The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, November 24, 1898, Image 3

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    Heading all of the
Local and County I7cr3
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Hcccivcd by Quarter
Master McCulloeh.
Tic Gilt of (hi; Government fur its De-
lenders (if the Sixties.
Vf ry few peupla know that the gov
eminent provides monuments to
mark t lie graveH of Ub dead defend
ed, yet such is the cane. The U.
8 statute relative to thin was pann
ed in 187!), and reads:
"Ho it enacted, &o.t that the pmc
rotury of war is hereby authorized
to erect hoadatones over the graves
of soldiers w ho served in the regu
lar and volunteer army of the
United Stales during the war for
the Union and w 10 have been
buried in private village or ci'y
cemeteries. The seer.'
tary of wur shall cause to be pre
served in the records of his depart
ment the names and places of .bur
ial of all soldiers fur whom such
headstones shall have been erected
by uutliority of this or former
Friday evening last, Quarter
Master Jas McCullcch, of General
Hansom Tost, received three monu
ments for the graves of three veter
ans who have died within the last
year: W. W. Annans, Ilillsboro,
of Co. I, ninth Iowa cavalry; Chas.
K Howen, Ilillsboro, Co. K, twenty-
second Iowa infantry; and h H.
Kturdevant, Cornelius, Co. H, fifty
third l'ennsylvunia infantry.
The headstones aro laid down at
the delivery point at the exponse
of the government,
This iH news to many, although
the law has been in vogue twenty
It is reported that the damage
suit instituted against Isaac Allen
by Charles and Janie I'urrott has
been settled out of court, and that
the case will bo dismissed in open
court in Multnomah county, upon
motion of the plaintifla attorney
Although the .uit was for (ifieen or
twenty thousand dollars, balm for
Allen having them arrested on the
charge of robbing his house, it is
stated that u few hundred dollars
represents Mr. Allen's expense,
dummies, attorney's fees, and all.
Buuh is the way of the world.
Found a Union Pacific bag'
iraue cheek. Call and prove prop'
erty at this ollice, pay for this "ad"
and get the check,
Uncle Tom's Cal;
ibin will be prd
30th of XovemV
UtAiuarimviiianir '
son ted here on the
ber by the famous Stowe Company,
upon a scale ot excellence never be
fore equalled. They will have the
same excellent caste that enjoyed a
twenty-four weeks run in New York
City. Interesting specialties will be
interspersed between theacts, mak
ing it a grand, continuous perform
ance, not one weak or tiresome fea
turo during the entire performance
Mr. John F. Stowe, a nephew of the
authors, personally conducts eact
production. Seats now on sale at
II. Wehrung & Soiib. .
Now is the chance for Argus rea
ders to get 10 series of 16 photo
graphs etuli 160 photographs in
all of the American navy, Hawaii
and Cuba. 1 he size of the port
folios is 10.J by 14 inches find the
reproductions are simply grand.
Give your orders at this office. The
complete series and the Arqub . one
year, $2.C0. Come and see what
they are. You can't afford to be
without them.
Twenty-nine years ago, in Cant
on, Ohio, Win, Bagley, now a rest
dent of Leisyville, desired to buy a
lot in Mckinley b town. He ha
two in view, one offered for $G00,
the other for $350. Mentioning the
eubiect to a friend, Bagley was in
formed that he could get the high
est priced lot tor ipoOO, which he
did, subsequently, through the man
ei vine the information acting as
agent The lot was deeded through
the friend s name, but his wife, at
that time in a sanitarium, did no
sign the instrument, lhe agent
died in the seventies, Mr. Bagley
disposed of the lot in '86, and the
matter was apparently forgotten
until the guardian of the wife of
the Bi'enl recently suod for a wid
ow's dower. Mr. Bagley 's deposit
ion has been- taken and will be
value to the defense. Day, Lynch
& Day, of Canton, (ot which hrm
Peace Commissioner Day is a metn
ber) are defending the suit. Geo,
R, Bagley is assisting at this end
of the line. The deposition was tak
en before H. T. Bagley, as notary
The Bethany Club wjH.iraji
masquerade ball, Saturday eve'ifcf.
