Image provided by: Hillsboro Public Library; Hillsboro, OR
About The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 9, 1899)
There U something very sooth Ine la the m of St. Jacobs Oil for the onre f Neaialeia. It loo the the win, while it strengthens ant reatorea the weak nerves to natural condition. It la prompt and tare. CartMlttM f UkH. If lake hate bo overflow to the tea the water always beoomea salty, par ticularly if theie la amall rainfall and much evapotation. The Caspian sea la propei ly a salt lace. 80 1 the Dead a. There are several lakea of con siderable lite in Canada whioh have no visible inlets, being fed entirely from lobterranean sonrcee. Chicago Chron iole. ::True Greatness In Medicine Is proved by the health ol the people who have taken it More people have been made well, more cases of disease and sickness have been cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla than by any other medicine in the world. The peculiar com bination, proportion and process in its preparation make Hood's Sarsaparilla peculiar to itself and un equalled by any other. DBIFT WOOD. Bullet of atone were used aa late as 1514. Breeches among the Qreeki war a ligo of ilaTery. The to pai wai the teoond none in the breast of the Bebrew high priests. Caicona, from which quinine it made, waa called "Jasaita' bark" by the Spaniard!. If all the tunnels of the world ware placed end to end they would reach a diatance of 614 mile. They number boat 1,143. The largest gold coin in eiittence is woith about $315. It ia the ingot or "loof" of Annam, and iti value ia writ ten on the coin with India ink. . money-back tea and baking powder at lour Grocers PERSONAL AND LITKRABT. There hare been 37 oases of insanity in the Bavarian royal family daring the last 100 years. It ia cm ions fact that ' there are no direct descendants of Napoleon, Well ington, Washington or Walter Scott. Each of the 33 cities in Massachusetts baa one or more public libraiiea and only 18 of the 831 towns are to sap plied. Henry Norman says it is calculated that Kipling made $75,000 by the aerial book rights of his lateat volume of stories, "The Day 'a Work." King Oscar of Sweden and Norway baa conferred the Order of Vasa on August Peterson, of Washington, in recognition of bis services in founding colonies of his countrymen in America. Mrs. Olipbant has written 74 novels and sii biographiea; Miss Braddon has produced 65 ravels; Miss Yonge, 63; "Ouida," 86; William Black, 80; 8ir Walter Beaant, 37; and Kider Hag gard, 10. RE QCEUENCE OF SY1UP OF FIGS is due not only to the originality and simplicity of the combination, but also to the care and skill with which it is manufactured by scientific processes known to the California Fio Srsur Co. only, and we wish to impress upon all the importance of purchasing the , true and original remedy. As the genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured by the California Fio Stbup Co. only, knowledge of that fact will assist one in avoiding the worthless imitatlona manufactured by other par ties. The high standing of the Cali fornia Fio Brxcp Co. with the medi cal profession, and the satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figs has given to millions of families, makes the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of lta remedy. It ia far in advance of all other laxatives, aa it acta on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating or weaken ing them, and it does not. gripe nor nauseate. In order to get its beneficial effects, please remember the name of the Company CAUFOXNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SA FBAXOISO. 0L untnuii. r z- Vav.Tsoo Cw I Schillings Best ALONG THE COAST. Itaaa T General later SImi4 From th Thriving FaalBa tat. ltallraae Extension. Oonsidersle excitement prevaila from Lakeview, Lake countv, Oregon, all along the line to Reno. iiev., owing to the lecent authenticated report of the extension of the Nevada & California taiiioad from Amedu, Cat., north. The newa of the purchase of ovei 3,000 tons of steel rails in New York by the own ere of this road was tent out last week, and the material will be shipped im mediately to Amedu, preparatory to beginning of extension work in the spiing. This is a natiow-gtiage road now terminating at Amedu, and it is concluded that the next terminus will be Van Loans, 65 miles north, and nearly crossing over the great line plains. It will place Lakeview