It Caa Be Had to - "Tha melancholy days have tS rbsamatism come with them? It ema be made to go right off by the use of St. Jaoobs OH, which cores nnd leaves no trace behind. Macaroni With May onnaiee. A delicious way to serve macaroni Is to place it on the same plate with lettuce, the mayonnaise doing sane aervioe for both. -The macaroni is co into thin slices from macaroni an cheese baked the day before. It served cold. Every Action And every thought requires sn expendi ture of vitality which must be restored by means of the blood flowing to the brain a'nd other organs, the blood must - be pare, rich and nourishing. It is made so by Hood's Sarsaparilla which is thus the great strength-giving medicine, the curs for weak nerves, scrofula, catarrh, and all diseases caused by poor, Impure blood. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is America's Greatest Medicine. SI: six tor IS. enre Indiyp atlon. 35 centa. STewed I Healthy. There ia no doubt that stewed fruit is a most wholesome addition to ordi nary diet There are, however, many persona who cannot eat it, either on account of the acidity of the fruit or of the large quantity of sugar required to make It palatable. It should be remem beied that sugar does not counteract the acidity ot the fruit, ft simply dis guises it, and if much of it Is used it is apt to interfere with the digestive or gans. Before cooking the . fruit, Sprinkle over it a small pinch of oar Donate of sodaj this renders the dish mora wnoiesome, ana certainly more tasty. No household is complete without a bot tle of the famous Jesse Moore Whiskey. It Is pure and wholesome stimulant rec- ommenaea oy an pnysicians. Don t ne glect this necessity. Maori girls in the North Island of New Zealand are being tattooed by s Urewera tohonga for 15 apiece. CITI Fffmanenfly Cared. So Otsor Dwromnpii I, " flr 91 of Dr. KiThe's Ort Nerve Bertorst. Send for FRKK irul bottle end treatise. DR. R. H, JUisk Ltd. 5 ' An English physician has discov red a way of producing local anaes thesla without the loss of consciousness or the use of ether or oholroform. He uses moderate ourrents of electricity frequently interrupted. ' To Car a Cold In One Day ' Take Laxative Bromo Quinine T&hleta Ail druggists refund money if it fails to cure. isoc. - The rate at which Zulus can travel in an emergency is astonishing: Some will cover as much as 60 miles in six hours. Eight miles an hour is an or dinary pace. it you want toe best wind mill, pumps, tanks, plows, wagons, bells ot all sizes, boilers, engines, or general machinery, see w write junj ruuba, loot ol Morrison met, rontana, uregon. The horse, when grazing, is guided entirely by the nostrils in the choice of proper food, and blind horses are never known to make mistakes in their diet 100 REWARD 100. The readers ol this paper will be pleased to Jeara that there Is at least one dreaded disease that eoience has been able to cure In all its stages, anu mat lscatarrn. Hall's catarrh Curs Is the only positive cure known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional dis ease, requires a constitutional treatment. Ball's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, acting directly upon the blood and raucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the founda tion of the disease, and giving the patient Strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The pro prietors have so much faith in its curative sowers, that tbey offer One Hundred Dollars lor any case that it fails to cure. Send for list ut Kisuiuuuiais. Auqress .... . P. J. CHENEY 4 CO., Toledo, 0. vy.u ijui UK glBM, W. HairsTamil: illy Fills are the best. Zoologists say that all known species of wild animals are gradually dimin ishing In size. . , In the fall cleanse your system by using Dr. Pfunder's Oregon Blood Purifier. Miss Dorothea Klumpke Is trying to show the authorities in Paris that the study of astronomy is a suitable career for women. Mies Klumpke has, through the patronage of Admiral Mou ohez, been placed at the bead of a new department at the Paris observatory. 