The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, November 17, 1898, Image 3

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    Joy Reading all of the
-Local and Count7 17c3
Washington County Circuit
Valentine M iner will Answer for Shoot
ing at Mrs. Overrodcr.
l!ir;uit court will convene on Mon
day, Nov. '2S, mid the calendar lias
liccii iniiilo up by Clerk Imbrie.
Tim uhuiiI number of civil CIIHCH
lire up for trial, but there are few
eriiiiiiml cam's on tlio docket. The
grand jury will investigate the fol
lowing cuhck:
Valentine ISnucr, charged with
uliooting Mrs. Lizzie Overroder;
August Hickeitliit-r, charged with
shooting Frank Mueller; W. V.
Kainbo, charged with aHMinting a
prisoner to escape; J. C. Townsend.
charged with itHHiiult with a dai.
dangerous weapon; John Brooks,
charged with threatening to kill;
also with having Hold liquor with
out lii'ense; Thomas Johnson, a
public nuisance; 0. Johnson, for
gery; Alfonso YVardlo, larceny in a
dwelling; besides two other unim
portant, cases brought up from jus
tices' courts.
lion. Thos. II. Tongue was in at
tt udanco at the supreme court at
Salem today.
II. Wehrung & Sons is the place
to buy your winter overcoats.
Call and price their goods.
Miss Mora 1 lager, who has been
attending school at. Oregon City,
Iiuh returned on account of illness.
Notice! All old notes and ac
counts must ho settled. Do not
forget your doctor this fall, J. P.
Taniiesie, M. D.
Lost lirotherhood of St. An
drews badge, small black silk with
red cross interwoven. Finder
please leave at this ollice.
Head the telegraphic news in
Til K Akiiuh. No other paper in
the county scat gives such a com
plete service The people want all
the news.
K. IS. Colestoek gives you the
best shave in the city. Hair cut
at popular price. Try his baths.
Don't forget the place City shav
ing l'arlors, Main street.
II. Wehrung & Son's have a fresh
barrel of small pickles on tap.
Their stock of groceries is com
plete. Ilomeiubcr their motto:
' Low prices and full weight."
Lost: 15 .'tween Ilillsboro and
Furiuinglon, on Oct. 15, a lady's
purse containing small sum of mon
ey and other small articles valuable
only to loser. Finder will be liber
ally rewarded upon leaving same
at the Argus ollice.
Attention, Ladies! II. Well
rung it Sons Juvve a complete line
of ladies' nnd Misses' kid gloves at
I, if 1.25 and if 1.50. Fit guaran
teed, These are new and stylish
lines. Drop in and examine before
buying elsewhere, and you will buy
from them.
The Rev. C. F. Clapp, Forest
(i rove, will preach a at the Congre
gational church next Sunday eve
ning, lli.-i appoarnnce that night
will begin a series of nightly meet
ings to InHtrthrotigh the week. Mr.
Clapp is a favorite speaker wher
ever he goes, and a cordial invita
tion is extended to all to attend.
Quito a number attended the
road debate at tlio school house
lust Friday. The subject was,
"Shall county road tax be paid in
money?" Affirmative, Fred Cor
nelius, Marion Everson and Mart
Hazen. Negative. Louis Rood, Ed
ward Cantowine and Miss Young.
The judges awardod the affirmative
the victory.
Dr. Taniiesie received a telegram
Saturday last, from Mexico City,
old Mexico, to eff-;ct that Richard
J. Wileox had accidentally shot
himself in the leg, with a revolver.
The patient is .doing well but is
confined to the hospital. It may
be possible that the leg will have
to suffer amputation at the knee.
Wilcox wiib well known here and
is a locomotive engineer. For sev
eral years he has been running an
engine on one of the big roads
. .i mi ni l ,
down mere. iiie uuu renows
lodge at the City of Mexico are tak
ing care of him, and see that he is
getting good attendance and nura
ing. '
The follow! ig is going the rounds
of the papers, composed, it is said,
by a member of the Third Regi
ment but unless he is one of the
fortunate ones to get a discharge
his wish in the concluding sentence
has not been realized: "Our fath
er who art i.i Washington, McKin
ly is thy name. Thy kingdom come
in Cuba, as it has in the Philip
pines. Give us this day our daily
hard tack and our passe'. And for
give ua as we forgive those who rob
us of our liberty and try lo starve
us to death. And thou had better
not lead us to Cuba, but deliver us
from starvation, for thou art the
eagle, the stars and stripes of free
dom forever and ever. I want to
go home. Amen. New Jersey Ex.
