THE ARGUS .it-red ill the Post-omc at Hltlsboro, fremiti, a aecmtii class mail matter. LiTirS A. M)S(i, KlMTOIt. County Paper. ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY ' - , Th Aias Publishing Cuapuj. JuWrlptlnn: Cno Iki'lnr W Annum. Six Month, 60 rtw; ':ii!H! ..tiitw, SA ots. . Opposed to Gold me'a.s-?!. re lieves in the Bimetallic Standard Dear Money means Debased Property, and Profitless American Product. Our Consequent loss is our Creditors' Gain. Has no use for Marcos A. Hanna WHY IMPKIUAMSM. It is easy of comprehension why nur wealthy-in-money citizens are , almost a unit for imperialism upon lines as exrciaexi by G-ett Britain, and why they want a large stand ., ing army, Urrat economic chang es are taking place, and this clas-s . of citizenship are al.vays loking out. in a business war. fur th fu ture. They are prudent, cautious ' and far weing. Unlike the produc w and laborer, who live almost en tirely in the today, these live in the future as'ivell Observtnt. and well and?rntaiiding the hws of trade, t- le averages bet ween m-iney anl property, and being ever uti the alert for that which i. their belter men t,- they advocate that policy ' which will insure to them a profit, : regardless of profit others.' So it is, they see in a'l lines of p roil uc tion a gradual slump from the pro Stable prices once enjoyed and they see no return for investments in farm mnrt (YU Tad niiloca t kjra ij a weakening in the ourehasing jviw er of the dollar, the very thing they least desire paradoxical, per haps, yet true! So they want more national securities in which to in vest, more debt, and to get it, they want more armame:U,more soldiery, "more expense, more official services and more bonds. The proof of this tendency is abundant in the fnct that ido 111 ft at earnest advocates of expansion and . imperialism are publishers of the great papera in thorough touch with the great credU combinations and by the fact the Depew?, the Hannas, the Eikins, are all in favor tf the imperial pilicy. It U simply a question of the lollar, it power; and the desire to cheapen and keeD chean. that vrlnnh mi r producers have to sell. KECOG.MZr OCR DEFENDERS. The Argus last week opened the campaign advocating t ho states of . Washington and Oregon pensioing the Indian war veterans. Let the press of the sttte get together on this proposition and the next Oreg ' on legislature will do its duty to- ward these old veteran defenders It will be a pusher on Congress and if that body does not see fit to re f imburse the state, well and eood. , If the candidacy of all parties r shall in nil probability stand upon ,, this sentiment; or if the press ehall present a solid front for this recog nition of ''the frontier service and defense, it may have ii will have, an overwhelming influence on the next Congressional body. As a matter of taxation, it will be very slight, and as a matter of justice, " no one is there who can, or will " object. v; The committee investigating the embalmed beef question can make but one report, if all evidence is giy- en its proper place in consideration. T. lie Evident intention from stirt to . finish, however, io throw Miles in to disrepute, leaves one in doubt as to what the 1 rue character of the report of the committee will be. i More than likely the report will be ; kept back f.r several montlis un ", til public indignation is nl'ayed and then we shall hear thnt "the evideiice was conflict iifj, etc." Sec retary Alger will hardly allow his i high ofljca to be made it foot bull by ' those who are opposing him within .' his pwn political household. That ithern was arotten mess in the com missary -''department1 goes without sayinp,. but - modern politics will . rdiiitoii .that a little whitewash will .cavejfiiiitude of swindles. . i,aUUltYl'OtI VKAHH AGO. 