ir uiJLF m a x if: HILLSBORO ARGUS, APRIL 20, 1899 77: :TT'Arnn ok thk l' i i ; I INK f POPLB 4 ' THE ARGUS Kntered at th Post-oftce at HilUboro, Oregon, as hecond cla mail matter. LUCIUS A. I.0N0, EDITOR. County Official Paper. TS3UKD EVERY THURSDAY BY Hi iijw hblbkiif Ctipuy. Subscription: One Dollar per Annum. Sis Mon tns, 90 et; Hum i i.ntha, Si cts. Opposed to Gold Mono metallisra. Be lieves la the Bimetallic Standard. Dear Monej means Debased Property, and Profitless American Product Our Coaseqaeat loss la oar Creditors' Gain. Has ao ese for Marcus A. Hanoa. THK COMING CONTEST The Dresidential campaign will - soon be here, and the issues are al ready made up. The republican managers will overcome the desire of the rank and file of the party as to leaving the . greenbacks alone, ! and will moeiN likely declare for their retirement and ask that the banks be allowed to control the pa per money of tha land. They will ' declare for , 'expansion," a large standing army, and generally, on all great public, questions, follow the lend of the great European pow- v era as to questions economic. In asmuch as the dicta tore of the par ty are those of reputed wealth of the dollar brand, it is only proper to expect that they will declare for the debasement of all other things than money.-' It is a business prop osition an l they simply desire their own best success, full well knowing : that further debasement of product means a contrary; the betterment of money, so far as purchasing pow er is concerned. On the other hand, those who supported Bryan Ja 1896 will write a platform in 1900 which will stand out against product cheapening; they will advocate' the crashing of the money trust;' and they will mean it; they will advocate the principles of the greatest good for the greatest number, and in so do ing will get the earnest support of every producer who votes from a business standpoint There will be the coutest one memorable and re- tnaakaMtK Ifriwl 1 be a contest of every conceivable trust as against r the rights of the people. The mon ey spent in the 1896 campaign by the monopolies will be more freely given to carry the next election If the coming fight shall not lead the pfodu'cer to victory then they shall be forever beaten, and we shall follow the governmental pre cepts laid down by those against whom we fougbt in 1776, and of those countries from which millions ' have come to us . seeking liberty and industry unthrottled. If it were voted as ft matter of principle and business the people would win, but as the trusts, combined, control our great cities, monopoly and mon ey may win the day. GIVE THE PEOPLE POWER The right of our- pwple to make needed laws is by our very form of our government denied them. Our law makers are not representative - in the sense of giving us that for which we vote. The senate has be- come a reconnoitre for millionaire politicians while our house of rep resentatives has passed every meas ure advocated by the corporate wealth of the country. All this will be rectiBed in time and this time shall come when our people can vote laws into existence instead of mere politicians who would not encumber office were it not for the taken we snail soon oe unuer toe domination of an oligarchy, brutal and overwhelming, with a vast army and navy at ila beck and call, while the citizen who criticises ami oaks for a change shall be branded ai a traitorous agitator who should be removed. This it surely coming unlets oar nation shall awaken to its danger and quit the election of representatives who represent inter est entirely antagonistic to pro ductive welfare. The right of the people to effect legislation will be a national safe guard and act as a sword of Damoc les o?er the heads of those who would pervert our democratic in t'Jtiftinna into ft trustocracy which strike at the very 'foundation of txrtm liberty. Vc c!;i!l soon hear the silliest of C-l-Y "cVrr production," echoing