6he is in charge of the bureau of meas urements and is now engaged in pro ducing a huge photographic chart .of the heavens and compiling a new stel lar catalogue. ,.. .; . . ..' THE DUTY OF MOTHERS. Daughters Should be Carefully Guided In Early Womanhood. What suffering frequently result from a mother's ignorancei or mora frequently from a mother's neglect to properly instruct her daughter I - ' Tradition says "woman must suffer," and young women are bo- taught ; There ia a little truth and a great dear of exaggeration in this. If a yourg woman suffers aeverelv aha nHa , treatment and her mother should sea that she gets it. 1 Many mothers hesitate to take their daughters to a physician for examina-. tioni but AO mother need hesitate to write freely about her daughter or herself to Mrs. Plnkh am and secure the most efficient advice without; charge. Mrs. Pinkham's address ia Lynn, Mass.... '..., , , , s . r The following letterfrom Miss Mam F. Johhson, Centralia, Pa , shows what! neglect will do, and tells 'ifow Mrs Pinkham helped hen , , "My health became so poor that 1 had to leave school. I was tired all thS time, and had dreadful pains In my1 aide and back. I was also troubled! with irregularity of menses. -J was! Tery weak, and lost so much flesh thai my friends became alarmed. My mother, who Is a firm believer in' your! remedies from experience, thopght per haps they might benefit the, and wrote1 yon for advice. I followed thai advice you gave, and used Lydla E Pinkham's " Vegetable Compound and Liver Pills as you directed, and am now as well as I aver was. I have gained flesh and hav6 a food color. I am completely cured of Irrepgarft?.? ;. . ; . s b Wnirf ail ELSE FAilS. CotwaSyrnp. Tastes Good, In tlBUL Sold br drmiirlst. . 31 ALONG THE COAST. lteuis of General Interest Cleaned Froin the Thriving 1'aelfla State. ! Tho ministers of Spokane are gen erally of the opinion that there should be but one legal ground for divorce. The new sawmill of the Equality Colony, near Edison, Wash., is com pleted and paid for. Ks daily capacity is 10,000 feet. The shipments from Coulee City, Wash., last week amounted to 63 cars of cattle, containing nearly 1,500 head and representing $43,000. The Indiana who have been causing trouble are getting out of Grant coun ty, Oregon, us fast as possible, and no further trouble is expeoted. According to the financial statement oi Coos county, Oiegon, tho 3 per cent reduction in the legal rate of interest will mean.a yearly saving of something over fl,800. G. Gunerson, of Melbourne, and one of the largest timber importers of Ane tralia, is viisiting the Northwest arrang' irjg for the purchase of several cargoes of fir lumber. Isaao W. Gnrrett, ex-secretary of state of Idaho, and a pioneer of Ore' Eon, died at Boise. Mr. Garrett had suffered from a complication of troubles for about a year. The Grand Konde Lumber Company, of La Grande, has just closed large con tracts with different southern California fruit associations for very large quanti ties of orange and other fruit boxes. The receiver of the Bank of Everett, which failed early in the panio, has made his linal report to the court, and an order has been made directing the remaining assets to be sold at auction The Pacific sheet metal works at New Whatcom started up again last week with half a crew, after having beon shut down for about a month. This means the employment of about 60 or 60 persons, and is weloomo news to a huge number of people. The discovery has beon made that some miscreant has defaced the two 54- ton guns that are waiting to be placed in position at Marrowstono point, in Pugot sonnd, by cutting names on the Bteel barrels with soap and acid. SiiS' picion rests on discharged workmen. The Imperial Paste Company has been organized at Great Falls, Mont for : the purposo of manufacturing macaroni to supply 11) o trade of that and adjonining states. The output of the factory is BOO pounds daily. They have orders abend for three months product. ' The receiver of the defunct Spokane Savings bank has been authorized by the court to pay a dividend of 7 per cent on the outstanding olaims against the nstitution. This will make a total of 63 per cent paid by the bank. The total indebtedness of the bank amounts to $100,409.54. The Golden Giant dredger, now be ing . rapidly pushed to completion at Lannan's spur, below the mouth of Burnt river, will be ready to operate on December 1. Its capacity is 2.000 cubic yards per day, and it is to be operated on 160 acres which are report ed good for 60 cents per cubic yard. The Republic Mining Company of Eastern Washington has just declared another dividend amounting to $30.