The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, April 13, 1899, Image 1

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    , a-v
VIII. VI. ' .
V fUt - 1 I .
lam; i
Epitome of the Telegraphic
Newt of the World.
An lntartl CalleU ef lleaae F
tha Two Memlapha-e fraeeat-4
la a CMdeaea4 Vera
A. J. Binlth, of Halt UK Cltr, com
mitted suicide at tbe MMaid hotal,
Omaha, ,
Tha Taon.t f.nt regiment Will
Wave IMattaborg, K. Y., Ir Ban
claeo, wb-uee they IH proceed to Ma
tv, MH.tnillvr of tha currency bai
U.oad a nail tot report of nil the Ul
l ...I hanki at III close Ul boiinea
April 0.
Maltir-ttanaral Hhaftet llU rrl4
at Washington. He will .willy before
tha aim; couil of Inquiry Into tbe beel
Tha London Mining Manufactur
ing Company's property, at Duoklown,
Tax., Iim Uwit aold to the Levieobn
Bros., the copper king, for 1110,000,
a i il.. l.lmiHithl mnetinf of tbe
Aiaoalation of Hlael Shafting Manufac
turen, in Pittsburg, it was decided to
make Bit advance in pricae, averaging
6 (x-r cent. .
Pebllc sympathy la with the am
ploytta to audi en extent In the) atreet
railway strike It IUy City, Mich., tbt
the sheriff can secure no utn to act m
Judge Field, the great American
jurist in dead at bin home in Waahlng
ton. Hahadseiveda longer term on
tha bench than any Judge ever ep-
(iM.F0fl linld waikillMl.Mtck Reld
probably fatally .wounded, and two
utbur men hurt in a pitched battle be
tween the Preacher and Reld laotions
at Mruusna, 8, C. , ; '
Jack NUoMillan, well known la
Europe and tba United Statea ai a
curler, was caught in a belt In a flour
mill at Lindsay, OnUiro, and ao badly
mangled that lie died. .
Mi.. Marie Ilurroit-hl. ot tba Bloart
Itobson company. accidentally stabbed
Harold KummH, of tba aarne company,
in tha face at tba Uroadway theater,
Denver. Mr. Runaoli'a Injury ia alight.
Ilolllstet McUuire, fish oomtnUslon.
r. and Slate Senator Heed, of Oregon,
were drowned in tba North Umpqna
river. Their boat upset in tba rapids.
W. F. Hubbard aavad , bimaolf by
awiinming aihora.
Tliera hai been a beary fall tn tha
prie of wheal In tha Chilean market.
Fire at Lead. 8. D.. destroyed prop
erty worth ttOO.000. Una antira block
of buildinga, waa oonannnxl.
Tha Keyatona Blata Comany, of
Hthlelem,-,la., baa ineieaaed tha
wagoa of lit em ploy ea 15 per cent
It la itatod that 1335,000 baa been
lubacilbed toward tba oonatrqotion ot
the alumni hall at Yala onlerelty.
A Mu'ret moVfliiiont li under way la
Hawaii to tJiMhl tha ialanda with t'orlu
gueiM iMtiorera from tha Aaorea ialanda.
One hundred and eighty-foor Amer
icana have bwn allied and 7fl woond
ed In the Ptiilipinoa alnca hoatillllaa
A dwolaion waa rendered by Judga
Feabody In the St. Loala city police
wort that under certain condition! a
htuband hai tba right to beat hla wife.
After attempting to murder hla wife
an.l Iml.r. Walter Miller, foreman In
Tha Cleveland carpenteia' atrlka waa
Milled by oomptotniee.
Tha International Leagaa of Preat
Cluha la la contention In Baltlmoie.
Tha American Hmeltlng & Refining
Company organised In New York by
aleollng direotora.
The Cuban railway atrlka baa ended.
Trainman, afraid to loae their Joua,
inrrendered without condition.
Preaidant Bariowa, of Oberlin ool-
lege, announced the anonymoui gift ol
60,OOO for bnllillng ana equipping a
jhemical laboratory.
At Bridgeport, Conn., Dr. Nanoy A.
(luilford pleaded guilty to man.
laughter, and waa aenlenced to 1U
yaara' imprlaonment.
The ratifloallona of tha peace treaty
hate been eaehaoged. Bellamy Btorer,
now m In liter to Belgium, will be tba
new m In later to Hpaln.
Tha Victoria tradeeand labor oonncil
The American Branch Off in
Another Direction.
L.wtot aad Blac aa Biiw"""
r rirvMB pua.d Men
t Tafca aaata Cra.
