Image provided by: Hillsboro Public Library; Hillsboro, OR
About The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 22, 1898)
Ttm I( Telling-, fie sore not to let rheumatism stay in the system longer than yon can get a bottle of St. Jacobs Oil to cure it There is no telling what part it may trice or how much misery it may give. Hndaoa Bay la Disappearing Hudson bay will in the course of a few centuries become dry land, the rise oi its surface being more remarkable than any other portion of the earth. Beaches covered with driftwood are tound 20 to 70 feet above the bay, and the old har bors have become very shallow. Why the Best How the Truth of a Well Known Statement Is Established. Hood's Sarsaparilla is the best medicine money can buy. It has stood the test of time and trial. Its great merit is demon strated by its cures of Scrofula, Salt Rheum, Humor, Psoriasis, Scald Head, Boils, Blood Poisoning, Rheumatism, Catarrh, Stomach Troubles, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Nervousness, etc - Hood's Sarsaparilla Is America's Greatest Medicine. Price, 11. Hood's PUIS cure all Liver Ills. 25 cents. ' Mlzlntr Hia Brinks. There ia story told of Mr. Glad stone which would show that the true meaning of the old saying: "Do not mix your drinks," was unknown to the great statesman. It is said to have been his habit to let the wines which were served in the course of dinner mobilize at his eblow, and during a pause in the conversation seize the glass that happened to be nearest. On one oooasion Mr. Gladstone, who had re freshed himself as usual in this hap hazard way, inveighed against the practice of mixing wines. It was re spectfully pointed out to him that be had been guilty of this very act; but he explained, to his own satisfaction, that to mix wines was to fill np half & glass of champagne from the port de canter I Cornhill Magazine. To Electrocute a Safety Vault. An experiment of scientific interest is to be tried in getting rid of the safety vault of the old Cincinnati (O.) Deposit and Trust Company. The walls are constructed of layers of hard spring steel to a thickness of one and one quarter inches. Two operators will be placed in the vault and a wire for each run in through a vent hold. The wire will be attached to a carbon, which will be manipulated with a heavy handle. They will pass the carbon over the steel walls, burning them in Intersecting lines. TRY ALLEN'S FOOT-EASE, A powder to be shaken Into the shoes. At this st ason your feet feel swollen, ner vous and uncomfortable. If yon have smarting t;et or tight shoes, try Allen's Foot-Ease. It rests and comforts; makes walking easy. Cures swollen and sweating feet, blisters and callous spots. Relieves corns and bunions of all pain and is a cer tain cure for Chilblains, Sweating, damp or frosted feet. W have over thirty thou sand testimonials. Try it today. Sold by all druggists and Bhoe stores for 25c. Trial package FREE. Address, Allen S. Olm sted, to Roy, N. Y. Popular 'Phone Service. The telephone system of Paris will be greatly popularized and extended by the government mail and telegraph department. Publio stations will be soattered through the city, where per sons not subscribers may call from or make engagements over the wire. Messages will be delivered from these stations for a fee of 5 oents. No household is com nlete without a bot tle of the famous Jesse Moore Whiskey. It is a pure and wholesome stimulant rec ommended by all physicians. Don't ne glect mis necessity. Glue From Seaweed. A fresh use for seaweed is olaimed tc have been discovered by. a Norwegian engineer, who exhibited an invention at the Stookbolin exhibition for predat ing paper glue, dressing gum and soap from seaweed. ThejBrst establishment for this branch of manufacture ia to be erected in the district of Stavanger. HQITT'S SCHOOL COB BOYS. Now at Eurlineame. will remove to hi beautiful new home at Menlo Park, San Mateo County, Cal., and re-open January Kith, 1809. Address Ira G. Iloitt, Ph. D., Memo ran, uai. . Flies are prevented from entering the house when the screen doors are opened by a new attachment, which has sev eral rows of brushes on the outside ol the door to scrape the flies off every time the door opens. BELIEF FROM PAIN, Women Everywhere Express their Gratitude to Mrs. Pinkfcam. "', ,...v,...'