The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, January 12, 1899, Image 1

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    TT 1
NO. 43.
Epitome of the Telegraphic
News of the World.
An Inlerxatliig Collertlun nf llama from
III Two lliul.i?lieroa I're.tmtad
In m Coittlettaeil form.
At n llro which liiiikw out ia tho Ho
l" liiulii'ltvu, lit Pittsburg, I'tt, , throa
nni Inht their lives mill lira people
tui'M Illl'IIV llUlt,
Ciihllli'l I'litt'T, DtNltmtrjr ol
(ilMIKIul Oli tn III) II", 11'IXTlHtlHlt lb
ii'Ih'Ih thrt'tiloii In luirii thu town il the
American IhhiiIiiimI tli phtco.
(Inventor I,M-ly , ( KitiiHuH. linn ooin
wulnl tin1 ae nt mutt n( J. It, Colon n.
wlin, while canhliii ul tliu Sitlu Imuk, o(
furl haul, in IHU.'i, miilu 5J,()UU (if iti
Inn. In,
Four dt'Ail, twit liijiited, mm of these
i ml i up Inully, mill !" ul pinMr
It ul tho Southern railway tu the
amount of ul kiii t IJA.OUU, U the result
( it wreck which oceoried tit Knox
llu Twin.
A lirnvr wind sluiiii svfi'Pt over t lie
rciiiulii Mttlon ul Hi'iitt comity, Ark,
At Unit', H ii l.iNillniinn blown
tltiwii mill three iiiiiU wme killed, an
other win dually wii'iimed, mill doxon
nr mora uiulnd muni or lea Injuries).
A tmiiioinltiiiM landslide oeciirrttd near
HH'ur' Bridge, tin the Canadian Pa
ollli' railroad. A mountain which has
Itlllll llet'll an object ul cut iinity to
trawlers crashed Into thu Kraaer river,
tlniuitilng It completely, Mini Minding
thu water in toirmita over the (erti
Nicola vullev. The comae ol the liver
vrni changed ooiiiplctcly.
According to lain rtilvioim (imn D.iw
miii, thu United Stales government will
tw called upon to relieve ttol lijfiil niln
re in tlio Klmi'liko. Tliu Dawson
Niiggi't my tlit In atrung tuu'
liienluii foot it I liintt to send a rep
r fi'iiUti-U, ,1
Itovcruo) t.
The monthly statement of tha col-
eel ions of Internal revenue shows that
tiring November, I HUH, tlin rereltit
nninoiited to 123,40 J, 405, against 18,-
UO'J.'JUU (or November, 197.
Tlio report that Drefu lull tlm ll
a Diablo ml been brought to Pali
receive further denial in statement
tlmt tlm lin Id ('diminution ol tlin t.rir-
oner by tho cooitol carnation will ho
conducted by cnlilti. Tlili will eutnll
mi noriiioua eiKiiio.
At Hong Kong, the Filipino com.
in It two lia brokuu off all riilution with
Unitoil Hlulri Conaiil Wililinnn. Tli
(XJininllti-o hat IkhuviI writ ill th au-
pri'ino court to rmovnr the mm ut 17,-
UUU. whli li the rihi'lnoi claim to Imta
bi'i'ii ili'xiiile.l with Wililmitn aa
trvnmiini of the Fillpiiio liuluiieniloiica
fuml In Jun hut.
Tlio liiinWt Yorktown lii uniloj
from Knn Frnnclnc.0 for MuiiIIh, vl
llniiiiliilil. tilie will so all Ilia way
usnliir fjll livail of atuuin, ami ibouhl
maka ilia run in Ihn-o wenka If aha l
nut ill' hi y i'il t lliiuolulu, hlin la the
lit'iimr of full Iiialruotiiuii to Adiiitrul
IVW17 mid (Ittiii'tal ()lia in rcgunl tc
the munition In tho Khlllppini'a.
ilulimfrt luia bci-n elvcteil kiiiK of Ha
muli, to iuo04hI Mnliutoii, Ollkliil In
fill million to Una I'fTm-t lint botm ie-i-i'lvi',1
in WaahiiiKton. Tlia tint Inn
wim hiM without troubln, tliouuli Tu
nuiiH'M', who wua vicd-kinu In 1HH1,
bur k i'l by amiill loiluwiliK, ll
tli'iirnrtil to obtain the oflloe. The aitu
ft t ton , according to the latuat advicea,
ia quiut.
fiunator Miiniin, of Illiuoia, oconiiiwl
the aituntioii of the at'iiute for nearly
an hour ami a half Tui-aJay, with a
mm'ih'Ii In uitHiit of lila revolution il
clnrinu tlmt the United Ktutf will
nettir alttni(it to ivt!rii the iMxiple ol
any country without their conaent
In mnnr reicti the aMHch wua one
of tlm moat notubla uttcranrei from
the M'liata tltua fai tbi aoaalon.
