Ct Joob Oil cnrw Rheumatism. 6k Jtoobs Oil cores Neuralgia. 6t. Jacobs Oil cares Lumbago. 8k Jacobs Oil cares Sciatica. 8k Jacobs Oil cares Sprains. 6k Jacobs Oil cures Braises. Ek Jacobs Oil cores Soreness. 6k Jacobs Oil cures Stiffness. 6k Jacobs Oil cures Backache. )k Jacobs Oil cares Muscular aches. Dld'nt Get Her Share. Mrs. Newcombe (as she puts down the family paper, fondly to her hue band) Oh, Herbert, if I could only read snon a lovely obituary notice in the paper about you as I've just read about a man down in Pittston. Some how, blessings seem to me to be awful ly unevenly divided nowadays. Judge, Scrofula In the Blood Scrofula lurks in the blood of almost every one and unless Its poisonous taints are thoroughly expelled from the system, it is liable to break out at any time in sores, eruptions, hip disease or some other pain ful form. Hood's Sarsaparilla oures scrofula promptly and permanently. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is America's Greatest Medicine. tl; alitor $5. Hood's Pills core indigestion. 25 cents. A a Brother. A certain curate was of a painfully nervous temperament, and, in conse quence, "was constantly making awk ward remarks intended as compli mentsto the bishop and others. Hav ing distinguished himself in an unusual degree during the gathering of clergy to an afternoon tea at the bishop's palace, he was taken to task for bis tailings by . a senior onrate, who was one of his companions on the way home. "Look here, Bruce," said the senior. decidedly, "you are a donkey I Why cannot you Keep quiet, instead of mak ing your asinine remarks? I am speak' lng to you now as a brother " Loud laughter interrupted him at this point, and for the moment he won dered why. 8t. Louis Globe-Democrat Pure Tea in packages at grocers' . Schillings Best A monster sewing machinn, weighing iniee ana one-quarter tons, is in use in ljeeds, fcnlgand. It sews cotton belt ing- Ao household is complete without a bot tle of the famous Jesse Aloore Whiskey. It 13 a purs ana wnoiesome stimulant rec ommended by all physicians. Don't ne glect tms necessity. Ihe bitterness of a grain of stryoh nine can be tasted in 1600,000 grains oi water. To Cnre a Cold In On Day late Laxative Bromo Oninlnn Tnhleto All druggists refund money if it fails to a cooio root oi new laiien snow A LI weighs five and a half pounds, and has ia times the bulk of an equal weight oi water. If you want the best wind mill, pumps. J, a waguns, oeiia oi au sizes. boilers, engines, or general machinery, see or write JOHN POOLE, foot of Morrison uvei, roruana, uregon. In India the average duration of life of the natives is 21 years as against 44 in Britain. Piso's Cure for Consumption is the best ui u cougn cures. ueorge w. iiotz, fatracner, L,a., August 26. 1895. On Method of Treatment. Jones Our minister is apt to take an original view of any snbject. He is to preach next Sunday on the para oie ot tne prodigal son. Smith I don't see how he if going w say anytning new about thak iiones xou can't ten. He may make nis sermon an expression of eym pathytorthe fatted calf. New Vork Journal. The Kaiser's Tour. The Kaiser's Pilgrimage to the Holy liana nas a prominent place in the issue oi tlollier's Weekly for November B. There are- Interesting pictures of the soenes oi tne emperor's tour, including one representing the women gathering stones to repair the roads before the emperor's arrival. lie drill of the Roman soldier was exceedingly severe. It comprised not oniy tne use oi weapons, but runn inn. Jumping, olimbing, wrestling, swim ming, both naked and in fall armor, An iron-mil! company in Ohio has suceeded in making a fine quality of cement irom lurnaoe slag. I "4 Perfect Type of the Highest Order of Excellence In Manufacture." iBa!er&Co:$ Breakfast coa Absolutely Pure, Delicious, Nutritious. ..costs less Tnan Off CENT a Cup.. , Be rare that yon get the Genuine