The hill NO. 51. VOL. V. HILLSUOUO, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAUC1I , 1899. - SB6R EVENTS OF THE DAY Epitome of the Telegraphic News of the World. TH.RSK TICKH FttOM THK WIREH An Interesting Collection mt Heme From the Two nlarfherc I'roeeatwt lu a Cnndeneed Farm. The transport Senator Its arrived at Manila with reliihiiuciiiant. An aittl-American feeling I being created In m through the action! of l lie Cuban hhixwii Tha Bethlehem Iron Co., of Bethle hem, Pa,, haa shipped three) 10-tneb Kim to Furl Wilson, nI lit wcelera city limits of lort Towimiiiil, Wash. The Allan line ( itcaittera hm mat the cat ul other trti-Atlantio II tint ty culling lu rilo talis for flm( cabin itnd $30 fin second cabin to Liverpool. Tbe congress ju closed appropriated total ill oval $1,700,1)00 to be expend . I In Washington ami Oregon, under th 1 1 vol mil harbor, sundry civil aud Jitd I appropriation liilli. Admiral Dwwey Iim reined bis flag as admiral tm Inlaid the Olytnpls at Me lii l.i. Halutea were given the ting by the DrllUh mnl (lunuin cruiser la port, and by the Uultvd State fleet. Admiral Downy now hold the high tt runt In the military service ol the United Male annv or navy, ami rank with the highest officers In the prlnol pal foreign navies. Ilia pay le U,SU0 pvt year., .The Bombay corrim.lont of the Morning fuel say: The bubonic plague li raging herewith unparalleled everity. According to official returns, there wet 911 deaths last week, but theae quitti underrate the mortality. The Caipentet Bleel Company, of Reading, Pa., Iim shipped four car load of projectiles o( various caliber to the Norfolk navv-yard. They at Intended for both the army and nary, and Mime of them will l e uiwd foruoait service. Advice from Juneau, Alaska, aay that a new etilke In the Porcupine die- trlil 1 1 in canned quite a rueli of in lucre to the Chtlkat country. The Bud wa made on Tallkiti creek, which flowa Into the Chllkat, about 1) mile from Halite' Mission. Negotiation have been concluded for the building by llieCietiipe of two and perhaps three large ah I pa of the Orl eutal Occidental Steamship Com pany, of which company John D, Hiirm-klea la president. The new vessel will be about 6,000 tuna each. The live ot nearly 100 pereona were jeopardised by a Are wbluh bioke out In the Lackawanna Valley House mock, at Bormitun, Pa., and communicated to tha second, third and fourth floors, The occupants wi're taken out safely, but clad only in their night ololhea, The Eighth United State volunteer la now being muatered out, The Covington, Ky., poatofHoe hai beau rolih,il ol mnmn and money to the ttinuunet of l'JO.000. The pope hm nmlergone an opera tlon for lemoval of a long-ilnnding ovat which auddeuly becama Infliiuied Profvatur Wallace?, Day, a diiector of the llllnola college of . mimic, and well known among mimical celehrltlea Kaat mid Weet, ti dead at Juokaun villa. Fla. Hy a oollialon between a paaaenger train and a "helpei" locomotive on the Hoiitlmru Pnolllo hear Hot Hprlinja Nevada, (lie two englnoera and llieni men of the two engine were killed. It la aaid the United Btatoi hail lent a dlapiitoh to Madrid proleetlng agiiinat the lalae alatoiuuiit liolng cabled from Manila by Uenerul Kioa, who forme ly coninmnded the Bpaniafi troopa in the l'htlippinoa.. Rain line fallen In many lectlom of Culilornla aud the lung. con tinned diy pull la thought to be over. The pre tint rain wilt save the wheat crop la critical dietrlcti ami add to production where growth ii favorable. It la reported In Madrid that Spain author lited Uoneral Rloa to offer th riillipldno republic (500,000 for the le ItiiiHo uf the HpniiiRli pikoner, Tlie offer waa Indignantly declined, and tha Iiiaurgunt naked 17,000,000. It la loported on good authority that the Interest of the Royal Bilking Pow dcr Com pa n v, the Mew York linking Powder Company and tlio Cleveland Hnklng Powder Com puny have been eold lo William Zelglei for between 111,000,000 and 112,000,000. Allnlra are still unsatisfactory In Bniiioa. Tha provisional, government, it annnnra, la Intarfurlng with the na tive and British subject, and also with the servant! of tha Btltisb sub. jnotn, and ia taxing the Malietoa people (3, and the Mntiuifa people 1 each. Lord Horecholl, one of the joint high commissioners from