within 105 miles of railroad trans 101 tation, and will make a considerable difference in stock shipping, freighting and passenger travel. The object ol the proposed extension is to bead oft the Southern Pacific Company, whioh is now extending its line from Upton throngs the great McCloud timber belt to Fall River. lMr Hall Canter. All records of ice tiavel on the Yu kon have been broken by the recent feat of the mounted police of the Northwest tenitory in bringing a big shipment of mail from Dawson to ijkagway in nine days and 10 hoars. The mail left Dawson on the morning of January 15 and was in Ekagway before noon on January 81. The record waa made by the Canadian offloials, it is said, to show that they could greatly teduce the time being made by the TJuited Mates mail contractors. Bl( Sal f Wheat. With the sale of about 600,000 bush els of wheat on a basis of 60 cents for No. 1 olub, net, to the farmers, th wheat market has taken 00 a quieter tone at Pendleton, Or., and no sales are being recorded. The distribution of $350,000 of ready money in this com munity hss given considerable impetus to retail , business, which had become somewhat stagnant fiom the failure ol the producers to realise eithei on wheat or wool Seaeoaer 8aadr Libeled. The schooner Fred E. Sander, at thi Tacoma mill loading lumber for Vallejo Jnnotion, has been libeled by James Gillespie, formerly a cook on her. for $318. The suit was brought while the ship waa on the lower Sound. The case will be beard in Seattle. Since coming to Tacoma the captain and all of the crew who were in her before, with the exception of a Mexican, whc speaks no English, bsve left her. Famalag Operations EmmmI. Farming operations are in active progress in the country south and west of Colfax, Wash., and Ian week hun dreds of acres were plowed for spring seeding. Farmers in the Alkali flat country are seeding, and many are well along with sowing their spring grain. Squirrels are out by hundreds, the country bears the marks of spring, the bills are becoming green, and farmert are busy with theii spring work. A Ctrl Attacked. On Sunday, an nnknown man at tacked the U-year-olddaoghter of O. I. Morris, of Turner, Or., while she wai in a stubble Held, rounding up cows The man jumped from behind a clump of brush, threw the girl on the ground, took off one of her shoes and ordered ber to skip. Mr. Morris beard the screams of his daughter, and tan to hei rescue, bat the assailant wra nowhere to be found. He Bid Received. The steamship City of Columbia was put up for sale at San Francisco at the upset piice of $33,000. There waa iio purchaser. The police department will now indorse the petition of the seamen of the Columbia that the vessel be put up for as much as she will bring. The sailors of the vessel are really in a very bad shape. Most of them have not a cent, and have not possessed a dollar in weeks. Ovarhaollag Nail Plant. The report published in the Port Townsend Leader a few days ago to the effect that the nail works plant was being wrecked for the purpose of shipping the machinery elsewhere, was a mistake. It originated from the fact that several workmen were busily en gaged in overhauling the machinery. When the plant will resume work has not been definitely settled. Iaeoin From Clam. According to the Astorian, C. N. Carnaban, aa a result of a personal in vestigation of the subject, finds that the estimate of value of the olam prod uct of Clatsop county contained in Fish Commissioner McUuire's lepoit is wrong. Mr. McGoire puts the an nual valne of Clatsop county clams at $900. Mr. Carnahan states that it is very close to $10,000. B07 Pirate at Ban Francisco. John Hallin and Arthur Da light have been arrested at San Francisco on a charge of stealing copper and brass from the Mare island navy-yard. They were formerly'' wreckers, but of late have been veritable bay pirates, using a whaleboat and a skiff to commit their depredations. General Land Offlce Reversed. In the case of the Northern Pacific Railroad Company against James B. Uaines, involving lands in the Walla Walla land district, Washington, the secretary has reversed the decision of tire general land office, which held for cancellation the selection of the rail road company and allowed the applica tion of Gaines to make homestead en try of the disputed tract The com pany's right waa prior and indisputa ble, and Gaines has been notified to transfer his claim