it , JnlILLSB6R 4- VOL. VI. HlLLNItOKO, OKKCION, THURSDAY, MAY 23, 18i)i). wi in r i V ujp lp ijjp ip iljpl lip 'Ijjp fp Ip ljjp fjjjp iin Ml ft If a-. lo aorvlvlng comrade of lait year will thla year bav Joined that rest army of patriot, wh. bravery thl, country la proud and ardent to honor. The mother of some worthy son of ona of theaa eblvalroua aoula who gav bl, Ufa righteously, h believed, for th Southland, will elasp hand and mingle teare with tit widow of aom strict, hardy old New-Kngtaudvr, to Whom liberty waa dear wherever It waa deserved. In a common caua each felt The tnemortea of th, dead aoldlvrs of th war of 1M411 0 hav com to be a aulemn, aaered Influence thoa of any later dead will be mor vivid, mor poignant. Alike, they Bleep, however, honored, regretted, myrtle-crowned. Every fond flower atrewn, whll bedewed with the tear of Borrow, amllea up Into th face of th giver a benlaon. Ileneatb th aud I on who helped to atrik th (hackle from groaning alavery and peraecutlonl Half a algh, half a cheer, the eoft, huinld Cuban brwae waft westward th prayer and th pralie of nnuanal devotee at place wher aom of our brv boy felt To the, aur new neighbor, aa each Decoration IHy cornea around, although ther apieara to thra the merest ahadow of Ita general celebration In thla country, th holy aenttmeot of aympathy cannot fall to exist and find txpreaalon. Ther I an object leaaon for th rialng youth In th doubt premutation of till Decora tion Day; th garlanded grav of th Union aoldler and th garlanded grav of th hero of the Spanish war. W ar not a nation of warrior, but w are patriot,, teadfaat and true, and a, from th grand old atock of th day, of Washington ther descended th brav, Im pel uoua wplrlt of '61, ao thea noble aoula aeeni to bar left to their children and grandchildren the ,park dWIn of court,, and devotion, that reiponda magically quick to th caU of dUtreaa and th clarion-oof of liberty th world ovr. ' fjlljl Ijl llllj jjjjjj ijjjil IjjI MEMORIAL DAY. TREAD anftlyt A hero la aleeplng Mow, Kneel duwoere beald, him, H oerer wtll know. Which Bag did be B,ht furl 'What reeka It ttt.lar? sThay ar ateeplni lo,ibr, Tb Hlut aud to bray, iry pap, oft tell, ai when ft falla the itew. Of "Huiui'tMdy'a Darling," A hem la Ulu, Who laid down hla life -On the red ald of Mara For tli .like of th "old Hag," 1 All atuUJtd with aura. And down wher th rypren ' HeAda low o'er th, war, Whrre the mnaa from lh lit, oak Haugt gh(ily and gray, jt. . Who kaowa hot at twilight Home atory la told Of a. (ohllcr who died for the "Lout Cauae" of old! . They were brother!, ttii-a twoi In mem'ry to-day. We can avo tbem again, The nine and the Orny. ; Bidt- ty aide now they aleep Uenealh th, green ad, The pride of two aruile. Both taken by Uud. Bring ont the wltd bloaaoma, The darllnga of May, . Th buildliiK June rnai-, t'ur lllu, and for Oray. IMIe high tb' white lllli', O'er enrh hero'a hreaat: Lear God and Hla aniH Iq watch o'er their nau I Wbicb Shall Enlist? t I 6 6 'lWftTEI't K''' l'yt anllatedr VAVA"lIuve you though. Tom?' J U "Yea, airl I'm one of tnnr "I declare, I wiah I waa, too." "Folk won't let your "No." ' ' 1 s. A3 a i fim .a tin r'Tbere'a only alxteen more wanted to CU up the company and I've Just met three fellow, that aaid they were going up to put theitaamea down," and then Thoinaa Ilinea, eighteen year old, llthe-llinbed and fair-haired, enumerated to bin chum of th game age, .'Edward Wllkinion, who "the fellow1' were who aaid that they were going up to enlist. "Edward, mother want, you to come In to dinner. How do you do, Tom?" and a young light-footed girl of fourteen ran out from the fttrm house opposite to which the two boy hud fronted, and looked half earnestly, halt-laughingly, Into th eya.i of the.jminK limn, her neighbor, and her brother a Inseparable companion, Thomas illnea. "Tom haa enlisted, Nellie. Now Isn't It too bad that my folk won't let me enlist , and go to the war?' . .'You've enlisted, Tom? Really?" ''Yea, Nellie, and I wish Edward would, then we could be always together. Bleep