The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, January 26, 1899, Image 2

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    HILLSBORO ARGUS, JAN. 26, 1899.
: : ; : A Paphk for thkFkoplk : : : :
: : A I'ATKit in' rv I'Kni'i.K :
Kntered at the fust-omr. at Hillsboro,
uragon, a. second class mail matter.
County Official Paper.
Tit Argis PiblLsoiig Cwpuy.
RubacripHon; One Dollar mr Annum
81 x Months, 60 cts; 1 lneo on t lis, $." eta.
Opposed to Gold Mono metallisra. Be
lieves In the Bimetallic Standard
Dear Money means Debased Property,
jnd Profitless American Product. Our
Consequent loss is our Creditors Gain.
Has no use for Marcus A. Hanoa.
There has breii much said by the
cheap property and product advo
cates about the huge prosperity in
evident, and they point to the full
to overflowing conditions of banks.
They forget the shortage in wheat
Which gavo our farmers profitable
prices, enabling many to get a res
pite fiom debt, many to buy new
machinery, make repairs, and oth
erwise start the wheels of progress.
l lie liquidation attendant has swol
len the bat. deposits, but there is
no greater amount in active circu
lation nor quite as much, than was
there in the early fall of 189G, just
prior the election, when wheat went
up to 69 cents. We had these same
during the Cleveland en. "Money
ih plenty" they said; "the banks
are full to overflowing; confidence
is all we want to make things go."
Times are now tightening up be
cause wheat export values are get
ting back to the stage of 'confidence'
again and Britain la happy. Dol
lar wheat has been assaulted bv the
aphis of normal production. Here
we are, nearly February, with 50
cent bread graiii and a market that
will not stand crowding. What is
it to lie next year? Our dear mon
ey friends are already shouting ov
erproduction, but is it not strange
how timid thev are of an overpro
duction of money? That prosperity
bubble is in distress, and those lit
tle punters who were shouting at
the the top of their voice that -our
Mark' had given us dollar wheat,
and that we were getting rich at
Croerus, have gone in their holes.
These holes they have pulled in af
ter them, and they are mum. Not
all, for there is an occasional head
thrust out and a tired voice says,
"Prosno, I forgot, Flllipi no you
fellers want ter give 'em back!"
Then the head goes back in the
hole and all is quiet save the lorn
and boisterous smell of Alger's war
department. ''
Thai the journalistic bureaus adyo
eating the single standard with a
bank-rug auxiliary are trying very
hard to switch the public mind from
the bimetallic issue is evidenced bv
their bitter screeds against those
- who advocate Phillipine home rul
and home taxation with an Amer
lean protectorate, active only as to
title and homogeneous relations
They would not only formulate
policies for the parly now in their
control but by an energy both pow
erful and disguised by apparen
sincerity, force the opposite parties
to leave the issue of a just currency
. system. While to a certain extent
the movement is strategic it will
fail from the force of its own gravity
The worth of such a culmination
as a new issue would be ineslima
bletotl.e interests desiring cheaj
men and product. Tney would
proceed to characterize the bimetal
lie torces as weak on consistency
and as mere policy purveyors as
unworthy of serious consideration.
But the springe will not material
ize. Producers are already getting
their eyes open to normal condi
tions and can now, more clearly
than ever, realize that a normal
crop output, ranking with a supply
and demand that in the past meant
dollar wheat and like prices for
other farm properties, will sink
prices to the Cleveland era a level
which will mean stagnation and
paralyzation of business. Let it be
known, once and for all, that the
bimeUllio brain of the country is
i. no rainbow chaser; that it has a
" "4iouuj method; a scintilla of
And .a tower of strength in
v J to uplift the producing
nation as og "thirds, the price of everything
, ) 1 "derate prow
1 "pfvem-C :ltbe"
till bursting; let them howl alxuit
throning away the "fruits of our
victory" over fifteenth class pow
er; let them fight amongst them
selves over division of spoils; let
them, if they will, divide the nine
million Fillipinoeas valets Amongst
the preaching politicians of dear
money fame; but let them remem
ber that silver men are sensible
enough to not divide over a ques
tion which will soon be settled, and
that these same bimetallic force
will meet the dear dollar forces in
1900 with a platform demanding
equity for those who till the soil.
