HILLSBORO ARGUS, FEB. 16, 1899. : : : : A wkhk with thk I'iuo-i.h : : : : r.TT.T5T .T.T.T.T S .T.T.T.T.T.T .TS : ai.i. Aiiocr thk Ppupi.k WHAT IT am US Tl) mira HMDs. All Hut One or Two Super visors arc Pit lil. THE YEAR'S MTliKVISlO.N, $t,Ht,i. The HIkccnI Claim Ambled was Tluit of A. T. Knox, t'oiest T.iovc. The County Court hat audited nnd ordered (mill nil ttnrv iirH i m rxoct UtoMt of districts 111, .'12, I "i mill M, The dulrict numbers, en (icrvimirit' iiiiiih'h mill amounts ul hmed aru here ((ivi-n: Dint. Name No. iU. Ami. I 1? A Hddv - !.. f 4H a AC Hull it,... 41 J A i Wllkca Jo.... 5 4 Jt Jtti k a7...- 51 5 Julin Wilt is ... 5" 6 1' M lliil io.,.. yi 7 K Wood J... . ' S I'cf.l llromr 30 ... 7 9 A JiiIhimhi V. . . . I"" 10 C W Allen 6o..., lo 11 !n Rumniikw u 31... . 'M 11 Ntln ILiiim-ii 34 ... o ij Peter Ne'i hi o . . . 5 J 4 J J Wimer 4" 1$ I' J Williams 43.... 16 Thou Couuelt Jo.... S" 17 Sum Mihiu a6. , . . 41 iH j tl MiNlw..., 4 ... " lo J W Mmh J.1.... S" m ATKnox (ctrseliiitii)loi, . , , 73 at l.udwlg Krrhlcr. . ,. . . u)i . . . m ji John llrUlcr 34 3 C MJoti nnn , J.... 6j 14 Geo ft Temple o.... .( jo A Swrcy . tea hfl s) 5-.-- jO j7 W Siri)lu:tii)ll. 33 3b j8 Dhoiidl 3 , . 4' 9 K J' Cornelius Ik..,. 4I) 30 C W )mt toudi tjo) 44 ... 3 3J I, V tarslctis. j(4 C True . , , 35 C Rocluttroli 30 A Schlecht 37 J.ic Robinson 3H (Wo llitrkelt 39 W I' Hut tier ...... 40 I C Hrch 41 Jerome t'aluialecr . 41 II II Hall 4S T II William 44 It Cltallacoint... 4b lolly C.tltespie ... . 47 T K Joh union .... . 3,l w .. 3') ... 7" .. .... $4 I7-... 34 , . ao, . .. 4" ,. .... 3" .. lb..., $) .. IS-... 3" .. !.... JO ..).... 4" . . 10,.,. ai .. 1.... 36 '.. .. 17 ... 34 .. n ... ..It 23 1 , , to.... aj , . In . . . 40 ! 4-H 4t i" S3 51 54 5S 30 Sherman Bacon , . M S II Haycock .. A C Ilvi 1) Wrligrr W It Mo eland . , V. C. ll.i;iy C K Slomy C. W Mdiiaw , 40.... V . . 30 ... . 50 ,...., 40 ,.19'i.. 3V Total, cl il m iM . . TEACHERS' CERTIFICATES. Out of tlm lliirlv-fiiur nj('to:in t for tH'iuiu'r ctTliliunlett ul lim m cit eXHininittion, iiut twi-iiiy livo wero KiiiTfCdfiil: Kirft prailo l.il lie B IIiiynt'H, llilUliuro, iitnl Kva Cyi'hiT. lili'iiiiKi. Sfcotiil cra'li'--Kiwe K, Kilnch, ICilith Cl:imtiitw ami V. A. rtiiirr( 1 1 il ro ; Kill-n A'. Iluti'H, (Jtnttiti; Kily M. Ikriieti, hiiun l; I). F. Kleck, Furrni Drove; WiHunl Flwk, IWnverlnn; mill Ji'iinii- IIhixIh, riiillijin. Thinl grmlu I.ihiiiM I'aixloy, Kuln hiH-lirin, itiul Franrin I'loivmnn, IlillHliuro; Ji'tii Hili'ij, (iiis-lmi; Dorid Kinni', iMlli-y; Win. A Sn ith. ri)illi'; Uice Mnrf!:Hi, Fon-ct (irovi-; Vt-ili MniiriH', l'urlliiinl; Vonuti Colmrii, (ili-ncop; MargnrK Uiiletiinti,(i:ilf Oct k ; Mnrit Hing ley, l'mnrtmsj and Frunces HUnlcy, Si. JollllH. The fiillimine ntttioil tfitcliiT! wrre rraoininriiilMl for trtt p!iitTH; itute diplotiiuti- Mm. Alniit I.. Dor rion, CortiKliun; mul W II. Hoar, Forft f! rove. Stato onrliflt-nti-a (IracB IloHcow, Hillslmro; S. II. Bk(Hil, Laurel; ami II. J. Wnlls, Ureenvllln Probate. Inventory ami anpraiistimniil of es tate Biirnoril Molvenna, (leocaaod, approval t: realty, )f 1500; pornon ai property, f 13.50. Ordcn-il that executors soil pnrnoiial property at private Hate at not lens thau np praismntint. II. T. Buxton and Austin T. Buxton ootillnnud as vxeoiHors of the last will and teHlanu-nt Hunry Buxton, duuctiHod, without bondH. It. Vinoent diHcharfod as mlmin. istrator eRtate of Win Viucmit.de craned, and boiidHinen releanud from liahility. II, T Barley nppointi'd guardian ad litem of William. John, Martin, Nellie, Michael, Andrew, Marcartjt, Kate and Ho.aa Hall, minor Imirn of estoteof W. V. and Juno 1 1 nil. Adminintrator of estate of Atn brose Cox, deceased, authorized to sell really of estate at private sale on March lath. Final settlement of J. R. Shepley estate heard on February 13 and closed of record, Ordered that mlministralor of es tate of U Q Jackson, deceased, Bell realty , at public or private sale. Alto same order as to estate of M. Kennedy. ' Tho estato of Emma L. Beach, decoasod, has been settled and closed of record. ' Geo. Conzelman, Chas. True and Chas. Ashpoole