Manila, April ll.-At nighfall laat
nliiht. Oenerala Lawton and King
launch ed an ai "edition of, three gun
boata, with 1,600 picked men in canoea
in t of the aunboate. The object of
iha ainedltlon ia to eroaa tha lake, oap-
tura BanU Cioa and aweep tba country
wbiou emnarKeu
Tk altMdition
.t H.n Ptuha Macati. eoneiite of eight
nrotaaia aaalnat the Importation of 30
mm nun lea of tba Fourteenth Infantry,
wen frotn Pennayltanla to work on a ,bre compani,, 0f tha Fourth catalrt,
taamei at Lake Bennett. (our oompanlai ot tba 'orth Dakota
In a acuflle for poaieaiion of a rifle, j
Albert Peioberton, a prltate ot tha
Twenty-flftb Infatnry, waa killed at
Kurl Logan by a comrade, Peter Horn,
J..l.B E. O' Brian, able! of tba Banta
Fa Bra department, waa inalanlly
killed by tha California limited train
ai it waa paaaing throogh tha yarda la
.ni,,niH. (unroomoanlea or tna tiano
tolnnteera. two mountain guna and 200
Uarpahootera ot the rourteeutn in
fantry. A.
At the mouth of tba Paalg river the
men will be traneferred from the
canoea to the three gunboate, Laguna
da Bar, Cealo and Napinda. Santa
Urua. the oblectite point of thai eipe-
rfition la at tha extietue and of tbe
Claim Amariaaa,
aboat Kaair.
K.n Franctaco. April lJ.-Tbe Oer-
man Democrat, poblliihad in thia city,
haa received a letter from one of tbe
hlf (ierman offlciala at Samoa, which
Intereatina aa giving the Uerman
riewa of tha oomplioationi at Apia.
Tha oorreapondent writea mat wim
.11 tl, ahootlna that Das oeen none,
not a ilnirle Mataafan haa been killed
ar wounded, ana that tna Maiaaiam
..J flrnane hate anpaientlt a great
contempt for tba flgbting ability oi
American ana Bimen aaiiori.
M.taafana are acaiooa for the allied
loroea to coma out and flght In the
vheta tber with their nitite in-
. - . ,,. , . i
itrumenta oi war, win nave
iialnit tha modern weapon! used by
tha Americana.
The letter aaya that Admiral n.aotr
gave no warning of the bombardment,
but that when it flrat commenced it
waa thought a aalota bad been fired.
According to the eorreapondent, the
Britiih oooral, Maiaa, ia greatly
blamed for tha tiooblea, and thert
aema to be an inclination among tht
Uermana to hold tha Biituh rwponai.
ble for tbe war inatead oi tna Aineri-
Filipinos Driven From me
City With Great Loss.
K.Kcrelanr Whitney haa organlard
a trait In New Yoik to control elet tiic Th. -iihjr.wal of the 18 companiea
ti annotation. It ia aaid tha truil oongtUtng t,e eipeditionaiy force
will in time eatend Ita oneratlona U -.j. , .BD to th line from the beach
il,a Waatam elliea. t fnlinnll. 1uit aoutliweat ol Han
. -i. ..nt n..t Pedro Macati. which waa tubaequentlT
1 WO mooaanu nnnm. " . -- - v....h aol.f
la.t ir nil aa- oiieu uj --n
Lawtm'a TmH Laaaaa m
m Haa Wtrm mm Kmut
Ear With Thalr TU..
Manila. April H.-Ooneral Lawton
haa captured Banta Crua, at tbe e
treme end ot tbe lake, and driten tbe
rebele, who were commanded by a
Chinaman named Po Wan, Into the
monntaina. The American loea waa
lia wounded. Tbe rebele loat 68 killed
and 40 wounded.
Santa Crua waa the Filipino atrong
hold in Lake Lagnna da Bay, and it
(ell Into tbe handa of Oeneral Uiwton a
expedition atler aome aharp, quioa
fighting, forming one of tba moat in
tereating and important battlea of the
war. Tbe plana ot tbe American com
manJera worked perfectly, with tbe ex
ception that tha progreae of tbe expedi
tion waa delayed by tbe difficult navi
gation of the river.
Aboot 1,500 picked men, commanded
by Genera! Lawton, on account of tbe
ilineea of General King, partly anr
roonded tbe city while tbe gunboata
Lairuna de Bay. Oeata and apmao,
ffreeklat Capaay Oltai Vp tbe !
af Kalalaa xaaat. .
Waahlnaton. April H. Acting Sec-
rotary Allan baa leoeived a letter from
iha manager of the fieptone oompan,
.nnonnolnc that It la not poeeible to .ha command of Captain Grant,
raiee and repair me veaieMoi vwno.- 0j the Ulan oatiery, iuiiw miv..,
flnt annk near Rantlaso. The concin-
at Danville, ill
cided to lay the matter lefore the atati
arbitration board, and will leauma
Fit children ot Ole Peleraon. ol
Viborg, Turner county, Bouth Dakota,
b eating wild paranipa.
