EvU Dispositions Ate Early Shown. if Just so evil in the blood comes out in shape of scrof ula, pimples, etc., in children and young people. Taken in time it can be eradicated by using Hood's Sarsaparilla. In older people, the aftermath of irregular living shows it self in bilious conditions, a heavy head, a foul mouth, a general bad feeling. It it the blood, the impure blood, friends, which is the real reuse. Purify that with Hood's Sarsaparilla eud happi ness will reign iu your family. Blood Poison "I lived in a bed of fire for year owing to blood poisonini that followed small pox. It broke out all over my body, itching intensely. Tried doctors and hospitals in rain. I tried Hood's Sar saparilla. It helped. 1 krpt at it and was entirely cored. I could so on the house tops and shout shout it.'' Mas. J.T. Wil liams, Carbondale, l'a. Scrofula Soroa " My baby at two months had scrofula sores on cheek and arm. Local applications and physicians' Biediclne did lit lie or no good. Hood's Barsaparilla cured him permanently. He is now four, with smooth, fairskin." Mas. 8. 8. Waoiss, Farmingtou, 1M. V JJJJ'JJ UJUJ.I.I.IrWff MkSSMkUJami oodl Pills emra IItt IiU, the non-lrritaHtm awl only cathartic to lake wllh Hood's Sarsaparilla. PORTLAND DIRECTORY. DEXT1STS. No pain: new process; fine void work. PR. LANUWORTHY, N.W.eor. Third and Morrison Machinery and Sapptlea. EDWARD HUOHK3; MACHINKRY AND vehicles; send ior catalogue. 18S-1M From St. MACHINERY, all kinds ...TATUM A BOWEN... K Is M first ttrtrt PORTLAND, OK. RAKES MOWERS BINDERS Trite for Catalogue. U FHEEU Al, IpL X East Water Street, PORTLAND, OR. JOHN POOLE. Portlakd, Oriooji, can (rive you the best bargains in general machinery, engines, boilers, tanks, pumps, plows, belts and windmills. The new steel I X L windmill, sold by him, is un eqnalled. PHYSICIANS. Dr. Emett Barton, specialty, diseases of the kin and Rectal Funtery. 131 3rd 8t., Portland. Among the noted men who could use both hands with equal power and skill were Michael Angelo, Leonardo da Vinci and S. F. B. Morse. The Ideal Laxative. No more ancient pill poisons and black draughts, but up-to-date, scientific, harmless, palatable, potent Cascareta Candy Cathartic Druggists, lvc, lie. 50c. It cost the city of Boston for the maintenance of its public schools last year 12,848.431. Cat Dr. Plunder's Oregon Blood Purifier now. Smoked snow-water is a favorite tip ple in Lapland. SHARK INTO YOl'B SHOES. Allen's Foot-Ease, a powder for the feet It cures painful, swollen smarting; feet and Instantly takes the sting out of corns and bunions. It's the greatest comfort discov ery of the age. Allen's Foot-Ease make tight-fitting or new shoes feel easr. It is s certain cureiurchilblains, sweating, damn, callous and hot, tired, aching feet. W have orer 10,000 testimonials of cures. Try it today. Sold by all druggists and shoe stores. By mail for 25c ia stamps. Trial package FREE. Address Allen S. Oltn. ted, Boy, K. Y. Source of Great Aaaoyaae. P First Cook (reading) Wanted, to go to Connecticut, a first-class cook. Good wages. Beoond Cork Niter, on yer loife. Bare, isn't that where they make alarum clocks? Jewelers' Weekly. A single walnut tree recently felled Iq Cass county, Mich., was seven (eet in diameter at the base. It is esti mated that it will yield $700 worth ol lumber. Nervous People. Nervous people net only suffer themselves but cause more or less miser to everyone around them. They are fretful, tasilv worried and therefore t worry to others. When everything ajmoys you; when your pulse beats ex cessively, when you ere startled St the least unexpected sound, ' your nerves are in & bsd state and should be promptly otter.-. em xo. -i Nervousness isaques tion of nutrition. Food for the nervt-s is what you ' need to put you right, and the best nerve food in the world is Dr. Williams' PinH, PillV for Pale People. - They Jive strength an. tone to every nerve in the body, and make despondent, easily Irritated people feel that life has renewed its. charms. .Mere is proof i Miss Cora Watrous, the sixteen-year-old daughter of Mr. T. C. Watrons. of 6t Clarion St., Bradford, Pa., was seised with a nervous disorder which threatened to end her life. Eminent phyaiciana agreed the trouble was from impoverished blood, but failed to give relief. Mr. Watrous heard . Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People were highly recommended for ner voua disorders, and gave them a trial. Before the first box had been taken " the glrl'a condition improved. After using six boxes herappetite returned. me pain in ner neaa eeaaed, and the wat atronger than ever before. "My daughter's life was saved by Dr. Williams' Pink Pilla for Pale People," said Mrs. WatrOUa. "Her Condition almml hnnlaa wh ah .r,M.M..nnul taking them, but new she is strong a yww wv aigair." ormtytra i'TViS full name la. An irfatl&tft. Ar &IH AAtOnlM kti akAs- WSIIitlliV HedrtTneCo, Schenectady, N What Ska Elpt4. Fsngle I saw your friend, Mr, ."aysmith, get on the train and leave town with married man this morn ing. Mrs. Fangta (deepl inteiestexlV Well, I've been expecting a scandal in that quartet for some time. Who was it with the shameless thins? "Her husband." Haileru Lite. China Fewarrtil Swtirri. There is a dreadful sword in China. It gives to the holder power to cut off the head of any one he wishes without punish ment. All people He from this sword as stomach ills lice before the approach of Hosteller's Stomach Hitters. This famous remedy cures all forms of stomach trouble. It is expected that the Siberian railway will be com plot cxl to Irktusk in February, 1900. In the spring cleanse tour system by ruing Ir. Plunder's Oregon Blood Pun Iter. The horses in Algeria outnumber the lintuan beings. WlHUClB n Ul uuu .1119. II UIS1VW a HI Ing Syrup the best remedy to use for their children during the teething period. The average gas jet consumes five feet of gas per hour. Tiro's Cure for Consumption is onr onlv medicine for coughs and colds. Mrs. 0. Belts, 43) 8th Ave., lenver. Col., Nov. e.'Uo. Throughout the world Mitt are 673 known volcanoes, STO o( which are ac tive. There was a young man from Lenore - 'Who hold I v went off to the war; The "beer1 made him sick, lit recovered quite quick By the prompt use of old Jesse Mooit The greatest universities are in Ox ford, which has 11 colleges and live halls. ClTf Permanently Cared. Ho Stsomervoosnaa anr Hrat Uy tit of Dr. Kltu' Urvat Nerve Restorer. 8end for rKSvat St.tHt trial bottle and metis. HIV R. U. U4- suu Area straw, fhllxlelphla, fa, It is estimated that thirty or forty thousand Russians visit the Holy Land each year. THEY WANT TO TELL Thaea Grateful Women Who Bar Been Helped by Mrs. Fiukham. Women who have suffered severely mnd been relieved of their Ills by Mrs. Pink ham's advice and medicine are constantly urging publication of their state menu for the benefit of other wo men. Bere are two such letters: Mrs. Lizzie Bbvirlt, 258 Merrtmse St, Lowell, Mass.. writes: " It affords me (p-eat pleasure to tell tvll suffering women of the benefit I hae received from taking; Lydis E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound. I can hard ly find words toexpress my gratitude for what she has done forme. My trouble was ulceration of the womb. I was un der the doctor's care. Upon examina tion he found fifteen very large ulcere, but he failed to do me good. I took sev eral bottles of Lydia E. i'inkham s Vege table Compound, also used the Sanative Wash, end am cured. Mrs. Pinkhatn's medicine saved my life, and I would recommend it to all suffering; women " Mrs. Auos Trombliat, Ellenburgh Ctr., N. Y writes: ' I took cold st the time my baby was born, causing; me to have milk legs, suid was sick in bed for eight weeks. Doctors did me no good. I surely thought I would die. I was al so troubled with falling of the womb. I could not eat, bad faint spells as often as ten times s day. One day s lady came to see me and told me of the benefit she had derived from taking Lydia E. Pinkhatn's medicine, and ad vised me to try it. I did so, and bad taken only half a bottle before 1 was able to sit in a chair. After taking three bottles I could do my own work. I am now in perfect health." Aunt Diana Heard From. "Bastus," yelled Annt Diana in a load voice, "yo' en Miami Snowflnke cum in tieah dig berry instance en stop playtn' wif dem air white folks Chil ian. All de wants is t' learn a lot oh cakewslk Again en den (ley won't had nuthin' mo' t' do wif yo." Ohio State Journal. The Modern Battle. Said the famous general to his chief of staff: "Are the correspondents ready?" "They are, sir!" "Have they been informed that I have a new uniform on?" "Yes. general." "Have the photographers done thelt duty?" "They have, sir." "Then