- 000, which is at the rate of 8 cents per snare. This "is the second monthly dividend paid by the company of like amount, and there is every assuranoe that the dividends will continue at this late every month, although the mill is not running at its full capacity. .Never before was grass so soarce on the Gilliam county range as now. Even in pastures where the old bunch- grass is abundant, the grass is so devoid of 'nutriment from long-oontinued drought that stock are losing flesh on it. Several sheepmen have commenced feeding hay already, and wise sheepmen and oattlemen are reducing their flocks Just now, while the pirce is good. The contract to cut 6,000,000 feet of lumber and 175,000 ties has been secured by McPherson Bros. & Stout, of. Brooklyn, B. O. This contract is with the Columbia & Western railway, Which will use the lumber on its Bob-inson-Penticon branch. This firm con templates removing their mill to Glad stone, where a fine body of timber exists. John Holmes, of Wellington. New Zealand, was recently in Vancouver, B. C, as a commissioner from the gov ernment of the island on a mission to find new fields for the hemp trade of New Zealand, which last year pro duced 22,000 tons. Mr. Holmes says this country offers a fine opening for trade in shirts, shoes, cottons, house hold furniture, canned salmon and agri cultural implements. Five mourning tribes assembled at the Pnrallup reservation Sunday to pay the last honors to the royal infant, Reed Leschi, who died last week, and who was the 8-months-old son of George Leshi, ohief of the Pnyallup tribe, and his death is mourned as the removal of a possible leader of the peo ple, there being but one living heir now left. Leschi's nncle was the leader of the war against the whites in the early days, for which he lost bis life. In compliance with the request of the Philadelphia board of trade, which was addressed to the several chambers of commerce hi Pacific coast cities, the Los Angeles chamber of commerce last week passed resolutions urging congress to take needed action to restore to the pnited States the ocean-carrying trade in, vessels sailing undoi the American flag',' and also tirging the preBS of the ooast to lend its powerful aid to the success of this great national under taking, and to cn-operate with local commercial organizations. Reliable authorities place the value of the Washington fruit crop at about $4,000,000. - The prune crop was gathore:! and evaporated in good oondi tioii. 'and about 75'pei cent will grade 40s to 60s, which is coimidered excel lent for size. The apple crop west of the Cascades has colored up well, and is almost entirely free from soab and other blemishes. Where the culture Was thorough in the eastern part' of the slate, ,tie per cent of apples affected by iner.caann moth is small. Eastern fruit merchants are applying to the Pa crflo'Nortliwest apple-growers for fruit this season. "' . - A FATHER'S TERRIBLE CRIME, Murdered nit Child by Placing It Ila for a KallroiiA Train. New York, Nov. 1. Nicholas Jack on, of luctensack, who was sent to Trenton prison to serve 10 years for causing the death of his 6-year-old son Louis, confessed to Sheriff Herring nnd Deputy Sheriff Jackson, while they were on their way to Trenton from Hackonsack with the prisoner. On this information, Mrs. Jackson is held as an accessory to the murder of her stepson. Here are Jackaou's words to the sheriff: "My wife, whom I had only recently married, did not like Louis, my little boy, and we had many qnarrcla about him She helped me plan the murder, and I was to put tho boy on the tracks, I went to Tea Neck and stood neai the West Shore railroad track. 1 was sfraid to pttt the youngstei on the track slive, fot fearhe would get off, so siruoi mm in tno stomach with an iron bolt, and that made him nncon- scions. Then I pnt him on the track, jnst below the crossing, and waited for a train to come along. When I was convinced that lie wis dead I went home. I fixed up the story about my leaving the boy asloep on tho hill near the tracks, to save my lite. The judge tried me and foitnd meutuilty of man. slaughter, thinking that Louis walked on the traok;and was struck by a train 1 got off dead easy." Prosecutor Stagg will go to Trenton this week and make arrangements to have Jackson appear before tte next grand jury to testify as to Mrs. Jack son's connection with the plan of tho murder. CYCLONE IN LONDON. Small Area Damaged bv an Unusually Severe Storm ijonnon, rov. l. Uurlng a severe storm last night, a small area, about half a Diile square, around Denmark hill, Camberwell, London, was visited by a cyclone. Cabs were overturned. windows, doore, lamp-posts, trees and chimneys were blown down and a hum' ber of houses unroofed. Ihe contents of numerous hawkers' stalls were carried hundreds of yards in the air iw the wind, and many neO' pie were injured by the flying debris, which did also immense 'damage to propeity. WILLIAM IN JERUSALEM. MoTeuieuts of the Rojal German Ptl ft-rlms. Jerusalem, Nov. 1. The approach of their Gorman imperial majesties to the city yesterday was made through tri umphal arches, and amid banners, gar lands and ever-crowing crowds, dis