to othei lands. I.lan Lands Approved. Notice of the approval by the gen eral land office of lieu lands list No. 68, embracing 17,177.77acres of swamp and overflowed lands in the Lakeview district, incurring to and selected by the state under an act of congress, ap proved March 3, 1860, has been received at the executive office of Oreeon. The governor has asked for the immediate issuance 01 a patent. Mrs. Viotoiian Blancbard, 66 years old, of Holyoke, Mass., is the youngest living daughter of a revolutionary sol. 4iw. N Ballroad la China. A. W, Bash, who was formerly 00U fectot of customs on Paget sound, waa the original promoter in China, of what give piouiise of being a very important enterprise. The moving spirit now be hind the scheme is Stewart M. Br ice. The matter includes valuable conces sions for the American-China Develop. ment Company in the name of the China Railroad Company. The sur vey of the road ia already in progress. The office of the new company ia at Ta coma. Kw Portland-Hound Lin. W. H. Llewellyn and George Tiffany IwoNewYoik capistaliats are at San Francisco. They are said to have oome west on an linimrtant t.ailme.1 .l.l They have in view the building of a railroad from Portland to Tacoma and Seattle, a d istance of 1 40 m i lea. Bond nave already rwen placed in INew Yoik to raiaa thn naivuvr mnnitv f.. iKi construction of this road. It ia ootn- tnon gossip that Llewellyn and Tiffany are agents for the Vanderbiita. Cutting Ik Tint. The time between Chicago and Omaha has been reduced to 13 houis on the Chicago 4: Northwestern rial- way. This is part of the overland limited, whioh is to reduce the time between Chicago and Portland to three lays. The fastest time previously made between Chicago and Omaha on the Chicago A Northwestern was 13 hours and 33 minutes. A Carlo Aeeldeat. A curious accident occurred in an Albina, Or., home recently by which a little girl was dangerously wounded bv a revolver. The mother found the re volver whioh she imagined was un loaded. For some reason or other she placed it in an old slimier. The little gill oame in and gave this a kick caus ing the discharge o( the revolver. PACIFIC COAST TRADE. 8attl Mark!. Onions, 85(3 90o per ,100 pounds. Potatoes, $18(330. Beets, per sack, 75c. Turnips, per sack, 60(3 75c Carrots, per sauk, 45tiQc. Parsnips, per sack, $1. Cauliflower, 6O(0Oo per do. Celery, 85(3400. Cabbaite. native and California $1.35 per 100 pounds. Apples, 86 60c per box. Pears, 50c (3$ 1.50 per box. Prunes, 60c per box. Butter Creamerv. 18a iwr raonnil: , 1 . , dairy and ranch, 17 (J 30c per pound. rggs, sue Cheese Native, 13(3131,0. Poultrv Old hens. 14c tier nnund: spring chickens, 14c; turkeys, 16c. rrean meats Choice dressed beef steers, prime, 8c; cows, prime, 7c; mutton. 8c; pork, 80; veal, 6(380, vtiieat reea wheat, i!3. Oats Choice, per ton, $25. Hay Puget Sound mixed. $9,009 11; choice Eastern Washington tim othy, $15. Corn Whole. $33.60; cracked, $34; feed meal, $23.50. Barley Rolled or ground, per ton, 2526; whole, $33. Flour Patent, per barrel, $3.50; straights, $3.35; California brands, $3.36; buckwheat flour, $3.60; graham, per barrel, $3.60; whole wheat flour, $3.76; rye flour, $4.60. Millstuffs Bran, per ton, $14; shorts, per ton, $16. 'Feed Chopped feed, $20(333 per ton; middlings, per ton,$l7; oil cake meal, per ton, $35. Portland Market. Wheat Walla Walla. 68c; Valley, 60c; Bluestem, 61o per bushel. Flour Best grades, $3.30; graham, $3.65; superfine, $3.16 per barrel. Oats Choice white, 4l42c; choice gray, 39 40c per bushel. Barley Feed barley, $33(333; brew ing, $23.50 per ton. Millstuffs Bran, $17 per ton; mid dlings, $22; shorts, $18; chop, $16.00 per ton. Hay Timothy, $9 10; clover, $7 (38; Oregon wild hay, $6 per ton. Butter Fancy creamery, 6065o; seconds, 4560o; dairy, 40(345o store, 2530o. Cheese Oregon full cream, 13o; Young America, 16c; new cheese, 10c per pound. Poultry Chickens, mixed, $3.50(34 per dozen; hens, $4.00(16.00; springs, $1.25(33; geese, $6.00(37.00 for old, $4.505 for young; ducks, $5,009 6.60 per dozen; turkeys, live, 16(3 10c per pound. Potatoes 80 90c per sack; sweets, 3c per pound. Vegetables Beets, 90c; turnips, 75 per sack; garlic, 7o per pound; cab bage, $1(31.25 per 100 pounds; cauli flower, 75o per dozen; paranips, 75c per sack; beans, 8c per pound; celery 70 75c per dozen; cucumbers, 60c per box; peas, 88J,c per pound. Onions Oregon, 76c$l per sack. Hops 16(3 18c; 1897 crop, 46o. Wool Valley, lQ12o per pound; Eastern Oregon, 8(3 12c; mohair, 2 60 per pound. Mutton Gross, best sheep, wethers and ewes, 4c; dressed mutton, 7,c; spring lambs, 7c per lb. Hogs Gross, choice heavy, $4.25; light and feeders, $3.00(34.00; dressed, $5.00(36.50 per 100 pounds. Beef Gross, top steers, 8.S0f3.75; cows, $2. 