o lnlILLSBR0 vor. IIILL8IJOUO, OREGON, THURSDAY, rUIJItUAUY 23, 1899. NO. 49. ME v. EVENTS OF THE DAY I Epitome of the Telegraphic News of the World. TKKSK TICKS KKOM TUB WIBBH An liil.rr.llng Cullnrtlua of llama Prom Ilia Two lleml.pherea lreeeated In a Coarieneed Curat. Tha ('-oluuthl river flli nnry cmuhliia will eloae half of theeatinarle tit coming season. The Ctumrtl steamer Pevonla, which sailed from 0,ueiilowti for Do ion, January 20, ami which wa lighted on February 6, In disabled condition, has ariived in low lit th A sore. M. Loubot w elected president ol France on the Slat The assembly cast Nil vutoH, ut which Loubet ro. eelved 4H3 lo 27B cast for M. Molina, ml 50 lauttorltig. A battle ha occurred at Tlln-Wn between Knatiati iUlim ami (inM, in which 800 of (lit Utter wer alaln. Tim tronlila it said lo have oiigiuiletl ovei the question of taxes. OrailiiiK ha begun on th Bnk Jtlver Valley railroad, between Union flut uml I ha ttHitil of Iha aiiUtli fork flf the IVut'waara crtiuk. A large force of uien and team ia working on the big cut between time two point. A dispatch from Cape Charles, V., says fit) oyster sloop ami tchooneit hive heen rurilrd oul to e by ((lift ing Ice (rum Mugoihy bar. It la be lirtd limn am manned, andthaciowt way 1 1 (1 r from iHiaur ami bungei, Tuita will be sent to overhaul Ilia ve. 'la. The grave of tlie Maine victim at Havana were docoiatod with flower on the l&lli, Ilia unlversry of the plosion. A British syndicate hai obtained concenaioii fmm China to bulll a rail road from Haiikati to Canton, along the cn I. Col. Miller, who captured I lo I lo without tha lot of a mnii In his com mand, ha been prouintial to be brig diei'geiiernl by the president. The Cunard llm-r Klruiia and lh erulier Marhlehrad iintrowly averted collision timing bllmling sleet and aiiow atnrm about 7U in ilea off SanJy llihik Monday morning. Iteprraentatlv Htalling, ol Ala bama, ha Intmdutwd in the house bill to authorise the preeident to ap Hilnt General Wheeler a uiajoi general in the regular aiuiy. Tairiflc wnther I prevailing on the count of Jamah'. Tha wimla ar high ami the ea la encroaching on tha land. Counting veeael have been wrecked, ami levcral humlred acre of banana swept ""-5,j Ion are olatod i una vuuimi wiwi (tie new inonriuea navy powder fm large callhor guna in teat at tho Imlian liead proving grotimi on the Potomac Ex Consul Duckert, of Hullguni, hnl been ooimniiont-d to nuike tour of Chin In the Intereitt of Hulg.iu menu fiioluier at mluiy of $311,000 year, The Idea of the tour emanated from King Leopold, who will contribute i'8, 000 to the sstary. It ia expected that General Oti will shortly begin n aggressive campaign In the riiilipplnei, tha recent biltlu have not aolxlued tha inauigeut, a waaeipauied Tha rainy ternum will oon vet In, when military operation oun not lie well cnriiud on, and deal iva blow uiuat be given before that time. The torpedo-boat Fox, built by the worn x zwicker Iron work, at I'ort land, Or., i the Aral torpedo-bunt in tlie world to come up to the teniiiro menu apmilfled In tha . aoiitriivl upon Imr II rat ollloinl trial. Foi two coiiroo. nlivo hour in her flrat trial ihe main tallied hii vernge iiioed of 38 knot. her engine turning ut a rata of 881. 4 revolution per minute, which exceed tha requirement by 11.4 tnrni. President Zoliiy )m Inmiod a duorea declaring tho republic ol Nicaragua to be in atute of mige. A buttle i expected to Hike placa at any tint weit of Chile mountain, the dividing line of the Coidlllorii. The preiidunt I sending troop lo the froni a rapid ly a collected. The United Bute gunboat Marietta, wiliuh arrived at Ureytown February 5, haa id Mod for niuefllud, the heiidquarteii of tha revolution headed by Uenerul Royot. Orxgnn I.d(Ulatnr Ailjaurn ln ni. Although the hour let for the final adjournment of tho Oregon leglalature wur 13 o'clock noon Huturdav, the mt lion was prolonged till 7 o'rlook. Aiide fiom the formalitiei of flniih. lng up nocoHiury matteu in hand, the pHHBttgo of tho ipoolal appmpriHtlon bill win tha fnnture of the day. Tho house rufuaed to concur In Rom of the Renate'i rediictioiii of itemi in the bill, and it was iieeessaiy to ap point confoience oommlttoei before agreement oould be reached. Till