The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, April 06, 1899, Image 1

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NO. 3.
Epitome of the Telegraphic
News of the World.
An IntereatlMg Oolleetloa of flams From
tha Two Uemlsfrheret FiMaUd
In e Condensed Form,
It It announced la Madrid thai
Cuuut de Villa (ionaalo, former Span
ish, ambassador to Kin. In, ihi been ap
pointed Spanish ambassador to Great
tlacar Straw, tli United Stale mln
lotur at llonitantlnopl, hat had n tii
dleno witlt tli tullaii, Tb interview,
which in proti acted, watot th tuiMt
cordial character,.
Tli neoraUry of interior hit ap
proved a pateut of 8,11(1 acre In tli
Walla Walla, BMikn ami Olympl
Uml district, Wash., to tli Noitheru
Paottlo Hallway Company,
It I announced that tli rrii Fif
io, which l publishing dally tli evi
dence given bufor tli criminal chain.
mt of Hi ootirt of cMlloii In lb
Dreytua affair, will b pioaeuutod.
Mlae Mary Wilson, prominent
young tmlaty wonun of Aug,
Kmi,, com m Iliad uiold on learning
tliHt Alv Ull. her lorn, had beta
killed on tli bsUUilleld of MaUilo.
Tli Third United State volunteer
(Kay' Immune) hat arrived t Savan
nah, Ua,, fiotn Kagu d Tauama, on
th transport Sedgwick. Thrglmiit
Will go Into detention camp at Bapello,
Tli body of Aomin DM well, th
Hank of Kngland swindler, wa bmied
at Chicago, Th hodjr of hi hunher
Ueorg w shipped to Hartford, tkinu,
lloth iun died lecenlly at Butte,
Wliil sulTorlng from nervous Iron
hi, ttr-Aditiiral Charles 0. Carpen
ter committed suicide at aanltaiioui
In Motion. At on tint h enforced
American deniatidt on Chlu by tiring
Umiii Chinese vetsel.
TH whole ootwtry between Malolo
and Caiman I now full of fi lendler
women, eblldien and old people, who
ar returning to their hnuie, carrying
whit flag. Tli American are trying
to gain the confidence of tho Inhabt
taut by proving to them that, If they
will icturii and attend to then ordl
nary work peacefully no harm will be-
(all tlmin.
An event of Intel wt to all A met I
i, whether foreign or mtive-born,
will occur In Cincinnati during th
week of June 19. The Slat annual
convention of th Mtialo Teacher" A
sonlatlon, oiganited tot th purpose of
inoouraging American musical ait,
progrea and profettionat fraternity,
will then hold It eestiott. A large
attendance I promised,
Ecuador baa decided to go to th gold
baai. ,
Immense damage to Teiai ciopt by
front I riorted.
The umiile aogar crop of Vermont
will Ih a total failure thii year.
A presidential boom In behalf of
lilchaid Uluey hn been launched.
Fir bod in wi recovered In th
ruir.t of th Armour felt works, at Chi
Washington gossips ar busy with
the nam of General MaoArthur aa a
piealdential possibility.
AduiralDewey li aald to hav
cabled to Washington a reqoititlon for
more men and not iliipi.
l'liiim at afoot to reorganise th
National Ked Croat Bocioty, with
view to greatly increasing tti cope.
Brigadier-General D. A. Flagler.
ohief ol ordnance, ii dead at hli horn
at Old Point, Va.
Ulanda Holland, a victim of th
HimU Fee wreck, at Lang, Kan., in
1807, haijUBt received 111,600 In tet
dement of hit claim againat that com
A (MNiitlve atatoment to the effect
that th Philippine group wa offered
by the United Statea to England on
oertain condition hat been publiahed
in London.
Biimuel Halter, 88 yeati old, a tick
eiaellor with Buffalo Hill's wild went
how, win phot and probably mortally
wounded by William 11. Holland, at
New York.
uinui HiirecKiei naa aeoioed to et
tablikb iu San Franolioo an eleotrio
plant that will he without a ilval in
the World, and which will furnish to
the people of that city light, heat and
power almost at com. ,
The Oiegon wounded will be brought
home aa toon at potaible from Manila,
They will come on the flrtt tlilpi dealg'
natod for that purpoae by the war de
pnrtment. The dead will alto b
broirglit to this country fur burial.
