The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, February 16, 1899, Image 1

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iiiiTumurd niH.flfiNT. 'i ll U IISDAV. i hiiuiJAiu n, io:rj.
Epitome of the Telegraphic
New of the World.
An lnlrlln Collodion of IImm tram
Ilia Tt Hemisphere rrnld
In Condensed rorui.
The Spanish government iiM decided
not to ll the Caroline Uland.
Tin teeietary uf war ha given order
foi Hi mmtteilng out u( th Tl int r-nl-ineiit
uf Immune, now itmlunwl at
Hantlagu and vicinity.
Tim (VI i Ileal Ion approprlalien bill,
i it will be leeomineiidml by the com
mittee, can ia $t,H4.'Su. a glnt
eliintof fia.iai.1UH.
It U said llii administration will
uphold Chief Justice Chamber, at
A pin, in hi wdeetlon ( Malietim Tail
ua king uf tit Hmniwii Island.
Tim secretary ul war teporl Out
tlrknea in wmia n the American regi
ment In ihe Philippine i ItlfctH If
twr cent, bill the average la about 10
wr wiit.
Tim mMirt ( til war investigating
commission la in the hand o( lb pr
(lent, ami lli ootuinUsioii la diaaolviKl,
During llm Investigation 600 witnaste
were examined,
Many account ul death (mm frwea
InH am reported (itmi llm East. At
Itl.Himlniiioii, liul., J. W. Hiiikle, who
h.a rrvid several tuinia aa sheriff, waa
frozen tu dealh wliilti going to Ilia
lnmiH. Nuat Daylou, O., Martin Dnfnn
gi suffered a like lute while feeding
Ida huga.
The Filipino junta at Hong Kong
ha Issued a statement in which it ia
claimed tliat the American auldler
precipitated the recent battle at Ma
nila, ami tliat lli luiiiburdmnt ul the
tow na of Malnlrt, Paeo, Nnnla Ana ami
Malahun eauand the slaughter of 4,000
women ami ehildien,
A contract he been let (of two II,
000 ton steamships (or the Pacific Mail
tnaiiiship Co. They will be the laig
rat to (ar built at an Amur lean ship-
yaid, their dimension being greater
than those ol h Ameiioaii Itinera Hi.
Louis ami HI. 1' They are to ply
bnlweeti Han Fiancisco ami China.
(.Milnmn r-lMl ara raiding Christian
ehiirchca ami dilving mil inlaslunarlea.
At Chang Vang ami Llwhuun tho Ko
man Caiholiu ehH have been burned
ami t liu house o( the native churoli
member have lawn destroyed. Several
hundred uhlldreu iimlwr lb care i( t !
Koinuii 1'iuliolii'j, aia hhI.I tu hava
Iwn ilrownml hjr the iniilura near
Then aeema to bn an Mi' In 1'aria
that Jatmii will uiaku trnnhln (or the
Unlttxl Hiatiw by urrvptitluualr niillug
the Kililioa."
Many o( the recently dihaiull Cali
fornia volunteer are imitating In th
Nearly 1.000 Hpaniah irioiiera left
Manila fur Hain on the I2lh aril 13th.
One man waa kille.l ami five aeriour.
ly Injtirwl In puwder eiploa on at
Moaagrore, I'a.
Four Chlnnae have illeil fioin in
jtirtee iitatalned in the Han Fianclxoo
Chinatown lire Niimlay.
Hila Junta ami ais chlhlren were
horned to iloath on the Kinhanlwin
ami May plantation
II. M. H. Ieamler haa been ortlerml
to prooHxl with all apeeil to Dolivia to
piuteut I ho property and livei uf lliil
lah reaidunta during the involution.
Kiie In Cincinnati deatioyed the
chithing hoiiaea uf Kahn & Kelthmeyer,
II. A. lleliiahttimnr ami Hanfonl, Htern
ft Karuer. The loa ia nearly 1500,001).
There It a ronior in I'aria that un
fit lllll la Ml Inloroit on l.aan
chuul rund BarnnitnllUii-Tha
emu rlr AirairU.loa.
Waa Tainpurarllr
llftf la lh
In the Oregon enale Wedneailay tl
rota waa rceoimhlnred by which the bill
to led ore intercut on loana fioin tht
atata aidionl fund waa paiwed Tueaday
)n order that the rate might be fixed
absolutely at fl per cent, the bill aa
at Curnei alone, pi,w authorizing 8 pel cent if it could
he obtained. It waa ileeruea an otijec
lion to ieave the matter open to o-
aililu hrokernue arrangement. The
hill waa renommitted for amenilmeiit.