Deo. 3, 1898, Admission, 60 cents;
supper. 25 cents. Toelle Orches
tra, Plenty of room for horses in
new shed. Everybody invited.
Good time. No disreputable char
acters. Prize for best lady's cos
tume; gentleman's costume; and
prize for most comical costume.
Peter Boscow, ot Hillsboro, and
Hubert Bernard, of North Forest
Grove, are drawn for the U. 8.
grand jury which is soon to be con
vened in Portland.
Notice is hereby given that an
election will be held in the city hall
n Ilillsboro, Washington county,
Ore. on Monday, Doccm'ier 5, 1898,
for the purpose ot electing ollicers
as follows: Mayor, term of 1 year;
Recorder and 1 reasurer, one year;
1'hree Trustees, to serve two years.
l'olls will open at 8 A. M. and will
lose at 5 I'. M. Hentou Howman,
Recorder of Hilhboro.
R. K. Bryan & Son have just re
ceived their fall shipment of jackets,
capes and mackintoshes. It will
pay you to look at ttiete goods ana
compare prices before purchasing.
See introductory price of Schill-
ng s best couee.
A mass meeting of the electors of
Ilillsboro will be held in the City
Hall, Thursday night. Dec. 1. for
the purpose of nominating a city
ticket. Get out and make the con
test and let the tight be made open
and fearless, if there is to be a con
test. Hore is a chance for the Fire
iddies to get representation
Stowe's Uncle Toiii'b Cabin p
at the Marquam Grand, 1'ortland,'
Nov. 28th and auth, and in Ilills
boro. Wednesday. Nov. 30th. Gen-
eral admission, 50 cents; children,
25 cents, No extra charge
e for re-i
served seats.
Married: At the residence of the
ride's parents, Gaston, Novemlier
21, 1898, Mr. V. A. Everest and
Miss Florence Griebler, Kev. C. A.
Mowman olliciatiug. -Go
to F. J. Barber, Second Street,
for a neat shave or haircut. Satis
faction guaranteed. Fine bath
room in connection.
D. W. Dobbins, a universal fav
orite with all in Ilillsboro, is at
present at Colfax, Wash.
A stranger called at the residence
of D. T. Phillips Monday night
and stated that some men on the
railroad track were trying to hold
im up. 1). T. took him in for the
night. A carload of hay was ship
ped to California, Monday, by C.
C. Hancock. About 43 young
people tendered Geo. Hickman a
party, Friday evening, at the resi
dence of his mother, Mrs. A. A.
Phillips. He is about to leave for
Washington, D. C, on a visit to
his grandmother and uncle. Games
and refreshments were the features,
Cornelius, Nov. 23.
The Grange store is the place to
buy your stoves, air-tight heaters,
ranges, cook stoves stove furni
ture of all kinds. Full line of
groceries. . west teas, conees ana
spices in the market Schilling's
will please you.
Next Sunday's services at the
Cong. Church will be conducted by
Rev. C. F. Clapp, of Forest Grove,
who has this week been conducting
special services with great Buccess.
The morning's hymns will be those
of the great hymnologist, Isaac
Watts, next Sabbath being two days
removed, only, from the anniversa
ry of his death All are cordially
nvited to the meetings ot the day.
N Go to C. R. Boyd for your rough
and dressed lumber of all kinds.
rested lumber a specialty. Ma
le, cedar and fir. Splendid quali-
,y, lowest prices, uan ai aim, or
address C. R. Bloyd, Phillips.
Some one in Portland who was
nspired by a jealousy of the trade
pf Mf. A. 0. Wold, had him arrest
ed some time since charged with
selling eastern eggs. It is needless
to Bay that he waB innocent ot the
charge and acquitted. It looks as
though the arrest was made to
break down his business.
H Wehrung & Sons' stock of
Gents' and Ladies Mackintoshes
is complete. Prices from $2.50 to
$12. No trouble to show goods.
John C. Buchanan, late from
Manila, was tend red a reception at
Cornelius, Saturday evening by the
Knights of Pythias, of which he is
a memoer. unite a numoer oi
boys from over the county were
present and a splendid time is re
PIowbI Go to the Grange store
for your Oliver Chilled and Bteel
plows. The beBt in the market,
K. N. Ordway is reported quite
ill at his home in this city. For
teveral months his ankle has been
giving him great trouble and he
may yet hava to undergo an am
putation. "S.