appointed apprais ers of the estate of Win. Vincent, deceased. Card of Thanks. The undersigned desires to thank all who so kindly assisted during the illness and death of her hus band, the late He v. J. 8. Griffin. Mns. Lina II. Griffin. , Hillsboro, Ore., Feb. 14, 1899. Whi'ii AhHt-KHor Wilcox plucrd llnit purt of lim l'licilic 1'ijiwrMty ciiiiiiiiH M'hii-li wiih lii-inj; i-ultivulnil, 011 li'ii nK.'ii-'iHitiviit roll, Attoriicy H. II. Iliiclon was itoiiMiltrd by tin Inmrd "f I'otniiiiH-idtii'fpi us to llii- validity nf thi! iixHi-KMiii-iit. Ilr (.'iivunii oiiuion llmt it wiik Vali. I Tin I'tiivi-rnity rarrii-d it up to tbr ('intuit court, wIhti- JihIh Mcliridi 1 1 i 1 1 - 1 tho iii-i-i i.miii ii t was not ! Kill iiml uranti'd the 1'iiiwrMty a M'i niMi.iii t in juni lion ili-lmirin llii i-hi-riff fruii- culli-ctioii of tin lux. Nmv i-omi-n th-t Ori-Kon sti pri'ine omrt and di-cidi-H that tin Willan I'de I'niwri-iiy tnunt pay a lux on a liko tiHi-Kxini-iit. Although tin- lux in thi cotuiiy linn nut Ikcii rolld'ti'd, I In- riM'i-ul iliiriKion i- Hi nm coiiif.irt to both till- -X-a!4M--(-or and the uttirni-y who gave tin npiliioli. The Ar-UH has rwived the fol Inwing, which I'xpluinH itm-lf : , "drm-liuf, Or , Frli. 1 1 To tin Ktliiot: If 1 Iki (Mvpln iif On-on urn ri cohcilcd to the prosi-ut M-ti-m of Dppri-Miva laxaiion, you minbt with fafi-ty (lhrotth the rolirnns i of voir vnluiilili' litHoclifnt) inform thai illiiHtrionn body ul H;ihmi thai 'I in al libi rty to ;o on -uid pile up lu-aviiT I'lirdi'iiM, The people of Orison will stiinii it, t-vi-ii down to llii'ir IumL ilulliir. Il will not re iiiiro 01111 hull tin- valuation of property of the Mute t ) liiiiid:ite the pretoMit il'-nifiml, li 1 1 prohablv the next M-i-i'ili may l- nhh; to lidd a tiillo more tux and make it up.' I Signed I (!.! .Man Lunj!.' Deputy Pintrii't Aitortify Bagh-y went up to Forest (irovo Mond.iv and proMTtited Fcrcy V(n-(i'luir(fed with trt'Hpasn on ihn farm of F. Thatcher, near LoiiHk'tioiit Lake, lln wastriod lufore Jmle lialstruni and lined -f 15 and coctn, the former u( which wis remitted upon pay ment of the latter. K,. Loun'nonl is bIho Fought for by the olliceri upon a lik charge, but be has not ytl Imen tipprcheiuli'l. The farm ers of that vicinity have dwierinined !o prosecute all oir.'inlerH. Old lim farnicn of WaHhington county will hear with regret of the death of obi 'I'exii r," the fniuon hors" owned by I'.ebert Iiuhrie, tin ceased. This I'nithful old horce was for yfiira in scivice and leaven many line and M rvicciblo colts to M'rMtuiite iiis reputation. Old Dexter was a koii (if an imported tslliipi, and allhoucli old so-ne '21 years obi, ns working in a four borfo team tip till within a few weeks of his (h'H ill. Paisley, of lluxton, wri'.ei us that he is in favor of election or' road super vigors by the voters of road districts. The Argus and Mr. Paisley will meet on mutual ground hi this reuard. Kverv public olli- ciii) should so be eleclnd even down to postmasters and a'l dej- uluv. j Hchuhnerich Si Son qiiolo prices on implements as follows: Two horse, all Bteel Lever Harrow, f ll; three-horie, Harrow. $12; steel, wood beam plows, 1-1 in , !fl 1.50 to tl.t Kxtra shares 2.'J5 to $2.50. and otht-i implements in proportion. II. Con null, now of Portland where he is in the com mission and milling business, was in the city Monday and went oa out to the farm at (ileiieoc, Melki Johnson. Forest Grove's real est at dealer, wns in the city the first of the week, W, N. Ilnynam was in the city, from Greenville, Tuesday. James Wall, of Portland, was in the citv'this week, the guest of his sons, V. J. and J. M. YV-tll. Sailing dates of O.' H . N. Co. Ocean Steamers, Portland and San Francisco, for the month of Janu ary will be as follows: on tho 12th, and every 5 days thereafter. All ladies of tho Oregon ICnior gene) Corps and Bed Cross society are especially fwueFti'd to attend the regular meeting which will be held at the homo of Mrs. 11. K. Bryan on Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock, as matters of interest are to lie considered. , Dr. C. L. Large, Forest Grove's irrepressible