At Kokomo, 1ml., thoie are 18
triimi In the Howard county jail
alowly Blurring to dualli. Two wueka
ago the holioa rfuaud to wurk on the
alone pilo, and KheiiH 1 1 urn pa put
tlit'tn in 1 II on a diet of bread and
lf , ""I
Dr. Jose A. Friar Will Pre.
sent a Plan of Rcliet.
I'rotrlilr. Tht Vrlln Karanaca B
Aipra,rlilad to lh lf of
lUbanlttd tulinn Boldlart.
Nw York, Jan. 12. A diapatch to
I lit) Prniia from Vanhiiitou aaya: Dr.
Joao A. Friar, chairman of the finance
coinmittno of the Cuban assembly and
one ol tli0 liimling lawyura ol the
inland, hni arrivud in WathitiKton,
and will mciumt to tne uoiiarinii'iii oi
atato a phm lor tlin fnttli'iiiiTit of the
flnaniditl ayattuti of Cuba. Thii plan
includti muthod ol appiopriating
chi tain ruvenutf toward Uiapayinviit ol
tliu Cuban aoldiura when they are ilia
hatidi!, and otlmr fluancial mnaaurea
for the reliuf of the poor.
Dr. Friar ii a Imuling candidate fur
the apiKiiiitmi'iit ol rhlcf junllco, al-
thoiiKb it ia Biihortftl that liia mimiion
in WaahiiiL'ton at tlm time ia not to
furthor liia ramll lacy for that offiiM,
but ia inli'ly (or the purpose of prcaunt
lug liia llimiiflul plana.
In additi on to the financial nchi-me
which we have prtipOHtl, aaid lr,
Friar, "Dr. I'tiMioto, iirfaidcnt of the
Cuban aMeiiibly, hua, with otheia,
workoil out an admirable plan (or the
government of tho ialand drawn fiom
the knowlttdgo ol muting hivti and
piacticoa of tho oourta and various local
olDceri which will he submitted to the
U nl twl 8lata.
"Already Ueneral Biooke baa tor
ronndud hlmnelt with aorae ol the
abliMtt Cuban luaduraaiadviaera. Tliry
rralim that for the prpaent Anierloan
interveiition ia ncci'siiuy. The leadura
hare bn teconcilud to it, and the
great in aim of the imoplo are atendily
coming to take thin view of the matter.
1 legard it aa iici-ennary, however, that
Cuba in ahould be made the police offl
cert in all the large citiei, (or the rea
I I Mi H..I
In4ttta4 Inln Oftlra aa fiirnr of Or-
agon fur Four Vaara.
Faliim, Or., Jan. II. Thptnlore
Thuraton Omsr wua inaugviratDil ifot-
ernoi of the atate of Oregon in repro
nentHtiva hall ol the at:ttfliouni tixlny,
n the presence of the elate legialature
aaaotublt'd In joint reunion, and an iin
meime ciowd of )iactatora, whu packed
the gallery and lobby of the chamber
to inflocation,
Chief Juatiee Wolrtiton, of the an-
premo oonrt, adiuiuiatered the oath of
office to the new governor, and - both
ei Governor Lord and Governor (Jeer
made ijieeclina.
Hard far .l.r to fart With Tattr
Salem, Or., Jan. 12. Tbe feature of
the aenate today, m yeaterduy, waa tho
ailiiabhle over the tty putrongae of
com iu it toe clerk. The matter came
up on a revolution by M til key of Folk,
admitted by couitecy altui a motion to
adjourn had been carried, which al
lowed the oa)ni in itteea on engroHned bills
and eurollej ullla aix clerks each, way
and inearia and judiciary three each,
iiufcMinent and taxitlion, piinting, mu
kiicipul corporatioua and revision nf
laws two ich, and, the other 19 com
initteea one ach, with the pay of the
chief cleika on the committees employ-
ing more than one each fixed at $4 per
day, and all others at f i.
rielllng, of tho committee on oom
ruerce and navigation, and Haines, of
the committee on penal institutions,
ankt'd that their clerks be stricken out.
Fulton, of the judiciary, asked a re
duction of from three to two, and
Haseltine, of the municipal corpora
tion, Irom two to one.
Then came a pressure lor more
cleika. Daly of Denton, wanted two
more allowed for engrossed bills; Pat
terson two more for enrolled bills:
lirownell one more for railroads, and
ill but Blow noil were successful, on
motion of Koykemlull, amended so aa
lo require unemployed olerks to report
lo the chief olerk of llie senate fur as
iiguiwnt. iullnn amended tbe pay
(future ao aa to allow the chief elotks
n engrossed bills, enr,laa-,',
imiuj.a'iid wrT ' 'J -
Both Branches at Salem Re
tain the Organization of
Special Session.