in the same tent, march together and" fPlght together I" aaid tbt girl, her eye flashing. ." "Yea, Nellie, fight together!" th young man proudly added. . , A tall woman with slightly gray balr, who, had beep standing at the side door of the long white porch of th farm house, now called: . "Come to dinner, children, and yon, too, Thomas Ilines, come In and eat dinner with ns." The boy would have hesitated, but a hind at either side, holding each of his, ' there was nothing for the young volunteer to do but to accept. "Enlisted, eh?" said Captain Wilkinson In a gruff voice, aa be came In from the 1- 6ld a minute later, where h, had been Double Significance of This Alemorial Day. MEMORIAL VAX baa I fuitbl slgntflcsBe thl year that will be given expression In very section of tbt country, and thla very rrt will lend draw mor clnselv totether th.n turn. n.. 1.1... ....i .1.- From Main and Mississippi, from far Oregon ana KlurUIn, from every Stat and Territory of th land, uuavlflah and valorous volunteers eullated for th Spsnlah war. It waa Fnwdoui'a own light, and color and nationality cut no figure, aectlooal prejudice had uo part, The mult la that new bond of union la cemented, and In Ita freahues and true, deep meaning It la With ua thl. Memorial Day vividly. Ther art many new grave to decorate, campaign will not ba neglected, la niauy not far from th last reeling place of bl planting, and took hla seat at th head of the table. "Well, Thomas," h added after a mo ment a silence, "aotnebody'a got to do It, I a'poat liut you'r rather young yt. lotni" "Can't Edward go with hlra. father?" at length a.ked, lu pleading voice, th girl, breaking the ,ileuee. Edward Wilkinson looked op at hla si ter, a feeling of deep gratitude In hla heart, aud followed th attack with. "Y.a. father, yon aaid once that you'd glv your consent, If auybody from right around horn her waa going that would look out for me." "Hut Tom I only boy himself. I meant torn older person.' "And do yon w,nt your only brother to go to th war, N,lllr aaked th girl' mother. "Yea, aa he want, to go himself, and besides when It la r,ry on' duty to go who can," aaid th girl spiritedly, "llo alitea, too, when hla beat frlcud and chum, Tom Illnea, la going!" Th tbre young face looked earnestly at the head of the table. Aa they did ao a tall, thin-fared woman came and atood In the open door. Invited In. Mrs. Ilines would not take off her things, and said, all breathlea, that sne not come to kuow If they bad made tip tbeir mind to let Edward enlist. She had given her conacnt to her own son feel Ing sure that hla friend wa aolnir also. "No, Mrs. Ilines," replied at length In slow, measured voice, Amos Wilkinson "Edward ha never been very well, and, besides, I must bare bis lieln thla aiiinmer. W must both work out for the neighbors. uy aay worn on their forma when we can get time, to meet the bills that'a due." "Hut did you bear about the town meet ing thla morning, what tbey did?" "No, what?" "Voted to glv every man In th new company bounty of two hundred dollar, in advene." At th word th face of th hard featured farmer flushed. Looking at him hla haud could be seen to tremble. lie was not an avaricious, grasplug man, but the sterile little rocky New England farm he tilled made him think, In a practical way, in order that both enda should meet I lila bad been one of the weightiest res on against hla aon'a enlistment, but be had not mentioned It before. The other waa the frailty of the young man. Hut now, as he sat there, he thought of the mortgage of two hundred dollnra upon the little place, and a note coming due lu the aummer. The color came and went to the man'a face, but no, be would not sell bis boy's life, or the risk of that life. Rising, as all sat and looked upon him In the alienee, watching the struggle, be aaid, a deter mined look upon hla face, and with flash ing eyes, in a low tonei "Edward la not going to enlist, but I am. I will go myself 1" Aa a thunderbolt th word cam upon me aevotea family. "Edward, you can take care of