I a'JUL HILLSBORO ARGUS, FEB. 2, 1899. WKMX with tun Fkopi.h t t : : : All Akht t- txxxxxxxxxxxwxxxxa if Suys the WuHhlnnton County Hoys are Well. SHOWS EVIDENCE OP HIS ILLNESS. Wan Met at the Depot and Given Kolhualastlc Welcome, an Lieutenant Kilr J. Hryan return ed from NUhiU Friday evening and ia now remix-mtlng at the liiitne uf hit parents on Beoond elreet. H it loniewhit thinner than when he left lant tnring and heart evidence of illness The Washington county boys, ha says, were all veil and hourly when he 1 -ft the Orient. The Lieutenant's many friemla are naturally pleased to ihake hi haid after hi martial sojourn h the eatt, and they allowed their MrHiution of hia conduct ly mating him at the depot with tint llilleboru Ued and Cornel lUnd. i Speaking of Aguinaldo, Lieuteti nut llryan tav that the Fillipinos who were in active revolt against Spanisn misrule aeem to have every confldence in hie leadership, and that many of the stories about hi insinoority are from leaders in nrovincea where the revolt waa only in an incipient stage. lie good-naturedly admlU that he did not capture Guam Ittand; thtt he waa not the Aral to land at Cavite, and that he did not raise the drat and only official flag at Manila, but he waa the II rut Ameri can to fire upon a Spaniard from the inxurgent rille pit, and hi compan ion, 11. J. Green, waa the second and neither luat an opportunity afterward. BAND BENEFIT CONCERT. ,The city council met Friday eve ning and conaidered the proposed charter amendment. All objections were carefully weighed and one or two alight alteration conceded. Henalof 1'utU-raon haa the amend ment In charge, and the measure will dnuhtleaa In-come a law. One of the interpolation! agreed upon will grant the city the right to con struct a water and light plant, pro vidttd the Water A Light Company V plant mow in operation be not pur chneed. This change was suggested, inaimiuch aa the city now haa no authority to build such a plant In case no agreement ia reached be tween the present plant owners and the city, the latter inuet loae the 10,(M 0 intereat it now owna in the plant by virtu" of a bond subsidy of (hat amount given the promoter eight yeara ago. I'artiea having farm or city prop erly for eule will do well to liat it willi H. hventt, who is centrally lo cated in Hillsboro, and who ia in constant correnpotidence with par- tiea deal ring to locale in Oregon, lie aUo carries aeveral firat-claxa tire insurance companies. Tliii city ia eatahliahing its repu tation a a thinning lmint 1) J r- ing the calendar year juetendedthe following ahipmenta were made: Product Carload Flour 72 Hon 15 Holled oat II Straw, baled . 12 Oati 40 Hay 120 Wood 34 Wheat 30 Potatoes 7 Green fruit Mill feed Dried fruit Onion?.,..' 2 Tbe Public Seoul tad He it Total carload ihipped 351 Wanted, at the Ladd & Heed farm, Reedville, a man for general farm work and who can blacksmith and run an engine. Will pay good wage to the right man. Steady employment. Call on, or writ J. W. Karateter, Reed ville, Oregon, M JU? i"B ty lki - JUSTICE l D. SMITH Jury Returns a Verdict for 1'lalntiff In Sum of $91.40. THE TRIAL CONSUMED TWO HAYS. Allen May Appeal to the Circuit Court, March Term. Unleea the cane be appealed to the circuit court, tha laat chapter of a $20,000 damage auit waa concluded in thia city Monday morning, when a juatice court jury returned a ver dict of $01.40 in favor of Attorney W, 1). Smith in hi case againat Isaac Allen, the rich firmer, resid ing near Reedvi.le. Two year ago Allen had Charle and Janie Par rolt, husband and wife, arreated for the alleged theft of about $500 from hia rvsidmce. The circuit court aruuilted them, and the Parrotte moved ' to Muilnonian. several month ago they entered uit for tamagea against Allen in the um of $20,000. Allen employed Kueh Giltner, a Portland attorney, to de fend hi cave. He subsequently went to eee Smith, and the latter alleged he waa retained aa council. Allen also went to tee Congressman Toiittue. who brought about the compromise, by paying $50, which dismissed the action. Allen refused to settle with Smith on the basil of a charge of $103.40, and denied having retained him as an attorney, claiming he solicited hi aid only aa a iustice of the peace. The evi dence showed that Uiltner received $175 and Tongue $150. E. B Tongus and E. H. Gregory appeared for the defense. Real Estata Transfers. 