Members of Both Branches
at Olympia Are Induct
ed Into Office.
Ben 0. Worsley, of Astoria, Elected
Sergeant-at-Arms of the House
Two Minor Resolu
tions Passed.
The Selection of Clerks and Other
Employes Occupies the Time
at Olympia E. H. Guie
Chosen Speaker.
Palem, Jan. 10. Both bonsef of tbe
legislative assembly convened at the
appointed time, but beyond oiganizing
little as done. The bouse spent some
tin. e in electing a sergeant at-.irms,
and then passed aconpleof resolutions.
The aenate was called to order at 10
o'clock by President Taylor. The roll
call sliowed all present but tbiee.
The resolution for a joint committee
to confer with a committee from tbe
Washington legislature relative to de
vising a joint regulation for fishing in
the Columbia river, was referred to
the committee on fishing industries.
Kelly' resolution for 15 committee
clerks for the aenate, to be under tbe
control of the sergeant-at-arms, went
to the committee on edocation.
Cameron's resolution for the secre
tary of state to provide $4 worth of
postage Btampa and f 1 worth of news
paper wrappeis was adopted, alter
Belling bad made an onsucccsefual at
tempt to cut the stamps down to 12.
The rules of tbe special session were
adopted for the senate, after which an
adjournment was taken.
Olympia, Jan. 10. Lieutenant-GoT-ernor
Thuieton Daniel called the aen
ate to order at 13:30 P. M. The lobby
waa crowded, and unusual interest was
manifested in the probable organiza
tion under fusion or Republican con
trol. The lieutenant governor gave
way, without making any remaiks, to
Secretary ol State Will D. Jenkins,
wbo read the official roster of thoee en
titled to seats. Secretary Dudley
Eshelman called the roll. All were
present. Judge Anders, of the state
supreme court, administered the formal
On motion of Senator Miller, of
Thurston county, seconded by Plnmmer
of Spokane, and Cole of Pierce, all fu
sionists, the rules of the last senate
were adopted temporarily.
On motion of Keith of Pierce, frj
ionist, the roll waa called on the elec
tion of asecretary, and Dudley Eshel
man, of Taooma, a Democrat, seoretary
of the last senate, was unanimously
reelected. Other officers selected
uunanimonsly were: Assistant Secre
tary Herbert de Wolfe, Republican, of
Tacoma; sergeant-at-arrns, Edward
Wheeler, Republican, of Seattle; as
sistant Sera4JiraMa"i'""-"""'"'
larrlcaa Ov ar In a Ramalae af Colaaal
Mayor jr.
New York, Jan. 10. A Herald dis
patch from Havana says: The body of
Colonel Maybry, of the First Texas,
rested in state in tent near Lee'a
headquarters at Bnena Vista on Thurs
day. Short service were held at S
D'clock by Chaplain Watson, General
Lee, Keifer and Hasbrouck being pres
ent. The body was brought to Havana,
being escorted to the Almandare river
by bis entire regiment. It will go to
Miami on Friday to be forwarded to
Adjutant-General Dorst, ol the Fifth
cavalry, is critically ill with malarial
Lee' former forces are being lessened
day by day. Four companies now
doing provost duty in the suburbs have
been detached from his command and
ordered to report to Oeneral Ludlow.
When the American occupation took
place the members of a lottery company
that was famous a lew year ago in a
Soutben city made an attempt to secure
a concession beie. Local paper have
apparently been subsidized, but Gen
eral Brooke declare that ao long as the
American occupation la! lotteries will
be barred.
Smallpox ha become epidemic at
Maiiana, and General Lee has ordered
a number of infected bouses burned.
Franklin Scott, a private of the One
Hundred and Sixty-first Indiana, ha
the smallpox. Two hundred and fifty
namgoea arrived on Thursday on tn
transport Covedonga, and were turned
loose in body.
Tha Dmj la lha Hoata.
The bouse was called to order at
1 0 : 20,jntb SpeakrJJiytet-
was declared speaker election of oncers was postponed, and
mm )"arae'
iTf tJii motion of McReavy, the further
General Waorf'i Report Shawa II Ia
tha Incraaaa.