60 3. 00; dressed beef, 66Jc per pound. Veal Large, 6,97c; small, 7 (3 8c per pound. la FraneiMo Mark, Wool Spring Nevada, 10(3 12o per pound; Oregon, Eastern, 10(3 13o; Val ley, 15 17c, Northern, 9 11c. Millstuffs Middlings, $21033.00; bran, $18.00 19.00 per ton. Onions Silverskin, 60(8 90c per sack. Butter Fancy creamery, Z80; do seconds, 28 24c; fanoy dairy, 22o; do seconds, 1719o per pound. Eggs Store, 22 24o; fancy ranoh, 22 26c. Hops 1898 crop, 18 17o. Citrus Fruit Oranges, Valencia, $3 2.50; Mexican limes, $66.60; Cali fornia lemons, $2.00. 800; do choice, $3. 50 4. 50; per box. Hay-Wheat, $14 17; wheat an.! oat, $18 16; oat, $14 16; best bar ley, $1314: alfalfa, $1214 per ton; straw, 6076c per bale. Potatoes Early Rose, $1.101.15; Oregon Burkanks, 76c $1.15; river Burhaiikrr, 75o$l; Salinas Burbanks, lll 10 per sack. Tropical fruits Bananas, $1.36 2.60 per hunch; pineapples, $2.60 4.60; Persian dates, 66,o per pound. PARIS PEACE TREATY Ratified by the Senate by a Majority of Three. ADOPTED WITHOUT AMENDMENT KOTect at tk Outbreak la tka Philip pla Mada Apparent Motor Vola Was Taaea. Washington, Feb. 8. Hetoie the senate convened today the loaders on both sides manifested great anxiety, and all seemed, to be very much In doubt aa to the flnal result, ratification or rejection smtiuing to depend upon several doubtful votes. It was known Saturday that the treaty could mooter but 68 votes. Leadeia of the opposi tion to the treaty were standing as firm as ever. After the senate went Into executive session it was reported that MoLaurin and Mchneiy had come over for the treaty, giving the necessary two-thirds. At the conclusion of the discussion on the subject, Davis moved an execu tive session, and at 3:15 P. M. the sen ato went into executive session foi Dual consideration of the peace treaty. Alcbneiy offered a resolution declar ing that by ratification of the treaty It ia not intended to make citixens of the inhabitants of the Philippines nor to annex the islands permanently, but to hold them until the islands are pre pared for self-government. At 8:06 the bulls rung for a vote on the amendment to the treaty. The amendment was to make the Philippine article ol the treaty like that relating to Cuba. The amendment was defeat ed, and the vote waa then taken on the treaty. The vote in detail follows: Yeas Aldrish.Allen.Allison. Baker. Burrows, Butler. Carter, Chandler, Clark, Clay, Cu(lom, Davis, Duboe, Elaine, Fairbanks, Faulkner, Frve, Gallinger, Gear, Gray, llanna, Hans- borough, Harris. Hawley, Jones (Nev ada), Kenny, Kyle, Lindsay, Lodge, MoBride, MoEnery, McLaurin, McMil lin. Mantle, Mason, Morgan, Nelson, Penrose, Perkins. Pettus, Piatt (Con necticut). Piatt (New York), Pritchard, (juay, Ross, Sewell, Snoup, Simon, Spooner, Stewart, Snlllvan, Teller, Thurston, Warren, Wellington, Wol oott 67. Nays Baoon, Bate, Berry, Caffery, Chilton, Cookrell, Daniel, Gorman, Hale, Heltfelt, Hoar, Jones (Arkansas), Mallory, Martin, Mills, Mitchell, Money, Murphy, Pasco, Pettigiew, Rawlins, Roach, Smith, Tillman. Tur- ley, Turner, Vest 27. Absent, paired, Cannon and Wilson for, with White against, and Proctor and Wetmore for, with Turpie against THE NATION'S DEAD. List of U Klllwl la th Manila Ea- (mailt. Manila, Feb. 8. The casoaltiet ol Saturday night and Sunday were at follows: Fourteenth in Ian try. Cor porals B. 8oden and Henry F. Thomp son, Privates Jesse A.. Hale, Maurice L. Seeman, Louis V. Diets. James Harvejmiglit, Charles W. Douglas, Frank H. Issinghausen, Charles A. Seitz, Alphonso Bonner and Peter N. Storment, killed. Sixth artillery Private W. A. Good man. First Idaho Major Ed McConvlllo, Corporal Frank B. Calwerel, Private James Fraaer. First California Privates 3. 