Dufm'e hill to eiteml the privilegea
of the Kohleira' Home to the wivea and
widow of old eoldier wa loat, receiv
ing only ii votea.
The following hill were fanned: To
redm-e the aalnry of the Waeco oounty
Judge to NQ0 and that of the treiwurer
In the Oregon hoiinn Monday the
Duly bill for teit-lxMik comiuiaiiioii
(.tiled by three votea to pnaa, but a mo
tion for recnnaidemlion waa vanied
by a dectaive majority.
The greater pail of the Ony wa
taken up in dinouiwidn of the hill.
The antl-crimptng bill, which wa
relerred to the Multnomah delegatioi.
I ant week, waa iHrted back to the
lioiike and referred to the committee on
The afternoon aeMion w-i given up
to the coiiideration of charter hill,
the following being paaaed: Michell,
Dalle Citv and Moro; Kelly, Urowin-
ville.and Ijfhaiion; Hmith, liurim;
Howe, Carlton: Proebatel, Weeton;
Dufur, Dufor; Fordney, Knterprna.
(irav aecored the paaaage of a reoln
tion authorizing the aeoretary of atate
Wahlngloa l.lltnr Took In m
f.arg Tlambr TumiAmy.
The Washington houae Tueaday con-
aidered 46 bill Tlire were paael, 21
inilelliiilely otitiM,il, 1 advanced
from aecoml to third leading, two or
dered printed, one tabled, one made a
tliecial order lor Friday, and one re
bill introduced were: Providing
far the organization of mutual fire in
surance companies; providing for the
general tohool tai levy; reducing the
coat ol the adminiatration of tmall ea-
tate; making Indian war veteran el
igihle to county relief; aboliahiug eapi
tal patiihment; appropriating $82 for
the relief of the Olympia Light &
Power Companv, providing for con
demriation proceeding lor irrigating
companies; prohibiting the poisoning
of honey beca; fixing tbe length ol
achool day providing for the eyttematic
gotiatloua aie taking place between the (u fuoO; to do away with the ueoeealty
to give each member and oRlc-or ol the improvement of public loa l; relating
Panama canal company ami the ali
Ington goveiiiment, looking to I lie coin
pletion of the canal.
Thirty-live perane have died of tmall
po in the tlinek nation within a lew
week. The vlitlima were negrnea ami
Indiana. All of Western Oklahoma
ha quaiaulined against the infected
The recently anive.1 Filipino, tlen.
ltiegode Dio and M. Kivera, are on
their way to Montreal to urge Agon
riilo, llie Phillnplne government repie
aentatlve, to go to Washington and ana
for pi-ace.
The building of tbe O-eer Ma
ehliiorv Comnanr and tbe Whittle
Trunk Company, at Knoxvllle, Tenn.,
with theli oontent. weie deetroyed by
fire. The !" It eslimatud at between
ltl.000 and 1100,000.
In liie United Htute tenate Tiica-lay
the MoEneiy lesolotion, dotdaiing that
the lattllcalion of the peaoe treaty 1
tint a decimation on the pait uf tht
United Slates to peimauutilly hold the
Philippine islands, wat passed by a
vote ol 20 to 3).
There wat a celebration In Salem on
the 14th, the ocoasion being the fiOth
anniversary of Ihe rxtenaion of the
lawt of the United Btale over the Ore
gon country, and the 40th annivetaary
ol the admittance of Oregon Into the
Union a a ttate.
A cablegram come from New Zea
hind staling that when the cruiser
Philadelphia reach Apia, King Ma
taefa will be forced to give up Ilia
throne to Maliteoa Tanua. The Mrit
iah and American ooiuule will declare
the latter the king, and their deoluia
lion will Int enforced by British and
American marinea.
(ten. Urooke cablet from Havana an
nounoiug the death ul Captain Oliver
Peiiy Hmith, outnminMiy, from acute
Hen Oraves, Alexander Clark ami
Will Johnson, Collin county luriner.
were froaen to death Saturday night
near Dalla Tel.
The annate ha passed a bill creating
the tittlce of admiral of the navv.
Hear-Admlral Oewey, It ia tinderstinxl,
will be named foi the position.
On Monday an ocean liner In rti
of peiaonal Service or posting notice in
cute of attachment of real property; to
create the office of recorder of oonvey.
ance for Polk county at a talary of
I.OnO ter year; to provide the man
ner uf relonsing auretiea who may bo-
come dissatisfied with their risk; to
provide that surety coinpanie may eign
bonds; to cure defect in certain deed
and judicial tale; to amend the law
in a to rulsiiot credit to the sheriff
m the tal lint charged againit him.
to county rurveyora; relating to tbe
location of mining claim; relating to
the dutie of county tuiveyorr, regti-
iiting common carrier, relating to
lien on log. 1
. Field' bill relating to lode and pla
cer claim waa made a tpecial order for
Rial rlr Afipraprlallnsi Knock On.