Cunning conceit will not work.
There is a demo-populist paper at Hills .
boro, Washington county, whose wrath
against cold is unappeasable. It is re
solved to give grid no raster quarter, but
I . uiilttrui . .. IT
print of view this writer looks upon gold
as an instrument used by abomiuably
wicked tyrants for enslavement of man
kind; from another point of view he re
gards it as a horrible monster, ranging
up and down the world on its own ac
count to devour helpless men.
From the first point of view gold is a
thing over which wicked and mighty
thaumaturgists have a sort of magical
or necromantic power, so that they are
able to summon it up at will and make it
do their bidding iu a variety of nelarious
endeavors and transactions The word
"gold" has so ottea been used as a met
aphor for malevolent power that he for
gets that it is simply a beautiful, uselul
and non-4'Xtdizabie'tuetal, no more easy
to manipulate than any other substance
sugar or wheat, for instance. Gold, in
fact, responds to the cheapening brought
about by modern machinery more readi
ly than some metals; less readily than
others. Front the way it Is distributed
all over the earth, it tends to au average
cost and value, giving no nation a mon
opoly, as Russia has over platinum. It
uoes not anow any (acuities lor "the
creditor class to seize the currency;"
since in no country can the people' be
aiviuea into "debtor and creditor class
es." and nearly every person m anv kind
of business owes money, while others
owe him.
From the second point of view, cold is
regarded as a sentient, active and ma
levolent metal, working with a subtle
and horrible energy for its own ends. It
is not a passive instrument, but an inde
pendent agent, full of, surcharged
with, the most diabolical instincts, and
endowed with terrible power, which it pleasure in using to distress mor
tal men. It is curious to observe these
workings of the populist mind on cold
Both these notions are revealed in the
operose efforts of this abte publication
at Hillsboro a journal which remains
stubbornly faithful through all udversity
to me concepts ol ttie lost campaign ot
1896. It never misses its hebdomadal is
sue, and never talks on anything else.
It is an amusing spectacle, 111 a county
solid for the gold standard Oregonian.
This is a little bit the worst cane ol
mental rheuma yet exhibited bv the
Oregonian theorist, being both hu
morous and hydrocephalus. Were
it not for this theorist's generally
accepted reputation for ability, i(
were unworthy of notice. Here i
the spectacle of equability growing
perverse and provoked, lcause The
Argus still supports that cause
which in 1896 received a majority
of the Caucausian, as well a major
ity of the native American white
vote a statemet.t not at all to be
disputed. The journal of which the
Oregonian staff writer discourses,
does not, nor has it ever so done, be
rated gold. Gold, within itself, ss
far as it goes, is good enough for
anybody, unless it be a bank rag
advocate, such as our mammoth
contemporary. The Argus feels that
it has firmly stood for independen
dent free coinage without resorting
to questionable methods, an did the
gold party, in the use of the "inter
national" flim-flam. This paper has
steadily supported a positive and
undisguised issue in a county yet
unregistered for the 'gold standard'
and, if aught, registered against a
standard of this nature. The coun
ty clearly went for bimetallism in
1896, carrying the ticket pledged to
the international fake. The winter
and spring prior both republican
organs in this county bitterly con
tended against Dolph and his poli
cythe present policy and, at the
time of the last campaign, that the
international commission was still
an administrative creature, cannot
be denied. When did this county
ever vote gold standard? Never n
its history and it is a safe propo
sition that were the republican tick'
et to now endorse free coinage, that
party, here, and its organs, would
enlhusiastic-'lly support it, howl for
it, and vote for it.