Great Britain.who waa sent to take a leading part In tha nogotlationa between tha United Statea and Canada, died suddenly lu Washing ton. He expired in halt an hour after being talea ill Heart failure wai the came, i ' Sillier N.wa Hema. The Bakor Chain Company, at Pitt burg, Pa., lias advanced the wages ol all employe from 6 to 10 per cent. Tlmjinoronso affects 800 men. Articles of incorporation of the Park Btcul Company has been filed with the secretary of state of New Jersey, with a capital Block of (1,000,000. The company la authorized to acquire tha foundry property of the Paik Urolheri &Co., limited, of Pittsburg, and to w Miiiituu, ui A induing, mm IV manufacture any (mm of iron or tocl, LATER NEWS. It I said It.idynrd Kipling will be leveled to the peeiage on January 1, 1B00. At Tten-Tsln, China, 800 persons broke through the Ice where three riv ers meet, and 106 wei drowned. A eaver snowstorm ha prevailed generally over the stale east of th !iMtppl during the past week. Continuous skirmishing I reported t Manila. A fw Americans are wounded and occasionally one killed. Another rebellion ha broken out n China. An auny 10,000 strong Is committing serious depredation in the central provinces. The Argentina training-ship, with lesldent Harmianto, ha arrived at Valparaiso, where great lestlvitle have been prepared in hi honor. The republican deputies at a meeting held at Madrid, have decided upon a vigorous republican propaganda. Pais, the republican paper, ha bmn aeised, A message received at Harvard col lege obaervatmy fiom the European Association of Aatrommieit announced th discovery of a faint comet by Dr. Wollo, A aevere earthquake shock was ei- perleneed at Yokohama, the disturb ance visiting localities of the great shook of IBVl. with soma loss ol life and ptoerty. Governor Kml.h, of Montana, hi vetoed a bill passed by the late leglala tura legalising boxing oontesti. Hucll contest are absolutely forhidlcn by the law In force, Ex-Cotmnliuiry General Kiignn, who has remained in Washington since the court-martial suspended him from the service for an attack on Ueneial Mil", baa left Washington for tha West. He will go to Honolulu, where hi eon has large interest in coffee plantation. A sensation has been caused in France by a leport that IS dynamite oarliidgea were found behind the Ton ion arsenal recently destroyed, ami by the furlhei rwpoit that some peiaon not yet identified fired three revolver shots at an arsenal aeutry, none of them however, taking effect. A suit for 110,000 damage against Jamea J. Hill, a president of the Great Northern Railway Company, has been commenced In the aupeiior court t Keattle by W. F. llsys.wbo claim that the slate granted him an exclusive con tract to fill in tideland at Smith Cove recently purchased by Presideut Hill lor docking purpose. Inspector Uenetat Roloff estimates thet total ii limber of men in the Cuban army at 60,000, ol which 86,000 are officer or official holding commissions and entitled to oftloift1 pay. The Cohans themselves express astonish tr. mil at the proportion, although ad milling that they would not be prised If It aa ono to three. Paymaster General Carey will go to Cuba with 13,000.000 to pay the du bonded Cuban soldier. Josephine Kipling, the 0 year-ol daughter of Rudyard Kipling, and the oldest of hi three childien, died in New York (lorn pneumonia. A dispatch to the New York Ileral from La Uuayara, Ynnexoela, an nouncea that the United Btatea gun bouts Annapolis and Vicksburg have tailed from La Guayara for Jamaica. The Inautgenti made an attempt to capture the waterworka near Manila, hut were repulsed by the Oregon and Nebraska troop. Seventeen rebels weia killed, and many wounded. Two Americana were wounded. The British cruiser Talbot, Com mander Gamble, haa arrived at New York, from Bermuda. The Talbot was ordered there by the British govern ment to ttansnort the body of Loid llershell to England. . It la announced that more than 76 per oent ol the entire stock of the Ore gon Short Line Railroad Company has been deposited for exchange under the offer of the Union Pat i Ho Railway Company, previously published By the explosion ol a powder niaga Ine'near Toulon, France, more than 60 people wore killed. It 1 rumored that one of the soldiers guarding the ruasaiine caused the