let the battle go on." Bos ton Transcript. and healthy. I cannot recommend Mrs. arh nr Starts '.. .aM Vw all N.V. Price So'pertooxibbous tu NEWS OF NORTHWEST A Badge of Geaeral Mews Oatharad la Savarml t'aclrle Ooaal Stat. Paelflo NoHhweal rrodaeera. At Tendleton, Or., there i on foot s plan for the foimation ot what will be called the i'acilio Northwest I'roducers' Assooiation, whith will before long make itself a sltong factor in the in dustrial life ot this section. Thus far, the metnlershtn socured consists only ot farmers and grain prodticois, but it is hoped that the wool men and sheep-breeders will come in. The members sign the following agreemont: We, the undorsii;nivl prOiluiHra of the county ot and slate ot -, do herehy agroe to unite ourselves in a non-pntitioal Iwdy for the pntpose of providing for ourselves protection SKainst the trusts that have been formed, and which dictate to the pio- ducers the prioes of the commodities which we produce; and to further pro vide ourselves with a plttce to iuHt and transact business and n-ive the telegtaphio market repoits ot the world; and to olaeo ourselves in diteot oouimunictttion with the consumers ol the world; and to unite ourselves iu one grand body and to promote har mony and woik for the genets! welfaie ot the community at laige, and tot the producer." The association will In no manner touch the mercantile portion ot the business ot the community, but will exist solely for the purpose ot ena bling the producers of wheat, wool and livestock to keep more closely in touch with the markets of the world, and to the more intelligently handle them. It will be the paitioular tenet ol the asso ciation that theie shall be no politics in the conduct of the affairs. It ia less than 10 days since the effort began to form the association, and alieady there are on the lists of prospective metubeis 153 farmers, wheat-growers, and among them some of the most prouiineut and soluleat of the North west. Survived the Great Flood. There were others who survived the flood besides Noah snd his family, thinks Peter Johnson, sn intelligent Aiaskan Indian, who is preparing to rtte a book in defense of lia theory. Peter has been in Poitland for nearly a month on business connected with the disposal of a quarts mine st Johnson's inlet, on the Alaskan coast, snd he has succeeded In unloading it on a com pany of Americans for the neat sum ot (20,000. Fart of this he intends to spend in obtaining data for his pro posed work, which will treat on Alaskan tradition and contain half-tone photos of the higher mountains which the Aleuts of 4,000 years ago ascended white the wateis in the Far East were gradu ally raising the ark. He feels conn dent that he can prove to the world that a goodly family of his forefathers did keep high and dry, and afterwards lived to people that portion of the earth near the north pole with Esqui maux and Alaskan Indians, who have written s history ot the sffaii ou their totuin poles. Klondike Cold Yield. The latest estimates of the Klondike gold yield this season range from $13, 000.000 to $.'0,000,000. The Klon dike Nugget says: "The output hut not been more than doubled, so that it is not probable that royalty will this year be paid on more than fS, 000, 000 Exemptions and evasions will give about donble that amount, as the pro duction of the territory for the year ending in the summer of 1809. The primitive methods used In woiking the claims make it very unlikely that the washup will give more than from $13,000,000 to (15,000,000 on the out side." As compiled by the Midnight Sun this season's yield will lie (30,000, oou, distributed among tne various creeks, including branches, as follows: Eldorado..... K..nm , Hanker ............ dominion. .... .... Gold Hun Hul hur......... ... ...., Duarli ,... Knreka ,. $.vVA,lC . ,l.l,c . ........ fl,(l,(lC I,7ui,m ............ o,i . . fno.iMi 2AU.IMU All other creeks, including Stewart river.. 