prolonged the lemilnii till 7 o'clock in the evening, when the sesalon wn de clared ended, , , r- i nilnur Nana IIkiih. Mr. Zaohuiiah Chandler, widow ol tho fiunous Miohignn ituteamnn, iadeud nt lior home in Dutiolt. During Sena tor Chundler' career in Wellington, Mr. Clmndloi was noted aa a aocial eiiteituiuur, Advide to the Omaha Bee from iti correspondent! in Northorn Nebraska Indlonte that the winter-wheat crop hai been bndly damaged by the tecent oold nap. In many looalitloi the orof Will be very light. OF RECENT. OCCURRENCE. Th Continental Tobacco (Company, at Loulaville, Ky., purchaao.) $188,808 worth of revenue (tamp lait Monday. Thl I u unpreoelunted le of lUmp. Th ultn of Oman ha revoked th grant of a ooaling nation to Ihe French under th llrlllah admiral1 threat ol bombardment Tlie French cumul hai entered a prottut, A number of young men In Eacia mento, Cat., are organising a colony to aot tie on the Inland of (J nam. They piopoee lo engage In the raising of the staple pro lucta of Ihe island. Th advance guard of the Noitb At lantic squadron, compound of Ihe flag ship New York and the battle-ship In diana, arrived at the Bermuda Tuei day. The SQUadron will proceed to Havana. Th Central Union Oa Company bat been orgaulted under taw of Virginia, to control the natural gas wells and plant In Ohio, Indian and Southern Illinois. The capital (lock will be 114.000,000. Th Duke of Orlrsnshas unexpected ly arrived at Urusael. It I reported that lie considoi the moment oppor tune for a monarchists attempt In France. He will consult with th leaden of hi party. Francis H. liawo, head of th great china and glassware exporting bouse of llawo A Dutlei, I dead in Uarmauy, aged OS years, of apoplexy. Ill pet sonal acquaintance throughout the United Slate was very large. A but skirmish occurred near the Manila walerwork on Tuesday, in which, on the Amilcii side, two com panies of the Washington volunteer weie the piinoipal sctoi. The insur gents were driven Into the jungle. leaving IS dead and two wounded. Two Americans weie wounded by the explo sion of Bprlnglleld ilfle in their own bands. Chaplain John II. Tbnmpaon, of the First Washington Infantry at Manila, died Monday. The war department ha issued an order mustering out of service all the volunteer now in the United fitatei. F.than Allen Hitchcock, of Missouri, hai taken the prescribed oath and en tered upon bis duties a aocietary ol the interior. The house committee on p propria tiuiil hat oidcied a favorable report on the bill to pay Spain t JO, 000, 000 for the l'bilippinu. Agonoillo, the Filipino delegate, ar rived in New York Monday from Mon tieal. Agoncillo expect to (ail for England In tew day. Tho senate committee has reported favorably an amendment to the sundi y ot vii bill piovlding for the laying of cable fiom the United tilatea lo Hawaii and the 1'hllipplnes. Many Ftencb newspapers sre bit terly assailing M. Lou wit, tlie new " . tali) battarj)! u pport Hamuel II. Stevenkolf, 'Wft;mmm tlti oldmt Fmsbytorian ministoi in tin Uniied (Hates, is dead in Bloom I if ton, III., it the ge of 80. He was a tear relative of former Vice-Prosl-doit Bteveusou. A fire in th little city of Fort Washington, Wis., destroyed 1300,000 worth of property, and reudeied 80 families homeless. A chair faolory covering two block was destroyed, throwing 600 mon out of work. Th involution in Nicaragua I spreading. General Men, at th head of 700 Insurgonts, Is near the town of Itim. The insmgeuts are well armed with tuall guns and aie expecting Galling, Krupp and Uotohkim cannon. Mlched Milano, the prosperous pro prietor cl a boolbhicklng etsablisbment In Tacoma, committed suicide by thing two shota fiom a revolver into hi brain. Fifty-two dollar waa fouud on t be body. Family trouble wa the oause of the act. A new town has been laid ont in Alaska, 83 miles from Juneau, which It ia expected will be the gateway to the Atlln ooldflelda. It haa been named Taku, and i situated on Taka bay, four miles from the mouth of the inlet of that name. The Italian bark Barbara Lnlgl went ashore February 4 on Littlo Bahama bank and is a total lose. Three of the oiew weie drowned and two perished from exposure. The captain ami eight of the oiew have anived at Nassao, N. P., and report