'Dispatch Copied from Miners' Keg. later (Col.) April 10, I860. JJjrnhwinFeiids The Argus a o")t T(ti lnier's BegiBter, (Col. ) tliVciit April' lC, 1865, from which a despatch relative to Lincoln's assassination follows: "Prrsident Lincoln and wife with oth er friend, this evening visited Ford' TtlMlr tVir 111 luinww n f w.itMMtn the performance of the American Cousin 1 it was announced in the papers that Geo. ) Grant would also be present, but that gentleman took a late train for Now jer sey. The theatre was densely crt wdvd. vtrryoouy scemeu tieiignici wttti th. scene before them. During the third act, and while there was a temporary pause for on- of the actors ta enter, a sliarp report ol a pistol, which rmrrrlv attracted att-ntion, but supsiei uotu ing serious, until a man tushed, to the noui oi me rrvM.lenl s host wsvi g a long dagger in his right hand, excla n-.- IIIK. CIL fCUl ITI I V IM XI II 11 . ai'll mlt)M!i iately le.tped from the box, which was in the second tier, to the stace beneath, and ran acre to the opposite side of the statre. iiukinir his rsri. mm,! ii!.. i- wildermctit ot the, from the rear of the theatre, and, mounting a horse, fled A coin first disclosed the fact to the audi ence mat the president had beci shot, when all oresent rose to thrir ft m-h. ing toward the state, many exclaiming, nS mm: i ue excitement was ot the I'ildvSt rJOSsiblpdnb-rinlinn Tlu lli.l. rical pvrforniauce was of course brought iu an iu(i ciose. mere was a rush toward tne tTesiUent a box, when cries were heard to stand back and Rive him nr; nas anyone any stimulant.' "Od a haSIV examination it -a rfimi.t thai the President had Un l. the head above and back of the temporal uom, anu inai some ol tne Iimiu was ooiing out. He was removed to a pii vate house opposite the theatre. The Surgeon General of the armv ami other surgeons were st nt for to attend to his conditiou. "On examination of the private box, blood was discovered cushioned rocking chair in which the t .11 . . ...... . "Hieiii uau oeen sitting, also on the partition and floor. A common single barreled pocket pistol was found on the carpet. A military guard was placed in front of the private residence to which the president had been was an immense crowd waiting, all deep- ... .xaiuus io iraru me couiiition ot the president. It hail hn rr. ,u. nounced that iiie wound was fatal, but all hoped otherwise. The shock to the community was terrible. Members of the cabinet, Messrs. Sumner. Farns- worta, Judge Bates, Gov. Oelesby, Geu. Meies. Col. Ha n.l . t Z. friends, with Surgeon Gen. Birnes with u.a immeuiate assisunts were around the bedside. 'The President was in a )) r-t ion- cone, totallv inuntihlA mA K. slowlv. blood the back of his head. The Surgeon Gen eral exhausted every possible effort of m;rtBl -UIll t . It" t "u"-,u "'"i uui au nope was gone. The parti n i; of his familv with th A,r. President was too sad for description. The President and Mrs. Lincoln didn't start for the theatre until 15 minutes af ter nine o'clock. Speaker Colfax was at ,l.A ii-u: t . .. .. ;uc " nouse ai tne lime, t ne Pres ident stated to him that h .c although Mrs. Lincoln had not been UAlt 1 , , "tvause papers naa annouueed that Cen. Grant had anuounc-id that he was to be present, andasGrant had gone north, he did not wish the audience to oc uisappomtea, he went with apparent reluctance, and nroed rYilfar him. but that gentiemgn bad made oth- - "5sIU":uw anu wun air. Ashman of .Mass.. bid him porn! ...... - r. "J - nen tne excitement at the theatre Was 81 US Wildest heurht rn.,ria circulated that See. Srar,l ho been assassinated. On reaching this gcuucuicn s res aence a crowd and mil Itary euard were round it dnm- tering it was ascertained that the reports wcic i.ei on tue trorn KrmhAv