Wesley Boscow writes a private
letter from Skaguay and in it he
says he will be home to eat Thanks
giving turkey that is, next
Thanksgiving a year hence. He
expresses great faith in the Tcslin
strike and says he is going into
the mines in the spring. He is
Hinguine that he will hive struck
something good in the new dis
trict, lie recently saw a man who
had seen John Morgan but o few
weeks ago, and who stated that he
had several men to work for him
by the day. Wesley says he likes
the Alaska country quite well and
would not piefer to be here, out
side of the claims of old friends and
!iis relatives.
There will be a shooting match
at Witch Hazel farm, near Reed
ville, Saturday, Nov. 1!), at 10 n.
m. There will be plenty of turk
eys and a cordial invitation is ex
tended to all marksmen in the
vicinity. Johnny, get yourgunl
Private I!oy Latham, Co. II,
Second Oregon, writes trom Ma
nila, under date of Sept. 27th, stat
ing that many of the boys want to
return, now that the war is over.
He sends word that Ths Argus is
received regtilaily and that the
boys are always glad to get home
news. He states that it was report
ed at the time, around Manila, that
the volunteers would he mustered
out about Nov. 15. Roy sayp; "I
go down town about once a week
and get a square meal, for which I
pay ifl.5() so vou eeo I am bound
to keep in good fjrin.
R. E. Rryan & Son have just re
ceived their fall shipment of jackets,
capes and mackintosh. It( will
pay you to look at thei goods and
compare prices before purchasing.
See introductory price of Schill
ing's best cofl'ee.
Justice of the Peace Phillips was
in, the city from Coreliiius this
morning and reports that he sol
emnized the marriage of Mr. II. S.
Prideaux and Miss Vera M. Phill
ips, on Wednesday, Nov. 10. The
happy pair are members of the
Weber Dramatic Co., and were
married during a lapse in a reher
sal, which was being conducted on
the stage in Hendrix' hall.
The ( range store in the place to
buy your stoves, air-tight heaters,
ranges, cook stoves stove furni
ture of all kinds. Full line of
groceries. Best teas, co flees and
spices in the market Schilling's
best. Prices will please you. Call
and see for yourself.
The following named received
certificates at the examination held
last week: First grade: llattie
Moore, Greenville. Second grade:
Daisy D.Curtis, Gales Creek. E. X.
Harding, Gaston. Third grade:
Jessie Mitchell, Vernonia; Lillian
Briggs, Cornolius; Katie Jenck. Bea
verton; Mrs. Orilla Grimes, Farm
ington; E. P. W. Harding, Gaston.
Go to C. R. Boyd for your rough
and dressed lumber of all kinds.
Drested lumber a specialty. Ma
ple, cedar and fir. Splendid quali
ty, lowest prices. Call at Mill, or
address C. B. Bloyd, Phillips.
The Bethany Club will give a
masquerade ball, Saturday evening,
Dec. 3, 1808. Admission, 50 cents;
supper. 25 cents. Toelle Orches
tra. Plenty of room for horses in
new shed. Everybody invited.
Good time. No disreputable char
acters. Prize for best lady's cos
tume; gentleman's costume; and
prize for most comical costume.
There will be a Thanksgiving
ball at the Schii flelin ranch, near
Conterville. The Walker Bros,
orchestra will furnish the music
and a splendid time is anticipated.
O. II. Haugan, for several years
connected , with the Farmington
creamery, left on this evening's
train for Madison, Wisconsin,
where he will attend the state ag
ricultural college, for three months,
taking a post graduate course in
dairying. Mr. Haugan will return
to Oregon next Spring!
Go to F. J. Barber, Second Street,
for a neat Bhave or hair cut. Satis
faction guaranteed. Fine bath
room in connection.
Thomas Connell, of Glencoe, was
in the city today, and states that
R. Connell has located in Portland
where he is interested in a feed
mill as well as a sash and door
factory. He is also doing a little
commission business, in car load
lots. i
Turkeys are roosting very high,
both in the trees 'and market.
