'- WSH WITH THK VkoCI.K ! FllMllSTCIIUKCII Organized at Tualatin l'lalus V lr.May.18U. A HISTORICAL CI11KCU BUILDING. Ilea Wood, of Hiilatae, ivh the Kccerde ef th 44 Church. Zina Wood, ir., of this city, owns (lis offloial recur ds of the first lUpii.t church organised on the rpitlo dope. The articles of in corporation read: "ConatiiuUon mid covenant of the West Union Bapliat church of Jua Christ. "Tualatin Mains, Oregon terrl ,try, May 25, 1844. "Whereas, in the providence of uud, a few names of ua, the profess ed followers of Jesus Christ, who nuld one faith, one Lord and one baptism, have been thrown together in the wild or the Weft, and twins members of churches in the United States, desirous of keeping up the forihipof God in our neighbor hood and in our familiea, agree, that le hereby constitute) and come Invo union, first giving our elves to the Lord, and then to each other, do covenant and agree that we will meet together to wor blp (lod and keep the command- Oil" I Id and nnlinatw..a of flml'a j h'iue, and are hereby constituted f itiloa church. I (sKed) ( 4'I) T.I.kmxox. Husky 8itwa:i.L "l.rt iMD Ukaulr, Ai.kx. Blkvins, i'SlNKVKII KoKtt, I-Ol'SM I.K.t.NOX, ') V'W'u, Hkauus, Lavi.na Bi.kvini" j T" .Tlix church has not held inent- f ing since March, 187U, and Mr. n ood ia the only one now eurviv in; of the board of trmlees. The association built a church in 18VI sinl di-dicated it on December 21 oftlint year. Win. Kane, now living nl Forest Drove, was the builder. The building committee reported tlul the expense of the structure Mas over 11 WW. The lmilliug is yet used, but by other denomination!. A few years ago t aas ratM-d on a good Hone found ation, and still gives excellent aocmuuindaliou for worship. The lirl Imptiitins on the coast of this deiiomiiiHlion oocured on Kebnmrv 2, 1H47, at which lime JUry Ann Lenox,' Klitalwlh Ltrox and IVry Beagle were re ceived into the church. The eighth article of fnith reads: J' We believe that baptism ia an :i. ....... . i. ...... ....i .lumaiKfr i iiiwjupjtoi, nun im vo Urn iidmioialercd D believers only, r . " inai immersion vt tne ooay in ler is the only proper mode of baptism. The record of February 8, 1845. stales: "After hearing a sermon bv our beloved brother. Rev. Vin cent Hnelling, being the first ser mon preached to the church by a baptist minister in Oregon, proceed- mi 10 uusiuess." I The searching of these records has been caused by the fact that ,, the Paelflo coast Bapiints propose . holding ait anniversary in the Jatterparl of May at Bun Fran , cluuo, at which time and place the i-arliest dales and interesting his tory of the pioneer churches and ministers wilt beset forth. Aa near as can be ascertained, j ha posterity of the incorporator! ire; children of Mr. and Mrs. W'm. Iteagle, (who died at Pendleton a years ago) Wm. Beagle, Atlin, y."ka; Jaa. Beagle, PendleUm ; Per JO Beagle (one of the first baptized , v jhe church) Lewiston, Idaho; rf)iin Beagle, Colorado; Nancy Bea fie Hombee, (formerly Mrs. Crisp) vorvallis; Frank and Ben Betgle, tallow Jacket, Idaho, and M. A. Beagle, Skaguay. Alaska. Children ir. ana Mr, nenry Bewell mes H. and John. W. ftawnll. nf ilUlmro. Lennox' children 8am ennox. Gaaton: David Lennox. oseburg, and Ed Lennox. Culifor- ia. The Fords moved awav to the alia Walla oountrv and tlm ni. rity cannot be traced. Of the loviiiB, no trace can uo iouqu. FARIfcS, TAKE NOTICE. lillsboro. Or.. Anril 8. 