-.-iv). firs. T. A. WALDEN, aibtoa.OW writes! ' Deabs Mrs. Pinkham: Before tak ing; your medicine, life was a burden to me. .1 never saw a 'well -day -At my monthly period I suffered untold misery, and a great deal of the time I was troubled with a severe pairf Id my side. Before finishing the first botf ie of your Vegetable Compound f could tell it was doing me good. I continued its use, also used the Liver Pills and Sanative Wash, and have been greatly helped. I would like to have you use my letter for the benefit of others," rtri. FLORENCE A. WOLFE, sis Cluibtrry M. Lancaster, Obio, writes i . "Dear Mrs. Pinkham: Fpr two years I was troubled with what the local physicians told me was inflamma tion of the womb. Every mouth I suf fered terribly. I had taken, enough medicine from the doctors to cure any; one, but obtained relief for a short time only. At last I concluded to write to you in regard to my case, and can ay that by following your advice I am now pefectly well." , p firs. W. R. BATES, rUoifleld, La., writes t ' Before writing to you I suffered dreadfully from painful menstrua tion, leucorrhoea and sore feeling in the lower part of the bowels. Now my friends want to know what makes me look so well. I do not hesitate one min ute in telling them what has brought about this great change. I cannot praise Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound enough. It is the greatest remedy of the ;iffe." I In time. SoiderdringUte, .m t XMAS IN KLONDIKE. ONE DAY OF GOOD CHEER DUrJ- INQ A DREARY WINTER, At 60 Decrees Below Zero, and While the Bitter Winds Were Roaring, Dawaon City Celebrated in a Crude bnt Joyous Manner. BE December days and nights, accord ing to one of the miners who came back from the Yu kon diggings with plenty of gold, are the most trying of the year in the Klon dike region, especial ly at Christmas time. "If I live to the age of Methusaleh," he says', "I don't be lieve I shall ever forget Christmas. It was Dawson City's first: Dawson was three months and a half old, and had set tled down to be a permanent town. All the miners' who had made good locations had by this time .boused themselves in pine-board shanties. A few had .built shanty frames about tents to secure greater warmth within. All of us who made any strikes of gold at all bad done so by October, so we were well along with our gold digging; but we coulddo less in December than in any month in the year. From the latter part of November to early in January there is only four hours of practical daylight in any day. Many days, when the wind blew hardest in fact, it blows a gale there all the winter long, and snow and pellets of. ice were blown along candles were kept lighted all day long. In winter, candles and lamps were always lighted between 1 and 2 in the afternoon. .The mercury ranged from 20: degrees below zero to 65 degrees below.! So we could notmatti satisfactory headway even In the 'richest of the dig gings. -All' through December about half the miners.uged forspend days in loafing about McCarthy's saloon at Dawson. The other half puttered about' their cabins, dug a. little now and then', mended their fur suits and made shoes .from walrus hide. .. .. "At McCartny'a sometimes 150 or more men would gather around the roaring fire and a strange scene it was. Imagine an assemblage of men in a rough,, barn-like struptcre, furnished with board, benches, and Illuminated by, a dozen flickering can dles. Some men are dressed in baggy gar ments of fur, -others in several coarse, heavy overcoat over heavy woolen clothes. AH have caps of half-cured, shag gy, rancid-smelling fur, so that only the face appears. Every mall has a prodig ious growth of whiskers, sometimes a foot long, and hair that reaches below the rim of the caps and lies across the shoulders. "fhere were but a'dozen calendars in all that region and very few men had any idea of dates. : Some, did not even know what month It was. One day, as we sat at McCarthy's, some one suggested that Christmas -Was approaching and we thought of observing the occasion.. A week before Christmas we all agreed npon a celebration, and, crude though It