3. De- war, Tom Bryan and Joseph Matter. First Washington Corporal George W. McGowan, Privates Ralph Him monds, George B. Relchart. Frank Smith, Mattiaa Cherry, Sherman Harding, Edward II. Perry, Walter N. Hanson and Arnold II. Moyckel. Firat South Dakota Privates Hor ace J. McCraken, killed; Fred E. Green, killed; William Z. Lewis, killeJ. First Montana Corporal Hayes, missing, piobably killed; Private John Sorenson, head wounded, probabii fatal. First Colorado Ed. White, missing, supposed to be drowned; Elmer F, Doran, killed. Died ot wounds: Lieutenant Janiei W. Mitchell, Fourteenth infantry; Private George W. Ball, First Idaho; Colonel William C. Smith, First Ten nessee, died of appoplexy at the bead of his command on the firing line. OTIS. ENEMY'S ENORMOUS LOSS. Two Thousand Dead and 3,500 Wound d at Manila. Manila, Feb. 8. Careful estimates places the Filipino loaaes up to date at 3,000 dead; 8,600 wounded and 6,000 taken prisoners. Th Yakima Volunteer!. Tacoma, Wash., Feb. 8. A North Yakirri special to the Ledger says: Three of the Yakima boys are among the slain at Manila: Matt Cherry is the son of a well-known farmer of Se luh valley. George Reichart ia of a German family located on Nob Hill, and the third is not known locally. He probably was enlisted in Taoorua Frank Smith was of company 1, 01 Walla Walla. Orefon Troop Kngagad. Manila, Feb. 8. The Oreson real. ment participated in a sharp engage ment With the insumonts late vnamrdav afternoon, but drove the enemy buck without losing a man. Dreyfus Coming- Back. Paris, Feb. 8. A dispatch to the Patrie, from Cayenne, capital of Jfrunoh Guiana, says that Orders have been re ceived there for the return of Dreyfas to France, with the atateiuont that a Vessel has been sent to bring blm. Th Engagement Sunday. Manila, Feb. 8. Late yesterday Geneial Hale's brigade advanced and took the water w"rks at Hlngaton. Four companies of the Nebraska regi ment and a part of the Utah battery, with two field guns and two Hutohkiss guns, met the enoiny on the bill a half mile out, and a sharp engagement took plaoe, in which the Nehraskans lost one dead and three wounded. Shipping Smalt Eaatward. The other day Kelso, Wash., shipped (86 boxes ot smelt to uoints west of tbt Mississippi river. BEECHER ON ADVERTISING DOCTORS. In Fruolfo Chmnlcl. "1 am glad that thaiU'torruml him; I am glad that th doctor put It Into th paper that h could cur him. And if any doctor t certain h can cur such dtseaxes and don't put It into th paprr, I am sorry. Whit a pity It would hav been had this doctor come to town Uh his wealth of sclenc and rj.wrinc and gone away leaving III in uncured I What a pity It would hav been If tie had been so prejudiced aitahmt advertising a to read the responsible eerlllicntet of th dHtr and save him the go-by as a quai k I What are newspapers fur, It not to circulate In formation t What more valuable Informa tion ran a newspaper give than to tell a sick man wlier lie can be euredf If a man ha devoted hla life and labor to th study of a special class of diseases, the necessity ol Ills savin an becomes alt the more pressing. Ilia duly In advertise lie. come imperious. A really able man, whatever lie his gifts, make' a great mis lake if he falls to us tlios gilt tllMllgll want of advertising," The slxive extract from an article by the Rev. Mr. Heecher emlHuliea a snuiul view of III sulijei-t of advertising. HuptHuie lr. Dsrriu, at 'Jttt Morrison street, this city, had tome In lb city and not advertised, who would know of bis presence T Who would know of the following almost miraculous cur he rrformd In 173, had uot Mr. IHbbl put It In lb paierf Mr. Killlor: In ItCJ my daughter was taken with lb membraneous croup, ami upon her recovery waa left totally deaf. 1 called 011 two eminent physicians, who aid they could do nothing for her. As a last resort, 1 took her to Or. I'arrin, ho cured her; and she has never been troubled with deafness since. I consider H one of lb greatest cures of electrical treiilmeiil ou record, and with great satisfaction irlve this testimonial. 1 reside In llerkeley, Alameda county, Cat., and will lak great pleasure In answering any Inquiries con cerning ibis uiosl remarkablerure. Your respectfully, WILLIAM 8. UlllllLK. Oool and SataeUat. Teacher Have you any good eicuoe foi your lateness this morning, Johnny? Johnny (emphatically) Yes, ma'am. Teacher Well, what was It? Johnny (beaming) First buckwheat eakes this year, ma'aiu. N. Y. Wuild. An Inch ol rain falling upon an area of one square mile equivalent to nearly 17,600,000 gallons, weighing 145,350,000 pounds, or 64,841 tons. The lsrgest woman in the South, Mrs. Maiy Magiqtie, colored, died re cently at Little liock, Ark. Her ave was thirty, and she weighed 600 pounds. The Philadelphia society girl has be gun to tuin