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About The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current | View Entire Issue (March 23, 1899)
t Woe. Go t work m LqmUco m If yoa la NtM lo ours it, and with tb dm of St. Jacoba Oil It can ba cured eery promptly and surely. Rob bard for penetration. la Japan fsshioa compels martled women to blacken their teeth, not aa an ornament, bat to make them ugly and aa?a then from temptation. "Out of Sight Oat of Mind. In other months we forget the futrsh winds of Spring, Sat they have their use, as some sty, to blow oat the bid air tccamaUted after Winter storms and Spring thaws. There is fir more important accumulation of badness in the veins and Ar teries of humanity, which needs Hood' s S&rsaparilla. This great Spring Medicine claritiea the Diooa at Doming cue can. 11 cure scro fula, kidney disease, liver trouble, rheu maliim and kindred ailment. Thus it rives perfect health, strengtb and appetite tor nionini to come. Kldnevs "Mv kidnera troubled me. and on advice took Hood'a Sarsaparilla which rave nromnt relief, better annetite. Mr sleep, it refreshing. It cared my wife iso. michakl boti, 3i3 uenBy street, Pittsburg, re. Dyspepsia "Complicated with liver and kidney trouble, I suffered for yean with dyspepsia, with severe pains. Hood's Sarsapanlla made me strong and heart t." j . a. amsbtok, nam street, Aunurn, Ma. Nip DIM "Fire runninr sores on my hip caused me to use crutrhes. Was confined to bed everr winter. Hood's Sar sa pa rills saved my life, as it cured me per fectly. Am strong ana well. ahhib noDen, rounn street, r ail juver. Masa. feed's SaUafMtittk la.lal.4i, J S Hoof Pills eon nver Ula, lb sa-trmaUnc and only cathartic t take Bilk Mood anrawaarula. It there ta ona tint in a man'a Ufa when ba la devoutly thankful it la whan ha feels the old boarding bona eat rob op against bia trovers on the day wban rabbit atew u announced. Ton ken Statesman. CATAMtH CAHHO MM OOBSD With local atroltoatlona. si tne mm the seat of the disease. Catarrh Is a blood or onsuinuoaaiaiifssa, ana la roar to cure It you But take internal ra media. Ball's Ca tarrh Care Is taken internally, and aetsdireeuy oa the blood and aweaos sarfaea. Hall's Ca tarrh Cnrn 1m not a miaf k madtann. ft waa prescribed by one of the best nkysieiaa hi this "w"7 "r r"! ana isanguiar Bfeeenpilon. It is eon posed of tke best taniee known, eon bin ed with the best blood pnxiOar. aettng dt leetly en the aeon snrfaees. the perioet tern binatlon of the two trifTodtenta Is what pro doces each wonderfal results la curing aatarrh. wuu ivi vrw) BOfliwiL rrva. F. J. CHKNKY A CO., Propra Toledo, O. Sold by drngalsts. price 75c Hall, familr Pill art tba best. The phrenologist always baa bia boa ineaa on the brain. Chicago Daily Hewa JCW-zPtKlLIv. : PomuD, Oacooa. aaa i A "- -u In general muas, pumps is. The new by him, la un- L WUa equalled. . The Pigger Indiana moat -Jvfcva to cratch for a living. L. A. vf. Bulle tin. , . - jWhen coming to Ean Fiandaoogo to Brooklyn Hotel, SW-2U Bush street. American or European plan. Boom and board $1.00 to $1.60 per day ; rooms 50 cents to $1.00 per day single meals $6 cents, rree coach. Chat. Montgomery. ' "I bope your hired girl knowa bar place. r "Yea, and rnna it" Phila , -delphia Bulletin. So household is complete without bot tle of the famous Jessa Moore Whiskey. It i Id by all physicians. Don't ne v necessity. . " r A aeon aa a woman get fat," aaya the Savage Bachelor, "her neit more la to get a photograph taken that look like the front of a butcher shop." In dianapolis Journal. tlTt Fennaaenny Cured. We ate or aervuusues M after am ear's ate or Dr. KilnVt Orant Merve Htttorer. Bead fur ratal 0.Ow trial bottle and traatlae, DR. B. B, aQaURa 14aU aa) Area tuttt, remmalphla, fa, It aeema queer that a playwright r-wia irequentiy get a piay wrong. ( fcago Daily News. THE ILLS OF WOMEN atad How Mra. Pink-ham Orcrooma) Thana. Ba)lp Mra. Mabt BoixiKora, 1101 MarlaaaA 81, Chicago, I1L, to Mra. Pinkhaaa: " I bava been troubled for the paat 9 jeara with falling of the womb, anybody, ale .nervousneae m4 -tors and varioua remedies wlwionewt. After taking two bottles of your Vegetable Com pound, the relief I obtained waa truly wonderful. I have now taken several more bottles of your famous medicine, and ean aay that I am entirely cured." M ra. HtKBY Dobs, No. 108 Flndley St, Cincinnati, Ohio, to Mra. Pink ham : " Fof long time I Buffered with cbronie Inflammation of the womb, pain In abdomen and bearing-down feeling. Waa very narrow at timea, and ao weak I waa hardly able to do any thing. Waa subject to headachea, also troubled with leucorrhoea. After d co loring for many