practitioner, was in the city yesterday, meeting with tho U, 8. Kxamining Board of Phy sicians. The Dr. is the sumo invet erate joker ns of yore, but there is ono little Incident ho always takes pleasure in denying. Homo ten years ago, or such a matter, "when we were boys,'1, tho doctor wns in the habit of winning on the length of a certain polo which laid in the street of Forest Grove, located near the Congregational church, I he doctor had carefully mens 11 red its length and know it to tho fraction of an inch and when some fellow would como along nnd get "sporty" on Ins judgment, as to Us measure ment, Large would call hiin down and rako in the money. One night a Hillsboro bov, who was attend ing school at tho University, sawed off a foot from tho polo, mudded over tho end, and awaited the doc tor's usual weekly banter to bet on tho letiRth of that particular fir polo. Ten dollars was the wager and Largo bet on his old figures, "I'll take the money" said Large, "for I have measured that pole a dozen times and won bushels of money on its register." "No, you won't," said tho Hillsboro lad, "for I sawed a foot off the end of that timber the other night, and your figuros are toj much by just twelve inches.". Monthly magazines at the Delta. SOLOMON KMKKICK S ilomoit limerick, a pinuecr of 1X41, Hint n rmident of Waliiiiton county for ji j't-arn, die! at lliir home of liift iliuijtliUr, Mrs. W A. Wrij;lit. t I'l--t:lier, Nez t'liiia eouiily, lilulio, I'eiiruary Mil. M an II ol lii ulili. Solomon Iviticrick was liorn in MoiiU"micry county, Ohio, Novrmtcr 30, 1B21 lit- inovnl to llin liuiiaii county, Miasouri, in I H 30, and in 1H43 atartcl arrow the plain to Oregon, ilrivniK uu o teiiiil for the liilmore party ot ploni-tr. l.pon their nrriviil nt Walla SV11II11 they dipoiril of their oxen to Mi Kiiili-y, at the fort, t k i ii if an onler lor an eijual mimlirr in the Willamette valley, from the lliulwm'a Hay Compntiy, ami, eml uikini; in c,tiOK, Roiuplcti-l their journey 011 the swift wiitern ol the Coliiinhia. I'nlike mo-it iiavi; itorg, they took no Ktiil or pilot, hut wrlit lit their own awo-t will, tnit roeka aul over rapi-1. Arriving lit Cehlo, thry ileeuie"! the wnter lml enotij'ji to arinl the women, children anil outfit around by the portaxp, but, jiimpiiiK into the canoei, limerick and one jutnr Ilaye liu-lie, oil, allot over the falls umi run the chute, a feat of aina.iii(; temerity, ami justified only by it entire uices. I'pou telliuy their adventure to Dr. Mi l,oiihlin, at Vancouver, lie regarded thcin with atonihmetit, and assured them that the feat could not be done wifely once ill a thousand time. The doctor, moreover, aston ished them by r-lu-ciii to furnish the cattle in exchange for the cattle they had left at Port Walla Walla. "Select your liomea," he aaid, "and go up in the spring and i;et your cattle, and pay a dollar per head for their keep. You iieI to plow and haul ruilN, anil my cattle ate uiibrukeii Spanith ateera, wild and unuinugea ble." This wan an instance id hi tlioii.htfuii.e, by which limerick and his col leanur profited, Keachiuu the Willamette valley, Mr. limerick selected a Ilia farm tho beautiful and bintoiic ite ol i'ureat drove; but, dincoverint; thatltnd waa iiouiewhiit belter Io the eastward, later located near Cornelius, hi home until about two yearn aKO. In 1S45 he win married to Miss I.ueetla Zach.iry, a pioneer of iH43,.wtin survive him, and who roied the plains with his company. To thi union were lxim Tliomaa limerick, now of Keedvillc; John C limerick, Arlington, Ore.; I). It. limerick, Si holl', tin county; lilk-n Wright, l'ietchcr, Idahof Charle W limerick, Lennox, thin county, who survive him, nnd Alexander, Henry, Kobert and James, who died when yuiint; men. Ol hi immediate family lie leave one survivor, Mrs. Kate Wehruint, wife of Henry Wehruiift. of Hillsboro, and who i a ptoiii t r of 1K45. Mr. limerick was a member of the first grain! jury railed in thi section, when Multnomah was a part of Washington county, Mr. T'Vuult was jmlUC and the court win a ha,; cabin. The jury used a loij, upon which they de liberated while tliey