the jrks ir 1 - -. MABCmiCO A WAT TO WAR. farm," he aaid, and then turning to Mra. Illnea, "perhaps I can look out for vnn boy better at the front than another hnv of the same age could." The next day the Allentown comnnn. enlisted to It full compliment of one hundred and one men, marched proudly down the street of the old town, and at Ita head, beneath the flag upon Its staff on the town's green, the company halted. No captain that had ever ateDDed before volunteer company looked better fitted and th, beroe of th Uuhan inatancea the win will sleep honored alre-ln other, the fur hla place than did Amoa Wilkinson, in old nut, uillltla captain, the com' pany'a choice. a mourn, retiring man, lie bad no thought of the plare he waa eleetrd to til. wuen, in day before, be bad enliated. Ho It waa that the Allentown company reported at the mat ramp, and after, with Ita regiment, reported at th Heluht of Alexandria, aud In all the marrhea aud battle of the Army of the Potomac, tw neatn Virginia, Maryland and I'ennavlva nla aklra, the fanner, citiien, soldier of Allentown did hla whole part In cheering on ami leading nis men. r irat, aa captain, then secondly aa major and again lieu tenant colonel, to final v fall whi-n. M that awful June mornlug of 1H4H, In th, fiery fatal loop of Lee, th dlvialon of Aisrtindal fell aa a Uving wall at Cold Harbor. "I wa to watch ovr yon, Sergeant," he said, as, dying, his orderly, Rergeant nine, bent over him Col. Wilkinson "Tctl-tell-tclJ your " but th death ram Bounded, th eye put on a vacant am re, and another urav officer of tb Army or tne i'otomae waa no mor. The remalna of Col. Wllklnaon rest In nis own village cemeterr at Allentown Tbrr, each year, aa aad Memorial dsv comes round, th widow of Captain 1 1 litest, h who died a year later from a runahut wound received among tb last fired before iiicnnmnd, and the daughter of the town', brav hero, (Jot Wllklnaon, with her little one, trim the flowers above thine rava And with them, too, another grave, for Edward Wllklnaon, the frail youth, could not stand the work ho tried to do at home, and died even before the war ended. Hut the bravery and determination of a father at the front strengthened and disciplined a regiment. in, llouquet. KENTUCKY'S WAR MONUMENT. i.racicu to in memory of Union and Confederal Roldlera. Th fact that bitterness no longer exists between the North and Bouth waa cele brated recently by tho erection of the first monument ever ralaed to the Joint memory or federal and Con federate soldiers. It Is, appropriately, the work of the State of Kentucky and stands on the battlefield of Chlckamauga. Ken tucuy bad seventeen Union aud nine Con- federate organ! ration, t Chick, mauga. The nionu ment stands at th apot where the Fourth Kentucky bstui's anart. regiment of tho Union army met and fought the Fifteenth Ken tucky regiment of th rebel force. Uov. Uratlley, on behalf of the State, turned over the monument to the United otatea uovernmciit, Thla la the Inaerln. tlon on the atonet EHBCTED DY TUB STATE OV KKN- XUCKY IN HONOR OV HUlt SONS U'J ruuuiii' AND VKUU ON Till 0 K1KLD. a Aa w ar united In life, and they nnl- ted In death, let one monument perpet- uut their deeda, and on people, forget- ful of all oniMTiui'., lorevar noid in grateful rememliraiK all th glorle, of that terrllilo conflict whleh made all ineu iree ami rotaiuva every star on tb, ua- tlon', flag. , The Oroateat National Peaat. No more purely imtlonul feaat than Decoration Day could be possible. To tbo rest of the world May 80 I merely a day at the close of the last aprlng month. To th, 'patriotic dweller In tb land of Unci Sam how much morel It Is customary to call Americana, aa a nation, luuirhtan. loving and fickle yet who, viewing th vast wrongs aasemDiea in every city and ham let to do honor to the glorious dead, can believe thla true? Rather would th. stranger on our shores be Impressed by the racr mai patriotism strong within us. For In the national holidays may aural be read the character of the people aa it can be read In no