was, we had a day that none of us .will ever forget. . It was more remarkable from the fact that there were in and about the lit tle hamlet of Dawson City over 1,100 men. No one earned less than $16 a day, and the larger part bad each risen from poverty to possessions worth several thou sand dollars in a period of three months. I suppose the combined wealth in actual gold in the. district then, was nearly $1,- 000,000, and a clear prospect of increasing it to twice or tnrice tnat sum in anomer five months. I don't believe that a com munity richer per capita has existed in this world than that.was at Dawson City. Yet we had, a moejtety of civilization and hardly any of the comforts of life of a lot of paupers'," ' ' ' " "Every one was informed on Dee. 24 of the fact that next day would be Christ mas, Seme 300 oi us, went down to Mc Carthy's to celebrate the holiday. ' Dark ness set in at that period at about 1:30 p. m., but we had become accustomed to the 20-hour nights. When It got along to about 11:50 p. m. we got our watches out and' waited; - At exactly 12 the slghal was given. The whistle' at Joe Ladue's saw mill screeched for. a half, hour, and pver 300 shotguns, rifles and pistols were, dis charged, in volleys, singly, in quartets and In trios, for hours. Every one shook hands. Some, danced about the .room, and big, burly miner's bugged one another, while 'Merry Christmas'' was shouted again and again. It was the first time In the whole experience of, the Klondike that, we felt In sympathy with the outside world. "On Christmas morning' we brushed up a bit, and putting onaur best rubber boots went and called on our best. friends in the mining cabins aah'd settlements, and ' re ceived our friends, from the mining cabins scattered up and down the frozen creeks. "At 2 p. m., when the darkness was tat tling down in the valleys, several hundred miners met by agreement at McCarthy's. It was' the only -building In Dawson that could comfortably hold a large assemblage of people. Mac had prepared a program of events for, the day and we had each chipped in an ounce of dust toward de fraying the expenses; The sawdust had been removed from the floor and a score of candles and lamps were arranged about the room. McCarthy himself wore a boil ed shirt in honor of the occasion. On a broad board table along one wall of the room a luncheon bad been arranged for ALMOST TIME TO GO. the Christmas celebrators. For a half hour after arriving at Mac's we were busy stamping snow from our rubber boots and walrus hide shoes, peeling off extra cover ings and in general hand-shakings and more 'Merry Christmasings.' "'Now, boys, fall right in and tickle your gizzards over there,' shouted Mac urbanely to the crowd, "There was room for only fifty to eat at a time, so while one squad was standing up and eating at the table, the rest were sitting about on the benches. We told stories of other Christmas days in other camps, talked about what the people down In the States were doing, wondered what had transpired since we last, heard from there (five months before), wondered who was dead, how election had gone, and what the people would say when we go back with our heaps of gold and stories of how rich we had struck it. "At last the last man in the crowd of Christmas celebrators had been to the long table and bad filled np on baked beans, fried pork and bacon, codfish balls, macaroni and coffee. Then Mac read the program and the entertainment proceeded. A dozen men made speeches a few of them genuinely humorous appropriate to the occasion. 'America' and 'Clod Save the Queen' were sung and resung. The Norwegians and Swedes sang their na tional songs, and the sounds of the first Christmas celebration In the Klondike were carried on the wind down among the icy crags of the lonely, frozen Yukon. It must have been below 50 degrees below zero when we pulled our fur caps on and strapped our heavy garments about us late that arctic night and went trudging home through the snow to our cabins along the creeks." A Mean Man. Rooster Did you ever say anything rude to the cook? Turkey No. Why? " Rooster He says he's going to cut you dead when he sees you Christmas Eve. A BUSINESS STROKE. Mrs. Grumpy In Her Christmas