playing every way their enthusiasm and delight. The formal entry throngh the Jaffa gate was heralded by the roar 01 guns at the citadel, where the Turk ish band played the German anthem. From the tower of David. Emperor William and Empress Augusta Vioto ria proceeded on foot, amid wild cheer ing, to tiie church of the Holy Sepal cher, where they were received by the tatliolio, Greek and Armenian clergy, wiiose patriarchs presented addresses eulogizing the devotion of the emperor, who lias since conferred decorations on the patriarchs, Emperor William and the empress, While at the church of the Holy Sepnloher, visited the various portions of the sacred shrine, and spent 10 minutes at the scene of tho cruolfixion. ICE IN THE YUKON. A Doien River Boats Stand a Good Chance of Being Wrecked. San Franoisco, Nov. 1. Ice was maaingontne itiKon, and mere was thin ice at Dutoh Harbor, when the Portland sailed, Ootober 11. The tag Badle has gone into winter quarters at Dutoh Harbor. At least a dozen river steamers are stuok on sand bars in the Yukon, and all will probably be lost. The Dawson City is a total wreok. The Herman and Tacoma are aground, and the other boats are in such perilous po sition that when the ice breaks up they may go to pieoes. All the treasure in sight on the Port- and was one box of gold dust and nug- gests consigned to the Alaska Commer cial Company. Its value was not made known, bnt is not believed to exceed $10,000. Several returning mineis were on the vessel, but they carried their wealth in the form of drafts, and were retioent regarding the amount. Much Gold Deep Down. Spokane, Wash., Nov. 1. The most marvelous strike recorded In a mine of Washington was made today in the Re pnblio mine, at Republic, on the north half of Colville reservation. Free milling ore averaging 15 ounces of gold, or nearly $300 to the ton, was en countered at a depth of 400 feet from the suiface. The drills out through 24 feet of ledge matter, the last 16 ieet averaging 15 ounces, and the farther all of the pay streak has not yet been encountered. Admiral Miller Will Soon Retire. Wash ington , Oot. 8 1. The an noun ce ment was made at the navy department today that Rear-Admiral Miller, com manding the Pacific station, will be retired November 23 by operation of law on account of age. Commodore Albert Kautz, recently In command of the naval station at Newport, is now on his way to San Francisco to relieve Admiral Miller. Murder of a Hermit. Springfield, Mass., Nov. 1. Isaao Stetson, a hermit, was found dead in the woods near his home, in the vicin ity of Wahoonah farm, yesterday, hav ing probably boon murdered. An au topsy performed today showed that Stetson had been shot down, and that death was instantaneous. Many people in Brookilne, Mass., recently paid $2.60 each for painted sparrows, on the representation that they were canaries. England's Emergency Squadron. London, Nov. 1. There has been the greatest activity at Davenport, the ite of the largest arsenal in Great Britain, and two of the finest drydocks in the world. The government is as sembling an emergency squadron, which, it is understood, will go to Gibraltar. George B. Waring Dead. New York. Nov. 1. Colonel George E. Waring, jr., died of yellow fever to day at his home in this city, where he had beon siuco be arrived from Havana on the Ynoatan Tuesday last. PACIFIC COAST TRADE. Seattle Markets. Tomatoes, 60(3 85a per box. Cucumbers, 10015c poi dos. Onions, 85(390o per 100 pounds. Potatoes, $10 12. Beets, per sack, $1. Turnips, per sack, 60 65c. Carrots, per sack, 110c. Parsnips, per Back, $1. Beans, green, 23o. Green corn, $1.251.50 per sack. Cauliflower, 75o per dos. Celery, 4050o. Cabbage, native and California $1.25 1.60 per 100 pounds. Apples, 60c 65c per box. Pears, 75c$l per box. Prunes, 6O0 pur box. Peaches, 75 Plums, 50o. Butter Croumerv, 27o per ponndj dairy and ranoh, I830o per ponnd. Eggs, iJOo. Cheese Native, 1212Hi'o. Poultry Old hens, 13o per potindi spring chiokans, 14c; turtevs, I60. Fresh meats' Choice dressed beet steers, prime, 6i;7oi cows, prime, 6o; mutton, Tjioj pork, 7 805 veal, 78o. Wheat Feed wheat, $192o. Oats Choice, per ton, $39 23. Hay Puget Sound mixed, $9.50 10; choice Eastern Washington tim othy, $13. Corn Whole, $23.50; cracked, $34; feed meal, $33.50. Barley Rolled or gronnd, per ton, $34 25; whole, $32. Flour Patent, per barrel, $3.60; straights. $3.25: California hrsnrtn. $3.25; buckwheat flour, $8,75; graham, per Darroi, 13.70; whole wheat flour, $3.76; rye flour, $4. Millstuffs Bran, ner ton. 114: shorts, per ton, $16. Feed Chopped feed, $1731 per ton; middlings, pet ton, $17; oil cake meal, per ton, $35. Portland Market. "Wheat Walla Walla, 61c; Val ley and Bluestem, 63o per bushel. Floor Best grades, $3.45; graham, $3; superfine, $2.25 per barrel. Oats Choice white, 8040c; cholcs gray, 87 88c per bushel. Barley Feed bailey, $21 32; brew ing, $23 per ton. Millstuffs-Bran, $15.60 per ton; mid dlings, $31; shorts, $16; chop, $15.60 per ton. Hay Timothy, $8 9; cjover, $7 8; Oregon wild hay, $8 per ton. Butter Fancy creamery, 6055o; socondB, 4045o; dairy. 