At VVedneaday't aeiaion th army
beet ooort of Inquiry had Eagan on th
tand. He explained hit contract
with the beefpaokeit, but hit teat I
mon was in no way atartling. He de
clared that Senator Hanna had nothing
to do with the matter. , .
' MIWH lMTTI H.lll..
Andrew 0. Fowle, who died of heart
failure at hit home in Newaik, N. J
aged 70 yeait, in )8bJ oonatrooted (or
the government the flrtt geometrical
lathe for bank note engraving.
At the requeat of the atate depart'
moot the announcement it made (or
the benefit of oonoeatlon teekera that
the itlanda evacuated by Spain In th
Wett Indies are under military oon
tiol pending legltlation by congiaat to
determine their future government.
At lahpemlng, Mlh., 800 atrikert
mad a demonatration by parading th
ttreett. All th inliiet ar oloaed.
Tbrei men wr killed by an !
ploaion at th railroad cap factory at
Uraddook, I'a. Th building waa
William A. Phillip, ton of an In
diana mlaalonary, hat been aireated for
itieentty in Oakland, Cat. Over ttudy
1 tb cam.
A Penntylvania freight train, near
Ureatiburg, ran into and killed Jamea
Oilttell and John Clark, and Injured
John McAllister.
Jamea F. Klwood, ol Brooklyn, fell
dead In th belting ring at Denning
after caabing ticket on Tuttnt, win
tier of th third race.
Th prldnt bat tinned a procla
mation opening to (ettlement My 4,
tb larger poi tion of th Southern Ut
reservation, in Colorado.
TheUenuan plan lor tattling the
fiamoan question tultt England. A
America it also aatlafled, a Joint high
eommltalon will probably bo named.
Th United State transport Ingall
rrlved at Port Antonio, Jamaica,
ith Oeneial Alger on board. She re
ported all well and proceeded to Porto
The law doe not prohibit th sal of
liquor in army canteens. Attorney-
Uenearl Uriggt baa rendered a decision
to that effect at th inqneat of th sec
retary of war.
At a matt meeting of miners of th
central district of Iowa, It waa voted
to order a strike, to tak effect at onoa.
The decision involve 2,000 miner.
Operator at firm in refusing to raise
th scale.
A wedding In swelldom wtt cele
brated In New York. W. K. Vender
bill, Jr., son of th millionaire, and
Mia Virginia Fair, a daughter of San
Francioo, were married Many costly
present! wur given th happy couple,
Carter U. Harrison bat been re
elected mayor of Chicago by a total
vote of Uo.ttU. against 108,804 for
Zlna K. Carter, the Republican oandi
date, and 45.401 for John P. Allgeld,
the Independent Democrat.
A committee, whose member are of
all the natlonalltle in Manila, haadod
by John MoLeod, an Englishman, ha
been oiganited for the puprote ol in
terviewing th Filipino leader and pe
intoning (or th release of the Spaniib
prisoner, in tbe name of humanity.
The United Btatrt supreme eon it di
missed the appeal of tbe Kentucky, or
Oypay Hlytlies, In their suit (or part
of th estate left to Florence B!ythe
Hinckley by hot father. Thlt deoitton
confirms tb title of Mrt. Hinckley to
the estate, which consists of property
in San Farnciaco worth 15,000,000.
Ho Ilo hat been almost wiped out aa
the result of tbe r event fighting.
Th president ha appointed Wil
liam B. Hampton poatuiatter at Skag
way, Alaska.
Th "Spider and Fly" company wa
arretted at Tacouia for violating the
Sunday law.
At El Paso, Walter Uunliato, an
American, shot and killed Jeaut Mam
pela, a Meiiran.
Germany it taid to be concentrating
a fleet at Amoy, with th intention ol
telling Futtien.
The Two Hundred and Flrtt New
York regiment bat been muttered out
at Camp Wetherill.
Bob Brown wat hanged at Glasgow,
Kv. Hit crime waa murder of bit
father in-law, Lew it McClelland.
At Minneapolis, John Mctiraw, a
miller, thot and killed hit landlady,
and then thot blmaell. Jealousy.
Mitt Carrie Boger wat married to
William Blaokman at Otympia. Tbe
bride It a daughter of Governor Roger.