montha with different physicians, and getting no relief, I bad given up all hope of being well again when I read of the great good Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Com pound waa doing I decided Immedi ately to give It a trial. The result waa Imply past belief. After taking four bottles of Vegetable Compound and using three paekageaof Sanative Wash I can say I feel like a new woman. I deem it my duty to announce tha fact , to my fellow aufferera thai Lydla E. Pinkham'a Vegetable remedies bava entirely cured me of all my palna and ' Buffering I have her alone to thank , for aay recovery, for which I am grata : fill May heaven bleaa bar for the good work aba la doing for our aez. F latt- B -ebvanMltM. I I ALONG THE COAST. lame af Oeaeml tatereas Gleaaed Fna the Thrlvlaa; PatlBt Btataa. Aaatae aeatallMal Gala Strike. A Republic special to the Spokee aan-Review aaya another sensational strike baa been made in that camp. The shaft of the Good Luck Coneolidat ad, at a depth ot SO feet, struck a body of high grade ore. At the time the dispatch waa sent, the minere were into the ore with a croea-cnt three feet. and it ia thought the ledge ia not leaa than five feet wide. The correspondent aarefnlly sampled the dump, and three assaya ran 1188, and 3. The stock had been aelling at Republic at I cents, and now broken are ekurrying around for U in ail directions. Aeeldeat Dalaye4 Malt. A pack horse, carrying the mail be tween Boeeburg and Myi tie Point. Ore gon, fell oft a grada when going down the Middle Ooquille, the night ot Match 8, and was badly crippled. That route is aparaly aettled, and it was impose!' bis to procure an animal to bilng the mail in on time, hence the Coauille valley people missed their mail. Similar occnirencea bare taken place all winter, and all are becoming signed to the inconvenience. Taeaata Glrta at htealla. Captain Panton, ot the liner Vic toria, which arrived at Tacoma recent' ly from China and Japan, brought word that during the late battle near Ma nila, Miaa Sadie Bennett and Mies Wallace, ot Tacoma, were in the city of Manila, and aa a matter of safety for the women they were placed aboard mis of the American transports, which teamed out ot range ot the vessels of the belligerents. Irricatlea Laadt Bold. All the landa In the middle Kittitas irrigation district in Washington, that were delinquent on the taxes were told at EH Hisborg, and were bid In by W. Hitberop, the bolder of the bonds. Quite a number of the large taxpayers took advantage of Witherop's oner and paid their taxes, taking bonds from him on the basis of $11,000, in stead of 134,050, the amount actually doe him. Wilt Eater a Mat an. C. W. Biioier, of Dallas, Or., ia the tallest person in Polk county. He Is 10 years of age. atill growing, and standa 0 feet 10 W inches. He has cured employment in a San Fianoieoo mnseum. With him will go Jake C. Wilcox, of Ballston, who ia a dwarf, 35 yeara of age, 63 inches high and weighing 180 pounda Mr. Bricker is well proportioned, and weighs 326 pounda Xew Society at Seattle. The congregation to which Rev. Al fred W. Martin haa lectured at Ranke hall, Seattle, for the paat few weeks, haa been organiaed on a business basis, itb about 60 members. After the lecture lecentlv, a meeting was held over wbiob E. O. Qiavea presided. Upon the adoption of a name for the association, which will now be known as the "Society of Universal Religion. The Marehleld Water Froat. The aorvey of the "hog's back," which has Just been completed bv Mor ton L. Tower, abowa that the inside channel, along the Marahfield, Or., water front, la the deeper by six Inches. This channel ia also much the etraigbt eat, and there aeema to be no doubt that the dredging will be done there. The dredging is to begin on the 36th of this month. Caaiat Orowlas; fainter. Professor Lewis Swift wires from Lowe observatory on Echo mountain, in Southern California, that the comet which he discovered on March S ia growing fainter. It is moving in a northeasterly direction. It haa a broad, abort tail, point towards the sun and a star-like nucleus. Its orbit baa not yet been determined. Attaapt to Commit Bnlelde. Madame Charles Bianchini, wife of the famons scenic artist, whose trial on a charge of attempting to poison ber husband resulted in conviction, has been sentenced to five years' penal servitude. As she waa leaving the courtroom the prisoner made a futile attempt to commit auicide by stabbing herself with a hatpin. Helpfol ta Wathlagtoa. The reopening of tba Monte Cristo mines and tba lebnilding of the washed out sections of the railioad near Ever ett, la going to be helpful to the West. em Washington mining industry. It