explosion as an act of revenge. He la one of the vie tiiu. General Oil ha perfected a plan of campaign which is designed to crush the offensive power of the insurgents near Manila. A soon aa hi rein torcemeuti arrive ha will make a gen eral assault on the euemy'a jungle stronghold. Admiral Von Diadrichs, in command of Germany's Asiatic fleet, and who haa given Admiral Dewey much trouble at Manila, haa been suspended, and Prince Henry put in command. The change, it is said, ia to ahow Enipetor William' friendship lor America, Prince Henry, who la a brother ol the emperor, being popular in the Unit ed State. From reports which have been com ing to the headqunrtera of the Na tional Live Stock Association at Den ver, for. the pait month tha offloera ol the association estimate the lossea from the recent itorma to cattlemen who have herd on the open range at 6 per cent of the entire amount. This, in round numbers, would amount to over 750,000 head. - - . The royal crown of Perala, which dates back to remote age, ia in the. (arm of a pot of flowers, surmounted by an uncut ruby the bIzo of a lion's egg. ' , ' Tremont, the thoroughbred stallion, the property ol General W. II. Jack son, at Nashville, Tenn., was found in the stable with hi stifle joint broken. Nothing aould be done, aud the stal lion wa killed. He coot General Jack son 117,000 some years ago at Swi i , i Bert "alo. ASSAULT BY REBELS Repulsed by Oregon and Ne braska Troops. N'KM Y LOST THIRTY KILLED I'atrol r Otvgoa Bof Ambush' aad Tw. Wound. d-Tb Kab.l. n.fMlt. Manila, March 8. The rebel have been concentrating in th vicinity of ia roservoit. Today a patrol of com pany U, Becond Oregon volunteers, wss taken in ambush. Two men were wounded, but the organisation held their ground under a heavy Ore until the remainder of the company, assisted by two companies of tlieFiist Neljrsnk tifiuiont. flanked tha enemy, killing 80 and wounding aeveral more. Two battalions ol the Twentieth regular In (entry have reinforced General Hale' brigade. All the native hut have been de stroyed at Martquina, and the country there is nrettv well cleared, but the rebel were returning In small bodii sundown, Apparently they have secured a new supply ol atnokeless am munition recently, as there baa Deen a noticeable difference during the last few dav. Tha Bpanisb commissioner who are endeavoiing to secure the release of the Bpauisb prisoner in tha hand of Aguinaldo have returned to Malolos to offer $3,000,000 for their release. A Agninaldo ha been demanding 7,000.000, it is not likely tLeir ml- siuu will be successful. THIS IS BETTER. America Troops W.lroin.d tha l.lan4 or Wr(ro. Washington, Match 8. A cablegram from General Otis at Manila, received n Washington, indicates the sstisfac toiy and agieeabie reception accorded to the American troops which reoeittly landed at tha island of Negro. They were cent there by General Miller at Ho I to, In command of Colonel 8uiitli, to take foiroat possession for tha United Stale, which b did without trouble. Pieviou to the time the troops land ed, a commission from tha island vis iled General Oti and said they were willing to surrender, and asked that he take the inhabitant under bit piotec lion. Tha congratulatory address to General Miller, embodied in General Otis' dispatch, i particularly giatify ing to the officials ol Ibe administra tlon, as they believe that the feeling among the inhabitants ol the Island of Neirros is such that there will be no trf uble In dealing with them hereafter. General Otis' dispatch ia a follow: 'Following from Iio Ho, 4th Inst. " 'Government, congress and inhab itant of Negro to General Miller, Ho Ho: " Wa affectionately salute you and congratulate ourselves (or the happy arrival ol Colonel Smith and troops under hia order, and beg yon to send this salute and congratulations to Gen eral Otis, at Manila, as representative of the government o! the United Stales In the Philippines, (bigned) Lascon "OTIS." Shollod the Battery. Manila, March 8. At daylight this morning the enemy were discovered trying to mount a gun across the river from Ban Pedro.and the Sixth artillery promptly shelled the rebel battery. Temuoratilv stopping work, the enemy poured a fusillade of musketry across the river, but a gunboat moved op ann cleared tha banks of the atream