A report of the offeota of the gun-fire
of Dewey't tlilpt May 1 last shows
that 167 Soaniardt were killed and 814
A cracker trutt it to be formed on
the Paclflo coaat. Agenta are now
visiting the prinoipal citiet, and it I
aid all the leading factories will be
in it.
The Edward HI net Lumber Com
pany, of Chicago, has puichated 80,
000,000 leet In Wltoontln, th second
largest deal made thi year, and the
consideration la about 1350,000.
The United State Philippine com
mission haa iatued a proclamation to
the native, It it addressed to the peo
pie of the Philippine Islands, and
complete home rule Is offered them.
In a decision handed down by Justice
Peckham, the United States supreme
court holds the war tax law conttitu
tional aa applied not only to stock ex
changes but to livestock yards as well.
Five men working in a deep, narrow
ditch at Joplln, Ma, lost their lives by
a cav-in that caught them from both
aidet. Four of the men were buried
under 18 feet of earth and rock and tbe
bodies have not yet been recovered
The work of searching the ruins of
th Windsor hotel Are in New York
hat been fluitlied. The contractor
thinks there are no human remains
left in the ruins. The total of the
known dead now numbers 45, and sev
eral persona are atlll misting.
Secretary Wilton It making arrange
menu (or letting the government aeed
contraots in the spring inatead of in
the autumn, aatwat been done hereto.
' General Marout P. Miller, wbo com
manded the forces that captured Ilo
Ilo, and who has just retired, bears the
honor of having received five breveta
for gallant and meritorious conduct in
aative servioe three in the ami war
and two in Indian campaigns. General
Miller waa born in Maataohubettt.
The Filipinos Desert to the
American Lines,
I'hlllppla Cemmlxlua will l..u
freslamatUa Demanding t'aees
Manila, April 4. Tbe arrival of Col
onel Deuby. the last member of the
American Philippine ooui mission, haa
decided the oominission to itu a proc
lamation to the rebel at once. It con
tains no reference whatever to inde
pendence, and oall for an uncondition
al surrender of Aguinaldo and bit
All round Malolot whit flags tre be
ing wtved by group ol native and
deserter from Aguinaldo' army.
MacAttlmr ia allowing all tucli to come
within the lines, but i Insisting on
close inspection, to prevant treachery.
II it believed that the rebelt will
make a fight at Mariquina, near Ma
nila, where a clash between Hall
troop tnd th rebel took plsce the
other day. Thi would pleat the
Americana, aa it It believed a decisive
battle could be secured. From tb re
ports of deserters who are pouring into
the American lines at Malolos, Aguin
aldo list but a small force left, and his
control Is visibly Impaired.
Amnrteaas Reatlag.
Manila, April 4. The American
troops under Oeneral MaoArthur are
ttill resting at Malolo. where every
thing lias been quiet today. Hottili
tiet elsewhere, so far as officially re
ported, hav been limited during th
last 14 hour to an occasional exchange
of thott between the insurgents and
the troopa forming the linet of General
Law ton and General Hall, extending
from the waterworkt to La Lonis. But
this thootlng hat been just active
euougb to make the livee of th aol
dlert a burden and to compel the offi-
cert to sleep In trenches, clothed, and
n read mots to repel possible attack!.
tlrewlag the Aatarleaas Ialaa4.
Paris, April 4. Agonclllo, tbe agent
of Aguinaldo, in tb court of an inter
view publiahed today in LaeVatiie,
"Th capture ol MaloloaSs not as Im
portant at tbe Americana ar trying to
make it appear. Tb Filipino govern
ment had already determined on re
moval to San Fernando, and a tmall
detachment of troop wat left with or
der to burn the town, and thus to
draw tbe Americans inland.
"Two months of rain and fever will
save the Filipinos their ammunition
and a good deal of trouble, and the
war will not end while a tingle Fili
pino remain to bear arms."
Agonclllo charge Major-ueneral
Otit with opening tb hostilities, tnd
bold! th Americana responsible for
tbe transfer of th Spanish pritonert
and for preventing the Filipino nego
tiatlng a treaty with Spain.
Agonclllo la confined t hit room
with the influent.
Thar Attempted to Capture a Bolgar-
Ian roaltloa.
Vienna, April 4. A ter ions oolli
tlon hit taken place between Bulgarian
and Turkish frontier goal da at Koiyl
Agob, between Jamboli, Eattern Ron
melia, and Adrianople, on the bankt oi
the Toonja, 66 miles south of Jamboli.