bei attention to cricket. Ta Cur a CI. I In On Itay Take laxative llnntio (julnlne Tahleta. All druggists refund money If It fails to cur. 23c. Tha Klmil Kernel Cnllmja nea.ta.1 (100,000 to give it a fresh lease of life, snu (lie money bus been lalsed. UTS Of Onto, r ITT or TOLSM, I I.W S ColTKTV. ( r4N J. ( must make eaih that h Is th senior paner ol the Arm ol K i. t nursv 4 Co . doing bus! in-,. In th file ot Toledo, Cimiitt and Stale aforesaid, ami Ihal said Arm will ties the sum ol ONa Ht'SliKKll IKM.I.AKM fur each and ertry esse ol Catarrh that esnnut be cured by lu use ol UaU's CsTibim Ci'as. fKANK 4. ( HUSKY v vsi mi"tv M4W BUMS BU iraayrileWM IH n resrnc, this io day ol December, A. 0. lime. I m I A. W. UMUoUN, li-l Htlary fadlrt. Ball's Cstarrh Cur la taken Internally and act directly on the blood ami mucins surface of U system. Kend tor teitimnnlals, free. r.J.I'HKNaY A CO., Toledo, 0. Sold by druinlsts Ite. Hall's Family fills are Um best. It has been estimated that a alnula plant of the llussian thistle ail fuel In diameter pioduoes 1,000,000 seeds. Loaded Down, The air is loaded down with pains and aches, and some systems take them in like a sponge, n't, Jacobs Oil rubbed in will take the pain away and leave a euta, The young leaves and roots of ferns supply a considerable poition of food In the mountain districts of Japan. TBT ALLEN'S rOOT-BUSst, A powder to bs shaken into the shoes. At this season your feet feel swollen, ner vous and uncomfortable. If you hare smarting feet or tight shoes, try Allen's Foot-Kane. It rests and comforts; makes walking easy. Cures swollen and sweating feet, blister and callous spots. Relieves corns and bunions of all pain and is a cer tain cure for Chilblains, Hwratlng, damp or frosted feet. We have over thirty thou sand testimonials. Try it tda. Bold by all druggists and shoo ctore.-: for 26c. Trial package FKEK, Address, Allen 8. Olin sted, To Boy, M. Y. The eldest unmarried daughter of Captain Bigs bee, Miss Mary Ellen Sigs bee, is doing good work as an Illustra tor of magaiines. . tlTI reraaamiuy Cured. Kofluor aereousne me after Srst dr s us of Ir. Kllue's oreat Rem Beatorrf. Send aw VR. Ss.00 trial kotrto and treatise. lilt, B. ILEuT<dJ " A Hamburg, Germany, chemist has noeeded with the aid of oxide of alu minum in creating I beat of up to 80, 000 degrees. THEY ALL WANT THIS ' AGENCY FOK VrSeWK.1- 40, 30, las, iaa.60, fiao. U you want a paying agency writ at one be fore all territory Is taken, rUBD T. MRKKILL CYCLE CO., POKTIANI), OR. SPOKANE. TACOMA. BRATTLE, X MACHINERY ForMllls( Mines, Shops andjarms; Btcel Log ging and Hoisting Engines; HoClils Tooth Hawi, Albany Urease, to. TATUM & BOW EN 17 to 8ft Hirst Street Portland, Or. M-M Fremont Street, San francltoo. OReGUnN'STiwPILLS Wood, Aid Olf i-ttlon andPretenl Bllumsnees. Do Orlp r Slvktp . Toeen rlao you jse will n e04,ralla4a.,Asa, hid fey PrrSa ... aeanj Thra Is a man In Noln, Kan., N. Murray by name, who has married the same woman lour limes, Fe.'h mar I luge, esccpl the last, was followed by a divorce, then by icom lllalion. then by reuiairiago, then by a row. The fotirt marriage siwuis to have btn the charm, for tlm couple have lived to gether several yeais as happily as a pair of doves. ('st nf Nicaragua t'Hl. Th. Un,...i... to ilia rial of eonslraelllig the Mrru I'sits'. vsrv Inns r)t l..t.taa i.t Ui,um,isi, How iliffervnl si the estimates l the lo'h' lu the lue of Hosteller's elouj aeh lilileis lor sioiiis. h, Itvir, hl't and kW uev II l agreed et. rlile Ibel this ! remedy Is unui"l h ludielloii, bilious. Ilesn, coti.llt'Stiolt. Slid lee'less- lie.s. II issued aareeahle medicine to take. It tastes good w well as does good. The Dutchtw d'l'lse la, among other things, a sculptor of considerable! talent. I No household I" complete without a bol tin of the famous Jesse Moow Vlitkey. It Is a pure and wholesome stimulant re"1 ommeiiiled by all physli laua. Pull I ne glect this uvcrssily. i A Walkdcn, Knglaud, inachanle has, Stn-oetHled in breaking liia leg 91 time; in thn lust 6S years. lli .Manclieslei doctors look on him aa a inaevl. airikes In, The chill ot fiost strike in and car ries with It ache ami pain, ht. ' Jucolat Oil will follow close behind and drive them out of It will soarch and cure. Ily the tliH'lrio heinostiit of Lawson Tail bleeding Is arrested without the use ot a lllaguia. We will forfeit H.t) If any of our pub lished iretlnioiiinis are