1000 flilleboro haa a Reed A Hand of which the city should feel very proud. Many of the band boys all of them are residents) of the city, and by dint uf earnest en deavor they have built up a hand that stands second to none on the Wet side. A town of this sire hav ing no band is like civilisation mi nus literature. So it stand to res ton that such an institution should carry a financial support, as well as social recognition. The band hat arranged to give music lovers a rare treat and the fund will go for now equipment and new muic. They should have a house packed to the doors. The ilernard Wallhir Con cert Company will appear at the Opera House, Wednesday even ing, February 8th. Admission, 25 and 35 ceuti. Tickets are on sale at Wehiung't. The repertoire con sists of Bernard Walther. the fam ous violinist who lis charmed the public since his ninth year with his matchless technique and master ful melodie; Madame Walther, the fiimoua English balladist, and the pianiste, Kraulein Laura Eschel tn hi n. an acknowledged star. Considering that our bandsmen put in many hour for the benefit or the public, ana lor wmcn tney get in return nothing like financial remuneration, this effort should re ceive a rousing suptnrU Brush up your local pride and patriotism and make them feel your appreciation. i Mr. W. N. Barrett, who haa been seriously ill lor tome weeks, is now improving. The Hilleboro charter amend ment hsa passed the senate and now goes to the hou. There it no doubt but what it will become a law. Miss Laura E. Jones, who it the only woman country newspaper man in the state, and who is the proprietor and editor of the Drain Watchman, waa at Cornelius last week, the guest of Mr. and Mrs A. 8. Briggs. B. C. Hollenbeck, who -lives on Dairy creek; above Mountaindale, last vear experimented with early amber sugar oane and had excellent remits. He has made a fine quality of, svrun. and his crop produced a Shield of about 200 gallons to the ore. Middleton la soon to have a ohop iill. Chat. Brochman will put one in, using the Preserving Works' , building and engine for that pur nose. This will bo quite an aooom modation to Middleton people as they must now make iigard ville, Tualatin or Newberg, ' Sheriff Bradford hat filed a bil witb the county court asking for .j, $87 compensation in making levlee on delinquent tax lands, and also $sks to ue remunerated $250 for extra expense incurred in collection of the 19U7 tax rou. mis, Amine, be iwkB'ior as over and abovi statutory salary. Today is '"ground-hog day" and If the little rasoal has been nervy enough to get out into the Behring "ireeies he lias "seen ms snaouer Vwnnd doubt. But the old sying about hia coming out on February 2nd will hardly noid tins year rnund-hog with perception enough to gee his shadow would come out C; a dtf like this. lin, who died at rorrrstw evening. Mist Laughlin was well known here and only a Tew months ago made this city a visit. She was the lh-year-olu daughter of Chaa. Laughlin, the old pioneer liveryman of Hilleboro. Miss Ber ths was a young woman of exem plary character and was universally beloved. Her remains were in terred in the Masjnic cemetery. Schulmerich A Bon have received their stock ol agricultural imple ments for the spring trade, which includes plows, all kinds of liar- tows, wagons and cultivators. N"e them and get their prices before purchasing. Talk about rour bliimrdsl Kan sas wasn't n ill iesterdny was a regular Dakota day with the north- west, snow was driven betore the wind like the seven furies and ill betide the traveller who lied to face the strong esster. But, after all, it wasn t to bad. It was just the tail end of a regular old fashioned plains bliitard. broken loose from the main storm, attracted probably by the Washington and California sen atorial fights. The second term of the city school opened Monday with an in creased attendance the enrollment to date being 332. The following have graduated and will recme the diplomas at the June tern many of them remaining until then in order to take a thorough review The