HILLSBORO ARGUS, MAR. 16, 1809. ; A raesa son. thh T'kopi k i : A l'41'KM OH THH I Mi l-1. K ! ! ! 1 rrrrirx'xxxxxxxxxxx.xa i- 1 f THE ARGUS Kitered at the Post-office t Hillsboro, Oregon, as Second clans mail matter. - - . LUCIUS A. LONG, EDITOR. County Official Paper. ISSUED:' EVERY THURSDAY , by ' The Aips ftblishiBg Coapany. fiubsnrtptiorl:' One Dollar per Annum. Six Months, 60 eta; lhtee Vonths, S eta. Opposed to Gold Mono metallism. Re lieve in the Bimetallic Standard Dear Money means Debased Property, and Profitless American Product. Our ("onseqnent loss Is onr Creditors' Gain. Has no use fur Marcus A. Hanna. UAIlillOAU IN TOI.ITIC8. It is urprinin(5 how very few of the country paiers in Oregon dwell on the relation of the Southern Pacific Company to the state's public affairs. It appears almost incrcilii.le that public men should take so little interest in state affair as not ro know that the Huntington systeoi is annually Treating the taxpayers out of thou sands of dollars yet, sucii is the case. , In California the trackage from Oakland aortl. to the stale line is seseed at a valuation of over seventeen thousand dollars per mile, while in Oreg.m the same line pays only on an assessment of from one-fifth to one-quarter as much! Think of it! The reason for the apathy is apparent, f he Southern Pacific i in too close touch with slate and county administration. Could closet secrets prevail, it would be ascer tained that the mammoth railroad company contributes thousands of Hollars lor each biennial campaign, and that each and every county ollicer of influence, and all legisla , tors who will accept.' travel upon unpaid for passes, so far as 'fetish 'down" is concerned! The result is as must be expected. The rail road is let down easy on taxation. . In the near future figure will be given of the various Pacific coast ' state assessments, that farmers way observe how they are made to l;contribut to their own undoing. A NOTABLE CON UK ESS. The recent session of congress has many marks, both of fame and in fainy. Through its expressions and actions we have learned that time has entirely almost at least ol literated sectional feeling as between the north and south and every American feels glad that this f With the session came grim war a war for American , retribution and whilst our antagonist was not and never was, a foe worthy of our steel, common cause made us all united, instead of opposing, Ainer "cans. Asa matter of fact there were a few hickory nut headed simpletons posing as statesmen who took advantago of the troub lous times to charge treason to those who disagree in detail to many of the adminisiratioti's policies, but these little dwarfs are always clog ging the wheels of state. The infamous disregard of the peoples' pockets in the matter ot appropriations has been the great est blunder ot 'he session. Ilecanse wheat soared skyward for one seas on owing to shortage in production two-by-four congressmen suddenly became crazy st our "republican prosperity" and proceeded to pil up appropriations until the sum of expenditures pales into insignifi cance the exactions of tho past. But as burdens by the pjople pay able are what our barilceroratg want. we have got that for which we vot ed and we should not complain. WHO ABB THE MASTERS? Much has been said against the Jew, and yet, we mud rrt forget his en vironment lest we judge too harsh ly of his social and business meth oda. Above all other races, the Jews are faithful to tradition and religion. Their religion has ever taught them that they were God's chosen people, and so strong was thia faith, and so widely did it per meate the social fabric, that even our own Christian supplement is founded upon the edition of works cf Hebrews to whom have been giv tn t-t divine touch of inspiration. Xi it aoy wonder, then, that Ihe Jxxm Vnik upW, Christiana s In C '.!j, at our ' owu . phristians f.;l lisl they live head and shoul l VC:TtO,:r latter-day unbeliev ;:jt:'.:::JdiTinityr But, lay. lug all these things aside, one should lo,k at the Jew as he is-filling the commercial world with his musk; controlling th. legislation and de- crees ot repnohca anU empires; A ... ' . amalgamating with no oiher raco, and maintaining his social char-! 