Article, audi at DORCHESTER, MASS, by WALTER BAKER & CO. Ltd. Established 1780. ' II Beit Cough Syrup. Tuim Good. Oh 1 1 t 1 In time. Bold byomggurta. H ! - """""" """"""""" : T UNC RASTUS' POSSUM YARN, Thanksgiving Story Told by the Old Negro for the Children, N Old Unc Eastus Pettibone's home, a very modest lit tle four-room es tablishment, great preparations were being made for the Thanksgiving fes tivities which the next day was ex pected to usher in. The morning came and Aunt Patty took the opossum which Unc" Ras' had caught and placed him in a brood pan and put him In the oven. Aftef the opossum had baked for a while she opened the oven and put in the pan a lot of sweet potatoes which had previously been boiled and split and let them brown In the 'possun fat. When the animal was done brown the family and their friends gathered around tne festal board and the middle-sized girls and the big girls, the old folks and the young folks pitched into the dish and made merry over the arrival from the South, After the dinner they had some music, and wound up with a dance. When the dance was ended the visitors, to the num ber of seven or eight, left with a chorus of good-bys and jokes and the family were left by themselves. Put on some coal on dat fiah, you Bona- paht," said Unc' Bastus. "My law, dat 'possum remlne me of ole Ahkansaw, yas sah, it sholy do." "Tell us 'bout it, pa," said Ca'llne, and the other children clamored for the story. well, said unc itastus, "down dan In de Boston mountains whah. I'ze bawn we dun liv' in one dese heah cabins, log cab ins. Dey chink up twix de logs with mud, an' buil' a chimley on de outside. We all had nine dogs an' fo-teen in de family. Da wus er smoke-house an' chicken coon an' er ash-hoppah by de cabin an 'er cawn crib. We wuz In de valley an' a mile down de road live Eph Baker an' his fat ly. Long 'bout dis time de yeah Eph an lile an' Wash Adams an' de Beazely boys we'd staht out early in de evenin' aftah 'pos Bum. Tain' no use fow to go twel de Simmons is ripe an' de fros ripe de 'Sim mons. Xessah, de fros it rlpes de slm mons an' den de 'possum he gwyne come out In de moonlight. Dey wuz mons'ous woods dah. Dey wuz red oak, black oak, pos' oak, gum tree, ellum, sycamo' an1 a lot othuz. Well, suh, we'd have 'bout fohty dogs mo er less an one de ueazely boys he'd fotch 'long ole musket. Dns all de gun we got. De moon he light up de valley. de old broom sage tiers doy layln round. an' at de aldge de fiel's wuz mos' oftenest de 'slmmon trees. Now, de 'possum love simmons. lie eat berries, yassah, an buds an' roots, but, my Lawd, he fine 'slm mon tree de darkest night evah blowed. De boys dey off In de woods chasln' ronn' de fiel's an' tarln' up de groun' look- In' for 'possum. Da jus' three kine 0' dogs in dat country. Da Is de noun' dog. de cur dog an' de fice dog. De cur dog, dey mos ly call 'em mungrel heah, dey bes' foh 'possum. We llssen to dem crazv dogs hoilah an' bark. Den Eph Baker he say, 'Das Tige, de triflin' scoun'rel.' "Den we heah another bark an' ef we heah dat dog hoilah all de boys dey say, Das music, una snoiy possum.' I ewrne tell you we rar over de broom-saae an' we git ovah de fence an' dah by er big Simmon tree can s music Hose, Venus an er lot de otuuh dogs. Tlge, he aln' dah. Ole mUt' 'possum he up in tin 0' de simmon tree, and I climb de tree an' soon I ketch 'im, he give up an play he daid. Yassah, he doan show no sign dat he liv- In'. Den we sets de dogs goin' again, an' mebbe we hear off In de aldge 0' de woods boo-woof, boo-woof, 00, oo, 00, an' if dey is ernudder dog go wah-ah arp-arp-arp nine o- nign, con aas music an' usis 'pos sum. Den we clar de fences an' run throo de broom-sage an' when we find ole music dey's 'possum dah. "Well, suh, when we git all de 'possum we want we go home, an' den I take big ol 'possum an' dress him an' stretch him ill fJr WHEN UNO' EASTUS WAS YOUNG. N