Two are dead, one dangeronily til, and
two will recover.
John D. 8ima and Leonard Hair
mm.m drowned at Sborebar, Cel., o
tba north aide ot Feather rivar. Tbej
attempted to oruee tha itraau in a can
tea boat, which npeet.
The prltate bank ol L. P. Iluninai
and McKinaia. at Alma.Wia., haa been
cloeed by order of the atate bank at
miner. The bank owea depoaltort
tflO.OW, and naa tery little cab on
hand. , )
a ..! haa been Draoared at thf
The reuela on the extreme right had
evidently been Inlormed ol the wun
,u...l M tha trooM. and they attempt
il to aneak thioogh after nighttetl, but
arnra met with a warm reception, ana
fll back in diaoidr on diecoverlug
that the line waa Hill intact.
Holllaiar D. MeOalre and aaaawr iwo
- Drowaad.
Hoaahnnr. Or.. Awil I l.-Holliiter
D. McGuire, flab commiaeloner ol Ore
gon. and A. W. Reed, atate aenatoi
from Dotittlat county, were drowned in
the North Umpqna river, oppoeiie
Rivetdale faim, ix mi lei below Roae
burg, thia morning. Meaira. Rewl
and MoUuire, a-xompanied by W. V.
HnUiard. who hai charge ot tne iiaci
mi hatoherv. went down the North
lion ia that In tbe caee of the Colon.
tha company cannot undertake to ran
hei nnleaa the United Btatee govern
ment will guarantee expentea in the
event of failure. The wreck ia lying
in the anrf line, and Bate on exception
ally calm data it cannot even oe ap
proached by imall boata.
Aa to the viaoaya, we uuujf""
tinde that while it ia entirely feaalble
to float her, aha woold pronably not be
worth enough to tha United Btatee gov
ernment to warrant the heavy expend i-
The Swediih company naving mm
withdrawn, the navy department ii
free to entertain any other aolid pro
ject that may be advanoen tor railing
one or more of the Spaniih ahipa.
Raautt or a Wrak Batwaaa Taaeaatai
aad Malcolm Ialaada.
Victoria. B. C. April 13.-George
elnwtnr la the ante lurvivorof a ihip-
war denartmant tot tha reorganiaatioa rjmpaua to locate a aile lor a hatchery, . wnich occurred between Malcolm
oltbeaimyon a peaoe baiia. Moatol intending to return thia evening. I, Vtncoow l.Unda March 17. The
MoUuire, Beed and itnuoaru wm. ,oop on which b and iom aceH,
freight tialn to Wincheater, where Q, gm., had been aelling liquor to
they boarded a amall boat lor the Juno- th Nort,wn Indiana waa loat in a
tha general offloera ot lha volunteer aa
tabliahment will be wuatered out. and
radical cbangee made In the ataff da
partmenta ot tha eatoe, Inclodlng tin
diacharge ot about 80 paymaateia.
New York la preparing an elaboraU
reception to tbe cruiaer Balelgb. due
Tbe congreaa of
hood will convene
aion at Ban Diego
Ti,a Ran Fiaiiciico Examiner atatet
thera ia a probability ot a combine
among tha redwood lumbermen of thii
Wheeling, W. Va., atreet can art
till tied on bv the atrike. Street-cm
lion ot the rivera, aix muee oeiow
They were warned by people living
in the vicinity, who were acquainted
with tha river, lhat It waa veiy dan
aanariall to tllCdC not 0
atorm while all on uoaio were inuiai
cated. Thcae drowned included Hack-
ett, an Irian logger known only oy nil
flrat name, Charlie, and two nau-un-cu
women. .
It ia euppoaed that it waa tne wreca-
and outlvinc tiencbea.
General Lawton and hie etaff acoom
panied the troope, aometimea leading
charttea in Indian-fighting taotica,
which eventually resulted in tbe com
plete rout ot the rebele, with tba
itnalleit amount of damage to the city
and alight lota to the Americana.
A caaco, with a force of S00 picked
harnahooteie. under Major Weiaen-
berger, mostly belonging to the
Waahinston resiment. waa run
hallow about five mi lea aouth
city. Then a few ahella were aent
towaid the entrenebmente of the rebela
it tbe edge of tbe wooda, aending tbe
enemy acampering inland. Tben
number of Americana jumped into the
water, and.wading for aboot 00 yarda,
nrent forward on the line, covering tha
landing ot the remainder, which fhv
Ubed debaikmg about o o cioca..
Three troope of the Fourth cavalry, un
mounted, were aent ashore on a dan
gerooi marihy point, direct'y aouth ol
the city, under fire bom the enemj'a
trenchea. Meanwhile in tbe town it
aelf there waa utter silence, and there
was not a aign of life.