'stratum's 55th ami last congress pro .... 1 . 1 i ceeded to hold us up to the tune of over acteristics eve-, down to U,. ag- of j, WUion ttuJ , M?f IZSZZ'c", assimilation. Th in soivu-: dollars. economic ,,fTair,, simply asks f lf!&. "ffiZZSSS the betterment of th:l which is his ! pei'diture, as w tcraied it, called forth w .1 1 .1 sour wrath ami we called on his saUnic !u' w"'ks ir ' th.r.o..)l;l jrity to make it hot for that congress. His nr;vi:.Ct s not in the pr...h-,,-! A tew years later the "Billion dollar ..,,.. . .. (degress" hove, tn sight, and we in- tive fml.1; it is cwivrri.i.i.ui. pur- , rtrently said -.Urn .t' and let it pass and simple ttixt he has em-ircled ' lh,t Now "Billion and half ,, , , , -.1 1 ) . . -. Con-res" annonoes it s arrival, and the globe With Lis credits wlm-h nt j with a f.rvencv that would do credit to the main nre Min-trxi'.'p a- d based upon the perj t tuii v of throng gov erninenU. His capital, as a rule, is legal tenders and he strives t intake each unit if them more prolific ns measured in properties of other nature. He rules Kng'and, Ger many, .France, yes, all Europe and America is his hardest territory lo conquer. It is to tie hoped he will not. The story will be to'.d i,i 190.1 when the fight for Limeialis:n as against the gold standard comes vp the fight of profitable production as against debased, miserable and cheapened property and produc tion. If the Jew shall win, let no Amer ican blame him for Israelitism, lot take home to himself that Amer ican ballots have turned us over to the gentlemen from Judah. The Governor's appointment of W. H. W'ehrting, of. this city, ft member of the .State Board of Ag ricu'ture is timely and meets the approval of all who would see the board comprised of. men who are practical and progressive. Mr. Weh rung will do much towards red ee ra ng the good name of this state in stitution, which has been lost in tha shuffle of grafts for several years. Dead Letters. The following is the list of letters re maining in the Hillsboro post office un claimed: Ali letters not called for bv March iS, 1S99, will be sent to the dead letter of See. One cent will be charged on each letter called for. H. SCHULMERICH, P. M. For frost bites, burns, indolent sores, eczema, skiii diseae, and es pecially Piles. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Sajve stands first and best. Look out for dishonest people who try to imitate and counterfeit jt, ItV their endorsement of a good article. Worthless goods are not imitated. Get DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. Delta Drug Store. Parties having farm or city prop erty for sale will do well to list it with S. Everitt, who is centrally lo cated in Hillsboro, and who is in constant correspondence with par lies desiring to locate in Oregon. He also carries several first-clats re insurance companies. Remnants! Remnants! Schu! merich & Son have a sale of remnants. Anything in their slore in the line of remnants nil! be sold at prices never before offered in this city. A responsible party wishes to rent a good piano, immediately. No small children. Enquire at this oHice. The Ladd & Reed Farm Com pany at KeedviUe will sell a num ber of registered pure Berkshire boars, seven months old. Call on. or write