1,000,000 Mill Keep Off Iteaervatlon Forest Superintendent YV. T. S. May baa received notice from Commissioner Hermann, of the land department, that sheep must be kept off the Uintah forest reservation. Many thousands of flieep from Utah and Wyoming have been pastured upon this reservation every summer, but Superintendent May has reported that the pi notice is injuri ous to the timber, and Commissioner Hermann's order is the result. Super intendent May has notified the flock owners by telegraph. The Short l.lnt to Build The Short Line has awarded the con tract fot a number of sidetracks and the widening of its giade in s number ot places to the Corey Bros., of Ogden. The contract aggregates something like (40,000 and covers all extensions and buildings oonneoted with the present system from Milford to Butte and from Granger to Huntington and ell branch lines. Trana-M Isslsalppl Congress. Governor Oeer has been asked to ap point 12 delegates to the trans-Missis sippi congress, which will meet al Wichita, Kan., May 81. Those who desire to attend will be appointed, Washington Bnpreme Court. In the case of the Washington Iron Works vs. King county, the supreme court of Washington, holds that the state must keep its tideland contracts cleared of 8 county's tax liens if it wonld prevent clouds from gathering over its title to the lands prior to the time of the making of the final pay luent on the contract. It is thought that this opinion can be modified by a proper proceeding, so that it will not apply to school land contracts. The largest brewery in the state ot Washington is to be built at Port An geles by Chicago capitalists, who will invest (500,000 in the plant. This place has been selected on account of the excellent water to be found there, which is an important item. A large number of the sea lions at the Point Reyes rookeries, neat San Franoisco, have been killed sinoe last Friday by subordinates of the state board of fish and game commissioners. It is hoped to so reduce the herds that they will no longer be a menace to th fisheries of the coast. lanaeaa 11 wpe. Experiment is to he made st the Corvallis station with two varietiea of of European hops that it is expected may benefit hop production in Oregon. One of the varieties is rat ly, and the other medium early in cropping. Enoh Is very strong in liipulin Only halt S doson toots of each has been furnieh ed the station by the department at Washington. Dr. Withvoombe will cultivate these on the oollcgn farm, snd it result are favorable, arrange menta will follow for gioaeis to lie supplied witli enough cuttings to gut a start iu the now varieties. Mookaxrk ttlvrr Match. rv. Governor Kogers and Fish Commis sioner Little, comprising the mujotity of the state tlsh coumiission, Inst week visited Ken. lull creek and its continence with the NiKvkaaek river, and officially designated it as the site for the tish hatchery provided for by the lust legis lature, to bo located on that river. A force of men was set to work on its con- miction, and It is expeotod to hatoli spawn from it this vear. Five thous and dollars was appropriated for con structing ami maintaining the baton cry for the first year. Marlon ('mint? t'ropa. "Onions the weather moderates and more sunshine is had soon, there will be s light wheat crop.' This is the opinion ot a number of pioininenl wlieatgrowera of Minion county. They sav that the season has been so back- waul, the weather being cold and rainy both night and day, that wheat has not yet made any appreciable growth, though usually at this ittue of year, it is well up. The wet and cold weather is favorable to the incieuso of hoplice, which have made their appearance on hop vines In ditToreut parts ot the county. PACIFIC COAST TRADE. I'ortland Market. Wheat Walla Walla. 60c: Vallev. 60c; lllnesteiu, 6 lo per bushel. Hour Best grades. 13.80: graham. (3.65; superfine, (4.15 per barrel. Oats Choice white. 43(4 He: choice gray, 41(43c per bushel. Barley Feed barley. (33.00; brew ing, (33.00 per ton. Millstuffs Bran. (17 per ton: mid dlings, (33; shorts, (18; chop, (18.00 per ton. llav Timothr. (8ial9: clover. (7 $8; Oregon wild hay, (d per ton. Butter Fancy creaiuerv. 40o: seconds, 35(ji40o; dairy, 30(ii35o store, SO (it 35o. Cheese Oregon full cream. 13 Vo: Young America, 15c; new cheese, 10c per pound. Poultry Chickens, mixed. (334 Der doion: liens. I4.00i35.00: snriuns. (1.35(33; geese, (0.00(37.00 for old. (4.60)5 for young; ducks, (5.00(4; 6.60 per dozen; turkeys, live, 15 (J 16c per pound. Potatoes (1 (3 1. 10 per sack; sweets. 2c per pound. V eirotables Beets. 90e: turnins. 75c per suck; garlic, 7o per pound; cab baae. (1 ($ 1.35 uer 100 oouuds: cauli flower, 75o per dozen; parsnips, 75c per sack; beans, 8c per pound; celery, 7075a per doien; cucumbers, 60c per box; peas, 3(3 i,c per pound. Onions Oregon, 60(!"5c ersack. Hops 11(3 13c; 18S17 crop, 4c(k). Wool Valley, ll(313u per pound; Eastern Oregon. 