other way, Croakera ther will alwaya be, but we can afford to disregard them. The future of a nation la aafe In the hands of those who reverence it noble paat, , Itomember the heroes who year, age fought for their eonntrv and nnra And oover the gravea of thoi nobl brav na iragrani, dmuuiui nowara. EVENTS OF THE DA Epitome of the Telegraph New. of the World. TKKSK TICKS FROM THK VYIUKH Aa UUrMllag Collaetlua mt Um Wmm tk Twa lUwtl.ptiarM rroeMtod la a Ooadoaead form. Agonnlllo I aaid to lie In Hun Kong umlui-n aaaumnd name. Neatly 400 person, lout their lives In tb big Australian hurricane. Aibltialitin, It Is said, will l.av Drat place In the peac confluence. England will pre a number of laraa uaiiiaga claim against Nicaragua I.i United rllatee Henatot Chailes liiiokalnw, ol femiaylvaiiia, la dead Th wife ol a tleorgla planter killed a negro who tried to enter her room Vice-President llobait la alowly re voTonug 1 rum in iiinoaa, aim la now ........-.. .a 1 . 1 ti . able to sit up. The HulTalu striker, have taken lllaliop yulgley', advice and ar re turning to woik. The tukon river la upon from Lak Lebeige to Dawaiin, but the Ice ou th lake la dill solid. The llulna Mercedes, on ol Cer vara a (loot aunk off hanllagu last July use airivtKi at Hampton Koada. rout men weia killed in the Wai mine at Uoaaland, by tli hoist galling sway Irom the engineer. A Chicago court haa bald that bank director ar not liable lor the ml. management of (uud by a apeculnling president. The Atlantic Unci I'srl, ran aahor on the hngliali coast, (the loat hoi comae in a heavy log. The oftloari and crew kept cool and the paaaeugara Wei, taken od without fatality. The cruiser Olympia. with Admiral Dewey on boaid, baa loft Manila for thl ooimtiy. The II rat stop will be at llong hong. An enthuslaslid farewell w, given bv the vessel ami lorta iu Manila baibor. Levi Monro, a rletk In the cltv maraei, at nauaae Lily, shot and per hape fatally wounded Mr. Jennie Campbell, Mta. Klla La mi la and Mra. Anna Meek, In lluu ran. Th Campbell wuiuan bad desorted Mooie lor another man. Mnjnr-Oenaral Utl haa declined recognise the rebels to Ilia eitent agreeing to an atmlslice, but he has notified (lie American commanders lufrain temporarily from aggiesslve ao Hun. Thus h is in a position to te some hoalilitiea at any tiro. Thl HI tlefeat any aubteifugna to vain tuna, which would not be the case the gnneial agreed to an armlatloe. il An nnlduntifloil American tolJler was killod lu Havana in a row with the police, General Murriatu haa aaked lor more ttuopa. want, cavalry thla tlma to preveiit disorder at Uurke aud Mullan, I'tiiililniit Dim, ol Meiloo, will ao cent ,n Invilutloii to vinit Chicago aud the Utiitod Slates duting tb fall fes tival. Judge linker, of the United States district court at Indlananolla. haa ten lerutl a Ueomlon In whluh he hold, that a sheriff la leavunaible lor a. prisoner 111 Di ouarge, and Is sulijoct to damage mr nis lynoiung. The Uregnn regiment, though en titled to come home first, it fur from Manila, bearing the brunt of the Law ton campaign, and may not be back when the time for the rotum of the volunteers begin. Mexico la considering tlis refunding of hoi existing natiounl 8 per oe'ut gold debt held in loroig.i countries. The scheme anticipate an inoreaaed Drill clpnl, bnt a red not ion In the amount of annual Interest by reason ot a lowei rate. Judge May how haa denied the an ..11..... 1 . ..... pnoaiion ror a writ 01 Habeas cornus tor bounty Uoinuiissloneri Boyle and Mimton, who ate In jail at Wardner, In rendeting the decision, he denied every material contention ol the appii oanta. President MoKlnloy tins lont the fol rowing cablegram to Otia at Manila: Uonvoy to Law ton and the galanl men ot hla oommand my conumtiila tloni tiimn the liiovoaslul onHialians urtng the past month, resulting In the oapture 01 Han isidro." Uncle 6am will inform Draiil that s must be mure careful In future. Hur dlttoourteay to tho Wilmington is to receive attention. A proper iepre entatlon ol the laoti will be made, and