there was so excited that scared an in- tenigioie word could be gathered. The facts are substantially as follows: About 10 o ciocfc a man rang the bell. The can havimr net n nnsurer..! K . i.nt..Aa servant, he said he had come from Dr. V tele. Sep. SltwgriT'i ntii.H , ....... j,u,t ji.i.ii, nuu A Drescriotion. at th cam. iim. hni.i;.. in bis hand a small piece of folded pap er, and saving in answer to a refusal, that he must see the secretary, as he was intrusted wtlh particular directions. He insisted on going up although repeatedly informed that no one could enter the chamber. He pushed the servant one .1 .1 1 , 1 -. . mc uu waiKcu ueavwy toward tne Sec retary's room, and was met there by Mr, Frederick Seward. "He demanded In aee the fi,a.. making some false representations to the servant. What further way of colloquy is not known, but a man struck hiuj on the bead with a billv, se verely injuring the skull felling him al- uiuai scuiKies . i ne assassin men rush ed into the chamber and attacked Mr. Seward, paymaster A. S. A., and Mr Hansell. a niejuenoerftf ctat,i.i.i and two male nurses disabling them. He then rushed upon the Secretary, who was lying m bed in the same room and ...... mree siaos in me necK,tu. sev ering, it is thought and hoped no arterv though he bled profusely The assassin then rushed down stairs, mounted his horse OUicklv and ride riff hofnr. alaim could he n-.mdel nr in th manner as the assajination of the Pres ident, it is believed the injuries of the Secretary are tint fatal nnr ihiu. nf h. . ''-"- i vi,c others, Secretary and Ass't Secretary are very severe, oec. Man ton, wells an. other Drominent nffirial nf the mn ment called at Seward's house to inquire into his condition and there heard of the assassination of the President. They then proceeded to the house where he was lying. An immense ctowd was gathered in front of the private house, and a strong guard also stationed there. Many persons naturally supposing he would be brought to his borne. The citv presents a scene of wild excitement, ac Cnmnanied hv frennent .vtmcunH. n indignation and profound sorrow. Many sum lears. - The military authorities have dispatch ed mounted patrols in every direction ill nr!tr if tMMtuihle rn nrreat the a,a.i.iH. The whole police are likewise engaged jur me same purpose. 1 ne aiiacas Doth at the theatre and Seward's house, took place at aoout tne same honr-10 o'clock .In,. n V. - r..... 1 1 ..... .. to fls;aftiinate thnae ovntlemen. a iilenre nf the onilt nf the urt. u.V., t . - - r- -" 1 " l,lJ " . tacked the President is in possession of tne Board 01 l'olice. Ihe Vice Piesident is in the city his headquarltrs guarded by troops." , , ,, . , ., , Real Estate Transfers. C tharine Stanwood and lib Io Eg bert Fonda 20 a sec lo t 2 s r 2w $ 500 Mary E Colby to Chas L Shaver 2 ., a sec 14 t 2 r 1 w. ... . 75 Mary A Tigaii) to Fannie K Marion 1 h s c3 t 2 s r 1 w . . . 1 O .1 Th.mikinS to Herman W Mil ler 5 11 sec 5!.S t 2 n r 2w. . 7b V C KpiIfoii to K .1 Ward 14 a Di.imld McLcrd Domiiion.. ' 6r0 Jol'ii McKay to'Ftment Co tract 3 it Miles, Uavia Donation and other hind... ... - 11,600 Mary C and Allen Murphy to Reb- ecca liarrctt, IJurnctt Homestead 100 a...' 1 Eltxa M BeUy to Rebecca Rarrett same as above. 