J. W. Karsteier, Reedville, Oregon. j Jeweler Hoyt ha3 received his fine new line of spring novelties. Go and see him when vou want jewelry. He can and will meet Portland competition. He has the finest line ever before seen in this WHITHEK ARE WE MtlPTING? To the Editor: Congressand the Oregon legislature have adjourned; the president author ized to increase the army to one hun dred thousand; paid jo million dollars for 10 m llions toad-eating nialays; over a billion and half dollars voted out bv congress, to be paid by "American Sov ereigns," and not one liberty-loving- Amencait-citizert yet heard to exclaim I'll De darn'cl." Should Marcus A. Hanna buy for him self a crown; declare himself Kirnr of these United States; "hire" an army to defend and enfoice his decree, the aver age "American Sovereign" (Hillsboroite in particular) would be found on fcunduy morn standing on the street corner, oblie iousto bis threatened "ireedoui," his hands pushed down deeo into his trous ers' pockets, mouth wide open, silentlv evolving from his chaotic mind diverse schemes by which he is to obtain his us ual morning "spiritual sustenance." We have been told by our "leader" to "trust in them" and we trust them; occasion- ally they "sock it to us," but we 'care not," Simon (Joe) says, ' thumb up" and up they go; he says "git" and we "git;" he says "come" and we come a runnin': he points to Hades, and io our innocent and childish simplicity we go to Hades, while the "leaders," forget ting even to say "God be with you," turn the'r backs upon us and triuiiiuh- ai.t'.y go to the "1 tiler 1 lace." . 1 Ins ncquietcent disposition of the 'American sovereign" will be the mill stone that will drag us down to abiect servitude If ever there was a time in the affairs of this ci untry when individ ual and independent investigation was required, 'tis now;; and I incline to the opinion that if we are s-iveil from per dition it will be because the dtvil won't have us not because we are not willing that lie should . Marcus A. Hanna end his administra tion say, "We must hold 011 to the I Philippines". We ask why, and they SUSy ftsiSve winds, and we tvp'y, "Go it Mark! wr j Za The Leaders sav -"we must hold un the .XTiT'uie IZ" ham's ( the administration." an J in a o.ored cmnp meeting, we unite in si"SinR 'Trail Gent (congress) from whuui all blessings flow." We are told that a goodly portiou of this money was used in "licking Spain out of its boots," and for the investment we have rc:il estate sieurilv together with Ihe good-will of the Cub'a..s a job lot of Kanakas and their bad-will. Yel low Jack, typhoid, nubiri.i, and kindred other blessings loo numerous to men t on: it gsve "Ak'v" a chance to take a lrioK; U',S-'P owners an opportunity to to the government tlu ir"hulks"'for next 1 l? noh!"g in or!er to help a good thing 't:Ki o Ke me oeei emoaimers a snow to demonstrate f.eir ingenuity in "pte servmg meats;" it gave McKintrv a 'straight flush" for renoniinatior. This trilling expenditure of a billion nud half dollars will unable us to show yonder Ma lays over in ihe Philippines what fcind of fighting stuff we're made of; ol course itsgoin'to cost us lots of moncv, and so.t;c of oar boys God bless 'em ! w ill be sent to Glory, but well, we're going to stay right here and "whoop it up for the boys," and tell them to kill those blood-thirsty Kanakas bv the mil lions, we doa't cure a whoop for 'em... we bought 'em and e can kill and eat Vm if we want to. Mark and Mc say, we can't give up the Philippines now lie cause the Malays wtmM kill each other, ana mat wouiiin t be humane tou know: and besides it would lessen our security. aic says "we ve got our foot in it and cau't get it oul;"that those Fillipiuo are a "shakev" investment. He's cot hold