Image provided by: Hillsboro Public Library; Hillsboro, OR
About The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 23, 1899)
It .. -.J ',-4 ; tj I -1 .1 ! Hi 1 H '! 111 1 ll Foil thk Fkoplk : XJtSJUUCSJtSLSXSLXXXSa THE ARGUS Intend at the Post-ofhce at Hillsboro, Oregon, a Second class mail matter. LUCIUS A. L0S6, EDITOR. County Official Paper. ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY BY The Argiis hMiskiij Coapuy. ftuhaerlptlon: On Dollar per Annum. Six Months, 60 rts; Thtee Xtmtlis, Jicts. Opposed to Gold Mono-mcUllism. Be lieves In the Bimetallic Standard Dear Money means Debased Property, and Profitless American Product. Our Consequent less is wr Creditors Gain. Has no use for Marcus A. Hanna. THti WHITE MAN'S Bl KDKN. The world, generally, loves Rudyard Kiplir.g, and id loves his literary ef forts, from "The Man Who Was" down to "Bringing tha Bolivar back Across the Bay." but when the brilliant writer gtxs into na tional economics he is more than likely to be tainted with the true Briton's ideal of governments force, wtih all of its concomitants. fcThe White Man' Burden," his latest effusion, has been quoted un iversally . by our Anglo-maniacs and tut-h.,nters at home and eulo gized at an inspiration as regards shoving our bayonets down the throats of the Fillipinos. Truth is, Mr. Kipling's training and liter ary trend smell of barracks and bullets, Sepoys and sedition. The child of military 'environment, a thousand dead British soldiers were nothing so long as the list of dead on the opposing side numbered three thousand. A militarism, with its jingle of sabres, rattling of musketry, (right and shining lines of cavalry, is enough to turn the mind of a young man like Kipling, whose sensibilities, reduced to print, resemble portraiture. . - What the world wants is more encouragement - to fellowraa.i whether he be savage, semi-civil-iied, or civilized. We have known quite enough of bullets and bay onets and it is high tiins we be spoke brotherhood andbenevolence. The brown man has aspirations which should be respected, but he should, at the same time, not carry his own burdens and tho ' White Man's," as well. It appears,- how ever, that we are to put the pack saddles on the brown men, wheth er it costs white lives or. not, and the richest part of the whole pro ceeding seems to be in the fact that our old ' hoary locks" who can't possibly get to the front, seem to be the most eager to have "our boys" do the fighting. A BILLION DOLLAR CONGRESS. : : : : A ft i oTTt?jcvcnT7Mi. and nearly a 'billion of apprbpri ations to he paid by this popula tion! .With the congressional ap propriations to succeed each year, i I and with officialism like this, where will American profligacy stop? Every congressman has a I i uoose nun to improve; every chief politician has a public building for his state, and extravagance is every where running riot. On top of this, we pay two dollars each for a job lot of Fillipinos and they ire to be subdued! Alt of these things mean more national debt and more hard ship. This, of course, suits the money rich, for it means a greater amount of non-taxable collaterals in the field. As we truckle more and more to imperialism we must truckle more and more to debt. Congress seems to be in a mood that bespeaks trouble for the fu ture, and the administration back ) of it is heart and sojl with it. The J money trust, the iron trust, the copper trust, the steel trust and every conceiveable trust, having been co-partners in the selection of the administrative agents of the country, they can not be ig nored. Before many years the peo ple of the country will awaken to this wholesale slaughter of individ Ual rights and then there w ill be a shifting of scenes, THB PARTING OP THE WAYS Notwithstanding we hear so much about silver being, a dead issue, be fore the next national conventions hall have met the parting of the way will be here. The American producer is more and more each zj cooing to a realixation that he iaUtelautur which is paying the c:-ntry's dbt and the .nation's r:;:;;:: ! only fct wnen he is prosperous. lie realizes, more than ever, that he is producing