THANKSGIVING DINNER ON THE OLD out on de roof of de smokehouse. In de mornin' day takes 'im an' day pa'bile 'im to kit out da wiie taste, an' den day puts im in old oven. De fat Jes' bile out, an' when de 'possum gettiu' bake awhile vo ole mammy take dese yer long yams dat been bile already an' put in de oven with mist possum. "IV ole mammy got turnips an' back- Done, cabbage an nambone an lye hominy an' pone, corn pone. Well, suh, dcy all bus' deyselves eatiu' 'possum, an gen-ally has a little 0' dish yer apple-jack an' dey sweetens it with 'lasses. Yo' kin cat a DBEAMISO OP OLD DATS. heap 0' 'possum, caze It doan' hurt yo When de 'possnm all gone, all de sop cleaned up, de taters an' de cabbage, de hambone an' de backbone des out 0' de way, den dcy clears away all de dishes an' de table an dcy 'gins to pat juba an' git de Cddle on de banjo down. "Day doan dance dese yer waltzes in my time. Dcy dance one at a time or maybe dey s a boy an' a wench dey dances to- gedder. But dey dance. Dey doan slide, Dey buck an' dey wing an' dey double shuffle an' puts in de fancy steps an' de res' dey pats an' hollers. De fiddler he got de tlddle way down on de lef arm, an' he sawln' away on 'Chicken In dp Rrend. tray,' 'Cottoneye Joe,' 'Soapsuds Ovah de rence,- or some 0' dey hoe-down tunes. an de banjo keepln' time. Dey loose de chinkin' out de logs. Ohl my law, all de dishes jumpln' in de cupboard an' de pick'- nmnies aey jumpln' up an' down yo kaln hole 'em down. Ole Mammy Jupe de real ole mammy she sit In de cornah smokln' one 0' dese yere red cloy pipes witn one 0' de cane stems dat dey cuts In de cane-brake. De dogs dey outside breakln de 'possub bones an growlin' ovan de nambone. "When one boy get tlahd dancin' ernud der boy he step in an' dey des keen dancin1 an' singln' an' pattln' all night yassah, twell de ole red sun he showin' dat he gwyne come ovah de mountain. Den" dev all slip away an' go whah dey can sleep ton an any. Mr. Kustus reached for his pine. "Git along to bed now, you chlllcn," he said, and there was a general scampering. The old man puffed away reminiscently. KEPT THE GOBBLER. Farmer Bolton Find He ITae Many .Reasons to ue Thankful, LAMED if I quite agree with this here way of rega latln' our givln' of thanks by law an' p r 0 e lermations," said Farmer Bol ton In a meditative wsy to his wife. "It looks too mrfeh like sebtln' a stake an' a servin' notice tnat when yon reach it yon must bow down an' make your acknowledgment, no matter what your real feellu's is. I can't scs that FARM. wevve got much tcr be thankful fur this year, Liddy." "0, yes, we have. We M "Hol'.on, now, hoi' on, Liddy. That's a way you have of rushln' me with argy nients an' dowiiln' me afore I gets rightly started. Jest wait till I git through. Our crops was mostly a failer, owln to too much rain. What we did harvest didn't really pay fur th ralslu'. That two-year-old colt was killed by lightnln', most of our standin' timber was destroyed by fire an' a good mnny rods of fence went th' same way. Now you can't houeBtly say, Liddy, that we're as fur along as we was this time a year ago." "I didn't know you were so worldly, Josh. You talk as though we ought to rebel against Providence whenever the credit side of our bank book doesn't have a steady growth. WYre both In th' prime of life with good health. We've been given more time to pny off the mortgage. None of the great disasters we rend about has touched us. There is nlentv In the cellar and the grnnnry to live on if we were without a dollar. That state of af fairs would be a godsend to tens of thou sands this winter, Josh. And you know that Jimmie pulled through after the doc tor guve him un and is as hardy as a knot!" 