throughout the land. As the pric es ofour aUble products trend slow I? downward, those chape who yelled, "the administration did it," when wheat went up (by virtue of hort crops the world over) will noon be snivelling and laying the averages between product and mon ey on the broad shoulders of the Al might vl How careful, however, are they in advocate system wherein there is no possible chance for "overproduction" of money. G1VK THEM A CHAXCK. Woman is the better ha f of the civilised partnership brtureen the sexes, and that she is not permit ted to vote, while we extend that right to the Ethiopian, is a travesty on our boasted civilisation and prog ress. She is the mother of the vot er; ths instructor of the voter; the shaperof our generations and the greatest factor in and of our moral institutions. She pays her world's tax without a murmur, and though a life infinitely more fraught with pain than that of man, made so by a wise or unwise provision oi na ture, bears up under sorrows with fortitude that is at once the admir ation and wonder of the more cal lous sex. Give our women a right to their franchise. It is useless to say, "Many would not vote." This may be true, but many would, vote and our legislative systems would be the better for it. A great and fa miliar argument against woman suffrage is that "their sphere is not such as will make them good vot ers." It might as well be said their sphere is such that they cannot be good cititens! Women have been our greatest civiliiers. They have done more to uplift than all the sabres and mus ketry the world has ever known They entered the wilds of America, hand in hand with our pioneer tore fathers and wherever I hey went have left their impress. There is no person in the world more qualified to have a voice in governmental affair) than our moth era and sisters. 15 (Jromwell s time the "man with the hoe': fought against the oppression of British tyranny; it was a question of the farmer and the middle classes and the laborer against the aristocracy. In 1776 oor' forefathers, "men with hoes," fnnght against this same aristocracy of government, and thank God, the men with the hoea prevailed. Ou: world's governments are today be ing lined up for perpetuity of sys terns which declare for debasement of al! that the hoe produces, and while Alarkham has given us an aggravated depiction of the status of the tiller of the soil, yet his is no more the tactical extreme than the antithesis obtained in the assertion by his caustic critics, who aver the man with the hoe isn't plundered by his fellows who wield not the im plement of labor. - Discretion is the better port of valor. Uncle Sam wisely overlooks Canada in his desire for new subjects. The first American and British Alliance met with a severe set back the other day, in Samoa. The Samoans were simply giving the British and American forces a little taste of that celebrated imperialism. Carter Harrison, at the Milwaukee Jef lersonian banquet, declared for the Chi cago platform. This give the lie direct to those Don Quixotes who have been charging a silver defeat at Chicago. But Carter ma not win on the silver issue- he won Chicago' mayoralty because he was first in the minds of the taxpayers. The Oregocian's religious editor re cently said: "Our ancestor, hairy and naked, swung from the tree of the Af rican forests, etc." The Argus has, so far, refrained from asking this commen tator whether he refers to the ancestors of himself, or whether he has intended the "our" to mean all mankind. attci iocai M,ii.usj The fact i, HieVrVweKifcieWieinfam hauling out of Portland this time last year. They have discontinued because there wa nothing In it and the freight now come by rail. "Empire" In Uw and Moral. (Senator Hoar.) 1. The affirmation that under the con stitution of the U. S., the acquisition of territory or of other property is not a constitutional end, and that while the making of a new state and providing na tional defense are constitutional ends, so that we may acquire and bold territory for those purpose the governing of sub- j ct people is not a constitutional end, and that there is tlieretore 110 constitu tional warrant for acquiring and holding territory for that purpose. 