1 Edward Kline to Anna M Howell 5aec9tlsrlw 500 J W Hartranipf and wf to C B Buchanan IeU 10 and H Cor nelius Environs 5)37 Conrad Sehmeltier and wf to Mar ion Skeels w 11 e i sec 12 t 2 s r3w m Win field S Smith and wf to M E and Mr Iaeh tract in Forest (trove 4tH A J Kanno et al to Polly Schmidt e i w 1 blk 9 lVaverton . lot) John Ekert bv ShtTto Lnrkin lv. 1 ..!ds 10 a sec 18 t In r lw o44 C II Marlev and wf to Clara Kmn iner trot in sec 11 t 2 a r 1 1 lh Connell and wf to Clara Kunnner 40 a in same 1 J S Huston snd wf t.i F K IVrl- 5-10 a sec 2ti t 2 n r w. . . SI J A liovven to Will Lcarh nart lit! blk 15 Forest Urove 1.2.V) K Crtmlall and wf to Joseph and Aug Fisher tret Reaver ton 4(H) Marion W Skeelsand wf to Conrad Schmelti 'r s w s e sic 21 t 2 sr2w JiH) Ramus Itrson ami wf to Clara V, Kumn er 3ti 7i a mc 11 t 2 s rl 1,2010 tidrew 8iorey and tvf to Wm and M E Leach part lot 2 block 15 Forest Grove "CO Chrestean Jenne and wf to J J ankleek 9 925 a sec 12 t 2 s r2w not) Wm H yhuck to Thos Matthit 'son 16.50 a sec 14 t 2 s r 2w... lt5 M K and Wm Loach to Winfield S bmith and wf 10 a sec 23 t 1 s r 4 w 650 saac Leisy and wf to Win Levt-r-ich et al r.wi lwty thro i -'i J.ii S . Woolev Donation 25 A fresh lariel . f p'ck'f e t Greer's. Carter Harrison has again l-eeu elected mayor of Chicago piling nearly as many votes as the com bined opposition. He bn mile a good wholesome record in protect ng t.htcago's property acains'. en croach men is of street railway greed It was unf.irtunate that Mr. .Alt- geld t was in the race, but robbed of the votes Altgeldt polled, hi-t victory is the more conspicuous. Air. Har rison is a dfvotee ii the Chicago plittform and all the talk about his "straddle" proposition is the rank est kind of buucomlie. Mrs. J. W. Railey and son arrived front t?an Francisco last Saturday, Remnants! Remnants! Sclui!- nierich i Sou hill have, a sale of rtmnants. Anythiii! in their store 111 the nne of remnants will lie fold at prices never ln-fore offered in tin city. "Give me a liver regulator and J can regulate the world", said a genius. The druggist handed him a bottle of DeWitt's Litt'e E:trly Risers, the famous little pills.-Dcll'i Drug Store. . . , Henry Sackrider,of Hulsonville, Illinois, writes that he wants th Argus for six months. Mr. S ic rider is a brother to Mts. Benton Bowman, of this city, and was it Hillsltoro several years ago. He will again come west this lall. The lit'le five-year-old daughtei of Ben Brown, of Laurel, while .'laying, had the misfortune, one day lad week, to have tho middl linger of her right hand chopped t.f. by an axe in the hau is of an other child. Those .districts in Washington county ba; ing had the most leiithv school year are: Oales Creek schorl, lOimomhs; Glencoe school. 10 months; Verboort si:1km 1, II' months. For frost bites, burns, iinlolei t sores, eczema, ekiii dineac, and et pecially Piles. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve stands firhtjuid best. Look out for dishonest people n 1 0 try to imitate and counterfeit it It s their endorsement of a good article. Worthless goods are not imitated. Get DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. Telta Drug Store. Parties having farm or city prop erty for sale .will do well to list it with S. Everitt, who is centrally lo cated in lliilsboro, and who is in constant correspondence with par ties desiring to locate in Oregon. He also carries several first-class re insura nee companies. The county court has exercised good judgment in its selection of th committee- on bicycle paths. Each is active, thorough, business like, and will make good disposition of the hicvele tax. Treasurer's Notice A 1A, COUNTY WARRANTS EN VY dorseil nrior to Oct. 18. .1S1. are now called for, and interest will reuse after this date. HUlHboro, Mar. 30 TO , A. B. CADY, , 4. County Treasurer. Dead Letters. The following is the list of letters re maining in the Hillsboro post office tin claimed: ' Mrs. Geo. Kenney Mr. George Avery All letters not called for by April 15, 1899, will be sent to the dead" letter of fice. One cent will be charged on each letter called for. H. SCHVLMKRICH, P. M. A Special Bargain for THE SEMI-WEEKLY REPUBLIC ... v. AND THE HILLSBORO ARGUS "9eaLfolLlle Dollar and Twenty-five Cents V :,ra.Ao"f' 8,leltrlty-.Th S,ml-Vkly Kepnblle N