Misses Dell Young, Kniily Young, Martha Ingram. Minnie lleidel, Venus Conurn, Ella Bridges, Mae Imbrie, Jen nie Greer. Rita 1 season, Wiunie Lincoln, Lena Paisley, Mable Mullen, Jessie Ep person. Etta KitnberUn and Mr. Fred Kverson. Councilman Thomas Tucker has sold hi Portland Williams Avenue residence property and now owna no realty except his interests in the city of Hillsboro. "Tommy," ns he is known to everybody, will now have but little to do save to take an occasional plunge in the vortex of politic and attend his duties as one of the committee on streets. Hermann Weimann to Peter Uoedrer. tie i ne 1 sec 6 t 2 sr2 w $1000 T A & P U to O Mable Mc Leod, lots 2 and 3 blk 4 rNvktf'sd Forest Grove 1 ITI WWMfc.; R P Lilly and wf to Lucy la Churchill, e ne I of ne i t 1 n r 1 w Gottleib SUiin to Alfred Slein, 80 a sec 3lU 2 a r 2 w and wt sw 4 se 4 sec 25 t 2 r 2 w Gottleib Stein toOttilie Stein, GO a sec 3G t 2 a r 2 w Emma P Everson by sh'ff to L. E. LaRue, 7 n seo 10 t 2 a r2 w ......v... Frank Hilliecke and wf to W .McQuillan, right of wax . , . Frank H. Sherman and bd to Win V and Adena K Bell rood, 3138 a t with excep tions) V Bronson don .... W H Scott by sh'ff to Alliance Trust L't'd, ne i sec 14 1 1 s r 5 w and se seo 17 t 1 s r 4 w Mary A Lamkin to James II Seweil, lots 1 & Block 6, Fairview add Hillsboro. . . I II Vannoy to Loltie Hoff man, 1 acre near l-iilley,, . . Ludwig T Larscn to F V 8a- gert. 97 rods s 20 t 2 s r 3 w I. E LaRue and wf to Charles Porter. 1 a so 10 1 2 s r 2 w J C Hare and wf to Louis A Rojd, 10 a H Sulger dona tion land claim 50 Politics in theory have r.o place on the news page, but politics as practiced at Sslein may be of much interest to the voters of Washing ton county. The legislature has just passed a bill which embodies the biggest political gerrymander ever saddled on the state. Repub lican opposition, or rather, Simon opposition to the McBride-Milcbell wing of Oregon politics have so ar ranged the new apportionment that the Simonites will crush the other faction and control every republi can nomination that means a bal ance of power. Here is the instance affecting Washington county: in the past this county, Columbia and Tillamook elected a joint senator. The new law gives the joint senat or to thia county and Multnomah, and this tnesn simply Portland control, for that city will name the man every time, this win give Hon. G. V. Patterson a tolerable sure cincbe for his seat as long as he wants it. Talk about Joe Sim on not being a regular Solomon! The Ladd & Reed Farm Com pany at Reedville will sell a num ber of registered pure Berkshire hoars, seven months old. Call on, or write J. W. Karsteter, Reedville, Oregon. It is said, aa The Argus goes to press, that rather J. a. Grifhn can not hold out much longer. The old pioneer missionary 1839 Is now slowly passing away at his home in this city It may be but a question of a few days, and per haps of but a few hours. He can no longer articnlate and be is hour ly growing weaker and weaker Thus it the passing of a man who waa in the vanguard of northwest ern civilisation a man of indomi table energy, an intelligent, honest soul, one who had, and has, many mends and no enemies. E. E. Colestock gives you the best shave in the city. Hair cut at popular price. Try his baths. Don t forget the place City shav ing Parlors, Main street. Fred Witt, a sturdy German farmer whose residence is near Hillside, died from rheumatism of the heart last Friday afternoon lie was working in his granary when death overtook him. De ceased was 54 years of age, and for 'OiaJJn a resident HILLSBORO WILL HAVE NINE MONTHS SCHOOL School Meeting of Last Satur- day Levied Seven Mills. CAN'T PAY OFF A BOND THIS YEAR. What It Coats to Run tiis School One Year. --' " ' for The city school district Saturday levied a 7-mill tax for the purpose of conducting a nine months' term of school for the next school year The directors' report showed that the district is in better shape by JdUU than it was one year ago. The taxable property in the district amounts to $414,020, and the levy ill raise $2898.04. The school ill get about $2000 from tbe state fund, and it is estimated that tbe total receipts will Day for the re mainder