It la expected that the Ilrailllan government will promptly investigate anu niaae amends. JNo tiouble a ex pec ted. On the birthday of the king of Spain, many Spaniards in Havana raiaed dug over thuir houso. This made the Cubans rise In revolt. The house of Juan Monttoto. a Snanlah merohaut, waa rahlod by Cubans and the Spanish flag torn down. The po lice inteifered and clubbed the raldori. arresting several. Minor New llama. Queen Victoria haa teen evorv throne In the world vacated at leatt once and tome ot them teveral timet. Governor Rooaovelt. of Mew York. in denying 1 pardon to a wile beater, hot deolareed himtelf lu favor of the whipping post. The military order of the Loyal Lb- on of the United States held ita an. nual election In New York and Rear Admiral Winfleld S. Schley, United o;i'a new. waa chosen commander. ..I . . -r- VI later news. LATER A Philadelphia company la battling a Driuga ror anipmanl to Japan. Th Mlasourl legislature haa ad' Jimrned after a session of 184 days. In a skirmish with the rebels near Matiiiuina, Uo Americana were killed. A la reported hetwiwn doneial Otis and the civil Philippine oumiuii sinner, Tle old eoldinre have declared for Oonerel Henderson, of Iowa, foi the speakership. Admiral Dewey waa given tremen dous ovation by the Urltlshert ou his arrival at Hong Kong. The New Yoik Mutual Life Insur ance Company's Insuranoe baa now paaaed the billion niaik. The Washington alate law requiring railioada to aooept grain lor ahipmeul over competing road ha teen de clared Invalid. Chailea W. Whitney and Frank Whitney, brothers, wei drowned at I'aloun rapids, about Hire mile below (, by thecapaiaiugoi their canoe. Miss Hilton, ot Aurora, Or., waa dragged from her horse by a nianlao. Solomon Hacbait, Jier aMailaut, at tempted tu com in it suicide by shooting lilmaeir. iiiHiano, a rillplno congre.ainan, wealthy real.leut of Manila, aud lor meily Aguiiialdo'i coinmiaaary gnii ral, acconipaiiltHl by an inaurgent can tain hat surrendered to tleneral Oil a. The war department la not going to apaw any pains in making the leturn voyage of the Volunteer pleasant and comfortable, and the trip aoroe the i'acillo will be made in atyle. Receipt ol wool of tb 1809 clip t f'eiidletoti have been to date 150.000 pounds. Some wool la atilling. aud the prioet range I cent, under the figure oflaatyesr. Th quality ol the crop la below last yea ft standard. A oonfeaslon of Claud Uranton. recently hanged at fcngeue, Or., has been made publle In which be adroit Bring the shot that killed Linn. Th confeaslnii w left to a mini, ter to be publialied ten day after the banging. The Oregon atate grange. Patrons ot Husbandry, livened in its 20th annual aeaalon at Portland. Reports show advancement all along the line. The meinlieraliip I, growing fast, Nil J mote than unatial interest la being ehown by farmer. Oeneral Lawtun aayt be bat found a letter near San laldio, written by one of the Yorktown't crew, saying that they were being kicked, that their hair wa being pulled out and that they wai cruelly treated In varloiu other way, aud Implnting the Americana to hurry to their release. A Deiuocratlo conference ha been called to meet in St. Loo Is thla week. The grain thoveler' strike at Dot- alo, N. Y., hat been tettled, and the wen will leturn to work. The body of II. D. McOulre. Ore- lon'a llali commissioner, waa found in the Umpqua a mile Irom where the drowning took place, The teotion men ot the Urand Trunk railway system luoently asked tor an Inoreaso In wages, which waa refuaed. and alMiut H00 men have struck. The strike affecta the road fiout Sarnie. Out,, to Portland, Mo. A portion ot the Ilwaoo Railway & Navigation Company' trestle at IN waoo collapsed, while the lieacft traiu waa passing over it, and the locomotive waa dumped overboard Into the bav. but fortunately no one waa Injured. Wlille digging for relict at the lite of old Foit Mackinac, in Miohinan. complete snuietons were un earthed. Thla la posaibly the burying aome ol the victims ol the place of massaor ago. which took