the loss. Mr. Howe, ol Gresham, Oi., wa drowned in the Willumette at Port land Monday. She was passing from one steamer to another, as the boat were lying at the dock, when she fell between them. An attempt to rescue her iailod. bhe wa on her way to visit a son at Salem. The But session of the eighth conti nental congress of the National Society of the Daughters of the American Rev olution began In Washington Monday. Mr. Daniel Maiming, president-gen eral of tha lociety, made her annual address. She dwelt especially on the aid given by the society during the re cent war, asserting that the organisa tion had furnished 1300,000 In money and supplies, The British ship Dinmlanvia. from Liverpool for Vancouver, ha put into Montevideo part lal'y dismantled In a gala. The republicans in the Spanish chamber have decidod to begin at once an energetic campaign against the gov ernment. Tlie bark Coloma, from Chemalnns, B. 0,, for China, ha arrived at Port Angeles', Wash., leaking badly. Cap tain Jensen repot ti 16 feet of water i the vessel's hold. AFFAIRS AT MANILA Oregon Soldiers Sent to the Fighting Line. RKI1F.L8 NOW COSCESTRATISO Cralaor nuffala llanibarda Itea laiar- Hi, Drloliif Ttaam Inland fJoal lalaa.a and laor.a.lof. Manila, Feb. II. Th California volunteera abandoned Guadaloupe ihuich at 6 o'clock thl morning, which has since been set on die, and retired to Kan Pedro Maiati. The rebel still hold Ihe oountiy In th vicinity of Guadaloupe, Pasig and Patero, despite the effort of the gunboat to dislodge them front the jungles on both side of the liver. The beat is intense, snd I Increasing perceptibly daily. Under present con ditions, tt I impossible to provide aliade for the stioops in different pari of the line, particularly McArthur't division. King's brigade ia also ex posed from Han Pedro Macati to Cull- cull, wheie it join Ovensbin' brig ade. In view of the fact that the enemy wrre cuucfltitiatiug on the American light preparation were made last night lo give them warm receptiou In the event of attack. General Ovensbin' line, consisting originally of the North Dakota volun tas, the Fourteenth infantry, ami two troops of the Fourth cavalry, stretching fiom the beach at Camp Dewey to Gen eral King' right, waa reinforoed by two battalions of Oiegon volunteer a.id three troops of the Fourth csvalry, as infantry. The Buffalo's searchlight discovering the rebel unusually active about 10 o'clock in the evening, signaled the flagship for permission lo Ore upon them, and, this being gianted, bom barded the enemy' trenches for 30 minute. The only effect of the Are was spparenlly to drive the rebel fur ther inland. licvond a few ineffectual volley from the trenches, which were lelnrned with interest, the enemy made no dem onstration, and all i quiet along the real of the lino. Scout olaim to have een General i'io del Pilar, who commanded the reb els at Pact), with hi arm in a sling, directing the troop. General Monten egro, the insurgent commtnder-in-ohiuf, I reported to be personally con ducting the movements in front of General King' line at San Pedro Ma cati. ClaarrllU Tneila. Manila, Fob. 81. The enemy have apparently realised the hopelessness of attacking tbe American position, and are occupied chiefly by occasional sharpuhooting fmm the jungle, when ever feasible. Fortunately, theii ig- 4 tlie use of sight minimises (IVIffeM kuiMta. - ha evidently been conslrdecpv, rebels a sign of weakness, a they pressed forward along both aides of the river, persistently barrasslng the occu pant of the town. Laat nigbt the rebel poured volley after volley Into San Pedro Macati from the biosh on the adjacent ridge; but fortunately without effect. Gen eral King's headquarter in the center of the town waa the target for sooros of Remington snd Manser bullet. Tbe robla are using smokeless pow der, and it is extremely difficult to lo cate Individual marksmen. RUSSIA AND CHINA. First It u pi lira Occurrad at TalUe-Waa -SOU Chinese Killed. Peking, Fob. 81. A serious conflict ha taken place between the Russians and Chinese at Talien-Wan, 300 of the latter being killed. Tbe troublo 1 laid to have originat ed in a question of taxes. Kspeeted bf Lard Bereelurd. Detroit, Mich., Feb. 81. Admiral Charles Berosford waa seen while