The Marriage ot Mr. Frank Jvei
say and Mrs. Agnes Campbell, both
of Hillsboro, is announced. Both
have a host of friends who wish
them happiness. They will reside
on the farm of the groom, near
this city.
John R. Willis is out from Uni
versity Park to eat Thanksgiving
turkey and will remain until next
Cashier 'A. C. Shute has been
confined to his room for several
days with a severe attack of tonsi
litis. His physicians hope to have
him out in a few days.
iJJjC. and Mrs. Dedman, now loca
ted at Mitchell, are in the city, the
guests of Mr. and Mrs John North
rop. New, neat clothes add much to
the enjoyment of the holidays.
War.amaker & Brown carry com
plete lines of clothing for men,
women aud children. Those who
have tried these goods know they
are of the best quality, all others
may be convinced by testing them.
Samples and prices to be seen at
A rch hold's store, Ilillsboro. Jas.
McCulloch, Agent.
Following is a Comparative Statement of Be -
ceipts and Disbursements for the Year.
Cash on hand at beginning of year 606 13
Received from county treasarer, taxes. . . . 2,212 80
" " saloon licenses 1,200 00
" " city marshal and recorder 52 82
Total receipts N.071 75
Face of warrants paid $2,989 17
Interest on same 525 28
Total disbursements $3,514 45 $4,264 28
Cash on hand Nov. 23 v 557 30 Nov 20. 174 07
The warrant debt, with estimated interest. Nov. 20, 1898, is $7,
314 86. On Nov. 23, 1897, it was $8,532 31. Considering the cash on
hand at that date, the net warrant debt would been $7,97501. On Nov.
20. 1898, the net warrant debt, cash on hand deducted from amount
civen above, is $7,139 79. a gain of
sum of $835 22. The total city debt may at this date be summarized:
Water & light bonds, $10,000; warrants outstanding with estimated in
terest $7,314 86: total debt. $17,314 86.
The expenditures for the year
111 103 48; marshal, 242 30; provision ordinances, do; recorders lees
Ji, fl oo; elections, VI, fi ov; streets, iuo u; treasurer Binary, iw;
. . . it J.w. ... I'll! .i -. n tc. l 1 I
repairing city hall, $36 38; killing
. - .. . 1 , , .
Chaplain Gilbert, of the Serond
Oregon, under date of October 13th
writes Mrs. Bryan, President ot the
local Emergency Corps: "I wish to
give account ot my siewarasnm in.
regard to the thirty dollars which
you so kindly sent for the use of
our sick in hospital. I have endeav
ored to use it as I thought you de
sired, and I hope the expenditures
win meet vour approval, lhe list
of expenditure follows: To Major
Cardwell, chief surgeon, for use as j
he saw lit, at that time the hospital
fund being very low, $10; hospital
and sick: orangeB, fruit etc, 2 30;
fans, 5 50; milk, 1 m; extract beef,
75; chicken, 25c; ice, 80c, pil
lows, 5 20; washing pillow cases,
00c; transportation, (0c; postage,
20c. I hope the expendituie meets
your approval. I thought best to
give the $10 to Major Cardwell for
at that time the hospital was in
need of medicines and special diets
for patients and Major Cardwell
was in much better place than my
self to know what was actually
needed. He still has part of that
fund which he uses whenever he
sees need. Thanks for so kindly
helping us. We have forty-six in
hospital now, seven of whom are
convalescent, and our sick roll this
morning numbered 118. lhis
number are sick in quarters and
temporarily retired from duty and
are treated here at the oarracKS,
Fever and dysentery are our great
est foes. We lost one man from
small pox and there is consider
able uneasiness telt about it.
rhere are a number of cases, though
it is impossible for us to learn how
many. In the main we are get
ting along nicely. We are all
ready to come home whenever you
send for us."
The Iudustrial Fair the coming
week will, among other attractions,
have on exhibit curios from Ma
nila, display of chrysanthemums,
fancy work of various kinds, art
collection and other attractions,
Splendid literary entertainment
each evening.