Aocording to a dispatch from Sofia,
oapital ol Bulgaria, the Turk attacked
a weak Bulgarian outooat, but tbe
Bulgarians, aided by aimed inbabl
tantt, repulsed their attailantt after a
fierce fight. Both aide suffered loase
ol killed and wounded. The Turks,
the dispatch says, were seeking to se
cure a position hitherto held by the
Bulgarian. Koayl-Agob is the rail
way station nearest the Turkiab fion
tier in Bulgarian territory, and it
would bean important atrateglo point
(or Turkey if she desired to pour
troopa into Bulgaria.
Termers Merderad. '
Victoria, B. 0., April 4. The
steamer Tartar arrived from the Orient
today, after a stormy voyage. 8b
brings news of the maatacreof SO (arm
en by aborlgnet at Byoraetto, Japan.
Germany it taid to be concentrating
a fleet at Amoy, with tho Intention of
selling Futtien.
Dispatohea from Tokio to Japanese
coast paper charge American with
thooting down men, women and child
ran in the Philippine!.
B.rlous Disturbances at Canto,
London, April 4. According to i
dispatch to th Daily Mall fiom Hong
Kong, terioua diaturbancea have re
cently occurred in the vicinity of Can
ton, and a Britiah torpedo-boat bat
been tent to protect Brititb Interests.
The destroyer will soon be followed by
other vessels oarrylng troops.
London, April 4. The RomeGorre
tpondont of the Daily Chronicle aays
be learns in offlolal olroles that Italy
and Great Britain have arrived at an
agreement which will result in an
Italian occupation of San Man bay.
province of Chi Elans, China, before
April 85.
Dninaae at Ilo Ilo.
Chloago, April 4. The Record's Ta
ooma, Wath., ipeoial aaya: Foreign
business houses lost over 11,000,000 by
the destruction of Ilo Ho by the Fill
pinos before General Miller captured
the city. Stephens St Company, an
English firm, eetimates its loss at
1140,000 on stored hemp. Numerous
other firms bad warehouses and stocks
destroyed. Engliah insurance com
paniea will be the chief loaeis. The
French firm of jewelers, La Ettrella de
Norte, lost 1800,000 worthed property,
salaalde May tarry th. War ta th l.laads,
Manila, April 6. It Is ttid Aguin
aldo will abandon th attempt to p
op a figbt in Luteal and transfer hit at
tempt! to tbe island oi Mindanao, Veha
and others of the southern trchlpeligo.
Hong Kong, April 6. Aguinaldo
bat been advised by bia envoyt here to
move hit rebellion to Mindanao and
other Itlandt aside from Luzon. Ar
rangement are being mad for larg
shipment of supplies, food, arms, etc.
The Kaamjr LeeaUd.
Manila, April 6. -A cavalry recon-
nolsanc north of Malolot today dit
cloted a thousand of the enemy at
(juingua. five mile northeast of Ma
lolos. A sharp ikirsBith followed and
resulted In the retreat of th Filipino.
Tli main body of th rebel army 1
between Quingu and Pililan. Other
detached force of the enmy retreated
to the eastward and entered Into the
Mateo valley, where Ihey were repulsed
by General Hall's troopa.
Scoute near Calompit had their
mule link In a toft apot in th road.
This led to tbe finding of two breech
loading coast gum buried there. Their
presence is mysterious. Tbe troop
will make a thorough search for addi
tional arms.
tubals About ta Olva Cp.
Wsnbmgton, April 6. Tbe following
cablegram was received at tbe war
department this morning:
'Manila, April 5. Present indica
tions denote that the insurgent govern
ment ia in a perilous condition. It
army lias been defeated, discouraged
and scattered. The insurgents return
Ing to their home in the cities and
village between here and point north
of Malolo which our reconnoitering
parties have reached desire tbe protec
tion of tbe American. Newt from tbe
Vltiya itlandt ia more encouraging
everyday. OT18."
General Otit baa received the follow
ing menage: .
"Manila, April 5. Hearty oongratu
fations on the mott magnificent work
of the army. DEWEY.
General Wheaton ha assumed com
mand of the brigade lately commanded
by General Otis. Th Third and
Twenty-second regimenti of General
Wheaton t command are returning to
this city.
Santiago BandlU Captured.