'So he did, the blessed little imn of mis chief, But I won't dispuic with you, Liddy. You don't give a (Viler no fair chance. I was goin to sell that 20-pound gobbler, but we'll jest keen him fur a center piece Thanksgivln'." Our Thanksgiving. We'd thought on this Tbanksglvlu' day To eat our ounkln nle With dear old mother at the farm, as 10 me aays gone uy. Bnt greater Power than we had willed That mother shouldn't stay, An' then we couldn't boar the fnrm, When she had slipped away. 80 brother John, he sent me word Ter visit him a spell, An' eat In style Thanksgivln' day Up at his big hotel. Well, seeh a bill 0' fare as that I never see afore, With all the things I ever eat, An' several dozen more. I labored hard to do my pnrt At talk an' etiquette; Though John wus hardened to tl.s Sometimes bis eyes wuz wet. world, I knew that though his pnrse could buy The costliest kind of dish, Fer mother's rare Thanksgivln' treat Be often felt a wish. An' when I left him fer the night, I couldn't help but say, "It ain't the food ner ylt the style That makes Thanksiflvlrr' Anv Detroit Free Press. Pumpkin Pies and Thanksgiving. With the pumpkin borrowed from thm Indian, and the Yankee lnircnuitv that grew up with the New Englnuder forced to rely on hi Inventive skill, the pie was an easy creation. The pumpkin no doubt was one of the earliest ot Its family, for rruits wncn tne white man came were only such ns he found wild and they would not keep through the fall and w uter as the modern genius has made possible. The pumpkin, however, was a keeper, and therefore available at late periods of the year for pies and sauces, and It has never lost its place on the Thanksgiving table. Nor, to do it justice, is there any reason why it should. The pumpkin pie needs no apologies on Thanksgiving or any other Our Own American Day. No matter what Its obscure origin, the American Thanksgiving is our own Amer ican day now, and, set in its thoroughly American surroundings, it is a chief among all the happy days of the year. May we all have opportunity and reason to ap preciate ana snare in many of them. Signs of the Times. First Turkey Oh, cheer up, old man. you are superstitious. Becond Turkey No, I'm not supersti tious, but when I pick up cranberries by the kitchen door three days in succession it makes me kinder melancholy. The Night Before Thanksgiving. SEQUEL TO A SEA TRAGEDY. Andersen, the Olive Tecker Murderer, Hull Hang. Washington, Nov. 10. The United States supreme court has alllrnied the Judgniont of the lower court and denied a writ of habeas corpus to John Ander son, convicted and sentenced to bo hanged after his trial in Noifolk, Vs., for the murder of the mute of the Olive Peokor. The Andersen oust) litis attracted widespread attention, btng a ea tragedy of singular romance mid atro city. The schooner Olive Pucker sailed from Boston, hidun with lumber, for a point on theFlatto rivor, Biazil. When 150 milot off the coast of Brazil, An derson, a Swede, had an altercation with the onptuin. Wheu tho hitter re tired to the cabin, Anderson followed and shot tho captain dead, lid then armod himself heavily and wont on deok, where, mounted on the fore castle, he terrorized all on board. Tho mate, who was aloft, wab on Hod down, and while pleading for his lite, was shot four times. Then the orow oro ordered to throw tho dving mate over board, and On protesting that ho was cot dead, were assured that he was "dead enough." This dono, tho ciow were marched below at the point ol a pistol and ordered to throw the enptuin overboard. Then Andersen directed that oil be thrown over the lumber, aftor which the oil-souked ship was set afire and the murderous crew took to the boat". Anderson was appreliondod at Biihln, Brazil, and sent north on the United States gunboat Lancaster. Ho wus tried and convicted in the United Btaies oourt at JNorlolk, Va., and a stubborn light wus made up to the su preme court, the conviction being con tinued. The last niovo was in the presont application for a writ of habeas corpus on the ground that Andursen'i constitutional rights were