with rapid-fire gun. RESULTS OF THE EXPLOSION. Nearly Fitly Corns Tahon From tha Hulns at Toulon. Toulon, March 8. About 60 corpse have been recovered from the soene ol the explosion ol a powder magaxine yesterdav between La Soine and Ton ion. The remains of several other vio- tiina are still burled in tha debris. London, March 8. A special die- natch from Pari says it ia rumored that one ol th aoldiers who perished In the explosion ol a powder magaxine yesterday morning near Toulon bad for a long time past been the victim of systematic persecution upon the part of corporations, and he nau voweti to oe avenged. It is added that thin man is suspected ol having blown up tha mag- aaiue. Orders to Leave. Peking. March 8, The American marine who have bean guarding the United Statea legation are under order to leave. The Russian and French embassies have also notified the govern ment ol their intention of soon with drawing their guard from their respec tive legations. No Direct Attack. Manila, March 8. While the rebel had concentrated their forces with the purpose of attacking the water works, no direct attempt waa made to capture the American position there. Detach nients from GenerabAIale'a and Gen eral Wheaton'a brigades cleared the country today. Prince Henry In Command. Berlin, March 8. A high official of the German navy department has in formed the press that the appointment of Prince Henry of Prussia, brother ol Emperor William, to the command ol tho East Asiatlo sqnardon, had been considered for month paat. and waa finally decided upon a being the most 1 exnedient. the emperor desiring to I u l.. tm tliA Amnrlnnn neonla that ha ia thoroughly friendly to them, knowing Henry ia popular in the United Statea, NO RESPECT FOR WHITE FLAG. Tho rillulBos Show Tholr Troaeheraat Naluro. Manila, P. I., March 9. Detach ments of General Hale's and General M'heaton't brigade were engaged lor two hoar this morning dealing the country in front of their line on both aide of the river, the enemy concen trating with the apparent purpose of cutting off the garitaon at the water woiks. The rebel bolted at the first sign of tha advance, but they sepaiated Into small bodies whenever the ooveit afforded opportunity, and kept up a running Are. By a series of rapid advance, followed by flank movement, the enemy wa completely routed a far out aa Ouadaloupe on the right, and almost to Mariquinl on the left. The casualties reported are Captain O'Brien, of company F, First Wyoming volunteer, and two men slightly wounded. Tbe rebel loss waa heavy. This afternoon Geueral Hale's brig ade continued the work of driving out the rebel from tha country between the reservoir and tha water works, a ftirtance of about three mile. The country is now clear on the left of the river, but the enemy ia (till in fiont of General heaton' line. Private Lovejoy, company C, Wash ington volunteers, was killed by a straj ballet. Major Belt, Seventh United States cavalry; Private Young, company M, Twentieth infantry, and Private Parks, company I, Fust Wyoming volunteers, wounded today. , . This morning tha enemy in front of General Ovenshine's division displayed a flag of truce, but returned when Lieu tenant Koliler, with two men, advanced to meet it. This afternoon they again bowed a white flag, and again two officer and an inspector advanced. When the American were within 200 yard of the rebels the latter dragged rifle from behind their back and opened fir upon them, bnt fortunately without effect. Hawthorne battery fired two shells, killing several of the enemy, . STORMS AND FLOODS. Koarltt( March Weathor In tho Ea.Urro 8tala. Norfolk, Vs., March 9. From Hat- toias to Norfolk a tori ible storm ia rag ing, exceeding in intensity that of February 13. The wind is blowing at th rate of 40 mi lea an hour, accompan ied by snow and cold. A big vessel, whose name cannot be ascertained has gone ashoie at Golfs island, near Hatteras. The litesavers are on the scene, bat tney tear tne storm wi'l prevent them from render ing any assistance. The storm came np unexpectedly, and fears are expressed that many ves sel have been caught off tbe Virginia and North Carolina coasts, aud may be in danger. Tbe monitor Amphitnte is anchored in the Jiarbor, togging at her oables, and waves washing her low decks, but it is not thought she will go adrift. There is a large fleet ol schooners in Hampton Roads which cannot put to sea. ANOTHER CHINESE REBELLION S.rloni Uprising In C.ntral Provlnees- Famlna ami Oe.lllutlun. Victoria, B. C. March 9.