mt well known l.L ' ' V "l,"r wnnire sntMrrlpit.Mi U t.i cull ntlniitlon to It. It U th lwi b,mmtI newspaper of it eln piil.Nh,l, i,d ima largrr lis-iiltion n.nv lliinanyoiliormwlvor wMiit-wotdky. It boa isminiainl not nnlvnf all tlttt ItrwU urw nf m-w-t from the Ituily and Mindav Itopitlilic, but lo r'wvlvpa I lie HHvtal Mrvi ,,t the New York llornht and .Now Vork Journal. Hv a siwt-lal ttrron " . made tor lln.ilml Iim,. only, our Ii londa will lw Klvrn nit oinmiHinH y to lake advantage l tin litxnd proptMitlou. Thi la a awlal aali A.ldrvaa HILLSBORO ARGUS. '7' The Affairs of Europe are faithfully portrayed in the original and exclusive cable dispatches which Thk CHI CAGO RECORD prints daily from the leading capitals of the old world. This magnificent special service is in process of being greatly extended so as to include every important city in Europe; and it is supplemented by the full regular cable service of The Asso ciated Press. The Chicago Record, alone of alt American newspapers outside New York city, now prints original and exclusive cable dispatches daily from the leading capitals of Europe. Speed! Size! . Breeding! LOVELACE! Throe Year old Itrrord, 2:20; WILL MAKKT1IF.S' ASONOF 1899 vtaiiui(Tnit 1 onniy.tiieirou, Season, wild I'rivih'sreof tt' tnrii, f2S; LOVKLACB in dark hay. with email Mar 011 one him! f,.f, over tlx- it-en iiniHia nin, ami will wfisjii upwanlf of l.'JUO ioui.i!k. Sire, E6tit , and tire ol Kw-n 3:06 X, the Conqueror, j: u . .nd M ofheMio fM brother to Sj-hinx. J:jo , .ire of i,, r.y. and l.lecltile 1:28 H, .ire of 340 in the a; v. , fim.lara Crepon.dara of MlVF.I.AfF., iuo, Dnrsry I.. 7!i ,WU Briltonj'Jo h , (fOldlae t:i7. llrd'anlire 1:50 'A. rtmniiltv triul 1. l-C-.i;i.- ..... Duclieu. i:n, t.ran.l dam ot Chnnty, aecono (Ui:i, (.rape Lisse, tlam of King kene.Jr , 2:17, and Hlnrine, J;a7, third dam, the dnm of Tar'ton, 1:51, I A)V F'R flft 19 tu-n VI.OI. nlt Irniifl.l -, , ' "v.. ... u imn, uiiiaiinng iwo year old record ol 2 :X) Ai a three year old he wa campaigned in K-vcral state., trotlrd in is races, obtained first, second or third money in 17 races, took a record of f.20 n imn. ni.-i j i icccainer. w orhed U;s .breeflit'k' is nnsurpassed. Hi. k' Stifl tm itn il 1 . nf liia 11 v t..I il... .-I. . 1 hree of them li.vitiR t dtflcrent ae. Waterwitch, ernnd dam of his sire. dcventlaut. in the 2:30 list. J Mares from a dlstaiire will rec ive K".d care .n.l nnstnniKe nl i.o per month. A number of standard bted nmres and fielding., lit for the road or rac'lni. for .site cijdan. " For further particulars inquire of - Hilisbore, Oregon. Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. Itartlflcially dlgeststhe food and aids Nature In strengthening and recon itructiog the exhausted dlgeetlve or gans. It Is the latest discovered dlgest ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach it In efflclencj. It In stantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea. Sick Headache, Gastralgl a, Cramps, ana All other results of Imperfect digestion, Prtpared by F C D.Witt A Co., Cbcag Delta Drug Store, HUlHboro Oregon, The cutest thinga in town in the shape of boys' suiU at Schulmerich & Bon's army and navy patterns come and see them. ' Notice of Final Settlement. Notice in hereby given Ihut the under signed has Hied hia dual account an ad ministrator of the eatate -jf Nnthannit'l Holland, docoHNud and the Honorable County Court of the state of Oregon for Washington county hits fixed Saturday tint Sftth day of April, IM, at 10:00 o'elock a. m., at tne county court room in II iilhburo as the timo and plaea for hear imr obP(!liorm to tho final snllltinii-iit unil miid final account, ifnuy there be. ......... ... IIlfl..L. ...... .. .. ... ....... uuit'u hi rjiiisuoro inis .Miircn,.;u, lWlit,. WILLIAM