that which buys dollars just as surely as dollars buy product; he realizes, more than ever, that under normal production, the crop doe not keep pace with the output of all other things; he sees that annui tants and income takers always are in favor of a system which will make a dollar purchase more i f what he raises. Knowing this, all will lie clear. The stable product, wheat, is slow ly sinking in value, and another year will see its level of the Cleve land age, restored. No nation can live under that era's condition. It is foolishness to expect it. So, un less we get a great shortage some where, we will ba sellii.g wheat next year at below 60 cents. This will mean no profit to farm com munities in general, and this, in turn, will mean no further purch-ia es of manufactured articles, insur ing to us the old stagnation. The change must be made through further coinage and a bimetallic platform will in 1900 receive a larger majority of Caucasinn votes than did it in 14 large enough to make that policy a pait of living statute. rOPt'LAR LAWMAKING. It does not particularly the legislature providing privilege to vote on the initiative and refer endum is the result of a crooked deal. Now that the measure is be fore the public, here is the oppor tunity. If this carries, it simply places the law making power in the hands of the people. Say the peo ple are ignorant if you will; Bay they have no conception of popular needs; say they will make endless trouble, and all that, but as a mat ter of fact, they are much more to be trusted than your political "grafter" who is selling his vote and your rights at one and the same time. Let those who pay the tax have right to enact laws, and let those who are afraid of the people go to a country where the few govern the many constitutionally. SHOULD WOMEN VOTE. The people of Oregon will have an opportunity to 'vote, at the next election, an expressbn whether or not women shall be allowed the right of suffrage. Theoretically, women suffrage is correct. In prac tice it might be. different. But so far as The Argus is concerned, it wants to see women have the right of franchise every time in prefer ance to giving that right to som big, burly buck negro, who doesn't know bacteria from bulb , or polit ical economics from Cod I.tver Oil - Give woman a chance L " and she will stud the day and nine tote than or the brute who sells his suffrage for a pint of booze and a pat on tha back. It is useless to say that "woman doesn't know anything about politics." Of course, she doesn't. Why should she? Give her a chance and she will do more to purify politics in one year than men will in twenty and, besides, she of Oregon would instinctively vote against a Jew. The Akqus is entirely willing to have Abigail Scott Duniway take it by the nape of the neck, figura tively speaking, and throw it into the firing line for the right of wom an suffrage and while at jt, will help fight to suppress the vote of every man who sells his right for a few drinks of "bug-juice." SPEAKING OF TRUSTS. The recent formation of trusts has been so outrageously universal that the public mind has been awaken ed to an alarming extent, prom ising a revolution of tariff ideas. Republicans everewhere are out spoken in their denunciation of the way things are going. This is noth ing new where 'protection" is left to the demands of capital. These trusts, while confiscatory, are mere pigmies, however, em pared to the money trust, the mother and breed er of them all.. It is a queer anom aly of the human mind, where it clearly sees the one and is yet blind to the otherl Manufactur er?, who control ten dollars where the brokers control millions, natur ally want better values, and for this effect, form trusts to jK better ya'urg for their articles. Dollar holders, where their holdings are large and invested in nontaxable collateral, want Letter values i, e , more property,1 muscle and product for eai h unit dollar, and hence HILLSBORO ARGUS, FEB. 23, 1899. work for the gold standard,! cool , reasoning business proposition. And yet our friends cry "trusts" so far as manufacturers are concerned, and remain oblivious to