Thanksgiving day will joou be
Walter McKinney will soon de
part for Eastern Washington in
the hopes that the high altitude
may be more to his liking than the
damp of the Willamette Valley,
Mr. McKinney has made many
friends bv his courteous treatment
of the publio while acting as depu
ty in . the. county clerk's ollice.
His many friends in this vicinity
wish him ever success, wherever he
may go.
H Wehrung & Sons' stock of
Gents' and Ladies' Mackintoshes
is complete. Prices from $2.50 to
$12. No trouble to show goods.
By special request, the pastor of
the M. E. church, Key. 11. A. At
kins, will deliver an address, the
subject of which will 'be "The Vir
gin Mary," Sunday.
Plows! Go to the Grange store
for your Oliver Chilled and Bteel
plows. The best in the -market.
Nearly ROO People Attended
Memorial Exercises.
The Christian Endtavorers and their
Aides Pay the Last Mark of Respect.
Nearly 500 people attended the
memorial services held in the Con
gregational church last Sunday
evening in honor of bite private,
Co. II, Charles Percy Oliver.
Many were turned away as there
was such an assembly that long
before the hour of opening, every
inch of standing room was occu
pied. The memorial exercises op
ened with a Dirge by the band, fol
lowed by the audience singing
'Nearer, My God, To Thee". The
pastor then offered prayer. The
program was:
Solo by Miss Grace Poe.
Memorial, interrogative and re
sponsive exercises by pastor and
Quartet by Miss Grace Poe, Mrs.
O. B. Gates, Messrs. if red V ro
man and Dorr Waggener.
Placing shield, "To the Memory of
C. P. Oliver," gold lettered on
black background, upon easel
draped in black and white. Mr.
C. B. Jones bearing shield and
presenting same to the Misses
Grace Poe and JoBie Schulmerich.
Prayer of blessing by pastor.
Solo, "Star Spangled Banner," by
Miss Sohnson, of Salem.
Memorial address by Rev. Evan P.
"America" by assembly, accom
panied by band.
The church decorations were
very ueautitui. me arcn ana
chancel were draped in black and
white and there was a great profu
sion or powers, a nauusome
Christian Endeavor monogram was
suspended from the arch.
The Christian Endeavor and
Eastern Star, of which the de
ceased was a member, the Grand
Army Post, the Women's Relief
Corps, and the Red Cross and
Emergency Corps, (1'rivate Uliver
was doing occasional hospital work
at Manila with the Red Cross)
were present in bodies and bore
the colors of their respective so
cieties. I he lloral star by the E.
S., and the easel by the Emergency
Corps and Red Cross, were emble
matic of the occasion.
Representative of the Endeavors,
Mr. Hughes said, in part:
'The object of this meeting is
not the glorification of war, nor to
to develon the brutal in man;
nor to kindle in our youth, admir
ation for an occupation that is bar
barbous. We are here to honor the
patriotic dead and we can best do
that by teaching the upnolding of
principles for which they have
fought and died. History proves
that Americans are a people of
peace, instead of war, and that we
go to war only when stern necess
ity and justice demand, and then,
with a fervor which makes it a re
ligion. It is wrong to praise and
lawd war, per se, and yet there are
times w hen moral necessity makes
war inevitable. Our war with
Spain was in the interest of hu-
m inity. and while some have said
it was hastened by politicians for
political advantage, I can but
think, nevertheless, that it was an
inevitable and irresponsible conflict,
a foregone conclusion. The de
struction of the fleet at Manila was
but the completion of the trend of
events which begun when the
mighty Spanish Armada met de
feat, in the British channel.
"The best way to honor our pa
triotic dead is to live as manly,
straightforward, moral, Ameri
cans." The speaker declared that true
patriotism was something different
than the 'flamboyant noise and
clatter' counterfeit often seeking its
title. He stated further, . that a
true patriotism need not, and did
not fear European combinations,
but was ever on guard against the
enemy trom within. Patriotism is
the essence of justice. There was
no patriotism in selling and brib
ing votes,, employing official posit
ions as rewards for political servi
ces and the placing of self-aggran
dizement above the p.ibhc welfare
and partisanship above loyalty to
trtiBt and truth. The Bpeaker said:
"We need men true loyal men to
combat these institutions, men with
high ideals,"
"After paying a glowing tribute
to the worth of the dead soldier, he
gin a sale of odd line of shoes in order
to make room
fit you, we will
Come and see us. Shoes for Ladies, Men and
Children. REMEMBER,
I .1 . I . I ! .. . ..mi
American Republic will emerge
from its trials, purified and mor
glorious one condition qualified
'Americans, be true.' "
Last Thursday night when the
Weber Co,, a troupe of dramatists,
was nlavine in the opera house, one
of the thespians became incensed
at the remarks of juvenile offend
ers, came down from the stage and
unwarrantably assaulted a vouth
of about 15 years of age. A war
rant was at once procured and the
constable arrived on the scene. He
waited until the show was over
and the procrastination was the
thief of his victim; for when he
went behind the scenes the disci
ple of Booth had made his exit
through a back window and disap
peared. He has not yet been ap
prehended. .