id tbe mines were shut down for the purpose of allowing some of tbe big stockholders to freese out the little ones. laerease la Alaska Trade. Tacoma clothing stores report a steady increase of Alaska business. The most noteworthy changes in tbe buy ers' wants from laat year are the de mand for furs Instead of woolens, and for lighter foot gear4. Moccasins are popular. Heavy blankets are unsale able. Hew Fraternal Hall. The Masons and Odd Fellows of Canyon City, Or., have advertised for bids lot a two-story stone building to be used for fraternal and buaineaa par- poses. A Karderer Caught. William Albi, the Italian who killed James Halley, aliae Laoey, in a gambl ing ball in bpokane recently, waa cap tured in an Italian cabin, neai Priest river, Idaho. He resisted arrest with Winchester rifle, bnt was finally per suaded by bis countrymen to yield. Immlfraate Arriving. It is estimated that fully 160 Immi grants from the East . have arrived in La Grande, Or., duiing tbt paat month. hat Through a School Window. Two young men shot throocb a win dow of the public school at Warm Springs, Malheur county. Or., a few days ago, and afterwards ransacked the bouse of .William Sevey. The case will be called to the attention of tbe April grand Jury. Gldttt Wan la Wllsoavllle. The oldest man In Wilsonvilla. Clackamas county, Of., is .Edward Loney, who was born in Gilford, N. O., October 18. 1804. Some time ano ha broke leg, but otherwise his health ia good. Kicked Against the Fries. A license to marry waa issued to David Hull and Mra Ella Young, at Colfax. Mr. Hull ia a farmer, and baa undoubtedly passed "three score years and ten." He created muob amasetnent among the clerks in the auditor's office when told that ha would have to have a witneaa to testify to his age, and that ot the prospective bride, by declaring: "They didn't have to do that 60 yeara ago." When called upon to pay 3 for the license be kicked and declared: "They only coat s.6U yeara ago." Ta flaard Natlaaal Farka. At the request of the secretary ot the Interior, the secretary of war baa di rented Ueneial Shatter, commanding the department oi California, to send one troop ot cavalry to tbe Yosereite park and one to the Sequoia and Oen oral Grant parka in California, to pro tect from destruction or injury by pre venting trespassing either by rattle or abeep herders or timber thieves. Two troops of the Fouith cavalry, now at the Preeidio, San Frauclaco, have been selected for this duty. Old Alaakaa aadarr. News haa reached Seattle that five Finlamlera claim to have discovered evidenoea of the original Russian boun daiy line inscribed on a aeriea ot old mounds, which, if established, will place the Klondike country within the United Statea It ia stated that United States Consul McCook, at Daw son, will communicate with the Wash ington authorities regarding the matter. Fruit and Hops All Right. Fruit inspector A. II. Biown, of Washington, has returned to Seattle fiom a tour made in various parts of the county. He reports splendid pros pects for fruit snd hops. So far, noth iug haa been hurt by frosts, and tfie lateness of the season makes it pretty sure that no damage will leault trout thia cause. PACIFIC COAST TRADE. Seattle Markets. Onions, 800(31.10 per 100 pounda Potatoes, 138(430. Beeta, per sack, 1. Turnips, per sack, 50976ft. Carrots, per sack, 40 80c, Parsnips, per sack, 76986c. Cauliflower, SOodfl.OO per doa. Celery, 85 40c. Cabbage, native and California 13 per 100 pounda Apples. eOcllfl per bos. Pears, 60c II. B0 per box. Prouea, 60c per box. Butter Creamery, S6o par pound: dairy and ranch, 16930c per pound. Kgga, 16c Cheese Native. 139 18c. Poultry Old liens, 14o per pound; spring chickens, 14c; turkeys, 16c Fresh meats Choice dieaaad beef steers, prime, 8c; cows, prime, c; mutton. Be; pork, 7c; veal, 8(8o. Wheat Feed wheat. 130. Oata Choice, per ton, 135. Hay Puget Sound mixed, $7,009 8; choice Eaatern Washington tint othy, $13.00. Corn Whole. $33.60; cracked. $34; feed meal, $33.60. Barley Boiled or ground, per ton. $36936; whole, $23. Flour Patent, per barrel, $160; straights, $3.26; California brsnda, $3.25; buckwheat flour, $3.60; graham, per Darrei, j.tu; wnoie wheat Door, $3.76; rye flour, $4.60 Millstuffs Bran, per ton, $16; Shorts, per ton, $16. reeu unoppeu leeu, mi an per ton; middlings, per ton, $17; oil cake meal, per ton, $36. Portland Market. Wheat Walla Walla, 67c; Valley. Bc; muestem, 600 per bushel. Flour Best grades, $3.30; graham, $3.66; superfine, $3.16 per barrel. Oata Choice white, 43944c; choice gray, 41 9 42c per bushel. Barley Feed barley, $33.60; brew ing, $24.00 per ton. Millstuffs Bran, $17 per ton; mid