At aunriee tbe aaaauit commenced.
The American outline aouth of the city
etretched two niilea inland, and with
ita left sweeping the ahoro, it moved
north, while the Fourth cavalrymen,
on the point, advanoed towaid tbe city,
pouring volleya on the trenchea.
Simultaneously the gunboata hover-
ino alnno the ahore ahelled tbe woooi
lUkala Tri4 la Caatan Aaunrlaaa Oal-p,U-Kaud
With Laaa.
Manila, April 18. Aboot midnight
the rebela cut the telegraph line at aev
eral plaoea Between here and Maloloa,
nd aignal Area were lighted and
rocketi aent up along the foothille to
tha risht ol the railroad. Later the
. . . . . . . .t
enemy atucned tne outpoeia ,oi i
MinnemU regiment, at Bowen Bigaa
and Bocave. five mi lea aooth of Ma
loloa. killing two men and wounding
BimulUneooily, the outpoaU of the
Oregon regiment at Matilao, tna next
tation on the way to Manila, were at-
luikal. with the reault that three
Americana were killed and two wound
ed. The loaa of tbe enemy waa 10 men
killed and aix wounded. The Ameri
cana alao captured two priaonera.
Tbe troope were concentrated along
the railroad aa thickly y poeeible, and
tbe rebela were driven back to tbe foothille.
It li luppoeed that many of tbe
rebela who attacked General Mao
Arthur'a line of communication, and
wbo were repulaed by the troope com
manded by General Wheaton, were na-a-h'n
anterad the region in tba
.niaa nf friendliea. They bad seeming
1 Moicted aruii in aeveral plaoea aud
fired ?n the Americana from the bnahea
.t an cloae a ranee that tbe? could be
beard talking.
One of tbe Filipinoa yelled in Eng
lish: ' ' ,
"We will give yon damned Ameil-
Mna annnffh ot thia before we are
The rebela undermined the railroad
at Marilao and onipiked the taila in an
ffnrt tA wreck the train, while the
rallinad not Darticipated in the fight
Tha woik of tbe rebele waa dieeoverea
and renaired before a train arrived
Hnnaral Wheaton ia preparing to
nnnlah the Filioinbe.
The military gunboata Kapidan and
Laanna de Bay have eooceeded in en
tarimr the Santa Crua river, and have
si;... i nantnred a amall unarm eu owiuu i
.... r - u:.. .K.
i-kr. m i boat and tnree launoow, imi
- I . . .. -
aI .v.. i diaeoverea tnere. ino muiwj i""
U. ."V I . . . 1 . o
hnat Oeata baa OrOUgnt o reuoia,
nnnded. and iix Americana to tbe
It ia now known that 98 insurgents
were killed during tbe capture of Santa
Ratifications of the peace
Treaty Exchanged.
Bellas? Burar, Haw Mlalatar ta Bel
laa. Will Ba tha Haw Mia
Utar ta a pal a.
,r nnl.aiaal hrnther- geroua, wi-v'v - h n suppose" ina -lona the shore tne I led tne wooui
fJ aWdS qualnte.1 with lis rapids and whirl g, of thi. craft that was miataken for "Vhe troopa. and drove the Fill-
.foraaevendaya aea- lt bnUhe, wer, 0ld boatmen ad ji cht Thi.tle, the latter tJltlg, eUtnd
expressed no doubt ol their ability to crg ne, party, being ,,e at ""ncbea.
,.. An.z.tfsa af Cuba to tha
t'altad Stataa.
M.Tim r.itt. Aonl 18. Tbe reai
dent Cubana for tbe moat part favor
the annexation of tbe ialand of Cuba
to the United Statea, and the Spanish
capitalists who bave left Cuba and
taken up residence here aieof tbe same
opinion. The Mexican Herald eays
on this point: -
"f!nha. like Soain. and like the
United States, haa ita class of profea
innal Doliticiani. who are a menance
to ita peace and tranquility, mn
mob, hungry for aalariea, ia threaten
ing ll aorta of deviltry il it ia not
nrovided foa. All this will nave
i . ... , .
annnd at Washington, "
take care ol themaelvea. Tbe i Ivor lor
three or four milea above its Junction
with the South Umpqna Is asuoceaaion
of and wliirlpoola, and at places,
eaneoially at this time of year, ia both
een and daneeroua. Alier tne pariy
a k r at Bclt, MlVb.. dv; on badVon. a di.t.nce down
atriaera at my vuj, having safe y peaied throogh
non-union men. , IV'Th ofUie raiid.. a rowlock
Two oowboya at Alamo Uordo, . K.kon .hm rendering the boat
hl.l nn the office of the AlamoOordo Thev at
LumlMsr Company and aecured 50,000 P ' . thelr w., t0 .hore
worth of scrip. v ilh on. n,i approached ao near
The overflow of the Yellowstons Senator Reed grasped the branch
river caused by the gorging ot the ic o( gn overhanging tree, but the current
i. nraetioallv over. Twelve were M --! that the boat waa being
drowned at Glendlve.