2. That to leave our own country to stand on foreign soil, is in violation of the warnings of our fathers and of the farevetl address of Washington. 3. That there was never a. tropical col ony governed with any tolerable success without system of contract labor. 4. The trade advantage of the Phil ippine Islands, if there be any, must be opened alike to all the world, and that our share of them will never begin to pay the coat of subjugating then by war or holding them m subjugation in peace. $. That the military occupation of these tropical region must be kept up at an immense coat, both to the soul and the bodies of oar soldier. 6, That the declaration as to Cuba by the president and by congress applies wmi stronger lorce to the case ot th rntiippme Island. T. That Aguiualdo and hie follower. before we began to make war upon them had conauered their own territory and independence from Spain with the ex ception of a single city, and were getting reaay 10 esiaoiiga a ire cousiuuiiou. 8. That while they are fighting for freedom and independence ana the doc trine of our father, we are fighting for the principle that one people may con trol and govern another in spite of its resistance and against its will. o. That the language and argument of those who object to this war are with out change, the language and argument of Chatham, of Fox. of Burke, of Barr, of Camden and of the English and Amer ican bigs, and that the language and argument of those who support it are the language and argument ol Geo. II', of Lord North, of Mansfield, of Wedder- burn, of Johnson and ot the English and American tones. The question the American people sre now considering and with which they are about to deal is not a question ol a day or of a year or of an administration, or or a century We have not as yet taken the irrevoca ble step; before it is taken let the vo'ce of the whole people be heard. Real Estate Transfers. JohnWeiser by Stiff to J A Imbrie, executor, aoa Isaac Butler d I c. .Roe Martin Haskel to Sadie U Young 4-5 acre, M irtiu Haskell tret .... so John P Jones and wf to Lois C Jones KawKcutiiriw soo John P Jones and wf to L u Ivancov- ick n ,H ot e u w x sec 33 t a raw 4so Antone Planner by assignee to W A Billingher It in blk II, r u 40 Wm M Ladd et al to Henry Hams ptse W se V sec lo and Its 4 and Sec It t lrtw... 700 G Stewart to Chas H Stewart Jr Its 7. 8 and 0, blk 7 It 3 and w 40 feet; It a blk s Simmnnssd to Hbo 350 C h Large to Anna C Hatch It in blk oFU H50 E E Miller and wf to Ira V Brown pts w V w tf sec 3 1 1 n r 4 w 36.48 acres...... 8jo J W Shute et sis to J U Merryuian tret in Dak Grove ad Hon H Riddy to James James nnd X int Mivm and n w sec ao 1 1 n r 4 w J78 E P Swetlsnd and wf to Conrad Schnetl aoa sec ia t asrl w 9.7.1 Ellen Simmons to T H Tongue It in blkoFG 7S Mary E Ingle to John Caldwell se XeMseciotanr4w and oth er land sou E H Rotermund to Thos Tucker tret H. IB Jones ad Beaverton ao a Jno Northrop to J Thoniann n s e MneMsec23iasrawaoa: n swVse Veca3tasrawao aot H Bach by bhff to John Northrop same as sbove... ia G P Nickell and wf to Wm T-Willis 40 a in tec is t 3 n r 3 w on AloinsScblecbt and wl to Kate Kier tneier tret I Lambert's sd to reacti vate, 10 a 600 J W Shute et al to T H Tongue tret Oak Grove ad Hbo f H Tongue et at to J W Shute tret Oak Grove ad Hbo " """ ""Probate; " " ' " JC Corvy apptd ailn restate Jess Neal dee'd: bonds f'JOO; ('ai Jack John Thornburg and Geo H. Wil cox,' appraisers, total properly ?33y.U6. Admr estate Jas McCorinick dee'd, authorized to sell ri-a property. Semi annual acct gimrdianhliii T -a r a r rea, .Mary Ann ami wnhpinjnn Lursman, exanind and