of the present school term and provide for the nine months' school voted at the meeting. It was originally intended to make the tax higher that the district n ight liquidate one of its $1000 bonds, but the holders notified the di recto-s they would not accept the tender until maturity, a year hence. It costs the district $3400 per an num for nine months service, and $540 for injerest. DEATH UNDER A TREE. Robert H. Stevenson killed Tuesday Evening While Asleep. Robert H. Stevenson, the eighteen year old son of Mr. and Mrc. R. O Stevenson, residing above Forest Grove, Tuesday night met death in a shocking manner. An inquest waa yesterday held by Coroner Large, and as near as could be ascertained, the facts are as follows: Stevenson, in company with Michael Aormen and E. H Burk, was going home from church and the trio stopped under a burn ing tree to warm. Stevenson and Burk soon tell asleep, made drowsy 1 800 1000 8 1 4500 1435 1 400 45 25 held an autoprmri Justice W. I). Smith Monday heard the case of state va.C. Blaser, charged by Chaa. Stewart, with lar ceny of money. It appears that they had been shaking dice for money, and Stewart alleged, in his complaint, that Blsser got away with $20. 8. B. Huston and John M. Wall defended, and Geo. R. Bagley assisted H. T. Bsgley in the prosecution. . As . tbe evidence for the stale wss somewhat conflicting in the opinion, of the juatice, and as Blaser. told a straight story from beginning to end, tiie defendant waa discharged. Cornelius, Ore., Feb., 2. The list oi aica ana convalescent are: voio- nel Cornelius, reported as improv ing; a. a. iewis, better, and now able to be oat; T. H. Miller, still in his room; H. Corum, mending: J. D. Phillips, still at St. Vincent's; Lawrence Bailey, again attending to business; Kobert Walker, tha aged Greenville pioneer, seriously ill. L. G. Weidewitsch has moved into his handsome new residence on Baseline street. Eff Schieffelin and wife were in Portland Sunday Sailing dates of O. R. & N. Co. Ocean Steamers, Portland and San Francisco, for tbe month of Janu ary will be as follows: on the 12th, and every 5 days thereafteer. The filing away of old circulars sometimes has its reward. The publishing house which sends out advance sheets of law reports and later on binds the work for sale, has for years been tending these little sheets to the Jaw office of a. B. Huston. He and Mr. Wall have been saving them and when too great an accumulation gathered they would tie them up and stack them away. And now comes sn Astoria attorney and offers them $70 for the sheets a pretty good price for simple storage. Remnants! Remnants! Schul merich & Son will have a sale of remnants. Anything in their store in tbe line of remnants will be sold at prices never before offered in this city. The last will and testament of Barner I McKenna, a native of Ire land, gives his property, about 34 acres of land near Beaverton, to his wife, Maria Ann McKenna. At her death, the residue, if any, will goto deceased s sister. Margaret James lxfe UeeXotJier heirs, county of Monaghan was 66 years of Sun 2ft 1 1.! tV-tm na.ltta.a1 nailer IToT1 u i wm 1 1 wiu imiui m i v auptn, lie was a brother to John Witt of South Tualatin. Rend the telegraphic news in The A ho us. No other paper in the county seat gives sucn a com plete service. The people want all the news.. . v t 1 i :.. u.. . . I. i . . ' ' A. w. faxton, woo lormeriy was him almost instantly'. nTBfcaf ents, three brothers and two sisters survive bim. His remains were in terred in Buxton cemetery today. THE ARGUS FEBRUARY, 189. v:t 12 Hon Tuea l Wedfthu 1 1 XL 131 14 2T j a i j "27TM r 37 at 4 ia 23" 17 4 " PROFESSION i a toatto... woTaav. THOS H TOMOOa. THOS. H. l K.B. Attorneys-AtLa. Rooms 3, 4, & j, Morgaa Blk, HUlsborO " H. T. BAGLEY, ' " ATTORNRV-AT UW Deputy District Attorney lor Washing., ion county. Office upstaire over Delta Drag State. E. R. GREGORY, L. L. B. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Hillsboro, . Corwia & Wooster NOTARY PUBL C - - Oregea, Block, U pats n. F. A. BAILEY, II. D. - PhyalcUa, Bargeoa and Aooowcliaw Office in Rrllsboro Pnarmacv. Resi dence south-west corner Baseline and Second. All calls- promptly attendee, day or night. ' t fit' H. WILLIAMS. D. D. S., M. Dt S . (Sueceesaor Dr. A. B. Ballsy, D D. 9. DENTIST ; 1 Sixteen Tears Active bpsrlenee) Kooms I Mi Mosha Bailit Bloc ... HILLSBORO, OREGON- S. T. LINKLATER, M. B. C. Is., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Offlos at Residence Bast of Court Home JOHN M. WALL, ATTOB.NBY-AT-LAW Office with 8. B. Huston, Union Block HILLSBORO. ORKOUV. THE SALARY BILL, Through the kindness ol Senator Haines this othce has received a superintendent of the poor farm, copy of the salary bill for Wash Probate. Mr. and Mrs, C. C. Fraxier, of LaGrande, are in the city, guentsof Mrs. Eliza Williams, mother ot Mrs. Fraiier. They have recently returned from a trip to California, whit nor they went to better Mrs Frazier's health. ; They return to LaGrande in a few days. Mr. Fra tier is a brother of Sheriff Frazier, of Multnomah county. News has been received hereof the illness ol J. H. Stanley, once superintendent of our city schools. He has bad a severe siege ot "grippe" but is now on the high roaa to recovery, rar. staniey now has charge of the St John's schools. MesBrs. S, B. Huston and Benton Bowman returned last evening from MoMinnville after two days attend ance at Referee's court. They state that mercury seemed to be more kindly disposed there than here. James T, Adams, aged 83, died at the poor farm Monday, from pneu monia. Deceased was a pioneer and had a brother over in the Ne- haleVn.' ' ,,. . , Go to F. J. Barber, Second Street, (or a neat shave or hair out. Satis faction guaranteed. Fine bath room in connection. Monthly magazines at the Delta. Frank Rowell, A P. Wilkea and C. Molstad appointed appraisers of the estate of f-ovina Warren, deceased. The estate of Win. Guthrie, de ceased, has been closed of record and bondsmen discharged and re leased from liability. R. Vincent will file linal account of his administration of the Wm. Vincent estate and the same will be heard on February 8, 1899. The widow, Emeline Vincent, has been appointed administratrix de bonis non and letters will issue upon fil ing bond. Will of Bernard McKenna, de ceased, admitted to probate and James Barnes and G. N. Thomas confirmed as executors. Alexander Bews and Fred Mager, witnesses to will and Fred Mager, A. B. Cady, sureties. Wm Sweeney, Edward Thomas and W.J. Buttner appoint ed appraisers. Dead Letters, The following it the list of letters re maining in the Hillsboro post office nn claimed: H. Burson, Mr. Fred Kobersteln, Mrs, Flora Brown, All letters not called for by Feb. II, and who now lives on Rock Creek, had the misfortune to lose several hundred dollars value by fire the other night. His outbuildings burned and out of a lot of farming machinery, grain, and bacon, not a thing was saved. There was no insurance. It is thought the fire might have originated from a few brands which had been used to smoke meat. Married: At the residence of Mr Fairchild, Cornelius, Oregon, Janu ary 29, 1899, Mr. Fred W. Barber, and Mrs. Sarah A. Beck with, Rev R. A. Atkins, of this city, otliciat ing. Mr. Barber has a host of friends in this vicinity, where he has resided for several years. The bride is a daughter of Wm. Fair child, a prominent citizen of Corne lius. They will make their home in this city. Dr. Large, the Forest Grove phy sician, politician, reporter and mem ber of the U. S. Examining Board for Washington county, was in the city yesterday. Owing to the rag ing atorm there were no veterans to examine they evidently prefer ring to remain inside by their hearthstones. Clerk; Imbrie has granted license to wed to George O. Quick, aged 28, and Precious A. Howell. The bride elect is one of Beaver ton's fair daughters and the groom prospect ive is a rising youi g business man of Carlton, Cowlitz county, Wash ington county, introduced by him on January loth: Section 1. From and after July 1st, 1900, the salary of the county clerk of Washington county, Ore gon nhall be eighteen hundred dol lars a rear and he shall be allowed one deputy, whose salary shall be bix hundred dollars a year Section 2. From and after July 1st, 1900, the salary of the sheriff of Washington county, Oregon shall be eighteen hundred dollars a year and he shall be allowed one deputy, whose salary shall