The Argus has stood firmly op
posed to further debasement of the
farm property and production, and
it will so continue to stand. It can
not and does not expect it hope
to be the Oregonian'a beau ideal of
a country paper. What the Ore
gonian wants, and what product de
basers generally want in a country
paper, is something like the Hills
boro Independent, which in 1895
condemned Senator Dolph's policy
as "doubling and trebling the debt
of every man in the state," and as
decreasing "from one-half to two-
regon has to sell," and then veers
ju that policy at dictation of the
flosses; or better still it loves some
journal like the Forest Grove
Hatchet, w hich supported for many
months the free coinage idea, and
then allowed the policy accouch
eurs to abort the icsue, the patient
thereupon becoming another ''coii-
vert" to furnifh support for cheaj
men and cheap 'A heat and cheap
"garden sass," etc. These are the
twins such as are Moved by our
choleric writer of the Oregonian
they are things which can be "han
dled" by cheap politicians. Little
conceits like denmgogitmi seetn to
please great minds.
The "loft campaign of 1896'' has
its brightness as well as its dark
ness, vte have no men rage to
vent against "gold" as our preten
tious friend would have it appear,
but The Argus is still against the
Oregonian idea of debasing all that
makes us a great nation. The Ar
gus expects to be bothered occasion
ally with this class of writers, who
by their pretentions prove their
love for Jack Cade's pronuneia-
nifiito to his fellows "Be brave,
th-'ii; for your captain vows refor
mation. Theresh ill be in England
seve.i half-penny loaves sold for a
The Oregonian writer, it is un
necessary to state to those reading
The Argus, is either grossly igno
rant of his subject, or else lend a
willingness to misrepresentation.
fhe Argus has never abused and
villified that splendid tuetal known
as gold has never urged those hor
rible things against gold which the
Oregonian writer conjures in his
Quixoteisin. The Argus has sim
ply asked for other than absolute
gold legislation. Because the Ore
gonian theorist sees lunatics and
things behind all opposite opin
ion he should not reason that all
are afflicted with nigntniare. The
money question is not a part of
hobgoblinism. It is a commercial
proposition, and one tha. on its
present lines, means debasement of
all things in 'enra! which are
measured in money ami, trans
versely, the etternent of money
which does the measuring. It has
ceased to be painful, this marking
ofreil genius working against the
real resources of a people. It is a
result of a commercial age. Monev
hrMers naturally want their prop
erty bettered as measured in prop
erties. Proi erty holders the vast
mujoritv Generally want their
projierly to measure n oney an it
once did, and it is the duty of eanl
citizen to choose between.
So, while The Argus "comes cu
with its hebdomadal i.'suo for non
debasement of what our country
produces, we shall expect the Ore
gonian theorist to daily come with
his matutinal grunt for cheaper
things in general -money txcepted
hand-in-hand with his pew-fcl
lows, the financial Alexanders
the Hillsboro Independent and
Forest Grove Hatchet.
That embalmed beef affair odorizing
the war department already makes one
feel more kiudly toward the Linnton
horse melter.
Providence is always kind. While
mere common mortals like Mr Dingley
pass away, the country's saviour, Mark
Hanna, has not even contracted a slight
Having almost succeeded in colon
izing the most of our Indians the good
ones it is high time we took up the
Phillipine question, anyway. Our coun
try lieeds some race to which our col
ored brother of the south can point as
being worse off than he.
In I ho matter of the cwtate of I
Gottlieb Htaeger, Deceaoed.f
the uiiderMUned. Administrator of the es
tate of Gottlieb Stnejjer, deceaxed, by vir
tue of an order duly Iliads and entered in
the County Court of Wtmliintfton connty,
Oregon, on January 14. lmt, will, on
1(9, at 10:00 o'clock A. M. of wild day, at
the oouth door of tho court houae at Hilltt
boro, Oregon, Hell at public auction for
cash in hand to the hi-'hiwt bidder the re
al property 1 eloning to Bid ofttale situ
ate in Washington county, Oregon, and
particularly dencribed aa follows, to-wif
Beginning ata stone, the N. Vv. corner
of the H. Marines Donation I,and Claim
011 the S. line of the L. I ledsoe Donation
Land Claim In section 84 in Township 2,
North Halite 3 West of the Wil. Mer. run
ning thence West on the South line of
said Kledsoe claim to the Southwest cor
ner of the James Itnbrie place; thence
South to the North line of the J. L. Nor
thrup Donation land Claim; thence Kast
to a stone corner of said Northrup Claim;
thence South 9.24 chains to a stone of said
last named claim; thence East 14,'JO chai
ns to a stone corner of last named claim,
on West line of the above named Harmes
claim; thence North 11.7S chains to the
place of beginning, containing ID acres of
land, more or less.