dlings, $22; shorts, $18; chop, $16.00 per ton. Hay Timothy, $899; clover, $7 8; Oregon wild bay, $6 per ton. Butter Fancy creamery, 60 55c; seconds, 46 9 50c; dairy, 409 46c store, 2530o. Cheese Oregon full cream, 12 Wo; Young America, 16c; new cbeeee, 10c per pound. Poultry Chickens, mixed, $894 per dozen; hens, $4.0096.00; springs, $1.253; geese, $6.00 9 7.00 for old, $t.605 for young; docks, $6,009 6.60 per dozen; turkeys, live. 16(2 16c per pound. Potatoes $191.25 per sack; sweets. Ic per pound. Vegetables Beets, 90c; turnips, 76e per sack; garlic, 7o per pound; cab bage, $191.26 per 100 pounds; oanli- flower, 76o per dozen; parsnips, 76c per sack; beans, 8c per pound; celery, 70975c per dozen; cucumbers, 60c per box; peas, 88.c per pound. Onions Oregon, 50970c per sack. Hops 814o; 18U7 crop, 4o. Wool Valley, 109130 per pound; Eastern Oregon, 8913c; mohair. 80c per pound. Mutton Gross, beat sheen, wethers snd ewes, 4c; dressed mutton, lc; spring lambs, 7)c per lb. Hogs Gross, choice heavy. $4.35; light and feeders, $3.5093.00; dressed, $5.0096.60 per 100 pounds. Beef Gross, top steers, 8.609$8.76; cows, $3.6093.00; dressed beet, 696i'c per ponnd. Baa Francisco Market. Wool Spring Nevada, 109130 per Cmnd; Oregon, Eaatern, 10918c; Val y, 16917c; Northern, 9911c. Millstuffs Middlings, $21988.00: brsn, $20.00921.00 per ton. Onions Silverskin,60 9 90c per sack. Butter Fancy creamery, 21 922o: do seconds, 20921c; fancy dairy", 19o; do seconds, 10 17c per pound. Eggs Store, 14c; fancy ranch. 15o. Hops 1898 crop, lSQICo. Citrus Fruit Orangea, Valencia. 12 92.60; Mexican limes, $5. 50 a 6: Cali fornia lemons, 75c$1.36; do ohoioe, $2.50 per box. Hay-Wheat, $159 18.60; wheat and oat, $15918; oat, $14916; bast bar ley, $12913; alfalfa, $11918 per ton; straw, 40970c per bale. Potatoes Early Rose. $1.0091.10: Oregon Burkanks, fl (391.80; ilvei Burbanks, 76o9$l; Salinas Burbanks. $191.10 per sack, Tropical fruits Bananas, $1,609 60 per bunch; pineapples, $2,609 60; Persian dates, 6(36,s per pound. THE END OF THE WAS Spain and the United Stat Again at Peace. QUEEN REGENT SIGNS TREAT) Whlth Will Ba Stat to French Am hat sador tar Bachaafe Wllk tke Was Blgaed By MeBlalay. Madrid, March 30. The qneen rem net aigned tbe treaty of peace. Tbe signed treaty will be forwarded to the French ambassador at Washington tor exchange, with the one signed by President MoKinlev. No decree on tin subject will be published in tbe Off dial Uaaette. Washington, March 80. In the ab senceof any direct diplomatio com munlcation between the United State! and Spain. Secretary Hay expects U receive his Brat formal notice ot Ihi ratification of the peace treaty by th queen regent through the medium V tbe Fiench embassy bare. The next step must be taken b Spain, which most name a special en voy and notify the United Statea gov ernment 01 trie probable date upoa which he will present himself at Washington with tbe exchange copy o the treaty ot peace. Although in moat Instances little more than a perfunctory ceremony, ii the case of the exchange of the ratifica tion of thia treaty the detaila will bt ot more than ordinary Interest, for th occasion will be historical SaanUh-Amerteea War. February 16, 1898 Battle-shl Maine blown op in Havana harbor. April 80 President authorised bj congress to inteivene in Cuba will army and navy. April 33 Blockading proolamatiot iasued. First gon of the war fired bt gunboat Nashville, lo capturing th prise Buena Ventura. April 38 President calls tor 181, 000 two-year volunteers. April 36 War with Spain la do dared. April 39 Cervera's fleet sails foi Cuba. May 1 Rear-Admiral Dewey do strays entire fleet of Admiral Montojo, in Manila bay. lay 11 Ensign Bag'oy killed al Cardenaa May 19 Cervera's fleet seeks tefuga In Santiago da Cuba bay. May 35 President calls for 76.00(1 additional volunteers. June 8 Hobson ainka the Merrimao in Santiago harbor, and is taken pris oner with seven volunteers who scoom panied him. June 10 Six hundred United 8tates marines lauded at Caimanera June 13 Camera's fleet saila from Spain. June 33 Shelter's array landa at Daiquiri and Siboney. July 1 Law ton and Kent and rough riders take Ban Juan hill, losing 281 men, with 1,864 wounded. July 8 Cervera's fleet destroyed by b pa m peon a squadron. Jnly 17 Toral surrenders Santiago and eastern portion of Cuba July 35 General Miles lands in Porto Rico, near Ponce. juiy so spam proposes peace through French Ambassador Cambon. July 81 Battle ol Malate, neai Manila August 13 Spain and United Statea sign peace protocol defining terma August 35 United States peaee commission named. November 28 Final terms of United States accepted by Spain at Paria. December 10 Treaty of