be six hundred dollars a year. Section 3. From and after July 1st, 1900, the salary of rtcorder ot Washington county, Oregon, shall be twelve hundred dollars a year. This Act shall repeal all former Acts in conflict herewith John Beal, whose parents live at the Grove, is getting along nicely with the Phillips school. Mr. Beal is rising in the ranks of his pro fession and will soon be one of our ablest educators. The Farmington creamery has replaced its old separator with a fine new Reid Danish Western. A. H. Neukirch, the butter man giving excellent satisfaction. Plymouth Rock Eggs, at Wm. SchuliLerioh's, Farmington, $100 per settinir. of thirteen. A few full blood roosters at $1 00 each. G. N. Thomas, one of Beaverton's aKantiul mlivana waa in I.Ka nifv .ol it, t. . . .1.. A.A 1.,... nr """.. v. ...... ... ...w .v louu. will us kiii iv . ,J .unJ. A hnni.ioOQ lia fice. One cent will be charged on eacn j .vv..v....B w - Mrs. H.I8W schulmerich has re covered from a severe attack of la grippe. Mrs. H. G. Guild, wife of Editor Guild, of the Salem Independent, is in the city, a guest at Mayor Barrett's. John Winters, of Middleton, this county, and who is a pioneer of 18 53, was in the city yesterday. John Bays he does'nt know whether he is responsible for the blizzard which wns raging, or whether it was that zephyr which landed him in town Do not fail to go and hear the Bernard W either Concert Com pany which will appear in this city next Wednesday. Let this paper next week chronicle the fact that our people appreciate a creditable institution such as oui' local band R. Simons and wife, who live to the north of town, are Buffering from very stubborn attacks of pneu monia and for some time it appear ed as though neither could live Mrs. S. is a daughter to Mrs. Louie Manning, who is also very low. Mr. J. letter called for. H. SCHOLMBRICH, V. M. fore the probate iudse. With him were James Barnes, Frederick Ma gers and Alexander Bews. Miss Annette Elliott is enjoying a vacation with her mother. Miss Elliott has been attending Portland Andrew Jack, a promiuent farm er of Farmington, was in the city yesterday. Born, Wednesday, February 1st, I High school and has just passed a 1899. to Mr, and Mrs. M. M. Mead, creditable examination. n J ; ; I . v ' a iu-pouna son. , . .,T , Rv Tmorie wa in the city Anna McKinney haa sued J. M. Monday, from West Union, and McKinney for divorce and asks for predicted the blizzard which struck a return of her maiden name, nau. us Wednesday morning, The couple were married at Van couver, August 8, 1896. The plain tiff alleges desertion and failure to provide. E. J. Kurstli was in from Phil lips the Arst of the week. Literature, magazines, the Delta. A new poetoftice has been estab lished at Harrison, located at Ed son's mills, where the old Dudley mill property originally war operat ed. Mr. E. O. Edson has been ap pointed, postmaster. He already has a mill and a heat little Btore at that point and Harrison promises to bloom like a rose. Mr. Edson wns in the city today and sent back his bond ns postmaster. "Talk about your prosperityl See that 'ere houe which growed right in the middle of the street since I came inter town?" Thus remarked a fellow who had come in from his claim the other day and who had taken on a good sized jag of frost-bite cure. He referred to the old Humphrey's office which had been rolled out in the street and left there for better weather in which to move it to its destination. few years in the mimrnr-,.. later on taking up farming. There?-' are no children surviving. Willie Adkins, of Bnwnsville, writes Cornelius Blaser, Jr., under date of ten days ago and says that he accideutly shot Mabel, his sister, in the arm. The wouud was not a very serious one and Miss Mabel is getting along nicely. Willie says that he has had enough of fire-arms and that he never wants to use one again. Ibe Adkins children are well known here, Dr. J. E. Adkins being their father. Cedar Mill, Jan. 31. Barnerd McKenna. who died from cancer of the liver Saturday evening, Janu ary 28, was buritd in St. Ant ho ney s cemetery luesday. Carpen ter Murphy, who built the hall for the Woodmen, is now building an addition to the home of John Mc Callen. Rev. Potter