place 130 yeara Three Chicago men, employes ot the Aetna t'owder Company, at Aetna, were blown to atoms in the explosion of tank ot nitro gycerline. A nine leading from the engine burst, Igniting tome saw dust and leavea near a flue leading into the room containing tiie uitio-giyoorlne lank. General del Pilar, one ot Aguiiialdo'i peace envoy, tayt: "The insuiuents ere anxious to surrender, but want the assurance first that there will be no putting to death of the leader, in the robullion, aud tome proof that Ameri cana will carry out the general ituto menu In their proclamation.' Private letter! from Riga, province of Livonia, Prussia, report that Lettish and Llhuiiauian workmen there quar reled beoanae the latter worked for lower wagea, ami ttreet fighting fol lowed, wheienpon the military Inter- lerea. He vera I workmen were killed. many Injured, and a number of houses were destioyed. A land ot f 100, 000, drawn from dividend on 400,098 tlmret of world's fail ttook, it being tot aaide for needy id tunoring memberi of the various Illinois Tolunteoi regiment! of Cook oounty who served in Cuba. Fundi are reported now on hand to pay a 4 per cent dividend on the ttook, and a relief committee will be appointed from the aociety of the army of San tiago to act with a committee of colo nel of the regiment to secure the divi dend. The government hat deoided to es tablish a militarr noet at i'vramlil harbor in Alaska. This harbor it on Chilkat inlet, neat Chllkat village. Commisaloner General Peok hat se cured 8,000 additional feet ot tpaoe at the Peril exposition, to be devoted to the ditpley of American bioyclet. The National council aa itiaed a proclamation calling unon the colored people ot the United State to lot apart Friday, June 9, at a day 0 fatting and prayer. RATES ON HARDWARE Coast Jobbers Ask Railroads to Adjust the Tariff. II Hi II KU (IIAttdKM ON SMALL LOT moia-Weat llealer Oeaaae Aay I'bance-TraaaiMtrtallaa l.laa Await aa Agrauat. HI. raul, Minn.. May 25. Tb Pa elflo coast heavy hardware Jobbera and the Johbeia from the Middle Weal eltle are In conference heie with th trafllo managera ol the Ureal Norther and fiorthern Paolflo roada. The Pa cilia ouaat men ak to have a hiaher late ol tariff applied to fraction, of carloads than are applied to car lota Upiwsliig them aie the jobber from soin ol tb largest house In the conn try, who are here, fioiu Ht. Lou!, Chi oago, Milwaukee, St. Paul. Miiine apolia and Duluth. The suasion today was de ruled to presentation of the claims ol Hie Pa cilia coast dealera, who declare that tin .1. .i . . , ... uer in present srnoiiuie, Which was adopted May 1, by the Northern roada, their business Is restricted, while the Jobber from Mississippi river point are enabled to compete with them in their own territory. The merchant ol the Middle West contend that thei business amount to many timet tha of the coast jobbers, and that to in crease the tariff would teveraetlie situ atiou by leatrlcting their teirltory W R. Wheeler, repiesneting the coast Jobliera, demanded ol th road greater margin between carload and loattbao caiload ratea, and th tlimina lion ol mixed carload shipments. The railroad offli ial ar quiet spectators ol the oonlrovetey, preferring, il poeslble, to nave the hardware dealer reach 1 settlement among themselves, wblob Will be satisfactory to the loads. The Middle West dealeia. In reply ing to the coast jobber, declared that the coast jobbers do not take advantage of their geographical position, whioli they are attempting to nae a one of their main arguments. This it ehown by the fact that only 35 per oent ol their hardware and kindred articles are brought to them by water routes, while the other 75 per cent comes across the continent ny rail. The present rate. are Iiom 60 cents to 3.50 per 100 pntmda higher than the carload ratee. Thla difference, It ia contended. should be sufflolent to protect the coast dealera. Again, the jobliera in the middle ttatee show that ratea both on caiload lota and lest which are grantee' to the Neat, are the