1899. On- jpr the depression of the times, fith wheat at 50 eenta, I must ie down U the same revel 'rits with tha farmer, and try turn with tha farmer aa thau of to are AavDroducera of all the wealth of X ijAmintry, We must help them v we can, so I Have put down all woe! to correspond with 50 cent rfeat. For horse shoeing for all irsea that will atund nnil. in ho Yi,I will shoe for $1.00 per horse an new moei, ana twenty cents I re settins inv own Rtumr: t." jf,h Winosaa4h Pengcomuon wagou tirea, K7 "rea and all other work Tlprton. Theee are itrlctlv llprloei. Work all warranted lesnn Htllsboro. Thanking wntrons lor DBSt ravnra. and an. kf .. - -w mg a continuance of the tame, Youra reepeotfully, J. P. filUIlUfltl id street, Hillaboro, Or. lilesie Bigler, of this city, is the week with Mn. Jas. yoni PhiJlipi. 1 1 Dr. Kellog, of the Taylor street church. Dr. Wm. Rasmus, of the Grace M. K. church, Dr. Thoburn, of the Centenary, Dr. Ktarr. of Sunnyside, Rev. R. A. Atkins of Hillsboro, ami Rev. Luce, of Cor nelius, piloted by J. T. Dor rein, went up to Mountaindale Monday and luesdayou a nshii.g sxpedi tion. Their catch was not exceed ingly large and it ia suld the trout retreated like Fillininos. The yellow li'gged chickens fled to the hills before this ministerial brigade, so that the commissary department some what represented a geological vacuum. The party earned over night in a ba-n, and went to bed supperless, aa each had swoin to eat nothing but chlckeu or trout Long in the night Chancellor Thoburn, hen ring a chicken cluck tn one corner of the barn, went over on a forazing expedition. Boon he cried out, "I have him, hoys! he fa a ahanghal, and has hums like a steer; bring a light, quick t; Drs. Rasmus ai d Kellog hastily lighted a candle and rushed to tbe rescue. They found Chan oeuor I noourn with hts arms i. m. r . . . firmly enclosed around a little baby mule colli Rev. Atkins is authority, it might be well to re mark, for the statement that all the divines were duly sober. Go and aee Wehrunc & Bona' spring slock of dress goodx, wash goods, etc. Also their fine line of clothing. In a lew days their new took of dress trimmings will be opened. Prices ahich make com petition tremble. Met I 'udge N. N. Tanner and Horaft-1 Butterfield, of Portland. cane out Saturday and in company with Messrs. K. D. and W. K Thorne, went out to catch the fes tive trout. 1 borne Heuior sUid with the wagon whilst the "ftrofes- sionals" plied the stream. The eatch was: Hutterfleld. 2: the Jude, 0; W. K., 8; K. D. haak Walton Thorne, HI Hchulmerich & Bon have receiv ed their slock of spring and sum mer goods, Including all lines kept in leading dry goods houses. John German, a cituen of Prog- rt-ss, was Friday last trind for tres pass, before a jury in Justice Smith's court, a verdict of acquittal having lieen brought in. On Baturday he wasagaiu tried for assault and bat tery and this time the jury disa greed. The complaining witness in both Instances was a Mrs, Ulery. Titos. II. Tongue apueared for the defense and Geo. R. Bugler as- sinted H. T. Bsgley, for the state. The Arctio bird flow through the window and glass went down for a moment but not so low as We hrung & Bon's priors on cloth, boots and shoes, groceries, dry goods, etc. Dr. E. DeWilt Connell arrived from his Kurnpean trio, April 1, and ia expected home In a few diiys, next week, perhaps. While absent he visited prominent centre in Kuropo ,tnd Western Asia, and at the same time attended lec tures on the eye and ear at the best medical centres on the coni nent He will again resume his practice in Portland. Go to F.J.Barber, Second Street, for a neat shave or hair cut. Satis faction guaranteed. Fine bath room in connection. County Treasurer A. B. Cady has received from the Sheriff since the tax roll opened, a total of 102,140.