Santiago de Cuba, April 5. Foot
band in, among them Antonio Nunea, a
notoripue desperado, were captured five
miles north of San Loityetterday, after
t lively fight with men of the Ninth
Immune regiment. Today they were
brought here and locked up. Tne
Piemento estate, near Cobre, wa visit
ed by 11 brigand today, and a atore
on the ettate wat looted. In this in
stance there was no fighting. A regu
tar battle, however, haa taken place
near Holguin between the bandit! and
men of the second immune regiment,
two outlaws aud one soldier being
killed. Farther serious trouble li an
ticipated at Holguin and Guantanama
Chines Capture Captain May,
r the
Heat Keag fallce.
Hong Kong, April 5. It Is reported
that the Chinese have captuied Cap
tain Franois Henry May, superinten
dent of the Hong Kong police.
Two companies of Welsh fusiliers
went to Canton last night on the tor
pedo boat Destroyer, sent there to pro
tect British interests, and the torpedo-
boat destroyer Fane followed at day
break thia morning with 800 men.
The Hong Kong regiment is now nnder
orders to proceed to Canton.
Captain Francis Henry May, who
has been superintendent of police at
Hong Kong since 1893, and supena
tendent of the Victoria jail and fire
brigade there since 1896, ia the fourth
ton of the late J. A. C. May, lord chief
Justice of England. He It now in his
40th year. He received special deoora-
lions for services rendered daring tbe
coolie strike, and the great plague of
Cotillion Between Bulgarian and Turk
ish Guards May Ba tha Firs Step.
London, April 6, In connection
with the collision between Bulgarian
tnd Turkith frontier gaardt at Kosy
lagob, a correspondent in Macedonia
writes to the fall Mall Gatette con
cerning the teething condition in the
Balkans. He aayi:
Grave conteqnencea cannot be defer
red muoh longer. The whole province
la armed, and matter are rapidly drift
ing Into open revolution. The people
ate drilling (or the coming struggle,
and the country ia virtually in a state
of siege. Turkith troops have been
pouring into most of the disturbed dis
triots, and reinforcements are arriving
daily. Detachments guard tb Orient
al railway from Salonioa to tbe Servian
border, ana tne garrison towns ais
packed with soldiers. There is a wide
spread impression that momentous
events are impending.
The Ottomans are convinced that
Bulgaria is at the bottom of the trouble
In Macedonia and will certainly active
ly support the expected rising, en
cou raged by Ruasiau influence.
Ca toll ing salmon for eggs at the
Upper Clackamas hatchery in Oregon
will not begin until June thia year,
Fortifying tha Fnlkleudi.
New York, April 5. A dispatch to
the Herald from Buenos Ay res, via
Galveston, aayi: The Britiah govern
ment Is about to send an engineering
corps of 1400 men to fortify Port Stan
ley and other points on the Falkland
ialanda. The gunboat Beagle, which
is now there, will return to England
and be replaced by the Pegasus. Arch
blahop Castellano and six Argentine
bishops will embark on April 18 for
Rome to participate in the South
American conference.
Fitting Ceremonies in Mem.
ory of Dead Patriots.
Bodies af Mm Who Cell la Cuba Bad
Porta It lea ta Ba latarrad a At
llagtoa Camatcrr.
Washington, April 6. The president
today issued the following executive
"It la fitting that in behalf of the
nation a tribute of honor be paid to
memoriea of the men wbo lost their
live in their country' service daring
the late war with Spain. It it tbe mors
fitting, intamuch aa in consonance with
the spirit of our free institution and
in obedience to the most exalted
proroptingi of patriotism tho) who
were eent to other aboret to do battle
for their country' honor under their
country' flag went freely f'orn every
quarter of our beloved land, each aol.
dier and each tailor parting from bome
ties and putting behind him private
interett in the presence of the stem
emergency of an nnaought war with an
alien foe wat an individual type of the
devotion of the citiaen to tbe atate
which maket our nation strong in
unity and in action.