whittled. Mr. limerick was an inimitable story-teller, and his pioneer cuaillUnc? always welcomed his rcmiiiiscenses. Heal Estate Transfers. Samuel Kunz to Win Nelson, '20 a fi-c. ."So 1 1 s r 2 w 7G0 Stephen A II doom b to Belle Wilson, 00 acres of bis don. 1 J S Gr'.lliii to Lina II Gri!Iin, 1 0f n (5 ri din don 1 Julius J M-achitm to Sch dist No 51 (date IST'J) I a sec 4 t 2 n r .T w 1 Mai ley Matuer lo Tres Wolff, 1 1 a sue .'55 1 1 n r 2 w aiej other lands 800 Armiliiii P Frost to Myrtle Lil ly, nw j ne i sec 21 t 2 11 r 5 w 150 Mollie S Lillv ami hd to D G Lilly, .17 see 11 t 1 n r 5 w. 1 .Maria Schibig ct al to Jacob ' Junken, Jr. et al, s J nw and siv tie I sec .'55 t 2 n r 500 J. C JIn,re and II. D. Smeltzer! h ive purchased a wood-sawing inn-! chine frotii J. 15 Kelly, of Portland, uiid with its ai l they can cut twen j ty-live cords a lay with the help of hut live men. The mill consists oft a portable boiler, water cart, and j saw frame nnd engioo in one frame The machine "nro not very expen-J sivi, and Mr Kelly has orders! enough ahead to keep his factory at Portland running for fevers 1 1 mouths. The purchasers of the! saw ,tre cutting on the Smith dona-! lion east of this citv. . I K. H. Colcstock gives yen thoj best shave in tho city. Hair cutj .it popular price. I rv bis baths, ; Don't forget tlm place City bhav-i ing Parlors, Main street. It is reported on the streets that I Kditor Guult received a telegram j from Senator Haines ibis morning,' staling that Representative Thorn p- son was.bohling up tho salary billj in tho committee room and that he. would not disgorge. Hois said to; have told Gatilt if he wanted thei measure through he bad better tel-J egraph 11 petition to Salem and have Thompson "let go." Probably; no petition went up. j All remnants must be sold this month to nuika room for tho large spring stock of goods wo have or dered. Schtilmerich A" Son. Mrs Lina Harvey Griffin, widow of tho lute Rev. Gritliu, has filed a deed made to her October 15, 1S',)5, by the latter, conveying the re maining 105 acres of tho once splendid Grillin donation land claim. Tho other over four hun dred acres were long since deeded to Father Grillin's children, all of whom .now rest in tho grave. Remnants! Remnants! Schul morich it Son will have a sale of remnants. Anything in their store in the line of remnants vill be sold at prices never before offered in this city. S. W. Soelye, of Scholls, tho saw mill man, was in town Monday. Mr. Seelye says he has discontin ued grinding Hour at his mill as there was not enough to justify the care and trouble. Married: In Hillsboro, Or., Sun dav, February 12, 1899, Judge D." Smith officiating, - Dr. II. S. Williams and Miss' Nellie Irene Sutton, Dr. Williams is Hills hero's popular dentist' and Mrs. Williams was ojie of Laurel's air daughters. The Argus extends congratulations. . Tho Ladd & Reed Farm. Com pany at Reedvillo will sell o num ber of registered pure Berkshire boars, seven months old. Call on, or write J. WY Karste'.er, Reedvillo, Oregon. Tho Shute & Foote Bunk has had its interior newly oiled and var nished and 11 new floor covering will at onco be laid. When coiupleted, tho banking 100m will bo a model ot neatness and taste. Remnants in Hosiery and Men's Furnishing goods this week. Como and see the bargains. Sehulnmioh & Son. Married, February 10, ' 1899, et the M. E. -church at Dilley, Wash.. J. B. Moves, officiating, John I). Storey and Miss Alico Heltzol, both of Washington county. Dr. C. II. Brown, the dentist, will bo in Hillsboro February 19. E. A. Street and Geo. II. Cron kite nre now full-fledged corporals over at Manila. HAS PASSED AWAY. Mr. lvmrricK welil 10 maiio lasi ju;y 111 Dead Letters. The following is the list of letter re maining in the Ilills'ioro post office un claimed: A Tussing, Va , ami Mrs tt'111 Crowstey. All letter notcsll-d for by I'h. IH. tV9, will Im: sr.t to the dead letter of fkc. One cent will be charged on each letter called for. H. SCHUI.MRRICH, P. M. The city council met Tuesday evening and vacated a part of Oak Grove addition. The honorable body also instructed the city mar shal to create a drouth in