same at arr charged New Yoik and Euslorn job bar. It 1 a general rate, applying irom the Mississippi to the Paoiflo, Chicago, Minneapolis and St. Paul Job be it have to pay for bringing their goods from the Kuat at the same ratee that aie paid by the Pacific coast ship pers, before they can diatribute their foods throughout the West in lest than caiload lots, hence they claim that the present schedule ia only just to them, The meeting today waa liaimonioua. but stubbornly contested. Some ot the best tariff exports in the country are in attendance, and there is noargu ment that has not been made by the contending jobbera. THEY MAKE THE WOMEN BLUSH. New York ruatnin N.nit Official. Ara Hail, Had Mn. London, May 5. George A. Smal ley, the New York correspondent of the Times, continues to denounce the methods ol the custom-house inspeotoit at the port ol Now lork. He tayt Ir part: Americana leturnlng from Eurone aie sun ireateti as intentional tiiius- glere. Mr. Dingley't personal luggage limit is yet unrepealed and American womon must still explain the coat ot their underclothing, point out In which trunk it it to be found, and itnnd by while corsets and chemises are valued "There hat been some relaxation in the rigor of the inapootion, bnt thesys tern continue! in force, bringing blush. et not only to the cheeks of American women but to all Americana who oare for the good mime ot their eonntrv The Imputation of bribery ia confirmed by the dismissal of inspector Only by paying the Inspectors can the re turning Now Yorkor ettape Insult and outrage at the cuatom-house, and not alwayt then." Wholesale Negro Lynching. uinuinnati, way so. a. special to the Enquirer from Dint, Mexico, tayt: There la great exoitement in the town ot San Dialio, 10 mi lea from here, over the lynching of sevon colored laborer on the Mexican railroad. Joso Santo. a Spanish negro, attempted an assault on the we of ire nor Dupley, a ranch owner, ana, after escaping Irom the plantation, waa tracked by blood houndt, and in company with nine othera, waa captured in a hut on the river bank opposite Englo Past. The regulators did not wait to Drove the guilt 01 any ot them, but hung three and thot four more, who were attempt ing to escape, The offloiala are swear ing deputiea, aa a lace trouble it threat ened in the Colored qnartert. The (our negroet killed are Americana, and have all served tentenoet in the lexer penitontiary. Irian Polltloal Prlannara Heleaaeil. Dublin, May J5. The lord lleuten. ant of Ireland, Eail Cadogan, hat re leased O'llanlon, Mullot and Jamet FiUharria, aliat "Skin tho Goat," Hit last three Irish political prisoners, who were sentenced to itnDrlsonment for lite for conspiring to murder Lord Frederlok Cavendish, ohief for Irelnnd, and T. H. Burke, ner- manent under-secretary for Ireland, who were assassinated by stubbing in ruoeniz rarv, Dublin, May 6, 188S. WASHINGTON'S JUBILEE. Pm Day CalebraUil la tk MaUoael t'aallal. Vaahlngton, May 25. Washington' peso jubilee wis inaugurated at sun rise today by a national salute of 18 gun from the dispatch-boat Dolphin and by a chime ot bells and the Bound of steam whistle all over the city. The day ia a half holiday, and moat all the department closed at noon, the hour being marked by a salute of 45 gunt. The day'a festlvitlee weia maiked by a parade of all regular army an navy attaches and many volunteer organ iiat ions in and aiound Waaliing ton. The president, with memberi of the cabinet, their wivea, and foreign min isters with tbeir attaches. General Miles and his staff, and many promi nent people in public life occupied the reviewing atanda. Tiie enthusiasm was great aa the parade passed through the court of honor. Cheers and applause greeted fa voi I te organizations. The preaident and Secretarlea Hay and Gage, who atood on small platform jutting from the main stand, were repeatedly and tumultuously applauded at they un covered each time the Americaa colore Irooixxl by. General Wheeler waa ac corded the largest demonstration. In full uniform he rode in