8 (it 13c: mohair. 20c it pound. Mutton dross, liest sheen, wethers snd ewus, 4c; dressed mutton, 7,'e; Spring lambs, 7'uc per lb. Uogs tiroes, choice heavy, (4.60; light ami feeders. (3.60(S3.00: dressed. (5.00(6.00 per 100 pounds. Beef Urosa, top steers, 4.00(31 1. 60; cows, (3. 60 (3.00; dressed beef, 6ltt6.,'c per poond. Veal Large, 637c: small. 7U(SHc per pound. Seattle Markets. Onions, 80c(itl.l0 per 100 pouuds Potatoes, (36 (4 40. Beets, per suck, (11 25. Turnips, per sack, 60(3 75c. Carrots, per suck, 75c, Parsnips, iur sack, rJ5c(l. Canlillower, (1.00 per dos. Celery, 85(3 40o. Cabbage, native snd California (3.75 per 100 pounds. Apples, (1.75(32 per box. Pears, 60c ( 1.60 per box. Prunes, 60c r box. Butter Creamery, 20o per pound; dairy and ranch, 12 18a per pound. Eggs, 18c Cheese Native, 13c. Poultry Old hens, 16o per pound; spring chickens, 14c; turkeys, 16c. Fresh meats Choice dressed heel steers, prime, 0c; cows, prime, 9c; mutton, Uc; pork, 7o; veal, 810u. Wheat Feed wheat, (30. Oats Choice, per ton, (36.60. Hay Puget Hound mixed, (7.00(9 8; choice Eastern Washington tim othy, (12.00. Corn Whole, (23.60; cracked, (24; feed meal, (24.00. Barley Kolled or ground, per ton, (352(J; whole, (24. Flour Patent, per barrel, (3.85; straights, (3.10; California brands, (3.35; buckwheat flour, (3.60; graham, per barrel, (3.60; whole wheat flour, (3.76; rye flour, (4.60. MillstnlTs Bran, per ton, (15; shorts, per ton, (16. 1 Feed Choppod feed, (21 22 pet ton; middlings, pet ton, (22; oil cak meal, per ton, (33. San Franelseo Markat. Wool Spiing Nevada, 912opei pound; Oregon, Eastern, 1012o; Val ley, 16 17c; Noitliern, 810c. Millstuffs Middlings, fl620.50; bran, (15.60(316.60 per ton. On ions Hi 1 verski n , 60 a 90c per sack, Butter Funcy creamery, 17(8 18o; do seconds, 16017c; funcy dairy, 15o; do seconds, 14 144c per (round. Eggs' Store, 15o; fancy ranch, 1617o. Hops 1898 crop, 15o, Citrus Frnlt Oranges, Valencia, (3 2.50; Mexican limes, (4.50g)S; Call fornia lemons, 76of i.25; do ohoice, (3.50 per box. Hay Wheat, $13 15.60; wheat an.i it, (18 10; oat, (1416; best bar .ey, (13(913; alfalfa, (1112 per ton straw, 4070oper bale. Potatoes Early Hose, (1.5031.76; Oregon Burknnks. (l.flfitl.85; ilvei Burbanks, 75o(l; Salinas Burbauks, 1 1 (1.10 per sack. Tropical fruits Bananas, (1.50 2.50 pel bnnch; pineapples, (2.60 ,4.60; Persian dates, 66jo pet pound. OPPORTUNITIES IN PORTO RICO Koaia fe Yt Mea t Kalarprls and Kiigartjr. Washington, May 9. Owing to the large number of inquiries that have been received by the members ot the insular commission since thelt recent letnrn liom Porto Klco, Oeneral Hub ert P. Kennedy hits prepared s state, uient as to the resources snd conditions in Porto Itloo, which he thinks will cover the points upon which the great est in tercet has boon manifested. Con cerning the people themselves, Ounontl Kenedy says: "There can scarcely be found on the globe a more hospitable and warm h'artod people than those of Porto Uieo. They aie in full sympathy with American institutions. There Is a great deal ot poverty In the island, as it is understood In the United Stales. That Is, the people live in flimsilv Constructed huts, have few clothes mid still lees of ready money, but, owing to the iKiuuty ol nature around them, they can live itli little work and tow worldly good and still not suffer from cither cohl oi hunger. The stories of starvation upon the Island are baseless fabrications. "While the richer classes live well in beautifully appointed homes and have been, (or the most part, educated abroad, so that they can seak Knglsh, the percentage of illiteracy among the poorer classes is very high, teaching 90 per cent, but Ibis Is laigely due to the fact that there are no schools worthy the name outside of the largest towns, or, inileoj, one might say, In the whole island. "As to agricultural opportunities, I should say that not one-fourth ot the land Is tinder cultivation, and thous ands of acres yet remain to be given over to husbandry. Lauds are held at good prices, owing to the promise of an i it tl u x of people fioiu the United States. Still, there Is opportunity for many thousands ot persons who really wish to engage In agtlculture In the