Dated at hillsboro, O.e., this lUth day of
January, iwit.
Administrator of the estate cf Oottliub
Htaeger, Deceased. t
JOHN M. WALL, Attorney for Adm'st'r.
Administrator's Notice.
Notice is hereby ei ven that the undersign
ed has been, -by the County Court of
wasmnirtoncou uiy,uregon, nuiy appoint
A Special Bargain for Newspaper Readers!
OneYearorOne Dollar and Twenty-five Cents
A Word Altoul lit Siiperlorll.vTlio Semi-Weekly Uopnlillo U a., well known
thst alMiit all Unit la ne.vMary to at'ivuv a Httlirilioii I In call nttiiiilinii to It. It
it the host gem. ml titwa.tH'r of it elaw mitilioliol, mid ha a larger circulation now
than any oilier news woAlyor semi wuelky. Il tint command not only of all the
great sources of news from th Unit v ami fuuduv itcptihllc, tint also rtmlvt the
hkhUI sorviooofthe.New York Herald and Sow York Journal. Ilv a H'tut arran
gement, made for a limited time onlv, our tilend will l Klv-n iiu nii ttiuti y to
Uke. advantage of lliia lilier.d roHitioo. Tlila In a nNVlul cash otter. Xtldreaa
----- - ... . .. . ....... ,i -.
The Affairs
of Europe
are faithfully portrayed in the original and
exclusive cable dispatches which Til E CHI
CAGO RECORD prints daily from the leading
capitals of the old world. This magnificent
special service is in process of being greatly
extended so as to include every important
city in Europe; and it is supplemented by
the full regular cable service of The Asso
ciated Press.
The Chicago Record, alone of alt American
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now prints original and exclusive
cable dispatches dally from
the leading capitals of Europe
The English and
Five Phyviviitna and Surgeons, all
CulU-peg in' I lie World. Incorporate d under the lnw of California, for
2oO,(XJO. Eatahli-hed 20 years. A part or the (staff of tho Enjjlir'h
and Gentian Expert SpecialiMa and Dr. Meyer & Co, wilt make
tlieir regular monthly vinit to
.... Hillsboro, Oregon
Thursday, February 2,
Coiifiiltntion and advice fr-e. Among the ailments mired hy the Ger-
man and English Specialists arc the following
Bright's Disease and nil other PlHeatcs
Urinary organs, i.lvor, nmeen, spine, now. 'is, iieurt, ntouiHcli,, iwr, Hklii ai d
Nerves. Also Impoverished Mood. Mood Poison anil Hcrofula: Catarrh. Tonsllilm.
Consumption, bronchitis. Asthma and other Throat and Lung troubles; Tuinois,
Deformilk'Kj Insomnia, Melancholy Paralysis, Rupture, Dysentry, Dyspepsia.
Neuralgiu, itbeumatism, Htilt and Swollen Joints; I'Vmule Complaints, fncludinu
Ovarian troubles; Piles, fistula, Obesity, Ulng Worm ami (loiter; Tohaciii, Opium,
Cocaine and Liquor habit; Headache. Krysipelas. flout, Tape Worm, Dilousness,
Drojisy, Oull Mtone, Kczema, freckles, blackheads, Cancer, etc. and Cbron c
Diseuw-s generally. Dr. Meyers & Co. cure Nervous Debility, Lost Manhood ai d
all Private Diseases, Including ooutnglous blood poison, quickly anc permanently,
and at reasonable rates.
The English and German Expert Specialists and Dr. Meyer. & Co. are Dot
only cOtupeteiu and reliable, but are responsible being backed by ample capital
and ably managed.
Disi ases which have baffled the skill of other physicians and stubbornly re
fused to yield to ordinary medicines, methods and appliances, are quickly sub
dued and mustered by the successful doctors. They have the largest and best
equipped medical institution in America.
Call on the Doctor when they come All ailing people should see the Eng
lish and German Expert Specialists or Dr. Meyers & Co, if possible. A friendly
talk, which costs absolutely nothing, is bound to result in a great (leal ot good
whether treatment is taken or not.