4045o store. 8035o. Cheese Oregon full cream, ll12o; Young America. 12 Ko: new oheese. 10c per pound. Poultry Chickens, mixed. fta.flOraa per dozen; hens, $3.003.50; springs, $1.253; geese, $5.008.00 for old, $4. 60 5 for young; ducks, $4.00 6.00 per dozen; turkeys, live, 12 iaj$o per pound. Potatoes 46 65c per sack; sweets. 2c per pounn. Vegetables Beets. 00c: tnrnlna 7, per sack; garlic, 70 per ponnd; cab bage, $1 1.25 per 100 pounds; cauli flower, 75o per dozen; parsnips. 75c per sack: beans. 8c ner nonnd: r.elnrv. 70 75c per dozen; cucumbers, 60c per boxi peas, 83,c per ponnd. Unions Oregon, 75c$l per sack. Hops 1017o; 1897 crop, 67o. Wool Valley. 1012o Der Dound: Eastern Oregon, 8 12c; mohair, 25c per pound. Mutton Gross, best sheen, wethers and ewes, 8o; dressed mutton, 7o; spring lambs, 7 Mc per lb. Hogs Gross, Oliolce heavy, $4.75; light and feeders. $8.00(4.00: dressed. $5. 60 6. 60 per 100 pounds. Beef Gross, top steers, 8.50$3.75; cows, $2. 50 8. 00; dressed beef, 665c per ponnd. Veal Large, 56fi: small. 6(8 1(s per pound. San Francisco Market. Wool Spring Nevada, 1014eper pound; Oregon, Eastern, 1012o; Val ley, 1517c; Northern, 9llc. Millstuffs Middlings, $1721.00; bran, $15.00 16.00 per ton. Onions Yellow. 8040c per sack. Butter Fancy creamery. 24o: do seconds, 22c23; fancy dairy, 21 22c; do seconds, 2024o per pound. fcggs Store, 1822o; fancy ranoh. 8439o. Citrus Fruit Oranges, Valencia, $2 2.60; Mexican limes, $66.50; Call. fornia lemons, $2. 00. 800; do ohoioe $3. 50 4. 60; per box. LABOR AND INDUSTRY. The Detroit steel and amine work nf the Detroit Steel & Spring Company are being operated 24 hours a day me Pennsylvania tube works of Pitts burg, Pa., have an order from the Standard Oil Company for 40 miles of elght-incb pipe. Experiments made In Paris show that an electrio wagon costs 47 per cent lesss to run than a horse wagon and 83 per cent less to run than a petroleum motor. Coventry is the center of tha British oycle industry. Compared with this time last year the flrmB there are said to be employing about 4,000 fewer per sons, while thousands of employes are now working only 80 hours weekly. The northern Paciflo railway shops at South Taooma have practically sus pended the Duildingof the 800 flat-cars. Two hundred of the cars were finished, and then it became impossible to get enough material to complete the others. Houston is the only Interior cotton market in the world that ever received 85,000 bales of cotton in one day. Sixty per cent of the Texas crop will pass through Honston tills season and the total gross receipts at this point are expected to exceed 2,000,000 bales. American manufacturers Wishing to send goods into Turkey In Asia are warned by the consuls that their circu lars and letters must be written in Turkish or French, preferably Turkish. To write or print them in English is simply a waste of time and money. It Is estimated that the combined tomato paok of Salem and Cumberland counties, New Jersey, this year will not be less than 12,000,000 cans. The average output of canned tomatoes in the United States from 1893 to 1897 was about 6,250,000 cases, or 126,000,- ouu cans. The largest tin nlate establishment in the world is to be moved from Wales to tiie United States. Formorlv this country Imnnrted nnnnnllv from $20,000,000 to $30,000,000 worth of tin plate. As the result of a moderate protective duty the Importation laBt rear was less than $4,000,000. THANKSGIVING DAY. the President Names Thursday, Novene ber , la His rruclamatlou. Washington, Oot. 81. Tho presldeut uxiay issued the following Thanksgiv lug proclamation: - "By tho President of the Unitod Mates A I'roc nmntlon: Thx an. . . i' preaching November brings to mind the oustoms 01 onr ancestors, hallowed by tune and rooted In our most a-nJ traditions, of giving thanks to Al mighty God for all the blessings he has vouonsaieii to us (luring the past year "Few years in our history have afforded such omiso for thanksgiving. v e nave Deen blessed by abundant har vests, our trade and commerce have been wonderfully increased, our miblio credits have boen improved ami strengthened, ali'suctioiisof our country have