island. That there aie great oppoi tun ities ill Porto Klco is unquestionable. To young men desiring to seek per manent homes and who have s good stock of energy and enteiptise, Porto Uieo offers great Inducements. But 1 would discourage the simple adventurer who expects to leap a quick snd un earned reward. "The opportunities for stock-raising, It appears to me, are superior to those in almost any putt of the United State, and this without dispaiagvuieut to our own country." FRANCE PRESSES CHINA. L Demands Cuneaaalnns fur Mlaalonnra Outrag-vs. Peking, May 0. The French minis ter, M. Pichon, bus demanded mining concessions to the value of 1,300.000 tuula in the province ot ttxochuan, one of the largest in China, and traversed by the Yang-tse-Kiang, as Indemnity for the recent imprisonment of a French missionary. The demand is considered exorbitant. Ihu Chinese say that the existing conditions ol re bellion are not due to any laok of en ergy on the part of the government, which has Irequnutly consulted the French minister regarding the best means of obtaining the Ireedom of the priests in question. According to advices from Hankow, capital of the province of Hoo Poo, the ftussiuiis contemplate Inking definite action with reference to property now owned by British subjects In the Itus siun Janlino concession. The Kussian consul refiisos to leOognixo the titles ol the claimants. The affair threatens to interfere seriously with the Peklng Hankow railroad project, and the dis missal of the iiussian nfllcial is con siderud to be the only remedy. Admiral llawey Aempts, Now York, May 9. Dewey cabled Saturday that be would accept the (100-it-plato banquet to be tendered him on his return. This is only one of a number of functions now being planned and given great lmx)tus by the arrival of the cruiser Buflulo, which made record-time home from Manila in 44 days. All the officers declare that Dewey Is in the best ol health and spirits, and is satisfied with being the bend of the navy, wants no presidential troubles, and is planning to come home as soon as peace is con cluded. I'awder Plant Wrarkad. Pottsville, I'm,, May 9. The powder mill plant of the Pottsville Water Company, located seven miles east, blew tip today, destroying 18 tons of powder. No workmen were about the plant at the time ol the explosion. A gang of tramps, It is believed, set Are to a magazine, which contained 14 tor.s of blunting powder. Five minutes later there was a second explosion, when the drying-house, containing tour tons of powder, went np. The two explosions wrecked the entire plant. Debris was carried for s distance of half a mile. The loss amounts to shout (10,000. Cruiser HntTalo Home. New York, May 9. Flying a "homeward bound" penant, the Unit ed Slates cruiser Buffalo, camo into port this morning after a record-breaking run from Manila. She brought 600 officers and men from Dewey's fleet, more than half of whom participated in the battle of Manila bay, Tho men are those whose terms of enlistment have expired. Not flolng to Samoa. Iiio Janeiro, Brazil, May V Tin Newark, United Statos cruiser, de parted from tiiis port In haste several days ago and Is said to be bound for the Philippines, The I.onn Assured. London, May 9. The Peking corre spondent of the Times says: The no gotiations for a loan of 400,000 for the Tion-Tsin-Chin Kiang railway, under Anglo-German control, has been successfully termiuuted. What llawallans Want. Ban Francisco, May 9. John Ens, vice-president of the Inter-Inland Steam Navigation Company of Hawaii, who arrived here on the Moana, says: "The natives in Hawaii are anxious for a territorial form of government Nobody wants the country to bo a col ony. We will have the I urges t crop ol sugar this year we ever had. I cannot say as much for ooffue, which is a total failure, nt least on tho Hilo side. The coffee planters have sold their lands to a syndicate, which will grow sugar," FRANCES WILLARP HOSPITAL USES PE-RU-NA FOR CATARRH OF THE STOMACH a. - ii ii Mtm ,,-rxfW Th Frances VilUrd Miss Ooorglann Dean was for three years missiotinty Hi Liberia under the M. K. chinch from the training school in Chicago, A (lor her return she studied nursing, graduating from the present Frances K. Willurd National Temperance Hospital of Chicago, She Is an enthusiastic fi lend of i'e-ril na, is is evident from the following letter: Chicago, 