- 7G. Out of this he has paid the state tax for 1898, amounting to 25,508.89. About lft,000 can be applied to outstanding warrants. HillHboro has already received f 1,- 888.82, while Foreet Grove has re ceived 1,425.20. Rchulmerioh & Son have received a new wugon from the factory and can undersell all othei dealers in like goods, 0'jtne and get prices. The W. C. T. U. silver medal con test was held at Foreet Grove in the M. K. church Monday night. There were six contestants. Miss Lucre- tia Thompson, whose recitation was "Old Soapy," was the winner. About 500 listened to the exercises, When you want a suit or oloth- ing of any kind, go to It Wehrung & Bona. Their stock is completed and prices Tight. Dr. A. B. Bailey, wife and child, are down from Spokane, for a week ! or ten davs visit with rel atives. Dr. A. B. ia thoroughly en rapport with the Spokane city and haa un abiding faith in its future greatness. For luperior Photos call at the new studio, five blocks east of the Court House. Don't think you can cure that slight attack of Dyspepsia by diet ing, or that it will cure itself. Ko- dot Dyspepsia Cure will cure it: it "digests what you etit" and restores the digestive organs to health. Del ta Drug Store. Benton Bowman goes to Portland tomorrow to represent Hillsboro Maccabees in the State Review. John Boeker Jr!, represent! Green vine lent, ana J, r. Allen goes from Forest Grove. Judge K. D. Shattuok one of our old pioneers, was in tbe oity v.ester day. The judge is growing quite feeble. C. Koch returned Inst week from a business trip to Puset Sound points, H. Wehrung A Son's new spring stock of shoe, has arrived. Shoes for all tbe people at lowest prices. HILLSBORO ARGUS, APRIL 20, 1899. ATTUALATiN Charles Cancel loses an arm In Sawmill KECEIVES OTHER BAD INJURIES The Injured man baa a Urge family A sad accident. Monday, April 17, was a bad day for Chaa. F. Casleel, a citizen of Tualatin and an employee of Tuala tin lumber company. While work ing in the company'! mill, run uing a cut off saw, some of the machinery became detached, caus ing the saw to fly, cutting an ugly wound on his forehead above the right eye and on his right shoulder. This caused Casteel to fall slightly inrward and the right arm was severed near the elbow. The in jured man haa the sympathy of bis leiiows aa he Is industrious, has a large family, and has had much Illness lor several months. VETERANS, ATTENTION! The regular semi-annual meeting of the Washington County Veler an Association will be held at Bea verlon on Thursday, May 4, 1899. At this meeting will be determined the time and place of holding the annual reunion. The Women's Auxiliary is entitled to vote at this convention. A full attendance is requested at a matter of importance will Im disctiPM-d. Capl. A. M.Coi.mnb, Pres. Carrol B. McNutt, Sec'y. Dated at Hillsboro. Or. this 13th day of April, 1899. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. IMt-iM lake notice that the under signed vill on. the 24th day of Ap ril, mm, m v n ciocK in me morn imr. at the ollice of the Counlv Court at liillflwro, Oregon, let to tbe lowest retHinaible bidder the contract for building and construct ing a bicycle path in accordance with th snecilkaliona now on file in the office of the County Clerk, and also copies of which can be seen in the hiiuds of G. A. Well- rim ir at IlilltiWo: F. T. Kane, of - - r - , - - Forest Grove, and Ferd. Groner. ef Scholia. The committee rnervef tho right to reject all bid. IU. A ttelirung. Comm. F. T. Kane, Ferd Groner. NOTICE I have gone back to black smith ing again, in the building former Iv occunied bv L. W. IIpubp. acrnwa the street from my old shop on 3rd street. I solicit all my old custom. All work warranted. U. G. Garpnkr, Hillaboro, Oregon. AN OLD VETERAN. Cornelius, April 10. (To the Ed itor The following is an extract from the Milwaukee Germania: 'Mr. Chnrlet Brandon, of Mounds- ville, West Virginia, made application for a pension tbe otber day, and if one