The Wednesday forenoon teasion ol
the house wat devoted largely to report
of oommitteel and llrst reading of bill.
Tweutv-aeven oommitteo made report
and 68 bill weie rersirteil on.
The principal busiiiea to occupy the
time of the house ill the afternoon wa
Ihe consideration of the general appro
priation bill. The houae went into
committee of the whole and the variou
item wore taken up one at a time.
The most Important item knocked out
wa Ihe atate fair appropiiation, by a
vote of 20 to 20.
Other bill pasted were: To pro
hihit Ihe uianiifaoluie and sale of adul
terated commercial fertiliaeia; to
authorise county court to levy a tpe
cial tax of 10 mill and a road poll tax
of f J for the road fund; to prohibit the
tale ol d'jer and deer hides Irom August
1 to December I; to give laborer in
mine and supply agent furnishing
tappliot a lien on mining property for
claims; to chango the tirrje of ootirt
lormt in the tecond district; to fix tal-
tries ol county Judge and lo place the
clerk of the mprome court upon a tal-
try of 13.000 and give him two depn
tlet at $75 and f 50 per month leepec
In the Oregon wnate Thurtday,
Harmon' registration hill wat paaaed
hv nnanimoii vote. The merit of
the hill were diecusted at longth on
Mitchell' motion to recommit which
finally received only hi own vote. In
debate the expression weie generally
unfavorable to the Hill bill, which
posted the houae a few dayt ago by a
decisive vote.
The pure food bill pasted the senate
ly a nnanimoii vote. There waa no
objection to the main feature of the
bill, hut a alight amendment was
bouse a oopv of the sen:on law of
inn, and a hiatoty of the C.r'y Indian
The following bill were pasted: To
protect salmon in Alsea bay anil it
tributaries; to create the office of cleik
of the tustice court in citie of 60.000
Mriiiiattiiti fir rtvMf in ant iinrtzn Mutt-1 iu:oo a. ju.t rnuaj
noumli ooumy to Umno the upper (ieck Bill !mJ were: ProTuiing for
of tlie Orptton Railroad & Navitiation the invoAtment of the state permanent
"-tfimftiiv'a liritlti! to nrovitle for the achool fund in 8 per cent ttate bond
In ,.r illinium): revision of the lawt investing the permanent tchool fund
.,li;.i, ,n .,r,ii..i,lu ii,uirmii..i,iu- in in ttate warrant: meventing toe aal
protect lalmon in Rogue river; to reor- of trout.
ganize the atate board uf horticulture; in in ni.
to protect talmon in Curiy county; to In tbe enate Tueeday, bill indeU
moviile for the creation ol parx com- nite v nostnoneil were: Kelating to
mission In citie ol 3,000 population the eecheat ot property; relating
or ovet; to require county ciems to au-
niiniater oath without charge in pen
lion matter.
Kuvkendall' bill to provide for
county election and upon the running
tervtce ui summons
Senate hill pasted were: Provid
ing for the issuance and tale of bondt
to pav the coet of local improvement
requiring road nperviort to destroy
at large of stock, and Cameron' bill to Canada and Russian thistles.
prohibit the running at large ot certain
tnimal, were defeated.
The house concurred in the senate
amendment to the Curti fish hatch-
etv hill, reducing the amount of the
The senate, after a long debate, by
nearly a uuanimon vote, refused
concur in the house amendment in
oieasing the normal school a p propria
tioUB Irom the amount fixed in tbe
appropiiation from $25,000 to $15,000. senate hill. Tbe bouse ha refused to
recede, and a conference committee
mmln sn as In niton nt from makinir an-
regular army, being desirous of going XrM M ijKbtod off Drea.l ledge, in ll0ll rnrxirt iiergon selling les than
to the Philippine. Kwampseott bay, M- The life-aav- jS pon,lg 0f butter weekly; specifying
The conlioller of the currency ha ! ing crew could not reach her on ac- the number and the pay of employe
tied a call for iesirla uf the condition count of the ice. of the legislature, including ooiumittee
The outbreak at Manila ha enliven- :lerk, w pnised without dlscuBSiou,
..i t.. ....... ., ti.a Kiaiea ie- Duly aix voting against it.
.!.. nm.. l I'li.tU,,.!. Miietevnf Other hill paaaed were to incor-
mor men mustered out o( the Kighth porata Eugeiia. Carleton. Hum, Prine-1
California were enlisted last week.