Buy ing; Adopts Grnmpy's Methods. Grumpy always has a financial spasm when the Christmas returns come in, and this year his spell was an unusually bad one. "Thunder and lightning, woman!" he began; "look at these bills. Do you take t 1 II, vmr. (ONriDENCE. Jet d - Sl J JsSlfeiV (vmrdor ' much left in her" !" f r - i i m .;wriw4. . . '.vl- it Wis 71L- me for a coal trust or a sub-treastrry of the United States?' Glaring more fierce ly as account after account was examin ed, he broke out again: "I'm not a profane man, Mrs. Grumpy, but rlpity rip my but tons, if this don't beat a financial panic. Five hats! We have one daughter, mad am, and she's not a two-headed freak! And eleven dresses! Have you gone Rrnzy? Do you think of appearing on the stage at your time of life, or has some dressmaker hypnotized you? But just cast your eye over this one. ' All kinds of capes, sacks, jackets, circulars, shawls and ulsters. Are you planning a Polar expedition, or are you under the delusion that we are going to camp out this winter? Now, I do throw up the sponge! Nine pairs of shoes and hosiery by the gross. Going to open up an emporium, or did you yield to the fascinations of a bargain counter? '.'I'd like to have you take enough Inter est in our impending bankruptcy to In voice the balance of these traps and ca lamitiescandles, toys, collars, cuffs, cor sets, gloves, handkerchiefs, laces, jewelry, skirts, and what's this? S-h-l-e-l-d-s. Now, what In the rip-snorting creation does an antiquated veteran like you want with shields? Where's the bill for Jave lins and dynamite guns? If it's not a state secret, I'd like to know whether you intend to take the field in South Af rica or Cuba. Woman, have you any ex planation to offer for this brazen attempt to ruin me?" . "Only this. You have always sought to impress upon me that I should adopt your business methods. You declared that you were going to mnke the money fly provid ed the election went your way, and I made all these orders subject to the same condi tion." "Oh, I comprehend. Your extravagant scheme Includes a plot to place the entire blame upon me. I will not exchnnge crim inations or refer to the viper that stings after It has been warmed in one'B breast. 1 simply and absolutely repudiate. You may work out your own salvation in your own devious way." Detroit Free Press. Christmas In Russia. The Russian Christmas is ten days later than the English one, but is celebrated very much in English fashion. Families all meet upon that dny and country house parties are many. The tree Is a Christ mas yew and is beautifully decorated. The gifts are placed on small tables near the tree. The churches are decorated with greens and so are the houses, but no mis tletoe Is used. Two or three days are public holidays at Christmas time, and the people greet each other with "Happy feast to you." A huge pyramid of rice with raisins In It, which has been blessed at the church, Is served at the Christmas dinner, and the meats are goose, duck and sucking pig. A great delicacy at a Rus sian Christmas dinner Is veal which has been fed entirely upon milk for that spe cial day. The Bachelor's Stocking. Bang up tbe bachelor's stocking, Ye ImpB that fly by night; And dance around It mocking Its lean and empty plight. For him no gladness bring ye The single, selfish soul; In It no presents fling ye, They'd all drop through the hole. The New Arrangement. "I suppose you're going to have another old-fashioned Christmas at your house this year, Hoply?" "Can't possibly arrange it. Hired girl goes to matinee in the afternoon, reception in the evening and a dance Inter on." f Chnifmaj wouMr come thU year f fptKcr-condition, I But III tang .tub ridhntwre I I Where hei Sure To find if! Ooebroh roUin'cUr; Hain't they told you ont the ruin That has .come ter Deacon Chase, An' the big church row that's brewln' Sense he danced an' foil from gractt Wal, on Chrls'mns night his darter Betsey run off ter the dance, An' the Deacon straightway arter That most wayward gal did prance. When he reached tbe Chrls'mas party An' seen Betsey on the floor Dancln' with Jerome McCarty, What in ugly scowl he wore. Betsey growed a right smart palei When her pap come Inter sight. An' big. buxom