half her ttory it true, she ia entitled to one. hue clainit to be the Ad wile of Chat. Bramltii, who recently died at the tp of 96, and who wai the father of 39 children, of whom fonrdied when young. At tbe time ot Brandon t dealli I tie old- ett child wat 75 yeara of age and tbe youngett wat three. Tbe claimant's name wax Sarah Barker, and the wit the youngett of a family of 16 children. Brandon't first wife bore him lis chil dren, of which the two eldest are living tlie oilier lour Having died in childhood. Hit second wife had 18 children. The present Mrs. Brandon bore 15 children and at the lime of her marriage there were 10 children under the parental roof, tbe oldest then thing tq years. She claims the hat been always a good moth er to them. Brandon was a veteran of three wart. lie fought against the British in 1812. a later Indian war, and Wat to the Mex ican war. Seventeen of hit tons served in the war of the Rebellion. It seemt st though he could not find namea enough for hit boys, as he named two of them Charles and two, John, each of the two pairs being sons of different mothers. Motnoi tne lharies' and Johns were in the Union army and were captur ed at Chickamauga and died at Ander son ville priton. Th; other brothers serv ing in the army were: Simon, Evens, feler, loseplius, Hiram, lames. Van Btt- ren, Jacob, Alexander, David, Andrew and Rufus. Peter was killed at Sliiloh, while the others came home safe and now live, scattered, in tbe tnountaina of Virginia and Kentucky, Mrs. Brandon it now 61 yean ot age and tne govern ment should do something for her." I tend you tint ttrange ttory for publi cation. Yours truly, G. F. C. Mkykr, fRd. note. Mr. Meyer it a veteran of the Rebellion and was a member of Co. K ia Indiana. Buff Leghorn eggs for sale.' Mrs. W. A. Finney, Hillsboro. Mrs. J. E. Long came out from Portland last evening and went out to Leisyville to visit a few days with relatives. Peroales 36 inches wide, at 8 cents per yard, atf Schulmerich & Son's. If you have piles, ou re them. No use undergoing horrible operations that limply remove the results of the disease without disturbing the disease itself. Place your confi dence In De Witt's Witoh Hasel Salve. It haa never failed to cure others; it will not fail to cure you. The Delta Drug Store. I The Ladies of the Red Cross So ciety will terve light refreshments at tut home of Mrs. J. W. Morgan, Wednesday evening, April 2G, for the purpoar of increasing their funds. A committee having at its disposal some of our best local tal ent assures us of a pleasant evening and a novel and unique entertain ment. This committee includes every member of the society, their menus and invited guests, each and every one of whom are request ed to come nreDared to respond when called noon to contribute Inn or her part toward making tbe af fair a social success, so that each msv feel justified in exneclinir a - - - t r ' generous offering from "everybody elee. Cake and coffee will be worth 10 cents, but as the Red Cross wr'i is always a volunteer work, no limit will be set unon your offering. All are cordially ovueu vo aiienu. Ready made sheet! and uillow caws cheaper than you can bu 1 the goods for, at Hchulmerich Son's. Citv Treasurer. S. Everitt. has 1,400 on hand with which t tav city warrants. He calls this week, all warrants issued from Nov. 6 to Deo. 5, 1895, inclusive. 