boon bought together and knitted into oioser bond ot national nurnoss ami unity. "The skies liava bnnn fur a tlma darkened by the cloud of war, but as we were coin relied to take un the swoid in the cause of lminanlty, we are per mitted to leiolce Hint tlin omiHInt lin boen of brief duration, and the losses we have had to mourn, though grievous ana impoitnnt, bavo boen so few, con sidering the trrmit results ni'wimtilUlin.l as to 'inspire us with gratitude and praise to the Lord ot Hosts. We may loud and magnify His Holy Name that the cossation of hostilities came so soon as to spare both skies the countless sor rows- and disasters that attend pro tracted war. "1 do. therefore, invite all mv fl. loW-oitizens. those at home na wnll na those who may be at sea or sojourning in loremn lands, to set apart and ol serve iiiursiiay, tne 34tn day of No vember, as a day of national thanks givinir. to come tnirnthnr In tlmlr sev eral places of worship for a survlce of praise and maims to Almighty God foi all the blessing of the year, the mild ness of the seasons and the fruitfiilness of the soil; for the continued prosperity of the riCOnle: for the dnvntinn mwl valor of our countrymen; for the glory or our victory and the hope of a righte ous peaoe, and to pray that the divine guiatmoe wnicn has brought us herotO' fore to safety and honor may be gtacb onsly continued in the years to come, In witness whereof, etc. "WILLIAM M'KINLEY. "By the President: John Hay, 8eo retary or state." WOOD AT MAN2ANILLO. Setting the New Civil Government lu Motion. Manzanillo, Oct, 81. The Unitod States gunboat Hist arrived hero to night with Gonoral Leonard Wood, nnmrnanilnr of tha mllitaw il.M.(m.n( - "'".'"I uupitiiuiDni of Santiago, accompanied by Lieutenant Matthew Hanna. On landing. Gen eral Wood was closeted with Colonel Pottit and his adjutant, and he was subsequently received by Colonel Pet tit's entire regiment. General Wood then viBited the barruoks, hospitals, palace, custom-house and rjostofiice. Colonel Pottit reports that the Cuban General Rios is apparently making every effort to prevent tho disbanding of his troops. The Cuban commander wishes all the sugar estates in the neighborhood to tell him how many men they oan employ, and he will guar antee to supply all required on condi tion that onlv soldiers are mnnlnvflil The planters unanimously refuse to fall in with such an arranccrneiit. cnnnlilnr. ing that it would be a trades union of the strongest possible kind and would also tend to koop up tho Cuban mill tary organization, which. In the inter est s of the island, the planters are very anxious to break up. in their opinion It would be better to have nooommorce than to attempt it on such conditions. Lieutenant Ltioien Young, the com mander of the Hist, or en ted morn nr. citement oh landing than even General Wood himself. Crowds gathered at the wharf to soe theyoong Commander, who, with Lientenants Holm and Jan gen, of the Hornet and Wampatuck, de feated a whole flotilla of Spanish gun boats at Manzanillo on Jnly 1 last. According to the reports from the Cuban assembly at Santa Crnz del Sur, General Calixto Garoia has been chosen permanent chairman of the organiza tion. DUG THEIR WAY OUT. Boulder PrUonen Eicape bj Means ol a Tunnel. Denver, Colo., Oot. 81. A special to the News from Boulder, Cola, says About 6:30 o'clock this evening it was discovered that five inmates of the county jail had made their escape by tunneling under the wall. They are John U. Classuly, who was today sen tcnoeJ to life imprisonment for the murder of William Rowe, at Sugarloaf; George and Edward Rowe, sentenced to four and a half and six years respec tively foroattlesteallng; Nick Boucher, awaiting trial for assault with intent to murder; and John Baptiste, serving a three months' sentence for larceny. With caseknives and pieces of wood they had dug down six feet and tunnel ed eight feet to the outside of the wall, hiding the dirt taken out under one of the cages. They had been at work several days. No traoe of the escapes has been found. St. Louis, Oct. 81. A speolal to tho Post-Dispatch from Sherman, Tex., says a disastrous fire oocurred at Corsi ca 11 a today. William Johnson and two children were burned to death. San Francisoo, Oct. 81. The vault in the First National bank, imnd bv Judge Wolf, of tllB Wnlf Wnirlnn Company, who mysteriously disap peared two months aeo. was onened to- day. It was found to be empty, and money- and securities amounting tq 110,000 belonging to the Sarah M rearson estate, of wiiich Wolf was ex- ecutor, are now missing. Wolf was supposed, to have met with foul play in Oregon, but