approved and ordered that Geo Galbreath t paid $50 for services as guanlinn. Admr estate Geo Paper burg dec- authorized to sell personal property at private sale at not less than appraised value. Thos Grow apptd executor with out bonds of last will and lex I a ment of Geo Morphew deed. ThoinsH, C Hines and Geo Procler appraisers. Executors of John Hanley's will authorized to par bequests ad pro vined. Parties having farm or city profc erty for rale will do well to list 11 with 8. feveritt, who is centrally lo eaten in ruiieooro, ana who is in constant correspondence with par ties dfHtnng to locate in Uregon lie al?o carries several first-clan-re imura nee companies. PantH, down! at such low price that you can wear tailor-made ones clieaer than hand-me-downs. See Venen at Brow i,'s furniture store. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. "VfOTICK 18 HFRKBY GIVKJf, THAT 11 tbe undersigned. adininitrator d bonis non with the will annexed"" - tue of an order of thin" and entered J ' yiXIC sue- nue voun House realiii'gton County, Ore- uit mwih day ol April, 1H0U, at 10 o'clock in tbe forenoon of said duy, all th following rwiil property lying, belnir ai d HitiiuU! iu Washington County, Ore. pon, and more particularly described aa fiillnHM. to-wit: Commencing at tbe Northeast corner of tbe UoiiHtion Ijiiim Claim of John B. Jack son and wife in Hection 2S. Township two North, Kange Two Wft and running thence Wet 40 chalno; thei co South 'JO chains thence Kaat 1H chains; thence North 2 chain Enat lOchninej Houtb two chains; thence East 12 chains; thence North 20 vliaiua to the place of beginning, containing 70 acres mom or less, all in Wnsh'ngton County, Oregon. That ssld premises will be aold for cash and the expense of tbelransferto be paid 0 purcnuser. JOHN H. BORLAND. Administrator de bonis 11011 with the will annexed of the estate of U. G, Jack son, Deceased. Ueo. R. Bagley, Attorney for the Ad niiniatrutor. Notice to Taxpayers. Notice is hereby given that the time for delinquency of the 1806 tax roll has been extended until May 16, 1809. Taxpayer will govern themselves accordingly. 11 ax es will be received at the Hheritfs office until ald date, after which tbe roll will ue UMwew. : W. P. BRADFORD, Sheriff and tax collector of Washington County. HilUboro, Or,, April 11, 1890. A Special Bargain for THE SMI-WEEKLY REPUBLIC ... ... AND THE HILLSBORO ARGUS One Year for One Dollar A Word A bo at lu BaperltM-ltjf that about all that la iisouaaarv to The that about all that la ueouaearv to aetmre a a hi la the beat general tiew-ltaiier of Its eli i . . , . -.. ,. . than any oilier newa weakly or aeiul-waelky. It baa command not only of all the great smiiw of newa from the Itally and special service of the New York Herald and K nient, made for limited time onlv, our kaatlvaiiUofUiiaUberalproptwiiUoiu HILLSBORO ARGUS. The Affairs of Europe are faithfully portrayed in the original and exclusive cable dispatches which The CHI CAGO RECORD prints daily from the leading capitals of the old world. This magnificent special service is in process of being greatly extended so as to include every important city in Europe; and it is supplemented by the full regular cable service of The Asso ciated Press. The Chicsjo Record, alone ot all American newspapers outside New York city, now prints original and exclusive cable dispatches dally from the leading capitals ot Europe, Speed! ; Size! Breeding! LOVELACE! Three Year old ttreord, :20; WILL MAKE THE SEASON OF 18i)9 Washington County, Oregon, Season, with Privilege of Return. $25; LOVELACE is a dnrk buy. with I. ft hind foot, white, over teen hands high, and will weigh upwards of 1,200 pounds. . Sire, Egotist J:u , and sire of Egozcn 1:06 )4, theConqurror, 1:111 ill 9 others in 1:30. Full brother to Si-hinx, a:p sire of 57 in 3:30, and Electrite i:jR K, sire of 34 in the a;.w. First dam Crepon.dain of LOVELACE, X , Uokllac r.17, Bril'antine 1:39 