invaded when the lower oourt -assigned him oonnsel Instead ot giving him his own choiee. Chief Juatioe Fuller, in antiounoing the court's decision, said the records of the case showed that no fundamental right had been doniud Andersen, but that he had been represented from first to last by able counsel. The time when counsel was not nrosont was at a pre liminary hearing of Andersen, but this was not used in the subsequent trial, mi. j 1 . . me uecision 01 tne lower court was afflrmod. The effect of this will bo to have the execution, which had boon stayed until December 9 next, carried out. . DIED IN HIS PRIME. ArcnbUbop Orom Receives the Last Summons, Baltimore, Md., Nov. 10. Arch bishop Gross' death at St. Joseph's hospital today was not wholly unex pected, bnt it was thought he might live Bevoral clays longer. His condition had improved some days ago, but early yesterday morning he began to sink and grew worse rapidly. Death resulted at 8:15 A. M. from valvular heart disease. Arohbishop Gross oarue East to at tend the convention of archbishops held in vvasnington, but was taken sick in Baltimore, and went to St. Chuilos' col lege, Wh:-e he conducted a retreat, aiterwards going to Annapolis for short stay. He was brought from thero to Baltimore by his b othir, and taken at once to St. Joseph's hospital. The body will be removed to the home of his cousin, Mrs. Catherine It. Roy- noma, au7 n-iist North avenuo. The arrangoments of the funeral have not been completed, but it has been docided to bury him from the cathedral ..1 n.oA , I rm . , . i u'i inurBiiny morning, a brief service being hold first at the house. vurumai uiDoons will conduot a high mass of requiem at the cathodrul. Iho seminarians of St. Mary's semi nary will chant he office for the dead. and will attend the funeral in a body. arainai uibuons regarded Archbish- op Gross as a moat able man, an earnest worker and a good friend. Speaking of mm tonignt, tne oardiiml said: He was an untiring missionary, ursii in ueorgia ana tlien in Oregon, and lost his strength by zealous work in behalf of Christianity; he was in domitable in the eeivloe of God, and uiea irom hard work. In his death the country loses a good man." WILL SPAIN ACCEPT. Madrid Officials Believe That She Must Powers May lie Appealed To. Paris, Nov. 16. A dispatch to the lemps irom Madrid says the officials there do not believe the peace negotia tions win be broken off. It adds: "If tl)United States persists in its present olalms, Spain will aocept the conditions, alter formally announcing at a session of the commission, and in a circular to the powers, that she yields to force, owing to tho impossibility of lenewing the war without unobtainable assistance in dofenso of her rights." Shells for Manila. Norfolk, va., Nov. 18. Twenty thousand six-pound shells will be shipped to the Mare island navy-yard Monday, xnree ireight cars will be required to convey the ammunition across the continent. Orders have been reoeived at the yard to work night and day on tho gunboat Prlncoton in order that she may as soon as possible join the squadron whloh is to assomble in Hampton Iioada. Big Fleet Under Construction. Washington, Nov. 16. A statement prepared by Commodore - Hichbom. chief of the construction bureau, shows that on November 1, the navy depart ment had under construction in various parts of the country 55 vessels, a larger numoer man ever undertaken before in the history of the country. With a desire to onoourago invest ment, a bill has been sent to the Mox- lean oongreBS to exempt from taxation special privilege companies. No Alternative, , London, Nov. 16. Tho morning pa pers comment editorially on the nenen conference crisis, and the American naval preparations, reiterating their conviction of the hopelossness of Span ish opposition and recognizing that tho United States- has practically no alter- native, especially after