of the infernal thine and cannot let ro; its getting hotter and hotter, but he swears by the eternal that he won't let it drop, because sune other "darned fool-' will try and pick it tip ami burn himself with it. That's right Mc': hold on to it; you will burn your hands, but now tliose dear Malays will love you for it maybe. The administration and the preachers tell ns that those dear people over yonder are in an awful condition! They need money doodles of it; thev must be "enlightened" like unto us; their souls ought to 1 saved before we kill the-n: we must it is our destined duty to send over there at once bread, sohlierc and missionaries; that we Americans are nil "right" got pleuty of money, and our souls possessed of sufficient saving grace to take us clear through. Us needless to spend any more lime or nion -y on we'uns. we're all "right," morally and financially. Let's sail in and dig out of the gutters those deir knock-kneed, wild-eyed, kinky-haired, greese-bedaub-ed sinners and rear them up in the wav we want them lo go. I move to amend by striking out the words soldiers and mcney, and send along with the mis sionaries Mark Hanny, -Esq., 'Balmy Alg'y, Pautiy Eagan, Gen. liillie Shaft er and Rev. Plowman. AUMI. ISTRATIONIST. Real Estate Transfers. Ada mi Frelier to Johannes (iutschniidt 20 a Jacob Swanger donation Oglesbv Young to Ida Me Been 10 a in Fruttdale. ,. R M Jaspersou to Lena Bruckler 31 acres and tret in Jas McKay donation. . . Cicero Hines to E W Sargent i acre near Gales City Alary Ann Watts to A Pike 5 a Spencer's Homestead. . . A .1 Hamilton and wf to R 51 Dooly, trustee, tret sec 15 t 1 s r 1 w C A Dhondt and wf to John Williams trcl sic 14 t 1 n r 4 w Gii-dave Tenfel to Sch Diet 4')0 300 4,000 40 200 1 500 67bldgsite 120 Mary E Hart to Mary M Hart 1 a sec 8 1 1 n r 4 w. 2.50 80 Cicero Hines and wf to John Heisler a near Gales City "Give me a liver regulator and 1 can regulate the world", said a geniua. I he druggist handed him a bottle of DeWitt's Little Early Hirers, the famous little pills.-Deltn Drag btore. NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. Notice is hereby given that ihe animal lnwtincr f t.ho uuu-L tti,lil.ru .f ik. ll.Ma boro Co-Operative Company will lie held in Grange Hall, Hillsbtru, ilareh 27, 1S m one oxiwi p. in. CALVIN JACK, Hec'y JAMK8 II. 8EWKLL, President. COMMISSIONERS' COURT, CONTINUED FROM THIRD PACK. Other claims were acted on as follows, those allowed being carried out; C A Cavell, Assessor 72, station ary, 50 cm $ 7J50 . .i icv-rii. nire u n wucox, M50 continued a is laiy, I'ti) sal as treas 50 00 josepmneiase, ooaru examiners 2100 A A Morrill, surveyor, 3; sta, 1... 4 00 Hillsboro Lt and 'Water, Feb. , 8 50 A M Collins, Feb janitor 30 00 n nun aiisuuon, mil Keep 01 Mrs Geo Hull, 105, disallowed. C E. ISradlev, 9 p-upers at 97: and 1 at 325.., ,. , 9100 jm a uarreu, ooaru urooks and Harper, jail, 33 days 3375 k a eryan oon, suprs, Tupper, 2 50 v. jack, Recorder, aep and sta. , .. 178 00 .n r, buck , jury 11st, 3; j irneand B R Harrington, help, at 2 each 7 00 Glass & Prudhome, books, records and sta , . , 40 65 W O Bradford, sal, dep, sta and telephone 27700 J B Matthews Tost, Indigent 3000 Clias Brookman, , keeping Mrs Smith, Co charge,-56, allowed 3300 Jos Lee, Indigent Feb term ." 