J4, Chantilly trial 1:99 i. Klondike, trial, atlH Uuchess. trial T.ti, Craml dam of Chanty, Second dam, Crape Ltsse, dam of Dy ueo. Wilkes. Ihird dam, the datn of Tsrlton, 1:31, trial i:ai LOVELACE as a two year old trolled in two races, obtaining two year ol record of 2:29 M. A three year old he in 7$ races, obtained first, second or third in a third beat 1 1 December. Worked Hi breeding is unsurpassed. His dam 01 nis sire, and tne dam ol his grsnd Sprite, the dam of hi ire, had five colt 1 hree of them having at diflerent period age. Waterwitch, grand dam of hi tire, descendant 111 tne 2:30 list. , Mares from a distance will rec.ive A number of standard bred mare and chesp. For further particulars inquire of HilUboro, Oregon. FARMERS, OREGON, the Black Stands the sesson of 1899, viz: Mondav, Harry Turner's ranch, Pat ton Valley; Tutsday, C. Obey', Pike; 'Wednesday, North Yamhill; Thursday, Wapalo Friday, H. H. Bogue's, Farmington; Sal nrday, till noon, Wiley's barn, HilUboro; afternoon, Forest Grove; Sunday, at Ranch of owner, Wiley. PEDIGREE.-- Bred by H. I,. McKay, Clarion, Iowa; Sire got by Passe Partotit, 15,136; GrawUire, Brilliant, 1871; First dam. En chantress, 801; Srrund dam, B:jon, by Mina, owned by French Gov ernment. . (As per copy of License.) Splendid action; Single Service, ff. fine colts. S. R DUHDAR. DILLEY, OH1 Cyclists Attention. "h f Notl.U .rfS edi" J, er f.26 "on 111 t, taniiiiiitin tax la now due and maHherifTaomuein HilUboro. ,-rtwgllie make and number of wheel. n. u. DtiAuronU) Bhtrlffand Tax Collector, Washington county. - Hillsboro, Or., April 11, 1809. Treaaurer Notice. N OTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT drawn Irom Nov. ft, 1N99 In liee. S. 1814. inclusive, are hereby called for. Pay ment of Intercut will cease after this date, 8A MUEI, EVERITT, Treasurer City of HilUboro, Or. Dated at HilUboro, Apr. 20. 1800. Treasurer's Notice ALL COUNTY WARRANTS EN dorsed prior to Dec. 12, lWi, are now called for, also numbers 488-489-IM-518-620 All of class U endorsed on the 12th day of Dec, 18V8. Interest will cease after this date. H ilUboro, Apr. 21 '9 A. B. CADY, County Treasurer. , ; u: Eatray Notice. The underklgned has taken npa aorrel gelding. 8aid animal came to my plane about April 4, Owner will please prove property, pay charge' and take same away. JOHN IRONSIDE. Cedar Mill, Or., April 18, 18W. Newspaper Readers! and Twenty-five Cents Semi - Weekly Republic la an well known eiihtaorlntltm ta to call alien! Ion to It. It .... . . . . ... uonaneti, ami naa larger circulation now Kitndav Kepuhllo. hut also reeoivea th New York Journal. Itv a sneclal imn. irlonda will be given an opportunity to This ia a apevlal vault oiler, Xddreea HILLSBORO, ORGON Three Year Old Trial, 2: It 8-1 AT THK PAIRUROUSDS, HILI.SBOK0 upon the Following terms: Insurance, $35 six a:?o, Dorsey L. :ao,lletsy Brittonltao J:i J, by Frincepa. King Kene, Jr., 1:17, and Balsarine, ivrj, wa campaigned in several states, trotted money in 17 race, took a record of 3:10 publicly a full mile at Cleveland In i:Jt u dim, his grand dam, the dam and grand sire, are all In the great brood mare list by Electioneer, and all are in the list headed the list of winnings sire at their ha six in the 1:30 list, and lias over 300 good care and pasturage it per month gelding, fit for the road or racing, for sale E. B. TONGUE, Manager, ATTENTION ! Percheron, No 15,140 Season $10; Insurance, $11.50; -fJ Mnal Settlement. fs borebv eiven thai tha tinder. signed bas Hied hi final account as ad mTnistrator of the estate ot Nathanniel Holland, deceased and tbe Honorable County Court of the state of Oregon for Washington county has fixed Saturday the 2Mb day of April, 1800, at 10:00 o'clock a. m.. at the County Court room in Hilloboro aa the time and plane for hear ing objections to the final settlement and said final account, if any there be. Dutcd at HilUboro this March, 80, 1800. WILLIAM HKARN