pass ing through Dutiolt tonight in refer ence to the battle reported at Talien Wan between Russian and Chinese. Lord Chaile said that uch a battle wa only what he had been expecting for some time. It effect, he believed, would be to shake the Chinese govern ment more than anything that occur red, and he asserted that trade would alao auffer a a result ot it. RIOTING IN PARIS. Organised Demonstrations Against tha New l'raildeni. Pari, Feb. 21. Police measure for the maintenance of order have been taken on an extensive soale, . M. Loubet did not quit his residence at the Luxembourg until 6 o'clock this vonlng. Toward 7 o'clock demonstrations oc curred in front of the oflioe of Zehaa tian Faure's anarchist paper, tbe Jour nal du Peuple, on the Boulevard Mont mnrtro, for and against Loubet. There was a collision between rival fac tions and several persona were Injured. Altogether, 100 arrest have been made in connection with today' dis turbances. Spain Onee Owned It Seattle, Wash., Feb. 21. Tbe Post Intelligencer today publishes the fac simile of a Spanish document which show that the Spanish were In actual military possession ot Vancouver Island between 1700 and January 1, 1793. It Is stated that the document, if it had been in the possession of Emperor William ot Germany when he arbi trated the Canadian boundary between England and the United Slates, would have incontestably proven the light of toe United State to Vancouver Island, A FILIPINO PLOT. RanaU Him Planning- a Oanaral Vvrlalan Daalh ta All faralgnara. Washington. Feb. 28. Tbe follow ing dispatch was received this afternoon from General Otis: "Manila, Feb. 38. --Adjutant-Gen eral, Washington. Following issued by an important officer of the insurgent government at Malolos, Feb ruary 15, 1890, for cxerution during that eenlng and nigbt in this city: " 'First You will so dispose that at 8 o'clock at nigbt, the individuals of ihe territorial militia at your order will lie found united in all of the streets of San Pedro, armed with their balos and revolvers, or gun end ammuni tion, if convenient. " 'Second Philippine families only will be sespected. Tbey should not be molested, but all other individuals, of whatever race they may be, irfill be exterminated without any compassion, iftei the extermination of Ibe army of occupation. " Third The defendeis of the Phil ippine in your command will attack the guard at Bilibid and liberate tlie prisoner and "prcaidiario," and, having accomplished this, tbey will be armed, saying to them: "Brothers, we nfust avenge ourselves on the Ameri can and exteiiuinate them that we may take our revenge for the infamy and treachery which they have com mitted upon us; have no compassion uion them; attack with vigor. All Filipinos en masse will second ou. Long live Filipino independence. " 'Fifth The order whioh will be followed in the attack will be a fol lows: Th sbsipshnoter of Tondo and Santa Ana wil begin the attack from without and these shots will be the signal for tho militia of Troso, Binon oo, Quiato and Sampaloe to go out into the street and do their duty; those of Paco. F.rmita and Malate, Santa Crux and San Miguel will not start out until 13 o'clock, unless they see that their companions need assistance. " 'Sixth The militia of Tondo will start oat at 8 o'clock in tbe morning; if all do then duty our revenge will be complete. Biotheis, Europe contem plate, we know bow to die at men, shedding our blood in defense of the liberty of our country. Death to the tyrants I War without quarter to the false American who have deceived oil Ki'ber independence or death I' " Tlie portion of General Otis' dispatch indicated by dashes tbe official were unable to decipher tonight. There is no "fourth" parngiaph of the insur gent statement aa furnished to tbe pi ess. Manila, Is Qalat. Manila, Feb. 28. The transport Newport lias arrived from Ho Ho with dispatches from General Miller to Gen eral Oti. She reports all quiet at Ho Ha The American troops there are occupying the tubuih of Jaro and Mole, business haa been resumed geu eially with the outside woild, and there has been no fighting since Febru ary 12. All is quiet at Manila. The beat 1 causing tome inoonvenlence.but nc casualties have beeu reKirted. WASHINGTON BOYS