proven to be nut geiium. Tit 1'iao lo.. Warren, I'a. One of the it.lit womeu In the Klondike la Mia Miilrooney, a young woman from reiiiisvlavula. If you want Ilia het wind milt, puin, tanks, plows, wagons, bell id all sties boilers, engines, or general iiiat bluery, e or write JuIlN runl.l'., had of Morrteuil Street, Portland, Oregon. Hararla ha IS pencil facliirlne, em ploying 10,0110 people and producing 4,0410,000 black and SOU.IKJO colored pencil per week. A 01 everybody you know to no l save their tin tags for you The Tin Tags taken from Horseshoe, "J. T.," Cross Bow, Qood Luck and Drummond Natural Leaf will pay for any one or all of this list of desirable and useful things and you have your good chewing tobacco besides. Every man, woman and child in America can find something on this liM that they would like lo have and run have-I KK 1 1 Write your name and addrew plainly and send every tag you can get to us --mentioning the number of the present you want. Any auortment of the different kinds of tagi mentioned abovs will It accepted as follows: ..... vo 1 MsUB Sol, aiMlsl digej. ba purled ln Jspes . I Kmb, otu l,l..l, urel ts M I, t imk, find srnl .... i Lhd l's Set, klntfa, Folk .ml .Spoo I bJl sad I'sppn, out huh, mted- INp. .HI, ,W WHIM, NM.J , , I ,, ruillue grouiul, Sua lingU 1 RuiinKntf,, iiliib Um, bn, qo.1. S HugulirU,ltt,lUu,lMualtty t Sump h.i, stsrlms ulm 10 Kn.fs, "K. Kuilt,"ta liWIes 11 BukKst Kntfe, "Ksra Kunet," tltHh , 11 Slwar., Ka Kuitn," aMKti, SKbtl IS NMSet.CnrBsvsndtlVlis, It Neil lll, ),(,, ,m,il,,rt m, s-ia. h II TiMth liiuth. usilin tiUtr, eaie- ih m, I ,n a , IS Pspsr Curist, stnlini ul.n, tsn. ll ft, T-mch II nw IUII. "Auxisiue,"btsl qua), lug IS Watch, Mem and ,n,l wi, guann tsed guod Uiae ssepat SjDO This oftir iiplnt AddrcM all your Tagt and the kv aavuVaaW SS J DRUI wwvvw DRUMMOND BRANCH, St. Louie, Mo. "a Vsrwwwww-W CUTLER'S CARB 0 LITE OF 100 1 HE Ouaranti-d euro for (Irlp, Catarrh and Con sumption. All liriigglsta, l 00. W. II. Huillb, Huflalu, N. V., stile pruprltitor. ..JUST OUT.. THE FLYING TOP. Th greatest Invention of the si. We will send ssniple, prepaid, on receipt nf fan. Wo give sim clal prie s lu agents. 1 lionsands of m.'tt and ariimt'ii can make H to i s day selllne onr nnvidtlfg. I'ACIKIC COAHT NOVKI.iV CO.. 1S1 First street, 1'ortlantl, (Jr. Women, Why Suffer When you can bur for on dollar positive and qalck cure fur Ulsoaa.- imcullar to your saxf MOORE'S REVEALED REMEDY Will car jrou-three will give relief, tt contains no alcohol, or other spirits, no qui nine or poisonous drugs easy and pleasant to tak. On duller pur buttle at your druggist's. HAYFORD'8 Improved Lifting Jack A COMPLETE INVENTION LARGE FB0FITS. A Good Investment! This Improved device la adapted to all olnsst s of lifting to which a Jack la coinmoiily apiil liva ble, and is particularly handy In the outfit of railway 10011011 hands, oar slums, uutchlno hops, eta. It has liven patented hy Messrs Engtin and Artlinr U. Ifayford, of Hnokano, Wash., and la liclng manufactured and Intro duced to the pnhlio by thtnn, Thimiforn, In order to procure means lo assist In manufac turing, we ofter to th public an liidueainent for some fortunate one In secure. By sending t" cents to our address, entitles yon to a num. ber securing you a dunce to draw a contract from the company, which will give the holder a percentage of the protlu of the enterprlso. Only 2A cents and a chanoo of entering a profit, able iiterprlse. Postage stamps not accepted,. Address should be plainly written. Address ' HAYFORD UFTIKC JACK MANUFACTUtllNG CO., P. O. Bol m. SPOKANB, WABH. "TUB TltKHTLK nOARD," 11 1'KR year: weekly, ft cents; monthly, lo cents. . ... 7 .... ,. ..,.. n.u.H, , fun, a, avw Cali fornia lit., Han Francisco, bal. ' The Rational Ioventors' Association. a Baaaaaaaaa We do a general PATENT ItlTNINKR". W (INCOItPOSATKO.) le.Mire, inlroduco and sell patents. Onr regis tered attorney can gut you patents direct from the government wlllumnlclay, Agenu wanted In evcrv tuwn to still i,Hiuiit,iii anieVuu .',,.,.... Information furnished on request, Uonn ula CNAstHrta 0 CUMHSBOS IlUH.lllMU, PultTLANU, OaaouN, . IFK TEETH WITHOUT PLATES Itoote Crowned, llrldge Mad, 'alnless filling and airaetlon. Dr. T. H. White, BtftST AIDED DYMRS.HXK.Ujt Mrs. W. R Iito. Yni(ow North Dakota, writ about her r1 gl lo regain health after th tlr'h ber llltl glrli " Taaa Maa. riisantM - tt U t(iv pleasure