the real danger liesetting the American farmer the money trust PATRIOT VS Sgi KAI.EIl. The little billy-goat so-called re publican war-cry sheets all over the country are now defending Kagan and making a dirty assault on On. Miles. This, of course, is to show fealty to the administration. Horse sense should teach these little non descript pencil pushers that Amer ican soldiers bared their breasts to Mauser lullets through love of country, a:id they deserved better rations than putrid canned beef. It really makes nausea come to wit uess the labored efforts of such pa pers as tho 1 Independent, against all evidence, maintain the soldiers were '"well enough fed." Carrion may le good enough for adminUtrationiats and Hannaiies, but it is out of place in the alimen tary canat of an Auier.can patriot This is about all there is to the controversy now gagging the clean American stomach, and while the language required to properly anal yze the situation may be "coarse," none other can aptly describe. TUe latest reports tend to coutirui the rumor that the pig iron trust is, after all, hog. It is suggested that some poet now write screed entitled "Russel Alger's Burden. ' Mister Egan hat all the volubility of Jack Fallsuff, but utterly lacks thit gentleman's finer sensibilities. In looking for weak powers to crush, why is it we have so long overlooked such a "sure thing" as Mexico? General Miles U alone in the brace game, but he plays with the nonchalance of a man with four aces and a six-shooter. It is now rumored that the Hatchet editor will not refund the county debt at 2 per cent, money having risen on ti e street in London. We have oar opinion of an administra tion which pledged promotion of inter national bimetalism ami then t'.ops short at free coinage of Fillipinos. With what magnanimous and supreme contempt must the everage seven dollar per diem clerk look upon an ordinary three dollar per diem, oruery, legislator! The administration's forces are teadv to move against General Miles as soon as the board of strategy can find one more can of good beef to keep comp ny with the first one opened. Certain distinguished Americans who are at the head of our government and are after Miles' scalp, have not heard, evidently, that the peace treaty his been ratified. When we have a National House of Representatives which dare not strike an attitude for or against trative polwv-1"" )... - . jirtirnr any better. j AmerTcan Mother gladly sends tier Ion forth to fight for the country's honor; for the maintenance of a righteous cause. But no American mother wants to see her son sacrificed for the advance men t of officialism and commercialism. But the ghouls of centralism those who shout the loudest, "Kill the Fillipinos if they won't stay bought" are r ot at the scene of conflict, and it is safe to say they will not be there. They are at home trying to get people converted in to the idea of more enlistments at $13 per month to furnish food for the tropics and savage warfare. Real Estate Transfers. V O ilockin and wf to 8 N Fuller parts of sections 9 to 16 1 1 s r 1 w, 1 acre $ 100 O&CKRCo to E , McCor mick, w 4 n w see 19, t 2 g r 2 w, 88 acres 355 Robt Buck and wf to Sarah E Buck, w i Sec 20, 1 1 s r 3 w 1000 DaVl Baker and wfto C M Hermans et al, 120 acres Cedar Canyon, Northwest of Greenville 950 MollieB Lilly and hd to Dav id G Lilly 37 acres sec 1 t 1 n r 5 w, Gales Creek .... 1 Maria Schibig et nl to Jacob Jungen Jr et al s n w s vinelsec35t2nr2w, 120 Augusta J Allen and hd to C L Crocker, 84 acres Sec 8, near Poor F irm 500 500 Probate. Win Vincent estate Appraisement of property allowed at $5,240.90. Ordered that administrator operate Kawmill, sell lumber, and annlv surplus to payment of debts of estate; also authorized to sell per sonal property at private sale for either cash or note, approved. Henry Buxton estate F T Kane, DC Stewart and L C Walker ap pointed appraisers. Homer Griffin estateAdminis tm'rix authorizad to sell three horses at private sale, S T Linklater has been appoint ed administrator of the estate of C P Oliver, deceased. H T Bagley, the petitioner's attorney sets forth A Special Bargain