Home Cures While it is preferable in many instances to see a pntient the
English and German Expert Specialists have cured thousands of persons whom
they have never seen, ll you cannot see the doctors write the home ofice for
question list. Advice in regard to your ailment, book for men or women and
treatise on any disease ALL FREE. Correspondence and other dealings with
patients or prospective patients sacred confidential.
Term and Prices Within Reach cf all.
731 Market St., San Francisco, Cc)
ed Administrator of the estate of Lovine
Warren, deceased. All persons imvlnif
claims hiuI list said estate are hereby re
quired to proHont the saino with propor
vouonora at tno law ouico oi juihi .
Wall, Hillsboro, Oregon, within 0 months
from date hereof.
Dated at Hillsboro, Oregon, this Wth day
of January, 1HU0.
Adniinstnitor of tho estate of Lovine
Warren, deceased.
Htale of On-tron lor the County of
In tho mutter of the estate oi l
Ambrose Cox, Deceased. f
To Mrs. Ambrose Cox, Mury E. Manger,
Adelia M. Cox, Lydia L, Burse Koaie II.
Leaver, lienjuiiiiii J, Cox, and all other
persons Interested In said estate, Greeting:
In the mime of the Htatn of Orogun, you
are hereby cited and required to appear
In the County Court of the Hlate of Ore
gon, for the County of Washington at the
Court Room thureof, at Hillsboro, In the
German Specialists
Graduate from tho het Medical
1899, at Tualatin Hotel
of the Kidneys; Diseases of tin lllnddt-r,
County of Washington, on Saturday, the
4th day of February, 1W)1), at ten o'clock
in the Arenonn of that day, then anil
there to show cause, if any you have, why
an order for Public sale of real property,
described us follows, to-wit:
The Mouth half of the Northeast qiiai'tor
and J-ots 1 and 'i of Hcctlon 4, In Town
ship 8 North Range 8 West of the Wllhirn
otto Meridian in Washington County, Or
egon, containing Acres, should not
be made us prayed for In the petition of
the Administrator herein filed.
Wltnens, the Hon, L. A, ltood, Judge of
thu County Court of the State of Oregon,
fur the County of Washington, with the
Hcul of HBld Court iifllxed this llth day of
Junuiiry, A. D IW,
Attest. J. A.IMBRIK,
(Heal) Clerk.
Wanted Several trustworthy persons In
thin sUUi to manage our business in their
own and nearby countios. It Is mainly
office work conducted at home, Salary
straight f00 a year and cxpensos deil
nite hnnallde, no more, no less salary
Monthly 7B. References. Enclose self
addressed stamed envelope, llurhert 10
Hess, Prest., Dept. M. Chicago,
V kt
was never so well provided for In clothing as this
season's creations show. Here are a number of pikt
and ijiuHty gtms far superior to anything you can im
agine. We're doubling our former business yes,
doubling our values, doubling our army of little frlenJs.
Parents, suppose you Investigate?
ll.WKIIhTNU and SON,
The Hillsboro Pharmacy:""
U Pr.
The Leading Drug House
WliiTti Drill', MiMlli-inrs, Paints, llU,Ntinu's, trnlit- ami all DruiKUt's Huinlrlrs
liny Ik prorurtKl at prl.e thai niuiplv dlthftomiittioii.
Fact in, t lint many immI do nut know where our name ram
from it's a good itniun and v had good reason for adopt
ing it. Let ut explain: ,
villi jH tl,0 ltl, Ictior of tli
Triangk three aided. Now, as we vert numerically the third
rug Store eslahlirhed in llillshoro, the three-cornered letter is
MKiiificaiit lieitsuj r. ni.'inlM-r, also, that our name is, and
aKiava will be, too, thu M:r aiitn of highwil otialitv an low.
est price. We u ill I mi
ore: fok the: finest druggist's line:
Congressional IMcKHltun Senator: U
W Mcllride; Kejirrsriitative ut dint.,
T II Tongue, Uillshoru; mil dist, Win
Ellis, lirppnrr.