For Sale: House and lot in this
city. Neat residence, good repair;
barn, chicken house and yard; or
chard. Will sell for cash, reasona
ble. Call at this ollice.
Tualatin Chapter O. E. S., No.
31, of HillsboroJ'Oregin, will held
memorial services on account of
the death of Bro. C. P. Oliver, who
was a member of said chapter.
Said services will be held at the
next regular meeting of the Chap
ter, which will be on Tuesday eve
ning, November 22, 1898. All
Master Masons and their families
are cordially invited to be present.
By order of Laura Waggener, W.
M.; attested by E. O. Crandall,
Riley Cave has just received in
stock a lot of good cross-cut saws,
steel wedges, sledges, single and
dmble hilt axes, and other goods.
More are coming.
E. J. Mendenhall was down
from Buxton today and states that
on the 2d inst., sitting as U. S.
Commissioner, he held one Herman
Fuellner, of Braunsport, Columbia
county, to appear before the U. S.
grand jury to answer the charge of
naving written an obscene and
scurrilous letter to A. Schmidline.
It seems that the defendant had
"blacked" his wife's eyes and that
she left home and went to Schmid
line's house where host and hostess
welcomed her. Fuellner thereup
on "got funny" and wrote himself
into trouble.
The ladies of the M. E. church
will give a fair on the evenings of
November 28th and 29th. A
splendid programme on each eve
Alonzo Sigler has removed the
remains of his father, buried on the
Sigler donation 36 years" ago, to
the Odd Fellows' cemetery. He
also took up the remains of a
brother, buried several years later.
Considering the lapse of time, the
remains were in a fair state of pre
servation. Go to the Grange store for your
hardware and tinware; finest in the
County Judge Rood yesterday
ordered Cyrus Naughan, of Middle
ton, aged 2G, committed to the in
sane asylum. The young man has
been growing mentally worse for a
number of years. Deputy Sheriff
Deichman executed the commit
ment. Mackintoshes and rubber goods
of all kinds at Schulmerich &
C. E. Wilcox, who moved from
here to University Park, has been
confined to the hospital in Port
land for some time, but is now suf
ficiently improved to be allowed
home treatment.
Get your tare seed from R, E.
Bryan & Son.
John W. Bailey, son of Dr. F. A.
Bailey, polled San Francisco, for
the Examiner during the recent
election. John figured out a vic
tory for Mayor Phelan and he "got
Found a Union Pacific bag
gage check. Call aud prove prop
erty at this oflice, pay for this "ad"
and get the check.
Charles Pio, well-known here
several years back, and a son-in-law
to Calvin Adams, had his boot
and shoe store robbed at Portland
the other day.
Al. Neep,,who was well-known
in this county, is at present at
Santa Rosa, California, where he is
doing 'nicely. You couldn't in
duce him to leave the land of
Married: Nov. 9th, at the res
idence of the bride's father, at Pro
gress, Or., Miss Mabel A. Hingley
and Geo. L. Blasser, Rev. Win, R.
Powell, officiating.
An enjoyable evening will be for
all, both young and old, who at'
tend the "candy pull" of Epworth
League Thanksgiving evening at
the old Bazaar.
& SONB will at once be
for new stook. If we can
make you a
cioseu wim mis sentence: 1 he
Price that will Surprise You
Accepts County Bridge Work
-Audits Claims.
Statement of Claims Allowed and Busi
ness Transacted.
The county court met Wednesday
last and disposed of the following
Report of county clerk and re
corder of coi.veyuiices, fees $270 GO
and $173.75, respectively, examin
ed and approved.