111., Jan. 20, 180t. I'e-ru na Drug Mamifuclming Co., Co lumbus, O. : (ientlcmen You will be glad to know of the happy results obtained from the use of Pu-ril-na among the pa tients under my care whenever pro- Conciseness Is the distinguishing chuiactorlstie of log hooka. This is the way the steam log ol the Oregon, kent bv the chief enulnetir. tells the stoiy ot tho destruction of Cervera's fl Hit: Eight A. M. to merld. Ashe, loro until 11:110, when wa went to gen eral quarters, the enemy's Hoot having come out of tho entrance. Put forced diaught on alt main boilers at alxnil 9:45, and began chasing. Continued running under forced draught for lest of watch, driving the enemy's ships ashore one by one. At eud of watuli only one ship remuiiiud, which we Wete gradually overhauling, Merld. to 4 P. M. As be lorn, eicenl shut down F. it. blowers and slowed down about 1:30, having destroyed the Span ish fleet. Worked to bolls teat of watch. A shaft of enduring granite 96 feel high ia to murk the tombnf the mlson. ship martyrs of Fort (Ireene. This monument to the bravo men who per ished In the hold of the Jersey is to cost (350,000. Patriotic, women and men have joined hands to raise that urn. Puiis has a museum of objects relat ing to the ballet. It Include every thing, from an old ballet skirt to jew els worn by famous dancers. There aie also casts ot the let of these lerp siolioreans, among them being one of Mine. Vestrls' feet. It was made for Lord File at a cost of 1,000, and sold alter his death for couple ol shillings. More than 9.000,000 trees havo been planted along the line of the Northern Pucillo Kail road in North Dakota, to solve as pioteution from snow drifts. It is estimated that the potato crop of Ariatook county. Mo., will reach 5,000,000 bushels, and 8,000 tons of starch will bo made. IOO ItKWAIlO SI OO. The reaitera nf llilt patr will tie pleased to kjaru tliat lliura ia at Ica.t ona iln ailed Uiae lliat Miti' liaa la-en ahle lo cure III all Ha sit', sad that lacaiarrli. llall'nCatarrh I'uru Utbeimly iiailtveciire knowu lo llio iiu-ilical fmUTiillr. Catarrh Ntliis aoiuailtuilnnat dis ease, reioilri-a a CoiKiTtiiiional lrimtimiit, Hall's Catarrh Cure la taken Internally, a. I his dlr-ciljr iiimiii the Idooil ami mcruna llrla. ol tint yli-m,tlirrvliy d.'ilrnyliis Urn fiannla llmi ef tlia linra.e, ami siring the iiatiiMil ain-iiKih lif Imllilliia tin Ilia eim.llinKon ana a.si.ilnir nature In lining In work. Tim imv lirii-lora have o much faith In IIS rnrsltva Dowers, that they offer Olio Hundred iMInri lor aay cae that It tails tocuru. betid lor Hat uf tvatlnioulala. Allresa tK K.J. I'll KNKV 4 CO., Toledo, 0. Rrilrl by rintfpttat", 7Ac. Hall's Kami I I'tlla are the beat. Tim broso harp attached to the tomb of Shelley at Itomn has buuu stoluu possibly by some admirer. LARASTINB Is the orlslnnl ami only iluruLia wull coatlriK, entirely dllTererit from all knl somlnes. tteiidy for use In white nr twelvs tienullful tints by adding cold water. AP1F.9 naturally profer AtA 1IAHTINK for walla and cell IriKi. because It la pure, clean, (tumble. I'ut up In dry pow dered form, In five-pound paclt bkcs, with full directions. t.L kalsnmlnes are cheap, tem porary preparations mail from whltlmr, cluilks, cIhvs, etc,, and stuck on walls with tin cnylnq animal slue. At.AUAU TIN1 is not a kulsomlne. EWARB of tha dealer Who says he can sell you the "sam thing;" a ALAltASTINE or "something just as good." Ha Is either not pustetl or Is try ing to deceive you. NO IN OFFERING something ne nas nougrn emenn ana tries to sell on ALADAHtlNK'S nn. mantis, he may not realise the dumatre you will auffnr by a kulsomlne on your wulls. BNBlFiLK ooalers will not buy a lawsuit. Denlnrs risk one hy selling and consumers !ry usln Infringement. Alabastlna Co. own right to make wull coat ing to mix with cold water. Hul INTERIOn WALLB Of every schoolnouse should h coated only wlih pure, durable ALABASTINB. ft safeguards health. Hundreds of tons ar used annually for this work. N BUYING ALABAflTtNK.ses that packages are properly la beled. Beware of urge four pound package Hunt kalso mlne offered to customers as s live-pound packags. i UTBANC13 of wall pnper Is 0b viatea Dy A l.AHAn Tl NW, It can be used on plnstered walls, wood ceilings, brick or can vas, A child can brush It on. It does not rub or scale oft. STABLIRHE In favor. Bhun an