The Semite ha confirmed the nomi
nation ' J. Hell, assistant ecre
tnry ol the treasury, ami that ol Lieutenant-Colonel
F. M. Coxo. lo bo a-
In the Brnnl.
In the Orgon senate Monday the bill
to provide for the reclamation of ari
land under Ihe Oaiey act of congress
wa passed bv a vote of 21 to 8, after
being amendod to a to prohibit any
one party from taking moie than 150,
000 acre.
The senate committee reported a
substitute lor Hawson's house bill for
artesian well, the substitute appropri
ating $3,000 (or an experiment in the
county which will offer the greatest
money inducement, instead of $13,
000. a provided in the original bill.
Stillman' bill to withdraw school
land from ale and place interest on
school-fund loan at 6 per cent, passed
with only two opposing voles.
The sugar-beet bounty bill wns re
committed to the judiciary committee
for amendments, ami the lull to regu
late huihPng and loan associations waa
indefinitely postponed, because anothtr
bill covered the same ground.
The bill to appropriate $25,000 for
salmon hatcheries passed by a vote of
17 toll.
merican Flag Floats Over
the Panay Capital.
Th Inmriontf Fired th Twn llrora
Evacuating It, Hat th riam
War Zitlasnlsh;.
Manila, Feb. 15. The Cnited State
gunboat Petrel an ived late last even-
ng with dispatches from Prigadier-
Oeneral M. P. Miller to Major-Oeneral
Otia, announcing that Hollo had been
taken by tbe combined miltary and
naval force Saturday morning.
Ocneral Miller, on receipt of hi in
struction fioin Manila, sent native
cotiimicsioners sshnre from the United
States transport f-L Paul, with a com
munication for the lehel governor of
Joint Hlf h rammlMlnnvn' Work Nearly
t-amnUtad-Th Sknwr Question.
Chicago. Feb. 16. A special to the
Time-Herahl from Washington say:
Great Britain an ihe United States
are to have a closer bond of friendship.
The joint high commission which came ,
perilously near breaking up in a mp
tnre Monday, will probably conclude a
treaty, after all.
The United State commissioners,
instead of presenting an ultimatum a
the Canadian expected submitted a
memorandum conciliatory in toneofter
ing certain rights at Skagway, and
nggesting further negotiation. The
possibility of effecting an agreement
was also advanced by a cablegram re
ceived by Baron Hershell from Joseph
Chamberlain, England's minister for
tbe colonies, directing the Canadian
commission to exhaust every effort to
reach an amicable agreement, keeping
in mind the importance of promoting
the present cordial relation between
the United States and Oreat Britain.
The concession to Canada is the tight
to maintain a cntom-house at Mtag-
llo Ho, calling upon him to surrender way, but no territory will be ceaeu i
within a time stated, and warned him that point.
will be aptKiinted.
Bills intiodnced were: Relating to
the state's share of liquor license;
prescribing sleeping-car tatee; defining
and prohibiting trusts; piovidjug for
the transportation of freight over con
necting roads, and prohibiting discrim
ination; to regulate mutual fiie insurance.
The house amendments to the bill
'appropriating $1,600 for the commis
sioner of publio land were concurred
The entire afternoon session of the
senate wa given up to the discussion
of the bill creating the county ol Ferry
from a portion of Stevens county. The
bill passed, with amendments, by a
vote ol 24 to 5.
nol to make a demonstration in the in
Tbe rebels immediately moved their
gun and prepared to defend their po
sition. Thereupon Ihe Petrel hied two
warring guns, and the rebel i in medi
ately opened fire upon her.
The Petrel and the Baltimore then
bombarded the town, which the reliela,
having et on fire, immediately evacu
ated. The American troop were
promptly landed and extinguished the
fires m all case of foreign property,
but not before considerable damage wa
It is believed the enemy' loss dur
ing the bombardment wa heavy, but
no American caeualties are reported.
Th Ofllolnl Itaport.
Washington, Feb. 15. Shortly lie
fore midnight, Adjutant-General Cor
bin made public the following d'spatab
from Major-General Otis, reporting the
capture of the town of Ho llo by the
American forces under General Miller,
on the lltb insL:
''Manila. Feb. 15. General Millej
reports from II llo that the town waa
taken on the 1 1 tit inst. and held by
troop. Inurgeht were given until
the evening of the 13th to lurrender,
but their hostile actions brought on the
engagement during the morning. In
surgents fired the native portion of the
town. But little losses to the property
of the foreign inabitants. No casual
ties among the troops."