"Those who died in another land left
in many home th) undying memory
that attend heroe in all age. ' It
wa fitting that with the advent of
peaoe, won by their sacrifice, their
bodie should be gathered with tender
care and restored to home and kin
dred. This hat been done with the
dead in Cuba and Porto Rico. Thoee
of the Philippine rest There they fell,
watched over by their turviving com
rde and crowned with the love of a
grateful nation. The remain of many
brought to our thore have been deliv
ered to their families for privata
burial. But for other of tbe bravw offi
cert and men who perished there hat
been reserved interment in gronndt
sacred to soldier and sailor tmong the
tributes of military honor and nation
al mouining tbey have so well de
"I therefore order that upon the ar
rival of the cortege at the national
cemetery at Arlington, all proper mili
tary and naval honor be paid to the
dead heroes; that suitsble ceremony
shall attend their interment; that tbe
customary talute of mourning be fired
it the cemetery, and that on tbe same
day at S o'clock. Thurtdty. tha aixth
day of April, tbe national flag be dis
played at half-mast on all public build
ingi, forts and camp and public vs
telt of the United States, and that at
12 o'clock noon of said day, all depart
ments of the government at Washing
ton shall lie closed.
Au Kofll.h Subject Killed
lean Soldiers.
by A user.
Chicago, April 5. A special to the
Tribune from Washington aaya: With
in the next two weeks the government
will be asked by Great Britain to in
demnify the family of a British sub
ject named 8impson, who was killed
during the battle at Manila, February
S3, Simpson represented an English
paper house and waa accidentally ahot.
He waa looking out of the window of
bis house when the battle was in prog
res, and being dreeeed in white cloth
ing he waa mistaken for a Filipino.
Early in March Sir Philip James
Stanhope asked on tha floor of the
bouse of commons it the details of the
occurrence had been received by the
government Parliament Secretary
Broderick replied tbattbe details would
not be in the handa of the government
until the early part of April, when, be
said, friendly representations would
be made to this country. It is now
said these details are in the handa of
tbe British foreign office, and will be
immediately forwarded to Sir Julian
Pauncefote, who will make represents
tions to the atate department. -
Thia will be the first claim of the
kind growing out of the Spanieh war
and the operations in the Philippines.
When th-) facta are presented to tha
ttate department, it is believed the jus
tice of the claim will be acknowledged
and congress will be asked to make an
appropriation, as there is no fund at
the disposal of the department to meet
such cases. ,
Nearly 140,00 Cotton Mill Employes
Ara Benefited.
Boston, April 5. Cotton mill gen
erally in the New England statea, oper
ating more than three-quarters of the
total number of apmldes in thd North,
began work today nnder an advanced
wag achedule, which in nearly all of
th mills is about the tame aa that
whloh existed prior to the general re
duction in the early part of 1898, and
which, it ia estimated, directly affects
from 130,000 to 140.000 band em
ployed by more than 130 corporations.
The reduction made in 1898 averaged
a little more than 10 per cent. In
Fall River mills, which include 3.199,
830 spindles of the 10,853,143 in New
England, it amounted to 11 1-19 pi
cent . ,
About 4800 Haa AST.cted.
Bellaire, O., AprTI 5. Employes ol
the Aetna Standard Iron & Steel
Woiks at Aetna were today notified ol
an advance in wagea of 10 per cent, to
go into effect immediately. About
4,600 men are affected.
Columbia, Pa., April 5. Tho roll
ing mills here posted notloe today that,
beginning May 1, the price for pud
dling will be raised (torn t)3.7S to $3,
and that a general readjustment of the
wages of the mill hands will be made.
fho Aaeembly Dissolves aad Dlabaads
tha Army.
Havana, April 6. The Cuban mili
tary etaembly thi afternoon voted to
disband tbe army and dissovle. Tbe
voting waa 11 in favor and 1 against.
Tbe master-roll were left in possession
of the executive committee of th aa
lembly, who will facilitate tb prepar-
ition of copies for Governor-General
Brooke. Tbe army question is eonsid-
sred settled.
"As tbe shadowa of night fall over
th city, w finish our work. So is
Cub' future clouded and dark. 1 take
leave of yoo with aorrow, and my latt
worda are: May Cuba tome day b
free and independent" With these
word, General Fernando Freye de An
jrade, president of th military assem-
blv, closed it last aetsion at 1 o'clock
lb it evening. Tbe whole meeting waa
Im and ditpaationat. It lasted ioar
fourth Cavalry Feaetrated T alvs
Mllee lata tha Filipino Country.