W. H. Grove and Mary Elizabeth
Hohman; C. W. Vincent and Est-
ella M. Hopkins; James L. Law
rence and and Hannah O. Brooks
have taken out license to wed.
Anyone desiring mistletoe deco
rations can procure same from C.
T, Allison, Hillsboro, Ore.
Isaac Allen sued Prof. Coleman
for money due on a lease, and the
case was heard before Justice Hum
phreys, Tuesday. It appeared that
the professor left before the lease
expired and Allen supplanted him
with another tenant, When final
settlement came about, a tender of
ten dollars was made, but Allen re
fused, and brought Buit. The ver
dict was for plaintiff in the sum of
$10.30, thirty cents more than the
tender made by the defendant. The
30 cents carried with it the costs.
Congressman Tongue and Mr. Hus
ton appeared for plaintiff and de
fendant respectively.
The Industrial Fair of the Lad
ies' Aid Society and ffipworth
League will ba opened to the public
on Monday and Tuesday nights of
the coming week. Splendid liter
ary entertainment each evening.
Hon. W. D. Hare and Isaac But
ler are reported so indisposed as to
be confined to their rooms.
For Sale: House and lot in this
city. Neat residence, good repair;
barn, chicken house and yard; or
chard. Will sell for cash, reasona
ble. Call at this office.
$199 50; interest on bonds, ju, loiai, ,ou oi.
gin a sale of odd line of shoes in order
to make room for new stook. If we can
fit you, we will
Come and see us. Shoes for Ladies, Men and
$ 557 30
2,625 55
1,200 09
55 50
$4,438 35
$3,547 54
716 74
reduction for the last year in the
just ended were: Water & light.
dogs, etc., $9 75; lumber and ties,
I AtC ftfn ft 4
The Emergency Corps and Red
Cross Society will meet at the home
of Mrs. W. D. Bradford, Saturday,
Nov. 2b, at 6 o clock.
Get your tare seed from R, E.
Bryan fc Son.
Jupiter Pluvius has been labor
ing hard to catch up for lost time,
for the last few days, and as a re
sult all the streams are on the
raisi. Jackson bottom will soon
be inundated.
"U-Can't-Rip-'Em" brand of
shoes at Schulmerich's. See them
and try them.
Tim Thompson was down from
Wapato the first of the week.
Kiiey cave has just received in
stock a lot of good cross-cut saws,
steel wedges, sledges, single and
d ouble bitt axes, and other goods.
More are coming.
Attention, Ladies! H. Weh
rung & Sons Jiave a complete line
of ladies' and Misses' kid gloves at
$1, $1.25 and $1.50.. Fit guaran
teed. These are new and stylish
lines. Drop in and examine before
buying elsewhere, and you will buy
from them.
Man and wife wanted for a dairy
farm. No children preferred, but
if right parties, would not object to
one child. Enquire at Argus of
Mis Elsie Ordway is taking
course at the Portland Business
Lost: Between Hillsboro and
Farmington, on Oct. 15, a lady's
purse containing small sum of mon
ey and other small articles valuable
only to loser. Finder will be liber
ally rewarded upon leaving same
at the Argus office.
This seems to be a bad year for
Corbelts. Sharkey got his man in
New York the other evening.
Mackintoshes and rubber goods
of all kinds at Schulmerich &
Mrs. Julia Coleman has gone to
Suplee, Eastern Oregon, where her
boys are going into the stock busi
ness. II. Wehrung & Son's have a fresh
barrel of small picklea on tap.
Their stock of groceries is com
plete. Remember their motto:
'Low prices and full weight."
Jos. Bucher, one of Washington
county's old veterans, was in the
city from Glencoe, Saturday last,
E. E. Colestock gives you the
best shave in the city. Hair cut
at popular price. Try his baths,
Don't forget the place -City shav
ing Parlors, Main street
Charles Rockstroh was in the
city from Blooming, Friday last,
and corroborates the general state
ment that more winter wheat has
been sown this fall than for years,
Read the telegraphic news in
The Argus. No other paper in
the county seat gives Buch a com
plete service. The people want all
the news.
The juniors of the Congregational
church have postponed their en
tertainment till Dec. 6th, at which
time they will represent "The Com
ing Holidays" in costume.