A dispatch also came from Admiral
Dewey telling of the capture of the
:ity. It was a brief recital of Ihe facts
of the case, hut it is said contained sub
stantially tbe same information as that
lent bv General Otis. It was sent to
the navy department, and is expected
to be made public in the morning.
Th I'slted Hint anst Paste th
MeEnrjr Resolution.
Washington, Feb. 16. The Mo
Enery resolution wa adopted in the
senate today by a vote of 26 to 23.
Tbe text of the resolution follow:
"That by the ratification of the
treaty of peace with Spain it i not in
tended to incorporate the inhabitants
of the Philippine into citizenship of
the United States, nor i it intended
to permanently annex said islands as
an integral part of the territory ol the
United State, but it i the intention
of the United States to establish on
eaid islands a government suitable to
the. want and conditions of tbe in
habitants of the said island, to pre
pare them for local self-government,
and in due time to make such disposi
tion of aid island a will best pro
mote the inteiesta of the cMizens ol the
United State and tbe inhabitant of
said islands."
of all national bank at the ckwo uf
buhiueM February 4.
It iatcxirtil thai the exreutive com
mittee ol the Cuban assembly willl oall
Homes to aoconut foi accepting the
proMisitlon from thi government rela
tive to disliniiding the Cuban army.
A height train on tho O. It. & N.
wat wrecked near Onrbcli, Or., by
ville and Canity, the two last named
I being bouse bill.
Daly School Law.
Two Important tneatjrea came before
the Oregon tenate Friday, and neither
I ... I " ......
running Into a landslide. The llr lilaUuil payuiater gonenil ol the armv. reached a vote. Amendments to the
man and a tramp were
Filteen cara were piled up In a heap.
Duke d'Arcos, formerly Spanish
in I n Inter to Mexico is likely to be legis
lated by the Madrid government aa It
minister to Washington to eiohmig
the ruililcalluna ol the treaty ot peace.
Wolff & Zwicker, the Portland ihlp-
buildei. propose to build a floating
The army and navy oaptuiod llo llo,
the ccond oily ul liniioilunce in the
Philippine Saturday, without the
Ion of an Amoilciin toldier. Tho Put
i el and Uultimoru ihulled the city,
which furced the insurgent to evacu
Oti wire Ihe war department a list
of death in his oomiiian.l since Fohni.
Daly school law were discussed for half
an hour, and the matter being difficult
to undeistand, in its present form, the
entire bill was otdoied piinted Again
with amendments.
The bill toenoouiage the dm of whte
tire wagons on public roads was passed.
The bill to repeal the section appropri
ating $5,000 lor the state fulr was dis
cussed half an hour and then made a
Not Bnoaah Totes la Tnss It Over the
Governor! Veto.
In the Washington legislature Mon
day it developed that it would he iim
possible to mnster enough votes to
nasa the canitol building bill over the
governor' veto. '
The'enate wa in icssion but 15
minutes in the morning and adjourned.
A resolution was adopted, expressing
sympathy for the parents of Sergeant
Miles E. Kyger and Daniel T. Kyger,
jr., of Walla Walla, member of com.
nanv I. Washington volunteers, who
died recently at Manila.
Bills introduced were: Creating a
Xh Anniversary Observed by Exercise
at the Capitol.
The 60th anniversary ol the exten-
ion of the Cnited State laws over
Oiegon, aa well aa the 40th anniversary
of tbe admission of the state into the
Union, was celebiated by the legisla
ture Tuesday with joint meetings in
the hall of representatives, to which
many pioneers and prominent citizen
and the public had been invited, and
probably 1,200 persons were able to
crowd within the chamber and listen
to the epeeohea and music.
The meeting was presided over by
Governor Geer. Three-quarters of an
hum was occupied with an address by
Hon. L. B. Cox on "The Relations ol
the Legislature to tbe Constitution."
The choial union sang, "Ameiica,"
and another selection by the orchestra
doped the moining exrecises. In tin
afternoon, after a solo, "Two Grena
diers," by W. P. Babcock, George H.
Williams deliveted the occasional ad.
diess, which was a comprehensive sum
Mallet Tnnn to B King When th
Philadelphia Arrives.
San Francisco, Feb. 16. A cable
special to the Call from Auckland. N.
Z., dated today says: On the arrival
at Apia of tbe United State cruiser
Philadelphia, Malietoa Tanus will be
taken ashore from H. M. 8. Porpoise
by the American and British consuls,
who will declare him king. .
II Mataafa refuses to retire in favor
of Malietoa, he will be arrested by the
consuls, who will be backed by a foroe
from the two warships.