0 If rou suffer from tenderness or fullness on the right side, pains un der shoulder-blade, constipation, biliousness, sick-headache, and feel dull, heavy and sleepy your liver is torpid and congested. JJe Witts Little Early Risers will cure you oromntlv and nleasantlv bv remnv- j - 1 ing the congestion and causing the bile ducts to open and flow natur ally. They are good pills. The Delta Drug Store. All wool tailor-made suits. I7.o0 and up. No fit, no pay. A. P. Ven en. at Brotrn's furniture store. O. U. Haugan who attended the Wisconsin State Dairy school el Madison Wis. this winter, wriiea- "Thecold weather in the east drova me back to the roast, so I wish you would be kind enough to send the Argus to Seattle for while until 1 get settled down fur good. Mr bent greeting to you and friends.' New umbrellas "it Schulmerich & Son's. Pneumonia, la grinne. ooucrhs. colds, croup and whooping-cough readily yield to One Minute Cough Cure. Use this remedy in time and save a doctor's bill or the un dertaker's. The Delta Drug Store. Pure Bluck Minorca eggs nt Greer's, the Grocer. 50 cent ier selling of 15. John C. Learn re, President of Ihe Grand Cabin. Native Sonwis4Jtavi gon. will he in the citv'K. J-1 Apr.l 27, to inatilute a loeifjCy . J.; '. . . , f1 A long list of nam, a has beuT strict-Attorney H. T. renoy set-uren and the new order 1 .1 win tun out uiwier bright aus pices. The ladies of the Chriatiii 11 I , church will give a 25 cent dinner an f . - 1 . 11... f . II II on May 1, at the Grange Hull Refreshments and a social in the evening. Ladies' n.Uhlni underware. at Schulmerich A Son's. , R. Ci nnell was out from Port , . r , , . , . mna yes.en.Hv anu snipped irom this station 3 cars of hay and one Of OHLH. of oats. , near the Al Tavlor. who lives long bridge west of town, trapped three beavers last week on the Scliol field place between this city and Cornelius. One of them was'a reg ular old veteran, and had lost both ft Oil t feet. Bob Greer has a full assortment of garden and field seeds. Hon. S. B. Huston is in Portland today, looking uo the citv charter. after which the Hillsboro charter iB copied, relative to matter of drainage, etc. Mr. Hueton'.is em ployed by the council for an opin ion as to the rights of the cily to put in drains at expense of prop erty holders. Cedar Mill, Apr. 20 Mr. Roy Haskell, who has been dangerous ly ill for the' past two weeks, is slowly recovering. Miss Jessie Smith is very low with pneumonia and heart trouble. A Portland physical) is in attendance. The fumral ofWillard Henry, the 18-year-old son of B. K.' Hen ry, of Tualatin, who died at Browns ville, where he was attending school took place Monday at Stafford, and was laigely attended, Dr. C. B. Brown will be in town Monday to remain during the week, prepared to wait on his patients. N. A. Barrett went to Finland Monday rooming to enter the em ployment of some machinery house. nnie in rustier aim win nil tne bill if he get half a chance. The United Brethren are build. ing a church at Leisyville, vnd the lumber, in part, is now unon the ground. They have rained the mon ey by popular subscription. This is something Leisyville has needed for a long time. Miss Honzaik has returned from . . Portland, and is visiting with her parents. The Oregon hnva will he mna tered out May the 5th. Hurrah I wnere is uovernor Geerr Hon. T. H. Tongue leavei today forSaleui, where he will attend Su preme court. Mr. C. W. Frissel has moved iu to the R. B. Good in residence. THE BOYS HAVE FUN AT THE A Lively Closed Meeting in a spirit of Badinage. WHAT OUR RISING YOUTH DO Tbe Hillsboro cow question takes front rank in Economics. The Young Men'i Literary Society held a closed meeting last Satur day. Though a business meeting, it was not devoid of amusement A large volume of business was transacted in the way of resolutions challenges and programs. Three members presided in relays, as tbe task was arduous. equal to Speak er Reed's. The members were full of rules, some parliamentary, some otherwise, which resulted in sever al chaoses, that were haply dis solved after sheer exhaustion had seized on the chaos