Lost Brotherhood of St. An
drews badge, small black silk with
red cross interwoven. Finder
please leave at this office.
Go to the Grange store for your
hardware and tinware; finest in the
& SONS will at once be
make you a
Price that will Surprise You
Uncle Tom's Ciin lias beeti seen
lere many times, but never 8 pre-
j sented by the Siowe Company.
Tbey carry special scenery for ev-
ii i me most ueauuiui
forma'.: in scene ever witness-
ScnuTinerich & Son have a nice
lfhe of dress goods, just arrived;
also silks and dress trimmings. See
them liefore purchasing.
Elder K. H. Ri( kafoose, of Mon
nouth. will preach at the Christian
church Sunday next, forenoon and
Attorneys John M. Wall and .
R. Gregory spent Thanksgiving in
H. Wehring & Sons is the place
to buy ynur winter overcoats.
Call and p'ice their goods.
Notice! All old notes and ac
counts muoi be settled. Do not
forget your doctor this fall. J. P.
Tainiesie, M. D.
George R Corey estate closed of
Citation or'lered served on F
Langer, administrator of Nat Holl
and estate, to appear in court Dec,
5th and show cause why he should
not file final account and be dis
charged; also why he should not
include in his final account certifi
cate of deposit for $1500 favor of
deceased N Holland and also $100
in coin belonging to said estate.
Right to sell personal property
of H B Allison estate.
Ordered that personal property
in Anna S Baker estate be set
aside for support of minor heir,
Richard Baker.
Stock Lost.
Lost: One roan and three spotted
calves and one yearling bull,
mooley. Information locating
same will be liberally rewarded.
Address Jay Baker, Sherwood, Or
egon. Closing Out Sale at Greenhouse.
The undersigned is closing out her
interest in the greenhouse at Hills
boro and parties desiring shrub
bery, roses, flowers of all kinds,
should come at once. Going at a
sacrifice. Two-year-old rose plants,
good varities, at 35 cents each.
Sale will last few weeks only. Mrs.
Agnes Campbell.
Real Estate Transfers.
Wm M Gerrish to B F Purdy
37.30 a Donald McLeod d 1 c
Erank A Baker and wf to W K
Montgomery 3S a sec 36 t 2 s r 2 w
Moses Dillaboy and wf to Moses
E Dillaboy 19.94 a sec 25 t 1 s r 5
Alice E Hensleo et al to Aman
da Wilcox 48 a in Gaston $300
Amanda Wilcox and hus to
Clara A Ketley the Fame as above
Wm Stephenson and wf to Wm
Weston tract sec 12 t 2 s r 3 w $80
W L Batchelder and wf to T H
Tongue 23 a Edward Constable d
1 c $400
Drusilla McLinn and hus to J A
Foote 39 a Edward constable d 1 c
E D Shattuck to Frank Miller 10
a seo 1 1 1 s r 1 w $1250
Jas Gordon and wf to Margaret
Gordon 50 a $1; to Ada Gordon 50
a $1; to Milton Gordon 100 a $1 all
in sec 28 t 2 s r 2 w
E L Mendenhall and hus to E J
Mendenhall 26 a sec 4 t 2 n r 4
Catherine Stanwood and hus to
C R Adams 45.5 a sec 15 t 2 s r 2
w $2000
J H Lambert to M H Anderson
tract 34 Peachoole $300
Clara L Kelty and hus to Aman
da Wilcox lot 6 blk 2 Gaston $1000
J T Lucas and wf to A Hinraan,
aggignee, 87.87 a Bee 3 t 2 n r 4
W 900
Celestia A Kemp and hus to
Jos Bucher tract sec 26 t 2 n r 3
Emily J Fleming and hus to Lori
M Sparks It 3 blk 19 F Grove $500
E A Breyman and wf to Sec Inv
& Trust Co Its 8 9 10 11 and 12
Fruits $10
;CaiilHied from 2nd page,
the real t:;!fcrs.