la(er on was seen in Chicago. ' The MoOord Claim. Lima, Peru, Oct. 81. The Peruvian government has asked congress to vote the sum of $40,000 to pay the claim of Viotor H. MoCord, consular agent of the United States at Arequlpa, Peru, in 1889, against the government for damages sustained by reason of im prisonment during the revolutionary outbreak, in accordance with the award of the Right Hon. Samnel Henry Strong, preaidont of the supreme court of Canada. Willow wood is the most , available f r the use of powder manufacture. ft Beautiful Girl's Affliction. From the RrpuhUca, IVrmllfi, fad. The Tuckers of Versallus, Ind., like all fond parents, are completely wrap ped up in thoii children. Their daughter Lncy, in particular, lias given them much concern. She is fifteen, and from a strong, healthy girl, three years ago, had become weak and kept fulling off in flesh, until she became a mere skeleton. She seemed to have no lite at all. Her blood became impure and finally she became the victim of nervous prostration. Doiitius did not help her. Most of the time she was confined to bed, was very nervous and irritable, uud BCcined on the verge ol St. Vitus' dance. "One morning," euld Mrs. Tucker, "the doctor told us to give her Dr. Wil liams' Pink Pills for Palu rei.plo, which he brought with him. He said he was treating a similar case with these pills and they were ouring the Ptseuued TMt Daughtfr't Outflr ITouri. patient. We began giving the pills and tho next day could see a change (or the better. The doctor came and was surprised to see such an improvement. He told ns to keep giving her tho medi cine. We gave her one pill after eaoh meal nntiToight boxes had been used when she was well. She has not been sick slnoe, and wo have no fear of the old trouble returning. We think the cure almost miraculous.1' FRANK TUCKER. MRS. FRANK TUCKER. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 28th day ot April, 181)7. noun joiinson, Justice of the Penco. These pills are wondei fully effective In the treatment of all diseases arising from I nip 11 ro blood, or shattered nerve forco. They are adapted to young or old, and may be had at any drug store Tenet It a Great State. A great many peoplo want to know how large Texas is in anrn. They look In quite a number o( alleged statistical bstraots and never find the Same flg- nres In two of them. The official fig ures of Texa's area are 282,006 square miles eqnal to about 8.9 per cent of the entlro area of tho United States and territories. Texas Is six times larger than Now York, sovon times as large as Ohio, and 100,000 square miles larger than the eastern and middle states, in cluding Delawaro and Maryland. Com pared with tiie countries ot Emope, she has 84,000 square miles more than the Austrian empire, 62,0000 more than the German emplro, and nearly 70,000 square miles more (ban Franco. The only two animals whose bruins are heavier timn that of a man are the whale and the elophunt. While Vou Sleep. Do not have too much air blowing through your room at night, or neural gia may creep npon you while you sleep. Bnt if It comos, use St. Jacobs Oil; it warms, soothes and cures promptly. Imitation Ivory Is now being exten lively manufactured from the fruit of a palm-like shrub culled Phytolephas macrocarpa, which is about the size of an apple and possesses a hard interior kernel. When (Vtmlnff h. Bnn TP.... nnliuw. ... V......B vw ix.ii 1 iiiiividu;.!! By Brooklyn Hotel, 20S-212 Bunh street, Amoricun or European plan. Room and board xl.00 to S1.60 to $1.00 per day; single meals 25 cents. X ree coach. Unas. Montgomery. It has been demonstrated thnt thn explosive power of a suborn of wntnr only one inch in diameter is sufficient to bprst a brass vessel having a resist ing power of 27,000 pounds. With Cauouilan Ilonorn. Tin Loy, a prominent Chinese mnr. chaut of Grass Valley, died tho other a ay, and at it la funeral was honored as are few Chinese In this country. A brass band headed the nrnnnsnlnn anA the pallbearers were white men who Knew the Ch nese In his 1 ifnt m an. had business relations with him. ua left a family, the daughters of which had beon highly educated in American scnoois. Baker's Chocolate, celebrated for more than a century as a A delicious, nutritious, "Q and flesh-forming 2 beverage, has our 8 well-known Yellow Label 3 on the front of every A package, and our V trade-mark,"La Belle Choco1atlere,"on the back. ft NONE OTHER QENI1INR. ti VI.LT BY Ji. WALTER BAKER & CO, ltd, Uorchcster. Alnsa. a' ....STEEL SPIRAL JSL. JP rrr Willamet Iron Waio Front and Everett 8t8. PHILOSOPHY AND OTHERWI1I Joan Paul Richtui: Men, like bul lets, go