There is grave anxiety in Apia and
much, looting of property by the na
tives. Mataafa is levying taxes and
making bis rule obnoxious in other
When the Alameda left Apia the
German warship Falke and the British
warships Royalist and Porpoise weie at
Want Honorable Peace.
San Francisco, Feb. 16. The Fili
pinos, General Riego de Dios and M.
Rivera, who arrived last week from
Manila intending to join their associ
ates in Washington, bave decided to
leave today for Montreal.
Riveia expresses himself as perfectly
astounded at the kind treatment he has
invariably received in this city.
It Extend From the Atlantic to Whi
ch Texas.
New York, Feb. 15. Tho fearful
itorni which prevailed all day yester
day and last night has increased in vio
lence, and, together with the snow,
which has drifted in many places, has
almost paralyzed traffic. Trains on all
the steam railroads have been delayed
for five hour by the stoim. Nine At
lantic liners due at this port Saturday
have not put in an appearance.
Freight steamers, the voyages of
which are growing uncomfortably long,
are the Eastern Prince, 24 day out The two envoy will endeavor to per-
from Shie'ds; Deike heifcmers. is tay 8na,ie Agoncillo to return to Washing-
out fiorn Havre; Salerno, 26 days out ton aml j0-,n w;tn his associates in
dry-dock capable ol raiting a 6,000-ton arv 4, not inoludiiig thoo ol men killed , ,w (or Wednesday morning.
l . i.l! .1... ft....... I 1.. .PI. ... .......I... Hlnu Alillll, I I ....... .....
vessel, providing the state of Oregon
or the oily uf Portland will guarantee
bund to the amount of $250,000.
It i reported from Washington thnt
the war Investigating committee will
eveiely ciltiolsu Gunurnl Mile on hit
ooiidtict during the late war with Hpatn.
They number nine. Among T1a ingl.eli.oil hill wa lost, 18 to
ppear those ol 1 tivate Diiu- 11; t,e i,ut ,,rovlJjiiK for the Torrens
....I IV f 'IkuiuiiiivI Hlrul .... i
in action.
the name a
ltd Kyger and W. thopwooo. 'M .T(ltom ot registering hind title passed
Washington, and Michael P. Crowley, . h , tm,e m,,.iajva votes; the bill
Second Oiegon. ,()P n rroaucjt,lo school fund in Dong-
Sneaker Reed wat not at the capitol l,is oountv passed without question;
Monday, and sunt word he thought it (ie bill to reduce the salaries of the
The committee will report that Mile advisable to adjourn on account ol the oounty clerk, olerk of the circuit court
stitleiiHint about chemically prepared atorm. Lo than a hundred uiemhei I Rn,l reooidet in Multnomah county fioin
Iwef I not sustained by any eviduuc
before the committee.
Four happy Duwaonitet passed
through Skagway recently with a can
vas sack of Yukon gold that weighed
100 pounds dead weight, and whiuli
came from French guluh diggings on
Eldorado creek. They aro all Canadian
citizens ami Hist came to Alaska dur
ing the popular Klondike rush uf De
cember, 181)7.
The steHinor Moana Loa, which haa
arrived at Sun Franolaco, biing infor
mation from Honolulu that it ha been
dullnlluly determined that the wreck
on the Knhala coast wa the four -masted
atuiimcr Nomad, Captain McAllep,
which tailed from Shanghai for Pugut
sound in ballast 10 month ago. 'ihe
vessel was a new one, and belonged to
Hall Bros., of Hun Francisco. Captuin
McAllep was accompanied on the trip
bv hi wifo, daughter and Once Bona.
All are undoubtedly lost.
Minor News Items.
A bargo loaded with a I urge quantity
ol cordwood, consigned to a Portland
dealer wiia loat during the recent
freshet in the east fork of the Lewi
A carload of groen onyx marble, tlia
flrBt shipment ol dimension stone from
the quarries of the United State Mar
hie Company; near Valley, in Slevena
county, Wash., wa on the track in
rJpokane recently lor a few hours, up
wure nresent. and those who braved
the atorm refused to adjourn, and went
on with consideration of the sundry
civil appropriation bill.
There 1 reported a erlout hitch In
the wurk of the Anglo-American com
mission. The obstacle Is said to be a
demand made by the Canadian com
mission for tho cession of the town of
Skagway, Alaska. The American com
mlsaioners have definitely refused to
ceded that gateway to the Yukon.