aearriage. He wat everywhere oheered. At he reached the reviewing ttand, he arose and saluted the president. The peo ple went wild. Another Interesting and significant inoident was the choos ing ol Sousa'a new march, "Hands Aoross the Sea." One of the bands atuck up this stirring air as the review ing stand waa reached. The applause whioli greeted it was started by the diplomats, spread through the atand and broke into a roar of cheers along the whole length of the court of honor. The parade waa three-quartera of an Lour passing the reviewing stand. The president hat issued an order closing all the executive department! and the government printing office at noon tomorrow, In order that employee may participate in the jubilee. NOT WHAT THEY WANT. rillplao May K'J.ct Amarleaa OrTar Will Ua Mark U Agalnaldo. Manila, May 25. It it aaid that the Filipino peace envoyt at the confer ence today wete dismayed at the terms offered in President McKinley'e cable gram. Uregorlo del Pilar showed em barrassment when he realised he waa being offered nothing but vague prom ises, and possible representation fur hla people, in compliance with the American demand that they lay down their amis. All the Filipinos shrugged tbeii shoulders aa the glowing prophe cies ol the future, aftei cessation ot hostilities, wote outlined to them, bv the member! of the American commit- aion. Tbey aaid they asked (or iudo. pendence and liberty with dignity, un der protection of the United States, and were now offered nothing but an ndeflnite assurance that Individual nalivet ought to hold offloisl positions under the proposed goveinment. The rilipino coin miss inner 1 will ac cept not a tingle condition proposed. but will return dissatisfied to Asuin. aldo and report the reaults. TO DIVIDE THE WORK. aae Cuafarane Nam, Iu several I'ouiDillt.... The Hague, May 25 The chiefs of delegations to the peaoe conference held private meeting tli ia mornlna. and afterward informed their colleagues of the arrarigementa made for a choice ot presidents of committees at agreed upon last evening. The delegates ap proved of the selections made. The conference held a plenary sitting at noon. The selections were then offi cially ratified without incident. Following ia a list ol themeinbera of the first commission: Honorary presi dents, Count von Monster, head of the German delegation, and Andrew D. White, head of the Ameiican delega tion; effective piesident, A. P. C. Van karnebeck, head ol the delegation of the Netherlands. These are divided into two sections, war and marine. Raeetnmaadad for Pramotlaa. Washington, May 25. General Otia cablet the following under date of 25: On the urgent recommendation of Law ton, I reooiumend that Colonel Owen Summers be made brigadier-general ot volunteers by brevet, for conspicuous gallantry at Maasan, Bulac Bridge, San UHIro, anil that Captain J. F. Caae be made major of volunteers by brevet, for distinguished services and gallantry at the ahove planet while acting at di vision engineei officer. Summeie ia colonel the Second Oregon volunteers, and commanded the advance brigade of Lawton't divition during the recent march northward to San Itidro. Case la captain ot com Dan v F. Sea- ond Olegon volunteers. Queen Must Undergo an Operatloa. London, May 25. Truth, today, in pite of aemi-offloial itatements to the contrary, inaittt that an operation for cataract on the queen's eyea it luevit- Die. it eayi: The queen haa lust consulted Pro. festor Pagenatecker, ot Weisbaden.who guaianteet the success ot the operation. and opines the queen will entirely re gain the excellent tight the posaeeeed until reoently." Detroit Did Not fir. New York, May 28. A ditoatoh to the Herald from Managua tayt: Tbo report that the ornlter Detroit had fired upon the Nloaraguan gunboat 8a n Jacinto and tunk her Itantiue. Every thing it quiet along the Atlautic coaat of Moaragua. Bubonlo Plagu Iaeraaalag. Hong Kong, May 28. The bubouio plague it increasing. The official re. porta tbui far for the month ot May liowt 418 casei and 864 deatht. J