for Newspaper Readers! THE SEMI-WEEKLY REPUBLIC ... ' ... AND THE HILLSBORO ARGUS OnaJTear for One Dollar and Twenty-five Cents o..WVn,.A n'.1,: 'J Rl,'-'i-Hy-Tl.o iniM IKU nil that la iieevaaary In secure than any oilier newa wm'klv or .nil-....lW u i.. ' . V . V ' ? ,'. " liuii any oilier new weekly r scmi-wei greH nurera of nm rroiu it!. tmilv and fcun.luv K,Tul,i. ,t W. roe,. vea iweial lorvio ofthe New York lUrald and New York Journal. Hv a 'twil l rr . f"1' "' for timv only, our irleuda will be an oi'iM.rh idly to Uke advantage or ll.m literal proposition. Tl.U U a aelal mh otlor. HILLSQOI30 ARGUS. HlLLSDOI?0. ORGON The Affairs of Europe are faithfully portrayed in the original and exclusive cable dispatches which Til K CHI CAGO RECORD prints daily from the leading capitals of the old world. This magnificent special service is in process of being greatly extended so as to include every important city in Europe; and it is supplemented by the full regular cable service of The Asso ciated Press. The Chicago Record, alone of all American newspapers outside New York city, now prints original and exclusive cable dispatches dally from the leading capitals of Europe, THEY ARE COMING! The EaaL 1 , triconoraUd under the laws of California for ,w,t"J''"E.stHblinhed 20 years. and German KxpVt SpecialiMa their regular monthly vioit to Hillsboro, Oregon ... 1 ... at Tualatin Hotel ... Consultation and advice free. Among the ailments cured by the Ger- man and English Specialists are the following Bright' Diaease and all other Dlauawa of th Kliliidvaj Dlaeiuics of the illadder, I'rinary Orvaiia, Liver, Hpleim, Hpine, Howula, Heart, ntomaeli, Kye, Kar, Hkin and KervoH. A lo Impoverished IJlooil, HIimkI Poimm ami Hcroluliij Catarrh, Toimilitia, CoiiHumptioii, lliuncliitiH, Anthill ami otlmr Thrnul and I.iiiik troubles: Tumoia, Deformities. Iiiaomnia, Melancholy I'aralyKla, Kupturo, Dywntry, DyNpepNlii, Nournlgla, KhcumntiHin, Mill and (Swollen Joints; Keinnla Ciimplniiits, fmiliidii'R Ovarian troublea; I'iles, Kiatnla, Obesity, KtiiK Worm and fioiter; Toliucno. Opium, Coeuino and Liquor huliit; llemlaehe, KryHipoliw. Oout, Tape Worm, IIIIoiihiiiwn, Dropsy, Oall Stotm, Kewma, Kraekles, blaekhoaila, Canciir, etc.. and Chronic Dlneaaea generally. Dr. Meyers fe (Jo. euro Norvoiia Debility, Ixwt Mnnhond ai.d all Private DlHeaaes, Including ountairloiiM blooil polaon, qulvkly alio permaiiDntly. and at reasonable rutex. The English and German Expert Specialists and Dr. Meyers & Co, are not only competent and reliable, but are responsible being backed by ample capital and ably managed. Diseases which have baffled the skill of other physicians and stubbornly re fused to vield to ordinary medicines, methods and appliances, are unicklv sub dued and mustered by the successful doctors. They have the largest and best equipped medical institution in America Call on the Doctors when they come- lish and German Expert Specialists or talk, which costs absolutely nothing, is whether treatuient is taken or not. Home Cures While it is preferable in many instances to see a patient the English and German Expert Specialists have cured thousands of persons whom they have never seen. If you cannot see the doctors write the home office for question list. Advice in regard to your ailment, book for men or women and treatise on any disease ALL. FREE. Correspondence and other dealings with patients or prospective patients sacred confidential. Terms and Prices Within Reach of all. ENGLISH AND GERMAN SPECIALISTS, 731 Market St., San Francisco, Cal, the assets as an insurance policy for 1C00. Sale of realty of Gottleib Staeger estate to V, N. Haynain for $300, confirmed. Dead Letters. The following is the list of letters re maining in the Hillsboro post office un claimed: A Tussing, Esq., and MrsWmCrowsley. Miss Jessie McDougal, Rev Win Swing, Rev Dr Gramme. All letters not carld for by March 4, 1899, will be sent to the dead letter of fice. One cent will be charged on each letter called for. j II. SHUt,llBBIC.H, P. M. i Read the telegraphic news in The Aeoub. No other paper in the county seat gives such a com plete service. The people want all the news. no well known ttllhllMltital uti.l lntM !........ . (amino li It Ii Homl-Weekly Uopiihlin . a subscription W to call all '..!wwrrtifTtf8rTi)in the best Medical A part of the staff of thn KuglU-h and Dr. Meyers & Co, will make ae All ailing people All ailing people should see the Eng Severs & Co, if possible. A friend h Dr. Meyers possible. A friendly bound to result in a great deal ol good Schulmerich & Son quote prices on implements as follows: Two horse, all steel Lever Harrow, $11; three-horse, Harrow. $12; steel, wood beam plows, 14 in., $11.50 to $13. Extra shares $2.25 to $2.50, andothet implements in proportion, Hillsboro School meeting, March 7, at 1 :30, to elect director for three years anil clerk for one year. Administrator's Notice, Notlee is horehy given that thn undersign ed hiw been, by the County Court of Washington county, Oregon, duly appoint ed Administrator of the estate of bovine Warren, deceased. All persons having claims against said estate aro hereby re quired to present the sume with proper vouchors at the law olnce of John M. Wall, llillHboro, Oregon, within months from date hereof. Dated at Hillsboro, Oregon, this 10th day of January, fllTAH. n. KORIIKB 1 Arlnilnstrator of tho estate of Lovlne Warren, iIocohhoiI. was never so well provided for In clothing ts this season's creations show. Here are a number of prici and qiulily gems far superior to anything you can im ouine. We're doublinj- our former business yes, doubling our values, Parents, suppose you Investigate? If It's this maks, jfou'rs safs. II. WK.Itltl Nli ami SON, The Hillsboro Pharmacy:." The Loading; Drug Where Iriit,Medteliir, I'alnta, fUlii. SN.ii(r, llru.lie. and all Iiriiitalal'a hutidrloa liny be priM tireil nl prkea Hint (Imply illianie munivtllTuii, I IV d'i I. il.l I.. A- limn iiinii j riiii from it's a (rimil nnini! and we had good reasons for adopt ing it. U- til explain: is the 4th Itter of the v.rmiiKi-. nir niueu. .nw, ns we Here, numerically the third PUJ5 Stor eslahliiihed in Hillslmro, the three cornered letter is sigiiilleant. I'liMiMe reineniber, alio, that ,ir nnme i-. and always will lx, too, the sure nin of highest .juality an low est price. We will lie always pteaced 'o have vou cull ot our gtOfc! FOR THE FINEST DRUGGIST'S LINE. IN WASHINGTON COUNTY. Notice for Publication. I-aml illtlee l tn-tiii Cltv( February IA,Mi, S'ulli-fl la herv-liy tivrn Hint tho fi.i ng naiimd m'ttlnr Iihm llled imtuw uf lirr iit U'liliuii t miike Until prr In rii irt of hnr tliiiiii. and that "aid rMf will b Hindi) Uifuro Iti-KUur and Uwftvr nt lire linn City, Ornmni, un Marrh W, v; Ma.cie Watrous, H. E. 16 fur tin' V ' i i.fH K W Hue l mil W U M W Uhtt: T ;l N UllW. Hliviiames tli fill, urn-lux tilliieates to prove hrr eiiiilliiiniii n-lirm uyuu h.lll, :) . : hi ir mltMaf ' CIIAH. II. Moolll' 4 " -jA. ('. SIIUTK Wanted -Heveral trustworthy is-rnons l; tins ntuKi to manure our minnem 111 lin t own ami nearby counties. It Is niniury o til re work conducted at lioinu, Siilnrt dlraiulit StMlu a vnnr ami cxpensi's ibm nite liounlldo, 110 more, 110 Wt siiliin Monthly t7 Kiiftroiice. KiiuIihip sill' K'ltlresHi'd stanivi eiivt'lope, llurbirt K Hunt, I'rest., Dept. M. I'll leap 1. CONTEST NOTICE. Department of the Interior. IT. S Land Orncr. Oiixo'im Cirr, (Iks., I Jiimmiy 17, Ismi.i I BUKFIClIWr contest allldnvlt Imv 1 V Ing lx"" In this olili'D by John llulliKi'h, eoiitestiiut, ugiiinst hmiinitt'iid entry No, WXV, imiilo October III, lhii.'l, for Lots S and 4. suction HI. towniliin il N. ntuge4W,l)y Krdimiuii Winsi li, mm ol I the coutcstuea, in which it is ulln.i ilmt tho said claim has been ahiui'lniH'd fur mors than six months immediately pre ceding tlio dntnof miid contc.Ht iiitliliivit, ! Htiptiunlivr 2. IM1, by tho wild clalumnt, Krdninmi Wlnicli, and that siilil cliilur has not been ciiltivntml or iinprmud ilur-' 1 11st sulci period, said parties, Knlnmnit 1 WliiHch, Mrs. (lust rlcliumlllng and nil other heirs of said Knlimiiiii VV mscli, urn hereby notllled to uppoar, r(Wiouil and otter vvlileni'O touching said allegation at l'l o'clock a. ni. on Mari'li II, IHIHI, imforn tho llcglster and