-The Em press of India arrived her from the Orient this evening, bringing mail ad vices of the Philippine rebellion vary ing but little from the cable accounts received. From China news la received that a rebellion ha broken out in the central provitioca. An army of 10,000 men is under arms, committing serious at roc i ties and depredations. The imperial troops have been called out to quell the insurrection. Famine Is reported in Saghalia, ow ing to the shortage of the potato orop Great destitution is feared. Li Hung Chang has been recalled trom the Yellow river to Peking. A massacre is reported at Port Roy aliat, but details are meager. Twenty-qne pirates are reported on the West river. Many natives were killed. No captures have been made of the pirates. From Java new cornea that strong fortifications are being erected. Ambassador Choate Presented. London. March 9. United States Ambasador Joseph H. Choate returned from Windsor at noon today, after hav lug been formally presented to Queen Victoria and having passed the night at the oastle. While the ambassador declines to give details ol the ceremony or discuss his visit to the queen, he told the pi ess representative he was much gratified at the cordiality and graoious- ness of hia reception. Funeral or Toulon Vlotlina. Toulon, March 9. The luneral of the victims of the explos!on Sunday morning last of a powder magasine, which waa situated between this plaoe and Laayne, took place today, and was attended by enormous crowds of peo ple, the funeral procession extending two kilometer. A dozen cars carried the 61 coffins. The minister ol ma rine, M. Lockroy, and many govern ment and local oftioeis followed the re- mains to the cemetery. , A Cement Combine. Trenton, N. J., March 9. Articles of incorporation wore filed today foi the Continental Cement Company, with an authoilaed capital ol $10,000,000. The Revolt In Veneauela. Caracas, Veneauela, March 0. The government troops have oaptured the city of Calaboaso, oapital of the new state of Guarioo, in which the revolu tion led by General Rnmon Gouoira, supported by the Creapo party, has been in progieas for Beveral wooks. Skagway, March 9. Fire in Dyea last night destroyed the Palace and Northern hotels, Chilooot tram stables, Senate saloon and courthouse. Loss, $12,000. WINDING UP BUSINESS Last Legislative Day of the Fifty-Fifth Congress. LIVELY WORK SEAR THE ESD l.oato Poai.d Army and DoBeloao VMIa-Klvor and Harbor BUI ll.po.d of. Washington, March 6. Excitement, confusion, heavy strain and hard work characterized the last legislative day of the 66th conere, in the senate. At time the confusion waa so great in this usually staid and decoroua body a to render tho transaction ol business al most impossible. Toward midnight or der was being evolved from the teem ing chaos of the early part of the day. When tbe senate convened at 11 a'clot k it faced tbe task of considering two of the great appropriation bills. those for the army and for supplying the general deficiencies. Tbe former carried appropriations exceeding $S0, 000,000, and the latter $20,000,000. With a determination to complete tb appropriation bills, the senate began immediately at 11 o'clock in the morn Ing to consider them matter's, and at 8 clock at night the army bill wa passed, the deficiency bill having been Dapsed nearly three bonis before. Other bill were passed as follows: To incorporate tbe National Whit Cross of America; amending tbe in ternal revenue law relating to distilled ipirits and for other purposes; pro viding a site for the Washington public library bending. A bill providing for a government exhibit at, and to encourage the Ohio errtennial exposition, to be held at Toledo, and appropriating $300,000, was passed. The conference report on the Alaska jriminal coda mil waa presented and agreed to. In tho Hoaao. At 11 o'clock the house entered npon the last legislative day of the session. Tbe final conference report upon the bill to codify the criminal laws of Alaska, waa adopted. Slow progress was made on conference report The District of Columbia