peace signed at Paris. January 6, 1899 Treaty ratified by United States senate. Maroh 17 Treaty aigned by Queen regent of Spain. Eants Arranges a Caarereaee. Washington, Ms rob 80. Admiral 'otx has oabled the secretary of the navy from Apia, Samoa, via Auckland, Z., that he has arranged for a meet ing of the three consuls, those of tbe United Statea, Great Britain and Ger many, at an early date, to bava a free discussion of Bamoan affairs. The cable dispatch is dated a week ago Stranded at Copper Blver. deattle, March 20. Miners who ar rived here last nigbt from Copper river, Alaska, aay that Governor Brady has been requested to ssk the govern ment to send a Teasel to Copper river for the purpose of bringing home stranded proepectora There are be tween 200 and 800 there who are with out means to secure transportation. Many of them are suffering from scurvy. Bznloratloa nf Alaska. Seattle, March 20. In furtberanos of the government's plans to continue he exploration of Alaska this season. Assistant Quartermaster Robinson bas received orders to purcbse 41 pack ani mals for tbe oae of tbe Abexcromblo and Glenn parties, who will visit the Sushitna and Koynknk districts. A 75 ton light-draught steamer will also be purohaaed by the government. Princess Kalnlanl Dead. Honolulu, via San Francisco, Maroh 20. Princeaa Kaiulani died March 8 of inflammatory rheumatism. In 1891 Kaiulani waa proclaimed heir apparent to tbe Hawaiian throne. Ordered Home for JlasUr Oak Washington, Maroh 20. Four com panies of the Second volunteer engi neers, now at Honolulu, have been or dered to San Francisco to be mustered out. Oshkosb Streets Under Water. Oshkosh, Wis , Msrch 14. A beaw rain, preceded by a thaw, has resulted in uuuuing various pans or uie city, switch was the prlmsry canse ot a rail In the low district of the south side a 1 road accident in which two trainmen uumber of streets are nndei water, and . were killed and a third seriously In- many families have been compelled to move their household goods to the apper stories. The Mead at Havana. Havana, March 40. Tbe United StaU transport Meade, bavins on bosid $8,000,000 for Cnban troops, sr. fired bsrt this morning. FOERZA PRISON CABLE. No Bvldeaeo That It Wns t'ted Blowing t tke Mnlan. Havana, March 23. Captain T. Huston, .of tbe vuluntiVi engines!, waa questioned today by a presa cone spondent on the subject ol the story printed by a local newspaper at Ciiiom nati, aaying that the location of tli keyboard by which the United Stales battle-ship Maine wsa blown up Havana harbor on Fetiruaiy 15, lHt'H nad been round by mm In a gunroom ot the Foeraa prison, while engaged In oleaning out the fortification. Tli oaptaln said the use ot Ills name thia connection waa not authoriaed. He showed the cot respondent a oable with aeveral wires miming Into the harbor from Foeraa prison, opposite Cabanas lor treat. One wire was connected with a disused telegraph Instrument in neighboring government building. Though the oable lias not been in rem I gated by the United Statue englneeis, the supposition is that It tuns to V'a banas, across the barbosj and ba b?n need for telegraphing. There is a re mote chance that the wires in the cable were connected with mines or torpedos, but there la no Indication that it had anything to do with the blowing up uf the Mama The end of the cahl sticking out ot Foeraa prison has been seen by touriata tor weeks past. Many soldiers have also seen the cable, and many have expressed the belief that it waa uaed to blow up tbe Matua PAPER MONEY SCARCE. Oae ta Greater Vol am nf Bnalneas, Mel to Doorcase la the Bnpply. Washington, Maroh 83. Controller of the Currency Dawea, In answer to Inquiries today in regard to the ap parent scarcity of paper money, said. "The chief reason for the growing demand for paper money is nnquestion ably the Inorease in the general volume of busineaa There lies been no re duction in the amount ot paper money which of itaelf would cause scarcity. The situation in reference to bills is bioogbt about by the increased demand and not by a deoieate lo the supply. "The amount of paper money in clr eolation March 1, 1899, ia much giant er than it waa one year ago. While tbe decrease in oircutation In the amount of gold certificates la $3,475,- 960, in treasury notes, $4,369,971, snd eurieney certificate $35,836,000, the circulation of silver certl Ilea tee has in oreased in tbe sum of $16,118,878, snd United 8talea notes $44,141,313, mak ing trie total net increase 01 govern ment paper In circulation $37,196,669, which, added to the Inorease of $18, 166,835 in national bank circulation makes the total Increase of paper money In circulation over one