Harner Bbaler 'Lowed she'd try ter set things right. As he stood aroun' him glancln' Harner spoke up mighty peart, "Did you aim ter jlne the dancln'? Come along an' don't be skeert." Then she grubbed him, an' the flddlt Kinder drowned tbe Deacon's squeal As she snaked him down the mlddl In the ol' Virginia reel. Now the gait they went gyratln Sent the ol' man's stagnant blood Thro' his veins a-clrculatln' Like a rushln'. sprlugtlme flood) An' before he hardly knowed It He had Jlned the sinful fun, An' the way he heeled an' toed It Shamed the boys of twenty one, It was wuth s kag o' cider Jes' ter see him hoe her down, An' all night that ol' backslider Bowed an' scraped an' skipped aronn', Now you're neerd the tale o' horror, How from off the bights o' grace Ter the depths o' sin an' sorrer, Earner yanked ol' Deacon Chase. BELIEF IN SANTA CLAUS. It Will Give Blessings Heaped Up to Pay You for Your Faith. fcWCTtspiEJ WOULD ones B EislP?! contained a fath er and mother who did not be lieve in Santa Clous. They were afraid, too, to let their children be- 'MvWl?!'fc d old myth, fear ing that the fan cy would make them credulous, or that It would have the effect of teaching them de celt. Facts which could be proved and verified these excellent people Insisted upon, and when town and country were rejoicing, Christmas bells ringing, Christ mas tapers twinkliug and Christmas car ols thrilling, their home was robbed of half its rightful cheer In their strenuous determination not to be Imposed upon by Santa Clans or any of his train. But to turn to our original thought. Did the parents who would have none ol Hants Clans gain anything by their resolution to be rigidly true to a tangible and material order, or, clinging to the husk, did tbey lose the fruit which was growing within for the healing of the nations' Many things not susceptible of proof by the evi dence of the physical senses are really true in that higher realm where the im agination rules. One of these never-dying, never-failing things Is Santa Clans, and year by year the weeks over which his scepter is extended are weeks of rare beauty and a time when good-will every where shines In men's countenances and is the mainspring of their lives. Children see and feel this wonderful festival of love on the earth, but they cannot enter Into it fully, and so those who were wiser than we, in good old days fragrant in memory, christened the Christmas season, when the yule-log burns, and the holly gleams, and the world is glad, as the spe cial gala-time of Santa Claris. Believe in him all you can and he will give you blessings heaped up and running over to pay you for your faith. Harper's Bazar. A Hi minder. "Why, Mr. OohIIii, how good It Is of you to call on Christmas day," said Miss Uas kett, extending her hand to the newcomer. "I wiBb you the compllmpnts of aw the season, Miss Oaskett," replied ths young man. "Do you know, Mr. Goslin, that 1 can scarcely ever see a Christmas tree with out thinking of you?" .."How kind of you to associate me with aw something so bwight and Intewest ing. Is that aw why you think of me at such a time, aw?" "Well, I don't think that Is It, exactly, Mr. Goslin. I suppose I think of you when I see a Christmas tree because it is an evergreen." A Remarkable Note. "Do you see this five-dollar note, Ten spot?" "I do, Plpp, but what of It?" "I regard that as the most wonderful five-dollar note extant." "What Is there wonderful about It?" "I hnd it left after buying all the Christ mas presents I had to get." The man who feels like a king Christ mas Eve I apt to feel Uk the dsaet next moriiing. Rath Whlla en the New Dim. If you hnve one of the new dimes, you are carrying in your pocket a very good picture of Miss Iiiith White, of San Francisco. Miss White might have sat to Undo Sum's artist, the re semblance is so close. Miss White was a member of the Castle Square Com pany lust season. The Knnrimiua Oohl Trodim! of !. From South Africa, the Klondike and Australia gold is being shipped in large quantities. This year's output will nearly double that of anv previous twelve months. The sale of Hosteller's Stomach llilters are nlso Increasing very fast. This famous remedy will cure