Institute expenses, $67.20, as
submitted by report of superinten
dent, approved.
Petition of Mary A Thompson
for rebate on taxes disallowed.
Elsie Christianson granted $4.82
as damage in road district No. 10.
Application of John C Doscher
for rebate of penalty on tax sale.
Wm Moore, of Gales Creek,
granted permission to enter poor
David Purser confirmed as depu
ty sheriff, as per appointment by
Sheriff Bradford.
Resignation of John Stewart a 3
constable Wapato- precinct, ac
Kirts' bridge and 611 accepted;
total cost, $457.06; warrant ordered
drawn for $332, balance unpaid, to
U W Young.
Chalmers' bridge and fill accept
ed and paid; original contract $60;
extra work if 20; total $80.
Wooley bridge repairs accepted.
D Savage paid the contract price,
Wachline bridge and fill accept
ed and warrant drawn in sum of
$74, T C Johnson, for same.
J b Haines appointed constable
of Forest Grove precinct.
Hartley bridge accepted and war
rant lor $409 55 ordered drawn in
favor of J W Goodin for same.
L F Carstens, J W Goodin and
John Heisler named as viewers to
meet at Buxton, Nov 21, and view
and survey road 367.
Petition of Ihos Bradley, et al.
road 368, continued.
Petition of J Wilkes for remit
ting taxes on land, sec 3, 1 1 n, r 3
w assessed to N N Hendrix and Zer-
elda Hendrix, granted.
Ordered that county pay one-
half expense of cleaning out drifts
in Tualatin, below Scholls, provid
ed that expense exceed not $200, be
paid when court is satisfied work is
properly completed.
in matter of relief A Wilkes; de
nied and ordered that upon proper
petition he be admitted to poor
Sarah Harrison discharged from
the poor farm.
Hillsboro Lt & Water Co,
Sept bill J 18 75
Glass &Prudhomme, blanks,
stationery, records, etc,
courthouse, 42 15; disal
lowed 1 50 total 40 65
Irwin Hodson Co, supplies
sta Shff's office, 58 15; al
lowed at 56 00
Moise Klinkner Co, ink etc,
Benton Bowman: reporting
v State v Brooks, 17 10, al . 10 00
Mtdale Lbr Co, lbr, Bacon,
supervisor 105
C R Adams, lbr Dist 8 5 60
C C Hancock, nails Dist 35 1 00
Tigardville Lbr Co, lbr to
roaa aisincwj u iu, courthouse
and jail 9 80
C Eisenhaur, 1 cord wood . . 3 00
Geo Ireland, painting court
room floor, d 50 contin d
C Lamkin, 2 flue caps for
court house 1 50
C Jack, Jr, Recorder, $125,
Dep, $50, eta, $3 178 00
A B Cady, treas, sal. 50 00
H A Ball, sal. fees, sta, post
age etc, supt 5100
Hillsboro Light & Water Co
water and light, Oct 36 80
A W Saxton, 13 paupers'
keep amt 10 90; John Sul
livan .75 burial Sulliv'n
2 50 144 95
R E Bryan & Son, supplies
court house and jail 17 50
N A Barrett, to board Ram-
bo, Dulan, Bauer, and
Brooks, 35 days,each $100
O Johnson, 4 72; J K
Price, insane, 2 15; John
McNamara, 5; total, 111 87
allowed at 109 00
Geo Wilcox, 25 days as as
A M Collins, janitor for Oct
W D Smith, Justice, tran
scripts, Brooks, $2; John
son, $2 25
75 00
30 00
4 25
Hillsboro Pub Co, sta and
notices 8 75
W F Hollenbeck, 1800 feet
lbr, E Cornelius, Sup " 9 90
A E Cady, mdse furnished
Mr Smith 4 00
G H Reeves, provisions, A
Morgan 4 00
Delta Drug store med sup
plies, Apr 2 to date, 47 85
allowed at 37 60
S B Huston, legal advice rel
to Justice court fees 10 00
Chas L Crocker, taking co
inmate to Sherwood 3 00
Hatchet, printing and sta . . 8 50
Argus, " " " . . 6 2b
W D Bradford, sal Buff and
for court house
Schulmerich & Son, provs
and supplies for Tupper.
N'ellie Carver, allowed un
til further order, relief. . .