At North Enid, O. T., Postmaster
W. II. Dav waa cut with a hatchet and
killed and the
aiiu unwi , i i . ' f i a 1 4 1 mi MIIU Ml. w.. .ww
the Detroit soap WQrki.stnt two bulleti no clew to the murderer.
office robbed. There is
into bis own brain aud died a I moil in
The three largeat of 30 pearl button
faotorles operated at Muscatine, la.,
have advanced - wagea 16 an.l 80 par
omit. Six bundled button workers are
employed in the factoriaa.
The hill nrovldlng lor the Incorpora
tion ot the Bt Louia World'a Fair, to
celebrate In 1908 the conteuntal of the
Louisiana purchase, has passed tha
Missouri senate. It has already bean
passed by tbe hionae.
Thi Kilanoa Plantation Company
has been Incorporated at Ban Fran
cisco. Tbe oapital stock is 3,000.000.
The directors are A. B. Bpreokels, J.
D. Boreokels. WlilUur hwin, 1
Hugg and'Wi D-K. Gibson.
A large number of Bpanlah offlo
who had been prisoners In tliebandrbf
the Tagals, have entered the service
of the latter. Among tbe prisoner, were
some ot the chiefs ot the Spanish gen
eiul'i staff and officers ol artillery. .
There are persistent rumors In Ma
nila that Agninaldo has been supplant
ed in control ot Filipino affairs by
Umieral Antonio Luna, commander In
,.hiAf nf the Fillnino foroea. Luna ia
described as being atypical belligerent.
Unless the testimony of aeverat lin.
nortnnt witnesses shall be Im peached,
ninathln which la very unlikely, the
beef Inquiry board" will be obliged to
nutain tha ohaVBes of General Miles
that tha soldiers were ted nnon em
Uilmed or preserved beef, aaya a Wash
lngtdn correspondent.
SlTiior Haw, nam.
The Tennessee Ipulslature has passed
a bill making all contraota entered into
in the state payable In any legal ten
-or. , . -.' .
A annular actress, Lolo Banaolla
hot hnranlf on the stage of a theater at
Vienna, exclaiming; " 'Tia love that
kills." ;S-vM
Dr. Rlciiard Garnett. the keeper ot
printed books. In Uie, British muieum,
Buys there are about 3.000,000 books la
the museum
The Twenty-first Infanlry has left
Plattahnr. for Manila. The aoldleia
carried a allk flag presented by Mrs.
MoKlnley two years ago.
Geologists of the university of Chi
cago are planning to spend a part ot
the aummer In Ariaona, to atudy the
formation ot that territory and New
At Brldaeton, N. J., 1.000 glass
woikers stiuok for union wagea and
recognition of the union. All the em
ployee Of the Btai glaaa works, at Med-
. . 1 . . . L.
lord, aiso siru.a. ,a
Oilental advices stUt' " '
tiou ha J
Armmn under water.and be released his
bold. The current then shot the boat
rapidly out Into the stream, where it
waa swamped and upset MoGuire
nd Hubbard struck out for shore.
Hubbard tenorts that McGuire-was
swimming ahead ot him and appeared
m ha aw mminff easily, wnen Jiuu-
bard reached tbe ahore, and turned to
look tor his companiona, Mcuuire nau
Lannaarad. and Reed had onmoed
K ... uiu Jkl I..
nntn the boat, wlllon waa rapiuiy urn.
Ing down stream, and he saw him no
Aa Snnator Reed could not
awim. be was probably washed Irom
his insecure position and sank to rise
no more.
Alert bay. . The trenchea that were not cleared
by the gunboata gave considerable re
ixtance when the line waa nearlng the
. j .u. T ,.,. Aa R anil Oeata
Claih Batwaaa White ana uiaea i"'-'" i uuj, auu u -.. j
8aan Were Kliiaa- bomoarded IOr an noar in ura ""f '
Pana III April 18. Inariotwhioh making them too warm for occupancy.
h,oka n'nt at 10:80 A. M., on the main but did not auoceed in olearmg them
street in front of the telegraph office, entirely.
v,..o htta and black miners, in General Lawton,
whinh denutv sheriffs took part, six Ueenth infantry battalione,
nan anrl one woman were killed, t narrow iron bridge
Nine peraons were wounded, aeveral
to seriously that they will die.