IT. fca Naai jA.t.r,.,- IJjVoo New ?ork7i. tbe Herald from Manila, "tayvtfi'a, enemy were concentrating all day at the wateiworks and in front of King's brigade. Tbey became to nagging in fiont of King' position that the gen eral sent two companies of tbe First Washington infantry over tlie Pasig river. They swept tbe country foi two mile and then swung over to the river bank, opposite tbe insurgent trenches facing the American position at Ma cati, and opened a flank fire on the in surgents aoioss the river. Two guns of the Sixth artillery, under Lieutenant Ecott. pounded the insur gent positions, while the tioopa from Macati charged and drove tbe enemy before them. Fifteen Filipino dead were found and tour wounded. Two American soldier were wounded by the explosion of Springfield rifles. The declaration of Aguinaldo that he haa made a humane war is a fabrica tion. In the past few woeks tbe Red Cross has been like a red Sag to the insurgents. Captain Pieroe, ot McArthtir'a staff, testifies that he has been shot at by sharpshooters 60 times in the provi sional hospital. Not in ambulance or litter oarne which was not a signal for a shower of bullet. The surgeons of the hospital ooips, who were giving aid to the Filipinos aa well as to tbe American wounded, were a target for tbe iharpshooters. A wounded man who was being carried fiom the field was killed by insurgents concealed in a tree. The Rot Cross people are now going armed. Cubans Will Soon He Paid. Washington, Feb. 23. It ii said Gomel Is now arranging with General Brook for tbe distribution of tbe $3,000,000 wliioh it la expected will be paid to the Cuban troops within a abort time Colorado Antl-Trutt BUI. Denver, Colo., Feb. 23. Governor Thomas today sent a Bpecial message to the legislature urging legislation to prevent the consummation of the con templated imolter combine or the formation of any trusts In Colorado. Tbe senate passed the anti-trust bill with ono dissenting vote. At tho Bermudas.' Washington, Feb. 23. The ad vanoe guard of tbe North Atlantic squadion, composed of the flagship New York and the battle-ship Indiana, arrived at the Bermudas today. The squadron will proceed to Havana. now Drove the Deer Out. Two deer were killed at Beaver Hill, In Coos county, Or., leoently. The now drove them out ot the woods, and a resident of town shot them from window of his dwelling. IN l, LEGISLATURE ENDS. Much Work Crowded In tlie Cloelng Hears ef tha eealon Tho Laat Working Daj. The last working day of the Oregon legislature wa full of business, mostly devoted to Ibe routine of passing bills. The general appropriation bill was passed by both house. In tbe senate the bill to provide for execution of murderer at the peni tentiary wa indefinitely postponed, because it carried objectionable matter relating to appeal. Three bill touching military affair were passed, a follows: To cover Into tbe military fund all money received from tbe United State on account ot transportation, etc.; to restore to tbe military fund some 88,000 expended in suppressing fishermen' riot in 1806; to reorganize the official staff of the Oregon National Guard. The following bill were passed: To regulate license tire insurance com panies; to protect tbe fruit and hop industry by requiring the destruction of nests; to cure certain defect in ju dicial sale and deeds; to prevent tbe maintenance of armed bodies of men other than the duly constituted author ities; to amend the charter of Newberg; to provdie for criminal prosecutions ou Information; to protect trout and cer tain other food fishes; to relieve tbe state ot the necessity of advancing the costs of giving a bond In a pioceeding to which the state ia a party; to amend the law relating to irrigation rights and ditches; to amend tbe law relative to lien against mine for la bor or supplies; to amend tbe chaiter of Arlington; to fix the annual (alary of tha supreme court clerk at 83,000, with on deputy in Salem at f 75 per montb and one at Pendleton at 850, and providing that tbe fee be paid into the state treasury; to fix tbe sal aries of Columbia county officers; to regulate the manner of sturgeon fishing and making a close season on tbe Co lumbia river from March 1 to Novem ber 1; to provide for inspecting (beep