the city of Hillsboro each and every Sunday that is to say, to entorce the ordi nance requiring Sunday closing of saloons. All saloon keepers have be n notified accordingly. An epi demic of lagrippe, bronchial bacte ria and murderous microbes, is hourly expected as tho result of the action of the council. Mrs. Harry Grow, nee Josephine Billings, has sued for absolute di vorce, the custody of the minor, a little bov, and asks for u return of her maiuVn name. Farmers, Attention! Ladd A Reed will again make the season in Washington county with their fa mous horse, Kahuna -. Season will open about March 15t!u J- W. Karsteter, manager. The Young Men's Literary Soci ety of this city is in a flourishing condition nnd is comprised of over 30 membeis. The young fellows are debating current questions of stale and nothing is too problem atical for them to consider. There is no Utter place for a young man to spend his evenings than with this society. 'The debate shows that the boys are reading on all sides of the public questions of today. The legislature voted H. B. Luce 1,000. Ho should have received full pay to date according to the decision of the court in the railroad coin mission case. Representative Marsh was in the city yesterday. He has not been at the legislative session for several days, owing to family illness. Don't forget the Patriotic Dance on tho night i f February 22. It is to be a mask ball and the event of tho sewon. II. V. Gates has returned from a trip to tho Elgin section, where he was caught in the cold snap. Schulmerich it Son have received their stock of agricultural imple ments for tho spring trade, which includes plows, all kinds of bar lows, wagons and cultivators. See them and get their prices before purchasing. Phoenix Lodge Knights of Py thias, of this city, will celebrate the 35th anniversary of tho founding of tho order on Monday evening, February 27th. The Grand Chancellor,- W. M. Cake, County Judge of Multnomah county, will be pres ent and a tine program has been arranged. The exercises will be open to Knights and Ralhbone SisUrs. Eugene De'planche was in from Centerville today and reports that winter wheat does not seem to be at all injured in that vicinity. While tho tops are somewhat off color, the roots are in a good state of preservation. A telegram has been received announcing the death, this morn ing, of Mrs. Ruth Hare Pruyn, daughter of Hon. W. P. Hare, ol this city. Mrs. Pruyn was a gen eral favorite in Hillsboro and her death is unusually sad, she having been married but a few months. Mr. W. E. Pruyn, her husband, is well known here and is managing an electric light plant nt Heppner. The death occurred at a Portland hospital whero 8he was receiving treatment. Jeweler Hovt has received his fine new lino of spring novelties. Go and see him when you want jewelry. He can and will meet Portland competition. Ho has the finest line ever before seen in this city, Those desiring musical instruc tion from Prof. Conrsen should at onco confer with J. B. Wilkes. State Treasurer Moore has noti fied County Treasurer Cady that the stato claim against Washington county is: State lax, 1808 2.,5M 89 Delinquent tax 7,14: OH Interest charged on same 2,114 22 Total claim ngain-l Co. $?A,H'M 19 Treasurer Cady has notified the stale treasurer that the IMS claim will receive immediate attention, but advincd him that he could do nothing on the back claim until it was adjudicated by the court, the state having filed suit October 27, 189S. 'The back tax is really a part of the old mortgage tax levy, ud the county objects to paying intf rest, claiming the state, under a recent supreme court dfcision, cannot collect it. Mrg Emeline Williams Berdan, wife of C. Berdan, of this city, died at the family residence on Main street, at 8 o'clock Tuesday morn ing. Deceased was born at South wold, Canada, July 14,1851. She was married to Coiburn Berdan. May 10, 1SG7. In 1879 they emi grated to the United States an I in 1117 moved to Oregon, where they have since resided. Eight children were born to the marriage, four of whom survive. Sh leaves the husband, and four children, three of whom