Imltntlons. Ask paint deitltr or druggist for tint card. Write for "Alabnstlne Ern," free, to ALABASTIN10 CO., Qrand Rapids, Michigan, '7IW ncALin fftSTORER. USEITI fo) IS) Bort CuukIi Hyrup. f fcwttw Gimd. Cm in limn. Holfl rr nriiggtmn. HosclUl, Chlofo, III I scribed by the physician. I have seen some very remarkable cures of paaes ot I very obstinate catarrh of the stomnch, where Pe-ru-na was the only medlcliia used, I consider it a reliable medicine. Omirglans Dean, The symptoms of catarrhal dyspepsia are: Coaled tongue, pain oi heavy feeling In the stomach, belching of gas, diuy head, sometimes headache, despondent feelings, loss ot apetltn, palpitation ot the beai land Irregularity of the bowel. Send for a true book written by Dr. Ilaitmaii, entitled "Health and Beauty." Address Dr. llaitman, CoA lumlnis, O. What Van Waalf An old Irishman was on the stand In one ot the circuit courtrooms one day, ami the attorney cross examining him had s liatd lima to elicit any In formation. He worked around mil, pattloulai point, and plied the witness with about a doaen questions. At lust, growing tired of his (mitten examina tion, he asked, rather impatiently I "Well, can'lyou tell mo something?" "Well, what would you like m to toll you?" asked the wllneea, blandly, ami that floored the attorney. Do tioit Flee I'rees (told ha been found brsome Minns sola soldiers In the streams of the Han Juan and Monte Itlano mountain near Manila. Our volunteers are anxious for peace, so that they can turn miner. BAD BLOOD "rtat jlim m mi elalaae IW Uaat arxl ara a uif .u.lili aivdioina I kata ulua ttt,l fur a wa.tlciwa aiaaMnl iu uia at4 al la.l ta ttHOHl it ia l aarau staw lakina ihvai mt biuutl bi iMtt curiae and tar niairu a. bruVMdv.indarraltr ft n,,ra bailer lb .t.tf ar.' MusauasS. sinjaa. LauaU.Va. Slaaaant Palatable, rwairt, Taata QamI. raj Uiaal. tfvvar Siea a. Wvatan (lm ie. SM ara. ... CURI CONSTIPATION. ... . iwi, fMaar. niMaa, hwi, M Ih ta) M.TA.Rlfi si!'"'"! br allSraaT TEETH WITHOUT PLATES llonla Crawneit. Ilrttl(aa tla.la. I'allilaaa lllllnf ami eilraetloa. Dr. T.H. White. KSr BUY THE GENUINE SYRUP OF FIGS ... IIAIIUrACTOKBD ST ... CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. is-Nora-rus name. You will nver know what Good Ink Is unless you use Carter's. It cost! no more than poor ink. Funnybookltt'-ltuwlo Maktlnk llduita " f res, CARTER'S INK CO., Boston, Mass. IT llcltroSii. Watklnlan. 0. C.. tl.ry .111 II celve iittck repliea. II. Mh N. II, Vnta. hlaft )lh t'ri. I'maemtln; plalmi alnee IS7S, RELIEF B" tor WOMEN OR. MANTEL'S FRENCH FEMALE PILLS Partlmrlara aad mil nioiilala In plain aaalaa nttNCHDSUaea.SIU SSI Paarl Na. Vark WHY DON'T YOU TAKB Hometlilii In nnrlly ynur bliMiil-take away theme iiiiii In Ilia Lack those torrllil hi-ad-auhi-sf Why don't yuu take remedy that has cured tliouiands Moore's Revealed Remedy Kvprvhmty that has given It a fair trial recoin. mviKla It. Ona bniila halps. Kaay to tak. II.U1 pur bottlo st yuur driiirglst's. RUPTURE CURED. We gusrantti to nt every ease w umlertak. Iio.-'t put It off; write lor rartlnilars at once. . II. WOOIiAKII A UO Kinerl Truss sitters, 108 Hocoud Htruet, Portland, Or. CURE YOURSELF. I NK Ilu m.ai .. dl.i liars,, IliSaniiiiallimi, irr lMllt,a ... i......i..ul 1SriM.ii nala,n, l',li,,, , THtEvaws Omiiint flo, " ' riingiu. kOiscisMin.o S wia uractiata, "pr taut In slain wrappar, r aipr.n, prapalil, lui , " ""ii"1., .1.10. Urimlar aaul an raaiisai, OR. GUNN'S ' u vSr PILLS n Tulit '''.""'""""''nmillon.naM. bo ..i.'fT. i : V 10""na you, will ma . ..win,, nan, Boia b, DfusjIsU. YOUNG MEN! tV? nrt nlart lift Pabat'i Okay SpMMa. II til" an''.i'i""""" "'."'J1 wl" e'er aw. NO cask k,m hM ,r ,,, to ,. , nuillM- now aorlona or of bow long aunilliit. HmuIm Jrom IU uw will taloiil.li yuu, 1,'to ahwl'taly aas onla uHi tiira. anil ran lis tabiin wllhuul lnooo'2 W. nr anil (l..tanllm frnm hnrtniM I'ltlcK, Slot, o nl. by all ill.l,lo dninilila, ur Knt pranaul b aapraaa. plainly wrappmi, on r.V of pri, l' ' , , ,. . I'aliHT UiitaiOAL 00Chloae.Ilt 01raularmaudaarUM, w" v"w SURE CUKE FOR PILES HJIII NifPll.1 prwliii mow nr. anil o.u ltTln I hi. form, as aallaa blind, Bl...lli,, or Protruillu hi.. "0 curc-l 1,, pr, ipsanko'sVlla SJamedS l.ili ilt. hln, andhlMilllis. Alijorti. tumiira, SSI ua .bout our ou.. 15 1 BOSANKO, Phil.da.Va, N. P. N. TJ. MO. 1 -'. j II Jf CATMASJTIC i