Manila, April 6. General Mac-
Arthur ia to go to Calompit, aix mile
north of Malolot. where there ia a good
water supply. Tbe place i of import-
tnce in a (trategic way, th Calompit
liver being navigable from that city to
Manila bay. Tbe recon noiaaance made
today met no opposition to amount to
Insurgents are committing all sort!
)( orimes on residents, where possible.
using the torch, outraging women and
looting houses.
The Ameiican ar protecting at
much property as possible, and natives
who retorn to their homes are aurpi ised
tnd pleased beyond measure to know
tbey will be treated so well by th
The reconnoissance of the Fourth
Sivalry extended for 13 miles eastward.
Tbe belief is that the insurrection as
t serious problem is past
Bebela Maulac at Calompit.
Manila, April 6. The intur
nta are masting ttrong forces
north of Calumpit, and, according to
the observations of the reconnoitering
parties, they have fine entrenchments
theie. It is expected that hard fight'
ing will be necessary to dislodge them
tt that point and at San Fernando,
where Aguinaldo ia supposed to be.
Large rivera strengthen both positions.
The Montana regiment had one man
killed and three wounded yesterday.
Twenty-five men were prostrated by
the beat and brought to the hospital.
Two new big Krupp guns, one six-
inch and the othei eight-inch, which
were found burled at Malolos, will be
Mounted. The Americana have also
bund 37,00? tilver dollar
Death la tha Breakers.
Eureka, Cal., April 6. One of the
worst wrecks, considered from the
point of view of lots of life, in tht
history of Humboldt harbor, took place
today. The little steamer Chilkat,
with 19 persons on board, left Eureka
it 10 o'clock. Before noon she wat
apaide down on the bar and 10 of ber
human freight were no more. Of the
19 on the vessel, 13 comprised tbe
officers and crew, and six were passen
(ers. Of the passengers, two were
laved and four lost, and of the crew,
even were saved and six lost,
News From tha Orient.
Victoria, R. C., April 6. According
to mail advice brought from the Orient
tonight by the Empress of Japan, 94
Chinese were killed and 133 wounded
by Russian soldiers in the recent riot
it Talien-Wan, China. A Russian in
terpreter was killed.
The bark Port Adelaide waa wrecked
5d a coral bank in Alien strait in the
Straita Settlements. Two boats'
jrews were loat.
Tbe plague ia still raging in For
mosa. Acceding to the latest advices,
11 deaths had occurred in Tainin and
one in Taikoku, bringing the total
Dumber ol deaths since January 1 up
to 333.
An attempt was made to assassinate
Hoshi Torn, formerly Japanese minister
lo the United States, recently.
The Tillage of Nabone waa destroyed
by fire M archil 3, and 100 houses wert
burned and 70 lives lost.
Woman Killed Her Husband.
Chicago, April 6. Before bia two
small children, Joseph Brown, a packing-house
employe, was stabbed tc
death today by hia wife. The murder
waa the outcome of a family quarrel.
Brown had beaten and kicked bis wife,
tnd threatened to kill her with a
butcher-knife that was lying on the
table. When Brown made a move
toward the knife, Mrs. Brown snatched
it herself. Brown raised bis foot and
kicked her, but in falling she lunged
forward with the knife, striking him
fairly in the stomach. Maddened with
fury and pain the two battled forward
and back, the husband kicking and
striking, and the wife plunging the
knife into her husband, until at the
fifth blow he fell backward dead.
Brown waa stabbed five times, once un
der the chin, twice in tbe stomach,
and twice in the right side.
No Clash at Bkagway.
Ottawa, Ont., April 6. Tbe govern
ment has no official advices of the al
leged refusal of the United States oua-
torn a collector at Skagway to allow
Canadian goods destined to Dawson to
pass through Alaska in bond.
Carnegie Company Ralies Wages.
Pittabnrg, April 6. The Carnegie
Steel Company, limited, will today
post in all ot its plants a notice of an
increase of wagea to its unskilled, oi
common laborers, to f 1.40 a day, the
advance to date from Aprif 1. Tht
order will affect 10,000 men.
Hong Kong authorities are pressing
(or an extension of the territory ceded
England by tb treaties of Canton and
Proclamation Issued by Phil
ippine Commission.
American Authority Will Ba Rigidly
Earoreed Throng-heat the
New York, April .Tb Journal'
Manila correspondent cablea tb text of
th United State Philippine commia
tionera' proclamation, iatued today.