appropriation bill nd deficiency appropriation bill were sent back to conference. The house parsed the army appropri ation bill with all the senate amend ments and tbe bill now goes to the president. The confatee on the rwer and har bor bill modified the Nicaragua canal paragraph appropriating $1,000,000 for an examination of all routes, under lirection of the president Tbe report of tbe commission making the exami nation will be made to congress,' and no provision is made for beginning work. Two items from Oregon which were in dispute and upon which there waa a-seeming split have been compro mised. The Yaquina bay item ha been modified so aa to have the project examined by a board of engineers. The bouse yields on the boat railway provi sion so far as not to repeal the law for the project, but strikes out tbe appro priation made by the senate. SANTIAGO IN A FERMENT. Withdrawal or Funda Tata n Stop io Public Improvement.. Santiago de Cuba, March 8. Be tween 2,000 and 3,000 men have been suddenly thrown out of work in the province ol Santiago, over 700 in the immediate neighborhood ol this city. Although Governor-General Brooke baa wired $30,000 leouired for tbe Febru ary pay-roll, there ia still a deficit of nearly $30,000, and the orders from Havana still hold good limiting the expenditure during the month of March for the entire province to $10,000. The effect of this order on Civil Governor Castillo, Mayor Bicardi and other Cu bans prominent in official circles is simply paralysing. Groups of men on street corners, in clubs, cafes, ets., openly abuse the American administration, saying that the Spanish was infinitely preferable, as in the worst times during peace con siderably more men were engaged on public works under the old rogime than are now so employed. The new regulations have brought to a standstill all the public improve ments, including the diedging of the harbor, roadmaking and sewerage. Promotion or Ilewey and Oil. Wasbington, March 6. The presi- dent has sent to the senate the nomina tion of Rear-Admiral George Dewey to be admiral ol the navy under the ac approved March 3, 1899, and that of Brigadier-General Elwell S. Otis, U. A., to be major-general by brevet, to lank from February 4, 1899, lor military skill and distinguished serv ices in the Philippines. The nomina tions wore confirmed. Old Wages to Be Keatorod. Providence, R. L, March 8. The Lonsdale Company, employing 3,600 hands, gave notice today of an advance of wages on April 1. The Statea Cot ton Company, at Pawtucket, employ' ing 600 hands, and tho Albion and Val ley Falls mills, at Albany, also prom ise to restore the wages paid to the 1898 cut-down. Rain Making at Lot Angeles. Los Angeles, March 6. Under the direction of Professor T. S. C. Lowe, a series of experiments are to be made at artificial rninmaking. A committee has been appointed by the chamber ol commerce here to raise $8,000, the amount deemed necessary for an ap paratus and chemicals for bombarding the skies. Rain is very much needed here and tbe conditions have been fa vorable many times of late, but there has been no rainfall. FOR PUBLIC WORKS. .pproprlotlone fr Oregon. Washington and Idaho. The following are the Oregon, Wash ington and Idaho item a carried by th appropriation billa passed by the 66th oongresa: RIVER AKD HARHOK BILL Oregon. Tillamook bay, $29,000; month of Siuslaw, $;i 0.000; entrance of Coo bay, $150,000; Upper Colombia and Snake rivers, $7,500; Coos river, $3,000; eanal at cascades, $75,000; Co lumbia at Tbree-Mile rapids and boat railway at the dalles, $50,000; Long Tom river (trantfer of surplus), $3,000; lower Willamette below Portland, and Columbia below Willamette river, $50, 000; Coquille, below Coquille City, $40,000; Claskanie river, $13,000; gnaging water of Columbia, $1,000; upper Coqnille, $9,000; Columbia, be low Tongue point, $71,000. W.ahlnf too. Olympia harbor, $15,000; Everett harbor, $50,000; Pugot sound, $20,000; Cowtiu river. $3,000; Lewi river, $10,000; Cbehali river, $3,000; Pend d'Oreille river, $10,000; Swinomish slough, $20,000; Willapa river and har bor, $3,000; -Oakcogan river, $15,000. Idaho. Clearwater, river. $10,000. t - SUNDRY CIVIL BILL. Oregon Custom-honse, Portland, $200,000; ublic building, Salem, $50,000; tender for thirteenth lighthouse district, $100, 000; poet lights on Columbia aud Wil lamette, portion of general fund of en perintendent life-saving service, Ore gon, Washington and California, $1. 