furthest when they fare smooth est. Washington Irving; Men aie always wooing goddesses and marrying mere mortals. When Roosevelt runs for governor his ranch experience will prove iiiva!' able in rounding up voters. Henry Watd Boucher: The real nM is one who always finds excuses for oih erB, but never excuses hiuisulf. Frederlch Nietzsche: All conceited ' men I huve found good actors. They piny nnd wIhIi thnt folk may llkotii Hook at their playing. The khalifa traveled so fast on his catnol that the English could not ovei tnko him. Evidently his camel iiiuhI have got a hump on Itself. Bradford! It Is a charanteilstlo ol many men and a few women not it, come to themselves till they hnvo Bono to everybody else and worn out their welcome, Honoro de Bulsac: It Is absurd to pretend that one cannot love the same woman always as to pretend that a good artist needs several violins to oxocutu a piece of mtislo. Mnrcns Aurellus: I have often wondered how every man loves himself more than all tho rest of limn, yet sets lees vuluo on his own opinion of him self than on the opinion of others. The largest room In tho world is at St. Petersbnrg. It Is 600 feet lonu by 1 BO tout in breadth. It has been used for military displays, and a whole but tullon can completely maneuver In it, Richard Croker, tho master nioohanlo of Amoricsn politics, is learning to swim. It has been generally under stood, however, that among the floating voters Richard Welslead Croker hat always boen in the swim. Cnptaitv D. O. Woodrow, ol tho Unit ed States navy, has In his posses, sion the flag iloated by Ihe Virginias on its Ill-fated filibustering trip to Sun tliiKO In 1873. It was taken from the vessel by tho captain himself, Decem ber 2", 1871), Just before -the Ship sank while being brought buck to America. "Thirty dollars or sixty days; have yon anthlng to say!" "No, your hon. Or," said 'Boston Pete,' "unless It be to oynlhotlonlly remark npon the dual ity of the cause and effect In your op tional Commitment. Liko your honor, I shall tako judicial notice that time it money. I have spken." What Cuba's I.onn Mentu to Spain. The In'ia of Oubii means to Spain tho Ion ot the rery sustenance of the nation. In tho same way the loss of your appetite means starvation to yonr tody. If any reader of this nnflco nsnls to fullv enjoy hrivrty merlin. wr ran rcormmipnd llontet ter s f totusrh flitters, ft fnrfci Indigos tion, dyspfpsfn and constipation, Tho fomalo brain commences to do ollno In weight after the ego of 80; the male not until 10 years later. J nut the Time. Tills is just the times of tho year we feel the muscles all sore and stiff, nnd then is just the time to use St. Jacobs Oil to relax them and to cure at once. How Grapea (un He Kept. Purchase a lot of small bags nnd get a ball of twino. Pick out perfect bunches of grapes, handling them as little as possible, nnd being sure that they are perfectly diy. Remove any poor (berries carefully ami plaoo each bunch In a paper bag. Tie op eaoh bag and then plnce In a shallow box In a cool room, tho grapos must not be ripe enough to drop Irom the stoms. Only one layer of tho bags must be placod In a box. Concord grapes oan bo kept nntil Christmas in this way. It Is well to examine the bngsevory fow days, and if thete are any damp spots, open tho bug and remove the decayed fruit. The Housekeeper. 1'lso's Cyre for Consumption Is the only ooiiRh medicine used In my house. I), o. Alliflght, Mlftlinburg, l'a., Doc. 11, 18ii5. teeth without Kates Koot Cron-ned. Ilrlilitm Marte. 1'nlnleM lining and exlruotlon. Dr. T. H. White, SkSOST BASEBALL, FOOTBALL. ATHLETIC AND GYMNASIUM SUPPLIES. fiend for Cataluirne. WILL 1 FINOK GO. Ban FrtmoUoo. "HV ncALin RESTORER, USEIT! w-. ; WOOLEN MILLSI And IAVA -....It. l i M..i. d .Minna, iiicu a line inn- pr-mado ulis,:i.S5 to Fit guaranteed. Cat. ok o, samples, solf-meaiiureniont blanks, etc., building, Portland. Or. Mention this paper YflllR i IVEft Is It Wrong? 1C( I( KlgDt I WWII S-UfclltopitBiJ,,; , Moore's Tlevealod Remedy wllldolL Three , doses trill jaake you feel hotter. Get It from JOur druggist Or any wholcsalo drug house, ram HtAwft.t I- ti t. . . .. "''""""" urug uo., Seattle, BUY THE GENUINE SYRUP OF FIGS -. MAmrPAOTTJRED BT ... CALIFORNIA FlO SYRUP CO. prsroTBTnti ham. CURE YOURSELF! Uw Uig for unnatural dlfichariitm, Inflammation!. IrriuiLtr-nia it i 4i I - Ua un niMIlUllB THtEvNSOHtMIClf)l). Snt or poisonous. AOIHCINMTlfl anM In .... pr sunt In plain wrpp, Uruullir icnl nn ",,,. NO. 4S-'08. w HEN wrltlfle- to advertiser. !.. mention, thia paper. - CONVEYERS.,.. we will KV-li4 i. N. P. N. v7 A A A f a nt.. vn s bHnW, Witt