d.vs'pep"1! Indigestion, constipation, nervousness and weakness, A medical writer in India declares tlrut segregation of patients, the ony effeotiv way of dealing with the plngue, is so repugnant to the Hindoos that thoy prefor to die by tbe million rathor than submit to it. Strong a a Steel llamrod. If you want to feel your spine la s pipe storii toady to snap, jiiHt gut lum bago. If vou want to fuel as strong as a steel ramrod, use St. Jacobs Oil; it has niagio. It la estimated that all the gold mined in Culilomia since 1818 could bo put Into a room 13 yards long, 0 yards wide and S 2-3 yards high. riTf rVrnnuiniHly Cured. No ntmr nervoitsnes ilia after thai day's uiw of Dr. Kliux's Ureal Nerve lWHten r. Stm'l for Fltr.lC B4.00 Irlnl bottle and ireatNa. DR. B. U. JUJJSH, Ud., IMU tea ikt, fulladr luhla. i'a. Australia sends cocoanut oil to Eng land. For Lung and chest diseases, I'lao'sCure Is the best medicine we have used. Mrs, J. L. Northcott, Windsor, Out.. Canada. Thunder can be heard nine miles away. If you want the best wind mill, pumps, tanks, plows, wagons, bells of all sizes boilers, engines, or general machinery, see or write JOHN 1'OOl.K, foot of Morrison Street, l'ortland, Oregon, Dallas, Texas, has a colored printer's union. When coming to Bun Francisco go to Brooklyn Hotel, 2IW-212 Hush street. American or European plan. Kooni and board $1.00 to f 1.60 per dny; rooms 50 cents to $1.00 per day; singlo meals 25 cents. Free coach. Chas. Montgomery, Tbe aristocracy of China and Spain will agree that it has been a very hard year for boy monaruha, DEAFNESS CANNOT 11 C CTJRD By local applications, as thoy cannot reach th dlaeased portion ol the ear. There la only one way to cure di'sluenn, and that la by eonntltu tlonal remedloa. Deafness Is caused by an In Burned condition ol the mucous lining at the Eustachian Tut. When this tube gets In flamed vou have a rambling sound or Imper fect hearing, and when Ills entirely closed deafness Is the result, and unless the Inflamma tion ran be tnkeu out and this tube restored to Us normal condition, hearing wlllbodustroyed lorever; nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh, which la nothing hut an lullaiued Condition ol the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any ease of Deal ness (caused by catarrh) that can not be eured by Hall's Catarrh Care, send for circulars, free. F. J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, O. Bold by Druggists, 7ao liell'i Family fills are the bast Massachusetts claims to have moro different kinds of native trees than any kingdom in Europe; the number ex ceeding 60, among them being nine luige oaks. Sinking of the Merrlinae. The complete story of the sinking ol the Merrimno and the capture and im prisonment of her crew at Santiago, will be graphically told in an article by Osborn W. Duignnn, U. 8. Navy, lute helmsman of the Merrimno, In tbe Jan uary Frank Leslie's Popular Monthly, now 10 oentB, and to be published De cember 34th. The story will be fully and richly illustrated with authentic portraits ol Hobson and all the crew, besides many new drawings especially prepared under Mr.Deignan'a personal supervision. Other features promised for the January Frank Leslie's are: Bret Ilarte's new stoty "Jack Hamlin's Mediation"; Jonqnin Miller's "In a Klondike Cabin"; and Thomas R. Dawley's "Campaigning With Gomes." DR. DARRIN, SPECIALIST. Submits a List of Special Dlaeaaet He Treats With Bleotrlclty and Medicine. PRIVATE DISEASltS-Glcet. Gonor rhea, Stricture, Syphillis, Weakness of Organs quickly cured without pain or de tention from business. I'OHT MANHOOD and vigor q.ilckly re stored; varicocele, weak and undeveloped parts fully restored. LAD1KS who sillier from apathy, Indif ference, nervous debility or diseases pecu liar to women, can consult the doctor with perfect confidence. BLADDER, Inllammatlon, Cystitis, Ca tarrh of the Bladder. These diseases In variably yield to this treatment. VARICOCELE, Hydrocele, Piles, Fis tula, Swelling and Tenderness of Glands, and Shrunken Organs treated with unfail ing success. KIDNEYS, Inflammation of the Kid neys. Diabetes, Congestion (1f the Kidneys, Uraemia, Gravel, Stone, all sclentllically and successfully treated. BLOOD AND SKIN