800; river cutter, North Pacific coast, $112,600; launch for custom service. Astoria, $3,500; ' Clackamas fish ata tion, aalaries,,, $3,420; quarantine sta tion, Astoria, portion of fund. Washington. Public bnilding. Seattle, $150,000 fence marine hospital. Port Townsend, $15,000; improvement quarantine sta tion. Pott Townsend, $26,200; estab litb lighthouse, Burrows island, $t5. 000; lighting Poget sound, portion of fund; Washington fish station, salaries, $3,480; quarantine station. Port Town send, maintenance, portion of fund improving Gray's harbor, $25,000; col lectors of customs, Port Townsend towards enforcing Chinese exclusion act, $110,000; compensation of 12 com miesioners to examine and classify lands in land grant and indemnity land grant limits of Northern Pacific Railroad Compnay, in Montana and ldabo, $10,000; for publication ol monthly reports of commissioner in land office Coeur d'Alene district Idaho," and for expenses of hearings $3,333; allowing Oiegon, Washington and Idaho for survey and resmvey of lands beavilv timbered, mountainous or covered with dense overgrowth, rates not exceeding $25 for standaid and meander lines, $23 for township, and $30 for section lines. Alaaka. - Agents at seal fisheries, $13,950; food and sustenance, inhabitants of St. George, $19,500; protection ol salmon fisheries $7000; expenses of courts $9, 600; education, $30,000; reindeer, $35, 000; register and receiver Peavey land district, $6,000; general appropriation covering protection of seals in Behring aea. DEFICIENCY BILL. For transportation of destitue citi sens from St. Michaels to Seattle, San Francisco and Port Townsend, $3,500. Tbe states get their respective shares of general appropriations in the fortitica tions and armament bill, the postoffice nd the agricultural bill. NATAL BILL. Repair marina corps' barracks, part of fund. Naval station, Fuget sound, $103, 107; repair of marine corps' barracks, part of fund. INDIAN APPROPRIATION BILL. Oregon. Klamath ageuoy, $1,200; Sileti gencv,$l, 200; Umatilla agency,$3, 000 Warm Springs agency, $1,200; support and civilization of tribes in Middle Oregon. $6,000; support Klamath res ervation, $5,000; suppoit Walla Walla reservation, $5,000; Grande Ronde and Silets, $12,000; Salem school, $92,600. Washington. Colville agency, $1,500; Neah Bay agency, $1,200; Tulalip agency, $1,300 Yakima agency, $1,500; removing Spo kanes from Coeur d'Alene reservation $6,000; education D'YVailish. $7,000 education Makahs, $3,000; Yaliimas $3,000; Colville and Puyallup, $14, 000; commissioner to sell lands of Puy allups, $3,000; annuity to Chief Moses, $1,000; employes, Colville agency $1,200; Nes Perce agency, $1,600 Fort Hall Indian fund, $6,000; Nex Perce teachers, $6,000; Sisseton and Wahpeton lund, $18,400; instruntin of Shoshones and Bannocks, at Fort Hall, $30 000; Shoshones, Bannocks and Sheepeaters, Letimi agency, $13, 000; civilization of Josephs and Nex Peroes. $7.500r Nes Peroes in. Idaho $5,000; Incidental expenses, Idaho, 11.000; Sawmills, Nes Perce reserva lion, $3,000. REFUSED BY. CHINA. Italy's Demand for tho Leaao of San Mini Bay. Pekin, March 7. The tsung-li-yamen has returned to tbe Italian charge d'affaires, Marquis Salvago Raggo, b dispatch containing the demand ol the Italian government for a lease of San Mnn bay on tbe same conditions aa those under which Germany holds Kio Chan bay, accompanlyng it with a let ter declaring that the Chinese govern ment is unable to grant the request. CHANGE FOR BETTER Manila Takes On Its Former Air of Business.. RESTORATION OF COSFIDESCE Ono to tho Arrival of Reinforcement Rebels Actlvo at Snn Pedro MneatL Manila, March 7. The United States transport Ohio arrived yesterday. In the last two day there ha been s very noticeable change in Manila for. the better, probably due to the arrival, of reinforcement for the Ameiiean troop. Numbers of people are teen on the streets, and tbe amount of .birsi ness transacted in the. stores has mar- velonsly increased. Yesterday the Lnneta was blocked with carriage for the first time. since, tba.kOuihreak.jiml the band of the Twentieth regular played a number of aire, and