are now in this county, Nathaniel, the eldest son, being absent in the Big Bend country. The funeral took place yesterday from the M. E church and the b trial was in the Odd Fellows' cemetery. The Washington county salary bill will Ie:-p the sleep of all right eous measures. It will not get through the house and senate as it now stands amended and the sala ri b will remain as in the past. This suits us first rate nerhans. When we gel Anifrican wheat back to its old level, other prices will ad vance accordingly, and the salaries will lie about correct. This event will occur in PJ09 and then it will not matter whether salaries are re- luct'd or not. The K. O. T. M., of this city have installed the following officers for the cur re U term: Commander. E L. McCortnick; lieutcnant-com- macuer, A. M. Carhle; sergeant 1 Dr. W. I). Wood: chaplain, Calvin Jack; record keeper, Benton Bow man; finance keeper, L. M. Hoyt; master-at-arms, W. II. Gault; guards, F. J. Barber and W. D Smith; sentfuel, J. F. Carstens; picket, II. T. B.ig!ey. The county court has made a new ruin g whether legal or Hot which will save the county some expense, in the matter of inquests. Hereafter when the coroner holds an inquest or investigation, the county n ul foot the bill, but will ch.irge the costs up to tho estate of the deceased party, if there be any estato to draw upon. Parties having farm or city prop erty for sale will do well to list it witn S. Lveritt, who is centrally lo cated in Hiilsboro, and who" is in constant correspondence with par ties desiring to locate in Oregon. He also carries several first-clat fire insurance companies. J. S Waggener, of Vancouver, is spending a few days in the city, a guest at the Tualatin. His health is not as rugged as in the past. Go to' F. J. Barber, Second Street, for a neat shave or haircut. Satis faction guaranteed. Fine bath room in connection. G. I). Campbell is reported as much better. Mrs. J. P. Hicks has returned from an extended visit to Califor nia. Dr. Brown, Dentist, February 19 Teeth rilled bv a new electric ap pliance, cataphorisis, which reduces the pain and makes dental opera tions a pleasure. Mr. and Mrs J. R. Hargrave are in the city from Kelso, Wash., at tendant at the funeral obsequies of the late Mrs. Berdan, who was Mrs. Hargrave s mother. A. T. Knox, Forest Grove's lead-. ing politician on the administra tion side of the family, was in the city Saturday. Mr. ivnox received the biggest warrant drawn to a su pervisor this year $273. Wanted, at the Ladd & Rued farm, Reed;ille, a man for general farm work and who can blacksmith and run an engine. Will pay good wages to the right man. Steady employment. Call on, or write j W. Karsteter, need vule, Oregon. Reports coming from nearly all sections of the county indicate that winter wheat has suffered from the recent cold snap. Where the snow was more plentiful the harm is not so manliest. Close observers say that the roots are not so much in jured, however, as the tops would lead one to believe. A jury in Justice Humphrey's court Saturday acquitted Geo. II. Holsheimer, of Beaverton, charged with having stolen an old sledge from one Ernest Fech, There was no evidence to connect Holsheimer with the theft and the prosecuting witness could in no way identify the exhibit as his. Holsheimer is an industrious fellow, is a Knight of Pythias and a Woodman of Ce dar Mill lodge, and bears an excel lent reputation. He naturally feels the Btigniit thrown upon him by the arrest. The prosecuting wit ness has been out of the insane asy lum but a few months. IM MONTHLY BILLS 1)1 111 A Goodly Number of Ordered Paid. Bills INQUEST CHARGES CHARGED ESTATE Sheriffs lliil for Extra Hire on Tax Collection Continued. The following claims against Wash ington County were audited by the County Court at the regular Feb ruary session: Glass & rrudhonmie, F.n As sessor, f6; elks fee book fil.so; shff blanks $3.18 $ to 65 Boge & Knni, 920 ft lbr (list 27 . 5 95 Carstens Bros, lbr poor farm and court house 4 25 W U Bradford, b:ll for extra hire $337, continued - Tvpe writer bup Co, Pencil Dates 300 Chas iirookniaii, care Mrs bmith, poor, 36 continued C Jack, Recorder, dep and 6ta... 179 50 Mays liros, sup J Boner 3.23 nails Kd i i-3o 6 55 Joseph Lee, board L II Witt, ind soldier. 