HBAKN AdnilniHtralor of tlio estato Nathan niel Holland, deceased. , NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. Noliee ia hereby given that tho annual meeting of the stockholders of the Hills boro Co-Operative Company will be hold in ((range Hall, Hillubcro, March 27, 1I9 at 0110 o'clock p. 111. CALVIN JACK, Hec'y. JAMES II. 8EWKLL, Treaidont. Administratrix' Notice. Notice ia hereby given that the undersig ned has been inmointod administratrix of the extate of J. H. (Jrillln, deceased, hviha ri,.i,t n.,.... txfWrt.aUlt ....... ty. Htateof Orogon,nd that all persona havimr claims airainstsald nstnte urn re. quired to present the same properly vorl tied, to meat the oflice of 8. II. iluston Hillsltoro, Oregon, within six months Newspaper Readers! HILLSBORO. ORGOM Three Year Old Trial, 2: 12 H J. AT THE F.A HUSH 01' SI'S, HIMItoiiO, upon tiic Following irrma: Insurance, f35 :is, bv I'rtucepa. trial iM ...... ..!.....! . . . pntiltclv a hill mile at Cleveland in l it U dam, hi. Krnnd dam. the rUn. and Krnd r. rc an m ine Rrffii nroo'i nmre Unt. I tl .' 1 headed lite list of winning .ire. at their ha. six in tho tm li.t .i t.... ...... .... E. D. TONGUE, Manager, from latP, lids Itlh day of March. Ikwi LISA IIAUVKYUItlKKIN, Adniiiilnlmtrix of tlm fstulo of J. 8, irlllln, dtieai(Hl. S ilinton. Allorncy. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. VTOIICK IS IIFIIKIIY (ilVKS. THAT is uib iiuiier.igurii. Hdiiiliilntrulor tie ihiiiih nun witu tiic will uniiHxi'd by vir tu of an nrrlrr id the ('mintv l .uiri ' 1. and entered in the matlero'f I ha estate of . 1 . ... .iiu'R-iiii. ncctmstrii, on tu lain day id Knliriiary, lm), vill mcII at publii. Bin- I nun in inr ihiuiii ii'Mtroi me t;uurt Hoiihc 1 In llillbiiro, WiiHbiigtnn Coimly, Orn I f.on 011 the wtth day ol April, mf, at In o'clock in the I'.. milium of naid ui n the following r.-al i.rnpcrty lying, Imlinr 111 d Hittintti in WaMliiiigton County, Ore jon, and more particularly diwcrfu-d a. follow, to-wit: Commencing at the Northeast corwr of I the Donation Land Claim of John . Jck .on and wife in Ho.lion 2H. Tnwnnhip two 'North. Ilitnirn Two Writ m,l r...,.,i.... jtbeitf'O West 40 ehains; tlini;co Houlli V voiiuiH inenee e.aMi is chatim; thenco I North2 chain. Kiwt 10 clmiris; South two v.inMinj niimie ium u ciiuiiim ; tnviii'ii iunn in cuaiiiH ui tne piacool beginning containing 70 acre, more or Josh, all fn Washington Comity. Oregon, That wild premises will be sold f'oreaMli and 1 lm fx pensca of tho truiiHi'vr to bo paid by purehaaer. JOHN II. 1)0RT,ANI. Adiiilntatrator do bonis lion with the wiil atinexcd of the estate or U. O. Jack son, Dtxieaseil, eo. It. Dogley, Attorney for the Ad lulniHtrator. Administrator's Notice, Notice is hereby given that the tinder signed has beon appointod ailniiniatratrlx with thn-wlll-aiinexed of the ostalo ol N C. Jtichardsoii, deceased, iy the Hon, County Court of the State of Oregon for Washington County and persona having claims against said estate am requested to present the same to the undersigned at her rnaldenee within B months from tho (lain of tins notice. March 7, 1W)0. l j . .0. L. IUC1IAHDHON,' Administrator of the estate, of N, C, Richardson, deceased. Notice of Final Settlement. "T0TICE la hereby given that I. the un- .n.i. mi, 111 uinu Wl MIC tin. ulU of Oottleib Htacger, deceased, haye filed in the County Court of tho state of Oregon lor Washington county, my linal account as administrator of said estatej and that said Court has set Monday, April 10. 1800, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m., of said day, as the time, and the County Court room as the pl'ice, for hearing ob jectiorm to said final account and the set tlement of said estate, . , . - JOHN SMITH. Administrator of Ihe estate of Oott leib Slaeger, deceased. 