Uwelver at tint llmtud Htates Land Olllee In Oregon City, Oreg The said contcsliint having, in 11 proper alllilavlt, tiled July 8, 1MW, sot forth fuels which show that after duo dillKOnco per sonal service of this notice can not be made, it la hereby ordered and directed that such notice fie given by due and pro per publication. Ciias, II. Moobks, Riiglalnr, Wm. Uam.oway, Uncolvvr. Notice of Final Settlement, NOTICR Is hereby irlvcn that I, thn un dersigned administratrix of thecNtato of Eliza June Jolly, deceased, liaye tiled in the County Court of the state of Oregon for Washington county, my limtl account as administratrix of said estate; and that said Court has set Monday, February 'tl. WIS), at tho hour of 10 o'clock a. 111,, of said ''lay, as the time, and the County Court room as tho place, for hearing ob jections to said final account und the set tlement of said estate, , ANNA KLIA WILLIAMS. Administratrix of the estate of Kll.a Jane Jolly, deceased. SUMMONS. In tho Circuit Court of tho State of Oregon for Washington County, Josoplilne Oi'ow, I'lalntill, vs. Harry Grow, Defendant. rro HABRY GROW, tho abovo-niiuiod JL defendant, in tho name of the Hlatu uf Oregon, you are hereby required to appear ami answer the complaint of tho plaintlll' filed agalrst you herein, by Friday the 81st day of March, 1KMJ. If you fall to so appear and answer, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the re lief demanded in her complaint, to-wit: for a decree dissolving the marriage and marriage contract now existing between plaintiff and defendant, and thai alio have ; ; : A To wn or rim Tmini ' . y : x . x ,x .x .c .T.vr.f TX (' douhling our utmy of little friends. llll.I.SH)KO, tiKKUOX on Ittock in hi. A. Ilallri rtprletor. .1 ... . ..i . iu imi Mioir wnere our nitiiie ranie (rH - k Alphalw-t and U shaped like a t- r ,i reoiiiiia hitr imii.lni titttir i, 3 1'l'l'i" IiiI'I.ik; anil I hut ht Im aaM. el llieram anil i nl.xtv i.f lr minor rhlld i.f Hie i.l.unllir mid delendaiit, and iii Ii itt.. r relief an U Ilia Court n.ay ;ir riiinihle, Tbla miinmniiH in nervrnl iimiii you l-v I'lililHalii.ii, l.y nnler of Tim 1 'otmraMx I.. A. tmlKour VVaal.tllllklll ( 'unity. tiiTKuii. M.l mill .Ihi.mI i (!.mwr at llilU- uru, fienii, ri'itrunry i.iin, t(i Allorney fur I'laliitlir. H. II. llfKTON, TrniiK.n t n (imwra Itanklng HiihIiumm . Managei ..('asliier Hell sluht Kxehaiig and Telegraphln Trunsleia and Issura loiters of Credit iivnllalde tliroiiulinut the United Htatea. Draw Hills of Kxcliangn on ixutdon, l.lverpiKil, Diilillii, Paris, llerlin, Krank-rort-on lhn-S'Hiii,HtiHkliolm and nil prin cipal cities of Kiirnpn. ColliH'llons made 011 nil aeresslble H!nta iliiukliig hours from 0 a 111 to 3 p 111 Illllslsiri), Oregon Cor. 2d4Wasua J. Northrop, I'roprletor. jk Newly Furnished j and Renovated. A first-class table and all accommodations for the convenience of guests. , . , P.R&N Time Schedule .. From Portland Fast nmll leaves at H p 111 for Halt Lake, Denver, Ft. Worth, Omaha, Kansas Cltv. rn. unils, Chicago and East, arrive! 7: a 111 Spokane Flyer leaves at 2 p in for Walla Walla, Minneapolis, Ht. Paul, Duluth, Milwaukee, Chicago m,d Knt arrives 10:1.1a m Oceiin Rtoamshlps leave at 8 p in. All Hailing dates subject to ehango. For San I; riindsco for December, sailing dates are , , is, iUandSHtli. Columbia lllver leave 8 p ni oxoept Hiimlay, Haiti rday 10 p in fur Astoria ami way IhiuIIiikm, arrive 4 p m oxcoptHunday Wlllaiiietta river leave 6 a m except Niimlny for Oregon (!lty, Nowlwrg, Halum and way landings, arrtvo 4:M p 111 except Huudiiy r Willamette and Yamhill river leave 1 a m Tuesday, Thursday and Baturday for Oregon City, Dayton and way landings, arrive !I:!W p in Monday. Wednesday and K,'l,liiy - ,, Willamette river leave flam Tuesday. Thursday and Haturday for Corviillls and way landings, arrive 1:110 n 111 Tuesday, rimrsdii' and Saturday Smiko river leave Rlparla 1:48 a m Monday, Wednesday mid Filday for Lewlstouj loavo LewlHtou 2:48 a m Hun day, Tuesday and Thursday lor Kiparta Address W. II. HULBUUT, 1 Gen, Pass. Agent Dodwell Carlill & Co. G011, Agts. N. P. 8. S. Co. Portland, ' . Oregon.