year ago, $45,360,904." ersehell's Remains at Fnrtsmnalh. Portsmouth, Eng., March 33. The British cruiser Talbot, from New York, March, 8 which arrived off Bpithsail yesterday with tbe remain ot the late Baron Ilerachell on board, waa berthed at the dockyards here today. Tbe casket containing the body waa diiem barked at 8:30 P. M. The guards ol honor presented arms, and the massed bands played a funeral march as the casket waa brought ashoie. As the train left the depot al 3:35 P. M. II10 combined bugle bands sounded tbs last post and tbe port- urdship fired 20 minute guns. Dun 1 the ceremony all tbe ships In commission flew their flags at half-mast. Faaeo In Forto Rleo. San Juan do Porto Rico, Maroh 81. ins reports contained in newapapeis Juit received bore, alleging that dan ger exista of an uprising of tbe natives, are regarded with astonishment, and are absolutely without foundation in fact. Tbe only disturbances that havs occurred here have been local flglita between tbe American volunteers snd the lower classes. The press cone spondent, who lias just returned from sn extended trip through the island. found only occasional evidences of dis satisfaction resulting from brawls, and local politics, and the Amerioan officers now here ridicule the idea of an up rising of the natives, who, they say, are without weapons, snd are entirely lacking In organisation. Martial Law at Bkagway. Victoria, B. 0., March 21 Tin steamer Amnr, which arrived Friday, reports a riotous outbreak of railroad strikers st Skagwsy. The men made an unsuccessful attempt to drive the non-striking workmen from camp No. 1. White, the ringleader, led a lame body ot men lo tbs camp, where Whit ing, the railroad surgeon, and a few men stood as guards. White advanced in front of the patty and parleyed for a few minutes, then sprsng for Whiting, who knocked him down with a rifle, bresking it and stunning White. Ths rioters then dispersed. White will re cover. Ona hundred men have been sworn in to assist the marshal, and tbs town is nnder martial law. Kalnlanl' Faneral. Seattle, Wash., Maroh 82. Tbs steamer Klnshlu Msru, which srrived tonight from Jspan by way of Hono lulu, brings advices that great prepara tions were being made at Honolulu for the funeral of Princess Kaiulani, who was to be buried March 13. It was expected that the ptoceaslon would be tbe Isrgest ever seen in Honolulu, not excepting those Of Queen Emma and King Kalakaua The line was to be composed of fraternal, political and re ligious societies, tbe schools, the na tional guard of Hawaii. United States engineers and troops from the war ships, and government and consular officials and relatives. Large numbers of people from all over the island were arriving. Rhodes Wilt Be Decorated. London, Maroh 23, Emperor Will lam, It is said, will confer the order i.f the Crown of Prussia upon Cecil Rhodes, the Booth Afiican magnate. Struck by a Train Anhnrn. Cal.. Mh 99 A Shnraa on the railroad track near Clipper Gap lured. West-bound freight No, 9 .4...1. At. U .!.!. .U- ....... I. .1 l iiuua kiio uuido, nihil iug soBuit unit tne nrst engine of the train was ditched and its boiler broken. The engineer snd firemen were scalded to death and an unknown helper waa bad ly bnrned. Those tilled were Engineer Fred Wlthsn and Fireman Edward Gray. Schillings Best Japan Ct7x Eriljh Break last Oolong Ideal Bland Tea To M.aU Sh.ll t omb: At tortoise shell oouibs ate alway prone lo break eailly, many may find thia hint a useful one. First liie lh margin of tli broken pieces lor the distances of about a quarter ol an lii'h from the edge; tlieu overlap those margins and when thus arranged clamp them together with a strong letter clip, and immerse the comb la boiling wa ter for some time. As the horn softens It unites. After it Is thoroughly div, the place where the break had been will be almost iuvisibls. Boston Globe. Tret-Inn nisiilimid-rhriitilr, epoial and r rival dlneawa cimtllU'allr Irralrd and UUK11 by Dr. K. M. Italclirr, the rlum pimi mtIIIi uf I'at-Ute roaat. Urin ary and Kldiiev Tnniblri, l.nil Manhood. Varicocele, ltuplure, Irralrd atvorditi to latent and 11 method known to mrdical science. Dr. K M Hutch lie, MS Morrison Bt.. rortlaiidt Or. The Ceylon yellow silk spider baa a body that weighs nine ounce. TRT al-LBN'S roOTMBASI, A powder to be shaken Into ths bore. At tbt season your feet feel olln, ner vous and uitruiiiforlable. If yon bars smarting feet or tlichl shoe, try Allen's Fool-Kae. It rents and romnirt: makes walking ay. Cures swollen and sweating feel, butter and ralluiis spot. Kllrrt corns and bunion of all pain and I a cer tain cur fur Chilblain, Haeatlnii, damp or frosted feet. We