brought in band into Oregon from an other state (same aa the Washington law); to amend the law relative to the dutiea of publio road viewers; to fix the annnual salary of the Linn county assessor at 3,400, including the pay of deputies; to regulate the practice of the vocation of barbers; to provide for the appropriation of water to be used for mining purposes. In tho House. In the house a long discussion oocor red on the bill to adopt the Torrens system of land title. Tbe bill, when put upon its passage, waa defeated. Bills passed were: To authorize construction of sk.ds across county roads for loeging purposes; to provide for submission to the vote of the peo ple the proposed constitutional amend ments; to authoiize the sale of agri cultural school lands on the market for 25 yens at less than the ptice fixed by statute; to provide for payment of taxes in coin, instead of county war rants; to provide for the manner of se curing the release a surety upon bonds; to reduce fees to be charged by "ntT clerks in probate oases; to -"""Whiting the fraudn- eRmievt.ap. clerk, sheriff and iugiou couuij , 10 amenu ins coue so a : . . . . ... , w giro iiarues uia rigm w give notice of appeal without assignment of error; to authoiize tbe printing of 800 copies of supreme court reports at 83.60 per copy; to prohibit the running of push cars upon lailroad tracks; to create a state board of equalization, consisting of the governoi, secretary of state and state tieasurer; to authorize the work ing of county prisoners on county toads; to fix the salaries of county treasurers, after amendment increasing the salary of the treasurer of Lane county from 1500 to 1800. and tbe salary of the treasurer of Wallowa county from $350 to 8350; to amend code relative to at tachment making the filing of a writ with the county olerk answer the pur pose of posting a notice on property; to amend the code relative to action for adverse possession; to fix tbe compen sation ot oountv commissioner after amending the bill by increasing the per diem in Union county from (4 to t5; to reduce tbe mileage ot juror and witnesses in cities ot 50,000 population or over, from 10 to 6 cents; to give preference in the employment in pub iio service to honorably discharged sol diers and sailors; to appropriate 82,000, in aid of the Oiegon Historical Society, and to authorize printing at the state's expense to the same amount; to provide for the payment of certain fees to recorder of conveyance; to constitute six days' publication of a notice a week notice; amending the law relative to the appointment of offi cial stenographers; to abolish the office of recorder of Clatsop county, and re quire that tbe duties of that office be performed by the county clerk; to leg ulate the purchase, sale and transfer of stocks ot goods, by requiring the pur chaser to exact from the vendor a list of creditors and tbe extent of liabil ities; to piohibit the running at large of stallion. State Fair Appropriation. In the Oregon senate Wednesday th bill to repeal the annual appropria tion of money to the state fair wa de feated by a vote of 13 to 16. The Daly School BUI. After the most exciting and dramatic half-day of the session, the Oregon house shortly before 1 o'clock Wednes day noon passed the Daly text-book bill by a vote of 83 to 26, only one member being absent. The bill, whioh had been made a special order of buaines for 10 A. M., did not com to a vote without sensational incidents. The debate waa participated in by all the orator of the home, and th lobby and gallery were filled with in terested spectators. THE NEW LAWS. BUI That Have Teased Daring the eaalon. Bills passed by both houses previous to the last day are as follows: To authorize the town of Antelope to borrow f 5,000 to build water works. To Incorporate the city of Pendleton. To amend charter of town of Adam. To regulate pilotage on Columbia and Willamette river. To create office of state biologist, without salaiy. To reduce salaries of Douglas county officer. To incorporate Nehalera. To provid that summaries only of county assessment rolls be transmitted to secretary of state. To amend charter of Hillsboro. To amend tbe chartei of Albany. To incorporate town of Tillamook. To incorporate the town of