124 continued L Roy, 850 puncheons dist 17.... 6 35 J C Lamkm, coffin, etc, Adams, pauper, I15 50; work od engine and closet, court house $5.75 . 21 25 C R Bradley, care ot county poor t U4-25 (f62-50 to be turned to county on rent farm) 114 25 A B Cady, Treas salary 50 00 II A Ball, feupt sal f2o; fees J 19 53; institute Beaverton f l; sta expetc 15 25 31 40 II b'ro Light & Water Co Jau bill 9 2o W D Smith, Jury list 3 00 Jos Klineman, jury list 2 00 V II fiaugbman, jury list 2 00 N A Barrett board prisoners 74 da 52 85 Dr iamiesie, med treatment M, Hull 96.67, continued W K Day, jury list 3 00 J D Wirth, jury list 2 00 Uenry Safliaii, witness 2 00 J I! Dalstrum, witnesi 3 00 K W W hitney, witness 2 00 L E Smith, witness Z 00 R E Bryan & Son, supplies Co . . A A Phillips, jnrr list $3; M H Henderson and John H Corne lius, helpers, each f 2 Perry Watson,, jury list $y, V L Moore and Chas HerJ, helpers, each ii - '. i 55 7 00 7 00 C A Cave!!, 24 da assessor $72; postage 50 cents , 7 50 G II Reeves, sup A Morgan 2 65 A Johnson, rp bridge dist 0 jo 00 T M Hill, repairing Gaston 611 .. 5 00 A C Davis, lbr and spikes R dist 3 65 II boro rub Co, sta and printing 32 6s S H Humphreys, jury list $3; A bigler and J Asbahr, helpers f 2 each 7 00 Argus, January proceedings 5 00 w h atorton, sup iiaocock I'ost Ind 3 65 5 75 39 60 A E Cadv, sup Babcock Post Ind John Houeyman & Co hardware district 10 John Cooper, labor rock crusher D 10 it 00 Carstens Bros, lbr dist 33 56 jo tn lollte, puncneon dist 33. .. . 900 W J Riley, S & W revolver slifTs omce 11.50 continued W D Bradford, stiff's sal and dep expenses etc 270 co J W Marsh , powder and spikes rds 3 50 A H Collins, janitor oo J A Imbrie, elk and dep exp etc. 264 90 Jacob Saunders jury hst$3;JP Apitn ana J V annoy helpers $2 each Hatchet, January proceedings and printing J P Lilly, jury list fy, Jas McClar- an and C Hines helpers $2 each J B Wilkes, platting road dists.. Nellie Northrop support Sain Bar- 7 00 7 50 7 00 3 50 relt 5 00 J H Roundey to continue as sup port each month 500 Tiios Todd, commissioner, per diem and mileage.-... 1080 J Q A Young, commissioner, per diem and mileage .' n 00 Monthly allowance Mary R Wal ker and Nellie Carver ordered discontinued - Appointment of J. W. Morgan as clerk s deputy, approved. D. B. Reasoner, C. True and inkier appointed to view county road February 23, as per petition Thos. Matthieson, of near Middleton Gabriel Noland has been dis charged from poor farm. Petition of Geo Galbreath for county aid on Boon's Ferry road, continued. Appointment of C. W. Redmond as a deputy sheriff, continued. Claims in re inquest on Fred Witt, deceased, $32.70, ordered paid ana charged to said deceased a es tate. The same order in re inquest Harlow htevenson o2.tft). neau me teiegrapnic news in The Argus. No other paper in the county seat gives bucIi a com plete service. The people want all the news. Thomas Withycombo, who was recently taken to the stato insane asylum, has been allowed to work around the dairy department with out being guarded. The other night he took "French leave" and one of the attendants later on caught him in rortlanct. Cedar Mill, Feb. 15. Tho Head Lecturer of the Woodmen will be hero on the evening of February 20th. Mr. Bomley, who baa been ill since Christmas, died this mom ing. Ho leaves a large family. Mrs. R. A. Dodson, of Warren dale, left for home yesterday morn ing, after a week's visit w'ith her daughter, Mrs. J. C. Hare. Bornk on St. Valentine's Day, 1899, to Mr. and Mrs. Frink Simp son, of South Tualatin, a eon ; weight 12 pounds. Samuel Aplin, of the Cornelius mills, is in San Francisco on a bus iness trip. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Miller have moved from Keedville, Or., to Ridgefield, Wash., where they in tend to spend the summer. Literature, magazines, the Delta THE AKGUS FEBRUARY, 1099. Sun"" I Mou j Tuck I Wed j Tim ) FrtTSat 151161171 18 ?' I 2 1 I 22 j 23 I 24 2S 27P23 1 I f I PKOFKKSIONAU THOS II TONCVK. 