have over thirty thou sand testimonials Try It lla. Sold by alldruKSland hoo utorec fr He. Trial pavhag FKEK. Addre, Alla 8. Olm sted, 0 Kuy, N. Y. The Meilran dog baa no hair. The hot climate make such a covering su per flooua Tkey Wark While Van Bleep- While your mind snd body tri. CaararrU randf laihiille rplr jrour diihn, or llrntr, ruur boaeli, tul Ihvia In ptrltvl Older. All druigliU, Wo, . toe. Piofeor Koch, of Berlin, Otrmsny, baa discovered that batter, even the beet, contains bacilli of tuberculosis. I know that mv life was tared hv IMm't Cur for Connumpllon. John A. Miller, au oaoi. MirniKsn, April a, 1W). It i Said that the mortality from cancer lo England la foor and a half times a great as it was 60 yeara ago. The Unuanlwt, Maat Ponrrftil and KB Navartalllng Kenedy hit Lm Qrippe, Cmtsrrb, Rheumatism. Will ears any seb er Mia knna In the human ht!r. Sand fut trial hoiil. Thlaofrnt lati MJdyonly. Lars bottle (Ml a lur trial r d.awaol SDKOra tec tt)l 00 or air H.!V BWANION RHIUMATIO CUM CO. 17 nlS Ouarsere BL. Cats. Ulatgnw, Scotland, numbers smons its population a man who la making a manuariit cony of the Bible. He ex pects to finish It in two years. FOR MEN ONLY. DR. FOOTS & STAFF ISI ADAMS ST., UUICAGO, Men rmnirtnj eninrnamd ineimrai nhould iwuuli rwnontflr at r Kurt "Fr" mtn iavr and enir ait'luitva nun's apMHalUta la iba nllvd HlalH ! or nail Ilia atudy of a iifa-nma. I nftrtuiaia vrrwhr atioulii lmmlmr roimsiunxvla ftllh roMa, nf Chicago. MrejMli.og ranSilanlial. ItrRirdiM ant avarrntwr In anlad parkas aad Irllara In ataia aevatou forraafondam-a alk'lla4 lalrat buralral, Madlral and KlMlrleal etaihul iu". iwiusm ina aioatacn n ami ahaa mad. Avoid tlniai racuniniamlail bv lb hum. Iharlaad and avll atvlad aina!ia la Waaurn "am Faw anulita aoctanala lut-ala Aoiairf r Nan Vura or t hiiaga In lhaaa aula ruur nrl vaiaaitalriarawla. I'axiualrd in .11 SiaMaaaand naaktiaiava ot lb Oaiiilo-Urlnarr, Kaiual. HaprtMjiirilva and Narvoua Bvauaia lin aa.liniani to marrlaga raniuvad. ''arphalit" ixialllvalf aniinM tba blood, ruraa aruhllla and raruovaa all hii alrara la throat or muuih, roa par colorad atmu on bodr aad aruptluna oa tln, alao oalarrb and rbaanallain, ' VI(orala," tha oniv cwrmananl raatorar and lnviai,rair. bim via". .iioi nrgauo ana oorv. pravania an urragrlp. II par buttle, for . Trial kolllaa. tltbar raoiu, half pria. Tha nrealdent nf a vaa anmnana naturally ha a light income, Chioago uauy ewa Dna'l Have t Walt. We don't hsvs to wait, for cold, sore- naaa anil al ffnaaa will aima nn - -" - .viu. via iiuui escesaive eieroise, but It will go imme diately after using 8t. Jacobs Oil to sonen ana strengthen ths strslned muscles. Ths lighthouse at Corunna. grain. a oeiieveii to oe tne oiaesl one now in nee. It was erected daring tbe leisn of Trajan, and rebuilt in 1884. An Excellent Combination. Tha nlaaaant methrvrl and ru.aMl.l effects of the well known remedy, SritUP of Fios, manufactured by the Califohhia Fie 8vrup Co., Illustrate the value of obtaining tha llrmld lo. tlve principlea of planta known to be 111 1 1 . r , . ., Hiouiuiiiniiy laaavire ana presenting them in the form most refreshing to the laata and aenanfalila in fha ivalun, la ' "J m .v 1.1, , V ia the one perfect strengthening laxa- live, cleansing tne system etTectually, dispelling colds, headachea and fevera arentlv vet nrnmntlr anrl anal, linn nn to overcome habitual constipation per- ninuenvir. us perieci ireeaom from ever obieetlnnahla nnalifw and ..k. stance, and lla utlnv nn tha bMn... liver and bowels, without weakening or irritating them, make it the Ideal 1 laaaiiia, In the nrnceit of maniifanliivltita Mm are used, as they are pleasant to the taste, but the medicinal qualities of the remedy are obtained from aenna and other aromatlo planta, by a method known to tha riMwiBMti Via Uwn., Co. only. In order to get ita beneficial enuui nuu 10 avoia imitatione, please remember the full name of the Company printed on the front of every naclcaire. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. bah riAwoieco, OAI T-1TTTBTTTT T W WW wwat wn mm mm Per sal by all Druggigtg.-Prlc 50c, per boltl'a lUiBlE n.ilvaad Aevwaa aka Mafllak Cfc Tba Snsllah rrtlniat n) OBldrlii, (h( t,lin ol w.uoai-tlii '' irr ! Iran, tallaav, Soslheers mod hud 1 an 1 laid until buitaai id lb aeallah rlini,.ii . and h Hiomitliia liallwf en hal. w TV thai II "l" alH I ho oaiar, lh rl. CdV ran ! i'1-iala.l. Thl bavond t.h,( t toil 11 la twrhaea nu "' reoierbeMa 11. .n i,lniillhariaeMiniillahi by IL.trll.,, Muina. h Hitivra In bad raara dl', in. diaraiiun id r.iniiiluB Till I aa agu id umlvihil ai lilaiaiuvnia In i'arsguiy, a gniillmuan I an Join., hv the lwe of god society to ki. every lady lo whom he i InlKxIiinr.l. To far a Cold la tin Kay Tat laiailv llmmo Quinine TaliM. f . 