Diseases, Sores, Spots, Pimples, Scrofula, SvphilitieTaints, Tumors, Rheumatism, Eruptions, etc., promptly cured, leaving the system in a pure, strong and healthful state. YOUNG MEN, If you are troubled with tired feelings, gloomy forebodings, palpi WILLAMET MANUFACTURERS OF ENGINES, BOILERS Saw Mill and Mining Machinery. Dealer. In Flour Mill and drain Cleaning Machinery and Supplies. Repair ing Promptly Attended pp WORK THE BEST. PRICES THE LOWEST. ....PORTLAND, OH. if Don't neglect yourself j It Is the perfect fitting truss applied In season which effects a ourei the Imperfect never; S,(JO0 styles to select from enables us to guar- .... . ,pU, iiuonarKOj u your druggist dooB not keep them Write US for lUrsnllnna 1. ..! measurement! correspondence vuuiiuviiiim mm iruises sent se cure from observation, to any t satisfactory. 6. H. Woodard Co., Einert Trust Fitters, 1M eoad St., f ortlt S, Or, ' Makes ths Maaelea rUronf. From bard work or excessive eternise soreness and stiffness sett in and lavs f.. I . .,11 ! .. J up. oi. jucoua vii win cure it after a J low applications and make the niuadoa Jf limner aim swung. Might Prevent Knllng. According to the Australian Htn,l....i and Diggnra' News, scare lias boon created auionit the natives in n,ii,.. by an absurd idea they have got that l .-I. ...41..- ,, in vnuuiiiauuu nguinai smallpox the throat la to be operated upon, whiuh as thev nut it. will nrovent Hm,., - " ' . M. ing. The result Is that a good manv . I. I I... f.. il I . J v riuvo luiiuouiy urn mr iiioir kraals, as many as 400 depositing their budges in one day. To Cure a Cold In One Kay Take Laxative llroruo Quinine Tablets All druggists refund money if It fails to' cure. lio. Leather money circulated In Russia so recently a the time of Peter the Ureat. THE EXCELLENCE OP SYRUP OF FIGS is due not only to the originality and simplicity of the combination, but alto to the care and skill with which it It manufactured by sclentlflo processes known to the California Fiq Srttvr Co. only, and we wish to Impress upon all the importance of purchasing ths true and original remedy. As ths genuine Syrup of Fifs is manufactured by the Camfohnia Fio Svnup Co, (lily, a knowledge of that fuct will asaiHt one in avoiding the worthless Imitations manufactured by other par- lies, i ne nign awimung ol the Cau fornia Fio Bykiip Co. With tlie m.,ll. cal profession, and the satisfaction, which the (jonuine Syrup of Fiirs hat (riven to millions of families, nuiket the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of its remedy. It it far in advance of all other laxatives, as it acts on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating or weaken ing them, and it does not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get its beneficial effects, please remember the name ol the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FKAiKOISOO, Cat LOUISVILLE. E. NEW TOIIK. , T. 1$. aid Jl A big yield of both profit and satisfaction will result if you plon El MY 5 Seed;) 1 rt They are alwavi tin !. Do not acconi anv iilml-tute-bu uona 4nt f.'i.,r-a. wnnn 11 Kll Ul-Jlf re, rit th. w Hmd Annua:- free. rlu for O.H.FERflYtrO.OjtfoH.rVch. YOUR LIVER Is It Wrong? Cet It Right Keep It Right' Moore's Revealed Remedy wllldolt, Threi doses will laake vou feel batter, net It ir. your druRslst or any wholesale drug houss, at trom Btewarl Jt Holmes Drug Co., Seattle. Cut Rate Drug Catalogue FREE.. Woodard, Clarke a Co., mm" i. x3aociEaFOItTLANI, OIL tation of the heart, hot Hushes, blood rush ing to the head, ringing In the ears, wan during mind, weak memory, dark circlet under the eyes, diir-iness, poor appetite, stupldiiFsa, despondency, loss of energy, ambition and self-confidence, which abso lutely unfits you for study or business, vou should take treatment before it Is too lata. MIDDLE-AGED AND OLD MEN. There are thousands of vou trnuhleil with weak, aching backs and kidneys, and other uuuiipumnmc sigusor nervous (if unity ana premature decav. Manv die of this dim. culty, Ignorant of the cause, which is the second stage of seminal weakness. The most obstinate cases of this character treated with unfailing success. HEART, DRAIN At.D NERVES. 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