Governor Wtu V Lord, Secy State
Harrison Kincsid. Treat. I'hllin Mrt
Khan. rtitttcr V U Leeds.
Supreme Court C li Wolvcrtou, K S
iitan and 1' A Moore.
Filth Judicial District Judge, Mcllride
TA;I)it.Atty.,Tl Clecion.
Washington County Officers County &
i'robalc Judge Louis A. Rood; Com
missioners,,) jf A Young. TO Todd
Clerk J A Iinbrie. Sheriff W I)
Bradford, Kccurder-Calvin Jm'k jr
Treas A 1) Cady. Asst-satw-C. A. Csv
i I. School Si.t II. A. Hall. Snr
yevor A A Monill. Coroner J)r C
L Large,
District Land Officers Oregon City- C
H Moore, Register and m Citllowsv.
City Ortlrenu-Muyor, V. S. Ilnrrott; lln
Curder, Kntiloii llowtniiiii Troiis,, . K,
Kveritl; .Murwlml, Tho. iilii'un, t'oiin-
eih John ('nrMrus, Tlio T icker, V II
WebruitK, l II Wileos, J M (jui'or, tii
It WagKeiier.
CONTEST ' n6tTce7 "
Department of the Interior.
C S Land Orricr Oii(un Cm, Oa.,
Jimiiiiry 17, im.
HUKHCIKNT eontcHt ulllduvlt Imv.
IV lug beiiu HIihI In this ofllce liv Julin
llelllsch, contestant, against homintcad
entry No. limi, innda (Molair Kl, I at Hi, for
bits 3 and 4, section 111, township j) ,N,
mngn4 W, by Erdniiiiiu Wluscli, mm nf
the coiitestuos, iu w bii h It is hIIkmI llmt
the mild claim luis been iibaiidoiiml lor
mure thuu six moclbs liiiiiiilliitclv pni
cwllng tbn date of said run test ulH'davit,
Heptcmber '1, 1W4I, by the suid cliilnmnt,
I'.rdmiiiiii Winsch. and tliut snld cliilm
hits not been ciiltlvatcd or Improved dur
ing said period, said imrtln, Knlriiiniii
Wlnsiih, Mrs. Oust Hchuiidlliig ami all
other heirs of said Knlumnn VVinscli, nro
hcrtdiy notlllcil to iippimr, rcMnuii and
odor cviduiiee touching said allegation at
ID o'clock a. in. on March (I, Ixiiti, Isifuriii
tho Register and Receiver at thu I'nitud
Mules Land (Itllce in Orogun City, Oregon, i
Tlie suid coiiiifKiiiiit. hiiuiiw. u, ..........
ulllduvit, II led July H, 1WW, set forth fuVts
which show thut after due diligence per
soiiul service of this notice cm, nut be
made, It Is hereby ordered and directed
that such notion be given by duo and pro
per publication.
Cjus, li. Mooiiks. Register,
Wm, Uai.i.owav, Iloenlver.
Notice of Final Settlement.
OTICE Is hereby given that I. tbn un
dersigned MrtlllllllMtPltlHl v ..I' ll... ..........
oi r.iiiia juno Jony, fieneused, have filed
" !S '""'y 'ourt of the sluts of Oregon
lor Washington county, my lliml account
as adnunlstratrU of said ustutei and thut
said Court bus set Monday, t'libiuurv 1:7
1MHI, nt tho hour of 10 o'clock a. in, of
suid duy, n the time, and the County
Court room us the pbice, for bearing nb
tectums to suid Mnul account hull the et
tlonientof suid estule.
ii . ,AN.NA lfil'IZA WI'.LIAMS.
Administratrix of tho estate of Kllxa
June Jolly, doeeasod.
.. ... ..... n ....... n.Wrl
tent out
yr Iqi
i nn
to all remitting durluK the arxt three tnontht.
Regular price. 12.00. Ilrluht, newsy, entirtsla
In if. An Illustrated iouruul of hlheil litem?
merit. Bend fur inmple copy.
For the shove period we will mslce the follow
Ingprlte offers to parties seiiillug In csnh nib.
crlptlonsi vslii.