Th killed ate: Lavier u. oog, a
Frenohman and a union miner; Frank
Coburn, white,
son oi ex-biieria w
hnrn! (not unknown negro minors
and one negro woman.
ratal MlnlBB Dliaitar.
Austin, Tex., April 13. A mining
disaster in which 13 men lost tneir
lives ia reported from tbe Sierra uejada
mining camp, located in tne staie oi
Coahuila, Mexico, 60 milea south ol
Presidio, Tex.
An explosion of tool gas occuriea in
ii VaHa Rica silver mine, and before
the Fonr-approached
eorosa a creek on
iha annth border of the town. Hero a
company of Filipinoa was intrenched
acroaa the stream and behind a atone
hanlrada at the entrance to the bridge
Tha Americana rushed forward in
single file in the face of a galling ore,
demolishing the barricade with their
bands, and drove the enemy from tbe
trenches, killing a doxen.
Tha Fllinino soliiere in the town,
aanrated in various buildings and firing
f,om tha windows, save the Invadera
an interesting hour. There was a reg
ular neat of them in the atone jail,
which is hedged in by a wall. Thia
was a veritable peppeipot. The Amer
in.n. or in oaira, entered tbe
houses, and many wairiora were taken
Waahlngton, April 18. The condi
tion of war which bas existed between
the United States and Spain amoe
April 81, 1898, terminated today.wben
the last formalities in the restoration
ot peace were performed by the ex
change of ratifications ot tbe peaoa
treaty. Coincident wttn taie. rreei-
ient McKinley lasued ale proclamation
declaring that the war waa at an and
and announcement waa made that tba
ppointment ot Bellamy Btorer was de
termined upon aa United Statea mln-
iatet to Spain.
The principal eeremony I tne day
occurred In the reception-room at tbo
White House, when the exchange oi
ratifications took place at 8 o'clock.
In anticipation of the historic charac
ter nf the event, many member, of the
cabinet and offlciala prominent in the
adminiatration gathered at toe wmts)
The signing of tbe protocol ol et-
cbange occurred at 8:38 P. M. Am
bassador Cambon signed lor Bpain ana
Secretary Hay for the United States.
Jhe protocol waa in French, and brief
ly lecited tbe clroumstanceo leaaing up
to tbe exchange.
Thia cleared the way tor tbe ei-
cbange itself, eonatituting the final not.
Tbe president took from tbe desk the
American copy oi tne treaty, Hand
somely engrossed, bound in dark bin
morocco, and encased in a biacK mo
rocco poitfolio, and banded it to M.
Cambon. At tha same time, M. Cam
bon banded to the preaident tne Span
ish copy ot tbe treaty, alao engroaeed,
bound in morocco and encased in
maroon-colored motooco box. Theie
were defferentiat bows aa each received
from the other tbia final pledge ot
peace. Tbia exohange of ratifloationa
occurred at 8:85.
The preaident waa tbe flint to apeak.
"Mr. Ambaaaador," he aaid, "I will
iasue my proclamation at onoe."
M. Cambon thanked the preaident for
the promptness with which tbe proc
lamation followed. Thia ended tna
formal ceremony, and after brief felici
tations tbe ambaaaador and otner om
ciala withdrew.
After tbe ceremony Preaident Mc
Kinley isaued the following proclamation:
"Whereas. A treaty of peace between
the United Statea ot America and her
majesty the queen regent of Spain, in
the name of her august son, Aiionao
XIII, waa concluded and signed by
their respective plenipotentiariea at
Paiis, on tbe 10th day of December,
1ROS. tha orisinal of wnicn is in tn
familiar sound at
even the politiciana there must have ' . I..-. ,nij )( WOrd for word
sentimental clamors and fraternal teel- i0iiowi. (Here the full text of the
intra tor tne camoruus ciaiiuauw
Cuba, but what Cuba needs lor the sake
nf iu hard-working peasantry and prop
BrtT-nwuera is a laree period oi peace,
and the United Statea abould definitely
announce that the Americans will gar
rison the island lor 10 years and not a
riav less.
"We have many Spaniards in Mexi
co recently arrived from Cuba.who dis-
... . . . . t ... ) , , n
trust tne luture oi uie isiauu, Bni
the United States may give too free a
hand to the professional element. Now
f!n ha Beade every industrious man,
eterv enternrising capitalist, be he
Spaniard, American or native, and the
silly recognition ot partiea wbo were
never near the filing in the lata war
mould be stopped at once, giving the
decent and laborious people a chance to
go to work."
treat ia inolnded.) And,
"Whereas, Tbe aaid convention naa
been duly ratified by both partiea and
the ratifications of tbe two govern
ments weie exchanged in the city ol
Washington on tbe 11th day of April.
one thouaand eight Hundred ana
"Now, therefore, bo it known, trM
1, William MoKinley, preaident ox wo
United Statea of Amerioa, Have cauaea
the said convention to be made pnblie
to the end that the same and every ar
ticle and clause thereof may be oD
wrved and fulfilled with good faith by
the United Statea and the citiaena
In witness thereof, I bate Hereun
to set my hand and oauaed the seal of
the United States to be affixed."
all tha miners could get to the surface
tha dr timbere were on fire, the neroe
" . !. If" . - ....11-.L.J V.-,l
namea oarrina Hanarai Liawton eaiaoii-neu
quartera at the alegniib--
R Haa Baaa Reaamad and tha
City II Quiet mmd Ordorlj.