B P Cornelius, inspecting
Kirts' bridge and fill
1 40
8 25
2 50
J A Imbrie, sal and dep,
250 other expense, 5 25 255 25
1 Larson, repair ceiling crt
4 00
H Wehrung & Sons, sup
plies county 6 25; Stur
devant, 2-former account
a' lowed 6
C Rochstroh, bridges and
Road Dist 34, powder 7 00
S H Humphreys, due on
transcript 1 00
Justice Court transcripts passed upon
State v Joseph Galbreath. Sherwood:
Justice V D Smith $8 of)
ii l nagiey, state's attorney 5 00
C W Redmond, Constable.'. is 10
John Cambell, Dr Rickard, J V Hall'
J h Young, J M Barber, Char UeLa
ney, John Henry, witnesses, each,
$5 50 and John Henry 1 50, total. .39 00
State v John Roberts, Sherwood:
Justice W D Smith., 7 40
ri 1 nagiey, attorney tor state 10 00
C V Redmond constable 14 50
W F Klinenian special constable.. 5 60
John Northrop " 5 00
Ida Macinaw, M Risner, H Eyman
Dr Rickard, Ed Saylor, and Jos
Galbreath, witnesses each 5 50,. . 33 00
Geo Billings, J B Vrooman, S E
Kester, S Wilson, Henry Mclntire
and S Everitt jurors, $1 each 6 00
State t trooks, Gaston, case no 1:
Justice W D Smith 810
H T Bagley state's attorney 10 00
C V Redmond, constable. ' 6 30
Louis Frendenthal and Sophia
Brooks, witnesses each 2 10 4 20
F Y Ralston witness 4 50
State v Johnson Sherwood:
Justice W D Smith 8 70
H T Bagley state's attorney 10 00
C W Redmond constable 12 00
G R Bagley, O Johnson, and J E
Young witnesses each 1 70 5 10
Lawrence McConnell do 5 50
State v Brooks, Gaston, no 2:
Justice W D Smith 11 55
H T Bagley state's attorney 10 00
C V Redmond constable 8 00
E E Colestock special constable. . 4 50
Mrs E Best, Emma and Carrie Ko
bersteln, D J and Mrs Porter and
John Stewart witnesses ea 4 70. . .28 20
E Jeter witness 450
Stock Lost.
Lost: One roan and three spotted
calves and one vearlins bull.
mooley. Information locating
same will be liberally rewarded.
Address Jay Baker, Sherwood, Or
Closing Out Sale at Greenhouse.
The undersigned is closing out her
interest in the greenhouse at Hills
boro and parties desiring shrub
bery, roses, flowers of all kinds,
should come at once. Going at a
sacrifice. Two-year-old rose plants,
good varities, at 35 cents each.
Sale will last few weeks only. Mrs.
Agnes Campbell.
H. F. Gordon, of Forest Grove,
was down yesterday ana says the
acreage of winter wheat is in ex
cess of that of last year.
Thos. Talbott, of Cornelius, spent
several days this week visiting at
Corvallis, where he had good bird
shooting, and saw some good coun
Man and wife wanted for a dairv
farm. No children preferred, but
it right parties, would not object to
one child. Enquire at Argus of
The preparations for the "candy
pull" of the Epworth League,
Thanksgiving evening give assur
ance of its being one to be long re
membered. Hon. S. B. Huston was attend
ing a meeting of the Oregon Bar
Association, at Portland, the first
of the week.
rt T n r it 1 1 1 1
. j. lucjiauowney, wno nas a
host of friends in this county, is at
present located at Wenatchie,
Wash., the Big Bend section.
Married: Nov. 9, at the resitlenct
of the bride's father, Scholls. Or.,
Miss Ida ohlschlegel and Mr. L.
Finigan, Rev. E. E. Groat officiat
Mrs. Eliza Williams is .visiting
with her daughter, Mrs. Frazier, at
La Grande. Mr. and Mrs. Frazier
recently lost their youngest boy.
&cnuimencn eve &on nave a nice
line of dress goods, just arrived;
also silks and dress trimmings. See
them before purchasing.