2400 DrTamiesie, b ll Mrs Geo Hull, 96 67, disallowed , M S Dailey, repair Cornelius Plains bridge 11 00 Schulmericb & Son, 'sup poor A Special Bargain for Newspaper Readers! THE SEMI-WEEKLY REPUBLIC ... " ... AND THE HILLSBORO ARGUS One Year for One Dollar and Twenty-five Cents A Won! Alwut It Kttei-Lu-Hyt'ho 8.ml-Weekly Unpubllo W no well known that aiiout all taut Is nooeimry to mviuv u xnWrtiitluit U M nil I nttonil.ui u It, It Utile lies! ai'iioral nowapaiwrof it elasa puhlNlitxl, :oid lias u largor elreiilallon n.i ttian any other news wivkly or H.mii w wlky. U hat oommund 'not only of all the great sotnves of news from th hiiilvaml Nimlav Urpiitilie. hut hImi riwlve Iho lvial aorvit of the New York Herald and New Vol k Journal. Itv n ihh-iiI arrnii Kviiieiit. nia.lwforallmiu.dtiine only, our irlmidH will he given an oi.iiortunll v to taka advantage or Una HlK'nU proHtion. This Ix a Wlal rnh otter, Addit na' HILLSBORO ARGUS. HILLSBORO, ORGON The Affairs of Europe are faithfully fjortrayed in the original and exclusive cable dispatches which The Cm CAGO RECORD prints daily from the leading capitals of the old world. This magnificent special service is in process of being greatly extended so as to include every important city in Europe; and it is supplemented by( the full regular cable service of The Asso ciated Press. The Chicago Record, alone ot all American newspapers outside New York city, now prints original and exclusive cable dispatches dally from the leading capitals of Europe. larm and Chrisenger A E C.idy, Beaverlon, sup, Mrs Smi.li G H Rcevjs, Cedar Mill, sup A MOM'SM Jno H meyiiiau, lldware, rock crusher, Ueavertnn II C Coleman, Hoard Kxamil.ers. . H A Ilml, Sch Su t sal 39601 x.im. i.i.ition, iS; inst, Cornelius, 350 st 1. ex and prwt, 5 05 Hbo Pub Co, sia, asoor and C It I. Cups, erosilavs Dist 3,' Argus, Feb proceeding.. P O Iirowa, b iri.il, J111.25, C charge, u; duslers, et', .53; a rockers, j so Boge & Knn:s, 11 r Dist 27.. 4 00 4 DO SO IS o 66 15, 4S4,.: 17 ;o 3! 178S 290 J A Imbrie, sil, den, sta, etc.. S9 73 M H Parker, lbr Dist 18 ... 4 70 Gen Ransom Post, Iml aid. ... . . . , 27 70 J H Wilkins. Assault t.nd balterv. No action ' T J Cleeton, dist ally. , W D Smith, justice Ross Sedoris trespass guilty. . . W-D Smith, justice 5 3 45 5 7' C W Redmond, constable 4 y rreu narptr, larceny- convicted W D Smith, justice F, II Sappiugion. constable T J Clcrton, dist altv 8 35 P 50, 5 o joe en 2 V JNGralwl , , i'owiung Harvey Van Ulaiicom Blasser larceny, acquittal W D Smith, justice T J Cleeton, dist atty CW Redmond ' James McNamara..: Thos Gheen I 2 30 005: ji 5 90 1 20 Wm Jackson a n tn liulfiiian Joe Williams Carl Larson cruelty to animals No action W D Smith justice T J Cleeton dist atty Wilbur Wilson, incase, larceny, acquittal J I Knight justice W W Annans constable W D Smith dep dist attv 1 7 7 s 7 40i 870! 2 50 Mark Wilson 1 ,0 Laura B I'eid .', 3 j0 1 n. nouuisou m. n n, i, jiiiwi,. . I.enn l:,i, 1, rl J?" Otis Kelly in .. .. J .iv 1 rn John Mitzel , ea FCKelly ; MADanks 350 Road viewers: C True 2 0J G Winkel 2 0o D B Reasoner. . ., . . ,. 2 (K) A A Morrill "'" , Bn JBDarity , Peter Jossy , John Schnider 1 io A A Morrill y 00 A A Morrill... j g0 F G Mann to keep peace, bound over T J Cleeton, dist atty 5 00 S II Humphreys . ' 4 50 CW Redmond ,,,, 3oo Ed Fuller cigarette violation conviction W D Smith TJ Cleeton M A TI . . 35 00 50 . UlUICtl M Dunhouser assault and battery no action. . , W D Smith TJ Cleeton "' C W Rerlmrmrl "" 3 95 2 50 I 20 John Sal.geber pointing fire arms uuunn over W D Smith ". "' CW Redmond 85 yuto" 500 Mary Hesse , , 75 r? li, .1,1...: 1 ."' J J " w".iiciiurr- larceny acrjuit- S H Humphreys CW Redmond 7 8 to 60 T r r-i.... JFCarstens 120 J viccluii (nn j j weiK.... I 20 1 20 1 20 K C Luce... GT led ford J M Bridges. I 20 iviii vauipoeii. ton John Strope ,. , 1 10 J W Cave , Lo Louis Jacquot 1 . JohiiTyacke.. 