the elections, bot ooraplete annexation, and that if fipain continues obstinate the United States must send a fleet to Europe, an aotion which no power but Great Britain would weloome, though none would be likely to inteifoie in Spain'i bebaU ConnunlnlUlefc A Missouri man filed as an answei to his wife's suit for divorce an agreement signed by both "to disband." Mr. Woodruff, tho New York man who bus accumulated 50 wives, simply makes Chicago's Biites-Gutcs, of seven wifo notoriety, look small. "I have always had a desire to go on tho stage," says theft. Louis young woman who was married last Saturday, and is now seeking a divorce. She not only wants to go 011 the Hugo, but she wants to begin as a stun PERIODS OF PAIN. - . Menstruation, the balance wheel of woman's life, Is also tho bune of exist ence to many because It mcuus time of groat sunYring. While no woman Is entirely free from periodical pain, It does not seem to have turc's plan that women othorwhw healthy should suffer so severely. LydioRlMnk" ham's Vege table. Com pound is the most thorough fe male rcguli tor known medical sci ence. It relieves the condition that pro duces so much d iscomfort and robs men struation of Its terrors. Here Is proof: Dear Mas. Tinsuam: How can 1 thank you enough for what you have done for me ? When I wrote to you I was suffering untold pain at time ot menstruation! was nervous, had head ache all the time, no appetite, that tired feeling, and did not care for anything. I have taken three bottles ot Lydla E, Plnkhom's Vegetable Compound, one of Mood Furltler, two boxes of Liver Pills, and to-day I am a well person. I wou4.d Ilk to have those who suffer know that 1 am one of the many who kavtcen cured of female cunplalnts by your wonderful medicine and advlco. Miss Jennib R. Miles. Leon, Wis. If you art suffering In this way, write as Miss Miles did to Mrs. Plnkham at Lynn. Mass., for the advice which sha offers free of charge to all women. A canal connecting the Mediterranean with tho Rod sea existed as early as 600 years before tho Christian era. Its length is 03 miles. Seenie to Get Blpe, One compluint seoms to got ripe in autumn, and that Is neurulgio. To soothe the pain, strengthen the nerves and rid the system of it, use 8t. Jacobs Oil, the boat known cute. From riilnn tlKAnno i itwuiuuo nuiui Ul human hair Ib exported annually. It coiuos mostly from the heads of' male factors, paupors and dead peoplo. now to Get Strong A&ystem which has become run down by the trying weather of the bast summer is not in a condition to meet the severe winter of thislimat and will easily fall a breto disease unlets a proper tonic is used. , Or.Williams'Pink Pills for Pale Peoble are the best medicine jnthe world forbuild ind up and strengthen-, ing an enervated system Do not confuse these bills with ord inary purgative bills.They do NOTactonthebovels.theTeby further weakening thebody.They build up the blood and strengthen the nervesi Major A. C. Bishop, of out of the hosDlti tivii engineer. 11c and could not walk ' iu in the uewapapm regarding Dr. which convinced me tfiat they were 1 -.1 .1 f r an ovugoiau ov direct iivpr a rtin.ir , . .r .. .... , , . ....STEEL SPIRAL CONVEYERS.... Wr&a for price-ltat and dlBCoin ta. ' ' Willamet Frotand E.crett 8,.. Buy Direct FROM THE WOOLEN MILLS And save middleman's profits. Mon'a Una tnii. pr-maue suits.ia.SG to $14. Fit iruaran tend T. building, rortland f "u- T,?' " , -wiwuu 1,111a uanor moioaiiuiemsie agents In their own tu, can make Irom 15 to $10 a dav eW s?. iWn UlXnnu rooms 1 wd'STlftrSSa, Or BUY THE GENUINE SYRUP OF FIGS ,.. maitofaott;hed bt CALIFORNIA FIQ SYRUP CO. I BASEBALL, FOOTBALL ATHLETIC AND GYMNASIUM SUPPLIES, Bond for Catalogue. WILL I FIHCK CO. IS&gSS The "American ' .,... r.very American hopes ntir ,(, L will succeed In their flh.rts to ml. it? 000 to be used In building . l,nttlP.h. J .'l Rverv Amerle.r, k ""mp. conts great sunn io build you can build u rmi can build up your heullh lh ' ' er' HI011.tt.1h flili. ... ... f "'' This remedy Is for all bowel (Unorders. ""' h, llvir Z'i Rorhdele'a Many liut,h The town In England bn nro,,i., with places of worship in il0' '"J 0110 of Rochdale, where theru nie 14J chtirohes and oahpels. t'ltt, M ' the Church of England uud no V Nonconformists. ' follow It Pp. Sit down and cool off suddenly, lnli then regret It. for stiffness and ,,' is bound to follow. Follow it up jt Ht. Jacobs Oil and yon will Imvo uotklna to rogrut from a prompt euro. The New rrnnk l.ell.t -0k., Monthly. ' M Frank Lesllo's Popular Monthly for November Is tlio Inltiul nmnlmr In th, now and Improved form of thli ong. time favorite lllustruted family rui,". lino, with a hnndsuino cover In ouurJ and gold. Its pilco Is rod need to ton cents, one dollar per annum, This ( unquestionably a wlso am) papula, move on the part of a the piihllaliorn and tho rotnrn of Mrs. Frank Lualle to tne etiuorsiup 01 tne mngnxlno Mnm 1 101 it a future as brilliant as Its has been prosperous. put Bicycles are taxed In fihorohsru, Mass., tho avuiago aBHomcnt this yea! oeuig tau. 1 100 itKwAnn siuo. The readers nf this tiaiwr will Iw jurn tliftt thoro la alkaxt otto drimlt-,! diu-tM ihat Miotics fma two slila to eur In all iu d that llCutlrrh. lInU'i-aurrriiMi, In the nuly ixMitlvo cure in nown tn On tTi.,in.T (raiornlty. Catarrh belli aroiniltuilinialdlii i''i reiiiire a ConllltilMnal tnatinint. Ilall'a Caiarrh Hire la taken littvrnally an In. dlreciljr Hiion tho hlmid and mticnita nirt, ol the y.iem, Ihoroliy dmlrnylna; th Iwinila. tlnn ol Uie dlf, and lvtn th tir, airt'tiKtbbjr btilldliiBiio the coiitlinti(m lni a.attiu! nature In doing Ita work. The pro. prletnra have ao much faith In Its .,,ratlve powf ra, thai they offur One Hundred Dullkra fur any can that It latin to euro, fond lul Uil ol ttatlnionlala. Addrcrs r. J, CM ENEY A CO., Tulwlo, 0. drnnrlata.760, ' Bold bv d Uall'iVa araiiy 1'iua are in beat. Stockings were first used In the 11th conlury. Hufore that cloth bHtulugei were used on the feet. When ooniltiff to Pan Franrlsoo go to Brooklyn lintel, 20S-2U Hush aln-et, American or European lnu. Room and board $1.0(1 to 11.00 per day j roonm ftO cents to $1.00 ncr dyj single Meals 20 vents, tree coach, Clias, Montgomery. Some scientists assert that the purest air in cities is found about 25 lost above tho street surface. FIH rrmanentl. Torr-d. ill IW 11 ml Snrra 11 ?fto ntnor nrvmiB,iM iiw of lir. kliut'a urtak Nerve fl-wtiiror. Komi tor fjlr-.M aa.ou irial botllKBiid IrimtUa. lift. tf. m.mii T"i mj Arcaawotrt, l-hudelui,ftar ' The Aeolian harp was the Invention, It Is believed, ot Atlianasins Kircher, who lived In the seventeenth century, and It Is so called from Asolius, tlis god or ruler of the winds known (1 cam trrnith Williams' Pluk Pill, for w e mbI? worth trying and 1 bo Khl" wo bof el' ' ncvviHl WCCAI. I tlflllcMd anina .-4 1.1.. f Tom tht Or Wlliramv UMt ts3 lev,Uor buck1" Bolts. left, which we will Iron Wni-trc . . . -i-unqMHU. OK, VETERANS If you made a home stead entry prior to June22,1874,lorlaa iihlehr0l.n.tl1tlert,f0 Bn i"lonal "uir,, worth ,MhinV dler. iiAn ... . "'1'iiana oi acceasoa 801. oiora navo same r ght, I will buv ft tin nni JKK COLLINS, H.l.,, ModU..b. YOUR LIVER Is It Wrong? Get it Right Keen It Rlnhr Hoore'a Revenloti Tr,..i. ,, j... Tour druggist or any wholoaalo drug houae. ot arora Htowart & Uolmoi Dmr n.. CURE YOURSELF! Vl Big for unnatural lJlf,'1.""' 'unammatloBa, irrllotlona or ulcnralbuj Vn7.,'icou,.,,",rol"'l9- ent or polionoui. old by Uraga-Uf, ff -nt In plain wrapnar, W o prom, prepaid, foi If., r I bottlaf iS.Vs. Circular aaat on rSiueit. N. P. S. t. NO, 4T-'B8. VIA kJfjrj j 715..Th,rA ,, Detroit, Mich., la a w.ll. J V wnen f ra m lni" 'Pvllof alckurnaan f ill 1 to Addjri.Xl ioi bt nrleitrt. iinekvaiiiuhimiouOq,