It folio wt: '
The commistion detirea to assure tb
people of th fslanda of th cordial
good will and fraternal feeling which
u entertained for tbem by the presi
dent and the American people. The
present aim and object of the United
States, apart from fulfillment of the
solemn obligations it ba assumed to
ward tbe family of nation by it ac
ceptance of sovereignty over th Phil
ippine islands, is tb well-being, pros
perity and happiness of th Philippine
people, and their elevation and ad
vancement to a position among th
most civilixed people of tb world.
Tbe president believe this felicity
and perfection of tbe Philippine peopl
it to be brought about by the assurance
of peace and order, by guarantee ot
civil and religions liberty, by establish
ment of justice, cultivation of letter,
science and practical arts, by enlarge
ment of intercourse with foreign na
tions, expansion of indnstrlal pursuits,
by trade and commerce, by multiplica
tion and improvement of means of in
ternal communication, by internal de
velopment, with the aid ot mechanical
inventiona, of the great natural re
sources of the archipelago, and, in a
word, tbe oniterrupted devotion of tbe
people to the pursuit of useful object
and the realization of those noble idea
which constitute the higher civilisa
tion of mankind.
Unfortunately, these pur aim and
the purposes of tbe American govern
ment have been misinterpreted to th
inbabitanta of certain iataodt, and
a consequence the friendly American
forces have, witbont provocation or
cause, been openly attacked.
What do tbe best Filipinos desire!
Can it be more than tbe United State
is ready to give. They ar patriot
and want liberty. In tbe meantime,
the attention of the people of the Pbil
ippicea ia invited to certain regulative
principles by which the United State
will be guided ia it relatione with
them. These sre deemed to be point
of cardinal importance: .
First Tbe supremacy of tbe United
States mast and will be enforced
throughout every part of the archipel
ago, and tnose wbo resist it can ac
complish no other than their own ruin.
Second To the Philippine peopl
will be granted tbe most ample liberty
and self-government reconcilable with
the maintenance of a wise, just, stable
and effective and economical adminis
tration of publio affairs, and compati
ble with sovereign and international
right and obligations of th United
Third Tha oivil right of tbe Phil
ippine people will be guaranteed and
protected to tbe fullest extent.
Fourth Tbe object of tb American
government it the welfare and ad
vancement of the Philippine people.
Fifth There thai! be guaranteed
honest and effective civil ter vice to tbe
fullest extent to which it shall b prac
tical that natives shall be employed.
Sixth Employment and collection
of taxea and revenue will be placed
upon a sound, economical basis. Local
funds collected shall be nsed for local
purposes and not devoted toother end.
Seventh A pure, effective and
speedy administration of juttice will
be established.
Eighth Construction of roads, rail
roads and similar means ot communi
cation and transportation and other
publio worka will be promoted.
Ninth Domestic trade and com
merce, agriculture and other industrial
pursuit shall be the object of constant
solicitude and fostering car.
Tenth Effective provision will be
made for the establishment of element
ary schools in which the children of
the people may be ednoated, and ap
propriate facilities will be provided for
higher education.
Eleventh Reforms in all depart
ments of the government and all cor
porations olosely touching tb common
life of the people will be undertaken
without delay, and effected conformably
w'ith right and justice, in a way to sat
isfy well-founded demands and the
highest sentiments and aiplration of
the people.
Brooke May Retala tha Volunteer.
Washington, April General
Brooke haa been notified to rait hi
convenience regarding: the sending
home of volunteers remaining In Cuba,
and be may retain them until the pay
ment of the (3,000,000 to th Cnban
eoldieu ia executed. .- -
Trouble ou Tims Roaorvatloa.
Lo Angeles, Api 11 6. Indian Agent
Wright, on the Yuma reservation, haa
telegraphed United Statea Marabal
Osborne that there ie trouble among
the Indiana. The marabal will go ta
the reservation to in reatigat.
Warren F. Lelaad) Dead.
New York, April 8. Wama F. Le
land, proprietoi of the Windsor hotel,
which was destroyed by fire Maroh 17,
died at 5:30 o'olock thia afternoon, at
the Hotel Grenoble. Mr. Laland'a
death followed an operation for appen
dicitis performed Friday.
Workmen have been cent from Om
ha to Julesburg to commence tb lay'
ing of the new steel on the Unloo IT.
cine road from that Point to Dn,