Washington, Jan. 10. The trade of
Santiago i already (bowing a surpris
ing giowth under American adminis
tration. General Wood ha submitted)
a report to tbe war department, in
which he state that the policy ol non-
discriminative in tercouro..ex tcjidlc.tLH ,
- Mt 'axBMTtaaaaBBaaf frNsal L SsMlrafrff' fJftltAV "YAT
iljtr -
rnnili among thu milters ol the Yu
kon. At lh annual convention of the
lltothcrlinod of Steam Shovel and
IrKljn Knglnecru mid Craui'Mium of
A meriim, held tn Chkingn, rvaolution
werti ilnitfd, urging emigres lu pass
thai Niiaingiia caiutl hill and aim that
n luw shun hi tm panned making eight
limira day's wink on said rnnal. lies-
1 ti t iniin wnrti nlmi paused urging con
ftit m tu pass the river and harbor hill
ut thu present aeaaiou ol riingiess, Con
Kicks was also utged tu oteiitn a labor
--mii in Won of three union men to see
tlmt the law in (lie interest of work
intfiiien were enforced oi, all govern
tutMit wurk.
A (ant passenger train on the Km th
orn 1'ikIIIi) liciir Simula, Neb., dashed
into a frieght. One fireman was killed
nutt several people were hurt.
llr. II. St'sard Webb, piesiilunt of
th Wagner l'alucu Car Company, ii
im-iiliomid as iiioetissor to Senator Mor
till ns senator from Yurmout,
The Hut formal statu dinner ol the
n.Miatm tiHik pluoo at the W hi to House
Thursday, when PrcHltlctit and Mrs.
MoKlnley entertuined thu member of
Hit cubluut.
A sontatlun has been r routed In (lor
many by the publication in a CoVigne
wMrol an aliened convormttiim had
with thu Into l'ritioe Itismuiek, in
which ho prtnlioted the fall of the Aus
Iriun empire.
An American nunieil Iloynlon, who
In trying to travul around the earth
'without money, mot with a terrible (all
into chasm while entering France by
niifht through the Pyioiieo. llu was
noriously injurud.
Another dltmgrncnlilu oonseqnnnce of
th Inte war has been piosented tu tho
Kovfriiinent of claim" (mm tho cable
(.oimuinle for damages sneliilned
tlirough the susponslnu of their bust
!) by tho Unitoil States military and
nuval foruos. Thu aguicgato niiKiuut
of t ht'so claims cannot bu loretuld.
Jttipresnulative Tonguo, of Oregon,
hurt 1 1 ie pared an ainondniunt to tho bill
for etiililli.ation o( thu laws ol Alaska,
nuvv pemllng in the Iiouhu, providing
fur tho licensing of main business con
omul in tlo territory, mid eapvctally
tha liquor business. Mr. Tongue says
that tlio Trondwoll mluoa duos not pay
itny thing in thnwHyof taxes to the sup
iort of tlio turiltoriiil liiNtitutioiiH, and
thitt from the region surrounding Ju
tittita nbnut 18,000,000 In gold is pro-
(luutul nnimully, and does not contribute
a cent to tlie government.
Tho Havana afternoon papers sent a
thrill through tho city with ft repoit
that a torture and exeaution olinmlier
Intel boon found at the residence of tho
HpitiiiHli miltinry governor, adjoining
t li .. .... 1 1, mi . i ... , laauUrxijdhjtt
nntl im.
i nnlir-r r -i n
tho fhambor wiw oovorod witli uiilxf
l.Um.l, nnd ill walla wore Indented with
maolieto strokes. An oxuited crowd
hihiii unthoroil outsido tho house which
wim laat occupied by Gunoiul Puinulo.
two loaves a day lor the enllio gung.
They declare they will starve to death
In thelt cell rather than haminei atone.
The Farmors' bank ol lnwixxl, (3a.,
was entered by burglar, who secured
20,t)00 and fscsped.
The ravages o( grip among the tnoin-
beisofthe nutioual house and sonata
mar compel an exlra sossiou ol con
gre v.
A dinnstioii lielght wreck occnried
on the Y iilmc Ii, at Holleville, Alien.
The Ins on rolling stock i estimated
nt :IO,000, with a,000 loss on a store-house.
Thirteen ixirsons were killed and
f i out 80 to 43 injured in a railway ool-
liidon near Hound Brook, N. J. Tliuro
was a head -end collision between a
local train and tho Black Diamond ex-
President Alonxo's advance guard is
w ithin six leagues ot La Pna, capital
of tho republic of Bolivia. It is likely
n decisive battle will be (ouglit aoot)
between the government troops and
tho rebels who now hold tho capital
It is proposed that a memorial h
eroded at Manila to the memory of all
Americans who tell in the capture ot
died of diseitso during the campaign
The propositi ia that all Americans now
resident in the Fur East, of whom
there is a voty considerable number,
ahoul 1 be invited to couttibutu towarc
this object.