Mr. and Mrs. N. G. McDonald
and Mrs. Kindt, 01 lunton, were in
the city Sunday, the guests of Mrs
Dora J. Elliott.
shoes at Schulmerich's.
and try them.
brand of
See them
The undersigned will sell at public
auction, at his farm 3 miles west of
Laurel, the following described per
sonal property, at ten o'clock a. m.
lwoeood worK horses; two cows
good stock part Jsrsey; Brood sow
and four fat stock hogs; 8 shoat;
Rushford wagon, 2, nearly new;
set double harness; single cart and
harness; plow and 5 tooth cultivat
or; 90 sacks potatoes; 6 tons grain
hay; household and kitchen furni
ture and many other articles.
Five dollars and under, cash; Five
per cent off for cash 011 sums over
$5. Over $5, one year's time, ap
proved note, at 8 per cent.
dep. 275, stamps, 4 279
W J Benson, satving wood
Pally Mail Arrival
Forest Grove .
Portland. Wav and V.m,tjm
m 7:tt
p m MO
Corvallis and Wy .
Portland .
Daily Mail Departures:
Portland & Eastern vis a P
m I'M
Corvallis & Way '
1 on via u imim. Jnm nA.k.H. ,w
Forest Grove - j.JJ
Furmineton and Laurel Ima .
m and arrives at Z:ib p m on Tueadar.
Thursday and HanHj
No Sunday mails. Postofflce open from
t:w a m to tf.-oo p m, except Hundaya,
S. P. Time Table.-
Vortlatid a m 7:13 p m 8:fiO
Ooryallw a m 8:6o m 4 X
Portland a . b.m Z. i'TX
McMmiiville a m 6:00 m 7-is
Sun IMonJ TuesJJVcd TboJ FrQT
I H I 15 16 17 18 I 19
I JL L2lliLiljJlJ2
28 I 29 I 30 (I
Congressional Delegation Senator: O
W McBnde; Representative 1st dist.,
T H Tongue, Hillsboro; 2nd diat, Wm
Ellis. Heponer.
Governor Wm P Lord. Secy State-
Harrison Kincatd. Treas. Philip Met
whan. Printer W H Leed.
Supreme Court C E .Wolverton. R S
Bean and F A Moore.
Fifth Judicial District Judge, McBride.
Washington County Officers County &
.iuuoicjmigc; wrais a, Kooa; com
missioners, J y A Young, T G Todd
Clerk J A Inbrie. Sheriff W D
Bradford. Recorder Calvin Jack jr
Treas A B Cady. Assessor-G H Wil
cox. School Supt--H. .A Ball. Sur
veyor A A MorrT,. Coroner Dr C
L Larce.
District Land Officers ( gon City C
B Moore, Register and m Galloway,
City Offieers:-Mayor, W N. Barrett; Re-
turuer, nenionnowm 1 Treas., P. U.
Mitchell: Marshal T ;ihr. r..
cil: John Carstens. T s-Tnckr w w
Wehrung, G H Wilco. J Jl Greeaf.and
K Waggener.
Attomeys-At-Law. ,
Rooms 3, 4, & s, Morgan Blk, Hillsboro
Deputy District Attorney tor Washing
ton County,
Office upstairs over Delta Drug Store.
Corwin & Wooster
Lock, TJpstp;is.
Physician, Surgeon and Accoacher
Offiat la HDMmm
denea aontn-wa ear
Second. AM eaBi praipUy 1
II. WILLIAMS, D. D. S., M. D. S.
(Succeessor Dr. A. B. Bailey, D. D. S.
Sixteen Years Active Experience)
Rooms I & 2 Moboan Bauey Block
8. T. UNKLATCR. M. . a tt.
Office at Residence East of Court House
Bnrnon Southern PmUi Aallmad fe.
txrasuuauon ia rroua or ragllaa, una
ami renaeooa now ac
HUlsboro, Or.
OonveysiMing and laa bm
unaaay amok, rara new mm f mt
Uf met, Ob
Office with S. B. Huston, Union Block
Notarial Work and Conveytoclng.5
Rooms 6 & 7 Morgan Blk., Hillsboro, On.
Carstens Bros.,
RoDgh Dressed Lomber
Sash, Doors, Mouldings, Etc.
-Severel trustworthy persons In
this state to manage our business in their
own and nearby counties. It is mainly
ollice work uoiuluuteU at home. Salary
straight $900 a year and expeijtes buna
tide, 'no more, no less. Monthlv $75.
References. Enclose self-addressed
stamped envelope, Herbert E. Hess,
Freat., Lnpt. M. Chicago.