money comes in is a harbinger of at least a $500 monu ment. Don't think you can cure that slight attack of Dyspepsia by diet-! ing, or that it will cure itself. Ko- dol Dyspepsia Cure will cure it; it "digests what you eat 'and restores the digestive organs to health. Del ta Drug Store. Way no Wilkes, the horse at one time owned bv D. W. Dobbins, hut more recently the property of W. ii. Wehrung. bas been sold to Sber- ff brazier, of Multnomah county. Mike Kelly made the sale. For 8UDerior-Photos call at the new studio, five blocks east of the Court House. The Washington county fruit! crop will bs smaller this season than for years. Keports from all sec tions substantiate this statement. It appears that the cherry crop has Buffered the least from 'the late frosts. A good record out of 34 settings of 15 eggs each, Black Minorca, sold by R. IL Greer in two months, each setting averaged thirteen chicks! Bob is still selling settings of 15 for 50 cents per Betting. Lillie D. Cameron has commenc ed suit for divorcement from Cal vin Cameron. She alleges deser tion. The couple were married in Multnomah county, May 20, 1895. Report has it that Arthur An drews, a prominent young Morrow county farmer, was recently mar ried to Miss Janie Sproul, until re cently, a resident of Hillsboro. Chas. Mitchell and John Beau- champ have purchased the Whit- comb dray business and will take possession the first of the month. Wm McFaddin, janitor of the Sunny bide schools, was in the city Saturday, renewing "auld acquent." Miss Jessie Ward,of Forest Grove, was in the city Sunday, the guest of friends. Deputy Clerk J. W. Morgan did business in Portland Monday, H. Wehrung & Sons' stock of ladies and gentlemen s fine shoes is comlete. A few lines of ladies', gentlemen's and childrens' shoes are going at greatly reduced prices. Postmaster G. H. Reeves was up from Cedar Mill yesterday. Six hundred and fifty bicycle taxes have been received at the sheriffs office and for the last one hundred and fifty there have have been no tags. There are still about 200 or more wheels out. The way the fire laddies answer ed the alarm last Friday night, tes tifies to their earnestness. Don't forget the W. R. C. dinner, June 3rd, and supper of hot biscuits and maple syrup, 15 cents each. New line of muslin plaids, dimi ties, dotted swiss, percales, tissue careaux, organdies, chambray, pique, scotch zephyr ginghams, Mousseline De Soic etc., at H. We hrung & Sons . The Oregon Telegraph & Tele phone Company have reduced rentals on phones in residences to $1.00 per month. Godfrey, of Cornelius, has re ceived the sad news of the drown ing of two of his step sons in Snake river, r.err Lewiston. They form erly resided in St. Helens The viewer who went cut to lo cate the road from Bowlby's north, have reported unfavorably. Sunday was the first genuine spring day, and Monday did first rate, but somehow old Jupiter flu vius hates to "leggo" his reign. John B. Scoggin, eon of Wood son Scoggin, pioneer of 1845, Port land, is in the city this week, the guest of Dr. F.J. Bailey. THE ARGUS : MAY, 1899. Sun I M..11 1 Tiif j Wwl I TlTii I KriT II 21 3 1 4 I 6 1 s ajjij if 12 1l -" I SO I HI I I 1 I I t I'KOr'IOWlONi I F. A. BAILEY, XX. D. l'hU'lan. ttargnon a nil AecwwHsfS Office m Hillalx.ro Pharmacy. Resi lience aoulh-weat cuti.tr Baselia asvi Second. All cal'.a promptly alttadatt, day or night. S. T. LINKLATER, M. B. C. M., PHYSICIAN AND SURGIOIT Office at Riaidenca Bast of Court Hon JAMES PHILLIPE TAMISS1E, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Surgeon Southern Pacific Railroad Co. Consultation in French or Bngtiah. Of fice and Reaidence sooth aid of Main, near Odd Fellows' Building, Hillsboro. tbos a tomcds. m a towoub. swraa THUS. H.IK.B. TONtiUI. Attorneyt-At-Law. Room 3, 4 & j, Morgan Blk, BUlstsate, H. T. BAGLEY, ATTORN BY-AT LAW Deputy District Attorney tor Waahia- ton County, Office upstairs over Delta Drag Star. JOHN II. WALL, ATTORN BY-AT-LA W Office with S. B. Huston, Union Bloat HILLSBORO. - ORBOOM. E. R. GREGORY, L. L. B. TTORXEYATLAW NOTARY PUBLIC Hillaboro, Orageav Corwin & Wooater Bl.ick, Upstfif. SMITH ft BOWMAN, ATTORNEYS-AT. LAW Notarial Work and Conveytawiag. Rooms A 7 Morgan Blk., Hillaboro, Ore DR. J. ADKTNS, Fifteen years Experience in Hillsboro, Firstclass services; Charges reasonable. Office, Union Blk, over Pharmacy. ' IIILI.SB0KO, OKCUO.W DR. C. B. BROWN, DENTIST 818 Dekum Building, Portland, Oregon. Will be in Hillaboro every fourth Mon day in each month. ' MISCELLANEOUS. E. L. M'CORMICK, Dealer ia Bicycles CYCLE SUNDRIES IN STOCK Monarch, $25 to $75, Imperials, (30 to $75. Sterlings, $jo to $jy Morgan-Bailey Block, Mala St, Hillaboro, - - . . Oregon, Garstens Broa, man urAcroaxas or Rough & Dressed Lcztcp Sash, Doors, Mouldings, .lie HILLSBORO - ORBOON. UNDERTAKING PARLOIl. i C. Lamkin has opened an. tfniBy ; k ing parlor on tbe corner of Man and Third Street, and la prepared t fnrtilih on Immediate demand, (Me CABKSTB AND COIJPINB at the lowest possible ptlosn. V HI take chart of funeral. line of undertaking snf B " , county. Olvehlmaeah. HIl.LgJlQRO. , Notice to Cesurettore. Sealed bids will be reorlved aVa County Court room in Hillsboro, Jnue y, 1899 at 10 o'clock a. m. for the cowotmc tion of abridge and fill at Bishet's on Gates Creek, and a fill on Baseline Road at las. Alexander's place. L A. ROOD. Co. Jwdf. Hillsboro, May 13, 1899. Orange cidar, 5o glass at Qatesf. .A