Administrator of the estate Nathan niel Holland, deceased. SHERIFF'S SALE. BY VIRTUE OK AN KXECUTl N, Decree and Order of sale, Issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Washington County, in f.ivor of H. 11. Huston and against 11. U. Hollnnheck and 8. E. Hollenbock for the Hum of S!I2 costs and for the further sum of S804.7 U.S. gold coin, with interest thereon at the rate of 8 ner cent per annum from the 2fllh day or March, 1800, and for the coat and ex penses of "ale and of said writ. Now. therefore, by virtue and In pursu ance of said judgment, decree and order of sale, I will, on Mondav the 1.1th day of May, 1800. nt tbe south door of the court house In HilUboro, Washington Co., Ore, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m of snld day sell at public auction to the highest bidder tor cash, tho following described real property, to-wit: The W M of tbe H W of See 22 T 8 N R4 W of the Will. Mr. and all situate In Washington County, Oregon to satlsfc the hereinbefore named minis, and for the costs and expenae of said sale. Said property will be sold subject to re demption us per slutute of Oregon. . Witness my hand tbUJUtli duy of April 1800. ' W. D. 11 II AD CO RI), Sheriff of Washington Co., OroKon. S. B. Huston, Attorney for Plaintiff, When You Think el eMataf - m4 sMhtog N I (erhMtly aalaral t Ihlak et kn. Natbaa Fischer C. Their aan Is syaMyaMU With lb hast la sm' waartag !. Wsataasaavelaaai esatral r this isaara asafce mi at ear sararlalatl) lew arte sbatiM cealrel year setrsnte. st'SfasraatsaS. M.WEHRUNOandSO.VS, The Hillsboru Pharmacy The Leading Drug Where Irtlgs,Md!i'ltm, Pslnla. Olla,NM)iivea, lirtmliM and all lrtiglM's Hlinilrlea may I prtH'iirml at prtvea that simply dUianreeiui)elliiun. TIN Fact is, that many tMHipln do 1101 knnw where our nnuio rauin from it's a good name and we had pool reasons fur adopt' lug it. Ft explain:, w t ia the 4th Icttor of tli Orwk Alphnbl and ia shaped like a Triangk three sided. Now, as we were numerically the third 'f) Filestore eatabliched in HillsUiro, tin threi-eornerrd letter ia significant, l'lease n-niemher 's 1 t!iat our name in, and . sU ays "will lie, too, tlm sura sign of highest quality an low est price. Wo nil) le alwaya pleased have you call at our QifWl FOR THE FINEST DPlInniST'S f.lMF IjN WASHINGTON GOUMTY. SHERIFF'S SALE. BY VIUTt'E OK AK KXWI'TIOX, dnorre and order of win, ImiihhI out of tlieUrciiU Court of His Nlale of Oiegun. fur WaaliliiKton County, in favor of I hiiinn I sllxit and ngnlnH Clnrloda Mm toraand John Maau-rs for the sum of $14, (Mmta, and for tbo furllii-r sumol .LVVj.;i, I', h. ir lil coin, with Inlrrod UierooM at tho rale of 10 per rent r annum from thHKtiday of Mareh, INli and for the camt and xnai'e of salt and of UI writ. Now, thi'rnfore, by virtue and In punni an' of said ludKinent, ilmnr and order of Mtlo. I w ill, mi Monday the IMh day of May, lNHi, al lb miiilh door ol the etnirt hiiUM In HUUIioro, WashlliKlon Cuunly. Uriwon, al the hour of luo'cl. ck a. 111, . of aidilay, 'I'll at public anHlon to the lligbeat bidder foresail, llin followiug-de-scrllxHi real pro(ny, to- II: ConiinenHiig at the H. K. rornrr of tho D. (., ('. of W. Mimmoits nnd wife In Ho. a, T. 1 8. R. II W. Will. Mr. and muiiinx thriii-e wrat tin the south line of said claim l'i ZHfha. tbenm N. S(I.Wcli. lo Die H. line of lots In the N.4 of Hlk. laof Simmons sdilltloii to ilia town ol milium. n, thence K. 8.VU i'l). to the center of 111 alley running N. and H. In blk. HI of wild sddltlou to said town Ihenre N. to rail road right of way; thenca ttaalward with the said rallroaf right of way to the W. Una of th D. U O. of M. Moore nod wife theiuw 8. to the place of beglnnliiK, con taining '17 acres mora or Iiumi, ai d all lt 11 ate in Washington Co., Oregon to satis fy the hereinbefore named sums, and for thn coat and expensus of wild ul. hatd property will be sold nulijrct to re (l(imi)tloii ss tier