Pana. 111.. April 18. Buainesa,
On the Vara- of War.
plB-eNraa pik a-ai 18a J
Plaa ta Make IS m raatwra ml Chlaage
Day Calabratlaa. . ,
Chioaeo. Anril 18. Chicago will
whioh waa interrupted by tbe rioting proDaniy nave we nrai ".
yeaterday, has been resumed, and the legiment that Colonel Roosevelt com-
city under martial law is quiet and or- manded during the war. Poatmaatar
. Gordon, who ia chairman ol tho gen
ueriy. .,. !- -...... ,klh!novt
i .-''
flfl Chang
of'Shang Tung, with
aroAi extravagance.
Hon. H. A. W. Taboi, poatmastar of
Denver, and ex-Unlted States senator,
died at hla home in that city ot appen
dicitis, after a three days' Illness. He
waa born In Orleans Sounty, vermout,
November 80, 1880.
Advices at Lima in regard to the
revolution In Bolivia say the situation
t Oruio, where Preaident Alouao naa
eatablished a base of operations, is des
perate. The lederaliats, or insurgents
are pushing their operations.
Sir Wilfrid Laorler itatad in the
house of commons, at Ottawa, that I he
a-overnrhent had reoeived a proposition
from the United Statea respecting tne
delimitation ot tha Alaska boundary,
but ha oould not give tha detail. ;
: Bv the- will of Edward Austin, ol
Ho. ton. Harvard oolleue receives 1600,
000 and the Massachusetts Institute of
technology 9400,000.
Rem-esentatlve Landls, ol Indiana
has had one of the ball windows ot bis
house at Delhi fitted with glass from
the Maria Teresa. 1 -
An Ingenious mechanical device
naataa labeli on 100.000 cans In ten
hours. Down a chute rolls a ceaseless
pioceiiion of cans, and each can pick
up label aa it passea.
April 11. Justice
utephen J. Field, ot the United Statei
supreme court, retired, uieo a
home on Capitol hiii, m mis enj, ai
:80 o'clock thia evening, oi aiuney
He bad been unconscious since a-
urday morning and death came pain
lessly. Ever since Justice -ieia s re
tirement fiom the supreme bench In
December. 1897. he had enjoyed com-
paiatively good health, and being re
lieved Irom the leeponstbilltiea which
he had borne for ao many years, ha be
came more oheerful than formerly, and
seemed to enjoy the sooiety ox nis
friends and acquaintances more tnan
ever before. About two weeka ago he
took a longer ride than umai in an
open carriage and contracted a severe
oold, which tapidly developed the
kidney trouble Irom wnion ne nau
Buffered, though bnt elightly, for some
time, r The disease readily yieioeo to
iraatmant. and on Thursday last ne sai
up for a tlme'and seemed quite himself
again, but on Saturday morning a
h-no (or the worse took place, and
.knnt nnnn ha lost oonsoiuuBim..
From that time he sank tapidiy, anu
eipired at 6:80 o'clock.
- Parli OBlalali Cautious.
Paris, April 11. The reoent terrible
a... U Naw York nave maae rm
.a.i.i, liamiml the use ol non-lnflam
meble wood In the construction ot all
narding territoiiea claimed by both re
publics. The two governmauia a
concentrating troops on the frontiers,
and it is reported that the Dominican,
have invaded Haytian territory and oc
cupied Las Caobaa.
Coloiubla'a Tina Ii Vp.
London, Apr il 13.-The Italian gov
ant. accordina to a apeoial oorre-
apondent from Rome, naa aeonnea 10
slve Colombia any further time in
which to pay me verruii ciaim
Ml, nieveland'a award, and haeOrdered
h Atlantic aatiadron to proceed Im
mediately to Cartagena, "to Miug me
Colombians to their senses."
Italy's Oalanata.
Roma. Amil 13. Italy has been for
nially Invited to the disarmament con
f,nft at The Hanne, and has appoint-
-.t .a one of her delegates Marqula
Viaoonti Veneata, minister ot foreign;
affairs in the late Rudini cabinet.
new building for the expoaition, and
tha rule will be rigidly eniorcea
- Rajah's Ninth Victim.