Terrible blizzards swept over the
South, East and Middle West Sunday
and Monday, The wind went bo high
on the Atlnntio seaboard that ocean
steamships were storm-bound in the
haihoi. Mine big Atlantic liners due
nt New York Saturday had not put in
their appearance Monday. Intense
cold aocompaiiiod the storm and much
suffering is reported. The cold wave
extend from the Atlantlo to Western
Texaa ,
A deposit of earth ationtian hna
been found on Put-in-Bay island In
Lake Erie. It Is many acre in extent.
The nitrate ol strontla ia uf pure white
The Hamburg-American line steamer
Adria arrived at New York Sunday
from Hamburg after a moat tempeaton
passage. During the night uf January
DO, Captain LeveUow, while tiying to
go from the bridge to the cabin, was
thrown down into the cabin passageway
and killed.
state board of tax commissioners, con
Bisting of the auditor, secretary of Btate I myof the MsXoiy ot tll,
early vears of Oregon statehood.
Mrs. Abigail Scott Uuniway spoKl
and land commissioner, to assess rail
road property lor taxation; providing
that $3 worth ol poison he furnished
hv the oountv to each farmer to kil1
ground squirrel
13.600 to $3,500 each was passed
New hills were introduced as fol
lows: To authorize tho state school
land board to contract loans now out at
6 per cent Interest for the future; to
provide for the appointment of three
upreme court commissioners.
The voto by which Stanley' bill to
regulate tho piaotice of dentistry In
Oregon wa defeated Thursday, was re
ooiiBideied in the house Fiiday, and
the bill passed by a vote of 84.
Two other important bills were
passed. One is an amendment to the
mining law to facilitate the building
ot ditohe and ennuis, ol special inter
est to mining soot ions, and (he other ia
a bill to withdraw certain school lands
from public tale and reduce the inter
est on loans of school fund in con
formity with recommendations of the
governor in a recent message to both
houie of the legislature.
In the house Thursday the following
hill were passed: Senate bill provid
ing for a separate board of oounty com
missioners for Clackamas county lo
authorize county oourts and tchool dis
trict to display flags on courthouse
and sohoolhouses, to amrnd the codo
lelntive to the loan uf ichool funds by
loduoing the into, M rate to 0 per cent,
and providing for foreclosure proceed'
ing whenever interest become In ar.
rear aix months; to regulate the bt Ing
ing of sheep from one county to another
aud directing inspection:
In th House.
The Washington house held sessions plause.
both momma and afternoon. At the
morning Bession bills intiodnced were
Releasing personal property from cus
tody, pending appeal; prohibiting the
taxing of attorney fees a costs; pro
viding for the county licensing of ped
dlera; providing for the appointment
of a hon insnector: relating to state
school taxes; exempting fiom taxation
property of religious, charitable and
educational institutions; prescribing
the powers and dutie of wreckiuiis
tors; relating to tho disqualification ot
tudaos: providing for the foreclosure
of chattel mortgages without suit; puv
viding for the appointment of an ex-
offU'io surveyor-general and deputies;
relating to assessments for local improvements.
The bill empowering colleges to issue
normal diplomas was indefinitely post
poned after a long debate.
At the afternoon session nine iani
. . i i .
over, nine read a seconu time, ami tuur
tent back to oommittee.
Bills introduced were: Regulating
fishing industry, making Btate fiah
commissioner ex-offloio game warden.
Bills passed weie" Giving lilies
power to define' and punish vagrancy;
relating to the method of decreasing
the capital stock of corporations; com
pelling railroads to fence rightsof way,
and to pay for stock killed; designat
ing the lust Friday in October as the
date for holding supervisors' elections;
regulating the sale of butter and
cheese; providing for the organization
of diking and ditohing districts; giv
ins eleotrio railways the right of emi
neiit domuin; grunting rebate on road
taxes to farmers using wide-tired ve
on Ihe influence ot jnoneer viomei
in the Making of Oregon." which wai
listened to with close attention and
waa liberally punctuated with ap
But Little Husineas Transacted.
The admission day celebration in
terfered with work in the Oregon legis
lature Tuesday.
The senate convened for general bus.
incus in the evening, after the joint
session. The reixut uf the special
committee appointed to confer with tlx
state boaid of agriculture relative to
state fair appiopriation reoouimended
that the appropriation he discontinued,
and that the affairs of the State Agri
cultural Society be wouud up. There
port was filed.
The following bills wore passed: To
amend the charter of Salem; to legu-
lute horse-shoeing in Portland; to tax
bicycles for the support of bicycle
paths, after an amendment exempting
18 counties from the operation ol the
law; to turn into the general fund re
oeipts from a 2 per cent tux on the
gross earnings of toreign insurance
companies, which now go into th
Bchoul fund.
In tho House.