Filipino committees have niitdo I
formal protest, and President McKin
loy has boon warned from Put in, Madrii
nnd London not to attempt to tnkt
forcible possession of Ilo 1 lo. Tin
ground is taken that the Amotion!
claim of ovoreignty ia premature,
and that the United States is not tin
possessor of the Philippine until tin
pence treaty is rati lied. Tho Filipim
agent at Hong Kong says a fight with
the Anieiicana at Ilo Ilo is unavoida
hlo, but little nppniont unoasiiiess ii
felt nt Washington.
The Cincinnati Express Gazette hat
collected data uncut the opoiutlona ol
truitirohbera during tho past year. Tht
effect of (edentl jurisdiction upon tritir
rolmerios la evidenced In Mexico. Dun
ing the past year tliero wits not ever
mi Attempt at train robbery in the sis
tor republic The orime Is pnnishuhU
there with instant death. Tho reconl
for 1808 ia aa follows: Number ol
train hold-ups, 38; number of stngt
robberies, 7; number of passengers and
train men Bhot, 4; number ol robbori
killed, 6; number ot robbers shot, 6.
Captain R. Ii. Shaw and the orew ol
tlio British burk Glon Huntley, long
given up fur lost, are alive and well
and on their way to Liverpool. They
nlmndoned the Glen Huntley in a tleroe
gulo Juno 4, 1808, For 154 day the
ved on Tristan d Aonnlia
vwstwwa1 A iiiti rieajii.
Spaniards, if retained, aie sure to en
courage dissension, It has always
eon their !ol icy to accept bribes, and
they will continue to do so as long as
they are maintained in official post-
on, and trouble Is sure to result
rout It under an equitauio govern
General Gome has been grossly
misrepresented in a gicat many re
SHcta. 1 have reason to know that be
not aiiti-Ameiican, as bits been
charged agninst him. The statements
that he hits opposed American inter
vention, I know to be almoin tot ly and
maliciously mine, uonorni Monies is
a true purtiot, and has made a many
sac i i I iocs aa any man (or tiio cause ol
iidopendonco. Patriotic as lie is, he
eitlixod that American intervention at
this time is necessaiy, he not only tol-
ruled it without objection, but is in
favor of it.
General Gome Is remaining with
us army near Nureieo because lie 00'
ievea it is his duty to do so, an I per
init others to take part in tho affairs of
the new government. The army, in
the struggle (or ofllce and reconstniO'
tion of tho government, is apt to be
forgotten, and it needs Genoral Gome.
There are 45,000 men in the Cuban
army. They are anxious to return to
their deserted homes and build them
up, and General Gomez is desirous to
have thein do so, but it ia necessary
that thev should loceive some com pen
sat ion."
'ftrfitpoiio, it was adopt
ed iu Hi is form, by a vote of 21 to 8,
Hown being alieeut.
Tho committee on education report
ed adreisely on two resolutions relat
ing to committee clerkships, referred
yesteiday, and was given permission to
introduce a bill covering the matter in
tow day.
Nvvernl Member, uf tlia Craw Runted
to llaath and Many Injured.
Seattle, Jim. 13. Nows by ateamer
f imn Japan says: Tho second-class
Japanese ciniaer Kitiuion Kan
readied Ainoy a partial wreck, as the
result of a llro that broke out during a
storm at sen. Several of the members
ol tlio crew ot the cruiser wore burned
to death and many others badly in
jured. Tho Kaimon Kan was a woodon ves
sel of the old style, and had on board a
number of soldiers besides hor regular
crew. When a low days out in the
midst of a gale a tire waa discovered iu
ono ot tho bunkers to the rear of the
Tho J it panose crew bohavod with
great bravery, and streams of water
were Boon ploying on the fire. At this
juncture an accident to tho machinery
mado it necessary for someone to go
down the alloy. It was a ease of ul
most sure death. Two men voltin
toored to go down. Before they got to
the iimohiiiery in need ot repair the
smoke overcame them. Do one would
go In attor thorn and the fire soon con
Biiniod their bodies. The engines wore
kopt running or the vessel would sure
ly liavo foundered. The vessel is re
pairing at Amoy.
Irravareat Rpnatif full the Itulea
When imllia lllexllig la A.ked.
Olympia, Wash., Jan. 11. Senator
Keith suggested that the senate ses
sion be opened . with prayer. Me
thought another day should not pass
without divine blcibiiig being invoked.
Senator Reinhart feebly got to his feet
and protested. Ho assorted that the
rules contained no provision for prayer.
Lieutenant-Governor Tho gentle
man will pleaso come to order.
Reinhart I propose to show that we
have no authoiity to go into this prayer
Lientenant-Govornor The senator
will come to order and
Reinhart 1 appeal to the house
Lieutenant-Governor Senator Van
Patton will pller prayer.