Kansas City, April U.-"Rajah, a
mammmoth elephant owned by Lemen
Bros.' circus company, which has been
wintarina- In Argentine, Kan., near
hara tndav killed its keeper, Frank
Fisher. Fisher had returned to th
tnnt Intoxicated, and tried to make th
elephant peiform. Becoming enraged
Rajah threw Flshei and knelt upon
him. umihlna hla life out before agaist
ani-a could atrive. He i aaid to be
Rajah's ninth yintim.,
it vjolnt
rigidly pre-
r. Tu-;pntlWava' tectflliaiui-J"ku-
patrolled, and all looting
vented. 1 i . . .
Almost all the inhabitants bad neo
nring the two preceding nignta, ano
only a few Chinese shopkeepers nave
emerged from biding ana reiumeu ur
On the march north of town were
found 40 dead Filipinos, some terribly
torn by ahells, and many others
wounded, to whom the Americana
offered their canteens aa though they
were comrades. A surgeon who tra
versed the field counted 80 killed, and
Geueral Lawton will report at leaat m.
A Btratacle Poaltloa.
Manila, April 12. The capture by
Lawton of Santa Crua ia of immense
atrateaio Importance. It is the key to
Lagnna de Bay, and now cuts on Agui-1
naldo from the troops aoutn oi manna.
Aa the wires are cut he cannot com-
munloate promptly except wun tne
troops he has with him. k
Copper Hlaa Conaolldatloa. , ,
Boston. ADril 18. The copper con
solidation oonferenoee held here today
will result in a combination oi an
Montana and Michigan mines In one
company, with tremendous oapltal.
The details will be announced soon. .
The Penwell and Pana mines are not
in operation xoaay, anu mo uki
miners, feeling secure under military
protection, swarm the streets and min
gle freely with Uie wnite striaera.
Forty-Kite Pereoai Drowaad.
Malta. April 18. The British steam
er Kingswell, Captain Humphrey, ar
rived here today, and reports being in
M.lli.ion with the Greek steamer Maria
in latitnda 85. longitude 83, in the
Mediterranean off the coast of Tripoli.
Tha Maria waa sunk, 4B persona going
down with her. The Kingswell left
Alexandria last month for Eupatario.
She waa uninjured.
Dlad at Hla Beach.
Taooma, April 18. William Cole,
U veara of age, a shoemaker, died sud
denly this afternoon at his benon, while
at work on a pair of shoes he waa re
pairing for a customer, who waa wait-
InS. ne waa BUOjeci to neart uiaeaaa
but persisted in keeping at work.
Vhlatla Is Mot Lost.
Victoria, B. 0., April 13.-Tbe aloop
Thistle is not lost, aa repoited. and tha
Ford and Thames families, given up
for dead, are alive and well, in Alert
.Bridal Coopla Baraed Oat-
New York. April 18. William K
VanHarhilt'a country house, "Idle
Hour." at Oakdale, L. I., waa totally
destroyed by fire thia morning. W. K.
Vanderbi t. jr.. and biSDrlde, formerly
Miaa Virginia Fair, were occupying the
house. . ' t
The fire is believed to bave originat
ed in the cellar accidentally. It broke
nut at 8:45 A. M.. and In an hour the
main structure, with all its furnish
ings, was entirely destroyed.
reunion in this"ciio-r W-r-) , 3
Preaident McKinley will be here and
the corner-atone ol the new postofBoe -
is to be laid. Colonel Roosevelt ap
proved the plan.
Before Governor Koosveelt leit tor
New York last night he signed hit
name to the roll ot charter member a ol
Henry Clay post, No. 1, of the service
men of tho Spanish war, an organiaa
tion effected last November at Lexing
ton, Ky. The roll baa already the aig-
naturea ot General Joapeb wneeier mo
othei noted officers of the Santiago
campaign. ' ; . .
Manae la) tha Troop.
Washington, April 18. A cablegram
received from Consul wildman, at
Hong Kong, contains tht singU woid
"Plague." thereby announolng tho an
nual appearance of the disease on the
Chinese coast. It will require)
most energetio effort- of tho medical
r . .a . A Ai. .l.MHa
officers at wanna to prevent m piasjoo
from being Imported Irom Hong J-ong.
Flood la WyeaUae. ' :
Cheyenne, Wyo., April 18. Sayeral
milea of the main line of the Uf I Cx
jifio are under water. and oyeM-JI
ol track has been waabed KJ' i
Edaon station. Tbe flow of waUr mi
tbe mountains la unprecedented, flood
ing the country for milea along St
Mary's creek.
Two American officers In Porto Rlc
have mariled in native famlllea, aw
the engagement" of third to 8ai
Joan belle is annosnced. -