makers. A challenge to the Gamma Sig ma 8ociety of Forest Grove for a ueoate, was made which created some merriment, as it had some prohibitory terms, requiring a de posit of 1500 in the bank by debat ers having a rating in both Dunn's t - . ... . and Bradstreel's agencies. A resolution was prepared for Aguinaldo and Russel A. Alger in structing them how to extricate themselves from their difficulty. M. S. Hazen was selected as ehfef adviser for Aguinaldo, acting as agent for the society, and accepted the position with great gusto, ina much as his name was substituted for that of W. J. Bryan's by a unan imous vote. The Anglo Saxon Alliance nota tion was adopted to be discussed at the open meeting April zyth by Frank Stewart and fi. C Luce, to which the public is invited. for the closed meeting of tht 15th, the members will expend their energies on the ciw nuestinn. 3 - - 1 discussing whether the cows shall roam the streets of Hillsboro or not This Question musL not he under. stood as representing the calibre of the society, aa several other lofty themes were proposed, but the cow question enme out best in a very complicated parliamentary shuffle, at the close of the meeting when the law and order faction had re- luxed their vigilance somewhat. --'- iiwrw e'.t-4 teT-j - " .!-v'i", - Kuirlwu hua it rift aii tho tTtl In Bagley has written the following uinion for the countv court, rela- tive to collection of road tax: "ftwtinn 4 QMS nf the ma.! laws AAmliila Km ilia (Lau(am nf Clln j v"iiipiiou vj mo kvvi ciai j ut oww bv authority of the legislature in a I. . -. , . . lint resolution udoDled in Febru ary, WM, provides, 'that a delin quent shall become liable to the . t m supervisor for the amount of amount ot his road tax in money,' and said monev. and said sec- tion 4088. 4089. 4091 and 4098 de scriDe me manner 01 scribe the manner of collecting such delinquent road tax. Tbe law as WIBp, in the foregoing 86ctiong .19 r a was enacted in isih and in lsbb another law was enacted which is Code, and reads as follows: 'If any person liable to perform labor on the public roads, or to any tax for road purposes, shall fail so to do. when warned or demanded, the supervisor shall immediately give to the sheriff a statement of such delinquent road work or road tax, showing the amount that will dis charge the Bame in money, and the Bherirt shall immediately collect the same,' etc , and prescribe the manner of collecting said tax. The provisions of section 2836 being re uugniint to those provisions of sec tions 4088, 4089, 4091 and 4098 which prescribe tbe manner of col lecting delinuuentrnad tax. the lat ter are repealed by implication and the law as enacted in lsbb must govern. Section 4085 of the rnnd taws was amended in 1893 and sub division 2 of said section as amend ed refers to the hinging of an action j vtsw iitiigtiig ui an avviun i collection of deli nonent for the cc road taxes i hut innamnoK aa aaotinn 4091 whicli provides for collection - .. -suit miivju fjjuviuro nir wiicouoill by action has been repealed, or so much thereefMjarovides for the collection of "-ction 4085 has not is my opinion tfhr in 1866 and which is quorem governs, and it is the dutv of all supervisors, 'to give to the sheriff a Eiaiemcnioi me delinquent worK or road tax, showing the amount that will discharge the same in monev and it is the duty of the sheriff to immediatlv, collect the same." H. f . Bagi.ky. Att'y at Law. CHURCH IMPROVEMENT. Work on the interior decoration and improvement of the Congrega tional Church has been Droeressins during the past week. A new pa- n . i s per mrougnoui me r.ouee ana a Bne new 0rpet are the hief fea. lures of the repairs. The nrevail ing tint is terra cotta, with the ceil ing a lighter