8 H. WF.IIItl'SOand SON, The Hillsboro PhannacyS V I'roprtei.r. The Leading; Drug: House - Where Drugs, Modlchira. l' t;lU.Simutr, ln k, Ht,,l nil UrtiKgUt' Ulitnlrlra miy be proi nn-l at ptl. es that slmplv distaut t. iviiiprlltloii. Fact is, thnt manv in'oplo do tnl know where our iiniuo rntna from -it's a piNW nntuf and we had gou.1 ivasotia fur ailnpt ing it. in explain:.. Bcila i the -hli letter of t!f Orm-k Alphnlaa un ia slupt-d like Triimgl". thrte si.l. tl. Now, us :: .imeritttllv lh third nig Slo-t- estahliflifd In UilUhoro, ll.i'-cornetetj letter ia xliiliiliennl. I'leiie rellii'liiher i'a fiat uiir uim, i nlaava will be, ton, tin. i;rt sign of hijiiHit iiialilv an uw est price. Wtt will la. alwava plea....! i,t liV von call ut otir ! TOR THE FINEST DRUGGIST'S LINK W WASHINGTON COUNTY. SHERIFF'S SALE. I V Vlrt TI'R HI.' IV I'VKrVTI.iv 1 iliH-rt t and i.rler of a.ile, tssiied out of I lie t Ireuit Court nf the Mule of lrttfHi, 1 lor Washington County, In favor of Wi. , Ilnm l.nng und SHalimt KrlM-eea J, I'mit. f cn.r, Krank K, I'liinenty John I'omer.iy and l liiri a MeNtitt tor tht sum of 110, 1 owls, and for tin' Itirlher 11111 offti (J, n. ! gold coin, with Interest thrrenu at 111"! rain .. 10 per cent per niinutii from tho J stli nay ol IM., NK and the furtlu r aunt I of nttorii.'.vs' Ires, with Interest lliere- i otiiittheriiieol I per p;r anniiin I from the '.Otll day of January, Iwst mid : for tlia ist and vxpetiMi of sain and ..r1 said writ, ) Now,, by virtue ninl 111 ptirsii- i an. e of saiil judgment, dn-reeaud oi.lur nf ale. I will, on Miindiiv the lot It dav t.f April, t. at lh snnt'lt ditr nl Hie court I bouse In HilUliom, Wailiim.'liu Connly, ; Oregon, at thu hour nl lOo'il' ek a. 111.. oft nl J ilny, ll at public nuellon to tho ' liinlieHt bidder forciwlt. ilit. folUi.ving.- 1 scribed real property, o-l: j Lying and lsmg in section .l,t I 11 r.'lw ; and mora rti.'iiUrly dptuirittcd n lot-I lows: IU KUininK nl Mono d, tl,,, renter! oftlui mad leading north from the limn 1 01 Coinoliiis in said county and slale, said ! stoijii btiiiigon tliesoiitn IsiunihiryolRlititti i No. in suld t I 11 r il w ami ilui int u'hI I chains In ml the s w corner of 'aid . claim, mid running tlimnt. ntsl on ml I ' south lioiindarv liiieol s.ii.l claim No, IIA 1 HI 10 chains to a post: Tlumee soiilh 2,'J cluiiiis lo a pi.Ni; thenco wort i.'il clmliis to a Kst j Ihcnce soi'tli (llo 1,1 Hilnw7ll7i chains lo a pout In the center of Mi" al'ovo ' moved road smith 111 cleg 4r inln v JtO feet I from the northwest tsiriiiir of the tint jim. j ur coiniimiily known as tho "tidil VnU lows' irravit yard; theme tmrih !i ilea w 2 in chains to a post theiine nmlli i),7,V elialiis to the place of litgiuitlmt, contain. Ing 4.111 acres, nil sltuutn In Wailiinuloii County, Orettott, t satisfy the hureinlit.. fori tiuiupil aoiott tlllil tl... ..,.,1 expenses of sal-.' sale. Hald iimptirly will he sold subject U) rt iicmpiiouiiN per siaiiiie.n (iregnii, Wltni-MM mv liuiid thin .11I1 ilnv ut M,,,,,i, WK. W. I). IIK'ADKOIU), V Hherllfof WashiiiKlou Coiinty, Oregon," John M. Wai.i., Attorney for Halntllf. j Notice of Final Settlement, Notice la hereby given that the under signed, admluuiirtitiirof the ostatoof Win. Davis. (Ic.el'iouxL Ima ftliul I.Im II,,,, I count as such administrator In the county court or the Mate or Oregon for Washing, ton county and that the said county court has llxed t outlay the Wth tiny nl April, IMIO. - At thn Cfll.rt. mnln nf Mul,l at iiillsltoro. cniiutv ami ut.tA ut',irni.i,t at thu hour of lo o'clock a. m. ofsalii day as iim nine ami place, inr Hearing otijeot Ions to said final account, if any there bo and the final settlement of said estate. miiou at lllllsijoro this March , 1800. . , . L. LINDHaV, Administrator of l.lio nutuli. ,,r VV 1.. 