3 ,0 r imu jncquoi 3 jq The cutest things in town in the shape of hoys' suits at Schulmerich & 8011's army and navy patterns. come and see them. ' Photographs. I nm now prepared lo make photo graphs in ray ' new Studio five blocks east of the court house, cor ner 7th & Baseline Streets. Perry Elms, Photographer. Hillsboro, Feb 22. E F Riley and wf to Martha Fleck 23.07 a K Young die 410 Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. Itartlflclallydlgeststhc food and aids Hature In strengthening aud recon itructlnar the exhausted dlnstlve o gang. It Is the latest discovered dlffest- ant and tonic. Ko other preparation can approach It tn efficiency. It in stantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea. Sick Headache.Gastralgla.Cramps, ana all other resultsof Imperfect digestion, Prepared by f C DeWitt A Co., CQ'eag Delia Druir SIoit, HUMmm Urvgtm. A.lmiri&trator's Notice. Notiee U hureby given that the undor "IgiiiNl hii '111, liy tliii 1 oiiiiiv t'mrt of I lie Hluleof Hresun. fur hlngloii ('miii. ly, iiuiy iiiiiH.iniiHi n.liulMl-lriiior nf th estiUeof rixl VUi.doeeaed and has ilirtv qiiaiUni ami enl. reii upon the dlwhargi. , ol Iiim nutins as such, jiuw, thcri'lore. all pemnm luiving ciuiiiis ugaini muu extaie urn n. n iiv ri- ; rpuri'd ti prt'tu'iil 111110 to mil at Urn law "lllce of tleo, H. Ihiglej at lllllsnoru. lV..l.t. ........ I u . ... ' ' with pmiier vnuehrm within six linuillm ' Htli,r ilnlM itl lin iitlti-.,. j liated at IlilHtMiru this 2nd dav of Mar eh, A. II. IHtut. I JOHN WITT. I Ailiuliihtrntur of the estata nf r'ml mm 245!" itl, Deceased, . ...,7,.:..r"j:":."r. vuminisiraior nonce. Notice is horeby given that thn under ! sign"! has Iwen duly apolnUnl AdiniiiiH- oaior 01 me. iaie 111 i.tiorga n, 1'apen burK, d ci-Hseil, by the Hon. County Cuurt (if fli 8lii(n of llr.wpi.11 foi Wnt.1.1 (.,,, - - ' "' I County. All M-rHim having eluiius niiLliiMt utiuiiiHt saui enlatn are requesti-il to pre sent Ilia sainii with proH-r vouchnrs to the undi-iHlgned nt hi" riwiilunce In Ntallord, i iiiCKiuiiH" uotiiny, main oruri'gun. Dated this March 1, IMlf). J. 1', Kruno, Administrator. Executor's Notice. Notice is horebv given that the iindiTxIirn. ed hits Ix'cn appointed Kxecutor of the liil will and testament of Anna U llheluiiiin Hngeilet'.l, hy the County Court ofthe state 01 uregon lor WasniUKtoll county. AH K riiiiH having claims against said estate are reqiientod to present the name to the uuilumgncd within six months Irum dale Dated at Hillsboro, March 0. IMU). 1 Kit VAN HOOK. Executor of the last will and testament of Alma W lllielinlna Huge, (lueeaHed, W, i). Hare. Attorney. Administratrix' Notice. Notice is hnreliy mlven that the underslir lied hiix heon tippolntud uilminlnt rntrlx of tun cMtiim or j, n. .oriitiu, ileeeiiHiid, by the County court of Washington coun ty, Btntoof Oregon, and that ail persons having claims against mild estate arn re quired to presmit the samo properly vorl- neii, ui inn at the ulllve oris. II. niinton Hillsboro, Oregon, within six months Iroin (lain, thla lull day or March, ISJIU. LINA HAHVKY U RUTIN, AdirilniBtrntrix of the estate of J. 8. Uiiillii, dcoensfld. 8. II, Huston, Attorney. Administrator's Notice, Notice is hereby given that the under signed has beau appointed nduiiiilslmtrlx wilh the-will-uiiiiexd of the estate ol N C, Richardson, deeeaued, liy the Hon, County Court of the htnte or Orugmi for Washington County and persons having claims agulust said estate are roquestad to present the same to the undersigned at her residence within months from the date of th .s notice, March 7, WW). s , C. h. RICHAItDHON, AdinliilstraUir of the oslute of N, C. Itichurdion, deceased. Notice of Final Settlement. NOTlCIC is hereby given that I. the un ders iuned administrator nf the nututn of Oottloib Htaeger, deceased, have filed In the County Court of the state of Oregon for Washington ootinly, my Haul account as administrator of said ostato; and that said Court has set Monday, April Id. 18!, at thn hour of 10 o'clock a, 111., of said day, as the tlmn, and the County Court room as the place, for hearing ob jections to said final account and the set tlement of said estate. AJ , , JOHN SMITH. Administrator of Inn euinin ,.f riu. lulb Htaeger, deceased. 