tone and figured. The ing a lighter tone and figured carpet iB a warm red color, har monizing wall with the woodwork and tho general tone of the interior. Mr. Fred S. Olsen haa ., had the work in charge, that statement be ing sufficient to guarantee work msnlike results and general satis- faction. Tho entire undertaking, including carpet, paper, paint and work represented a value of between 1250 and $300. The church will lie ready for service next Sunday, where the usual exercises will conducted at the usual hours. The Pastor will speak in the evening, 8 o'clock, on the subject "Man the Aroiieroi nil own Ucxtiny." All are cordially invited to be present. . Dr. S. T. Linklater. who b nee 11 appointed administrator of the es "lie 01 rercy uiiver, who died at Manila. Nov 2. 1S0S. hua awMii-An proof of death and arranged the nereswy aeiaus therewith and forwarded them to the New Y.rk bffice of the insurance company in wnicu aeceasea s me was insured W. 8. Bond, the local Portlan I agent, asHisted the administrator in every possible way and the Doctor naturally, with some anxiety, awsiis tne aecision or the enmnnnv as to whether or hot it will pay the ciaim.- ine comoanv ornriniallv issued notice that oolicv bnldera would not forfeit by going in the war 11 lUKf got a permit to enlist. Thie, it seems, Percy neglected to do. not thinking it material. Hia h.!r is his father, Geo. A. Oliver, of Liaxeiand, Minn. vtswvax Save too r horses' shonldera hv buying sweat pads at tbe Hillsboro narneri snop. Eor the last few rears numerous complaints have reached the Argus mat contractors in the county on bridges and fill work.have constant. ly Used COUntV tools, such as wrnn. era, etc., aotnetimes damaging them beyond repair. Some sunervionra allege that by this procedure they are ommei forced to go several miles awav to get countv tools when they want them. It would appear that when contractors take work from tbe county they should furnish their own tool a or else pay for their use. See the new line of gloves at the Hillsboro Harness shon. Alan Ladies' bicycle gloves. Capilola B. Cox. whote h ia in Honolulu, has sued Mary and Henry Blackwell to recover a piece of land on Gales Creek, which she recently traded to them for furni- ture in a Portland Russell street lodging house. She alleges the Black wells fraudulently remanent. ed they were owners of the person al property, when in fact it was owned by Russell fe BIythe. She also was given an injunction re straining the Blackwelfs from sell ing ;ne laud until the case is dis posed of in tbe courts. Get Prices on Black Jark harneaa oil at the lliUfiboro Harness shop. .Ordti t:r1-tr 'St- in the city Monday evening afi made Phoenix Lodge No. 34 an of ficial visit. He was accompanied bv L'mil Waldman, Grand Tribunal'. Mr. Cake is Multnnmah's county judge. He is a young man, takes a great interest in the fraternity and is rapidly building up the lodg es of the state. Calvin Pomeroy, guardian of the Delano heirs, was in the city today, and made a report to the probate court. He is now living in Colum bia county. It will be remt mbered that he was a few years ago sentenc ed to tbe penitentiary for convic tion of having received stolen goods. The case went to the supreme court, where it ?? remanded back. After years of waiting the case was dismissed, having never come to trial. Sheriff Bradford has bo far collected but 105 bicycle taxes and has only one wheel iu the county refrigerator. This particular wheel belongs to one of Braufnrd'g parti cular friends and was siezed by the sheriff only as a "get even" for a very naughty April fool joke per petrated upon him by this "parti cular friend." Mayor W. N. Barrett has appoint ed a committee on arrangements for Dewey's Day, May 