Canyon City. To constitute beach of Clatsop coun ty a publio highway. To amend the charter of Grant Pas. To authoiize Jefferson institute to sell out to the school district. To amend chaiter of Oregon City. To incorporate Port of Tillamook and provide for the improvement of Ho quiam siougb. To incorporate the town of Lakeview. To incoporrate Cottage Grove. To amend charter of town of Tangent To provide clerical aid for judge of the supreme court. To incorporate Drain. To incorporate New Astoria, adjoin ing Fort Stevens. To amend charter of Monmouth. To incopoiiate the city of Ontario. To incorporate tbe town of Bay City. To incorporate the city of Heppner. To incorporate the city Warrenton. To incoi porate the oity of Wallow. To amend chaiter of Gold Hill. To regulate and fix tbe salary of th assessor of Jackson county. To incorporate tbe town of Marh field. To amend charter of Woodbnrn. To rediitrict tbe state for senators and representative. To create tbe office of tax collector in Multnomah county. To amend the charter of Corvallis. To prevent production and sale ot on wholesome foods and medioine. (Looney pure food bill.) To incorporate tbe town of Seaside. To raise tbe salary of iheriff of Ma rion county. To regulate and to fix salarie of Til lamook: county officers. To fix salaries of county officers in Clackamas, Morrow, n asco and Yam bill counties. To amend the charter ot Eugene. To amend tbe oharter of Astoria. To incorporate the town of Canby. To create a separate commission for transaction of county business in Clackamas county. To amend tbe charter of Arlington Incorporating Weston. Incorporating Dufur. Incorporating Enterprise. Withdrawing school land from sal and placing interest on school fund loans at 6 per cent. Incorporating Dalles City. Incorporating Mora. Incorporating Brownsville. Incorporating Lebanon. Incorporating Burns. ' Incorporating Carlton. -"oa.lmon in Alsea bay and - 'd in Multnomah county. vtm.jt :. To provide for - aupervisur. , To create the office ltt,mU f justice court in cities ot 60,000 popu lation or over. To autboiise Multnomah county to lease the upper deck of the ateel bridge. To provide for the sale of tide lands. Protecting salmon in tbe Rogue river and Curry county. To reorganize tbe state board of hor ticulture. Creating park commission in citie of 8,000 population or over. To amend section 6 ot the mining laws. Amending the code relative to sher iff's deeds. Requiring county clerks to adminis ter oatba witbont oharge, in pension matters. Appropriating $15,000 a year for fish hatcheries. To amend the charter of Salem. To regulate horse shoeing in Portland. Providing for normal lobooli at Ash land and Drain. To provide for the registration of voters. To provide for a tax colleotoi of Mult nomah county. To change the manner of governing the Soldiers' Home. To codify th laws relative to state school lands. Paitial codification of th Mhool laws. To enoourag th use of wide-tire wagon. To amend the act incorporating tha Port of Portland. To ohange the time of holding court in the second jndioial district. To cure oertain defects In deed. To permit surety companie to qalify aa snretiea on bonds. To change the time of holding court In the ninth judicial district. To prevent the adulteration of candy. To provide for boarding the prisoner of Clatsop, Washington and Claokamai counties by contract. To provide for the reconveyance of land to J. E. Saling. To fix the salaries of the sheriff and clerk in Lincoln county. To create the county ot Wheeler. To regulate the practice of dentistry. To regulate mutual insurance com panies. To provide for a acalp bounty fund. To amend the law relating to tha duties of the state land agent. To constitute Willamette and Port land boulevards Multnomah county road. NOT A GENERAL SHOT After Five Months of Patient Waiting. SPANIARDS WAST MOKE BLOOD Coaal D'Almtna. Makes aa Attack oa tha Spanlah General Whu aarroodered. Madrid, Feb. 23. The corte rea The galleries in both thronged with an ex The senate was very lembled today. chamber were pectant crowd. full, hardly a single general being ab sent Senor Montero Kioe, president of the senate, in opening the proceed ing, pionounccd a eulogy upon M. Faure, and a resolution of condolence