1 Villi 1. PIPll "VJ- -sr jr rp was never so well se.tson's cre.itiotis show. Here are a number of rrt and quJitv gum far superior to anything you can 1m ttnine. We're doubllnij our former business yea, doubliiv! our values, Parents, suppo.se you Investigate? If It's thin ni.ikt, you're salt. 11. WI'.llltl'.M) and SON, The Hillsboro The Leading Drug Houso - Whero lirugs. Mi'dlrlmn. I'aluia. H!U.Smiii.'!,, Ilrnlir and all IirttfitUt't Nundrle limy ln proi-urtil it t prlrim lliitl simply dUlanrti eoinpelltliiii. 1 Fad is, that many tfo.l do not know where our niituocaui from it's, n g.ioil nntno nnd wo had gund reasons fur adopt ing it. Let us expluin: . jM Hie Itli h't'nr of th.. (irm-k .VIi1hIh1 tin I is wli iped like Tri.u'jtl-. thne si.le.l. .Now, n we were ; jinerii all)' the ihlrd jO)I Store esinliih"d in HilMiro, iht tlirei-cnrtiered i,.r it sigiiifipitiit I'Ihim- rrnii'iulwr i'ki t'.iat our inuiio i-, and alvuiys iill ho, too. ihe sur-sign of hi(,'li'at quality an low est price. Wti uill 1. alvvnvs ili-a-d 'o h ive viiii cmII at our gtorc! tor the hne'st druggist's line IN WASHINGTON GOUNTV. Notice for Publication. Ijuu! 01II1 at oicxoii Cllvi I'eliruary . IMr.i.j Nolli'o la hereby given Hull Ihe following named settler bus llli-d noln-e of her In tention to make Hind pr"'f In KiipiHirtnf hi-r claim, and Hint iihl orool will I. Initilv Ix-fore Iteglsli-r and Iteeeiver at Ore- iron l llv. Oreu-oli. on Man Ii Vs. ISISI . l " ' " Ma gie Watrous, H. E. U46 for be I ! ' j of H K i Hi e '.II md W H W I li'H'liTaN UllW. hbe iniines (lie fo. j low log willies-en hi prove her couttiiloii" i n -il. nre iihiii and eulliinllon of s,od j In - ..I . viz: (ieoige A. lingers, iff I'lire! lirnve. Ore. i eiiry linker, of lileiiwoud, ' M u j Charles Wrrdhrts, of ' Looimrd Hmilb, 01 " " I'll AM, 11. Mi o It I-:, llcgixtur. Wanted-Sover.il trustworthy is-rsoii 111 thl siiile lo mnnui.'uour lun-iiinns lii their own and nearby l oiinUes, It la mainly nlllea Work conducted at home. Sitlnrv straiuht SmiO, 11 year nnd exinuses detl Ii i to boiiiillde, 110 more, t,n litis milnrv Monthly S7"i, Kefefnnees, Knclnie self addressed aliiiuped envi lopn, Herbert K Hess. Prest., Depl, M. l hciii:o. SHERIFF'S SALE. BY VIKTt'K OK AN KXKCt'TION. dneri'u and order of sale, issued out of: the Circuit Court oftlio Ntute of Oregon, for Washington County, In favor of Wit-; Hum Lung and aiminst ICi Ih-ccii ,1, Pom. 1 eroy, I' rank Koiuemy . Jnhn l'onniiov ami CIiii Imsii MeNull tor tin. sum of llri, costs, aud for the hirtlier sum of .'tl ti. H. I gold coin, with liiti'lent tlierooll lit the' rata .if 10 pur i-ent per iiiiniun from thn sih nay of Oct., nii and the I'liriher sum of (lift, attorneys' feus, wllh liiti'rest thorn on 11I the rule ol II per co'it ier annum from tho '.'(ah day id Jaiiuury, iHlil) ami for the cost and expenses of mile aud or said writ. Now, thereforn, by virtue nnd 111 pursu ance of said Judgment, decree ami niilnr of sale, 1 will, on Monday the loth day of April, 111, at Ihe noiiih door ol'llin court housii in Hillsboro, Washington County, Oregon, at tho hour of ID o'ci ok a. in., of' saidday, soil nt public auction to tho' highest bldilcr for f iish, tho following-de-scribed real properly, t-w II: I.ylnir and beuiK In section .'!.'