It look as though, however un
intentionally, there is some inclin
ation to uetUi and evade on this
proposition of to sudden a switch
The recent elactloni. demonstrate
clearly to the acceptance of bimet-
alism in places not iMptcted. We
gained to the extent pt nearly get
. ....
ting the national boust; pi.m ever-
where except where foreign and un
familiar iyum. WP&U$t'
campaign ftini in the J;
Spanish wftCAl&&
en charges by the press and spe
Dinaers mat Spain wisnea ior sFiT:iaceased. -
. . .. n . .111. 'm .
ver success; gains in spite of hislo-, " . .
ry pointing to the fact that an ad
ministration never before lost" any
strength under war eras.' Such a
thing is unparallelled, as Mr. Hub
ton well knows. Bimetallists of
all political faiths get consolation
from these gains. , If Mr. Huston
get any consolation, he is much
easier to satisfy than his many and
strenuous complaints would cause
one to infer.
Business Increasing and the
City out of Debt.
A Write-up of the Little City Between
Hillsboro aod Forest Grove.
Cornelius, Nov. 24. Cornelius is
booming not necessarily because
it is one of the banner silver pre
cincts in Washington county, but
because it naturally can't help it.
Cornelius is situated on the base
line, 24 miles weft of Portland.
Its population is about 400. The
city is the only one in the county
having no debts, and money in the
treasury. The Southern Pacific
railroad is its transportation line,
with A. G. Lucas as agent. There
are four general merchandise
stores, those of C. C. Hancock,
Fred Matthies and O. M. Godfrey
on the north of base line street and
Lawrence Bailey's on the south;
two real estate offices, conducted by
J. H. Cornelius and A. A. Phillips,
respectively. Cooper Branaman is
the barber. Mrs. S. E. Montgom
ery is postmistress. Its two black
smiths are A. S. Hitch and L. G.
Weidewitsch and the livery is run
by Albert Bunning. There is a
good public hall, owned by C. W.
Hendrix. J. R. Miller is the poo
ular landlord of the St. Joseph
Hotel. Dr. A. Stanlee represents
the medical profession. Lawrence
Bailey operates the beet equipped
cider mill in the county. A Meth
odist church looks after salvation,
while two saloons supply liquid re
freshments to those who are not
affairs celestial. A splendid school
is conducted, with two teachers
employed. The greatest improve
provement for Cornelius, however.
is the new and modern flouring
mill, recently built by Aplin
Bros. This mill is what Cornelius
has needed for years and years and
the town already feels its effect by
the increased volume of trade oc
casioned by the mm making it a
grain center. The K. of P. lodge is
the real social life of the city and
its members number the promi
nent men. Cornelius is all right
Just keep your eve on Cornelius!
There are two public telephone
stations and street lamps light the
evening rambler, lhe present city
officers are: Mayor, A. S. Briggs;
councilmen. Thos. Talbott, G. Vick-
era, T. H. Miller, J. B. Merrill; re
corder, M. H. Henderson; treas
urer, R. A. Clark; marshal, Albert
The undersigned will sell at public
auction, at his farm 3 miles west of
Laurel, the following described per
sonal property, at ten o'clock a. m.,
Two good work horses; two cows,
good stock part Jersey; Brood bow
and four fat stock hogs; 8 sboat;
Rushford wagon, 2i, nearly new;
set double harness; single cart and
harness; plow and 5 tooth cultivat
or; 90 sacks potatoes; 6 tons grain
hay; household and kitchen furni
ture and many other articles.
Five dollars and under, cash; Five
Jer cent off for cash on sums over
5. Over $5, one year's time, ap
proved note, at 8 per cent.
Cider Factory Opens.
The Imperial Cider Factory, of
Cornelius, will open September 1,
1898, and will run every day in the
week throueh the season. Will al
so make aople butter and jellies,
Call and get terms. L. Bailey, Cor
nelius. s-25
Wanted Several trustworthy persons in
this state to manage our business in their
own ana neamy counties, it is nminiy
office work conducted at home. Salary
straight StiOO a year and expenses deti
nitA honatide. no more, no less salarv
Monthly $75, References. Enclose self
addressed stamped envelope, Herbert E
Hess, Prest., Dept. M. Chicago.
Notice of Final Settlement,
Notice is hereby Riven that the under
signed, administrator of the estate of N.