Reinhart I will endeavor to be in
order, but I wish to read the rules,
which contain no place for prayer
Lieutenant-Governor The senator
will como to oider. Prayer will now
be offered, and the senate will rise.
Piaver was offered by Van Patton,
Reinhart lemalning seated.
Wholshire presented resolutions ot
respect on tho death of Pioneer A.
A. Denny, of Seattle.
The first bill Introduced came in un
der special permission. SenaVoi Plum-
mor fathered it and it merely provid
ed (or an apppropriittion of f 00,000 to
pay the usuul expenses of the IegiBlit'
Victim. Number Sixteen.
ill lt), Now York iJiin. 1 2 .So fur aa can
rorLi session, some doubts having on motion of Keith, the election of
Ilottaa Trocda to HttatiteMS
Dr. Thompson, pastor of tbe First
Presbyterian church, led iu prayer.
Pratt offered a memorial or. sot row
on the death of the conspicuous pio
neer, Hon. Arthur A. Denny, of Seattle.
The entire vote of the house waa re
coided in favor of tho resolution.
Sims offeied a resolution authorizing
the chief olerk to order euppllea necea
sary for hia own use; adopted.
Calvert offered a resolution calling
upon the auditor and attorney-genera)
to furnish an itemized statement ol the
expenditures of the appropriation ol
5,000 mado by the lust legislature for
assisting the attorney-general to en
force tlio provision of the railroad law.
Empress Kugettle's Heir.
Paris, Jan. 11. Announcement ia
made on the authority of a member
of the Bonapurtist family that the Em
press Eugenie ha decided to make
Prince Victor Napoleon her heir to the
$10,000,000 fund, which the late em
peror arranged with several insurance
companies to pay on the death ol the
been expressed as to the legality ot
the continuance ot the special session
organization. Seaker Carter expressed
bis gratiudo in a few remarks.
Tbe election of Carter was followed
by a resolution offered by Cuiti of
Clatsop, continuing in office the other
officers of the house, cletks, etc, ex
cept the sergeant-at-arms. The resolu
tion was adopted by a vote of 49 to 0,
The motion of Reeder, of Umatilla,
that the house proceed with the elec
tion of a sergeant at-aims was amended
by Whalley ol Multnomah, to enable
the Republican members to hold a cau
cus. A recess waa therefore taken lor
half an hour, but a lull hour elapsed
before the ennena adjourned and an
nounced its choice. The plum fell to
Ben S. Worsley, ol Aatoria.
A house concurrent reeolution waa
then introduced providing (or the ap
pointment ot a committee of three o(
the house and two o( the senate to ex
amine the books and accounts oi the
state treasurer.
Representative Myer introduced a
house concurrent resolution providing
for the appointment of a oommittee of
three of the house and two ol the aen
ate to meet with a like committee to be
appointed by the legislative assembly
of Washington to investigate tbe needs
of further legislation for the protection
of fish in the Columbia river.
The afternoon session of the hcuse
opened with a resolution by Myers that
the clergymen of the city be invited to
open the sessions with prayer.
Topping of Coos, offered a concur
rent resolution providing for the ap
pointment ot a committee of three, one
from the house and two from the sen
ate, to examine the books of the seore
tary of state and report within 15 day.
Williamson ot Crook waa then given
permission to submit a report of the
special committee on olerkship abuse,
which upon being read let.) to the first
conflict of the session. The resolution
provides for sweeping reductions in the
number of olerks, and is the same one
that was buried by the aenate. Sev
eral motion to refei were lost, and the
repoit waa adopted
Following are the officers of the
house of representatives: Speaker. E
V. Caiter, of Ashland; chief olerk, A.
C. Jennings, of Albany; assistant
clerk, A. V. R. Snyder, ot McMinn-
ville; reading clerk, Frank Motter, of
Portland; calendar clerk, D. a. Maokie,
o( Portland; sergeant-at-arms, B. S.
Worsley. of Astoria; doorkeeper, M.
P, Isonberg, ot The Dalles; pages,
Robert Duncan and Charles Lane, and
Frank Swope, of Porltaud
Theese are the officers of the senate
this afternoon:
President, I. C. Talvor; chief olerk,
S. L. Morehead, ol Junction City'
assistant olerk, J. Fred Yates, al"
vallis; reading olerk, 3.J
Portland; calendar clu
president pro torn waa taken up.
Keith placed High of Clark, in nomina
tion, and Preston of King, named
Megler of Wahkiakum. Tha vote was:
Megler (Republican), 14; High (fusion-
ist), 17; Miller (Democrat), of Walla
Walla, 1; one blank (High); one absent
(Baum). High was declared elected.