is continuing the M. E. meetings which were originated by Elder Gue, and great succ3SB is attendant. Phoenicia Temple, No. 10, R. S , installed the following officers lat-t Friday evening: Most excellent chief, Sarah Sappington; excellent senior, Kate Wiley; excellent junior, Josie Schulmerich; manager, Mary House; mistress of records, Elinor Hare: mistress of finance, Krraa Latham; protector, Maggie McKin ney; guard, Ann sigler. Last night was clearly the cold est and coldly the clearest of the season. It was a stem-winder, pipe-freezer, a sockalager and every thine else on a big seale. About five o'clock thia morning the wind somewhat abated and by sunrise one could brace the outer world without serious discomfiture. .. Commissioners court will meet next week for the February term and it will be a lively session This is the month for road super visors to present their claims for the year's services, and as there are over fifty supervisors, this litt c matter alone is of some magnitude, Senator E. W. Haines was in the city Saturday last and transacted business at the court house. The Senator says he is ready to intro duce any bill which will be of ser vice to his constituency. Senator Patterson was also in the city. Tbe salary bill, published in an other column, has passed the sen ate and will now go to the house, where it may be amended lo effect that the salaries designated shall apply to present incumbents. Charles N. Dalelrum and Ollie M. Huffman, of Forest Grove, were married by Justice V. D. Smith, Thursday evening last. . May their joy never grow less. Mrs. Caroline Underwood, of Humboldt, California, was in this city last week and visited with her brother, M. G. Wills. She went over to Clackamas county the last of tbe week to visit with her sister Isn't it about time that Lieuten ant Bryan and Private Buchanan opened a few boxes of that Manila weather, just for a channwr "TIEXlE, X. D., i or - Surgeon Consultation in French rice and Residence south side of near Odd Fellows' Building:. Hillsboro. SMITH ft BOWMAN, . ;fV ATTORNEYS-AT.LAW, Notarial Work and Conveyancing. Rooms 6 s 7 Morgan Blk., Hillsboro. Ore. -B J WILKES BROS. ABSTRACTORS AND SURVEYORS. Conveyancing and map work a specialty. Lindsey Block, Second Street, Hillsboro. MISCELLANEOUS. Carstens Broa, MANurACTuaiM or Rough & Dressed Lur Sash, Doors, Mouldings, Etc HILLSBORO OREGON UNDERTAKING PARLOR, j" J. C. Lamkin has opened an under taking parlor on tbe corner of Main and Third Street, and ia prepared to furnish on immediate demand, fine CASKETS AND COFFINS at the lowest possible prices. Will take charge of funerals. Tbe fluent line of undertaking supplies in the county. Give him a call. HILLSBORO, OREGON EXECUTORS' NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that tbe fender signed have been, by the County Court of S ashingtou County, for the State of Ore gon, appointed and continued a executors of the last will and testament of Barn erd McKenna, deceased, and all parties having claims against the estate of said tsnrnerd McKenna, are hereby notinsd to present the same, properly verified, to one of the undersigned at his place of resi dence In this county of Washington, Htate of Oregon, within six months (rum date. uatea tnis reoruary l isw. J.VMES BARNES. GEORGE N.THOMAS. ' Executors of the last will and testament of Barnerd McKenna, Deceased. ;- - Notice of Final Settlement. Notice ia hereby given that the under signed Executor or the last will and testa ment of Emma Carl, deceased, haa thia day filed bis account In the Honorable County Court of the State of Oregon, for Washington County, for Anal settlement. and SHid Court has fixed Monday, the 6th day of February, 1888. at the hour of 10 o'clock, A. M., of said day, at the Court room of said Court in Hillsboro. county and state aforesaid, for the final settle ment oi saia estate. Dated tbiaSrd day of January, Ism JOHN C. BILLS, Executor of last will and teaUment at Emma Carl, deceased. ... Wanted Several trustworthy persons la this state to manage our bunliHwa In iMr own and nearby eoui)tla. It la nuiix'f office work conducted at home. I - f straight $900 a year and expr.x-i fide, no moro, no , ' fUfBMuosa. Knat s- stamped tnvvintw