Aftot the adjournment of the joint
session the house toon up tne tuiiu
reading of house bills, which led to
a controversy as to the best method ol
expediting business. During the dis
cussion a motion to adjourn prevailed.
A light earthquake waa felt at Chilli'
cothe, O., and in East Tennessee Mon
from Newcastle, England, and the
Catania, 18 days out from St. Michaels.
The Almida, 55 days out from
Shields, has been about given up a
lost with ail on board.
There is no doubt that a large fleet
of steamers has arrived in the vicinity
of Sandy Hook, and is waiting outside
lor the blizzard to pass.
Fonr Lives Lost.
Marlboro, Mass., Feb. 15. A po
liceman who went to a small house in
the rear of a shoe factory tonight to
investigate a fire found the house full
of smoke, and in a room off the kitchen
four persons lying on a mattress, wlufb
had been placed on the floor, all dead,
and in the kitchen three other per
son in a state of insensibility.
In the South.
Atlanta, Ga., Feb. 15. The South
g today enveloped in a storm of un
usual severity. From the Gulf north
ward, and from the Atlantic coast to
the western boundary of Texas, a cold
wave has settled heavily on the coun
try, and produced the lowest tempera-
tuie ever known.
Fifty Below In Manitoba.
Washington, Feb. 15. The weather
bureau todav issued a special bulletin.
It shows that 50 degrees below zero
was recorded at Minnedosa, Manitoba.
The outlook is there will be a marked
though gradual rise in the temperatuie
east of the Rocky mountains after to-
Discredit th Anilre Story.
London, Feb.15. According to adis
patch to the Standard from Stockholm,
Nanaen and Nordensjold, the explorers,
refuse to oredit the story from Krasno1
varak of the finding, in the province of
Yeniseisk, of the bodies of three men,
supposed to be of Andree and his com
pan ion.
In the senate Tuesday, on RobertB1
house bill to provide for state normal
schools at Ashland and Diain, one ol
the notable contests of the session was
had. First it came from the com
mittee with a recommendation that
$10,000 be allowed the Ashland school
and $7,600 to Drain. This wat amend
ed to allow $7,500 to each. A few
minutes later the bill was taken up
under a suspension of the rule and put
on its final passage. It was' carried by
a vote ol 19 to in
pleading for an bonoiable peace.
Improbable Kuuior.
London, Feb. 16. Thre Paris corre
spondent of the Morning Post says: .
"In financial circles it i persistently
rumored that negotiations between tho
Panama Company and the Washing
ton government, whereby the latter is
to complete the canal, are in a fair way
of being successfully concluded. It is
said that the Panama Company would
receive a large percentage of the canal
receipts, and that the Nicaragua route
would be abandoned."
. Greatest in History of Atlantic.
Washington, Fob. 16. A weather
bulletin today eaya that from the At
lantio coast the storm has passed on to
Nova Scotia with rapid velocity and al
most unprecedented development.
Owing to its extent and extreme de
structiveness, this storm will always be
emembered as the gieatest Btorin in
the history of the Atlantic const states
and the most remarkable for the perfect
combination of the conditions necessary
to produce such results.
Tnlon Pacific Telegrapher.
Omaha, Feb. 16. The Union Pa
cific telegraphera have presented to the
company their new soale of wages,
hours, etc. At the request ot General
Manager Dickinson, the settlement uf
the matter ha been deferred until
March 1.
Colonel Gales Ramsey Dead.
Washington, Feb. 16. The war de
partment today was advised ol the
death of Colonel Gules Ramsey, Sev
enth artillery, at Augusta, Ga., yester
Disorder In Samoa Continue.
Auokland, N. Z., Feb. 16. -Advice
from Samoa under date of February 8
leport that anarchy and rebellion still
Rome, Feb. 15. Prince Napoleoa
Charles Gregoire Jacques Philippie
Bonaparte, third son of Prince Lucien
Bonaparte, prince of Cunino and chief
ot the older branch uf the Bonaparte
family, i dead. He wa horn in Rome
in 1885.
A report comes from Washington
that the subcommittee of the American
members of the joint high commission
will concede a portion on Lynn canal
Alaska, to Canada in return for fish
ing concession no the Eastern coast
prevail there.
Caitnway Saved.
Chicago, Feb. 16. After being adrift
on an ice flue in Lake Michigan for
over 15 hours, the five people who were
carried out Sunday evening by the
breaking of the Ice were recned, and
it is not expected that any of them will
be much thu woise lor the cipui lcuu..
Washington, Feb. 16. Otia cable
from Manila aa follows: "One hun
dred and eighty officer and 1,800 Span,
isli prisoner left port on the 12th and
13th, on route to Spain.
t-oute to Chic"o