F. Smith, deceased, has tiled his final ac
count as such administrator in the county
court of the State of Oregon for Wash i ng--
ton county and tb he said county court
has fixed Mondays 1th day oi Decem
ber, 1898, at the. if of said court
at Hillsboro, coulSJ i t: Ma aforesaid,
at the hour of 10 o'cW i a. 1 Dkf said day
as the time and place far I object
ions to said final account. L e be
land the final settlement of
, Datad t Hillsboro to is ,
jLrfJuminianiiiui ui but) ostnbv vi r
Iaily Mail Arrivals;
Forest Grove
Portland. Wuv and Eastern
I'orvallis and War
...... -
p m
Daily Mail Departures:
Portland & Eastern via BP mm
Port via Uiencoe. Lenox A IWhanv
Corvallig & Way
roniana a nay - p m
Forest Grove - -
Fariiiinglon ami Laurel leaves at lft&i
ii and arrives at 'A:4K n m mi Tiimi..
Thursday and Saturday
No Sunday mails. Postofflee open from
in mj o:w p ni, except Bumlayg,
S. P. Time Table:
a m 7:13
a m 8:50
a rn 8:50
a tn 6:00
p m 8:90
p m 4:20
p ni 0:00
p m 7:18
Sun Mon I Tueu I
Wed J Thu J Frl Sat
. L" I i
I 5
6 I 7 j 8 J 9 10 f 11 T2
13 I 14 15 16
18 I 19
22 23 24 25 ( 26
28 I 29
30 II
Congressional Delegation Senator: O
w McBnde; Representative 1st dist.,
T H Tongue, Hillsboro; 2nd dist, Wm
Ellis, Heppuer.
Governor Win P Lord. Secy State-
Harrison Kincaid. Treas. Philip Met
schan. Printer WH Leeds.
Supreme Court C E Wolverton, R S
Bean and I A Moore.
Fifth Judicial District Judge, McBride,
T A; Dist. Atty., T J Cleeton.
Washington County Officers County &
Probate Judge . Louis A. Rood; Com
missioners, J y A Young, T G Todd
Clerk J A Intone. Sheriff W D
Bradford. Recorder Calvin Jack jr,
Treas A B Cady. Assessor-G H Wil
cox. School Supt-'H. .A Ball. Sur
veyor A A Morr 11. Coroner Dr C
h Large.
District Land Officers gon City C
B Moore, Register ar- ! m Galloway,
City Offlcers:-Mayor, V N. Barrett; Re
corder, Benton Bowm s Treas., F. U.
Mitchell; Marshall' .t. viheen. Coun
cil: John Caretens, T s Tucker, W H
Wehrung, (i H Wilco J M Greear, and
R W'aggener.
Rooms 3, 4, & 5, Morgan Blk, Hillsboro
Deputy District Attorney tor Washing
ton County,
Office upstairs over Delta Drug Store.
. 4:, 1. Oregon. , ... v
Corwin & Wooster , Block, ' tJpst iv
F. A. BAILE'fTjS.' D. ,
Physician, Surgeon aud Accoucbftr
Offlea ta ITITfah
aeno toatB-waat
(Succeessor Dr. A. B. Bailey, D
D. S.
Sixteen Years Active Experience)
Rooms I & 2 Moeoam Bailet Block
Office at Residence East of Court liouse
Burnon Southern Paelfla Railroad Ch.
Consultation in Freoaa or Saguak. OAoa
ana reuaenaa mom at Maw Bear an av.
HUlatwro, Or.
Lindaay Blank,
f tt
Hijlabora, Or.
Office with S. B. Huston, Union Block
Notarial Work and C0nvey4.nclng.JJ
Rooms 6 & 7 Morgan Blk., Hillsboro, Or.
Carstens Bros.,
Wanted Severel trustworthy person "
tins state to manage our buslncwi in tr"r
own and nearby counties Titan" 1
oftioe work conducted at home. -h"'f
straight 000 a year and exinm -1"''?
Inae, no more, no less, jfoothir ;
References. Enclose anf-fidrontd
stamped envelope, Herb K
rwst., Lcipt. m. Chicago. " "
kKXtesei Liiier
I Sashyv. gildings, Etc.