alatule of flri'icoti. Wltnea my band till IHIh day of April, I ItSM. W, IJ. nUAITIIIlli, Hheritf of WaahliiKUiu County, Origon, H. It. Huston, Attorney for I'laiiitill'. Notice of Final Settlement, Notice U hereby given that the under signed, administrator of the etatoof Win. Davis, deceased, hoa filed his flnal sv Hnnl as snub administrator In tbe county vrt or me nutie 01 Oregon ror wasning- fTounty ami tnat tliu sum county court fixed .tionday the 24th day ol April, nrfl, at the court room of said court at HilUboro, county and state aforesaid, at tbe hour of 10 o'clock a. 111. of said day sa the time and place for hearing object Ions to said final account, If any there be and the final settlement of said estate. Dated at HilUboro this March Zi. IH00. L. I.1NDHA Y, Administrator of the estate of Wm. Davis, deceased. Executor's Notice. Notice Is hereby given that tbe undersign ed has been appointed Kxaoutor of the last will and testament of Anna Wllbelmina I'ogedec'd, by the County Court of the stats of Oregon for Washington county. All persons having claims against said estate are requested to present the same to th undersigned within six months from date, Dated at HilUboro, March 0, 1H00. - HERMAN IinOE. Executor of the last will and testament of Anna Wllhclniins Huge, deceased, W. l. Hare. Attorney. DvsDOPsia Cure Digests what you eat. Itertlflciallydlgeitsthe food and aids Nature n strengthening and recon itructlng the exhausted digestive or gan. It is the latest discovered digest ant and tonic. No other preparation eaa approach It In efficiency. It in stantly relieve and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Bour Stomach, Nausea. 8lokHeadache,Oastralgla,Onmps,and all other results of Imperfect digestion, Prepared by F C DsWItt a Co., Cbbwoo. Delta Drug; Store, HilUboro Oregon Aim 1. L IIILUSHORO.ORKOO!! . Union Block Main Hi. Dr. r. A. Halle) rrupneinr. House. Adminialrator'a Nolle. Notice Is horoby given that the under Ignril ha bean duly appolntm! Ailiolnla liatrortbetaie of ileurge It. papvn burg, ilitfwJ, hy llic Hon. t'uuuly tsurt of lite Male of Urvifi.n for Waal, I. gton County. All pen.iia bavbig elaime aaalnal snlil iwlatf are rMiitlnT lo priw sent tho mine with proper voiirbera tit the undoislgniHl at hi" realdanea In HiaHoril. Clachama County, Hiale of Oregon. lMle.1 this Man li 1, iwtt, J. P. Kruie, Admlnlatrator. Shute 4 Foote, lialers TraiiMM t a (leneral Hanking llnalnaaa J. W, M HJTE A. C. HHUTK . . Managai . ( aahier Noll Might Kxchnng and Telegraphic I'raimfor and Immm Utter of Credit available lliruuifliout the United Hutaa, Draw I Ills of Kxi bangn on Indon, l,lverd, Dublin, Pari., Merlin, Krank' fort-on-ihe- ain.HtHikholni and all prliv clpal citlim nf Kiimpe. CoUiM-tloiisiimdeon all sitixwIMo puinla Banking hours from S a m to I p 1st IHIUIutro, Oregon. J. Northrop, Proprietor. Newly Furnished and Renovated A first-class table and all accommodation for the convenience of guest. . , , OR&1M Time Schedule ., .. From Portland Knat mall leaves at a p 111 fttr Halt Lake, Denver. Kt. Worth iiu.. ir. ..,. Hi. fiouls, Chicago and kiist, arrive 0:46 p in ' , BiHikane Flyer leaves 2:10 p in for Walla Walla, .i.inneHpolis, St. Paul, lmluth, Milwaukee. Chlcuii n.l M ...i 8:ik a in rituian HtaumBklr.M 1 u . San franuUco , sailing svory fnlnmliU nin.. I-. ... Riimlay, Hatimlay 10 p , ff AHorfi mid way landlng,ar.4pi,r,,Mjyt4j;( Wlllumntle river leave flam exeenr SiirtdBy for Oregon City, Newlterg. Halem Hundiiy IB,,1I,I,,,, arrlV8 'M P oept Willamette nnd Ynmblll river leave T am ruesday, Thursday mid Haturdny for Oregon i City, Dayton and way landings, Friday P '" ",M,(,"y' wJ"'lay and Wlllainsttn river leave 6 a m Tuesday, Thursday and Naturday for Corvallla and way Wildings, arrive 1:80 n m Tuowlay. Thursday and Buturdny "iy, Snake river leave Rlparla dally fj.r I.ewUioni returning leave l-ewUton dully except HumWy.' Addrew W, H. HULBURT,' Qen. Pans. Agent