it waa hard to believe that s state of war ex isted. ' Outside the city there waa desultory firing throughout tbe day, and at vari ous points the sharpshooters were most annoying. At San Pedro Macati the rebels are very active, erecting entrenchments in front of the position occupied by the Washington troops, although two-gun battery ol the Sixth artillery repeatedly ihelled them. The enemy are fully alive to the fact that Mansers have a much longer range than the Springfields and are continu ously taking "pot shot" in compare tive safety. The American soldiers die like ; this passive resistance,, and are eager for the excitement of an . active :ampaign. - Despite the heat, the health of the men in the trenches bss improved re markably. Tbe transport Ohio arrived today with reinforcements. One casualty. Private Overton, company G, Twenty lecond infantry, died on the 3d init., 3f spinal meningitis. EXPLOSION OF A MAGAZINE. rnible Loss of Llfo Hour Teulett, Franco. Toulon, March 7. -The naval maga xine of La Qoobran, between La Seyne and Toulon, in the department, of Var, Southern France, exploded at 3:30 o'clock this morning. All of the sol diers on dnty at the" magaxine were killed, and a number of inhaibtant of the district, the buildings ol which were raxed, also fell victims. Forty corpses have already been recovered. The cause of the explosion is not known. -' - Fifty thousand kilogrammes of black ; ' powder exploded. It looks, aa though volcanic eruption had occurred, the country being swept almost bare with in a radius of two miles, houses de stroyed, trees overturned and distorted, fields devastated and covered with stones.and impalpable black dust. ', Some of the stones aie enormous. One , -. weighing 60 kilogrammes tell in the suburb of Pone de Las. Signs ol the ' explosion are evident in all the sub urbs of Toulon and in the city itself. - Even at t. Jean de Var, five Biles dis taut,windowa were shattered and doors battered in. It is; impossible, to aeoes-. - j tain accurately the number killed,, bfl..,,.- t is believed mat no iewer man iuu - were injured.'- -- ' ' 1 ARMED .vWr.r!. HIGHWAYMEN.' Held Vp Seyen Sfisi on a Taooma Bt- cycle Path. Tacoma, Wash.,' March 7. -Two ". armed highwaymen laid in ambush on" - a bioycle path two miles from the city tonight and captured and robbed seven men between 8 and ft o'clock, secur ing several watches bnt less.' than $10 ' in cast). , rney lata .wgH across in.,.", path and stopped the travelers as, they came to It. The first man was a candy '' maker, who had a bundle ol aprons, . which they used to bind their prisoners ' as they came,' one by one." After rob bing them, they tied their hands and feet and laid them in , row in -the ' " -,; brush. , ,m ,'.. . ?S: ',',. At 11 o'clook the footpad went away, leaving tne victims bound. ' One managed to toll over, where another ,-. could untie him with his teeth, and . they gave the alarm, but the robbers had fled. - ' - A boat ? o'clock,, two men, presum- - ably the same, held, up T. .0. Abbott; v-.i prominent attorney, a few blocks from the same place, but he-broke away " aud escaped. ', J,--.i?-: . -'' v. Dreyfua Is ProatmleoV'i''' -V 't: !,vr' London, March 7. The correspond ioi: ent of the Daily Telegraph, at Cayenne! iS capital of French Guiana, says: ' In the course or a recent converse-'' tion, Dreyfus declared that bis return .. ,. to France wa imminent, but for. the past month he had reoeived no new. I understand that be is in a state ol prostration , that causes considerable v anxiety." ' ' Esploalon of Benilne, St. Petersburg1, March 7. Last even. , ing a carboy ol benaine exploded in tr ' third-olasa railroad carriage, on the im.v.v of Dwinsk.'sptji; of .St,. . Petersburg, J(.rf ,; Tbe carriage was ''brirted, six women and a man wete-'ktliecT, and Id other's: were injured..,'- : Mii : Chlneee Hebel Leader Coeghav-'l C'l-S'l London, Maroh 7. The Shanghai j 4 correspondent of the Daily Mail , says si)- that the leader of the rebels 1H the , province of an Iloni f Naga,n-oeiv the '1'-' notorious desperado), hMi beesji Cfty,i,j4 tured, 52 Of his body guard belng , killed. Oan for Fort Wilson. : Bethlehem, Pa., Msrei The- Bethlehem Iron Company has-.: strinpew "'''. three 10-inoh gun to For, Wilson, in .-., Wash ington. Hi- '.itiiM;' t'.f.wi