with France was adopted. Senor Sagasta, tbe premier, then pro posed to refer the bill proivding for tlie cession of tbe Philippine to the Unit ed State to a special committee, but the conservatives pioteated against this, declaring tbat the bill ought to be con scientiously discussed, and Senor Sj gasta withdrew his proposal. Count D'Almenas then brought up the question of the conduct of the gen erals engaged in the war in Cuba, de claring that General Primo Rivera, General Weyler, General Blanco, Ad miral Cervera and Geneial Linares bad proven failures. This declaration elicited much ap plause from tbe public galleries, in eonjequence of which several of the spectator were expelled from tbe cham ber. Observing that he woold deal with the "shameful capitulation of San tiago," Count D'Almenas asked tlie bout whether he should proceed, and wai auswered with crie of "yes" and "no" and a general uproar ensued. A repetition of the query raising sVill greater tumult, Senor Sagasta rose and : defended the government and its peace commission. The premier criticised America' unjuitified conduct, and said that everything might be discussed, ex ceptjthe war, because the cases of the general were atill subjudioiary. County D'Almenas resumed his at tack upon the generals and complained that "five mouths had elapsed, and not single general bad been shot." FIGHTING WITH FIRE. Filipinos Attempt to Bara Qnartera of tho TVaahlngtna Volunteers Manila, Feb. 33. The nativea of tbe village of Paco made a bold at tempt last nigbt to burn the quarters ot tbe First Washington volunteers by setting fire to the huta adjoining their quarters in tbe rear. Fortunately the wind changed, at the moment the fire was discovered, and, fanned by a stiff breeze, the flames spread in the oppo site direction, destroying fully 30 shacks and bouses opposite tbe luins of tlie church. Tbe incendiaries escaped. Mysterious signals were frequently made along the enemy'a lines during the night, and this -led to the belief that an attack bad been arranged, but nothing happened. Tbe rebels are leaving the vicinity ot San Pedro Macati in small parties, and are repotted to be moving toward Sing sloa. V itMlto lift koTrTiftmmit imiorrg" thj Qnbans to the proposition of the government to pay the soldiers of the Cuban cause 83,000,000. General Gomez arrived today in Ma tanzas, making bis way very slowly to ward the capital. What is proposed ia that the United State shall aanction the floating of bond by tha Cuban mu nicipalities or pioviuoea to the amonnt of $7,000,000, which sum is to be paid over to the Cuban tioopa, in addition to the 13,000,000 to be paid by tbe United Statea. Data, it is said here, will . b pro duced by the Cuban assembly to show that every cent of tbia sum waa ex. peudud in legitimate war expenses. " A Large DoBelt. Victoria, a C, Feb. 23. F. C. Cotton, minister of finance tor British ' Columbia, submitted bia budget to the legislature this afternoon. The budget shows a deficit of 647,733, and esti mates that te new government ha to start with a balance on the wrong aide of $04,000. Estimates show a con siderable cutting in the salary list. A new loan will be negotiated for $1,760, 000. No more large tract of land will be sold for speculative purpose, but leases granted instead. Loss of reve nue by the abolition ot the mortgage tax will be met by an Increase ou tbe incomt tax. Million! for Spain. Washington, Feb. 93. This ' was suspension day In the house. Tbe ten ate amendment In a number of pri vate pension bills were adopted. Cannon, chairman of the appropria tions committee, by tbe direction of bis committee, moved the passage un der suspension of tbe rules of the bill for payment of $30,000,000 to Spain. After discussing tbe measure under the 30-mlnute rule, the bill wa passed, 3111 to 84. . . Many Prlioner Releated. Havana, Feb. 23. One hundred and sixty prisoneis In tbe Havana jail, whose release was recommended by the board o( pardon, war liberated today. The United State government I under obligation to return them home. Many of tbe prisoners are Spaniard, and the majority ot these, . after consideration, decided that they would prefer to be tent to Santiago to work In tbe mine rather than go to Spain. . .. - ' , III II.