11,.., 1.. iloccaHod. . Executor' Notice. Notice Is bnroliv iIvaii thnt tl,., ii.,,1,.Hul.... i , . r,. . v....v i, .iiitiiuniuii" ed has been apisilntcil Kxuctitor of the last in mi', leniiuiinni .11 Anna lilieimlna I'lllfAdec'd. hv the (!nlinl v t 'oitrt ,,,,.iA of Oregon for Washington county, All persons huvlng claims against aultl estate are requested to present the same to the undersigned within six months from duW, imieu at iiiusmiro, March u, ihmj. . HICKMAN U00K, Executor of the lust will and testament of A una W lllielinlnu tliiim (l.,iu.u.i W. 1). Haro. Attorney. Administrator'! Notice. Notice la hernhv fflvnn thnt ii.wt slgnod has bnen, by the County Court of wu mam 01 trugnil. lor VI asillllgloll Colin, iv. fllllv annolnteft ndn,ltiint...,.N r .l. estate of r rod Witt, deceased and has duly qualified and entered upon tho discharge of hla duties as such. Now, therefore, all persona, having olulnis against said estate are noruby r0. quired to present sumo to mo at the law ..'" .. " tntg'e? lit JIIIIHDiiro, Washington County, Oregon together With nronui' vouchers wllliln ! .,.... i. aftor date of this notice. Dated at Hillsboro this 2nd day of Mar ch, A. D. I8I. JOHN WTTT. Administrator,, of the estate pf Fred Witt, Deceased. r ! . A I'ai-km tmk I'mifi.R : 'jr.T.T.Tsr.'rjr.rjr.T.Tsrw.'rjv- The Little Chaps . tlMlr stylM st m "I'm Mka,1 tiMi turn sav (IimIM Owlr ut 5tMtaslUI, allrxllvt, Mitl tm4 ikludvt ilothln prk( Mt ImH vonumy hints, PanaU lll that K., N, P. C. clot a Milwtaf all othtrs, IkMgli tkey ct M ITS Ilea Much Wm, Lots at Buys' CMUaf la lowni and )! Ol'U daaartataat t Sulnf lh htasl buaaaaaa la) HahUtary. W h Aak lot ihU tt'tfwuaaaaaal. lim.SIIOHI), lKK(i0!l Admmlrrator'a Nolle. Nnle is hereby given that I he timlrr. Ignrd lu.a Uen duly pMMntnl Atl.ttliii. liatoridllietitat of (itM.tgt. II. )'ai-n. burg, d'l. iiK.I, l.y ti Hon, foiinl v l oiirt of the M(p of Otegun (or V asl'.l glou Connly. AH ptrxms liavlng rlnUua, iliiiilllsl ald twlale m rsilin.te, t ir. sent the same with prtKr rotieben lo the titidcislgnod al hi" r.oletir m watfurtl, Clues inii County, Htata nfOrvaTuii, llalivl (Ida March I, 1st. J. I'. K rusts, Administrator, Sink k Footc, Ba'leR Trim. .id atleneral Iliuiklng liuslnrwt A. ( . MIL lb fmihler Hull sight Kxclmngn and Telegrapbln I ransfors and I.mi.s, Udien of Crvtllt avnllalile tlironKhonl the t' Ntalra. ..rii ir t urn 01 e.xelmtiga on Um.lon, dveriioii . tin 1 n luri 11. ..11- l 1. f..rt-on-llit..i aiit.Htotkbo'lm mid 'all iirln. elpaleillMiol Knropa. ' , , - - - ih'iiiii, rrniia ftilloell.msmiidtioimll aeepsslhle polrtta llanklng boms from 0 a m to 3 p in Hlllslsin), Orebn, rr.2llWask'(',i J. Noethiop, Proprietor. Ne wly Furnished 7JN. and Renovated. A firKt-claaa tab) snd all accommodation for the convenience of guests, , , OR&N Time Schedule . . From Portland I' ast nm I hmvos at 8 p m for Malt Lake, Denver, Kt. Worth, Omaha, Kahsaa City. Ht. Uuis, Chicago and East, arrive (1:40 p in ' Spokano Flyer loaves 2:10 p m fi itlla, Minneapolis, Mt. l'iiul, waukeo, Chicago and East. for Walla W Dlltllth M tago and East, arrive H:Wa in Oeoan Rteamshlpa leave at 8 p m. For San t ranclseo , nailing evory live day. Colunthla Kivor leave a 'p m exeont Sunday, Haturday 10 p nt for Astoria and way landing, arrivo 4 p m oxoept Hiuulay linn Yvitiamntte river loav 6am exeont Hunday p m except Willainotte and Yamhill river leave T nl" !!!?'',ll!.l!rM',uv "J1"1 trday foi " . 1"w'" B,m way land nua KrlllaV Wm ,,"IUy WeJ"ey J Wlllanietto tlvor leave 0am Tueailnv Thnratlay and Haturday for OorvillU anil ,V.i arrive p m Tueadar Thursday and Saturday etiay, Hnako rlvor leave Riparla dallv for ' LewlHloin returning lve JswuHm dully except Sunday. J-ewiaton AddreBj W. H. HULBURT, , Gun. ft8. Agent