that I add my tc.Hinot.. your list, hoping that It may iftj: others to avail Iheuiacivri of )UUr liable mrdlcln "Afur the birth of my Imi. fr, three yvar ago, my braiih M poor, t bad Icucorrh.ra badly, terrible bearing down pain whlek gradually grew wore. until could,, .o work, Also had bra.ta.l, Darl all th time, and dly feeling jtlr. Itruallons were very piviu, app, tng try two weeks " I took medicine from a giant .Wtoy but It seemed to do no g.x. I becoming alarmed or my conditio when I read your advertisement inj plr, I arot at once for a tiott;(4 l.ydka E. Plukham'e Vegetal.! (u. pound, and after taking two third af th bottle I felt so much Utter U,i send for two more. After using Uire nottlcs 1 felt at strong and wU M, one. " I think it is the beat medli-ln for female weakness ever advertised, and recommend It to every lady I tueetsuf. ferlng from this trouble " Maternity U a wonderful tsprrlenes and many women approach It wholly unprepared. Childbirth under right condition nerd not terrify women. Th advice of Mra. Piukhant Is freely offered to all tspretanl mother, and ber advice Is beyond question th mutt valuable to l obtained. If Mrs. l ag. ton had written to Mrs I'inahiK b. ftireeonDnemrot the would hav beerj tave.l much suffering alrt I'iukbamt addrca It Lynn, Maa. Human being have sit muscles to each eye, that they may more it on either side. When, coming to Francisco go ta I',h.klyil Unlet, 'JXV'.'U Hush eireel. Amen, an or KtiMpii plan. Ittaon and board tl IU lo ll.fio r day ; ramte Vx-euH to 11.00 twr nay) single meala 23 leul, t ree coat ll. t llas. kloiilgomery. ast 0 Van IS Alarm CVk. Itttt, aai.aateal .. kaj ' Lrv tnatklta ttawlle, gud aal ... . , sjno II Sis Hagata' Taatanoaa, keal auat. M n llaiw sad rutks, m aaxk, Iwk- hawa ItaftdWa aaa IS CW, aday. C'alaadM.I WMHa- ater, Hafuasatsr .......,,. fgre M Sana, V. 0mm llaaiat, as N a IS at Na. 40 og IS Taol ttet, aoi eUfihmga, U, m tuota , , , , , , aa M Tudtt Sat, riecwaiad pmelala, aaty handa,aM , an) V W.r.h, Mm! Hl-et, fi.ll aaded . luu) M Saeuig Mathwe, tri ilaaa, aaJ. all altachmaau sm V I lare. q,,iy , , , aa go K.Se, Mta.Ka.ln. !, Jcal aue SI ahot (lun, douMa tattnl, Itaataae. U-aa, stub lanu , ajora) sl Cttliar (WaJibumi, rsmi, I. Utd e.lh auMkat4.iaail .... kne n Ilkrila. staadaid auat, ladles' er geats' use OtIKS B0 ehnk-e nr ,aen as taw yea, Bat, an lags SMB. Rovimbir 30. 1899. correspondence about them la H lift lliCE 40 : Saved. Igontj Wanted. t.arirest natural premium company In th world. Your own life Insurance free l.y lacing niir agent, MAHK T. KAliY, manager, 04 and OUo Oregonian building, I'ortiaud, Or, or al ba bad. Tlia beat la Bleats Ike ekaapaai, par tnS atura f. fTRRYS SEEDS l tad alwata gat yoee laeaef I I worth. fl?a eanta par papav J J X. eVBrrwrlara, Always lb af est, HaadAnaiial fraa. aa. YOUNG MEN! k.9 ''!'D,"".!ll"l nissl Pabafs Okay Srawiac It 'J,. "blcj will cure aaA and earr f,?U; L' "A" smiwa It has ever rallnt to oura, no iiiatter huw serlmia or of liotr long stunting. Haault !iSIV.lil,2!i,:,M Hll"h roa. lt' aara. ErTCM2Wi"ff0,l,htt'',wi PKit' Si?.!! '"""t'1" '"W "til prapaal a alauilr wrapiMtd. on rivwi. of art. ff, 0lulr audi e. tkl iUAl.' 00, Ohlc-, 111. Relief at Last Praised by thousends of Ilea aa aafe. al ways reliable and without hi latlles a -el table an an enllal. Ask .IrUBBTls pr. Hartel'a fraaeli Female Pills In metal bog with wh,, .,, R,d. bJrsx&ii sllsl tor Women,'' mailed r-HErfla plain rreiioh Flag on top In lllue, lenulne. !H?i W'S jasimioiilais and partletilars. Address, FRENCH 0HU0C0., 181 eni 383 Pssrl II., N.V. RUPTURE CURED. Jl guarante to fit every ease w undertake. Ion t put It offi writ lor particular! at ono. i!',..11, HHJ!,M,,, ' Kiar Truss Kilters, ice Second street, Portland, Or. CURE YOURSELF! Use Hlgi for unnatural olschargos, Inasniniatlons, Irrltatloua or uloarallua el mu o ons aisnibranns. Pslnless, and not aslrln gaui or puisonuus. , stole br IsraasrlBta. Rr sent In plain wra 1 einrasa. nraaald. ir Bant In plain wrsppsei Jtrcular sSnl oa'raquesi, I .en, r S bofllos. P-n N. P. K. V. mu. a-'. XnJCimH wrltlna; ta adTrtlsr yUase V S '""Hfv ratravA J j yBre,"l.naalh. a.aaX f f f ol eulllsalloe eaatad ea lnfarlnr V ff easde sllrasa laraal asaaada tlta 1 Bl o.,ak nf tka haaA mmmAm .n I D9 MHTfiT" Female IPlLLiS Is I U ss;,.l M M OsaraBtM4 yl J ast la slrUtars. Flrrarsaw sealailoa, Baa i nsr.nsi UHtMIGUUa VrA fltsnisasri n 1 f v ! sal i ar.