1, and a program will be outlined this Saturd ty at its first meeting. His Honor was desirous of placing young men on the commission, and appointed the following: Prof. M. C. Case, D. M. C. Gault, Wm. G. Hare, Ralph pected that wann ana u. A. L-ontt. it is ex- the exercises will be held ill the ODen KIT. If the Weattv Il.;i ... .. ... " 06 u,,ed er oe inclement, me courthouse will W. M. Hahn. a nrominant furm. er of Mountaindale. wot in tha citv "dYtn undergo an operation - -VXropi which he v. "i - .i -i n vi ranuun. tii Hennner to wnrlr f!P:- . tSr"- (XUght plant, writes that he goes at once to Elgin where he will work for 1 1. V. Gates on the new system. Geo. W. Schulmerich and John Beauchamp visited with Glencoe Knights of Pythias last Saturday IllSlll. E. L. James, who recently went to McLeod, Calif., to work in the lumber woods, had the misfortune to badly cut his loot the other day, He will be laid up for several weeks. Mre. Wm. Beagle, of Pendleton, is in the city, the guest of her Bister Mrs. J. A. Imbrie. She will re main for several days. Her hus band is still in Alaska. Mine Agatha Powell has returned from a winter's attendance at the Monmouth State Normal. The street eommitttee is having Main street, between 3rd and 4th, planked with flee. ' ; : all about tmk Pitri. : 1 1 itr-rrak.-.mr.M-jr.rri-,1 . m .,,,73 ' THE ARGUS APRIL, 1899. Sun I M011 Tne. j W l Thw j Krl ffciti : 1 r f 1 n i 2 9 IC 30 24 I 25 I .it I 27 I 28T29 J I I "I. I'KoKmsioNji :, F. A. BAILEY. II. 0. I'hysR-lan, KarKr,m and Accoac-ber Office in Hillshf rn Ph ail.:- Hence south-west corcer Baseline and oeconnj' ah cai;t promptly attended, oar or niilii. '.. r. - T. LINKLATER, M. B. C. M PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office at Fu.wdei.ee Katt of Court House JAMES PHILLIPK TAMIE81B, M. D., m PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, t Surgeon Southern PaciBc Railroad Co. Consultation iu French at English. Of fice and Residence annth jt w.: near Odd Fellowf Building. Hillahara.' THO B TOMCCJC. Tawotri, MOTaav THOS. H.IK, B. TOMtiUX. Attoraeyt-At-Law. Rooms 3, 4 5. Morgan BIk, Hinsbatw. H. T. BAGLEY, ATT0RN8Y-AT LAW Deputy District Attorney lor Washing ton County, Office upstair t over Delta Drag Store. JOHN M. WALL, ATTORNBY-AT-LAW Office with 8. B. Huston, Union' Block HILLSBORO. - ORIGOlf. E. R. GREGORY, L. L. B. A1TORNEY-ATLAW NOTARY PUBLIC " - Orcgoa, Hillaboro, - Corwin & Wooeter Block, Upstf'i'. SMITH ft BOWMAN, ATTORNE YS-AT. LAW Notorial Work and ConTeykadnf. Rooms 6 A 7 Morgan Bla., Hillaboro. Ore i .... v Firstclost services; Cbarv-t reasonable Office, Union Bi'k, over Pharmacy. Hll.I-srt'iRo. OI1WION. DR. C. B. B.13 WN, DENTIST 818 Uekuai Building, Portland, Oregon. Will be in Hillsboro every fourth Mon day in each month. MISCELLANEOUS. . L. M'CORMICK, Dealer in Bicycles CYCLE SUNDRIES IN STOCK Monarchs, $15 to $75, Iniperiala, f 30 to $75. Sterlings, $30 to $7$. Morgan-Bailey Block, Main St, Hillsboro, . - - Carstens Bros MANUFACTuaaas or llUUjU W lIlCU LHUm Sash, Doors, VoMf J O. Lamkln has opened an under. taking parlor 011 tbe corner of Main and Third Street, and la prepared to furnish on Immediate demand. Ana CASKETS AND COFFIN8 at the lowest possible pi Ices. W III take charge of funerals. Tlw finest line of undertaking tupplloa in tha county. Give him a call. HILLSBORO. OREGON. Dead Letters. '""''--'''"'V'-.-VVf-,,?.. The following it the litt of letters re maining in the Hillaboro pott oatl-M claimed; . ; , w " I: Mist Eltna Burnett, Mis K S Whitlow, Mr Tom Baker. v AH letters not called for bv April an, 1899, will be sent to the dead' totter of Bee. One cent will be charged ot. each ' letter called, for. ! . . . , a - H. SCHVtMiaiCBIl,P.-M, nam. ' lJ LL ' I I 1, .