8 TONCC HOT. T110S. II. 1 E. II. TOMil'E. Attorneys-At-Law. Kxsms 3. 4 & j Morgan Pfk, HilUW H. T. BAQLEY, ATTORNEY AT LAW iH-puty District Attorney lor Washing ton County, Office upstairs over Delta Drug Stole. E. R. GREGORY, L. L. B. A TTORN'FY-AT-LAW NOTARY rUBL'C Hillsboro, Oregon, Corwin &. Wooster Block, Upt 1. F. A. BAILEY, M. D. f'hyalclan, Surgeon and Accosicher Office in Hillsbcro Pharmacy. Resi dence south-west corner Baseline and Second. All calls promptly attended. day or niht. S. T. LINKLATER, M. B. C. M., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office al lkM.h-iic8 Kast of Court Hons JOHN M. WALL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Office with 8. B. Huston, Union Block HILLSBORO. - OREOO.V. JAMES PHILLIPE TAMIES1E, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Surgeon Southern Pacific Railroad Co. Consultation in French or English. Of fice and Residence south side of Main, near uuu t-euows' uuiiuing, Hillsboroi SMITH & BOWMAN, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW,. Notarial Work and Conveyancing. Rooms 6 A 7 Morgan Blk., HUl.-boro, Orsv.' MISCELLANEOUS. Carstens Bros., MANUFACTUBKtS OF rtoufu & Dressed Lmoler Sash, Doors, Mouldings, Etc. HILLSBORO - OREGON UNDERTAKING PAKLOIt. J C. Iiamkin has opened an under taking parlor on tho corner of Maiu and Third Street, and is prepared to furnish on immediate demand, fine CASKETS AN I) l WKIN3 nt the lowest possible pi lew. Will take charge of funerals. The now line of undertaking supplies ill the county. Give him a call. HILLSBORO, OREGON. EXECUTORS' NOTICE. Notice Is hereby Eiven that the unifon. signed have been, by the County Court of wasmnifron county, lor tne Ntate or Ore gon, appointed and continued ai executors of the last will and teitament of Barn erd McKenua, deceased, and all parties having claims against the estate of said Uarnerd McKenna, are hereby notified to present the same, prooerlv verified, to onn of the undersigned at his place of resi dence in this county of Washington, State 01 uregou, within six months trom date. Bated this February I 1H). JAMES BARNES. GEORGE N. THOMAS. Executors of tho lat will and testament of Bui-nerd McKeuna, Deceased. Notice of First Meeting of Creditor!. In the District Court of the United States for the Uiatriutof Oregon. In Bankruptcy. In the matter of J. J. I In Meaehuiii, Bankrupt, j Bankruptcy. ' To tho creditors of J. J. Meucham, of Mouiituindiile, in the county of Washing' ton and district ti foresaid, a bankrupt: Notiee is hereby given that on the 1st day of February, A. D. 18SW, the said J. J. iWeaehamwas duly adjudicated a bank rupt; and that the first meeting of his creditors will be held at the office of the undersigned Referee, In Hillsboro, Wash ington county, 011 the 28th day of Februa ry, A. I. 1SU9, at ten o'clock in the fore noon, at which time the said creditors may attend, prove their chums, appoint a trus tee, examine the bankrupt, and traimact such other business as may properly coin belore said meeting. W. D, SMITH, Uatod at Hiilsboro, Ore., I Keleree, this February 9th, l&O.j In Bankruptcy ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE. In the Matter of the Estate! of Ambrose Cox, Decensed.f NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the underaigned, admfnistrntor of the es tate of Ambrose Cox, deceased, by virtue of an order duly made and entered In the Countv Con t of Washington county, Or egon, 011 February 4lh, tSijD, will, on SATURDAY, MARCH 18TH, 1899, at ten o.clock A. M. of said day, at the south door of the court house at Hillsboro Oregon, soil at public auction for cosh 111 hand to the highest bidder, the real prop erty belonging tJ said estate situate in Washington county, Oregon, and (Mtrtwu lurly described as follows, to-wit: The South half of the Northeast quarter and Uita 1 nnd 'I of Section 4, In Town ship 8 North Range 3 West of the Willam ette Meridian 111 Washington County, Or egon, contai niug 15B.32 Acres, more or lata. Dated at Hillsboro, Ore., this 13th day of February. ISM). JOHN M. WALL, Administrator of the entitle .of Ambroa Cox, Deceased. ' & I I 1J 2 1 13 1 14 1 LL