Megler voted for Miller. Willis Rand
and Raleigh George, ot Olympia, were
elected pages.
Keith, Plum and Warburton wore
appointed a committee to notify tha
house anil Governor Rogers that the
senate had organized.
The House Organ lies.
Olympia, Jan. 10. C. E. Cline, ex
8 pea ker of the house, called the session
to order at 13:15, and announced
piayer by Rev. A. G. Sawin, pastor of
the Olympia Baptist cbuich.
J. M. Page, assistant clerk of the
last house, read the list ot members
oertitied to tbe house by the secretary
of state. C. E. Boyce, of King, was
absent, and was reported dangerously
ill at his home. All other uiembei
were present.
Acting Speaker Cline appointed
committee of three to escort Chief Jus
tice Gordon into the bar of the house.
The latter at once administered tbe
oath of office.
The 8 peak or announced that nomina
tions of candidates for temporary
peak r were in order, and reoognized
Jesse Fave, of Whatcom, who an
nounced it as the wish of the caucus
that the speaker be elected as a perma
nent officer. He nominated L. II.
Guie in a stirring speech.
Jndgo Calvert seconded the nomina
tion, and moved that the seoietary cast
the unanimous vote for Mr. Guie; sec
onded also by Jodge McDonald, of the
opposition. It was ordered, and Repre
sentative Bellows, of Clink; Pender
gast, ot Douglas, and Mount, of Spo
kane, were appointed by the chair to
escort the new speaker to the chair.
Mr. Cline referred to the newly eleoted
speaker as one of the ablest and best
members o( the lust legislature,
Speaker Guie, in assuming the chair,
spoke briefly but pointedly upon the
events ot the past two years, declared
it the duty of the legislature to dispose
promptly of the senatorial election,
promised fairness and impartiality,
then proclaimed hi readiness to take
the oath, whioh was administered by
Chief Justice J. Gordon,
W. F. Dillon, of Cowlitz, waa hi
. . .... . . - i
mouaiy elected cniei ciei'Kv-ye-L;
sw4 r,mr tx-rn one of the chief features
in the restoration of comparative pros
perity in commerce, industry and agri
culture. Outward cargoes of aogar and other
products are being graudaliv found for
shipping, but exportation from the
mines of the province have contributed
the bulk of the exports.
"Tbe fact," say General Wood,
"that tbe mines were put into opera
tion at an early date after the capitula
tion ot Santiago was important in
that the employment of large number
of natives during ft critical period waa
stimulated by the facilities for ship
ping ores."
The division of onstom and insular
affairs of the war department has re
ceived from the colleotor of custom at
Havana, Colonel Lasker H. Bliss, un
der date of December 29, 1898, bis re
port. Colonel Bliss says that the first seri
ous embarrassment he met with on tak
ing charge of the custom-house at Ha
vana was caused by tbe fact that the
Spaniards had removed nearly every
thing except the bare walls and floors,
ia first official step waa to obtain a full
list of employes in the custom-house,
, their salaries and nationality, and next
information as to their general charac
ter and reputation for integrity.
Colonel Bliss says that, as waa to be
expected, the several place in tbe cus
tom house when he assumed charge
were ohiefly held by Spaniards, the to
tal number employed being 239. The
problem that confionta him, he says,
is how to repair a house from founda
tion to roof without a material disturb
ance of it occupants and without in
terfering with their daily business.
Under thia condition, he remarks, be
cannot of course begin by tearing the
house down.
l'llgrimafe Ended tn Riot.
Paris, Jan. 10. The socialist annual
pilgrimage today to the tomb of Blan
qui, in the cemetery of Pere la Chaise,
led to rlota between rival partisan of
Henri Rochufort, editor of the Intrans
igent, and M. Juates, editor of the
Socialist Petite Republique. Many
were injured, and the police made a
number of arrests. The wreath intend
ed for the tomb waa trampled upon.
Inititrgenta Reapect EttropeaDa.
Madrid, Jan. 10. Advices were re
ceived here today from a landing mer
chant at Ilo Ilo, to the effect that agri
cultural operations in the
Ilo Ho have not.
that all
dleton, of Portia-"
Joseph S. Fw
' AA V' -at
gr Pass;
brey, of Sa-
The rules of the hous- "iaMbt'
adopted, until they e-fnle
can report. Jr
Otner ofJ-" -were: Postmaster-
-yfof Okanogan;
as-" VHall. of Stevens:
zner, Esterly Rinehart,
ced, of Thurston, nnd Ray
jflrnson, speaker's page, of Seattle.
ifA resolution commending President
minor Newt tlunil.