. I 1 n r.lw and morn particularly diiscribed as fol lows: iscki 11 111 1 1 at u stoiio in t he emiter of tho road leading north from thn town ol Cornelius in stud county and stain, said stone liolngon thesoiitli boundary of'clnilil No. llu In said 1 1 11 rll w and dlHtant eist i'l.dl chains from the s w corner of said claim, and running llumeii east on said soiitn bouiKtury Hue nl said claim No. Ii.' i ill eluiius 10 a post: 1 Hence Hoiith 'l:L cnains to a post; lliciicn we-'t 4.U7 clmlns to a post 1 thenco south lllo f inin w 7.117 cliains to a liOMt 111 till! center or the above riam.Kil roiut Noiitn III (leg 4!) mill w 110 feet ironi ws nortnwost corner or the euclos- tire com inon ly known as tho ''Odd 1'el- lows" vrave yardi tliHiice north '2h deir w n 41. ..1. ..I ... ,i i. ... 1 A.'io emiiiin mi u poni.; iiienen nortu ,j.7ii clmlns to tho placo of beginning, contain ing 4.1U acres, all slliniln In Wash union County, Oregon, to satisfy the hereinlm fore named sums, and for the costs anil expenses of said sulo. Haul nrniinrtv will lie Hold siibleet 1 .11 l-rt. deinptloii as per stiitute of Oregon, Witness my llllllil UI1S4I 1 cluv of Man- 1 1W. W. 1). HIlAliroilI). ' Hherlff of Washlnntnn Count v. ( ll'eiroo . John M. Wall, Attorney for l'liilntlir. 1 , , SUMMONS, In thn Clreult Court nf the State of Oregon for Washington County, Josephine Grow, J'lalntiir, ' VH, Harry Orow, Dofimdant. rpo HARRY (1R0W, tho above-named X delendaut, In the nainn or the Htatn of Oregon, you are hereby required lo appear .....,inni too uooiHIIIIIL III lll piUIll filed agai"Ht you herein, by Friday the Hist day of March, 1HU), ' If yon fall to so appear and answer, the pluliitlll will apply to the Court for the ra le! depended In her complaint, to-wlt : lor a docreo dissolving the marriage and marriage contract nuimiviuihiir b,,i, ,, plaintiff and defendant, and thai she havr, i lit- ' provided for In clothinn as thb doubling our army of little friends. HIUSHOHO, 4IREU0S Pharmacy Is Prpr niock Main Hi. Hailet Proprietor. iwriiii'iloii I i n-siniie be- mnlden name nf JoM-phlun Inlll.i,-.; and thin she In- award. il ihiM.no uinlriiKl.Hlv ot the minor child of lllU l.l.llllllll ami lleA-ii.Unl ..i.J .. 1111 11 111 tier lef lo Ihe t uurl u,v mu. ;iir i(ii.!nlii.. I his mi m Is M-rved iim run by mililli'itllnn. bv order nl '! , ...,.,I.U ,J.. A, Itood.roimty jiidgeof Wasldnsloll ,'" "" Ala.le ami bilrd nl r 'amber at Hills- , () !)(.. n, I'l'hnmrv I. .I11, I HMD Attorney for I'lnloiiir. ' is it Fiiote, liriers Triinsai-t a liuneial Ibiiiking ItualneM ! .1. W, N'M'TK I A. V. Slit TI'I , r Msnam . . Cashier Hell sight Kxehangn ami Telegraphlo Iruiiifers and uc Letters 1 Credit iivnllnlile Ihroiighout the Cnltisl statni litii-v I ills r i:xi haiigi. on bunion, l.lverp.d, inibllti, arls, Iterlln. Krankl ri.rl ui thi) i iiin.Hiockholm ami all prln. nipnl cities of Kuropn. t ' Colleellimsmiidnnii all m'eemibla niIiiU Hanking hours from 0 a m to 3 p ,n Hlllslsiro, Oregon Cor. 2d I Wubn J. Northrop, I'roprleior. U. Newly Furnished !N and Renovated. A first-class table and all accommodations for the convenience of guests. , , ORi'N Time Schedule .. .. From Portland ! aat mall envos at S p m fur Halt Lake: I enver, n. Worth, Omaha. Kansaa City! fMVip m ' uimt ',l 'rivee Ppiikmu, Kiyer ieV(w 2;io p m for Walla Wa l a, Mimmapulls, nt. vmli, rjulutb Ml waiikeo, Chicago and Kaat, arrives "Mo a id Ocfian Htnamshlps leave at 8 p 111. For Man trnnclttuo , miiIIIiik avurv liva 1 , Nulling Columbia Ulvor leuvo 8 P m axnept mini ay, Maturday 10 p m for Astoria ? way laiiiiings, arrive 4pm except Sunday Willamette rlvur hmve 0 a ni exooot Hunday L .. "f Hi inrivo p in exesDl W'llliimutln rlvor leave 6 a m Tueaila ri.nisduy and Katurday for Corvallls anil way landings, n lvn :!i0i) m Tuewlav Thursday and (Saturday umay, Hmike river lnuve Hiparia daily ex. wpt, Hal urdiiy for lwlstonj leave Uwli ton dally except Hunday. 11 Address W. II. IIULBURT, Gun. Pass. Agenl Dodwell Ciirlill & 0o. Gen. Agts. N. P. 8. 8. Co. Port 1 II nd, Oregon u "I