11 . 1. ntiul nuiiivr If It laita Ui 1 cur. .... Tommy "Paw, what Is a joint nke?" Mr. Figg "The kind a uiun get Iroin frequenting joint, I reckon, " IndianaH1 J'"""'- Mmliar alll ifiid Mr. Winalnw'i 8. mil,. In bvrup Hi lt remedy I" na fur lliaii clillilrvu during Hi lerlliing period. A subterranean city eilsts In (laliols, Aualiisu I'l'lnnd, which ountairis a population of over 1,000 men, women and cblh'ien, many 01 wnoiu li never seen the light of ily, very tin Kaon. Wby trllle with a sprain when every 011 kuowa that Nt. Jacob Oil une-l in f the v;ort cane will so slrengllieu His Injuied 111 11' I a to make It tb Uat remedy tor this dteailed pain. Thre are 40,000 native ptipila In (ha Monday school of the Fiji Island. a (Tared lb tartar of Ike dean. all prouudln ylla bfvugM aa bf eonfT ya lla nlia nkiak I aaa aHlrtad lor fMj aura I tea soma aur I AM AKH.TH in u,a We el Naaall la. ad r foued aanhmg la equal Ibant To-daf I aa UrII Ire Irua) alia aad laat Ilk nan waa " UI.I sit, tall Junes Bt, Slew Ottf. la E9 LIS yfJSyV camov ft $X J CATKAarric Plaaasat. PalaMbi rMaat. Taai Oaxd It 00a. Naa aiaaaa Waakaa. Our ai.a ... CUItl CONSTIPATION. ... Surins Smh, rrl. law aa twt, M - ' ' Ift.TA 111 "! aaaraaiaad bt all -!- iiu t titiai Uawi. MACHINERY full Mill, Mlnat. Share and far; Siaal t.. 11?' "J JL"!""! 'hll Tonlh MwiAlhant Oiaw. alo. TAT U Pel & BO W E f4 V In a Fit at lri rrtland, Of at at rramuui aunt, ban riaino. RICH Governments Lands. s 1 .1 .... .1.. - 4 - . . I. , ... . 1 1 ,. n "art loam. Will grow an Inula oT vitfUbiaa. giain, bar - In graat abiin danra. I'llmala t.lainlid. I'rub lalluraa lie. twiaalbla. alaiiia.! i. n. ,.i.iH. . (hrap, hiiyti dairf and -iulli iii'iiatrtra. In H.,w,a mwwh'i, rni.Hiiiig an airoiivni niarifi Int all prtMluoia Alao rU h gianlairrv lan.U HamlAoriil ehanre H laam ulna Will lor drritiiva Uouk gUlii lull varilrnlara Ai diaailodav. tT. K I'tw Ifr. Hatiatatr. Thatlott tlUKt.Kan r rancln o. Ckl. The Iitlontl iDTioton' Issoclitioa. I (IscoaroatTto.) WdoStlrl FATBNT aPSINKBS. W iwur. Intrwluc tad aU faianu. 0r rraia tared sllutnar eB fat von lnl direct bom Ilia tumnravm nlihoui dalsr. AganU wanla.1 IB rry limn 10 tall ilnlal rtlcl, Furthrr hilnrinatlon lurniihail nil raqnaat, Hnm SIS ( maaik or Cosiiacs Biurnao, I'uafuaao, Oisuoa. Be Strong In Oprinc At noolher lima In in vrar dnes vnur blood yard iMfh trnrltv , rlrhnaaa and haallh Your d Mlnaaa, laiiiiild frslmt, yalita In lha back, W., all com Iron) lh blood. Tat r H00K1 REVEALED REKEOY Kujr and'at.i,! 0 uk. Ii mil mat yea ? "i"n a".1 "J,! " bM Ihouaand. of v....,a. , iar oouit at rour diuiiura 1 TEETH WITHOUT PLATES'- iv-i r -7.V M "nnaas moan. Falnlaa Sllln and eilraolloa. Dr. T. H. White, Ktgr i Dffiuff&ri Relief at Last rralaad by lanatanda of MllaSad ladla aa eafa al. vara rallabla and without an Kiual Aak dralai for Pr. Marul' Vranrb Fanial hlla la maul ho nil Whlu ,.d rta.,t"!.-'" " :? J .w"," real lad CMrrTln plain aaaiad a.ii.J S ""rnowaia ami partlaular. Addraat, f SIBCH DRUB CO., SSI sails! srl St.. HX. RUPTURE CURED. iu! fea'ante to t every eas ondariska Z?Um "JL" n wrlt- ,0' Partlottlar al one. jntlera, 10s Second Street, Portlaad, jerjjirnBS OR RllfjH'Q,Mf'Ovio waa. Mwf l lV.a Sd ff..L9? A,08I. Cur. fllrk flaadwk "ood'IM' n ,B0" "aiplai.Bd Purll, lh .ou?;iAJdJuT:,l0Bina''""''t Blllouana. I amnla T. , 1, l "! fou, n mil mall copii.lll'J'.r',,il, ,alVm- ' raA4au - -.. ., aaaaa, aol llfuggllla. YOUNG MEN! . rOP nftnorrhlM anrl tllS ttla. ru,. - aa ial- la aUl tin .Wl1"" Mr AhtTJ!1tfh,,'."!,l "' f PiM'l 01ff Knawilflfl. hl.k Mill .... . .. irr,.--:-wii n naa avar ri 1 It baa am fallad la illn. Haaulu 1 CURE YOURSEIFI lla. Hli lot unnatural hwliariM, IntlaminatloDa, 'laiiiin. or uiraialloul Or .ttlUCOUa ni.inliranaa. '"V", " " ""'i faliilam, anrl nol aalrli. lrHiEMaiOHmMiflo. snt or poinmou, AoiNOmmri n F aia a. .... I -r iffma Mnl Id plain wrapper. II i, 01 I bollla., ta rt. (lr0ular aam .1... WH"?.,7""nf to advrtlr plea mntloB thl paper. 1 ij T I .1 "? a tab. wllhmil Iriaonta. KJJ liLl'Ii '1 dni;la. or wnl pr.paij braipraai laalblr wrappad, aora.alw of prli-a. it ' Olmlar auiua lOUlL tM " lUAt CO., Ohaoasa, BL f la I u 1 a.,, VI lia iKiffflll P,r- foeanko'sVlle SiinaT, 1 3a,K.r-if.lia''',"'lh,- Aha.irTi.loinnra. to, . , , iVi,.0,f'"l,0,MV,'rini).Tri'l?'' Wrll, " ..' mt abaaltoui 0.... BUriAri.0, 1'uil.da., rj j , r. w, u, V(lt is-'sb7 ; ii.ii ?Je2pl 01 ,1 OTnl" ln l"'f' e will !. .,,dreM (P'itMremld), thro nw ootapoiltlont ol iliovt muic,oopyri,liUd. OCCIDIITIL PUIUStJliTcir" ft w.,0AKLitlD. cil s I 1