) suhjcrihers, pair guarnntperl ronrt tires. w 'j0
Ciunrrs-takea pictures 4 KsOi S.OO
Cycle I.nmp 3,(jq
uusrsiitcca I'ool rump I SO
Ms-hilling Reimlr Tool JO
Aluminum Num-plt p,t.
sunn! innue eiiKiuved. ........ IS
For further pnrtlculurs, sddri
"m CVCLISO Wst Hts, Co,, Os n Col
Notice of Final Settlement.
Notice Is boroby given thut tho under
signed Executor and Executrix of the
llll I.MIOKO, (iKKCO.N
Union Mock
ton hi.
A. Ilallri
(Wk Alphabet an I is ahaned lika a
always pliasfd to have you call at our
I lit mill and Ir-lomi 1,1 i.r .l.,,,.. In.
i d-iM, have Itlml In Hint tiuniy Court
; .,, .m u, wri'ifi.n. mr w saiiinirt
. "iimj, inrir nimi uri-oiiin, niul tli
, tourl 1 1 lUd Moinlsv, tlio aih ilsy
l-Vbrimry. Ni, nt lli I'uiirJ rm.m nf
t' ilirt in ItllUlM.r.. hi il, I ..r in i
of said tluv. n Hit, ili. .1 ,.L.U ..r i...
, Ilia I'l.iKtl,,!,, t B(, ,,,, ,, ,( ,m, n
Ihilnt nt llill.lHirn, lri-oii,thl lAlli day
r lioi'miilrt.r, ik,
Wlll.UM M,nU Ass iMCKSna,
hf iilorand KxiHutru of the said lul
w ill iti.d lontmiiont.
Shnte it Foote, Barken
Trniiwtrt a (lonorsl lUiiklng llualnnw
A- hlltlTK fasbW
I Hell sight Kxrhange ami Tel.Hfraphlo
Iriiusfers ami bmocs letters of Credit
, avHllablo throughout thp t'nllnl Ulatcs,
j Dnrv Ijills ,r Kxebmign on bindon,
I J IveriKMil, tuildln, nr, HiTlitt, Krank-
fort-oii.thivV,n,Hl.K kholiii and all i.rin
I elpal cities nf Hiirop,,. '
ColliH tlonsmudiionall accesslblo xlnt
lliiiiklng hours from 11 a m to 3 p m
IllllsUiro, Oregon
i I Isboro 1 1 ousft.Cor-2i
Newly Furnished
' :N and Renovated.
A first-class table and
all accommodation,
for the convenience
of guest., , . ,
Time Schedule . .
.. From Portland
Deliver I, I W'.T 'l,8 P !" fr Hl,lt ''k.
i T, w',,l,, 0,"".,m4 K""w tJ'ty
7'ioa,,, '. B" i':,l"t- Brrlv
u?'n!1k,,?.! Viyr 'mvw at 2 p m for Walla
I(!'l5a m '"K ",a JC,,Ht' Mtly1
H1o!,,!.,i.",i,,,, R',vm- l'vo H p m oxcupt
u li . y,ii"t,,rluy, 10 V for Astoria a.i.1
ay huuJlngs, arrive 4p m excoiitSunduy
Wlllamntte rlvor leave 0 a m except
Huii.Uy ,'H,rt,"H' Hrr'vo P m oxoept
Wlllainfitto and Y..l7. river leave 7
' hi ,! Th Y- ,!!!.?',:. !-' '
nri-lvo i.ii . ' ii "' way landings.
Krl'luy k""ny- Weilnesilay and
Wilhimetlo river leave flam Tuesday.
lav 'l nTi:1"1 8"t",r,l,,7 ft'r OiWaJ ra
way bindings u,rvo f:W u m 'l'usdav.
I Imrsdiiy and Saturday uny,
Mmi lay, Wednesduy Hnq Kilday for
Lewis on; hiave Lswlaton 2,45 n 'nHi n-f
day, I uosdiiy and Thursday for Itlparia '"
Address W. II. HULBURT,
Gen. Pane. Agent
Dodwoll Carlill & Co,
Oen. Agts. N. P, S. 8. Co.
Tortlttiid, . . Oregon,