A lieutenant and 13 nmn of the
FromOi warship Sure were killed in the
Now I Iobrhlos by nntivoa,
The Moriitt & Clinpmnn Wrecking
com party's outfit arrived nt Santiago do
Cnlin to riiiwt tun iormor bpniilttii crula
or Iteina Morcodos.
A reonio placed In coffeo by some one
unknown oimsod tho deaths of Frank
of sea eagTI'87an'irgnHiwT-wn.r ra-
W. Smith,
Inhabitants the sounty stock of provi
sions that the onptuiii of a passing ves
sel Intel givon thorn .
A violent sale swept over the Eng
lish channel and the east coast ot
Groat Britain, doing Immenao damage.
An elevator belonging to the Geoigc
O. Bagley Company wua burned nt
Mliinonpolla with 200,000 bushels ol
wheat, the loss being over (200,000.
Prompt stops are being taken by the
administration to assort the supremacy
ol the United State in the Philippine
and Maj.-Ueneial Otis has beon dosig
Loinaok, hil wlfoand flVO children at ' m,tori uovernor-aonornl of the Islands.
bodies of threo women are still un
identified. FIriii'O Cunllsctnted.
Berlin, Jan. 12. The Paris Figaro
wna confiscated by the-police through
out Germany yesterday on account of a
enricnturo which it contained, coplod
Irom Puck, representing Emperor Wil
liam of Germany in the guise ot a
"despised animal."
Puck, in its issue of December 7,
published a doublo-pago cartoon by
Push, representing all the crowned
heads, and entitled "Tho Threatened
Ruvolt in the Jungle." Emperor Wil
Hum was repieaontod as a boar.
'-Bwrii-at-Arma Purdom, of the
al BTNWOieirtrrwr this morning presented to
always been supposed that Eugenie
favored the older biother, Prince Loins.
The empresss is lull of oonfhlcnoe for
a speedy triumph ot Bonnpartism.
Prince Louis has boon such a wild rako
that the funds would not be safe in his
hands. With so much money and tho
prestige of personal populatrty, Prince
Viotor will undoubtedly bo able in the
future to Btit up France,
Omaha, Neb., Jan. 13. A freight
train was wieaked nt an early hour thia
morning east of Council Bluffs, and
thtee men killed. Further newa ia
not obtainable yet.
President Talyor a fine gavel, made ot
Josephine county mauzanita. The
old gavel was never ornamental, and
it bad become muoh frayed by long use.
Bills were introduced in tho house aa
Hawson of Gilliam, providing for
the sinking of artesian wells in arid
Moody ot Multnomah, increasing the
number of justices of the supreme
court by two, and providing for the
appointmont ot the Bame until the gen
eral election in 1900.
sent Keleasa or PrlaoneM.
Madrid, Jan. 10. Rios. the Spanish
commander, telegraphs from Manila
that strained relations between tha
Americana and insurgents prevent steps
being taken in favor ot the release of
the Spanish prisoners in the Philippine
islands. He adds that be will act in
that direction as soon as it is possible.
Immigration at San Kranoiioo.
San Francisco, Jan, 10. The report
of the immigration commission for
December shows that the total immi
gration into the port ot San Francisco
' was 420 persons, of whom 93 were fe
males. There were 149 Japanese.
. Twelve assisted Japanese were deport-
' .. 1 i ttff . i l i
tru, uuu t utiivra warn uut nutuittvu
who could neither read noi write.
McKinlev's war policy, as well as hia
peace policy, by Judge Calvert, of
Whatcam, was unanimously adopted.
Messrs. Wickersham, McDonald and
Falknor were appointed a committee to
notity the governor of the organization
of the house and its readiness to receive
any communication he may have to
Death of a Famoua Heltrlngor.
Netw Yoik, Jan. 11. The death Is
announced in Brooklyn of William
Peake, the famous bellringer, aged 94
Bold Bank Itobbery.
Aahburnham, Mass., Jan. ll.-r-Dur-1
ing the night robbers blew open tha month the New England has been en-
gaged this season she has brought to
port 600,000 pounds of halibut.
Medicine wa tha first profeaaio to
whioh women war admitted Is Fir
Record Catch of Halibut.
Vancouver, B. C, Jan. 9. With her
rigging nnd deck covered with ice, the
steamer New England arrived in port
early this morning with a record taUh
at the halibut bank oft Queen Char
lotte islands. Tha steamer had 180,.
000 pounds of fUn. Daring the three
safe of the First National bank, eecur
ing between 1,600 and 13,000, and es
caping. The buildina was dumatrod
McQueen ol Lane, fixing the liability to the extent of 3.000 by heavy
of common cp.mois.
I charge ot dynamite,
fcjholhy, Tex, ,1